cp07-26-22HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS ('The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Hutchinson Evangelical Free Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference or, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 15475 - Resolution Accepting Donations from Mary Laatsch Sara PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —stateyour name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5_ CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Council Workshop of July 12, 2022 (b) Regular Meeting of July 12, 2022 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedJor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Riverside Church Event on July 29, 2022, in Library Square/1st Avenue SE (b) Consideration for Approval of Reaffirmation of City of Hutchinson Data Practices Policies (c) Consideration for Approval of Improvement Project Change Order No. 2 — Letting No. 6, Project No. 21-06 (Water/Wastewater SCADA System Improvements) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —July 26, 2022 (d) Consideration for Approval of Improvement Project Change Order No. 4 & 5 — Letting No. 1, Project No. 22-01 (2022 Pavement Management Program) (e) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15474 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for an Addition to an Existing Building in an I/C Zoning District Located at 110 4t' Avenue NE With Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (f) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose o this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) 9. DISCUSSION ON POLICE FACILITY PROJECT FUNDING, DEBT LEVELS AND RESERVES UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-830 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 94 — CEMETERIES (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) NEW BUSINESS GOVERNANCE (T e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 11. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS �a) Liquor Hutch Quarterly Report for January -June 2022 b) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for June 2022 �c) Public Arts Commission Minutes from June 8, 2022 d) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from June 21, 2022 (e) Planning Commission Minutes from June 21, 2022 MISCELLANEOUS 12. STAFF UPDATES 13. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT 2 Resolution No. 15475 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, The City of Hutchinson is generally authorized to accept donations of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational services pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and, WHEREAS, the following individual has offered to contribute real property set forth below to the City of Hutchinson: Name of Donor Item Mary Laatsch Sara 1850's Dinner Set, Wool Blanket and Several Other Miscellaneous items WHEREAS, the donation is to the City with the intentions that the donated items will be preserved in a manner that it can be displayed in the future at the Harrington -Merrill House; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the donation offered with the conditions noted above; and WHEREAS, the City Council would like to especially thank Mary Laatsch Sara for this gift. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the donation described above is hereby accepted by the City of Hutchinson with the conditions as laid out in the resolution. Adopted by the City Council this 26t' day of July 2022. Gary T. Forcier, Mayor Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF 2021 FINANCIAL REPORT WORKSHOP MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2022, AT 4:30 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the workshop to order at 4:30 p.m. Members present included Dave Sebesta, Pat May and Chad Czmowski. Member absent was Mary Christensen. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Andy Reid, Finance Director, and Justin Juergensen, Assistant Finance Director. REVIEW OF 2021 FINANCIAL REPORT 2. 2021 Financial Report Justin Juergensen, Assistant Finance Director, introduced Layne Kockelman of Abdo (City's auditing firm) who presented the City's 2021 audited financial report. Layne Kockelman presented before the Council. Mr. Kockelman explained that the auditing firm completes an audit opinion which includes a testing of Minnesota legal compliance, internal controls over financial reporting and other law provisions, regulations, contracts and grant agreements. The audit opinion is clean and there were no findings. There were no findings related to internal controls. A clean report was given on the audit. Mr. Kockelman reviewed general fund fund balances. Items reviewed were unrestricted fund balance, budget and fund balance policy at 40%. The unrestricted fund balance was at 59.7% for 2021. The general fund has a very healthy cash reserve and all budgets were balanced. He also reviewed the make-up of the general fund budget to actual, general fund revenues by type and general fund expenditures by type. Mr. Kockelman also reviewed the capital projects fund balances, special revenue fund balances, and debt service funds. Most of the funds in the special revenue fund balances are restricted. Mr. Kockelman then reviewed the enterprise funds and reviewed the cash flows from operations and cash balances in the water fund, sewer fund, refuse fund, composting fund, public utilities commission fund, storm water fund, and the liquor fund. Mr. Kockelman reminded the group that the purpose/main goal of the liquor fund is to transfer out to the general fund, which has been consistently at $500,000 however in 2021 was $550,000. Mr. Kockelman reviewed cash and investments balances by fund type which total just over $76,000,000 for 2021. All funds have healthy cash balances. Mr. Kockelman reviewed comparisons of key ratios with other class three cities and other cities in McLeod County related to taxes rates, taxes per capita, long term debt per capita, debt service expenditures as a percentage of current expenditures, current expenditures per capita, capital expenditures per capita, revenues by source per capita, and expenditures by program per capita. It was noted that with Hutchinson having a local sales tax, it effects the data related to tax rate comparisons. Overall the report shows that the City is fiscally healthy. 3. Adjournment Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to adjourn the workshop at 5:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS ('The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy andpractices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski, Pat May and Dave Sebesta. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that the Crow River Golf Club has made a special request so that item will be added to the agenda as 10.5. Motion by Christensen, second by May, to approve agenda with the additional item noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Hutchinson Evangelical Free Church (The invocation is a voluntary ex ression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or staff PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Presentation of Donations by Mary Laatsch Sara Council Member Christensen explained that Mary Laatsch Sara is a descendant of the original owners of the Harrington -Merrill House and is here to present items to the City. Ms. Sara presented before the Council and explained that she is donating items to the City that were located in the house. These include an 1850's dinner set, a wool blanket and several other items. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Th is is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of June 28, 2022 Motion by May, second by Sebesta, to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items ist(-or consi eration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —July 12, 2022 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Board/Commission Appointments/Reappointments I . Appointment of Jack Daggett to EDA Board to December 2027 2. Reappointment of John Lofdahl to Sustainability Advisory Board to May 2025 3. Reappointment of Bill Garberg to Planning Commission to March 2027 (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15473 — Resolution Appointing Election Judges for Primary Election (c) Consideration for Approval of City Airport Property First Right of Refusal Agreement with ASI Jet AG, LLC (d) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Temporary Liquor License to McLeod County Agriculture Association on August 18-21, 2022 (e) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short Term Gambling License to Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association on September 10, 2022 (f) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to approve Consent Agenda L Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by May, second by Sebesta, with Czmowski abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda II. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE MMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS purpose o this portion o the agenda is to provi e the ounci with information necessary to craft wise policy. !des items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9. SUMMARY REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF 2021 AUDITED COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —July 12, 2022 Layne Kockelman, representative from the City's auditing firm, Abdo, presented before the Council. Mr. Kockelman explained that a workshop was held prior to the Council meeting in which the 2021 audit report was reviewed in detail. Mr. Kockelman provided a summary review of the report which included that the audit opinion was unmodified or "clean", there were no audit findings to report, the City continues to receive its GFOA certificate since 1996, there was no single audit in 2021 and although there are new audit standards there were none of audit significance. Mr. Kockelman also noted that there was a fund balance increase due to substantial revenues for building permits. Another contributing factor to the fund balance increase was in savings for Parks & Recreation wages mainly as a result of less staff than desired. Mr. Kockleman also noted that the majority of other governmental funds have positive fund balance levels and the majority of the enterprise funds currently have sufficient cash flows to fund operating costs and debt service payments and health cash reserves to pay six moths of operating costs and one year of debt service payments. The City is fiscally healthy. Motion by Christensen, second by May, to approve 2021 audited comprehensive annual financial report. Motion carried unanimously. 10. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 22-830 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 94 — CEMETERIES (FIRST READING) John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson explained that cemetery staff recently learned of a situation in a neighboring cemetery where a memorial was installed that contained a design of verbiage that resulted in what the cemetery considered to be obscene, vulgar or offensive in nature. The proposed amendments to the City's cemeteries ordinance intend to protect the City against any similar situation at Oakland Cemetery. Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to approve first reading of Ordinance No_ 22-830_ Motion carried unanimously. 10.5 APPROVE/DENY REQUEST FROM CROW RIVER GOLF CLUB TO SUSPEND ENFORCEMENT OF CHAPTER 92 OF HUTCHINSON CITY CODE Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, explained that the Crow River Golf Club is holding a large golfing event this upcoming weekend and have requested the ability to allow a few members to park campers and fish houses near their maintenance shed on the property from July 15-17t'. The Golf Club is zoned residential and Section 92.019 of the City Code states that "the outside parking and storage on residentially -zoned property of large numbers of vehicles and vehicles, materials, supplies or equipment not customarily used for residential purposes ... is declared to be a public nuisance". The Crow River Golf Club is requesting suspension of this ordinance to allow parking of campers and fish houses for participants to stay in while participating in the golf outing. Chief Tom Gifferson presented before the Council. Chief Gifferson noted that he believes there will be approximately lh dozen campers/fish houses that have requested to camp on the property for the event. The Council expressed that they feel the noise ordinance must be followed by the "campers". Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to limit the number of campers to 8 units and have quiet time begin at 10:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (The purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —July 12, 2022 11. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS MISCELLANEOUS 12. STAFF UPDATES Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich noted that the primary election is August 8, 2022, and he noted that communication has been sent out about new polling locations for voters. Mr. Jaunich also noted that staff is currently interviewing for the Human Resources Director position and hope to have that position filled by the end of the month. 13. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Mayor Forcier — Mayor Forcier noted that there is a seat open on the Planning Commission and he asked for anyone interested to fill out a Board/Commission interest form. Mayor Forcier also commented that he had received an anonymous note about "hoarding" properties throughout the city where some hoarding has spilled outside the property making them appear to be nuisance properties. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained the authorities the City has on regulating properties and processes that can be used. Matt Jaunich noted that most property issues are handled on a complaint -basis. Chief Gifferson provided an update on the specific properties that the complaints were received on. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to adjourn at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. F1 c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Road Closure and Sound Amplification Exemption for Riverside Church Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency Yes Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Riverside Church has reserved Library Square on July 29th from 5-8 pm for a worship service. They plan to host a couple of food trucks at the event as well. Riverside Church is requesting an exemption from the sound amplification ordinance as well as the closure of 1 st Ave SE from Main St to Hassan St. The event organizers have been informed the food trucks would need to be licensed from the City in order to operate on First Ave. I recommend Approval. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Hello Sgt. Nagel, We have Library Square reserved for July 291" 5:00-8:OOpm to do an outdoor worship service. We would like to have a couple of food trucks and are requesting that the one way street be blocked so we can have these set up safely. We also understand that we need to request an ordinance for amplified music that evening. Please let me know if there is something more I need to do to make these requests. Thank you! God bless you, Jen Dragt Office Administrator Phone 320.587.2074 Web riversidehutch.org 20924 HWY7 West Hutchinson, MN 55350 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty'fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: City Data Practices Policies Department: Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: State law requires the City to adopt a data practices policy which guides both the City and members of the public in obtaining information that the City retains. The data practices policy informs people of what type of information is public and what is not, how to obtain that information, who is responsible for overseeing data that is kept by the City, and what the cost is to obtain data, if any. State law also requires that the City adopt the data practices policy annually. For your consideration and approval is the data practices policy for the City of Hutchinson. There is no proposed change from the version we adopted last year. I recommend adoption of the data practices policy. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve reaffirmation of City Data Practices policies. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITE' ON PURPOSE, Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public Right to Access Public Data The Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) presumes that all government data are public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public. Government data is a term that means all recorded information a government entity has, including paper, email, DVDs, photographs, etc. The Government Data Practices Act also provides that this government entity must keep all government data in a way that makes it easy for you, as a member of the public, to access public data. You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, all public data that we keep. You also have the right to get copies of public data. The Government Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies. You have the right to look at data, free of charge, before deciding to request copies. How to Make a Data Request To look at data or request copies of data that this government entity keeps, make a written request. Make your request for data to the appropriate individual listed in the Data Practices Contacts on page 4. You may make your request for data by mail, fax or email using the data request form on page 6. If you choose not to use the data request form, your request should include: • that you, as a member of the public, are making a request for data under the Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13; • whether you would like to look at the data, get copies of the data, or both; and • a clear description of the data you would like to inspect or have copied. This government entity cannot require you, as a member of the public, to identify yourself or explain the reason for your data request. However, depending on how you want us to process your request (if, for example, you want us to mail you copies of data), we may need some information about you. If you choose not to give us any identifying information, we will provide you with contact information so you may check on the status of your request. In addition, please keep in mind that if we do not understand your request and have no way to contact you, we will not be able to begin processing your request. How We Respond to a Data Request Upon receiving your request, we will work to process it. • If we do not have the data, we will notify you in writing as soon as reasonably possible. • If we have the data, but the data are not public, we will notify you as soon as reasonably possible and state which specific law says the data are not public. • If we have the data, and the data are public, we will respond to your request appropriately and promptly, within a reasonable amount of time by doing one of the following: o arrange a date, time, and place to inspect data, for free, if your request is to look at the data, or Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 2. Page 2 o provide you with copies of the data as soon as reasonably possible. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. If you want us to send you the copies, you will need to provide us with an address or fax number. We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Information about copy charges is on page 5. If you do not understand some of the data (technical terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms), please let us know. We will give you an explanation if you ask. The Government Data Practices Act does not require us to create or collect new data in response to a data request if we do not already have the data, or to provide data in a specific form or arrangement if we do not keep the data in that form or arrangement. (For example, if the data you request are on paper only, we are not required to create electronic documents to respond to your request.) If we agree to create data in response to your request, we will work with you on the details of your request, including cost and response time. In addition, the Government Data Practices Act does not require us to answer questions that are not requests for data. Requests for Summary Data Summary data are statistical records or reports that are prepared by removing all identifiers from private or confidential data on individuals. The preparation of summary data is not a means to gain access to private or confidential data. We will prepare summary data if you make your request in writing and pre -pay for the cost of creating the data. Upon receiving your written request — you may use the data request form on page 6 — we will respond within ten business days with the data or details of when the data will be ready and how much we will charge. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 2. Page 3 Data Practices Contacts Responsible Authority City Administrator 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 587-5151 Data Practices Compliance Official City Attorney 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 587-5151 Data Practices Designee(s) City Clerk/Paralegal 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 587-5151 Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 2. Page 4 Copy Costs — Members of the Public This government entity charges members of the public for copies of government data. These charges are authorized under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03, subdivision 3(c). For 100 or Fewer Paper Copies — 25 cents per page 100 or fewer pages of black and white, letter or legal size paper copies cost 25C for a one-sided copy, or 50C for a two-sided copy. The City does not charge for copies that are 10 pages or less. Most Other Types of Copies — Actual cost The charge for most other types of copies, when a charge is not set by statute or rule, is the actual cost of searching for and retrieving the data, and making the copies or electronically transmitting the data (e.g. sending the data by email). In determining the actual cost of making copies, we factor in employee time, the cost of the materials onto which we are copying the data (paper, CD, DVD, etc.), and mailing costs (if any). If your request is for copies of data that we cannot reproduce ourselves, such as photographs, we will charge you the actual cost we must pay an outside vendor for the copies. The cost of employee time to search for data, retrieve data, and make copies is the retriever's hourly rate. If, because of the subject matter of your request, we find it necessary for a higher -paid employee to search for and retrieve the data, we will calculate the search and retrieval portion of the copy charge at the higher salary/wage. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 2. Page 5 Data Request Form - Members of the Public Date of request: I am requesting access to data in the following way: ❑ Inspection ❑ Copies ❑ Both inspection and copies Note: inspection is free but the City charges $.25/page for copies over 10 pages. These are the data I am requesting: Describe the data you are requesting as specifically as possible. If you need more space, please use the back of this form. Contact Information Name: Address: Phone number: Email address: You do not have to provide any of the above contact information. However, if you want us to mail/email you copies of data, we will need some type of contact information. In addition, if we do not understand your request and need to get clarification from you, without contact information we will not be able to begin processing your request until you contact us. We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably possible. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 2. Page 6 HUTCHINSON CITE' ON PURPOSE, Data Practices Policy for Data Subjects Data about You The Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13) says that data subjects have certain rights related to a government entity collecting, creating, and keeping government data about them. You are the subject of data when you can be identified from the data. Government data is a term that means all recorded information a government entity has, including paper, email, DVDs, photographs, etc. Classification of Data about You The Government Data Practices Act presumes that all government data are public unless a state or federal law says that the data are not public. Data about you are classified by state law as public, private, or confidential. See below for some examples. 1. Public data: We must give public data to anyone who asks; it does not matter who is asking for the data or why. The following is an example of public data about you: the names of Minnesota government employees 2. Private data: We cannot give private data to the general public, but you have access when the data are about you. We can share your private data with you, with someone who has your permission, with our government entity staff who need the data to do their work, and as permitted by law or court order. The following is an example of private data about you: Social Security numbers 3. Confidential data: Confidential data have the most protection. Neither the public nor you can get access even when the confidential data are about you. We can share confidential data about you with our government entity staff who need the data to do their work and to others as permitted by law or court order. We cannot give you access to confidential data. The following is an example of confidential data about you: the identity of the subject of an active criminal investigation Your Rights under the Government Data Practices Act This government entity must keep all government data in a way that makes it easy for you to access data about you. Also, we can collect and keep only those data about you that we need for administering and managing programs that are permitted by law. As a data subject, you have the following rights. • Access to Your Data You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, public and private data that we keep about you. You also have the right to get copies of public and private data about you. The Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 2 Government Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies. You have the right to look at data, free of charge, before deciding to request copies. Also, if you ask, we will tell you whether we keep data about you and whether the data are public, private, or confidential. As a parent, you have the right to look at and get copies of public and private data about your minor children (under the age of 18). As a legally appointed guardian, you have the right to look at and get copies of public and private data about an individual for whom you are appointed guardian. Minors have the right to ask this government entity not to give data about them to their parent or guardian. If you are a minor, we will tell you that you have this right. We may ask you to put your request in writing and to include the reasons that we should deny your parents access to the data. We will make the final decision about your request based on your best interests. Note: Minors do not have this right if the data in question are educational data maintained by an educational agency or institution. • When We Collect Data from You When we ask you to provide data about yourself that are not public, we must give you a notice. The notice is sometimes called a Tennessen warning. The notice controls what we do with the data that we collect from you. Usually, we can use and release the data only in the ways described in the notice. We will ask for your written permission if we need to use or release private data about you in a different way, or if you ask us to release the data to another person. This permission is called informed consent. If you want us to release data to another person, you must use the consent form we provide. • Protecting your Data The Government Data Practices Act requires us to protect your data. We have established appropriate safeguards to ensure that your data are safe. In the unfortunate event that we determine a security breach has occurred and an unauthorized person has gained access to your data, we will notify you as required by law. When your Data are Inaccurate and/or Incomplete You have the right to challenge the accuracy and/or completeness of public and private data about you. You also have the right to appeal our decision. