12-16-2020 HUCCPHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING December 16, 2020 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies No Policies to Review b. Approve Changes 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. None 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Plant 2 Transformer Move b. Approve Customer Service Credit Card Vendor Change to Invoice Cloud c. Approve Moving 2020 Pay Grid d. Approve 2021 Budgets & CIP e. Conduct the Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05 Subd. 3(a) 9. ADJOURN MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez, Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora; Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements GM Carter presented the Financial Statements. Electric Division net profit increased by $17k despite lower usage and revenues mostly from a decrease in expenses directly related to providing power including purchased power, transmission, and fuels. There was no power cost adjustment for October. Natural Gas Division net profit increased by $19k led by an increase in customer revenue along with a decrease in operating expense. December is looking to be milder. Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator —Matthew Jaunich —Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Absent ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager —Absent iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager —Absent iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — Absent v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Absent c. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Absent d. Legal — Marc Sebora — i. City Council approved the reappointment of Commissioner Wendorff e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. EV Charger update ii. Staff is working alternating half crew shifts. This plan is consistent with the earlier plan implemented back on April 6. This initial plan will last until January 8. iii. Working on year end tasks iv. Plant 2 substation and site work will start late this week/early next week. 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. CIP Rebate Level of Authority ii. Delegation of Authority Policy iii. Financial Reserve Policy iv. Investment Policy v. Purchasing Policy/Credit Cards/Fixed Assets vi. Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes i. Payments of HUC Payables ii. Surplus Property Policy GM Carter noted the revised date for the New Year on Payments of HUC Payables. GM Carter and Mr. Sebora reviewed the Surplus Property Policy and changes are recommended to more mirror the state and keep HUC in compliance. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Policy changes. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Unfinished Business a. Approve Bright Energy Choices Program GM Carter recapped last month's discussion regarding the Bright Energy Choices Program. Discussions were held on if the program would be voluntary, community participation and if this program would assist companies coming to town. Currently HUC's total energy supply is 71 percent carbon -free based upon energy generated from wind, solar, nuclear, and other carbon -free energy sources. Through this Bright Energy Choices Program, HUC can purchase Renewable Energy Credits (REC's) from MRES to offset the remaining 29 percent of energy coming from carbon -based power resources and make Hutchinson 100 percent carbon free. GM Carter noted for any commercial customer choosing the 100% renewable option, HUC will cover the first 29% of the REC's to be consistent with the amount purchased for the customers to be 100% carbon -free or "Clean" energy. Consensus from the board is to move forward with the Bright Energy Choices Program and to review on an annual basis. 2 Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Morrow to Approve the Bright Energy Choices Program for all of HUC's rate classes to move to 100% clean energy with the option for commercial customers to go 100% renewable as an adder at the customer's discretion and for this Bright Energy Choices Program to be reviewed annually starting the Fall of 2021. Motion carried unanimously. 8. New Business a. Approve Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance GM Carter presented the requirement by League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. Staff is recommending to not waive the tort liability limits. Completion of the Wavier form is done annually. In the past HUC has not waived the municipal m 1l# After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs GM Carter presented the Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs. HUC is requesting to approve write-offs of $24,998.20. This amount is more than last year due to a retail company filing bankruptcy. Mr. Morrow recognized the Staff on a job well done. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Selling of Surplus Vehicles GM Carter presented Selling of Surplus Vehicles. As part of HUC's Fleet Management Program, it is recommended to sell the listed vehicles from the 2020 Fleet Schedule. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Selling of Surplus Vehicles. Motion carried unanimously. d. Discuss Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities General Manager Ms. Radke discussed the Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities General Manager. Per the General Manager's contract with Utilities, an annual Performance Review is to be conducted. Generally, this review has occurred in December at the scheduled Commission Meeting or it can occur at a Special 3 Meeting. It is up to the Commission on when the Performance Review should be held. GM Carter would have the opportunity to decide if it would be an open or closed session. When the date is decided, review forms will be sent to all the Commissioners. After Commissioners have completed and returned review forms, all results will be compiled for discussion at the review. After discussion, GM Carter and Commissioners agreed to have the review at the December 16, 2020 Commission Meeting. e. 2021 Budget Presentation GM Carter presented HUC's 2021 Preliminary Budget. GM Carter noted Bright Energy Choices is not included in this. GM Carter highlighted for combined divisions, revenues are at $41.3M with expenses at $39.8M with a Net Profit of $1.6M, which was an increase in net profit of $163K over last year. Both the Electric Division and Gas Division remained stable. Electric Division, Retail Customer Sales is at $25AM down by $186K, which is based on only projecting $1.3M in PCA, where last year it was $1.5M. Forecasted Kwhr sales for 2021 is 281,099,231 kwhr's which is a .43% reduction from 2020 of 282,305,883 kwhr's. Sales for Resales, projecting $353K increase over 2020 budget. Capacity Sales are increasing to $474K while showing a decrease in Market Sales of $121 K. Other Revenues of $308K is made up of Additional customer charges (only budgeting 6 months), Interest Earnings and Bond Premiums. GM Carter reviewed the Pictorial Graphs; these graphs show the overall comparison as to how the revenue is derived. The Consumption History graph shows a snapshot of each customer class loads, which is fairly flat. GM Carter spoke on the Electric Division Expense Budget Highlights. Health Insurance will be staying with Medica with a 7% decrease. Dental, LTD, Basic Life & AD &D benefits remain the same. PILOT remains the same as the 2020 Budget. GM Carter reviewed the GRE/MISO Transmission Expense of a $520K increase, along with the MRES Baseload Contract Expense of a $458K decrease. Additional Operating Expenses of $25K for Compensation Study, $25K for Citizen Survey Study, $50K for Electric Distribution Study, $50K for McLeod Sub SCADA design and commissioning work and $30K for LED Light Retrofitting Project were also highlighted. Mr. Sebora left the meeting at 3:50pm. After discussion of the Electric Division preliminary budget, GM Carter reviewed an overview of the Natural Gas Division. Retail Customer Sales has a decrease of $21 K and shows a 1.36% increase in forecasted Retail MCF's sold. Contract Sales of 3M and HTI show a decrease in revenue of $67K. GM Carter highlighted Other Revenues of $2.1 M; which are made up of N.U/HCP/UFC Transport/ 12 Reservation Fees, Electric Division Transportation Fees, Bond Premiums, Late Charges/Fees (only budgeting 6 months), Interest Income and Brownton & HCP operation/maintenance Agreement. GM Carter noted Brownton is looking to add water meters but HUC is not able to help with this project until after the first of the year. GM Carter concluded by reviewing the pictorial graphs and expense budget highlights of the Natural Gas Division. Additional Operating Expenses of $10K for RTU's/Flow Boss equipment, $40K for Transmission ROW Maintenance, $25K for Compensation Study, $25K for Citizen Survey Study and $30K for LED Light Retrofitting Project were also highlighted. GM Carter noted that currently HUC is at 53 FTE and anticipate to stay in the range of 50-53. GM Carter spoke of the oil spray problems with Units 6 & 7. HUC has been running the engines trying to reach the 1,000 hour mark but have been experiencing several issues. The engines have developed an oil leak at the crankshaft end next to the generator. The engines have been tripping off-line due to an oil mist shutdown. Engineers have not been able to travel to HUC due to COVID-19 but has been in contact through conference calls. Staff, Caterpillar and Ziegler from Shakopee have been continuing to work on the oil spray issues. GM Carter noted PILOT conversations will need to start again the first part of 2021. GM Carter looked to the Commission for questions, concerns or comments on the 2021 Budget Presentation. There were no concerns from the Commissioners. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 4:19p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Don Martinez, President 5 Robert Wendorff, Secretary 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/20/2020 GEN 673(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS 11/20/2020 GEN 687(E)*4 VISA Page 1/26 Account Dept Amount GENERATOR 41 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 168.78 GENERATOR 41 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 15,144.27 Generator 41 Aux Boiler 401-547- 01 117.47 GENERATOR 43 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 12.98 GENERATOR 44 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 12.98 GENERATOR 45 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 25. 97 GENERATOR 45 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 12, 604.74 Generator 46 Fuel Oil 401-547- 01 31.65 Generator 46 Fuel Oil 401-547- 01 706.60 Generator 47 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 31.65 Generator 48 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 1,042.62 Generator 49 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 81.14 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 706.85 HECK GEN 673(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 30,687.70 FLOWMETER, SM600 154-000- 00 539.56 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 42.49 SALES TAX RECEIVABLE - REPLACE 186-000- 00 5.03 SUPPLIES -TONER 401-550- 01 59. 86 SUPPLIES-PAINT/ROLLERS 401-550- 01 149.88 MAINT POWER PROD PLANT - BUILD -CLEANER 402-554- 01 30.65 GENERATOR 41 MATERIAL -CAULKING 402-554- 01 94.65 GENERATOR 41 MAT -BENCH VISE 402-554- 01 151.01 GENERATOR 41 MATERIAL-MAG BASE TRBL LGT 402-554- 01 63.89 GENERATOR 41 MATERIAL -FRAMING 402-554- 01 69.67 GENERATOR 45 MAT-CALB GAS AMMONIA 402-554- 01 210.78 GENERATOR 46 MAT -AIR HOSE REEL/VAC 402-554- 01 202.78 GENERATOR 47 MAT -AIR HOSE REEL/VAC 402-554- 01 202.78 GENERATOR 49 MATERIAL-EMIISSONS TESTING 402-554- 01 285.00 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-MAT/SCOOP 402-554- 01 68.99 VEHICLES - MATERIALPINTLE HITCH IRK 597 402-554- 01 67.36 MAINTENANCE OTHER - MAT-PLT 1 LED 402-554- 01 14.73 MAINTENANCE OTHER - MAT-PLT 1 LED 402-554- 01 14.01 LINE - MATERIALS -SEMI CON SCORER 401-581- 02 1,239.23 LINE - MATERIALS -RATCHET STRAPS 401-581- 02 37.75 METER - MATERIALS -BATTERY PACK 401-586- 02 87. 98 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 2/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC MATERIALS -MEETING ESP 401-588- 02 23.60 Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 138.67 TRANSFORMER -HUTCH SUB XFER LET, GAUGE 402-595- 02 453.08 POWER EQUIPMENT - MATERIALS -TOOL REPAIR 402-598- 02 350.59 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 96.23 MATERIALS -INSULATION 402-574- 03 21.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES -PRINTER RIBBON 401-921- 08 22.63 H R SERVICES-APPA MEETING 401-923- 08 149. 48 GROUNDS - MATERIALS-GLOVES-COVID 401-935- 08 106.59 GROUNDS - MATERIALS -EAR PLUGS 401-935- 08 31.09 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 6.71 HECK GEN 687(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 5,038.31 11/20/2020 GEN 72582 AARON WEIKLE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/20/2020 GEN 7258314 ACE HARDWARE Supplies 401-550- 01 161.22 Maint Power Prod Plant - Build 402-554- 01 27.77 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 52.60 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 26.91 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 17.49 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 9.38 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 12.34 HECK GEN 72583 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 307.71 11/20/2020 GEN 72584* ANDY MIELKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 11/20/2020 GEN 725854 ANIXTER INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 20.68 Tray Cable 402-554- 01 300.77 HECK GEN 72585 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 321.45 11/20/2020 GEN 72586* BIRCHDALE FIRE & SAFETY LLP GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 35.27 11/20/2020 GEN 72587 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 46.66 11/20/2020 GEN 72589*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 472.96 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 3/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 408.09 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 501.57 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 405.59 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 293.55 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 286.43 Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 286.43 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 359.12 HECK GEN 72589 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,013.74 11/20/2020 GEN 72590 CORE & MAIN Elec Meter 9s CL20 Spec 17839 107-370- 00 1,980.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72591 DAN BRINKMAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72592 DAN DBAHOS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72593 DICK REGINEK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72594* DOREEN ZIEGLER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 500.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72595 ELEVATION COATING LLC. Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 3,000.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72596 FASTENAL COMPANY Supplies 401-550- 01 21.71 11/20/2020 GEN 72597 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES 4525 10" hanger-SP-E8200SS1000 402-554- 01 50.00 11/20/2020 GEN 725984 FORBES AUTO STORE Transportation Equipment 107-392- 00 491.21 Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 728.83 HECK GEN 72598 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 1,220.04 11/20/2020 GEN 72599* FOSTER MECHANICAL GROUNDS - COVID 401-935- 08 1, 826.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72600*4 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Supplies 401-550- 01 84.86 Supplies 401-550- 01 224.07 Supplies 401-550- 01 154.75 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 48.54 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 24.48 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 48.96 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 13.57 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 4/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 14.48 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 67.71 HECK GEN 72600 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 681.42 11/20/2020 GEN 7260314 HUTCHINSON LEADER Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 303.60 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 180.62 HECK GEN 72603 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 484.22 11/20/2020 GEN 72604* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 3.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 292.06 HECK GEN 72604 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 295.46 11/20/2020 GEN 72605 JODI ASH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 124.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72606 JUUL CONTRACTING COMPANY Tiling in front of plant 1 107-341- 00 7,575.50 11/20/2020 GEN 72608 MARK MADSON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72609 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 53.14 11/20/2020 GEN 726104 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3, 900.00 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 72610 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,950.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72612 MIDWEST ENEGRY ASSOCIATION DUES/MEMBERSHIP EXPENSE 401-930- 08 1, 609. 30 11/20/2020 GEN 72613* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 48.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72615*4 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC WIRE BUFFING WHEEL. 154-000- 00 219.47 Supplies 401-550- 01 45.88 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 5.90 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 45.88 HECK GEN 72615 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 317.13 11/20/2020 GEN 72616* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,920.36 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 5/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/20/2020 GEN 7261714 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 63.35 Supplies 401-550- 01 92.50 MATERIALS -NITROGEN 402-574- 03 142.06 HECK GEN 72617 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 297.91 11/20/2020 GEN 726194 QUADE ELECTRIC STATION EQUIPMENT FUSES PLNT 2 107-362- 00 89. 10 TOOLS, SHOP & -CAR CHARGING STATION 107-394- 00 3,696.71 SALES TAX RECEIVABLE - NEW 186-000- 00 6.13 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 16.74 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 7.55 GENERATOR 45 MATERIAL -PLANT 1 GLYCOL 402-554- 01 102.50 ACCESSORY PLANTI REPAIRS 402-554- 01 228.28 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 457.06 HECK GEN 72619 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 4,604.07 11/20/2020 GEN 72620*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 107.86 Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 13.48 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 125.11 HECK GEN 72620 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 246.45 11/20/2020 GEN 72623 SHARON SMITH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72624* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 12.60 11/20/2020 GEN 72627* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,777. 94 11/20/2020 GEN 72629 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC SENSOR, PRESSURE, 4516 541 154-000- 00 5,782.12 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 397.52 CHECK GEN 72629 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,179.64 11/20/2020 GEN 72630 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP ABB RIR Circuit Breaker - 2000A 107-362- 00 31,711.73 11/20/2020 GEN 72631* WYNN STOCK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page S/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/20/2020 GEN 72632 ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS SPARKPLUG, 193468327 154-000- 00 4,467.31 11/23/2020 GEN 700(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 52,106.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 3,765.00 COUNTY SALES TAX 242-000- 00 3,765.00 HECK GEN 700(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 59,636.00 11/24/2020 GEN 694(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 15,201.28 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 805.26 HECK GEN 694(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 16,006.54 11/25/2020 GEN 699(E) BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION 2017 ELECTRIC BONDS 221-000- 00 545,000.00 2017 BOND INTEREST 237-000- 00 266,828.13 HECK GEN 699(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 911,828.13 11/25/2020 GEN 72636* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 1,752.14 11/25/2020 GEN 72637* ADAM ALBON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 97.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72638* ADAM ENGEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 182.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72639* ALLEGRA NOVOTNY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 191.75 11/25/2020 GEN 726404 ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC CONNECTOR, TERM ELK, FUSE 6.3A,12A, 154-000- 00 33.55 CONNECTOR, TERM ELK, FUSE 6.3A,12A, 154-000- 00 2.33 END PLATE, TERM ELK, ALTECH CORP 154-000- 00 8.69 END PLATE, TERM ELK, ALTECH CORP 154-000- 00 0.60 Mean Well USA MDR-20-24 power supply 402-554- 01 42.92 LED lights for transfer switch 401-588- 02 145.25 LED lights for transfer switch 401-588- 02 10.07 HECK GEN 72640 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 243.41 12/11/2020 08:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Page 7/26 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/25/2020 GEN 72641* AMY BORSTAD OR ERIC BORSTAD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 227.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72642 ANDREA MERCER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 85. 02 11/25/2020 GEN 72643* ANDREW SKORCZEWSKI DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72644* ANNABELLE HETTINGER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72646*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 9114R, 9" 14T 154-000- 00 19. 54 Line - Materials 402-594- 02 137.79 LIGHTS, GE, F32T8/SPX41/ECO2 401-935- 08 256.90 LIGHTS, GE, F32T8/SPX41/ECO2 401-935- 08 0.11 HECK GEN 72646 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 414.34 11/25/2020 GEN 72647 BRANDON CHATFIELD Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72648 CHAD BARDIN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 58.57 11/25/2020 GEN 72649 CHIYOKO HAYASHI OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 5.31 11/25/2020 GEN 72650 CHRIS WINKELMUELLER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 52.99 11/25/2020 GEN 72651* CHRISTIAN PETERS OR A BREITKREUTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72652* CHRISTOPHER STOICK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 81.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72653*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 255.09 Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 584.59 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 612.86 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 74.52 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 492.38 Materials 401-588- 02 17.34 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 191.10 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 67.48 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 406.22 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 14.70 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 8/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 72653 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,716.28 11/25/2020 GEN 72654 COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INS CO COLONIAL INSURANCE 242-000- 00 113.76 11/25/2020 GEN 72655 CORE & MAIN Line - Materials 401-581- 02 3,096.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72656 CROW RIVER SIGNS Transportation Equipment 107-392- 00 1,551.56 11/25/2020 GEN 72657* DAYTON COONEY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 22.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72658* DAYTON COONEY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72660* DILLON BOGGESS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72661* DILLON BOGGESS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 29.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72662* EDUARDO AVILEZ BENITEZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 211.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72663* EMILY VANDERVOORT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 78.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72664 EVAN SOLBERG OR MACHAULY SMITH OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 133.46 11/25/2020 GEN 72665 FASTENAL COMPANY Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 54.59 11/25/2020 GEN 72666* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 142.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72667 FS3 INC BATTERY PACK, DRILL HEAD, SIZE C, 2 154-000- 00 47.29 11/25/2020 GEN 72668* GENE PETERSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72669 GERARDO PINEDA OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 181.58 11/25/2020 GEN 72670 GREAT RIVER ENERGY TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 401-565- 03 101,798.49 11/25/2020 GEN 72671*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC MATERIALS 401-588- 02 29. 66 11/25/2020 GEN 72672 HEARTLAND AG SYSTEMS Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 116.82 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 9/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/25/2020 GEN 72673* HENRY AUGUSTINE OR ORALIA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 169. 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72674* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 92.54 11/25/2020 GEN 72675*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 244.78 11/25/2020 GEN 72676 IRBY TOOL & SAFETY Materials 401-588- 02 320.18 11/25/2020 GEN 72677* JANICE WANOUS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 208.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72678* JASON WALL OR ANDREW MEECE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 422.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72679* JEREMY RYKS OR JENNIFER RYKS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 188.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72680 JESSE REGIS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 244.41 11/25/2020 GEN 72681* JESSICA CALL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 292.