04-08-2021 PACM PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES 4/8/2021 Attending: Brandon Begnaud, Morgan Baum, Steve Cook, Patrick Hiltner, Kay Voigt (members) Lynn Neumann, Dan Jochum (ex officio) Justin Beck and Jackie Fuchs (not in attendance) Approved Minutes, Patrick Hiltner moved to approve, Morgan Baum seconded. Sculpture Stoll Update - All artists have been contacted and connected to Randy Carter for installation - New pieces will come in starting in May - Brochures are in - Name plates are in - Morgan shared the brochure with Kay Johnson (at her request) - New nameplate holders for the new downtown blocks - One of the blocks had a crack and the company has already sent the replacement - Are we planning an “opening” event? - Not easy to have the artists involved since they all come at different times, locations, etc. - Any ideas? - Have we rescheduled the Slapshot dedication event? Would that be a good time to “kick-off” all the sculptures - Maybe we can stage a small ribbon cutting ceremony by the new 4 Main St. blocks? - Promote on social media. - Historic Hutch is putting on a Downtown Tour sometime in June (Kay will share) - “Walk the Block” simple highlight of the 4 new spots for the new blocks. - Morgan will start an email thread with some ideas. City Mural Project - Justin and Jackie were going to reach out, will wait for an update at next meeting Little Crow Update - Steve shared his feedback with Matt Jauncih - Lynn brought it to the Parks Board Meeting - There was a consensus that it should be changed to do it justice, replace with a new plaque - Help make a plan for the change before removing - Matt Januich said that he was comfortable making the change and it doesn't need to get council approval - Does the PAC have any feedback on what the new plaque should be? - There may be some of Les Kouba’s words that can be added - Historic Hutchinson recommended adding a new sign to help educate - The original plaque should go to the McLeod County Historical Museum and preserve the plaque near the original statue. Seat of Sound Sculpture - Donated last fall, City accepted - Had been in storage since 2018. - Artist Kelsey Wishik shared some additional information. - What should the plaque say? - Try to make them all match - What does Eggspert have? - What’s the cost to update the name plates of the newer permanent pieces? - $500 bronze plaque - Maybe moving forward when new permanent pieces we should try to have some consistency 6:08pm Morgan moved to adjourn, Kay seconded, all in favor.