08-28-2019 HUCCPHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING August 28, 2019 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies i. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ii. Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account iii. Deposit Requirement — Residential iv. Deposit Requirement — Commercial/Industrial v. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer vi. Definition of Your Bill vii. Errors in Billing viii. Payment of Your Bill ix. Automatic Bill Payment Plan x. Budget Payment Plan xi. Explanation of Billing Procedure xii. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule b. Approve Changes 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Declare an Open Meeting for HUC Open House being held on Tuesday, October 8t" from 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. b. Authorize Retiring Engine Unit #8 from HUC's Fleet 9. ADJOURN MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig presented the financial statements. Electric Division Net Income decreased by $8,710 mostly due to a decrease in Customer Revenue and Sales for Resale. June was a cooler month. Natural Gas Net Income increased by $39,137 mostly due to increased customer revenue with increased usage. GM Carter added everything is trending like it should, no concerns. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator —Matthew Jaunich — i. Continuing to work on 5t" Ave project ii. South Grade road construction to start end of August :��7DI�C•7i1� i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Nothing to report. ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — 1. Re -Conductor upgrade on Chicago Ave 2. South Grade Road prep work to start 3. Working on RP3 application iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager — 1 . Units 6 & 7 SCR's have been filled. HUC personnel are working on the commissioning. 2. Components for the lube oil mist eliminator have been ordered and will be installed for Unit 7. 3. Quade's Electric is finishing up lighting 4. Elevation Coatings finished repainting Unit 1 modules. 5. Konecranes installed new hoist above units 5, 6 and 7. 6. Unit 8 was shut down July 9t" due to a generator ground alarm. Had field service come in to test and confirm a grounded rotor. 7. Unit 5 has a cracked valve seat, waiting on Wartsila to provide a cylinder head. 8. Interviewed candidates for Maintenance Mechanic position. iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Manager- Nothing to report v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Nothing to report c. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to report d. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Absent e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. 3M Feasibility Study on Co -generation early part of September. Will be having discussions on the economic and financial effects. Project size is unknown. ii. With Unit 8 being down, discussions will need to be had on the cost to repair. iii. Dept. of Commerce have been having conversations on fuel switching. iv. Continuing to work on strategic planning topics v. Working with Director of EDA, Miles Seppelt, on perspective customer for Industrial Park. 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Appendices of Exempt Handbook ii. Appendices of Non -Exempt Handbook No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes No changes made to the policies under review. 7. Unfinished Business a. Discussion of Exempt Employee Pay Performance System GM Carter recapped the discussions that have been held on the Exempt Employee Pay Performance System and how to move forward with eliminating the lump sum payout. A Performance Guide Recommendation was sent out trying to keep in consideration as much as possible a progressive increase up to market and once up to market assuming that the grid is moving somewhat with cost of inflation then there is regression of the percentages when and employee moves towards the top 2 of their respective pay grade. From previous grid discussions, the lastest revised grid has the last column broken out into two columns; one called Upper Middle and the other called Max. This was done so there is the ability depending on how an employee scores in the performance based system to have an additional one percent increase over the maximum column range previously discussed. This was changed to match more of what the cost of inflation may be and what may be similar to what union negotiations may be moving forward along with trying to line up union/non-union as close to possible. This is all under the assumption that the Commission will continue to move the grid with inflation. GM Carter also noted that consideration was taken into account with market data and being externally competitive. The other recommendation made was how to get out of the lump sum pay system immediately and several options were discussed; 1) Freeze the employees' salaries until the grid catches up 2) do a onetime move of the grid to encompass all employees into the grid of 7% or 3) look at organization restructure. GM Carter also discussed another piece that goes along with this which is the Integration of a new performance matrix grid to grade employees going forward. The recommendation for this year is if the Commission is okay with the Pay/Performance Guide that was sent out staff will use the current criteria to rate employees and apply that performance rating to the new pay guide for 2020. Staff would then create new criteria that would be used for 2021 reviews. In 2021, staff recommends doing a full external compensation study again. That last study was based on 2016 wage data. This timeframe will mirror up with the upcoming union contract negotiations in 2021. The Commission will then have market data to see if all of HUC's employees are still market competitive, if the grid is moving properly, and/or if shifts need to be made. Commissioner Hanson noted that this is a delicate conversation and GM Carter did a great job. Employees are doing well and utilities is running well. The priorities have been to get in line with grid and with the peer group. Commissioner Hanson added that he is okay with making a grid change of 7%, because it is the right thing to do. Only comment, understand going to a market based system every few years doing study, job descriptions are accurate up to market. President Martinez noted that all employees need to be on the grid and is in favor of eliminating the lump sum. A compensation study needs to be completed more often. President Martinez added that the matrix and rating makes sense and is in favor. Commissioner Wendorff agreed and is in favor of a smooth transition. Commissioner Morrow added that comparables with other utilities should be done on a regular basis. However, it's important to note HUC's employees do a lot and things done at HUC are not the same as other municipal utilities. GM Carted noted that no formal action is needed now but will be done at end of year with budget. 8. New Business a. Approve Requisition #7927 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila Mr. Blake presented Approval of Requisition #7927 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila. When Unit 5 was commissioned in April 2013, it came with a few operating spare parts that mostly consisted of sensors and O-rings. HUC would like to purchase the recommended emergency spare parts for the rotating portions of the engine. These parts will allow the mechanics to perform 3 maintenance repairs on the engine if a failure would occur during normal operations and return it to service a timely manner. Commissioner Hanson inquired why 2 separate requisitions. Mr. Blake informed the commission that it is due to the Wartsila database having a maximum of lines. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Morrow to Approve Requisition #7927 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Requisition #7933 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila Mr. Blake presented Approval of Requisition #7933 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila. This requisition is the remainder of the recommended emergency spare parts for Unit 5. A motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Requisition #7933 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Union Contract July 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021 GM Carter presented Approval of Union Contract July 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021. GM Carter recapped the conversations that were held between the Union and management sub -committees. Both parties focused on negotiating a new contract on a timely bases. The union and management sub -committees met twice to discuss and negotiate the tentative terms and conditions of a new contract upon final approval by the union and board of commissioners. On July 15, the union members ratified the tentative terms and conditions of the contract document which is in the commission packet. There are not many changes. Old positions have been removed, some positions have been combined and a new GIS position has been added along with a Temporary pilot program. Call -In minimal compensation along with funeral leave for significant others were also among the changes. This contract transitions into an annual cycle with a 2% wage increase on July 2019 and 3.25% for Jan 2020 and Jan 2021. Both sub -committees had good negotiations. Commissioner Wendorff added that negotiations went well; management sub -committee listened to union sub -committee's concerns along with union sub -committee listening to management sub -committee's concerns. Commissioner Hanson agreed. A motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Union Contract July 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approve Unit 6 & 7 Air Emission Compliance Testing Mr. Blake presented Approval of Unit 6 & 7 Emission Compliance Testing. Both units need to have emission testing performed before the units can be entered into commercial service. Interpol Laboratories has performed these tests in the past and have a good relationship with the EPA and MPCA. The testing will include the 12 Caterpillar performance and emission guaranties along with the Plant 1 air permit requirements. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Unit 6 & 7 Air Emission Compliance Testing. Motion carried unanimously. e. Re -adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. Mr. Sebora presented Re -adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. The State of Minnesota requires that political subdivisions like HUC adopt a data practices policy, which guides both the HUC and members of the public in obtaining information from HUC . State of Minnesota also requires that HUC adopt the data practices policy annually prior to August 1. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Morrow to Re -adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. Motion carried unanimously. f. Declare an Open Meeting for HUC's Strategic Planning Being Held on Thursday, August 29 from 9-00a.m. to 2-00p.m. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to Declare an Open Meeting for HUC's Strategic Planning Being Held on Thursday, August 29 from 9.00a.m to 2-00p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to adjourn the meeting at 3:44p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Robert Wendorff, Secretary ATTEST: Don Martinez, President 5 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK Payee DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Account Dept Pag 1/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/25/2019 GEN 406(E) MRES Purchased Power 401-555- 02 1,145,432.95 07/25/2019 GEN 417(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS GENERATOR 41 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 6,294.30 GENERATOR 41 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 138.09 GENERATOR 43 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 10. 62 GENERATOR 44 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 10. 62 GENERATOR 45 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 21.24 Generator 46 Fuel Oil 401-547- 01 2.01 Generator 47 Fuel Oil 401-547- 01 2.01 GENERATOR 48 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 33,885.90 GENERATOR 48 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 37.18 Generator 49 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 66.40 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 268.25 HECK GEN 417(E) TOTAL 40,736.62 07/30/2019 GEN 430(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 59,602.85 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 773.01 HECK GEN 430(E) TOTAL 60,375.86 08/02/2019 GEN 69527* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 75.75 08/02/2019 GEN 69529* AMERICAN PAYMENT CENTERS INC BOX RENTAL 401-903- 06 51.14 08/02/2019 GEN 69530* ANDREW WILSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 91.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69531* ANGIE THELINE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 110.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69532 ANTHONY MAJERES Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69534* BETHANY MATTSON OR WILLIAM MATTSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 32.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69535* BILLIE VALLACHER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 2/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 69536* BIRCHDALE FIRE & SAFETY LLP GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 35.27 08/02/2019 GEN 69537* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY SPLIT BOLT 48 KS-15 Cu BURNDY 154-000- 00 13.80 KIT, SPLICE, QS4-15SP-QCI-2-4/0-BCA 154-000- 00 2,247.56 PADLOCK, TRANSFORMER, STERLING 4019 154-000- 00 15. 72 TAPE, SUPER 33+ PROFESSIONAL GRADE 154-000- 00 85.70 JUNCTION BOX, 1 PH, 30 X 30 X 18, SEC 154-000- 00 935.34 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 0.95 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 154.52 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 64.32 HECK GEN 69537 TOTAL 3,517.91 08/02/2019 GEN 69538 BRAD WANOUS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 115.78 08/02/2019 GEN 69539* BRANDON BLOCK OR PATRICIA KRIPPNER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 195.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69540 BRIAN BAYSINGER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69541 BROOKE EMME OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 26.07 08/02/2019 GEN 69542 CE POWER Generator 48 Material 402-554- 01 1,304.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69544 CHARLES GOSSEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 29. 82 08/02/2019 GEN 69545* CHLOE GULICH OR COLTON CARTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69546* CHRIS JACOBSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69547*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 433.53 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 461.03 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 439. 61 Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 286.43 HECK GEN 69547 TOTAL 1,620.60 08/02/2019 GEN 69548 COLLETTE JOHNSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 107.24 08/02/2019 GEN 69549 COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INS CO COLONIAL INSURANCE 242-000- 00 113.76 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 3/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 69550* CONNIE HUBER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69551 CONNIE KABLE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69552 CREEKSIDE SOILS Materials 401-588- 02 43.28 Materials 401-588- 02 50.50 Materials 401-588- 02 43.28 Materials 401-588- 02 50.50 HECK GEN 69552 TOTAL 187.56 08/02/2019 GEN 69553* DAN KRIEDEMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 110.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69554 DANIEL BRADSHAW OR AMANDA EATON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 60.17 08/02/2019 GEN 69556 DAVE WEGSCHEID OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 55.94 08/02/2019 GEN 69557 DAWN HOLTZ Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69558* ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 198.43 08/02/2019 GEN 69559 ELEVATION COATING LLC. Painting of unit 1 engined modules 402-554- 01 59,750.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69560* ELIZABETH BOOPMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39. 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69561* ELIZABETH LING DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 65.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69562 FAGEN, INC PRIME MOVERS/RENEWABLES 107-343- 00 19,227.46 Generators 107-344- 00 40,286.66 HECK GEN 69562 TOTAL 59,514.12 08/02/2019 GEN 695634 FASTENAL COMPANY Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 17.62 Materials 401-588- 02 27.77 HECK GEN 69563 TOTAL 45.39 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Dept Pag 4/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 695644 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES 4525 2"x3/4" nipple part# GTXCSNKF 107-344- 00 115.56 2"x3/4" nipple part# GTXCSNKF 107-344- 00 21.29 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 789.12 18" checkvalve- SP-U3114SPV1518 402-554- 01 11,478.00 HECK GEN 69564 TOTAL 12,403.97 08/02/2019 GEN 69565* FIRST CLASS BUILDERS CIP - RESIDENTIAL-121 DETROIT 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 695664 FREMONT INDUSTRIES INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 48.74 Fremont IN: 040199 402-554- 01 708.96 HECK GEN 69566 TOTAL 757.70 08/02/2019 GEN 69567 FS3 INC BATTERY PACK, DRILL HEAD, SIZE C, 2 154-000- 00 46.38 08/02/2019 GEN 69568* GARY HOOPER OR JUDY HOOPER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 136.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69569 GENTEGRITY LLC OR J CONSTANTINE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 282.67 08/02/2019 GEN 69570* GERALD FRANK OR ANITA FRANK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 208.00 08/02/2019 GEN 695714 GREAT RIVER ENERGY PURCHASED POWER 401-555- 02 834.00 PURCHASED POWER 401-555- 02 834.00 PURCHASED POWER 401-555- 02 834.00 TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 401-565- 03 192,272.85 HECK GEN 69571 TOTAL 194,774.85 08/02/2019 GEN 69572* GREG NEESER OR DONNA SCHULTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69573* GUARDIAN DENTAL INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 3,995.24 DENTAL INSURANCE -COBRA 242-000- 00 318.27 HECK GEN 69573 TOTAL 4,313.51 08/02/2019 GEN 69574* HANNA JACOBSEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 123.50 08/22/2019 09:53 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 5/29 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 69575* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 146.16 08/02/2019 GEN 69579 IRC HUTCHINSON LLC OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 8, 663.77 08/02/2019 GEN 69580* JACOB FOLEY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69581* JANICE HEINTZ Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 425.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69582 JASON SIFFERATH OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 502.05 08/02/2019 GEN 69583* JEFF JING Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69584* JENNIFER J THORSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 182.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69586 JODIE NASSIRZADEH OR R NASSIRZADEH OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 134.06 08/02/2019 GEN 69587* JOE ECK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 695884 JOHN HENRY FOSTER Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.97 terminal cap 2200 7099 06 402-554- 01 14.04 HECK GEN 69588 TOTAL 15.01 08/02/2019 GEN 69589* JORDAN BURICH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 266.