03-29-2017 EDAM EDA Board Meeting Main Conference Room – City Center th 11:30 AM Wednesday, March 29, 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________ Members present in bold. MEETING MINUTES Members Mike Cannon Corey Stearns Daron Vanderheiden Chad Czmowski Mary Christensen Mike McGraw Jonny Block Staff Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Andy Reid, Finance Director Jeff Page, EDA Program Assistant Economic Development Authority Financial Summary Operations I. Call to Order Cash Available $142,389 Reserved $56,736 Mike McGraw called the meeting to order Unreserved $82,985 at 11:34 AM. Economic Development Loan Fund Cash Available $436,604 II. Approve Agenda Loan 1 Balance $14,752 Loan 2 Balance $14,752 III. Review Minutes Downtown Revolving Loan Fund Cash Available $358,431 th Loans Receivable $563,117 A. February 15 Finance Team Capital Assets $201,329 Meeting Total Assets $1,107,226 M/S/P: Stearns, Cannon to MIF Loan Fund approve the minutes as written. Cash Available $202,937 Passed unanimously. Loan Receivable $88,981 Enterprise Center Fund nd B. February 22 EDA Board Meeting Cash Available $687,761 Expenditures $0 M/S/P: Block, Christensen to SHOPKO TIF District (TIF 4-5) approve the minutes as written. Cash Available $247,088 Passed unanimously. Interfund Loan Receivables $287,948 Expenditures $0 MEDICAL CLINIC TIF District (TIF 4-16) IV. Review of February EDA Financial Interfund Loan Payable $279,948 Statements Finance Director reviewed the EDA financials for the benefit of the Board. EDA Director noted the following:  $5,000 support for SWIF will be disbursed shortly. Donations to Civil Org. line item will be $500 over budget due to the $500 donation to the EDAM Foundation.  The Downtown loan for the Arts Building will be paid off this week, bringing roughly $37,000 in cash back into the Downtown Loan Fund.  Westinghouse has declared bankruptcy as of today. How this will impact the NuCrane loan ($88,981 outstanding balance) is unknown at this point. Discussion followed. M/S/P: Block, Stearns to approve the financial report as presented. Passed unanimously. V. Director’s Report A. Marketing Plan Report: o Facebook updates = 13, Twitter activity = 14, Website updates = 3 o Social media effort has 191 likes on Facebook and 62 followers on Twitter. B. Business recruitment / expansions: Staff provided an update on recent prospects and ongoing conversations. C. Old Medical Clinic Redevelopment – no update. D. Hotel Project – Purchase & development agreements should be signed this week. E. Hutchinson Enterprise Center o Pre-construction meeting was held this morning th o Weather permitting, construction should commence around April 17 o We’ve received our first reimbursement from DEED on the incubator grant, in the amount of $24,299 (3.18% of the grant) F. Workforce Development Plan st o Presentation was given to representatives of St. Cloud School district on March 21. th o 3M Gives (source of our $600K grant) will be visiting Hutchinson on April 7. o Thus far a total of $1,213,524 has been pledged to the project o Of that amount, $787,575 has been collected thus far (64.9%) o The remaining amount is scheduled to be collected over the next 18 months or so. o Equipment is being ordered for the new CTE Center at Hutchinson High School. o Hutchinson received a nice write up in Spring 2017 edition of Enterprise Minnesota magazine for its skilled workforce development efforts. G. Hay Land Rental – land has been advertised. Bids are due in April. H. Westinghouse Ch. 11 Bankruptcy VI. Loan Subordination – BARTCO (Aquaria Pets) Citizens Bank is refinancing the BARTCO property on Main Street and has requested that the EDA subordinate its loan on the property to that of the bank. The value of the property is $236,300 and Citizen’s Bank financing will not exceed $145,000. The EDA’s loan has a balance of $17,136.57. All debt against the building is less than its value, so it continues to meet all EDA loan program guidelines. Discussion followed. M/S/P: Czmowski, Block to approve the request for loan subordination. Passed unanimously. VII. McLeod County Economic Forum McLeod County Commissioners Paul Wright and Joe Nagel are spearheading a discussion about the economic outlook for McLeod County. They are organizing a meeting in Glencoe and are inviting the County Board, City Councils, School Boards, Township Boards and EDA Board members to attend. To comply with open meeting statute the EDA Board should set the event as a special meeting, in case four or more members wish to attend. M/S/P: Czmowski, Vanderheiden to set a special meeting of the Hutchinson EDA Board of th Directors for 6:30 PM, Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the Media Center of Glencoe High School. Approved unanimously. VII. University of Minnesota BR & E Program Staff presented information about the Business Retention & Expansion Program offered by University of Minnesota Extension.  This is more of a community BR&E effort, as opposed to a staff-level BR&E program.  Includes a U of M developed survey, data analysis and report.  Cost ranges from $9,500 to $12,000 – depending on the level of customized assistance included. Discussion followed. Some of the key points:  BR & E is very important to our efforts / we maintain a strong outreach effort to our manufacturing community as a result (most recent event being the Skilled Workforce Summit in February)  Given the major projects currently underway by the EDA, it would be difficult to launch another major initiative at the current time.  With its stepped up marketing / advertising efforts the EDA’s budget is already fully allocated.  This initiative would make a great first project for a county-level economic development effort, if Commissioner Wright’s & Nagel’s efforts bear fruit. M/S/P: McGraw, Block to table the proposal for the time being. Passed unanimously. VIII. Van for Hutchinson Enterprise Center Discussion was held about acquiring an old city vehicle for use by EDA staff to be based at the Hutchinson Enterprise Center.  Vehicle would be the city’s 2004 Ford Freestar Van (has about 65,000 miles on it)  Acquisition cost would likely be $0 – City Fleet Committee will make a determination in April.  Needed repairs would include the rear hatch handle ($340) and possibly a brake job.  Monthly operational costs would be negligible (insurance & gas). Staff will add the item to the April agenda of the EDA Finance Team for their consideration. IX. Grant & Loan Program Applications Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program $30,000 Casey Clark / Premier Investments LLC 10 years @ 4.00% 31 Main Street North (Janosek’s Café) No action taken due to an incomplete application. X. Other Business Mr. Vanderheiden indicated that the school renovation project was slightly ahead of schedule and on budget. th XI. Set Next Meeting – 11:30 AM Wednesday, April 26, 2017. XII. Adjourn M/S/P: Stearns, Christensen to adjourn the meeting at 12:35 PM. Passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Miles R. Seppelt Economic Development Director