07-19-2022 HRAM HRA IHf„X'ftl':MBiM%a".f'J U PNO'WING AUNT fs fPAL Wfi 0.GYl0 tlk4%gJff 0.Ah CsdTA IH rt+A Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, July 19, 2022 7:00 AM minutes I. CALL"1'0 ORDER: Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz called the meeting o order, Members Present: Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz, C.lrury Forcier, Robin Kashulra., and Steve Jensen, Staff'Present: Judy Flernming and JJ Morgan. a. Ap�pro�ve the Hutchinson 1 RA, Regular;ular Board Meeting agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections, Clary Forcier moved to approve the agenda of'the regular board meeting and Steve Jensen seconded. The motion carried unanimously.. 2. MIN UTFS OF T14Ea REGULAR BOARD EE'I"'ING ON JUKE 21, 2022. Gary E°orcier moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting and Robin Kas;huha seconded. "I'lie motion carried unanimously. 1 FINANCIAL REPORTS Steve Jensen proved to approve the following: a. City Center General Fund payments of$9,658.9I for cheeps 9269 to 9274 K City Center June 30, 2022 Financial Statements c. Furl- Towers Operating Account payments of$31,037.99 for cheeps 15753 to 15781 and voiding 15753, I57'54 & 15755 because ofa printing error. Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 4 PARK "I'OWE;"E a. Park.Towers Vacancy Report. h. Operation Update. Judy Flemming reported that there has been a prove it) and a prove out since the last board meeting. Also reported that there are a couple of applications being processed. 5. CITY CENTER 2023 BUDGET Judy Hemming reviewed the rnerno for the City Center 20,23 Budget for the Preliminary Tax. Levy. Steve Jensen proved to approve the 2023 City Center budget. Gary E{orcier seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. COMM U IC"ATION a No report. 7. ADJC`JLiI Mh1' "l" Steve Jensen moved to adjourn and Clary Forcier seconded. The motion carried unanirnously. `There being no anther business, Chair Renee Lynn Johnson l otlarz declared the meeting aaljourned. Recorded by Judy Iy ernming, I-II A Ex:- e Direct, Clary E orcie , Secretary/Treasurer �➢°��rTtl,anlPr,, 1M' July 14,2022 Minutes ]gage l of I