cp09-27-22HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — River of Hope Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of theprivate citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previous y reviewed or approved by the Council or stafj) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (T is is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of September 13, 2022 (b) Workshop Minutes of September 13, 2022 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (a) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling Licenses to Crow River Cutters on December 10, 2022, at Hutchinson Elks Lodge and on February 11, 2023, at McLeod County Fairgrounds (b) Consideration for Approval of Caterer's Permit to River House Kitchen + Drinks LLP (c) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15494 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review for a Car Wash Facility Located at 1490 Montreal Street SE With Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (d) Consideration for Approval of Purchase of Street Replay Application CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —September 27, 2022 (e) Consideration for Approval of Setting Public Hearing for October 11, 2022, to Consideration City Stormwater Ordinance Revisions (f) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE MMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS purpose o this portion o the agenda is to provi e the unci wi oth information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 8. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 22-831 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 (STORM WATER MANAGEMENT) OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.03 9. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-832 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.142 (E) AND (F) OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE REGARDING SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE MAIN STREET AREA DISTRICT AND DOWNTOWN DESIGN REVIEW 10. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-833 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.064 (E)(2) AND 154.067 (E)(2) OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE REGARDING MINIMUM LOT SIZES 11. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 22-834 - AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 490 HWY 7 EAST TO I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) AS REQUESTED BY WILDFLOWER PROPERTIES, LLC, PROPERTY OWNER WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 12. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15491 — APPROVING THE 2023 HRA PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY 13. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15492 — APPROVING THE 2023 EDA PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY 14. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15493 — APPROVING THE 2023 GENERAL FUND & DEBT SERVICE PRELIMINARY TAX LEVIES 15. APPROVE/DENY RE -SETTING NOVEMBER 8, 2022, CITY COUNCIL MEETING 16. APPROVE/DENY SETTING SPECIAL MEETING TO CANVASS ELECTION RESULTS 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —September 27, 2022 17. APPROVE/DENY SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING FOR DECEMBER 6, 2022, AT 6:00 P.M. GOVERNANCE (T e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 18. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for August 2022 (b) Library Board Minutes from July 25, 2022 (c) Public Arts Commission Minutes from August 10, 2022 (d) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from August 16, 2022 (e) Planning Commission Minutes from August 16, 2022 MISCELLANEOUS 19. STAFF UPDATES 20. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Protein Chad Czmowski called the meeting to order. Members present were Pat May, Dave Sebesta, and Mary Christensen. Member absent was Gary Forcier. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that Item 7(a) will be removed from the agenda. Motion by Christensen, second by May, to approve the agenda with the change noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Oak Heights Covenant Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of theprivate citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previous y reviewed or approved by the Council or staff 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 15489 - Resolution Accepting $600 Donation from Walter & Lynne Clay for Future Equipment Purchases at Hutchinson Police Department Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to approve Resolution No. 15489. Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Czmowski also commented that Fireman's Park officially opened last night and he thanked all of those involved with either installation or donations to the park. PUBLIC COMMENTS (T is is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under S minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of August 23, 2022 (b) Workshop Minutes of August 23, 2022 Motion by Sebesta, second by Christensen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 13, 2022 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15477 — Resolution to Sell at Auction Unclaimed Property and Bicycles (c) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15487 — Resolution Approving MnDOT Limited Use Permit to Install Trail Assets Along Hwy 15 South (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15490 — Resolution Establishing Traffic Control Devices ("No Parking Here to Corner" on 6t' Avenue NE) (e) Consideration for Approval of Addendum to Development Agreement With Hutch Uptown Commons, LLC (f) Consideration for Approval of Grant Agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Acquire and Move Houses from the 100-Year Flood Plain (g) Consideration for Approval of Pavement Management Project at Creekside (h) Consideration for Approval of Spectrashield Manhole Lining Project (i) Consideration for Approval of 2022 Wastewater Lift Station Improvements 0) Consideration for Approval to Purchase a Wheel Loader from Titan Machinery for Creekside (k) Consideration for Approval to Allow Equul Access to Use Two Parking Spaces Behind Art's Place on September 24, 2022, for a Horse Display (1) Consideration for Approval of Premises Permit Applications for Hutchinson Youth Basketball Association to Operate Gambling Devices at River House Kitchen + Drinks and Main Street Sports Bar (in) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Parade Permit to Hutchinson High School Student Council on September 30, 2022 (n) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to approve Consent Agenda I. Motion carried unanimously. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 13, 2022 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, with Czmowski abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda IL Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE purpose o this portion o the agenda is to provi e t e ounci with information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15488 — RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $6,150,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2022A Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that a revised Resolution was distributed this evening that has revised the issuance to $5,885,000 based on the bond sale today. Andy Reid, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Reid explained that these bonds will finance the following two projects: roadway improvements to the west of Linden Park area — this is a 15-year debt repaid by special assessment and the City's debt tax levy; final financing to complete the new police facility project — this is a 25-year debt with repayment by the City's debt to levy. Nick Anhut of Ehlers, the City's financial advisor, presented before the Council and spoke about the bond sale held today. Mr. Anhut explained that five bids were received with the winning bid coming in from Baird with a true interest rate of 3.8%. Motion by May, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 15488 authorizing issuance of $5,885,000 general obligation bonds, Series 2022A. Motion carried unanimously. 10. APPROVE/DENY LAKES & RIVER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT BUDGET AND TASK UPDATE AS PRESENTED BY BOLTON & MENK INC. John Paulson, Environmental/Regulatory/Project Manager, introduced Todd Hubmer of Bolton & Menk to review the Lakes & River improvements project budget and provide a task update. Mr. Hubmer presented before the Council. Mr. Hubmer explained that this phase of the project is to further reduce the impact of sediment conveyed by the South Fork of Crow River into Otter and Campbell Lakes. This will include sediment reduction from agricultural drainage and from unstable CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 13, 2022 and eroding stream banks of the South Fork of the Crow River. The following tasks are anticipated to be undertaken during the design of these improvements: 1. Communication/Administration; 2. McLeod and Renville SWCD; 3. Stream Bank Stabilization; and 4. Otter and Campbell Lakes Forebay. Mr. Hubmer identified details within each task. It was noted that state funds were allocated to the City for this project. Motion by May, second by Christensen, to approve Lakes & River Improvements project budget and task update. Motion carried unanimously. 11. APPROVE/DENY SEPARATING THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER POSITION INTO TWO SEPARATE POSITIONS Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained that with the current vacancy within the Public Works Director/City Engineer position, Administration is seeking approval to separate that position into two separate positions that would consist of a Public Works Director and City Engineer. This request is pursuant to Section 6.04 of the City Charter. This request would transition the department back into a structure it once had in the 1990s-mid-2000s. Administration believes this structure provides for a better management structure of a department that includes nine divisions. Administration believes the size of the department and the various different job requirements within the department warrant it. Administration believes that separating the positions will provide for greater flexibility in recruiting talent to fill the positions. It is estimated that this change will cost the City between $90,000-$100,000 with $70,000-$80,000 coming out of the general fund. These costs have been factored into the 2023 preliminary budget. Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve separating the public works director/city engineer position into two separate positions. Motion carried unanimously. 12. APPROVE/DENY SETTING ANNUAL CITY RECOGNITION EVENT FOR NOVEMBER 3, 2022, AT 5:30 P.M. AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to set annual City recognition event for November 3, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the Hutchinson Event Center. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (The purpose of t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 13. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Minutes from July 20, 2022 (b) EDA Board Minutes from July 27 and August 15, 2022 MISCELLANEOUS 14. STAFF UPDATES 15. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE F1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — September 13, 2022 ADJOURNMENT Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to adjourn at 6:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF 2023 PRELIMINARY BUDGET MINUTES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2022, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order Vice President Chad Czmowski called the workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. Members present included Mary Christensen, Pat May, and Dave Sebesta. Member absent was Mayor Gary Forcier. Others present were: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, and other City directors REVIEW OF 2023 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 2. 2023 Preliminary Budget Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich noted that today's agenda will include a review and reminders, the state budget impact, preliminary levy and past levies, general fund revenue and expenses, proposed staff changes, enterprise funds revenue and expenses, debt management plan and next steps. Mr. Jaunich also reviewed the City's mission statement, vision statement, the six core areas of focus, items included to be completed by 2023 in the strategic plan and five long-term goals the Council should consider every budget season. Those goals include: 1. What should future tax levies look like? 2. What levels of services should the City perform and provide in the future? 3. What is an acceptable level of debt? 4. What is our level of investment in technology and equipment, and what period of payback is acceptable? 5. What are our future infrastructure needs (roads, utilities, buildings, etc.) and how are we going to pay for them? Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council that the City Charter requires staff to submit an annual budget by September Ist. The City Charter also requires the Council to act on the preliminary budget by the second regular meeting in September. After the preliminary levy is set, it can only be lowered, not raised. The Council will need to set the date and time of its Truth -in -Taxation hearing at the second meeting in September and provide a phone number and mailing address that taxpayers may call/contact if they have questions related to the City's property tax levy/budget. The hearing is usually held in early December. The budget will be adopted in mid -late December. Mr. Jaunich commented on the State budget situation which shows a budget surplus projected to be at $9.253 billion. July's updated forecast showed revenues were $69 million higher than projected in February. At this point, nothing is pointing towards any state financial issues that should impact the City's 2023 budget planning. Staff is proposing to increase the general fund levy by 7.4% and the debt fund levy by 2.2%, with a 9.8% increase in the FDA tax levy and a 23.1 % decrease in the HRA tax levy, with a total tax impact of 5.2%. Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt provided an overview to the Council of activities of the EDA and what goes into their tax levy. Mr. Seppelt explained that the EDA Board is requesting of the Council that the EDA levy be increased an additional $18,350. The additional funds would be put forth towards advertising for workforce needs since shortage of workforce is the 91 challenge. The workforce in McLeod County and Hutchinson has declined almost 20% since 2015. It is projected that the workforce will decline even more over the next 10 years. Mr. Seppelt detailed what the additional advertising for workforce would include. Mr. Jaunich provided an overview of past tax levies from 2014 to the present. Mr. Jaunich provided the Council five options for the Council to consider for the preliminary tax levy. The first option would hold both levies flat; the second option would see a 3% increase in the general fund levy and a 2.2% increase to the debt levy; the third option would increase the general fund levy by 4.0% and the debt levy by 2.2%; the fourth option would increase the general fund levy by 5.0% and the debt levy by 2.2% and the fifth option would increase the general fund levy by 7.3% and the debt levy by 2.2%. Mr. Jaunich spoke about a 10-year tax rate trend and provided information on a tax rate comparison from 2021 of Hutchinson to other regional centers, state- wide and county -wide cities. Mr. Jaunich provided a market value history which is a 15.9% increase from 2021 to 2022. Mr. Jaunich reviewed general fund revenues and how they are proposed to be increased and decreased, with an average of a 3.9% increase. Property taxes see an increase of 7.3%; other taxes remain flat%; licenses & permits decrease 0.3%; intergovernmental revenue increase 0.9%; charges for service increase of 2.4%; no increase in fines & forfeitures, increase of 13.4% in miscellaneous revenue, and an increase of 0.5% in transfers -in. The general fund revenues include a 7.3% tax levy increase. $30,000 of this increase is due to the Uponor tax abatement. There will be a 2% PILOT payment increase from HUC. This will be the last year of phasing out of HSA funding from self insurance. There is an increase in the LGA amount (just over $14,900) to the general fund (going with a 50150 split). There is $23,535 in new "monies" from the Annual Ground Rent from HUC for solar array parcel in the Industrial Park. There are no changes to the "transfer -in" from the city's enterprise funds. Mr. Jaunich noted that a 1% tax levy increase in the general fund is equivalent to $56,056. Mr. Jaunich then spoke about local government aid and explained that 50% of the City's LGA in 2023 has been allocated to the general fund and 50% going to the capital fund. The split in 2020 & 2021 was 49%/51% and in 2022 was 50%/50%. Originally when LGA was split out of the general fund in 2011 it was split 40%/60%. The 2023 LGA is budgeted for a slight increase of $29,581 overall. General fund expenses are proposed to increase 3.9%. Wages & benefits are increased 3.2%, supplies increased 12.9%, services & charges increased 4.0%, miscellaneous expenses increased 0.4%, transfers -out increased 3.0% and a 0% increase in capital outlay. Mr. Jaunich noted that the largest impact on the City's general fund expenses is associated with wages and benefits which includes costs for general performance increases and staff timing changes and minor shifts. A 0% increase in health insurance is budgeted for next year. The preliminary budget includes cost associated with separating the Public Works Director and City Engineer positions in the general fund. The additions also include $30,000 for Uponor tax abatement and inflationary factors have been factored into the budget and have had a significant impact and other miscellaneous costs. Supply costs are budgeted to increase 13% and services & charges costs are budgeted to increase by 4%. The preliminary budget is currently balanced. Mr. Jaunich then reviewed expenditures from 2022 to 2023, historical general fund budget information and staffing levels. Mr. Jaunich reviewed the enterprise funds and their proposed increases/decreases. Mr. Jaunich noted that fund numbers include depreciation. He noted that the liquor fund continues to do really well and no more debt payments in the Liquor Fund. There is a shifting of sales tax money due to debt obligations in the water and wastewater funds. There are no proposed rate changes for garbage however there are plans to implement new water and wastewater rates in 2023. There will be a slight rate increase in the stormwater rates. There will be a decrease in fund balances due to capital needs. There will be no changes to the "transfers -in" from the enterprise funds. The enterprise fund balances are healthy. Additional budget factors include a $9.64 million capital improvement plan, minor changes in staffing levels but no major changes in service outside of potentially the Event Center, staffing costs and capital needs are the biggest driver of the city's general fund budget with staffing costs being the biggest reason behind the request of a tax levy increase within the general fund, inflation has a significant impact on the preliminary budget, the HUC PILOT payment is increasing by 2%, and the general fund balance continues to remain healthy. Mr. Jaunich provided an update on the Event Center. He noted that negotiations are going well with Hutch Health who has interest in purchasing the Event Center. The City has hired special counsel to help assist on its State grant payment obligation which currently requires the City to pay back up to $1 million if the building is sold. If Hutch Health does purchase the Event Center, they do not plan to use it in 2023, therefore the Senior Center will remain in the Event Center location for 2023. There is also a possibility, if Hutch Health does purchase the Event Center, they will allow the City to lease the Senior Center space so that the location can remain there. Lynn Newmann, PRCE Director, spoke about how the Event Center will operate in 2023 with the loss of revenue due to the anticipation of the Event Center closing December 31, 2022. Ms. Newmann explained that mainly savings will be seen in a reduction of staffing hours. Additionally, a church organization may potentially remain as a renter on Sundays for 2023. Ultimately rentals will be allowed Monday -Friday from 8:OOam-4:OOpm when staff is regularly there, along with the additional Sunday rental for the church organization. Mr. Jaunich then briefly reviewed the debt management plan with a target debt levy of $2.6 million. The 2022 Debt Management Plan will exceed the target limit of $2.6 million due to the new financing need of a new police facility. 