PC Packet 04.19.16 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,April 19, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.ELECTION OF OFFICERS 4.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED MARCH 15, 2016. 5.PUBLIC HEARINGS 6.NEW BUSINESS A.CONSIDERATIONOF A SKETCH PLAN FOR 3, 29 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDINGS LOCATED AT 1315 MONTEAL ST SE. 7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMT FOR MIDCOUNTRY BANK 8.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Upcoming Meetings 9.ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,March15, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The March 15, 2016 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Hantge at 5:30p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Hantge, Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner Kalenberg,Commissioner Norton,Commissioner Arndt, Commissioner Wick, and Commissioner Fahey. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Kyle Dimler, Building Official. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Hantge noted the positions of Chair and Vice Chair are the Commissions that are to be elected. Motion by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Fahey to nominate Chair Hantge as Chair of Hutchinson Planning Commissionfor 2016.. Motion by Commissioner Fahey to cease nominations and cast unanimous ballot. Approved unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by ChairHantge to nominate Commissioner Norton as Vice-Chairof Hutchinson Planning Commission for 2016. Motion by Commissioner Arndt to cease nominations. Motion passed unanimously. 4.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED JANUARY 19, 2016. B.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2016 Motion by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Wickto approve. Unanimous approval. Motion to Approve –Motion to Reject 5.PUBLIC HEARINGS A.CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DRIVE THROUGH AT THE MIDCOUNTRY BANK LOCATED AT 201 MAIN ST. S. (DRIVE THROUGH LOCATED AT 210 HASSAN ST. SE) Commissioner Norton read a statement addressing procedures to be followed during public hearing portion of the meeting. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 2 Mr. Dan Jochum, City Planning Director, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted that this application was originally considered by the Commission in July 2014. Craig Almquist, Mid Country Bank 1205 Carolina Ave. NW addressed the commission. Mr. Almquist noted that some changes have been made to the proposal since its original presentation. Mr. Almquist noted that due to market trends in banking, less on-site parking and staging area will be needed than when originally designed. Mr. Almquist noted that there will be no raised mediansfor traffic direction, rather only painted surfaces at grade are included in this proposal. Mr. Almquist stated MidCountry Bank currently has approximately 25 employees at the Hutchinson site after a reduction of 25 –30 staff members. Also expect less parking need with more customers using drive through facility. Mr. Almquist also shared that MidCountry Bank estimates an increase in downtown customer traffic being a benefit to neighboring businesses and an increase in tax base, due to market value, would be a benefit to the City. Mr. Dan Jochum reviewed the proposed overall site plan regarding proposed traffic flow and parking arrangement for this proposed project, as provided in the Commission’s packet. Mr. Jochum noted there would be a loss of approximately 21 parking spaces with this proposal. However, Staff believes there is adequate public parking available in the vicinity to accommodate needed parking. Mr. Jochum noted the drive-through structure would be a covered three-lane drive-through. Staff recommends an underground tube transfer system rather than an overhead system. Staff did not make a recommendation for either approval or denial, but rather preferred to allow the Commission to discuss and make a recommendation. Commissioner Norton asked about a previously discussed right-only exit onto Hassan St. Mr. Jochum noted it is still a Staff recommendation to have a right-only exit but Staff is willing to allow it to remain an option direction exit. Kent Exner noted alleys on the west side of Main St. are north bound and east side is signed south bound. Only exception is alley behind Cornerstone Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 3 Commons. Other exception is alley at Post Office drop box and Staff is not aware if this change was ever formally approved. Mr. Jochum noted this modification is anticipated to bring more consumers into the downtown area, and createadditional tax base the City may benefit from. Mr. Jochum noted this modification may also result in the loss of parking in City lot, semis not able to navigate eastern exit, potential congestion at drive through facility, possible user confusion due to traffic operations