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72682* JOSE LOPEZ OR TANIA AGUILERA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 188.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72683* JOSEPH ROY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 292.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72684 JUSTIN BEDROCK OR KAYLA BEDROCK OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 73.61 11/25/2020 GEN 72685* KALIE BLAKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72686* KENNETH IBBITSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 32.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72687* KENNETH NEWLIN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39. 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72688 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC Station Equipment (Switchgear, 107-362- 00 1,380.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72689* LAURA RODEL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 113.75 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 10/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/25/2020 GEN 72690* MATT JONES OR JANET RIEBEL-WITTE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 195.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72691 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 62.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72692* MELANIE SCHWARTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 208.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72693 MELISSA PRITCHARD OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 22.42 11/25/2020 GEN 72694* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 48.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72695* MYK ROBINSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 217.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72696 NERC Purchased Power 401-555- 02 3,589.02 11/25/2020 GEN 72697* NICHOLAS BERNDT OR ALANA BENSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72698* NICHOLAS ITZIN OR A ELLINGSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 279. 50 11/25/2020 GEN 726994 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 28.46 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 28.03 HECK GEN 72699 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 56.49 11/25/2020 GEN 72700* PABLO SILVA OR LOURDES ESPINO DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 6.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72701* PABLO SILVA OR LOURDES ESPINO DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 110.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72702* PARKER GIESE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 208.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72703*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 185.13 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-ELEC 402-598- 02 696.19 HECK GEN 72703 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 881.32 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 11/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/25/2020 GEN 72704* RACHEL GARFUNKEL OR A GARFUNKEL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72705 KID EQUIPMENT Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 2,520.46 11/25/2020 GEN 72706 RESCO TRANS, 150 KVA PAD, 3PH 208/120 154-000- 00 6,430.00 TRANS, 225 KVA PAD, 3PH 208/120 154-000- 00 7,234.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 939.40 HECK GEN 72706 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 14,603.40 11/25/2020 GEN 72707* RICK PACHAN OR KAREN PACHAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 178.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72708* RITA WORSHEK OR MARK WORSHEK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72709* ROBERTO MARTINEZ JR OR ERIN NOWAK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 65.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72710 SANTIAGO CASTRO OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 54.51 11/25/2020 GEN 72711* SARAH HUEBENER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 156.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72712* SCOTT BURANDT OR AMANDA BURANDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 91.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72713* SHERRARD KLIMA OR LORI KLIMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 94.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72714* SHERRARD KLIMA OR LORI KLIMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 204.75 11/25/2020 GEN 72715* STEVEN FREITAG DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 65.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72716* TASC HEALTH INSURANCE-HRA FEES 401-926- 08 605.14 11/25/2020 GEN 72717* TIMOTHY WASS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 169. 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72718 TOBIN BRITT OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 38.41 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 12/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/25/2020 GEN 72719* TORRIE SCHMELING OR HAILER DREW DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 107.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72720* TRAVIS FOX OR WHITNEY FOX DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 211.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72721 VINCE STEINTL Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 13.98 11/25/2020 GEN 72722 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP ABB RIR Circuit Breaker - 1200A 107-362- 00 53,690.54 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 3,691.22 HECK GEN 72722 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 57,381.76 12/01/2020 GEN 695(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 18,339.89 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 811.23 HECK GEN 695(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 19,151.12 12/02/2020 GEN 701(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 111.14 12/02/2020 GEN 702(E)* TASC Prepaid HBA 174-000- 00 2,385.00 12/08/2020 GEN 693(E)* ARGUS DENTAL DENTAL INSURANCE -COBRA 242-000- 00 298.14 DENTAL INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 3,470.05 HECK GEN 693(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,768.19 12/08/2020 GEN 696(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 29,875.35 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 814.39 HECK GEN 696(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 30,689.74 12/08/2020 GEN 72725* A & K REPAIR, INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 105.78 12/08/2020 GEN 72726*4 ACE HARDWARE Supplies 401-550- 01 2.77 Maint Power Prod Plant - Build 402-554- 01 8.14 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 5.30 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 17.91 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 45.55 12/11/2020 08:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Other Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 HECK GEN 72726 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12/08/2020 GEN 72727 AMBER DOSTAL DE ORTIZ OR E ORTIZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 72728 ANNABELLE SOLOMON OR R SOLOMON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 72729* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY CONDUCTOR, 44/0 600V URD TRIPLEX 154-000- 00 ELL, 1/0, 15KV 1STR-1/OSOL, .70-.91, 154-000- 00 TAPE, 88-SUPER-1-1/2" X 36YD 154-000- 00 CONDUCTOR, 41/0 15 KV SOL At, TRXLP, 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 HECK GEN 72729 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12/08/2020 GEN 72731 BRUCE NORTON OR ROSEANN NORTON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 72733*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 72733 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12/08/2020 GEN 72734*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -POWER 401-550- 01 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ELEC 401-588- 02 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 72734 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12/08/2020 GEN 72735 COMMON CUP MINISTRY OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 72736* ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 12/08/2020 GEN 72737 ERIN E BUTLER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 72738 FREMONT INDUSTRIES INC TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 Page 13/26 Amount 2.77 82.44 208.48 44.54 2,831.04 520.20 146.38 22,424.17 194.63 35.76 496.34 405.59 485.28 286.43 66.56 716.24 31.73 10,806.61 5.49 3,956.37 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 14/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 81.15 HECK GEN 72738 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 4,037.52 12/08/2020 GEN 7273914 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Line - Materials 401-581- 02 52.65 12/08/2020 GEN 727414 HACH COMPANY Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 35.10 product # 2261451. Stop Cock 402-554- 01 86.77 Product # 50445. Replacement bulb 402-554- 01 93.78 Product # 50449. Rubber stopper 402-554- 01 19.52 Product # 50450. Rubber stopper 402-554- 01 32.64 Product # 2261438. Buret 10 ml 402-554- 01 228.74 Product # 50444. Buret glass t 402-554- 01 49.06 HECK GEN 72741 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 545.61 12/08/2020 GEN 72742 HAWKER WELL WORKS OR M JESERITZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 100.39 12/08/2020 GEN 72744*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Supplies 401-550- 01 22.89 12/08/2020 GEN 72745*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 74.14 Materials 401-588- 02 16.30 Other Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 6.31 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 74.14 HECK GEN 72745 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 170.89 12/08/2020 GEN 72746* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 144. 42 12/08/2020 GEN 72747 JEREMY NELSON OR SABAH NELSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 56.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72748 KATHERINE HUGHES OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 63. 98 12/08/2020 GEN 72749 KATHY PIEHL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 11.27 12/08/2020 GEN 72750 KRISTIANA BEAVERS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 220. 97 12/08/2020 GEN 72751*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC PAINT, LOCATING, INVERTED SURVEY 154-000- 00 56.04 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 15/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/08/2020 GEN 72752* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Office Supplies 401-921- 08 339.40 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 197.67 HECK GEN 72752 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 537.07 12/08/2020 GEN 72753 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 53.48 12/08/2020 GEN 727544 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3, 900.00 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 72754 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,950.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72755 MCGRANN SHEA ANDERSON, CHARTER Legal Services 401-923- 08 1,368.75 Legal Services 401-923- 08 1,642.50 HECK GEN 72755 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,011.25 12/08/2020 GEN 72756* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 85% ELEC 242-000- 00 56, 746.40 12/08/2020 GEN 72757 MELISSA SANKEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 149. 60 12/08/2020 GEN 72758* MN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION Training - Expense 401-930- 08 450.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72759 NATURAL BEAUTY HAIR STUDIO OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 81.16 12/08/2020 GEN 72761 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC OIL, THREAD CUTTING, NU -CLEAR, RIDGID 154-000- 00 37.71 12/08/2020 GEN 72762* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,913.86 12/08/2020 GEN 72763 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 14.12 12/08/2020 GEN 72765*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 89.52 MATERIALS -NITROGEN 402-574- 03 137.48 HECK GEN 72765 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 227.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72766 PEGGY RISCHMILLER OR K RISCHMILLER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 7.37 12/08/2020 GEN 72767*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL-ELEC 402-598- 02 104.12 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 16/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/08/2020 GEN 727684 QUADE ELECTRIC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 5.37 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 78.20 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 90.73 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 374.06 HECK GEN 72768 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 548.36 12/08/2020 GEN 72769* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 1,516.87 LIFE INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 836.19 HECK GEN 72769 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,353.06 12/08/2020 GEN 72771 TERRY PETERSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 83.55 12/08/2020 GEN 72772 TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC Telephone 401-921- 08 742.78 12/08/2020 GEN 72773* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 402.64 12/08/2020 GEN 72774 US BANK HOME MORTGAGE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 153.53 12/08/2020 GEN 72775* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,214.78 12/08/2020 GEN 72776* VIK'S LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE, INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 537.62 12/08/2020 GEN 72777*4 VIKING SIGNS Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 70.00 Total for fund 1 ELECTRIC 1,486,193.94 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Description Fund: 2 GAS 11/20/2020 GEN 673(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS 11/20/2020 GEN 674(E) PUBLIC ENERGY AUTHORITY OF 11/20/2020 GEN 687(E)*4 VISA 11/20/2020 GEN 72583*4 ACE HARDWARE Account Dept Page 17/26 Amount GAS FOR RETAIL 401-807- 04 730.30 GAS FOR RETAIL 401-807- 04 165,001.10 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 110,827.39 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 9,507.33 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 15,343.48 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 9,205.28 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 1,626.35 HECK GEN 673(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 312,241.23 Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 128,441.37 3M 401-807- 04 75,190.50 HTI 401-807- 04 64.48 HECK GEN 674(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 203,696.35 MEETINGS & TRAVEL - EXPENSE (S 401-870- 04 200.00 Materials 401-874- 04 44.91 MATERIALS -FLASH LIGHT/HARD HATS 401-874- 04 132.59 Uniforms & Laundry 401-880- 04 277.33 Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 96.23 LINE - AM INOVATIONS REMOTE MONITORING 401-856- 05 106.00 MATERIALS -HALF CELL IRK 135 401-856- 05 180.00 MATERIALS -STERLING LOCKS 401-856- 05 44.33 MATERIALS -BATTERIES 401-856- 05 158.88 MATERIALS -BATTERIES 401-856- 05 91.69 GROUNDS - MATERIALS-GLOVES-COVID 401-935- 08 87.20 GROUNDS - MATERIALS -EAR PLUGS 401-935- 08 25.43 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 5.49 HECK GEN 687(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,450.08 Services 107-380- 00 10.15 Materials 401-874- 04 272.51 Materials 401-874- 04 34.19 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 10.09 HECK GEN 72583 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 326.94 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 18/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 11/20/2020 GEN 72584* ANDY MIELKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72586* BIRCHDALE FIRE & SAFETY PLO GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 28.86 11/20/2020 GEN 72588 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 59.51 11/20/2020 GEN 72589*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 339.13 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 231.49 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 231.49 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 231.49 HECK GEN 72589 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,033.60 11/20/2020 GEN 72594* DOREEN ZIEGLER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72599* FOSTER MECHANICAL GROUNDS - COVID 401-935- 08 1, 494.00 11/20/2020 GEN 72600*4 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 39.71 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 20.03 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 40.05 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 it.09 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 11.84 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 55.39 HECK GEN 72600 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 178.11 11/20/2020 GEN 72601 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS UTILITIES -NEW ULM COMMUNICATIONS 401-856- 05 106. 94 11/20/2020 GEN 72602 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 401-880- 04 35.25 11/20/2020 GEN 72603*4 HUTCHINSON LEADER Public Awareness - Material 401-874- 04 92.00 Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 92.00 CIP - MARKETING 401-916- 07 248.40 HECK GEN 72603 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 432.40 11/20/2020 GEN 72604* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 1.14 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 2 GAS CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Description 11/20/2020 GEN 72607 KURTH WELDING & REPAIR 11/20/2020 GEN 726114 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN 11/20/2020 GEN 72613* MN NCPERS 11/20/2020 GEN 72614 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO 11/20/2020 GEN 72615*4 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 11/20/2020 GEN 72616* NUVERA 11/20/2020 GEN 72617*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC 11/20/2020 GEN 72618 POKORNOWSKI TRUCKING, LLC 11/20/2020 GEN 72620*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC 11/20/2020 GEN 72621 RYAN ELLENSON 11/20/2020 GEN 72622 SCOTT CORROW 11/20/2020 GEN 72624* SHRED RIGHT 11/20/2020 GEN 72625 SOUTH CENTRAL ELECTRIC ASS'N 11/20/2020 GEN 72626 SPRINT Account Dept Page 19/26 Amount OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 97.35 HECK GEN 72604 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 98.49 Materials 402-892- 04 67.00 MISC EXPENSE -GAS LINE PUMP 401-880- 04 62.99 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE -PIPELINE 401-856- 05 39.69 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-MCLEOD 401-856- 05 38.66 HECK GEN 72611 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 141.34 LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 32.00 LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 2,000.00 MATERIALS 401-874- 04 45.88 TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 640.12 Materials 401-874- 04 63.34 Materials 401-874- 04 92.50 HECK GEN 72617 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 155.84 M & R Station Equipment - Gene 107-378- 00 759.12 Materials 401-856- 05 109.43 Materials 401-856- 05 27.32 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 325.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 4.20 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE 401-856- 05 33.00 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 133.00 12/11/2020 08:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 11/20/2020 GEN 72627* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 11/20/2020 GEN 72628 VERIZON WIRELESS UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-SCADA 401-856- 05 11/20/2020 GEN 72631* WYNN STOCK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 11/23/2020 GEN 700(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 COUNTY SALES TAX 242-000- 00 HECK GEN 700(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 11/24/2020 GEN 698(E) BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION 2012 GAS BONDS 221-000- 00 2012 BOND INTEREST 237-000- 00 HECK GEN 698(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 11/25/2020 GEN 72636* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 11/25/2020 GEN 72637* ADAM ALBON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72638* ADAM ENGEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72639* ALLEGRA NOVOTNY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72641* AMY BORSTAD OR ERIC BORSTAD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72643* ANDREW SKORCZEWSKI DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72644* ANNABELLE HETTINGER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72645 BONNIE GALLES Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 11/25/2020 GEN 72646*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY NIPPLE, 1/4" X 2", BM, STD, SMLS, TEE 154-000- 00 Page 20/26 Amount 1,454.68 117.32 25.00 9,249.00 657.00 1,455,000.00 584.05 52.50 98.00 103.25 122.50 70.00 24.50 400.00 6.35 12/11/2020 08:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Fund: 2 GAS 11/25/2020 GEN 72651* CHRISTIAN PETERS OR A BREITKREUTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 11/25/2020 GEN 72652* CHRISTOPHER STOICK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 11/25/2020 GEN 72653*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Utility Expenses - Water/Waste Utility Expenses - Water/Waste Utility Expenses - Water/Waste HECK GEN 72653 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 11/25/2020 GEN 72657* DAYTON COONEY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 11/25/2020 GEN 72658* DAYTON COONEY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 11/25/2020 GEN 72659 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -PIPELINE REGULATORY EXPENSES REGULATORY EXPENSES -n7rV r-mT '7?CSQ TnT a T. 7nP 7iW it ? 11/25/2020 GEN 72660* DILLON BOGGESS 11/25/2020 GEN 72661* DILLON BOGGESS 11/25/2020 GEN 72662* EDUARDO AVILEZ BENITEZ 11/25/2020 GEN 72663* EMILY VANDERVOORT 11/25/2020 GEN 72666* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE 11/25/2020 GEN 72668* GENE PETERSON 11/25/2020 GEN 72671*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC DEP REFUND/APPLIED DEP REFUND/APPLIED DEP REFUND/APPLIED DEP REFUND/APPLIED BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET DEP REFUND/APPLIED MATERIALS Account Dept 235-000- 00 235-000- 00 401-930- 08 401-930- 08 401-930- 08 235-000- 00 235-000- 00 401-928- 08 401-928- 08 235-000- 00 235-000- 00 235-000- 00 235-000- 00 401-926- 08 235-000- 00 401-874- 04 Page 21/26 Amount 24.50 43.75 332.36 55.21 12.25 28.00 14.52 290.48 305.00 26.25 15.75 113.75 42.00 47.50 28.00 29.66 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 22/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 11/25/2020 GEN 72673* HENRY AUGUSTINE OR ORALIA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 91.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72674* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 75.71 11/25/2020 GEN 72675*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Materials 401-874- 04 88.23 Materials 402-892- 04 1.06 Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 77.99 HECK GEN 72675 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 167.28 11/25/2020 GEN 72677* JANICE WANOUS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 112.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72678* JASON WALL OR ANDREW MEECE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 227.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72679* JEREMY RYKS OR JENNIFER RYKS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 101.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72681* JESSICA CALL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 157.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72682* JOSE LOPEZ OR TANIA AGUILERA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 101.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72683* JOSEPH ROY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 157.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72685* KALIE BLAKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72686* KENNETH IBBITSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 17.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72687* KENNETH NEWLIN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72689* LAURA RODEL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 61.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72690* MATT JONES OR JANET RIEBEL-WITTE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 23/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 11/25/2020 GEN 72692* MELANIE SCHWARTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 112.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72694* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 32.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72695* MYK ROBINSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 117.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72697* NICHOLAS BERNDT OR ALANA BENSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72698* NICHOLAS ITZIN OR A ELLINGSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 150.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72700* PABLO SILVA OR LOURDES ESPINO DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 3.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72701* PABLO SILVA OR LOURDES ESPINO DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 59. 50 11/25/2020 GEN 72702* PARKER GIESE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 112.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72703*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL -GAS 402-895- 04 1,343.50 11/25/2020 GEN 72704* RACHEL GARFUNKEL OR A GARFUNKEL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72707* RICK PACHAN OR KAREN PACHAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 96.25 11/25/2020 GEN 72708* RITA WORSHEK OR MARK WORSHEK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72709* ROBERTO MARTINEZ JR OR ERIN NOWAK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 35.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72711* SARAH HUEBENER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 84.00 11/25/2020 GEN 72712* SCOTT BURANDT OR AMANDA BURANDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 49. 