02-24-2020 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes February 24, 2020 Present: Kay Yoch, Al Barkeim, Connie Dahl, Julie Jensen, Mike Becker, Jeannette Meyer, Rhonda Schwarze, City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Dave Husfeldt L The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Chair Kay Yoch. IL Secretary's Report: The January minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Jeannette and seconded by Mike. III. Treasurer Report: Card sales amounted to $73 while picture frames, magnets and bingo boards brought in $19. Button sales raised a total of$15. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the Mankato trip to see "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" at their new playhouse was sold out and it was an excellent outing. "Branson in a Day" is the name of our tour set for March 19th to Cold Spring. We'll dine at the Blue Heron restaurant and take in a concert by "Three Sons". Then on April 2nd we will be visiting the Day Trippers Dinner Theater for a rendition of"Bikinis". Upcoming trips include a May 6fh presentation of songs of Neil Sadaka, and a June trip to a St. Paul Saints game. Julie told the group that we lost some money on one of the trips due to issues with not being able to use the City credit card. After some discussion a motion was made by Al to request that the City waive the requirement that the City credit card can only be used by City employees in the case of Julie Jensen. Rhonda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the Fellowship Dinner had 55 participants in January and there are already 47 for this month. January movies included "The Fault of Our Stars" and "Woodlawn". February will feature a movie entitled "The Investigator". The cross country skiing and snowshoeing event was postponed earlier this month due to cold weather and was rescheduled for last week. The weather turned out great so it made for an excellent outing. Another event is scheduled for March 19d' at Lake Erie if the weather holds until then. The Event Center is now a drop off site for glasses, hearing aids and unused hearing aid batteries. Yoga has become popular enough that it will now be held on both Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:15-10:15am. Mini Golf will be held from 10:00am until 4:OOpm on Friday, March 13th. The fee will be $5 for unlimited play. On March 17d'we will be hosting the Green Blizzard Decko Party. The game is similar to bingo only using playing cards. V. Business A. Spring Concert- The May 2nd concert is scheduled to begin at 7:OOpm. The tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. The concert will feature country music presented by the band "Generations". B. Appreciation Open House- There will be an appreciation open house on Monday, May 1 lth. September has arranged for a DJ to be present at this event. C. Board Member Elections- Kay Yoch agreed to a second term as chair of the board. Rhonda Schwarze agreed to be the vice-chair and John McRaith will continue as the secretary. All positions were approved on a voice vote. D. Other- Discussion was held on whether to rent out the mini golf layout. No decision was made and rentals will be discussed on a case by case basis for now. VI. Adjournment: Jeannette made a motion to adjourn at 11:03 am with a second from Connie. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board's next meeting will be held on Monday, March 23rd at 10:00am. John McRaith, Secretary