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69590* JUSTIN RUUD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 227.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69591 KAREN SCHRADER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69592* KATARINA SCHMIDT OR CODY SCHMIDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 214.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69593 KELSEY GLASSER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 39.28 08/02/2019 GEN 69594* KORTNEY HAAF OR ALEXANDER BLOCK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 221.00 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 6/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 69595* KRISTOPHER HOFFMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 143.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69596* KYLE GRANT ENGLAND DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 32.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69597 LAURA JUNKER OR KRISTINA SWANSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 37.21 08/02/2019 GEN 69598 LEAH HOVERSTEN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69599* LINDA WREED DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39. 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69600* LISA BREITKREUTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 195.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69601 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC PAINT, LOCATING, INVERTED SURVEY 154-000- 00 55.04 08/02/2019 GEN 69602* LUCY HAGEN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 150.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69603* MADISON NEWCOMB OR CHANDLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 136.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69604* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Office Supplies 401-921- 08 263.26 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 323.24 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 188.26 HECK GEN 69604 TOTAL 774.76 08/02/2019 GEN 69605 MARTHA CHIRPICH OR ROD SANDERS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 202.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69606 MARY FRUHWIRTH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69607* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE -COBRA 242-000- 00 894.57 HEALTH INSURANCE 85% ELEC 242-000- 00 54, 198.19 HECK GEN 69607 TOTAL 55,092.76 08/02/2019 GEN 69608* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE(8/2019) 242-000- 00 46.00 LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 48.00 HECK GEN 69608 TOTAL 94.00 08/22/2019 09:53 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 69611 OMEGA ENGINEERING INC METER, CONDUCTIVITY, (CDCN-91AC) 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 HECK GEN 69611 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69612*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 Supplies 401-550- 01 Materials 402-574- 03 HECK GEN 69612 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69613* PAM CHRISTENSEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69614* PLUMBING & HEATING BY CRAIG Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 08/02/2019 GEN 69615*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 HECK GEN 69615 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69616 PROCHASKA LLC HYDROCHLORIC ACID - MURIATIC ACID, 20 154-000- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69617 QUADE ELECTRIC Generators 107-344- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69618 KID EQUIPMENT Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 08/02/2019 GEN 69619* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 LIFE INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 HECK GEN 69619 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69620 RESCO TRANS, 100 KVA PAD, 1 PHASE, 120/240 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 HECK GEN 69620 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69621 RICK GOLDSCHMIDT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 08/02/2019 GEN 69623 RONALD BEST Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 08/02/2019 GEN 69624 RONALD KERN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 Pag 7/29 Amount 1,183.00 87.25 1,270.25 28.16 41.65 28.01 97.82 48.75 425.00 26.03 828.75 854.78 366.85 82,650.00 717.43 1,400.26 7,233.00 425.00 30.00 25.00 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 8/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/02/2019 GEN 69625* ROSS MACMULLAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 450.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69626*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Building & Grounds - Materials 402-592- 02 42.94 Other Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 55.37 HECK GEN 69626 TOTAL 98.31 08/02/2019 GEN 69627 SARAH SCHLEE OR SCOTT SCHLEE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 29. 06 08/02/2019 GEN 69628 SHIRLEY BOWER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69629* SPENCER KANGAS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 97.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69630* STANDARD PRINTING & MAILING OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 388.76 08/02/2019 GEN 69631 STEVEN LAMECKER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69633 TINEA GRAHAM OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 186.75 08/02/2019 GEN 69634* TOTAL COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 520.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69635* TOTAL COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS INC DRUG TESTING SERVICES 401-923- 08 2,812.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69636 TRI-COUNTY WATER CONDITIONING Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 11.68 08/02/2019 GEN 69637* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 397.89 COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,435.07 HECK GEN 69637 TOTAL 1,832.96 08/02/2019 GEN 69638* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 131.45 08/02/2019 GEN 69639*4 VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 998.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69640 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC O-RING, FKM V75J 72.86*5.33, 124 006 154-000- 00 104.04 O-RING, FKM V75J 70.40*5.95, 124 052 154-000- 00 108.52 08/22/2019 09:53 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 9/29 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC O-RING, 75.5715.33, 124 042 154-000- 00 118.39 KIT, CYLINDER HEAD WITH STARTING VALVE 154-000- 00 1,527.08 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 137.03 HECK GEN 69640 TOTAL 1,995.06 08/05/2019 GEN 422(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 94.91 08/05/2019 GEN 425(E)* TASC Prepaid HBA 174-000- 00 3,688.80 08/06/2019 GEN 431(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 83,434.33 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 832.63 HECK GEN 431(E) TOTAL 84,266.96 08/12/2019 GEN 69643*4 ACE HARDWARE Generators 107-344- 00 20.67 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1.42 Supplies 401-550- 01 27.77 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 55.54 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 21.34 Materials 401-588- 02 17.69 Building & Grounds - Materials 402-592- 02 2.77 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 7.68 HECK GEN 69643 TOTAL 154.88 08/12/2019 GEN 69644 AMBER BUTCHER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 26.24 08/12/2019 GEN 69645 APRIL PARKER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 11.17 08/12/2019 GEN 69646*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 418R, 4" 18T 154-000- 00 8.54 CONNECTOR, PEDESTAL, 500 MCM 6 PLACE, 154-000- 00 253.21 CONDUCTOR, 14 TW BLACK SOL 154-000- 00 33.00 CONDUCTOR, 14 TW WHITE SOL 154-000- 00 33.00 PHOTO EYE, TWIST LOCK,(FOR LED) 154-000- 00 407. 98 FUSE, ACORN, 5 AMP, GLRS 154-000- 00 56.98 FUSE HOLDER, SHR BUSS, GODS 154-000- 00 19. 88 TERMINAL BLOCK, 3 PLACE, "COVERED" CSB 154-000- 00 484.77 08/22/2019 09:53 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC CONDUCTOR, 2-4-2 URD 600V TRIPLEX 154-000- 00 LUBE, WIRE PULL, 1 GL JUG, POLYWATER 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 Street Lighting - Labor 416-106- 02 HECK GEN 69646 TOTAL 08/12/2019 GEN 69647 BRANDED SOLUTIONS Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 08/12/2019 GEN 69648 BRITTNEY PATCHEN OR CODY BAKER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 08/12/2019 GEN 69650* CARD SERVICES BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 08/12/2019 GEN 69651 CARLY'S SHOE STORE Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 08/12/2019 GEN 69652 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 08/12/2019 GEN 69654 CHARLES E BLOOD OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 08/12/2019 GEN 69656*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 69656 TOTAL 08/12/2019 GEN 69657*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -POWER 401-550- 01 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ELEC 401-588- 02 Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 69657 TOTAL 08/12/2019 GEN 69658 CYNTHIA LEDEZMA OR JOSE VILLERREAL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 08/12/2019 GEN 69659 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP COUPLING, DEEP SOCKET, 2" TO 2", PVC 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 Pag 10/29 Amount 679.50 91.40 17.41 5.08 46.78 6.28 5,818.70 7,962.51 661.32 3.09 291.10 212.95 477.06 799.38 438.53 388.04 286.43 288.93 1,401.93 167.29 1,841.19 206.25 85.04 2,299.77 90.82 200.55 13.79 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 11/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 69659 TOTAL 214.34 08/12/2019 GEN 69660 DALE WRIGHT OR CINDY WRIGHT OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 30.39 08/12/2019 GEN 69661 DELMAR COMPANY 150' roll Lefler joint sealant- 401-550- 01 418.22 08/12/2019 GEN 69663 EVERETT PETERSEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 57.28 08/12/2019 GEN 696644 FASTENAL COMPANY Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 21.40 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.96 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 10.70 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.85 Supplies 401-550- 01 20.82 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 311.36 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 155.68 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 14.03 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 12.41 HECK GEN 69664 TOTAL 548.21 08/12/2019 GEN 69665* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 114.