PC Packet 03.16.21 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 16, 2021 5:30 p.m. Hutchinson City Center 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED December 15, 2020 4. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW LOCATED AT 225 SHADY RIDGE RD NW. B. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A NEW POLICE STATION FACILITY LOCATED AT 205 WASHINGTON AVE E. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS 7. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 15, 2020 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:32P.M. The December 15, 2020Planning Commission meeting was a virtual meeting called to order by Vice Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Vice Chair Lofdahl(virtual), Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt(virtual), Commissioner Sebesta(virtual), Commissioner Hantge (virtual), Commissioner Janssen (virtual) and Commissioner Hacker (virtual). Also present were Dan Jochum (present), City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson (present), City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora (present), City Attorney and Andrea Schwartz (present), City of Hutchinson Permit Technician 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. OATH OF OFFICE- Tim Hacker 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED October 20, 2020. Motion by Commissioner Janssen. Second by Commissioner Lofdahl. Roll Call Vote Vice Chair Lofdahl –yes Commissioner Garberg – Commissioner Wirt –yes Commissioner Sebesta – not in meeting yet Commissioner Hantge – computer frozen Commissioner Janssen – yes Commissioner Hacker –yes Motion to Approve – Motion to Reject 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE IN AN I/C ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 W. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Motion by Commissioner Wirt, second by Commissioner Janssen to close the hearing at 5:53 p.m. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission December 15, 2020 Page 2 Roll Call Vote Vice Chair Lofdahl –yes Commissioner Garberg – Commissioner Wirt – yes Commissioner Sebesta – not in meeting yet Commissioner Hantge – yes Commissioner Janssen – yes Commissioner Hacker –yes Motion by Commissioner Hantge to approve. Second by Commissioner Wirt. Roll Call Vote Vice Chair Lofdahl –yes Commissioner Garberg – Commissioner Wirt – yes Commissioner Sebesta – not in meeting yet Commissioner Hantge – yes Commissioner Janssen – yes Commissioner Hacker –yes Motion approved. Items will be on City Council consent agenda on 12/22/2020. Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject B. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR SHORELINE WORK IN AN EASEMENT AREA LOCATED AT 1830 WEST SHORE DR SW. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. John Paulson noted that the pond functions at 1 ft freeboard above the high water level. The City is requiring the homeowner to relocate the retaining wall to ensure proper pond function. Dan Jochum mentioned that he cleaned up some of the wording in the conditions: 1. The retaining wall shall be installed at or above the established pond high-water elevation plus 1.0’ of freeboard. This work must be completed by August 15, 2021. 2. The shoreline above the toe (3’ back from water) shall be vegetated with native grasses or plantings. The grading permit application should include a sketch of the vegetation restoration where the rock currently is. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta, second by Commissioner Wirtto close the hearing at 5:52 p.m. Roll Call Vote Vice Chair Lofdahl –yes Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission December 15, 2020 Page 3 Commissioner Garberg – Commissioner Wirt – yes Commissioner Sebesta – yes Commissioner Hantge –computer frozen Commissioner Janssen – yes Commissioner Hacker – yes Motion by Commissioner Janssento approve with 5 recommended conditions. Second by Commissioner Sebesta. Roll Call Vote Vice Chair Lofdahl –yes Commissioner Garberg – Commissioner Wirt – yes Commissioner Sebesta –yes Commissioner Hantge – computer frozen Commissioner Janssen– yes Commissioner Hacker – yes Motion approved. Items will be on City Council consent agenda on 12/22/2020. Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject 6. NEW BUSINESS A. NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.NONE 8. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS – We currently have zero applications for the January agenda. We are expecting application in January for the February meeting. B. Dan Jochum noted that building activity has remained strong during the pandemic. 9. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Sebesta to adjourn the meeting, second by Wirt. Roll Call Vote Vice Chair Lofdahl –yes Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission December 15, 2020 Page 4 Commissioner Garberg – Commissioner Wirt – yes Commissioner Sebesta –yes Commissioner Hantge – yes Commissioner Janssen – yes Commissioner Hacker –yes Meeting was adjourned at 5:59 p.m. STAFFREPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP Date: March 12, 2021, for March 16, 2021, Planning Commission Meeting Application:Site Plan for construction of Hutchinson Police Facility Applicant: City of Hutchinson SITE PLAN The City of Hutchinson has made application for a site plan review for the construction of a new Police Facility at 205 Washington Avenue E. (former EconoFoods Building). In addition to the Police Facility, the current liquor store will be separated from the former grocery store and a new street and parking lot configuration will be constructed. Planning Commission – March 16, 2021 Site Plan Review 205 Washington Ave. E. Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C-3 Central Commercial District Property Location: 205 Washington Ave. E. Lot Size: 4 acres Existing Land Use: VacantGrocery Store, Parking Lot, Liquor Store Adjacent Land Use: Commercial, Industrial, and Parkland Adjacent Zoning: C-3 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Mixed Use Zoning History:Site was redeveloped in early 1990s from Industrial Property into the Econo Foods project. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.174 Building: The building is proposed to be approximately 38,000 square foot one-story structure (see building elevations attached). The building includes space for the Police Department, including secured indoor parking area, Emergency Operations Center and the DMV. The building is a mix of brick, aluminum panel and pre-cast construction. Access, Circulation and Parking: st Jefferson Street is planned to be extended to the north to connect between Washington Ave and 1 st Ave. NE. Access to the site will primarily come from Washington Avenue and 1 Ave NE.Police vehicles will utilize a right out only onto Adams Street for emergencies. Truck traffic going to the Liquor Store for deliveries will use a right in off Adams Street. Those trucks will exit onto Washington St. All other police traffic will be using the new Jefferson Street alignments to access st the south side of the building. Angled parking is planned on 1 Ave. NE on the north side of the facility to accommodate public parking for the Police Department. There is a new parking lot planned for the DMV and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on the west side of the Police Department building. This parking lot has 23 parking stalls. The parking lot for the Liquor Hutch is also being reconfigured. The parking lot will have approximately 14 stalls directly to the west of the Liquor Hutch. These parking stalls should handle the majority of the Liquor Hutch parking and there are also additional stalls on the street, as well as stalls available to the west of Jefferson St. and on-street parking is proposed on the west side of Jefferson St. The applicant is working with McLeod County to finalize details regarding access to Jefferson St. An access permit is required from McLeod County. Staff feels site circulation and access is adequate for this site. The new Jefferson St. alignment will provide good access points into the Liquor Hutch Parking lot and the DMV parking lot, as Planning Commission – March 16, 2021 Site Plan Review 205 Washington Ave. E. Page 3 well as access to the south side of the Police Department building, where the majority of the Police vehicles will be driving. The Engineering Public Works Department has provided a memo that provides more detailed comments relative to some of the items noted above. Setbacks: Building setbacks within the C-3 District are zero feet, meaning a building can be located right up to the property line. Parking lots and circulation drives are required to be located a minimum of 5 feet off the property line. Landscaping and Lighting: The landscaping plan will be reviewed with the building permit. Lighting will have to be down cast and not shine on adjacent properties. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: The City requires that a Stormwater Management Agreement be executed and recorded by the owner prior to commencing construction. This is required to be recorded for each parcel that a structural stormwater BMP is installed on. There are some concerns regarding the underground stormwater collection system noted in the memo from Engineering/Public Works that can be discussed. One of the main considerations of the design was utilizing an underground stormwater collection system because there wasn’t space on the site for a traditional pond or rain garden type facility. Additionally, the design team felt that a pond didn’t fit in within a downtown area. Please see attached copy of memo from Public Works/Engineering regarding stormwater collection. A City Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan review with the following findings and conditions: 1.The proposed building and site improvements shallcomply with the standards of theC-3 district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2.The applicant must obtain all appropriate permits from McLeod Countyregarding access to Adams St. 3.Final landscape plans shall identify the size and species of the plantings and shall be approved by the City Arborist. 4.SAC and WAC fees will be calculated and due at the time of building permit. st Avenue NE pavement/curb line revisions should be included in building permit 5. 1 submittal. A drainage facility shall be included in this parking area. 6. To achieve 16 parking stalls at the Liquor Hutch, existing landscaping must be replaced with a retaining wall and tied into entry/steps appropriately. Planning Commission – March 16, 2021 Site Plan Review 205 Washington Ave. E. Page 4 7. If the underground stormwater facility is utilized a long-term operations and maintenance plan will need to be developed outlining who is going to maintain the system and how this will be done. 8. Approval of a SWMPP and erosion control permits are required prior to construction on site. 9. Catch basins shall not be located near where dumpsters will be located. 