00 12/11/2020 08:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 11/25/2020 GEN 72713* SHERRARD KLIMA OR LORI KLIMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72714* SHERRARD KLIMA OR LORI KLIMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72715* STEVEN FREITAG DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72716* TASC HEALTH INSURANCE-HRA FEES 401-926- 08 11/25/2020 GEN 72717* TIMOTHY WASS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72719* TORRIE SCHMELING OR HAILER DREW DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 11/25/2020 GEN 72720* TRAVIS FOX OR WHITNEY FOX DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/02/2020 GEN 701(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 12/02/2020 GEN 702(E)* TASC Prepaid HRA 174-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 693(E)* ARGUS DENTAL DENTAL INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 12/08/2020 GEN 72725* A & K REPAIR, INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 12/08/2020 GEN 72726*4 ACE HARDWARE Materials 402-892- 04 12/08/2020 GEN 72729* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY TEE, NO-BLO, VALVE, 2", WELD X WELD, 154-000- 00 BRACKET, WALL MT RISER, 2", REFER TO 154-000- 00 FLANGE, WELD NECK, FLAT FACED , 150 154-000- 00 REDUCER, SWAGE, 2" X 3/4", STD, BLE X 154-000- 00 COUPLING, ELECTROFUSION, 4" IPS, MDPE, 154-000- 00 HECK GEN 72729 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/08/2020 GEN 72730 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 Page 24/26 Amount 50.75 110.25 35.00 201.71 91.00 57.75 113.75 111.14 795.00 867.51 86.54 25.59 341.00 40.33 98.50 80.71 84.39 644.93 182.24 12/11/2020 08:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 12/08/2020 GEN 72732 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 12/08/2020 GEN 72733*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 HECK GEN 72733 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/08/2020 GEN 72734*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -GAS 401-880- 04 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 72734 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/08/2020 GEN 72736* ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 12/08/2020 GEN 72739*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Materials 401-874- 04 Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 HECK GEN 72739 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/08/2020 GEN 72740 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC VALVE, BALL, 3/4", POLY GAS VALVE, SIR 154-000- 00 TEE, TAPPING, ASBLY, 2" X 3/4" IPS MDPE 154-000- 00 HECK GEN 72740 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/08/2020 GEN 72743 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS UTILITIES -NEW ULM COMMUNICATIONS 401-856- 05 12/08/2020 GEN 72744*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 12/08/2020 GEN 72745*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 402-892- 04 HECK GEN 72745 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/08/2020 GEN 72746* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 12/08/2020 GEN 72751*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC Other Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 Page 25/26 Amount 65.51 231.49 346.28 577.77 1,447.42 24.68 1,472.10 3,602.20 52.65 22.95 75.60 197.86 600.98 798.84 106.94 1,005.IS 14.77 48.14 318.86 12/11/2020 08:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2020 - 12/11/2020 Payee Description Account Dept Page 26/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/08/2020 GEN 72752* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 113.13 12/08/2020 GEN 72756* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 15% GAS 242-000- 00 10,014.07 12/08/2020 GEN 72758* MN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION Training - Expense 401-930- 08 450.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72760 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 2,000.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72762* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 637.95 12/08/2020 GEN 72764 OMEGA BAIL MANAGEMENT RAILROAD LICENSES 401-856- 05 1,727.37 12/08/2020 GEN 72765*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 89. 52 12/08/2020 GEN 72767*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL -GAS 402-895- 04 293.66 12/08/2020 GEN 72769* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 379.21 LIFE INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 209.04 HECK GEN 72769 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 588.25 12/08/2020 GEN 72770 SOUTH CENTRAL ELECTRIC ASS'N UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE 401-856- 05 34.00 12/08/2020 GEN 72773* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 134.22 12/08/2020 GEN 72775* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 404. 92 12/08/2020 GEN 72776* VIK'S LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE, INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 439. 88 12/08/2020 GEN 72777*4 VIKING SIGNS Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 70.00 Total for fund 2 GAS 2,298,962.19 TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 3,785,156.13 '*'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2020 2020 2019 Di %Chng 2020 2019 Di %Chng FullYrBud %of Bud Combined Division Customer Revenue $ 2,737,841 $ 2,965,106 $ (227,265) (7.7%) $ 30,222,120 $ 32,279,101 $ (2,056,981) (6.4%) $ 35,819,116 84.4% Sales for Resale $ 246,864 $ 199,549 $ 47,315 23.7% $ 2,450,538 $ 2,568,552 $ (118,015) (4.6%) $ 3,007,250 81.5% NU Transportation $ 82,694 $ 85,460 $ (2,766) (3.2%) $ 958,197 $ 957,561 $ 635 0.1% $ 898,640 106.6% Electric Division Transfer $ 55,440 $ 54,982 $ 458 0.8% $ 609,843 $ 604,801 $ 5,042 0.8% $ 665,283 91.7% Other Revenues $ 32,670 $ 42,546 $ (9,876) (23.2%) $ 812,519 $ 550,863 $ 261,656 47.5% $ 466,207 174.3% Interest Income $ 22,181 $ 27,678 $ (5,497) (19.9%) $ 433,937 $ 473,655 $ (39,718) (8.4%) $ 383,456 113.2% TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,177,690 $ 3,375,321 $ (197,631) (5.9%) $ 35,487,152 $ 37,434,534 $ (1,947,381) (5.2%) $ 41,239,952 86.1% Salaries & Benefits Purchased Commodities Transmission Generator Fuel/Chem. Depreciation Transfers (Elect./City) Operating Expense Debt Interest TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 519,015 $ 487,203 $ 31,812 6.53% $ 5,927,919 $ 5,490,241 $ 437,678 8.0% $ 6,946,880 85.3% $ 1,498,177 $ 1,632,835 $ (134,658) (8.2%) $ 16,566,834 $ 17,834,916 $ (1,268,082) (7.1%) $ 19,252,477 86.1% $ 160,778 $ 167,172 $ (6,393) (3.8%) $ 1,987,810 $ 2,662,517 $ (674,707) (25.3%) $ 2,680,000 74.2% $ 14,706 $ 8,354 $ 6,352 76.0% $ 493,126 $ 630,035 $ (136,910) (21.7%) $ 825,875 59.7% $ 327,083 $ 327,083 $ - 0.0% $ 3,597,917 $ 3,597,917 $ - 0.0% $ 3,925,000 91.7% $ 211,040 $ 188,434 $ 22,606 12.0% $ 2,321,438 $ 2,072,773 $ 248,665 12.0% $ 2,532,475 91.7% $ 138,171 $ 153,100 $ (14,929) (9.8%) $ 1,934,032 $ 2,206,164 $ (272,132) (12.3%) $ 2,605,313 74.2% $ 89,542 $ 97,334 $ (7,792) (8.0%) $ 984,964 $ 1,070,672 $ (85,708) jLg%1 $ 1,074,507 91.7% $ 2,958,512 $ 3,061,515 $ (103,003) (3.4%) $ 33,814,039 $ 35,565,236 $ (1,751,197) (4.9%) $ 39,842,527 84.9% $ 219,178 $ 313,805 $ (94,628) (30.2%)l 1,673,114 $ 1,869,298 $ (196,185) (10.5%) $ 1,397,425 119.7% November November YTD YTD 2020 2019 Change 2020 2019 Change Gross Margin % 36.4% 36.9% -0.4% 34.2% 33.1% 1.1% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 8.2% 10.9% -2.7% 4.3% 5.9% -1.6% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 6.9% 9.3% -2.4% 4.7% 5.0% -0.3% 2020 HUC Budget Target 34.6% 4.6% 3.4% ppi, HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2020 2020 2019 Di . Electric Division Customer Revenue $ 1,777,625 $ 1,798,343 $ (20,718) Sales for Resale $ 246,864 $ 199,549 $ 47,315 Other Revenues $ 8,461 $ 16,470 $ (8,009) Interest Income $ 12,485 $ 15,233 $ (2,748) TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,045,434 $ 2,029,594 $ 15,840 Salaries & Benefits $ 388,476 $ 358,858 $ 29,617 Purchased Power $ 930,620 $ 964,591 $ (33,971) Transmission $ 160,778 $ 167,172 $ (6,393) Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 14,706 $ 8,354 $ 6,352 Depreciation $ 241,667 $ 241,667 $ Transfers (Elect./City) $ 163,236 $ 147,172 $ 16,064 Operating Expense $ 107,906 $ 95,501 $ 12,405 Debt Interest $ 44,471 $ 46,555 $ (2,083) TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,051,860 $ 2,029,870 $ 21,991 NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ (6,426) $ (275) $ (6,151) % Chna 2020 2019 Di . (1.2%) $ 21,692,993 $ 23,031,107 $ (1,338,114) 23.7% $ 2,450,538 $ 2,568,552 $ (118,015) (48.6%) $ 504,102 $ 236,439 $ 267,663 (18.0%) $ 232,303 $ 252,544 $ (20,242) 0.8%1 $ 24,879,936 $ 26,088,643 $ (1,208,707) % Chna 916%of Year Full Yr Bud $ 25,627,448 Comp,; % of Bud 84.6% (5.8%) (4.6%) $ 3,007,250 81.5% 113.2% $ 179499 280.8% (8.0%) $ 208:456 111.4% (4.6%)l $ 29,022,653 85.7% 8.3% $ 4,441,614 $ 4,063,237 $ 378,377 9.3% $ 5,074,759 (3.5%) $ 11,737,418 $ 12,638,031 $ (900,613) (7.1%) $ 13,480,332 (3.8%) $ 1,987,810 $ 2,662,517 $ (674,707) (25.3%) $ 2,680,000 76.0% $ 493,126 $ 630,035 $ (136,910) (21.7%) $ 825,875 0.0% $ 2,658,333 $ 2,658,333 $ - 0.0% $ 2,900,000 10.9% $ 1,795,591 $ 1,618,890 $ 176,700 10.9% $ 1,958,826 13.0% $ 1,300,862 $ 1,532,883 $ (232,021) (15.1%) $ 1,654,943 (4.5%) $ 489,185 $ 512,102 $ (22,917) 4.5% $ 533,657 $ 29,108,392 1.1% $ 24,903,938 $ 26,316,027 $ (1,412,090) (5.4%) 35.2% $ (24,002) $ (227,384) $ 203,383 2020 2019 Di i . % Chna 1 2020 2019 D 87.5% 87.1% 74.2% 59.7% 91.7% 91.7% 78.6% 91.7% 85.6% (89.4%) $ (85,739) 28.0% 91.6% of Year Comp. ; % Chna Full Yr Bud % of Bud Electric Division Residential 3,835,644 3,864,043 (28,399) (0.73%) 48,467,247 46,240,306 2,226,941 4.82% 51,590,889 93.9% All Electric 225,567 265,476 (39,909) (15.03%) 2,305,035 2,303,198 1,837 0.08% 2,545,497 90.6% Small General 1,357,025 1,476,109 (119,084) (8.07%) 16,187,889 17,244,374 (1,056,485) (6.13%) 18,956,248 85.4% Large General 6,341,550 5,955,740 385,810 6.48% 72,071,410 73,895,510 (1,824,100) (2.47%) 79,933,583 90.2% Industrial 8,769,000 8,256,000 513,000 6.219/c 108,022,000 109,740,000 (1,718,000) (1.57%)l 129,279,666 83.6% Total KWH Sold 20,528,786 19,817,368 711,418 3.59% 247,053,581 249,423,388 (2,369,807) (0.95%)l 282,305,883 87.5% November November YTD YTD 2020 HUC 2020 2019 Change 2020 2019 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 30.5% 29.6% 1.0% 27.5% 25.8% 1.8% 28.7% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 0.9% 1.5% -0.6% -1.0% -0.1% -0.8% 0.8% 0%-5% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): -0.3% 0.0% -0.3% -0.1% -0.9% 0.8% -0.3% 0%-5% Customer Revenue per KWH: $0.0866 $0.0907 -$0.0042 $0.0874 $0.0919 -$0.0045 $0.0903 $0.0903 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH: $0.0685 $0.0716 -$0.0030 $0.0709 $0.0767 -$0.0058 $0.0728 Net Loss increased by $6,151 despite increased revenue from Sales for Resale mostly due to an increase in expenses. Sales for Resale of $246,864 consisted of $2,614 in market sales, $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake and $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP. November 2019 Sales for Resale of $199,549 consisted of $5,065 in market sales, $36,400 in monthly tolling fees from Transalta, $8,584 in Transalta energy sales, $13,500 in capacity sales to AEP, and $136,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA. November 2018 Sales for Resale of $204,258 consisted of $24,131 in market sales, $35,600 in Transalta tolling fees, 28,527 in Transalta energy sales, and $116,000 SMMPA capacity sales. Overall Purchased Power decreased by $33,971. MRES purchases decreased by $44,564 and market purchases/MISO costs increased by $10,593. MRES purchases decreased due to no longer having to pay the rate adder of $54,000 going forward. This was a 10 year adder required to join MRES. There was no power cost adjustment for November leaving the total PCA YTD at $500,576. Last year's power cost adjustment for November 2019 generated $92,169 in additional revenue for the month and $1,740,087 YTD. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2020 2020 2019 Di . Gas Division Customer Revenue $ 960,215 $ 1,166,763 $ (206,547) Transportation $ 82,694 $ 85,460 $ (2,766) Electric Div. Transfer $ 55,440 $ 54,982 $ 458 Other Revenues $ 24,210 $ 26,076 $ (1,866) Interest Income $ 9,696 $ 12,445 $ (2,748) TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,132,256 $ 1,345,726 $ (213,470) Salaries & Benefits $ 130,540 $ 128,345 $ 2,195 Purchased Gas $ 567,557 $ 668,244 $ (100,687) Operating Expense $ 30,264 $ 57,599 $ (27,335) Depreciation $ 85,417 $ 85,417 $ Transfers (City) $ 47,804 $ 41,262 $ 6,542 Debt Interest $ 45,071 $ 50,779 $ (5,708) TOTAL EXPENSES $ 906,652 $ 1,031,646 $ (124,993) NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 225,604 $ 314,081 $ (88,477) % Chna 1 2020 2019 Di . (17.7%)l $ 8,529,127 $ 9,247,995 $ (718,868) (3.2%) $ 958,197 $ 957,561 $ 635 0.8% $ 609,843 $ 604,801 $ 5,042 (7.2%) $ 308,417 $ 314,423 $ (6,007) (22.1%) $ 201,634 $ 221,111 $ (19,477) (15.9%)l $ 10,607,217 $ 11,345,891 $ (738,674) 1.7% $ 1,486,305 $ 1,427,004 $ 59,301 (15.1%) $ 4,829,416 $ 5,196,885 $ (367,469) (47.5%) $ 633,170 $ 673,282 $ (40,112) 0.0% $ 939,583 $ 939,583 $ 15.9% $ 525,848 $ 453,883 $ 71,965 0.0% $ 495,779 $ 558,571 $ (62,792) (12.1%) $ 8,910,101 $ 9,249,208 $ (339,107) (28.2%) $ 1,697,115 $ 2,096,683 $ (399,567) 91.6% of Year Camp. % Chna Full Yr Bud % of Bud (7.8%) $ 10,191,668 83.7% 0.1% $ 898,640 106.6% 0.89/c $ 665283 91.7% (1.9%) $ 286:708 107.6% (8.8%) $ 175,000 115.29/o (6.5%)l $ 12,217,299 86.8% 4.2% $ 1,872,121 79.4% (7.1%) $ 5,772,145 83.7% (6.0%) $ 950,370 66.6% 0.0% $ 1,025,000 91.7% 15.9% $ 573,649 91.7% 11.2% $ $ 540,850 10,734,135 91.7% 83.0% (3.7%) 19.1%) $ 1,483,164 114.4% 2020 2019 Di %Chna 2020 2019 Di %Chna Full YrBud %of Bud Gas Division Residential 42,348,787 53,567,944 (11,219,157) (20.94%) 342,455,201 388,939,837 (46,484,636) (11.95%) 422,479,000 81.1% Commercial 31,064,785 45,003,943 (13,939,158) (30.97%) 264,672,732 305,940,183 (41,267,451) (13.49%) 331,731,000 79.8% Industrial 74,343,816 94,908,902 (20,565,086) (21.67%) 784,284,565 783,207,946 1,076,619 0.14% 803,079,000 97.7% Total CF Sold 147,757,388 193,480,789 (45,723,401) (23.63%) 1,391,412,498 1,478,087,966 (86,675,468) (5.86%) 1,557,289,000 89.39/o November November YTD YTD 2020 HUC 2020 2019 Change 2020 2019 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 47.3% 48.1% -0.8% 50.1% 50.6% -0.5% 49.0% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 21.6% 25.3% -3.8% 16.8% 20.1% -3.3% 13.8% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 20.5% 24.0% -3.5% 16.8% 19.4% -2.6% 12.6% Contracted Customer Rev. per CF: $0.0041 $0.0038 $0.0003 $0.0037 $0.0039 -$0.0002 $0.0040 $0.0040 Customer Revenue per CF: $0.0087 $0.0081 $0.0007 $0.0089 $0.0086 $0.0003 $0.0089 Total Power Supply Exp. per CF: $0.0039 $0.0035 $0.0004 $0.0036 $0.0036 ($0.0000) $0.0039 November 2020 net profit decreased by $88,477 led mainly by a decrease in customer revenue because of the significant reduction in natural gas consumption. November 2020 saw a 22% reduction in total heating degree days over the same time period in 2019, which mirrors the financial impact HUC experienced. November 2020 fuel cost credit adjustment was $0.66252/MCF totalling $50,615 for the month and $650,615 YTD. November 2019 credits totalled $120,618 for the month and $883,928 YTD. Current Assets UnrestrictedlUndesignated Cash Cash Petty Cash Designated Cash Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP Payment in Lieu of Taxes Rate Stabilization - Electric Rate Stabilization - Gas Catastrophic Funds Restricted Cash Bond Interest Payment 2017 Bond Interest Payment 2012 Debt Service Reserve Funds Total Current Assets Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) Interest Total Receivables Other Assets Inventory Prepaid Expenses Sales Tax Receivable Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Gas Total Other Assets Total Current Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Rights Depreciable Capital Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction - Work in Progress Total Net Capital Assets Total Assets HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2020 Electric Gas Total Division Division 2020 5,574,372.70 8,630,994.37 14,205,367.07 680.00 170.00 850.00 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 1,293,543.00 573,649.00 1,867,192.00 333,806.28 - 333,806.28 - 651,306.61 651,306.61 400,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 Total Net Change 2019 Total (YTD) 16,117,292.19 (1,911,925.12) 850.00 - 3,450,000.00 1,601,424.00 265,768.00 372,736.68 (38,930.40) 651,306.61 - 500,000.00 - 1,778,656.29 - 1,778,656.29 500,000.01 1,278,656.28 - 1,995,850.04 1,995,850.04 - 1,995,850.04 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 12,653,393.91 14,840,664.04 27,494,057.95 25,904,639.15 1,589,418.80 1,814,179.44 1,058,096.36 2,872,275.80 3,149,585.90 (277,310.10) 57,982.32 57,982.32 115,964.64 47,264.58 68,700.06 1,872,161.76 1,116,078.68 2,988,240.44 3,196,850.48 (208,610.04) 1,504,735.22 (266,378.94) 122,879.68 219,249.00 - 467,299.97 12,697.81 - - 73,083.00 1,972,035.19 (253,681.13) 122,879.68 219,249.00 73,083.00 1,936,245.94 162,239.62 79,948.96 494,053.00 164,685.00 35,789.25 (415,920.75) 42,930.72 (274,804.00) (91,602.00) 1,580,484.96 553,080.78 2,133,565.74 2,837,172.52 (703,606.78) 16,106,040.63 16,509,823.50 32,615,864.13 31,938,662.15 677,201.98 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - 91,543,718.85 42,001,576.49 133,545,295.34 131,891,087.15 1,654,208.19 (60,558,715.63) (18,104,470.22) (78,663,185.85) (74,855,707.14) (3,807,478.71) 16,871,109.19 444,674.65 17,315,783.84 17,378,311.19 (62,527.35) 48,546,480.81 28,241,699.52 76,788,180.33 79,003,978.20 (2,215,797.87) 64,652,521.44 44,751,523.02 109,404,044.46 110,942,640.35 (1,538,595.89) Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable Bond Premium Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest Accrued Payroll Total Current Liabilities Long -Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 2012 Bonds Bond Premium 2012 Pension Liability- Electric Pension Liability - Electric OPEB Pension Liability - Nat Gas Pension Liability - Nat Gas OPEB Accrued Vacation Payable Accrued Severance Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas Total Long -Term Liabilities Net Position Retained Earnings Total Net Position HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2020 Electric Gas Total Total Net Change Division Division 2020 2019 Total (YTD) 675,000.00 1,565,000.00 2,240,000.00 2,100,000.00 140,000.00 - 185,608.32 185,608.32 185,608.32 - 1,372,760.34 905,880.06 2,278,640.40 3,341,096.95 (1,062,456.55) 78,762.35 26,721.29 105,483.64 60,280.06 45,203.58 2,126,522.69 2,683,209.67 4,809,732.36 5,686,985.33 (877,252.97) 14,730,000.00 568,768.32 2,686,985.00 76,502.00 380,134.01 81,360.39 550,772.00 19,074,521.72 9,510,000.00 928,041.23 895,662.00 25,501.00 146,202.28 33,739.79 183,591.00 11,722,737.30 14,730,000.00 9,510,000.00 1,496,809.55 2,686,985.00 76,502.00 895,662.00 25,501.00 526,336.29 115,100.18 550,772.00 183,591.00 30,797,259.02 15,405,000.00 11,075,000.00 1,715,874.83 2,700,290.00 72,192.00 900,097.00 24,064.00 477,451.52 106,630.34 804,800.00 268,267.00 33,549,666.69 (675,000.00) (1,565,000.00) (219,065.28) (13, 305.00) 4,310.00 (4,435.00) 1,437.00 48,884.77 8,469.84 (254,028.00) (84, 676.00) (2,752,407.67) 43,451,477.03 30,345,576.05 73,797,053.08 71,705,988.33 2,091,064.75 43,451,477.03 30,345,576.05 73,797,053.08 71,705,988.33 2,091,064.75 Total Liabilities and Net Position 64,652,521.44 44,751,523.02 109,404,044.46 110,942,640.35 (1,538,595.89) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Combined 11/30/2020 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest November 2020 October 2020 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,494,057.95 29,352,716.32 (1,858,658.37) Total Operating Funds 27,494,057.95 29,352,716.32 (1,858,658.37) Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 3,774,506.33 3,509,964.13 264,542.20 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 6,485,535.99 6,220,993.79 264,542.20 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2020 Operating Bud. 5,981,005.00 5,981,005.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds 985,112.89 972,537.52 12,575.37 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,867,192.00 1,867,192.00 - Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 500,000.00 500,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2020-2024 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 12,783,309.89 12,770,734.52 12,575.37 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Target Debt to Asset 32.2% 40.2% 37.7% 34.9% 32.5% Current Ratio 3.06 3.36 3.93 5.11 5.37 RONA 2.17% 1.82% 3.16% 2.25% 1.71% Change in Cash Balance (From 12131114 to 1113012020) Month End Electric Elec. Change Natural Gas Gas Change Total Total Change 11/30/2020 12,653,394 14,840,664 27,494,058 12/31/2019 12,124,142 529,252 13,837,040 1,003,624 25,961,181 1,532,877 12/31/2018 15,559,867 (3,435,725) 12,335,998 1,501,042 27,895,864 (1,934,683) 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (7,653,378) 10,702,689 1,633,309 33,915,934 (6,020,070) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Signifcant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Electric 11/30/2020 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest November 2020 October 2020 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,494,057.95 29,352,716.32 (1,858,658.37) Total HUC Operating Funds 27,494,057.95 29,352,716.32 (1,858,658.37) Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund 1,778,656.29 1,680,434.93 98,221.36 Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & 1 522,335.64 522,335.64 - Total Restricted Funds 2,300,991.93 2,202,770.57 98,221.36 1R7dcsfi:(cs[clivIcS Less es rich l R}t:iearic 1U,35Z,4U1.66 U14/ Z,6 U.b1 (YUI4l14:)l:3) Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2020 Operating Bud. 4,367,899.00 4,367,899.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds $400K-$1.2K 333,806.28 321,230.91 12,575.37 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,293,543.00 1,293,543.00 - Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 400,000.00 400,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2020-2024 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 9,145,248.28 9,132,672.91 12,575.37 YE YE YE YE YTD APPA Ratio HUC 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 SK-10K Cust. Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.) 16.7% 35.4% 35.7% 34.1% 32.8% 50.1% Current Ratio 3.57 4.36 3.63 5.26 6.39 2.43 RONA -0.4% -0.6% -0.3% -0.4% 0.0% NA Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Gas 11/30/2020 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest November 2020 October 2020 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies Total HUC Operating Funds uzz;xilivision Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds varies 27,494,057.95 29,352,716.32 (1,858,658.37) 27,494,057.95 29,352,716.32 (1,858,658.37) 1,995,850.04 1,829, 529.20 166, 320.84 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 - 4,184,544.06 4,018,223.22 166,320.84 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2020 Operating Bud. 1,613,106.00 1,613,106.00 Rate Stabalization Funds $200K-$600K 651,306.61 651,306.61 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 573,649.00 573,649.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 100,000.00 100,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2020-2024 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 700,000.00 700,000.00 Total Designated Funds 3,638,061.61 3,638,061.61 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 APGA Ratio Target Debt to Asset 51.2% 47.6% 40.7% 36.1% 32.2% TBD Current Ratio 2.59 2.74 4.33 4.96 4.57 TBD RONA 5.6% 5.0% 8.3% 6.4% 4.5% TBD HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For the Month Ended November 30, 2020 Interest Current Date of Date of Par Current Purchase Unrealized Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Maturity Value Value Amount Gain/(Loss) (Discount) Call Date Wells Fargo Money Market 0.010% 0.010% NA NA - 44,670.83 - - - N/A Wells Fargo FHLMC 0.320% 0.320% 07/20/2020 10/20/2022 305,000.00 304,878.00 305,000.00 (122.00) - 01120/2021 Wells Fargo CD's 1.700% 1.700% 02/21/2020 02/22/2022 245,000.00 249,865.70 245,000.00 4,865.70 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.300% 1.300% 03/31/2020 09/30/2021 245,000.00 247,530.85 245,000.00 2,530.85 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.900% 1.900% 08/21/2019 08/23/2021 174,000.00 176,352.48 174,000.00 2,352.48 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 2.500% 2.500% 04/02/2019 04/05/2021 245,000.00 247,097.20 245,000.00 2,097.20 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.250% 1.250% 04/08/2020 04/08/2021 245,000.00 246,048.60 245,000.00 1,048.60 N/A Wells Fargo FHLMC 0.325% 0.325% 08/04/2020 02/03/2023 467,000.00 466,280.82 467,011.22 (730.40) 11.22 02/03/2021 Wells Fargo CD's 0.300% 0.300% 09/28/2020 12/28/2023 245,000.00 245,014.70 245,000.00 14.70 - 12/28/2020 Wells Fargo CD's 0.500% 0.698% 07/30/2020 07/30/2025 245,000.00 245,142.10 245,000.00 142.10 - 01/30/2021 Wells Fargo CD's 2.000% 2.000% 08/29/2020 08/22/2022 200,000.00 205,184.00 200,000.00 5,184.00 - 03/29/2021 Wells Fargo CD's 0.200% 0.200% 06/25/2020 06/23/2021 248,000.00 248,203.36 248,000.00 203.36 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 0.200% 0.200% 06/25/2020 12/28/2020 74,000.00 74,008.88 74,000.00 8.88 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.700% 1.700% 01/31/2020 05/03/2021 245,000.00 246,715.00 245,000.00 1,715.00 - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.750% 1.750% 01/29/2020 07/29/2021 245,000.00 247,761.15 245,000.00 2,761.15 N/A Broker Total 26.5% 3,428,000.00 3,494,753.67 3,428,011.22 22,071.62 11.22 Cetera Investment Services Money Market 0.100% 0.100% N/A N/A - 24,766.51 - - - N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.875% 2.121% 04/29/2016 09/01/2021 250,000.00 254,450.00 259,467.50 (5,017.50) 9,467.50 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.751% 2.399% 04/29/2016 11/01/2021 250,000.00 257,490.00 267,330.00 (9,840.00) 17,330.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.139% 2.190% 12/11/2017 09/01/2021 300,000.00 304,320.00 310,116.00 (5,796.00) 10,116.