in area. Mr. Jochum noted Staff is not making a recommendation for approval or denial. Decision is to be based upon Commission’s comfort level with proposed design. Chair Hantge asked if there is a separate item for the sale of the property to MidCountryBank Mr. Sebora noted the Sale would be contingent upon how the City handles the proposed site plan and C.U.P. Commissioner Fahey noted there is an existing condition with delivery traffic at this site. The most significant change isthe opposing one-way travel routes. Ben Schwarzrock, owner of Benny’s Meat Market noted that truck traffic currently goes both ways in the alley. Mr. Scwarzrock noted there is an additional 4 parking spaces being lost that Staff has not accounted for. Mr. Schwarzrock noted there is a large number of Postal employees who typically use this parking lot and further noted a large portion of the lot is lost due to piling of snow during a heavy snow event. Commissioner Fahey asked if the possibility of moving drive through up to the existing bank building and move the egress components to the east. City Engineer Kent Exner stated the largest issue is the stacking needs for the drive-through and the congestion it would cause in the alley. Mr. Almquist noted the proposed distance for the tubing system is not a problem for current technology. The applicant also prefers the underground system out of concerns for the safety of the system from alley traffic. Chair Hantge asked if there is any concern for the applicant of having customers facing away from service personnel. Mr. Almquist noted current technology provides audio and visual communication capabilities for the drive through. Commissioner Kalenberg asked if an easterly flow had been considered for the drive through. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 4 Mr. Jochum noted Staff reviewed this option and the stacking problem was too significant. Heather Landreville 760 Walnut St. asked about the ATM currently at the building. Mr. Almquist noted it would be removed as part of this project. Ms. Landreville asked if the option of a southbound alley had been considered to alleviate the opposing traffic concern for safety. Mr. Exner noted the current signed traffic directionis southbound. The Post Office drop box is the only item causing conflict in traffic flow. Ms. Landreville noted there are times that the City lot is full and it is a concern as an adjacent business owner to lose 21 –25 parking spaces nearby. Trevor Johnson 8393 Aleghenny Grove, rep for MidCountry Bank. MidCountry wants to be a good neighbor business and do what is best for the Bank. MidCountry is willing to require staff to park in City lot one block north. David Larson 525 Kay. Owner of 227 Main. Losing parking is going to hurt the downtown. You have to keep a viable downtown. Need parking. Commissioner asked about vacancies in the area. Mr. Larson noted there are currently 5 business vacancies in the adjacent area which will need parking for staff and customers. Chair Hantge asked how many additional parking spaces may be added if Dr. Neufeld’s building was demolished. Mr. Jochum noted 10-15 spaces max would be made available. Mr. Exner noted the possibility of moving the Postal drop box to the easterly side of the alley and reconfiguring the parking lot. The significant concern and discussion needed then is the Postal Offices need for truck ingress requirements for backing. Commissioner Norton asked what recourse there is for loss of parking. Mr. Exner noted there is ample parking in the downtown area but there is definitely a loss in the immediate area affecting the adjacent businesses. Commissioner Fahey asked Ms. Landreville if during their heaviest traffic is coming from the City parking lot. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 5 Ms. Landreville noted during busiest times they occupy 15-20 parking spaces in the City lot in addition to the surrounding parking areas. Arndt Wick move to close public hearing at 6:36 p.m Commissioner Fahey noted this is a challenging issue when a business desires to make an investment in the community. Commissioner Fahey asked, what would the Commission do in any other situation if a proposal came that was 21 parking spaces short of requirements. Chair Hantge asked for a review of the 60-day extension rule to consider reviewing the possibility of other parking arrangements. Mr. Jochum noted that if the Commission choses to table the item, a 60-day extension for the procedure would be required. Commissioner Arndt noted when the applicant proposed previously, both Commission and Council over engineered theproposal that had been engineered. Commissioner Fahey stated the traffic flow can work, but he has a hard time getting around the loss of 21 –25 parking spaces. Commissioner Norton moved to approve with Staff recommendation 1 –7, Second by Commissioner Arndt.Commissioner Fahey asked to clarify what happens if vote is not unanimous. Mr. Sebora noted anything less than a unanimous votewould be an unfavorable recommendation by the Commission and the item would not be on the City Council’s consent agenda. Commissioners Wick: Nay, Fahey: Nay, Kalenberg; Nay Nortonvoted aye Hantge aye Arndt aye. Will be an unfavorable recommendation and will not be on Council’s consent agenda. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations –Motion to reject B.CONSIDERATION OF RE-ZONING OF NORTH HALF HUTCHINSON BLOCK 13, N 197’ of W ½ Lot 8, North Half Hutchinson Block 13, N 165’ OF E ½ LOT 8, NORTH HALF, HUTCHINSON BLOCK 13, N 197’OF E ½ OFLOT 8, EX N 165 FROM R-2 ZONING DISTRICT TO C-2 ZONING DISTRICT. Mr. Jochum reviewed application as provided in the Commission’s packet. Mr. Jochum shared that the City created a plan in 2007, the Hwy 7 redevelopment plan to review different possible scenarios for this property. This redevelopment plan indicated this area to be used as a commercial use in the corner of Hwys 15 & 7 and an access off of Prospect St. NE. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 6 Mr. Jochum noted that in an effort for the City to be able to market this property appropriately it needed to be re-zoned in preparation for any transactions. Commissioner Fahey noted the two residential parcels are essentially “island properties” with regard to zoning. Commissioner Arndt noted that MNDOT paid a relatively high price for the properties at the time of the Hwy 7 reconstruction and sold the parcels to the City. Mr. Jochum reviewed the permitted uses in the C-2 zoning district provided in the current Hutchinson Code of Ordinances. Frank Burmis 465 Rose Lane. Asked to view the site layout and expressed frustration of possibletraffic from Prospect St. through his rear yard area. Mr. Burmis noted no commissioners would vote for this if it was in their back yard. It’s not fair. Chair Hantge and Mr. Jochum noted no site plan has been submitted yet to verify there would be a road in Mr. Burmis’ rear yard. Terry Burmis 465 Rose Lane noted it would be redundant to add a gas station here when two have been removed for the Hwy 7 redevelopment. Shared concern over increased traffic noise and would like some kind of a sound barrier. Commissioner Arndt shared feedback from Jim Riley who is a neighboring property owner who is opposed to this development due to blocking his view. Mr. Jochum noted Staff received a letter from Mr. Burmis today and it will be added to the file for the public record. Eric Longden 436 Prospect St. sharedhis concern about the view being obstructed and believes neighboring property owners ought to have been given an opportunity to purchase the property adjacent to theirs. He stated he had no shot at purchasing that property because the City would purchase it first. The property has not been maintained by the City or the Statewhen the City fines private property owners who do not maintain their own property. th Linda Pacine 16 5Ave NE, adjacent to Mr. Riley’s property. Share concern with loss of view due to possible development on this parcel. Commissioner Arndt asked if Ms. Pacine shared property access with Mr. Riley th off of 5Ave. BrianPonath475 Main St. concerned with loss of view from possible development. Commissioner Fahey and Chair Hantge noted the Commission has not received a Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 7 site plan to affirm or deny any possible development plans. Mr. Jochum noted that when the Hwy 7 study was done in 2008, the planned possible development indicated structures in the corner and an access off of Prospect St. NE. Arndt Wick to close public hearing at 7:16 p.m approve unanimously. Commissioner Fahey noted he does not discount concerns of neighboring property owners at all but does not that their objectionsexpressed are premature for this agenda item as this is strictly a zoning item. Commissioner Fahey moved to recommend approval Second by Commissioner Norton. CommissionerWickopposed, 5 Commissioners in favor. Item will not be on Council new business agenda for 3/22/16 City Council meeting. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations –Motion to reject C.CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF PROCHNOW ADDITION SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON. Mr. Jochum reviewed the proposed plat as provided in the Commission’s packet. Mr. Jochum noted the plat is to create one parcel out of multiple individual adjacent parcels. Mr. Jochum noted street access is proposed to be only off of Propsect St. NE and no accesseswould be permitted from Hwy 7. Storm water management for this parcel is accounted for in a ponding area to the south created in the Hwy 7 reconstruction. Mr. Jochum noted that there are some old easements which need to be extinguished. Brian Ponath 448 Prospect St. Ne questioned the grade difference for an access off of Prospect St. and possible view reductions from future development. Mr. Jochum noted any proposed project would be required to have engineered plans to address the site grading. Mr. Jochum noted Staff recommends approval with noted recommendation. Eric Longden 436 Prospect St. asked about something he had previously received notice on from the City regarding an adjacent property’s easement. Agenda Hutchinson Planning Commission March15, 2016 Page 8 Marc Sebora no court hearing has been heldyet and affected property owners will be notified if and when it does. Arndt, Wick motion to close public hearing at 7:28 p.m. Approved unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Fahey, Second by CommissionerNorton. Approved unanimously. Item will be on Council consent agenda on 3/22/2016. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations –Motion to reject 6.NEW BUSINESS None. 7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 8.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Upcoming Meetings Mr. Jochum noted that Staff believes the spring will be a busy with planning application, however. Chair Hantge noted that Vice-Chair Norton will need to chair the April meeting in Chair Hantge’s absence 9.ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Arndt Second by Commissioner Wick to adjourn at 7:31p.m. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To:Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date:April 14,2016, forApril 19,2016, Planning Commission Meeting Application:SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A BANK DRIVE THROUGH Applicant:MIDCOUNTRY BANK,APPLICANT CITY OF HUTCHINSON, PROPERTY OWNER SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITTO CONSTRUCT A BANK DRIVE THROUGH MidCountry Bank,is requesting asite plan review and aconditional use permitto allow the construction of a bank drive-throughon Lot 1 & 2 & N 18’ of Lot 3, Block 27, Townsite of Hutchinson, South Half, currently owned by the City of Hutchinson Theconditional use permitrequest is toconstruct a bank drive through with three service points in a C-3 Zoning District.A Conditional Use Permitted is required for the construction of a drive through window in C-3 Zoning Districtsas noted in Section 154.063of the Zoning Ordinance.This request would require a major change in traffic flow and parking in this area, as well as a land transaction, as the parcel being discussed is currently owned by the City.MidCountry is proposing to consolidate their Downtown and South locations if this request moves forward. Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE –Bank Drive Through Planning Commission –4-19-16 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning:C-3 (Central Commercial District) Property Location:210 Hassan St. SE Lot Size: 133’ x 150’ (19,950sq. ft.) Existing Land Use:Commercial parking lot Adjacent Land Use And Zoning:C-3(Central Commercial District) Comprehensive Land Use Plan:Mixed Use Zoning History: This parcel was acquired by the City of Hutchinson on 1/31/1983. No other zoning/permitting activity is recorded in this property address file. Applicable Regulations:Sections154.063 (C) (8) (a): 154.170 Project Update: As the Planning Commission is aware, MidCountry Bank has been working on plans for a drive-through facility for their downtown location. At the March 15, 2016 Planning Commission meeting a motion was made to approve the project as presented by MidCountry Bank and with the stated conditions. This motion failed on a 3 to 3 vote. This meant the project was sent to the City Council with an unfavorable recommendation from the Planning Commission. The City Council reviewed the project at its March 22, 2016 meeting and decided to extend the review period of the project another 60 days, which is allowed under statute and the City Council subsequently tabled the item. Staff noted that they have been working on an alternative parking lot layout and alley configuration that would ease many of the concerns brought forth at the March 15 Planning Commission meeting. The Council suggested sending revised plan back to the Planning Commission for review at the April 19, 2016 meeting. Plan Changes: There are two major changes to the overall plan, the first being that the opposing one-way alley concept has been removed from the plan and the new concept is for the alley to function as a one-way alley going south, like the rest of the alley’s on the east side of Main Street. The second major change is closing off the parking lot from the alley near Landy’s Lodge. Please note this is the section of property the City recentlypurchased. Closing this portion of the parking lot off from the alley provides more parking spaces in for the municipal parking lot. City staff believes that the revised plan functions much better from a traffic flow perspective than the old plan did. City staff has worked with the Post Office on the concept of relocating their alley drop box to the other side of the alley, on top of the new proposed median/island just northof Landy’s Lodge. The Post Office acknowledges the location of their current drop box is not ideal and causes some traffic flow and stacking