12-22-2021 HUCCPHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING December 22, 2021 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies No Policies to Review b. Approve Changes 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. None 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Requisition #8971-WSB Engineering Assistance of Integrity Assessment of High Consequence Area b. Review Compensation Study Results c. Approve Union Contract January 1, 2022 — December 31,2023 d. Approve 2022 Pay Grid e. Approve 2022 Budgets & CIP f. Conduct the Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05 Subd. 3(a) 9. ADJOURN MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Monty Morrow; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora Absent: Commissioner Robert Wendorff Conflict of Interest Commissioner Hanson declared conflict of interest in voting on agenda item 2b Ratify Payment of Bills; Commissioner Hanson is part owner of AM2K Properties which are on this month's payment of bills. Mr. Hanson will be abstaining. 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements GM Carter presented the financial statements. Fairly consistent month from last year. Energy sales for October are up over last year 2.8%. With running the engines more this Fall, Market sales are up to $135K which is a $110K increase from last year, this however does delay some to the maintenance that is usually done at this time. Overall tracking well. Natural Gas Division net income decreased by $53K with decreased revenue and usage due to a warmer October in 2021. Heating degree days were roughly 45% less than October 2020. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator —Matthew Jaunich — i. Middle of Budget Season - Truth and Taxation Meeting is Tuesday, Dec 7 at 6pm ii. Running into a few soil issues at the new Police Department. b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Absent ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — 1. Solar project is complete, fully operational as of Nov 2. Looking at rescheduling the Ribbon Cutting in December. 2. Finishing up on projects. iii. Jared Martig, Financial Manager —Absent iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — 1. 3 weeks of Construction out there yet. 2. While on the MEA Board of Directors call, it was announced that the current president will be retiring next year, will be busy looking for a replacement. 3. Finishing up DOT requirements for the year. c. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Nothing to Report d. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to Report e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Wrapping up year end ii. Production Manager starts next week. iii. Union Negotiations iv. Compensation Study- will have an update to the Commissioners in the next few of weeks v. Open Enrollment is currently being worked on 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. CIP Rebate Level of Authority ii. Delegation of Authority Policy iii. Financial Reserve Policy iv. Investment Policy v. Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson vi. Surplus Property Policy No changes recommended at this time b. Approve Changes i. Payments of HUC Payables —Amend dates ii. Purchasing Policy/Credit Cards/Fixed Assets —Add the Administrative Coordinator to make credit card purchases. Motion by Commissioner Hanson second by Commissioner Morrow to approve the Policy Changes. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business a. Approve Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance GM Carter presented the requirement by League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. Staff is recommending to not waive the tort liability limits. Completion of the Wavier form is done annually. In the past HUC has not waived the municipal tort limit. 2 After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs GM Carter presented the Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs. HUC is requesting to approve write-offs of $8,993.92. This amount is less than last year. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs. Motion carried unanimously. c. Discuss Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities General Manager Ms. Ewing discussed the Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities General Manager. Per the General Manager's contract with Utilities, an annual Performance Review is to be conducted. Generally, this review has occurred in December at the scheduled Commission Meeting or it can occur at a Special Meeting. It is up to the Commission on when the Performance Review should be held. GM Carter would have the opportunity to decide if it would be an open or closed session. When the date is decided, review forms will be sent to all the Commissioners. After Commissioners have completed and returned review forms, all results will be compiled for discussion at the review. After discussion, GM Carter and Commissioners agreed to have the review at the regular scheduled Commission Meeting on December 22, 2021. d. Discuss Residential and Commercial Survey Results GM Carter recapped the results of the Residential and Commercial Study results. Looking for any feedback that the Commissioners may have. GM Carter noted when reviewing the data, it speaks very well of HUC and the Staff. Information received from Q Market Research shows that customers are very engaged with HUC and appreciate the employees. Reliability is of less concern for customers. HUC can always look at providing better ways to communicate some of the programs that are being offered. Community Solar does not show much interest, but there too HUC needs to communicate more the various program designs and options in order to gauge the real interest of customers. There were a few comments with the transitioning of the new billing program which was expected. A few customers assumed HUC would role over cc information but for data privacy that information is not kept. Overall there was a lot of positive feedback. 3 e. Discuss Commissioner Interest Forms received. President Cheney opened up the discussion to the Board along with stating that there were 5 Interest Forms that were received. Mr. Jaunich stated that a recommendation from the Commissioners should be made and brought to the City Mayor, from there the Mayor will make his recommendation and present to the City Council. Mr. Sebora reviewed the Charter. Discussion was held on all the candidates along with pointing out that all are qualified and it was recommended that any would be welcome. Mr. Jaunich stated that the Council takes value in what this Board recommends. GM Carter will send information to the Mayor along with sending all the interest forms. Topic will be presented at the December Council Meeting. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Morrow second by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 3:39p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Matt Cheney, President 12 Don Martinez, Secretary MINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Monty Morrow; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora Absent: Commissioner Robert Wendorff Others Present: Dave Hunstad, John Webster, Angie Radke The purpose of the special meeting is to have a Budget Workshop. GM Carter presented HUC's 2022 preliminary budget. GM Carter first noted that these are preliminary budget numbers and Commissioners will have 5 weeks to review before final budget numbers need to be approved. Currently there are a few moving parts regarding the budget numbers and some areas may need to be revised. Staff is waiting on receiving quotes regarding a few significant projects that will need to be completed in 2022. Union negotiations are also in process, currently included in the budget numbers are a 4% wage increase for union employees and moving the pay grid for non -union employees by 4%. GM Carter highlighted for combined division, revenues are at $43.5M with expenses at $42.8M with a Net Profit of $740K, which was a decrease in net profit over last year. Electric Division Revenues are at $29.3M with expenses at $29.7M with a Net Loss of $368K; this is about $100K worse than last year. Gas Division Revenues are at $14.2M with expenses at $13.1 M with a Net Profit of $1.1 M which is about $400K worse than last year. Electric Division, Retail Customer sales is at $25.2M which is fairly consistent with last year. Power Cost Adjustment is 1.1 M compared to 1.3M in 2021; which means HUC will not need to collect as much as the past year. Residential, Small General, Large General and Industrial Sales are fairly consistent with past years; which means HUC's loads are fairly consistent. Overall kwhr sales are essentially flat. Commissioner Hanson inquired about any companies going into a different rate class for next year. GM Carter noted there is nothing that shows that type of movement for 2022. GM Carter pointed out that Sales for Resales is ticked up, due to increased market sales. HUC is currently running the units into the fall. There has been unplanned downtime; which has increased the market prices. HUC has been able to capitalize on this by running into the Fall. Other Revenues of $397K is made up of Additional customer charges which include 12 months of collections, Interest Earnings and Bond Premiums. GM Carter reviewed the Pictorial Graphs; these graphs show the overall comparison as to how the revenue is derived. The Consumption History graph shows a snapshot of each customer class loads, which is fairly flat. As long as consumption stays consistent HUC is right on track with Glide paths. Overall consistent. GM Carter spoke on the Electric Division Expense Budget Highlights. Health Insurance will be staying with Medica at a 0% increase/decrease. Dental Insurance will remain with Argus but at a 19% increase. HUC did shop around for both Health and Dental Insurance. LTD, Basic Life and AD&D benefits remain the same. PILOT remains the same as the 1 2021 Budget. GM Carter reviewed the GRE/MISO Transmission Expense of a $125K increase, along with the MRES Baseload Contract Expense of a $493K decrease. Additional Operating Expenses of $20K for Cost of Service Study, $42K for Equipment Breakdown Coverage, $70K for Asbestos Removal, $37K for Borescope Inspection, RATA & Emissions Testing, Permitting, $30K for LED Light Retrofitting Project and $300K for Increase in Depreciation Budget were also highlighted. GM Carter reviewed the pictorial graphs of the Electric Division Expenses. After discussion of the Electric Division preliminary budget, GM Carter gave an overview of the Natural Gas Division. Retail Customer Sales has an increase of $268K and shows a 3.2% increase in forecasted Retail MCF's sold. Contract Sales of 3M and HTI/TDK show an increase in revenue of $1.6M. GM Carter highlighted Other Revenues of $2.2M. which are made up of N.U/HCP/UFC Transport/Reservation Fees, Electric Division Transportation Fees, Bond Premiums, Late Charges/Fees, Interest Income and Brownton & HCP operation/maintenance Agreement. GM Carter concluded by reviewing the pictorial graphs and expense budget highlights of the Natural Gas Division. GM Carter noted that the Retail Customer Gas purchases show an increase of the $499K and Additional Operating Expenses of $15K for Cost of Service Study, $300K for Transmission ROW Maintenance, Painting, Remediation following In - line inspection and $100K for Material following In -line Inspection. Discussion was held on how the PILOT is based and if HUC is being fairly compensated. GM Carter spoke of some capital projects that may need to be done at Plant 1 which include Cooling Tower repairs, Elevator, and asphalt/concrete work in the parking lot. Along with the LED Conversion, Natural Gas High Consequent Area and the Fleet Schedule. GM Carter looked to the Commission for questions, concerns or comments on the 2022 Budget Presentation. There were no concerns from the Commissioners. There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Martinez second by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 2:54p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Matt Cheney, President 2 Don Martinez, Secretary 12/16/2021 02:39 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Page 1/22 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 11/22/2021 GEN 913(E) MRES Purchased Power 401-555- 02 861,781.30 11/22/2021 GEN 928(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE STATE SALES TAX 242-000- 00 56, 819. 00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 4,105.00 COUNTY SALES TAX 242-000- 00 4, 105.00 HECK GEN 928(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 65,029.00 11/23/2021 GEN 921(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 669.96 11/30/2021 GEN 922(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 12,206.94 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 748.60 HECK GEN 922(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12,955.54 11/30/2021 GEN 927(E)* BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION 2017 ELECTRIC BONDS 221-000- 00 675,000.00 2017 BOND INTEREST 237-000- 00 253,928.13 HECK GEN 927(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 928,928.13 12/02/2021 GEN 75396 ABIGAIL NAVARRO OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 71.37 12/02/2021 GEN 75397*4 ACE HARDWARE Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.34 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 4.98 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 27.76 Materials 401-588- 02 29.90 Structures & Equipment - Mater 402-592- 02 55.55 Structures & Equipment - Mater 402-592- 02 4.25 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 68.36 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 10.99 HECK GEN 75397 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 202.13 12/02/2021 GEN 753984 AERODERIVATIVE GAS TURBINE GASKET, FUEL NOZZLE 154-000- 00 4,210.80 Materials 401-588- 02 0.21 HECK GEN 75398 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 4,211.01 12/02/2021 GEN 75399* ALEXANDRIA LORANG DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 211.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75400 ANDI HINTHER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 46.22 12/02/2021 GEN 75401* AUTUMN MCALLISTER OR ELIZABETH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 325.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Page 2/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/02/2021 GEN 7540314 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAG, 2-HOLE, SELF LAM, RED, EM2035R, 154-000- 00 255.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 18.70 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 17.00 Line - Materials 402-594- 02 (1,253.40) HECK GEN 75403 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: (962.70) 12/02/2021 GEN 75404*4 BRANDED SOLUTIONS Tearing Account 186-000- 00 704.26 Tearing Account 186-000- 00 52.43 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 1,219.95 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 107.07 Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 477.65 Uniforms 401-926- 08 336.15 Uniforms 401-926- 08 50.00 HECK GEN 75404 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,947.51 12/02/2021 GEN 75405* BRENT WALLACE OR AUDREY WALLACE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 260.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75406* CALLA BONDHUS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 136.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75407 CARL GARBER OR DEANNE NEWMAN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 65.30 12/02/2021 GEN 75408 CARLY'S SHOE STORE Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 229.49 12/02/2021 GEN 75409* CAROL ARLT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 195.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75410* CELESTE GREGORY OR LANDON SHOUTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 32.50 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39.00 HECK GEN 75410 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 71.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75412* CHAD BLAKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 214.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75413* CHURCH OF GOD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 721.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75414*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 546.59 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 443.41 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 267. 52 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 191.94 HECK GEN 75414 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 1,449.46 12/02/2021 GEN 75415 CORE & MAIN Min Order amount 107-370- 00 50.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 3/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/02/2021 GEN 75416 COUNTY OF MCLEOD Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 17.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75418* CROW RIVER FLORAL Office Supplies 401-921- 08 172.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75419* CRYSTAL HAVEMEIER OR TYLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 227.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75420* DAMIEN PETERSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 12/02/2021 GEN 754214 DGR ENGINEERING Plant 42 Relays and RTU Upgrade 107-362- 00 7,956.00 STATION EQUIPMENT (SWITCHGEAR, 107-362- 00 27.63 Electric Distribution System Study 402-592- 02 2,950.00 Electric Distribution Maintenance 402-592- 02 17.50 HECK GEN 75421 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 10,951.13 12/02/2021 GEN 75423* EMILY MARKGBAF OR ANDREW BOLISH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75424* EMILY NELSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 71.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75425* ETHAN LUEDTKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 78.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75426 FAITH KESKE-SOVICH OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 149. 50 12/02/2021 GEN 75427 FASTENAL COMPANY Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 7.97 12/02/2021 GEN 75428* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 219. 00 12/02/2021 GEN 75429 FS3 INC INTERDUCT, 4", SIR 13.5 ELK/WITH 3 RED 154-000- 00 3,045.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 209.34 HECK GEN 75429 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,254.34 12/02/2021 GEN 75430* GARRETT MOHR OR KATHERINE MOHR DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 211.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75431* GRAMS, LEMOINE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 200.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75432 GREAT RIVER ENERGY PURCHASED POWER 401-555- 02 152,866.86 12/02/2021 GEN 75433* HEATHER STUTELBERG DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 253.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75434 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Supplies 401-550- 01 117.56 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 4/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/02/2021 GEN 75435 HUTCH IS CLUTCH LLC OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 4,395.06 12/02/2021 GEN 75436* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 1,112.73 12/02/2021 GEN 75437 HUTCHINSON PET HOSPITAL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 368.24 12/02/2021 GEN 75438 INTERSTATE BEARING SYSTEMS Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 96.69 12/02/2021 GEN 75439* JACKIE WISCH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 217.75 12/02/2021 GEN 75440* JACLYN COOPER OR ADAM COOPER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 201.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75441* JAMES WECKMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 65.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75442* JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 168.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75443 JOHN DIGERNESS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 317.77 12/02/2021 GEN 75444* JOHNSON, BILL Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 200.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75445* JOSHUA BARNHART DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 117.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75446* KATHRYN SMITH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39. 00 12/02/2021 GEN 75447* KATIE MAYLAND DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 65.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75448 KEELY BAKER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 53.77 12/02/2021 GEN 75449 LEONARD PUCCINI OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 111.04 12/02/2021 GEN 75450* LORI MCKINNEY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75451* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 521.68 12/02/2021 GEN 75452* MARIA MILLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75453* MARTIN LEZAMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 208.00 12/02/2021 GEN 754544 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 22.85 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 5/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 332.41 HECK GEN 75454 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 355.26 12/02/2021 GEN 75455 MEA ENERGY ASSOCIATION Dues/Membership Expense 401-930- 08 1,609.30 12/02/2021 GEN 75456* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 85% ELEC 242-000- 00 52,269.49 HEALTH INSURANCE -COBRA 242-000- 00 504.78 HECK GEN 75456 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 52,774.27 12/02/2021 GEN 75457* MEGAN MENDENHALL GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75459* NATASHA IVERSON OR JAMEASHIA GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 201.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75460 NERC Purchased Power 401-555- 02 3,871.90 12/02/2021 GEN 75461* NICOLE MERRY OR CHRISTOPHER MERRY GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 208.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75463*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 402-574- 03 30.30 12/02/2021 GEN 75464* PETER WILSON OR CRYSTAL LANKFORD GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 276.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75465*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 20.00 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 45.84 CHECK GEN 75465 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 65.84 12/02/2021 GEN 754664 PSI ENGINEERING LLC KIT, SEAL FOR PRE -HEAT PUMP 154-000- 00 162.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 12.74 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 23.30 HECK GEN 75466 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 198.04 12/02/2021 GEN 75467* Q MARKET RESEARCH CITIZEN SURVEY 401-923- 08 1,500.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75468 QUADE ELECTRIC Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 34.14 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 311.79 HECK GEN 75468 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 345.93 12/02/2021 GEN 75469* RALPH LEVASSEUR OR NATALIE GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 195.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 6/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/02/2021 GEN 75470* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 1,490.71 LIFE INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 682.71 HECK GEN 75470 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,173.42 12/02/2021 GEN 75471* REMUCAL, LINDA Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 100.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75472* ROBERT BRUCE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75473* ROSE SPICER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 97.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75474* RYAN MULQUEENY OR SHANNON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 195.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75475* SARAH CROTTY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75476* SCHARPE, BERNADETTE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 200.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75477 SCOTT MCKEE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 264.69 12/02/2021 GEN 75478* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 12.78 12/02/2021 GEN 75479* SMITH, DAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 1,225.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75481 SOUTHWEST INITIATIVE Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 162.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75483* SYDNEY FRAZIER OR MACHAULY SMITH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 175.