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.436% 3.436% 12/20/2018 12/15/2021 50,000.00 49,396.50 45,155.00 4,241.50 (4,845.00) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.655% 2.208% 12/11/2017 03/01/2022 300,000.00 307,338.00 305,314.92 2,023.08 5,314.92 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 3.118% 12/20/2018 08/01/2022 50,000.00 51,693.00 50,377.67 1,315.33 377.67 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.633% 3.116% 12/20/2018 09/01/2022 250,000.00 262,322.50 257,217.48 5,105.02 7,217.48 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.240% 3.240% 11/17/2017 02/15/2023 80,000.00 78,102.40 69,633.48 8,468.92 (10,366.52) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.650% 3.004% 12/20/2018 02/01/2023 250,000.00 260,630.00 256,165.00 4,465.00 6,165.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.075% 3.236% 12/20/2018 06/01/2023 50,000.00 52,902.50 49,746.15 3,156.35 (253.85) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.500% 3.181% 12/20/2018 08/01/2023 35,000.00 36,242.15 34,320.05 1,922.10 (679.95) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 125,000.00 135,257.50 126,376.25 8,881.25 1,376.25 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 65,000.00 70,333.90 65,715.65 4,618.25 715.65 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.290% 2.724% 04/18/2019 06/01/2023 260,000.00 289,593.20 291,059.96 (1,466.76) 31,059.96 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.854% 3.173% 12/20/2018 02/01/2024 100,000.00 105,497.00 99,605.96 5,891.04 (394.04) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.977% 3.246% 12/20/2018 03/15/2024 250,000.00 268,632.50 248,743.99 19,888.51 (1,256.01) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.940% 1.821% 01/13/2020 05/01/2024 65,000.00 67,382.90 65,570.70 1,812.20 570.70 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.528% 1.918% 01/13/2020 12/01/2024 100,000.00 106,202.00 102,999.53 3,202.47 2,999.53 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.922% 3.429% 12/20/2018 12/01/2024 204,000.00 228,549.36 208,181.10 20,368.26 4,181.10 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.742% 3.658% 04/11/2019 08/01/2024 355,000.00 396,272.30 464,344.41 (68,072.11) 109,344.41 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.400% 3.221% 04/11/2019 07/01/2025 500,000.00 525,625.00 539,101.11 (13,476.11) 39,101.11 07/01/2023 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.640% 3.007% 04/18/2019 08/15/2025 205,000.00 188,069.05 169,737.95 18,331.10 (35,262.05) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.743% 2.740% 04/18/2019 09/15/2025 215,000.00 244,536.70 228,334.53 16,202.17 13,334.53 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.379% 1.934% 08/19/2019 10/01/2025 310,000.00 339,694.90 339,739.18 (44.28) 29,739.18 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.600% 1.186% 07/28/2020 12/01/2025 45,000.00 54,046.80 55,250.55 (1,203.75) 10,250.55 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.250% 3.258% 04/11/2019 01lO1/2026 500,000.00 548,900.00 529,769.03 19,130.97 29,769.03 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.420% 1.175% 10/O6/2020 031Otf2026 100,000.00 106,900.00 106,734.28 165.72 6:734.28 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.609% 1.124% 09/24/2020 04l01f2026 285,000.00 288,417.15 292,370.10 (3,952.95) 7,370.10 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 6.690% 3.356% 04l18/2019 04l15/2026 60,000.00 53,066.40 47,545.20 5,521.20 (12,454.80) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.900% 1.451% 07/28/2020 06f15/2026 75,000.00 93,680.25 93,741.75 (61.50) 18,741.75 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 0.000% 1.415% 08/13/2020 0TOt/2026 100:000.00 86,827.00 92,037.00 (5,210.00) (7,963.00) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.250% 2.903% 04l18/2019 08/01f2026 500,000.00 535:565:00 514:790:69 20,774.31 14,790.69 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.664% 1.150% 08/27/2020 09/Ot/2026 225,Not 226,282.50 231,696.00 (5,413.50) 6,696.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.150% 2.203% 07fo f2019 12lOt/2026 40,000.00 41,583.60 40,150.64 1,432.96 150.64 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.350% 2.191% 07foIf2019 12fo 500,000.00 529,505.00 505,385.00 24,120.00 5,385.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.375% 1.816% 09/04/2019 lf2026 12/Ot/2026 90,000.00 94,854.60 93,395.70 1,458.90 3,395.70 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 1.991% 08/19/2019 02/O1/2027 50,000.00 55,094.00 53,551.00 1,543.00 3,551.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.150% 2.034% 08/19/2019 03/15/2027 100,000.00 109,600.00 109,138.50 461.50 9,138.50 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.332% 3.120% 04/18/2019 04l15/2027 500,000.00 564,755.00 507,783.94 56,971.06 7:783.94 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.553% 2.289% 08/19/2019 05f/01/2027 55,000.00 60,177.15 60,468.04 (290.89) 5,468.04 05lOt/2026 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.865% 2.470% 08/19/2019 05lOt/2027 55,000.00 62,498.15 60,986.48 1,511.67 5,986.48 05/Ot/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 3.101% 05l18/2020 09/01f2027 65:000.00 71,037.20 69,180.58 1,856.62 4,180.58 09/01f2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.817% 2.817% 09/25/2019 10/01/2027 35,000:00 29,139:25 27,969:55 1,169.70 (7,030.45) 05fOt/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.230% 1.828% 08/19/2019 05/05/2027 145:000.00 163:767.35 160:827.31 2:940.04 15,827.31 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.270% 2.141% 08/19/2019 03/15/2028 155,000.00 170,087.70 170,805.09 (717.39) 15,805.09 09/15/2027 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.974% 2.574% 11l07/2019 04folf2028 75,000:00 80,608:50 77,253.00 3,355.50 2,253.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.140% 2.004% 08/19/2019 08/01/2028 500,000.00 534,745.00 547,105.00 (12,360.00) 47,105.00 08/01/2027 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 2.199% OSl19/2020 08/15/2028 90,000.00 96,042.60 95,401.80 640.80 5,401.80 08/15/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 1.942% 08/19/2019 O&Ot/2029 115,000.00 133,098.70 125,961.80 7,136.90 10,961.80 N/A Broker Total 73.5% 9,079,000.00 9,695,578.77 9,523,651.60 147,160.66 444,651.60 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $ 12,507,000.00 $ 13,190,332.44 $ 12,951,662.82 $ 169,232.28 $ 444,662.82 Product Type 11/30/2020 Total Value % of Total 10/31/2020 Total Value % of Total Monthly Change Maturity Less than 1 year 1 - 2 years Current Value % $2,619,414.86 19.9 % 1,430,677.70 10.8% IM Money Market $69,437.34 0.5% $55,105.94 0.4% $14,331.40 CD's 2,433,909.32 18.5% 2,436,496.53 18.5% (2,587.21) 2-3years 1,389,342.47 10.5% Government Bonds 1,016,173.52 7.7% 1,015,951.64 7.7% 221.88 3-4years 1,082,799.40 8.2% Municipal Bonds 9,670,812.26 73.3 % 9,635,591.42 73.3 % 35 220.84 4 - 5 years 1,877,819.11 14.2 % TOTAL $13,190,332.44 100.0% $13,143,145.53 100.0% $47,186.91 5+years 4,790,278.90 36.3% TOTAL $13,190,332.44 100.0% Money Market CD's $5,000,000.00 $4,790,279 18.5% .... ..... ..... ..... ..... $4,500,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $3,500,000.00 ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ $3,000,000.00 .......___ ..... ___. ..... ___. ..... ___. ,., $2,500,000.00 - ----. ----. ----. ----. - 52,000,000.00 $1,877,819 „ $1,430,678 $1,389,342 QOS"� $1s00,000.00 $1,082,799 $1,000,000.00 "' $500,000.00 -' Municipal Bonds Government Bonds 73.3% 7.7% $0.00 -.^'____,_ _._._._. ._____,_,_ ._._._._ ._. ____,_ Less than 1-2 years 2-3years 3-4years 4-5 years 5+years year ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue November 2020 CLASS AMOUNT KWH /KWH Street Lights $41.97 770 $0.05451 Electric Residential Service $399,497.83 3,835,644 $0.10415 All Electric Residential Service $21,906.97 225,567 $0.09712 Electric Small General Service $134,241.05 1,357,025 $0.09892 Electric Large General Service $554,982.52 6,341,550 $0.08752 Electric Large Industrial Service $666,954.93 8,769,000 $0.07606 Total $1,777,625.27 20,529,556 $0.08659 Power Adjustment $0.00000 Rate Without Power Adjustment $0.08659 Electric Division Year -to -Date M2020$A--t 02019$A--t ■2020KWH110 02019KWH110 28,000,000 27,000,000 26,000,000 25,000,000 24,000,000 23,000,000 22,000,000 21,000,000 20,000,000 19,000,000 18,000,000 17,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Street Lights Residential All Elec. Small Gen. Large Gen. Large For Resale Total Resid. Srv. Srv. Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales, market sales and Transalta sales. NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue NOVEMBER 2020 CLASS AMOUNT MCF /$ MCF Residential $376,282.94 42,349 $8.88529 Commercial $266,013.43 31,065 $8.56312 Large Industrial $29,005.70 3,354 $8.64809 Large Industrial Contracts $288,913.41 70,990 $4.06978 Total $960,215.48 147,758 $6.49857 ® 2020 $ Amount 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Fuel Adjustment-$0.66000 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment $7.15857 Natural Gas Division Year -to -Date 0 2019 $ Amount ■ 2020 MCF 132019 MCF Gas Residential Gas Commercial Large Industrial Large Industrial Total Contracts Work Order Description 11708 Units 6 & 7 12001 Plant 1 North Side Tiling 12002 East Engine Room Shop Floor Epoxy 12003 Plant 1 Air Instrument Compressors 12004 Unit 5 Cylinder Heads 12005 Units 5, 6, & 7 Metric Tools 12006 High Pressure Filter Cleaning Machine 12007 Units 5, 6, & 7 Starting Air Compressor Electric Production Materials Labor $ 14,369,702.00 $ - 50,000.00 35,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 25,000.00 11,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 $ 14,595,702.00 $ 10,000.00 Total Budgeted $ 14,369,702.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 11,000.00 c sn nnn nn Total Actual $ 15,672,801.59 12,175.50 24,736.84 46,751.61 13,453.96 1,086.28 12,016.69 43,394.88 $ 14,605,702.00 $ 15,826,417.35 Difference $ 1,303,099.59 $ (37,824.50) $ (10,263.16) $ (3,248.39) $ (1,546.04) $ (23,913.72) $ 1,016.69 $ (6,605.12) $ 1,220,715.35 Percentage Complleted, 95% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% Work Order Description. 21903 Step Up Transformer Unit 3 22001 Pole Repair or Replacement 22002 Station Equipment 22003 Install Duct for Reconductor 22004 Feeder 15 and 16 Reconductor 22005 Feederl2A Reconductor 22006 Civil Air Patrol 22007 Century Court Apartments 2nd Addition 22008 City Road Projects 22009 New Developments 22010 Feederl2A Reconductor 22011 EV Charging Station Transformer 22012 Transformer Replacements 22013 Transformer New Developments 22014 Century Court Apartments 2nd Addition 22015 Civil Air Patrol 22016 Meters 22017 Plant 2 Transformer Electric Distribution Total Total Percentage Materials Labor Budgeted, Actual Difference Completed 100,000.00 5,000.00 105,000.00 $ (105,000.00) 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 4,822.00 $ (10,178.00) 40% 10,000.00 10,000.00 443.30 $ (9,556.70) 15,000.00 65,000.00 80,000.00 27,540.20 $ (52,459.80) 75% 35,000.00 75,000.00 110,000.00 28,053.50 $ (81,946.50) 5% 30,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 1,364.16 $ (48,635.84) 5% 7,000.00 2,000.00 9,000.00 $ (9,000.00) 10,000.00 15,000.00 25,000.00 10,404.78 $ (14,595.22) 30% 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 2,122.36 $ (17,877.64) 10% 50,000.00 50,000.00. 126,836.84 $ 76,836.84 75% 15,000.00 7,000.00 22,000.00 - $ (22,000.00) 10,000.00 1,000.00 11,000.00 354.32 $ (10,645.68) 40,000.00 14,000.00 54,000.00 529.88 $ (53,470.12) 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 48,862.77 $ (1,137.23) 75% 15,000.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 1,057.62 $ (16,942.38) 4,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 - $ (5,000.00) 30,000.00 30,000.00 38,753.97 100% - - - 143,449.83 $ 143,449.83 75% $ 446,000.00 $ 218,000.00 $ 664,000.00 $ 434,595.53 $ (229,404.47) Administrative Total Total Percentage Work Order Descri tion Budgeted Actual Difference Completed 51904 Replace #651 38,192.00 66,504.20 (28,312.20) 100% 51905 Replace Vehicle #623 66,837.00 79,984.51 (13,147.51) 100% 52001 Replace #542 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 52002 Replace #574 65,000.00 66,539.76 (1,539.76) 52003 Replace #827 35,000.00 31,058.84 3,941.16 100% 52004 Electric Vehicle 40,000.00 33,958.71 6,041.29 100% 52005 Replace 2006 310JD Backhoe 110,000.00 108,320.70 1,679.30 100% 52006 Replace Single Phase Wire Trailer 11,000.00 10,116.65 883.35 100% 52007 Replace #357 92,700.00 65,126.05 27,573.95 100% 52008 EV Fast Charger 80,000.00 57,059.40 22,940.60 75% 52009 EV Level 2 Charger 10,000.00 2,508.15 7,491.85 75% 52010 Sonic Nozzle Proving System 60,000.00 51,436.57 8,563.43 100% 52011 Replace #990 30,000.00 31,124.18 (1,124.18) $ 668,729.00 $ 603,737.72 $ (64,991.28) Work Order Descritation, 62001 Replace Regulators Station 2 62002 Micro Motion Meter - New Ulm 62003 Misc Developments 62004 Alley #140 Reconstruction 62005 SCD Trunk Storm 62006 Trunk Hwy 15 State Improvement Project 62007 Waller Drive (Feed to HTI) 62008 Isolated Main Replacement (btn Barley and Glenda) 62009 Regulator Station Improvements 62010 Service Lines 62011 Meters, AMI, and all Fittings 62012 Residential Regulators 62013 Industrial Metering and Regulation 62014 Pressure Monitors -AMI System Natural Gas Total Total Percentage Materials Labor Budgeted Actual Difference Completed $ 32,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 34,000.00 $ (34,000.00) 17,000.00 1,000.00 18,000.00 15,681.31 $ (2,318.69) 100% 50,000.00 7,500.00 57,500.00 32,720.22 $ (24,779.78) 75% 8,000.00 2,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ (10,000.00) 20,000.00 5,000.00 $ 25,000.00 1,523.15 $ (23,476.85) 5,000.00 1,750.00 $ 6,750.00 13,650.53 $ 6,900.53 100% 32,500.00 4,000.00 $ 36,500.00 4,942.96 $ (31,557.04) 50% 95,000.00 25,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ (120,000.00) 20,000.00 3,000.00 $ 23,000.00 16,736.02 $ (6,263.98) 57,000.00 35,000.00 $ 92,000.00 48,808.35 $ (43,191.65) 90% 100,000.00 4,000.00 $ 104,000.00 85,907.90 $ (18,092.10) 50% 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 - $ (15,000.00) 80,000.00 5,000.00 $ 85,000.00 7,777.77 $ (77,222.23) 10% 25,000.00 1,500.00 $ 26,500.00 11,231.00 $ (15,269.00) 35% $ 556,500.00 $ 96,750.00 $ 653,250.00 $ 238,979.21 $ (414,270.79) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION�1` Board Action Form �rMturscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Plant 2 Transformer move Presenter: Jeremy/Dave Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 New Business Attachments: BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: We installed a temporary transformer at Plant 2 after the fire last year. We are now ready to prepare the site for the new transformer that is scheduled for delivery in early 2021. We moved the temporary transformer back into our storage area and were also able to coordinate moving the new Step Down transformer at Plant 1 while the crane and moving equipment were already on site. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Requisition 8588 for Plant 2 transformer move Fiscal Impact: 39482.00 Included in current budget: No Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'll CE POWER PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 ATTN: JAMIE FOSTER 920075TH AVE NORTH SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55428 Note Description: Plant 2 temp transformer move Date Requisition No. 11 /24/2020 008588 Required by: Requested by: dhunstad Item No. Part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount PLANT 1 TEMP AND GEN 4 TRANS MOVE - MFG. PART: 1 1.00 $39,482.000 $39,482.00 Total: 39,482.00 Date Printed: 12/03/2020 Requisitioned By: dhunstad Page: 1/1 November 24, 2020 Hutchinson Utilities Commission 255 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attention: Dave Hunstad Subject: 837825 Plant two transformer move. Dear Dave, CE Power appreciates this opportunity to be of service to Hutchinson Utilities Commission. You can be assured that our crews will work safely to provide you with a quality project. CE Power has been a proven leader in electrical testing, commissioning, construction, and engineering services. Our qualifications include: ➢ 24/7 Emergency service ➢ Highly skilled employees including NETA Certified technicians, Professional Engineers, Field Engineers, Project Managers, and Master and Journeymen Electricians ➢ Large local crews with access to a vast network of talent and resources to support large and turnkey projects with minimal downtime ➢ State-of-the-art specialized testing equipment ➢ Continuous training and professional development at all levels of the organization We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 218-242-2308 or jamie.foster@cepower.net Sincerely, Jamie Foster Account Manager Page 1 of 6 Project Summary: Plant 2 Substation transformer move Work Scope: CE Power (CEP) will provide the required technical labor, supervision, basic equipment, consumable materials, and engineering services to perform the following scope of work: Vic's crane to set up and move existing spare transformer from pad to storage area. Vic's crane to also move 5mva unit from existing location to new location provided by Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Price includes all materials, labor, and equipment mob & de -mob for this scope of work. Equipment Scope: Plant 2 substation moving qty (2) transformers Notes and Clarifications: 1. CE Power is committed to a safe work environment for our personnel and in maintaining our industry leading safety record. In support of this effort, CE Power will "Move at the Speed of Safety". If site conditions are less than ideal, requiring additional time and effort to meet typical safety standards, CE Power reserves the right to pass on any delay costs to the customer. 2. This proposal includes labor, basic test equipment, and a written test report. 3. Sales tax is not included in this proposal but will be added to all applicable invoices. If this project is tax exempt, please submit applicable tax-exempt certificate with purchase order or order acknowledgement upon award of the project. 4. Any equipment found defective during inspection or testing will be brought to your immediate attention. Any recommended repairs will require written authorization prior to being performed. This work will be charged per CE Power applicable rates. 5. If this proposal covers troubleshooting it does not guarantee that the equipment will be repaired. CE Power will attempt to repair the device to the best of its ability. Additional cost will be incurred if parts and/or labor beyond that which has been initially specified is required. 6. Testing and/or abatement of hazardous materials, including but not limited to asbestos and lead paint, are not included in this proposal unless explicitly stated otherwise. CE Power Proposal «Opportunities_name» Page 2 of 6 7. Any delays experienced on site, not caused by CE Power, such as inclement weather, de- energizing/energizing equipment for the outage, equipment malfunction, coordination between trade(s), etc. may be subject to additional charges. 8. Notice of delays or change orders will be brought to your attention before costs are incurred. The customer must provide written authorization to proceed with any additional work. 9. Utility switching fees and/or wiring permit fees, if any, are not included in this proposal and will be additional to the base contract price. 10. A charge will apply if work is cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled date. Hutchinson Utilities Responsibilities 1. Clear and free access to the work location and parking for required vehicles. 2. Provide adequate site conditions clear from mud, snow, and ice, as required. This includes removal of debris, snow, or other obstructions for clear and safe access. Project Schedule: Proposal is based on the following preliminary schedule: lam till 3:30pm 1 The pricing is based on work being performed during normal working hours, Monday through Friday, 7AM-3:30PM. Work after normal working hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays is not included. 2 Any specific schedule or time frame offered for accomplishing the scope of work in this proposal is subject to prior sale and the availability of CE Power resources. The schedule for performance of this work scope must be confirmed with CE Power at the time of order placement. Project Pricing: CE Power is proposing to complete the Work Scope listed above for the following amount: Cost for the above transformer moving SOW is $ 39,482.00 Terms: Standard CE Power Terms and Conditions apply CE Power Proposal «Opportunities_name» Page 3 of 6 Terms: Progress billing per month Freight: Prepay and Add FOB: Factory Shipment: 30ARO This proposal is valid for 15 days Invoicing is net 30 days Proposal Acceptance Information Upon acceptance of this proposal, please send contract/purchase order to: CE Power Email: jamie.foster@cepower.net This proposal is considered proprietary in nature, intended for the sole use of the entity addressed above, and as such is not intended for general public distribution. CE Power Proposal «Opportunities_name» Page 4 of 6 Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale Unless a separate agreement on terms and conditions exist Purchaser may cancel this contract upon written notice and upon between the Company and the Purchaser, the following terms payment to Company of reasonable and proper cancellation and conditions shall apply to all sales by CE Power Holdings, Inc., its affiliates, including CE Power Solutions, LLC, Utilities charges; including but not limited to charges for engineering, testing repair, upgrade and installation work completed, and for materials Plus Electrical Services Inc., CE Power Engineered Services, on order / in manufacture / in storage and lost profits. LLC (dba CE Power, 3C Electrical, PGTI, Hope Engineering, If the financial condition of Purchaser at any time does not, in Reuter & Hanney, Inc.) (collectively, hereinafterthe "Company) the judgment of Company, justify continuance of the work to be performed hereunder on the terms of payment agreed upon, 1. Terms of Payment - Terms are net cash due 30 day from the date Company may require full or partial payment in advance or shall be of invoice. If payment is not made within the 30 days of invoice date, entitled to cancel the Contract and shall receive reimbursement for a late payment charge of 1 1/2% per month will be imposed on the its reasonable and proper cancellation charges. In the event of unpaid balance. With respect to goods purchased, pro rata become due When bankruptcy or insolvency of Purchaser or in the event any is brought the Purchaser, payments shall as partial shipments are made. shipments are delayed by the Purchaser, payment shall become due from the date the Company is to proceeding against voluntarily or involuntaril , underthe bankruptcy or any insolvency laws, Company be to the Contract time during the prepared make shipment. Goods which at Purchasers request (i) are held for delayed shall entitled cancel at any period allowed for filing claims against the estate and shall receive shipment or (ii) are placed in off -site storage, will be invoiced as if reimbursement for its reasonable and proper cancellation charges. shipped when originally scheduled and will be held and stored at the risk and expense of the Purchaser. Company's rights under this paragraph are in addition to all rights available to it at law or in equity. 2. Payment If, in the the Company, the financial 9. Limitation of Liability - The Company will not accept any penalty liquidated damage kind, liability from - sole opinion of condition of the Purchaser at the time the equipment is ready for shipment does not justify the terms of payment specified, or clauses of any or any arising such clauses, unless specifically approved in writing by a duly authorized representative of the Company. The Company will not be then as a condition of shipment, Company may require (i) that the Purchaser liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages lost loss business lost provide adequate assurances OT payment or (ii) (including profits, of use, interruption, payment terms satisfactory to the Company, in its sole productivity,loss of communications) arising out of or relating to this discretion. purchase whether for breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, 3.Quotations - days negligence, or other form of action) and irrespective of whether a. Quotations are void unless accepted within thirty (30) from the date thereof, the Company has been advised of the possibility of any such damage. In the Company's liability the the unless otherwise stated and, in no event will exceed price meantime, are subject to change or withdrawal upon notice. Purchaser paid to the Company for the specific Goods or Services Orders made thereon are not binding until and unless accepted by the Company. Shipping dates are approximate and based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information provided by the Company giving rise to the claim or cause of action. 