2022 included the first tax increase to the debt levy since 2016 and the debt levy will continue to increase until 2031. Other project limit continues to be at $1.9 million. Low interest rates in recent years have allowed for higher project limits, however that is changing. Mr. Jaunich noted that Council and staff should have a discussion on a new target debt levy. Mr. Jaunich reviewed the following considerations: a 1% levy increase is equal to $79,538, staff is proposing a preliminary City tax levy increase of 5.8% (7.3% increase in general fund), combined with the EDA, HRA and tax abatement levy increases, the preliminary total tax impact to Hutchinson residents will be the equivalent to a 5.2% increase, the current budget is balanced, the current proposed tax levy increase would have a small impact on property taxes. Mr. Jaunich noted that there are still a lot of decisions that need to be made between now and the end of December. The biggest factors behind the levy increase are the standard wage and benefit increases ($302,214) and inflation/increased costs are driving up budgets. Council Member Czmowski expressed that he is overall okay with the increase being proposed however he would lean towards Option 3 or Option 4 that was presented. Mr. Jaunich reminded everyone that a lot can change over the next few months when the final levy is set in December. Council Members expressed that they are comfortable with increasing the EDA's levy as requested. Formal action of the preliminary budget will be taken at the September 27, 2022, Council meeting. 3. Adjournment Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to adjourn the workshop at 5:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Approve/Deny Issuing Short Term Gambling License to Crow River Cutters Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Melissa Starke Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Melissa Starke Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Crow River Cutters of the National Wild Turkey Federation, a nonprofit organization, has submitted short-term gambling license applications into administration for review and processing. The applications are for events the organization is holding on December 10, 2022, at Hutchinson Elks Lodge and on February 11, 2023, at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. The applicant has completed the appropriate applications in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Issuing Short Term Gambling Licenses to Crow River Cutters on December 10, 2022, and February 11, 2023. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Cyr of i! 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-5151 Fax: (320) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance Chapter 114 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications are to be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Short Term Date(s) 10 2d ZZ Fee: $30 00 Month/Da%IYear—Month/Da3/Year , 1 -1/ /A119.Oa�L' nization Information 1 CiQv� QiVir T� N1 V. -' 320 �$ 3 1375 Name Phone Number *755 Tvw- ins uq Hv7e11JN--eloy N4) Address where regular meeting are held City State Federal or State ID: 56q 9 3 Day and time of meetings? z /5-r 010'V &4'4 0 �'�4e 4 _ Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Ayes ❑ no .S.S-3S6 Zip How long has the organization been in existence? 41a 1d4P�Iow may members in the organization? WrZFtO What is the purpose of the organization? Piet St W'gwau of oode In whose custody will organization records be kept? gte-W-i4-&L Lod' 3Z0 583 /37s- Name Phone Number -Zss V'v U L- 9,6 s '--) Address Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information True Name '735- BOO& k—>;�> SGci Residence Address AIA'Ih "&SOOU _ tJ � 4 Citv State zip _32o 5$ 5 I,3—eV- Phone Number 1-1UT,0.1/!1/50/V AAL-) 6 D 53 —'; 6 City State Zip Date of Birth: C6 _ / 2 7 / MOFPlace of Birth: 1 x&'Ag4 ceww'wv Y Month/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic 112 offense? ❑ yes 4Jno If yes, explain: City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 Designated Gamblinc Manaster (Qualified under Minnesota Statute §349) kia4ke Uc True Name 7S7r Til UL Ra 5uJau5ou� Residence Address City 376 5$3 Phone Number N/y 5S3S6 State Zip Date of Birth: Og / Zj? / 1964.'r Place of Birth: AIVM*V-Q� Month/day/year City Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes /1�.no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? OyeGpc 149 IOUX ocace Game Information Location # 1 AV-0441V Sonl',S 61Z Goa E sw 66-1 311 b - Name of location where game will be played Phone Number 720 1li6W+1-j* -A-' !-/vrC�fi�ys��v A4AI Address of location where game will be played City State zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through ' 1� %y7 04M AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From < (' O0 �To 3� cfm---) Maximum number of player: / 30 Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? money Ornerchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? V yes ❑ no If yes, will a char ee be made for such refreshments? `% yes ❑ no Game Information Location #2 Name of location where game will be played Address of location where game will be played Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From Phone Number City State Zip through AM pM To Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? 0 yes ❑ no If ves_ will a charse be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 Officers of the Organization (if necessatl•, list additional names on separate sheet) �hlvErE _ _ ��siDENT Name Title 13 3-79 &V s4 XWW ss3s0 Residence Address City State Zip LebAv44 e 4s S eCjZV W y Name Title !G 2 705 AW- NA.) ss3�s Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address Cilir State zip Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information (i necessa?v, list additional names on se arate sheet Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager Ayes ❑ no `'taAuthorized Officer Xes ❑ no 04 Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Signature of authorized officer of organization Date 69 - --- 4� — — — - `7�/?��ZZ Signature ofgambling manager of organization Date Internal Use Only City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: City of 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587-5151 Fax:(320) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance Chapter 114 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications are to be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered T Short Term Date(s) Z! 11 Fee: $30.00 Month/D /Year—Month/Day/Year �I uzation lntormation Ct�2ow %V61�. Ct7Z'�S I�SI�`CI� Name 755 :TuuG AA 5V-) Address where regular meeting are held Federal or State ID: 57 - 5 (. q 94 3 1-ii,-IWWIA%0,0 City 5z6 583 /315 -- Phone Number AA) 55356 State zip Day and time of meetings? 2 FIq / S7- �V- 00'�' 771C 06�ff Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? 0 yes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? OWJC 4&_ How may members in the organization? Ukzob What is the purpose of the organization? ?PW-,SaCt *-1dt/ o"'- dW �rvTR/6 feit�ak6E In whose custody will organization records be kept? k i d-C - LOE S��✓ /37� lvame 75s �yliL Rb Sk> Address %*H/AASOW Phone Number PVAI 155 � 13tale Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information A«omit- c.,de 3W jS27513-e-*'5- True Name Phone Number 76�5- Jvvt, R/'> S w Residence Address City State Date of Birth: 08 / 2? / If 4.9 Place of Birth: I4�E/44rZ,6 Month/day/year City Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? If yes, explain: ❑ yes )(no zip �y State City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 red under Minnesota Statute ugci tAe�L M67 X6 5-$ 5 t VT - True Name Phone Number _ 755':7001,'Rb S"u' �vr so�v aw'I s�s is Residence Address City State Zip Date of Birth: 08 / 7-7 t/Q Place of Birth: filC—dd�' &lwwjy Month/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes J(no If yes, explain: — _ How long have you been a member of the organization? 6� A) t`S Game Information Location # 1 I�CIE�b L�o�iy'ry �� 6,�ud.�vh s Name of location where game will be played _ 7gi2 C6k3TOF-q AVO suD �tttl�Nsa�v Address of location where game will be played City Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: _ through 2 ' AM 2 Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From �'t aei To Ub AM '. — Maximum number of player: ZS 6Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? �(mone Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling If yes, will a char a be made for such refreshments? Game Information Location #2 _320 .587-z Phone Number /Wk) 563 S0 State zip OZ'a, y merchandise devices will be used? yes ❑ no es ❑ no Name of location where game will be played Address of location where game will be played Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: Phone Number City State zip through AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From PM To Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? 13 yes ❑ no ❑ yes ❑ no AM City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 Officers of the Organization (if necessan; list additional names on 7.W,e, 7)ecstbcxvT Name Title Residence Address City State Zip &15N. 0a L4&—Z-Y S-7ACY - Name Title I &742. ?05 A16 Alt; Residence Address City State Zip Name Rveidenee Address Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information Name Residence Address Name Residence Address Name Residence Address Title Citv State Zip list additional names on separate sheet Title City State Zip Title City State Zip Title City State Zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager A yes ❑ no Authorized Officer *yes ❑ no A7+ & Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relatipg to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Internal Use Signature of. officer of organization Signature ofgambling manager oforganization City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: 4 V::?0zZ Date 9 �a a'o Date HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty�fl Request for Board Action 7AL Owl,7 Agenda Item: Annual Caterer's Permit - River House Kitchen + Drinks LLP Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Melissa Starke Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Melissa Starke Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: River House Kitchen + Drinks LLP has submitted an annual caterer's permit application into Administration for review and processing. The applicant would like to provide liquor catering services in the City throughout the year. The applicant meets statutory requirements and City requirements to hold a caterer's license. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve annual caterer's permit to River House Kitchen + Drinks LLP Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: 4UTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. ill Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON CATERER'S PERMIT APPLICATION License Fees Annual $300.00 One -Time $100.00 To obtain a Caterer's Permit, applicant must currently hold a valid retail on -sale intoxicating liquor license at a restaurant. All liquor laws and rules apply to both the on -sale license as well as this caterer's permit. Liquor liability and workers compensation insurance are mandatory and a certificate showing off premises coverage must accompany this application for a caterer's permit. Cancellation or suspension of the on -sale license invalidates the caterer's permit also. Only the licensee holding the caterer's permit shall provide food and liquor at catered events. Applicant Name (Individual, Partnership, Corporation (If Corporation state full corporate name) DOB Social Security # Trade Name or DBA of Restaurant tM_ �Y\ � , ZO) S_ - 0� � Address of Restaurant Telephone �1\A t C1(1 Y��QyI City or county where on sale license issued Location of Event Date(s) of Event I certify that the above information provided by the applicant is true, complete, correct and made in good faith and agree to comply with the above paragraph's requirements and all other applicab law in the use of the caterer's permit. jam, VA i�Zr z-� �0� YYIOYLOI _ r - Signa e — horized Applicarfr Date Print Full Name of Person Signing Please attach the following documents to this form: 1) A copy of the applicant's caterer's permit issued by the State of Minnesota 2) A copy of the applicant's valid on -sale intoxicating liquor license 3) A copy of the applicant's valid restaurant license issued by the Health Department 4) A certificate of liquor liability insurance that states "off premises coverage included" (No applications, binders or declarations). 5) Check or money order payable to the City of Hutchinson Z:%Licenses\Applications\Caterer's Pennit.doc a � ,may. N C C z d �* A A � W x Fes+ P-t.: P+ mr H C d con o ... t. M O Rol, b c zy da �ID H O b fb y > 0° z� Gi H CcyN p~� 0 0 CA Q � A p N m a City of Hutchinson License: SI22-0047 River House Kitchen +Drinks LLP Issue Date: 06/01/2022 122 Main St SW Expiration Date: 12/31/2022 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Pursuant to City Ordinances and regulations and conditioned upon payment of the required fee. License is hereby granted for the term and purpose stated. License Type: on -Sale Sunday Intoxicating lift 'UTCH I N4.9. y POST AT LOCATION LICENSED NOT TRANSFERABLE Mayor City Admini_ NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED / d 0 0 0q aw c m E 2 2 $� o 0 cp 0 kCo 0 \ k k §( a kkq m 2 0 ��� / ° E 0 (D _ « _ / \ 7 - a \ C- �_ I k 0 Co q 3 CD. a / z /CO // m E e a a Cl) (XI f \ � CD 2 m N)/ E 2> o I 7 k /E� q k c" = Z a O 8 o R. $ 2 @ k to S02= / @ E ® 0 d ' 2 �@ 2 F m a 2 $ _ m go> 2 - m k / m S g CD 2$E � m �I w w A �0w � q22 2 ®q 0 p Zk R DO m ® DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) A� Ro CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 8/18/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS:A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME: .Tustin Martin PH Martin Insurance Group, LLC AICNNo Ext : 952-913-9264 ;.A/C, No): EMIL 106 2nd Ave SW ADDRESS: justinmartin@mnipn.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A : UNITED FIRE & CAS CO 13021 Hutchinson MN 55350 INSURED INSURER B : River House Kitchen & Drinks LLP INSURER C : 122 Main St S INSURER D : INSURER E : Hutchinson MN 55350-2507 INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DDNYYY) LIMITS x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS -MADE 5_c1 OCCUR JA PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5,000 A 10111458057 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY PRO-JECT LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY (Ea accident)$ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS $ HIRED NON -OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION _ STATUTE I I ER __,DER AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY y / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE N / A 10111458057 08/01/2022 08/01/2023 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ lOO,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 100,000 A OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 500,000 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below Liquor Liability 1,000,000 A Liquor Liability 10111458057 08/1112022 08/01/2023 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space is required) Liquor Liability off premises coverage included. CERTIFICATE HOLDER UAN%,t:LLAI IVIV Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota St., Suite 1600 St.Paul MN 55101 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Jwyli.n- Marl i_ V lt0tft$-LUID AL,UKU t,VKrVKAIIvIY. Hn nynw 1tMVIVCu. ACORD 25 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Agenda Item: FOR A CAR WASH FACILITY LOCATED AT 1490 MONTREAL ST SE. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The applicant has submitted applications for a site plan review and conditional use permit for the construction of a new carwash facility located at 1490 Montreal St SE, Hutchinson. This is the former Advanced Auto Parts store. The plan is to completely remove the old building and redevelop the site. The proposed use is a new carwash facility. The conditional use permit is needed for a carwash facility, as they are conditionally permitted uses. Nobody from the public spoke during the public hearing. The owner gave a brief overview of the project and their business model. The Planning Commission asked staff if there was concerns regarding additional traffic and the intersection of Edmonton and Montreal. Staff indicated they did not have traffic concerns. There were also a few general questions regarding the hours of operation of the carwash and how many cars can go through at a time. The Planning Commission voted unanimously (6-0) to recommend approval of both the site plan and conditional use permit to the City Council. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of site plan and Conditional Use Permit. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 15494 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A CAR WASH FACILITY LOCATED AT 1490 MONTREAL ST SE., HUTCHINSON, MN. FACTS 1. Trinet West LLC is the owner of the property located at 1490 Montreal St SE, Hutchinson; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: The South 153.71' of Lot 1, Block 2, Menard Addition 3. Cory Kampschroer, Due North Carwash, has applied to the City for a conditional use permit and site plan review for a Carwash Facility located at 1490 Montreal St SE. Hutchinson. 4. The Planning Commission met on September 20, 2022 and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request due to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit are met, subject to the conditions stated. b. SAC/WAC will be charged with the building permit and follow City policy regarding SAC/WAC charges. C. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 Zoning district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. d. There must be emergency service access around the building that meets the fire code. e. Moving or relocating any utility services will be at the property owner's expense. f. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn't fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. g. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested conditional use permit and site plan review at its meeting on September 27, 2022 and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit are met, subject to the conditions stated. b. SAC/WAC will be charged with the building permit and follow City policy regarding SAC/WAC charges. Findings of Fact — Resolution # 15494 1490 Montreal St SE CUP/Site Plan Page 2 C. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 Zoning district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. d. There must be emergency service access around the building that meets the fire code. e. Moving or relocating any utility services will be at the property owner's expense. f. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn't fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. g. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. APPLICABLE LAW 6. The conditional use permit request meets the following standards as required in Section 154.175 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 9. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit and site plan approval to allow a Carwash Facility located at 1490 Montreal St SE., Hutchinson MN is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 2022. ATTEST: Findings of Fact — Resolution # 15494 1490 Montreal St SE CUP/Site Plan Page 3 Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: September 16, 2022 for September 20, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CARWASH FACILITY LOCATED AT 1490 MONTREAL ST SE Applicant: Cory Kampschroer, Due North Carwash SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Brief Description The applicant has submitted applications for a site plan review and conditional use permit for the construction of a new carwash facility located at 1490 Montreal St SE, Hutchinson. This is the former Advanced Auto Parts store. The plan is to completely remove the old building and redevelop the site. The proposed use is a new carwash facility. The conditional use permit is needed for a carwash facility, as they are conditionally permitted uses. N *Indicates property described in this notice W U) li co Ir—^ r - W O z = T0 r EDMONTON AVE SE y¢ Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit Due North Carwash —1490 Montreal St SE., Hutchinson. Planning Commission — 9-20-22 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C-4 Fringe Commercial District Property Location: 1490 Montreal St SE, Hutchinson. Lot Size: 1.1 Acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Commercial Building Adjacent Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Zoning: C-4 Fringe Commercial Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Zoning History: Zoned C-4 when this property was platted and developed with Menards Development. Applicable Regulations: City Code of Ordinances Sections: 154.112, 154.064, 154.174, and 154.175 Transportation: Access is off Montreal St SE Physical Characteristics: Relatively flat, commercial lot. Analysis: See the following for analysis on the site plan review and Conditional Use Permit Site Plan: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well -planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Building: The proposed total square footage of the building is 7,583 square feet. The building will feature the drive through car wash lane, plus a small sales area for carwash accessories and a small office area. Please see attached building elevations. Setbacks: All setbacks appear to be met. Access/Circulation/Parking Access to the site is off Montreal St. SE. The same access will be used as was used for Advanced Auto. Staff does not have any issues with the access point. Site circulation is also generally acceptable. Patrons of the carwash will enter and go into two lines on the north side of the property to enter the carwash. There will be two gates that control entry to the carwash. There is also a bypass lane in case a vehicle can't go through the carwash or there are other issues. Staff discussed emergency vehicle access. Emergency vehicles will be able Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit Due North Carwash —1490 Montreal St SE., Hutchinson. Planning Commission — 9-20-22 Page 3 to bypass the gate by driving along the east and south sides of the building. The building needs to be able to be served on three sides by fire department apparatus. Parking needs appear to be met as well. The site plan has nine parking stalls plus one handicap parking stall. Additionally, there are nine stalls adjacent to the vacuum units that are used for people to vacuum out their cars. Landscaping and Lighting: Staff will be doing a complete landscape plan review at the time of building permit plan review. In reviewing previous projects completed by this developer it appears that, they are very aesthetically pleasing. Per the Zoning Ordinance, lighting installed must be indirect and shall not produce glare on adjacent properties or public right of ways. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: Stormwater from this site is directed to the "Menards" Pond to the east of the site. Everything is in place and all of the runoff is accounted for, so there isn't a pond or new stormwater BMP's required. A city Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for a carwash in the C-4 zoning district. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan review and conditional use permit with the following findings and conditions: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit are met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. SAC/WAC will be charged with the building permit and follow City policy regarding SAC/WAC charges. 3. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 zoning district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 4. There must be emergency service access around the building that meets the fire code. 5. Moving or relocating any utility services will be at the property owner's expense. Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit Due North Carwash —1490 Montreal St SE., Hutchinson. Planning Commission — 9-20-22 Page 4 6. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn't fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. 7. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. MEN REMOVAL LEGEND an or ca latto� REMOVAL NOTES NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Westwood I PCN HUTCHINSON PROPERTIES, LLC DUE NORTH CAR WASH EXISTING CONDITIONS A - �a � m AND REMOVALS 7 0. moxicu�o MN ssass xa HWCHINSON,MN A - PROIECt NUMBER: 00102fia.00 ah' 011422 Q 3 g 0 z 0 PCN HUTCHINSON PROPERTIES, LLC DUE NORTH CAR WASH Wd I SITE PLAN 0. xvaicu�o, ux xvss Zuu/i4lull �umeExa HIIICHINSON, MN aam of A - PROIECE NUMBER: j °°h' 0114/22 Q I s 89-01 E r 0 I�sa BLOCK 2 IIT, I 4 A IV I , T xy � s \ x�, TRaC \ ry_ �\ BIT E�ONTON6{VENUE \ 0 GRADING DETAILS (GDOXX) 2 1— l roc=ms>>a B INV=105259 an orcallattom aIT. i? GRADING LEGEND X_ a._- �— / � y at,airvw�wxi Mnx awww W xaw wucmx W ° Etl ��- mvu,o°o,mna.xnuxx�wu. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION E��y ax�.m�xmw � e,.v m�xG,ax W Q GRADING NOTES W ixw.,...i,xxx�wei�,.,.xraxo. O QZAelr. �oru,axsx+oax,m :E xxwxa A. —e,mrva.EB .—E, r ,was xCN HUTCHINSON PROPERTIES, LLC DUE NORTH CAR WASH Westwood ° GRADING & EROSION o - °°^°���� m CONTROL PLAN 7 0. xnmcu,o ux xvss xa HIRCHIN50N, AN A I I %t I-NUMBER0a902fi W .: 0/14/22 UTILITY LEGEND an orcallattom x NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION nrxxxxxw ®UTILITY DETAILS (XXXX) GENERAL UTILITY NOTES ® Wd xCN HUTCHINSON PROPERTIES, LLC DUE NORTH CAR WASH UTILITY PLAN 0HUTCHMON, MN A - PROIECt NUMBER: 00102fi0.00 °°h' 0114122 811 or-call811om 0 0 __ PLANT SCHEDULE i I �.wan,xe��xs�oEasEOExnuaxxx�x,xE�a..x:��P.�n a� a,�a,��-mx�m.�w.xx,.�� m.x.,xa� PLANTING NOTES • LANDSCAPE LEGEND 0 nQ o�x,xas�x®x�u awn xxaxamx�x LANDSCAPE KEYNOTES QQ "^�^°�°^•^°^°.xwEaoon� LANDSCAPE SUMMARY PCN HUTCHINSON PROPERTIES, LLC DUE NORTH CAR WASH Westwood LANDSCAPE PLAN w� 0. tirn-='Mx-. x+��'^v/��«�� u HIIrCHIN50N, MN A - PROIECI NUMBER: 00102fi0.00 ah' 8119122 22013 Due North Hutchinson 08-08-22 - SW Aerial 4 22013 Due North Hutchinson 08-08-22 - NW Aerial IA= ■ BLACK 22013 Due North Hutchinson 08-08-22 - NE Eye Level ill 22013 Due North Hutchinson 08-08-22 - NE Eye Level Entry /—,1 22013 Due North Hutchinson 08-08-22 - SW Eve Level HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y�f 000h Request for Board Action 79 =- M_7 Agenda Item: Purchase Requisition 20296 - 2022 Replay Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Due to the status of some federal and state reimbursement receipts, the amount of work done earlier in 2022 was significantly reduced within Miscellaneous Infrastructure Maintenance account. A good weather forecast for this fall provides us an opportunity to put the second Replay application on several streets that were first treated in 2014 & 2015. The first below freezing day in the 30-day forecast is October 23. In addition, a first application can be put on Alley #40 (VFW/Legion), which was built in 2020. The forecast should allow for construction this year, but this purchase order is limited only to the 2022 construction season. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve PR #20296 - Bargen, Inc. $124,288.11 Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 124,288.11 Total City Cost: $ 124,288.11 Funding Source: Misc. Infrastructure Maint. Account Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: 09/20/2022 Purchase Requisition 07:26 AM Purchase Requisition No 020296 Requested Date Required Date Requested By 09/20/2022 jolson Preferred Vendor 102128 BARGEN INC Address 606 COUNTY RD 1 Department 4300 MOUNTAIN LAKE, MN 56159-1649 Req. Description 2022 REPLAY - ONLY FOR 2022 CONST SEASON Qty. Description GL Number 1 Unit Price Amount 1 2022 REPLAY -ONLY FOR 2022 C 401-4300-90530-1660 124,288.11 124,288.11 Total: 124,288.11 Replay Applications 11APP Proj Project Yr 2013 Overlay Length 1,693.7 Width 32.0 Sq Ft 54,199.4 Sci Yd 6,022.0 Notes 2nd application 2022 Brown St SW Hwy 15 S to Division Ave SW 2014 2022 Dale St SW School Rd SW to Century Ave SW 2015 2014 Reclaim 2,783.3 24.0 66,799.2 7,422.1 2nd application 2022 Division Ave ASW Grove St SW to Glen St SW 2014 2013 Overlay 676.5 23.0 15,559.5 1,728.8 2nd application 2022 Franklin St SW Hwy 15 S to 5th Ave SW 2014 2013 Overlay 2,067.1 32.0 66,147.2 7,349.7 2nd application 2022 Glen St SW Linden Ave SW to 5th Ave SW 2014 2013 Overlay 1,623.6 32.0 51,955.2 5,772.8 2nd application 2022 Grove St SW Hwy 15 S to 5th Ave SW 2014 2013 Overlay 2,339.7 32.0 1 74,870.4 8,318.9 1 2nd application 2022 Lynn Rd SW South Grade Rd SW to Washington Ave W 2015 2014 Mill/overlay 4,804.1 34.0 163,339.4 18,148.8 12nd application 2022 Miller Ave SW Lynn Rd SW to Main St S 2014 2013 Overlay 1,688.1 32.0 54,019.2 6,002.1 12nd application 2022 Milwaukee Ave SW Lynn Rd SW to Main St S 2014 2013 Overlay 1,681.7 36.0 60,541.2 6,726.8 12nd application 2022 Alley #40 Jefferson/Adams, 1st Ave/Washington Ave 2020 Construction 372.0 10.3 3,824.2 424.9 11stapplication 67,917.1 67,917.0 Round off 1.83 $/SY $ 124,288.11 Total I ARGE INCORPORATED 606 County Road 1 Phone (507) 427-2924 Mountain Lake, MN 56159 August 18, 2022 City of Hutchinson Attn: John Olson 111 Hassan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 John, Thank you for the opportunity to explain the asphalt pavement maintenance services our firm offers and to provide you with a quote. I am confident that you will find the services beneficial for your roads. I would like to explain the procedures our service crew uses. Replay Procedure Lclear sea! coat) We will clean the area in preparation for the Seal Coat. The RePlay Agricultural Oil Seal and Preservation Agent will be spray applied in one coat. RePlay is designed to extend the life of new and existing asphalt surfaces. (Note: will cure in less than 3 hours) Project Pric( -Our price includes all materials, applicable taxes and labor to complete the project as explained. Please note: The Customer is responsible for notifying the public that we will be working in your area. Pavement maintenance can be extremely dusty and dirty work and we strongly encourage the public to keep Their Personal property at a strong distance away from our work zone. This will avoid any possible cancerns for dust, debris or domage. A recommended distance would be 75 — 150feet away from the work zone. An Insurance Certificate is available upon request. RePlay application an the following streets: • Brown Street SW Hwy 15 S. to Division Ave. SW • Dale Street SW School rd. SW to Century Ave. SW • Division Avenue SW Grove St. SW to Glen St. SW • Franklin Street SW Hwy 15 S. to 5a' Ave. SW • Glen Street SW Linden Ave. SW to 5M Ave. SW • Grove Street SW Hwy 15 S. to 51' Ave. SW D e_r'i" • Jefferson Street SE CentuFy-Ave. SE4e.Oakland Ave. SE • Jefferson Street SE Oakland -Ave -SE to Washington Ave. SE 1>e4e' red • Lynn Rd. SW South Grade Rd. SW to Washington Ave. W. • Miller Avenue SW Lynn Rd. SW to Main Street S. • Milwaukee Ave. SW Lynn Rd. SW to Main Street S. • Alley #40 Jefferson/Adams, 1"Ave./Washington Ave. 6�,gi�t � i�t�, �-�s•11 Replay — per the cities measurements oM9;X 9:'4 sq yds., the price is $1.83/sq. yd. for $181;75S-77. The total price is subject to the work chosen to be completed and the yards applied. The price stated above is what we need to complete the project. If there are any Bid Bonds, or Payment and/or Performance Bonds needed for this P o tit will need to be ADMD lq the trrtrg'. Illsted above. TERMS: Owner agrees that all payments required under this Contract shall be due and payable within 30 days of date of invoice. Owner further agrees that Bargen Inc. may charge interest at the annual rate of eighteen percent (18%), unless a lesser percentage is required by law on any sum due under this Contract which is not paid within 30 days of invoice date. If payments are not made when due, interest, costs incidental to collection and attorney's fees (if any attorney is retained for collection) shall be added to the unpaid balance. Bargen Inc. reserves the right, without penalty from Owner, to stop work on the project if Owner does not make payments to Bargen Inc. when due. This Proposal/Contract may be withdrawn by Bargen Inc. if not accepted within 20 days, or at anytime, subject to Increases related to material prices as noted above. Acceptance of proposal —The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 20 days. Date of acceptance _ _ PO # (if applicable) Signature Signature Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with information on the asphalt pavement maintenance needs in your community. I am confident that you will find the products used and the workmanship of our crew of the highest quality. I look forward to working with you in the near future. Our Mission Sincerely, Bargen. Inc. is commit- ppp ted to excellence and, ?because of this, we take Je Van Dyke fpride in our team of BARGEN, INC. professional craftsmen. Our primary purpose is 1VD ih to provide knowledge- able recommendations, Project for City of Hutchinson — RePlay on Streets I quality workmanship i and exceptional service, Our goal is satisfied customers who have received the most value for their investment Website: www.bargeninc.com Email: bargen(u;bargeninc con HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y�f 000h Request for Board Action 79 =- M_7 Agenda Item: Setting Public Hearing Date for City Stormwater Ordinance Revisions Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Paulson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Paulson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The City of Hutchinson is permitted to discharge in accordance with requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. The requirements of this permit include specific ordinance language that must meet or exceed the MS4 requirements. Revisions are needed to City Code, Chapter 54; Stormwater Management, to continue to meet the requirements of the MS4 permit. The changes will be related to chloride management to reduce discharges of chlorides to public waters in accordance with state MS4 requirements. City staff recommends that the City Council order a Public Hearing (October 11th meeting) to review the required changes to the Stormwater Ordinance and receive any public comment. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Order Public Hearing for October 11th City Council Meeting. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: PUBLICATION No. 8473 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 54; STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson will meet in the council chambers of City Center, 111 Hassan St SE, on Tuesday, October 11t', at 6:00 p.m., for a Public Hearing to consider revisions to Chapter 54; Stormwater Management, developed in compliance with requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination system (NPDES) Phase II MS4 permit. Public comment and testimony will be received at this time. A copy of the Ordinance is available for review at the Hutchinson City offices, located at 111 Hassan Street S.E. If you have questions regarding this public hearing, contact John Paulson, Project/Environmental/Regulatory Manager, at (320) 234-5682. Submitted by: Matt Jaunich City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader on September 281h, 2022 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 9/14/22 - 9/27/22 Check Date ------------------ 09/09/2022 Check ---------------------- EFT Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- EFTPS Description - Payroll8/21/ 2 --9/3/ ------------------------------ Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 Report Amount ----------------,718.25 90,718.25 09/09/2022 EFT Child Support Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 659.43 09/09/2022 EFT MSRS Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 10,235.25 09/09/2022 EFT MN Dept of Revenue Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 17,412.23 09/09/2022 EFT Provident Life - Vol Ins Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 976.04 09/09/2022 EFT PERA Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 61,604.24 09/09/2022 EFT Further HSA Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 13,282.61 09/09/2022 EFT Mission Square Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 4,547.36 09/09/2022 EFT VOYA Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 460.00 09/09/2022 EFT MNDCP Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 350.00 09/09/2022 105095 Life Ins - NCPERS Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 240.00 09/09/2022 105096 HART Payroll Report 8/21/22 - 9/3/22 222.56 09/13/2022 105097 Manual Employee Check Reissue Manual Check Reissue 97.20 09/23/2022 105098 MNPEA Union Due Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 624.00 09/23/2022 105099 UNUM Life Voluntary Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 1,096.22 09/23/2022 105100 LELS Union Dues Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 325.00 09/23/2022 105101 HART Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 222.56 09/23/2022 EFT EFTPS Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 70,415.32 09/23/2022 EFT Child Support Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 659.43 09/23/2022 EFT MN Dept of Revenue Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 13,918.61 09/23/2022 EFT Provident Life - Vol Ins Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 436.50 09/23/2022 EFT PERA Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 60,403.68 09/23/2022 EFT Further HSA Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 13,282.61 09/23/2022 EFT Mission Square Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 3,047.36 09/23/2022 EFT VOYA Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 460.00 09/23/2022 EFT MNDCP Payroll Report 9/4/22 - 9/17/22 350.00 09/27/2022 105102 AARP SEPT AARP INSTRUCTION - SR CTR 550.00 09/27/2022 105103 ACE HARDWARE - 1315 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,386.92 09/27/2022 105104 VOID VOIDED CHECK 09/27/2022 105105 ACE HARDWARE - 1790 DESOLVIT CLEANER - FIRE 11.99 09/27/2022 105106 ACE HARDWARE - 1825 WEBER GRILL - NEW POLICE FACILITY 924.00 09/27/2022 105107 ADVANCED ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTA SCADA PROJECTS THRU 9/2/22 - WWTP & WATER 41,845.74 09/27/2022 105108 ALDEN POOL & MUNICIPAL SUPPLY CO DEHUMIDIFIERS FOR BLDG #30 - WWTP 6,953.15 09/27/2022 105109 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER AUG PROCESSING/BOARDING - POLICE 1,359.00 09/27/2022 105110 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 456.30 09/27/2022 105111 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE AIR FRESHENER, PERFECTVIEW, ANTI -FREEZE - HATS 189.87 09/27/2022 105112 AUTO-CHLOR SYSTEM 9/6 DISHWASHER SERVICE - SR DIN 220.00 09/27/2022 105113 BATTLE LAKE SENIOR CENTER GREETING CARDS - SR CTR 103.91 09/27/2022 105114 BAUER BUILT INC TIRES - STREETS 3,062.04 09/27/2022 105115 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS PROTECTIVE NETTING -ARENA 1,974.00 09/27/2022 105116 BELLBOY CORP COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 718.09 09/27/2022 105117 BENEFIT EXTRAS INC AUG COBRA/RETIREE BILLING 139.00 09/27/2022 105118 BERNICK'S COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 320.17 09/27/2022 105119 BRANDED SOLUTIONS SHIRTS - WATERPARK 1,335.00 09/27/2022 105120 BRANDON TIRE CO TIRE REPAIRS - PARKS 376.82 09/27/2022 105121 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,037.34 09/27/2022 105122 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPV THRU 9/1 2,201.00 09/27/2022 105123 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 21,327.93 09/27/2022 105124 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 42,698.04 09/27/2022 105125 CENTURY FENCE CHAIN LINK REPAIR - WATER 3,050.00 09/27/2022 105126 CINTAS CORPORATION SUPPLIES & SERVICE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 294.68 09/27/2022 105127 CONTEGRITY GROUP ARENA REROOF & NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1 33,385.82 09/27/2022 105128 COOL AIR MECHANICAL INC VILTER #3 COMPRESSOR REPAIR - ARENA 4,850.00 09/27/2022 105129 CORNER POST EROSION CONTROL PREP & HYDRO -SEEDING - STREETS 1,457.75 09/27/2022 105130 CORROW, JOANNE REFUND: CAMPING RESERVATION - PARKS 35.00 09/27/2022 105131 CREEKSIDE SOILS BITCON - PARKS 1,892.54 09/27/2022 105132 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS FLOWERS FOR B EWING -ADMIN 50.00 09/27/2022 105133 CROW RIVER OFFICIALS ASSN AUG - OCT GAMES - REC 2,630.00 09/27/2022 105134 CULLIGAN WATER NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 40.55 09/27/2022 105135 DANIELS SHARPSMART INC 8/10 FUEL SURCHARGE SERVICE 13.42 09/27/2022 1105136 DELEGARD TOOL CO IGUNS, WRENCHES, LIGHTS 327.87 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 9/14/22 - 9/27/22 Check Date ------------------ 09/27/2022 Check ----1-3--------------- 105137 Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- DELL MARKETING L.P. Description VARI------------------------------ASES--MULTIPL----------- VARIOUS COMPUTER PURCHASES -MULTIPLE DEPT --Amount -------------11,3 3.64- 11,393.64 09/27/2022 105138 DEMING CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #9 63,582.88 09/27/2022 105139 DIRECT PLASTICS WONDERBLEND CONTAINER MIX 22,958.77 09/27/2022 105140 DLT SOLUTIONS, LLC AUTOCAD ANNUAL RENEWAL 1,509.20 09/27/2022 105141 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION 9/12 PEST CONTROL - POLICE 64.93 09/27/2022 105142 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & ACCESS LLC HOSE GRABBER, LOG CHOPPER, SPOON - WWTP 386.90 09/27/2022 105143 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICITY CONTROL CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING -WWTP 1,400.00 09/27/2022 105144 ERICKSON ENGINEERING CO LLC AUG BRIDGE REPAIR - ENG 90.00 09/27/2022 105145 FALCON MECHANICAL NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #11 121,932.50 09/27/2022 105146 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT 6/23 - 9/1-22 UTV RENTAL - STORMWATER 1,680.00 09/27/2022 105147 FASTENAL COMPANY CABLE TIES - PARKS 51.74 09/27/2022 105148 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2518 ASPHALT COLD PATCH - WATER 195.00 09/27/2022 105149 FINNLYTECH INC FACILITY SCHEDULING CONFIG & SETUP -ARENA 4,696.20 09/27/2022 105150 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLU DRUG TESTING 90.17 09/27/2022 105151 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE SOLUTI COFFEE - HATS 123.00 09/27/2022 105152 FLAGSHIP RECREATION FIREMAN'S PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIP 7,715.38 09/27/2022 105153 FOBBE CONTRACTING, INC. FIRE HYDRANT LOWERING - WATER 2,700.00 09/27/2022 105154 FOBBE ELECTRIC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #11 26,600.00 09/27/2022 105155 FOSTER MECHANICAL HVAC REPAIRS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 357.25 09/27/2022 105156 FURTHER September 2022 HSA/FSA Adm. Fees 335.30 09/27/2022 105157 GALLS LLC BATTERIES FOR FLASHLIGHT - POLICE 81.22 09/27/2022 105158 GARAGE DOOR STORE REPLACE EAST RINK NORTH GARAGE DOOR 6,480.00 09/27/2022 105159 GRAINGER EQUIPMENT PARTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 135.07 09/27/2022 105160 GRAMS, ALAN REFUND: CANCELLED CAMPSITE - PARKS 70.00 09/27/2022 105161 GREEN EARTH LAWN CARE INC AUGUST MOWING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 391.25 09/27/2022 105162 GRUND ELECTRIC LLC ELECTRICAL WORK - POLICE 3,109.48 09/27/2022 105163 HAGER JEWELRY INC. RETIREMENT GIFT - POLICE 88.00 09/27/2022 105164 HANSEN GRAVEL INC. DIRT, SAND - ROBERTS PARK 382.00 09/27/2022 105165 HAWK PERFORMANCE SPECIALITIES ICE PAINT SERVICE 2022 -ARENA 1,762.75 09/27/2022 105166 HAWKINS INC CHLORINE - WATERPARK 777.60 09/27/2022 105167 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON OPERATING/CLEANING SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 686.59 09/27/2022 105168 HJERPE CONTRACTING REPAIR WATER SERVICE ON HASSAN ST - WATER 2,193.30 09/27/2022 105169 HOLT MOTORS INC BRACKET - STREETS 21.90 09/27/2022 105170 HOLT-PETERSON BUS 10/6 MN HISTORY THEATRE - SR TRIP 785.00 09/27/2022 105171 HOMETOWN SPORTS & APPAREL YOUTH T-SHIRTS - REC 1,962.15 09/27/2022 105172 HUTCHINSON CO-OP AUG FUEL & SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 4,718.43 09/27/2022 105173 HUTCHINSON HEALTH DRUG TESTING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 220.00 09/27/2022 105174 HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION COMPOST BAG DISTRIBUTION 500.00 09/27/2022 105175 HUTCHINSON LEADER 24 MO SUBSCRIPTION - FIRE 115.00 09/27/2022 105176 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 8/1- 9/1-22 82,250.89 09/27/2022 105177 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 EQUIPMENT PARTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 278.06 09/27/2022 105178 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1551 EQUIPMENT PARTS - CREEKSIDE 58.61 09/27/2022 105179 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1552 FILTERS - PARKS 214.21 09/27/2022 105180 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF AUG 2022 STORM DRAINAGE 6,941.24 09/27/2022 105181 I.M.S. SHARPENING SERVICE 9/3 CATCH BASIN REPAIRS - STORMWATER 2,450.00 09/27/2022 105182 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES USA LLC '22 PIPE LINING: PISHNEY NEIGHBORHOOD - WWTP 15,497.40 09/27/2022 105183 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOL BATTERIES - HATS 330.00 09/27/2022 105184 JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE 8/30 SERVICE CALL @ NORTHWOODS PARK 150.00 09/27/2022 105185 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 13,857.86 09/27/2022 105186 JRK STEEL NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #7 528.20 09/27/2022 105187 K JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #11 474.05 09/27/2022 105188 K JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1 CHANGE REQUEST 290.40 09/27/2022 105189 KEVITT EXCAVATING LLC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #10 23,997.00 09/27/2022 105190 KOBOW, BECKY REIMB: FOSTERS SHOW EXP - COMPOST 53.93 09/27/2022 105191 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE PILING CONCRETE & ASPHALT- CREEKSIDE 675.00 09/27/2022 105192 KRANZ LAWN & POWER CARBIDE CHAIN - FIRE 77.95 09/27/2022 105193 KWIK TRIP CONCESSION SUPPLIES - WATERPARK 525.00 09/27/2022 105194 L & P SUPPLY CO REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,811.36 09/27/2022 105195 LANDS' END BUSINESS OUTFITTER CARDIGANS W/ LOGO - POLICE 155.70 09/27/2022 105196 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST Q4 WORKER COMP PREMIUM 90,744.00 09/27/2022 1105197 LEE, DOUG UB refund for account: 2-470-9550-2-00 17.96 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 9/14/22 - 9/27/22 Check Date ------------------ 09/27/2022 Check ---------------------- 105198 Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- LOCHER BROTHERS INC Description ------------------------------------------------------------------- COST OF GOODS SOLD -LIQUOR HUTCH Amount ------------------91.3 -- 41,391.30 09/27/2022 105199 LOGIS SEPT SUPPORT, PD NETWORK SWITCHES, PALO ALTO 40,906.12 09/27/2022 105200 LOUWAGIE, BRIDGETTE UB refund for account: 2-920-3190-9-01 133.37 09/27/2022 105201 LUBE-TECH & PARTNERS, LLC FILTERS, NIPPLES - HATS 101.33 09/27/2022 105202 LUCAS, KRISTIE UB refund for account: 2-725-6300-8-02 165.58 09/27/2022 105203 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC. AUG YARDWASTE - COMPOST 498.78 09/27/2022 105204 M-R SIGN SIGNS - HATS 3,399.99 09/27/2022 105205 MAAC ABATEMENT OF HAZ MAT ON 145 2ND AVE DEMO 9,200.00 09/27/2022 105206 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 8/4 - 9/3-22 CONTRACT - MULTIPLE DEPTS 522.50 09/27/2022 105207 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 8/25 - 9/25'22 CONTRACT - MULTIPLE DEPTS 277.60 09/27/2022 105208 MATT RAUSCH MASONRY BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPV THRU 9/1 52,250.00 09/27/2022 105209 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER 2ND HALF PROPERTY TAX - 1164 BENJAMIN AVE SE 8,505.87 09/27/2022 105210 MEDICA OCTOBER MEDICAL INSURANCE 135,938.87 09/27/2022 105211 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL 8/16 SAND - COMPOST 4,247.34 09/27/2022 105212 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,876.33 09/27/2022 105213 MID CENTRAL DOOR NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #6 27,521.34 09/27/2022 105214 MINI BIFF RENTALS THRU 9/4 - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 724.46 09/27/2022 105215 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE FALL'22 CRITICAL ISSUES WEBINARS - POLICE 250.00 09/27/2022 105216 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY PRESSURE VESSEL INSPECTION - POLICE 10.00 09/27/2022 105217 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB LAB SAMPLE TESTING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 585.80 09/27/2022 105218 MOORE, ERIC REIMB: MRWA TRAINING - WWTP 284.33 09/27/2022 105219 MYGUY INC. 1 YR LEASE BLENDCO TANK - HATS 30.00 09/27/2022 105220 NELSON, CHRIS REPURCHASE GRAVE - CEMETERY 412.50 09/27/2022 105221 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC HEX CAP SCREWS, WASHERS, NUTS - HATS 46.73 09/27/2022 105222 NUVERA SEP PHONE SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,932.51 09/27/2022 105223 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS MUSCLE MAGIC - PARKS 85.76 09/27/2022 105224 PAL-SERV PALLETS - COMPOST 13,832.00 09/27/2022 105225 PEAT INC. BLACK PEAT - COMPOST 6,050.00 09/27/2022 105226 PEOPLEREADY INC 9/5 - 9/11 CREEKSIDE TEMP STAFFING 2,521.92 09/27/2022 105227 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 12,460.37 09/27/2022 105228 PIETSCH CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #8 61,174.30 09/27/2022 105229 PIONEER ATHLETICS / PIONEER MFG MARKING PAINT - PARKS 1,061.20 09/27/2022 105230 PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL 8/8 PEST CONTROL - ARENA 110.92 09/27/2022 105231 POSTMASTER OCT 2022 SR NEWSLETTER 120.00 09/27/2022 105232 POSTMASTER POSTAGE - UB BILLING 1,585.00 09/27/2022 105233 PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS YEAR-END FORMS - FINANCE 307.12 09/27/2022 105234 QUADE ELECTRIC FUSES - WATER 14.95 09/27/2022 105235 QUILL CORP PAPER - POLICE 104.99 09/27/2022 105236 RAHN PAINTING & CONTRACTING LLC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 675.00 09/27/2022 105237 RANDY'S BOBCAT SERVICE BLACK DIRT- MULTIPLE DEPTS 3,240.00 09/27/2022 105238 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. REFUSE LOADER REPAIR 3,401.10 09/27/2022 105239 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 182.40 09/27/2022 105240 REINER ENTERPRISES INC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 400.00 09/27/2022 105241 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE FACILITY RENTAL FOR POLLING - ELECTIONS 250.00 09/27/2022 105242 ROBERT MICHAELS HAIR SALON SIGN &AWNING GRANT- EDA 1,690.00 09/27/2022 105243 ROLLING FORKS VINEYARDS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 317.16 09/27/2022 105244 SHAW, KAREN AUG CLASSES - SR CTR 210.00 09/27/2022 105245 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY SEED STARTER - PARKS 1,172.36 09/27/2022 105246 SNAP -ON INDUSTRIAL BUSHING, DR SETS - HATS 354.46 09/27/2022 105247 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 12,803.64 09/27/2022 105248 SPARTAN STEEL ERECTORS INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #7 7,758.65 09/27/2022 105249 SRF CONSULTING GROUP S GRADE RD @ DALE ST IMPV THRU 8/31/22 - ENG 258.81 09/27/2022 105250 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING POSTAGE 8/14 - 9/10'22 - VARIOUS DEPTS 661.59 09/27/2022 105251 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 384.43 09/27/2022 105252 STEFFEN, MAYCE UB refund for account: 2-900-7350-9-02 66.20 09/27/2022 105253 STREICH TRUCKING CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 9,565.00 09/27/2022 105254 STURGES, BRENDA REIMB: VENDOR SHOWCASE - LIQUOR HUTCH 81.25 09/27/2022 105255 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL AUGUST DENTAL CLAIMS 7,975.50 09/27/2022 105256 SYLVESTER CUSTOM GRINDING, INC MULCH GRINDING - COMPOST 13,849.20 09/27/2022 105257 TALL SALES COMPANY AUG 2022 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 1,591.17 09/27/2022 1105258 TEK MECHANICAL REFUND: DEDUCT METER & PERMIT - BLDG 416.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 9/14/22 - 9/27/22 Check Date ------------------ Check ---------------------- 105259 Vendor Name ----------------------------------------------------------- TERMINAL SUPPLY CO Description BASES, LOCKS, TERMINALS, TAPE, CABLE TIE -HATS BASES, LOCKS,TERMINALS, Amount 56.00 09/27/2022 105260 THOMAS, VINCE & KATIE REFUND: JOINT PLANNING VARIANCE APP - P/Z 400.00 09/27/2022 105261 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST AUG ONLINE/SOFTWARE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,403.96 09/27/2022 105262 TUBE PRO INC 44" INFLATED TUBES W/ HANDLES - WATERPARK 690.00 09/27/2022 105263 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA OCTOBER LIFE INSURANCE 2,915.04 09/27/2022 105264 USA BLUE BOOK CONTROLLER, SENSOR - WWTP 4,428.48 09/27/2022 105265 VERIZON WIRELESS AUG 03 - SEP 02 PHONE SERVICES - POLICE 39.18 09/27/2022 105266 VIKING BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 12,542.40 09/27/2022 105267 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 546.35 09/27/2022 105268 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,109.63 09/27/2022 105269 VOS CONSTRUCTION INC BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPV THRU 9/1 644,242.50 09/27/2022 105270 VOS CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 1,960.00 09/27/2022 105271 WARD, KATIE REFUND: ACTIVITY CANCELLATION - ECFE 120.00 09/27/2022 105272 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE TAKEN TO LANDFILL 11,861.03 09/27/2022 105273 WATERVILLE FOOD & ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,021.86 09/27/2022 105274 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. AUG REFUSE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 53,987.65 09/27/2022 105275 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,755.44 09/27/2022 105276 WOLF BRONZE LLC PHASE 1 RESTORATION - PUBLIC SITES 4,425.00 09/27/2022 105277 YAMRY CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 180.00 09/27/2022 105278 YAMRY CONSTRUCTION NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 9/1/22 #3 4,750.00 09/27/2022 105279 EVERETT LAW LLC CITY LEGAL MATTER: FINAL PAYMENT 1,100.00 Total - Check Register A: I $ 1,962,418.98 Department Purchasing Card Activity - August 2022 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 8/9/2022 ADMIN SUBWAY Food for Election Judges 275.93 8/9/2022 ADMIN JIMMYS PIZZA Food for Election Judges 55.17 8/9/2022 ADMIN JIMMYS PIZZA Food for Election Judges 54.26 8/9/2022 ADMIN JIMMYS PIZZA Food for Election Judges 44.16 8/5/2022 CREEKSIDE SPS COMMERCE July 2022 SPS fees; UH & Bomgaars 228.00 8/12/2022 CREEKSIDE US COMPOSTING COUNCIL STA Program renewal; Ju122-Jun23 1,150.00 8/15/2022 CREEKSIDE TARGET Office coffee 30.04 8/15/2022 CREEKSIDE TARGET Breakroom coffee 30.03 8/16/2022 CREEKSIDE KALAHARI RESORT Prince Dist. show hotel deposit 165.00 8/28/2022 CREEKSIDE AMAZON First aid kit supplies 21.66 8/28/2022 CREEKSIDE AMAZON First aid kit supplies 21.66 8/3/2022 EDA WM SUPERCENTER Beverages for meetings / cleaning supplies 46.50 8/3/2022 EDA MENARDS HUTCHINSON Mulch for Enterprise Center trees 5.89 8/12/2022 EDA POSTMASTER Postage to mail proposal to prospect company 53.90 8/12/2022 EDA TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE Brake repair on van 237.72 8/15/2022 EDA JIMMYS PIZZA Lunches for EDA Board special meeting 72.24 8/17/2022 EDA BUFFALO WILD WINGS Lunches for EDA Finance Team 141.40 8/22/2022 EDA ACE HARDWARE - 1315 Rug Doctor rental to clean incubator carpet 70.34 8/24/2022 EDA SUBWAY Lunches for EDA Board 86.05 8/1/2022 FINANCE MINNESOTA GFOA Finance - MNGFOA Conference, A.Reid 230.00 8/1/2022 FINANCE MINNESOTA GFOA Finance - MNGFOA Conference, J.Juergensen 230.00 8/1/2022 FINANCE AMAZON DMV - ballpoint pens 16.60 8/5/2022 FINANCE CASH WISE FOODS Elections - food for workers on primary night 172.62 8/16/2022 FINANCE WAL-MART City Center - soda for machine 80.12 8/16/2022 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - biohazard sharps containers 24.86 8/25/2022 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - sticky note pads 7.99 8/24/2022 FINANCE WM SUPERCENTER Supplies for employee pool party 44.61 8/29/2022 FINANCE AMAZON City Center- post -it notes, ID badge lanyards 46.89 8/28/2022 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - scrub brushes for kitchen 13.82 8/31/2022 FINANCE EZBUSINESS FEE Credit Card Service Fee 15.00 8/30/2022 FINANCE CASH WISE FOODS Cake for B.Ewing retirement party 43.99 8/30/2022 FINANCE WAL-MART Supplies for B.Ewing retirement party 56.73 8/4/2022 FIRE WM SUPERCENTER App bay TV monitor 460.98 8/8/2022 FIRE WAL-MART App bay TV monitor 378.00 8/15/2022 FIRE CENEX Truck diesel fuel 65.00 8/17/2022 FIRE PARMAN ENERGY CORP Water soluable oil for pumps 155.51 8/25/2022 FIRE READY MIX Firemans park project 23.60 8/25/2022 FIRE READY MIX Firemans park project 796.25 7/31/2022 IT AMAZON Head set Jmorgan 21.99 8/2/2022 IT AMAZON Keyboard wrist cushion Jmorgan 8.89 8/3/2022 IT AMAZON Monitor Stand Jmorgan 99.99 8/5/2022 IT AMAZON Projector lamp 184.03 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 636.34 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 32.91 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 27.43 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 16.46 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 10.97 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 43.88 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 38.40 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 71.31 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 60.34 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 32.91 8/9/2022 IT ZOHO CORPORATION Help Desk System 318.16 8/11/2022 IT AMAZON Monitor Stand Kwendland 99.99 8/18/2022 IT AMAZON iPad case Jburmeister 79.90 8/16/2022 IT WALMART.COM Storage bins for patch cables 56.08 8/19/2022 IT BESTBUY Web Cam John Olson 59.99 8/24/2022 IT AMAZON Phone Case JVanMarel 33.86 8/24/2022 IT AMAZON Plotter paper 37.98 8/25/2022 IT AMAZON Phone Case Mmaiers 33.40 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 715.36 8/25/20221 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 74.64 Department Purchasing Card Activity - August 2022 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 12.44 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 12.44 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 18.66 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 24.88 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 31.10 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 37.32 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 18.66 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 6.22 8/25/2022 IT ORACLE AMERICA INC Employee Review Software 360.78 8/1/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH ACE HARDWARE - 1315 Cleaning supplies 14.98 8/12/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH MENARDS HUTCHINSON Cleaning supplies 72.15 8/15/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH RITE INC POS monthly service fee 267.19 8/23/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH RITE INC Online ordering system Domain setup fee 208.41 8/24/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH STORE SUPPLY WAREHOUSE Replacement Pricing Gun and Labels 127.22 8/27/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH EIG*CONSTANTCONTACT.COM Email blast advertising 70.00 8/27/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH FACEBOOK FB advertising 35.00 8/18/2022 MOTOR VEHICLE MINNCOR INDUSTRIES Title stock 35.00 8/3/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Football Pants 279.29 8/2/2022 PARK & REC KEYSTONE PEST SOLUTIONS Herbicide Chemicals (8) 1,236.26 8/3/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Football Pants 174.95 8/5/2022 PARK & REC WM SUPERCENTER Ketchup, Mustard, Hot Dogs, Buns 61.21 8/9/2022 PARK & REC TRACFONE Data for Senior Trips Tracfone 110.32 8/10/2022 PARK & REC RAINEDOUT Text Messaging Software for Rec Programs 12.00 8/10/2022 PARK & REC WHENIWORK.COM Employee Scheduling Software 84.00 8/17/2022 PARK & REC HORIZON POOL SUPPLY Chem -Clean Express Filter Cleaner (3) 1,524.28 8/19/2022 PARK & REC RAINEDOUT Text Messaging Software for Rec Programs 10.00 8/24/2022 PARK & REC MN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOC MRPA Conference Registrations 375.00 8/24/2022 PARK & REC MN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOC MRPA Conference Registrations 375.00 8/24/2022 PARK & REC MN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOC MRPA Conference Registrations 375.00 8/24/2022 PARK & REC MN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOC MRPA Conference Registrations 750.00 8/24/2022 PARK & REC MN RECREATION AND PARK ASSOC Lynn Neumann - MRPA Conference Registration 385.00 8/4/2022 PLANNING MISTERPLEXI Brochure holders 97.59 8/15/2022 PLANNING WAREHOUSELIGHTING Led lights 78.35 8/3/2022 POLICE AMAZON Batteries 24.12 8/5/2022 POLICE STREET COP TRAINING Cappelan/ Huebner Training 598.00 8/10/2022 POLICE AMAZON Labels / strobe lights 77.71 8/11/2022 POLICE NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICER ASSN NTOA membership 35.00 8/14/2022 POLICE AMAZON Batteries 26.99 8/18/2022 POLICE AMAZON Inverter 69.88 8/18/2022 POLICE AMAZON Ink stamps 19.94 8/1/2022 PUBLIC WORKS HUMBOLDT MFG CO Diamond Drill Bits for Asphalt 885.48 8/2/2022 PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY OF STATE Notary Renewal J Jacobson 120.00 8/2/2022 PUBLIC WORKS MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN T Gratke Water License Exam Refresher 255.00 8/3/2022 PUBLIC WORKS CUSTOMER ELATION INC Monthly Dispatch Services -Total $128 64.00 8/3/2022 PUBLIC WORKS CUSTOMER ELATION INC Monthly Dispatch Services 64.00 8/6/2022 PUBLIC WORKS AWWA.ORG AWWA Membership Renewal 227.00 8/10/2022 PUBLIC WORKS EVO SUPPLY GROUP Electric Pump Grease 35.80 8/11/2022 PUBLIC WORKS HAYES INSTRUMENT CO Mag Nails 1 1/2" x 1/4" 30.25 8/13/2022 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Inspection Camera Dimmer 58.95 8/13/2022 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON 12 VDC Adapter 7.74 8/16/2022 PUBLIC WORKS MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN Payment for I/I Training JO or M Thompson 150.00 8/18/2022 PUBLIC WORKS HAYES INSTRUMENT CO Mag Nails 2" x 1/4" 33.38 8/22/2022 PUBLIC WORKS EVERYTHING BRANDED Stainless Steel Promoclips 189.50 Total - P-Cards: $18,701.17 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y�f 000h Request for Board Action 79 =- M_7 Agenda Item: First Reading for City Stormwater Ordinance Revisions Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Paulson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Paulson Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The City of Hutchinson is permitted to discharge in accordance with requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. The requirements of this permit include specific ordinance language that must meet or exceed the MS4 requirements. Revisions are needed to City Code, Chapter 54; Stormwater Management, to continue to meet the requirements of the MS4 permit. The changes will be related to chloride management to reduce discharges of chlorides to public waters in accordance with state MS4 requirements. The proposed changes to the ordinance are attached for your reference. Staff will provide a brief summary of the changes and will be available to answer any questions. Staff will review and consider all comments received and revise the ordinance as necessary. This is the first reading with the second reading and Pubic Hearing scheduled for October 11th, 2022. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: First reading of Ordinance 22-831. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ORDINANCE NO. 22-831 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 (STORM WATER MANAGEMENT) OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON CODE OF ORDINANCES ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.03 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend the Storm Water Management Ordinance to add language in Section 54.03 of the City Code as follows: CHAPTER 54 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT § 54.03 SCOPE A. Prohibited discharges. It shall be considered an offense for any person to cause or allow a prohibited discharge into waters of the state, including the city storm water system, or any natural water. 1. Anv commercial. institutional. or non-NPDES permitted industrial facility must employ best management practices to minimize the discharge of polluted runoff from salt and deicer storage and application as follows: a. Salt and deicer storage areas must be covered or indoors to prevent such materials from being affected by rain, snow and melt water; b. Salt and deicer storaae areas must be located on an impervious surface; and c. Implementation of practices to reduce exposure when transferring material in designated salt and deicer storage areas (e.g., sweeping, diversions, and/or containment). EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication in accordance with the Hutchinson City Charter. Adopted by the City Council this 11t" day of October, 2022. ATTEST: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Gary Forcier, Mayor First Consideration: 9/27/2022 Second Consideration: 10/11/2022 Date of Publication: Page 1 c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 154.142 Agenda Item: (E) AND (F) REGARDING DOWNTOWN SIGNAGE REVIEW COMMITTEE AND MURALS. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Sign Ordinance Amendments Staff has been getting feedback from community members regarding the requirements to put up a mural for the past 12-18 months. If you recall, murals require a Conditional Use Permit from the City to be put on a building. Community members have noted to Staff that they feel the requirements for a Conditional Use Permit are excessive and the cost of the CUP and the time it takes to go through the process is hindering more creative projects in Downtown Hutchinson. Staff has researched this issue and has found that murals are regulated in many different ways throughout Minnesota. Some communities regulate murals through their sign ordinance and require some type of permit to put up a mural. Generally speaking, sign ordinances regulate commercial signage. However, some communities, including what we have in our ordinance in Hutchinson, are regulating murals, which is art and not advertising. Staff does have concerns that it may not be legal to regulate artwork if we do not have "design standards" for the Downtown Zoning District that would regulate the appearance of everything downtown. For example, right now, a building owner can make their building look however they chose, as long as the building meets building code. They can paint it any color they want as well. Lastly, the sign ordinance references a Downtown Design Review Committee. I have been with the City of Hutchinson since 2010 and this Committee has never met, nor do I know who sits on this committee. I was told when I started with the City that my predecessor also did not utilize this committee or know who was on it. I was told that the committee was started after the City adopted the Downtown Plan in 2002 and that it was loosely organized and while the intentions were good it never went anywhere. Additionally, the ordinance doesn't appear to give the committee any specifics to follow but rather basically leaves it to their discretion what they want to approve or deny a sign or mural if someone has a sign that doesn't meet the standards of the zoning ordinance. Staff recommends striking any reference to the Downtown Design Review Committee and utilizing the standards set forth in the zoning ordinance to regulate signs. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of first reading of sign ordinance amendments. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 22-832 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.142 (E) AND (F) OF CITY CODE REGARDING SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE MAIN STREET AREA DISTRICT AND DOWNTOWN DESIGN REVIEW THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend Sections 154.142 of the City Code regarding sign standards by district: (E) Signs permitted in the Main Street area district. Signage in the Main Street area, which is defined as the area located between the east side of Franklin Avenue from the Crow River to Fourth Avenue SW and the west side of Hassan Street from the Crow River to Fourth Avenue SE, shall be subject to the following additional requirements. Signage shall be designed to enhance and complement the character of buildings within the district. All new signs, or the replacement, alteration, painting and so forth of an existing sign, require a sign permit application, (5) Illumination. (a) External illumination of signs is permitted. Lighted signs shall emit a continuous white light that prevents direct light from shining onto the street. (b) Backlit plastic panel signs are not permitted. 4the„ are designed e4ff ^*er with doe eo he Backlit individual letters are permitted. (c) Exposed external conduit wiring is not permitted., approved b the P,,v,,4,,y. nos;,.., Review r,,,v.,v iAee (d) Neon or similar lighting meeting all other ordinance requirements is permitted. Neon or similar lights shall emit a continuous light. (10) Murals. Murals require eN4e .. by the T,^...w^...,, Pesi .., ReN4ew Gemmit4ee an an approved conditional use permit by the City Council. Murals Containing non-commercial speech do not count towards total site si��nyye and are exempt om the siyn ordinance. Murals are required to be reviewed by the Hutchinson Public Arts Commission. (12) Appeals. Upoi4 i4etiee of any apphea4ion being mjeeted by the eit-y staff-, the applie&4 shall 4a-ve aeeess to EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this I I' day of October, 2022. Attest: Matthew Jaunich Gary T. Forcier City Administrator Mayor c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTIONS Agenda Item: 154.064 AND 154.067 REGARDING MINIMUM LOT DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Staff has updated the lot dimensions in the 1-1 and C-4 districts as discussed last month at the Planning Commission meeting. Lot sizes are still required to be 1-acre in size, however staff is recommending more flexibility in lot depth and width due to rising land and infrastructure costs. In the 1-1 district the width was reduced from 200 feet to 150 feet and the depth was reduced from 250 feet to 200 feet. In the C-4 district the width was reduced from 200 feet to 125 feet. The lot depth remains unchanged at 180 feet. Nobody spoke at the public hearing regarding this request. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of first reading of ordinance amendments. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 22-833 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.064 (E)(2) AND 154.067 (E)(2) OF CITY CODE REGARDING MINIMUM LOT SIZES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend Sections 154.064 (E)(2) and 154.067 (E)(2) of the City Code regarding minimum lot sizes: § 154.067 I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT. (E) Dimensional requirements; I-1 District. (2) Minimum lot dimension requirements. (a) Lot area: one acre; (b) Lot width: 200 150 feet; and (c) Lot depth: 250 200 feet. § 154.064 C-4, FRINGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (E) Dimensional requirements; C-4 District. (2) Minimum lot dimension requirements. (a) Lot area: one acre; (b) Lot width: 2-00125 feet; and (c) Lot depth: 180 feet. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this I I' day of October, 2022. Attest: Matthew Jaunich Gary T. Forcier City Administrator Mayor c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION TO REZONE A PROPERTY FROM C-4 TO 1-1 LOCATED AT Agenda Item: 490 HWY 7 E (SOUTH LOT). Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Wildflower Properties has applied for a rezoning of the south lot of 490 Hwy 7 E that was approved for a lot split last month. The applicant has applied to rezone the property to 1-1 light industrial from C-4 fringe commercial. The lot was approved to be split and the southern parcel is proposed to be zoned 1-1 light industrial, hence the rezoning application. The adjacent property to the south is already zoned 1-1 light industrial. Roland Ebnet of Hutchinson spoke at the public hearing. He had three items to discuss 1) drainage 2) soil borings 3) setbacks. Staff answered Mr. Ebnet's questions and noted the site will not be hooking into the stormsewer system, the soil borings were done by the property owner and the setbacks need to be met for any building built on the site. The Planning Commission voted unanimously (6-0) to approve the rezoning application. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of first reading of rezoning request. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 22-834 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, TO REZONE PROPERTY AT 490 HWY 7 EAST TO I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) AS REQUESTED BY WILDFLOWER PROPERTIES, LLC, PROPERTY OWNER. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interest of the City to rezone the property from C- 4 (Fringe Commercial) to I-1 (Light Industrial). Section 2. That the property to be rezoned to I-1 is described as follows: That part of the following described property: That part of Lot 12 of the Auditor's Plat of the West Half of Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 29 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the intersection of the East line of said Lot 12 with the Southerly right of way line of State Highway No. 7; thence Westerly, along said right of way line, a distance of 66.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing Westerly, along said right of way line, a distance of 324.35 feet; thence Southerly, deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence Westerly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes, a distance of 54.60 feet; thence Southerly, deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes, a distance of 463.50 feet to the South line of said lot 12; thence Easterly, along said South line a distance of 378.95 feet to the point distant 66.00 feet West of the southeast corner of said Lot 12; thence Northerly a distance of 593.50 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT: The South 300.50 feet of the above described tract. That lies South of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the East line of said Lot 12 with the Southerly right of way line of State Highway No. 7; thence Westerly, along said right of way line, a distance of 66.00 feet; thence continuing Westerly, along said right of way line, a distance of 324.35 feet; thence Southerly, deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes, a distance of 130.00 feet to the point of beginning of said line; thence deflect left 63 degrees 05 minutes 23 seconds, a distance of 18.83 feet; thence deflect left 27 degrees 00 minutes 58 seconds, a distance of 307.56 feet to the East line of the said parcel and said line there terminating. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Ordinance # 22-834 Rezoning to I-1 490 Hwy 7 E — south lot October 11, 2022 Page 2 Adopted by the City Council this 1 lth day of October, 2022. ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator Gary T. Forcier, Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and Planning Staff Date: September 16, 2022, for September 20, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION TO REZONE PROPERTY FROM C-4 TO I-1 LOCATED AT 490 HWY 7 E (South'/2). Applicant: Wildflower Properties, LLC REZONING Wildflower Properties has applied for a rezoning of the south half of 490 Hwy 7 E. The applicant has applied to rezone the property to I-1 light industrial from C-4 fringe commercial. The lot is in the process of being split and the southern parcel is proposed to be zoned I-1 light industrial, hence the rezoning application. The adjacent property to the south is already zoned I-1 light industrial. N * Indicates property described in this notice T.H. NO. 7E 122 .A. 490 9 Rezone 490 Hwy 7 E (south half) Planning Commission 9/20/22 Page 2 Existing Zoning: Property Location: Lot Size: Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use: Adjacent Zoning: Land Use Plan: Zoning History: Applicable Regulations: Analysis: GENERAL INFORMATION C-4 Fringe Commercial 490 Hwy 7 East (south half of property) 1.36 acres Vacant Commercial North and East. Agriculture to west. Industrial to south. C-4 and I-1. R-2 to west. Commercial Property has been some type of commercial use for past 50 years or so. Section 154.173, City Code In considering a rezoning request, the Planning Commission should review the proposed rezoning for consistency with the surrounding area, City Plans and the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. The area to the south of the subject property is zoned I-1. The general character of this area is of a commercial/industrial nature. The building is going to look very similar (metal skin) to the building at 490 Hwy 7 E, as well as the building across the street at 125 Michigan St NE. Staff doesn't believe this rezoning request will change the character of the existing area, and in fact would be complimentary to the existing uses in this area. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends rezoning the property from C-4 to I-1 for the reasons noted above. Staff recommends approval of the request with the following findings and recommendations: 1. The rezoning is consistent with the character of the surrounding area. 2. The property to the south is already zoned I-1. 3. The property is proposed to be developed as an industrial use. Rezoning would allow the proposed use to be developed as an industrial use. 4. Staff believes I-1 zoning is the highest and best use for the subject property. c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution 15491 Approving the 2023 HRA Preliminary Tax Levy Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: In accordance with State Statute 469.033, the City must certify a preliminary 2023 tax levy to the County by September 30th. This tax levy will fund the 2023 operations of the HRA. The HRA's 2023 statutory levy limit is $263,437, however the HRA Board is requesting a lower levy of $160,000. This levy represents a 23.1% decrease from the 2022 levy of $208,000. The decrease is due to personnel changes over the past year, where positions that previously were held by long-term employees at the higher end of their pay grades were replaced by personnel at the lower end of their pay grades. The HRA's statutory levy limit is based on .0185% of the City's 2022 Estimated Market Value of $1,426,986,400. As a reminder to city council, the final levy which you will approve in December cannot be higher than the preliminary levy, but it can be lower. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2023 HRA Preliminary Tax Levy of $160,000 as recommended by the HRA Board. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15491 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 2023 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Housing Redevelopment Authority (Hutchinson HRA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Statute 469.033. WHEREAS the Minn Stat 469.033 authorizes a levy to be set for an HRA special tax of .000185 times estimated market value of the city. AND for 2023 the authorization yields: .000 185 x $1,423,986,400 = $263,437; The HRA Board requests for 2023 a levy of $160,000. THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a preliminary tax levy for the above named special taxing district of: $ 160,000 Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 2022. Gary T. Forcier Mayor ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Memo To: Andy Reid, Finance Director From: Judy Flemming, HRA Executive Director Date: 9/15/2022 Re: Tax Levy Request for 2023 HRA Board Approved City Center Budget Attached please find the 2023 City Center HRA Budget approved at the July 19, 2022 HRA board meeting. The HRA respectfully requests a tax levy of $160,000.00, an decrease of $48,000. c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution 15492 Approving the 2023 EDA Preliminary Tax Levy Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: In accordance with State Statute 469.107, the City must certify a preliminary 2023 tax levy to the County by September 30th. This tax levy will fund the 2023 operations of the EDA. The EDA's 2023 statutory levy limit is $258,169, which is based on .01813% of the City's 2022 Estimated Market Value of $1,423,986,400. We have two levy options for council to consider: Option #1 - the original levy request of $239,819 as recommended by the EDA board to fund the 2023 operations of the EDA. Option #2 - the maximum levy amount of $258,169 would provide additional resources for the EDA to advertise and market Hutchinson jobs to the 8,000 county residents commuting to the metro area for employment. As a reminder to city council, the final levy which you will approve in December cannot be higher than the preliminary levy, but it can be lower. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2023 EDA Preliminary Tax Levy at either the maximum amount of $258,169, or the lower amount of $239,819. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Option #1 - Original levy request for the EDA CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15492 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 2023 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (Hutchinson EDA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Statute 469.107. WHEREAS the Minn Stat 469.107 authorizes a levy to be set for an EDA special tax of .0001813 times estimated market value of the city. AND for 2023 the authorization yields- .0001813 x $1,423,986,400 = $258,169-1 The EDA Board requests for 2023 a levy of $239,819. THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a preliminary tax levy for the above named special taxing district of: $239,819 Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 2022. Gary T. Forcier Mayor ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Option #2 - Maximum levy amount for the EDA CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15492 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 2023 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (Hutchinson EDA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Statute 469.107. WHEREAS the Minn Stat 469.107 authorizes a levy to be set for an EDA special tax of .0001813 times estimated market value of the city. AND for 2023 the authorization yields- .0001813 x $1,423,986,400 = $258,169-1 The EDA Board requests for 2023 a levy of $258,169. THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a preliminary tax levy for the above named special taxing district of: $258,169 Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 2022. Gary T. Forcier Mayor ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution 15493 Approving the 2023 General Fund & Debt Service Agenda Item: Preliminary Tax Levies Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 3 License Contingency No Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: In accordance with State Statute, the City must certify a preliminary 2023 tax levy to McLeod County by September 30th, for the General Fund and Debt Service Funds. The proposed preliminary tax levy of $8,425,354 reflects an overall City tax levy increase of 5.9%. This is based on a 7.3% levy increase to the General fund levy and 2.6% increase to the Debt levy. Combined with the EDA and HRA tax levies, the Total tax levy increase is either 5.3% or 5.5%, depending on the actual EDA levy that is approved by city council. The General fund increase is attributed to many factors with wages and benefits being the major area of increase. The budget for Supplies and Services & Charges is also increasing due to inflationary pressures. We will continue to monitor the budget assumptions over the next few months and make adjustments as determined necessary. Fuel prices have been coming down and I expect that to be an area for reductions prior to the final budget and levy. As illustrated and discussed at the September 14th budget workshop, new debt required to finance the police facility construction project is the reason for the increase to our debt levy. The debt levy will have modest increases over the next several years (2.8% annual average) until it levels off in 2031. The 30-year bonds issued for the police facility will mature in 2052, with 2051 being the last year we need to levy taxes for the police debt. At that time, the debt levy will drop significantly. A copy of the projected debt tax levy is attached. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the 2023 Preliminary General fund and Debt Service tax levy at $8,425,354. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15493 2023 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT a preliminary net tax levy for the City of Hutchinson for 2023 is hereby set in the amount of: $8,425,354 The detail for this preliminary tax levy is as follows: Levy Amount General Fund $ 5,985,777 Tax Abatement $ 30,000 Improvement Bonds 2008 86,800 2014 131,358 2015 137,364 2016 143,124 2017 161,379 2018 135,666 2019 218,955 2020 152,131 2021 169,686 2022 182,923 Police Facility 890,191 Total Improvement Bonds $ 2,409,577 TOTAL PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY $ 8,425,354 Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of September, 2022. Gary T. Forcier Mayor ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Option #1 - Original levy request for the EDA PRELIMINARY LEVIES FOR 2023 2022 2023 % Chg General Fund $5,575,556 5,985,777 7.4% Tax Abatement 30,000 30,000 0.0% Total General Fund 5,605,556 6,015,777 7.3% Debt Funds 2,348,252 2,409,577 2.6% Total City Tax Levy $7,953,808 $8,425,354 5.9% EDA Levy 218, 354 239, 819 9.8% HRA Levy 208,000 160,000 -23.1 % TOTAL TAX IMPACT $8,380,162 $8,825,173 5.3% Option #2 - Maximum levy for the EDA PRELIMINARY LEVIES FOR 2023 General Fund Tax Abatement Total General Fund Debt Funds Total City Tax Levy EDA Levy H RA Levy TOTAL TAX IMPACT 2022 2023 % Chg $5,575,556 5,985,777 7.4% 30, 000 30, 000 0.0% 5, 605, 556 6, 015, 777 7.3% 2,348,252 2,409,577 2.6% $7,953,808 $8,425,354 5.9% 218,354 258,169 18.2% 208,000 160,000 -23.1 % $8, 380,162 $8, 843, 523 5.5% General Fund levy: Debt levy: TAX CAPACITY % Change Tax Levy - General Fund Tax Levy - Debt Service TOTAL LEVY Total Levy % Increase over 2021 Tax Rate Change in Tax Rate Homestead Property: Median Home Value Homestead Exclusion Net Taxable Value % Change Estimated City Tax Change from 2021 % Change PRELIMINARY TAX IMPACT 2023 Preliminary Tax Levy Options Proposed Adopted 2022 Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Option #5 3.2% 0.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 7.3% 6.7% 0.0% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% $ 13,166,940 $ 15,367,012 $ 15,367,012 $ 15,367,012 $ 15,367,012 $ 15,367,012 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 5,605,556 5,605,556 5,773,723 5,829,778 5,885,834 6,015,777 2,348,252 2,348,252 2,409,577 2,409,577 2,409,577 2,409,577 $ 7,953,808 $ 7,953,808 $ 8,183,300 $ 8,239,355 $ 8,295,411 $ 8,425,354 0.0% 2.9% 3.6% 4.3% 5.9% 60.407% 51.759% 53.252% 53.617% 53.982% 54.828% -8.648% -7.155% -6.790% -6.425% -5.579% 2023 Preliminary Tax Levy Options Adopted 2022 Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Option #5 $ 200,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 (19,200) (16,500) (16,500) (16,500) (16,500) (16,500) $ 180,800 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 1,092 1,105 1,137 1,145 1,153 1,171 $ 14 $ 46 $ 54 $ 61 $ 79 1.3% 4.2% 4.9% 5.6% 7.3% Preliminary Debt Tax Levy $3,500,000 3,049,446 508 , $3,000,000 7,6 97 3 0,4 75,7 ,1 19,2 72,1 7,8 ,9 6 8 6 6 $ $z,s00'0oo 08 21,7 8 2,348,252 E $000 24,7 59,0 3 $z,o00,0 $1,500,0 9,8 .1 82,923 0,6 14,2 7,3 040, 14, 586, 950, 68 2 61 $ 7 $1 88 $1 $1395, 3 $1 13 33 $1768, $1 91 68 $2128, 3 $ $1,000,000 $1 336, 65 $1 209,777 $1 217, 95 $500,0 $1170, 6 $1 206, 07 , 00,7 $1, 92,8 15,5 5 $ 82, 5 $35,43 $7903 $ �74 03A, 7 $1, $ 0 $ p 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2037 =Existing Levy =Proposed Future Issues Equipment Debt =New Police Facility -Total Debt Levy HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Approve Rescheduling of the November 8 City Council Meeting Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No 0 BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Our first meeting in November falls on November 8, which is General Election Day. State law does not allow public meetings to take place between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on that day. Because of this, we are in need of rescheduling that meeting. In the past, we have moved the meeting time up to 4 p.m. and conducted our business at that time. That is an option or rescheduling it for another day is another option. If we move it to 4 p.m., I would limit the amount of public hearings we have that night and look to do those after 5 p.m. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Rescheduling of the November 8 City Council Meeting Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No 0 Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Setting Date to Canvass General Election Results Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: M. Jaunich/M. Starke Agenda Item Type: Presenter: M. Jaunich/M. Starke Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Minnesota Statute Section 205.185 requires that the governing body of the municipality canvass the returns of the municipal general election. Minnesota law states that between the third and tenth days after an election, the governing body of a city conducting any election, including a special municipal election, or the governing body of a town conducting the general election in November shall act as the canvassing board, canvass the returns, and declare the results of the election. The McLeod County Canvassing Board is meeting November 14, 2022, at 10.00 a.m. to canvass the county election returns, therefore the City cannot canvass its election results until county canvassing is complete. Staff is suggesting to hold the City's canvassing meeting anytime after 1.00 p.m. on Monday, November 14, 2022, or anytime on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Set municipal canvassing board meeting for November 14, 2022, or November 15, 2022 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Approve Setting the Truth -in -Taxation Hearing Date and Time Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As we certify our preliminary tax levies to the County, we must also notify the County (and the Public) of the date that we will hold our Truth -in -Taxation Hearing. This is a public meeting of which the tax levy and budget will be discussed and a forum will be given to allow the public to comment on the proposed levy/budget. This public hearing is required by state statute. The public meeting requirements are as follows: 1. The Council must set the date, time and place of the meeting at which a final budget and tax levy will be discussed. 2. Meeting must be held after November 25 and before December 28 and at or after 6:00 p.m. 3. The public will be allowed to speak at the meeting. 4. We must have a phone number available where the public can call to ask questions on the budget along with an address available where public comments can be received by mail. Generally speaking, we have held our Truth -in -Taxation Hearing on the first Tuesday in December. That first Tuesday is December 6 this year. The County Board is hosting their Truth -in -Taxation on December 8 and the School District will likely have theirs at a regular meeting date (Monday nights). If the 6th doesn't work, I would recommend Thursday, December 8. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve setting the Truth -in -Taxation Hearing date and time for Tuesday, December 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Center Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A c. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. August 2022 Financial and Investment Reports Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 9/27/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the August Financial Reports for the general fund and enterprise funds. Also attached is the August Investment Report. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: Govern Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT AUGUST YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED General Fund Taxes - 2,961,833 5,617,556 2,655,723 52.7 2,909,687 5,442,779 53.5 Other Taxes 21,625 177,295 320,000 142,705 55.4 173,475 305,000 56.9 Licenses & Permits 43,642 387,779 443,600 55,821 87.4 361,561 380,300 95.1 Intergovernmental Revenue 24,356 1,400,300 1,744,821 344,521 80.3 1,376,100 1,716,788 80.2 Charges for Services 209,139 1,744,778 2,816,325 1,071,547 62.0 1,675,361 2,786,834 60.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 14,847 195,942 256,500 60,558 76.4 146,346 246,250 59.4 Transfers -In - 1,400,394 2,710,191 1,309,797 51.7 933,596 2,723,191 34.3 Fines & Forfeitures 4,180 30,318 55,000 24,682 55.1 27,712 55,000 50.4 Capital Contributions - - - - - - 40,000 - TOTAL REVENUES 317,789 8,298,639 13,963,993 5,665,354 59.4 7,603,838 13,696,142 55.5 Wages & Benefits 799,340 6,041,334 9,443,650 3,402,316 64.0 5,833,716 9,240,778 63.1 Supplies 76,052 601,792 934,515 332,723 64.4 593,810 882,622 67.3 Services & Charges 246,304 1,815,422 2,756,429 941,007 65.9 1,684,838 2,760,282 61.0 Miscellaneous Expenses 17,202 217,336 714,086 496,750 30.4 190,716 684,310 27.9 Transfers -Out - 55,157 110,313 55,157 50.0 54,075 108,150 50.0 Capital Outlay - 9,604 5,000 (4,604) 192.1 18,170 20,000 90.8 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,138,899 8,740,645 13,963,993 5,223,348 62.6 8,375,325 13,696,142 61.2 NET REVENUE (821,111) (442,006) - 442,006 (771,487) - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 ACTUALS AUGUST General Fund Expense by Department YTD 2022 2021 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Mayor & City Council 3,781 24,889 50,077 25,188 49.7 24,141 50,099 48.2 City Administrator 37,991 335,642 482,617 146,975 69.5 304,982 491,611 62.0 Elections 3,956 12,807 18,700 5,893 68.5 62 - - Finance Department 26,257 267,904 404,170 136,266 66.3 258,280 382,169 67.6 Motor Vehicle 23,669 189,303 296,160 106,857 63.9 178,934 251,241 71.2 Assessing - - 61,205 61,205 - - 61,152 - Legal 28,672 197,613 328,734 131,121 60.1 194,473 321,917 60.4 Planning 13,101 103,887 170,514 66,627 60.9 102,204 164,302 62.2 Information Services 33,339 357,454 598,135 240,681 59.8 366,036 587,903 62.3 City Hall Building 17,112 116,137 193,849 77,712 59.9 131,481 190,079 69.2 Police Department 295,185 2,286,964 3,497,529 1,210,565 65.4 2,297,184 3,607,758 63.7 Hospital Security 24,037 214,618 361,679 147,061 59.3 207,117 328,598 63.0 Emergency Management 5,009 10,378 16,980 6,602 61.1 12,146 17,280 70.3 Safety Committee - 9,827 11,370 1,543 86.4 10,548 11,210 94.1 Fire Department 24,738 232,379 411,094 178,715 56.5 253,666 369,510 68.6 Protective Inspections 25,580 209,088 334,179 125,091 62.6 191,099 326,560 58.5 Engineering 48,600 325,606 441,310 115,704 73.8 281,189 465,890 60.4 Streets & Alleys 121,844 1,011,377 1,630,466 619,089 62.0 1,027,894 1,588,741 64.7 Park/Recreation Administration 20,062 170,718 249,716 78,998 68.4 182,345 316,616 57.6 Recreation 13,426 146,173 278,533 132,360 52.5 173,450 260,435 66.6 Senior Citizen Center (1,230) 55,337 96,796 41,459 57.2 33,316 93,715 35.6 Civic Arena 28,181 206,272 411,332 205,060 50.1 177,392 373,185 47.5 Park Department 98,027 719,607 1,072,754 353,147 67.1 655,578 994,819 65.9 Recreation Building 18,827 156,274 265,600 109,326 58.8 125,297 248,129 50.5 Events Center 20,737 189,997 261,357 71,360 72.7 159,938 275,259 58.1 Evergreen Building 2,320 21,943 31,375 9,432 69.9 18,136 30,725 59.0 Library 49,228 164,554 230,492 65,938 71.4 155,284 222,820 69.7 Waterpark 112,952 438,417 396,659 (41,758) 110.5 331,133 355,833 93.1 Cemetery 22,510 97,929 145,838 47,909 67.1 84,154 138,320 60.8 Airport 5,562 93,254 145,123 51,869 64.3 100,627 131,541 76.5 Unallocated General Expense 15,426 374,297 1,069,650 695,353 35.0 337,238 1,038,725 32.5 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,138,898 8,740,645 13,963,993 5,223,348 62.6 8,375,325 13,696,142 61.2 Liquor Fund Sales Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL REVENUES Cost of Sales Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay Depreciation Expense TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 ACTUALS AUGUST YTD 2022 2021 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 614,082 4,676,516 7,424,000 2,747,484 63.0 4,837,667 6,809,000 71.0 58 1,599 3,000 1,401 53.3 1,910 2,500 76.4 614,140 4,678,115 7,427,000 2,748,885 63.0 4,839,577 6,811,500 71.1 468,312 3,545,101 5,666,000 2,120,899 62.6 3,731,012 5,159,602 72.3 66,707 525,904 812,108 286,204 64.8 471,581 757,179 62.3 1,892 14,380 21,100 6,720 68.1 10,753 22,600 47.6 24,982 206,635 285,550 78,915 72.4 192,484 259,365 74.2 - 5,905 6,700 795 88.1 5,738 6,700 85.6 - 550,000 550,000 - - 550,000 - 111 42,429 15,000 (27,429) 282.9 6,153 15,000 41.0 - - 70,700 70,700 - - 77,000 - 562,004 4,340,354 7,427,158 3,086,804 58.4 4,417,722 6,847,446 64.5 52,137 337,761 (158) (337,919) 421,855 (35,946) Year to Date Sales August Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change Liquor Sales Revenue: Liquor 1,684,067 1,687,944 -0.2% 220,841 217,066 1.7% Beer 2,285,660 2,380,975 -4.0% 307,422 315,788 -2.6% Wine 585,810 646,551 -9.4% 69,378 69,005 0.5% Other 120,979 122,197 -1.0% 16,441 17,182 -4.3% Total Sales 4,676,516 4,837,667 -3.3% 614,082 619,041 -0.8% Gross Profit $1,131,415 $1,106,655 $145,770 $131,808 Gross Margin on Sales 24.2% 22.9% 23.7% 21.3% Customer Count 157,094 163,916 -4.2% 21,185 21,250 -0.3% Average Sale per Customer $29.77 $29.51 0.9% $28.99 $29.13 -0.5% Labor to Sales Ratio 11.2% 9.7% 10.9% 9.4% Year-to-date sales and customer count are both trending down from last year, likely due to the removal of COVID-19 restrictions. The economy may also be playing a role. Despite the downturn, adjustments made by the store staff have raised the Gross Margin back above 24%. The margin had been slipping in the past few years with the introduction of the rewards program in addition to the ad -match Monday promotion. Eliminating the ad -match, along with other adjustments to address the rising cost of credit card sales has resulted in a gross profit higher than last year despite the 3.3% reduction in sales. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT AUGUST YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Water Fund Sales 239,418 1,224,545 1,715,000 490,455 71.4 1,283,694 1,715,000 74.9 Sales - Other 39,359 387,260 549,950 162,690 70.4 392,137 549,950 71.3 Local Sales Tax 107,830 536,698 812,000 275,302 66.1 498,827 737,000 67.7 Charges for Services 3,373 61,268 71,685 10,417 85.5 56,766 65,700 86.4 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,366 25,772 42,000 16,228 61.4 31,760 47,000 67.6 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 392,347 2,235,542 3,190,635 955,093 70.1 2,263,185 3,114,650 72.7 Wages & Benefits 44,097 364,055 579,241 215,186 62.9 342,114 546,882 62.6 Supplies 21,862 138,753 168,150 29,397 82.5 103,652 140,150 74.0 Services & Charges 39,826 280,875 507,750 226,875 55.3 328,310 500,950 65.5 Miscellaneous Expenses - 693 13,500 12,808 5.1 1,539 15,000 10.3 Transfers -Out - - 70,000 70,000 - - 70,000 - CapitalOutlay 54,134 239,328 998,450 759,123 24.0 865,219 Depreciation Expense - - 1,132,000 1,132,000 - - 1,160,000 - Debt Service 1,168,267 1,401,027 1,465,433 64,406 95.6 1,388,056 1,465,215 94.7 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,328,185 2,424,730 4,934,524 2,509,794 49.1 2,163,670 4,763,416 45.4 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (935,838) (189,187) (1,743,889) (1,554,702) 99,515 (1,648,766) Year to Date Water Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Water Sales Revenue: Residential 826,023 886,652 -6.8°/u Commercial 233,257 245,050 -4.8% Industrial 165,264 151,992 8.7% Water Sales 1,224,545 1,283,694 -4.6% Base Charge 296,206 292,343 1.3% Water Connection Charge 39,515 65,153 -39.3% Other 51,539 34,642 48.8% Other Sales 387,260 392,137 -1.2% REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT AUGUST YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Wastewater Fund Sales 230,265 1,941,437 2,755,000 813,563 70.5 1,789,388 2,782,000 64.3 Sales - Other 42,785 312,782 559,300 246,518 55.9 339,974 568,150 59.8 Local Sales Tax 107,830 536,698 812,000 275,302 66.1 498,827 737,000 67.7 Licenses & Permits - 6,000 6,500 500 92.3 6,000 6,500 92.3 Charges for Services 4,320 8,440 7,500 (940) 112.5 2,900 7,500 38.7 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,607 42,848 90,000 47,152 47.6 50,884 97,500 52.2 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 387,807 2,848,204 4,230,300 1,382,096 67.3 2,687,973 4,198,650 64.0 Wages & Benefits 60,777 495,825 776,934 281,109 63.8 480,684 752,715 63.9 Supplies 39,900 166,068 246,500 80,432 67.4 125,931 225,000 56.0 Services & Charges 49,112 417,204 769,000 351,796 54.3 671,249 762,200 88.1 Miscellaneous Expenses 5,186 24,432 40,000 15,568 61.1 19,886 40,000 49.7 Transfers -Out - - 80,000 80,000 - - 80,000 - CapitalOutlay 111,552 2,446,659 984,400 (1,462,259) 248.5 674,212 2,358,219 28.6 Depreciation Expense - - 1,182,000 1,182,000 - - 1,125,000 - Debt Service 896,612 1,427,776 1,526,311 98,535 93.5 1,379,575 1,389,965 99.3 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,163,139 4,977,964 5,605,145 627,181 88.8 3,351,535 6,733,099 49.8 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (775,333) (2,129,759) (1,374,845) 754,914 (663,562) (2,534,449) Year to Date Sewer Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Wastewater Sales Revenue: Residential 1,068,156 1,071,480 -0.377 Commercial 274,918 289,312 -5.0% Industrial - Flow 311,485 247,328 25.9% Industrial - Violation Surcharges 286,876 181,269 58.3% Sewer Sales 1,941,437 1,789,388 8.5% Base Charge 255,695 252,595 1.2% Sewer Connection Charge 44,410 85,629 -48.1 % Other 12,677 1,750 624.4% Other Sales 312,782 339,974 -8.0% Capital Outlay The large expenditure for 2022 includes the headworks and SCADA projects. The majority of the headworks costs are being funded by the $4M in bonds that we issued in 2021. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT AUGUST YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Refuse Fund Sales 107,961 852,105 1,267,000 414,895 67.3 830,226 1,220,000 68.1 Sales - Other 3,784 29,660 44,800 15,140 66.2 29,094 49,600 58.7 Intergovernmental Revenue 7,689 10,281 12,500 2,219 82.3 6,131 12,500 49.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 330 9,197 15,000 5,803 61.3 10,084 20,000 50.4 TOTAL REVENUES 119,765 901,243 1,339,300 438,057 67.3 875,535 1,302,100 67.2 Wages & Benefits 20,310 131,899 259,732 127,833 50.8 128,136 225,933 56.7 Supplies 8,590 37,343 59,900 22,557 62.3 15,810 64,400 24.5 Services & Charges 68,274 514,093 848,350 334,257 60.6 493,318 817,220 60.4 Miscellaneous Expenses - 253 1,000 747 25.3 215 1,000 21.5 Transfers -Out - 55,000 55,000 - - 55,000 - CapitalOutlay 95,565 1,207,500 1,111,935 7.9 29,567 865,500 3.4 Depreciation Expense - - 169,000 169,000 - - 162,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 97,175 779,153 2,600,482 1,821,329 30.0 667,045 2,191,053 30.4 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 22,591 122,091 (1,261,182) (1,383,273) 208,490 (888,953) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT AUGUST YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Compost Fund Sales 113,595 2,631,069 2,706,000 74,931 97.2 2,479,637 2,289,000 108.3 Charges for Services 1,321 4,065 87,000 82,935 4.7 11,018 70,000 15.7 Miscellaneous Revenues 389 18,354 32,000 13,646 57.4 15,341 32,000 47.9 TOTAL REVENUES 115,306 2,653,487 2,825,000 171,513 93.9 2,505,997 2,391,000 104.8 Cost of Sales 77,635 1,821,551 1,837,000 15,449 99.2 1,527,763 1,582,500 96.5 Inventory Cost Adjustment (69,650) (461,243) (712,500) (251,257) 64.7 (432,884) (674,000) 64.2 Wages & Benefits 58,475 486,151 808,198 322,047 60.2 478,337 798,104 59.9 Supplies 20,977 99,173 129,000 29,827 76.9 81,479 123,500 66.0 Services & Charges 10,306 123,853 304,850 180,997 40.6 165,254 259,000 63.8 Miscellaneous Expenses 2,356 9,498 11,000 1,502 86.3 20,145 11,000 183.1 Transfers -Out - - 120,000 120,000 - - 110,000 - CapitalOutlay 38,205 221,000 182,795 17.3 224,411 376,500 59.6 Depreciation Expense - 278,000 278,000 - - 282,500 - Debt Service - 68,338 73,808 5,470 92.6 153,922 161,642 95.