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75484* THE GRAND LODGE OF MINNESOTA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.75 12/02/2021 GEN 75485* THOMAS GAUVAIN OR JOYCE BALGAARD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 214.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75486 TRACY BONDERSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 166.27 12/02/2021 GEN 75487* TRANS LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 482.23 12/02/2021 GEN 75488* TYLER SCHMIDTBAUER OR CRYSTAL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 149. 50 12/02/2021 GEN 75489* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,659.83 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/02/2021 GEN 75491* WILLIAM MCELHANEY OR CHRISTIN 12/02/2021 GEN 75492 ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS 12/02/2021 GEN 929(E)* CITIZENS BANK 12/07/2021 GEN 919(E) ALERUS 12/07/2021 GEN 923(E) MISO 12/14/2021 GEN 920(E)4 ALERUS 12/14/2021 GEN 924(E) MISO 12/14/2021 GEN 931(E) MISO 12/14/2021 GEN 932(E) MISO 12/14/2021 GEN 933(E) MISO 12/16/2021 GEN 75493*4 ACE HARDWARE Page 7/22 Account Dept Amount DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 KOMPENSATOR, 193095282 154-000- 00 5,289.93 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 102.11 Health Insurance 401-926- 08 2,957.41 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 2,528.36 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 697.06 HECK GEN 923(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,225.42 HEALTH INSURANCE 401-546- 01 1, 989.20 Health Insurance 401-926- 08 10.21 HECK GEN 920(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 1,999.41 Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 689.26 SCHEDULE 10 401-565- 03 5,988.19 SCHEDULE 1 401-565- 03 3,898.64 SCHEDULE 2 401-565- 03 11,157.74 MISC 401-565- 03 1,057.71 HECK GEN 932(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 16,114.09 SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 13,264.24 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 30,683.31 HECK GEN 933(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 43,947.55 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.69 Supplies 401-550- 01 14.95 Supplies 401-550- 01 17.09 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 9.99 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 8.67 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 4.91 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 10.68 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 16.65 Materials 401-588- 02 25.64 Materials 401-588- 02 6.34 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 8/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Materials 401-588- 02 41.67 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 6.40 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 13.36 HECK GEN 75493 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 177.04 12/16/2021 GEN 754944 ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC LIGHT, PILOT, RED, ABB, 110-130VAC, 154-000- 00 79. 56 LIGHT, PILOT, GREEN, ABB, 110-130VAC, 154-000- 00 79. 56 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 16.00 HECK GEN 75494 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 175.12 12/16/2021 GEN 75498*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY FUSE HOLDER, AIS SWITCH (SML-20) 154-000- 00 1,875.80 CUTOUT, 100A (LB), C730-112PB CHANCE 154-000- 00 372.10 STARTER, ACORN HIS 30, 105-347VAC, 154-000- 00 340.20 H-TAP, COVERS, LARGE BLACKBURN C7 154-000- 00 3.90 BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 614R, 6" 14T 154-000- 00 10.99 STARTER, ACORN HIS 30, 105-347VAC, 154-000- 00 243.00 BULB, HIS LU, 250W, 85377 154-000- 00 130.32 FUSE, ACORN, 5 AMP, GLRS 154-000- 00 27.10 BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 418R, 4" 18T 154-000- 00 6.82 PHOTO EYE, TWIST LOCK,(FOR LED) 154-000- 00 355.68 TAPE, SUPER 33+ PROFESSIONAL GRADE 154-000- 00 96.60 BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 418R, 4" 18T 154-000- 00 1.70 BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 9114R, 9" 14T 154-000- 00 19.44 INHIBITOR, OXIDE, DE-OX, 8 OR, ILSCO 154-000- 00 58.24 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 128.96 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 25.58 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 23.39 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 0.27 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 6.64 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 4.00 SALES TAX 401-588- 02 0.76 SALES TAX 401-588- 02 56.98 HECK GEN 75498 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,788.47 12/16/2021 GEN 75500 CARLY'S SHOE STORE Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 231.39 12/16/2021 GEN 75501 CARRIER COMMERCIAL SERVICE LABOR/ PARTS TO REPAIR 19XR CHILLER 402-554- 01 20,765.00 12/16/2021 GEN 755024 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 33.98 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 494.28 HECK GEN 75502 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 528.26 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 9/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/16/2021 GEN 75504*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 469.47 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 545.49 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 295.32 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 403.11 HECK GEN 75504 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 1,713.39 12/16/2021 GEN 75505*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Street Lighting - Material 416-106- 00 39,668.48 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -POWER 401-550- 01 152.89 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ELEC 401-588- 02 1,635.39 Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 187.50 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 85.46 HECK GEN 75505 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 41,729.72 12/16/2021 GEN 75506*4 COUNTY OF MCLEOD Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 287.50 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 104.00 HECK GEN 75506 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 391.50 12/16/2021 GEN 75508*4 DELMAR COMPANY FLEX GASKET,2" 6004 154-000- 00 11.36 12/16/2021 GEN 75509* ELTGROTH, JOE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 298.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75510 FASTENAL COMPANY Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 71.67 12/16/2021 GEN 75511* FRANK MADDEN & ASSOCIATES Legal Services 401-923- 08 1,080.53 12/16/2021 GEN 755124 FS3 INC BATTERY PACK, DRILL HEAD, SIZE C, 2 154-000- 00 38.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 3.20 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 8.55 HECK GEN 75512 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 49.75 12/16/2021 GEN 75513*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Line - Materials 401-581- 02 72.23 12/16/2021 GEN 75514* GOVDEALS Gain On Disposal - Electric 421-000- 00 3,015.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75515 GREAT RIVER ENERGY PURCHASED POWER 401-555- 02 834.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75516 HEARTLAND AG SYSTEMS Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 20.22 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 10/22 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/16/2021 GEN 75517* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 27.39 12/16/2021 GEN 75518 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Line - Materials 401-581- 02 26.39 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 943.68 HECK GEN 75518 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 970.07 12/16/2021 GEN 75519* HUTCHINSON LEADER Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 37.06 12/16/2021 GEN 75520*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 160.30 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 9.61 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 112.20 HECK GEN 75520 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 282.11 12/16/2021 GEN 75521* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Office Supplies 401-921- 08 475.85 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 320.63 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 (47.69) HECK GEN 75521 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 748.79 12/16/2021 GEN 75522* JOHNSON, PAULINE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 225.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75523 JONAH REID OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 34.27 12/16/2021 GEN 755244 KURITA AMERICA INC BWT4131 154-000- 00 245.25 RLT4791 154-000- 00 220.80 SALES TAX & FREIGHT 401-588- 02 119.34 HECK GEN 75524 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 585.39 12/16/2021 GEN 755274 LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGIES INC OIL, MOBIL PEGASUS 1005 154-000- 00 9,515.74 OIL, MOBIL PEGASUS 1005 154-000- 00 8,948.80 Materials 401-588- 02 0.35 HECK GEN 75527 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 18,464.89 12/16/2021 GEN 75528 LUDECA INC EASY-LAZER GENERATION XT440 101-394- 00 6,800.00 EASY-LAZER GENERATION XT440 101-394- 00 45. 96 CHECK GEN 75528 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,845.96 12/16/2021 GEN 755304 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3,900.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description 12/16/2021 GEN 7553114 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN 12/16/2021 GEN 755334 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC 12/16/2021 GEN 755344 MIRATECH 12/16/2021 GEN 755384 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 12/16/2021 GEN 75539* NUVERA 12/16/2021 GEN 75540*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Account Dept Page 11/22 Amount IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 75530 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,950.00 Building & Grounds - Materials 402-592- 02 38.66 PUMP, 42I SERIES, 75-119775-00 154-000- 00 1,705.68 PUMP, NOX REPAIR KIT (NEW STYLE) 154-000- 00 318.48 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 140.54 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 20.12 HECK GEN 75533 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,184.82 POWER SUPPLY, 100 W 154-000- 00 350.63 SENSOR, TEMPERATURE, TEA330 154-000- 00 1,385.76 VALVE, DOSING, 1.6MM 154-000- 00 150.98 VALVE BLOCK, EMPTY 154-000- 00 1, 659. 42 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 38.22 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 53.03 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 53.17 HECK GEN 75534 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,691.21 GRINDING WHEEL, 4 1/2" X .045" X 7/8" 154-000- 00 129.00 WIRE BUFFING WHEEL. 154-000- 00 199. 35 DISC, FLAP, 4 1/2" X 7/8", 60 GRIT, 154-000- 00 97.56 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 14.88 FREIGHT & SALES TAX 401-588- 02 38. 02 HECK GEN 75538 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 478.81 TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,908.82 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1.95 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 4.52 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 28.35 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 65.73 Structures & Equipment - Mater 402-592- 02 30.30 HECK GEN 75540 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 130.85 12/16/2021 GEN 75541* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 36.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/16/2021 GEN 75542*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Labor 12/16/2021 GEN 75544* PUTZ, RONALD Cip - Residential 12/16/2021 GEN 755454 QUADE ELECTRIC Accessory Plant - Materials Accessory Plant - Materials Accessory Plant - Materials Line - Materials HECK GEN 75545 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12/16/2021 GEN 75546 QUINTON FISHER OR BRYN BLANCHET OVERPAYMENTS 12/16/2021 GEN 755474 KID EQUIPMENT NOZZLE, 3600 PSI, 46 ROTARY FREIGHT HECK GEN 75547 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 12/16/2021 GEN 75548*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC 12/16/2021 GEN 75549 RUSSELL-TUERK, INES 12/16/2021 GEN 75550* SCHWANKE, SHAWN 12/16/2021 GEN 75551* SMITH, RICHARD 12/16/2021 GEN 75552* SPORS, THOMAS 12/16/2021 GEN 75554*4 STANDARD PRINTING & MAILING Sales Tax Receivable - Replace Supplies Accessory Plant - Materials Line - Materials Materials Power Equipment - Materials Grounds - Materials HECK GEN 75548 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: Cip - Residential Cip - Residential Cip - Residential Cip - Residential Cip - Marketing Office Supplies HECK GEN 75554 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: Account Dept 402-554- 01 401-916- 07 402-554- 01 402-554- 01 402-554- 01 401-581- 02 142-000- 00 154-000- 00 401-588- 02 186-000- 00 401-550- 01 402-554- 01 401-581- 02 401-588- 02 402-598- 02 401-935- 08 401-916- 07 401-916- 07 401-916- 07 401-916- 07 401-916- 07 401-921- 08 12/16/2021 GEN 75555* TELECKY, JAKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 Page 12/22 Amount 70.21 200.00 1,904.51 1,870.31 3,751.31 41.40 191.34 201.18 6.07 172.59 89.25 172.59 107.86 60.33 7.54 616.23 6.00 200.00 200.00 225.00 736.24 773.94 50.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/16/2021 GEN 755564 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 12/16/2021 GEN 75557* TRANS 12/16/2021 GEN 75558 TRIMARK MARLINN LLC 12/16/2021 GEN 75559* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 12/16/2021 GEN 75560* VERIZON WIRELESS 12/16/2021 GEN 75561*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC 12/16/2021 GEN 75562 WILD FLOWER PROPERTIES 12/16/2021 GEN 75564 ZIEGLER ENERGY SOLUTIONS 12/16/2021 GEN 918(E)*4 VISA Account Dept Page 13/22 Amount SIGNAL, LUMINATION ZEDS, AMBER TINTED 154-000- 00 79.00 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 20.00 HECK GEN 75556 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 99.00 LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 984.56 DEGREASER ULTRA 2000 BETCO CORP 13605 154-000- 00 332.67 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 26.20 HECK GEN 75558 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 358.87 MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 182.17 TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,234.04 GENERATOR 41 WATER & SEWER -INDUSTRIAL 401-547- 01 94.12 WASTE DISPOSAL-4TH AVE 401-550- 01 151.93 UTILITY ESP - WATER/WASTE 55/45- 401-930- 08 229.61 HECK GEN 75561 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 475.66 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 395.44 SOLAR - INDUSTRIAL PARK 107-344- 00 234,472.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 8.65 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.76 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 11.04 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 127.08 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 107.81 Meetings & Travel - Expense (S 401-580- 02 465.00 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 864.76 Materials 401-588- 02 165.20 Telephone 401-921- 08 62.26 HECK GEN 918(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 1,812.56 Total for fund 1 ELECTRIC 2,575,712.47 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 14/22 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 11/22/2021 GEN 928(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 6,430.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 457.00 COUNTY SALES TAX 242-000- 00 457.00 HECK GEN 928(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 7,344.00 11/30/2021 GEN 927(E)* BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION 2012 GAS BONDS 221-000- 00 1,565,000.00 2012 BOND INTEREST 237-000- 00 241,325.00 HECK GEN 927(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,806,325.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75397*4 ACE HARDWARE Meters And All Fittings 107-381- 00 55.55 Meters And All Fittings 107-381- 00 13.88 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 68.35 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 11.00 HECK GEN 75397 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 148.78 12/02/2021 GEN 75399* ALEXANDRIA LORANG DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 113.75 12/02/2021 GEN 75401* AUTUMN MCALLISTER OR ELIZABETH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 175.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75402 BERRY, AARON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75403*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY PIPE, 3/4" IPS, 2406 MDPE, DR 11, 500 154-000- 00 5,743.50 SALES TAX 401-874- 04 400.48 CHECK GEN 75403 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 6,143.98 12/02/2021 GEN 75404*4 BRANDED SOLUTIONS Uniforms & Laundry 401-880- 04 520.72 Uniforms 401-926- 08 336.14 Uniforms 401-926- 08 50.00 HECK GEN 75404 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 906.86 12/02/2021 GEN 75405* BRENT WALLACE OR AUDREY WALLACE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 140.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75406* CALLA BONDHUS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 73.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75409* CAROL ARLT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 15/22 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/02/2021 GEN 75410* CELESTE GREGORY OR LANDON SHOUTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 17.50 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 HECK GEN 75410 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 38.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75411 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 68.96 12/02/2021 GEN 75412* CHAD BLAKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 115.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75413* CHURCH OF GOD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 388.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75414*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 191. 94 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 267. 52 HECK GEN 75414 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 459.46 12/02/2021 GEN 75417 CRAVENS, FORREST Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75418* CROW RIVER FLORAL Office Supplies 401-921- 08 57.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75419* CRYSTAL HAVEMEIER OR TYLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 122.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75420* DAMIEN PETERSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75422 EBLEN, CATHY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75423* EMILY MARKGBAF OR ANDREW BOLISH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75424* EMILY NELSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 38.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75425* ETHAN LUEDTKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 42.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75428* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 73.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75430* GARRETT MOHR OR KATHERINE MOHR DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 113.75 12/02/2021 GEN 75431* GRAMS, LEMOINE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75433* HEATHER STUTELBERG DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 136.50 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description Fund: 2 GAS 12/02/2021 GEN 75436* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC 12/02/2021 GEN 75439* JACKIE WISCH 12/02/2021 GEN 75440* JACLYN COOPER OR ADAM COOPER 12/02/2021 GEN 75441* JAMES WECKMAN 12/02/2021 GEN 75442* JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE INC 12/02/2021 GEN 75444* JOHNSON, BILL 12/02/2021 GEN 75445* JOSHUA BARNHART 12/02/2021 GEN 75446* KATHRYN SMITH 12/02/2021 GEN 75447* KATIE MAYLAND 12/02/2021 GEN 75450* LORI MCKINNEY 12/02/2021 GEN 75451* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 12/02/2021 GEN 75452* MARIA MILLER 12/02/2021 GEN 75453* MARTIN LEZAMA 12/02/2021 GEN 75456* MEDICA 12/02/2021 GEN 75457* MEGAN MENDENHALL 12/02/2021 GEN 75458 MRC GLOBAL Account Dept Page 16/22 Amount Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 910.41 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 117.25 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 108.50 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 35.00 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 168.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 63.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 35.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 173.89 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 112.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 15% GAS 242-000- 00 9,313.11 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 KF, IN: M323-199S7AF6, 12" FP, C1600, 107-378- 00 28,125.00 SALES TAX 107-378- 00 1,933.59 1-1/4" x 9" Xyaln Coated B7 Stud W/2H 107-378- 00 2,008.00 5/8" x 4-1/2" Xylan Coated B7 Stud W/2H 107-378- 00 147.20 SALES TAX 107-378- 00 148.17 HECK GEN 75458 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 32,361.96 12/16/2021 02:39 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Page 17/22 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/02/2021 GEN 75459* NATASHA IVERSON OR JAMEASHIA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 108.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75461* NICOLE MERRY OR CHRISTOPHER MERRY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 112.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75462 OMEGA BAIL MANAGEMENT RAILROAD LICENSES 401-856- 05 1,821.46 12/02/2021 GEN 75463*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 401-880- 04 120.42 Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 401-880- 04 120.42 HECK GEN 75463 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 240.84 12/02/2021 GEN 75464* PETER WILSON OR CRYSTAL LANKFORD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 148.75 12/02/2021 GEN 75465*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 3,856.05 12/02/2021 GEN 75467* Q MARKET RESEARCH CITIZEN SURVEY 401-923- 08 1,500.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75469* RALPH LEVASSEUR OR NATALIE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75470* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 372.68 LIFE INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 170.68 HECK GEN 75470 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 543.36 12/02/2021 GEN 75471* REMUCAL, LINDA Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 200.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75472* ROBERT BRUCE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75473* ROSE SPICER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75474* RYAN MULQUEENY OR SHANNON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75475* SARAH CROTTY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75476* SCHARPE, BERNADETTE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75478* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 4.26 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 18/22 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/02/2021 GEN 75479* SMITH, DAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75480 SOUTH CENTRAL ELECTRIC ASS'N UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE 401-856- 05 34.00 12/02/2021 GEN 75482 STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULATORY EXPENSES 401-928- 08 1,708.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75483* SYDNEY FRAZIER OR MACHAULY SMITH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 94.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75484* THE GRAND LODGE OF MINNESOTA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 47.25 12/02/2021 GEN 75485* THOMAS GAUVAIN OR JOYCE BALGAARD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 115.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75487* TRANS LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 160.74 12/02/2021 GEN 75488* TYLER SCHMIDTBAUER OR CRYSTAL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 80.50 12/02/2021 GEN 75489* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,659.82 12/02/2021 GEN 75490 VERIZON WIRELESS UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-SCADA 401-856- 05 117.12 12/02/2021 GEN 75491* WILLIAM MCELHANEY OR CHRISTIN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 12/02/2021 GEN 929(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 102.10 12/16/2021 GEN 75493*4 ACE HARDWARE Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 6.41 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 13.35 HECK GEN 75493 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 19.76 12/16/2021 GEN 75495 ASPEN COATINGS, INC Meters And All Fittings 107-381- 00 80.