04-27-2022 HUCAHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING April 27, 2022 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies i. Section 4 of Exempt Handbook ii. Section 4 of Non -Exempt Handbook b. Approve Changes i. Travel Expenses — Exempt ii. Travel Expenses — Non -Exempt 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Approval of HTI/TDK Natural Gas Transportation and Commodity Purchase Agreement b. Approve Req #009124 - 3M Substation Relay and RTU Upgrades C. Review of 2021 Annual Benchmarking Report d. Approve Cost of Service & Rate Design Study with UFS e. Approve Disposal of Surplus Assets at Plant #1 - Units 3, 4 and 8 along with Diesel Fuel and Tank f. Approve Req #009144 — Purchase Replacement for Truck 130 g. Approve Req #009145 — Purchase Replacement for Truck 948 9. ADJOURN