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100,099 2,185,526 3,070,356 884,830 71.2 2,218,428 3,030,746 73.2 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 15,206 467,961 (245,356) (713,317) 287,569 (639,746) Year to Date Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Compost Sales Bagged 2,057,656 2,096,726 -1.9% Bulk 266,397 145,083 83.6% Other (Freight) 307,016 237,829 29.1 % Total Sales 2,631,069 2,479,637 6.1% Gross Profit 809,518 951,874 Gross Margin 30.8% 38.4% REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT AUGUST YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Storm Water Utility Sales 86,307 687,787 1,033,000 345,213 66.6 667,827 1,000,000 66.8 Sales - Other 446 3,733 3,500 (233) 106.7 - 3,500 - Licenses & Permits 520 6,165 4,800 (1,365) 128.4 2,995 4,800 62.4 Miscellaneous Revenues 4,329 10,871 14,350 3,479 75.8 17,385 15,350 113.3 TOTAL REVENUES 91,602 708,556 1,055,650 347,094 67.1 688,207 1,023,650 67.2 Wages & Benefits 24,075 197,527 290,084 92,557 68.1 176,011 276,724 63.6 Supplies 454 23,189 51,325 28,136 45.2 11,897 35,425 33.6 Services & Charges 16,839 92,203 212,150 119,947 43.5 59,014 196,350 30.1 Miscellaneous Expenses - 2,021 18,000 15,979 11.2 17,142 18,000 95.2 Transfers -Out - - - - - - - CapitalOutlay 746,600 746,600 99,889 739,000 13.5 Depreciation Expense - 254,000 254,000 - - 240,000 - Debt Service - 164,701 221,589 56,888 93.5 167,151 225,789 70.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 41,367 479,642 1,793,748 1,314,106 26.7 531,104 1,731,288 30.7 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 50,235 228,915 (738,098) (967,013) 157,103 (707,638) Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 85 Broad Street STATEMENT OF PPE�� /(� New York, NY 10004 ��/� (212) 668-8000 ACCOUNT I J- Transacts Business on All Principal Exchanges Assets maturing during the next 60 days appear at the end of this statement. Special Message This statement has been provided to you through electronic delivery. Thank you for helping us 'Go Green'! Oppenheimer is acting in a Brokerage capacity for this account. Portfolio Summary This Previous Estimated Period Period Annual Income 08/31/22 07/31/22 Advantage Bank Deposits* $686.68 $0.00 $0.06 Mutual Funds 17,272,678.18 22,891,270.79 276,362.85 Government Agency Bonds 951,240.00 471,720.00 22,150.00 Municipal Bonds 7,919,989.20 7,816,759.75 147,496.65 Corporate Bonds 996,331.00 993,928.00 0.00 Certificates of Deposit 5,308,564.45 5,307,231.65 131,565.00 Cash Account Balance 416.16 362.47 Total Asset Value $32,449,905.67 $37,481,272.66 $577,574.56 Net Value of Accrued Interest $47,441.92 $61,705.80 Total Asset Value does not include Direct Investments, Accrued Interest or unpriced securities. * Eligible for FDIC insurance up to standard maximum insurance amounts, Not SIPC insured. Account Number: D25-5019707 Tax ID Number: ON FILE For the Period: 08/01/22 - 08/31/22 Last Statement: 07/31/22 Page I of 13 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA I I I HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-2522 Financial Professional SULLIVAN,C/FAY,J 511X (800)258-3387 Internet Address: www.opco.com Income Summary Office Serving Your Account 100 SOUTH 5TH ST SUITE 2200 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Reportable This Period Year to Date Advantage Bank Dep Interest $0.01 $0.01 Corporate Interest 12,337.23 96,145.14 Municipal Interest 30,700.90 157,057.45 Government Interest 0.00 2,950.00 Dividends 29,795.36 54,435.58 Total Reportable $72,833.50 $310,588.18 Non -Reportable Municipal Accrued Int Paid $-2,760.54 $-10,747.14 Corporate Accrued Int Paid 0.00 -20.14 Total Non -Reportable $-2,760.54 $-10,767.28 r PPENHEIMEI� Executive Summary CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Summary Totals Original Face $14,925,000 Current Face (Par) $14,925,000 Market Principal $14,424,723 Accrued Interest $38,909 Cash & Cash Alternatives $0 Fixed Income Funds $0 Equity Balance $0 Total Portfolio Value $14,463,631 Next 12mo Cpn Cash Flow $295,068 Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow $309,787 Weighted Averages Coupon* 2.076 % Maturity** 2.02 yrs Duration 1.89 Yield to Worst 3.519 % Yield to Maturity 3.565 % Market Price* 96.648 Tax Lots Holdings Included 47 of 47 *Par-lwtd, all else Mkt-wtd. "Avg file used for principal Paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Moody's S&P UST/AGY/CD - PR/ETM Aaa 6AAA As IIIIIIM AA A ■ A $42,000 $35,000 $28,000 M- YA 40% Muni- 54.9% CD- 38.5% Agy- 6.6% 20% 0% ' 10,�oO,LyO�oo,SN -,V, 50,5bO,�y0�60,�10�a0,5A0aooatiOPtiObn�OapOP5)Ob60a10Alb q Z�N xc'p� 'L '� 'L 'L 't• 'L 'L 'l-'L 'L 'L 'Y 'L '6 'Y 'L '6 'Y 'L 'l• 'L 'L '6 'L 'L 'l• 'L 'i• '6 n.,�ORe Qe Fed Tax -Exempt 0 Fed Taxable 0 Subj to Cap Gains 0 Subj to AMT 60 % 40% See $21,000 BBB Be BB $14,000 20% <Ba <BB $7,000 $a 1 1 NR NR None 'L 'L 'L 'L 'S 3 3 Nonee�ti elti L�' 0�0' Jcti ��ti Doti Q`t' 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% O ti O ) Q a` PQ !1` > > P Sa 01'On'O�ObOhOxD01 o0ooi yo,'Y,y'L.y".yP,y`2.y6,' ,yo yci,Lo,y'1,t'L.y'3.yb,�5.y6,y'�,to,y0,�0ox o0'otio'1%o'3aPo<ioroo'�'o9oc'.yo,y'Y,�'I,.y"ryay5.y0,y'�,�0,�0',y0',ytit'L,y3,tb,yh,yO,L'1;yo',L9' '> Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 09101/2022 to 0813112023. Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 09/01/2022 to 0813112023. Projected Principal Paydowns for CMOs are produced by applying current pool speeds which are updated weekly. Assuming similar market conditions going forward, Projected Principal Paydowns for Pass-Thru securities are produced by calculating and applying concurrent historical speeds to future paydown schedules. Page 3 of 25 PPENHEIMEI� Totals & Averages @ Current Market CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Original Face Value Current Face Value Valid Tax Lot Holdings Unrecognized Tax Lot Holdings Total Tax Lot Holdings $14,925,000 $14,925,000 47 1 48 'Valid Tax Lot Holdings' includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP and quantity. Priced Original Face Value $14,925,000 Priced Current Face Value $14,925,000 Tax Lot Holdings Included 47 of 47 Priced Market Principal $14,424,723 Average Coupon 2.076% Average Market Price 96.648 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity and market price on reporting date. Average coupon and market price weighted by market principal. Portfolio Totals Original Face Value Current Face Value Market Principal Value Accrued Interest Total Market Value Cash & Cash Alternatives Fixed Income Funds Equity Balance Total Portfolio Value Next 12mo Cpn Cash Flow Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow Tax Lot Holdings Included Portfolio Averages $14,925,000 Coupon $14,925,000 Maturity $14,424,723 Duration $38,909 Convexity $14,463,631 Current Yield $0 Yield to Worst $0 Yield to Maturity $0 After Tax YTW $14,463,631 Taxable Equivalent YTW $295,068 After Tax YTM $309,787 Taxable Equivalent YTM 47 of 48 Market Price 2.076% 2.02 yrs 1.89 0.055 2.148% 3.519% 3.565% 3.519% 3.519% 3.565% 3.565% 96.648 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Portfolio average values are market -weighted, unless otherwise noted. Coupon and market price are par -weighted. All prices have been normalized to par. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 0910112022 to 08/31/2023. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow is simply coupon rate times current face value, and does not consider acquisition date, redemption dates, long/short first coupons, ex -dividend dates, payment delays, etc. Duration and convexity figures represent modified duration to worst. Page 4 of 25 PPENHEIMEI� Totals & Averages @ Acquisition CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Original Face Value Current Face Value Valid Tax Lot Holdings Unrecognized Tax Lot Holdings Total Tax Lot Holdings $14,925,000 Portfolio Totals Portfolio Averages $14,925,000 Original Face Value $14,925,000 Yield to Worst (cost) 2.218% 47 Face Value at Acquisition $14,925,000 Yield to Worst (mkt) 3.519% 1 Original Principal Cost $14,891,441 Yield to Maturity (cost) 2.266% 48 Adjusted Principal Cost $14,850,675 Yield to Maturity (mkt) 3.565% Current Market Principal $14,424,723 Original Acquisition Price 99.775 Estimated Gainl(Loss) -$425,952 Adjusted Cost Price 99.502 Tax Lot Holdings Included 47 of 48 Current Market Price 96.648 Valid Tax Lot Holdings' includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP and quantity. Original Face Value $14,925,000 Face Value at Acquisition $14,925,000 Tax Lot Holdings Included 47 of 47 Original Principal Cost $14,891,441 Average Acquisition Price 99.775 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, acquisition date/price, full analytical calculations at acquisition, market price, and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Average values @ cost are weighted by respective original total acquisition costs. Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, and acquisition date/price. All prices have been normalized to par. Average acquisition price is weighted by original principal cost. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Page 5 of 25 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq PxI Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 01748DAY2 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- ALLEGIANCE BK TEX HOUSTON 2.200% 99.970 Maturity 11/03/2022 2.389%(w) 2.389% 2.389% 11/03/2017 $245,000 $244,926 ($74) Co 1.64% Held FDIC Cart #., 58629 11/032022 0.16 Cuff Yield - 2.201% 100.000 / 2.200% 100.000 $44 (0.01/) Death Put I I ABTX I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: TX 254672WU8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- DISCOVER BK 2.450% 99.997 Maturity 11/18/2022 2.447% (w) 2.447% 2.447% 05/09/2017 $245,000 $244,993 ($7) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cart #., 5649 1111812022 0.20 Cuff Yield - 2.450% 100.000 / 2.450 % 100.000 $1,825 (0.0%) Death Put I I DFS I Semi -Annual Pay 214201GK5 150 xxxxxx9707 At/- COOK CNTY ILL SCH DIST NO 0.000% 99.079 Maturity 12/01/2022 3.937% (w) 3.937% 3.937% 10/27/2020 $149,700 $148,618 ($1,082) Muni 1.01% Held (-y 089MAYWOOD 12/01/2022 0.23 Cuff Yield - 0.000% 98.341 /0.800% 99.800 $0 (0.791) Material Events I Federally Taxable I State Taxable I General Obligation I Education I AGMC Insured 949495AO8 245 xxxxxx9707 4- WELLS FARGO NATL BK WEST LAS 1.900% 99.699 Maturity 01/17/2023 2.731% (w) 2.731% 2.731% 01/17/2020 $245,000 $244,263 ($737) CD 1.64% Held V 01/17/2023 0.36 Cuff Yield - 1.906 % 100.000 / 1.900% 100.000 $255 (0.351) FDIC Cart A, 27389 Death Put I I WFC I Monthly Pay 58404DDMO 245 xxxxxx9707 4- MEDALLION BK UTAH 2.850% 99.992 Maturity 03/06/2023 2.866% (w) 2.866% 2.866% 03/05/2019 $245,000 $244,980 ($20) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cart A, 57449 0310612023 0.50 Cuff Yield - 2.850% 100.000 / 2.850% 100.000 $19 (0.0 i) Death Put I I MEDBNK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: AL,OH,TX 149159MO5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- CATHAY BK LOS ANGEL CALIF 3.150 % 100,114 Maturity 06/08/2023 2.988% (w) 2.988 % 2.988 % 06/08/2018 $245,000 $245,279 $279 co 1.64% Held FDIC Cert A, 18503 06/0872023 0.74 Cuff Yield - 3.146 % 100.000 / 3.150 % 100.000 $1,903 0.1% Death Put I I CATY I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: CA, NY 856425AR4 245 xxxxxx9707 4- STATE BANK OF LISMORE 3.100% 100.056 Maturity 06/27/2023 3.029% (w) 3.029% 3.029% 06/27/2018 $245,000 $245,137 $137 CD 1.64% Held LISMORE MN 0627/2023 0.80 Cuff Yield - 3.098% 100.000 / 3.100% 100.000 $208 0.1% FDIC Cart A, 8190 Death Put 11 SBKLIS I Monthly Pay 45581 EAX9 245 xxxxxx9707 4- INDUSTRIAL & COML BK CHINA 3.300% 100.217 Maturity 06/30/2023 3.030% (w) 3.030% 3.030% 08/30/2018 $245,000 $245,532 $532 CD 1.64% Held USA 06/30/2023 0.80 Cuff Yield - 3.293% 100.000 / 3.300 % 100.000 $155 0.2% FDIC Cart A, 24387 Death Put I I INDCMB I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: NON-USACCOUNTS 75472RAW1 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- RAYMOND JAMES BK NATL ASSN 1.700% 98.661 Maturity 08/14/2023 3.159% (w) 3.159% 3.159% 02/14/2020 $245,000 $241,719 ($3,281) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert A, 33893 081142023 0.92 Cuff Yield - 1.723% 100.000 / 1.700 % 100.000 $262 (1.391) Death Put I I RJF I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For prefer ed securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 6 of 25 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 59833LAF9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MIDWEST INDPT BK MO 3.150% 99.986 Maturity 09/18/2023 3.164%(w) 3.164% 3.164% 09/17/2018 $245,000 $244,966 ($34) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert #., 25849 091162023 1.01 Cuff Yield - 3.150% 100.000 / 3.150 % 100.000 $423 (0 01/0 Death Put I I MIDINB I Monthly Pay 59447TKJ1 300 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA- MICHIGAN FIN AUTH REV 2.744% 98.682 Maturity 11/01/2023 3.922% (w) 3.922% 3.922% 07/26/2022 $298,308 $296,046 ($2,262) Muni 2.01 % Held (WRI--) 1110112023 1.11 Curr Yield - 2.781% 99.436 / 3.201 % 99.436 $2,858 (0.891) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 61760ARSO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MORGAN STANLEY PRIVATE BK 3.550% 100.325 Maturity 11/08/2023 3.260%(w) 3.260% 3.260% 11/08/2018 $245,000 $245,796 $796 CD 1.64% Held NATL 1110812023 1.13 Cuff Yield - 3.538% 100.00013.550% 100.000 $2,883 0.3% FDIC Cent A, 34221 Death Put I I MS I Semi -Annual Pay 54627CAX1 250 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/- LOUISIANA HSG CORP 0.550% 96.877 Next Call 09/22/2022 72.912% 72.912% 72.912% 05/11/2022 $240,758 $242,192 $1,435 Muni 1.68% Held (-/-) MULTIFAMILY HSG REV- 121012023 1.21 Maturity 12/01/2023 3.145% (w) 3.145% 3.145% 96.30313.000% 96.303 $363 0.6% HOLLYWOOD ACRES LLC- Cuff Yield - 0.568% HOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS PROJS Material Events I Revenue I Housing I Semi -Annual Pay 538036CZ5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- LIVE OAK BANKING COMPANY 2.500% 99.094 Maturity 12/13/2023 3.230% (w) 3.230% 3.230% 12/13/2017 $245,000 $242,780 ($2,220) CD 1.64% Held WILMINGTON NC 12/13/2023 1.25 Cuff Yield - 2.523% 100.00012.500% 100.000 $84 (0.991) FDIC Cart A, 58665 Death Put I I LIVOAK I Monthly Pay 03784JSL9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- APPLE BANK FOR SAVINGS 0.600% 96.407 Maturity 01/22/2024 3.286% (w) 3.286% 3.286% 01/26/2022 $243,456 $236,197 ($7,259) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert A, 16068 012212024 1.35 Cuff Yield - 0.622% 99.370 / 0.920 % 99.370 $189 (3.0%) Death Put I I APPBNK I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: TX 06251AV80 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- BANK HAPOALIM B M NEW YORK 3.200% 99.934 Maturity 01/23/2024 3.246% (w) 3.246% 3.246% 01/23/2019 $245,000 $244,838 ($162) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cart A, 33686 0123/2024 1.34 Cuff Yield - 3.202% 100.000 / 3.200% 100.000 $967 (0.1 %) Death Put I I Foreign I Emerging I HAPOAL I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: MTTX 20033AP91 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- COMENITY CAP BK UTAH 3.100% 99.770 Maturity 02/15/2024 3.263% (w) 3.263% 3.263% 02/15/2019 $245,000 $244,436 ($564) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert A, 57570 0211512024 1.40 Cuff Yield - 3.107% 100.000 / 3.100 % 100.000 $458 (0.291) Death Put I I ADS I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 057864AZ3 485 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA BALDWIN CNTY ALA PUB BLDG 3.000% 100.711 Maturity 03/01/2024 2.509% (w) 2.509% 2.509% 03/20/2020 $488,511 $488,448 ($63) Muni 3.25% Held (Aa2i--) AUTH BLDG REV - JAIL PROJ 031012024 1.45 Cuff Yield - 2.979% 101.867 / 2.500 % 100.724 $202 (0.091) Material Events I S&P Outlook Stable I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 7 of 25 (' PPENHEIMIT Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield 65621XAN9 580 xxxxxx9707 -/AA+ NORMANDYSCHS 0.550% 95.305 Maturity 03/01/2024 3.830%(w) M-i 3.89% Held (-/a) COLLABORATIVE MO JT 0310112024 1.45 Cuff Yield - 0.577% EXECUTIVE GOVERNING BRD ST LOUIS CNTY Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 90348JJQ4 245 xxxxxx9707 4- UBS BK USA SALT LAKE CITY UT 2.900% 99.392 Maturity 04/03/2024 3.297% (w) CO 1.64% Held FDIC Cart A, 57565 0410312024 1.54 Cuff Yield - 2.918% Death Put I I UBS I Monthly Pay 438701Y73 675 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/- HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNN 0.545% 94.380 Maturity 07/01/2024 3.770% (w) Muni 4.52% Held (Aa2/-) WASTEWTR SYS REV 0710112024 1.78 Cuff Yield - 0.577% Material Events I Federally Taxable I Make Whole Can I Pro -Rats I Revenue I Utilities I Semi -Annual Pay 14042RSR3 245 xxxxxx9707 4- CAPITAL ONE NATL ASSN VA 3.300% 99.899 Maturity 07/08/2024 3.354% (w) Co 1.64% Held FDIC Cart A, 4297 0710612024 1.76 Cuff Yield - 3.303 % Death Put I I COF I Semi -Annual Pay 20056UAV6 500 xxxxxx9707 -/AA COMMERCE CALIF CMNTY DEV 3.000% 98.021 Maturity 08/01/2024 4.090% (w) Muni 3.35% Held (-IA) COMMN SUCCESSOR AGY TAX 08/01/2024 1.82 Cuff Yield - 3.061% ALLOCATION Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L ATY TEY Acq Px / Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 3.830 % 3.830 % 12/07/2021 $577,048 $552,769 ($24,279) 99.491 / 0.780 % 99.491 $44 (a.z%) 3.297% 3.297% 04/03/2019 $245,000 $243,510 ($1,490) 100.000 / 2.900 % 100.000 $58 (0.691) 3.770% 3.770% 03/07/2022 $658,112 $637,065 ($21,047) 97.498 / 1.650 % 97.498 $664 (3.2%) 3.354% 3.354% 07/07/2022 $245,000 $244,753 ($247) 100.000 / 3.300% 100.000 $1,351 (0.151) 4.090% 4.090% 05/09/2017 $507,410 $490,105 ($17,305) 105.31912.200% 101.482 $1,458 (3.4%) Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I DID I Revenue I Government I AGMC Insured I Semi -Annual Pay 438687KT1 1,000 xxxxxx9707 Aal/- HONOLULUHAWAIICITY &CNN 1.832% 96.655 Maturity 08/01/2024 3.667%(w) 3.667% 3.667% 10/30/2019 $996,000 $966,550 ($29,450) Muni 6.70% Held (Aai/--) 0810112024 1.84 Cuff Yield - 1.895% 99.600/1.920% 99.600 $1,781 (3.0%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 02589ADM1 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- AMERICAN EXPR NATL BK 3.350% 99.946 Maturity 08/12/2024 3.377% (w) 3.377% 3.377% 08/10/2022 $245,000 $244,868 ($132) CO 1.64% Held FDIC Cart A, 27471 08/12/2024 1.86 Cuff Yield - 3.352 % 100.000 / 3.350 % 100.000 $607 (0.1 %) Death Put I I AXP I Semi -Annual Pay 20772,13,19 570 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/A+ CONNECTICUTST 2.400% 97.396 Maturity 08/15/2024 3.803% (w) 3.803% 3.803% 07/11/2019 $568,906 $555,157 ($13,748) Muni 3.82% Held (Aa3l-) 08/15/2024 1.87 Cuff Yield - 2.464 % 99.808 / 2.440 % 99.808 $798 (2.4Y) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Positive I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 3134GXR22 500 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/AA+ FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP 3.250% 99.949 Next Call 11/28/2022 3.465% 3.465% 3.465% 08/30/2022 $500,000 $499,745 ($255) Agy 3.35% Held 0828/2024 0.48 Mid Call 02/28/2023 3.356 % (w) 3.356 % 3.356 % 100.000 / 3.250 % 100.000 $90 (0.1 %) Maturity 08/28/2024 4.685 % 4.685 % 4.685 % Cuff Yield - 3.252% S&P Outlook Stable I Callable I Short First Coupon I FHLMC I Multi -Step Coupon 3.25% until 02/28/2023, 3.5% until 05/2812023, 4.0%until 0812812023, 4.5% until 11128/2023, 5.0% until 02128/2024, 6.0% until 05/28/2024, then 8.0% I Quarterly Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 8 of 25 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) report as of 0910112022 CITY OF HUTCHINSON XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px / Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 64971QJ38 500 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AAA NEW YORKN YCITY 2.600% 97.784 Next Call 11/01/2022 17.332% 17.332% 17.332% 06/09/2017 $486,750 $488,920 $2,170 Muni 3.35% Held (Aav-) TRANSITIONAL FIN AUTH REV 1110112024 2.05 Maturity 11/01/2024 3.679%(w) 3.679% 3.679% 97.350 / 2.998% 97.350 $4,514 0.4% Cuff Yield - 2.659 % Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Callable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 795461BAO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- SALLIE MAE BK MURRAY UTAH 1.000% 94.724 Maturity 12/16/2024 3.424% (w) 3.424% 3.424% 12/15/2021 $245,000 $232,074 ($12,926) CD 1.54% Held FDIC Cent A, 58177 12/16/2024 221 Cuff Yield - 1.056 % 100.000 / 1.000 % 100.000 $557 (5.391) Death Put I I SALLMA