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75496 BODE, NATHAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75497 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION Bond Service Fees 427-000- 08 475.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75498*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1/2" x 3" XH SMLS A106 Nipple 107-378- 00 3.32 1/2" x 2" Run TRD-O-LET, 3000 LB. 107-378- 00 7.70 BRACKET, WALL MT RISER, 2", REFER TO 154-000- 00 44. 92 ELL, WELD FITTING, 90 DEG, 2", SMLS, 154-000- 00 25.20 VALVE, METER, 2", INS, LOCKWING, PLG 154-000- 00 1,194.40 COUPLING, 3/4" IPS, EF, MDPE 154-000- 00 442.40 TEE, TAPPING, 2" X 3/4" IPS, SIR 11, 154-000- 00 329.20 CAP, 2", SMLS WELD FITTING , STD WGHT 154-000- 00 65.96 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 2 GAS CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description 12/16/2021 GEN 75499 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC 12/16/2021 GEN 75503 CENTURYLINK 12/16/2021 GEN 75504*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 12/16/2021 GEN 75505*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 12/16/2021 GEN 75506*4 COUNTY OF MCLEOD 12/16/2021 GEN 75507 CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT 12/16/2021 GEN 75508*4 DELMAR COMPANY Account Dept Page 19/22 Amount GASKET, 2" RING, 150 ANSI FLANGE, 154-000- 00 68.00 VALVE, EXCESS FLOW, 775 SERIES, BF 154-000- 00 312.80 ELL, WELD FITTING, 90 DEG, 4", SMLS, 154-000- 00 91.11 TEE, WELD FITTING, STRAIGHT, 2", SMLS, 154-000- 00 60.44 FLANGE, WELD NECK, FLAT FACED , 150 154-000- 00 86. 52 ELL, BUTT FUSION, MOLDED, 90 DEG, 4" 154-000- 00 37.52 REDUCER, BUTT FUSION, MOLDED 4" IPS X 154-000- 00 19.80 SALES TAX 401-874- 04 3.09 SALES TAX 401-874- 04 1.73 SALES TAX 401-874- 04 82.12 SALES TAX 401-874- 04 53.05 Materials 401-874- 04 4.80 Materials 401-874- 04 22.85 SALES TAX 401-874- 04 20.31 4" x 2" CS STD. Weld Concentric Reducer 402-863- 05 30.22 2", 600 ANSI, 304 SPRL Gasket 402-863- 05 35.88 SALES TAX 402-863- 05 4.78 2", CS 600 ANSI, RFWN, Flange, 402-863- 05 127.12 SALES TAX 402-863- 05 9.27 HECK GEN 75498 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 3,184.51 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 191.30 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 68.96 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 207.67 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 207.67 HECK GEN 75504 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 415.34 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -GAS 401-880- 04 1,701.66 Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 187.50 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 69.93 HECK GEN 75505 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,959.09 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 104.00 50o payment 107-392- 00 13,670.00 GASKET, 2" RING, 150 ANSI FLANGE, 154-000- 00 55.00 FREIGHT 401-874- 04 21.56 FREIGHT 401-874- 04 53.03 12 '' 6004 304/Graf. Metal Gasket 401-856- 05 113.60 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Payee Description Account Dept Page 20/22 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 75508 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 243.19 12/16/2021 GEN 75509* ELTGROTH, JOE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 550.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75511* FRANK MADDEN & ASSOCIATES Legal Services 401-923- 08 1,080.53 12/16/2021 GEN 75513*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Materials 401-874- 04 72.22 Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 43.20 HECK GEN 75513 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 115.42 12/16/2021 GEN 75514* GOVDEALS Gain On Disposal - Gas 421-000- 00 2,246.29 12/16/2021 GEN 75517* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 27.39 12/16/2021 GEN 75519* HUTCHINSON LEADER Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 37.06 12/16/2021 GEN 75520*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 40.59 Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 44.87 HECK GEN 75520 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 85.46 12/16/2021 GEN 75521* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Office Supplies 401-921- 08 158.61 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 106.87 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 (47.69) HECK GEN 75521 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 217.79 12/16/2021 GEN 75522* JOHNSON, PAULINE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75525 KURTH WELDING & REPAIR Meters And All Fittings 107-381- 00 120.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75526 LINDEN, DENNIS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 500.00 12/16/2021 GEN 75529 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Materials 401-856- 05 60.40 12/16/2021 GEN 75531*4 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN MISC EXPENSE -GAS LINE PUMP 401-880- 04 65.94 12/16/2021 GEN 75532 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY Materials 401-874- 04 202.94 12/16/2021 GEN 75535 MRC GLOBAL Materials 402-863- 05 143.67 12/16/2021 GEN 75536 NEW CENTURY SOFTWARE INC Materials 401-856- 05 4,200.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 12/16/2021 GEN 75537 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 12/16/2021 GEN 75539* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 12/16/2021 GEN 75540*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 HECK GEN 75540 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/16/2021 GEN 75541* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 12/16/2021 GEN 75542*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 VEHICLES - MATERIAL -GAS 402-895- 04 HECK GEN 75542 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/16/2021 GEN 75543 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Materials 401-856- 05 12/16/2021 GEN 75544* PUTZ, RONALD Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/16/2021 GEN 75548*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Meters And All Fittings 107-381- 00 Materials 401-874- 04 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 75548 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/16/2021 GEN 75550* SCHWANKE, SHAWN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/16/2021 GEN 75551* SMITH, RICHARD Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/16/2021 GEN 75552* SPORS, THOMAS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/16/2021 GEN 75553 SPRINT Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 12/16/2021 GEN 75554*4 STANDARD PRINTING & MAILING OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 12/16/2021 GEN 75555* TELECKY, JAKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 Page 21/22 Amount 2,000.00 636.27 197.31 70.25 267.56 12.00 1,076.84 53.77 148.53 2,310.00 350.00 45.29 345.18 398.00 350.00 350.00 400.00 133.00 12.57 650.00 12/16/2021 02:39 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 11/20/2021 - 12/16/2021 Description Fund: 2 GAS 12/16/2021 GEN 75557* TRANS 12/16/2021 GEN 75559* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 12/16/2021 GEN 75560* VERIZON WIRELESS 12/16/2021 GEN 75561*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC 12/16/2021 GEN 75563 WSB Account Dept LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 UTILITY ESP - WATER/WASTE 45/55- 401-930- 08 Perform 2021 Class Location, MCA/HCA 401-856- 05 Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 HECK GEN 75563 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 12/16/2021 GEN 918(E)*4 VISA Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 Total for fund 2 GAS TOTAL - ALL FUNDS '*'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT Page 22/22 Amount 328.19 60.72 411.35 187.86 13,848.37 13,853.50 69.94 1,937,402.47 4,513,114.94 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2021 Combined Division Customer Revenue Sales for Resale NU Transportation Electric Division Transfer Other Revenues Interest Income TOTALREVENUES Salaries & Benefits Purchased Commodities Transmission Generator Fuel/Chem. Depreciation Transfers (Elect./City) Operating Expense Debt Interest TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT/(LOSS) 2021 2020 Di %Chng 2021 2020 Di %Chng FuIIYrBud %of Bud $ 3,152,826 $ 2,737,841 $ 414,985 15.2% $ 35,277,704 $ 30,222,120 $ 5,055,584 16.7% $ 35,545,920 99.2% $ 385,131 $ 246,864 $ 138,267 56.0% $ 3,909,088 $ 2,450,538 $ 1,458,550 59.5% $ 3,360,000 116.3% $ 84,446 $ 82,694 $ 1,752 2.1% $ 971,083 $ 958,197 $ 12,886 1.3% $ 998,904 97.2% $ 56,879 $ 55,440 $ 1,439 2.6% $ 625,671 $ 609,843 $ 15,828 2.6% $ 682,550 91.7% $ 88,261 $ 32,670 $ 55,590 170.2% $ 492,804 $ 816,928 $ (324,124) (39.7%) $ 355,204 138.7% $ 20,901 $ 22,181 $ (1,280) (5.8%) $ 372,944 $ 433,937 $ (60,993) (14.1%) $ 383,456 97.3% $ 3,788,443 $ 3,177,690 $ 610,753 19.2% $ 41,649,294 $ 35,491,562 $ 6,157,732 17.3% $ 41,326,034 100.8% $ 533,028 $ 519,015 $ 14,012 2.70% $ 5,951,372 $ 5,940,107 $ 11,265 0.2% $ 7,076,247 84.1% $ 1,771,951 $ 1,497,996 $ 273,956 18.3% $ 21,248,283 $ 16,519,674 $ 4,728,609 28.6% $ 18,426,340 115.3% $ 200,822 $ 170,345 $ 30,477 17.9% $ 2,682,685 $ 1,997,488 $ 685,197 34.3% $ 3,200,000 83.8% $ 179,481 $ 15,100 $ 164,381 1,088.6% $ 1,715,855 $ 494,196 $ 1,221,659 247.2% $ 699,492 245.3% $ 364,919 $ 322,154 $ 42,765 13.3% $ 4,027,183 $ 3,562,026 $ 465,157 13.1% $ 4,100,000 98.2% $ 212,479 $ 211,040 $ 1,439 0.7% $ 2,337,263 $ 2,321,438 $ 15,825 0.7% $ 2,549,742 91.7% $ 211,108 $ 157,814 $ 53,294 33.8% $ 2,161,298 $ 1,962,070 $ 199,228 10.2% $ 2,941,142 73.5% $ 83,542 $ 89,542 $ (6,000) (6.7%) $ 918,964 $ 984,964 $ (66,000) 6.7% $ 990,507 92.8% $ 3,557,328 $ 2,983,005 $ 574,323 19.3% $ 41,042,903 $ 33,781,963 $ 7,260,940 21.5% $ 39,983,470 102.6% $ 231,115 $ 194,685 $ 36,430 18.7% $ 606,391 $ 1,709,599 $ (1,103,208) (64.5%) $ 1,342,564 45.2% November November YTD YTD 2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change Gross Margin % 32.9% 36.0% -3.2% 28.2% 34.3% -6.1% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 6.1% 7.4% -1.3% 1.8% 4.4% -2.6% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 6.1% 6.1% 0.0% 1.5% 4.8% -3.4% 2021 HUC Budget Target 35.3% W iiiiiii!I 4.3% 3.2% HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2021 2021 2020 Di . Electric Division Customer Revenue $ 1,981,224 $ 1,777,625 $ 203,599 Sales for Resale $ 385,131 $ 246,864 $ 138,267 Other Revenues $ 26,753 $ 8,461 $ 18,293 Interest Income $ 11,845 $ 12,485 $ (640) TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,404,952 $ 2,045,434 $ 359,518 % Chna 2021 2020 Di . 11.5% $ 23,341,010 $ 21,692,993 $ 1,648,017 56.0% $ 3,909,088 $ 2,450,538 $ 1,458,550 216.2% $ 195,550 $ 508,550 $ (313,000) (5.1%) $ 201,755 $ 232,303 $ (30,548) 17.6%1 $ 27,647,402 $ 24,884,384 $ 2,763,019 Salaries & Benefits $ 398,712 $ 388,476 $ 10,236 2.6% $ 4,413,323 $ 4,453,296 $ (39,973) Purchased Power $ 1,051,533 $ 931,454 $ 120,079 12.9% $ 12,350,402 $ 11,691,273 $ 659,129 Transmission $ 200,822 $ 170,345 $ 30,477 17.9% $ 2,682,685 $ 1,997,488 $ 685,197 Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 179,481 $ 15,100 $ 164,381 1,088.6% $ 1,715,855 $ 494,196 $ 1,221,659 Depreciation $ 274,848 $ 231,285 $ 43,563 18.8% $ 3,030,369 $ 2,580,600 $ 449,769 Transfers (Elect./City) $ 164,674 $ 163,236 $ 1,439 0.9% $ 1,811,419 $ 1,795,591 $ 15,828 Operating Expense $ 152,936 $ 119,768 $ 33,167 27.7% $ 1,489,446 $ 1,315,767 $ 173,679 Debt Interest $ 43,321 $ 44,471 $ (1,150) (2.6%) $ 476,535 $ 489,185 $ (12,650) TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,466,327 $ 2,064,135 $ 402,192 19.5% $ 27,970,033 $ 24,817,396 $ 3,152,637 NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ (61,375) $ (18,701) $ (42,674) 228.2% $ (322,630) $ 66,988 $ (389,618) % Chna 916% of Year Full Yr Bud $ 25,441,420 Comp. % of Bud 91.7% 7.6% 59.5% $ 3,360,000 116.3% (61.59/c) $ 99799 195.9% (13.2%) $ 208:456 96.8% 11.1%1 $ 29,109,675 95.0% (0.9%) $ 5,175,775 85.3% 5.6% $ 12,888,000 95.8% 34.3% $ 3,200,000 83.8% 247.2% $ 699,492 245.3% 17.4% $ 3,000,000 101.0% 0.9% $ 1,976,093 91.7% 13.2% $ 1,900,106 78.4% 2.6% $ 507,857 $ 29,347,323 93.8% 95.3% 12.7% 37,648) 135.8% 2021 2020 Di . %Chna 2021 2020 Di . %Chna Full YrBud %of Bud Electric Division Residential 3,750,336 3,835,644 (85,308) (2.22%) 49,096,546 48,467,247 629,299 1.30% 53,519,179 91.7% All Electric 232,138 225,567 6,571 2.91% 2,246,118 2,305,035 (58,917) (2.56%) 2,646,623 84.9% Small General 1,343,125 1,357,025 (13,900) (1.02%) 16,467,919 16,187,889 280,030 1.73% 19,052,314 86.4% Large General 6,454,940 6,341,550 113,390 1.79% 78,654,670 72,071,410 6,583,260 9.13% 81,184,946 96.9% Industrial 9,176,000 8,769,000 407,000 4.64% 111,226,000 108,022,000 3,204,000 2.97% 124,696,169 89.2% Total KWH Sold 20,956,539 20,528,786 427,753 2.08%1 257,691,253 247,053,581 10,637,672 4.31%1 281,099,231 91.7% November November YTD YTD 2021 HUC 2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change Budget Target Gross Margin °% 27 2°% 29 9°% -2 7°% 25.9% 27.7°% -1.7% 29.0°% gpi M Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) -1.8% 0.3% -2.1% -0.7% -0.6% -0.1% 0.2% 0%-5% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): -2.6% -0.9% -1.6% -1.2% 0.3% -1.4% -0.8% 0%-5% Customer Revenue per KWH: $0.0945 $0.0866 $0.0079 $0.0902 $0.0874 $0.0028 $0.0900 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH: $0.0827 $0.0692 $0.0135 $0.0785 $0.0708 $0.0077 $0.0730 $0.0730 Net Loss increased by $42,674 with increased revenues but increased operating expenses as well. Purchased Power and Fuel were the biggest expense increases due to increased usage. Sales for Resale of $385,131 consisted of $140,881 in market sales, $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake and $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP. November 2020 Sales for Resale of $246,864 consisted of $2,614 in market sales, $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP, and $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake. November 2019 Sales for Resale of $199,549 consisted of $5,065 in market sales, $36,400 in Transalta tolling fees, $8,584 in Transalta energy sales, $136,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA, and $13,500 in capacity sales to AEP. Overall Purchased Power increased by $120,079. MRES purchases increased by $3,944 and market purchases/MISO costs increased by $116,135. Power Cost Adjustment for November 2021 was $.00772/kwhr bringing in an additional $162,091 for the month and $1,493,007 YTD. Last year's power cost adjustment for November 2020 was $0 for the month and $500,576 YTD. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2021 2021 2020 Di . Gas Division Customer Revenue $ 1,171,602 $ 960,215 $ 211,387 Transportation $ 84,446 $ 82,694 $ 1,752 Electric Div. Transfer $ 56,879 $ 55,440 $ 1,439 Other Revenues $ 61,507 $ 24,210 $ 37,298 Interest Income $ 9,057 $ 9,696 $ (640) TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,383,491 $ 1,132,256 $ 251,235 Salaries & Benefits Purchased Gas Operating Expense Depreciation Transfers (City) Debt Interest TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT/(LOSS) Gas Division %Chna 2021 2020 Di %Chna Full YrBud %of Bud 22.0% $ 11,936,694 $ 8,529,127 $ 3,407,567 40.0% $ 10,104,500 118.1% 2.1% $ 971,083 $ 958,197 $ 12,886 1.3% $ 998,904 97.2% 2.6% $ 625,671 $ 609,843 $ 15,828 2.6% $ 682,550 91.7% 154.1% $ 297,254 $ 308,378 $ (11,124) (3.6%) $ 255,405 116.4% (6.6%) $ 171,189 $ 201,634 $ (30,445) (15.1%) $ 175,000 97.89/o 22.2%1 $ 14,001,892 $ 10,607,178 $ 3,394,713 32.0%1 $ 12,216,359 114.6% $ 134,316 $ 130,540 $ 3,777 2.9% $ 1,538,049 $ 1,486,811 $ 51,238 3.4% $ 1,900,472 80.9% $ 720,418 $ 566,541 $ 153,877 27.2% $ 8,897,881 $ 4,828,401 $ 4,069,481 84.3% $ 5,538,340 160.7% $ 58,172 $ 38,045 $ 20,127 52.9% $ 671,852 $ 646,303 $ 25,549 4.0% $ 1,041,036 64.5% $ 90,070 $ 90,869 $ (798) (0.9%) $ 996,814 $ 981,426 $ 15,388 1.6% $ 1,100,000 90.6% $ 47,804 $ 47,804 $ - 0.0% $ 525,845 $ 525,848 $ (3) (0.0%) $ 573,649 91.7% $ 40,221 $ 45,071 $ (4,850) 0.0% $ 442,429 $ 495,779 $ (53,350) 10.8% $ 482,650 91.7% $ 1,091,001 $ 918,870 $ 172,131 18.79/c $ 13,072,870 $ 8,964,567 $ 4,108,303 45.8% $ 10,636,147 122.9% $ 292,490 $ 213,386 $ 79,104 37.19/c $ 929,021 $ 1,642,611 $ (713,590) (43.4%) $ 1,580,212 58.8% 2021 2020 Di %Chna 1 2021 2020 Di %Chna I Full YrBud %of Bud Residential 45,617,684 42,348,787 3,268,897 7.72% 322,606,990 342,455,201 (19,848,211) (5.80%) 429,017,000 75.2% Commercial 32,515,811 31,064,785 1,451,026 4.67% 252,129,511 264,672,732 (12,543,221) (4.74%) 336,067,000 75.0% Industrial 76,390,812 74,343,816 2,046,996 2.75% 765,124,672 784,284,565 (19,159,893) (2.44%) 781,920,000 97.9% Total CF Sold 154,524,307 147,757,388 6,766,919 4.58% 1,339,861,173 1,391,412,498 (51,551,325) (3.70%) 1,547,004,000 86.6% November November YTD YTD 2021 HUC 2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 43.0% 47.4% -4.3% 32.7% 50.1% -17.4% 50.5% 37%-42% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 20.3% 20.4% -0.2% 6.8% 16.2% -9.4% 14.1% 11%-16% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 22.3% 19.4% 2.8% 6.9% 16.3% -9.4% 13.4% Contracted Customer Rev. per CF: $0.0050 $0.0041 $0.0009 $0.0063 $0.0037 $0.0026 $0.0040 Customer Revenue per CF: $0.0100 $0.0087 $0.0012 $0.0121 $0.0089 $0.0032 $0.0088 Total Power Supply Exp. per CF: $0.0049 $0.0039 $0.0009 $0.0068 $0.0036 $0.0032 $0.0038 November 2021 net income increased by $79,104 with increased revenue and usage. Customers were charged an additional $60,846 as opposed to a credit of $50,615 a year ago which is why revenues were up a much higher percentage than usage. November 2021 fuel cost adjustment was $.75 per MCF which brought in $60,846 for the month with a total of $1,277,158 YTD. November 2020 credits totalled $50,615 for the month and $650,615 YTD. Current Assets UnrestrictedlUndesignated Cash Cash Petty Cash Designated Cash Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP Payment in Lieu of Taxes Rate Stabilization - Electric Rate Stabilization - Gas Catastrophic Funds Restricted Cash Bond Interest Payment 2017 Bond Interest Payment 2012 Debt Service Reserve Funds Total Current Assets Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) Interest Total Receivables Other Assets Inventory Prepaid Expenses Sales Tax Receivable Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Gas Total Other Assets Total Current Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Rights Depreciable Capital Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction - Work in Progress Total Net Capital Assets Total Assets HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2021 Electric Gas Total Division Division 2021 Total Net Change 2020 Total (YTD) 6,401,204.08 9,300,091.02 15,701,295.10 14,203,953.00 1,497,342.10 680.00 170.00 850.00 850.00 - 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - 1,293,543.00 573,649.00 1,867,192.00 1,867,192.00 - 364,336.05 - 364,336.05 385,312.05 (20,976.00) - 546,216.85 546,216.85 599,800.84 (53,583.99) 800,000.00 200,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 1,882,856.32 - 1,882,856.32 1,778,656.29 104,200.03 - 2,047,550.00 2,047,550.00 1,995,850.04 51,699.96 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 14,014,955.09 15,556,370.89 29,571,325.98 27,492,643.88 2,078,682.10 1,989,274.33 1,230,655.23 3,219,929.56 2,871,210.33 348,719.23 48,992.65 48,992.65 97,985.30 115,964.64 (17,979.34) 2,038,266.98 1,279,647.88 3,317,914.86 2,987,174.97 330,739.89 1,697,216.89 511,224.25 2,208,441.14 1,994,437.38 214,003.76 13,329.71 25,119.63 38,449.34 118,597.35 (80,148.01) 140,461.73 - 140,461.73 124,427.85 16,033.88 313,166.00 - 313,166.00 219,249.00 93,917.00 - 104,390.00 104,390.00 73,083.00 31,307.00 2,164,174.33 640,733.88 2,804,908.21 2,529,794.58 275,113.63 18,217,396.40 17,476,752.65 35,694,149.05 33,009,613.43 2,684,535.62 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - 108,015,883.89 42,490,114.65 150,505,998.54 134,381,328.15 16,124,670.39 (63,568,532.92) (19,222,147.04) (82,790,679.96) (80,916,878.95) (1,873,801.01) 3,434,888.39 267,952.78 3,702,841.17 16,503,587.48 (12,800,746.31) 48,572,607.76 27,435,838.99 76,008,446.75 74,558,323.68 1,450,123.07 66,790,004.16 44,912,591.64 111,702,595.80 107,567,937.11 4,134,658.69 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED NOVEMBER 30, 2021 Electric Gas Total Total Net Change Division Division 2021 2020 Total (YTD) Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable 700,000.00 1,730,000.00 2,430,000.00 2,240,000.00 190,000.00 Bond Premium - 185,608.32 185,608.32 185,608.32 - Accounts Payable 2,691,827.97 1,240,666.63 3,932,494.60 2,695,630.87 1,236,863.73 Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest 264,927.83 241,324.98 506,252.81 - 506,252.81 Accrued Payroll 74,360.33 27,853.14 102,213.47 105,483.64 (3,270.17) Total Current Liabilities 3,731,116.13 3,425,4553.07 7,156,569.20 5,226,722.83 1,929,846.37 Long -Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 14,030,000.00 - 14,030,000.00 14,730,000.00 (700,000.00) 2012 Bonds - 7,780,000.00 7,780,000.00 9,510,000.00 (1,730,000.00) Bond Premium 2012 535,311.36 742,432.91 1,277,744.27 1,496,809.55 (219,065.28) Pension Liability- Electric 3,026,207.00 - 3,026,207.00 2,686,985.00 339,222.00 Pension Liability - Electric OPEB 84,054.00 - 84,054.00 76,502.00 7,552.00 Pension Liability- Nat Gas - 1,008,736.00 1,008,736.00 895,662.00 113,074.00 Pension Liability - Nat Gas OPEB - 28,018.00 28,018.00 25,501.00 2,517.00 Accrued Vacation Payable 426,032.31 158,832.06 584,864.37 526,336.29 58,528.08 Accrued Severance 92,360.61 32,026.46 124,387.07 115,100.18 9,286.89 Deferred Outflows - Electric 123,417.00 - 123,417.00 550,772.00 (427,355.00) Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas - 41,139.00 41,139.00 183,591.00 (142,452.00) Total Long -Term Liabilities 18,317,382.28 9,791,184.43 28,108,566.71 30,797,259.02 (2,688,692.31) Net Position Retained Earnings 44,741,505.75 31,695,954.14 76,437,459.89 71,543,955.26 4,893,504.63 Total Net Position 44,741,505.75 31,695,954.14 76,437,459.89 71,54.3,955.26 4,893,504.63 Total Liabilities and Net Position 66,790,004.16 44,912,591.64 111,702,595.80 107,567,937.11 4,134,658.69 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Combined November 30, 2021 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest November 2021 October 2021 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 29,571,325.98 31,631,945.99 (2,060,620.01) Total Operating Funds 29,571,325.98 31,631,945.99 (2,060,620.01) Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 3,930,406.32 3,661,297.46 269,108.86 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 6,641,435.98 6,372,327.12 269,108.86 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2021 Operating Bud. 5,965,162.00 5,965,162.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds 910,552.90 857,886.15 52,666.75 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,867,192.00 1,867,192.00 - Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2021-2025 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 13,192,906.90 13,140,240.15 52,666.75 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Target Debt to Asset 40.2% 37.7% 34.9% 32.3% 31.6% Current Ratio 3.36 3.93 5.11 5.67 4.00 RONA 1.82% 3.16% 2.25% 3.62% 0.62% Change in Cash Balance (From 12131114 to 1113012021) Month End Electric Elec. Change Natural Gas Gas Change Total Total Change 11/30/2021 14,014,955 15,556,371 29,571,326 12/31/2020 14,239,233 (224,278) 15,019,173 537,198 29,258,406 312,920 12/31/2019 12,124,142 2,115,092 13,837,040 1,182,133 25,961,181 3,297,225 12/31/2018 15,559,867 (3,435,725) 12,335,998 1,501,042 27,895,864 (1,934,683) 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (7,653,378) 10,702,689 1,633,309 33,915,934 (6,020,070) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Signifcant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Electric November 30, 2021 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest November 2021 October 2021 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 29,571,325.98 31,631,945.99 (2,060,620.01) Total HUC Operating Funds 29,571,325.98 31,631,945.99 (2,060,620.01) Debt Restricted Requirements Debt Restricted Requirements Total Restricted Funds Bond Covenants - sinking fund Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & 1 1,882,856.32 522,335.64 2,405,191.96 1,784,284.96 522,335.64 2,306,620.60 98,571.36 - 98,571.36 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions, Electric 11,609,763.13 12,319,781.97 (710,018.84) e Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2021 Operating Bud. 4,379,554.00 4,379,554.00 Rate Stabalization Funds $400K-$1.2K 364,336.05 364,336.05 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,293,543.00 1,293,543.