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69666 FOSTER MECHANICAL T81j384 compressor- 402-554- 01 4,125.76 08/12/2019 GEN 69667 FREMONT INDUSTRIES INC TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 3, 950.76 TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 51.73 OXY4505 154-000- 00 1,019.87 OXY4505 154-000- 00 13.30 HECK GEN 69667 TOTAL 5,035.66 08/12/2019 GEN 69668*4 FS3 INC INTERDUCT, 2", SIR 13.5 ELK/WITH 3 RED 154-000- 00 2,700.00 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 199.84 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 204.49 HECK GEN 69668 TOTAL 3,104.33 08/12/2019 GEN 69669*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC LINE - MATERIALS 401-581- 02 180.23 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 12/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/12/2019 GEN 696714 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Supplies 401-550- 01 143.22 Supplies 401-550- 01 44.71 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 88.25 HECK GEN 69671 TOTAL 276.18 08/12/2019 GEN 69673* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 1,112.73 08/12/2019 GEN 69674 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Building & Grounds - Materials 402-592- 02 46.95 08/12/2019 GEN 69675* HUTCHINSON LEADER Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 300.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69676*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 6.08 Materials 401-588- 02 38.35 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 184.27 HECK GEN 69676 TOTAL 228.70 08/12/2019 GEN 69677 IRBY TOOL & SAFETY Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 381.97 08/12/2019 GEN 69679* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 321.75 08/12/2019 GEN 69680 LITTLE STARS CHILD CARE CENTER LLC OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 264.46 08/12/2019 GEN 69681 LITTLE STARS CHILD CARE CENTER LLC OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 258.19 08/12/2019 GEN 69682*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC FLAG, LOCATING, RED, 4" x 5", ON 21" 154-000- 00 424. 92 FLAG, LOCATING, RED, 4" x 5", ON 21" 154-000- 00 2.03 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 29.36 SAFETY GLASSES, GRAY, SILVER MIRROR, 401-550- 01 46.51 SAFETY GLASSES, GRAY, SILVER MIRROR, 401-588- 02 46.51 HECK GEN 69682 TOTAL 549.33 08/12/2019 GEN 69683 LOGAN WELTER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 115.97 08/12/2019 GEN 696844 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 5.65 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 82.12 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description 08/12/2019 GEN 696854 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC 08/12/2019 GEN 69686 MN DEPT OF COMMERCE 08/12/2019 GEN 69687 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 08/12/2019 GEN 69689* NUVERA 08/12/2019 GEN 69690 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 08/12/2019 GEN 69691*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC 08/12/2019 GEN 69692*4 PETTY CASH HECK GEN 69684 TOTAL Account Dept I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 HECK GEN 69685 TOTAL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 EHEAT CORRECTION 142-000- 00 HECK GEN 69686 TOTAL Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 HECK GEN 69687 TOTAL TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 WIRE BUFFING WHEEL. 413106 154-000- 00 WIRE BUFFING WHEEL. 413131 154-000- 00 Supplies 401-550- 01 Materials 402-574- 03 HECK GEN 69691 TOTAL MATERIALS -SUPPLIES B OLSON 401-588- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL B OLSON 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL J MERKINS 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL T DION 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL T DION 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL J MERKINS 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL J MERKINS 402-594- 02 OFFICE SUPPLIES -RETIREMENT PTY A RADKE 401-921- 08 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-LIC TABS J STURGES 401-935- 08 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-LIC TABS J STURGES 401-935- 08 Pag 13/29 Amount 87.77 3,900.00 3,050.00 6,950.00 296.45 57.55 354.00 50.00 110.00 160.00 1,879.31 19.84 203.95 138.88 88.20 10.55 5.50 18.58 10.00 20.73 13.84 15.56 9.71 10.73 10.73 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 14/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 69692 TOTAL 125.93 08/12/2019 GEN 69693* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 17.75 08/12/2019 GEN 69694 PSI ENGINEERING LLC FILTER BAG, 50 MICRO, TOWER BY-PASS, 6" 154-000- 00 524.00 FILTER BAG, 50 MICRO, TOWER BY-PASS, 6" 154-000- 00 76.76 HECK GEN 69694 TOTAL 600.76 08/12/2019 GEN 696954 QUADE ELECTRIC Generators 107-344- 00 775.24 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 53.29 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 57.87 HECK GEN 69695 TOTAL 886.40 08/12/2019 GEN 69696 KID EQUIPMENT Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 54.47 08/12/2019 GEN 69697 ROBERT RUZICKA OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 1,000.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69698 STEPHANIE BAILEY OR RUSSELL BAILEY OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 149. 57 08/12/2019 GEN 69699 SWAGELOK MINNESOTA 3/4"male connector-B-1210-1-12 107-344- 00 54.43 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 3.74 HECK GEN 69699 TOTAL 58.17 08/12/2019 GEN 69700 T & R ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC Transformer - Materials 402-595- 02 1,603.13 08/12/2019 GEN 69701 THE OAKS OF Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 3,637.29 08/12/2019 GEN 69702 THE PINES OF HUTCHINSON Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 2, 040. 72 08/12/2019 GEN 69703* THOMAS COLEMAN OR PAIGE LARK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 104.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69704 THOMAS PHILIPOSE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 22.78 08/12/2019 GEN 69705 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC HEAD, CYLINDER WITH VALVES 120-060 154-000- 00 19, 405.29 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1,431.14 HECK GEN 69705 TOTAL 20,836.43 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK Payee DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Account Pag Dept 15/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/12/2019 GEN 69706*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC GENERATOR 41 WATER & SEWER 401-547- 01 88.61 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 143.06 UTILITY EXPENSES - WATER/WASTE 55/45 401-930- 08 216.18 HECK GEN 69706 TOTAL 447.85 08/12/2019 GEN 69707 ZACHARY WACKER OR KALI CROOKS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 256.24 08/13/2019 GEN 426(E) MISO SCHEDULE 10 401-565- 03 2,068.79 08/13/2019 GEN 432(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 39,968.41 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 802.66 HECK GEN 432(E) TOTAL 40,771.07 08/14/2019 GEN 427(E) MISO SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 8,246.13 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 32,880.64 HECK GEN 427(E) TOTAL 41,126.77 08/14/2019 GEN 428(E) MISO SCHEDULE 1 401-565- 03 2,335.61 SCHEDULE 2 401-565- 03 6,234.23 Transmission Expense 401-565- 03 624.56 HECK GEN 428(E) TOTAL 9,194.40 08/15/2019 GEN 69708* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 171.25 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 105.00 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 105.00 HECK GEN 69708 TOTAL 381.25 08/15/2019 GEN 69709* ANDY NISSEN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 175.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69710 AUTOMATIONDIRECT.COM INC Transmitter -part# SPT25-20-1000A 107-344- 00 357.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 26.33 HECK GEN 69710 TOTAL 383.33 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/15/2019 GEN 69711 BRENT SCHMELING 08/15/2019 GEN 69712*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 08/15/2019 GEN 69713* CITY OF HUTCHINSON 08/15/2019 GEN 69714 CJ PROPERTY MGMT LLC 08/15/2019 GEN 69715 CONAX TECHNOLOGIES 08/15/2019 GEN 69716* COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 08/15/2019 GEN 69717 CREEKSIDE SOILS 08/15/2019 GEN 69718* DOUG RENKES 08/15/2019 GEN 69719 FS3 INC 08/15/2019 GEN 69722*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC 08/15/2019 GEN 69723 HDR ENGINEERING INC 08/15/2019 GEN 69724 HOFFMAN FILTER SERVICE 08/15/2019 GEN 69725 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION Account Dept Pag 16/29 Amount Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 40.00 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 438.53 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 431.81 HECK GEN 69712 TOTAL 870.34 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 750 401-921- 08 20, 134.69 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 87.34 THERMOCOUPLE, EXHAUST, 226A2436P002 154-000- 00 909.61 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 296.58 Materials 401-588- 02 57.71 Materials 401-588- 02 43.28 HECK GEN 69717 TOTAL 100.99 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 ADHESIVE, BONDUIT BULK KIT, BT-KITB6 154-000- 00 465.83 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 32.03 HECK GEN 69719 TOTAL 497.86 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 281.86 Generators 107-344- 00 17,310.49 PAD, OIL ABSORBANT, 16" X 18", IN WPHL, 154-000- 00 221.23 Snyder 1025 gallon tank -quote# 107-344- 00 10,998.00 SHIPPING 107-344- 00 1,175.