10. Stormwater Maintenance agreement must be signed and recorded by applicant. 11. Applicable permits are required prior to any construction starting on the site. City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Engineering 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4212 Fax (320) 234-4240 March 9, 2021 To: Dan Jochum, Planning/Building/Zoning Director From: Kent Exner, Public Works Director John Paulson, Project/Environmental/Regulatory Manager Subject: Police Department Planning Staff Review Comments th In reviewing the plans and details provided to City staff for the March 9 Planning Staff meeting, we have developed comments for the project. Adams Street access on the east side of the site is the jurisdiction of John Brunkhorst, McLeod County Engineer, and will require his approval. Wold is yet to do final design on Adams Street access. City staff has maximized the infiltration/rain garden design for the roadway and future development lot located to the SW of the site. Treatment capacity is 2 times larger than is required for the impervious treatment draining to the BMP. Trading potential exists for this BMP. Are the underground infiltration cells the most cost-effective approach or were other alternatives considered? Pervious pavers were referenced in a previous iteration of the plans. There are currently zero systems of this type in town. UGS system specifies corregated metal pipe. Is this the best material to use for long term underground system that has water in it? CMP will rust out over time, especially in anaerobic conditions. These will be structural support under the parking lot. Long term O&M of underground infiltration systems should include an in-depth O&M plan before approving such a unique BMP. The who and the how it is to be maintained is a very important distinction to be considered before accepting such a design. o Would the maintenance be contracted to someone that has experience with this type of system? o BMP serves a city facility so it would be maintained by PD staff? o What does annual maintenance cost for large underground systems? o Routine maintenance of underground treatment is a must and cannot be relaxed. A failed system may require pavement removal and replacement to repair a failed UGS system. st 1 Avenue NE curbline/pavement revisions should be included in plans To achieve 16 parking stalls at the Liquor Hutch, existing landscaping must be replaced with a retaining wall and tied into entry/steps appropriately. st Instead of disturbing Washington Avenue concrete, extend a watermain from 1 Avenue NE to service both the PD and Liquor Hutch, and subsequent hydrants. Why is the water service being reconnected near the NE corner of the PD. Trees in the NW corner of the PD parcel would be included in the City street project extension of Jefferson. They can be removed from PD plan. Snow melt systems can be very hard on concrete Runoff from snow melt system likely to ice up on sidewalk and roadway that are not heated. No catch basins are located near where runoff from snow melt will go. During very cold events the snow/ice will melt on heated walk and then flow to cold pavement/concrete where it will refreeze. Retaining wall near north entrance magnifies angled parking on an already narrow roadway. Vehicles will not be able to overhang the curb which in turns makes the vehicle stick out into the traffic lane even further. Consider parking for compact cars only? Better design would be to have the parking be parallel to the roadway (similar to Washington adjacent to Liquor Hutch). Handicapped parking would need to be included in plans with curb cut access located as close to the entry as possible. Utilizing City ROW to meet handicapped accessible parking requirements for a facility is typically not allowed. These items will be covered during the Planning Staff Meeting. STAFFREPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP Date: March 12, 2021, for March 16, 2021, Planning Commission Meeting Application:Site Plan for construction of an Addition and Parking Lot at 225 Shady Ridge Rd. NW Applicant: River Oaks at Shady Ridge SITE PLAN The applicantis proposing building an approximately 1,258 square foot addition to the existing building located at 225 Shady Ridge Road NW. The addition will improve the common area and staff spaces of the facility. Additionally, the plan is for the parking lot to be reconfigured to better accommodate the parking needs of the facility. Planning Commission – August 18, 2020 Site Plan Review 225 Shady Ridge Road NW Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R-2 Medium Density Residential District Property Location: 225 Shady Ridge Rd NW Lot Size: .86 acres Existing Land Use: Assisted Living Facility Adjacent Land Use: Residential and Commercial Adjacent Zoning: R-2 and C-4 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Residential Zoning History: Previously Cedar Crest assisted living facility. Has been River Oaks and Shady Ridge assisted living facility for past several years. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.174 Building: The existing building is 10,541 square feet two-story lap sided building. The addition is proposed to be 1,258 square feet for a total of 11,799 square feet. The addition will be on the northwest side of the building. It should be noted that because of the stairs on the plan the building doesn’t appear to be accessible. City Staff would like clarification on how accessibility will be achieved. Any utilities that need to be moved, including gas utilities, will need to be relocated at the owner’s expense. Access, Circulation and Parking: Access to the site is off Shady Ridge Road NW. The plan is to have a one-way half circle parking lot with parking around the perimeter (see site plan attached). The entrance is on the south side and exit in on the north side. There are 14 parking stalls shown on the site plan, however staff recommends taking out the odd shaped parking stall in the center island. Additionally, do not enter signs shall be placed at the appropriate places at the entrance/exit points to School Road NW. Setbacks: All of the required setbacks appear to be met besides the concrete pad for the dumpster enclosure. This pad is required to be at least five feet from the property lines. Landscaping and Lighting: The landscaping plan will be reviewed with the building permit. Lighting will have to be down cast and not shine on adjacent properties. Planning Commission – August 18, 2020 Site Plan Review 225 Shady Ridge Road NW Page 3 Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: The City requires proper drainage to a City stormwater system. There is a catch basin along the south property line that the stormwater should be conveyed to, rather than sending the stormwater to Shady Ridge Road NW. A City Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan review with the following findings and conditions: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shallcomply with the standards of theR-2 district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2. At least one of the parking stalls needs to be removed from the center island. Staff will review the final layout with the building permit. 3. Garbage enclosure needs to be removed from the City right of way. 4. Stormwater must tie into catch basin on south property line. Details will be reviewed with building permit. 5. Clarification is required on building accessibility with stairs being added. 6. Utility relocation is at the cost of the owner. 7. SAC and WAC fees will be calculated and due at the time of building permit. 8. Approval of a SWMPP and erosion control permits are required prior to construction on site. 9. Applicable permits are required prior to any construction starting on the site. 7437 NARCISSUS LN N; MAPLE GROVE, MN 55311 RIVER OAKS AT SHADY RIDGE REAL ESTATE, LLC. 48776 SITE PLAN REVIEWED BY:2018 225 SHADY RIDGE ROAD NW; HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 LICENSE NO. C2.0 MINNESOTA. DESCRIPTION David J. Knaeble COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC. ...................................... RB, MWDK c RIVER OAKS AT SHADY RIDGE DESCRIPTION REVISION SUMMARY 02/19/21 ............ DATE 02/19/21CITY SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DATE DATE PROJECT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT civilsitegroup.com PROJECT NUMBER:20414 DRAWN BY: 2/18/2021 3:07 PM N R Know what's SNOW SHALL BE STORED ON--SITE UNTIL CAPACITY IS NET , THEN REMOVED BYMAINT. CO.TRASH REMOVAL SHALL BE WHERE SHOWN ON PLAN BY QUALIFIED TRASHREMOVAL COMPANY. ACCESS SHALL BE FROM DRIVEWAYDELIVERIES SHALL BE AT FRONT DOOR, ACCESSED THROUGH THE DRIVE LANE CITY OF HUTCHINSON SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: ecneF lyni V \]B\[ TRASH OPERATIONAL NOTES:SNOW REMOVALDELIVERIES SITE AREA TABLE: 86.912 W"45 '53°00S SITE PLAN LEGEND: SITE LAYOUT NOTES: llaW kcolB d e h S e n i L y t r e p o r P s e s s o r C e c n e F d o o W \] A \[ Address: 225 Shady Ridge Rd 2 Story Lap Sided Building Foundation Area = 10,547 S.F. 03 07 . 03 0 9 2 1 E " W 4 " 5 '7 20 ' 1 4 ° 2 6 ° 7 9 N 8 N t e eeW hf p6 t S i r 3 \[D\]TransformerPad 0 P e o 4 c h . n N t e o1 t fS r 9 e4" PVC water service per Record I o r 4 e 6 3 .ceS e d F h t t nn \[C\] Bituminous Parking LotEncroaches into right of way 4/1 WS ehtn r r 9 i u . o o o o 0 fo eniL tseW C FPN CABTES GNIKRAP '5 K C V P 0 0.071 E"4 5'53°00N PIC "8 " 8 DAO R EG DIR Y DAH S y alC "0 1 P CV "8 P IP C RD 7437 NARCISSUS LN N; MAPLE GROVE, MN 55311 RIVER OAKS AT SHADY RIDGE REAL ESTATE, LLC. 48776 REVIEWED BY:2018 225 SHADY RIDGE ROAD NW; HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 LICENSE NO. C3.0 MINNESOTA. GRADING PLAN DESCRIPTION David J. Knaeble COPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC. ...................................... RB, MWDK c RIVER OAKS AT SHADY RIDGE DESCRIPTION REVISION SUMMARY 02/19/21 ............ DATE 02/19/21CITY SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DATE DATE PROJECT PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT civilsitegroup.com PROJECT NUMBER:20414 DRAWN BY: 2/18/2021 3:07 PM N R Know what's EOF=1135.52 GRADING PLAN LEGEND: SW1.0 - SW1.5 86912 W"45 '53°00S CITY OF HUTCHINSON GRADING NOTES: EROSION CONTROL NOTES: GENERAL GRADING NOTES: llaW kcolB d e h S e n i L y t r e p o r P s e s s o r C e c n e F d o o W \] A \[ Address: 225 Shady Ridge Rd 2 Story Lap Sided Building Foundation Area = 10,547 S.F. 03 07 .. 03 0 9 2 1 E " W 4 " 5 '7 20 ' 1 4 ° 2 6 ° 7 9 N 8 N t e eeW hf p6 t S i r 3 0\[D\] Transformer Pad P e o 4 c h . n N t e o1 t fS r 9 e4" PVC water service per Record I o r 4 e 63 . ceS e d F h t tn n \[C\] Bituminous Parking LotEncroaches into right of way 4/1n WS eht r r 9 i u . o o o o 0 fo eniL tseW C FPN C V P 00 .071 E"4 5'53°00N PIC "8 " 8 DAO R EG DIR Y DAH S y alC "01 P CV "8 P C RDIP