10. Damage and Loss Claims. The Company shall not be responsible for loss, shortage, or damage after receipt of"in good and approved drawings whenever required. Stenographic and clerical errors are subject to correction. order" receipts from the transportation company. The Com anyy s for loss, damage h the responsibility shortage, or ceases wi b. "Unless otherwise specified in writing all quotes are on a delivery to a common carrier, at which time title and risk of loss straight time basis, excluding work on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays." pass to the purchaser, and all claims for loss, shortage, damage, or delay must be made to the carrier by the Purchaser. Concealed 4. Changes, Deletions and Extra Work: Purchaser, without damage claims must be reported to the carrier within 15 days from invalidating the Contract, may order extra work scope and make changes in altering, addition to or deducting from the work, the the date of delivery. The Company will reasonably assist the Purchaser in securing satisfactory adjustment of any claims. Contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of this Contract except that any claim for extension of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the 11.Warranty a. The Companywarrants that the (i)_goods shall be as provided by the specifcations provided by Purchaser and new (unless time of ordering such change. The value of any such extra work or change shall be otherwise directed or permitted), and if new, without apparent determined in one or more of the following ways: damage or defect, (ii) services will be performed in accordance with the specifications provided by Purchaser and performed in (a) by estimate and acceptance of lump sum. a workmanlike manner. In the event Purchaser notifies (e) by unit prices named in the Contract or subsequently agreed upon. Company of defective materials or workmanship within the lesser of eighteen (18) calendar months from shipment of (C) by cost and percentage of cost or by cost and a fixed fee. 5. Minimum Billing Charge - The minimum billing charge will be $100.00. materials or completion of the work, or twelve (12) calendar months from installation of the goods, the Company will, (i) at its option either repair or replace defective new materials, and 6. Delivery - Unless otherwise specified, all products are delivered correct the defective workmanship free of charge. Repairs or f.o.b. point of shipment regardless of transportation costs being "allowed", "pre "collect". warranty work will be performed f.o.b. factory or at a -paid", or 7. Shipment Delays - The Company shall not be liable for delays in starting work or in shipment or non -shipment due to causes beyond it's reasonable control or due to acts of God, acts of the Purchaser, Purchaser's site, at the Company's option. b. Whenever work is performed at Purchaser's site, it will be performed during a normal eight -hour straight -time day. If the Purchaser requests that warranty work be fires, strikes, labor disturbances, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, war, insurrections or riot, civil or military authority, product performed during any other time period, Purchaser will be invoiced for the premium portion of the work; i.e. the difference between compliance with priority orders or preference ratings issued by the the applicable rate and the overtime rate for the services Government, freight embargo's, car shortages, wrecks or delays in transportation, unusually severe weather, or inability to obtain performed. c. This warranty does not apply to, nor is any expense or other necessary labor, materials or manufacturing facilities due to such them. In the delay, the date damages or liability assumed for, any goods are used, which causes or any of event of any such of shipment will be extended, at the minimum, for a period equal to the have been improperly stored, or installed, or from any Ferod of the delay. The contract of sale will in no event be subject o cancellation by the Purchaser, whether due to delay in delivery accidental or intentional attempts to operate the goods in excess of their rating, or in an abnormal atmosphere or environments, or to which unauthorized repairs have been or to any other cause, except by mutual agreement, nor shall the made whether or not such goods are defective or in accord Company be liable under any circumstances for special or consequential damages on any account of delay. with the specifications. Any such repairs or modifications must be authorized by the Company in writing. 8. Suspension/Cancellation: In the event Purchaser requests a suspension of work under this Contract, Purchaser shall, in writing, d. This warranty does not apply to, nor is any expense or other notify Company reasonably in advance of the suspension date; this damages or liability assumed for work performed on serviced notification will indicate the anticipated suspension period. equipment that has been subsequently serviced by another Company shall advise Purchaser of the price adjustment resulting from the planned suspension of the work. The adjustment will firm without authorization by the Company in writing. price be based on Company's ability to reasonably relocate manpower, 12 E ui ment and Materials of Others -The Company's 9 p and any materials, and equipment during the suspension period. responsibility does not extend to equipment not manufactured Remobilization costs will be priced on the same basis. by the Company. The Company will reasonably assist Purchaser in making claims under any warranty provided by the supplier or manufacturer of such equipment. a. The Company's responsibility does not extend to used equipment supplied in any other than "fully reconditioned" state. b. THE FORGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES (EXCEPT TITLE , WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING HE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE FORGOING REMEDIES OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL CONSTITUTE THE SOLE REMEDY OF THE PURCHASER AND SOLE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. 13.Nuclear Insurance — Indemnity - For applications in nuclear projects, the Purchaser/Owner shall have a complete and proper insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a nuclear incident and shall indemnify the Company, its suppliers and subcontractors against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. 14.Returned Goods - No goods shall be returned without the Purchaser having secured approval and terms of return from the Company. The return of all goods including returnable shipping materials such as cable reels, end plates or covers, oil drums, gas bottles, etc. will not be permitted under any condition without the Company's properly executed Returned Goods Authorization Form. Goods returned without complete identification in accordance with the Company's instructions or without char es prepaid will not be accepted. The Company reserves the rightgo refuse any goods returned for credit. 15. Termination - After acceptance by the Company, an order shall not be terminated, in whole or part by the Purchaser except by agreement in writing from the Company and such agreement will be contingent upon payment of reasonable charges based upon expenses already incurred and commitments made by the Company plus a charge of 10% of the contract rice to compensate the Company for indirect costs resulting from the termination. 16. Rescheduling - Rescheduling of an order by the Purchaser shall require agreement in writing from the Company and renegotiation of the price and escalation terms to reasonable cover additional costs and commitments occasioned by the change. Delivery commitments made by the Company are based upon complete specifications and/or information supplied by the Purchaser with the order and upon prompt return of approval drawings (if required by the Purchaser) by the date requested by the Company. Rescheduling of any order by the Company as a result of the Purchaser's delay in returning ap roval drawings shall require renegotiation of price and escalation �erms to reasonably cover additional costs and commitments occasioned by the delay. 17.Drawing Approval and Changes - If at drawing approval the Company has failed to design the product in accordance with the Purchaser's specification, the Company will, at its expense, make appropriate changes. Where Purchaser's specifications are not definitive the Company reserves the right to design the product in line with, in the Company's lud merit good engineering practice. If at drawingg approval, the Purchaser makes changes outside the pe scoof fhe design as covered in Purchaser's specifications, the price and delivery terms shall be renegotiated to reasonably cover any additional cost and commitments occasioned by the change. Changes made to an order by the Purchaser after engineering is completed or entry of the order into manufacturing will result in substantially greater costs and delivery delays. 18. Taxes - Prices quoted are exclusive of any present or future federal or state taxes or local sales, use or excise taxes. If any such present or future sales, use or excise taxes apply, then they will be added to the invoice as a separate item unless Purchaser has furnished an acceptable tax exemption certificate from such tax prior to shipment. 19.General - Company shall not be responsible for the acts and workmanship of the employees, contractors, subcontractors or agents of the Purchaser. The Company reserves the right to subcontract any of the work to one or more subcontractors. The delegation or assignment by Purchaser of any or all of its duties or rights hereunder without Company's prior written consent shall be void. The rights and obligations of the parties under this Contract shall be interpreted and governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Ohio. If either party brings against the other party any proceeding arising out of this agreement, that party may bring that proceeding only in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio or, only if there is no federal subject matter jurisdiction, in Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, Cincinnati, Ohio. Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by Purchaser to Company in connection with performance hereunder are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence except as may be otherwise provided in a writing signed by a duly authorized representative of Purchaser. Company shall comply with all state and federal safety and health laws, including but not limited to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) and all standards, rules, regulations and orders issued pursuant to such state and federal safety and health laws and laws related to non -segregated facilities and equal employment opportunity. This Contract contains the complete agreement between the parties and no modification amendment, revision, waiver or other change will be binding on Company unless assented to in writing by Company's authorized representative. Any oral or written representation, warranty, course of dealing or trade usage not contained or referenced herein will not be binding on Company. Purchaser shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits for the work to be done and shall hold company harmless from any liability for work done without said permits. C11-2:459754 v3 Revised February 6, 2018 INITIALS: COMPANY PURCHASER HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION�1` Board Action Form �rMturscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve Customer Service Credit Card Vendor Change to Invoice Cloud Presenter: Jared Martig Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 4 New Business Attachments,: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Customer Service is seeking to switch credit card processing companies from Point & Pay, who we have been with since switching to BS&A in 2017, to Invoice Cloud. The City of Hutchinson currently uses Invoice Cloud. At the time of BS&A implementation Point & Pay was the only option for live data into the software but since that time Invoice Cloud has added that capability. Customer complaints about the ease of use of Point & Pay is one of the reasons for making the switch and we experience somewhat frequent downtime. Point & Pay also failed to take out payment for customers utilizing the re -occurring credit card payment option in April. Invoice Cloud has a very customer friendly interface. They allow customers to use Apple Pay, Google Pay, and to pay by text. Invoice Cloud has a proven track record of increasing both paperless bills and automated payments saving staff time. The one drawback to Invoice Cloud would be the cost. As you can see in the attached spreadsheet it would be an additional $10,000 based on current customer usage of the system. We believe the increased cost is worth it for less hassle for both the customers and employees. Operational time savings will help balance out the increased costs. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve change of credit card processor from Point & Pay to Invoice Cloud Fiscal impact: 10,000 Per Year Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: Point & Pay Invoice Cloud Total $ E Checks IVR Total $ E Checks IVR Total Total $ E Checks IVR Fee Total January 368,153.85 170 260 1,656.69 110.50 1,767.19 2,393.00 85.00 130.00 50.00 2,658.00 February 423,676.78 173 268 1,906.55 112.45 2,019.00 2,753.90 86.50 134.00 50.00 3,024.40 March 410,399.88 165 269 1,846.80 107.25 1,954.05 2,667.60 82.50 134.50 50.00 2,934.60 April 356,208.45 186 232 1,602.94 120.90 1,723.84 2,315.35 93.00 116.00 50.00 2,574.35 May 293,473.56 162 268 1,320.63 105.30 1,425.93 1,907.58 81.00 134.00 50.00 2,172.58 June 278,936.59 168 245 1,255.21 109.20 1,364.41 1,813.09 84.00 122.50 50.00 2,069.59 July 290,256.14 178 261 1,306.15 115.70 1,421.85 1,886.66 89.00 130.50 50.00 2,156.16 August 315,822.47 212 265 1,421.20 137.80 1,559.00 2,052.85 106.00 132.50 50.00 2,341.35 September 304,003.64 206 268 1,368.02 133.90 1,501.92 1,976.02 103.00 134.00 50.00 2,263.02 October 273,552.70 179 290 1,230.99 116.35 1,347.34 1,778.09 89.50 145.00 50.00 2,062.59 November 291,171.71 188 292 1,310.27 122.20 1,432.47 1,892.62 94.00 146.00 50.00 2,182.62 December 337,769.59 206 290 1,519.96 133.90 1,653.86 2,195.50 103.00 145.00 50.00 2,493.50 19,170.86 28,932.76 ��pppp ��� ����mm ��ppu� . . .... .. .. .. Ill�,�f� ������ "���l�nu��� i ��11��roo� r ���,�,�w (�- J� ( Biller Order Form SALES INFORMATION IC Sales Rep Order Date Rich Plese Vertical Software Partner Utility 12/7/2020 Sales Partner BS&A Software BS&A Software PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Products [EBPP] [IVR] [OBD] [POSConnect] PAYMENT METHODS ACCEPTED Payment Types [VISA/Mastercard/Discover] [ACH/EFT] BILLER INFORMATION Ownership Type Legal Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Government Phone 320-587-4746 Fax Website URL www.hutchinsonutilities.com Bus. Open Date 1936 Federal Tax ID 41-6005251 "f'C.`dC`ral Tax 10 and f_v.`gol Nome YYltl4 rnafCat on all docurY1C`nts Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson MN ZIP 155350 BILLER CONTACT Primary Contact Name Jared Mart Phone 320-234-0512 Email Address jmartig@ci.hutchinson.mn.us SIGNING AUTHORITY Name Jeremy Carter Title General Manager Phone 320-234-0505 I Fax Email Address jcarter@ci.hutchinson.mn.us BILLER PRICING Description Interval Cost Type Cost ACH Reject Fee Non-Submitter (Chase) Per Transaction Fixed ($) $10.00 Chargeback Fee Non-Submitter (Chase) Per Transaction Fixed ($) $10.00 Biller Portal Access Fee Monthly Fixed ($) $50.00 IC IVR Payment Transaction Fee - Credit Card per Transaction Fixed ($) $0.50 Invoice Presentment For Paperless Customers Per Transaction Fixed ($) $0.20 OBD Access Fee Monthly Fixed ($) $0.00 IC IVR Payment Transaction Fee -EFT Per Transaction Fixed ($) $0.50 IC Payment Transaction Fee -EFT Per Transaction Fixed ($) $0.50 IC Payment Transaction Fee - Online Bank Direct per Transaction Fixed ($) $0.20 IC Percent Of Volume Fee - Credit Card Per Transaction Percent (%) 0.65% HARDWARE Card Reader Type I Swipe Only Quantity 1 2 Cost per Reader 0.00 Card Reader Shipping Addr. (if different than location address) Kiosk Type Standard/In-Door Thru-Wall Outdoor Model Magtek One -Time Reader (BS&A Billing Interval Only) Device Quantity Per Device Txn Min Note: Biller will be charged for the minimum number of transactions listed to left each 750 month per kiosk unity. In addition, if the Biller's order includes kiosks then the terms 800 and conditions of Kiosk Managed Standard SOW (and applicable schedules) are hereby 850 agreed and incorporated by reference BILLER BANK INFO Billing Method Name on Account Bank Address Routing # lkote� Must mur�clllude voided Ibusilness check or Ibaink letter for each ulni ue accouint Bank Name Phone Last 4 Acct # ACH Month End Fees DATA RETENTION Months to Keep 24 *Additional Fees apply if greater than 24 months NOTES/SPECIAL HANDLING Invoice Cloud will be converting existing accounts on paperless, approximately 1,300. CERTIFICATION AND AGREEMENT A. By signing below, the Biller hereby authorizes Invoice Cloud, Inc. ("Invoice Cloud") to initiate and execute debit/credit entries to its checking/deposit account(s) indicated above at the depository financial institution(s) named above and to debit/credit the same such account(s). The Biller acknowledges that the origination of ACH transactions to its account(s) must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. This authority is to remain in full force and effect until (i) Invoice Cloud has received written notification (by electronic or U.S. mail) from the Biller of its revocation in such time and manner as to allow Invoice Cloud a reasonable opportunity to act on it, but not less than 10 business days notice; and (ii) all obligations of the Biller to Invoice Cloud that have arisen under this Agreement and all other agreements have been paid in full. The Biller must also notify Invoice Cloud, in writing, (by electronic or U.S. mail) when a change in account number(s) or bank has occurred at which time this authorization shall apply to such new/changed account. This notification must be received within 10 business days of change. A fee will be charged for any returned ACH debits. B. By signing below, the Biller named: (1) has read, agreed to, and acknowledges receipt of the Biller Agreement, Biller T+C and other Order Forms executed by the Biller, and (2) certifies to Invoice Cloud that he/she is authorized to sign this Order Form; (3) certifies that all information and documents submitted in connection with this Order Form are true and complete; (4) authorizes Invoice Cloud or its agent to verify any of the information given, including credit references, and to obtain credit reports (including a spouse if in a community property state); (5) agrees to pay the Monthly Access Fee through the last day of the month following the effective date of termination as provided in the Billing Agreement; (6) agrees that Biller and each transaction submitted will be bound by the Order Form and the Biller Agreement in its entirety; (7) agrees that Biller will submit transactions only in accordance with the information in this Order Form and Biller Agreement and will immediately inform Invoice Cloud, by email (contracts@invoicecloud.com) if any information in this Order Form changes, and (8) the Biller agrees and understands that outstanding sums due and owing to Invoice Cloud., will be charged daily or monthly and debited from its current depository account. Non -sufficient funds for these debits are grounds for a change in fees or termination of this Agreement. In the event of non-payment of any sums due, Invoice Cloud reserves the right to withdraw such sums from the current depository account at any time to ensure payment of the same. C. Pay by Text: Standard data rates and text messaging rates may apply based on the payer's plan with their mobile phone carrier. Payer can opt out of text messaging at any time with Invoice Cloud. Partial payment or overpayment is not supported. Service fees may apply based on the biller set up with Invoice Cloud. Biller may not use the service for activities that violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation. D. By signing below, the Biller hereby gives permission to Invoice Cloud to access his / her credit history via Trans Union, Equifax, or other credit-reporting agency. E. The Order Form and the Biller Agreement will become effective only when counter -signed by Invoice Cloud and upon execution by the Biller of such third party agreement required by Invoice Cloud to permit use of the payment function of the Service. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of this day Accepted by Biller: Corporate Officer Jeremy Carter Printed Name General Manager Title Accepted by Invoice Cloud, Inc.: Corporate Officer Thomas E. Griffin Printed Name President Title Invoice Cloud Statement of Work Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Overview The Invoice Cloud (IC) suite of services (The Service) will give the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN (Biller) and its customers the ability to accept online payments for invoiced and non -invoiced items. The Service will allow the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN to offer online payment processing in a securely hosted real-time environment. Customers will be able to locate, view and print bills or invoices and payment records online and pay using credit cards, debit cards, and electronic checks. Definitions: 1. Biller — Merchant / Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN 2. Payer — Client customer, resident, person paying a bill or invoice 3. EBPP — Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment 4. Bill — Bill and Invoice are used synonymously throughout this document 5. RTDR - Real -Time Data Refresh — collects and aggregates the data as soon as a user accesses a specific function 6. NTDR — Near -Time Data Refresh — integration that happens periodically; the data is collected immediately but it is not aggregated until later — data can be processed every day, every hour or even every few minutes 1. Security and Industry Compliance Invoice Cloud maintains full compliance with current applicable Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards, Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP) regulations and National Automated Clearinghouse Association (NACHA) rules and guidelines. Invoice Cloud will abide by such guidelines for the security of all cardholder data that Invoice Cloud possesses. a. PCI - Invoice Cloud will provide compliant storage of Biller's customer payment information that is certified by Visa/MasterCard. Data security measures are addressed during collection and transmission via SSL with our patent pending encryption technology. All confidential information will be treated in accordance with the PCI standards. b. Software as a Service (SaaS) Architecture — All Biller customer financial and payment information and the invoice presentment and payment processing application is housed offsite from Biller. c. Browser Compatibility - Invoice Cloud supports the most current version of the industry's most common browsers. 2. Data Integration Invoice Cloud does maintain an integration with BS&A. The integration for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN will include the functionality found in Appendix B. 3. Paver Portal The Payer Portal is an electronic bill presentment and online payment portal where a Biller's customer (Payer) can view a bill and then proceed, within the same user interface, to make an online payment. a. Invoice Cloud will present bills electronically through a payer portal that is branded for Biller or via an email notification, if the Payer provides an email address. b. The electronic invoice presentment will simulate the paper invoice Biller uses and will be available in PDF and/or html format. d. The Service may provide the Payer the option of making a payment via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) or electronic check (also referred to as ACH, eCheck, EFT). IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 1 e. The Service provides the Payer a one-time online payment option without registration, and the capability to register to access Payer's account history, schedule a payment, or set up AutoPay payments. f. A Payer will have the ability to choose their payment date (also known as scheduled payments). g. The system will accept partial, full, or overpayments as defined by the Biller. h. The Payer will register with the Service using the authentication method designated by Biller. i. Linking Accounts - After registering with the Service, the Payer will be able to login into their account(s). If the Payer has multiple accounts and uses the same authentication information for all accounts, the Payer will be able to link their account and view from a single registration. The Payer will then have the option to choose which account they would like to pay or view in further detail. j. The Payer will receive an email confirmation of payment after any payment process. k. The Payer will have the ability to search and access historical bills once they register with the Service. The Service will store twenty-four (24) months of rolling history from the point of Biller's first invoice file upload to the Service. This includes invoice history and account history. I. Biller has the option of allowing the Payer to pay via different payment methods which include online, IVR, IC Biller Portal, Pay by Text, CloudCSRConnect and Cloud POSConnect. m. Payers who have scheduled a payment or registered for AutoPay will receive email notification from the Service of pending payments. n. The Service includes shopping cart functionality. o. The Service will allow the Payer the option to elect paperless billing. p. A Payer registered for paperless billing will be automatically placed back on paper billing if their email address is undeliverable; notification of the Payer's undeliverable email address will be sent to Biller via email. q. The Service complies with Federal E-Signature Act for paperless billing and AutoPay by providing a system in which a Payer must confirm enrollment in paperless billing and/or AutoPay by responding to an email sent after the Payer registers for paperless billing and/or AutoPay through online self- service. 