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 897.76 HECK GEN 69725 TOTAL 13,070.76 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 17/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/15/2019 GEN 69727* JARED VANDERVEEN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69728 JOBSHQ Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 449.00 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 125.00 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 50.00 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 100.00 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 100.00 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 100.00 HECK GEN 69728 TOTAL 924.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69730 KONECRANES 5 ton CLX electric chain 107-346- 00 16,526.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 943.11 HECK GEN 69730 TOTAL 17,469.11 08/15/2019 GEN 69731 LANDSKAPINGS Line - Materials 402-594- 02 125.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69733 MARY JO BROMLEY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69735 MID COUNTY AUTO TRUCK AND TIRE 42 non-bio ultra low sulfur/red dye 154-000- 00 15,958.88 42 non-bio ultra low sulfur/red dye 154-000- 00 2.06 HECK GEN 69735 TOTAL 15,960.94 08/15/2019 GEN 69736*4 MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL Line - Materials 401-581- 02 81.05 08/15/2019 GEN 69737* MIKE FALLON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 150.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69738*4 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 9.81 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 9.81 HECK GEN 69738 TOTAL 19.62 08/15/2019 GEN 69739 PROCHASKA LLC CHLOR 125 (SANI-CHLOR) 154-000- 00 850.02 CHLOR 125 (SANI-CHLOR) 154-000- 00 82.34 HECK GEN 69739 TOTAL 932.36 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/15/2019 GEN 69740 PSI ENGINEERING LLC 08/15/2019 GEN 69741 RANDY LADE 08/15/2019 GEN 69742 REZA NASSIRZADEH 08/15/2019 GEN 69743 ROGER HARTSUIKER 08/15/2019 GEN 69744 SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABS 08/15/2019 GEN 69746* SURVALENT TECHNOLOGY, INC 08/15/2019 GEN 69747 SWAGELOK MINNESOTA 08/16/2019 GEN 419(E)*4 VISA 08/20/2019 GEN 424(E) MRES Account Dept Pag 18/29 Amount o-ring part 4 9140000-013-267 402-554- 01 42.92 lock washer -part # 9200030-005 402-554- 01 0.39 lock washer -part # 9200030-005 402-554- 01 0.04 bearing locknut-part49090020-002 402-554- 01 94.25 bearing locknut-part49090020-002 402-554- 01 10.45 bearing lockwasher-part# 9200000-002 402-554- 01 20.23 bearing lockwasher-part# 9200000-002 402-554- 01 2.24 0-ring part 4 9140000-010-269 402-554- 01 29.39 0-ring part 4 9140000-010-269 402-554- 01 3.26 HECK GEN 69740 TOTAL 203.17 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 275.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 SEL-3060 ethernet radio 401-921- 08 2,106.70 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT- 401-921- 08 15,133.87 3/4" SS male connectors SS-1210-1-4 107-344- 00 169.63 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 11.65 HECK GEN 69747 TOTAL 181.28 GENERATORS-AMMOINIA ALARM SYS 107-344- 00 112.82 GENERATOR 41 MATERIAL -GAS SENSOR 402-554- 01 120.49 ACCESSORY PLANT - MATERIALS -VALVE 402-554- 01 352.28 MAINTENANCE OTHER - MATERIALS -UPS RACK 402-554- 01 285.61 PURCHASED POWER -DIGITAL CERTIFICATE 401-555- 02 200.00 Materials 401-588- 02 94.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES -STAR TRIBUNE 401-921- 08 70.57 HECK GEN 419(E) TOTAL 1,236.53 Purchased Power 401-555- 02 1,166,285.60 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 08/21/2019 GEN 420(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax City Sales Tax HECK GEN 420(E) TOTAL Total for fund 1 ELECTRIC Account Dept 242-000- 00 242-000- 00 Pag 19/29 Amount 76,291.00 5,517.00 81,808.00 3,378,151.41 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 20/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 07/25/2019 GEN 417(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS GAS FOR RETAIL 401-807- 04 9, 125.35 GAS FOR RETAIL 401-807- 04 568.30 3M 401-807- 04 40,561.69 HTI 401-807- 04 1,785.43 UNG 401-807- 04 1,628.72 BROWNTON 401-807- 04 488.04 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 1,283.61 HECK GEN 417(E) TOTAL 55,441.14 08/02/2019 GEN 69527* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 25.25 08/02/2019 GEN 69528 ADVANCE ENGINEERING CORP METER BAR ASSEMBLY, 250, RESIDENTIAL, 154-000- 00 4, 770.00 METER BAR ASSEMBLY, 250, RESIDENTIAL, 154-000- 00 351.79 HECK GEN 69528 TOTAL 5,121.79 08/02/2019 GEN 69529* AMERICAN PAYMENT CENTERS INC BOX RENTAL 401-903- 06 41.84 08/02/2019 GEN 69530* ANDREW WILSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 49. 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69531* ANGIE THELINE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 59.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69533 B & C PLUMBING AND HEATING Mains 107-376- 00 790.97 08/02/2019 GEN 69534* BETHANY MATTSON OR WILLIAM MATTSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 17.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69535* BILLIE VALLACHER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 08/02/2019 GEN 69536* BIRCHDALE FIRE & SAFETY LLP GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 28.86 08/02/2019 GEN 69537* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY BRACKET, WALL MT RISER, 2", REFER TO 154-000- 00 31.89 TEE, NO-BLO, VALVE, 2", WELD X WELD, 154-000- 00 324.75 FITTING, TRANSITION, 2" WE X 2" IDS, 154-000- 00 78.38 FITTING, WELD STOP 2", LOW PRESSURE 154-000- 00 755. 82 08/22/2019 09:53 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS CAP, 2", SMLS WELD FITTING , STD WGHT 154-000- 00 PRIMER, TEMCOAT 3000, ANTICORROSION, 154-000- 00 TEE, FEMALE THRD, 1/4", BM, CLASS 150 154-000- 00 CAP, 4", SMLS WELD FITTING, STD WGHT 154-000- 00 NIPPLE, 1/4" X 3", BM, STD, SMLS, TEE 154-000- 00 GREASE, VALVE, VAL-TEX P/N 750-J 154-000- 00 FLUID, LEAK DETECTION, TYPE III, 154-000- 00 HECK GEN 69537 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69539* BRANDON BLOCK OR PATRICIA KRIPPNER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69543 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Materials 402-863- 05 Materials 402-863- 05 HECK GEN 69543 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69545* CHLOE GULICH OR COLTON CARTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69546* CHRIS JACOBSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69547*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 HECK GEN 69547 TOTAL 08/02/2019 GEN 69550* CONNIE HUBER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 08/02/2019 GEN 69553* DAN KRIEDEMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 08/02/2019 GEN 69555 DARLYN EDGE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 08/02/2019 GEN 69558* ELECTRO WATCHMAN INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 08/02/2019 GEN 69560* ELIZABETH KOOPMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 Pag 21/29 Amount 61.18 47.94 7.82 44.33 9.14 171.84 31.40 1,564.49 105.00 145.20 15.98 161.18 87.50 28.00 184.63 400.00 59.50 300.00 162.35 21.00 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Fund: 2 GAS 08/02/2019 GEN 69561* ELIZABETH LING 08/02/2019 GEN 69565* FIRST CLASS BUILDERS 08/02/2019 GEN 69568* GARY HOOPER OR JUDY HOOPER 08/02/2019 GEN 69570* GERALD FRANK OR ANITA FRANK 08/02/2019 GEN 69572* GREG NEESER OR DONNA SCHULTZ 08/02/2019 GEN 69573* GUARDIAN 08/02/2019 GEN 69574* HANNA JACOBSEN 08/02/2019 GEN 69575* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON 08/02/2019 GEN 69576 HJERPE CONTRACTING INC 08/02/2019 GEN 69577 HUMMINGBIRD AVIATION, LLC 08/02/2019 GEN 69578 IMAC SYSTEMS, INC 08/02/2019 GEN 69580* JACOB FOLEY 08/02/2019 GEN 69581* JANICE HEINTZ 08/02/2019 GEN 69583* JEFF LING 08/02/2019 GEN 69584* JENNIFER J THORSON 08/02/2019 GEN 695854 JMS CONCRETE Account Dept Pag 22/29 Amount DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 35.00 CIP - RESIDENTIAL-121 DETROIT 401-916- 07 400.00 CIP - RESIDENTIAL-117 EAU CLARE AVE 401-916- 07 400.00 HECK GEN 69565 TOTAL 800.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 73.50 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 112.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 DENTAL INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 680.53 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 66.50 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 119.59 Line - Outside Services 402-863- 05 3,467.55 Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 2,161.95 STRAINER, GASKET RING, 4", 20 MESH, 154-000- 00 80. 12 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 98.00 Mains 107-376- 00 650.00 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 23/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS Materials 402-892- 04 650.00 HECK GEN 69585 TOTAL 1,300.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69587* JOE ECK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69589* JORDAN BURICH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 143.