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian has the right to challenge data about you. How to Make a Request for Your Data To look at data, or request copies of data that this government entity keeps about you, your minor children, or an individual for whom you have been appointed legal guardian, make a written request. Make your request for data to the appropriate individual listed in the Data Practices Contacts on page 5. You may make your request by mail, fax or email using the data request form on page 7. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 3 If you choose not use to use the data request form, your request should include: • that you are making a request, under the Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), as a data subject, for data about you; • whether you would like to inspect the data, have copies of the data, or both; • a clear description of the data you would like to inspect or have copied; and • identifying information that proves you are the data subject, or data subject's parent/guardian. This government entity requires proof of your identity before we can respond to your request for data. If you are requesting data about your minor child, you must show proof that you are the minor's parent. If you are a guardian, you must show legal documentation of your guardianship. Please see the Standards for Verifying Identity located on page 8. How We Respond to a Data Request Once you make your request, we will work to process your request. If it is not clear what data you are requesting, we will ask you for clarification. • If we do not have the data, we will notify you in writing within 10 business days. • If we have the data, but the data are confidential or private data that are not about you, we will notify you within 10 business days and state which specific law says you cannot access the data. • If we have the data, and the data are public or private data about you, we will respond to your request within 10 business days, by doing one of the following: o arrange a date, time, and place to inspect data, for free, if your request is to look at the data, or o provide you with copies of the data within 10 business days. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Information about copy charges is on page 6. After we have provided you with access to data about you, we do not have to show you the data again for 6 months unless there is a dispute or we collect or create new data about you. If you do not understand some of the data (technical terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms), please let us know. We will give you an explanation if you ask. The Government Data Practices Act does not require us to create or collect new data in response to a data request if we do not already have the data, or to provide data in a specific form or arrangement if we do not keep the data in that form or arrangement. (For example, if the data you request are on paper only, we are not required to create electronic documents to respond to your request.) If we agree to create data in response to your request, we will work with you on the details of your request, including cost and response time. In addition, we are not required under the Government Data Practices Act to respond to questions that are not specific requests for data. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 4 Data Practices Contacts Responsible Authority City Administrator 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 587-5151 Data Practices Compliance Official City Attorney 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 587-5151 Data Practices Designee(s) City Clerk/Paralegal 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 587-5151 Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 5 Copy Costs - Data Subjects This government entity charges data subjects for copies of government data. These charges are authorized under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04, subdivision 3. The City does not charge for copies that are 10 pages or less. Actual Cost of Making the Copies In determining the actual cost of making copies, we factor in employee time, the cost of the materials onto which we are copying the data (paper, CD, DVD, etc.), and mailing costs (if any). If your request is for copies of data that we cannot reproduce ourselves, such as photographs, we will charge you the actual cost we must pay an outside vendor for the copies. The cost of employee time to make copies is the retriever's hourly rate. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 6 Data Request Form - Data Subjects Date of request: To request data as a data subject, you must show a driver's license, military ID, or passport] as proof of identity. I am requesting access to data in the following way: [a valid state ID, such as ❑ Inspection ❑ Copies ❑ Both inspection and copies Note: inspection is free but a charge is applied for copies that are 10 pages or more. These are the data I am requesting: Describe the data you are requesting as specifically as possible. If you need more space, please use the back of this form. Contact Information Data subject name Parent/Guardian name (if applicable) Address Phone number Email address Staff Verification Identification provided We will respond to your request within 10 business days. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 7 Standards for Verifying Identity The following constitute proof of identity. • An adult individual must provide a valid photo ID, such as o a state driver's license o a military ID o a passport o a Minnesota ID o a Minnesota tribal ID • A minor individual must provide a valid photo ID, such as o a state driver's license o a military ID o a passport o a Minnesota ID o a Minnesota Tribal ID o a Minnesota school ID • The parent or guardian of a minor must provide a valid photo ID and either o a certified copy of the minor's birth certificate or o a certified copy of documents that establish the parent or guardian's relationship to the child, such as a court order relating to divorce, separation, custody, foster care a foster care contract an affidavit of parentage • The legal guardian for an individual must provide a valid photo ID and a certified copy of appropriate documentation of formal or informal appointment as guardian, such as o court order(s) o valid power of attorney Note: Individuals who do not exercise their data practices rights in person must provide either notarized or certified copies of the documents that are required or an affidavit of ID. Policy required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.025, subdivision 3. Page 8 RA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Approval of Project Change/Work Orders and Supplemental Agreements Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As construction has proceeded on the below listed projects there has been additional work, project scope revisions, and/or construction completion date changes. The items specified below have been identified and deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete the projects per the intent of the original construction contract. The following Change Orders, Supplemental Agreements and/or Work Orders are proposed as noted: - Change Order No. 2 — Letting No. 6/Project No. 21-06 — Water & Wastewater SCADA Systems. This Change Order addresses the extended lead times due to shortage of raw materials causing the contractor to use a 3rd party vendor resulting in a increase to the Contract in the amount of $22,805.45. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Change Orders Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: r r HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN CHANGE ORDER Engineering Dept, 111, Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN 55350 320-234-4209 07/26/2022 SP/SAP(s) NA MN Project No.: NA Change Order No. 2 Project Description: Water & Wastewater SCADA Systems City Project L6P21-06 Water & Wastewater SCADA System Improvements Project: In general, work consists of the removal of existing programmable logic controllers (Pl-Cs), operator interface terminals (OITs), radios, and the supply and installation of new PI -Cs, OITs, radios, and other appurtenances for improvements to existing control panels Project Location within the Water and Wastewater systems. This also includes providing new supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) servers and software and implementing system monitoring redundancies. LLocalgency City of Hutchinson Local Project No. L6P21-06 Contractor Primex Contract No. L6P21-06 Address/City/State/Zip 13005 16th Ave N Ste 100, Plymouth, MN 55441 Total Change Order Amount $ $22,805.45 Issue: The PLC manufacturer, Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, is experiencing extended lead times due to shortages of raw materials and other supply chain challenges. Specified part #'s 1756-IF16 and 1756-OF8 have been delayed and the current estimated ship date is March 2023 Resolution: To proceed with control panel work for WTP Main, PRIMEX is requesting to purchase part #'s 1756-IF16 and 1756-OF8 from 3rd part suppliers at a higher -then -bid price. Warranty of these cards would fall under the PRIMEX standard warranty policy. Estimate Of . **Group/fundi Item No. Description Unit Unit Price +or — +or— ng Category Quantity Amount $ Change Order 2 WTP Main 1756-IF16 Credit for Original Order g Each $884.16 -5 ($4,420.80) Change Order 2 WTP Main 1756-IF16 3rd Party Vender Each $2,980.00 5 $14,900.00 Change Order 2 WTP Main 1756-OF8 Credit for Original Order g Each $1,151.25 -3 ($3,453.75) Change Order 2 WTP Main 1756-OF8 3rd Party Vender Each $3,200.00 3 $9,600.00 Change Order 2 Spares 1756-IF16 3rd Party Vender Each $2,980.00 1 $2,980.00 Change Order 2 Spares 1756-OF8 3rd Party Vender Each $3,200.00 1 $3,200.00 Net Change this Change Order $22,805.45 "Group/funding category is required for federal aid projects Approved by Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved by Contractor: Primex Signed: Signed: Date: 07/26/2022 Phone: 320-234-4212 Printed Name: City Council Approval: 07/26/2022 Date: Phone: 763-559-0568 WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE NO.: 1 Owner: City of Hutchinson Owner's Project No.: L6P21-06 Engineer: AE2S Engineer's Project No.: 02008-2020-003 Contractor: PRIMEX Contractor's Project No.: 3007522 Project: Water & Wastewater SCADA System Improvements Contract Name: Letting No. 6/Project No. 21-06 Date Issued: 6/27/22 Effective Date of Work Change Directive: 1 6/28/2022 Contractor is directed to proceed promptly with the following change(s): Description: Procure specific WTP PLC equipment from alternate source (3rd party supplier), due to extended delays on equipment previously ordered from local distribution. Attachments: Change Order 2 Estimate of Costs from PRIMER. Purpose for the Work Change Directive: To proceed with the necessary work so WTP PLC can be upgraded before spring of 2023. Directive to proceed promptly with the Work described herein, prior to agreeing to change in Contract Price and Contract Time, is issued due to: ❑ Non -agreement on pricing of proposed change. ❑X Necessity to proceed for schedule or other reasons. Estimated Change in Contract Price and Contract Times (non -binding, preliminary): Contract Price: $22,805.45 Contract Time: 0 days Basis of estimated change in Contract Price: ❑X Lump Sum ❑ Unit Price ❑ Cost of the Work ❑ Other Recommended by Engineer By: Anthony Pittman Title: Project Manager Date: 6/27/2022 [increase] [d,,,.Fease] rR +. t stiwa+ 4 Authorized by Owner Kent Exner City Engineer/Public Works Director 7/6/2022 EJCDC° C-940, Work Change Directive. Copyright° 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 III PRIMEX Hutchinson, MN Water & Wastewater Procurement of AB 1/0 cards via SCADA System Improvements 3rd party supplier PROPOSAL TEL: (844) 477-4639 www.primexcontrols.com 06/28 Email from 7522-CO02 Anthony Pittman Dear Customer: Thank you for your continued interest in SJE products, services and solutions. We are pleased to quote the following scope of work pertaining to the above -referenced project. Only the materials/services listed in the scope below. The PLC manufacturer, Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, is experiencing extended lead times due to shortages of raw materials and other supply chain challenges. Specified part #s 1756-IF16 and 1756-OF8 have been delayed and the current estimated ship date is March 2023. To proceed with control panel work for WTP Main, PRIMEX is requesting to purchase part #s 1756-IF16 and 1756-OF8 from 3rd party suppliers at a higher -than -bid price. Warranty of these cards would fall under the PRIMEX standard warranty policy. Please see document attached for further detail. Items specifically not included in this proposal 1. Sales or use tax. 2. Installation of equipment and job site labor other than as specified. 3. Receiving and storage of equipment on the job site. 4. Installation materials, brackets, wire, clamps, piping, junction boxes, etc., not specifically described in our material list. 5. Performance, payment or equipment bond of any kind. 6. Installation of any instruments. 7. Field Terminations. 8. Mounting of any control panels or hardware. 9. Mounting stands, brackets, channel strut or field assemblies of any kind. 10. Permits. 11. Fiber optic cable, connectors, patch panels, termination and/or testing. 12. Electrical testing services. SJE Confidential Information. Valid for 30 days. Generated on Fri July 8, 2022 - 02:18 PM UTC Proposal Page: 2 of 2 Respectfully submitted by, 0�W 6t' Proposal Amount Includes freight and taxes S 22,a05.45 Anya Point Project Manager anya.point@sjeinc.com (763) 559-3926 SJE Confidential Information. Valid III Generated on Fri July 8, 2022 - for 30 days. PRIME>C 02:18 PM UTC 111111 PFRIME>< PROPOSAL TEL: (844) 477-4639 www.primexcontrols.com Hutchinson Water & Wastewater SCADA Improvements - AE2S 02008-2020-003 - PRIMEX 3007522 Change Order Name: Procurement of AB I/O cards via 3rd party supplier Reference: 06/28 Email from Anthony Pittman Change Order N: 7522-CO02 Estimate of Cost: PLEASE NOTE: The proposed change is an option to keep WTP Main on schedule. PRIMEX would source the quantities below from 3rd party supplier. At this time, Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation is estimating to ship the following in March 2023: 1756-IF16 (Bldg 55 GE (Qty 4) and Spares (Qty 1)) and 1756-OFS (Bldg 55 GE (Qty 2) and Spares (Qty 1)). We will continue to work closely with the factory with the goal of improving the March 2023 timeline. In the meantime, PRIMEX recommends purchasing 1756-IF16 (Qty 1) and 1756-OF8 (Qty 1) via 3rd party supplier so the City has spare cards on hand prior to March 2023. Group/funding Category Item No. Description Unit Unit Price QTY+/- Amount$+/ - Change Order 02 WTP Main Provide credit for original order (purchased through local Distributor) 1756-IF16 $ 884.16 -5 $ (4,420.80) Change Order 02 WTP Main Purchase Qty 5 via 3rd party supplier 1756-IF16 $ 2,980.00 5 $ 14,900.00 Change Order 02 WTP Main Provide credit for original order (purchased through local Distributor) 1756-OF8 $ 1,151.25 -3 $ (3,453.75) Change Order 02 WTP Main Purchase Qty 3 via 3rd party supplier (PRIMEX received Qty 2 from local Distributor) 1756-OF8 $ 3,200.00 3 $ 9,600.00 WTP Main SubTotal $ 16,625.45 Change Order 02 ISPARES I Purchase Qty 1 via 3rd party supplier 1756-IF16 1 $ 2,980.00 1 1 $ 2,980.00 Change Order 02 ISPARES I Purchase Qty 1 via 3rd party supplier 1756-OF8 1 $ 3,200.00 1 1 $ 3,200.00 SPARES SubTotal $ 6,180.00 PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER $ 22,805.45 S1E Confidential Information. Valid for 30 days. RA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Approval of Project Change/Work Orders and Supplemental Agreements Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As construction has proceeded on the below listed projects there has been additional work, project scope revisions, and/or construction completion date changes. The items specified below have been identified and deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete the projects per the intent of the original construction contract. The following Change Orders, Supplemental Agreements and/or Work Orders are proposed as noted: - Change Order No. 4 — Letting No. 1/Project No. 22-01 — 2022 Pavement Management Project. This Change Order addresses proceeding with Class IV pipe since Class V is unavailable resulting in a decrease to the Contract in the amount of $276.12. - Change Order No. 5 — Letting No. 1/Project No. 22-01 — 2022 Pavement Management Project. This Change Order addresses the variety of utility removal/installation issues that required proper corrections resulting in a increase to the Contract in the amount of $37,324.00. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Change Orders Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN CHANGE ORDER Engineering Dept, 111, Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN 55350 A CITY ON aURposE- 320-234-4209 07/26/2022 SP/SAP(s) NA MN Project No.: NA Change Order No. 4 Project Description: 2022 Pavement Management Program City Project L1/P22-01 Keith Street SW (South Grade Road to Neal Avenue), Neal Avenue SW (Keith Street to Sunset Street), Sunset Street SW Project Location (South Grade Road to Linden Avenue), Laura Avenue SW (Approx. 150 LF West of Sunset Street to Sunset Street) and Linden Avenue SW (Dale Street to Harrington Street) L� ocal Agency City of Hutchinson Local Project No. L1/P22-01 Contractor Landwehr Construction, Inc. Contract No. L1/P22-01 Address/City/State/Zip 846 S 33rd St, PO Box 1086, St. Cloud, MN 56302 Total Change Order Amount $ ($276.12) Issue: Class V pipe is unavailable and original quantity was incorrect. Resolution: Proceed with Class /V pipe Estimate Of Cost: (Include ""Group/fundi Item No. ng Category any increases or decreases in contract items, any negotiated Description or force Unit account items.) Unit Price +or — Quantity +or— Amount $ Change Order 4 2503.503 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V Lin Ft $181.20 -338 ($61,245.60) Change Order 4 2503.503 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL IV Lin Ft $167.96 363 $60,969.48 Net Change this Change Order ($276.12) "Group/funding category is required for federal aid projects Approved by Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved by Contractor: Landwehr Construction, Inc. Signed: Signed: Date: 07/26/2022 Phone: 320-234-4212 Printed Name: City Council Approval: 07/26/2022 Date: Phone: 320-252-1494 HUTCH INSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN CHANGE ORDER Engineering Dept, 111, Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN 55350 320-234-4209 07/26/2022 SP/SAP(s) NA MN Project No.: NA Change Order No. 5 Project Description: 2022 Pavement Management Program City Project L1/P22-01 Keith Street SW (South Grade Road to Neal Avenue), Neal Avenue SW (Keith Street to Sunset Street), Sunset Street SW Project Location (South Grade Road to Linden Avenue), Laura Avenue SW (Approx. 150 LF West of Sunset Street to Sunset Street) and Linden Avenue SW (Dale Street to Harrington Street) Local Agency City of Hutchinson Local Project No. L1/P22-01 Contractor Landwehr Construction, Inc. Contract No. L1/P22-01 Address/City/State/Zip 846 S 33rd St, PO Box 1086, St. Cloud, MN 56302 Ltal Change Order Amount $ Issue: Variety of utility removal/installation issues that required proper corrections. Resolution: Contractor's related efforts (See attachments). $37,324.00 Estimate Of . **Group/fundi Item No. Description Unit Unit Price +or — +or— ng Category Quantity Amount $ Change Order 5 Neal Ave San Sewer Replace 8" pipe Lump Sum $6,481.00 1 $6,481.00 Change Order 5 Linden Ave Concrete Slab Removal Lump Sum $900.00 1 $900.00 Change Order 5 Laura Ave Lower Existing Sewer & Water Service Lump Sum $2,823.00 1 $2,823.00 Change Order 5 Excavation & Backfill for Gas Service Lump Sum $3,097.00 1 $3,097.00 Change Removal of Extra Unknown Storm Sewer and Lump Sum $1,227.00 1 $1,227.00 Order 5 Bulkhead End Change Order 5 Sunset St Lower Existing Sanitary Sewer Lump Sum $5,090.00 1 $5,090.00 Change Sunset St & Laura Ave 20 Lin Ft of 8" Ductile Iron Lump Sum $3,368.00 1 $3,368.00 Order 5 Pipe Change Order 5 Water Main Sunset St & Neal Ave Lump Sum $4,001.00 1 $4,001.00 Change Order 5 Revise MH-300 Lump Sum i $10,337.00 i 1 i $10,337.00 Net Change this Change Order $37,324.00 **Group/funding category is required for federal aid projects Approved by Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved by Contractor: Landwehr Construction, Inc. Signed: Signed: Date: 07/26/2022 Phone: 320-234-4212 Printed Name: City Council Approval: 07/26/2022 Date: Phone: 320-252-1494 octles�Ac+ LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. v PO Box 1086 vNR d3: St. Cloud, MN 56302 0886 (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Sanitary Sewer Replacement Scope of Services: Replace section of sanitary sewer at Neal Ave. Replace with 8" ductile iron pipe Labor/Supervisor = $1,300 Equipment with operator(s) = $2,360 Pipe materials and rock = $2,821 Total amount: $6,481 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager 4Mctioo��c LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. MR PO Box 1086 O St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Removal of concrete slab on Linden Scope of Services: Removal of concrete slab that was found by the reclaimer on Linden Ave. Labor/Supervisor = $ 151 Equipment with operator(s) _ $ 599 All related trucking for disposal = $ 150 Total amount: $ 900 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager Attie# LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. PO Box 1086 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Lower sewer and water service for 744 Laura Scope of Services: Lower an existing sewer and water service for 744 Laura that was conflicting with the new utility installation. Labor/Supervisor = $ 680 Equipment with operator(s) _ $ 1,872 Pipe materials and rock = $ 271 Total amount: $2,823 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager q �cucctie LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. PO Box 1086 ���R �- St. Cloud, MN 56302 e� (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Assist City of Hutchinson with gas line service Scope of Services: Assist the City of Hutchinson with excavation and backfill for a local gas service line. May 27th excavate for the gas service. June 1 st backfill for the gas service Labor/Supervisor = $1,332 Equipment with operator(s) = $1,765 Total amount: $3,097 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager tioo LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. v PO Box 1086 0 St. Cloud, MN 56302 ; 0066. (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Remove extra storm sewer and bulkhead Scope of Services: Removal of extra unknown storm sewer, and then bulkhead the end Labor/Supervisor = $362 Equipment with operator(s) = $865 Total amount: $1,227 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. �p�HR PO Box 1086 St. Cloud, MN 56302 (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Lower sewer service at 804 Sunset Street Scope of Services: Lower an existing sanitary sewer service that was in conflict with the new utilities that were being installed. Labor/Supervisor = $1,450 Equipment with operator(s) = $2,364 Materials = $ 1,276 Total amount: $ 5,090 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager tlo4LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. �O�R PO Box 1086 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Cads (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: 8" Ductile Iron Pipe under 42" RCP at Sunset and Laura Scope of Services: Put 20 lineal feel of 8" ductile iron pipe under a 42" RCP at Sunset and Laura Labor/Supervisor = $ 725 Equipment with operator(s) _ $ 1,320 Materials: Pipe Material and Rock = $1,323 Total amount: $ 3,368 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager o5�actioQ�9c LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. 0 pWENR PO Box 1086 St. Cloud, MN 56302 �- POO, (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Extra time for unforeseen water main at Sunset & Neal Scope of Services: Extra time for unforeseen water main and bulk head existing stub at Sunset & Neal Ave. Exploration for water main and finding extra stub line. City of Hutchinson provided water main bends, Landwehr provided all hardware for the bend and misc. pipe materials. Labor/Supervisor = $1,087 Equipment with operator(s) _ $1,551 Pipe Materials and rock = $1,363 Total amount: $ 4,001 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager etioq LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. v PO Box 1086 �HR �- St. Cloud, MN 56302 C- (320) 252-1494 phone (320) 252-2380 fax Request for Extra Work/Change Order Project Name: 2022 Hutchinson Pavement Management Project Contractor: Landwehr Construction Description of Work: Revise MH-300 Scope of Work/Services: New MH-300 was to be installed in the same location as an existing manhole and storm sewer pipe that was to be removed. During removal and excavation in the area it was discovered that the prior utility contractor had encased the pipes and manhole in poured concrete that was to serve as a mud sill to stabilize the existing pipe and manholes. Due to the thickness of the concrete it had to be jack hammered out with an excavator attachment and removed in order to get the new manhole to the proper invert elevation. After the install of the new manhole structure and pipe, the top of the manhole needed to be cut off because the top elevation was not correlating with the finish elevation of the road. Labor/Supervisor = $ 3,897 Equipment with operator(s) = $3,529 Extra rock and load out concrete = $1,133 Cutting off the top of the MH-300 = $1,778 Total amount: $10,337 Landwehr Construction Andrew Sikkila I Estimator Project Manager c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ADDITION TO AN Agenda Item: EXISTING BUILDING IN AN I/C ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 110 4TH AVE NE. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Linder Financial Resources, is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to construct an addition to Five Star Financial at 110 4th Avenue NE, Hutchinson. The property most recently had been used as an office for Five Star Financial and prior to that was Erickson Auto Sales. The building will be remodeled and added onto to accommodate the proposed use which is office space for a financial planning company. Nobody from the Public spoke regarding this request. The Planning Commission thanked the applicant for investing in Hutchinson, particularly along the Hwy 7 Corridor. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for this project. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of CUP request. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 15474 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ADDITION TO AN EXITING BUILDING IN AN I/C WING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 110 4T111 AVE NE. FACTS J & M Linder Holdings LLC is the owner of a parcel of land located at 110 4th Ave NE, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: LOT 5 EX E40' & ALL OF LOT 6 & PORTION OF VACATED STREET N OF RR, BLOCK 19, TOWNSITE OF HUTCHINSON, NORTH HALF 3. Linder Financial Resources (Jake and Mark Linder) has applied to the City for a conditional use permit for an addition to an existing building located at 110 4th Ave NE. 4. The Planning Commission met on July 19, 2022, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the I/C zoning district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. b. A building permit is required for the project. c. The parking stalls are required to be striped and the size and quantity will be required to meet City Code. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested conditional use permit at its meeting on July 26, 2022, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the I/C zoning district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. b. A building permit is required for the project. c. The parking stalls are required to be striped and the size and quantity will be required to meet City Code. APPLICABLE LAW 6. The conditional use permit request meets the following standards as required in Section 154.057 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; Findings of Fact — Resolution # 15474 110 41e Ave NE Conditional Use Permit Page 2 (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 8. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 9. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit for an addition to an existing building located at 110 4th Ave NE, Hutchinson MN is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 26t11 day of July, 2022. ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP Date: July 14, 2022, for July 19, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit in the I/C Industrial/Commercial Zoning District for an addition to an Office Building at 110 4" Ave NE, Hutchinson. Applicant: Linder Financial Resources — Jake and Mark Linder Conditional Use Permit Linder Financial Resources, is seeking a Conditional Use Permit to construct an addition to Five Star Financial at 110 4' Avenue NE, Hutchinson. The property most recently had been used as an office for Five Star Financial and prior to that was Erickson Auto Sales. The building will be remodeled and added onto to accommodate the proposed use which is office space for a financial planning company. N * Indicates property described in this notice 4/ 4� � � _.. , <: T ti 410 4rti J 110 T A � r c e f Conditional Use Permit 110 4te Ave NE Planning Commission - 7/19/22 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: I/C (Industrial/Commercial District) Property Location: 110 4th Avenue NE, Hutchinson Lot Size: .45 Acres Existing Land Use: Commercial - Office Building Adjacent Land Use: Commercial, Industrial and Park/Open Space Adjacent Zoning: I/C (Industrial/Commercial District) Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Zoning History: Building has been a financial planning office since about 2018. Previously was car dealership for past 45 plus years. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.066, 154.175 Building: Existing Building will be remodeled and added onto Conditional Use Permit: The purpose of the I/C District to allow for development of areas where there is a transition in use occurring, but sites are not available which would allow for compliance with other district requirements. Industrial or commercial development will be allowed only as a conditional permitted use to: (1) Ease land use transition; (2) Control development so that it is compatible with surrounding property; and (3) Establish dimensional requirements on an individual basis. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Conditional Use Permit 110 4te Ave NE Planning Commission — 7/19/22 Page 3 The applicant is requesting a CUP to operate a financial planning services company in this location. The applicant, Linder Financial Resources is currently operating in the existing building at this location. The request is to remodel the existing space and add an addition onto the building to meet the needs of the business. The site has access off Highway 7 West. It appears there is an easement in place for access off HWY 7, since this property does not have a direct access to HWY 7. There are 16 parking spaces noted on the site plan, including one accessible space. The City requires at least 15 spaces. The site is currently almost 100% impervious surface. The applicant is going to add landscaping around the building per the attached plans. The site generally drains towards the rear (south). The City owns open space/parkland to the south and this area also has a pond. The amount of water going to this area will not change as the site is currently already almost 100% impervious. The site is less than 1-acre so on -site ponding is not required. Additionally, a building permit will be required for all of the proposed improvements. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the VC zoning district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. A building permit is required for the project. The parking stalls are required to be striped and the size and quantity will be required to meet City Code. 110 4TH AVE NE HUTCHINSON, MN. 55350 MAP LINDER FINANCIAL RESOURCES AERIAL CUP CITY SUBMITTAL - 6/24/22 DRAWING INDEX Tl TITLE SHEET EXISTING SURVEY ARCHITECTURAL Al SITE PLAN A2 FLOOR PLANS A3.1 ELEVATIONS A3.2 COLOR ELEVATIONS LANDSCAPE DESIGNER LANDSCAPE PLAN CONTACTS OWNER LINDER FINANCIAL RESOURCES 110 4TH AVE NE HUTCHINSON, MN 553.50 PH.320.58T.9884 CONTACT: JAKE LINDER ARCHITECT STONE TENTARCHITECTURE 1 W01 140TH ST FORESTON,MN58330 PH.612.508.80. CONTACT. ERIK JOHNSON STRUCTURAL INNOVATIVESTRUCTURALSOLUTKINS 5279 KYLER AVE NE ALBERTVILLE, MN 55301 PH. 783.Q5.9980 CONTACT. MIKE VAN DE RIET FINANCIAL Surveyor's Notes L NmWRv aaaOW P,aPned a6 ay.q waaat We amdn d a ea+at , . w tNle.at We,wma W �t m min W avail spa a� d a ommt tlae raarmmwLL a tab a�aiaa Xstaasq �.n.at�swao®am �aw�m6a.w �d®a d savm�ara a�d.,dd�a �d�.anw was, orthstar petilw.r W E uw.K as ,r �._dad®pwuw6M..mt urveying CLIENT NAME: Jake Linder PROJECTADDRE88 770 4th Avenue NE Hutchlnem, MN (—IF FIELDWORK -11, am 40a NO: 2WT9T HORIZONTAL MNM: DAFEOFMAP: AFdIX M32 � GRAFTED BN. PMX NA0a6(A117 REVISIOON N: WTE .al_ CHECKED BY: 1�&L ValTIOAl DATUM: N YOBB Agri Ida &� the pert d I.d 6 which ]is NnthwaeFab d a gm EFat ®40 fed. Wed Mori Pere➢el to Ehe FIN five of mid Snt 6.boN iv ®oak 19. TOWNe1TE OF HOT'CHNWN,NORM NALF,t,.fl s, wRh that patica d vested Pma t A — which lies Nathaly d the folbwdvg d bed li s Bqp� ag at a pmvt ® the Ncc!1, sly Has d mid vereta l Pmspad Saaak9 feet Nrcfb t, neared ndiegy from the cants, live of tlm Cbiseo and Nosfh Wata a Remrey C.ye (f—ly the Fdivns,o b and RLl Railway C,,Pu 'e) aaat Natha]y pw Tmdk sa Maid pen T is. d®ted and s abad d: thmee %ath ly pedlelW mid ant Nvr ly Sp- T� h w a fva that is panlld end distant � feet Nrrtbsdaly c e 1 ndi.Ily from the casts, has of mid R flaw Cavpanye a a a Tnak,s said c e mark is vow WcaW snl edabldehamth dog Swdhadady,Pa tc add mem tack to e line that is 4O fad. Wst sod PanBsl m the R.w. live d' mid Imt 6. Fc,apt the fasatng d—1 d trech That pact d Tab 6 and 6,1311ck 19,m vented Pro PA Stroll, TOWNSM OF BUTCFB4SON,NORTH HALF,ahnm s Pa M ® Masan D--t d Tnvepaiat Right d W V Plat Ncahasd A as the save is a, fls and d saved in the aPP d the County Raada m s d fa Mndaod Colmty,Mnveam. Tagetha w ® ss®md. aver the WwU* 11 feet d the E Iy 0 fat d ]at 6 which Rs nathwst fy d a Has Bat is 40 fed Wst sad pan m the Fact 1me d sid Est 6,in Block 19, TOWNRITE OF HUTCHINSON, NORTH HA acauevtm F� dated August 28, 19y4, fiat Sq—bs, 6, 1994 m Book TO d Mia,Fage U9. C fi,fvg 0.49 A-- a Ina amiat m ma®ada d — .d Ssbjed W any and w edama6le Ledrimvc mvenenta CERTIFICATION: I hwdv caRfy that thu sarn ws pepamd by ma s, ands, my duet amaaidar and that I em a PN'eadooel Li®sd a— ands the Iawa d the 9tete d FT m Dveg Huhn R-1,stirm No.00 - Iv tha &ate d lifi m O Set 1I2Inch Dy 141nch Iron Plpe wgh Plastic Cap In bad with License No.4"M • Fo,asi Monumentagon ® Set PK Neil i� Light Pds a Senitay Cleanout ® Catch Basin 6) Electric Menhols 0 Telephme Pedeatal ® Air Candlllona wd Gas Mater _•� Electric MOW BiWainoua Su— Conpah Surface 77- ZONING � ,i as Rx. ors , I a II/INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL STRIAL/COMMERCIAL PARKING REOUIR EMENTS m,,,, .,.,®„„ w 2,933 SQ FT GROSS/ 1,000 = 2.9 X 5 ee' � = 15 SPACES REQUIRED ® 16 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED INCLUDING 1 ACCESSIBLE SPACE _,•„m,e,„ m^^^•�^^ HWY 7 I `DEaMOS REPLAN 1 / � ®o e J toSAo o® v1051 � 105M1 Q ol_._._._._._ _ _. _ _._. - _._._._.—.—._ 5 aa e :' rEwr�aEaaamm�o a 6 eu,uw.swavx A uo s+an q r I � e _ n L_ - - ass _ _ - ----- - - LINDER FINANCIAL RESOURCES ob —_--,aea —_________— 10Q tOK t047 — ----------- ----- 10i] 81IEPIAN Al oO O l; t TING BABEMENT PLAN (NO WORK) ML DEMO PLAN �JSnk. tla=tn ED UNDER FINANCIAL RESOURCE$ /� FLOOR PlAN6 1, 11 FLOOR P �N o A2 \/ yy I I I I *a I I I I I ��aw��Erw II II III 1 =rnwrr - �J I ____ - _-. _.. � • all - 4 II.I ____. II I mitEr �_ YI III �Il�Z � Ir� III !]FF1SE IIII OFFICE I I J I.I �-.d 1b�.�1 ``\�� F� F'� �F-j� y "�.i� ___ � I.I __'_((U_✓_jJ I. II LI LI LI N rl WNW U ER LINDER ati FINANCI. �'J I ,STREET FRONT ELEVATION .,bnmum smom�w S-TR p -,a ass, s�izsrea Q / REAR ELEVATION �i 5aie.tk =tn El UNDER FINANCIAL RESOURCE$ — _ WLOR eLrvATwNs I 1 EAST ELEVATION , \ WEST ELEVATION Plant Legend symbol Q4 Commm�Wmeew— mnbiner -- '� ueauruuex�w,mm. 0 mmmw� Date : 6/22/22 Prepared By Revisions: 3 landscape Plan: Specialized Outdoor Services Scale : 1/8" = 1' 0" CINDER FINANCIAL PO Box 114 Notes: Hutchinson, MN 55350 Cokato, MN 11321 SPEC/AL/ZEO Blaine.specializedmn.corn CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 7/13/22 - 7/26/22 Check Date Check ------------------- EFT Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ EFTPS Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 Amount ----------------------- 90,048.07 --------------- 07/15/2022 07/15/2022 EFT Child Support Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 415.78 07/15/2022 EFT MN Dept of Revenue Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 16,638.44 07/15/2022 EFT Provident Life -Vol Ins Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 488.02 07/15/2022 EFT PERA Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 58,891.40 07/15/2022 EFT Further HSA Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 13,828.75 07/15/2022 EFT Mission Square Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 4,547.36 07/15/2022 EFT VOYA Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 460.00 07/15/2022 EFT MNDCP Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 350.00 07/15/2022 104305 Manual Employee Check Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 187.89 07/15/2022 104306 Manual Employee Check Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 503.69 07/15/2022 104307 MNPEA Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 624.00 07/15/2022 104308 UNUM Life Voluntary Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 1,197.95 07/15/2022 104309 LELS Union Dues Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 325.00 07/15/2022 104310 HART Payroll Report 6/26/22 - 7/9/22 222.56 07/26/2022 104311 AARP JULY AARP INSTRUCTION - SR CTR 435.00 07/26/2022 104312 ABDO REVIEW & PREP FINANCIAL REPORTING 1,125.00 07/26/2022 104313 ACE HARDWARE - 1315 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,114.58 07/26/2022 104314 VOID VOIDED CHECK - 07/26/2022 104315 ACE HARDWARE - 1790 TORCH KIT, NUTS - FIRE 56.69 07/26/2022 104316 ACE HARDWARE - 1825 TAPE MEASURES- POLICE 21.58 07/26/2022 104317 ACE HARDWARE - 6762 LIGHTER, DISC, HEAT SHRINK -COMPOST 28.40 07/26/2022 104318 ACT DUST COLLECTORS ACT 3-12 CARTRIDGE DUST COLLECTOR - COMPOST 18,007.49 07/26/2022 104319 ADVANCED ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL SCADA PROJECT - WWTP & WATER 31,221.85 07/26/2022 104320 ADVANCED POWER SERVICES, INC GENERATOR INSPECTIONS- POLICE 1,040.00 07/26/2022 104321 AHLGREN ELECTRIC REPAIRS & MATERIALS- PARKS 4,092.94 07/26/2022 104322 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 177.55 07/26/2022 104323 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER JUNE PROCESSING/BOARDING - POLICE 700.00 07/26/2022 104324 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK INSURANCE BROKER FEE 7/1- 12/31-22 8,500.00 07/26/2022 104325 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,569.65 07/26/2022 104326 ASHWILL INDUSTRIES INC LIBRARY FOUNTAIN REPAIRS- PARKS 328.00 07/26/2022 104327 ASI JET AG LLC 100 LL FUEL -AIRPORT 57.50 07/26/2022 104328 AUTO-CHLOR SYSTEM JULYDISHWASHERSERVICE - SR DINING 220.00 07/26/2022 104329 BELLBOY CORP COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 8,314.77 07/26/2022 104330 BENEFIT EXTRAS INC JUNE COBRA/RETIREE BILLING 56.50 07/26/2022 104331 BENNY'S MEAT MARKET DIRECTOR'S PICNIC, CONCESSIONS SUPPLIES 2,199.36 07/26/2022 104332 BERNICK'S CONCESSIONS SUPPLIES&COGS- MULTIPLEDEPTS 2,039.94 07/26/2022 104333 BEYOND BROKEN 2022 ORANGE SPECT GUIDE: ADV - LIQUOR HUTCH 150.00 07/26/2022 104334 BFG SUPPLY CO MWP PERLITE COARSE -COMPOST 8,419.53 07/26/2022 104335 BRANDON TIRE CO MOWER: TIRE REPAIRS - PARKS 110.92 07/26/2022 104336 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 346.22 07/26/2022 104337 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP VARIOUS PROJECTS: THRU 7/1/22 - MULTIPLE DEPTS 16,105.25 07/26/2022 104338 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 30,312.74 07/26/2022 104339 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS RED BALL DIAMOND - PARKS 918.04 07/26/2022 104340 BUREAU OF CRIM. APPREHENSION CJDN FEES- POLICE 390.00 07/26/2022 104341 BUSCHE,DEAN UB refund for account: 3-560-4330-3-01 78.06 07/26/2022 104342 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 51,095.12 07/26/2022 104343 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC SQUAD REPAIRS- POLICE 246.59 07/26/2022 104344 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS COUPLERS, NIPPLES, WIRE- WWTP 140.79 07/26/2022 104345 CENTRAL MCGOWAN ACETYLENE, HIGH PRESSURE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 162.00 07/26/2022 104346 CHEMISOLVCORP CHEMICALS -WWTP 11,032.56 07/26/2022 104347 CINTAS CORPORATION 7/6 SUPPLIES & SERVICE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 276.05 07/26/2022 104348 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAG MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT -JUNE 20,160.00 07/26/2022 104349 COAST TO COAST SOLUTIONS SHIELD SHAPED STICKERS - POLICE 315.05 07/26/2022 104350 CONTEGRITY GROUP BURICH ARENA & NEW PD PROJECTS 38,973.80 07/26/2022 104351 CORE & MAIN LP OMNI REGISTER & METERS- WATER 943.71 07/26/2022 104352 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE FLAGS- FIRE 45.00 07/26/2022 104353 CREEKSIDE SOILS BITCON & MULCH - MULTIPLE DEPTS 621.40 07/26/2022 104354 CRESCENT MOON PRODUCTIONS LLC ICE SHOW EQUIPMENT - ARENA 2,427.00 07/26/2022 104356 CROW RIVER PRESS INC CAMPGROUND BROCHURES- PARKS 47.04 07/26/2022 104357 CROW RIVER WINERY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 814.80 07/26/2022 104358 CROWN LIFT TRUCKS OIL, MAINT, FILTERS -COMPOST 254.11 07/26/2022 104359 CULLIGAN WATER NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 40.55 07/26/2022 104360 DAAK REFRIGERATION REPAIR ICE CREAM MACHINE, DOOR - WATERPARK 160.00 07/26/2022 104361 DAVE GRIEP CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING - LIQUOR HUTCH 60.00 07/26/2022 104362 DELEGARD TOOL CO FILTERS, GREASE FITTINGS, GRIND DISC, SETS - HATS 415.32 07/26/2022 104363 DEMING CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITYTHRU 7/1/22 PAY#7 137,872.84 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 7/13/22 - 7/26/22 Check Date Check ------------------- 104364 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ DOG -ON -IT -PARKS Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASTE CAN LINERS - PARKS Amount ----------------------- 218.00 --------------- 07/26/2022 07/26/2022 104365 E.G. RUD &SONS INC. NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 693.00 07/26/2022 104366 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC REPLACE EAST RINK LIGHTS; MISC REPAIRS 17,748.99 07/26/2022 104367 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION 7/11 PEST CONTROL- POLICE 64.93 07/26/2022 104368 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC TIF & PAYING AGENT FEES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,700.00 07/26/2022 104369 ERICKSON ENGINEERING CO LLC JUN REPAIR TO BRIDGES- ENG 7,600.00 07/26/2022 104370 ESS BROTHERS & SONS VALVE COVERS, RINGS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,243.00 07/26/2022 104371 FALCON MECHANICAL NEW POLICE FACILITYTHRU 7/1/22 PAY#9 152,619.93 07/26/2022 104372 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT PW BOBCAT RENTAL; REPAIRS & SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 2,618.63 07/26/2022 104373 FASTENALCOMPANY OPERATING SUPPLIES -PARKS 1,342.64 07/26/2022 104374 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLU DRUG TESTING 9.63 07/26/2022 104375 FLAGSHIP RECREATION CHAIN, SCREWS, BUSHINGS- PARKS 663.33 07/26/2022 104376 FLOW CONTROL AUTOMATION INC SOLENOIDS- WWTP 184.00 07/26/2022 104377 FOBBE ELECTRIC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 PAY#9 78,185.00 07/26/2022 104378 FOSTER MECHANICAL POOL REPAIRS 3,338.66 07/26/2022 104379 FR SECURE LLC FACT SYSTEM 3 YR ENGAGEMENT- MULTIPLE DEPTS 10,972.50 07/26/2022 104380 FURST, GERALD & ADELINE UB refund for account: 1-894-1341-0-01 82.64 07/26/2022 104381 FURTHER July 2022 HSA/FSAAdm. Fees 329.30 07/26/2022 104382 GALCO INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS FANS- WWTP 112.75 07/26/2022 104383 GOLDSTAR PRODUCTS INC ASPHALT PRIMER -STREETS 3,420.30 07/26/2022 104384 GOOD NEWS HEATING & A/C TIF: SKYLAR BENSON - HRA 4,016.68 07/26/2022 104385 GOPHER STATE FIRE EQUIPMENTCO. SEMI-ANNUAL SERVICE - SR DINING 227.00 07/26/2022 104386 GOV'T FORMS & SUPPLIES FREIGHT FOR VOTING SUPPLIES- ELECTIONS 82.10 07/26/2022 104387 GRAINGER REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,575.07 07/26/2022 104388 GREEN EARTH LAWN CARE INC WEEKLY LAWN MAINT- EDA 388.13 07/26/2022 104389 HACH COMPANY CHLORINE ACCUVAC - WATER 126.36 07/26/2022 104390 HAGEN, ROBERT REFUND: SHELTER CANCELATION - PARKS 45.00 07/26/2022 104391 HANSEN GRAVEL INC. MEEKER ROCK-STORMWATER 300.00 07/26/2022 104392 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION CATCH BASIN REPAIR - STORMWATER 1,530.00 07/26/2022 104393 HAWKINS INC CHEMICALS & SUPPLIES- WATERPARK, WWTF, WTP 10,976.50 07/26/2022 104394 HERGENRADER, LISA REIMB: MILEAGE TO REGISTER NOTARY- MV 18.75 07/26/2022 104395 HILLYARD/ HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,898.77 07/26/2022 104396 HJERPE CONTRACTING CONSTRUCTION & REPAIRS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,867.00 07/26/2022 104397 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC JUN SPLASH PAD CONCEPT & DESIGN 2,375.99 07/26/2022 104398 HOLT MOTORS INC #289 SENDER & PUM - STREETS 218.58 07/26/2022 104399 HUTCHFIELDSERVICES INC JULYJANITORIALSERVICES-HATS 1,485.75 07/26/2022 104400 HUTCHINSON CO-OP JUN FUEL&SERVICES - MULTIPLEDEPTS 9,722.77 07/26/2022 104401 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 6/1 - 7/1-22 114,591.32 07/26/2022 104402 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 2ND QTR 2022 BILLING: B FITZPATRICK- IT 15,573.88 07/26/2022 104403 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 65.71 07/26/2022 104404 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1551 SLIDE TERMINALS, BREAKERS -COMPOST 19.34 07/26/2022 104405 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #2520 TOUCHUPPAINT:TUBE - FIRE 24.19 07/26/2022 104406 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF JUN 2022 WATER & SEWER - MULTIPLE DEPTS 6,987.80 07/26/2022 104407 I.M.S. SHARPENING SERVICE 7/9 CATCH BASIN REPAIR-STORMWATER 1,750.00 07/26/2022 104408 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC INK, TP, TOWELS, PLATES, MARKERS, LIQUOR HUTCH 500.40 07/26/2022 104409 IRON JUNGLE CROSSFIT UB refund for account: 3-500-3060-0-02 31.49 07/26/2022 104410 ISD#423 APRIL-JUN COURSES-COMM ED & REC 55,995.78 07/26/2022 104411 JERRY'STRANSMISSION SERVICE NOZZLE REPAIR- FIRE 384.49 07/26/2022 104412 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD -LIQUOR HUTCH 31,553.02 07/26/2022 104413 JUUL CONTRACTING CO STORM SEWER HERITAGE AVE- STORMWATER 662.00 07/26/2022 104414 KJOHNSON CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 4,261.18 07/26/2022 104415 KJOHNSON CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 PAY#9 32,562.20 07/26/2022 104416 K&A SHEETMETAL FABRICATION LLC TANKER 4 & 6: MAP/BINDER BOX HOLDERS - FIRE 142.53 07/26/2022 104417 KAPING, RYAN UB refund for account: 1-820-1150-6-01 68.44 07/26/2022 104418 KENNA, SANDRA REFUND: TWINS GAME- REC 25.00 07/26/2022 104419 KODRU-MOONEY AC 2 BD ASSY - WWTP 560.00 07/26/2022 104420 KRONBECK, SHIRLEY REPURCHASE 3 GRAVES -CEMETERY 1,157.50 07/26/2022 104421 L & P SUPPLY CO REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 61.49 07/26/2022 104422 LANDSKAPINGS 2022 LANDSCAPING MAINT- MULTIPLE DEPTS 2,500.00 07/26/2022 104423 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST SEWER BACKUP CLAIM; Q3 INS PREMIUMS 92,358.00 07/26/2022 104424 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC CROSS TUBE, TRUCK WING POST PIN, EARS -STREETS 1,250.99 07/26/2022 104425 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 42,732.30 07/26/2022 104426 LOGIS JULYSERVICES- MULTIPLEDEPTS 10,172.42 07/26/2022 104427 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC. JUNEYARDWASTE- COMPOST 2,083.26 07/26/2022 104428 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC VARIOUS PRINTING CONTRACTS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,470.20 07/26/2022 104429 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC VARIOUS PRINTING CONTRACTS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 252.16 07/26/2022 104430 MARIE RIDGEWAY & ASSOCIATES 6/1 MANDATORY CHECK -INS - POLICE 1,725.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 7/13/22 - 7/26/22 Check Date Check ------------------- 104431 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ MATT RAUSCH MASONRY Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPVTHRU 7/1 Amount ----------------------- 150,575.00 --------------- 07/26/2022 07/26/2022 104432 MCLEOD COUNTY HHW APPLIANCE REFUSE - WWTP 15.00 07/26/2022 104433 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER RELEASE - EDA 46.00 07/26/2022 104434 MEDICA AUGUST MEDICAL INSURANCE 137,696.78 07/26/2022 104435 MEEKER WASHED SAND &GRAVEL SAND - COMPOST 5,469.92 07/26/2022 104436 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,105.39 07/26/2022 104437 MHSRC/RANGE EVOC/PIT REFRESHER TRAINING - POLICE 1,470.00 07/26/2022 104438 MINI BIFF VARIOUS RENTALS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 673.72 07/26/2022 104439 MINNESOTA CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATIO MN JUDGES CRIMINAL BENCHBOOK- LEGAL 107.50 07/26/2022 104440 MINNESOTA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIALITY FERTILIZER 7/1/21 - 6/30/22 - COMPOST 1,995.24 07/26/2022 104441 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB LAB SAMPLE TESTING - MULTIPLEDEPTS 1,301.60 07/26/2022 104442 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 2ND QTR STATE SURCHARGE - BLDG INSPEC 5,079.12 07/26/2022 104443 NERO ENGINEERING LLC JUNE WASTEWATER TREATMENT EFFORTS 18,966.70 07/26/2022 104444 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC EQUIPMENT PARTS - HATS 298.72 07/26/2022 104445 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP DEHUMIDIFIER - WATER 3,729.00 07/26/2022 104446 NUSSTRUCK& EQUIPMENT SEMI REPAIRS -COMPOST 1,826.87 07/26/2022 104447 NUVERA JUL PHONE SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,796.28 07/26/2022 104448 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC CHAIR - STREETS 256.32 07/26/2022 104449 ODRA LLC WATER PUMP ASSY, CHECK VALVE - STORMWATER 222.91 07/26/2022 104450 OLSON, JOHN REIMB: SAFETY FOOTWEAR - STREETS 175.00 07/26/2022 104451 PAAPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY NEW POLICE FACILITYTHRU 7/1/22 PAY#3 14,440.00 07/26/2022 104452 PAL-SERV PALLETS - COMPOST 28,196.00 07/26/2022 104453 PALLET SERVICE CORPORATION PALLETS - COMPOST 21,512.40 07/26/2022 104454 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 5,338.50 07/26/2022 104455 PEAT INC. SPHAGNUM FINE CROMWELL-COMPOST 5,517.50 07/26/2022 104456 PEN & INC. SPLENDOR GRO DESIGN, PLATETRANSFER -COMPOST 1,553.72 07/26/2022 104457 PEOPLEREADY INC CREEKSIDE TEMP STAFFING 976.80 07/26/2022 104458 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 15,303.99 07/26/2022 104459 PIETSCH CONSTRUCTION INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 PAY#6 13,870.00 07/26/2022 104460 PIKE TRANSFER LLC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 1,500.00 07/26/2022 104461 POSTMASTER AUG SR NEWSLETTER - SR CTR 120.00 07/26/2022 104462 POSTMASTER POSTAGE - UB BILLING 1,585.00 07/26/2022 104463 PREMIUM WATERS JUL SERVICE - PARKS 9.00 07/26/2022 104464 PRO AUTO MN INC VEHICLE REPAIRS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 789.35 07/26/2022 104465 QUADE ELECTRIC REPAIRS & SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,153.56 07/26/2022 104466 QUILLCORP PAPER TOWELS, TRASH BAGS -REC 747.41 07/26/2022 104467 RADWELL INTERNATIONAL OUTPUTMODULE-COMPOST 314.88 07/26/2022 104468 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION COMPANY, INC. COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 229.00 07/26/2022 104469 REINDERS EQUIPMENT PARTS- PARKS 3,428.57 07/26/2022 104470 REINER ENTERPRISES INC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 3,643.54 07/26/2022 104471 ROSE TRUCKING INC REPAIR REGEN SWITCH, MUD FLAPS -COMPOST 692.91 07/26/2022 104472 ROYAL WASH HOUSE MAY SERVICE - EV CTR 222.83 07/26/2022 104473 RUNNING'S SUPPLY REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 91.98 07/26/2022 104474 SAVATREE GENERAL TREE CARE - STREETS 1,664.00 07/26/2022 104475 SCHLUETER,ROBERT FACADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT- EDA 7,500.00 07/26/2022 104476 SCHRODEN, JOSH UB refund for account: 2-725-7350-2-04 45.47 07/26/2022 104477 SHAW, KAREN JUNE CLASSES - SR CTR 240.00 07/26/2022 104478 SJE INC SCADA PROJECT - WWTP 80,554.90 07/26/2022 104479 SLABJACKING SPECIALTIES RAISED CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - STREETS 2,600.00 07/26/2022 104480 SMSC ENTERPRISES JUNE 2022 ORGANICS RECYCLING - COMPOST 21,036.60 07/26/2022 104481 SNAP -ON INDUSTRIAL TRITON RENEW DATA PLAN - HATS 1,201.64 07/26/2022 104482 SNYDER, BILL UB refund for account: 1-920-1379-6-00 23.06 07/26/2022 104483 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 15,979.69 07/26/2022 104484 SPARTAN STEEL ERECTORS INC NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 PAY#5 6,279.50 07/26/2022 104485 SRF CONSULTING GROUP S GRADE RD @ DALE IMPVTHRU 6/30/22- ENG 989.77 07/26/2022 104486 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING POSTAGE & SUPPLIES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,284.93 07/26/2022 104487 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES- MULTIPLEDEPTS 347.17 07/26/2022 104488 STREICHER'S AMMO - POLICE 4,418.49 07/26/2022 104489 SUMMER LAKES BEVERAGE LLC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 897.75 07/26/2022 104490 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL JUNE DENTAL CLAIMS 7,313.52 07/26/2022 104491 SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION SUPPLIES- WATERPARK 4,097.69 07/26/2022 104492 TALL SALES COMPANY JUNE 2022 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 8,695.23 07/26/2022 104493 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO TAPE, SEALANT, PAINT, WASHERS, DRILL BIT- HATS 587.81 07/26/2022 104494 THELEN HEATING & ROOFING NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 7/1/22 PAY#5 50,255.00 07/26/2022 104495 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST JUNE ONLINE/SOFTWARE CHARGES - LEGAL 1,403.96 07/26/2022 104496 TRAFFIC MARKING SERVICE INC 2022 LONG -LINE STRIPING - STREETS 5,032.00 07/26/2022 104497 TRI-COUNTY PALLET & CRATE PALLETS - COMPOST 6,160.