4. Biller Portal The Biller Portal is an administrative portal where Biller staff will have access to reporting, search customers, search invoices, search payments, initiate payments or credits, login as a Payer, modify email templates, etc. a. Biller can log in as the Payer on either the Biller or Payer Portal and make a payment on behalf of the Payer. There is an audit trail for who made the payment, and the source of every payment (CSR, Pay by Text, AutoPay, Web, IVR, etc.). b. Biller will have the capability of blocking future payments by specific Payer and payment method type (i.e. Credit Card or eCheck (ACH). c. Permissions — The Biller Portal includes a table of role based permissions, determined by the Biller's System Administrator. Each permission is applied to a user ID on an individual basis to maximize flexibility. The system administrator can allow or disallow access to functions such as viewing data, creating reports, resending email notices, processing payments, credits or refunds, editing email templates and more. Since it is controlled by Biller administrator, changes can be made quickly on an as needed basis. d. Administrative Email Notifications - Biller may set up the system to send several administrative notifications and request system notifications be sent to multiple staff members. This allows different departments to get the information they need in a timely manner. The notifications include: • ACH Reject Notifications • Batch Close Notifications • Daily Management Report • File Processing Notifications • Month End Billing Invoice • Paperless Customer Email Bounce Daily Report IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 2 • Request System Notifications (this is the ticketing system available in the Invoice Cloud payer portal). • Status Notifications (notifications of planned outages, new features, etc.) e. Biller Controlled Configuration Options — The Biller Portal includes several Biller controlled configurable options to customize the way payments and customer accounts are handled. The Biller will be able to configure for: • allowing AutoPay and scheduled payments • allowing customers to update their phone or mailing address through the Payer Portal • allowing customers to pay less than, or more than the balance due based on receivable type • updating Refund Policy description • updating customer service phone number 5. Biller Portal - Reporting Biller can access a selection of pre -configured reports. Biller can request reports for daily, monthly, or date range activity. Most reports can be exported to Excel files or scheduled for download as a custom report, as indicated by asterisk (*) in the report name. All stored payment data is truncated, and this is reflected in all reports. a. Reports: b. Search Customers* c. Search Invoices d. Search Payment Transactions* e. Monthly Summary f. Registration Report* g. AutoPay Report* h. Paperless Report* i. Data Synchronization History j. EFT/ACH Rejects* k. View Scheduled Payments* I. Invoice File History m. Import Errors n. Daily Payments Received* o. Total Outstanding Invoices p. Email Notification Summary q. Email Statistics r. Email Tracking s. Bounced Email Report • Email Statistics • Email Tracking • Bounced Email Report 6. Payer Email Notifications Invoice Cloud provides a set of customizable email notification templates for each invoice type that are delivered for numerous events surrounding electronic invoice presentment and payment activity. Email notifications may be customized through the Biller Portal using a Word style editor and options to insert secure hyperlinks to website, links to electronic documents such as newsletters or bill inserts, and/or variable fields selected from the Biller's data file. a. Three (3) email notifications can be scheduled. The first notification is based on the number of days from the invoice due date. Second and third notifications will only be sent to Payers with an outstanding balance, a scheduled payment, or Payers who have not signed up for AutoPay. b. At the discretion of Biller, Payer email notifications can be delivered for each of the following events. IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 3 • First Invoice Email Notification • Second Invoice Email Notification • Third Invoice Email Notification • Payment Transaction Receipt • Declined AutoPay Transaction • Late Fee Email Notification (if configured) • Declined Scheduled Payment Notification • Registered Customer Welcome Email • AutoPay Registration Notification • Paperless Registration Notification • ACH Reject/Chargeback Notices (with reason codes and descriptors) • Credit Card Expiration Notification • Scheduled Payment Confirmation • AutoPay Reminder Notification • FlexPay Confirmation Notification • Scheduled Payment Reminder • Paperless Off Confirmation • Online Bank Direct Payment Receipt • Check 21 Payment Receipt • Linked Accounts First Notice Notification • Linked Accounts Second Notice Notification • Linked Accounts Third Notice Notification • AutoPay Off Confirmation • Conveyed Customer Notification • Multiple Registered Customers Welcome Email • Recurring Scheduled Payment Confirmation • Recurring Scheduled Payment Canceled 7. Business Rules The Invoice Cloud solution is designed for flexibility for customers and Billers. There are many rules currently available and we will also undertake the creation of new business rules as we both agree. Each bill type operates independently and can accept different payment types as well as other business rules. At Biller's option, multiple business rules can be applied to each bill type. Invoice Cloud provides flexibility regarding business rules to support specific needs, including: a. Ability to allow partial payments, over payments, full balance only, or late fees. b. Ability to allow payments beyond the due date - The Service is designed to accommodate biller specific business rules like allowing payments beyond their due date. c. Ability to allow for multiple payment types for one customer for the same bill - The Service allows multiple payment types from one customer for the same bill when partial payments are allowed. Credit/debit card and eCheck (ACH) can be run separately and an unlimited number of remittance types can be used. For example, a customer can pay part of a bill with a checking account, another part with a credit card and the remainder with a second credit card of a different type. IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 4 8. Implementation Process Invoice Cloud assigns an Implementations Manager (IM) to each Biller. The IM will be the Biller's primary contact during the implementation process and coordinates all necessary resources from Biller, Biller software company, Invoice Cloud, and any sub -contractors. The IM will provide the Biller with the following documents to facilitate the project: a. New Biller Questionnaire & Questionnaire Key — Documents critical information needed to setup and initiate the service including information on business rules and feature selection. b. Project Timeline — Details project schedule and milestones. c. Testing & Training Plan — This plan walks the Biller through a set of user acceptance testing criteria and facilitates training on the service. 9. Support & Training a. Business Hours — The business hours will be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Note: Biller Support hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. Payer Support hours are currently 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. b. Help Desk - The Service will provide a helpdesk ticketing system for Biller within the Biller Portal to get help from Invoice Cloud client support team. This tool will allow Biller to track and retain resolutions for historical reference. c. Payer Support —The Payer Support is two tiered with Biller staff as the first line of support regarding account, registration and billing questions. Issues with the Invoice Cloud service operation or incorrect credit card charges will be routed to Invoice Cloud Client Support via telephone or a Biller helpdesk ticket. d. Biller Support - If Biller encounters an inquiry which they cannot resolve, Biller will create a helpdesk support ticket. Invoice Cloud Customer Support will address the issue and, if applicable, provide training to Biller to allow the address of tickets in a timely matter; often within twenty-four (24) business hours. Biller and technical support are available during business hours. i. Routine Technical Support -Technical Support is available during business hours. Biller may call customer support directly; however, the use of the helpdesk ticketing system is encouraged as the preferred method of contact. Invoice Cloud staff views all tickets as they are submitted and routes them to the appropriate person for resolution. ii. Emergency After -Hours Support — The helpdesk service is monitored after business hours and emergency support issues are addressed within one (1) hour. An emergency support issue is defined as an issue involving the system being down and inoperable and does not include Payer payment issues. Biller may request email notification be provided in the event the system is down and inoperable. e. Service Enhancements - Most enhancements do not require action on the part of Biller. Upgrades as agreed are done at the Invoice Cloud server level, so there are no mandatory actions for Biller to take. Support levels are not affected by enhancements. f. Biller Training - Biller staff will be guided in how to use the system through in-house training, documentation, remote live sessions, and access to our client support team. • All standard training will be done remotely. Invoice Cloud's training personnel will provide sessions for both Payer and Biller portals for Biller's staff. • Separate training is conducted for Biller's technical staff regarding the uploading of bill files and any other applicable processes. • Ongoing phone and Go -To -Meeting training will be provided during the first month of use at no additional cost to Biller. 10. Marketing Invoice Cloud provides marketing support that our Billers can use to promote the EBPP and IC payment solutions to its Payers, at no charge. Invoice Cloud's marketing group will schedule a 1-hour conference call to IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 5 review Invoice Cloud's recommended best practices for promoting the service. Sample templates will be provided for each item and customizations can be made upon request. The marketing collateral that Invoice Cloud provides may include: • Bill Inserts • Newsletters • Envelope Teasers • Pay Button Link • Posters with Acrylic Stands for Payment Counters • Business card sized take -away cards with QR code • Local cable/TV station announcement 11. CloudlVRConnect'" The IC CloudlVRConnect allows Billers to accept payments via our interactive voice response system. It provides customers with 24-hour access to account status and billing information (total balance due, past due amount, last payment made, next billing date etc.). The following options are available: • Provides for a toll -free call and a caller ID number set by the Biller • Supports messaging in both English and Spanish • Provides for a customizable initial greeting (includes City/County/Company name) — all remaining prompts are standard • Ability to pay with credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover), debit card, or eCheck (ACH) • Replays information with Invoice Cloud generated confirmation # 12. CloudSMSConnect'm The IC CloudSMSConnect allows Billers to accept payments via SMS text messaging. The following options are available: • Provides interactive registration and service sign-up confirmation • Sends notification when new bills are available for payment • Ability to pay with credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover), debit card, or eCheck (ACH) • Allows for payment utilizing a stored -payment method 13. CloudStore'm The IC CloudStore allows Billers to accept payments for non -invoiced services like books, t-shirts, etc., fire, police, building permits, or activity programs. The following options are available: • Accept electronic check and or credit/debit cards. • Customer receives immediate email confirmation of payment. • Department receives email notification of purchase event for instant fulfillment of services. • Ability to apply convenience fees, if required. • Reporting by service type. • Linked to Biller branded payment portal. • Each service type can have its own online registration form. • Can be setup to accept payments over the counter. 14. Online Bank Direct` The IC Online Bank Direct (OBD) allows Billers to electronically import eCheck (ACH) payments initiated from consumer bank bill sites. The following options are available: • Auto -matching of payments with open invoices • Email consumer a payment notification for those customers with an email address on file • Ability to apply a single payment to multiple invoices IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 6 • Custom search capabilities to locate matching invoice(s) • Electronic deposit of corresponding echecks This SOW contains many products, services and payment methods. Only the specific products, services and payment methods selected by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN, as outlined in the Biller Order Form, are included in the delivery of products, services and payment methods. Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN By: Invoice Cloud, Inc. By: Title: President, Government, Utilities Business Services IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 7 Appendix A: System Modifications As outlined below, Invoice Cloud has agreed to make the following changes to the setup and functionality of our platform: NONE IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller Appendix B: Integration Supported Features Invoice Types #42 — Utility EBPP Supported Cloud IVR Connect Supported Pay by Text Supported Cloud POS Connect Not Supported Cloud CSR Connect Not Supported KIOSK Not Supported Invoices Invoice Cloud FTP Each billing cycle Payments Lockbox/Payment File Daily Auto Pay Flags IC Change Log File Daily Paperless Flags IC Change Log File Daily Account Balances Adjustment/BP lance File - F Daily Block Payment Method (Credit/ACH) Manually within Biller Portal As needed IC Translates file Supported Historical Data (2 years shown online) Supported PDF Extraction (Partial/Full) Supported Templates Supported Link to PDFs Supported Standard or Custom Single Sign -on Not Supported Branded Biller Portal Supported Branded Payer Portal Supported IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 9 Appendix C: Biller Deliverables Sample Invoice File (BIF) Sample Adjustment/Balance File (BAF) Sample Payment/Lockbox file Sample Images of Bills AutoPay Conversion data, if applicable Paperless conversion data, if applicable IC Confidential - Hutchinson Utilities Commission, MN Statement of Work Biller 10 Biller Agreement 1. License Grant & Restrictions. Subject to execution by Biller of the Invoice Cloud Biller Order Form incorporating this Agreement, Invoice Cloud hereby grants Biller a non-exclusive, non -transferable, worldwide right to use the Service described on the Biller Order Form until termination as provided herein, solely for the following purposes, and specifically to bill and receive payment from Biller's own customers, for Services that are referenced in the Biller Order Form. All rights not expressly granted to Biller are reserved by Invoice Cloud and its licensors. Biller will provide to Invoice Cloud all Biller Data generated for Biller's Customers. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by Invoice Cloud to the contrary, Invoice Cloud will process all of Biller's Customers' Payment Instrument Transactions requirements related to the Biller Data and will do so via electronic data transmission according to our formats and procedures for each electronic payment type selected in the Biller Order Form. In addition, Biller will sign all third party applications and agreements required for the Service including without limitation payment and credit card processing agreements and merchant agreements. For invoice types listed on the Order Form (e.g. real estate taxes, utility bills, parking tickets, insurance premium, loans, etc.), Biller will not use the credit card processing, ACH or check processing of any bank, payment processor, entity, or person, other than Invoice Cloud via electronic data transmission or the authorization for processing of Biller's Customers' Payment Instrument Transactions for each electronic payment type selected in the Biller Order Form throughout the term of this Agreement. Biller shall not: (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Service in any way; (ii) modify or make derivative works based upon the Set -vice; (iii) Recreate, "frame" or "mirror" any portion of the Service on any other server or wireless or Internet -based device; (iv) reverse engineer or access the Set -vice; or (v) copy any features, functions or graphics of the Service. 2. Privacy & Security. Invoice Cloud's privacy and security policies may be viewed at httg://www.invoicecloud.com/privacy.html. Invoice Cloud reserves the right to modify its privacy and security policies in its reasonable discretion from time to time which modification shall not materially adversely impact such policies. Invoice Cloud will maintain compliance with current required Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards and Cardholder Information Security standards. 3. Account Information and Data. Invoice Cloud does not and will not own any Customer Data, in the course of providing the Service. Biller, not Invoice Cloud, shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, and reliability of, and obtaining the intellectual property rights to use and process all Customer Data. In the event this Agreement is terminated, Invoice Cloud will make available to Biller a file of the Customer Data within 30 days of termination of this Agreement (or at a later time if required by applicable law), if Biller so requests at the time of termination. Invoice Cloud reserves the right to remove and/or discard Customer Data with 30 days notice except as prohibited by applicable law or in the event of exigent circumstances which makes prior notice impracticable, and in which case, notice will be provided promptly thereafter. 4. Confidentiality / Intellectual Property Ownership. Invoice Cloud agrees that it may be furnished with or otherwise have access to Customer Data that the Biller's customers considers confidential. Invoice Cloud agrees to secure and protect the Customer Data in a manner consistent with the maintenance of Invoice Cloud's own Confidential Information, using at least as great a degree of care as it uses to maintain the confidentiality of its own confidential information, but in no event use less than commercially reasonable measures. Invoice Cloud will not sell, transfer, publish, disclose, or otherwise make available any portion of the Customer Data to third parties, except as required to perform the Services under this Agreement or otherwise required by applicable law. Invoice Cloud (and its licensors, where applicable) owns all right, title and interest, including all related Intellectual Property Rights, in and to the Invoice Cloud Technology, the Content and the Service and any enhancement requests, feedback, integration components, suggestions, ideas, and application programming interfaces, recommendations or other information provided by Biller or any other party relating to the Service. In the event any such intellectual property rights in the Invoice Cloud Technology, the Content or the Service do not fall within the specifically enumerated works that constitute works made for hire under applicable copyright laws or are deemed to be owned by Invoice Cloud, Biller hereby irrevocably, expressly and automatically assigns all right, title and interest worldwide in and to such intellectual property rights to Invoice Cloud. The Invoice Cloud name, the Invoice Cloud logo, and the product names associated with the Set -vice are trademarks of invoice Cloud or third parties, and no right or license is granted to use them. Biller agrees that during the course of using or gaining access to the Service (or components thereof) it may be furnished with or otherwise have access to information that Invoice Cloud considers to be confidential including but not limited to Invoice Cloud Technology, customer and/or prospective customer information, product features and plans, marketing/sales collateral, pricing and financial information of the parties which are hereby deemed to be Invoice Cloud Confidential Information, or any other information that by its very nature constitutes information of a type that any reasonable business person would conclude was intended by Invoice Cloud to be treated as proprietary, confidential, or private (the "Confidential Information"). Biller agrees to secure and protect the Confidential Information in a manner consistent with the maintenance of Invoice Cloud's rights therein, using at least as great a degree of care as it uses to maintain the confidentiality of its own confidential information, but in no event use less than reasonable efforts. Biller will not sell, transfer, publish, disclose, or otherwise make available any portion of the Confidential Information of the other party to third parties (and will ensure that its employee and agents abide by the requirements hereof), except as expressly authorized in this Agreement or otherwise required by applicable law. Biller Agreement Rev 4.2 The complete Biller Agreement includes the Biller Order Form, the Online Terms and Conditions and this Agreement P'.Ige I Biller Agreement 5. Billing and Renewal. Invoice Cloud fees for the Service are provided on the Biller Order Form. Invoice Cloud's fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities, Invoice Cloud may assess and/or collect such taxes, levies, or duties against Biller and Biller shall be responsible for payment of all such taxes, levies, or duties, excluding only United States (federal or state) taxes based solely on Invoice Cloud's income. All payment obligations are non -cancellable and all amounts or fees paid are non-refundable. Unless Invoice Cloud in its discretion determines otherwise, all fees will be billed in U.S. dollars. If Biller believes Biller's bill or payment is incorrect, Biller must provide written notice to Invoice Cloud within 60 days of the earlier of the invoice date, or the date of payment, with respect to the amount in question to be eligible to receive an adjustment or credit; otherwise such bill or payment is deemed correct. Invoice Cloud reserves the right to modify any pricing with respect to fees owed by the Biller upon thirty days written notice to Biller based on increases incurred by Invoice Cloud on fees, assessments, and the like from credit card processers, bank card issuers, payment associations, ACH and check processers. 6. Term and Termination. The initial term of this Agreement shall commence of the execution date of the Biller Order Form and continue for a period of three (3) years after the date that the first transactions are processed through the Service ("Initial Term") and will automatically renew for each of additional successive three (3) year terms ("Renewal Term") unless terminated as set forth herein. This Agreement may be terminated by either party effective at the end of the Initial or any Renewal Term by such party providing written notice to the other party of its intent not to renew no less than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the then -current term. Additionally, this Agreement may be terminated by either party with cause in the event of a material breach of the terms of this Agreement by the other party and the breach remains uncured for a period of 30 days following receipt of written notice by the breaching party. For example, any unauthorized use of the Invoice Cloud Technology or Service by Biller, or its authorized users will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement. Upon any early termination of this Agreement by Invoice Cloud as a result of the breach, Biller shall remain liable for all fees and charges incurred, and all periodic fees owed through the end of the calendar month following the effective date of termination. Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement, Biller's password and access will be disabled and Biller will be obligated to pay the balance due on Biller's account computed in accordance with the Charges and Payment of Fees section above. Biller agrees that Invoice Cloud may charge such unpaid fees to Biller's Debit Account or credit card or otherwise bill Biller for such unpaid fees. 7. Invoice Cloud Responsibilities. Invoice Cloud represents and warrants that it has the legal power and authority to enter into this Agreement. Invoice Cloud warrants that the Service will materially perform the functions that the Biller has selected on the Order Form under normal use and circumstances and that. Invoice Cloud shall use commercially reasonable measures with respect to Customer Data to the extent that it retains such, in the operation of the Service; provided that the Biller shall maintain immediately accessible backups of the Customer Data. In addition, Invoice Cloud will, at its own expense, as the sole and exclusive remedy with respect to performance of the Service, correct any Transaction Data to the extent that such errors have been caused by Invoice Cloud or by malfunctions of invoice Cloud's processing systems. 8. Limited Warranty EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 7, THE SERVICES AND ALL CONTENT AND TRANSACTION DATA IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS, OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW BY INVOICE CLOUD AND ITS LICENSORS AND PAYMENT PROCESSORS. INVOICE CLOUD AND ITS LICENSORS AND PAYMENT PROCESSORS DO NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT (A) THE USE OF THE SERVICE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR -FREE, OR OPERATE IN COMBINATION WITH ANY OTHER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM OR DATA, (B) THAT THE SERVICE WILL NOT DELAY IN PROCESSING OR PAYING, OR (C) THE SERVICE WILL MEET REQUIREMENTS WITH RESPECT TO SIZE OR VOLUME. Invoice Cloud's service may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications. Invoice cloud is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, or other damage resulting from such problems. 