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 800,000.00 800,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2021-2025 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 Total Designated Funds 9,587,433.05 9,587,433.05 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions & Designations, Electric 0.0:(710,018.84) YE YE YE YE YTD APPA Ratio HUC 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 SK-10K Cust. Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.) 35.4% 35.7% 34.1% 32.6% 33.0% 50.1% Current Ratio 4.36 3.63 5.26 6.18 4.15 2.43 RONA -0.6% -0.3% -0.4% 2.5% -0.5% NA >0% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Gas November 30, 2021 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest November 2021 October 2021 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies Total HUC Operating Funds Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds varies 29,571,325.98 31,631,945.99 (2,060,620.01) 29,571,325.98 31,631,945.99 (2,060,620.01) 2,047,550.00 1,877,012.50 170,537.50 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 - 4,236,244.02 4,065,706.52 170,537.50 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2021 Operating Bud. 1,585,608.00 1,585,608.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds $200K-$600K 546,216.85 493,550.10 52,666.75 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 573,649.00 573,649.00 - Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 200,000.00 200,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2021-2025 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 700,000.00 700,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 3,605,473.85 3,552,807.10 52,666.75 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 APGA Ratio Target Debt to Asset 47.6% 40.7% 36.1% 32.0% 29.4% TBD Current Ratio 2.74 4.33 4.96 5.18 3.83 TBD RONA 5.0% 8.3% 6.4% 5.3% 2.5% TBD HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For [he Month End d November 30, 2021 lnt.. at Current Date of Date of Par Current Purchase J-.1m.tl Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Maturity Value Value Amount Gai N(L...) (Di .... nt) Call Oat. WeILS Ferga Maney Market 0.010% 0.010% NA NA - 5011.61 - - - N/A WeILS Ferga FHLB 0.300% 0.525% 02/09/2021 02/09/2026 410000.00 460844.40 410000.00 (9,155.60) - 02/09/2022 WeILs Ferga FHLB 0.300% 0.581% 01/29/2021 01/29/2026 295 000.00 289 589.10 295 000.00 (5 410.30) - 01/29/2022 WeILS Ferga FHLB 0.300% 1.4321 04/29/2021 04/29/2026 400000.00 391944.00 400000.00 (2,056.00) - OB/29/2022 WeILS Ferga FHLB 0.650% 1.069% OB/30/2021 OB/30/2026 300000.00 295941.00 300000.00 (4053.00) - 12/30/2021 W.ILS Ferga FHLB 0.500% 1.281% 09/30/2021 09/30/2026 250000.00 241340.00 250000.00 (2,660.00' - 12/30/2021 WeILs Ferga CD, 1.700% 1.700% 02/21/2020 02/22/2022 245 000.00 245 884.45 245 00.00 884.45 - N/A WeILs Ferga GD' 0.450% 0.450% 04/14/2021 04/15/2024 245 000.00 243110.10 245' 000.00 (1229.90) - 02/14/2022 WeILs Ferga CID 0.550% 0.550% 08/02/2021 08/05/2024 245 000.00 243 510.40 245 000.00 (1 489.60) - N/A WeILs Ferga GD's 1.000% 1.201% Ol/31/2021 Ol/13/2028 245 000.00 242025.95 245 000.00 (2,314.05) - OB/13/2022 WeILs Ferga CID 0.500% 0.698% Ol/30/2020 Ol/30/2025 245,000 .00 245, 110.250 245,000 .00 110.205 - 01/30/2022 WeILs Ferga GD's 0.300% 0.300% 01/08/2021 01/08/2024 245 000.00 243051.40 245 000.00 (1,342 .60) - N/A WeILS Ferga CD, 2.000% 2.000% 08/29/2020 08/22/2022 200000.00 202040.00 200000.00 2-0.00 - 03/29/2022 W.ILs Ferga CID1.000% 1.000% 05/19/2021 05/19/2026 245 000.00 243 481 00 245 000.00 (1 519.00) - N/A WeILS Ferga CID 1.050% 1.050% 08/08/2021 08/25/2026 238000.00 236560.10 238000.00 (1439.90) - N/A W.ILs Ferga CID 1.000% 1.000% O712812021 07/28/2026 245 000.00 242305.00 245 000.00 (2695.00) N/A Broker Total 29.4% 4,113000.00 4086281.36 4,113000.00 (32390.25) - Cetera Investment Services Maney Market 0.010% 0.010% N/A N/A - 4260.65 - - - N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal Bantls 3.4036% 3.4036% 12/20/2018 12/15/2021 50,000.00 49988.00 45,155.00 4833.00 (4845.00) N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2055% 2.208% 12/11/2011 03/01/2022 300000.00 301119.00 305314.92 (3535.92) 5314.92 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 3.118% 12/20/2018 08/01/2022 50,000.00 50,.2.50 50,311.61 314.83 311.67 N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.633% 3.116% 12/20/2018 09/01/2022 250000.00 255911.50 251211.48 (1299.98) 1211.48 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.650% 3.004% 12/20/2018 02/01/2023 250000.00 251182.50 256,165.00 1011.50 6,165.00 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.240% 3.240% 11/il/2017 02/15/2023 80,000.00 79276.80 69033.48 963.32 (10366.52) N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.075% 3.236% 12/20/2018 OB/01/2023 50,000.00 51010.00 49146.15 1923.85 (253.85) N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 5.290% 2.124% 04/18/2019 OB/01/2023 260000.00 211,113.20 291059.96 (13946.16) 31059.96 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.500% 3.181% 12/20/2018 01/01/2023 35000.00 35800.450 34320.05 1480.40 (676115) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 125 000.00 130 K2.50 126 376.25 4 446.25 1 316.25 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2011 11/01/2023 65000.00 68,021.10 65715.65 2312.05 715.65 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.854% 3.113% 12/20/2018 02/01/2024 100000.00 1040'6.00 99605.96 4490.04 (394.01) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.911% 3.246% 12/20/2018 03/15/2024 250000.00 262,102.50 248143.99 13358.51 (125101) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.940% 1.821% 01/13/2020 OS/01/2024 65000.00 66116.00 65570.70 11145.30 570.70 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 5.742% 3658% 04/11/2019 08/01/2024 275000.00 291904.15 3023"00 (4415.25) 21390.00 N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2.528% 1.918% 01/13/2020 12/01/2024 100000.00 103431.00 102999.53 431.41 2999.53 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.922% 3.429% 12/20/2011 12/01/2024 201000.00 221093.16 208,181.10 12,912.08 4,181.10 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 4.400% 3.221% 04/11/2019 Ol/01/2025 500000.00 530470.00 539,101.11 (8,631.11) 39,101.11 0701/2023 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 5.640% 3.001% 04/18/2019 01/15/2025 205000.00 192433.50 169731.95 22,695.55 (35262.05) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.743% 2.740% 04/18/2019 09/15/2025 215000.00 235261.60 228334.53 6921.07 13334.53 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.379% 1.934% 08/19/2019 10/01/2025 310000.00 332003.80 339139.18 (1135.38) 29273111 N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 5.600% 1.186% Ol/28/2020 12/01/2025 45000.00 52,644.60 55250.55 (2,605.95) 10,250.55 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 4.250% 3.258% 04/11/2019 01/01/2026 500000.00 554,115.00 529769.03 24425.W 29169.03 WA Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.420% 1.175% 10/O6/2020 03/01/2026 100000.00 103830.00 106134.28 (2,904.28) 6734.28 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.609% 1.124% 09/24/2020 04/01/2026 215000.00 284903.10 292370.10 (1461.00) 1370.10 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 6.690% 3.356% 04/18/2019 04/15/2026 60,000.00 55428.00 41545.20 1882.1 (12454.10) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 5.900% 1.451% 0/28/2020 06/15/2026 75000.00 87435.00 93741.75 (6308.15) 18,741.75 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 0.000% 1.415% 08/13/2020 07/01/2026 100000.00 92,295.00 92,031.00 258.00 (1963.00) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.250% 2.903% 04/18/2019 08/01/2026 500000.00 535335.00 514190.69 20,544.31 14790.69 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.150% 2.203% 0/01/2019 12/01/2026 40:000.00 40,272.40 40,150.64 12116 150.64 N/A Cetera Im estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.M4% 1.150% 08/27/2020 09/01/2026 225,000 .00 226 903.50 231096.00 (4192.50) 6096.00 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.375% 1.816% 09/04/2019 12/01/2026 90,000.00 94006.80 93395.10 611.10 3395.70 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.350% 2.191% 0/01/2019 12/01/2026 500000.00 511200.00 505385.00 5815.00 5385.00 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 1.991% 08/19/2011 02/01/2021 50,000.00 54078.50 53551.00 521.50 3551.00 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.150% 2.034% 08/19/2019 03/15/2027 100000.00 101441.00 109,138.50 (1,691.50) 9,138.50 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.332% 3.120% 04/18/2011 04/15/2027 500000.00 546,185.00 501183.94 38,401.06 1783.94 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.M5% 2.470% 08/19/2019 OS/01/2027 55000.00 60:074.85 60,'16.48 (911.63) 5986.48 05/01/2025 Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.553% 2.289% 08/19/2019 05/01/2027 55000.00 59,109.60 60:468.04 (1358.44) 5468.04 OS/01/2026 Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.230% 1.828% 08/19/2019 05/15/2027 145000.00 158300.85 160821.31 (2,526.46) 15821.31 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.925% 1.719% 11/23/2021 01 O012021 310000.00 310,1W 50 313441.46 (3338.96) 3441.46 Meke-Whale Cell Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.861% 1.254% 0, 072021 0/01/2027 50,000.00 50:352.00 52,169.22 (1113722) 2,169.22 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 3.101% 05/112020 09/01/2027 65000.00 69012.40 69,180.58 431.82 4,180.58 09/01/2025 Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2.811% 2.811% 09/25/2019 10/01/2021 35000.00 30,123.10 21969.55 2154.15 (1030.45) OS/01/2025 Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.415% 1.793% 11/23/2021 03/01/2028 100000.00 91540.00 98,088.31 (548.31) (1911.69) NIA Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.270% 2.141% 08/19/2019 03/15/2028 155000.00 167301.00 170805.09 (3498.09) 15805.09 09/15/2027 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.974% 2.574% 11/072011 04/01/2028 75000.00 11126.25 11255300 413.25 2253.00 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.125% 1.904% 11/23/2021 OB/01/2028 110000.00 110,101.80 111525.08 (1411.26) 1525.06 N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.541% 1.240% 08/10/2021 07/01/2028 125000.00 130191.50 136,101.16 (5303.66) 11,101.16 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.140% 2.004% 08/19/2019 08/01/2028 500000.00 531:16100 541,105.00 (1145.00) 41,105.00 08/01/2021 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 2.199% 05/112020 08/15/2028 90,000.00 96025.50 95401.80 623.70 5401.80 08/15/2025 Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 1.692% 1.813% 11/24/2021 10/01/2028 180000.00 118430.40 119,188.14 (758.34) (811.26) N/A Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 1.942% 08/19/2019 OB/01/2029 115 000.00 121, 181.10 125 961.80 1225.90 10,961. so N/A Getere l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 4.000% 3.214% 03/22/2021 09/01/2031 60,000.00 64018.20 64292.00 326.20 4292.00 09/01/2024 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.500% 2.699% 11/23/2021 02/01/2033 50,000.00 52,622.00 54390.440 (1168.44) 4310.44 02/01/2025 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.250% 2.655% 08/19/2019 06/01/2029 75000.00 79909.50 79860.31 49.19 4Mo 31 02/01/2025 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.125% 2.303% 11/23/2021 10/012034 50,000.00 54,113.50 54113.61 (600.19) 4113.69 04/01/2021 Getere Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.125% 2.456% 11/23/2021 02/01/2035 50000.00 5300.00 54236.11 (629.11) 4236.11 02/01/2026 Broker Total 70.6 % 9 359 000.00 9 822 296.26 9 722 856.19 95,179.42 363 8M 19 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $ 13.472,000.00 $ 13.908.577.62 $ 13.835.856.19 $ 62,789.17 $ 363.856.19 ulllullll• ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue November 2021 CLASS AMOUNT KWH /KWH Street Lights $44.69 820 $0.05450 Electric Residential Service $430,894.17 3,750,336 $0.11489 All Electric Residential Service $24,361.33 232,138 $0.10494 Electric Small General Service $146,563.75 1,343,125 $0.10912 Electric Large General Service $613,906.50 6,454,940 $0.09511 Electric Large Industrial Service $765,453.36 9,176,000 $0.08342 Total $1,981,223.80 20,957,359 $0.09454 Power Adjustment $0.00772 Rate Without Power Adjustment $0.08682 Electric Division Year -to -Date M2021$A--t 02020$A--t ■2021 KWH110 02020KWH110 28,000,000 27,000,000 26,000,000 25,000,000 24,000,000 23,000,000 22,000,000 21,000,000 20,000,000 19,000,000 18,000,000 17,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Street Lights Residential All Elec. Small Gen. Large Gen. Large For Resale Total Resid. Srv. Srv. Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales, market sales and Transalta sales. NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue NOVEMBER 2021 CLASS AMOUNT MCF /$ MCF Residential $458,859.86 45,618 $10.05875 Commercial $323,008.82 32,516 $9.93384 Large Industrial $22,951.99 2,663 $8.61885 Large Industrial Contracts $366,781.46 73,728 $4.97479 Total $1,171,602.13 154,525 $7.58196 Fuel Adjustment $0.75000 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment $6.83196 Natural Gas Division Year -to -Date ® 2021 $ Amouni 0 2020 $ Amount ■ 2021 MCF 132020 MCF 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Gas Residential Gas Commercial Large Industrial Large Industrial Total Contracts Electric Production Work Order Description Materials 12101 Plant 1 Cooling Tower Fence $ 7,000.00 $ 12102 Plant 1 Brick in Vent Opening 7,000.00 12103 Plant 1 Roof Replacement 40,000.00 12104 Units 6 & 7 Roof Exhaust Fans 30,000.00 12105 CEMS Data Logger Software for Unit 1 70,000.00 12106 Pressure Calibration Machine 15,000.00 Total Total Labor Budeted Actual Difference - $ 7,000.00 $ 4,692.00 $ (2,308.00) - 7,000.00 - (7,000.00) - $ 40,000.00 29,508.49 $ (10,491.51) - $ 30,000.00 - $ (30,000.00) 2,000.00 $ 72,000.00 65,605.77 $ (6,394.23) - $ 15,000.00 11,036.10 $ (3,963.90) $ 169,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 171,000.00 $ 110,842.36 $ (60,157.64) Electric Distribution Work Order Description Materials Labor 22101 Pole Repair or Replacement $ 3.5,000.00 $ - 22102 Install Duct for Reconductor 15,000.00 65,000.00 22103 Feeders 15 & 16 Reconductor 35,000.00 75,000.00 22104 Feeder 12A Reconductor 30,000.00 20,000.00 22105 Civil Air Patrol 7,000.00 2,000.00 22106 Century Court Apartments 2nd Addition 10,000.00 15,000.00 22107 City Road Projects 10,000.00 10,000.00 22108 New Developments 50,000.00 - 22109 Feeder 12A Reconductor 15,000.00 7,000.00 22110 Transformer Replacements 40,000.00 14,000.00 22111 Transformer New Developments 50,000.00 22112 Century Court Apartments 2nd Addition 15,000.00 3,000.00 22113 Civil Air Patrol 4,000.00 1,000.00 22114 Meters 30,000.00 - $ 326,000.00 $ 212,000.00 Total Total Budeted Actual Difference $ 15,000.00 $ - $ (15,000.00) 80,000.00 32,864.23 $ (47,135.77) 110,000.00 16,848.65 $ (93,151.35) 50,000.00 - $ (50,000.00) 9,000.00 - $ (9,000.00) 25,000.00 6,818.57 $ (18,181.43) 20,000.00 2,519.12 $ (17,480.88) 50,000.00 98,995.94 $ 48,995.94 22,000.00 $ (22,000.00) 54,000.00 97.14 $ (53,902.86) 50,000.00 34,086.97 $ (15,913.03) 18,000.00 1,687.45 $ (16,312.55) 5,000.00 - $ (5,000.00) 30,000.00 11,977.26 �..._ $ (18,022.74) ............................................................ $ 538,000.00 $ 205,895.33 $ (332,104.67) Work Order Description 52101 Vactron 52102 Directional Borer 52103 Natural Gas Service Truck 52104 Misc Tools 52007 Replace #357 Welding Truck Administrative Total Total Bud eted Actual Difference $ 72,000.00 $ 97,061.28 $ (25,061.28) 167,000.00 113,595.00 53,405.00 75,000.00 14,388.66 60,611.34 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 92,700.00 68,930.55 23,769.45 ' $ 416,700.00 $ 293,975.49 $ (122,724.51) Natural Gas Work Total Order Description, Materials Labor Budgeted 62101 Misc Developments $ 50,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 57,500.00 62102 Dale St SW (Roberts to South Grade) 5,000.00 1,500.00 6,500.00 62103 SCD Trunk Storm 7,500.00 3,000.00 10,500.00 62104 Washington Ave (Lynn to Main) 7,500.00 2,000.00 9,500.00 62105 Roberts Road SW (Alan to Dale) 15,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 62106 1st Ave NE (Main to Adams) 5,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 62107 1st Ave SE (Main to Adams) 5,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 62108 2nd Ave SW (Franklin to Main) 5,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 62109 Isolated Main Replacement (Btn Barley and GI 95,000.00 5,000.00 100,000.00 62110 Improvements to Regulator Stations 20,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 62111 Service Lines 57,000.00 35,000.00 92,000.00 62112 Meters, AMI, and All Fittings 100,000.00 4,000.00 104,000.00 62113 Residential Regulators 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 62114 Industrial Metering and Regulation 80,000.00 5,000.00 85,000.00 62115 Pressure Monitors - AMI System 25,000.00 1,500.00 26,500.00 $ 492,000.00 $ 78,500.00 $ 570,500.00 Total Actual Difference $ 34,304.88 $ (23,195.12) (6,500.00) (10,500.00) (9,500.00) (20,000.00) (7,000.00) (7,000.00) (7,000.00) 3,905.91 (96,094.09) 32,405.26 9,405.26 79,859.45 (12,140.55) 26,106.38 (77,893.62) (15,000.00) 2,584.90 (82,415.10) 4,637.70 (21,862.30) $ 183,804.48 $ (386,695.52) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION B Board Action Form mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approval of Requisition 008971 to WSB for Engineering Assistance Presenter: John Webster Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 1 New Business Attachments: iYes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Natural Gas Division is required to perform an Integrity Assessment of the High Consequence Area (HCA) segment on the 12-inch natural gas lateral near Hutchinson, MN. WSB is to provide: Recommendations on tool vendors, tool type and specifications. Review of post -tool run analysis. Recommendation of confirmatory dig site locations (two recommended). Inspection of excavation and non-destructive testing. Report of measure anomaly information for future repair procedure development (if needed). Final cost of engineering assistance is dependent on timing and length of confirmatory digs on pipeline. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Requisition 008971. Fiscal Impact: $49,580 Included in current budget: Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $1,105,000 Remaining Cost;$1,055,420 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES O'5'i01t WSB 701 XENIA AVE S SUITE 300 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55416 Note: PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Description: Engineering for Integrity Assessment of HCA Segment on 12" Lateral Date Requisition No. 12/06/2021 008971 Required by: Requested by: JWebster Item Part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount PROJECT MANAGEMENT, MEETINGS & - 7 COORDINATION WITH VENDORS. IN 1 REGARDS TO INTERGRITY ASSESSMENT OF 1.00 EA 01/01/2022 $10,200.000 $10,200.00 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES' HCA SEGMENT. MFG. PART: ENGINEERING REVIEW OF ILI DATA MFG. PART: 1.00 EA 01/01/2022 $17,400.000 $17,400.00 PRELIMINARY ANOMALY REPORT - MFG. PART: 3 1.00 EA 01/01/2022 $4,320.000 $4,320.00 INSPECTOR, CIP1 (REGULAR) - MFG. PART: 4 1.00 EA 05/05/2022 $9,120.000 $9,120.00 INSPECTOR, CIP1, (OT) - MFG. PART: 5 1.00 EA 05/05/2022 $5,600.000 $5,600.00 PER DIEM - VARIABLE - MFG. PART: 6 1.00 EA 05/05/2022 $1,500.000 $1,500.00 FINAL ANOMALY REPORT- MFG. PART: 7 1.00 EA 05/05/2022 $1,440.000 $1,440.00 Total: 49,580.00 Date Printed: 12/06/2021 Requisitioned By: JWebster Page: 1/1 FOR THE HUTCH114SON UTILITIES COMMISSION E December 31d, 2021 John Webster, Director, Natural Gas Division 225 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: HCA Integrity Assessment Dear Mr. Webster, WSB is pleased to present this proposal to assist Hutchinson Utilities Commission (HUC) with the integrity assessment of their high consequence area (HCA) segment on the 12-inch natural gas line located near Hutchinson, MN. It is anticipated that an in -line inspection (ILI) tool will be utilized to assess the pipeline to meet 49 CFR Part 192 Subpart O requirements and HUC's Transmission Integrity Management Plan (TIMP). WSB does not own or operate these tools, but can assist HUC with the following required tasks for this project: • Recommendations on tool vendors, tool type, and specifications • Review of post -tool run analysis • Recommendation of confirmatory dig site locations (two recommended) • Inspection of excavation and non-destructive testing • Report of measured anomaly information for future repair procedure development (if needed) WSB anticipates that the above mentioned scope will be completed in the 2022 calendar year. This schedule is dependent on tool availability and may need to be adjusted, but WSB will strive to stay as close to this schedule as possible. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to support Hutchinson Utilities Commission in their integrity assessment program. We look forward to the next steps. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (865) 317-2545. Sincerely, Brandi P. Wolfe Regulatory Compliance Manager HUC_Integrity Assessment *WSB assumes that the two confirmatory digs to be performed after the ILI run are completed in 10- working days (60-hour weeks). Non -Destructive testing to be performed by a vendor outside of this proposal. Mileage to be billed per the 2022 GSA rate ($/mile). jProject Management, Meetings & Coordination roject Management, Meetings &Coordination with Vendors $10,200 2.00 Post-ILI Analysis _Review 'Engineering Review of ILI Data $17,400 ,Preliminary Anomaly Report $4,320 13.0 Inspection During Two Confirmatory Digs* Inspector, CIP1 (Regular) $9,120 Inspector, CIP1 (OT) $5,600 Per Diem v $1,500 13.2 Final Report Final Anomaly Report $1,440 HUC_Integrity Assessment 2 November 22, 2021 Mr. Jeremy Carter General Manager Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Compensation Study Final Report Dear Mr. Carter: � bakertilly Baker Tilly US, LLP 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55101 T: +1 (651) 223 3000 F: +1 (651) 223 3046 bakertilly.com Baker Tilly is pleased to provide the Hutchinson Utilities Commission with the completed compensation study. The Utilities retained Baker Tilly to conduct a Compensation Study in the summer of 2021. The Study represents a thorough market analysis of equivalent positions in comparable organizations. A compensation system provides the framework for determining how employees will be paid. As a general rule, most organizations conduct comprehensive classification and compensation studies approximately every five to seven years ensuring their ability to hire and retain qualified employees and that internal relationships are equitable. The external market comparison is important because it ensures that the compensation plan is adequate to attract new employees and retain existing employees. Conducting periodic reviews of internal and external comparability of an organizations compensation program will assist in maintaining a long-term compensation program and in recruiting and retaining qualified, experienced employees. Market Survey. A comprehensive salary and benefits survey was conducted as part of this study with the Utilities reviewing and approving the proposed jurisdictions to be surveyed. Survey recipients were selected based on demographics, comparable levels of services provided by the entity surveyed, geographic proximity to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and competition for employees. Thirty- seven (37) public entities listed below, were invited to participate in the survey. It was difficult to collect the information and Baker Tilly staff as well as Utilities staff made multiple contacts to obtain survey information. We were able to collect information from the benchmarks identified in bold: • Alexandria Light & Power • Ames Municipal Utilities • Austin Utilities • Blue Earth Light and Water • Brainerd Public Utilities • Brookings Municipal Utilities • Cedar Falls Utilities • City of Buffalo • City of Chaska • City of Duluth • City of Fairmont • City of New Ulm • City of North St. Paul • City of Pierre • City of South Sioux City • City of St. Peter 1 • City of Vermillion • Elk River Municipal Utilities • Grand Rapids Public Utilities • Indianola Municipal Utilities • Kaukauna Utilities • Marshall Municipal Utilities • Marshfield Utilities • McLeod Cooperative • Meeker Cooperative • Menasha Utilities • Moorhead Public Service • Muscatine Power and Light • Owatonna Public Utilities • Rochester Public Utilities • Shakopee Public Utilities Commission • Shawano Municipal Utilities • Watertown Municipal Utilities • Willmar Municipal Utilities • Waverly Light and Power • Wisconsin Rapids Waterworks & Lighting • Worthington Public Utilities Several private utilities were also contacted, however, none chose to respond to our requests. We utilized information from the Economic Research Institute that collects private and public sector information. Survey respondents were asked to provide information only on those Hutchinson Utilities Commission positions which they considered to be comparable to positions in their organizations. Therefore, survey respondents did not provide data for every position surveyed. Survey Results Wages. Thirty-seven Utilities positions were included in the survey, the information for 33 of the positions was included in the overall analysis. Four positions were not included in the analysis as the information collected was either incomplete (not enough information received) or inconsistent (responses not consistent with the position in the Hutchinson Utilities Commission). On average the salary ranges of Utilities positions are consistent with the market average. Minimum salaries are 0.16% above the average minimum salaries, midpoint wages of the surveyed positions are, on average, .19% below the market and the maximum salaries on average are .14% above the market. For comparison purposes, wages which are within 5% above or below the market average, dependent on the organizations pay philosophy regarding market relationship, are considered to be competitive. Salary Survey Results are attached in Appendix I Benefits. Comprehensive information was also collected on the benefits provided to Utilities employees. Areas in which the Utilities varies from the market are as follows: • Vacation: The Utilities provides far less vacation time in the first 6 months and first year of service than the survey respondents as well as a lower level of maximum accumulation. • Sick Leave: Maximum accumulation is lower than average • Health Insurance: for the HDHP the premiums are lower than average. The Utilities contribution level is below average for single coverage and consistent for family coverage. • Dental Insurance: Utilities premiums are lower than average, contribution for single is slightly above average and for family is above average. Benefits Survey Results are attached in Appendix II. Compensation Philosophy. A pay philosophy guides the design of a compensation system and answers key questions regarding pay strategy. It generally takes a comprehensive, long term focus and explains the compensation program's goals and how the program supports the employer's long-range strategic goals. Without apay philosophy, compensation decisions tend to be viewed from a short-term tactical standpoint apart from the organization's overall goals. Market competitiveness and internal equity are among the most important areas addressed in a pay philosophy. An organization's desired market position involves defining the market and identifying where the organization wants to be positioned within that market. Market position should balance what it takes to attract new employees and retain skilled employees (in other words, eliminate higher pay as the reason employees leave the organization) with the organization's financial resources. Internal equity expresses an organization's desire to provide comparable pay to positions with comparable duties and responsibilities. A pay philosophy should be developed that establishes a compensation program based on individual employee performance as a key feature of the pay philosophy. Therefore, we emphasize references to performance in the pay philosophy discussion. As part of the study, it is recommended that the Utilities consider these concepts in the adoption of a formal pay philosophy: • Providing fair and equitable rates of pay to employees • Defining the Utilities market area • Developing a system that establishes a "market rate" for each position and states the minimum wage and maximum rates that the Utilities will pay individuals within a position • Establishing rates of pay that allow the Utilities to compete successfully for new employees within its market area • Establishing a market position that is fiscally responsible with public resources • Ensuring that pay rates for existing employees are based on individual performance that meets or exceeds expectations and reflects changing economic conditions • Developing a compensation system that allows employees to progress through the pay range as long as their performance consistently meets expectations • Developing pay administration policies and procedures that ensure their consistent application between departments • Ensuring that the compensation program is understandable to employees, supervisors, managers, the Utilities Commission and the public Internal Equity. During the original study conducted in 2016 the Utilities implemented the Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation (SAFE®) job evaluation system which evaluates, rates and ranks each position in the Utilities workforce. The factors included in the SAFE job evaluation system are: • Training and Ability • Level of Work • Physical Demands • Independence of Actions • Supervision Exercised • Experience Required • Human Relations Skills • Working Conditions/Hazards • Impact on End Results Summary. The Utilities current compensation plan, on average is consistent with the market. A review of the internal relationships of positions within the Utilities indicates that there are no inequities amongst comparable positions. The study results indicate that the Utilities does not need to make market adjustments to the pay plan, however, the Utilities should continue to make annual cost of living adjustments to the compensation structure as well as the wages for individual employees Respectfully submitted, (7qnn & (7qnton6en Ann S. Antonsen Director HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form 41ri ars mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve Union Contract (IBEW Local 949 ) Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 New Business Attachments: ! Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The majority of Hutchinson Utilities Commission employees are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW local 949) union. The IBEW Local 949 union contract expires on December 31 st, 2021. The length of that contract was a 2.5 year contract running July 1st, 2019 - December 31st, 2021. Both parties have focused on negotiating a new contract on a timely basis. The union and management sub -committees met on November 9th and November 16th to discuss and negotiate the tentative terms and conditions of a new contract upon final approval by the union and board of commissioners. On November 30th, the union members ratified the tentative terms and conditions of the contract document which is in the commission packet. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Consideration and approval of a new IBEW union contract dated January 1, 2022 - December 31 st, 2023. Fiscal impact: Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: PROJECTSECTION, Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: LABOR AGREEMENT HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AND INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949 JANUARY 1, 2022 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT....................................................................3 ARTICLE II RECOGNITION..........................................................................................3 ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................3 ARTICLE IV EMPLOYER SECURITY...........................................................................4 ARTICLE V UNION SECURITY....................................................................................4 ARTICLE VI EMPLOYER AUTHORITY........................................................................5 ARTICLE VII NON-DISCRIMINATION..........................................................................5 ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSE....................................................................................5 ARTICLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE......................................................................5 ARTICLE X DISCIPLINE................................................................................................8 ARTICLE XI SENIORITY................................................................................................8 ARTICLE XII RIGHT TO SUBCONTRACT.....................................................................8 ARTICLE XIII HOLIDAYS.................................................................................................8 ARTICLE XIV VACATIONS..............................................................................................9 ARTICLE XV SICK LEAVE............................................................................................10 ARTICLE XVI CALL IN PAY...........................................................................................12 ARTICLE XVII HOURS OF WORK - OVERTIME...........................................................12 ARTICLE XVIII SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL...........................................................................14 ARTICLE XIX PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT....................................14 ARTICLE XX HEALTH AND DISABILITY INSURANCE...........................................14 ARTICLE XXI RESIGNATION.........................................................................................15 ARTICLE XXII LEAVE OF ABSENCE.............................................................................15 0 Table of Contents (cont.) ARTICLE XXIII FUNERAL LEAVE...................................................................................15 ARTICLE XXIV PAY DAY..................................................................................................16 ARTICLE XXV STAND BY................................................................................................16 ARTICLE XXVI JURY DUTY.............................................................................................16 ARTICLE XXVII RETIREMENT..........................................................................................16 ARTICLE XXVIII DURATION...............................................................................................16 ARTICLE XXIX HOURLY WAGE SCHEDULE AND APPRENTICESHIP SCALES ..... 17 ARTICLE XXX PROBATION.............................................................................................17 ARTICLE XXXI WAIVER....................................................................................................17 EXHIBIT "A" WAGE SCHEDULE..................................................................................18 EXHIBIT `B" APPRENTICESHIP SCALES...................................................................19 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (Four 10 Hour Work Schedule) ..20 LETTER OF AGREEMENT (HSA Contribution)....................................23 LETTER OF AGREEMENT (Standby Pay).............................................25 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (Health Care Savings Plan) .........26 m ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is entered into as of January 1, 2022, between HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION, hereinafter called the EMPLOYER, and the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949, hereinafter called the UNION. It is the intent and purpose of this AGREEMENT to achieve and maintain sound, harmonious, and mutually beneficial working and economic relations between the parties hereto; and to put in writing: 1.1 A grievance procedure, and 1.2 The terms and conditions of employment. 1.3 Subject to the EMPLOYER'S Affirmative Action Plan, seniority shall be the determining criterion for promotions and transfers provided qualifications and abilities among employees are equal. ARTICLE II RECOGNITION 2.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative of an appropriate bargaining unit consisting of: all employees of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission except: (1) supervisory and confidential employees; (2) part-time employees whose service does not exceed the lesser of 14 hours per week or 35 percent of the normal work week in the employee's appropriate unit and; (3) employees whose positions are basically temporary or seasonal in character and; (a) are not for more than 67 working days in any calendar year; or (b) are not for more than 100 working days in any calendar year and the employees are under the age of 22, are full-time students enrolled in a nonprofit or public educational institution prior to being hired by the employer, and have indicated, either in an application for employment or by being enrolled at an educational institution for the next academic year or term, an intention to continue as students during or after their employment. 2.2 In the event the EMPLOYER and the UNION are unable to agree as to the inclusion of a new modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS 3.1 UNION: The International Brotherhood of Electric Workers, Local 949. 3.2 UNION MEMBER: A member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949. 3.3 EMPLOYER: The Hutchinson Utilities Commission. 3.4 UNION OFFICER: Officer elected or appointed by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949. 3.5 OVERTIME: Work performed at the express authorization of the EMPLOYER in excess of the employee's scheduled shift. 3.6 SCHEDULED SHIFT: A consecutive period including paid rest breaks. 3.7 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE: An employee who is regularly scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week. 3.8 PART-TIME EMPLOYEE: An employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week. ARTICLE IV EMPLOYER SECURITY The UNION agrees that during the life of this AGREEMENT that the UNION will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow -down or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the EMPLOYER. ARTICLE V UNION SECURITY 5.1 The EMPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly UNION dues. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the UNION. UNION to supply authorization cards. 5.2 The UNION shall designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and an alternate and shall inform the EMPLOYER in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and/or alternate. 5.3 The EMPLOYER shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for posting UNION notice(s) and announcement(s). 5.4 The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken by the EMPLOYER under the provision of the ARTICLE. M ARTICLE VI EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 6.1 The EMPLOYER retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all employees, facilities, and equipment, provided, however, that employer's operation of equipment shall not result in loss of regularly scheduled hours to employee; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules, and to perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by the AGREEMENT. 6.2 Any matter or policy, whether or not considered to be a term and condition of employment, not specifically established or modified by this AGREEMENT shall remain solely within the discretion of the EMPLOYER to modify, establish, or eliminate; provided, however, that prior to any such modification, establishment, or elimination, the EMPLOYER shall meet and confer with employees to exchange views and concerns. ARTICLE VII NON-DISCRIMINATION The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree that no employee shall be discriminated against under the provisions of the AGREEMENT on any basis prohibited by law. ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSE If any provision of the AGREEMENT is declared by proper legislative, administrative or judicial authority to be unlawful, unenforceable or not in accordance with applicable Civil Service rules, or law, all other provisions of this AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 9.1 DEFINITION OF A GRIEVANCE A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. 9.2 UNION REPRESENTATIVE The EMPLOYER will recognize REPRESENTATIVES designated by the UNION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this ARTICLE. The UNION shall notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of such UNION REPRESENTATIVES and their successors when so designated as provided by 5.2 of this AGREEMENT. 9.3 PROCESSING OF A GRIEVANCE 9.31 Whenever any employee or small group of employees have a grievance, they shall meet on an informal basis with the employees or employee's immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the grievance within ten (10) days after the grievance occurred or ten (10) days after the employee(s), through the use of reasonable diligence, should have had knowledge of the occurrence that gave rise to the grievance. 9.32 If the grievance is not resolved within fifteen (15) days of the first informal meeting, the grievance may be reduced to writing by the exclusive representative and served upon the Utilities Manager. Service must be made within fifteen (15) days of the last informal meeting. 9.4 Grievance presented to management shall be discussed and answered in writing by management within fifteen (15) calendar days after a grievance meeting has been held. 9.5 Appeals by the UNION from the EMPLOYER'S decision shall be presented to the EMPLOYER within fifteen (15) calendar days. 9.6 WAIVER If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived." If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the EMPLOYER'S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the UNION may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER and the UNION in each step. 9.7 The disposition of grievance presented in writing shall be endorsed by the appropriate UNION and EMPLOYER representative. 9.8 Grievances which cannot be adjusted by the parties may be referred to arbitration by the UNION. Such referral shall be in writing and made within the ten (10) calendar days after the EMPLOYER'S answer or termination of the time limit for the EMPLOYER'S answer. 9.9 The EMPLOYER and employee Representative shall endeavor to select a mutually acceptable arbitrator to hear and decide the grievance. If the EMPLOYER and the employee Representative are unable to agree on an arbitrator, they may request a list of five (5) names from the Bureau of Meditation Services. The parties shall alternately strike names from the list of five (5) arbitrators until only one (1) remains. 9.10 The remaining Arbitrator shall hear and decide the grievance. If the parties are unable to agree on who shall strike the first name, the question shall be decided by the flip of the coin. 0 9.11 ARBITRATOR'S AUTHORITY 9.111 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from, the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the UNION, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. 9.112 The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the EMPLOYER and the UNION and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT and to the facts of the grievance presented. 9.113 The fees and expenses of the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNION; provided, if the grievance is clearly decided in favor of the UNION or the EMPLOYER, then the losing party shall be responsible for all the arbitrator's fees and expenses. Each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 9.12 ELECTION OF REMEDIES If as a result of the written EMPLOYER'S response in step two, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed either to the next step of this grievance procedure or to a procedure such as Veterans Preference. If appealed to any procedure other than the next step of this grievance procedure, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure set forth in this ARTICLE. The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized, arbitration as set forth in this ARTICLE or another appeal procedure, and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal to arbitration as provided in this ARTICLE. An employee pursuing a statutory remedy under the jurisdiction of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is not precluded from also pursuing an appeal under this grievance procedure. If a court of competent jurisdiction rules contrary to Board of Governors or if Board of Governors is judicially or legislatively overruled, this paragraph shall be deleted. 7 ARTICLE X DISCIPLINE Employees that have completed the required six (6) month probationary period shall be disciplined or discharged only for just cause. The UNION shall have the right to challenge the propriety of a written reprimand, suspension or dismissal of an employee who has completed the initial probationary period in accordance with ARTICLE IX, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. ARTICLE XI SENIORITY 11.1 Seniority is defined as an employee's length of continuous service. 11.2 The EMPLOYER shall maintain and post the seniority dates of employment as of January 1, each calendar year. Employee shall have thirty (30) days to challenge posting. 11.3 Subject to the EMPLOYER'S Affirmative Action Plan, seniority shall be the determining criterion for layoffs provided qualifications and abilities among employees are equal. Laid off employees shall have recall rights for two (2) years. Employees notified by registered mail at the employee's last known address shall have ten (10) working days to return to work or lose recall rights. Regular employees on layoff shall be recalled in order of seniority. 11.4 Job vacancies shall be posted for ten (10) working days. Employees desiring to be considered must so indicate within the posting period. All promoted and transferred employees shall serve a six (6) month trial period during which the promoted or transferred employee may be placed back in the employee's previous job classification at the sole discretion of the EMPLOYER without loss of seniority. ARTICLE XII RIGHT TO SUBCONTRACT Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall prohibit or restrict the right of the EMPLOYER from subcontracting work performed by employees covered by this AGREEMENT providing no layoff shall occur for lack of work. ARTICLE XIII HOLIDAYS 13.1 The following days are paid holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King Day Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Fourth of July If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be the holiday; if the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the holiday. If Christmas falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, then the preceding day shall be a Christmas Eve Day holiday; and, in addition, there shall be two (2) floating holidays determined by mutual agreement between management and employee. If Christmas Day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, then there shall be no Christmas Eve Day holiday but there shall be three (3) floating holidays determined. 13.2 In order to qualify for the eight (8) hours of straight time holiday pay, for the holiday not worked, it is required that the employee shall work the last scheduled work day or shift prior to the first scheduled work day following the holiday, unless employee is absent before or after a holiday for such reasons as vacation, sick leave, jury duty or death in immediate family. ARTICLE XIV VACATIONS 14.1 Full-time employees shall receive vacation time with pay according to the following schedule: Years Employed Total Hrs. Earned Vacation Earned Per Pay Period Upon Hire After 6 months 1 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19+ 20 .N 80 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 First 12 Pa Period Accruals 1.53 3.08 First 25 Pay Period Accruals 3.08 4.62 4.93 5.24 5.54 5.85 6.16 6.47 6.77 7.08 7.39 7.70 Last Pay Period 0 rrriia� 1.64 3.04 Last Pay Period Accrual 3.00 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 9 14.2 Vacation time will be scheduled with mutual agreement between employee and EMPLOYER. 14.3 Earned vacation shall be paid at the time of an employee's termination. 