PC Packet 01.21.20 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 21, 2020 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.ELECTION OF OFFICERS 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED AUGUST 20, 2019 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY (OUTPATIENT THERAPY) IN A C-5 ZONING RD DISTRICT LOCATED AT 225 –3AVE NW. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.UPCOMING MEETINGS 9. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 20, 2019 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30P.M. The August 20, 2019 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Wick, Vice ChairLofdahl, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt,Commissioner Sebesta, Commissioner Hantge and Commissioner Forcier. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED JULY 16, 2019. Motion by Commissioner Garberg. Second by Commissioner Wirt.Motion approved. Motion to Approve – Motion to Reject 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO REDUCE A FRONT YARD SETBACK LOCATED AT 700 SHADY RIDGE RD NW. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Commissioner Garberg questioned what the side yard setback is. Mr. Jochum answered 8 feet. This also does not qualify as a corner side yard because this is a continuous street going through. Commissioner Hantge questioned if the curb cut driveway would change. The current ordinance allows 24 feet at the property line. If the applicant needs something wider they can only widen after theproperty line. Commissioner Garberg asked if the sight line would be obstructed. Mr. Jochum answered no. There is foliage on the property that is closer to the street. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission August 20, 2019 Page 2 Motion by Commissioner Wirt, second by Commissioner Garberg to close hearing at 5:43 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Hantge to approve. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Motion approved. Items will be on City Council consent agenda on 08/27/2019. Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject 5. NEW BUSINESS A. NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS– do not currently have any applications for the September meeting. B. Attendance Policy – do we need to start an attendance policy for Commission Members? We need to make sure we always have a quorum. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Wirt, Second by Commissioner Hantge to adjourn at 5:52 p.m. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP Date: January 15, 2020, for January 21, 2020, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit in the C-5 Conditional Commercial rd Zoning District for an Outpatient Mental Health Clinic at 225 and 227 3Avenue NW, Hutchinson. Applicant: Jacqui Ruzicka Conditional Use Permit Jacqui Ruzicka, Serenity Mental Health Services is seeking approval to locate its clinic in an existing rd building at 225 3 Avenue NW, Hutchinson. This property has housed several business over the past several years including a roofing company and other contractors. The building will be remodeled to accommodate the proposed use. Conditional Use Permit rd 225 and 227 3Ave NW Planning Commission – 1/21/20 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C-5 (Conditional Commercial District) rd Property Location: 225 and 227 3 Avenue NW, Hutchinson Lot Size: 26,093 Square Feet Existing Land Use: Commercial – vacant Adjacent Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Zoning: C-5 (Conditional Commercial District) Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Zoning History: CUP in 2005 to pave parking lot. CUP in 2007 for Sign Shop. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.065, 154.175 Building: Existing Building will be used. It is approximately 2,400 square feet. Conditional Use Permit: A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is needed for any use in this district. The purpose of the C-5 Conditional Commercial District is to provide for business, commercial and retail uses that are conveniently accessed by major arterial traffic. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. The applicant is requesting a CUP to operate an outpatient mental health clinic at the above listed location. The clinic has outgrown in current location (ReMax Building on Highway 7 East) and need a bigger space to service the needs of the community. rd The building has good access off 3 Avenue NW and a large parking lot on the south and west side of the building. Staff is recommending a site plan showing parking stalls and drive aisles be submitted with the building permit. Additionally, a building permit will be required for all of the proposed improvements. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: Conditional Use Permit rd 225 and 227 3Ave NW Planning Commission – 1/21/20 Page 3 1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-5 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 2. A building permit is required for the remodeling of the building. 3. A site plan is required to be submitted with the building permit that shows the arrangement of the parking stalls and drive aisles. 4. The parking stalls are required to be striped and the size and quantity will be required to meet City Code.