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69590* JUSTIN RUUD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 122.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69592* KATARINA SCHMIDT OR CODY SCHMIDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 115.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69594* KORTNEY HAAF OR ALEXANDER BLOCK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 119.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69595* KRISTOPHER HOFFMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 77.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69596* KYLE GRANT ENGLAND DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 17.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69599* LINDA WREED DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69600* LISA BREITKREUTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69602* LUCY HAGEN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69603* MADISON NEWCOMB OR CHANDLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 73.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69604* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 107.74 08/02/2019 GEN 69607* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 15% GAS 242-000- 00 9,564.39 08/02/2019 GEN 69608* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE(8/2019) 242-000- 00 18.00 LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 16.00 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 24/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 69608 TOTAL 34.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69609 NELSON TECHNOLOGIES INC Roots 8C PC B3 IN 055696-040 402-892- 04 1,588.85 Roots 2M PC B3 IN 055702-040 402-892- 04 1,588.85 HECK GEN 69609 TOTAL 3,177.70 08/02/2019 GEN 69610 NEW ULM PUBLIC UTILITIES M & R Station Equipment 107-369- 00 41.16 08/02/2019 GEN 69612*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 28.16 Materials 401-874- 04 41.65 CHECK GEN 69612 TOTAL 69.81 08/02/2019 GEN 69613* PAM CHRISTENSEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 08/02/2019 GEN 69614* PLUMBING & HEATING BY CRAIG Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69615*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL -GAS 402-895- 04 2, 026.09 08/02/2019 GEN 69619* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 350.06 LIFE INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 160.70 HECK GEN 69619 TOTAL 510.76 08/02/2019 GEN 69622 ROLLOFF'S M & R Station Equipment 107-369- 00 27.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69625* ROSS MACMULLAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69626*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Materials 401-874- 04 104.20 08/02/2019 GEN 69629* SPENCER KANGAS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69630* STANDARD PRINTING & MAILING OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 129. 58 08/02/2019 GEN 69632 SWAGELOK MINNESOTA FITTING, 1/2", SS-810-1-8 154-000- 00 478.88 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 25/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 08/02/2019 GEN 69634* TOTAL COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 280.00 08/02/2019 GEN 69635* TOTAL COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS INC DRUG TESTING SERVICES 401-923- 08 937.50 08/02/2019 GEN 69637* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 325.55 COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,174.15 HECK GEN 69637 TOTAL 1,499.70 08/02/2019 GEN 69638* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 43. 82 08/02/2019 GEN 69639*4 VERIZON WIRELESS UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-SCADA 401-856- 05 117.08 TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 332.66 HECK GEN 69639 TOTAL 449.74 08/05/2019 GEN 422(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 94.92 08/05/2019 GEN 425(E)* TASC Prepaid HBA 174-000- 00 922.20 08/12/2019 GEN 69643*4 ACE HARDWARE Materials 401-874- 04 58.73 08/12/2019 GEN 69646*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY TEE, TRANSITION, 3/4" X 3/4", PERT 154-000- 00 2, 056.80 TEE, TRANSITION, 3/4" X 3/4", PERT 154-000- 00 0.01 ANODES 417, MAG, HIGH POTENTIAL, 10-412 154-000- 00 132.11 TAPE, BELOW GROUND USE, 41 WAX, 4" X 9 154-000- 00 513.50 6" Weld Neck Flat Faced Flange, 150 401-874- 04 42.35 Materials 402-892- 04 163.78 HECK GEN 69646 TOTAL 2,908.55 08/12/2019 GEN 69649 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 145.22 08/12/2019 GEN 69650* CARD SERVICES BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 97.03 08/12/2019 GEN 69653 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 56.59 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 26/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 08/12/2019 GEN 696554 CHICAGO TUBE AND IRON Steel Pipe, 4.5" O.D., 107-376- 00 8,926.43 Steel Pipe, 4.5" O.D., 107-376- 00 0.26 2 Inch, API-5L, Grade B, 416-105- 04 14,215.26 2 Inch, API-5L, Grade B, 416-105- 04 0.34 HECK GEN 69655 TOTAL 23,142.29 08/12/2019 GEN 69656*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 275.07 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 182.38 HECK GEN 69656 TOTAL 457.45 08/12/2019 GEN 69657*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -GAS 401-880- 04 1, 964.38 Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 68.75 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 69.57 HECK GEN 69657 TOTAL 2,102.70 08/12/2019 GEN 69662 DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -PIPELINE Regulatory Expenses 401-928- 08 323.37 REGULATORY EXPENSES 401-928- 08 47.19 HECK GEN 69662 TOTAL 370.56 08/12/2019 GEN 69665* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 38.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69668*4 FS3 INC Materials 401-874- 04 204.50 08/12/2019 GEN 69669*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC MATERIALS 401-874- 04 180.22 MATERIALS 401-856- 05 67.50 HECK GEN 69669 TOTAL 247.72 08/12/2019 GEN 69670 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC Ashcroft Model A2X 401-874- 04 1,154.87 08/12/2019 GEN 69672 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS UTILITIES -NEW ULM COMMUNICATIONS 401-856- 05 106. 94 08/12/2019 GEN 69673* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 910.41 08/22/2019 09:53 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 27/29 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 2 GAS 08/12/2019 GEN 69675* HUTCHINSON LEADER CIP - MARKETING 401-916- 07 100.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69676*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 184.26 08/12/2019 GEN 69678 KGM American AL-425 T.C., 107-381- 00 20,283.00 American AL-425 T.C., 107-381- 00 493.61 HECK GEN 69678 TOTAL 20,776.61 08/12/2019 GEN 69679* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 107.25 08/12/2019 GEN 69682*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC SAFETY GLASSES, GRAY, SILVER MIRROR, 401-880- 04 46.51 08/12/2019 GEN 69688 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 2,000.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69689* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 626.44 08/12/2019 GEN 69691*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 88.19 08/12/2019 GEN 69692*4 PETTY CASH MATERIALS-OT MEAL T WEBER 401-856- 05 14.76 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-LIC TABS J STURGES 401-935- 08 8.77 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-LIC TABS J STURGES 401-935- 08 8.77 HECK GEN 69692 TOTAL 32.30 08/12/2019 GEN 69693* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 5.92 08/12/2019 GEN 69703* THOMAS COLEMAN OR PAIGE LARK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 56.00 08/12/2019 GEN 69706*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC UTILITY EXPENSES - WATER/WASTE 45/55 401-930- 08 176.86 08/15/2019 GEN 69708* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 171.25 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Description Fund: 2 GAS 08/15/2019 GEN 69709* ANDY NISSEN 08/15/2019 GEN 69712*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 08/15/2019 GEN 69713* CITY OF HUTCHINSON 08/15/2019 GEN 69716* COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 08/15/2019 GEN 69718* DOUG RENKES 08/15/2019 GEN 69720 GAIL THOVSON 08/15/2019 GEN 697214 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC 08/15/2019 GEN 69722*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC 08/15/2019 GEN 69726 JAMES KOSSAK 08/15/2019 GEN 69727* JARED VANDERVEEN 08/15/2019 GEN 69729 JODI GALLES 08/15/2019 GEN 69732 LINDA FIELD 08/15/2019 GEN 697344 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN Account Dept Pag 28/29 Amount Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 182.38 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 250 401-921- 08 6,711.57 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 296.58 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 800.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 TEE, TAPPING, ASBLY, 2" X 3/4" IPS MOPE 154-000- 00 596.06 index plate 006-24-504-21000 402-892- 04 129.86 index plate 006-24-504-21000 402-892- 04 2.90 gland assembly 006-24-423-01 402-892- 04 408.05 gland assembly 006-24-423-01 402-892- 04 9.11 magnet holder & bearing 402-892- 04 1,054.27 magnet holder & bearing 402-892- 04 23.53 HECK GEN 69721 TOTAL 2,223.78 MATERIALS 401-874- 04 281.86 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 100.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 300.