14.4 Employees who are on vacation, upon proof of a disabling accident or disabling illness, shall have their vacation time cease; and they shall be placed on sick leave with the remaining vacation to be rescheduled at a later date. 14.5 An employee may carry over up to two times their annual accrual into the subsequent year provided the employee has used forty (40) hours of vacation in the current calendar year. If the Employer determines that due to workload, an employee cannot utilize sufficient accrued vacation, by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer, a temporary extension beyond the two times their accrual may be granted. ARTICLE XV SICK LEAVE 15.1 Full-time employees, upon completion of their probationary period, shall be granted eight (8) hours per month of sick leave. Such leave cannot be accumulated beyond 720 hours. Thereafter, after the accumulation of 720 hours a pay back of 1/3 of the amount over 720 hours will be made annually on or about February 1. An employee will retroactively receive sick leave time accrued. 15.2 Employees may be required to present evidence satisfactory to the Employer of inability to work due to illness or accident. 15.3 Employees must adopt such remedial measures as may be commensurate with his/her disability and permit such reasonable examination and inquiries by the EMPLOYER'S medical representative or other suitable representative as, in the EMPLOYER'S judgment, may be necessary to ascertain employee's condition. 15.4 If an employee becomes ill and must stay home from work, he/she shall notify the supervisor before the work day begins. 15.5 If an employee becomes ill during the regular work day, he/she shall notify the supervisor that it is necessary to leave due to illness. 15.6 Benefits under this plan will be reduced by any future benefits provided by any law, Social Security Benefit, or Unemployment Insurance so as to prevent duplication of benefits, should the various benefits provided under the above mentioned laws or agencies be interpreted to pay an allowance in lieu of an employee's wage when he/she is off work due to illness or injury. 10 15.7 No sick leave credit will be accrued while an employee is away from work due to leave of absence, sickness, or disability; nor will sick leave pay be allowed during leaves of absence or during layoffs except as provided in paragraphs below. 15.8 Sick leave pay credit shall cease on the day preceding the day on which the employee retires under the Retirement Plan. If an employee becomes ill or is injured while on vacation, which vacation is scheduled to end on the date of employee's retirement, then the scheduled vacation time is counted on vacation; and if the disability continues beyond the scheduled time of the vacation, the sick leave pay (any remaining sick leave credit) will begin on the first consecutive scheduled working day after the end of the scheduled vacation. 15.9 Employees who are injured while engaged in after hours employment of others or while self-employed, shall not be covered under the EMPLOYER'S Sick Leave Policy outlined. 15.10 The Commission agrees to comply with the following Worker's Compensation regulations. If employees of the department have, at the time of compensative injury, accumulated credits under their vacation or sick leave plan, the Commission will provide for the payment of their full gross salary during the period of disability, providing all payments as made under Worker's Compensation shall be retained by the employee. However, the additional payments made to the employee over and above that paid by Worker's Compensation shall not exceed the amount of credits which an employee is entitled to from such vacation or sick leave accumulated by said employee and the employee's vacation or sick leave account shall be charged only with the difference between Worker's Compensation payment and his/her regular salary. 15.11 A disability leave of absence for up to two (2) years shall be granted to any employee at such time as he/she had exhausted all accumulated sick leave benefits and in the event his/her illness or disability continues after such time. Upon request by the EMPLOYER at reasonable intervals, the employee shall furnish a doctor's certificate certifying as to employee's inability to return to work because of such illness or disability. 15.12 Upon retirement, or upon death before retirement, employees shall be paid for any unused sick leave which has been accumulated in the amount of 1/3 of the amount over 240 hours. If the employee resigns or is dismissed, the above payment shall not be made. In case of death during employment, the unused sick leave shall be paid to his/her estate on the same ratio as above. 15.13 The Employer shall comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Minnesota Parental Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 11 ARTICLE XVI CALL IN PAY Employees who have been called in for emergency work after completing their regular shift shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hour's pay at the applicable overtime rate. It is understood that this call -in provision is not an extension of the regular work day and requires the employee to make an additional trip for the EMPLOYER. It is further understood that an employee may be called out more than once during a given two (2) hour period. The minimum call -out shall not apply to calls two (2) hours before the regular starting time. Operations and Maintenance Crew Chiefs who receive work related telephone calls after completing their regular shift shall be guaranteed up to 15 minutes pay at the applicable overtime rate per telephone call up to a maximum of 60 minutes per 24 hour period. ARTICLE XVII HOURS OF WORK - OVERTIME 17.1 The regular workweek shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on MONDAY and terminate at 12:00 p.m. midnight on SUNDAY. The regular work period for all employees other than shift workers shall be five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days beginning on Monday and ending on Friday for a total of forty (40) hours per week. The regular daytime hours for other than shift workers and custodians shall be between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., with one-half (1/2) hour for lunch. The regular hours of work for shift workers engaged in performing the classification of work where service is required twenty-four (24) hours per day and seven (7) days per week, shall be as follows: Shift workers shall work in accordance with a posted working schedule of a combination of days on duty with two (2) or three (3) days off in such a way that over a period of a calendar year, a shift worker will work no more than an average of forty (40) hours per workweek. Customer Service Representatives shall work 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. year round. 17.2 Any shift worker requesting time off for personal reasons must make arrangements with a fellow employee to relieve them. Other employees requesting time off for personal reasons will be subject to payroll deduction for the amount of time taken off. Time off for personal reasons is subject to permission by the department head or designee. 17.3 When it is required that employees continue work two (2) hours after the regular quitting time, they shall be furnished a meal at the EMPLOYER'S expense as soon as possible thereafter, and at intervals of not more than six (6) hours thereafter, while they continue to work. Meals eaten at home will not be paid for the employee by the EMPLOYER. 17.4 If an employee works four (4) or more hours overtime and is released from work, six (6) hours shall elapse before the employee returns to work without loss of a regular work day's pay. 12 17.5 It is understood that because of the nature of the municipal utility business, work schedules may be established by the EMPLOYER. The regular working hours may be changed by EMPLOYER by twenty-four (24) hour advance notice to employee. 17.6 Overtime at time and one-half rates shall be paid for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week except that shift workers shall be compensated at overtime rates for all hours worked in excess of their regular posted schedule. 17.7 Employees, other than shift workers, required to work on a recognized holiday shall receive double time for all hours worked. 17.8 Shift workers required to work on the actual holiday shall receive holiday pay plus double time. Shift workers required to work on the observed holiday shall receive holiday pay plus regular straight time pay. By mutual agreement between EMPLOYER and employee, shift workers shall have the option of scheduling a day off in lieu of a holiday rather than receiving overtime pay. Shift workers will receive double time pay when working Christmas Eve, when the Christmas Day Holiday falls on a weekend and years when there are three floating holidays. 17.9 All overtime shall be distributed as nearly equal as practicable among the employees in the respective classifications in each department. 17.10 Employees shall not be required to take time off for overtime worked or to be worked. 17.11 Shift workers will not be allowed overtime for work performed on Sundays when such work is performed on their regular shift. Employees other than shift workers, required to work overtime on a Sunday, shall receive double time. The shift worker's second day off shall be considered equivalent to Sunday, and they shall receive double time for overtime worked on that day. 17.12 An employee temporarily assigned to a higher paid classification shall receive the rate of pay for such higher classification for all hours worked during the entire period of such assignment, providing that the employee works a minimum of four (4) hours or more. 17.13 All hours worked in response to a MMUA coordinated mutual -aid request will be paid additional premium pay at the rate of half the regular straight time hourly rate of pay for a normal eight hour shift Monday through Friday regardless of time of day. Regular overtime shall be paid and double time shall be paid for hours worked on Sundays and holidays in accordance with Article XVII. 13 ARTICLE XVIII SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL A shift differential of 3.0% of the employee's regular hourly rate shall be paid for hours 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. A shift differential of 3.5% of the employee's regular hourly rate shall be paid for hours from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. A shift differential will not be allowed for time not worked such as vacation, sick leave, etc. ARTICLE XIX PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT The EMPLOYER will provide all required safety clothing and equipment. An amount not to exceed $200 per year will be allowed toward uniform wearing apparel of Customer Service employees. The items of uniform wearing apparel eligible for the reimbursement shall be agreed upon between employees and the General Manager. The Employer will provide each Operator with uniforms. ARTICLE XX HEALTH AND DISABILITY INSURANCE Effective January 1, 2011 all eligible employees shall be offered coverage by the high deductible health plan with an HSA account. The EMPLOYER shall contribute eighty percent (80%) of the premium cost for the high deductible health insurance plan provided by the EMPLOYER for single coverage. For each eligible employee who selects family coverage, the EMPLOYER shall contribute eighty percent (80%) of the premium cost for family coverage in the high deductible health insurance plan. The remaining twenty percent (20%) of the premium for single and family insurance coverage shall be paid by the EMPLOYEE through payroll deduction. The Employer shall contribute $4,000 annually to employees who select family coverage and $2,000 annually for employees who select single coverage into the HSA. Said payments are made on a prorata monthly basis. The Employer shall pay the premium for a long-term disability plan with a 90 day elimination period. In the event the health insurance provisions of this Agreement fail to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act and its related regulations or cause the Employer to be subject to a penalty, tax or fine, the Union and the Employer will meet immediately to bargain over alternative provisions so as to comply with the Act and avoid any penalties, taxes or fines for the Employer. 14 ARTICLE XXI RESIGNATION An employee may resign at any time, and when so resigning, must give at least two (2) weeks notice of his intention in order to give the EMPLOYER time to fill the vacancy. Resignation shall be filed with the Utility Manager. Upon resignation, the employee shall forfeit all seniority. Any vacation leave due an employee when he resigns will be paid. ARTICLE XXII LEAVE OF ABSENCE 22.1 Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the EMPLOYER Manager when requested by a regular employee when such a leave is deemed to be justified. Such leaves may be granted when due to extended illness, the accumulated sick leave has been used up, for the extension of vacation time where circumstances will permit, or other similar purposes. 22.2 Employees who are members of a Reserve Force of the USA or of this State and who are ordered by the appropriate authorities to attend a training program or perform other duties under the supervision of the USA or of this State, shall be granted leave time up to a maximum of fifteen (15) days per year, with pay. 22.3 Any employee who enters into active service in the Armed Forces of the USA while in the service of the EMPLOYER shall be granted a leave of absence, without pay, for the period of military service. The employee shall be entitled to be reinstated to the position he vacated or any equivalent position provided he files a written request with EMPLOYER within ninety (90) days after completion of military service. 22.4 No leave of absence shall be granted for the purpose of looking for a new job or other similar reason, and any industrial employment without the sanction of the Utility Manager during any leave of absence shall automatically cause a forfeiture of seniority rights. 22.5 Employees whose duties permit may be allowed to absent themselves with pay (provided they receive no compensation for such services) for the purpose of participating in duties of a Public Governmental organization, at the discretion of the Manager. Attendance at any UNION meeting during working hours will not be permitted without the written approval of the Utilities Manager. ARTICLE XXIII FUNERAL LEAVE 23.1 Employees may be allowed up to forty (40) hours leave paid by the EMPLOYER at the employee's straight time rate for the purpose of attending a funeral of a member of the employee's immediate family. Funeral leave days will not be deducted from sick leave. The employee's immediate family is defined as: spouse, significant other, parent, step- parent, guardian, child, step -child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, any in-law, and a 15 significant others parents and grandparents. A significant other shall mean an employee's domestic partner. It is understood that payment under the above provisions is only for a day or days when the employee was scheduled to work and would have worked except for the death of such relative. 23.2 If an employee is called for pallbearers service, or to drive a car for a funeral, leave of absence will be granted for a period necessary, limited to four (4) hours, to perform this service without loss of pay, provided the employee received no compensation for such service. ARTICLE XXIV PAY DAY Pay days will be bi-weekly on Thursday following the end of the regular pay period. When pay day falls on holidays, employees shall receive their pay on Wednesday. ARTICLE XXV STAND BY Employees who are required to provide weekly standby shall receive ten (10) hours' pay at time and one-half in addition to overtime worked. ARTICLE XXVI JURY DUTY When a regular full-time employee has been called upon for jury duty by either the State or Federal Courts, and has been absent from work because of such jury service, he shall be paid his regular salary by the Commission with the understanding that at the time of completion of his jury service, he shall present his jury service checks to the department; and that the amount of such checks, less the amount included for traveling expenses, shall be deducted from their next regular pay check. ARTICLE XXVII RETIREMENT 27.1 Any employee who elects to retire shall give the EMPLOYER sixty (60) days notice of date that employee intends to retire. ARTICLE XXVIII DURATION This AGREEMENT shall be effective January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2023, subject to the right on the part of the EMPLOYER or the UNION to open or terminate this AGREEMENT by written notice to the other party no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this AGREEMENT. 16 ARTICLE XXIX HOURLY WAGE SCHEDULE AND APPRENTICESHIP SCALES Hourly wages shall be paid according to attached Exhibits "A" and "B". An employee in the Relief Operator position shall receive a $1.50 per hour differential. This differential will be provided while the Relief Operator position is filled. This differential is provided as part of a pilot program for the duration of the January 1, 2022-December 31, 2023 collective bargaining agreement only. ARTICLE XXX PROBATION Effective the first day of the first payroll period following the Utility Commission adoption of this AGREEMENT, new employees shall be considered to be on probation for the first six (6) months of continuous employment. During the probationary period, the EMPLOYER may dismiss such employees. Such action shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this AGREEMENT. Upon completion of the probationary period of employment, an employee shall have their seniority date established retroactive to their first date of continuous employment. ARTICLE XXXI WAIVER This AGREEMENT represents the complete and total AGREEMENT between the parties. Any and all prior AGREEMENTS, practices, policies, rules and regulations regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of the AGREEMENT, are hereby superseded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day of 2021. FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION President Secretary FOR INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL NO 949 President Business Manager 17 Electric Division 1121 1122 1123 Maintenance Electrician 1 41.61 43.27 45.01 Maintenance Electrician 11 39.83 41.42 43.08 Crew Chief - Maintenance 44.45 46.23 48.08 Maintenance Mechanic 1 39.82 41.41 43.07 Maintenance Mechanic 11 37.92 39.44 41.01 1121 1122 1123 Crew Chief/Systems Controller 47.33 49.22 51.19 System Controller 1 42.89 44.61 46.39 System Controller 11 41.07 42.71 44.42 Crew Chief/Operations Engineer 44.45 46.23 48.08 Relief Operations Engineer 1* 41.32 42.97 44.69 Operations Engineer 1 39.82 41.41 43.07 Operations Engineer 11 37.92 39.44 41.01 1121 1122 1123 Crew Chief - Electric Dept. 48.57 50.51 52.53 Lineperson 1 44.03 45.79 47.62 Lineperson II 40.46 42.08 43.76 Groundsperson 1 35.43 36.85 38.32 Groundsperson II 34.17 35.54 36.96 GIS 41.54 43.20 44.93 Engineering/Meter Technician 39.98 41.58 43.24 Natural Gas Division 1121 1122 1123 Crew Chief - Gas Dept. 44.45 46.23 48.08 Welder Serviceperson 1 39.98 41.58 43.24 Welder Serviceperson II 38.36 39.89 41.49 Gas Meter Service 1 39.98 41.58 43.24 Gas Meter Service 11 38.36 39.89 41.49 Customer Services Division 1121 1122 1123 Customer Service Representative 30.86 32.09 33.38 * Pilot Program during length of the contract or until vacant. ($1.50 Pay Differential) Exhibit `B" HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISION APPRENTICESHIP SCALES Schedule No. 3 Schedule No. 2 Schedule No. 1 1st 6 Months 75.0% 90.0% 90.0% 2nd 6 Months 77.5% 92.5% 95.0% 3rd 6 Months 80.0% 95.0% 4th 6 Months 82.5% 97.5% 5th 6 Months 85.0% 6th 6 Months 87.5% 7th 6 Months 90.0% 8th 6 Months 92.5% Schedule No. 3 Operating Engineer II Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Electrician Lineperson II Engineering/Meter Technician Welder Service Person II Gas Meter Service II Schedule No. 2 Customer Service Representative System Controller II Schedule No. 1 Groundsperson Movement through apprenticeship schedule shall be at discretion of Employer. If an employee is accelerated through the schedule, written notice to the Union shall be provided by the employer. 19 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Employer") and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949 (hereafter "Union") relating to the implementation of a four (4) ten (10) hour day work schedule. WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union are parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union desire to enter into an agreement to implement a four (4) day/ten (10) hour work schedule for bargaining unit members other than customer service and shift workers. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Agreement as follows: 1. Effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023, Employer and Union agree to implement a four (4) day/ten (10) hour work schedule for all employees in the bargaining unit excluding customer service and shift workers. 2. For the duration of this Memorandum of Agreement, the specific provisions set forth herein shall supersede any conflicts with the provisions as set forth in the 2016-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement 3. The specific application of the four (4) day/ten (10) hour work schedule shall be as follows: a. The work schedule shall extend from Monday through Friday. The work day will be covered by alternating the employees to work a forty (40) hour work week by working four (4) days a week, either Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday. 20 b. The routine and the days which employees will work will be at the discretion of the director/managers of the particular divisions but will follow a rotating schedule. C. The work day will commence no earlier than 6:30 a.m. and will extend no later than 5:00 p.m., with a 30 minute lunch break. Any work performed prior to 6:30 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, will be classified as beyond normal working hours and will be handled on an overtime basis. d. Sick leave will continue to be accumulated on an eight hour per month basis and will be utilized on an hourly basis. Therefore, if an employee is absent due to illness for an entire work day, the employee will be utilizing ten (10) hours of sick leave for that day. e. Vacations, comp time and floating holidays when taken on a scheduled 10-hour work day will be utilized accordingly. Floating holidays will be counted as an eight hour period plus an employee may elect to utilize two hours from a floating holiday or comp time to make up the time for that day. Vacations will be scheduled on a 10-hour day so that vacations can be taken for a 40 hour week. Comp time will also be taken accordingly. Vacations, comp time and floating holidays will be treated on an hourly basis. f. Scheduled holidays will be taken on the days that they are scheduled in the Collective Bargaining Agreement on an eight hour basis. The remainder of the week will be completed by working three 10-hour days resulting in a total of 38 hours. In such instances, the two hours of time may be made up during the work week, taken from a floating holiday, or taken from comp time. In addition, the employee may elect not to make up the time. g. On -call compensation will begin on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. and conclude at 6:30 a.m. the following Thursday. Employees will continue to receive the same on -call compensation as set forth in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. h. For the duration of this Memorandum of Agreement compensatory time bank of up to 50 hours a year shall be established. Employees may accrue and use compensatory time throughout the course of a year as long as said compensatory time does not exceed 50 hours. Employees may carry over 50 hours of compensatory time from one calendar year to the next. For the duration of this Memorandum of Agreement, employees will be compensated for overtime for all hours worked beyond the ten (10) hour day or forty (40) hour work week. j. For the definition of a "day" in the Funeral Leave article, a "day" shall mean ten (10) hours for employees working the ten (10) hour work schedule. 