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 7/13/22 - 7/26/22 Check Date Check ------------------- 104498 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ TRUE BRANDS Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH Amount ----------------------- 212.64 --------------- 07/26/2022 07/26/2022 104499 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA AUGUST LIFE INSURANCE 3,105.21 07/26/2022 104500 US IDENTIFICATION MANUAL MANUAL UPDATES THRU 9/2023 - MV 82.50 07/26/2022 104501 USA BLUE BOOK AMMONIATESTS- WWTP 324.87 07/26/2022 104502 VERIZON WIRELESS MAY 24-JUN 23 PHONE SERVICES- MULTIPLE DEPTS 3,421.06 07/26/2022 104503 VIKING BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 17,485.88 07/26/2022 104504 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 336.95 07/26/2022 104505 VIKING SIGNS & GRAPHICS INC SIGNS- MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,115.00 07/26/2022 104506 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,798.13 07/26/2022 104507 VOS CONSTRUCTION INC BURICH ARENA REROOF & FACADE IMPV THRU 7 126,540.00 07/26/2022 104508 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN JULY REFUSE TO LANDFILL 20,294.18 07/26/2022 104509 WATELAND, CYNTHIA UB refund for account: 1-920-0121-0-00 86.90 07/26/2022 104510 WATERVILLE FOOD & ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 2,410.20 07/26/2022 104511 WELCOME NEIGHBOR NEW RESIDENT VISITS- LIQUOR HUTCH 60.00 07/26/2022 104512 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. JUN REFUSE - MULTIPLEDEPTS 54,053.50 07/26/2022 104513 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,931.00 07/26/2022 104514 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 5,091.16 07/26/2022 104515 WM MUELLER& SONS 7/5ASPHALT -STREETS 274.92 07/26/2022 104516 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION ELECTRODES, DEFIB - POLICE 66.74 07/19/2022 104517 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE TRADEMARK RENEWAL -EDA 25.00 07/19/2022 104518 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE UCC FILING: FIRELAKE MFG, LLC LOAN 2000. Total - Check Register A: $ 2,267,882.00 Department Purchasing Card Activity - May 2022 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 06/08/2022 ADMIN CGMC CGMC Summer Conference Registration 280.00 06/15/2022 ADMIN GOV'T FORMS & SUPPLIES Election Signs 695.28 06/22/2022 ADMIN MINNESOTACLE Minnesota Continuing Legal Education 45.00 06/24/2022 ADMIN RED LOBSTER Dinner on Wednesday of LMC Conference 30.00 06/23/2022 ADMIN HARDEES Lunch on Wednesday of LMC Conference 15.55 06/23/2022 ADMIN DECC Parking for LMC Conference 10.00 06/26/2022 ADMIN HAMPTON INN Hotel for LMC Conference 569.60 06/26/2022 ADMIN SUBWAY Lunch on Friday of LMC Conference 14.69 06/26/2022 ADMIN DECC Parking for LMC Conference 10.00 06/26/2022 ADMIN PRINTELECT Voting Signs 64.66 06/03/2022 CREEKSIDE IA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Jan-Jun22 Fertilizer fees 109.88 06/03/2022 CREEKSIDE IA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Fertilizer license 20.00 06/09/2022 CREEKSIDE SPS COMMERCE May 2022 SPS fees: UH & Bomgaars 311.22 06/03/2022 EDA MUDDY COW HUTCHINSON Lunch for EDA Board 146.34 06/12/2022 EDA JIMMYS PIZZA Lunch for EDA Board 90.84 06/16/2022 EDA SUBWAY Lunch for Finance Team 85.28 06/17/2022 EDA USPS Postage 3.63 06/21/2022 EDA WM SUPERCENTER Drain cleaner 10.08 06/23/2022 EDA MCCORMICKS FAMILY RESTAURANT Lunch for EDA Board 96.22 06/06/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Legal - Note pads 10.66 06/06/2022 FINANCE AMAZON City Center- Note pads & printer paper 17.23 06/13/2022 FINANCE AMAZON City Center- Note pads 8.99 06/13/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Elections -Address labels 71.97 06/14/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Utility Billing - stapler 13.39 06/14/2022 FINANCE WM SUPERCENTER City Center- soda for vending machine 49.70 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213 PRIME Gen Fund -Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213PRIME Liquor -Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213PRIME Compost -Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213 PRIME Water -Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213 PRIME Sewer -Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213PRIME EDA-Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/19/2022 FINANCE 13213PRIME HRA -Amazon Prime annual fee 499.00 06/21/2022 FINANCE AMAZON Engineering - Sharpie markers 45.76 06/29/2022 FINANCE GOVT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSN - GFOA Finance - Annual GFOA Certificate fee 460.00 06/29/2022 FINANCE CASH WISE FOODS Directors Picnic supplies 662.66 06/30/2022 FINANCE EZBUSINESS FEE Credit Card Service Fee 15.00 06/03/2022 FIRE WAL-MART Gatorade and kitchen supplies 91.54 06/03/2022 FIRE CASH WISE FOODS Cases of drinking water 30.00 06/03/2022 FIRE WM SUPERCENTER Car wash solution 19.62 06/10/2022 FIRE WESTIN AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT New Rescue 8 Winch parts/equip. 470.95 06/09/2022 FIRE FIREPENNY Hydrant bags for trucks 257.29 06/09/2022 FIRE SUMMIT RACING New Rescue 8 Winch parts/equip. 230.82 06/19/2022 FIRE CASH WISE FOODS Kitchen supplies 86.52 06/23/2022 FIRE FIREPENNY Straight bore nozzle (Tanker 4) 64.00 06/28/2022 FIRE STEPHENS PUBLISHING Fire prevention supplies- dalmations 130.07 06/06/2022 IT AMAZON Phone Case Phil Mielke 16.94 06/10/2022 IT AMAZON Patch Cables 57.31 06/12/2022 IT AMAZON Plotter print heads 129.78 06/17/2022 IT JIMMYS PIZZA Dept lunch meeting 29.12 06/20/2022 IT AMAZON Storage bins for IT 34.91 06/21/2022 IT AMAZON Scanners for Kim and Lori 1,876.78 06/23/2022 IT AMAZON Patch Cables 150.95 06/23/2022 IT AMAZON Blue Tooth speaker system for New PD 219.99 06/23/2022 IT AMAZON Signal Extenders for New PD 2,938.09 06/26/2022 IT LEEANN CHIN Lunch core switch final config @ LOGIS 10.62 06/30/2022 IT AMAZON Cell car charger J Burmeister 14.99 06/01/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH FACEBKZ7MFDC3G22 Facebook Advertising 122.21 06/05/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH AUTODOORHD Replacement parts for auto enrty doors 371.07 06/05/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH ACE HARDWARE - 1315 Replacement parts for pallet jack 6.13 06/10/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH ENTERTAINING ESSENTIALS Misc items for resale 295.66 06/10/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH ACE HARDWARE - 1315 Replacement door sweep 18.99 06/16/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH RITE INC Monthly POS software fee 267.19 06/23/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH MENARDS HUTCHINSON Misc operating supplies 53.91 06/28/2022 LIQUOR HUTCH EIG CONSTANTCONTACT.COM Email blast advertising 70.00 06/01/2022 PARK & REC SAINTS BASEBALL LLC Senior Trips - Saint Paul Saints (40 tickets) 623.37 06/03/2022 PARK & REC JOSEPH'S GRILL Senior Trips - Deposit for Banquet Room (October 6, 2022) 100.00 06/02/2022 PARK & REC ALLPARTITIONS Hinge Set 76.00 06/03/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Poker Chip Set for Senior Center 39.99 Department Purchasing Card Activity - May 2022 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 06/03/2022 PARK & REC HASTY AWARDS Awards for Tournaments 705.60 06/05/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Shin Guard Replacement Straps 24.98 06/06/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Outdoor Pickleballs 43.57 06/08/2022 PARK & REC CRAGUNS RESORT MRPA Conference - Neumann, Witte, McRaith, Behrendt, Haugen 564.53 06/08/2022 PARK & REC CRAGUNS RESORT MRPA Conference - Neumann, Witte, McRaith, Behrendt, Haugen 375.00 06/08/2022 PARK & REC CRAGUNS RESORT MRPA Conference - Neumann, Witte, McRaith, Behrendt, Haugen 564.53 06/08/2022 PARK & REC CRAGUNS RESORT MRPA Conference - Neumann, Witte, McRaith, Behrendt, Haugen 375.00 06/07/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Chest Protector - Catching Equipmement 57.95 06/07/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Pickleball Ball Caddy 42.00 06/07/2022 PARK & REC WAL-MART Printer Ink 36.66 06/09/2022 PARK & REC HQ4SPORTS Catcher's Gear Set 248.06 06/08/2022 PARK & REC FOOD SERVICE DIRECT Concessions Supplies 1,137.55 06/09/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Koala Kare - Baby Changing Station 269.14 06/10/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Single Dose Sunscreen Packets 36.95 06/10/2022 PARK & REC WAL-MART Concessions Supplies - Butter, Pop 27.82 06/12/2022 PARK & REC WHENIWORK.COM Employee Scheduling Software 84.00 06/13/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Clipboards, Cardstock 80.46 06/16/2022 PARK & REC GEHL FOODS INC Concession Supplies - Hose (box of 20) 100.00 06/15/2022 PARK & REC WM SUPERCENTER Concession Supplies - Fun Pops 11.92 06/16/2022 PARK & REC WM SUPERCENTER Concession Supplies - Fun Pops 29.80 06/19/2022 PARK & REC TARGET Crock Pot 26.96 06/19/2022 PARK & REC CASH WISE FOODS Concession Supplies - Cheese 13.99 06/19/2022 PARK & REC CASH WISE FOODS Concession Supplies - Hamburger Buns 10.36 06/20/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Thermal Laminating Pouches 29.58 06/20/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Slushy Machine for Concession Stand 1,522.43 06/21/2022 PARK & REC WM SUPERCENTER Concession Supplies - Water, Pop, Flyswatters 35.32 06/23/2022 PARK & REC NELSON MFG CO Dog Park Water Bowl Repair Supplies 47.52 06/23/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Video Surveillance Sign 9.95 06/23/2022 PARK & REC AMAZON Bag Straps 17.42 06/26/2022 PARK & REC CASH WISE FOODS Concessions Supplies - Butter, Ice Cream Treats 51.92 06/03/2022 POLICE ACTIVE911INC Tactical team paging 235.79 06/05/2022 POLICE AMAZON Batteries 97.29 06/09/2022 POLICE POST BOARD LICENSING License renewal 810.00 06/07/2022 POLICE AMAZON Phone cases 19.58 06/09/2022 POLICE AMAZON Batteries 12.69 06/12/2022 POLICE POST BOARD LICENSING License renewal 180.00 06/19/2022 POLICE GALLS LLC Bike shorts 89.97 06/19/2022 POLICE AMAZON Zip ties 4.99 06/24/2022 POLICE AMAZON Security cameras 225.69 06/29/2022 POLICE AMAZON ID cards 17.99 06/08/2022 PUBLIC WORKS MN AWWA MN AWWA Annual Conference - Mike Lien 320.00 06/07/2022 PUBLIC WORKS WWW.MNSPE.ORG MnSPE meeting 31.53 06/07/2022 PUBLIC WORKS NSPE NSPE-MN Membership 299.00 06/09/2022 PUBLIC WORKS BOARD OF AELSLAGID Certificate Renewal 122.50 06/09/2022 PUBLIC WORKS CUSTOMER ELATION INC Monthly Dispatch Services 64.64 06/09/2022 PUBLIC WORKS CUSTOMER ELATION INC Monthly Dispatch Services 64.64 06/12/2022 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Boilers License Renewal - Mike Lien 20.00 06/14/2022 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Squeegee Handle 34.27 06/14/2022 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Crack Filler Squeege Head 54.50 06/17/2022 PUBLIC WORKS ARROWWOOD RESORT AND CONFERENCE CTR MESERB meeting - T Gratke 100.17 06/17/2022 PUBLIC WORKS ARROWWOOD RESORT AND CONFERENCE CTR MESERB meeting - !Paulson 100.17 06/19/2022 PUBLIC WORKS DWYER INSTRUMENTS INC WII Level Transducer (Spare) 1,085.54 06/23/2022 PUBLIC WORKS KEYSTONEPES Street weed control 500.00 06/23/2022 PUBLIC WORKS KEYSTONEPES Airport woody growth control 74.01 06/23/2022 PUBLIC WORKS KEYSTONEPES Storm water ponds woody growth control 800.00 06/29/2022 PUBLIC WORKS FIRE HOSE DIRECT Wash-up accessories 1,106.32 06/29/2022 PUBLIC WORKS MWOA MWOA Conference - Mike Lien 285.00 Total - P-Cards: $29,698.69 CHECK REGISTER B FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 7/13/22 - 7/26/22 Check Date Check 104355 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ CROW RIVER GLASS INC. Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 EXPLORER: ROCK CHIP REPAIR - FIRE Amount ----------------------- 65.00 ----------------------------------- 07/26/2022 Total - Check Register B: $ 65.00 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Discussion on Police Facility Project Funding, Debt Levels and Reserves Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As you are aware, the City issued bonds in 2021 to finance a portion of the police facility construction costs and we are in the process of structuring the 2022 bond issuance to provide sufficient funds to complete the project. The new debt will increase the City's Debt Tax Levy which is assessed and paid by property owners over a 30-year debt term, starting in 2022 through 2051. There are several considerations that staff and city council need to discuss in order to structure the debt in the most prudent manner, thereby minimizing the financial impact to the City and taxpayers. Considerations: 1. Increased police facility project costs due to soil corrections and other change orders - estimated at an additional $575,000 from our December 2021 estimate; fund with higher debt or reserves? 2. Rising interest rates on bonds issued to finance the project - increases the cost of debt and ultimately the City's debt tax levy 3. Proceeds from the sale of the existing police station and EOC - reduce debt issued by "borrowing" an estimated amount from city reserves and replenish the reserves when the proceeds are received - this option has the lowest debt level and debt tax levy - use proceeds when received to reduce future debt levies, spread across the 30-year debt life - use proceeds for other projects by increasing debt; results in the highest debt and debt tax levy of all options 4. Other projects currently in progress or desired by city council in near future - Civic Arena roof project requires approximately $1.31VI of city reserves to complete; funds needed in 2022 - Council desire for a splash pad; would require issuing higher level of police debt to free up reserves 5. City reserve funds available to offset current project costs or finance future projects - review available reserves and discuss potential impacts to the City and its bond rating 6. We can't forget about our funding shortfall for heavy equipment and potential debt in near future - essential snow plow trucks and fire trucks are too expensive to fund with the annual $350,000 budget 7. Ultimate impact on the City's debt tax levy based on city council's decisions regarding debt levels and splash pad BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action needed. Staff would like guidance in order to come back to city council on August 9th for approval to move ahead with the bond issuance. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Police Facility Construction Project Total Estimated Costs Funding Sources Net Bond Proceeds $3M Community Improv funds Other Cash Reserves Total Funding Sources Debt Issued to be repaid by Debt Levy * Temporary use of Reserves (optional) Estimated Proiect Costs 12/7/2021 7/26/2022 Change $14,225,000 $14,800,000 $11,819,380 $12,561,388 $1,342,955 $1,595,065 $575,000 $742,008 $252,110 $1,062,665 $643,547-$419,118 $14,225,000 $14,800,000 $575,000 $11,820,000 $12,320,000 $500,000 -$1,000,000-$1,000,000 $11,820,000 $11,320,000-$500,000 * The existing PD and EOC cannot be sold until after the the new facility is complete and after the final debt is issued. An option is to use city reserves temporarily as a way to use the sales proceeds to reduce our debt and ultimately reduce the debt tax levy. Reserves would be replenished when the PD and EOC are sold. FACILITIES PLAN As of July 26, 2022 Year Beginning Balance Funding Improvements Ending Balance 2022 $616,297 $700,000 (3,373,331) ($2,057,034) $763,270 ($1,293,764) $1,300,000 $6,236 2023 $6,236 $700,000 (250,000) $456,236 2024 $456,236 $700,000 (564,500) $591,736 2025 $591,736 $700,000 (350,000) $941,736 Year Facility Project Estimated Cost 2022 Civic Arena East rink roof/wall replacement 2,580,061 2022 Civic Arena HVAC replacement 763,270 2022 Various Miscellaneous improvements 30,000 2022 Total 3,373,331 2023 City Center 2023 Various 2023 City Center 2024 Civic Arena 2023 Fire Hall 2023 Senior Dining 2024 Library 2024 Various 2025 Roberts & VMF Parks 2025 City Center 2025 Various Parking lot improvements 200,000 Miscellaneous improvements 50,000 2023 Total 250,000 Roof improvements 140,000 East rink dasher boards 185,000 Roof improvements 80,000 Roof improvements 9,500 Carpet, finishes, fixtures 100,000 Miscellaneous improvements 50,000 2024 Total 564,500 Lighting improvements - HUC funded Remodel 300,000 Miscellaneous improvements 50,000 2025 Total 350,000 ARPA funds for C.A. HVAC project Other funds needed for C.A. Roof project City Reserves Available General Fund Balance - over 50% Capital Projects Fund Community Improvement Fund Total Available Reserves PD Project Funding needed Civic Arena Roof Project funding Net Available Reserves Other Potential Considerations: Temp use until PD/EOC sale proceeds received Fund Splash Pad Current Reserves $1,355,912 $1,000,000 $2,550,000 $4,905,912 -$643,547 -$1,300,000 project underway, need to fund $2,962,365 -$1,000,000 -$1,500,000 estimate estimate Fleet Plan Annual Ending Funding Small Fleet Heavy Fleet Cash Balance 2022 $350,000 -$172,200 $0 $1,050,000 2023 $350,000 -$560,400 -$255,000 $584,600 2024 $350,000 -$407,800 -$261,400 $265,400 2025 $350,000 -$279,800 -$268,000 $67,600 2026 $350,000 -$423,800 -$274,700 -$280,900 [2] 2027 $350,000 -$288,200 -$955,531 [1] -$1,174,631 [2] [1 ] Fire Ladder Truck - $600, 000 estimated for refurbishment Potential replacement would be in the $1,500,000 range [2] Likely will need to issue debt for Heavy Equipment needs in near future Equipment Debt would place larger burden on Debt Tax Levy TAX IMPACT OF NEW POLICE DEBT Option #1 December 2021 Debt plan revised for higher PD cost, use reserves to lower debt until existing PD & EOC sold Option #2 Use PD & EOC sales proceeds to reduce tax levy over life of new debt - still have higher cost of debt Option #3 Issue additional $1.3M of Police Debt to avoid using City reserves; dedicate those reserves to other projects 2023 Tax Levy Options 12/7/2021 Adopted 2022 Debt Plan Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 General Fund levy (assumed) 3.2% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% Debt levy. 6.7% 2.6% 2.3% 4.1% 9.0% TAX CAPACITY % Change Tax Levy - General Fund Tax Levy - Debt Service TOTAL LEVY Total Levy % Increase over 2022 Tax Rate Change in Tax Rate Homestead Property: Median Home Value Homestead Exclusion Net Taxable Value % Change Estimated City Tax Change from 2022 % Change $ 13,166,940 $ 14,746,973 $ 14,746,973 $ 14,746,973 $ 14,746,973 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 5,605,556 5,829,778 5,829,778 5,829,778 5,829,778 2,348,252 2,408,434 2,401,590 2,445,393 2,560,402 $ 7,953,808 $ 8,238,212 $ 8,231,368 $ 8,275,171 $ 8,390,180 3.6% 3.5% 4.0% 5.5% 60.407% 55.864% 55.817% 56.114% 56.894% -4.543% -4.590% -4.293% -3.513% 2023 Tax Levy Options 12/7/2021 Adopted 2022 Debt Plan Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 $ 200,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 (19,200) (16,500) (16,500) (16,500) (16,500) $ 180,800 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 $ 213,500 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 1,092 1,193 1,192 1,198 1,215 $ 102 $ 101 $ 107 $ 124 9.3% 9.2% 9.8% 11.3% HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ch�f Request for Board Action 79 =-=-7 Agenda Item: Cemetery (City Code Chapter 94) amendment second reading & adoption Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Unfinished Business Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Proposed language changes for City Code Chapter 94 (Cemeteries) was adopted for first reading at the July 12, 2022 City Council meeting. The proposed language is presented for the second reading and adoption of the language changes. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Deny/Approve proposed Cemetery ordinance (City Code Chapter 94) amendments for second reading and adoption. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: V&; Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: - Section CHAPTER 94: CEMETERIES General Provisions 94.01 Purpose; application; control 94.02 Definitions 94.03 Certificate of ownership; sole agreement; exceptions; amendments Lots; Columbaria 94.15 Lot ownership; transfer; assignment; city consent required 94.16 Lot subdivision prohibited 94.17 Replatting and roadways 94.18 Lot owner address change; notification required 94.19 Columbaria 94.20 Procedures for repurchase of cemetery properties Rules and Regulations 94.35 General supervision 94.36 Interments and disinterments; regulations 94.37 Payments 94.38 Work and improvements; city control 94.39 Lot decoration 94.40 Visitor conduct; regulations 94.41 Fees, gratuities and commissions prohibited 94.42 Protection against loss or damage; disclaimer 94.43 Cemetery funds 94.44 Memorials; standards and permits 94.45 Memorials; construction regulations GENERAL PROVISIONS § 94.01 PURPOSE; APPLICATION; CONTROL. (A) Oakland Cemetery is owned and operated by the city. The cemetery operates under the supervision of the Public Works Department, as directed by the Mayor and City Council. It is the city's goal to make Oakland Cemetery a quiet and beautiful cemetery. To secure this effect and for the mutual protection of cemetery users, the city hereby adopts the rules and regulations in this chapter. All lots, lot owners, and users of the cemetery shall be subject to these rules and regulations and amendments or alterations thereto that shall be adopted by this city from time to time. (B) The City Council shall set rates, charges and fees for cemetery services. (2004 Code, § 94.01) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.02 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. CEMETERY. A hallowed park for earth interments or above -ground entombments. COLUMBARIA. An above -ground structure of vaults, known as "niches", for the entombment of cremains. CREMAINS. Cremated human remains. GRAVE. A space of ground or structure reserved for interment or entombment of human remains. INTERMENT. The disposition of human remains or cremains by burial or entombment. LOT. Space in the cemetery reserved for the interment or entombment of human remains. The term includes and applies to one or more adjoining graves. MARKER. A memorial of natural stone or other approved material that does not extend above the surface of the lawn. MEMORIAL. A monument or marker. MONUMENT. A memorial of natural stone or other approved material that extends above the surface of the lawn. (2004 Code, § 94.02) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.03 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP; SOLE AGREEMENT; EXCEPTIONS; AMENDMENTS. (A) Cemetery deed. The cemetery deed, the rules and regulations in this chapter and any amendments thereto shall be the sole agreement between the city and the lot owner. The statement of any sales agent shall in no way bind the city. (B) Exceptions and modifications. Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement of an ordinance may impose unnecessary hardship. The city, therefore, reserves the right, without notice, to make exceptions, suspensions or modifications in any of these rules and regulations. These exceptions or modifications shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application of these rules and regulations. (C) Amendments. The city may, and it hereby expressly reserves the right, at any time or times, to adopt new ordinances, or to amend, alter or repeal any ordinance, or portion thereof. (2004 Code, § 94.03) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) LOTS; COLUMBARIA § 94.15 LOT OWNERSHIP; TRANSFER; ASSIGNMENT; CITY CONSENT REQUIRED. (A) Descent of cemetery lots. Descent of title and ownership of lots in case of death shall be subject to M.S. § 525.14. (B) Lot transfers. The only regular and legal proof of title by descent from a deceased owner is a certified copy of the decree of the proper probate court assigning the lot of the deceased owner, or his or her interest in it, to the person claiming it. Whenever practicable, this proof will be required. If for any reason this proof cannot be obtained, application should at once be made upon the death of the lot owner to the cemetery to ensure the records show the lot owner as the proper living person. (C) Consent of city. No transfer or assignment of any lot, or interest therein, shall be valid until the consent of the city has been obtained. The city may refuse to consent to a transfer or to an assignment as long as there is any indebtedness due the city from the record lot owner, including any fees charged for the transfer or assignment. (2004 Code, § 94.15) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.16 LOT SUBDIVISION PROHIBITED. The subdivision of lots is not allowed, and no one shall be interred in any lot; except that, they have an interest therein or except by written consent of all parties interested in the lot and of the city; provided, however, a relative or any record owner may be buried in the lot as provided for in these ordinances or in the statutes of the state. (2004 Code, § 94.16) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.17 REPLATTING AND ROADWAYS. (A) Right to replat and use property. The city reserves the right to resurvey, enlarge, diminish, replat, alter or change all or any part, portion or subdivision of the property mapped and platted, including the right to lay out, establish, close, eliminate or change the location of roads, walks or drives, and to file amended maps or plats, and to use the same for the erection of buildings, or for any purposes or uses connected with, incidental to or convenient for the care and preservation of the cemetery or for any preparation for other cemetery purposes, together with easements and rights -of -way over or through the premises and the right of installing, maintaining and operating pipelines, conduits, sprinklers, drainage, electric or communication lines, or for any other cemetery purpose. (B) No right granted in alleyways. No easement or right of interment is granted to any lot owner in any road, drive, alley or walk within the cemetery, but a road, drive, alley or walk may be used as a means of access to the cemetery or buildings as long as the city devotes it to that purpose. (2004 Code, § 94.17) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.18 LOT OWNER ADDRESS CHANGE; NOTIFICATION REQUIRED. It shall be the duty of the lot owner to notify the city of any change in his or her United States Postal Service address. Notice sent to a lot owner at the last address on file with the cemetery shall be considered sufficient and proper legal notification. (2004 Code, § 94.18) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.19 COLUMBARIA. (A) Ownership of burial space in a columbarium shall be considered the same as ownership of other cemetery property and shall descend according to state statutes. (B) One or two urns may be entombed in a columbaria niche provided there is adequate space. (C) Purchase of a columbarium niche shall include one bronze front plaque, regardless of the number of remains entombed, the size, design and color of which shall be dyad prescribes by the city. (D) No item shall be affixed to the columbarium, unless herein provided. One one -and -one-half inch veteran's medallion may be affixed on the lower left face of a columbaria niche. All medallions shall be uniformly installed on columbaria niches by authorized cemetery personnel only. Other medallions are not allowed on a columbaria niche. (E) The lot owner is responsible for the maintenance of the medallion. The city is not responsible for maintaining medallions. If items are affixed contrary to the memorial permit, they may be removed by the city at the lot owner's expense. (F) The city shall provide a central planter near columbaria for placement of flowers and other ornamentation, at the lot owners' expense, as permitted herein. (G) The opening of a sealed niche for a second urn is considered an interment and is subject to established fees. (2004 Code, § 94.19) (Ord. 00-266, passed 1-25-2000; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.20 PROCEDURES FOR REPURCHASE OF CEMETERY PROPERTIES. (A) Repurchase. When considering repurchase of cemetery property the city shall offer to willing sellers the greater of one-half of the current price for properties or the original purchase price of the properties, whichever is greater. (B) (1) Certain properties representing a significant value to the cemetery may be identified. (2) For these properties, the city reserves the right to offer more to obtain these specifically identified properties or to waive up to $100 of fees related to the repurchase. (2004 Code, § 94.20) (Ord. 99-253, passed 5-11-1999; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) RULES AND REGULATIONS § 94.35 GENERAL SUPERVISION. (A) Admission to cemetery. The city reserves the right to refuse admission to and supervise the conduct of persons using the cemetery, and to refuse the use of any of the cemetery facilities by any persons whom cemetery management may deem objectionable to the best interests of the cemetery. (B) Cemetery management in charge of funeral. All funerals, upon reaching the cemetery, shall be under the supervision of cemetery