9. Biller's Responsibilities. Biller represents and warrants that it has the legal power and authority to enter into this Agreement. Biller is responsible for all activity occurring under Biller's accounts and shall abide by all applicable laws, and regulations in connection with Biller's and/or its customers' and/or any payers' use of the Service, including those related to data privacy, communications, export or import of data and the transmission of technical, personal or other data. Biller represents and warrants that Biller has not falsely identified itself nor provided any false information to gain access to the Service and that Biller's billing information is correct. Biller shall: (i) notify Invoice Cloud immediately of any unauthorized use of any password or account or any other known or suspected breach of security; (ii) report to Invoice Cloud and immediately stop any copying or distribution of Content that is known or suspected to be unauthorized by Biller or Biller's Users; and (iii) obtain consent from Biller's customers and payers to receive notifications and invoices from Invoice Cloud. Invoice Cloud is not responsible for any Biller postings in error due to delayed notification from credit card processor, ACH bank and other related circumstances. Biller agrees and acknowledges that in the event that Biller has access to, receives from, creates, or receives protected health information, or Biller has access to, creates, receives, maintains or transmits on behalf of electronic protected health information (as those terms are defined under the privacy or security regulations issued pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (`HIPAA") and Subtitle D of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA"),during the performance under this Agreement, it will comply with all such law, regulations and rules related thereto. Biller is required to ensure that it maintains a fair policy with regard to the refund, return or cancellation of services and adjustment of Transactions. Biller is also required to disclose all refund, return and cancellation policies to Invoice Cloud and any applicable payment processors and Biller's Customers, as requested. Any change in a return/ cancellation policy must be submitted to Invoice Cloud, in writing, not less than 21 days prior to the effective date of such change. If Biller allows or is required to provide a price adjustment, or cancellation of Biller Agreement Rev 4.2 The complete Biller Agreement includes the Biller Order Form, the Online Terms and Conditions and this Agreement P,.ige 12 Biller Agreement services in connection with a Transaction previously processed, Biller will prepare and deliver to Invoice Cloud Transaction Data reflecting such refund/adjustment within 2 days of resolution of the request resulting in such refund/adjustment. The amount of the refund/adjustment cannot exceed the amount shown as the total on the original Transaction Data. Biller may not accept cash or any other payment or consideration from a Customer in return for preparing a refund to be deposited to the Customer's account; nor may Biller give cash/check refunds to a Customer in connection with a Transaction previously processed, unless required by applicable law 10. Indemnification. Invoice Cloud shall indemnify and hold Biller, employees, attorneys, and agents, harmless from any losses, liabilities, and daniages (including, without limitation, Biller's costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out: (i) failure by Invoice Cloud to implement commercially reasonable measures against the theft of the Customer Data; or (ii) its total failure to deliver funds processed by Invoice Cloud as required hereunder (which relates to payments due from Invoice Cloud for Transaction Data). This indemnification does not apply to any claim or complaint relating to Biller's failure to resolve a payment dispute concerning debts owed to Biller or Biller's negligence or willful misconduct or violation of any applicable agreement or law. 11. Fees. Invoice Cloud will not charge fees related to the initial setup, initial implementation and personalization of its standard Service unless a fee is included in the Biller Order Form. Invoice Cloud will charge the Biller or payer fees as provided in the Biller Order Form. In addition, Invoice Cloud reserves the right to charge for changes to the setup, implementation or personalization performed after the completion of initial setup or implementation and any other requested work or changes including the following services, at its then standard rates: • new file/biller set up • template changes • custom reports and other custom development • new bill printer support • invoice file format changes resulting in revision of integration/data translation • re -implementation of a site/system and/or new billing system • payment file revisions • loading pdfs and importing/loading invoices • conversion of biller customer registrations/passwords (post initial implementation) • balance forward of invoices • other out of scope services 12. Limitation of Liability. INVOICE CLOUDS AGGREGATE LIABTLTTY SHALL BE UP TO AND NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS ACTUALLY PAID BY AND/OR DUE FROM BILLER IN THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO SUCH CLATM. TN NO EVENT SHALL INVOICE CLOUD AND/OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, REVENUE, PROFITS, USE OR OTHER ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE) ARISING OUT OF, OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS SERVICE, EVEN IF THE PARTY FROM WHICH DAMAGES ARE BEING SOUGHT OR SUCH PARTY'S LICENSORS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY ADVTSED OF THE POSSTBILTTY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Certain states and/or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental, consequential or certain other types of damages, so the exclusions set forth above may not apply to Biller. 13. Export Control. The Biller agrees to comply with United States export controls administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, and other U.S. agencies. 14. Notice. Either party may give notice by electronic mail to the other parry's email address (for Biller, that address on record on the Biller Order Form, or by written communication sent by first class mail or pre -paid post to the other parry's address on record in Invoice Cloud's account information for Biller, and for Tnvoice Cloud, to Invoice Cloud, Inc., 30 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 303, Braintree, MA 02184 Attention: Client Set -vices. Such notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the expiration of 48 hours after mailing or posting (if sent by first class mail or pre -paid post) or 12 hours after sending (if sent by email). 15. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written approval of the other party, but may be assigned without such parry's consent to (i) a parent or subsidiary, (ii) an acquirer of assets, or (iii) a successor by merger. Any purported assignment in violation of this section shall be void. 16. Insurance. Invoice Cloud agrees to maintain in full force and effect during the term of the Agreement, at its own cost, the following coverages: Biller Agreement Rev 4.2 The complete Biller Agreement includes the Biller Order Form, the Online Terms and Conditions and this Agreement 'Iqe 13 Biller Agreement a. Commercial General or Business Liability Insurance with minimum combined single limits of One Million ($1,000,000) each occurrence and Two Million ($2,000,000) general aggregate. b. Umbrella Liability Insurance with minimum combined single limits of Five Million ($5,000,000) each occurrence and Five Million ($5,000,000) general aggregate. c. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage of not less than One Million ($1,000,000) for any one occurrence, with respect to each of the Invoice Cloud's owned, hired or non -owned vehicles assigned to or used in performance of the Services. d. Errors and Omissions Insurance (Professional Liability and Ober Insurance) with limits of liability of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and in the aggregate. 17. immigration Laws. For Services performed within the United States, Invoice Cloud will assign only personnel who are either citizens of the United States or legally eligible to work in the United States. Invoice Cloud represents and warrants that it has complied and will comply with all applicable immigration laws with respect to the personnel assigned to the Biller. 18. Beta Products. In the event that there is any functionality labelled "Beta" on the Biller Order Form, such functionality is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS, OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW BY INVOICE CLOUD AND ITS LICENSORS AND PAYMENT PROCESSORS. INVOICE CLOUD'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO SUCH FUNCTIONALITY SHALL BE UP TO AND NOT EXCEED $10. 19. General. With respect to agreements with municipalities, localities or governmental authorities, this Agreement shall be governed by the law of the state wherein such municipality, locality or governmental authority is established, without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. With respect toBillers who are not with municipalities, localities or governmental authorities, this Agreement shall be governed by Massachusetts law and controlling United States federal law, without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. No text or information set forth on any other purchase order, preprinted form or document (other than aBiller Order, if applicable) shall add to or vary the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be inval id or unenforceable, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the invalid or unenforceable provision(s), with all other provisions remaining in full force and effect. No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between Biller and Invoice Cloud as a result of this agreement or use of the Service. The failure of either party to enforce any right or provision in this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Invoice Cloud in writing. All rights and obligations of the parties in Sections 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 19 shall survive termination of this Agreement. This Agreement, together with any applicable Biller Order Form, comprises the entire agreement between Biller and Invoice Cloud and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions or agreements, whether written or oral between the parties regarding the subject matter contained herein. Biller agrees that Invoice Cloud can disclose the fact that Biller is a paying customer and the edition of the Service that Biller is using. Additional terms and conditions and definitions applicable to this Agreement and the Biller Order Form are found at www.invoieccloud.com/termsandeonditions (the "Biller T+C") and are agreed to by Invoice Cloud and the Biller. Biller Agreement Rev 4.2 The complete Biller Agreement includes the Biller Order Form, the Online Terms and Conditions and this Agreement P,.ige 14 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION�1` Board Action Form �rMturscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Consideration of 2021 Non -Union Pay Grid Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 10 New Business Attachments,: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Per the objectives of the HUC Compensation Plan for non -union employees, HUC will: a) Establish and maintain a compensation plan that enables HUC to be highly competitive within our defined industry. b) Lead or exceed the market in attracting and retaining qualified, reliable and motivated employees who are committed to quality and excellence for those we serve. c) Ensure, subject to the financial condition of HUC, that employees receive fair and equitable compensation in relation to their individual contributions to HUC's success. To accomplish this, HUC annually considers a market adjustment to the current pay grid based on market statistics. 2020 Statistics below: 1. U.S: CPI-U: 1.2%, CPI-W: 1.3%, Mpls/St. Paul CPI-U: 1.7%, CPI-W: 2.4% (Nov.) 2. Social Security: COLA increase for 2021 - 1.3% COLA for 2020 - 1.6% 3. Hutchinson Unemployment rate - 3.9% (Oct.) 4. Employee turnover rate - >2% 5. Bargaining Unit Increase - 3.25% 1/1/2020 & 3.25% 1/1/2021 6. Upper-midwest/other salary market data: Public Sector: 2.02%, Private Sector: 1.9% Attached is the recommended non -union pay grid for 2021 that incorporates a 2% grid shift BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the proposed 2021 non -union pay grid. Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: No Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: 2020 PAY GRID Between Grades: 6% Range: 35.0% Starting midpoint: 0 2020 Salary Range Grade Min Mid Max 1 44,401.21 52,171.43 59,941.65 2 47,065.29 55,301.72 63,538.14 3 49,889.21 58,619.82 67,350.43 4 52,882.56 62,137.01 71,391.46 5 56,055.51 65,865.23 75,674.95 6 59,418.84 69,817.15 80,215.44 7 62,983.98 74,006.18 85,028.36 8 66,763.01 78,446.54 90,130.07 9 70,768.79 83,153.34 95,537.87 10 75,014.92 88,142.53 101,270.15 11 79,515.82 93,431.08 107,346.36 12 1 84,286.77 99,036.95 113,787.14 13 89,343.97 104,979.17 120,614.36 14 94,704.61 111,277.91 127,851.23 15 100, 3 86.89 117,954.60 135,522.29 16 106, 410.10 125,031.86 143,653.63 17 112,794.70 132,533.78 152, 272.86 18 119,562.39 140, 485.81 1 161, 409.2 2 19 1 126,736.13 148, 914.9 6 171, 09 3.78 20 134, 340.30 157, 849.86 181, 359.40 21 142,400.71 167,320.84 192, 240.97 22 150,944.76 177,360.10 203,775.43 2020 Hourly Rate Range Min Mid Max 22.84 26.84 30.84 24.21 28.45 32.69 25.66 30.16 34.65 27.20 31.96 36.73 28.84 33.88 38.93 30.57 1 35.92 41.26 32.40 38.07 43.74 34.34 40.35 46.36 36.41 42.78 49.15 38.59 45.34 52.10 40.90 48.06 55.22 43.36 50.95 58.53 45.96 54.00 62.05 48.72 57.24 65.77 51.64 60.68 69.72 54.74 64.32 73.90 58.02 68.18 78.33 61.51 72.27 83.03 65.20 76.61 1 88.01 69.11 81.20 93.30 73.25 86.07 98.89 77.65 91.24 104.83 2021 PAY GRID RECOMMENDATION - 2% Increase to Grid Between Grades: 6% Range: 35.00% Starting midpoint: 0 2021 Salary Range Grade Min Mid Max 1 45,289.24 53,214.86 61,140.48 2 48,006.59 56,407.75 64,808.90 3 50,886.99 59,792.22 68,697.44 4 53,940.21 63,379.75 72,819.29 5 57,176.62 67,182.53 77,188.45 6 60,607.22 71,213.49 81,819.75 7 64,243.66 75,486.30 86,728.93 8 68,098.27 80,015.47 91,932.67 9 72,184.17 84,816.40 97,448.63 10 76,515.22 89,905.38 103,295.55 11 81,106.14 95,299.71 109,493.29 12 1 85,972.50 101,017.69 116,062.88 13 91,130.85 107,078.75 123,026.65 14 96,598.70 113,503.47 130,408.25 15 102,394.62 120,313.69 138, 232.74 16 108,538.30 127,532.50 146,526.70 17 115,050.60 135,184.46 155,318.31 18 121,953.64 1 143, 295.53 164,637.41 19 1 129, 270.85 151,893.26 174,515.66 20 137, 027.10 161, 006.85 184, 986.59 21 145, 248.73 170,667.26 196,085.79 22 153,963.66 180,907.30 207,850.94 2021 Hourly Rate Range Min Mid Max 21.77 25.58 29.39 23.08 27.12 31.16 24.46 28.75 33.03 25.93 30.47 35.01 27.49 32.30 37.11 29.14 34.24 39.34 30.89 36.29 41.70 32.74 38.47 44.20 34.70 40.78 46.85 36.79 43.22 49.66 38.99 45.82 52.64 41.33 48.57 55.80 43.81 51.48 59.15 46.44 54.57 62.70 49.23 57.84 66.46 52.18 61.31 70.45 55.31 64.99 74.67 58.63 68.89 79.15 62.15 73.03 83.90 65.88 77.41 88.94 69.83 82.05 94.27 74.02 86.97 99.93 Positions Grade Positions Grade Purchasing/Inventory Agent 7 Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager 15 Account Supervisor 8 Production Manager 15 Administrative Coordinator 8 Financial Manager 16 Accountant 8 Engineering Services Manager 16 Energy Conservation Administrator 9 Natural Gas Director 17 Computer Systems Analyst 10 General Manager 21 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION�1` Board Action Form �rMturscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: 2021 Electric & NG Operating Budgets & 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 10 New Business Attachments,: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Attached is the final 2021 operating budgets and 5 year (2021-2025) CIP for the Electric and Natural Gas Divisions. Prior to the November board meeting preliminary 2021 operating budgets and the 2021 CIP were sent out to the commission for review. At the November meeting on 11-25-20 a high level overview of the 2021 budgets were reviewed and the major changes budgeted from 2020 to 2021 were discussed in detail. Since that time, some additions & reductions have been made on the expense side of the 2021 operating budgets reflected in the final budgets: machinery/boiler insurance (+$138,152), Bright Energy Choices Program (+$78,000), furniture upgrades (+$6,400) and Distribution Study (-$5,000). On the 5 Year CIP there were no changes. Management recommends the Commission approve the final 2021 Operating budgets and 5 - Year CIP Program (2021-2025). As is customary, the 5 - Year CIP changes from year to year and will be reviewed and updated as needed moving into 2022. 0 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve 2021 Electric and Natural Gas Division Operating Budgets & 5 Yr. CIP Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: No Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: COMBINED DIVISIONS (ELECTRIC & GAS) Dollar % change YEAR 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Budget 2021 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2020/2021 REVENUES: Customer Sales 36,117,108 36,572,180 35,656,669 34,319,116 34,245o920 (73,196) -0.21% Sales for Resale 2,171,853 3,071,099 2,773,852 3,007,250 3,360,000 352,750 11.73% Power Cost Adjustments - - - 1,500,000 1,300,000 (200,000) -13.33% NU Transportation 902,042 940,990 1,040,698 898,640 998,904 100,264 11.16% Electric Division Transfer 651,699 656,366 659,783 665,283 682,550 17,267 2.60% Other Revenues 818,464 711,576 709,652 499,663 388,661. (111,002) -22.22% Interest Earnings 145,409 408,996 617,458 350,000 350,000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES: 40,806,575 42,361,206 41,458,111 41,239,952 41,326,035 86P083 0.21% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 5,743,040 5,770,263 6,165,652 6,871,803 7,001,170 129,367 1.9% Purchased Power/Gas 21,141,107 20,717,620 19,737,334 19,252,477 18o426o340 (826,137) -4.3% Transmission 2,462,733 2,454,965 2,856,868 2,680,000 3,200o000 520,000 19.4% Generator Fuel/Chemicals 890,113 1,126,228 655,943 730,099 699,492 (30,607) -4.2% Depreciation 3,852,675 3,804,484 3,807,479 3,925,000 4,100,000 175,000 4.5% Transfers (Electric/City) 1,700,646 1,907,835 2,261,207 2,532,475 2,549o742 17,267 0.7% Operating Expense 2,603,863 2,372,815 2,526,166 2,776,166 3,01.6,220 240,054 8.6% Debt Interest 840,817 1,231,469 1,160,215 1,074,507 990,507 (84,000) -7.8% TOTAL EXPENSES: 39,234,994 39,385,678 39,170,863 39,842,527 39,983,471 140,944 0.35% ELECTRIC DIVISION Dollar % change YEAR 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Budget 2021 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2020/2021 REVENUES: Residential 5,341,820 5,601,482 5,638,725 5,378,745 5,662,576 283,831 5.28% Small General 1,814,703 1,934,682 1,949,017 1,812,406 1,844o067 31,661 1.75% Large General 7,235,331 7,589,242 7,617,714 7,311,058 7,325o3O6 14,248 0.19% Industrial 10,778,629 10,218,577 9,667,324 9,483,527 9,172J.39 (311,388) -3.28% Power Cost Adjustments - - - 1,500,000 1,300,000 (200,000) -13.33% Street Lighting 147,484 147,470 147,456 141,712 1.37o332 (4,380) -3.09% Sales for Resale 2,171,853 3,071,099 2,773,852 3,007,250 3,360,000 352,750 11.73% Other Revenues 500,576 324,153 319,841 212,955 1.33,256 (79,699) -37.43% Interest Earnings 78,873 204,498 308,607 175,000 1.75,000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES: 28,069,269 29,091,203 28,422,536 29p022p653 29,109,676 87p023 0.30% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 4,555,425 4,560,613 4,574,592 5,018,450 5,11%467 101,017 2.01% Purchased Power 14,257,952 14,633,533 13,776,294 13,480,332 12oMo000 (592,332) -4.39% Transmission 2,462,733 2,454,965 2,856,868 2,680,000 3,200o000 520,000 19.40% Generator Fuel/Chemicals 890,113 1,126,228 655,943 730,099 699o492 (30,607) -4.19% Depreciation 2,830,636 2,770,697 2,728,998 2,900,000 3,000,000 100,000 3.45% Transfers (Electric/City) 1,333,515 1,538,693 1,766,062 1,958,826 1,976o093 17,267 0.88% Operating Expense 1,905,411 1,679,830 1,758,807 1,807,028 1,956,41.5 149,387 8.27% Debt Interest 110,801 562,765 556,573 533,657 507,857 (25,800) -4.83% TOTAL EXPENSES: 28,346,586 29,327,323 28,674p137 29,108,392 29,347,324 238,932 0.82% GAS DIVISION Dollar % change YEAR 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Budget 2021 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2020/2021 REVENUES: Residential 3,937,048 4,139,639 3,981,709 3,870,540 3,884o607 14,067 0.36% Commercial 3,566,209 3,497,097 3,417,002 3,318,341 3oMoM (34,648) -1.04% Contracted Industrial 3,295,884 3,443,991 3,237,722 3,002,787 2,936o200 (66,587) -2.22% NU13rd Party Agreements 902,042 940,990 1,040,698 898,640 998,904 100,264 11.16% Electric Division Transfer 651,699 656,366 659,783 665,283 682,550 17,267 2.60% Other Revenues 317,887 387,423 389,811 286,708 255,405 (31,303) -10.92% Interest Earnings 66,536 204,498 308,850 175,000 1.75,000 - 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES: 12,737,306 13,270,003 13,035,575 12,217,299 12,216,359 (940) -0.01% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 1,187,615 1,209,650 1,591,060 1,853,353 1,881,703 28,350 1.53% Purchased Gas 6,883,154 6,084,086 5,961,040 5,772,145 5,538o340 (233,805) -4.05% Depreciation 1,022,039 1,033,788 1,078,481 1,025,000 I.j.00o000 75,000 7.32% Transfers (City) 367,131 369,142 495,145 573,649 573,649 - 0.00% Operating Expense 698,452 692,985 767,359 969,138 1,05%805 90667 9.36% Debt Interest 730,016 668,704 603,642 540,850 482,650 (58:200) 10.76% TOTAL EXPENSES: 10,888,407 10,058,355 10,496,726 10,734,135 10,636,147 (97p988) -0.91% Detailed Income Statement Combined Divisions (Electric & G; OPERATING REVENUES Electric Energy Sales Natural Gas Sales Other Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Production: Operations $ Maintenance Operations $ Purchased Power/Gas $ Other Power Supply $ Transmission: Operations $ Maintenance $ Distribution Expense: Operations $ Maintenance $ Customer Accounts Expense $ Sales Expense $ Administrative & General $ Depreciation $ Contribution to the City of Hutchinson $ Total Operating Expenses $ Operating Income (Loss) $ NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest Income $ Merchandise & Contract Work, Net $ Miscellaneous Income $ Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Assets $ Bond Service Fees $ Bond Premium $ Prior Period Adjustment $ Interest Expense - Customer Deposits $ Interest Expense - Bonds $ Total Nonoperating Revenus (Expenses) $ Net Income (Loss) COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (%) Net Income (%) of Operating Sales N.I. (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) $ 27,489,820 $ 28,562,552 $ 27,794,087 $ 27,844,389 $ 29,070,030 $ 28,634,697 $ 28,801,421 $ 10,799,141 $ 11,080,727 $ 10,636,433 $ 10,438,416 $ 10,166,488 $ 10,191,668 $ 10,104,500 $ 1,746,653 $ 1,849,854 $ 1,961,587 $ 1,676,006 $ 1,816,835 $ 1,811,523 $ 1,818,050 $ 40,035,614 $ 41,493,133 $ 40,392,107, $ 39,958,811 $ 41,053,353 $ 40,637,888 $ 40,723,971 2,670,071 $ 3,510,634 $ 3,170,009 401,730 $ 409,983 $ 606,236 21,141,107 $ 20,717,620 $ 19,737,334 376,398 $ 543,339 $ 261,556 2,747,937 $ 2,786,536 $ 3,530,680 86,959 $ 28,686 $ 29,786 1,013,466 $ 1,635,183 $ 1,795,547 504,138 $ 577,200 $ 552,560 480,195 $ 421,909 $ 425,636 324,749 $ 412,606 $ 304,720 3,256,490 $ 1,711,878 $ 1,946,234 3,852,419 $ 3,804,484 $ 3,807,479 1,196,331 $ 1,398,853 $ 1,675,116 38.051.989 $ 37.958.911 $ 37.842.891 1,983,625 $ 3,534,222 $ 2,549,216 145,409 $ 408,996 $ 617,458 48,771 $ 12,512 $ (63,841) 160,159 $ 105,444 $ 138,334 62,027 $ 17,853 $ (174,964) $ (925) $ 191,185 $ 219,065 $ 219,065 - $ (83,203) $ (3,811) $ (6,967) $ (11,818) (840,818) $ (1,231,469) $ (1,161,165) $ 3,459,066 $ 3,669,045 $ 3,315,441 $ 3,242,868 $ 573,881 $ 742,459 $ 601,351 $ 633,410 $ 19,600,000 $ 19,155,179 $ 19,252,477 $ 18,426,340 $ 441,157 $ 246,288 $ 242,317 $ 252,318 $ 2,960,765 $ 3,714,151 $ 3,359,520 $ 3,899,235 $ 63,897 $ 65,792 $ 74,938 $ 162,096 $ 1,945,329 $ 2,016,834 $ 2,300,811 $ 2,260,512 $ 764,058 $ 859,065 $ 795,121 $ 819,927 $ 454,357 $ 471,189 $ 481,650 $ 499,481 $ 509,631 $ 495,313 $ 486,232 $ 503,007 $ 1,759,162 $ 2,239,930 $ 2,032,871 $ 2,232,978 $ 3,908,000 $ 3,925,000 $ 3,925,000 $ 4,100,000 $ 1,398,853 $ 1,675,116 $ 1,867,192 $ 1,867,192 $ 37.838.156 $ 39.275.361 $ 38.734.921 $ 38.899.364 $ 2,120,655 $ 1,777,992 $ 1,902,967 $ 1,824,607 $ 100,000 $ 250,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ (24,500) $ (18,500) $ 1,500 $ (59,500) $ (2,400) $ (2,400) $ (1,000) $ (500) $ 185,608 $ 219,064 $ 219,064 $ 219,064 $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ (1,280,863) $ (1,168,007) $ (1,075,007) $ (991,007) $ 27,424,201 $ 27,996,798 $ 27,996,798 $ 27,098,766 $ 27,592,914 $ 26,846,044 $ 26,616,266 $ 13,496,336 $ 12,611,413 $ 13,496,336 $ 12,860,045 $ 13,460,439 $ 13,791,844 $ 14,107,705 32% 33% 0% 32% 33% 34% 35% 5% 9% 6% 5% 4% 5% 4% 4% 7% 6% 2.7% 2.6% 3.4% 3.3% - - - 4.7% 3.7% 4.2% 4.0% 2021 COMBINED INC. STATEMENT 2021 Net Income $ 1,342,564 Capitalized Labor - Production $ 2,000 Capitalized Labor - Distribution $ 212,000 Capitalized Labor - Natural Gas $ 78,500 Combined INCSTMNT $ 1,635,064 2021 COMBINED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2021 Net Income $ 1,342,564 Depreciation $ 4,100,000 2021 Total Cap Exp $ (2,540,586) Principal Debt Payments $ (2,240,000) Insurance Proceeds $ 468,037 SOE Proceeds $ 146,500 Combined Cash Flow $ 1,276,515 2021 Cap Ex (As necessary) $ 116,000 Detailed Income Statement Electric Division OPERATING REVENUES Energy Sales Revenue Sales - Electric Energy (440, 442, 444) Power Cost Adjustments Other Energy Sales (447) Total Energy Sales Revenue (440, 442, 444, 447) Revenue From Other Sources Revenue From Other Sources (450, 451) Security Lights (454.01) Pole Rental (454.02, 454.03) Total Revenue From Other Sources (450, 451, 454) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Production Operations Operation Supervison & Engineering (546) Fuel (547) Operating Supplies and Expense (550) Total Production Operations (546, 547, 550) Maintenance Operations Structures (554) Generating Units (554) Other Equipment (554) Total Maintenance Operations (554) Other Power Supply Expense Purchased Power (555) System Control & Load Dispatch (556) Engineering Services (557) Total Other Power Supply Expense (555, 556, 557) Transmission Expense Transmission Expense Operation (560) Transmission Expense Operation (565) Transmission Expense Operation (567) Transmission Expense Maintenance (574) Total Transmission Expense (560, 565, 567, 574) Distribution Expense: Distribution Operation (580, 581, 586, 588, 589) Distribution Maintenance (592, 594, 595, 596, 598) Total Distribution Expense (580 ,581, 586, 588, 589, 592, 594, 595, 596, 598) Customer Service and Collection Meter Reading (902) Collection Expense (903) Bad Debt Write offs (904) Customer Services (906) Total Customer Service and Collection (902, 903, 904, 906) Sales Expense Supervison (911) Misc. Selling Expense (916) Total Sales Expense (911, 916) $ 25,317,967 $ 23,806,052 $ 23,139,852 $ 24,025,189 $ 24,118,530 $ 24,127,447 $ 24,141,421 $ - $ 1,685,401 $ 1,880,384 $ 1,300,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 2,171,853 $ 3,071,099 $ 2,773,852 $ 2,519,200 $ 2,951,500 $ 3,007,250 $ 3,360,000 $ 27,489,820 $ 28,562,552 $ 27,794,087 $ 27,844,389 $ 29,070,030 $ 28,634,697 $ 28,801,421 $ 155,878 $ 171,831 $ 177,600 $ 198,800 $ 193,500 $ 169,500 $ 88,800 $ 11,280 $ 11,005 $ 10,905 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 11,000 $ 167,158 $ 182,836 $ 188,505 $ 208,800 $ 203,500 $ 179,500 $ 99,800 $ 27,656,978 $ 28,745,388 $ 27,982,592 IIIII $ 28,053,189 $ 29,273,530 $ 28,814,197 $ 28,901,220 $ 1,080,868 $ 1,689,922 $ 1,791,618 $ 1,784,518 $ 1,837,312 $ 1,788,183 $ 1,816,326 $ 1,468,148 $ 1,710,866 $ 1,200,463 $ 1,519,048 $ 1,686,733 $ 1,364,758 $ 1,262,790 $ 121,056 $ 109,845 $ 177,927 $ 155,500 $ 145,000 $ 162,500 $ 163,752 $ 2,670,071 $ 3,510,634 $ 3,170,009 $ 3,459,066 $ 3,669,045 $ 3,315,441 $ 3,242,868 $ 8,938 $ 9,583 $ 4,371 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 285,527 $ 293,927 $ 467,394 $ 523,881 $ 692,459 $ 551,351 $ 442,410 $ 107,265 $ 106,472 $ 134,471 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 181,000 $ 401,730 $ 409,983 $ 606,236 $ 573,881 $ 742,459 $ 601,351 $ 633,410 $ 14,257,952 $ 14,633,533 $ 13,776,294 $ 14,000,000 $ 13,640,000 $ 13,480,332 $ 12,888,000 $ 376,398 $ 543,339 $ 254,249 $ 441,157 $ 246,288 $ 242,317 $ 252,318 $ 14,634,350 $ 15,176,872 $ 14,037,850 $ 14,441,157 $ 13,886,288 $ 13,722,649 $ 13,140,318 $ 162,394 $ 169,311 $ 184,831 $ 145,000 $ 145,000 $ 165,000 $ 175,000 $ 2,462,733 $ 2,454,965 $ 2,856,868 $ 2,630,000 $ 3,380,000 $ 2,680,000 $ 3,200,000 $ - $ 11,028 $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 82,311 $ 27,843 $ 23,042 $ 52,155 $ 54,014 $ 69,688 $ 115,283 $ 2,707,438 $ 2,663,147 $ 3,064,741 IIIII $ 2,837,155 $ 3,579,014 $ 2,914,688 $ 3,490,283 $ 547,997 $ 947,724 $ 1,034,834 $ 1,162,449 $ 1,227,878 $ 1,347,183 $ 1,348,396 $ 345,417 $ 403,836 $ 333,359 $ 357,335 $ 384,411 $ 414,851 $ 391,536 $ 893,414 $ 1,351,560 $ 1,368,192 IIIII $ 1,519,784 $ 1,612,289 $ 1,762,034 $ 1,739,932 $ 51,215 $ 19,421 $ 10,311 $ 23,299 $ 24,401 $ 25,267 $ 26,030 $ 151,657 $ 155,143 $ 153,784 $ 167,649 $ 170,303 $ 170,182 $ 176,512 $ 30,612 $ (4,247) $ 17,513 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 41,557 $ 55,986 $ 59,168 $ 59,720 $ 63,083 $ 66,460 $ 68,849 $ 275,041 $ 226,303 $ 240,776 $ 256,168 $ 263,287 $ 267,408 $ 276,891 $ 231,090 $ 286,184 $ 181,504 $ 346,442 $ 340,421 $ 333,948 $ 336,281 $ 231,090 $ 286,184 $ 181,504 $ 346,442 $ 340,421 $ 333,948 $ 336,281 Detailed Income Statement Electric Division Administrative and General Adminstrative and General Labor (920) Office Supplies and Expenses (921) Outside Services (923) Property Insurance (924) Employee Pension & Benefits (926) Regulatory Expense (928) Misc. General Expense (930) Maint. Of General Plant (935) Total Administrative and General (920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930, 935) Other Expenses Depreciation Expense (403) Payment in Lieu of Taxes (408) Contribution To City - Roadway Lighting (408) Total Other Expenses (403, 408) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) Merchandise & Contract Work, Net Interest Income Misc. Income Interest- Customer Deposits Bond Service Fees Interest Expense - 2013B Bonds Interest Expense - 2017B Bonds Bond Premium Gain (Loss) On Disposal Prior Period Adjustment TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) NETINCOME COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (%) Net Income (%) of Operating Sales Net Income (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) $ 427,182 $ 454,453 $ 467,610 $ 362,898 $ 257,839 $ 319,123 $ 118,128 $ 120,425 $ 95,056 $ 111,072 $ 114,394 $ 140,368 $ 1,296,129 $ 114,255 $ 220,559 $ 20,912 $ 21,573 $ 6,717 $ 77,534 $ 82,658 $ 78,492 $ 39,133 $ 45,218 $ 88,494 $ 2,452,988 $ 1,210,816 $ 1,416,419 $ 449,079 $ 464,333 $ 486,404 $ 505,050 $ 277,400 $ 347,031 $ 281,545 $ 264,901 $ 80,306 $ 99,306 $ 99,306 $ 127,981 $ 86,000 $ 89,000 $ 193,177 $ 333,337 $ 178,250 $ 193,428 $ 206,431 $ 201,276 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 102,836 $ 94,836 $ 99,836 $ 100,536 $ 46,938 $ 51,186 $ 74,975 $ 67,359 $ 1,250,809 $ 1,364,120 $ 1,461,674 $ 1,615,441 $ 2,830,636 $ 2,770,697 $ 2,728,998 $ 2,900,000 $ 2,900,000 $ 2,900,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 681,816 $ 882,327 $ 1,106,279 $ 882,327 $ 1,106,279 $ 1,293,543 $ 1,293,543 $ 147,384 $ 147,384 $ 73,692 $ 147,384 $ 73,692 $ - $ - $ 3,659,836 $ 3,800,408 $ 3,908,969 $ 3,929,711 $ 4,079,971 $ 4,193,543 $ 4,293,543 $ 27,925,958 $ 28,635,906 $ 27,994,695 $ (268,980) $ 109,481 $ (12,103)I $ 5,171 $ (36,559) $ (85,497) $ 78,873 $ 204,498 $ 308,607 $ 142,013 $ 71,834 $ 68,189 $ (2,499) $ (4,528) $ (7,681) $ (174,964) $ (925) $ $ (20,248) $ - $ $ (90,553) $ (562,765) $ (556,573) $ 5,576 $ 33,457 $ 33,457 $ 48,295 $ 11,789 $ - $ - $ (62,402) $ - $ (8,337) $ (345,601) $ (239,497) $ 28,614,173 $ 29,536,894 $ 28,572,735 $ 28,768,967 $ (560,984) $ (263,364) $ 241,462 $ 132,253 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) $ (1,000) $ (70,000) $ 50,000 $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ (2,400) $ (2,400) $ (1,000) $ (500) $ (606,763) $ (558,657) $ (533,657) $ (507,857) $ $ 33,456 $ 33,456 $ 33,456 $ (560,163) $ (403,601) $ (327,201) $ (369,901) $ (277,317) $ (236,120) $ (251,600) IIII $ (1,121,147) $ (666,965) $ (85,739) $ (237,648) $ 20,413,589 $ 21,760,635 $ 20,878,835 $ 21,311,259 $ 21,876,806 $ 20,554,129 $ 20,506,879 $ 7,243,389 $ 6,984,752 $ 7,103,757 $ 6,741,930 $ 7,396,724 $ 8,260,068 $ 8,394,341 26.2% 24.3% 25.4% 24.0% 25.3% 28.7% 29.0% -1.0% 0.4% -0.04% -2.0% -0.9% 0.8% 0.5% -1.0% -0.8% -0.9% -4.0% -2.3% -0.3% -0.8% -1.3% -1.3% 0.5% -0.1% NET INCOME 2021 Net Income $ (237,648) Cap.Labor- Production $ 2,000 Cap.Labor- Distribution $ 212,000 2021 Net Income $ (23,648) CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2021 Net Income $ (237,648) Depreciation $ 3,000,000 2017B Principal Debt Payment $ (675,000) Plant 2 Transformer Project $ (1,344,586) 2021 Cap Exp $ (619,000) Insurance Proceeds $ 468,037 SOE Proceeds $ 146,500 2021 Electric Cash Flow $ 738,303 2021 Cap Exp (As necessary)/ Detailed Income Statement Gas Division OPERATING REVENUES Energy Sales Revenue Sales - Natural Gas --Retail Contract Sales to Large Customers (Includes 3M & HTI transport) New Ulm, HCP, & UFC Transportation Transportation --Electric Division Total Energy Sales Revenue (440, 442, 444, 447) Revenue From Other Sources Revenue From Other Sources(450,451) Total Revenue From Other Sources (450, 451, 454) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Purchased Gas Purchased Gas for Retail (807) Contract Gas for Large Customer (807) Total Purchased Gas Transmission Gas Transmission System Control Operations (851) Gas Transmission Operations (856) Gas Transmission Maintenance (863) Total Transmission (851, 856, 863) Distribution Operations Supervision and Engineering (870) Mains and Services (874) Meters (878) Misc.(880) Total Distribution Operation (870, 874, 878, 880) Distribution Maintenance Lines --Services and Mains (892) Meters and House Regulators (893) Maintenance of Other Plant (895) Total Distribution Maintenance (892, 893, 895) Customer Service and Collection Meter Reading (902) Collection Expense (903) Bad Debt Write offs (904) Customer Services (906) Total Customer Service and Collection (902, 903, 904, 906) Sales Expense Supervison (911) Misc. Selling Expense (916) Total Sales Expense (911, 916) Administrative and General Administrative and General Labor (920) Office Supplies and Expenses (921) Outside Services (923) Property Insurance (924) Employee Pension & Benefits (926) Regulatory Expense (928) Misc. General Expense (930) Maint. Of General Plant (935) Total Administrative and General (920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930, 935) $ 7,503,257 $ 7,636,736 $ 7,398,711 '! $ 7,688,416 $ 7,259,855 $ 7,188,881 $ 7,168,300 $ 3,295,884 $ 3,443,991 $ 3,237 722 $ 2,750,000 $ 2,906,633 $ 3,002,787 $ 2,936,200 $ 902,042 $ 940,990 $ 1,040 698 $ 739,440 $ 885,452 $ 898,640 $ 998,904 $ 651,699 $ 656,366 $ 659,783 ; $ 656,366 $ 659,783 $ 665,283 $ 682,550 $ 12,352,883 $ 12,678,083 $ 12,336,914 $ 11,834,222 $ 11,711,723 $ 11,755,591 $ 11,785,954 $ 25,753 $ 69,663 $ 72,601 $ 25,753 $ 69,663 $ 72,601 $ 12,378,636 $ 12,747,746 $12,409,515 $ 71,400 $ 68,100 $ 68,100 $ 36,797 $ 71,400 $ 68,100 $ 68,100 $ 36,797 $ 11,905,622 $ 11,779,823 $ 11,823,691 $ 11,822,751 $ 4,272,140 $ 3,579,198 $ 3,428,182 '' $ 3,300,000 $ 3,301,453 $ 3,557,453 $ 3,472,253 $ 2,611,014 $ 2,504,889 $ 2,532858 $ 2,300,000 $ 2,213,726 $ 2,214,692 $ 2,066,087 $ 6,883,154 $ 6,084,086 $ 5,961,040 ; $ 5,600,000 $ 5,515,179 $ 5,772,145 $ 5,538,340 $ - $ - $ 312,414 $ - $ - $ 264,102 $ 258,985 $ 122,810 $ 151,232 $ 176567 $ 175,765 $ 189,151 $ 250,417 $ 265,250 $ 4,648 $ 843 $ 6744 $ 11,742 $ 11,778 $ 5,250 $ 46,812 $ 127,458 $ 152,076 $ 495,725 '' $ 187,507 $ 200,929 $ 519,770 $ 571,047 $ 160,609 $ 391,213 $ 438,724 $ 440,517 $ 478,898 $ 518,685 $ 458,416 $ 143,315 $ 103,422 $ 116806 $ 192,670 $ 161,748 $ 207,000 $ 189,000 $ 19,765 $ 18,415 $ 13599 $ 872 $ 26,000 $ 29,137 $ 10,000 $ 141,781 $ 174,409 $ 191,585 $ 148,821 $ 122,310 $ 198,806 $ 254,700 $ 465,470 $ 687,459 $ 760,714 ; $ 782,880 $ 788,956 $ 953,628 $ 912,116 $ 116,256 $ 110,325 $ 171,156 $ 179,698 $ 235,723 $ 194,516 $ 240,806 $ 1,412 $ - $ 478 $ 25,266 $ 25,769 $ 25,944 $ 26,280 $ 41,053 $ 63,039 $ 47,567 $ 201,759 $ 213,162 $ 159,810 $ 161,306 $ 158,721 $ 173,364 $ 219,201 $ 406,723 $ 474,654 $ 380,270 $ 428,392 $ 41,663 $ 15,136 $ 5882 $ 19,062 $ 19,965 $ 20,672 $ 21,297 $ 125,156 $ 125,679 $ 124877 $ 125,766 $ 146,824 $ 149,694 $ 140,462 $ 4,333 $ 8,983 $ 5,690 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 34,001 $ 45,808 $ 48,411 $ 48,861 $ 36,613 $ 39,376 $ 56,331 $ 205,154 $ 195,606 $ 184,860 $ 198,189 $ 207,902 $ 214,242 $ 222,590 $ 93,659 $ 126,422 $ 123216 $ 163,189 $ 154,892 $ 152,284 $ 166,726 $ 93,659 $ 126,422 $ 123,216 $ 163,189 $ 154,892 $ 152,284 $ 166,726 $ 143,981 $ 154,594 $ 159570 $ 150,184 $ 323,341 $ 162,134 $ 168,349 $ 120,613 $ 84,274 $ 147,944 $ 90,800 $ 162,860 $ 90,310 $ 96,834 $ 46,743 $ 51,315 $ 37782 ; $ 26,769 $ 36,769 $ 36,769 $ 55,994 $ 30,723 $ 32,870 $ 46,071 $ 59,000 $ 76,225 $ 49,399 $ 50,739 $ 354,444 $ 54,889 $ 10,533 $ 61,750 $ 145,533 $ 73,227 $ 71,092 $ 16,097 $ 35,313 $ 35,996 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 40,000 $ 55,000 $ 60,977 $ 55,049 $ 60,497 $ 68,558 $ 68,558 $ 64,558 $ 70,758 $ 29,923 $ 32,758 $ 31,422 $ 31,292 $ 42,524 $ 54,800 $ 48,773 $ 803,501 $ 501,062 $ 529,815 $ 508,353 $ 875,810 $ 571,197 $ 617,538 Detailed Income Statement Gas Division Other Expenses Depreciation Expense (403) Payment in Lieu of Taxes (408) Total Other Expenses (403, 408) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) Merchandise & Contract Work, Net Interest Income Misc. Income Bond Premium Interest Expense - Bonds Interest Expense - Customer Deposits Gain (Loss) On Disposal Prior Period Adjustment TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) NET INCOME COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (Y) Net Income (Y) of Operating Sales Net Income (Y) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) $ 1,021,783 $ 1,033,788 $ 1,078,481 '' $ 1,008,000 $ 1,025,000 $ 1,025,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 367,131 $ 369,142 $ 495,145 $ 369,142 $ 495,145 $ 573,649 $ 573,649 $ 1,388,914 $ 1,402,930 $ 1,573,626 $ 1,377,142 $ 1,520,145 $ 1,598,649 $ 1,673,649 $ 10,126,031 $ 9,323,005 $ 9,848,197 $ 9,223,983 $ 9,738,467 $ 10,162,185 $ 10,130,397 $ 2,252,605 $ 3,424,741 $ 2,561,319 $ 2,681,639 $ 2,041,356 $ 1,661,506 $ 1,692,353 $ 43,600 $ 49,071 $ 21,655 $ (23,500) $ (17,500) $ 2,500 $ 10,500 $ 66,536 $ 204,498 $ 308,850 $ 50,000 $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 18,146 $ 33,610 $ 70145 ; $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ (730,017) $ (668,704) $ (604592); $ (674,100) $ (609,350) $ (541,350) $ (483,150) $ (1,312) $ (2,439) $ (4,137) $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ 13,732 $ 6,063 $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (20,801) $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ (403,706) $ (213,093) $ (22470) $ (462,092) $ (316,342) $ (178,342) $ (112,142) $ 1,848,899 $ 3,211,648 $ 2,538,849 $ 2,219,547 $ 1,725,014 $ 1,483,164 $ 1,580,212 $ 7,010,612 $ 6,236,162 $ 6,456,765 $ 5,787,507 $ 5,716,108 $ 6,291,915 $ 6,109,387 $ 5,368,024 $ 6,511,583 $ 5,952,751 $ 6,118,115 $ 6,063,715 $ 5,531,776 $ 5,713,364 43% 51% 48% 51% 51% 47% 48% 18% 27% 21% 23% 17% 14% 14% 15% 25% 20% 19% 15% 13% 13% 0% 0% 0% 17% 20% 13% 14% NET INCOME 2021 Net Income $ 1,580,212 Cap. Labor- Nat. Gas $ 78,500 2021 Net Income $ 1,658,712 CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2021 Net Income $ 1,580,212 Depreciation $ 1,100,000 2021 Cap Exp $ (577,000) 2012A Principal $ (1,565,000) SOE Proceeds $ - 2021 Cash Flow $ 538,212 2021 Cap Exp (As necessary)%/////0///////////////////////////////// Hutchinson Utilities Commission Capital Improvement Plan 2021 thm 2025 PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Department Project # Priority 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Electric - Distribution Dodge Ram 1500 226E 2 27,295 27,295 International 4900 w/Altec 255E 3 201,571 201,571 Vactron 270E 1 72,000 72,000 Directional Drill 270E- 1 1 167,000 167,000 Station Equipment 362-22-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-23-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-24-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-25-1 2 10,000 10,000 Vac Machine (Ring 0 Matic) 362E 2 68,656 68,656 Duct Installation 366-21-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-22-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-23-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-24-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-25-1 3 15,000 15,000 New Developments 367-21-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr # 15-16 Reconductor 367-21-2 2 35,000 35,000 Fdr #12A Reconductor 367-21-3 2 30,000 30,000 Civil Air Patrol 367-21-4 2 7,000 7,000 Century CtApartments - 2nd Addition 367-21-5 2 10,000 10,000 City Road Projects 367-21-6 2 10,000 10,000 New Developments 367-22-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #14 Reconductor 367-22-2 3 35,000 35,000 Energy Park 367-22-3 2 75,000 75,000 New Developments 367-23-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #22 Loop 367-23-2 5 60,000 60,000 New Developments 367-24-1 6 51,000 51,000 New Developments 367-25-1 6 51,000 51,000 Transformer Replacement 368-21-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Developments 368-21-2 6 50,000 50,000 Century Ct. Apartments - 2nd Addition 368-21-3 2 15,000 15,000 Civil Air Patrol 368-21-4 2 4,000 4,000 Fdr #12A Reconductor 368-21-5 2 15,000 15,000 Transformer Replacements - Plant 2 368-21-6 1 1,344,586 1,344,586 Transformer Replacement 368-22-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-22-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-23-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-23-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-24-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-24-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-25-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-25-2 6 50,000 50,000 Meters 370-21-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-22-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-23-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-24-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-25-1 2 30,000 30,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 1 Thursday, November 19, 2020 Department Project # Priority 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Dodge Dakota 4x4 995E 2 27,295 27,295 Electric - Distribution Total 1,895,586 360,590 457,571 196,000 264,656 3,174,403 Electric - Production GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 181E 3 27,318 27,318 Reinstall fence by plant 1 cooling tower 341-21-1 3 7,000 7,000 Brick Installation in old vent opening - Plant 1 341-21-2 3 7,000 7,000 Roof Replacement - Above central shop plant 1 341-21-3 3 40,000 40,000 Roof Exhaust Fan - Units 6 & 7 341-21-4 3 30,000 30,000 New Side Stream Filter/Chemical Injection Building 341-22-1 3 250,000 250,000 Install Asphalt at Plant 2 341-23-1 3 150,000 150,000 Install Asphalt lower parking lot - Plant 1 341-24-1 3 150,000 150,000 New Roof - Both Switch Gear Buildings - Plant 1 341-25-1 3 50,000 50,000 CEMS Data Logger/Software Unit 1 344-21-1 2 70,000 70,000 Pressure Calibration Machine 346-21-1 2 15,000 15,000 Plant 1 Cooling Tower Drain Valves 346-22-1 2 50,000 50,000 Electric - Production Total 169,000 300,000 150,000 177,318 50,000 846,318 Electric - Transmission Pole Repair or Replacement 354-21 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-22 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-23 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-24 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-25 6 15,000 15,000 Electric - Transmission Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 En ineerin GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 376E 3 27,318 27,318 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 Crew Cab 881 3 33,765 33,765 Engineering Total 27,318 33,765 61,083 Natural Gas - Distribution Ford Dump Truck 037 1 66,950 66,950 Jeep Grand Cherokee 113 3 40,977 40,977 Chevrolet Silverado w/Utility Body 130 1 75,190 75,190 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-21-1 6 50,000 50,000 Roberts Rd SW & Dale Street Improvements 376G-21-2 6 5,000 5,000 SCD Trunk Storm - Relocate for City 376G-21-3 3 7,500 7,500 Washington Ave (Lynn -Main) 376G-21-4 2 7,500 7,500 Roberts Rd SW (Alan -Dale) 376G-21-5 2 15,000 15,000 Isolated Main Repl. (Barley & Glen. In - Contract) 376G-21-6 2 95,000 95,000 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) 376G-21-7 2 5,000 5,000 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) 376G-21-8 2 5,000 5,000 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) 376G-21-9 2 5,000 5,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-22-1 6 75,000 75,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-23-1 6 75,000 75,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-24-1 6 75,000 75,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-25-1 6 50,000 50,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-21-1 2 20,000 20,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-22-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-23-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-24-1 2 15,000 15,000 Service Lines 380G-21-1 2 57,000 57,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 2 Thursday, November 19, 2020 Department Project # Priority 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Service Lines 380G-22-1 Service Lines 380G-23-1 Service Lines 380G-24-1 Service Lines 380G-25-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-21-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-22-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-23-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-24-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-25-1 Residential Regulators 383G-21-1 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-21-1 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-22-1 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-23-1 Pressure Monitors -AMI System 387G-21-1 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-22-1 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-23-1 Tools 394G-21-1 Tools 394G-22-1 Tools 394G-23-1 Tools 394G-24-1 Tools 394G-25-1 Ford F550 Welding Truck 451 Chevrolet 4 Door X-cab 948 Service Truck - New Position Vehicle 950 Natural Gas - Distribution Total Natural Gas - Transmission Land HCP Interconnect Station 365G-23-1 Fencing/Rock/Sercurity/Signage 366G-23-5 Hot Tap/Side Valve/Misc 368G-23-1 Metering & Filtration for HCP Interconnect Station 369G-23-1 SCADA for HCP Interconnect Station 370G-23-1 Natural Gas - Transmission Total GRAND TOTAL 2 55,000 55,000 2 55,000 55,000 2 55,000 55,000 2 55,000 55,000 2 100,000 100,000 2 100,000 100,000 2 95,000 95,000 2 95,000 95,000 2 95,000 95,000 2 15,000 15,000 2 80,000 80,000 2 30,000 30,000 2 30,000 30,000 1 25,000 25,000 1 30,000 30,000 1 15,000 15,000 3 10,000 10,000 3 10,000 10,000 3 10,000 10,000 3 10,000 10,000 3 10,000 10,000 1 101,296 101,296 1 75,190 75,190 1 75,000 75,000 577,000 532,330 295,000 290,977 311,296 2,006,603 6 10,000 10,000 6 10,000 10,000 6 800,000 800,000 6 100,000 100,000 6 15,000 15,000 935,000 935,000 2,656,586 1,207,920 1,852,571 706,613 674,717 7,098,407 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 3 Thursday, November 19, 2020 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Capital Improvement Plan 2021 thru 2025 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source Project # Priority 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Cauital Reulacement Reserves Reinstall fence by plant 1 cooling tower 341-21-1 3 7,000 7,000 Brick Installation in old vent opening - Plant 1 341-21-2 3 7,000 7,000 Roof Replacement - Above central shop plant 1 341-21-3 3 40,000 40,000 Roof Exhaust Fan - Units 6 & 7 341-21-4 3 30,000 30,000 New Side Stream Filter/Chemical Injection Building 341-22-1 3 250,000 250,000 Install Asphalt at Plant 2 341-23-1 3 150,000 150,000 Install Asphalt lower parking lot - Plant 1 341-24-1 3 150,000 150,000 New Roof - Both Switch Gear Buildings - Plant 1 341-25-1 3 50,000 50,000 CEMS Data Logger/Software Unit 1 344-21-1 2 70,000 70,000 Pressure Calibration Machine 346-21-1 2 15,000 15,000 Plant 1 Cooling Tower Drain Valves 346-22-1 2 50,000 50,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-21 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-22 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-23 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-24 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-25 6 15,000 15,000 Station Equipment 362-22-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-23-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-24-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-25-1 2 10,000 10,000 Land HCP Interconnect Station 365G-23-1 6 10,000 10,000 Duct Installation 366-21-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-22-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-23-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-24-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-25-1 3 15,000 15,000 Fencing/Rock/Sercurity/Signage 366G-23-5 6 10,000 10,000 New Developments 367-21-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr # 15-16 Reconductor 367-21-2 2 35,000 35,000 Fdr #12A Reconductor 367-21-3 2 30,000 30,000 Civil Air Patrol 367-21-4 2 7,000 7,000 Century CtApartments - 2nd Addition 367-21-5 2 10,000 10,000 City Road Projects 367-21-6 2 10,000 10,000 New Developments 367-22-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #14 Reconductor 367-22-2 3 35,000 35,000 Energy Park 367-22-3 2 75,000 75,000 New Developments 367-23-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #22 Loop 367-23-2 5 60,000 60,000 New Developments 367-24-1 6 51,000 51,000 New Developments 367-25-1 6 51,000 51,000 Transformer Replacement 368-21-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Developments 368-21-2 6 50,000 50,000 Century Ct. Apartments - 2nd Addition 368-21-3 2 15,000 15,000 Civil Air Patrol 368-21-4 2 4,000 4,000 Fdr #12A Reconductor 368-21-5 2 15,000 15,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 1 Thursday, November 19, 2020 Source Project # Priority 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Transformer Replacements - Plant 2 368-21-6 1 876,549 876,549 Transformer Replacement 368-22-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-22-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-23-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-23-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-24-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-24-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-25-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-25-2 6 50,000 50,000 Hot Tap/Side Valve/Misc 368G-23-1 6 800,000 800,000 Metering & Filtration for HCP Interconnect Station 369G-23-1 6 100,000 100,000 Meters 370-21-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-22-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-23-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-24-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-25-1 2 30,000 30,000 SCADA for HCP Interconnect Station 370G-23-1 6 15,000 15,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-21-1 6 50,000 50,000 Roberts Rd SW & Dale Street Improvements 376G-21-2 6 5,000 5,000 SCD Trunk Storm - Relocate for City 376G-21-3 3 7,500 7,500 Washington Ave (Lynn -Main) 376G-21-4 2 7,500 7,500 Roberts Rd SW (Alan -Dale) 376G-21-5 2 15,000 15,000 Isolated Main Repl. (Barley & Glen. In - Contract) 376G-21-6 2 95,000 95,000 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) 376G-21-7 2 5,000 5,000 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) 376G-21-8 2 5,000 5,000 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) 376G-21-9 2 5,000 5,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-22-1 6 75,000 75,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-23-1 6 75,000 75,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-24-1 6 75,000 75,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-25-1 6 50,000 50,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-21-1 2 20,000 20,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-22-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-23-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-24-1 2 15,000 15,000 Service Lines 380G-21-1 2 57,000 57,000 Service Lines 380G-22-1 2 55,000 55,000 Service Lines 380G-23-1 2 55,000 55,000 Service Lines 380G-24-1 2 55,000 55,000 Service Lines 380G-25-1 2 55,000 55,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-21-1 2 100,000 100,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-22-1 2 100,000 100,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-23-1 2 95,000 95,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-24-1 2 95,000 95,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-25-1 2 95,000 95,000 Residential Regulators 383G-21-1 2 15,000 15,000 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-21-1 2 80,000 80,000 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-22-1 2 30,000 30,000 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-23-1 2 30,000 30,000 Pressure Monitors -AMI System 387G-21-1 1 25,000 25,000 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-22-1 1 30,000 30,000 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-23-1 1 15,000 15,000 Tools 394G-21-1 3 10,000 10,000 Tools 394G-22-1 3 10,000 10,000 Tools 394G-23-1 3 10,000 10,000 Tools 394G-24-1 3 10,000 10,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 2 Thursday, November 19, 2020 Source Project # Priority 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total Tools 394G-25-1 Capital Replacement Reserves Total Fleet Designated Reserves Ford Dump Truck 037 Jeep Grand Cherokee 113 Chevrolet Silverado w/Utility Body 130 GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 181E Dodge Ram 1500 226E International 4900 w/Altec 255E Vactron 270E Directional Drill 270E- 1 Vac Machine (Ring 0 Matic) 362E GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 376E Ford F550 Welding Truck 451 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 Crew Cab 881 Chevrolet 4 Door X-cab 948 Service Truck - New Position Vehicle 950 Dodge Dakota 4x4 995E Fleet Designated Reserves Total Insurance Claim Proceeds Transformer Replacements - Plant 2 368-21-6 Insurance Claim Proceeds Total GRAND TOTAL 3 10,000 10,000 1,874,549 936,000 1,651,000 611,000 471,000 5,543,549 1 66,950 3 1 75,190 3 2 27,295 3 201,571 1 72,000 1 167,000 2 3 1 3 1 75,190 1 75,000 66,950 40,977 40,977 75,190 27,318 27,318 27,295 201,571 72,000 167,000 68,656 68,656 27,318 27,318 101,296 101,296 33,765 33,765 75,190 75,000 27,295 314,000 271,920 201,571 95,613 203,717 1,086,821 1 468,037 468,037 468,037 468,037 2,656,586 1,207,920 1,852,571 706,613 674,717 7,098,407 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 3 Thursday, November 19, 2020