21 4. This Memorandum of Agreement represents the complete and total agreement between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Memorandum of Agreement to be executed this day of FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION President Secretary 2021. FOR INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949 President Business Manager 22 LETTER OF AGREEMENT This Letter of Agreement is entered into between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Utility") and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 949 (hereafter "Union"). WHEREAS, the Utility and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement; and; WHEREAS, Article XX, Health and Disability Insurance, sets forth the Utility's contribution toward the single and family premium cost for the high deductible insurance plan with an HSA. It provides that employees participating in the high deductible family plan will receive $4,000 annually into the HSA and employees participating in the high deductible single plan will receive $2,000 annually into the HSA. WHEREAS, based on Internal Revenue Service rules, an employee must be an eligible individual to qualify for an HSA including generally having no other health coverage that is not a high deductible health plan. WHEREAS, veterans of the United States armed forces who receive medical benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) or employees who are enrolled in TRICARE, which is health insurance available to active duty and retired service and reserve members and their dependents, are therefore not eligible to qualify for an HSA. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Effective January 1, 2011, a veteran who receives medical benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) or employees who are enrolled in TRICARE who participates in the high deductible family plan, but who is not eligible to qualify for a HSA, shall receive $4,000 annually in two equal installments in lieu of said monies being deposited in a HSA. 2. Effective January 1, 2011, a veteran who receives medical benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) or employees who are enrolled in TRICARE who participates in the high deductible single plan, but who is not eligible to qualify for a HSA, shall receive $2,000 annually in two equal installments in lieu of said monies being deposited in a HSA. 3. This Letter of Agreement represents the full and complete agreement between the parties regarding this matter. 23 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed this day of , 2021. FOR THE UNION: Date Date Date FOR THE UTILITY: Date Date Date 24 LETTER OF AGREEMENT This Letter of Agreement is entered into between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Utility") and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 949 (hereafter "Union"). WHEREAS, the Utility and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement; and; WHEREAS, the Utility and the Union agreed to discuss accruing and using Comp time for standby pay hours; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Employees may accrue standby hours as comp Time on a voluntary basis for any or all of the weekly standby hours. 2. Either the Utility or the Union may rescind the above agreement with thirty (30) days written notice to other party. 3. Either the Utility or the Union may request an annual review of this Letter of Agreement, or a review prior to rescinding the agreement pursuant to 42 above; such request shall not be denied. 4. This Letter of Agreement represents the full and complete agreement between the parties regarding this matter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed this day of , 2021. FOR THE UNION: Date Date Date FOR THE UTILITY: Date Date Date 25 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Employer") and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949 (hereafter "Union"). WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement; and WHEREAS, the members of the Union bargaining unit are eligible to participate in the Minnesota Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan (hereafter "Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan" or "HCSP") established under Minnesota Statutes, Section 352.98 and as outlined in the Minnesota State Retirement System's Trust and Plan Documents. NOW, THEREFORE, the Employer and the Union agree as follows: 1. All funds collected by the Employer on the behalf of the employee will be deposited into the employee's Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan account. 2. All retiring employees eligible for the payment of sick leave outlined in Article XV, Section 15.12 of the contract will contribute to the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan as follows: 100% of employee sick leave retirement severance to the HCSP. 3. All employees eligible for a retirement incentive severance payment outlined in the 2015 Hutchinson Utilities Incentive Program and any subsequent Programs will contribute to the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan as follows: 100% of employee retirement incentive severance payment based on years of service to the HCSP. 100% of the retirement severance payment representing the cost of one week of Employer provided health and dental insurance premium for each year of employment and 100% of the retirement severance payment in the amount equal to six (6) months of Employer provided health and dental insurance premiums to the HCSP. 100% of the payment of an additional sick leave severance payout offered per the retirement incentive program. 4. Retiring is defined as ceasing to actively work in the full-time position with Hutchinson Utilities Commission to which the employee is appointed and is immediately thereafter eligible to receive pension payments from the Public Employees Retirement Association. 26 5. This Memorandum will take effect on the date of its execution and shall remain in effect for the duration of the 2022-2023Collective Bargaining Agreement and for a minimum period of two (2) years as required by the MSRS. 6. No Employer contribution shall be made to the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan, and the Employer shall have no responsibility or liability for management or disbursement of any funds remitted to the Plan. 7. This Memorandum of Agreement represents the complete and total agreement between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Memorandum of Agreement to be executed this day of , 2021. FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION President Vice President FOR INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949 Business Representative 27 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form �r�turscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Consideration of 2022 Non -Union Pay Grid Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 10 New Business Attachments,: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Per the objectives of the HUC Compensation Plan for non -union employees, HUC will: a) Establish and maintain a compensation plan that enables HUC to be highly competitive within our defined industry. b) Lead or exceed the market in attracting and retaining qualified, reliable and motivated employees who are committed to quality and excellence for those we serve. c) Ensure, subject to the financial condition of HUC, that employees receive fair and equitable compensation in relation to their individual contributions to HUC's success. To accomplish this, HUC annually considers a market adjustment to the current pay grid based on market statistics. 2021 Statistics below: 1. U.S: CPI-U: 6.8%, CPI-W: 7.6%, Mpls/St. Paul CPI-U: 6.9%, CPI-W: 7.5% (Nov.) 2. Social Security: COLA increase for 2022 - 5.9% COLA for 2021 - 1.3% 3. Hutchinson Unemployment rate - 2.5% (Oct.) 4. Employee turnover rate - less than 2% 5. Bargaining Unit Increase - 4% 1/1/2022 & 4% 1/1/2023 6. Upper-midwest/other salary market data: Public /Private Sector 3% - 4% Attached is the recommended non -union pay grid for 2022 that incorporates a 4% grid shift. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the proposed 2022 non -union pay grid. Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: No Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: 2021 PAY GRID Between Grades: 6% Range: 35.0% Starting midpoint: 0 2021 Salary Range Grade Min Mid Max 1 45,289.24 53,214.86 61,140.48 2 48,006.59 56,407.75 64,808.90 3 50,886.99 59,792.22 68,697.44 4 53,940.21 63,379.75 72,819.29 5 57,176.62 67,182.53 77,188.45 6 60,607.22 71,213.49 81,819.75 7 64,243.66 75,486.30 86,728.93 8 68,098.27 80,015.47 91,932.67 9 72,184.17 84,816.40 97,448.63 10 76,515.22 89,905.38 103,295.55 11 81,106.14 95,299.71 109,493.29 12 1 85,972.50 101,017.69 116,062.88 13 91,130.85 107,078.75 123,026.65 14 96,598.70 113,503.47 130,408.25 15 102,394.62 120,313.69 138, 232.74 16 108,538.30 127,532.50 146,526.70 17 115,050.60 135,184.46 155,318.31 18 121,953.64 143, 295.53 1 164,637.41 19 1 129, 270.85 151,893.26 174,515.66 20 137, 027.10 161, 006.85 184, 986.59 21 145, 248.73 170,667.26 196,085.79 22 153,963.66 180,907.30 207,850.94 2021 Hourly Rate Range Min Mid Max 21.77 25.58 29.39 23.08 27.12 31.16 24.46 28.75 33.03 25.93 30.47 35.01 27.49 32.30 37.11 29.14 1 34.24 39.34 30.89 36.29 41.70 32.74 38.47 44.20 34.70 40.78 46.85 36.79 43.22 49.66 38.99 45.82 52.64 41.33 48.57 55.80 43.81 51.48 59.15 46.44 54.57 62.70 49.23 57.84 66.46 52.18 61.31 70.45 55.31 64.99 74.67 58.63 68.89 79.15 62.15 73.03 83.90 65.88 77.41 88.94 69.83 82.05 94.27 74.02 86.97 99.93 2022 PAY GRID RECOMMENDATION - 4% Increase to Grid Between Grades: 6% Range: 35.00% Starting midpoint: 0 2022 Salary Range Grade Min Mid Max 1 47,100.81 55,343.46 63,586.10 2 49,926.86 58,664.06 67,401.26 3 52,922.47 62,183.91 71,445.34 4 56,097.82 65,914.94 75,732.06 5 59,463.69 69,869.84 80,275.98 6 63,031.51 74,062.03 85,092.54 7 66,813.40 78,505.75 90,198.09 8 70,822.21 83,216.09 95,609.98 9 75,071.54 88,209.06 101,346.57 10 79,575.83 93,501.60 107,427.38 11 84,350.38 99,111.69 113,873.02 12 1 89,411.40 105,058.40 120,705.40 13 94,776.09 111,361.90 127,947.71 14 100, 462.65 118, 043.61 135, 624.58 15 106,490.41 125,126.24 143,762.05 16 112, 879.83 132,633.80 152,387.77 17 119,652.62 140, 5 91.84 161, 5 31.05 18 126,831.78 1 149,027.35 171, 222.90 19 1 134, 441.69 157, 968.99 181, 496.28 20 142,508.19 167, 447.13 192,386.06 21 151,058.68 177,493.95 203,929.22 22 160,122.20 188,143.59 216,164.98 2022 Hourly Rate Range Min Mid Max 22.64 26.61 30.57 24.00 28.20 32.40 25.44 29.90 34.35 26.97 31.69 36.41 28.59 33.59 38.59 30.30 35.61 40.91 32.12 37.74 43.36 34.05 40.01 45.97 36.09 42.41 48.72 38.26 44.95 51.65 40.55 47.65 54.75 42.99 50.51 58.03 45.57 53.54 61.51 48.30 56.75 65.20 51.20 60.16 69.12 54.27 63.77 73.26 57.53 67.59 77.66 60.98 71.65 82.32 64.64 75.95 87.26 80.50 92.49 t768.51 2.62 85.33 98.04 76.98 90.45 103.93 Positions Grade Positions Grade Purchasing/Inventory Agent 7 Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager 15 Account Supervisor 8 Production Manager 15 Administrative Coordinator 8 Financial Manager 16 Accountant 8 Engineering Services Manager 16 Energy Conservation Administrator 9 Natural Gas Director 17 Computer Systems Analyst 10 General Manager 21 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form �r�turscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: 2022 Electric & NG Operating Budgets & 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 10 New Business Attachments,: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Attached is the final 2022 operating budgets and 5 year (2022-2026) CIP for the Electric and Natural Gas Divisions. At the November meeting on 11-24-21 a high level overview of the 2022 budgets were reviewed and the major changes budgeted from 2021 to 2022 were discussed in detail. Since that time, some additions & reductions have been made on the revenue/expense side of the 2022 electric division operating budget reflected in the final budgets: PCA revenue (+$100,000), generation fuel budget (+$192,930), distribution repairs/maintenance (+$40,000), production elevator repairs (+$73,000), MISO purchases (-$97,043), machinery/boiler insurance (-$10,101). On the 5 Year CIP there was a minor expense change of $2K in the production area. Management recommends the Commission approve the final 2022 Operating budgets and 5 - Year CIP Program (2022-2026). As is customary, the 5 - Year CIP changes from year to year and will reviewed and updated as needed moving into 2023. 0 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve 2022 Electric and Natural Gas Division Operating Budgets & 5 Yr. CIP Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: No Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: COMBINED DIVISIONS (ELECTRIC & GAS) Dollar % change YEAR 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Budget 2022 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2021/2022 REVENUES: Customer Sales 36,572,180 35,656,669 33,509,883 34,245,920 36,155,080 1,909,160 5.57% Sales for Resale 3,071,099 2,773,852 2,709,012 3,360,000 3o692,000 332,000 9.88% Power Cost Adjustments - - - 1,300,000 1,200,000 (100,000) -7.69% NU Transportation 940,990 1,040,698 1,042,274 998,904 1,010J.24 11,220 1.12% Electric Division Transfer 656,366 659,783 665,283 682,550 71.6,383 33,833 4.96% Other Revenues 711,576 709,652 2,252,960 388,661 51.3,157 124,496 32.03% Interest Earnings 408,996 617,458 737,923 350,000 350,000 - 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES: 42,361,206 41,458,111 40,917,335 41,326,035 43,636,744 2,310,709 5.59% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 5,770,263 6,165,652 6,387,327 7,001,170 7,222,1.43 220,973 3.2% Purchased Power/Gas 20,717,620 19,737,334 18,424,450 18,426,340 1.9o927o587 1,501,247 8.1% Transmission 2,454,965 2,856,868 2,136,904 3,200,000 3,325o000 125,000 3.9% Generator Fuel/Chemicals 1,126,228 655,943 494,627 699,492 1,097,61.4 398,122 56.9% Depreciation 3,804,484 3,807,479 3,893,093 4,100,000 4,400,000 300,000 7.3% Transfers (Electric/City) 1,907,835 2,261,207 2,532,475 2,549,742 2,583,875 34,133 1.3% Operating Expense 2,372,815 2,526,166 2,273,824 3,016,220 3,537o8l.5 521,595 17.3% Debt Interest 1,231,469 1,160,215 1,067,506 990,507 900,907 (89,600) -9.0% TOTAL EXPENSES: 39,385,678 39,170,863 37,210,206 39,983,471 42,994,941 3,011,470 7.53% ELECTRIC DIVISION Dollar % change YEAR 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Budget 2022 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2021/2022 REVENUES: Residential 5,601,482 5,638,725 5,692,685 5,662,576 5,785,565 122,989 2.17% Small General 1,934,682 1,949,017 1,767,463 1,844,067 1,826,955 (17,112) -0.93% Large General 7,589,242 7,617,714 7,143,657 7,325,306 7,400,876 75,570 1.03% Industrial 10,218,577 9,667,324 8,963,654 9,172,139 8oMoM. (198,268) -2.16% Power Cost Adjustments - - - 1,300,000 1,200,000 (100,000) -7.69% Street Lighting 147,470 147,456 141,886 137,332 1.37o977 645 0.47% Sales for Resale 3,071,099 2,773,852 2,709,012 3,360,000 3oMo000 332,000 9.88% Other Revenues 324,153 319,841 1,893,902 133,256 222,056 88,800 66.64% Interest Earnings 204,498 308,607 368,961 175,000 1.75,000 - 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES: 29,091,203 28,422,536 28,681,220 29,109,676 29,414,300 304,624 1.05% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 4,560,613 4,574,592 4,794,769 5,119,467 5,263,206 143,739 2.81% Purchased Power 14,633,533 13,776,294 12,835,939 12,888,000 12,297,526 (590,474) -4.58% Transmission 2,454,965 2,856,868 2,136,904 3,200,000 3,325o000 125,000 3.91% Generator Fuel/Chemicals 1,126,228 655,943 494,627 699,492 1,097fil.4 398,122 56.92% Depreciation 2,770,697 2,728,998 2,804,539 3,000,000 3,300o000 300,000 10.00% Transfers (Electric/City) 1,538,693 1,766,062 1,958,826 1,976,093 2,01.0,226 34,133 1.73% Operating Expense 1,679,830 1,758,807 1,535,453 1,956,415 2,106,432 150,017 7.67% Debt Interest 562,765 556,573 531,506 507,857 480,857 (27,000) -5.32% TOTAL EXPENSES: 29,327,323 28,674p137 27p092p563 29,347,324 29,880,861 533,537 1.82% GAS DIVISION Dollar % change YEAR 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Budget 2022 Budget Inc/(Decr.) 2021/2022 REVENUES: Residential 4,139,639 3,981,709 3,663,453 3,884,607 4,024o2l.l. 139,604 3.59% Commercial 3,497,097 3,417,002 3,050,239 3,283,693 3,412o2l.5 128,522 3.91% Contracted Industrial 3,443,991 3,237,722 3,086,848 2,936,200 4,593,41.0 1,657,210 56.44% NU13rd Party Agreements 940,990 1,040,698 1,042,274 998,904 1,010J.24 11,220 1.12% Electric Division Transfer 656,366 659,783 665,283 682,550 71.6,383 33,833 4.96% Other Revenues 387,423 389,811 359,058 255,405 291,101. 35,696 13.98% Interest Earnings 204,498 308,850 368,961 175,000 1.75,000 - 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES: 13,270,003 13,035,575 12,236,116 12,216,359 14,222,444 2,006,085 16.42% EXPENSES: Personnel Costs 1,209,650 1,591,060 1,592,558 1,881,703 1,958o937 77,234 4.10% Purchased Gas 6,084,086 5,961,040 5,588,511 5,538,340 7,630,061. 2,091,721 37.77% Depreciation 1,033,788 1,078,481 1,088,555 1,100,000 I.j.00o000 - 0.00% Transfers (City) 369,142 495,145 573,649 573,649 573o649 - 0.00% Operating Expense 692,985 767,359 738,371 1,059,805 1,431,383 371,578 3 5.060/c Debt Interest 668,704 603,642 536,000 482,650 420,050 (62,600) -12.97% TOTAL EXPENSES: 10,058,355 10,496,726 10p117p644 10,636,147 13,114,080 2,477,933 23.30% Detailed Income Statement Combined Divisions (Electric & G; OPERATING REVENUES Electric Energy Sales Natural Gas Sales Other Operating Revenues Total Operating Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Production: Operations $ Maintenance Operations $ Purchased Power/Gas $ Other Power Supply $ Transmission: Operations $ Maintenance $ Distribution Expense: Operations $ Maintenance $ Customer Accounts Expense $ Sales Expense $ Administrative & General $ Depreciation $ Contribution to the City of Hutchinson $ Total Operating Expenses $ Operating Income (Loss) $ NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest Income $ Merchandise & Contract Work, Net $ Miscellaneous Income $ Gain (Loss) on Disposal of Assets $ Bond Service Fees $ Bond Premium $ Prior Period Adjustment $ Interest Expense - Customer Deposits $ Interest Expense - Bonds $ Total Nonoperating Revenus (Expenses) $ Net Income (Loss) COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (%) Net Income (%) of Operating Sales N.I. (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) $ 28,562,552 $ 27,794,087 $ 26,418,356 $ 29,070,030 $ 28,634,697 $ 28,801,421 $ 29,017,244 $ 11,080,727 $ 10,636,433 $ 9,800,539 $ 10,166,488 $ 10,191,668 $ 10,104,500 $ 12,029,836 $ 1,849,854 $ 1,961,587 $ 1,761,939 $ 1,816,835 $ 1,811,523 $ 1,818,050 $ 1,987,600 $ 41,493,133 $ 40,392,107 $ 37,980,835, $ 41,053,353 $ 40,637,888 $ 40,723,971 $ 43,034,680 3,510,634 $ 3,170,009 $ 2,924,641 409,983 $ 606,236 $ 558,908 20,717,620 $ 19,737,334 $ 18,424,450 543,339 $ 261,556 $ 340,060 2,786,536 $ 3,530,680 $ 2,796,858 28,686 $ 29,786 $ 21,001 1,635,183 $ 1,795,547 $ 1,820,741 577,200 $ 552,560 $ 613,205 421,909 $ 425,636 $ 442,141 412,606 $ 304,720 $ 340,932 1,711,878 $ 1,946,234 $ 2,031,234 3,804,484 $ 3,807,479 $ 3,893,093 1,398,853 $ 1,675,116 $ 1,867,192 37.958.911 $ 37.842.891 $ 36.074.458 3,534,222 $ 2,549,216 $ 1,906,377 408,996 $ 617,458 $ 737,923 12,512 $ (63,841) $ 177,633 105,444 $ 138,334 $ 1,686,795 17,853 $ - $ 54,617 (925) $ - $ (475) 219,065 $ 219,065 $ 219,065 (83,203) $ - $ (6,967) $ (11,818) $ (6,824) 231,469) $ (1,161,165) $ (1,067,981), 558.6941 $ (261.9671 $ 1.800.753 $ 3,669,045 $ 3,315,441 $ 3,242,868 $ 3,846,295 $ 742,459 $ 601,351 $ 633,410 $ 733,283 $ 19,155,179 $ 19,252,477 $ 18,426,340 $ 19,927,587 $ 246,288 $ 242,317 $ 252,318 $ 256,354 $ 3,714,151 $ 3,359,520 $ 3,899,235 $ 4,096,145 $ 65,792 $ 74,938 $ 162,096 $ 434,094 $ 2,016,834 $ 2,300,811 $ 2,260,512 $ 2,483,280 $ 859,065 $ 795,121 $ 819,927 $ 730,787 $ 471,189 $ 481,650 $ 499,481 $ 511,067 $ 495,313 $ 486,232 $ 503,007 $ 501,628 $ 2,239,930 $ 2,032,871 $ 2,232,978 $ 2,237,723 $ 3,925,000 $ 3,925,000 $ 4,100,000 $ 4,400,000 $ 1,675,116 $ 1,867,192 $ 1,867,192 $ 1,867,192 $ 1,777,992 $ 1,902,967 $ 1,824,607 $ 1,009,246 $ 250,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ (18,500) $ 1,500 $ (59,500) $ (34,500) $ (2,400) $ (1,000) $ (500) $ (500) $ 219,064 $ 219,064 $ 219,064 $ 219,064 $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ (1,168,007) $ (1,075,007) $ (991,007) $ (901,407) $ 27,996,798 $ 27,335,600 $ 25,065,918 $ 27,592,914 $ 26,846,044 $ 26,616,266 $ 29,293,758 $ 13,496,336 $ 13,056,507 $ 12,914,917 $ 13,460,439 $ 13,791,844 $ 14,107,705 $ 13,740,923 33% 32% 34% 33% 34% 35% 32% 9% 6% 5% 4% 5% 4% 2% 7% 6% 10% 2.6% 3.4% 3.3% 1.5% - - - 4.7% 3.7% 4.2% 2.3% 2022 COMBINED INC. STATEMENT 2022 Net Income $ 641,803 Capitalized Labor - Production $ 8,000 Capitalized Labor - Distribution $ 255,000 Capitalized Labor - Natural Gas $ 84,500 Combined INCSTMNT $ 989,303 2022 COMBINED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2022 Net Income $ 641,803 Depreciation $ 4,400,000 2022 Total Cap Exp $ (3,260,330) Principal Debt Payments $ (2,430,000) SOE Proceeds $ 79,000 Combined Cash Flow $ (569,527) 2022 Cap Ex (As necessary) $ 116,000 Detailed Income Statement Electric Division OPERATING REVENUES Energy Sales Revenue Sales - Electric Energy (440, 442, 444) Power Cost Adjustments Other Energy Sales (447) Total Energy Sales Revenue (440, 442, 444, 447) Revenue From Other Sources Revenue From Other Sources (450, 451) Security Lights (454.01) Pole Rental (454.02, 454.03) Total Revenue From Other Sources (450, 451, 454) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Production Operations Operation Supervison & Engineering (546) Fuel (547) Operating Supplies and Expense (550) Total Production Operations (546, 547, 550) Maintenance Operations Structures (554) Generating Units (554) Other Equipment (554) Total Maintenance Operations (554) Other Power Supply Expense Purchased Power (555) System Control & Load Dispatch (556) Engineering Services (557) Total Other Power Supply Expense (555, 556, 557) Transmission Expense Transmission Expense Operation (560) Transmission Expense Operation (565) Transmission Expense Operation (567) Transmission Expense Maintenance (574) Total Transmission Expense (560, 565, 567, 574) Distribution Expense: Distribution Operation (580, 581, 586, 588, 589) Distribution Maintenance (592, 594, 595, 596, 598) Total Distribution Expense (580 ,581, 586, 588, 589, 592, 594, 595, 596, 598) Customer Service and Collection Meter Reading (902) Collection Expense (903) Bad Debt Write offs (904) Customer Services (906) Total Customer Service and Collection (902, 903, 904, 906) Sales Expense Supervison (911) Misc. Selling Expense (916) Total Sales Expense (911, 916) $ 23,806,052 $ 23,139,852 $ 23,066,242 $ 24,118,530 $ 24,127,447 $ 24,141,421 $ 24,125,244 $ 1,685,401 $ 1,880,384 $ 643,102 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 3,071,099 $ 2,773,852 $ 2,709,012 $ 2,951,500 $ 3,007,250 $ 3,360,000 $ 3,692,000 $ 28,562,552 $ 27,794,087 $ 26,418,356 $ 29,070,030 $ 28,634,697 $ 28,801,421 $ 29,017,244 $ 171,831 $ 177,600 $ 31,442 $ 193,500 $ 169,500 $ 88,800 $ 177,600 $ 11,005 $ 10,905 $ 10,817 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 $ 182,836 $ 188,505 $ 42,259 $ 203,500 $ 179,500 $ 99,800 $ 188,600 $ 28,745,388 $ 27,982,592 $ 26,460,615 IIIII $ 29,273,530 $ 28,814,197 $ 28,901,220 $ 29,205,844 $ 1,689,922 $ 1,791,618 $ 1,691,235 $ 1,710,866 $ 1,200,463 $ 1,073,484 $ 109,845 $ 177,927 $ 159,922 $ 3,510,634 $ 3,170,009 $ 2,924,641 $ 1,837,312 $ 1,788,183 $ 1,816,326 $ 1,863,414 $ 1,686,733 $ 1,364,758 $ 1,262,790 $ 1,819,233 $ 145,000 $ 162,500 $ 163,752 $ 163,648 $ 3,669,045 $ 3,315,441 $ 3,242,868 $ 3,846,295 $ 9,583 $ 4,371 $ 18,208 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 83,000 $ 293,927 $ 467,394 $ 339,140 $ 692,459 $ 551,351 $ 442,410 $ 353,283 $ 106,472 $ 134,471 $ 201,561 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 181,000 $ 297,000 $ 409,983 $ 606,236 $ 558,908 $ 742,459 $ 601,351 $ 633,410 $ 733,283 $ 14,633,533 $ 13,776,294 $ 12,835,939 $ 13,640,46000 $ 13,480,332 $ 12,888,000 $ 12,297,526 $ 543,339 $ 254,249 $ 340,060 $ 2,288 $ 242,317 $ 252,318 $ 256,354 $ - $ 7,307 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,176,872 $ 14,037,850 $ 13,175,998 $ 13,886,288 $ 13,722,649 $ 13,140,318 $ 12,553,880 $ 169,311 $ 184,831 $ 187,870 $ 145,000 $ 165,000 $ 175,000 $ 190,000 $ 2,454,965 $ 2,856,868 $ 2,136,904 $ 3,380,000 $ 2,680,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 3,325,000 $ 11,028 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,843 $ 23,042 $ 9,767 $ 54,014 $ 69,688 $ 115,283 $ 31,094 $ 2,663,147 $ 3,064,741 $ 2,334,542 IIIII $ 3,579,014 $ 2,914,688 $ 3,490,283 $ 3,546,094 $ 947,724 $ 1,034,834 $ 1,086,352 $ 1,227,878 $ 1,347,183 $ 1,348,396 $ 1,397,146 $ 403,836 $ 333,359 $ 399,505 $ 384,411 $ 414,851 $ 391,536 $ 433,610 $ 1,351,560 $ 1,368,192 $ 1,485,857 $ 1,612,289 $ 1,762,034 $ 1,739,932 $ 1,830,756 $ 19,421 $ 10,311 $ 4,553 $ 24,401 $ 25,267 $ 26,030 $ 27,071 $ 155,143 $ 153,784 $ 163,398 $ 170,303 $ 170,182 $ 176,512 $ 178,627 $ (4,247) $ 17,513 $ 23,567 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 55,986 $ 59,168 $ 61,088 $ 63,083 $ 66,460 $ 68,849 $ 71,298 $ 226,303 $ 240,776 $ 252,607 IIIII $ 263,287 $ 267,408 $ 276,891 $ 282,496 $ 286,184 $ 181,504 $ 237,281 $ 340,421 $ 333,948 $ 336,281 $ 334,882 $ 286,184 $ 181,504 $ 237,281 $ 340,421 $ 333,948 $ 336,281 $ 334,882 Detailed Income Statement Electric Division Administrative and General Adminstrative and General Labor (920) Office Supplies and Expenses (921) Outside Services (923) Property Insurance (924) Employee Pension & Benefits (926) Regulatory Expense (928) Misc. General Expense (930) Maint. Of General Plant (935) Total Administrative and General (920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930, 935) Other Expenses Depreciation Expense (403) Payment in Lieu of Taxes (408) Contribution To City - Roadway Lighting (408) Total Other Expenses (403, 408) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) Merchandise & Contract Work, Net Interest Income Misc. Income Interest- Customer Deposits Bond Service Fees Interest Expense - 2013B Bonds Interest Expense - 2017B Bonds Bond Premium Gain (Loss) On Disposal Prior Period Adjustment TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) NETINCOME COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (%) Net Income (%) of Operating Sales Net Income (%) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) $ 454,453 $ 467,610 $ 494,674 $ 257,839 $ 319,123 $ 251,847 $ 120,425 $ 95,056 $ 98,403 $ 114,394 $ 140,368 $ 194,883 $ 114,255 $ 220,559 $ 229,083 $ 21,573 $ 6,717 $ 8,459 $ 82,658 $ 78,492 $ 76,834 $ 45,218 $ 88,494 $ 94,731 $ 1,210,816 $ 1,416,419 $ 1,448,914 $ 464,333 $ 486,404 $ 505,050 $ 513,307 $ 347,031 $ 281,545 $ 264,901 $ 257,908 $ 99,306 $ 99,306 $ 127,981 $ 116,994 $ 89,000 $ 193,177 $ 333,337 $ 371,596 $ 193,428 $ 206,431 $ 201,276 $ 204,729 $ 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 94,836 $ 99,836 $ 100,536 $ 96,336 $ 51,186 $ 74,975 $ 67,359 $ 67,405 $ 1,364,120 $ 1,461,674 $ 1,615,441 $ 1,643,276 $ 2,770,697 $ 2,728,998 $ 2,804,539 $ 2,900,000 $ 2,900,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 882,327 $ 1,106,279 $ 1,293,543 $ 1,106,279 $ 1,293,543 $ 1,293,543 $ 1,293,543 $ 147,384 $ 73,692 $ - $ 73,692 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,800,408 $ 3,908,969 $ 4,098,082 $ 4,079,971 $ 4,193,543 $ 4,293,543 $ 4,593,543 $ 28,635,906 $ 27,994,695 $ 26,516,830 $ 109,481 $ (12,103) $ (56,215)I $ (36,559) $ (85,497) $ 79,988 $ 204,498 $ 308,607 $ 368,961 $ 71,834 $ 68,189 $ 1,667,724 $ (4,528) $ (7,681) $ (4,435) $ (925) $ $ (475) $ (562,765) $ (556,573) $ (531,506) $ 33,457 $ 33,457 $ 33,457 $ 11,789 $ - $ 31,158 $ (62,402) $ - $ - $ (345,601) $ (239,497) $ 1,644,872 $ 29,536,894 $ 28,572,735 $ 28,768,967 $ 29,364,504 $ (263,364) $ 241,462 $ 132,253 $ (158,660) $ (1,000) $ (1,000) $ (70,000) $ (35,000) $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ (2,400) $ (1,000) $ (500) $ (500) $ (558,657) $ (533,657) $ (507,857) $ (480,857) $ 33,456 $ 33,456 $ 33,456 $ 33,456 $ (403,601) $ (327,201) $ (369,901) $ (307,901) $ (236,120) $ (251,600) $ 1,588,657 I $ (666,965) $ (85,739) $ (237,648) $ (466,561) $ 21,760,635 $ 20,878,835 $ 18,994,090 $ 21,876,806 $ 20,554,129 $ 20,506,879 $ 20,679,552 $ 6,984,752 $ 7,103,757 $ 7,466,525 $ 7,396,724 $ 8,260,068 $ 8,394,341 $ 8,526,292 24.3% 25.4% 28.2% 25.3% 28.7% 29.0% 29.2% 0.4% 0.0% -0.21% -0.9% 0.8% 0.5% -0.5% -0.8% -0.9% 6.0% -2.3% -0.3% -0.8% -1.6% - -1.3% 0.5% -0.1% -0.7% NET INCOME 2022 Net Income $ (466,561) Cap.Labor- Production $ 8,000 Cap.Labor- Distribution $ 255,000 2022 Net Income $ (203,561) CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2022 Net Income $ (466,561) Depreciation $ 3,300,000 2017B Principal Debt Payment $ (700,000) 2022 Cap Exp $ (998,000) SOE Proceeds $ 46,000 2022 Electric Cash Flow $ 1,181,439 2022 Cap Exp (As necessary)/ Detailed Income Statement Gas Division OPERATING REVENUES Energy Sales Revenue Sales - Natural Gas --Retail Contract Sales to Large Customers (Includes 3M & HTI transport) New Ulm, HCP, & UFC Transportation Transportation --Electric Division Total Energy Sales Revenue (440, 442, 444, 447) Revenue From Other Sources Revenue From Other Sources(450,451) Total Revenue From Other Sources (450, 451, 454) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES Purchased Gas Purchased Gas for Retail (807) Contract Gas for Large Customer (807) Total Purchased Gas Transmission Gas Transmission System Control Operations (851) Gas Transmission Operations (856) Gas Transmission Maintenance (863) Total Transmission (851, 856, 863) Distribution Operations Supervision and Engineering (870) Mains and Services (874) Meters (878) Misc.(880) Total Distribution Operation (870, 874, 878, 880) Distribution Maintenance Lines --Services and Mains (892) Meters and House Regulators (893) Maintenance of Other Plant (895) Total Distribution Maintenance (892, 893, 895) Customer Service and Collection Meter Reading (902) Collection Expense (903) Bad Debt Write offs (904) Customer Services (906) Total Customer Service and Collection (902, 903, 904, 906) Sales Expense Supervison (911) Misc. Selling Expense (916) Total Sales Expense (911, 916) Administrative and General Administrative and General Labor (920) Office Supplies and Expenses (921) Outside Services (923) Property Insurance (924) Employee Pension & Benefits (926) Regulatory Expense (928) Misc. General Expense (930) Maint. Of General Plant (935) Total Administrative and General (920, 921, 923, 924, 926, 928, 930, 935) $ 7,636,736 $ 7,398,711 $ 6,713,692 '! $ 7,259,855 $ 7,188,881 $ 7,168,300 $ 7,436,426 $ 3,443,991 $ 3,237,722 $ 3,086 848 $ 2,906,633 $ 3,002,787 $ 2,936,200 $ 4,593,410 $ 940,990 $ 1,040,698 $ 1,042 274 $ 885,452 $ 898,640 $ 998,904 $ 1,010,124 $ 656,366 $ 659,783 $ 665,283 ; $ 659,783 $ 665,283 $ 682,550 $ 716,383 $ 12,678,083 $ 12,336,914 $ 11,508,097 $ 11,711,723 $ 11,755,591 $ 11,785,954 $ 13,756,343 $ 69,663 $ 72,601 $ 12,123 '' $ 68,100 $ 68,100 $ 36,797 $ 72,493 $ 69,663 $ 72,601 $ 12123 $ 68,100 $ 68,100 $ 36,797 $ 72,493 $ 12,747,746 $ 12,409,515 $11,520,219 $ 11,779,823 $ 11,823,691 $ 11,822,751 $ 13,828,836 $ 3,579,198 $ 3,428,182 $ 3,295,846 '' $ 3,301,453 $ 3,557,453 $ 3,472,253 $ 3,971,246 $ 2,504,889 $ 2,532,858 $ 2,292 665 $ 2,213,726 $ 2,214,692 $ 2,066,087 $ 3,658,815 $ 6,084,086 $ 5,961,040 $ 5,588,511 ; $ 5,515,179 $ 5,772,145 $ 5,538,340 $ 7,630,061 $ - $ 312,414 $ 246,894 $ - $ 264,102 $ 258,985 $ 307,292 $ 151,232 $ 176,567 $ 225190 $ 189,151 $ 250,417 $ 265,250 $ 273,853 $ 843 $ 6,744 $ 11,234 $ 11,778 $ 5,250 $ 46,812 $ 403,000 $ 152,076 $ 495,725 $ 483,317 '' $ 200,929 $ 519,770 $ 571,047 $ 984,145 $ 391,213 $ 438,724 $ 337,127 $ 478,898 $ 518,685 $ 458,416 $ 530,632 $ 103,422 $ 116,806 $ 192426 $ 161,748 $ 207,000 $ 189,000 $ 258,902 $ 18,415 $ 13,599 $ 9854 $ 26,000 $ 29,137 $ 10,000 $ 964 $ 174,409 $ 191,585 $ 194982 $ 122,310 $ 198,806 $ 254,700 $ 295,635 $ 687,459 $ 760,714 $ 734,390 ; $ 788,956 $ 953,628 $ 912,116 $ 1,086,134 $ 110,325 $ 171,156 $ 148324 $ 235,723 $ 194,516 $ 240,806 $ 210,725 $ - $ 478 $ 12,377 $ 25,769 $ 25,944 $ 26,280 $ 27,952 $ 63,039 $ 47,567 $ 53000 $ 213,162 $ 159,810 $ 161,306 $ 58,500 $ 173,364 $ 219,201 $ 213,700 $ 474,654 $ 380,270 $ 428,392 $ 297,177 $ 15,136 $ 5,882 $ 3656 $ 19,965 $ 20,672 $ 21,297 $ 22,149 $ 125,679 $ 124,877 $ 133,722 $ 146,824 $ 149,694 $ 140,462 $ 143,588 $ 8,983 $ 5,690 $ 2175 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ 45,808 $ 48,411 $ 49,982 $ 36,613 $ 39,376 $ 56,331 $ 58,335 $ 195,606 $ 184,860 $ 189,534 $ 207,902 $ 214,242 $ 222,590 $ 228,571 $ 126,422 $ 123,216 $ 103,652 $ 154,892 $ 152,284 $ 166,726 $ 166,746 $ 126,422 $ 123,216 $ 103,652 $ 154,892 $ 152,284 $ 166,726 $ 166,746 $ 154,594 $ 159,570 $ 169546 $ 323,341 $ 162,134 $ 168,349 $ 171,103 $ 84,274 $ 147,944 $ 98183 $ 162,860 $ 90,310 $ 96,834 $ 95,003 $ 51,315 $ 37,782 $ 41,079 ; $ 36,769 $ 36,769 $ 55,994 $ 52,332 $ 32,870 $ 46,071 $ 50,491 $ 76,225 $ 49,399 $ 50,739 $ 54,739 $ 54,889 $ 10,533 $ 91,788 $ 145,533 $ 73,227 $ 71,092 $ 72,910 $ 35,313 $ 35,996 $ 37,077 $ 20,000 $ 40,000 $ 55,000 $ 40,000 $ 55,049 $ 60,497 $ 47,417 $ 68,558 $ 64,558 $ 70,758 $ 59,558 $ 32,758 $ 31,422 $ 46738 $ 42,524 $ 54,800 $ 48,773 $ 48,804 $ 501,062 $ 529,815 $ 582,320 $ 875,810 $ 571,197 $ 617,538 $ 594,447 Detailed Income Statement Gas Division Other Expenses Depreciation Expense (403) Payment in Lieu of Taxes (408) Total Other Expenses (403, 408) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) Merchandise & Contract Work, Net Interest Income Misc. Income Bond Premium Interest Expense - Bonds Interest Expense - Customer Deposits Gain (Loss) On Disposal Prior Period Adjustment TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) NET INCOME COGS Gross Profit Gross Margin Operating Margin (Y) Net Income (Y) of Operating Sales Net Income (Y) of Operating Sales (after cap labor) $ 1,033,788 $ 1,078,481 $ 1,088,555 '' $ 1,025,000 $ 1,025,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 369,142 $ 495,145 $ 573,649 $ 495,145 $ 573,649 $ 573,649 $ 573,649 $ 1,402,930 $ 1,573,626 $ 1,662,204 $ 1,520,145 $ 1,598,649 $ 1,673,649 $ 1,673,649 $ 9,323,005 $ 9,848,197 $ 9,557,627 $ 9,738,467 $ 10,162,185 $ 10,130,397 $ 12,660,930 $ 3,424,741 $ 2,561,319 $ 1,962,592 $ 2,041,356 $ 1,661,506 $ 1,692,353 $ 1,167,906 $ 49,071 $ 21,655 $ 97,645 $ (17,500) $ 2,500 $ 10,500 $ 500 $ 204,498 $ 308,850 $ 368,961 $ 125,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 33,610 $ 70,145 $ 19071 ; $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ 185,608 $ (668,704) $ (604,592) $ (536,475) $ (609,350) $ (541,350) $ (483,150) $ (420,550) $ (2,439) $ (4,137) $ (2388) $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ (100) $ 6,063 $ $ 23,458 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (20,801) $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ (213,093) $ (22,470) $ 155880 $ (316,342) $ (178,342) $ (112,142) $ (59,542) $ 3,211,648 $ 2,538,849 $ 2,118,472 $ 1,725,014 $ 1,483,164 $ 1,580,212 $ 1,108,364 $ 6,236,162 $ 6,456,765 $ 6,071,828 $ 5,716,108 $ 6,291,915 $ 6,109,387 $ 8,614,206 $ 6,511,583 $ 5,952,751 $ 5,448,391 $ 6,063,715 $ 5,531,776 $ 5,713,364 $ 5,214,630 51% 48% 47% 51% 47% 48% 38% 27% 21% 17% 17% 14% 14% 8% 25% 20% 18% 15% 13% 13% 8% - - - 20% 13% 14% 9% NET INCOME 2022 Net Income $ 1,108,364 Cap. Labor- Nat. Gas $ 84,500 2022 Net Income $ 1,192,864 CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2022 Net Income $ 1,108,364 Depreciation $ 1,100,000 2022 Cap Exp $ (2,262,330) 2012A Principal $ (1,730,000) SOE Proceeds $ 33,000 2022 Cash Flow $ (1,750,966) 2022 Cap Exp (As necessary)%/////0/////////////////////////////////// Hutchinson Utilities Commission Capital Improvement Plan 2022 thm 2026 PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Department Project # Priority 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Electric - Distribution Dodge Ram 1500 226E 2 27,295 27,295 International 4900 w/Altec 255E 3 201,571 201,571 Station Equipment 362-22-1 2 10,000 10,000 Hutch Sub SCADA 362-22-2 1 55,000 55,000 Plant#1 Sub SCADA/Relays 362-22-3 1 80,000 80,000 3M Sub SCADA 362-22-4 1 40,000 40,000 Station Equipment 362-23-1 2 10,000 10,000 HTI Sub SCADA 362-23-2 1 40,000 40,000 Station Equipment 362-24-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-25-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-26-1 2 10,000 10,000 Vac Machine (Ring 0 Matic) 362E 2 68,656 68,656 Duct Installation 366-22-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-23-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-24-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-25-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-26-1 3 15,000 15,000 New Developments 367-22-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #12A Reconductor 367-22-2 3 30,000 30,000 Fdr15-16 Reconductor 367-22-3 3 35,000 35,000 Civil Air Patrol 367-22-4 3 7,000 7,000 City Road Projects 367-22-5 3 10,000 10,000 New Developments 367-23-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr 14 Reconductor 367-23-2 3 35,000 35,000 Energy Park Infrastructure Improvements 367-23-3 3 75,000 75,000 New Developments 367-24-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #22 Loop 367-24-2 5 60,000 60,000 New Developments 367-25-1 6 51,000 51,000 New Developments 367-26-1 6 51,000 51,000 Transformer Replacement 368-22-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-22-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer - EV Charging Station 368-22-3 3 10,000 10,000 Transformer - Fdr #12A Reconductor Project 368-22-4 3 15,000 15,000 Transformer Replacement 368-23-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-23-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-24-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-24-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-25-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-25-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-26-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-26-2 6 50,000 50,000 Meters 370-22-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-23-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-24-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-25-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-26-1 2 30,000 30,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 1 Wednesday, December• 15, 2021 Department Project # Priority 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-22-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-23-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-24-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-25-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-26-1 3 175,000 175,000 EV Fast Charger 394-22-1 3 60,000 60,000 Level 2 Charger 394-22-2 3 10,000 10,000 Dodge Dakota 4x4 995E 2 27,295 27,295 Electric - Distribution Total 723,000 777,161 431,000 439,656 371,000 2,741,817 Electric - Production GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 181E 3 27,318 27,318 Cooling Tower Repairs 341-22-1 1 175,000 175,000 Downtown Plant Asphalt Project 341-22-2 3 150,000 150,000 Exhaust Fan Expansion Project 341-22-3 3 16,000 16,000 Control Room A/C Project 341-22-4 3 16,000 16,000 Install Asphalt at Plant 2 341-23-1 3 150,000 150,000 New Side Stream Filter/chemical Injection building 341-24-1 3 250,000 250,000 New Roof - Both Switch Gear Buildings - Plant 1 341-25-1 3 50,000 50,000 Power Plant Exhaust Fan Controls 346-22-1 2 19,000 19,000 Electric - Production Total 376,000 150,000 277,318 50,000 853,318 Electric - Transmission Pole Repair or Replacement 354-22 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-23 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-24 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-25 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-26 6 15,000 15,000 Electric - Transmission Total 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Engineering GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 376E 3 27,318 27,318 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 Crew Cab 881 3 33,765 33,765 Engineering Total 27,318 33,765 61,083 Natural Gas - Distribution Ford Dump Truck 037 1 66,950 66,950 Jeep Grand Cherokee 113 3 40,977 40,977 Chevrolet Silverado w/Utility Body 130 1 75,190 75,190 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-22-1 6 65,000 65,000 50 PSIG Improvement Project 376G-22-2 1 520,000 520,000 Isolated Main Replacement (Barley & Glenda Ln) 376G-22-3 3 27,500 27,500 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-23-1 6 90,000 90,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-24-1 6 60,000 60,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-25-1 6 55,000 55,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-26-1 6 52,000 52,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-22-1 2 20,000 20,000 50 PSIG Improvement Project-DRS 378G-22-2 1 230,000 230,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-23-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-24-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-25-1 2 15,000 15,000 Service Lines 380G-22-1 2 57,000 57,000 Service Lines 380G-23-1 2 55,000 55,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 2 Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Department Project # Priority 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Service Lines 380G-24-1 Service Lines 380G-25-1 Service Lines 380G-26-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-22-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-23-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-24-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-25-1 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-26-1 Residential Regulators 383G-22-1 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-22-1 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-23-1 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-24-1 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-22-1 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-23-1 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment-AMI 387G-24-1 Paint Booth 394G-22-1 Ford F550 Welding Truck 451 Chevrolet 4 Door X-cab 948 Natural Gas - Distribution Total Natural Gas - Transmission Land HCP Interconnect Station 365G-23-1 Fencing/Rock/Sercurity/Signage 366G-23-1 2-12" Valves, Vacuum Purging, Pigging 12" lateral 367G-22-1 Specific Gravity Meter 369G-22-1 Metering & Filtration for HCP Interconnect Station 369G-23-1 SCADA for HCP Interconnect Station 370G-23-1 Satellite Imagery - Transmission Pipeline 371G-22-1 Natural Gas - Transmission Total GRAND TOTAL 2 55,000 2 55,000 2 2 150,000 2 100,000 2 100,000 2 100,000 2 1 9,000 2 20,000 2 50,000 2 30,000 1 50,000 1 30,000 1 15,000 2 20,000 1 101,296 55,000 95,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 95,000 9,000 20,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 15,000 20,000 101,296 75,190 1,385,830 340,000 315,977 326,296 202,000 2,570,103 6 15,000 15,000 6 35,000 35,000 1 800,000 800,000 1 50,000 50,000 6 1,000,000 1,000,000 6 25,000 25,000 2 26,500 26,500 876,500 1,075,000 1,951,500 3,376,330 2,357,161 1,066,613 864,717 588,000 8,252,821 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 3 Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Capital Improvement Plan 2022 thru 2026 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source Project # Priority 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Cauital Reulacement Reserves Cooling Tower Repairs 341-22-1 1 175,000 175,000 Downtown Plant Asphalt Project 341-22-2 3 150,000 150,000 Exhaust Fan Expansion Project 341-22-3 3 16,000 16,000 Control Room A/C Project 341-22-4 3 16,000 16,000 Install Asphalt at Plant 2 341-23-1 3 150,000 150,000 New Side Stream Filter/chemical Injection building 341-24-1 3 250,000 250,000 New Roof - Both Switch Gear Buildings - Plant 1 341-25-1 3 50,000 50,000 Power Plant Exhaust Fan Controls 346-22-1 2 19,000 19,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-22 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-23 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-24 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-25 6 15,000 15,000 Pole Repair or Replacement 354-26 6 15,000 15,000 Station Equipment 362-22-1 2 10,000 10,000 Hutch Sub SCADA 362-22-2 1 55,000 55,000 Plant#1 Sub SCADA/Relays 362-22-3 1 80,000 80,000 3M Sub SCADA 362-22-4 1 40,000 40,000 Station Equipment 362-23-1 2 10,000 10,000 HTI Sub SCADA 362-23-2 1 40,000 40,000 Station Equipment 362-24-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-25-1 2 10,000 10,000 Station Equipment 362-26-1 2 10,000 10,000 Land HCP Interconnect Station 365G-23-1 6 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-22-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-23-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-24-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-25-1 3 15,000 15,000 Duct Installation 366-26-1 3 15,000 15,000 Fencing/Rock/Sercurity/Signage 366G-23-1 6 35,000 35,000 New Developments 367-22-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #12A Reconductor 367-22-2 3 30,000 30,000 Fdr15-16 Reconductor 367-22-3 3 35,000 35,000 Civil Air Patrol 367-22-4 3 7,000 7,000 City Road Projects 367-22-5 3 10,000 10,000 New Developments 367-23-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr 14 Reconductor 367-23-2 3 35,000 35,000 Energy Park Infrastructure Improvements 367-23-3 3 75,000 75,000 New Developments 367-24-1 6 51,000 51,000 Fdr #22 Loop 367-24-2 5 60,000 60,000 New Developments 367-25-1 6 51,000 51,000 New Developments 367-26-1 6 51,000 51,000 2-12" Valves, Vacuum Purging, Pigging 12" lateral 367G-22-1 1 800,000 800,000 Transformer Replacement 368-22-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-22-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer - EV Charging Station 368-22-3 3 10,000 10,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 1 Wednesday, December• 15, 2021 Source Project # Priority 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Transformer - Fdr #12A Reconductor Project 368-22-4 3 15,000 15,000 Transformer Replacement 368-23-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-23-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-24-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-24-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-25-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-25-2 6 50,000 50,000 Transformer Replacement 368-26-1 1 40,000 40,000 Transformers - New Development 368-26-2 6 50,000 50,000 Specific Gravity Meter 369G-22-1 1 50,000 50,000 Metering & Filtration for HCP Interconnect Station 369G-23-1 6 1,000,000 1,000,000 Meters 370-22-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-23-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-24-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-25-1 2 30,000 30,000 Meters 370-26-1 2 30,000 30,000 SCADA for HCP Interconnect Station 370G-23-1 6 25,000 25,000 Satellite Imagery - Transmission Pipeline 371G-22-1 2 26,500 26,500 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-22-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-23-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-24-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-25-1 3 175,000 175,000 LED Lighting Conversion Project 373-26-1 3 175,000 175,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-22-1 6 65,000 65,000 50 PSIG Improvement Project 376G-22-2 1 520,000 520,000 Isolated Main Replacement (Barley & Glenda Ln) 376G-22-3 3 27,500 27,500 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-23-1 6 90,000 90,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-24-1 6 60,000 60,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-25-1 6 55,000 55,000 Misc Developments & System Improvements 376G-26-1 6 52,000 52,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-22-1 2 20,000 20,000 50 PSIG Improvement Project-DRS 378G-22-2 1 230,000 230,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-23-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-24-1 2 15,000 15,000 Regulator Station Improvements 378G-25-1 2 15,000 15,000 Service Lines 380G-22-1 2 57,000 57,000 Service Lines 380G-23-1 2 55,000 55,000 Service Lines 380G-24-1 2 55,000 55,000 Service Lines 380G-25-1 2 55,000 55,000 Service Lines 380G-26-1 2 55,000 55,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-22-1 2 150,000 150,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-23-1 2 100,000 100,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-24-1 2 100,000 100,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-25-1 2 100,000 100,000 Meters, AMI & All Fittings 381G-26-1 2 95,000 95,000 Residential Regulators 383G-22-1 1 9,000 9,000 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-22-1 2 20,000 20,000 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-23-1 2 50,000 50,000 Industrial Metering & Regulation 385G-24-1 2 30,000 30,000 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-22-1 1 50,000 50,000 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment -AMI 387G-23-1 1 30,000 30,000 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment-AMI 387G-24-1 1 15,000 15,000 EV Fast Charger 394-22-1 3 60,000 60,000 Level 2 Charger 394-22-2 3 10,000 10,000 Paint Booth 394G-22-1 2 20,000 20,000 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 2 Wednesday, December- 15, 2021 Source Project # Priority 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Capital Replacement Reserves Total Fleet Designated Reserves Ford Dump Truck 037 Jeep Grand Cherokee 113 Chevrolet Silverado w/Utility Body 130 GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 181E Dodge Ram 1500 226E International 4900 w/Altec 255E Vac Machine (Ring 0 Matic) 362E GMC Sierra 4WD Ext Cab 376E Ford F550 Welding Truck 451 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 Crew Cab 881 Chevrolet 4 Door X-cab 948 Dodge Dakota 4x4 995E Fleet Designated Reserves Total GRAND TOTAL 3,159,000 2,101,000 971,000 661,000 588,000 7,480,000 1 66,950 3 1 75,190 3 2 27,295 3 201,571 2 3 3 1 75,190 2 27,295 66,950 40,977 40,977 75,190 27,318 27,318 27,295 201,571 68,656 68,656 27,318 27,318 101,296 101,296 33,765 33,765 75,190 27,295 217,330 256,161 95,613 203,717 772,821 3,376,330 2,357,161 1,066,613 864,717 588,000 8,252,821 Produced Using the Plan -It Capital Planning Software Page 3 Wednesday, December 15, 2021