12-20-2021 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes December 20, 2021 Present: Kay Yoch, Al Barkeim, Connie Dahl, Mike Becker, Rhonda Schwarze, Julie Jensen, Jeannette Meyer, Dave Husfeldt City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith, Lynn Neumann Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 4:13pm by Chair Kay Yoch. II. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. No corrections were brought forward. Jeannette made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Mike. The motion passed. III. Monthly Sales Review: There was no review for December. IV. Old Business A. Flag Pole- The only items left to accomplish on the placement of the flag pole are the monument and plaque that will go next to the pole. VI. Business th A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the December 12 outing to Orchestra Hall for a holiday concert and a meal at Olive Garden went well. On January th 20 a group will travel to Cold Spring to visit their famous bakery and watch a th Branson type show at the Event Center. February 14 will bring a trip to Bloomington for lunch and a performance of love songs at a local theater. We th will visit the Chanhassen Dinner Theater on March 16 to see “Footloose.” B. Update on Programs- The movie for December was “Queen Bees”. The movie was presented at 10:00am and 1:00pm on December 15th. A New Year’s Eve th party is planned for December 29. September reminded the group that Jenny will be taking over programming this coming year as September will be retiring. C. Event Center Update- Lynn asked the board to provide an appropriate day and time for a public meeting to discuss the future of the Event Center. The board th decided on a date of Wednesday, January 26 at 10:30am for this meeting to take place. D. Other- No other items were discussed. VI. Adjournment: Rhonda made a motion to adjourn at 4:30pm with a second from Connie. The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory Board will be Monday, January 24th at 10:00am. John McRaith, Secretary