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 100.00 MISC EXPENSE -GAS LINE PUMP 401-880- 04 62.86 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-MCLEOD 401-856- 05 38.48 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE -PIPELINE 401-856- 05 39.57 HECK GEN 69734 TOTAL 140.91 08/22/2019 09:53 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 07/25/2019 - 08/22/2019 Payee Description Account Dept Pag 29/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 08/15/2019 GEN 6973614 MID-AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL Materials 401-874- 04 81.05 Materials 401-874- 04 879.22 HECK GEN 69736 TOTAL 960.27 08/15/2019 GEN 69737* MIKE FALLON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 08/15/2019 GEN 69738*4 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC MATERIALS 401-874- 04 9.82 08/15/2019 GEN 69745 SPRINT Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 141.52 08/15/2019 GEN 69746* SURVALENT TECHNOLOGY, INC It Admin And Support 401-921- 08 15,133.87 08/16/2019 GEN 419(E)*4 VISA COMPUTER STAND -FLOOR MATS 107-392- 00 434.50 MEETINGS & TRAVEL - 401-870- 04 288. 93 POWER EQUIPMENT - MATERIALS-2 HOUR 402-895- 04 51.05 AM INOVATIONS-REMOTE 401-856- 05 96.50 MATERIALS -WEED SPRAYER WAND 402-863- 05 15. 02 OFFICE SUPPLIES -STAR TRIBUNE 401-921- 08 57.74 HECK GEN 419(E) TOTAL 943.74 08/20/2019 GEN 421(E) PUBLIC ENERGY AUTHORITY OF Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 49, 054.05 3M 401-807- 04 70,743.75 HTI 401-807- 04 4,512.60 HECK GEN 421(E) TOTAL 124,310.40 08/21/2019 GEN 420(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 8,230.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 584.00 HECK GEN 420(E) TOTAL 8,814.00 Total for fund 2 GAS 317,164.41 TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 3,695,315.82 '*'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 2019 Combined Division Customer Revenue Sales for Resale NU Transportation Electric Division Transfer Other Revenues Interest Income TOTALREVENUES Salaries & Benefits Purchased Commodities Transmission Generator Fuel/Chem. Depreciation Transfers (Elect./City) Operating Expense Debt Interest TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT/(LOSS) 2019 2018 Di %Chng 1 2019 2018 Di %Chng I FullYrBud %of Bud $ 2,928,735 $ 2,953,598 $ (24,863) (0.8%) $ 21,264,979 $ 21,772,972 $ (507,993) (2.3%) $ 36,285,018 58.6% $ 336,799 $ 338,970 $ (2,171) (0.6%) $ 1,566,859 $ 1,860,838 $ (293,980) (15.8%) $ 2,951,500 53.1% $ 81,605 $ 71,154 $ 10,451 14.7% $ 575,443 $ 499,865 $ 75,577 15.1% $ 885,452 65.0% $ 54,982 $ 54,697 $ 285 0.5% $ 384,873 $ 382,880 $ 1,993 0.5% $ 659,783 58.3% $ 49,742 $ 74,368 $ (24,627) (33.1%) $ 310,658 $ 346,963 $ (36,305) (10.5%) $ 490,208 63.4% $ 51,599 $ 34,439 $ 17,160 49.8% $ 284,917 $ 183,957 $ 100,960 54.9% $ 283,456 100.5% $ 3,503,461 $ 3,527,226 $ (23,765) (0.7%) $ 24,387,729 $ 25,047,476 $ (659,747) (2.6%) $ 41,555,417 58.7% $ 449,131 $ 427,646 $ 21,485 5.02% $ 3,281,476 $ 3,353,839 $ (72,363) (2.2%) $ 6,252,888 52.5% $ 1,645,266 $ 1,701,164 $ (55,899) (3.3%) $ 12,099,578 $ 12,305,310 $ (205,732) (1.7%) $ 19,155,179 63.2% $ 306,800 $ 231,696 $ 75,104 32.4% $ 1,611,482 $ 1,413,618 $ 197,864 14.0% $ 3,380,000 47.7% $ 135,326 $ 190,995 $ (55,669) (29.1%) $ 289,239 $ 706,624 $ (417,385) (59.1%) $ 1,139,850 25.4% $ 327,083 $ 325,667 $ 1,417 0.4% $ 2,289,583 $ 2,279,667 $ 9,917 0.4% $ 3,925,000 58.3% $ 188,434 $ 158,986 $ 29,448 18.5% $ 1,319,037 $ 1,112,904 $ 206,134 18.5% $ 2,261,207 58.3% $ 334,065 $ 144,817 $ 189,248 130.7% $ 1,670,013 $ 1,105,193 $ 564,820 51.1% $ 3,215,236 51.9% $ 97,334 $ 103,551 $ (6,218) (6.0%) $ 681,337 $ 724,860 $ (43,523) 6.0% $ 1,168,007 58.3% $ 3,483,439 $ 3,284,523 $ 198,916 6.1% $ 23,241,744 $ 23,002,014 $ 239,731 1.0% $ 40,497,367 57.4% $ 20,022 $ 242,703 $ (222,681) (91.8%) $ 1,145,984 $ 2,045,462 $ (899,477) (44.0%) $ 1,058,050 108.3% July July YTD YTD 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change Gross Margin % 26.7% 32.1% -5.4% 32.1% 34.8°% -2 7°% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 1.0% 7.4% -6.4% 5.8% 9.7% -3.9% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 0.6% 6.9% -6.3% 4.7% 8.2% -3.5% 2019 HUC Budget Target 4.2°% 2.5°% HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 2019 pp���ppV ��O�NN p 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di %Chng Full YrBud %ofBud Electric Division Customer Revenue $ 2,540,259 $ 2,603,210 $ (62,950) (2.4%) $ 14,654,163 $ 14,904,281 $ (250,118) (1.7%) $ 26,118,530 56.1% Sales for Resale $ 336,799 $ 338,970 $ (2,171) (0.6%) $ 1,566,859 $ 1,860,838 $ (293,980) (15.8%) $ 2,951,500 53.1% Other Revenues $ 15,043 $ 51,273 $ (36,230) (70.7%) $ 119,814 $ 151,136 $ (31,321) (20.7%) $ 203500 58.9% Interest Income $ 27,193 $ 18,614 $ 8,580 46.1% $ 152,599 $ 101,737 $ 50,863 50.0% $ 158:456 96.3% TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,919,294 $ 3,012,066 $ (92,772) (3.1%) $ 16,493,435 $ 17,017,991 $ (524,556) (3.1%) $ 29,431,986 56.0% Salaries & Benefits $ 343,317 $ 338,900 $ 4,416 1.3% $ 2,494,596 $ 2,631,333 $ (136,736) (5.2%) $ 4,541,091 54.9% Purchased Power $ 1,455,190 $ 1,495,468 $ (40,278) (2.7%) $ 8,336,630 $ 8,700,947 $ (364,317) (4.2%) $ 13,640,000 61.1% Transmission $ 306,800 $ 231,696 $ 75,104 32.4% $ 1,611,482 $ 1,413,618 $ 197,864 14.0% $ 3,380,000 47.7% Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 135,326 $ 190,995 $ (55,669) (29.1%) $ 289,239 $ 706,624 $ (417,385) (59.1%) $ 1,139,850 25.4% Depreciation $ 241,667 $ 241,667 $ - 0.0% $ 1,691,667 $ 1,691,667 $ - 0.0% $ 2,900,000 58.3% Transfers (Elect./City) $ 147,172 $ 128,224 $ 18,947 14.8% $ 1,030,203 $ 897,571 $ 132,632 14.8% $ 1,766,062 58.3% Operating Expense $ 262,926 $ 95,153 $ 167,774 176.3% $ 1,239,892 $ 721,700 $ 518,192 71.8% $ 2,173,291 57.1% Debt Interest $ 46,555 $ 47,376 $ (822) (1.7%) $ 325,883 $ 331,635 $ (5,752) 1.7% $ 558,657 58.3% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,938,953 $ 2,769,479 $ 169,474 6.1% $ 17,019,590 $ 17,095,093 $ (75,503) (0.4%) $ 30,098,951 56.5% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ (19,658) $ 242,587 $ (262,245) (108.1%) $ (526,155) $ (77,102) $ (449,053) 582.4% $ (666,965) 78.9% 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di . %Chng Full YrBud %ofBud Electric Division Residential 5,793,291 5,569,422 223,869 4.02% 29,671,266 30,214,810 (543,544) (1.80%) 50,327,925 59.0% All Electric 168,273 154,295 13,978 9.06% 1,605,242 1,571,371 33,871 2.16% 2,504,213 64.1% Small General 1,838,097 1,766,562 71,535 4.05% 11,134,517 11,119,731 14,786 0.13% 17,687,385 63.0% Large General 7,812,850 7,889,020 (76,170) (0.97%) 47,180,070 45,122,100 2,057,970 4.56% 77,713,164 60.7% Industrial 12,660,000 12,679,000 (19,000) (0.15%) 68,879,000 77,040,000 (8,161,000) (10.59%) 135,502,800 50.8% Total KWH Sold 28,272,511 28,058,299 214,212 0.76% 158,470,095 165,068,012 (6,597,917) (4.00%)l 283,735,487 55.9% July July YTD YTD 2019 HUC 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 20.3% 28.3% -8.0% 24.1% 26.5% -2.4% 25.3% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 0.0°% 7 9°% -7 9°% -2 2% 0.6% -2.8% -0.9% 0%-5% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): -0.7% 8.1% -8.7% -3.2% -0.5% -2.7% -2.3% 0%-5% Customer Revenue per KWH: $0.0898 $0.0928 -$0.0029 $0.0920 $0.0898 $0.0022 $0.0915 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH: $0.0815 $0.0755 $0.0060 $0.0782 $0.0751 $0.0031 $0.0771 $0.0771 Electric Divison Net Income decreased by $262,245 to a net loss of $19,658. Usage was up slightly but revenue was still down due to a lower PCA. Operating Expenses were high for the month due to a painting project ($59,750), piping repairs ($44,803), and Check Valve expenses ($11,478) on Unit 1. Sales for Resale of $336,799 consisted of $20,279 in market sales, $36,400 in the monthly tolling fee from Transalta, $130,620 in Transalta energy sales, $136,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA and $13,500 in capacity sales to AEP. July 2018 Sales for Resale of $338,970 consisted of $23,860 in market sales, $35,600 in monthly tolling fees from Transalta, $163,510 in Transalta energy sales, and $116,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA. July 2017 Sales for Resale of $384,982 consisted of $98,764 in market sales, $34,400 in Transalta tolling fees, $155,818 in Transalta energy sales, and $96,000 SMMPA capacity sales. Overall Purchased Power decreased by $40,278. MRES purchases decreased by $37,286 and market purchases/MISO costs decreased by $2,992. July power cost adjustment was $.00654/kwhr bringing in an additional $185,652 in revenue for the month and $1,150,003 YTD. Last year's power cost adjustment for July 2018 generated $262,482 in additional revenue for the month and $964,631 YTD. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 2019 58.3�6 0 __ea Com ' II�V�II� �� � ����'i�'iiil����lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ����i�i�fi������������������llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' � � ���������I���i �ii'���������0�111111111111111111111111111111111111111 � , 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Gas Division Customer Revenue $ 388,476 $ 350,388 $ 38,088 10.9% $ 6,610,816 $ 6,868,692 $ (257,875) (3.8%) $ 10,166,488 65.0% Transportation $ 81,605 $ 71,154 $ 10,451 14.7% $ 575,443 $ 499,865 $ 75,577 15.1% $ 885,452 65.0% Electric Div. Transfer $ 54,982 $ 54,697 $ 285 0.5% $ 384,873 $ 382,880 $ 1,993 0.5% $ 659,783 58.3% Other Revenues $ 34,698 $ 23,095 $ 11,603 50.2% $ 190,843 $ 195,827 $ (4,984) (2.5%) $ 286,708 66.6% Interest Income $ 24,405 $ 15,825 $ 8,580 54.2% $ 132,318 $ 82,220 $ 50,098 60.9% $ 125,000 105.9% TOTAL REVENUES $ 584,167 $ 515,160 $ 69,007 13.4% $ 7,894,293 $ 8,029,484 $ (135,191) (1.7%) $ 12,123,431 65.1% Salaries & Benefits $ 105,814 $ 88,746 $ 17,068 19.2% $ 786,879 $ 722,506 $ 64,373 8.9% $ 1,711,797 46.0% Purchased Gas $ 190,076 $ 205,697 $ (15,621) (7.6%) $ 3,762,948 $ 3,604,363 $ 158,585 4.4% $ 5,515,179 68.2% Operating Expense $ 71,139 $ 49,665 $ 21,474 43.2% $ 430,121 $ 383,493 $ 46,628 12.2% $ 1,041,945 41.3% Depreciation $ 85,417 $ 84,000 $ 1,417 1.7% $ 597,917 $ 588,000 $ 9,917 1.7% $ 1,025,000 58.3% Transfers (City) $ 41,262 $ 30,762 $ 10,500 34.1% $ 288,835 $ 215,333 $ 73,502 34.1% $ 495,145 58.3% Debt Interest $ 50,779 $ 56,175 $ (5,396) 0.0% $ 355,454 $ 393,225 $ (37,771) ja.6% $ 609,350 58.3% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 544,487 $ 515,044 $ 29,443 5.7% $ 6,222,154 $ 5,906,921 $ 315,233 5.3% $ 10,398,416 59.8% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 39,680 $ 116 $ 39,564 34,210.4%1 $ 1,672,139 $ 2,122,563 $ (450,424) (21.2%) $ 1,725,015 96.9% � jj QQQQQQ // QQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ 0 __ . 