I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 287299MR9 150 xxxxxx9707 -/AA+ ELK GROVE VILLAGE ILL 1.000% 93.984 Maturity 01/01/2025 3.731 % (w) 3.731 % 3.731 % 11/01/2021 $150,000 $140,976 ($9,024) Muni 1.01 % Held (-i) 0110112025 2.25 Cuff Yield - 1.064 % 100.000 / 1.000 % 100.000 $271 (8.0%) Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 696583GV9 460 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AAA PALM BEACH FLAREV 2.500% 97.467 Maturity 01/01/2025 3.648% (w) 3.648% 3.648% 01/08/2020 $464,655 $448,348 ($16,307) Muni 3.08% Held (Aa1/-) 0110112025 2.22 Cuff Yield - 2.565% 102.12012.050% 101.012 $2,076 (3.5%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 59013KFJO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MERRICK BK SOUTH JORDAN 1.800% 96.262 Maturity 01/31/2025 3.421%(w) 3.421% 3.421% 01/31/2020 $245,000 $235,842 ($9,158) CD 1.64% Held UTAH 01/31/2025 2.34 Cuff Yield - 1.870 % 100.000 / 1.800 % 100.000 $72 (3.791) FDIC Cert A, 34519 Death Put I I MERICK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 16166NCL7 300 xxxxxx9707 -/AA- CHASKA MINN ECONOMIC DEV 3.430% 98.529 Maturity 02/01/2025 4.078%(w) 4.078% 4.078% 02/03/2020 $311,442 $295,587 ($15,855) Muni 2.01% Held (-y AUTHLEASE REV 02/01/2025 2.27 Cuff Yield - 3.481 % 107.752 / 1.800% 103.814 $1,000 (5.191) Material Events I Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Industrial I Semi -Annual Pay 05465DAE8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- AXOS BK SAN DIEGO CALIF 1.650% 95.642 Maturity 03/26/2025 3.435% (w) 3.435% 3.435% 03/26/2020 $245,000 $234,323 ($10,677) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert A, 35546 03/2612025 2.49 Cuff Yield - 1.725 % 100.000 / 1.650 % 100.000 $122 (4.4%) Death Put 11 BOFI I Monthly Pay 59334PJA6 375 xxxxxx9707 -/AA MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA TRAN SYS 0.900% 91.789 Maturity 07/01/2025 4.009% (w) 4.009% 4.009% 11/23/2021 $373,012 $344,209 ($28,804) Muni 2.51% Held SALES SURTAX REV 0710112025 2.73 Cuff Yield - 0.981 % 99.470 / 1.050% 99.470 $609 (7.791) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 052405FP7 245 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/AA AUSTIN TEX CMNTY COLLEGE 0.992 % 92.049 Maturity 08/01/2025 3.916% (w) 3.916 % 3.916 % 04/29/2022 $229,482 $225,520 ($3,962) Muni 1.64% Held (Aa3y DISTPUB FAC CORP LEASE REV 0810112025 2.81 Cuff Yield - 1.078% 93.666 / 3.050% 93.666 $236 (1.791) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Education I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00Y, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 9 of 25 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 34520LAD5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- FORBRIGHT BK POTOMAC MD 3.500% 99.971 Maturity 09/16/2025 3.510%(w) 3.510% 3.510% 09/16/2022 $245,000 $244,929 ($71) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert #., 57614 09/16/2025 2.84 Cuff Yield - 3.501 % 100.000 / 3.500% 100.000 $0 (0.01/) Death Put I I CONGRB I Monthly Pay 29278TMJ6 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- REGIONS BK BIRMINGHAM ALA 2.000% 95.672 Maturity 10/31/2025 3.450% (w) 3.450% 3.450% 10/31/2019 $245,000 $234,396 ($10,604) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cent A, 57293 1013112025 3.04 Cuff Yield - 2.090 % 100.000 / 2.000 % 100.000 $81 (4.391) Death Put I I RF I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 47770VBF6 310 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/AA+ JOBSOHIO BEVERAGE SYS OHIO 2.034% 93.646 Maturity 01/01/2026 4.100% (w) 4.100% 4.100% 04/29/2022 $298,815 $290,303 ($8,513) Muni 2.08% Held (Aa31-) STATEWIDE LIQUOR PROFITS REV 01/01/2026 3.15 Curr Yield - 2.172% 96.392 / 3.080% 96.392 $1,138 (2.85/) Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Pro -Rats I Revenue I Industrial I Semi -Annual Pay 678553BUl 300 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA+ OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA ECONOMIC 1.118% 91.409 Maturity 03/01/2026 3.771%(w) 3.771% 3.771% 02/10/2022 $292,833 $274,227 ($18,606) Muni 2.01% Held (A821) DEV TR TAX APPORTIONMENT - 03/01/2026 3.36 Cuff Yield - 1.223 % 97.611 / 1.730% 97.611 $47 (6.4%) INCREMENT DIST NO 8 PROJ Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 6500354W5 190 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AA+ NEW YORK ST URBAN DEV CORP 3.170% 97.515 Maturity 03/15/2026 3.932% (w) 3.932 % 3.932 % 08/30/2022 $187,925 $185,278 ($2,647) Muni 1.27% Held (Aav-) REV 03/15/2026 3.25 Cuff Yield - 3.251% 98.908 / 3.500% 98.908 $2,861 (1.4%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 032879UV8 500 xxxxxx9707 -/AA ANCHOR BAY MICH SCH DIST 1.250% 90.302 Maturity 05/01/2026 4.138% (w) 4.138% 4.138% 07/16/2020 $502,315 $451,510 ($50,805) Muni 3.35% Held (-/-) 05/01/2026 3.49 Cuff Yield - 1.384% 100.726/1.120% 100.463 $2,170 (10.1%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 71884AH28 135 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AAA PHOENIX ARIZ CIVIC IMPT CORP 1.157% 89.028 Maturity 07/01/2026 4.302% (w) 4.302% 4.302% 12/14/2021 $13050 $120,188 ($13,962) Muni 0.90% Held (Aa2i) EXCISE TAX REV 07/01/2026 3.66 Cuff Yield - 1.300 % 99.370 / 1.300 % 99.370 $282 (10.4%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 89235MLD1 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- TOYOTA FINL SVGS BK HEND NV 0.950% 91.002 Maturity 07/22/2026 3.449% (w) 3.449 % 3.449 % 07/22/2021 $245,000 $222,955 ($22,045) CD 1.64% Held FDIC Cert A, 57542 07/22/2026 3.74 Cuff Yield - 1.044 % 100.000 / 0.950 % 100.000 $293 (9.091) Death Put I I TOYFBN I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 798306WQ5 140 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/- SAN JUAN CALIF UNI SCH DIST 1.201 % 89.900 Maturity 08/01/2026 4.023% (w) 4.023% 4.023% 11/12/2021 $140,000 $125,860 ($14,140) Muni 0.94% Held (Aa2l-) 08/01/2026 3.74 Cuff Yield - 1.336% 100.000/1.201% 100.000 $163 (10.19') Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 10 of 25 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy I S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px / Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 3130APC45 500 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/AA+ FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.180% 90.299 Next Call 09/26/2022 161.715% 161.715% 161.715% 10/26/2021 $500,000 $451,496 ($48,505) Agy 3.35% Held 10/26/2026 3.96 Maturity 10/26/2026 3.724% (w) 3.724 % 3.724 % 100.000 / 1.180% 100.000 $2,065 (9.791) Cuff Yield - 1.307% Moodys Outlook Stable I S&P Outlook Stable I FHLB I Semi -Annual Pay 71884AH36 175 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AAA PHOENIX ARIZ CIVIC IMPT CORP 1.257% 86.921 Maturity 07/01/2027 4.290%(w) 4.290% 4.290% 04/01/2022 $161,088 $152,112 ($8,976) Muni 1. 17% Held (Aa2/--) EXCISE TAX REV 07/01/2027 4.57 Curr Yield - 1.446% 92.050 / 2.900% 92.050 $397 (5.6Y) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 11 of 25 r PPENHEIME� Coupon Cash Flow - Year 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0910112022 XXXXXX9707 Sep'22 Oct22 Nov'22 Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb'23 Mar'23 Apr23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug'23 Sep'23 Total %Tot Agency $2,950 $4,062 $4,062 $2,950 $4,375 $5,000 $23,400 7.9% Agency Pass-Thru - - - - - - - - I Asset -Backed - - - - - - - - CD $6,311 $6,862 $14,449 $11,517 $16,549 $12,328 $5,750 $5,593 $9,776 $10,663 $13,954 $10,422 $124,172 42.1% CMO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Corporate - - - - - - - - - - Muni: Fed Tax $6,284 $13,741 - $15,060 $30,701 $6,284 $13,741 - $15,060 $30,701 $131,572 44.6% Muni: Tax -Exempt $7,275 - $688 - - $7,275 - $688 - - $15,925 5.4% Muni: Subj AMT - - - - - - Pfd: Fed Tax Pfd: Tax -Exempt Pfd: Cap Gains Treasury Total $19,869 $9,812 $32,253 $12,204 $31,609 $47,091 $19,309 $8,543 $27,892 $11,350 $29,014 $46,123 $295,068100.0% Fed Tax -Exempt $7,275 - - $688 - - $7,275 - - $688 - - $15,925 5.4% Fed Taxable $12,594 $9,812 $32,253 $11,517 $31,609 $47,091 $12,034 $8,543 $27,892 $10,663 $29,014 $46,123 $279,143 94.6% Subj to Cap Gains Subj to AMT Fed Tax -Exempt 0 Fed Taxable 0 Subj to Cap Gains Subj to AMT $42,000 $35,000 $28,000 $21,000 $14,000 $7,0$0 Sep'22 Oct'22 Nov'22 Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb'23 Mar 23 Apr'23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Aug'23 Sep'23 Includes all tax holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 0910112022 to 0813112023. Totals are the sum of rounded displayed values. The cash flows displayed are only estimates. Your actual interest and principal payments may be higher or lower than these estimates. Projected Principal Paydowns for CMOs are produced by applying current pool speeds which are updated weekly. Assuming similar market conditions going forward, Projected Principal Paydowns for Pass-Thru securities are produced by calculating and applying concurrent historical speeds to future paydown schedules. Page 12 of 25 PPENHEIMEk so% v a 40% 1 Maturity & Duration - All report as of 0910112022 o� m cd 20% + •tOi N 0 v � a � 0% , otryo,130,1'ao,1h0�6o��O,tootAo'�OOn�~O'�ry0'"�o'�QO'�h0'�6o'��O�Oo'�AO60oa~ObryOp906PO�hOa6obl o�ONli yp ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry,�O tQ¢ Q¢ 40 % � o c N � 20% re ^ a 0 0'Y Ory O� Ob Oh 06 O't 00 09 .y0 .y'Y try 'Y'h ,yb ,yh 'fro 11 ,Y0 10 .10 ry'1' ryry rya ryQ .y<o ry0 .1't ry0 .tA .50 Ox 00 O'i O'V 09' Ob Oh Ord Ory' O$ 00' .�0' .�'ti tiry tip' ,yP tih' yH .�'t' y9 .y0' ,y0' .1'ti ,1'1%,l"i ryp ryh' ,t/d ry1' ry0 ry0' '� Displays represent % ofmarket principal for all tax lot holdings with a recognized CUSIP, quantity, current market price and full analytical calculations. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. CITY OF HUTCHINSON XXXXXX9707 Year Curr Face % Mkt Principal % Range Curr Face % Mkt Principal 2022 $640,000 4.29% $638,538 4.43% 00-01 $2,610,000 17.49% $2,605,193 18.06% 2023 $2,755,000 18.46% $2,738,691 18.99% 01-02 $6,565,000 43.99% $6,420,478 44.51% 2024 $6,525,000 43.72% $6,369,436 44.16% 02-03 $3,010,000 20.17% $2,890,728 20.04% 2025 $2,510,000 16.82% $2,404,130 16.67% 03-04 $2,565,000 17.19% $2,356,212 16.33% 2026 $2,320,000 15.54% $2,121,816 14.71% 04-05 $175,000 1.17% $152,112 1.05% 2027 $175,000 1.17% $152,112 1.05% 05-06 2028 06-07 2029 07-08 2030 08-09 2031 09-10 2032 10-11 2033 11-12 2034 12-13 2035 13-14 2036 14-15 2037 15-16 2038 16-17 2039 17-18 2040 18-19 2041 19-20 2042 20-21 2043 21-22 2044 22-23 2045 23-24 2046 24-25 2047 25-26 2048 26-27 2049 27-28 2050 28-29 2051 29-30 2052+ 30+ Perpetual Page 13 of 25 Library Board Meeting July 25, 2022 Members Present: Sue Griep, Margaret Hoffman, Kay Hultgren, Julie Lofdahl, Dianne Wanzek, and Katy Hiltner, Ex-officio. Excused/Absent: Mary Christensen and Carolyn Ulrich Dianne called the meeting to order at 4:30. Minutes from the June 27, 2022, meeting were reviewed and approved. Old Business: 1. 2022 City and County Funding Requests: PLS sent out letters to these entities with the request for a 4% increase in their budget allotments. 2. Reminder: Author, Paul J. Bernhagen, will present his book, I Love to Tell the Story, on Monday, August 1, 6:30 pm., at Hutchinson Public Library. New Business: 1. Children's Fall Programming: Elizabeth has planned many activities, some of which are: weekly story hour, monthly Lego Club, 100 Books before Kindergarten, etc. She has also seen to it that Hutchinson PRC publication directs readers to the library's website for details. 2. Fall HCA Art Kits: Partnership continues through September, October, and November. 3. Creativebug: Made possible through PLS and our website, this learning site includes online video arts/crafts workshops. Users log in with their Hutchinson Library card. 4. Friends of Library Fall Book Sale: Fall Arts and Crafts Festival, September 16-17. 5. History of Library: Margaret wrote up a history of our library, 1874-present. Board members contributed some ideas for a brochure to put this information into the hands of interested patrons. 6. Library Buzz: Margaret: The Approaching Storm (NF) by Neil Lanctot Julie: Audio books by Mary Higgins Clark (F) and gardening books Kay: Incidental Inventions (NF) by Elena Ferrante Katy: The Deep Deep Snow (F) by Brian Freeman Carolyn: Truffle Hound (NF) by Rowan Jacobsen Sue: The Day the World Came to Town (NF) by Jim DeFede Dianne: Jackie and Me (HF) by Louis Bayard Next Meeting: Monday, August 22, 2022, 4:30 pm., in meeting room. There were no Donations and Grants to report from June. Respectfully submitted: Kay Hultgren, secretary Public Arts Commission Regular Meeting Aug 10 202Z 5:30 PM Hutchinson Center for the Arts 15 Franklin St SW, Hutchinson MN 55350 MINUTES Present: Justin Beck, Jeri Jo Redman, Jackie Fuchs, Pat May, Lynn Neumann (ex-officio) Absent: Morgan Baum, Kay Johnson, Patrick Hiltner, Dan Jochum (ex-officio) • Call To Order by Justin at 5:28 PM • Motion by Fuchs, second by May to approve July minutes. Motion carried unanimously. • Sculpture Stroll Updates o DQ and Citizens Bank now have brochure holders o Justin will work with Lynn and the City Attorney to respond to Victor Yepez regarding his sculpture. The City Attorney will proofread next year's contract before it is sent out to artists. • New Business/Open Discussion o Mural Project - Justin is working with Mary Hodson and other people in Hutchinson on a community mural project, ideally targeted to the downtown district. Justin has also been working with Dan and the Planning Commission to remove the Conditional Use Permit requirement. • Motion to Adjourn by May, seconded by Beck, and motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:51 PM. �0� HRA HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, August 16, 2022 Minutes 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Website: www.hutchinsonhra.com (320) 234-4251 (320) 234-4240 Fax 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz called the meeting to order. Members Present: Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz, Gary Forcier, Robin Kashuba, Kim Merwin and Steve Jensen. Staff Present: Judy Flemming and JJ Morgan. a. Approve the Hutchinson HRA Regular Board Meeting agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections. Gary Forcier moved to approve the agenda of the regular board meeting and Kim Merwin seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 2. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON JULY 19, 2022. Steve Jensen moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting and Kim Merwin seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Steve Jensen moved to approve the following: a. City Center General Fund payments of $13,582.90 for checks 9275 to 9280. b. City Center July 31, 2022 Financial Statements. c. Park Towers Operating Account payments of $27,955.02 for checks 15782 to 15808 and voiding check 15782 because of printer error. d. Park Towers Security Deposit Account payments of $ I ,198.08 for checks 1610 to 1611. e. Park Towers May 31, 2022 & June 30, 2022 Financial Statements. Kim Merwin seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS a. Park Towers Vacancy Report highlights 3 applicants have been given offer letters, 5 applications are in the late stages of processing and an additional 6 applications have just begun to be processed. b. Operation Update. Judy Flemming reported the successful HUD limited management review of Park Towers. The Boiler system required valves to be repaired and a part in the recirculation pump also was replaced within the past 30 days. Additionally, the Boiler system successfully passed its Annual State Inspection. Judy also highlighted the upcoming efforts to undergo the annual tenant recertification process at Park Towers. 5. CITY CENTER UPDATED FEE SCHEDULE. Steve Jensen moved to accept the updated fee schedule as presented. Kim Merwin seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. CITY HOME REPAIRS PROGRAM GRANTS a. Steve Jensen moved to approve the 370 Shady Ridge Road NW City Rehab Grant request. Kim seconded. The motion carried unanimously. b. Steve Jensen moved to approve the 625 Oak Street NE City Rehab Grant request. Gary Forcier seconded. The motion carried unanimously. c. Steve Jensen moved to approve the 736 Hassan Street SE City Live and Work Grant & City Rehab Grant requests. Kim Merwin seconded. The motion carried unanimously. HRA HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 7. COMMUNICATIONS 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Website: www.hutchinsonhra.com (320) 234-4251 (320) 234-4240 Fax An updated Board & Staff contact sheet was provided to board members. 8. ADJOURNMENT Steve Jensen moved to adjourn and Kim Merwin seconded. The motion carried unanimously. There being no other business, Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Judy Flemming, HRA Executive Director Gary Forci (,s'ec-retary/Treasurer MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 16, 2022 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The August 16th, 2022 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Lofdahl at 5:34 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Lofdahl, Vice Chairman Hacker, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Sebesta, and Commissioner Janssen. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician and Madison Newcomb, City of Hutchinson Planning and Building Assistant. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED July 19, 2022. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta to approve July 19, 2022 meeting minutes. Second by Commissioner Wirt. Motion approved. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW AT 325 MICHIGAN ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta to approve with 8 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Lofdahl. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 08/23/2022. 5. PUBLIC HEARING A. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE A BUILDING FROM 135 MONROE ST SE TO 490 HWY 7 E AND CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT LOCATED AT 490 HWY 7 E. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 16, 2022 Page 2 It was brought to the attention that the size of the lot being created does not meet the current ordinance. There was discussion about the minimum lot size and the minimum length and width of lot. The parcel does meet the minimum lot size but not the width. Does this item get tabled? Require a Variance? Allow the application to go through? Ian McDonald 20658 Belle Lake Rd, Hutchinson — applicant. Looking at cleaning up the visual appeal of the area and cleaning up some of the truck traffic in the area by allowing them pull in and back up to the Food Shelf building. Roland Ebnet 472 Hwy 7 E — property owner to the north. Concerned about a" closed development" for the field to the west and southwest. Also, that the easement will be protected off of Michigan St SE. These easements are recorded. Motion by Commissioner Wirt, second by Vice Chairman Janssen close hearing at 6:12 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Janssen to approve with 10 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Sebesta. Not approved by Chairman Lofdahl as he would like the item thoroughly reviewed by City council. Item will be on City Council agenda new business on 08/23/2022. B. CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 154.142 (E) AND (F) REGARDING DOWNTOWN SIGNAGE REVIEW COMMITTEE AND MURALS. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. There was discussion about painting "signs" or advertising on buildings downtown. Mary Hodson 815 Hillcrest Rd NE, Chairman of Chamber. Looking at grants to put up murals from our own community to bring more people (tourists) into our community. Having people in our community take pride. Commissioner Janssen asked if we could just use verbiage that a mural is not a sign and does not require a conditional use permit. There was discussion about our entire sign ordinance. Following a Supreme Court Case from Arizona. It was recommended by Mr. Jochum to bring this item back to the agenda next month. Motion by Commissioner Wirt, second by Vice Chairman Garberg close hearing at 6:42 p.m. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 16, 2022 Page 3 Motion by Commissioner Janssen to table the item to the September meeting to clean up the language. Second by Commissioner Sebesta. Item will be on Planning Commission agenda on 09/20/2022. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. None. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS — we are looking at multiple items on the September agenda. B. Mr. Sebora noted that we do have a Public Arts Commission and City Council looking over and approving art in the public. It seems appropriate that the Planning Commission does not need to also give a recommendation. There was discussion. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Sebesta to adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner Wirt. Meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m.