issues. The proposed location of the Post Office drop box has been reviewed with the Post Master and appears to be generally acceptable at this point.It should be noted that the Post Officehas a loading dock at the rear of the building and semi-truck’s utilize the loading dock for a 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM delivery. In addition, to the Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE –Bank Drive Through Planning Commission –4-19-16 Page 3 semi-trucks, there are delivers from Fed Ex, UPS and other single-axle delivery trucks to this location. In order for the semi-truck traffic to continue to utilize the existing loading dock they will have to enter the alley on the south side and proceed north against the regular flow of traffic. When the semi-trucks leave the loading dock they will also have toproceed north down the alley against the typical flow of traffic. It should be noted that this is not uncommon in Hutchinson for delivery truck traffic to have to navigate alleys against traffic. This is actually occurring in this same actually right now with various delivery vehicles. The Post Office indicated that this is not ideal but the benefits of relocating the post office drop box may outweigh the semi-truck issue. Parking was also noted as a concern at the March Planning Commission meeting.It should be noted that there are currently 52 parking stalls in the City municipal lot in this area. This does not currently include the spaces on the property that the City that recently purchased near Landy’s Lodge. Those spaces have historically been private spaces and not part of the City municipal parking lot. The proposed plan for the parking lot has 52 spaces just as the existing parking lot does. There is no net loss of municipal parking spaces with the proposed plan. By shifting the municipal lot to the south to encompass the recently purchased property and closing off the access point to the alley in this area,all of the spaces taken up by the proposed drive through are replaced. Staff hasmet with representatives from Benny’s Meat Market,Landy’s Lodgeand Mid-Country Bank regarding the changing the alley orientation and the concept appeared to be generally acceptable to these businesses. All of the property owners in this area were sent a public meeting notice regarding the revised plans. Site Plan: Staff wants to make it clear that Mid-Country Bank will need to submit detailed engineering plans and building plans prior to a building permit being issued for the proposed project. The plans being reviewed at this point are conceptual in nature and do not have the detail required for a thorough engineering review of the project. In addition, a development agreement will need to be developed between the City and MidCountry relative tothe construction and needed improvements to this area. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for the drive through. As noted above, the drive through is proposed to be a threelane drive through.Eighty (80) feet of stackingis required and the site plan should be modified as noted in the SEH memo in order to accommodate the 80 feet of stacking required by ordinance. If the Planning Commission feels the site plan is acceptable, the CUP should be approved. If the CUPisn’t acceptable,then the CUP should be denied. If it is denied, items b and c below would likely not be able to be met and would be suitable reasons for denying the CUP. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a)The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b)The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and Conditional Use Permit 210 Hassan St. SE –Bank Drive Through Planning Commission –4-19-16 Page 4 (c)The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposal with the following conditions. If the Planning Commission recommends approvalofthe applicant’s request, staff suggests the following conditions be part of the approval: 1.A fully engineered site plan will be required for the drive through site prior to any building permits being issued. 2.The current site plan does not constitute a fully engineered developers site plan. 3.The area behind the current bank building that has the ATM and night deposit box will be signed and striped as a loading zone. The existing ATM shall be removed from this area and the night deposit box shall be for walk-up traffic only. 4.A Developer’s Agreement that clearly defines the necessary infrastructure revisions/improvements to accommodate the ultimate site planand associated cost-sharing responsibilities (currently assumed to be 100% Developer funded) shallbe executed between the City and the Developer. 5.Approval of the conditional use permit must be contingent upon City Council’s approval of the proposed property transaction with Mid-Country Bank. 6.The feasibility of installing an underground conduit system (beneath the alley corridor) should be fully examined and considered by the Developer.Any conduit systems beneath or over the alley corridor shall be approved by the City Engineer. 