management. (C) Casket not to be opened or body touched without consent. The city reserves the right to refuse permission to anyone to open the casket or to touch the body without the written authorization of the legal representative of the deceased or without a court order. (2004 Code, § 94.35) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.36 INTERMENTS AND DISINTERMENTS; REGULATIONS. (A) Subject to laws. Besides being subject to these rules and regulations, all interments and disinterments are subject to the ordinances and statutes of the city, county and state. (B) Time and charges. All interments and disinterments must be made at the time and in the manner prescribed and are subject to the payment of related charges. At least 48 hours' notice prior to interments and at least one week's notice prior to any disinterment is required. The city may refuse to make an interment until a more expedient time if the remains arrive at the cemetery after 4:00 p.m., or if too many funerals arrive at the same hour. The city also reserves the right to require additional time in the event of inclement weather. The city reserves the right to charge an additional fee if a funeral arrives after 4:00 p.m. or more than one-half hour after the scheduled time. (C) Authorization to inter and disinter. The city may inter or open a grave upon receipt of proper written authorization by any lot owner of record made on forms prescribed by the city or if the lot owner has previously provided written instructions on file at the cemetery. No interment or disinterment shall be completed until payment of applicable charges has been made. (D) Required concrete box or vault. The city requires a concrete box or vault for full-size casketed interments. Cremains and infant caskets are exempt from this requirement. (E) Location of interment space. When instructions from the lot owner regarding an interment space cannot be obtained, are indefinite or cannot be followed, the city may open the space as it deems best and proper so as not to delay the interment. (F) Orders, other than written instructions. The city shall not be held responsible for any order given by means other than clearly written instructions or for any mistake occurring from the want of precise and proper instructions as to the particular space, size and location in a lot where interment is desired. (G) Errors may be corrected. The city reserves the right to correct any errors made making interments or disinterments, or in the description or transfer of any property, either by cancelling or substituting the transfer or refunding the amount paid on account of that purchase. In the event the error shall involve the interment of the remains of any person in that property, the city reserves the right to disinter and reinter the remains in property of equal value and similar location, or as otherwise directed by the lot owner. (H) Delays caused by protests. The city shall in no way be liable for any delay in the interment or disinterment where a protest to the interment or disinterment has been made or where ordinances or permits have not been complied with. The city may require any protest to be filed in writing. (1) Not responsible for identification or embalming. The city shall not be liable for the interment permit nor for verifying the identity of the person interred; nor shall the city be liable in any way for the embalming or cremation of the body. (J) No interment or disinterment permitted unless property paid for. No interment or disinterment shall be permitted in any property not fully paid for. (K) Interment of more than one body. (1) One casket, or one casket and one cremains, or two cremains are allowed to be interred in one grave space. (2) A second right of interment may be purchased by the lot owner for the interment of an infant or cremains in between two blood relatives. (3) Interment of up to four cremated remains will be allowed in certain cremation grave spaces of Section 12 and Schmidt's Addition. (4) Certain reclaimed or repurchased properties throughout the cemetery may also be allowed multiple interments of cremains, depending on location, character of surrounding area, size of property, placement of memorials and other considerations made according to the judgment of cemetery management. (L) Interment of human remains. The use of the property in the cemetery is restricted to the interment of human remains only. (M) Disinterment for profit prohibited. Disinterment so the lot or items contained in the lot may be sold for profit, or disinterment contrary to written instructions of the lot owner, is forbidden. (N) May obtain different lot. A bedy Remains may be disinterred from its original lot and be interred in a different lot in the cemetery; provided, there has been a property transfer or purchase for that purpose. (0) Care in disinterment. The city shall exercise due care in making a disinterment, and it shall assume no liability for damage to any casket or burial vault while making the disinterment. (P) Disinterment during winter prohibited. Disinterments during the time period of November 16 through April 14 are not allowed. (2004 Code, § 94.36) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8- 23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.37 PAYMENTS. Payment of service charges. Charges for cemetery services must be paid prior to or at the time of the issuance of any order to inter or disinter. Satisfaction of all indebtedness due the city must be made before interment or disinterment. (2004 Code, § 94.37) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.38 WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS; CITY CONTROL. (A) Work to be done by city. Only the city shall perform grading, landscaping work and improvements of any kind, and all care on lots, trees, shrubs and herbage of any kind, including trimming, cutting or removal. All interments and disinterments shall be made only by the city. (B) City directs and may remove improvements. All improvements or alterations of individual property in the cemetery shall be under the direction of and be subject to the consent, satisfaction and approval of the city, and, should improvements be made without the city's consent, the city shall have the right to remove, alter or change those improvements at the expense of the persons making the improvement or the lot owner. (2004 Code, § 94.38) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.39 LOT DECORATION. (A) Ground planting of flowers is not permitted. The city shall have authority to remove all floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind from the cemetery as soon as, in the judgment of the city, they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental or diseased, or when they do not conform to maintenance standards. The city shall not be liable for floral pieces, or for baskets or frames in which or to which floral pieces are attached. The city shall not be liable for lost, misplaced or broken flower vases. The city shall not be responsible for plants, herbage or plantings of any kind damaged by the elements, thieves, vandals or by other causes beyond its control. The city reserves the right to prevent the removal of any flowers, floral designs, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind, without its consent. (B) Floral frames, when removed from the lot site, unless called for within five days by those lawfully entitled to them, may be disposed of by the city in any manner it sees fit. (C) (1) The placing of boxes, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, wood or iron cases and similar articles upon lots shall not be permitted, and if so placed, the city may remove the same unless they be wholly contained within an approved flower pot or flower box fitting over a monument. In no case shall any decoration or ornamentation be allowed if its design is deemed to be vui ar (. offensive in nature — rfpt­7pd ay . 1Tf 2 City, include food and beverages or other items for human consumption, be constructed of glass, contain light -emitting elements or be in any way designed to move either mechanically or by other means, including by natural wind. The city may remove any decoration or ornamentation immediately if it does not comply with this section. (2) No item may be affixed to monuments; except that, a certain item may be affixed to the face of monuments; provided, it does not protrude more than one inch beyond vertical surfaces, the fac-se f th., �P_.A+ Ord does not exceed 20 square inches in size and is maintained by the persons affixing such items. The city will not maintain items affixed to monuments, (D) Cut flowers may be deposited on graves only on Memorial Day, except flowers may be in approved vases or holders. Only one flower holder per lot is allowed. (E) Glass containers are not allowed. (F) Cut flowers and plastic flowers will be removed from the ground within seven days after Memorial Day. (G) Unsightly flowers and wreaths will be removed at the discretion of the city. (H) Live plants will be allowed only in approved pots, urns or holders. (1) Metal flower holders of an approved design are permitted. Cementing of these flower holders is not allowed. The bottom of the flower holder is to be a minimum of 18 inches from the ground. The city may remove non -conforming flower holders. (J) Flower holders shall be placed in line with existing flower holders. (K) Wreaths are permitted if they are attached to the monument or placed in approved holders. (L) All bronze cups must be turned down by November 1 to prevent damage. (M) The city shall not be responsible for plant stands, pots and vases or other holders damaged due to freezing, snow removal for funerals, or damage due to the necessary removal of the items. (N) Regulations are posted outside of the office building. (2004 Code, § 94.39) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 11-0673, passed 7- 26-2011; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.40 VISITOR CONDUCT; REGULATIONS. (A) Must use walks. Persons within the cemetery grounds shall use only the avenues, walks, alleys and roads. (B) Trespassers on cemetery lots. Access by city employees or agents in the maintenance of cemetery -its is not considered trespassing. Only the lot owner and his or her relatives shall be permitted on cemetery lots. Any other person thereon shall be considered a trespasser, and the city shall owe no duty to the trespasser to keep the property, or the memorial thereon, in a reasonably safe condition. (C) Children. Children shall not be permitted within the cemetery, or its buildings, unless accompanied by a responsible adult. (D) Flowers and the like. All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, either cut or wild, or disturbing trees, shrubbery or plants, or feeding or disturbing birds or wildlife. (E) Refreshments. No person shall be permitted to have refreshments within the cemetery except as authorized by the city. (F) Loitering prohibited. Persons shall not be permitted to loiter in the cemetery. (G) Loud talking. Boisterous or unseemly conduct shall not be permitted in the cemetery. (H) Littering. Littering at the cemetery is prohibited. All waste shall be disposed of in appropriate receptacles. (1) Automobiles. Automobiles, including motorcycles and all other licensed vehicles, shall not be driven through the grounds at speeds greater than 15 mph and must always be kept on the right side of the cemetery roadways. Automobiles are not allowed to park or to come to a full stop in front of an open grave unless those automobiles are in attendance at the funeral. Automobiles must stay on roadways and are not allowed on lawn areas. (J) Recreational vehicles. No motorized recreational vehicles, including but not limited to, motorized scooters, snowmobiles, motorized carts, all -terrain and off -road vehicles or other similar recreational vehicles shall be admitted to the cemetery, except those as may be in attendance at funerals or on business. This section shall not apply to any vehicle designed specifically for personal mobility. (K) Peddling or soliciting. Peddling of flowers or plants, or soliciting the sale of any commodity, is prohibited within the cemetery without the approval of the city. Violation of these rules and regulations may result in dismissal from cemetery property. (L) Firearms. No firearms shall be permitted within the cemetery, except on special permit from the city, or at a military or veteran funeral. (M) Notices and advertisements. No signs, notices or advertisements of any kind shall be allowed in the cemetery unless placed by the city. (N) Pets. Pets shall not be allowed on the cemetery grounds or in any of the buildings. (0) Hours. The cemetery grounds shall remain open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and at other times by special arrangements. (P) Improprieties. There shall be observance of all proprieties at the cemetery, whether embraced in these rules and regulations or not. Improprieties shall not be allowed, and the city shall prevent improper behaviors and assemblages. (Q) City to enforce rules. Employees are hereby empowered to enforce all ordinances, and to exclude from the cemetery any person violating the same. Employees shall have charge of cemetery grounds and buildings and, at all times, shall supervise and maintain control of all persons at the cemetery, including the conduct of funerals, traffic, employees, lot owners and visitors. (2004 Code, § 94.40) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8-23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.41 FEES, GRATUITIES AND COMMISSIONS PROHIBITED. No person, while employed by the city, shall receive any fee, gratuity or commission, except from the city either directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal. (2004 Code, § 94.41) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.42 PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE; DISCLAIMER. (A) Disclaimer. The city disclaims responsibility for losses or damages caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots or order of any military or civil authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral. (B) City may charge for unusual repairs necessitated by acts of God and the like. In the event that it becomes necessary to repair or reconstruct any natural stone or concrete work on any section or lot, or any portion or portions thereof in the cemetery which has been damaged as herein described, the city shall give a ten-day written notice of the necessity for the repair to the lot owner of record. The notice shall be given by depositing the same in with the United States Postal Service, addressed to the lot owner of record at his or her address as stated in the records of the city. In the event the lot owner fails to repair the damage within a reasonable time, the city may direct that the repairs be made and charge the expense to the lot owner of record. (2004 Code, § 94.42) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.43 CEMETERY FUNDS. (A) Cemetery funds shall: (1) Be used for any care and maintenance necessary by natural growth and ordinary wear including planting, cutting, watering and care of lawns, trees and shrubs, the cleaning and upkeep of buildings and the maintenance of utilities, walls, roadways, walks and other improvements of the cemetery; (2) Not be used for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any memorials, sod or flowers owned by lot owners that may be caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots or by order of any military or civil authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral, other than as herein provided; except that, the City Council may direct that certain repairs or maintenance be done using city funds; (3) Be deposited with others of like character and intent; (4) Not be used to benefit any one individual property, but rather be used for the good of the cemetery as a whole; except that, the City Council may approve use of city funds to make repairs or improvements to specific properties, at its discretion; (5) Be limited to appropriations made by the City Council for the care of the grounds, buildings and cemetery maintenance; and/or (6) Be used in whatever manner deemed appropriate by the city for the care, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of all or any portion of the cemetery improvements, and for other costs necessary to the preservation of the city's legal rights. (2004 Code, § 94.43) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.44 MEMORIALS; STANDARDS AND PERMITS. (A) Memorials. (1) Only one central memorial, placed;,; the e-e—Ate-F of thelet,in line with existing memorials shall be allowed on a lot. (2) Memorials shall be no larger than the maximum size indicated for each type of memorial, based on the size of the grave and lot, as prescribed by the city. (3) A permit, obtained prior to ^P ;at the +;Y..,, { installation, is required for each memorial installed at the cemetery. Permits are issued to install memorials after the city ensures: a) Length, width and height dimensions meet requirements prescribed by the city. b) Memorial design and materials used meet requirement prescribed by the city. c) Artistic renderings made a part of the memorial are not obscene, vulgar or offe defined in Chapter 131 or determined by the city. d) Lettering and verbiage on the memorial does not contain and are not arranged to contain obscene, vulgar or offensive words or phrases. (4) Cement washes required. Cement washes will be required on all memorials in the size specified in the permit, as determined by the city. The city may also approve washes of natural stone, provided they shall have less ongoing maintenance when compared to cement washes. (5) Bronze as part of memorials. Bronze that is imbedded on a memorial must be recessed so as to be flush with the surrounding stone or cement; except that, any bronze lettering or design shall protrude no more than one -quarter inch above horizontal surfaces and no more than one inch from vertical surfaces. (6) Designated in -ground cremation areas only. Only one marker or monument is allowed in designated in -ground cremation areas. Markers and monuments shall not exceed the permitted size, as Prescribed by the city. (" ) The city reserves the right to correct any errors made by its employees or by another person or persons regarding the location, size or placement of a memorial. ( ) A written request may be issued to the city for the placement of unusually shaped or oversized memorials. These memorials, personal columbaria or private mausoleums may be allowed in areas of the cemetery where adequate space may be purchased and be subject to provisions herein. (B) Markers and rootstone:.. (1) All markers and )otstones must be set flush with the ground. (2) Flower vases integrated into flush markers are not permitted. (3) Markers and footstones of bronze or other materials shall be recessed so as to be flush with other marker materials. (4) Lettering or designs+R for markers placed R eei; pet A-F st p and footstones may protrude no more than one -quarter inch above horizontal surfaces the ese-R pet 9F steRe. (5) Veterans' markers approved by the Department of Veterans' Affairs may be affixed into the markers; provided, they are countersunk into the face of the stone or cement wash so the base of the medallion does not protrude higher than the face of the stone. (6) Any items affixed to markers are the responsibility of the lot owner; the city is not responsible for the maintenance of these items. If the items are affixed contrary to the memorial permit, they may be removed by the city at the lot owner's cost. (C) Monuments. (1) All monument foundations shall be installed by the same company or persons supplying the monument, which company or person shall be responsible for and guarantee the quality and strength of the foundation. (2) Monuments and their foundations shall not encroach into the space required for interment of a f. .11 ri;zpd wa. -it ;;Rd cnarket buFial, WhiGh iS @PPF9)(iFA@teIY eight feet, SiX iRGheS by thFee feet, SiX iRGheS standard size prescribed by the city, unless other restrictions are necessary based on the size and type of property. (3) Veterans' markers approved by the Department of Veterans' Affairs may be affixed onto monuments, as provided herein. ..JeRtofied by the Gity. iPF9Yided, they r (FD) Permit required. (1) A permit is required to install memorials. Permits will be required for each memorial and must be obtained prior to installation. The city will fix, and from time to time revise, any permit fee. (2) Any memorial installed without first obtaining a permit may be removed until the permit is obtained. An additional charge for equipment, labor and storage may be assessed for removal of unpermitted memorials. ( ) Large memorials, areas of the cemetery. Large monuments, unusually shaped or oversized monuments, personal columbaria or private mausoleums may be allowed in areas of the cemetery where adequate space may be purchased. Each request for memorials not complying with these rules and regulations shall be reviewed independently with regard to required space and appropriate fit of the memorial and shall be approved only by special permit issued by the city. ( ) Exceptions. Areas set aside as cremation grave spaces and certain cremation properties in portions of Section 12 and Schmidt's Addition will be allowed one monument regardless of the number of cremains interred, which shall not exceed the maximum size identified in the permit. (2004 Code, § 94.44) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 99-264, passed 10- 12-1999; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8-23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.45 MEMORIALS; CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS. (A) Persons employed in placing or erecting monuments, or bringing in materials, shall, as to the city, operate as independent contractors only under permit from the city and be under the supervision of the city. These persons are prohibited from attaching ropes to monuments, to trees or to shrubs. These persons shall not permit material to be on adjoining lots or block avenues or pathways longer than necessary. These persons shall take care to do as little injury to the grass, trees and shrubs, and the like, as possible and are responsible for removing debris and restoring the grounds and sod to their original condition. (B) Damage done to any property shall be repaired by persons placing or erecting memorials. Damage that is not repaired in a timely manner may be repaired by the city, and the cost of the repairs shall be charged to the persons installing the memorial. (C) No material, machinery or other item used for the construction of memorials may be brought into the cemetery until required for immediate use; nor under any circumstances when a funeral is in process. Nor shall any memorial work be conducted, except during normal cemetery hours. Material may not be placed on adjoining lots without permission from the city. Work shall proceed promptly until the erection of the memorial is completed. (D) No work of any kind shall be done while a funeral or interment is being conducted. (E) The installation of coping, curbing, fencing, hedging, plantings, grave mounds, borders, enclosures of any kind, brick, cinders, tile, stone, marble, terra cotta, sand, cement, gravel or wood shall not be allowed on or around any lot. The city reserves the right to remove the same if so erected, planted or placed and charge the cost of removal to the lot owner. (F) The city shall have the authority to reject any permit application based on the plan or design for any memorial which, on account of its size, design, inscription, kind or quality of stone is, in the opinion of the city, unsuited to the lot on which it is to be placed. (G) The city reserves the right to stop all work of any nature being done at the cemetery whenever, in its opinion, proper preparations therefor have not been made, when tools and machinery are insufficient or defective, when work is being executed in a manner so as to threaten life or property, when persons installing memorials are guilty of misrepresentation, when any reasonable request on the part of the city is disregarded, when work is not being executed according to the permit, or when a worker violates these rules and regulations. Completed work is subject to the approval of the city. (H) All memorials shall be constructed of natural stone. Should any memorial become unsightly, dilapidated or dangerous, the city shall have the right to correct the condition or to remove the same, at the expense of the lot owner. (1) No memorial shall be removed from the cemetery, except by the city. Only upon the written order of the lot owner and permission being subsequently granted by the city shall a memorial be removed. (2004 Code, § 94.45) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 13-702, passed 1- 22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 CLEAN COPY ORDINANCE NO. 22-830 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 94 — CEMETERIES The City Council hereby ordains: Section CHAPTER 94: CEMETERIES General Provisions 94.01 Purpose; application; control 94.02 Definitions 94.03 Certificate of ownership; sole agreement; exceptions; amendments Lots; Columbaria 94.15 Lot ownership; transfer; assignment; city consent required 94.16 Lot subdivision prohibited 94.17 Replatting and roadways 94.18 Lot owner address change; notification required 94.19 Columbaria 94.20 Procedures for repurchase of cemetery properties Rules and Regulations 94.35 General supervision 94.36 Interments and disinterments; regulations 94.37 Payments 94.38 Work and improvements; city control 94.39 Lot decoration 94.40 Visitor conduct; regulations 94.41 Fees, gratuities and commissions prohibited 94.42 Protection against loss or damage; disclaimer 94.43 Cemetery funds 94.44 Memorials; standards and permits 94.45 Memorials; construction regulations GENERAL PROVISIONS § 94.01 PURPOSE; APPLICATION; CONTROL. (A) Oakland Cemetery is owned and operated by the city. The cemetery operates under the supervision of the Public Works Department, as directed by the Mayor and City Council. It is the city's goal to make Oakland Cemetery a quiet and beautiful cemetery. To secure this effect and for the mutual protection of cemetery users, the city hereby adopts the rules and regulations in this chapter. All lots, lot owners, and users of the cemetery shall be subject to these rules and regulations and amendments or alterations thereto that shall be adopted by this city from time to time. (B) The City Council shall set rates, charges and fees for cemetery services. (2004 Code, § 94.01) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.02 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. CEMETERY. A hallowed park for earth interments or above -ground entombments. COLUMBARIA. An above -ground structure of vaults, known as "niches", for the entombment of cremains. CREMAINS. Cremated human remains. GRAVE. A space of ground or structure reserved for interment or entombment of human remains. INTERMENT. The disposition of human remains or cremains by burial or entombment. LOT. Space in the cemetery reserved for the interment or entombment of human remains. The term includes and applies to one or more adjoining graves. MARKER. A memorial of natural stone or other approved material that does not extend above the surface of the lawn. MEMORIAL. A monument or marker. MONUMENT. A memorial of natural stone or other approved material that extends above the surface of the lawn. (2004 Code, § 94.02) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.03 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP; SOLE AGREEMENT; EXCEPTIONS; AMENDMENTS. (A) Cemetery deed. The cemetery deed, the rules and regulations in this chapter and any amendments thereto shall be the sole agreement between the city and the lot owner. The statement of any sales agent shall in no way bind the city. (B) Exceptions and modifications. Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement of an ordinance may impose unnecessary hardship. The city, therefore, reserves the right, without notice, to make exceptions, suspensions or modifications in any of these rules and regulations. These exceptions or modifications shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application of these rules and regulations. (C) Amendments. The city may, and it hereby expressly reserves the right, at any time or times, to adopt new ordinances, or to amend, alter or repeal any ordinance, or portion thereof. (2004 Code, § 94.03) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) LOTS; COLUMBARIA § 94.15 LOT OWNERSHIP; TRANSFER; ASSIGNMENT; CITY CONSENT REQUIRED. (A) Descent of cemetery lots. Descent of title and ownership of lots in case of death shall be subject to M.S. § 525.14. (B) Lot transfers. The only regular and legal proof of title by descent from a deceased owner is a certified copy of the decree of the proper probate court assigning the lot of the deceased owner, or his or her interest in it, to the person claiming it. Whenever practicable, this proof will be required. If for any reason this proof cannot be obtained, application should at once be made upon the death of the lot owner to the cemetery to ensure the records show the lot owner as the proper living person. (C) Consent of city. No transfer or assignment of any lot, or interest therein, shall be valid until the consent of the city has been obtained. The city may refuse to consent to a transfer or to an assignment as long as there is any indebtedness due the city from the record lot owner, including any fees charged for the transfer or assignment. (2004 Code, § 94.15) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.16 LOT SUBDIVISION PROHIBITED. The subdivision of lots is not allowed, and no one shall be interred in any lot; except that, they have an interest therein or except by written consent of all parties interested in the lot and of the city; provided, however, a relative or any record owner may be buried in the lot as provided for in these ordinances or in the statutes of the state. (2004 Code, § 94.16) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.17 REPLATTING AND ROADWAYS. (A) Right to replat and use property. The city reserves the right to resurvey, enlarge, diminish, replat, alter or change all or any part, portion or subdivision of the property mapped and platted, including the right to lay out, establish, close, eliminate or change the location of roads, walks or drives, and to file amended maps or plats, and to use the same for the erection of buildings, or for any purposes or uses connected with, incidental to or convenient for the care and preservation of the cemetery or for any preparation for other cemetery purposes, together with easements and rights -of -way over or through the premises and the right of installing, maintaining and operating pipelines, conduits, sprinklers, drainage, electric or communication lines, or for any other cemetery purpose. (B) No right granted in alleyways. No easement or right of interment is granted to any lot owner in any road, drive, alley or walk within the cemetery, but a road, drive, alley or walk may be used as a means of access to the cemetery or buildings as long as the city devotes it to that purpose. (2004 Code, § 94.17) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.18 LOT OWNER ADDRESS CHANGE; NOTIFICATION REQUIRED. It shall be the duty of the lot owner to notify the city of any change in his or her United States Postal Service address. Notice sent to a lot owner at the last address on file with the cemetery shall be considered sufficient and proper legal notification. (2004 Code, § 94.18) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.19 COLUMBARIA. (A) Ownership of burial space in a columbarium shall be considered the same as ownership of other cemetery property and shall descend according to state statutes. (B) One or two urns may be entombed in a columbaria niche, provided there is adequate space. (C) Purchase of a columbarium niche shall include one bronze front plaque, regardless of the number of remains entombed, the size, design and color of which shall be prescribed by the city. (D) No item shall be affixed to the columbarium, unless herein provided. One one -and -one-half inch veteran's medallion may be affixed on the lower left face of a columbaria niche. All medallions shall be uniformly installed on columbaria niches by authorized cemetery personnel only. Other medallions are not allowed on a columbaria niche. (E) The lot owner is responsible for the maintenance of the medallion. The city is not responsible for maintaining medallions. If items are affixed contrary to the memorial permit, they may be removed by the city at the lot owner's expense. (F) The city shall provide a central planter near columbaria for placement of flowers and other ornamentation, at the lot owners' expense, as permitted herein. (G) The opening of a sealed niche for a second urn is considered an interment and is subject to established fees. (2004 Code, § 94.19) (Ord. 00-266, passed 1-25-2000; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.20 PROCEDURES FOR REPURCHASE OF CEMETERY PROPERTIES. (A) Repurchase. When considering repurchase of cemetery property the city shall offer to willing sellers the greater of one-half of the current price for properties or the original purchase price of the properties, whichever is greater. (B) (1) Certain properties representing a significant value to the cemetery may be identified. (2) For these properties, the city reserves the right to offer more to obtain these specifically identified properties or to waive up to $100 of fees related to the repurchase. (2004 Code, § 94.20) (Ord. 99-253, passed 5-11-1999; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) RULES AND REGULATIONS § 94.35 GENERAL SUPERVISION. (A) Admission to cemetery. The city reserves the right to refuse admission to and supervise the conduct of persons using the cemetery, and to refuse the use of any of the cemetery facilities by any persons whom cemetery management may deem objectionable to the best interests of the cemetery. (B) Cemetery management in charge of funeral. All funerals, upon reaching the cemetery, shall be under the supervision of cemetery management. (C) Casket not to be opened or body touched without consent. The city reserves the right to refuse permission to anyone to open the casket or to touch the body without the written authorization of the legal representative of the deceased or without a court order. (2004 Code, § 94.35) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.36 INTERMENTS AND DISINTERMENTS; REGULATIONS. (A) Subject to laws. Besides being subject to these rules and regulations, all interments and disinterments are subject to the ordinances and statutes of the city, county and state. (B) Time and charges. All interments and disinterments must be made at the time and in the manner prescribed and are subject to the payment of related charges. At least 48 hours' notice prior to interments and at least one week's notice prior to any disinterment is required. The city may refuse to make an interment until a more expedient time if the remains arrive at the cemetery after 4:00 p.m., or if too many funerals arrive at the same hour. The city also reserves the right to require additional time in the event of inclement weather. The city reserves the right to charge an additional fee if a funeral arrives after 4:00 p.m. or more than one-half hour after the scheduled time. (C) Authorization to inter and disinter. The city may inter or open a grave upon receipt of proper written authorization by any lot owner of record made on forms prescribed by the city or if the lot owner has previously provided written instructions on file at the cemetery. No interment or disinterment shall be completed until payment of applicable charges has been made. (D) Required concrete box or vault. The city requires a concrete box or vault for full-size casketed interments. Cremains and infant caskets are exempt from this requirement. (E) Location of interment space. When instructions from the lot owner regarding an interment space cannot be obtained, are indefinite or cannot be followed, the city may open the space as it deems best and proper so as not to delay the interment. (F) Orders, other than written instructions. The city shall not be held responsible for any order given by means other than clearly written instructions or for any mistake occurring from the want of precise and proper instructions as to the particular space, size and location in a lot where interment is desired. (G) Errors may be corrected. The city reserves the right to correct any errors made making interments or disinterments, or in the description or transfer of any property, either by cancelling or substituting the transfer or refunding the amount paid on account of that purchase. In the event the error shall involve the interment of the remains of any person in that property, the city reserves the right to disinter and reinter the remains in property of equal value and similar location, or as otherwise directed by the lot owner. (H) Delays caused by protests. The city shall in no way be liable for any delay in the interment or disinterment where a protest to the interment or disinterment has been made or where ordinances or permits have not been complied with. The city may require any protest to be filed in writing. (1) Not responsible for identification or embalming. The city shall not be liable for the interment permit nor for verifying the identity of the person interred; nor shall the city be liable in any way for the embalming or cremation of the body. (J) No interment or disinterment permitted unless property paid for. No interment or disinterment shall be permitted in any property not fully paid for. (K) Interment of more than one body. (1) One casket, or one casket and one cremains, or two cremains are allowed to be interred in one grave space. (2) A second right of interment may be purchased by the lot owner for the interment of an infant or cremains in between two blood relatives. (3) Interment of up to four cremated remains will be allowed in certain cremation grave spaces of Section 12 and Schmidt's Addition. (4) Certain reclaimed or repurchased properties throughout the cemetery may also be allowed multiple interments of cremains, depending on location, character of surrounding area, size of property, placement of memorials and other considerations made according to the judgment of cemetery management. (L) Interment of human remains. The use of the property in the cemetery is restricted to the interment of human remains only. (M) Disinterment for profit prohibited. Disinterment so the lot or items contained in the lot may be sold for profit, or disinterment contrary to written instructions of the lot owner, is forbidden. (N) May obtain different lot. Remains may be disinterred from its original lot and be interred in a different lot in the cemetery; provided, there has been a property transfer or purchase for that purpose. (0) Care in disinterment. The city shall exercise due care in making a disinterment, and it shall assume no liability for damage to any casket or burial vault while making the disinterment. (P) Disinterment during winter prohibited. Disinterments during the time period of November 16 through April 14 are not allowed. (2004 Code, § 94.36) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8- 23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.37 PAYMENTS. Payment of service charges. Charges for cemetery services must be paid prior to or at the time of the issuance of any order to inter or disinter. Satisfaction of all indebtedness due the city must be made before interment or disinterment. (2004 Code, § 94.37) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.38 WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS; CITY CONTROL. (A) Work to be done by city. Only the city shall perform grading, landscaping work and improvements of any kind, and all care on lots, trees, shrubs and herbage of any kind, including trimming, cutting or removal. All interments and disinterments shall be made only by the city. (B) City directs and may remove improvements. All improvements or alterations of individual property in the cemetery shall be under the direction of and be subject to the consent, satisfaction and approval of the city, and, should improvements be made without the city's consent, the city shall have the right to remove, alter or change those improvements at the expense of the persons making the improvement or the lot owner. (2004 Code, § 94.38) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.39 LOT DECORATION. (A) Ground planting of flowers is not permitted. The city shall have authority to remove all floral designs, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind from the cemetery as soon as, in the judgment of the city, they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental or diseased, or when they do not conform to maintenance standards. The city shall not be liable for floral pieces, or for baskets or frames in which or to which floral pieces are attached. The city shall not be liable for lost, misplaced or broken flower vases. The city shall not be responsible for plants, herbage or plantings of any kind damaged by the elements, thieves, vandals or by other causes beyond its control. The city reserves the right to prevent the removal of any flowers, floral designs, trees, shrubs, plants or herbage of any kind, without its consent. (B) Floral frames, when removed from the lot site, unless called for within five days by those lawfully entitled to them, may be disposed of by the city in any manner it sees fit. (C) (1) The placing of boxes, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, wood or iron cases and similar articles upon lots shall not be permitted, and if so placed, the city may remove the same unless they be wholly contained within an approved flower pot or flower box fitting over a monument. In no case shall any decoration or ornamentation be allowed if its design is deemed to be obscene, vulgar or offensive in nature as determined by the city, include food and beverages or other items for human consumption, be constructed of glass, contain light -emitting elements or be in any way designed to move either mechanically or by other means, including by natural wind. The city may remove any decoration or ornamentation immediately if it does not comply with this section. (2) No item may be affixed to monuments; except that, a certain item may be affixed to the face of monuments; provided, it does not protrude more than one inch beyond vertical surfaces, does not exceed 20 square inches in size and is maintained by the persons affixing such items. The city will not maintain items affixed to monuments, (D) Cut flowers may be deposited on graves only on Memorial Day, except flowers may be in approved vases or holders. Only one flower holder per lot is allowed. (E) Glass containers are not allowed. (F) Cut flowers and plastic flowers will be removed from the ground within seven days after Memorial Day. (G) Unsightly flowers and wreaths will be removed at the discretion of the city. (H) Live plants will be allowed only in approved pots, urns or holders. (I) Metal flower holders of an approved design are permitted. Cementing of these flower holders is not allowed. The bottom of the flower holder is to be a minimum of 18 inches from the ground. The city may remove non -conforming flower holders. (J) Flower holders shall be placed in line with existing flower holders. (K) Wreaths are permitted if they are attached to the monument or placed in approved holders. (L) All bronze cups must be turned down by November 1 to prevent damage. (M) The city shall not be responsible for plant stands, pots and vases or other holders damaged due to freezing, snow removal for funerals, or damage due to the necessary removal of the items. (N) Regulations are posted outside of the office building. (2004 Code, § 94.39) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 11-0673, passed 7- 26-2011; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.40 VISITOR CONDUCT; REGULATIONS. (A) Must use walks. Persons within the cemetery grounds shall use only the avenues, walks, alleys and roads. (B) Trespassers on cemetery lots. Access by city employees or agents in the maintenance of cemetery lots is not considered trespassing. Only the lot owner and his or her relatives shall be permitted on cemetery lots. Any other person thereon shall be considered a trespasser, and the city shall owe no duty to the trespasser to keep the property, or the memorial thereon, in a reasonably safe condition. (C) Children. Children shall not be permitted within the cemetery, or its buildings, unless accompanied by a responsible adult. (D) Flowers and the like. All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, either cut or wild, or disturbing trees, shrubbery or plants, or feeding or disturbing birds or wildlife. (E) Refreshments. No person shall be permitted to have refreshments within the cemetery except as authorized by the city. (F) Loitering prohibited. Persons shall not be permitted to loiter in the cemetery. (G) Loud talking. Boisterous or unseemly conduct shall not be permitted in the cemetery. (H) Littering. Littering at the cemetery is prohibited. All waste shall be disposed of in appropriate receptacles. (1) Automobiles. Automobiles, including motorcycles and all other licensed vehicles, shall not be driven through the grounds at speeds greater than 15 mph and must always be kept on the right side of the cemetery roadways. Automobiles are not allowed to park or to come to a full stop in front of an open grave unless those automobiles are in attendance at the funeral. Automobiles must stay on roadways and are not allowed on lawn areas. (J) Recreational vehicles. No motorized recreational vehicles, including but not limited to, motorized scooters, snowmobiles, motorized carts, all -terrain and off -road vehicles or other similar recreational vehicles shall be admitted to the cemetery, except those as may be in attendance at funerals or on business. This section shall not apply to any vehicle designed specifically for personal mobility. (K) Peddling or soliciting. Peddling of flowers or plants, or soliciting the sale of any commodity, is prohibited within the cemetery without the approval of the city. Violation of these rules and regulations may result in dismissal from cemetery property. (L) Firearms. No firearms shall be permitted within the cemetery, except on special permit from the city, or at a military or veteran funeral. (M) Notices and advertisements. No signs, notices or advertisements of any kind shall be allowed in the cemetery unless placed by the city. (N) Pets. Pets shall not be allowed on the cemetery grounds or in any of the buildings. (0) Hours. The cemetery grounds shall remain open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and at other times by special arrangements. (P) Improprieties. There shall be observance of all proprieties at the cemetery, whether embraced in these rules and regulations or not. Improprieties shall not be allowed, and the city shall prevent improper behaviors and assemblages. (Q) City to enforce rules. Employees are hereby empowered to enforce all ordinances, and to exclude from the cemetery any person violating the same. Employees shall have charge of cemetery grounds and buildings and, at all times, shall supervise and maintain control of all persons at the cemetery, including the conduct of funerals, traffic, employees, lot owners and visitors. (2004 Code, § 94.40) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8-23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.41 FEES, GRATUITIES AND COMMISSIONS PROHIBITED. No person, while employed by the city, shall receive any fee, gratuity or commission, except from the city either directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal. (2004 Code, § 94.41) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.42 PROTECTION AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE; DISCLAIMER. (A) Disclaimer. The city disclaims responsibility for losses or damages caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots or order of any military or civil authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral. (B) City may charge for unusual repairs necessitated by acts of God and the like. In the event that it becomes necessary to repair or reconstruct any natural stone or concrete work on any section or lot, or any portion or portions thereof in the cemetery which has been damaged as herein described, the city shall give a ten-day written notice of the necessity for the repair to the lot owner of record. The notice shall be given by depositing the same in with the United States Postal Service, addressed to the lot owner of record at his or her address as stated in the records of the city. In the event the lot owner fails to repair the damage within a reasonable time, the city may direct that the repairs be made and charge the expense to the lot owner of record. (2004 Code, § 94.42) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.43 CEMETERY FUNDS. (A) Cemetery funds shall: (1) Be used for any care and maintenance necessary by natural growth and ordinary wear including planting, cutting, watering and care of lawns, trees and shrubs, the cleaning and upkeep of buildings and the maintenance of utilities, walls, roadways, walks and other improvements of the cemetery; (2) Not be used for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any memorials, sod or flowers owned by lot owners that may be caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots or by order of any military or civil authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral, other than as herein provided; except that, the City Council may direct that certain repairs or maintenance be done using city funds; (3) Be deposited with others of like character and intent; (4) Not be used to benefit any one individual property, but rather be used for the good of the cemetery as a whole; except that, the City Council may approve use of city funds to make repairs or improvements to specific properties, at its discretion; (5) Be limited to appropriations made by the City Council for the care of the grounds, buildings and cemetery maintenance; and/or (6) Be used in whatever manner deemed appropriate by the city for the care, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of all or any portion of the cemetery improvements, and for other costs necessary to the preservation of the city's legal rights. (2004 Code, § 94.43) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) § 94.44 MEMORIALS; STANDARDS AND PERMITS. (A) Memorials. (1) Only one central memorial, placed in line with existing memorials shall be allowed on a lot. (2) Memorials shall be no larger than the maximum size indicated for each type of memorial, based on the size of the grave and lot, as prescribed by the city. (3) A permit, obtained prior to installation, is required for each memorial installed at the cemetery. Permits are issued to install memorials after the city ensures: a) Length, width and height dimensions meet requirements prescribed by the city. b) Memorial design and materials used meet requirements prescribed by the city. c) Artistic renderings made a part of the memorial are not obscene, vulgar or offensive, as defined in Chapter 131 or determined by the city. d) Lettering and verbiage on the memorial does not contain and are not arranged to contain obscene, vulgar or offensive words or phrases. (4) Cement washes required. Cement washes will be required on all memorials in the size specified in the permit, as determined by the city. The city may also approve washes of natural stone, provided they shall have less ongoing maintenance when compared to cement washes. (5) Bronze as part of memorials. Bronze that is imbedded on a memorial must be recessed so as to be flush with the surrounding stone or cement; except that, any bronze lettering or design shall protrude no more than one -quarter inch above horizontal surfaces and no more than one inch from vertical surfaces. (6) Designated in -ground cremation areas only. Only one marker or monument is allowed in designated in -ground cremation areas. Markers and monuments shall not exceed the permitted size, as prescribed by the city. (7) The city reserves the right to correct any errors made by its employees or by another person or persons regarding the location, size or placement of a memorial. (8) A written request may be issued to the city for the placement of unusually shaped or oversized memorials. These memorials, personal columbaria or private mausoleums may be allowed in areas of the cemetery where adequate space may be purchased and be subject to provisions herein. (B) Markers and footstones. (1) All markers and footstones must be set flush with the ground. (2) Flower vases integrated into flush markers are not permitted. (3) Markers and footstones of bronze or other materials shall be recessed so as to be flush with other marker materials. (4) Lettering or designs for markers and footstones may protrude no more than one -quarter inch above horizontal surfaces. (5) Veterans' markers approved by the Department of Veterans' Affairs may be affixed into the markers; provided, they are countersunk into the face of the stone or cement wash so the base of the medallion does not protrude higher than the face of the stone. (6) Any items affixed to markers are the responsibility of the lot owner; the city is not responsible for the maintenance of these items. If the items are affixed contrary to the memorial permit, they may be removed by the city at the lot owner's cost. (C) Monuments. (1) All monument foundations shall be installed by the same company or persons supplying the monument, which company or person shall be responsible for and guarantee the quality and strength of the foundation. (2) Monuments and their foundations shall not encroach into the space required for interment of a standard size prescribed by the city, unless other restrictions are necessary based on the size and type of property. (3) Veterans' markers approved by the Department of Veterans' Affairs may be affixed onto (D) Permit required. (1) A permit is required to install memorials. Permits will be required for each memorial and must be obtained prior to installation. The city will fix, and from time to time revise, any permit fee. (2) Any memorial installed without first obtaining a permit may be removed until the permit is obtained. An additional charge for equipment, labor and storage may be assessed for removal of unpermitted memorials. (E) Large memorials, areas of the cemetery. Large monuments, unusually shaped or oversized monuments, personal columbaria or private mausoleums may be allowed in areas of the cemetery where adequate space may be purchased. Each request for memorials not complying with these rules and regulations shall be reviewed independently with regard to required space and appropriate fit of the memorial and shall be approved only by special permit issued by the city. (F) Exceptions. Areas set aside as cremation grave spaces and certain cremation properties in portions of Section 12 and Schmidt's Addition will be allowed one monument regardless of the number of cremains interred, which shall not exceed the maximum size identified in the permit. (2004 Code, § 94.44) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 99-264, passed 10- 12-1999; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8-23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 94.45 MEMORIALS; CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS. (A) Persons employed in placing or erecting monuments, or bringing in materials, shall, as to the city, operate as independent contractors only under permit from the city and be under the supervision of the city. These persons are prohibited from attaching ropes to monuments, to trees or to shrubs. These persons shall not permit material to be on adjoining lots or block avenues or pathways longer than necessary. These persons shall take care to do as little injury to the grass, trees and shrubs, and the like, as possible and are responsible for removing debris and restoring the grounds and sod to their original condition. (B) Damage done to any property shall be repaired by persons placing or erecting memorials. Damage that is not repaired in a timely manner may be repaired by the city, and the cost of the repairs shall be charged to the persons installing the memorial. (C) No material, machinery