7.The property will need to be platted by MidCountry Bank to ensure a developable parcel of property for the proposed project. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To:Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date:April 14,2016, forApril 19,2016, Planning Commission Meeting Application:Sketch Plan Review –1315Montreal St SE –Apartment Concept Applicant:Kuepers Architects and Builders SKETCH PLAN REVIEW –1315 MONTREAL ST SE –APARTMENT CONCEPT The purpose of this application is to determine, generally speaking, if the City would be receptive to this project. The site would need to be rezoned from Mixed Use to R-4–High Density Residential in order to accommodate this project. Prior to the developer spending a lot of time and effort developing detailed plans for the site, staff felt like a sketch plan review would be more appropriate at this stage. If the sketch plan is found to be generally acceptable, the developer could chose to move forward with submitting detailed site plans for review, rezoning applications, preliminary/final plat, etc and start the formal development review process. Sketch Plan Review 1315 Montreal St SE –Apartment Concept Planning Commission –4-19-16 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning:Mixed Use Property Location:1315 Montreal St SE Lot Size: +-15 acres. Existing Land Use:Vacant Adjacent Land Use:Agricultural field, commercial development, and single-family residential. AdjacentZoning:C-2 (Automotive Service Commercial), C-4 (Fringe Commercial), R-3 (Medium Density Residential) Comprehensive Land Use Plan:Commercial Zoning History:Annexed into the City of Hutchinson in 2004.Platted as Calaford Place in 2006. Applicable Regulations:Section 153.020 Sketch Plan Review Kuepers Architects and Builders havesubmitted the attached sketch plan for review. The location of the site is east of Montreal St. across the street from Kwik Trip. This parcel has been vacant, besides for an existing stormwater basin since it was platted in 2006. The proposal includes three apartment buildings, each 29 units for a total of 87 units. The apartments would be built on the easterly 2/3 of the lot to the north of the existing stormwater basin that would need to be enlarged to accommodate development. The front approximately 1/3 of the site is proposed to be an Outlot reserved for future development. Access to the proposed apartments would come off Denver Avenue, which would need to be constructed to accommodate this development. Denver Avenue needs to be constructed from Montreal Street to Bradford Street for the purposes of this project. As noted, there are three, 29 unit buildings being proposed along with two, 10-space garages for each building. In addition to the garages, there appears to be adequate off-street parking to meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. The developer also provided a sketch of what the buildings could look like. Staff generally feels the buildings are aesthetically pleasing and would fit in. Sketch Plan Review 1315 Montreal St SE –Apartment Concept Planning Commission –4-19-16 Page 3 Staff understands the applicant will be seeking tax increment financing (TIF) if the project moves beyond the sketch plan phase. The Hutchinson Housing and Redevelopment Authority and City Council would make a determination if TIF is appropriate for this project or not. Recommendation: Staff is in favor of the sketch planas presentedand believes the project as presented could work. There appears to be a need for apartments in the community that isn’t being met, as is evidenced by the fact that the current apartment vacancy rate is below 2%. A healthy market is typically around 5%. It should be noted that any tax increment financing for the project should be considered during the next steps of the project and that recommending approval on the sketchplan has no bearing on whether or not TIF is granted or not. A full TIF analysis will be completed at the appropriate time by the City’s TIF consultant if the project were to move forward the applicant officially applied for TIF. Staff recommends Outlot A be utilized for commercial development in the future. It appears that the development along Montreal St. is going to be commercial in nature based on the City zoning ordinance and the current land use along that stretch of road. Staff believes keeping multi-family housing one-tier off of the commercial corridor makes sense for a wide variety of reasons. Staff recommends approval of the sketch plan with the following conditions: 1.Approval of the sketch plan not constitute approval of entire project, as there are several other procedural steps that need to be completed in order for the property to be developed. 2.Denver Avenue will need to be constructed from Montreal Street to Bradford Street before this parcel can be built on. 3.Any application for Tax Increment Financing shall be independent of this sketch plan approval.