or other item used for the construction of memorials may be brought into the cemetery until required for immediate use; nor under any circumstances when a funeral is in process. Nor shall any memorial work be conducted, except during normal cemetery hours. Material may not be placed on adjoining lots without permission from the city. Work shall proceed promptly until the erection of the memorial is completed. (D) No work of any kind shall be done while a funeral or interment is being conducted. (E) The installation of coping, curbing, fencing, hedging, plantings, grave mounds, borders, enclosures of any kind, brick, cinders, tile, stone, marble, terra cotta, sand, cement, gravel or wood shall not be allowed on or around any lot. The city reserves the right to remove the same if so erected, planted or placed and charge the cost of removal to the lot owner. (F) The city shall have the authority to reject any permit application based on the plan or design for any memorial which, on account of its size, design, inscription, kind or quality of stone is, in the opinion of the city, unsuited to the lot on which it is to be placed. (G) The city reserves the right to stop all work of any nature being done at the cemetery whenever, in its opinion, proper preparations therefor have not been made, when tools and machinery are insufficient or defective, when work is being executed in a manner so as to threaten life or property, when persons installing memorials are guilty of misrepresentation, when any reasonable request on the part of the city is disregarded, when work is not being executed according to the permit, or when a worker violates these rules and regulations. Completed work is subject to the approval of the city. (H) All memorials shall be constructed of natural stone. Should any memorial become unsightly, dilapidated or dangerous, the city shall have the right to correct the condition or to remove the same, at the expense of the lot owner. (1) No memorial shall be removed from the cemetery, except by the city. Only upon the written order of the lot owner and permission being subsequently granted by the city shall a memorial be removed. (2004 Code, § 94.45) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 772, passed 6-22-1988; Ord. 13-702, passed 1- 22-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99 Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this day of , 2022. Gary T. Forcier, Mayor ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator To: Mayor and Council From: Candice Woods, Liquor Hutch Director Date: 07/01/2022 Re: Liquor Hutch Sales January —June 2022 2021 Actual 2022 Actual Change (from 2021 Actual) 2022 Budget Change (from 2022 Budget) Year to Date Sales: $3,486,153 $3,336,243 -4.3% $3,515,000 -5.1% Liquor $1,239,018 $1,225,849 -1.1% $1,251,000 -2.1% Beer $1,687,379 $1,609,496 -4.6% $1,704,000 -5.5% Wine $ 475,994 $ 419,040 -12.0% $ 476,000 -12.0% YTD Gross Profit Dollars: $834,041 $846,102 +1.4% $ 849,000 -0.3% YTD Customer Count: 119,277 113,003 -5.3% NA NA Average Sale/ Customer: $29.23 $29.52 +1.0% NA NA Gross Profit Percentage: 23.92% 25.36% +6.0% 24.2% +4.5% Things to Know — Below average Spring Temps resulted in lower Beer sales; Customers trending to Ready to Drink Cocktails in cans instead of Wine; Overall economic factors moving sales to lower price items in beer and wine categories. Liquor sales average price remains the same. Weather and economy effecting customer counts and sales throughout MN Municipal stores — some down as much as 17%. Gross Profit Dollars have been managed to just slightly below budget (-$2,898) despite lower sales. Some Store Activity Highlights: • Participated in the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Legislative Day • Cooler Resets planned and executed to include 1 door of cold RTD items and new items • "First Tuesday' monthly staff trainings held • Loyalty Program — New redemption items added— Providing options to customers and reducing our costs • Center for Arts Wine Tasting Event held on April 28th • Full Time Staff attended Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Annual Conference • Promotions included Easter, Memorial Day, Water Carnival, Winstock and 14 InStore Tastings • Exterior building painting done -Awnings redone and will be installed soon • Refrigeration system in the Domestic Cooler replaced and updated c. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. June 2022 Financial and Investment Reports Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the June Financial Reports for the general fund and enterprise funds. Also attached is the June Investment Report. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: Govern Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A ranarnl Fiend saxes Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenues Transfers -In Fines & Forfeitures Capital Contributions TOTAL REVENUES Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 ACTUALS JUNE YTD 2022 2021 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 2,961,833 2,961,833 5,617,556 2,655,723 52.7 2,909,687 5,442,779 53.5 10,426 93,870 320,000 226,130 29.3 91,588 305,000 30.0 33,353 301,688 443,600 141,912 68.0 274,635 380,300 72.2 396 21,659 1,744,821 1,723,162 1.2 50,689 1,716,788 3.0 253,601 1,256,683 2,816,325 1,559,642 44.6 1,158,159 2,786,834 41.6 40,897 125,107 256,500 131,393 48.8 121,429 246,250 49.3 - 933,596 2,710,191 1,776,595 34.4 466,798 2,723,191 17.1 3,660 23,125 55,000 31,875 42.0 20,737 55,000 37.7 - - - - - - 40,000 - 3,304,165 5,717,560 13,963,993 8,246,433 40.9 5,093,722 13,696,142 37.2 768,663 4,002,871 9,443,650 5,440,779 42.4 3,889,552 9,240,778 42.1 109,711 433,200 934,515 501,315 46.4 436,140 882,622 49.4 225,004 1,270,838 2,756,429 1,485,591 46.1 1,167,108 2,760,282 42.3 42,540 143,606 714,086 570,480 20.1 129,807 684,310 19.0 - 55,157 110,313 55,157 50.0 54,075 108,150 50.0 210 9,604 5,000 (4,604) 192.1 18,170 20,000 90.8 1,146,129 5,915,275 13,963,993 8,048,718 42.4 5,694,851 13,696,142 41.6 2,158,036 (197,715) - 197,715 (601,128) - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 ACTUALS JUNE General Fund Expense by Department YTD 2022 2021 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Mayor & City Council 2,971 16,856 50,077 33,221 33.7 17,228 50,099 34.4 City Administrator 37,002 244,582 482,617 238,035 50.7 210,463 491,611 42.8 Elections - 5,965 18,700 12,735 31.9 - - - Finance Department 36,052 201,657 404,170 202,513 49.9 198,219 382,169 51.9 Motor Vehicle 22,859 128,531 296,160 167,629 43.4 127,031 251,241 50.6 Assessing - - 61,205 61,205 - - 61,152 - Legal 29,999 140,849 328,734 187,885 42.8 135,516 321,917 42.1 Planning 12,758 72,894 170,514 97,620 42.7 72,288 164,302 44.0 Information Services 40,255 258,128 598,135 340,007 43.2 281,177 587,903 47.8 City Hall Building 13,596 80,593 193,849 113,256 41.6 96,323 190,079 50.7 Police Department 303,614 1,593,410 3,497,529 1,904,119 45.6 1,613,111 3,607,758 44.7 Hospital Security 26,632 150,629 361,679 211,050 41.6 147,881 328,598 45.0 Emergency Management 156 4,172 16,980 12,808 24.6 10,358 17,280 59.9 Safety Committee - 9,827 11,370 1,543 86.4 9,364 11,210 83.5 Fire Department 27,002 155,746 411,094 255,348 37.9 180,902 369,510 49.0 Protective Inspections 25,597 147,243 334,179 186,936 44.1 135,009 326,560 41.3 Engineering 34,742 227,700 441,310 213,610 51.6 200,823 465,890 43.1 Streets & Alleys 185,023 681,860 1,630,466 948,606 41.8 672,275 1,588,741 42.3 Park/Recreation Administration 31,105 124,879 249,716 124,837 50.0 136,396 316,616 43.1 Recreation 16,148 102,654 278,533 175,879 36.9 120,790 260,435 46.4 Senior Citizen Center 7,224 46,863 96,796 49,934 48.4 22,472 93,715 24.0 Civic Arena 17,737 152,728 411,332 258,604 37.1 135,990 373,185 36.4 Park Department 108,290 469,429 1,072,754 603,325 43.8 446,178 994,819 44.9 Recreation Building 14,581 96,201 265,600 169,399 36.2 83,908 248,129 33.8 Events Center 9,334 156,244 261,357 105,113 59.8 119,125 275,259 43.3 Evergreen Building 2,402 15,876 31,375 15,499 50.6 12,581 30,725 40.9 Library 2,863 112,411 230,492 118,081 48.8 105,142 222,820 47.2 Waterpark 80,895 131,221 396,659 265,438 33.1 79,901 355,833 22.5 Cemetery 7,591 59,199 145,838 86,639 40.6 59,563 138,320 43.1 Airport 6,421 74,334 145,123 70,789 51.2 81,448 131,541 61.9 Unallocated General Expense 43,278 252,594 1,069,650 817,056 23.6 183,390 1,038,725 17.7 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,146,129 5,915,275 13,963,993 8,048,718 42.4 5,694,851 13,696,142 41.6 Liquor Fund Sales Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL REVENUES Cost of Sales Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay Depreciation Expense TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 ACTUALS JUNE YTD 2022 2021 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 714,502 3,336,523 7,424,000 4,087,477 44.9 3,486,164 6,809,000 51.2 83 1,444 3,000 1,556 48.1 1,300 2,500 52.0 714,586 3,337,966 7,427,000 4,089,034 44.9 3,487,464 6,811,500 51.2 542,289 2,524,015 5,666,000 3,141,985 44.5 2,687,850 5,159,602 52.1 63,382 363,457 812,108 448,651 44.8 327,876 757,179 43.3 2,138 10,464 21,100 10,636 49.6 7,735 22,600 34.2 21,499 145,072 285,550 140,478 50.8 136,909 259,365 52.8 70 155 6,700 6,545 2.3 38 6,700 0.6 - - 550,000 550,000 - - 550,000 - 19,068 42,318 15,000 (27,318) 282.1 6,153 15,000 41.0 - - 70,700 70,700 - - 77,000 - 648,446 3,085,481 7,427,158 4,341,677 41.5 3,166,562 6,847,446 46.2 66,140 252,485 (158) (252,643) 320,903 (35,946) Year to Date Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Liquor Sales Revenue: Liquor 1,225,867 1,239,057 -1.1% Beer 1,609,496 1,687,379 -4.6% Wine 419,040 475,994 -12.0% Other 82,120 83,735 -1.9% Total Sales 3,336,523 3,486,164 -4.3% Gross Profit $812,508 $798,314 Gross Margin on Sales 24.4% 22.9% June Sales 2022 2021 Change 241,076 223,327 7.9% 383,549 369,733 3.7% 68,046 72,678 -6.4% 21,831 20,379 7.1% 714,502 686,117 4.1% $172,214 $143,636 24.1% 20.9% Customer Count 113,003 119,285 -5.3% 22,686 22,852 -0.7% Average Sale per Customer $29.53 $29.23 1.0% $31.50 $30.02 4.9% Labor to Sales Ratio 10.9% 9.4% 8.9% 8.5% Year-to-date sales and customer count are both trending down from last year, likely due to the removal of COVID-19 restrictions. The current economy may also be playing a role. Despite the downturn, adjustments made by the liquor store staff have raised the Gross Margin back above 24%. The margin had been slipping in the past few years with the introduction of the rewards program in addition to the ad -match Monday promotion. Eliminating the ad -match, along with other adjustments to address the rising cost of credit card sales, has resulted in a profit similar to last year despite the 4.3% reduction in sales. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Water Fund Sales 147,265 782,370 1,715,000 932,630 45.6 786,569 1,715,000 45.9 Sales - Other 57,319 282,278 549,950 267,672 51.3 296,748 549,950 54.0 Local Sales Tax 75,377 352,970 812,000 459,030 43.5 406,589 737,000 55.2 Charges for Services 3,373 51,955 71,685 19,730 72.5 50,165 65,700 76.4 Miscellaneous Revenues 4,413 15,437 42,000 26,563 36.8 21,719 47,000 46.2 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 287,748 1,485,011 3,190,635 1,705,624 46.5 1,561,790 3,114,650 50.1 Wages & Benefits 50,691 262,806 579,241 316,435 45.4 238,820 546,882 43.7 Supplies 17,012 91,291 168,150 76,859 54.3 73,207 140,150 52.2 Services & Charges 25,751 205,085 507,750 302,665 40.4 227,492 500,950 45.4 Miscellaneous Expenses 320 623 13,500 12,878 4.6 1,539 15,000 10.3 Transfers -Out - - 70,000 70,000 - - 70,000 - CapitalOutlay 76,480 180,687 998,450 817,763 18.1 865,219 Depreciation Expense - - 1,132,000 1,132,000 - - 1,160,000 - Debt Service - 208,342 1,465,433 1,257,091 14.2 207,323 1,465,215 14.1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 170,254 948,832 4,934,524 3,985,692 19.2 748,381 4,763,416 15.7 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 117,493 536,179 (1,743,889) (2,280,068) 813,410 (1,648,766) Year to Date Water Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Water Sales Revenue: Residential 527,619 547,135 -3.6% Commercial 145,760 146,143 -0.3% Industrial 108,991 93,291 16.8% Water Sales 782,370 786,569 -0.5% Base Charge 221,616 219,047 1.2% Water Connection Charge 21,438 52,903 -59.5% Other 39,224 24,798 58.2% Other Sales 282,278 296,748 -4.9% Wastewater Fund Sales Sales - Other Local Sales Tax Licenses & Permits Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenues Capital Contributions TOTAL REVENUES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 226,408 1,471,056 2,755,000 1,283,944 53.4 1,356,134 2,782,000 48.7 43,008 227,051 559,300 332,249 40.6 260,409 568,150 45.8 75,377 352,970 812,000 459,030 43.5 406,589 737,000 55.2 - 6,000 6,500 500 92.3 6,000 6,500 92.3 545 4,120 7,500 3,380 54.9 2,375 7,500 31.7 5,251 27,953 90,000 62,047 31.1 22,361 97,500 22.9 350,590 2,089,151 4,230,300 2,141,149 49.4 2,053,868 4,198,650 48.9 Wages & Benefits 63,011 339,852 776,934 437,082 43.7 331,610 752,715 44.1 Supplies 6,757 106,747 246,500 139,753 43.3 94,549 225,000 42.0 Services & Charges 63,736 304,661 769,000 464,339 39.6 385,936 762,200 50.6 Miscellaneous Expenses - 19,196 40,000 20,804 48.0 19,766 40,000 49.4 Transfers -Out - - 80,000 80,000 - - 80,000 - CapitalOutlay 86,582 2,286,289 984,400 (1,301,889) 232.3 305,831 2,358,219 13.0 Depreciation Expense - - 1,182,000 1,182,000 - - 1,125,000 - Debt Service - 396,346 1,526,311 1,129,965 26.0 423,011 1,389,965 30.4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 220,086 3,453,091 5,605,145 2,152,054 61.6 1,560,704 6,733,099 23.2 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 130,504 (1,363,940) (1,374,845) (10,905) 493,164 (2,534,449) Year to Date Sewer Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Wastewater Sales Revenue: Residential 796,898 798,013 -0.1% Commercial 204,504 220,063 -7.1% Industrial - Flow 235,629 182,411 29.2% Industrial - Violation Surcharges 234,025 155,647 50.4% Sewer Sales 1,471,056 1,356,134 8.5% Base Charge 191,336 189,280 1.1% Sewer Connection Charge 25,875 69,529 -62.8% Other 9,841 1,600 515.1% Other Sales 227,051 260,409 -12.8% Capital Outlay The large expenditure for 2022 includes the headworks and SCADA projects. The majority of the headworks costs are being funded by the $41M in bonds that we issued in 2021. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Refuse Fund Sales 107,618 636,245 1,267,000 630,755 50.2 619,791 1,220,000 50.8 Sales - Other 3,819 22,094 44,800 22,706 49.3 21,630 49,600 43.6 Intergovernmental Revenue - 2,592 12,500 9,908 20.7 2,592 12,500 20.7 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,058 6,363 15,000 8,637 42.4 4,944 20,000 24.7 TOTAL REVENUES 112,495 667,293 1,339,300 672,007 49.8 648,957 1,302,100 49.8 Wages & Benefits 17,374 85,780 259,732 173,952 33.0 88,295 225,933 39.1 Supplies 745 26,248 59,900 33,652 43.8 13,209 64,400 20.5 Services & Charges 62,736 366,327 848,350 482,023 43.2 360,474 817,220 44.1 Miscellaneous Expenses 253 253 1,000 747 25.3 215 1,000 21.5 Transfers -Out - - 55,000 55,000 - - 55,000 - CapitalOutlay 49,757 69,572 1,207,500 1,137,928 5.8 29,567 865,500 3.4 Depreciation Expense - - 169,000 169,000 - - 162,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 130,864 548,181 2,600,482 2,052,301 21.1 491,760 2,191,053 22.4 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (18,369) 119,113 (1,261,182) (1,380,295) 157,197 (888,953) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Compost Fund Sales 216,718 2,445,001 2,706,000 260,999 90.4 2,377,603 2,289,000 103.9 Charges for Services 1,353 2,533 87,000 84,467 2.9 4,866 70,000 7.0 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,529 14,154 32,000 17,846 44.2 6,822 32,000 21.3 TOTAL REVENUES 219,600 2,461,689 2,825,000 363,311 87.1 2,389,291 2,391,000 99.9 Cost of Sales 157,651 1,694,528 1,837,000 142,472 92.2 1,443,103 1,582,500 91.2 Inventory Cost Adjustment (45,678) (336,248) (712,500) (376,252) 47.2 (314,261) (674,000) 46.6 Wages & Benefits 57,304 348,990 808,198 459,208 43.2 342,519 798,104 42.9 Supplies 1,086 52,696 129,000 76,304 40.8 55,798 123,500 45.2 Services & Charges 12,077 94,570 304,850 210,280 31.0 86,291 259,000 33.3 Miscellaneous Expenses 648 4,656 11,000 6,344 42.3 3,426 11,000 31.1 Transfers -Out - - 120,000 120,000 - - 110,000 - CapitalOutlay 14,579 19,664 221,000 201,336 8.9 109,515 376,500 29.1 Depreciation Expense - - 278,000 278,000 - - 282,500 - Debt Service - 68,338 73,808 5,470 92.6 66,089 161,642 40.9 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 197,668 1,947,194 3,070,356 1,123,162 63.4 1,792,481 3,030,746 59.1 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 21,932 514,495 (245,356) (759,851) 596,810 (639,746) Year to Date Sales Comments 2022 2021 Change Compost Sales Bagged 1,998,282 2,044,326 -2.3% Bulk 154,488 101,221 52.6% Other (Freight) 292,231 232,056 25.9% Total Sales 2,445,001 2,377,603 2.8% Gross Profit 750,473 934,500 Gross Margin 30.7% 39.3% REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2022 2022 2021 2022 ACTUALS 2022 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2021 YTD 2021 % BDGT JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Storm Water Utility Sales 86,302 515,142 1,033,000 517,858 49.9 500,125 1,000,000 50.0 Sales - Other 503 2,840 3,500 660 81.2 - 3,500 - Licenses & Permits 650 4,595 4,800 205 95.7 1,675 4,800 34.9 Miscellaneous Revenues 620 4,160 14,350 10,190 29.0 15,397 15,350 100.3 TOTAL REVENUES 88,075 526,737 1,055,650 528,913 49.9 517,197 1,023,650 50.5 Wages & Benefits 26,631 130,440 290,084 159,644 45.0 119,184 276,724 43.1 Supplies 5,508 16,199 51,325 35,126 31.6 6,735 35,425 19.0 Services & Charges 9,188 42,214 212,150 169,936 19.9 31,915 196,350 16.3 Miscellaneous Expenses - 2,021 18,000 15,979 11.2 8,298 18,000 46.1 Transfers -Out - - - - - - - CapitalOutlay 746,600 746,600 99,889 739,000 13.5 Depreciation Expense - 254,000 254,000 - - 240,000 - Debt Service - 143,761 221,589 77,828 93.5 144,111 225,789 70.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 41,326 334,635 1,793,748 1,459,113 18.7 410,131 1,731,288 23.7 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 46,749 192,102 (738,098) (930,200) 107,066 (707,638) Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 85 PPENHEIMEk Broad Street STATEMENT OF New York, NY 10004 (212) 668-8000 ACCOUNT Transacts Business on All Principal Exchanges S11 Assets maturing during the next 60 days appear at the end of this statement. Special Message This statement has been provided to you through electronic delivery. Thank you for helping us 'Go Green'! Portfolio Summary This Previous Estimated Period Period Annual Income 06/30/22 05/31/22 Advantage Bank Deposits* $374.55 $62425 $0.01 Mutual Funds 22,940,520.93 18,915,201.09 148,333.40 Government Agency Bonds 466,800.00 470,900.00 5,900.00 Municipal Bonds 7,690,845.75 7,734,576.40 134,45320 Corporate Bonds 992,720.00 0.00 0.00 Certificates of Deposit 5,313,680.05 5,347,725.25 128,992.50 Cash Account Balance 1,089.41 1,443.15 Total Asset Value $37,406,030.69 $32,470,470.14 $417,679.11 Net Value of Accrued Interest $66,267.13 $57,062.89 Total Asset Value does not include Direct Investments, Accrued Interest or unpriced securities- * Eligible for FDIC insurance up to standard maximum insurance amounts, Not SIPC insured. Account Number: D25-5019707 Tax ID Number: ON FILE For the Period: 06/01/22 - 06/30/22 Last Statement: 05/31/22 Page 1 of 13 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA III HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-2522 Financial Professional SULLIVAN,C/FAY,J 5HX (800)258-3387 Internet Address: www.opco.com Income Summary Office Serving Your Account 100 SOUTH 5TH ST SUITE 2200 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Reportable This Period Year to Date Corporate Interest $12,068.77 $72,318.09 Municipal Interest 687.50 110,690.33 Government Interest 0.00 2,950.00 Dividends 4,901.80 6,896.22 Total Reportable $17,658.07 $192,854.64 Non -Reportable Municipal Accrued Int Paid $0.00 $-6,042.93 Corporate Accrued Int Paid 0.00 -20.14 Total Non -Reportable $0.00 $-6,063.07 r PPENHEIMEI� Executive Summary CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 Summary Totals Original Face $13,895,000 Current Face (Par) $13,895,000 Market Principal $13,471,326 Accrued Interest $53,348 Cash & Cash Alternatives $0 Fixed Income Funds $0 Equity Balance $0 Total Portfolio Value $13,524,674 Next 12mo Cpn Cash Flow $248,756 Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow $269,346 Weighted Averages Coupon* 1.938 % Maturity** 2.06 yrs Duration 1.99 Yield to Worst 3.079 % Yield to Maturity 3.079 % Market Price* 96.951 Tax Lots Holdings Included 44 of 44 *Par-Wtd, all else Mkt-Wid. * Avg life used for principal Paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Moody$ S&P UST/AGY/CD - PR/ETM Aaa 6AAA As AA A ■ A M- YA 40% . Muni - 57.1 % CD- 39.4% A9y- 3.5% 20% 0% I o,��,y�i,ppo,�O,ti60,p^O,�oO,tyO�oo,S~O,��O,SRO,SRO,�y0�60,�^O�aO,5�0aooayOa~Ob�Oa�Oa�OabOa^OaeOaO�oohl,�xca\ 'L '� 'L 'L 't• 'L 'L 'l-'L 'L 'L 'Y 'L '6 'Y 'L '6 'Y 'L 'l• 'L 'L '6 'L 'L 'l• 'L 'L '6 n.,�ORe Qe Fed Tax -Exempt 0 Fed Taxable 0 Subj to Cap Gains 0 Subj to AMT $42,000 60% $35,000 $28,000 - ■ . ■ 40% $21,000 See BBB Be $14,000 1 BB 20% <Ba <BB $7,000' NR I' NR 0 None 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 'L 3 'S 'S 'S 'S P 'S None J�ti 'ti Qti oti 3ti 'ti bti vtidti �J�� 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Vol�o O� )e 0 a`0 PA 'P, )J 01'On'O�ObOhOxD01 o000'10', ,1,L.y„.yP.y`2.y'a.y, .yo yci,yo,y,1,�,y,y,3,yb,�5,y0,y,�,�o,y0,�oox o0'otio'1%o'3aPo<iorooA'o9oc'.yo,y'Y,�'I,.y"ryay5.y0,yA,�0,�0',y0',yti,1'L,y3,tb,yh,yO,LA;yo',L9' '> Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 0710112022 to 0613012023. Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 0710112022 to 06130/2023. Projected Principal Paydowns for CMOs are produced by applying current pool speeds which are updated weekly. Assuming similar market conditions going forward, Projected Principal Paydowns for Pass-Thru securities are produced by calculating and applying concurrent historical speeds to future paydown schedules. Page 3 of 24 PPENHEIMEI� Totals & Averages @ Current Market CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 Original Face Value Current Face Value Valid Tax Lot Holdings Unrecognized Tax Lot Holdings Total Tax Lot Holdings $13,895,000 $13,895,000 44 1 45 'Valid Tax Lot Holdings' includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP and quantity. Priced Original Face Value $13,895,000 Priced Current Face Value $13,895,000 Tax Lot Holdings Included 44 of 44 Priced Market Principal $13,471,326 Average Coupon 1.938% Average Market Price 96.951 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity and market price on reporting date. Average coupon and market price weighted by market principal. Portfolio Totals Original Face Value Current Face Value Market Principal Value Accrued Interest Total Market Value Cash & Cash Alternatives Fixed Income Funds Equity Balance Total Portfolio Value Next 12mo Cpn Cash Flow Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow Tax Lot Holdings Included Portfolio Averages $13,895,000 Coupon $13,895,000 Maturity $13,471,326 Duration $53,348 Convexity $13,524,674 Current Yield $0 Yield to Worst $0 Yield to Maturity $0 After Tax YTW $13,524,674 Taxable Equivalent YTW $248,756 After Tax YTM $269,346 Taxable Equivalent YTM 44 of 45 Market Price 1.938% 2.06 yrs 1.99 0.060 1.999% 3.079% 3.079% 3.079% 3.079% 3.079% 3.079% 96.951 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Portfolio average values are market -weighted, unless otherwise noted. Coupon and market price are par -weighted. All prices have been normalized to par. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 0710112022 to 0613012023. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Generic Annual Cpn Cash Flow is simply coupon rate times current face value, and does not consider acquisition date, redemption dates, long7short first coupons, ex -dividend dates, payment delays, etc. Duration and convexity figures represent modified duration to worst. Page 4 of 24 PPENHEIMEI� Totals & Averages @ Acquisition CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 Original Face Value Current Face Value Valid Tax Lot Holdings Unrecognized Tax Lot Holdings Total Tax Lot Holdings $13,895,000 Portfolio Totals Portfolio Averages $13,895,000 Original Face Value $13,895,000 Yield to Worst (cost) 2.075% 44 Face Value at Acquisition $13,895,000 Yield to Worst (mkt) 3.079% 1 Original Principal Cost $13,865,927 Yield to Maturity (cost) 2.075% 45 Adjusted Principal Cost $13,826,469 Yield to Maturity (mkt) 3.079% Current Market Principal $13,471,326 Original Acquisition Price 99.791 Estimated Gainl(Loss) -$355,143 Adjusted Cost Price 99.507 Tax Lot Holdings Included 44 of 45 Current Market Price 96.951 Valid Tax Lot Holdings' includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP and quantity. Original Face Value $13,895,000 Face Value at Acquisition $13,895,000 Tax Lot Holdings Included 44 of 44 Original Principal Cost $13,865,927 Average Acquisition Price 99.791 Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, acquisition date/price, full analytical calculations at acquisition, market price, and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Average values @ cost are weighted by respective original total acquisition costs. Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, and acquisition date/price. All prices have been normalized to par. Average acquisition price is weighted by original principal cost. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Page 5 of 24 (' ) PPENHEIMIT Position Details report as of 0710112022 CITY OF HUTCHINSON XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px / Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 13281NYX4 205 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AA CAMDEN CNTY N J IMPT AUTH REV- 0.591% 99.965 Maturity 07/15/2022 1.986%(w) 1.986% 1.986% 09/10/2020 $205,008 $204,928 ($80) Muni 1.48% Held (Asim CROSSROADS REDEV PROJ 0711WO22 0.02 Cuff Yield - 0.591 % 100.351 / 0.400% 100.004 $575 (0.0%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 15721 UCT4 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- CFBANK FAIRLAWN OH 3.250% 100.082 Maturity 07/19/2022 0.945%(w) 0.945% 0.945% 12/19/2018 $245,000 $245,201 $201 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 28263 07/19/2022 0.04 Cum Yield - 3.247 % 100.000 / 3.250 % 100.000 $371 0.1% Death Put I I CFBK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: CA,PR,TN,TX 02587DV47 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURIAN BK 2.350% 100.065 Maturity 08/08/2022 1.615%(w) 1.615% 1.615% 08/08/2017 $245,000 $245,159 $159 CD 1.76% Held CTF DEP PROGRAM BOOK ENTRY 0810&2022 0.09 Cuff Yield - 2.348 % 100.000 / 2.350 % 100.000 $2,335 0.1% FDIC Cert A, 27471 Death Put I I AXP I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: OH, TX 01748DAY2 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- ALLEGIANCE BK TEX HOUSTON 2.200% 100.097 Maturity 11/03/2022 1.904% (w) 1.904% 1.904% 11/03/2017 $245,000 $245,238 $238 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 58629 1110312022 0.32 Cum Yield - 2.198 % 100.000 / 2.200% 100.000 $44 0.1% Death Put I I ABTX I Monthly Pay I Restricted Stales: TX 254672WU8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- DISCOVER BK 2.450% 100.187 Maturity 11/18/2022 1.934%(w) 1.934% 1.934% 05/09/2017 $245,000 $245,458 $458 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 5649 1111812022 0.37 CuffYield - 2.445 % 100.000 / 2.450 % 100.000 $806 0.2% Death Put I I DFS I Semi -Annual Pay 214201GK5 150 xxxxxx9707 Al/- COOK CNTY ILL SCH DIST NO 0.000% 98.330 Maturity 12/01/2022 4.217% (w) 4.217% 4.217% 10/27/2020 $149,493 $147,495 ($1.998) Muni 1.08% Held (-/-) 089MAYWOOD 12/012022 0.39 CuffYield - 0.000% 98.34110.800% 99.662 $0 (1,3i) Material Events I Federally Taxable I State Taxable I General Obligation I Education I AGMC Insured 949495AQ8 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- WELLS FARGO NATL BK WEST LAS V 1.900% 99.856 Maturity 01/17/2023 2.171%(w) 2.171% 2.171% 01/17/2020 $245,000 $244,647 ($353) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 27389 0111712023 0.53 Cuff Yield - 1.903 % 100.000 / 1.900% 100.000 $242 (0.1 %) Death Put I I WFC I Monthly Pay 58404DDMO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MEDALLION BK UTAH 2.850% 100.347 Maturity 03/06/2023 2.324% (w) 2.324% 2.324% 03/05/2019 $245,000 $245,850 $850 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cart A, 57449 03/06/2023 0.66 Curr Yield - 2.840 % 100.000 / 2.850 % 100.000 $19 0.3% Death Put I I MEDBNK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: AL,OH,TX 149159MQ5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- CATHAY BK LOS ANGEL CALIF 3.150% 100.361 Maturity 06/08/2023 2.748% (w) 2.748 % 2.748 % 06/08/2018 $245,000 $245,884 $884 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cart A,18503 06/082023 0.90 Curr Yield - 3.139% 100.000 1 3A60% 100.000 $592 0.4% Death Put I I CATY I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: CA, NY Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY7TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 6 of 24 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal G/L Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int % Adj Cost 856425AR4 245 xxxxxx9707 -I- STATE BANK OF LISMORE LISMORE 3.100 % 100.243 Maturity 06/27/2023 2.847 % (w) 2.847% 2.847 % 06/27/2018 $245,000 $245,696 $595 CD 1.76% Held MN 06/27/2023 0.96 Cuff Yield - 3.092% 100.00013.100% 100.000 $187 0.2% FDIC Cert #., 8190 Death Put I I SBKLIS I Monthly Pay 45581 EAX9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- INDUSTRIAL& COML BK CHINA USA 3.300% 100.430 Maturity 06/30/2023 2.856%(w) 2.856% 2.856% 08/30/2018 $245,000 $246,054 $1,054 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert #., 24387 0613012023 0.96 Cum Yield - 3.286 % 100.000 / 3.300 % 100.000 $133 0.4% Death Put I I INDCMB I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: NON-USACCOUNTS 75472RAW1 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- RAYMOND JAMES BK NATL ASSN 1.700% 98.660 Maturity 08/14/2023 2.937%(w) 2.937% 2.937% 02/14/2020 $245,000 $241,717 ($3,283) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 33893 0811412023 1.08 Cum Yield - 1.723 % 100.000 / 1.700 % 100.000 $1,620 (1.3%) Death Put I I RJF I Semi -Annual Pay 59833LAF9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MIDWEST INDPT BK MO 3.150% 100.226 Maturity 09/18/2023 2.958% (w) 2.958% 2.958% 09/17/2018 $245,000 $245,554 $554 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 25849 091182023 1.17 Cum Yield - 3.143 % 100.000 / 3.150% 100.000 $402 0.2% Death Put I I MIDINB I Monthly Pay 61760ARSO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MORGAN STANLEY PRIVATE BK 3.550% 100.605 Maturity 11/08/2023 3.082% (w) 3.082% 3.082% 11/08/2018 $245,000 $246,482 $1,482 CD 1.76% Held NATL 11/082023 1.30 Cum Yield - 3.529% 100.00013.550% 100.000 $1,406 0.6% FDIC Cart A, 34221 Death Put I I MS I Semi -Annual Pay 54627CAX1 250 xxxxxx9707 Aaal- LOUISIANA HSG CORP MULTIFAMILY 0.550% 97.213 Next Call 07/22/2022 64.904% 64.904% 64.904% 05/11/2022 $240,758 $243,032 $2,275 Muni 1.80% Held (-/-) HSG REV - HOLLYWOOD ACRES LLC 121012023 1.38 Maturity 12/01/2023 2.586 % (w) 2.586 % 2.586 % 96.303 / 3.000 % 96.303 $134 0.9% - HOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS PROJS Cum Yield - 0.566% Material Events I Revenue I Housing I Semi -Annual Pay 538036CZ5 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- LIVE OAK BANKING COMPANY 2.500% 99.201 Maturity 12/13/2023 3.069% (w) 3.069% 3.069% 12/13/2017 $245,000 $243,042 ($1,958) CD 1.76% Held WILMINGTON NC 121132023 1.41 Cum Yield - 2.520% 100.00012.500% 100.000 $84 (0.8%) FDIC Cent A, 58665 Death Put 11 LIVOAK I Monthly Pay 03784JSL9 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- APPLE BANK FOR SAVINGS 0.600% 96.203 Maturity 01/22/2024 3.131%(w) 3.131% 3.131% 01/26/2022 $243,456 $235,697 ($7,759) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cart A, 16068 0122/2024 1.51 Cum Yield - 0.624 % 99.37010.920 % 99.370 $669 (3.2%) Death Put I I APPBNK I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: TX 06251AV80 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- BANK HAPOALIM B M NEW YORK 3.200% 100.132 Maturity 01/23/2024 3.111 % (w) 3.111 % 3.111% 01/23/2019 $245,000 $245,323 $323 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cart A, 33686 01232024 1.48 Cum Yield - 3.196% 100.000 / 3.200 % 100.000 $3,523 0.1 % Death Put I I Foreign I Emerging I HAPOAL I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: MT,TX Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 7 of 24 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px / Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 20033AP91 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- COMENITY CAP BK UTAH 3.100% 99.938 Maturity 02/15/2024 3.139%(w) 3.139% 3.139% 02115/2019 $245,000 $244,848 ($152) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert #., 57570 0211WO24 1.56 Cuff Yield - 3.102% 100.000/3.100% 100.000 $437 (0.1%) Death Put I I ADS I Monthly Pay I Restncted States: OH,TX 057864AZ3 485 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA BALDWIN CNTY ALA PUB BLDG AUTH 3.000% 101.553 Maturity 03/01/2024 2.039% (w) 2.039% 2.039 % 03/20/2020 $488,890 $492,532 $3,642 Muni 3.49% Held (Aa2y BLDG REV - JAIL PROJ 03/012024 1.59 Cum Yield - 2.954 % 101.867 / 2.500 % 100.802 $5,052 0.7% Materal Events I S&P Outlook Stable I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 65621XAN9 580 xxxxxx9707 -/AA+ NORMANDY SCHS COLLABORATIVE 0.550% 95.778 Maturity 03/01/2024 3.193% (w) 3.193% 3.193% 12/07/2021 $577,048 $555,512 ($21,535) Muni 4.1796 Held (-/A-) MO JT EXECUTIVE GOVERNING BRD 031012024 1.62 Cuff Yield - 0.574% 99.491 / 0.780% 99.491 $1,108 (3.791) ST LOUIS CNTY Federally Taxable I Stale Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 90348JJQ4 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- UBS BK USA SALT LAKE CITY UT 2.900% 99.496 Maturity 04/03/2024 3.197% (w) 3.197% 3.197% 04/03/2019 $245,000 $243,765 ($1,235) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 57565 0410312024 1.70 Cuff Yield - 2.915% 100.000 / 2.900% 100.000 $58 (0.551) Death Put I I UBS I Monthly Pay 43870IY73 675 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/- HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY 0.545% 94.546 Maturity 07/01/2024 3.408% (w) 3.408% 3.408% 03/07/2022 $658,112 $638,186 ($19,926) Muni 4.86% Held (Aa21) WASTEWTR SYS REV 071012024 1.94 CuffYield - 0.576% 97.498 / 1.650% 97.498 $51 (3.0%) Materal Events I Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I Pro -Rate I Revenue I Utilities I Semi -Annual Pay 20056UAV6 500 xxxxxx9707 -/AA COMMERCE CALIF CMNTY DEV 3.000% 99.249 Maturity 08/01/2024 3.378% (w) 3.378% 3.378 % 05/09/2017 Muni 3.60% Held (-/A) COMMN SUCCESSOR AGY TAX 081012024 1.96 Curr Yield - 3.023% 105.319 / 2.200 % ALLOCATION Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I DID I Revenue I Government I AGMC Insured I Semi -Annual Pay 438687KT1 1,000 xxxxxx9707 Aal/- HONOLULU HAWAII CITY & CNTY 1.832% 96.814 Maturity 08/01/2024 3.440% (w) 3.440% 3.440% 10/30/2019 Muni 7.20% Held (Aav-) 08/012024 1.99 Curr Yield - 1.892% 99.600/1.920% Materal Events I Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 20772,13,19 570 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/A+ CONNECTICUT ST 2.400% 98.274 Maturity 08/15/2024 3.253% (w) 3.253% 3.253% 07/11/2019 Muni 4.10% Held (Aa3r--) 081152024 2.02 Cuff Yield - 2.442% 99.80812.440% Materal Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Positive I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 64971QJ38 500 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AAA NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL 2.600% 98.102 Next Call 11/01/2022 8.665% 8.665% 8.665% 05/09/2017 Muni 3.60% Held (Aav-) FIN AUTHREV 111012024 2.22 Maturity 11/01/2024 3.457% (w) 3.457% 3.457% 97.35012.998% Cuff Yield - 2.650% Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Callable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00%, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 8 of 24 $508,045 $496,245 ($11,800) 101.609 $6,458 (2.3%) $996,000 $968,140 ($27,860) 99.600 $7,888 (2.8%) $568,906 $560,162 ($8,744) 99.808 $5,358 (1.5%) $486,750 $490,510 $3,760 97.350 $2,347 0.8% r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px l Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 795451 BAO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- SALLIE MAE BK MURRAY UTAH 1.000% 94.483 Maturity 12/16/2024 3.365%(w) 3.365% 3.365% 12115/2021 $245,000 $231,483 ($13,517) Co 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 58177 121162024 2.38 Cuff Yield - 1.058 % 100.000 / 1.000 % 100.000 $141 (5.5%) Death Put I I SALLMA I Semi -Annual Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 287299MR9 150 xxxxxx9707 -/AA+ ELK GROVE VILLAGE ILL 1.000% 94.423 Maturity 01/01/2025 3.357%(w) 3.357% 3.357% 11/01/2021 $150,000 $141,634 ($8,365) Muni 1.08% Held (49 011012025 2.42 Cum Yield - 1.059 % 100.000 / 1.000 % 100.000 $21 (5.691) Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Short First Coupon I General Obligation I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 696583GV9 460 xxxxxx9707 Aal/AAA PALM BEACH FLA REV 2.500% 98.086 Maturity 01/01/2025 3.308% (w) 3.308% 3.308% 01/08/2020 $464,991 $451,196 ($13,795) Muni 3.31% Held (Aa1/) 01/012025 2.38 Cuff Yield - 2.549% 102.12012.050% 101.085 $160 (3.0%) Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 59013KFJO 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- MERRICK BK SOUTH JORDAN UTAH 1.800% 96.144 Maturity 01/31/2025 3.365% (w) 3.365% 3.365% 01/31/2020 $245,000 $235,553 ($9,447) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 34519 011312025 2.50 Cuff Yield - 1.872 % 100.000 / 1.800% 100.000 $72 (3.0%) Death Put I I MERICK I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX 16166NCL7 300 xxxxxx9707 -/AA- CHASKA MINN ECONOMIC DEV 3.430% 99.306 Maturity 02/01/2025 3.715% (w) 3.715% 3.715% 02/03/2020 $312,219 $297,918 ($14,301) Muni 2.16% Held (49 AUTHLEASE REV 02/012025 2.40 Cuff Yield - 3.454% 107.752 / 1.800% 104.073 $4,430 (4.6%) Materal Events I Federally Taxable I State Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Industrial I Semi -Annual Pay 05465DAE8 245 xxx)xx9707 -/- AXOS BK SAN DIEGO CALIF 1.650% 95.497 Maturity 03/26/2025 3.383% (w) 3.383% 3.383% 03/26/2020 $245,000 $233,968 ($11,032) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 35546 03262025 2.65 Curr Yield - 1.728 % 100.000 / 1.650 % 100.000 $111 (4.591) Death Put I I BOR I Monthly Pay 59334PJA6 375 xxxxxx9707 -/AA MIAMI-DADE CNTY FLA TRAN SYS 0.900% 92.366 Maturity 07/01/2025 3.620% (w) 3.620% 3.620% 11/23/2021 $373,012 $346,372 ($26,640) Muni 2.70% Held (4) SALES SURTAX REV 07/012025 2.90 Cuff Yield - 0.974% 99.470 / 1.050% 99.470 $47 (7.1%) Materal Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 052405FP7 245 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/AA AUSTIN TEX CMNTY COLLEGE 0.992% 92.561 Maturity 08/01/2025 3.572% (w) 3.572% 3.572% 04/29/2022 $229,482 $226,774 ($2,707) Muni 1.76% Held (Aa3r-) DISTPUB FAC CORP LEASE REV 081012025 2.96 Cuff Yield - 1.072% 93.66613.050% 93.666 $1,046 (1.2%) Materal Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Extraordinary Calls I Revenue I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 29278TMJ6 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- REGIONS BK BIRMINGHAM ALA 2.000% 95.647 Maturity 10/31/2025 3.387% (w) 3.387% 3.387% 10/31/2019 $245,000 $234,335 ($10,665) CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cert A, 57293 10/312025 3.20 Cuff Yield - 2.091 % 100.000 / 2.000 % 100.000 $81 (4.491) Death Put I I RF I Monthly Pay I Restricted States: OH,TX Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY7TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.00Y, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 9 of 24 r PPENHEIMEk Position Details (continued...) CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 Position Details CUSIP Curr Face Account # Mdy / S&P Coupon Mkt Px Acq Date Tot Adj Cost Mkt Principal Unreal GIL Asset % Port Held (Underlying) Issue Description Maturity Duration Px To Date Yield ATY TEY Acq Px I Yid Adj Cost Px Accr Int %Adj Cost 47770VBF6 310 xxxxxx9707 Aa3/AA+ JOBSOHIO BEVERAGE SYS OHIO 2.034% 94.410 Maturity 01/01/2026 3.760% (w) 3.760% 3.760% 04/29/2022 $298,815 $292,671 ($6,144) Muni 2.23% Held (Aa3/--) STATEWIDE LIQUOR PROFITS REV 011012026 3.32 Cuff Yield - 2.154% 96.392 / 3.080% 96.392 $88 (2.1%) Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Pm-Rata I Revenue I Industrial I Semi -Annual Pay 678553BUI 300 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AA+ OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA ECONOMIC 1.118% 92.089 Maturity 03/01/2026 3.441%(w) 3.441% 3.441% 02/10/2022 Muni 2.16% Held (A821-) DEV TR TAX APPORTIONMENT - 03/01/2026 3.51 Cum Yield - 1.214% 97.611 / 1.730% INCREMENT DIST NO 8 PROJ Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Long First Coupon I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 032879UV8 500 xxxxxx9707 -/AA ANCHOR BAY MICH SCH DIST 1.250% 91.369 Maturity 05/01/2026 3.693%(w) 3.693% 3.693% 07/16/2020 Muni 3.60% Held (-/-) 0510112026 3.66 Cuff Yield - 1.368% 100.726/1.120% Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 71884AH28 135 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AAA PHOENIX ARIZ CIVIC IMPT CORP 1.157% 90.702 Maturity 07/01/2026 3.687% (w) 3.687% 3.687% 12/14/2021 Muni 0.97% Held (Aav-) EXCISE TAX REV 071012026 3.83 Cum Yield - 1.276% 99.370 / 1.300% Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay 89235MLD1 245 xxxxxx9707 -/- TOYOTA FINL SVGS BK HEND NV 0.950% 90.949 Maturity 07/22/2026 3.361%(w) 3.361% 3.361% 07/22/2021 CD 1.76% Held FDIC Cent A, 57542 07/22/2026 3.89 Cuff Yield - 1.045% 100.000 / 0.950 % Death Put I I TOYFBN I Semi -Annual Pay I Restnaed States: OH,TX 798306WQ5 140 xxxxxx9707 Aa2l- SAN JUAN CALIF UNI SCH DIST 1.201% 90.820 Maturity 08/01/2026 3.649% (w) 3.649% 3.649% 11/12/2021 Muni 1.01% Held (Aav-) 081012026 3.88 Cum Yield - 1.322% 100.000/ 1.201 % Federally Taxable I Make Whole Call I General Obligation I Education I Semi -Annual Pay 3130APC45 500 xxxxxx9707 Aaa/AA+ FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.180% 93.360 Next Call 07/26/2022 122.891% 122.891 % 122.891 % 10/26/2021 Agy 3.60% Held 10/262026 4.14 Maturity 10/26/2026 2.828% (w) 2.828% 2.828% 100.000 / 1.180 % Cum Yield - 1.264% Moodys Outlook Stable I S&P Outlook Stable I FHLB I Semi -Annual Pay 71884AH36 175 xxxxxx9707 Aa2/AAA PHOENIX ARIZ CIVIC IMPT CORP 1.257% 88.474 Maturity 07/01/2027 3.817% (w) 3.817% 3.817% 04/01/2022 Muni 1.26% Held (A821-) EXCISE TAX REV 071012027 4.75 Cum Yield - 1.421% 92.05012.900% Material Events I Federally Taxable I S&P Outlook Stable I Make Whole Call I Revenue I Government I Semi -Annual Pay Includes all tax lot holdings with recognized CUSIP. For preferred securities, # of shares is displayed instead of current face value, which is represented in thousands (000). The (w) in the Yield column indicates which yield value is the Yield to Worst (YTW). Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. ATY/TEY calculations use a Fed Tax rate of 0.00%, a Cap Gains Tax rate of 0.009/, a State of N/A, and a State Tax rate of N/A. Page 10 of 24 $292,833 $276,267 ($16,566) 97.611 $1,165 (5.791) $502,415 $456,845 ($45,570) 100.483 $1,128 (9.191) $134,150 $122,448 ($11,702) 99.370 $22 (8.7%) $245,000 $222,825 ($22,175) 100.000 $1,052 (9.191) $140,000 $127,148 ($12,852) 100.000 $724 (9.2%) $500,000 $466,800 ($33,200) 100.000 $1,131 (6.6%) $161,088 $154,830 ($6,258) 92.050 $31 (3.991) r PPENHEIMEI Coupon Cash Flow - Year 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 Jul'22 Aug'22 Sep'22 Oct'22 Nov'22 Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb'23 Mar'23 Apr'23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Total %Tot Agency $2,950 $2,950 $5,900 2.4% Agency Pass-Thru - - - - Asset -Backed - - - - - - CD $12,583 $11,257 $6,311 $6,157 $13,721 $10,812 $11,745 $7,462 $5,092 $4,864 $9,071 $9,934 $109,008 43.8% CMO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Corporate - - - - - - - - - - Muni: Fed Tax $15,666 $30,701 $3,272 $9,625 - $15,060 $30,701 $3,272 $9,625 - $117,922 47.4% Muni: Tax -Exempt - - $7,275 - $688 - - $7,275 - $688 $15,925 6.4% Muni: Subj AMT - - - - - - Pfd: Fed Tax Pfd: Tax -Exempt Pfd: Cap Gains Treasury Total $28,249 $41,957 $16,858 $9,107 $23,346 $11,499 $26,805 $38,163 $15,639 $7,814 $18,696 $10,622 $248,756100.0% Fed Tax -Exempt - - $7,275 - - $688 - - $7,275 - - $688 $15,925 6.4 Fed Taxable $28,249 $41,957 $9,583 $9,107 $23,346 $10,812 $26,805 $38,163 $8,364 $7,814 $18,696 $9,934 $232,831 93.6% Subj to Cap Gains Subj to AMT Fed Tax -Exempt 0 Fed Taxable 0 Subj to Cap Gains 0 Subj to AMT $42,000 $35,000 $28,000 $21,000 $14,000 $7,000 $0 ■ NIMMEW $0 Jul'22 Aug'22 Sep'22 Oct'22 Nov'22 Dec'22 Jan'23 Feb'23 Mar 23 Apr'23 May'23 Jun'23 Jul'23 Includes all tax holdings with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and full analytical calculations on reporting date. Includes coupon cash flows for the next 12 months, from 0710112022 to 0613012023. Totals are the sum of rounded displayed values. The cash flows displayed are only estimates. Your actual interest and principal payments may be higher or lower than these estimates. Projected Principal Paydowns for CMOs are produced by applying current pool speeds which are updated weekly. Assuming similar market conditions going forward, Projected Principal Paydowns for Pass-Thru securities are produced by calculating and applying concurrent historical speeds to future paydown schedules. Page 11 of 24 PPENHEIMEk Maturity & Duration - All CITY OF HUTCHINSON report as of 0710112022 XXXXXX9707 60% X 0 d a 40% � n o e 20% 16 0% le � otryo,130,t'aO,th0�6o��O,tOotAo'�OOn�~O'�ry0'�"�o'�QO'�h0'�6o'��O�Oo'�AO60oa~Obryop9o5PO�hOa6ob1 o�00aA0y0oy~� c`�a� ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry ry,�O tQ¢ Q¢ a 40% _ 0 20%cR a° cR u v 0% ' O�' Ory O'� Ob Oh 06 01 00 09 .y0 .y'Y try 'Y'h ,yb ,yh 'fro 11 ,Y0 19 .t0 ry'1' ryry rya ryQ .y<o ryro �'t ry0 .tA .50 Ox 00 Oti 01' 09' Oa Oh Ord O'�' O$ 00' .�0' .�'ti tiry tip' ,yP tih' yH .�'t' y9 .y0' ,y0' .1'ti ,1'1%,l"i ryp ryh' ,t/d ry1' ry0 ry0' '� Displays represent % ofmarket principal for all tax lot holdings with a recognized CUSIP, quantity, current market price and full analytical calculations. Average life used for principal paydowns, and perpetual securities are assigned a 40 year maturity. Duration figure represents modified duration to worst. Year Curr Face % Mkt Principal % Range Curr Face % Mkt Principal % 2022 $1,335,000 9.61% $1,333,479 9.90% 00-01 $2,560,000 18.42% $2,561,510 19.01% 2023 $2,455,000 17.67% $2,447,859 18.17% 01-02 $5,450,000 39.22% $5,340,077 39.64% 2024 $5,535,000 39.83% $5,402,404 40.10% 02-03 $3,335,000 24.00% $3,215,571 23.87% 2025 $2,265,000 16.30% $2,167,751 16.09% 03-04 $1,875,000 13.49% $1,732,539 12.86% 2026 $2,130,000 15.33% $1,965,004 14.59% 04-05 $675,000 4.86% $621,630 4.61% 2027 $175,000 1.26% $154,830 1.15% 05-06 2028 06-07 2029 07-08 2030 08-09 2031 09-10 2032 10-11 2033 11-12 2034 12-13 2035 13-14 2036 14-15 2037 15-16 2038 16-17 2039 17-18 2040 18-19 2041 19-20 2042 20-21 2043 21-22 2044 22-23 2045 23-24 2046 24-25 2047 25-26 2048 26-27 2049 27-28 2050 28-29 2051 29-30 2052+ 30+ Perpetual Page 12 of 24 Public Arts Commission Regular Meeting Jun 08 2022 Hutchinson Center for the Arts 15 Franklin St SW, Hutchinson MN 55350 MINUTES Present: Justin Beck, Patrick Hiltner, Jeri Jo Redman, Jackie Fuchs Absent: Morgan Baum, Kay Johnson, Pat May, Lynn Neumann (ex-officio), Dan Jochum (ex-officio) • Call To Order by Justin at 5:30 PM • Motion by Jackie, second by Jeri Jo to approve May Minutes. Motion carried unanimously. • Sculpture Stroll Updates o We are using a lot of brochures this year. Jeri Jo is going to find out if we can add a brochure holder at DQ and also move the holder at Citizens Bank. o Jeri Jo asked a question about the accessibility of the Ridgewater sculpture. The sculpture is on the grass and wondered if a sidewalk could be added to make it more accessible. o Randy has it on his list to move the post at the Church. Waiting on Gopher One to locate utilities. • Open Discussion/New Business o Justin mentioned that he has been working with a local muralist on a potential downtown mural project. Justin was acting in an advisory capacity to explain the process for permitting, etc. • Motion to Adjourn by Patrick, seconded by Jackie, and motion carried. Adjourned at 6:03 PM. N HRA HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 7:00 AM Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Steve Jensen called the meeting to order. Members Present: Gary Forcier, Robin Kashuba, and Kimberly Merwin. Staff Present: Judy Flemming and Jocelyn Jacobson. a. Approve the Hutchinson HRA Regular Board Meeting agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections. Gary Forcier moved to approve the agenda of the regular board meeting and Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON May 17, 2022 Kim Merwin moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting and Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Robin Kashuba moved to approve the: a. City Center General Fund payments of $7,823.81 for checks 9264 to 9268 b. City Center May 31, 2022 Financial Statements c. Park Towers Operating Account payments of $29,318.25 for checks 15729 to 15752 d. February 28, 2022, March 31, 2022 and April 30, 2022 Park Towers financial statements Gary Forcier seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS - FYI a. Park Towers Vacancy Report b. Operation Update • Staff Update • Limited Management Review submitted to HUD on May 27, 2022 5. CONSIDERATION OF CITY REHAB GRANT FOR 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE W Kim Merwin moved to approve City Rehab Grant for 430 Washington Ave W and Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSIDERATION OF LIVE AND WORK GRANT FOR 459 PROSPECT STREET NE CONTIGENT UPON LOAN REVIEW COMMITTEE APPROVAL Loan Committee reviewed the application and recommends approval. Kim Merwin moved to approve the Live and Work Grant for 459 Prospect Street NE and Robin Kashuba seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 7. COMMUNICATIONS - FYI a. FYI Lawsuit Damages Awarded b. FYI Planning Staff Meeting: Ravenwood South Preliminary Plat & Habitat for Humanity Lot Split June 21, 2022 Minutes Page 1 of 2 c. Housing Study Update: Plan on starting in July however there won't be a full release of Census data until 2023. 8. ADJOURNMENT Robin Kashuba moved to adjourn and Gary Forcier seconded. There being no other business, Vice Chair Steve Jensen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Judy Flemming, HRA Executive Director Gary For, er, Secretary/Treasurer 91 June 21, 2022 Minutes Page 2 of 2 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 21, 2022 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The June 21St, 2022 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Lofdahl, Vice Chairman Hacker, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Sebesta, Commissioner Hantge, and Commissioner Janssen. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician and Madison Newcomb, City of Hutchinson Planning and Building Assistant. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Motion made by Commissioner Wirt second by Commissioner Garberg for Commissioner Lofdahl to be Chairman Motion made by Commissioner Hantge second by Commissioner Garberg for Commissioner Hacker to be Vice Chairman 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED February 15, 2022. Motion by Commissioner Hantge to approve February 15, 2022 meeting minutes. Second by Commissioner Wirt. Motion approved. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR RAVENWOOD SOUTH. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Commissioner Hantge asked who maintains the pond. Mr. Jochum answered that the City has an easement over the pond for maintenance. The future maintenance of the pond will be determined in the subdivision agreement that will be developed with the Final Plat. This will be either the City of Hutchinson or the developer. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June 21, 2022 Page 2 Commissioner Hantge asked about additional parking or if it was needed. Mr. Jochum noted parking not needed as public road and driveways are sufficient. Chairman Lofdahl questioned where the outflow of the pond is. Does the City maintain this area? Mr. Jochum noted that McLeod County manages the creek that it drains into. Commissioner Garberg questioned Lot 1 being in the Airport Zone A. There was question regarding an existing home being in Zone A. It was noted that the lines are not exact and homes are not allowed in this area. Bruce Naustdal — 1175 Dale St, asked about vegetation around the pond and said it was to remain natural. There was a study on the vegetation years ago and some of it was removed. Mr. Naustdal is wondering if there are known findings of this. Mr. Jochum will look into this and get back to Mr. Naustdal. Mr. Naustdal also asked about the drainage ditch to the north and if it needs to be cleaned out. It was noted to speak to John Olson or John Paulson regarding this project. Also noted that the outflow to the south may not be functioning properly. Motion by Commissioner Hantge, second by Vice Chairman Hacker close hearing at 5:59 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Garberg to approve with 11 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Hantge. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 06/28/2022. B. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SECOND DRIVE THRU LANE IN A C-4 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 1510 MONTREAL ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Commissioner Garberg asked if they are they expanding any hard surface? Mr. Jochum answered no. Motion by Commissioner Hantge, second by Vice Chairman Hacker close hearing at 6:03 p.m. Motion by Vice Chairman Hacker to approve with 3 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Hantge. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 06/28/2022. C. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT LOCATED AT 1545 MCDONALD DR SW. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June 21, 2022 Page 3 Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Bailey Schlueter — 739 Juul Rd, (Crow River Habitat), has some concerns about moving the driveway. Mr. Jochum noted that the City would like both driveways off of McDonald. Motion by Commissioner Hantge, second by Commissioner Wirt close hearing at 6:10 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Garberg to approve with 4 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Hantge. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 06/28/2022. D. CONSIDERATIN OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A NEW DINING HALL BUILDING LOCATED AT 700 MAIN ST N. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Bruce Naustdal 1175 Dale St questioned if the small existing pond on site will be sufficient for ponding. It was noted that the engineer will determine what is needed for ponding. Motion by Commissioner Hantge, second by Commissioner Wirt close hearing at 6:18 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Hantge to approve with 11 staff recommendations. Second by Vice Chairman Hacker. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 06/28/2022. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Commissioner Hantge asked about the outdoor storage at the Antique Store at Main St S. This seems to be getting out of hand. Mr. Jochum noted that the City and the Police Dept have both been working on this. B. Commissioner Garberg asked about builder's covenants being enforced. It was explained that these covenants need to be recorded at the County and they would be enforced by homeowners associations. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Commissioner Hantge asked about the progress of the Hospital sign. The City has been working on this. 8. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June 21, 2022 Page 4 A. UPCOMING MEETINGS — we are looking at one item on the July agenda. B. Commissioner Garberg asked about the development plan. There have been some delays. 9. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Lofdahl to adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner NA. Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.