58. �6.0 3F ..Year Comp. � .: 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Gas Division Residential 6,367,049 6,099,812 267,237 4.38% 291,307,554 277,060,795 14,246,759 5.14% 421,716,000 69.1% Commercial 15,825,337 7,954,525 7,870,812 98.95% 225,897,962 216,205,006 9,692,956 4.48% 330,746,000 68.3% Industrial 48,892,422 46,791,910 2,100,512 4.499/c 1 517,078,709 525,307,932 (8,229,223) (1.579/c) 822,478,000 62.9% Total CF Sold 71,084,808 60,846,247 10,238,561 16.83%1 1,034,284,225 1,018,573,733 15,710,492 1.54%1 1,574,940,000 65.7% July July YTD YTD 2019 HUC 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 61.4% 55.3% 6.1% 49.2% 52.9% -3.7% 51.5% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 6.8% 4.6°% 2 2°% 22 9% 29.2°% -6.3% 16.9% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 7.6% 0.0% 7.5% 22.1% 27.4% -5.3% 14.7% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Contracted Customer Rev. per CF: $0.0036 $0.0039 -$0.0003 $0.0041 $0.0040 $0.0000 $0.0038 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Customer Revenue per CF: $0.0090 $0.0102 -$0.0012 $0.0085 $0.0094 -$0.0009 $0.0090 $0.0090 Total Power Supply Exp. per CF: $0.0029 $0.0035 ($0.0007) $0.0037 $0.0036 $0.0001 $0.0036 $0.0036 Natural Gas net income increased by $39,564. This is mostly due to increased customer revenue with increased usage. July's fuel cost credit adjustment was $2.59501/MCF totalling $64,847 for the month and $630,162 YTD. July 2018 credits totalled $32,466 for the month and $218,255 YTD. Current Assets UnrestrictedlUndesignated Cash Cash Petty Cash Designated Cash Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP Payment in Lieu of Taxes Rate Stabilization - Electric Rate Stabilization - Gas Catastrophic Funds Restricted Cash Bond Interest Payment 2017 Bond Interest Payment 2012 Debt Service Reserve Funds Total Current Assets Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) Interest Total Receivables Other Assets Inventory Prepaid Expenses Sales Tax Receivable Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Gas Total Other Assets Total Current Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Rights Depreciable Capital Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction - Work in Progress Total Net Capital Assets HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED JULY 31, 2019 Electric Gas Total Total Division Division 2019 2018 6,518,117.72 9,277,585.23 680.00 170.00 15, 795, 702.95 17, 375, 719.21 850.00 850.00 Net Change Total (YTD) (1,580,016.26) 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - 1,106,279.00 495,145.00 1,601,424.00 1,251,469.00 349,955.00 372,736.68 - 372,736.68 372,736.68 - - 651,306.61 651,306.61 651,306.61 - 400,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 - 1,289,104.15 - 1,289,104.15 1,062,064.92 227,039.23 - 1,313,537.51 1,313,537.51 1,312,733.32 804.19 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 12,959,253.19 14,726,438.37 27,685,691.56 28,687,909.40 (1,002,217.84) 2,748,330.90 532,821.68 3,281,152.58 3,262,968.58 18,184.00 23,632.29 23,632.29 47,264.58 38,078.98 9,185.60 2,771,963.19 556,453.97 3,328,417.16 3,301,047.56 27,369.60 1,259,479.72 452,918.46 1,712,398.18 1,700,139.98 12,258.20 160,507.00 17,739.48 178,246.48 111,943.54 66,302.94 50,737.96 - 50,737.96 50,069.95 668.01 494,053.00 - 494,053.00 752,887.00 (258,834.00) - 164,685.00 164,685.00 250,962.00 (86,277.00) 1,964,777.68 635,342.94 2,600,120.62 2,866,002.47 (265,881.85) 17, 695, 994.06 15, 918, 235.28 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 90,205,507.00 41,684,214.28 (56,863,050.91) (16,684,322.87) 15, 703, 004.10 197, 535.22 49,735,828.59 29,097,345.23 33,614,229.34 34,854,959.43 (1,240,730.09) 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - 131,889,721.28 130,894,436.23 995,285.05 (73,547,373.78) (69,815,245.22) (3,732,128.56) 15,900,539.32 11,368,058.83 4,532,480.49 78,833,173.82 77,037,536.84 1,795,636.98 Total Assets 67,431,822.65 45,015,580.51 112,447,403.16 111,892,496.27 554,906.89 Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable Bond Premium Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest Accrued Payroll Total Current Liabilities Long -Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 2012 Bonds Bond Premium 2012 Pension Liability- Electric Pension Liability - Electric OPEB Pension Liability - Nat Gas Pension Liability - Nat Gas OPEB Accrued Vacation Payable Accrued Severance Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas Total Long -Term Liabilities Net Position Retained Earnings Total Net Position HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED JULY 31, 2019 Electric Gas Total Division Division 2019 625,000.00 2,761,312.42 93,109.38 67,287.70 3,546,709.50 16,050,000.00 613,377.60 2,700,290.00 72,192.00 366,391.02 77,139.06 804,800.00 20,684,189.68 1,370,000.00 185,608.32 518,429.60 101, 558.34 19, 734.54 2,195,330.80 12,530,000.00 1,175, 518.99 900,097.00 24,064.00 111, 060.50 29,491.28 268,267.00 15,038,498.77 1,995,000.00 185,608.32 3,279,742.02 194,667.72 87,022.24 5,742,040.30 16,050,000.00 12,530,000.00 1,788,896.59 2,700,290.00 72,192.00 900,097.00 24,064.00 477,451.52 106,630.34 804,800.00 268,267.00 35,722,688.45 Total 2018 1,295,000.00 185,608.32 2,973,558.07 207,103.04 42,397.43 4,703,666.86 16,675,000.00 13,900,000.00 2,007,961.87 3,083,440.00 1,027,813.00 426, 510.04 102, 320.61 794,370.00 264,790.00 38,282,205.52 Net Change Total (YTD) 700,000.00 306,183.95 (12, 435.32) 44,624.81 1,038,373.44 (625,000.00) (1,370,000.00) (219,065.28) (383,150.00) 72,192.00 (127,716.00) 24,064.00 50,941.48 4,309.73 10,430.00 3,477.00 (2,559,517.07) 43,200,923.47 27,781,750.94 70,982,674.41 68,906,623.89 2,076,050.52 43,200,923.47 27,781,750.94 70,982,674.41 68,906,623.89 2,076,050.52 Total Liabilities and Net Position 67,431,822.65 45,015,580.51 112,447,403.16 111,892,496.27 554,906.89 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Combined 7/31/2019 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest July 2019 June 2019 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,685,691.56 27,923,724.21 (238,032.65) Total Operating Funds 27,685,691.56 27,923,724.21 (238,032.65) Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 2,438,549.99 2,175,820.29 262,729.70 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 5,149,579.65 4,886,849.95 262,729.70 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 6,086,812.00 6,086,812.00 Rate Stabalization Funds 1,024,043.29 1,024,043.29 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,601,424.00 1,601,424.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 500,000.00 500,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 Total Designated Funds 12,662,279.29 12,662,279.29 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Target Debt to Asset 32.4% 32.2% 40.2% 37.7% 36.9% III Current Ratio 2.52 3.06 3.36 3.93 4.81 RONA 1.31% 2.17% 1.82% 3.43% 1.14% Notes/Graphs: Change in Cash Balance (From 12131114 to 713112019) Month End Electric Elec. Change Natural Gas Gas Change Total Total Change 7/31/2019 12,959,253 14,726,438 27,685,692 12/31/2018 15,559,867 (2,600,614) 12,335,998 2,390,441 27,895,864 (210,173) 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (7,653,378) 10,702,689 1,633,309 33,915,934 (6,020,070) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Signifcant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Electric 7/31/2019 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest July 2019 June 2019 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,685,691.56 27,923,724.21 (238,032.65) Total HUC Operating Funds 27,685,691.56 27,923,724.21 (238,032.65) Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 1,289,104.15 1,190,466.12 98,638.03 522,335.64 522,335.64 - 1,811,439.79 1,712,801.76 98,638.03 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 4,532,992.00 4,532,992.00 Rate Stabalization Funds $400K-$1.2K 372,736.68 372,736.68 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,106,279.00 1,106,279.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 400,000.00 400,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 Total Designated Funds 9,162,007.68 9,162,007.68 YE YE YE YE YTD APPA Ratio HUC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 SK-10K Cust. Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.) 13.9% 16.7% 35.4% 35.7% 35.9% 50.1% Current Ratio 2.95 3.57 4.36 3.63 4.34 2.43 RONA -1.2% -0.4% -0.6% -0.3% -0.9% NA >0% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Gas 7/31/2019 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest July 2019 June 2019 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,685,691.56 27,923,724.21 (238,032.65) Total HUC Operating Funds 27,685,691.56 27,923,724.21 (238,032.65) Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 1,149,445.84 985,354.17 164,091.67 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 - 3,338,139.86 3,174,048.19 164,091.67 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 1,553,820.00 1,553,820.00 Rate Stabalization Funds $200K-$600K 651,306.61 651,306.61 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 495,145.00 495,145.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 100,000.00 100,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 700,000.00 700,000.00 Total Designated Funds 3,500,271.61 3,500,271.61 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 APGA Ratio Target Debt to Asset 55.0% 51.2% 47.6% 40.7% 38.3% TBD Current Ratio 2.17 2.59 2.74 4.33 5.58 TBD RONA 4.7% 5.6% 5.0% 8.3% 4.3% TBD HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For [he Mon[h Ended July 31, 2019 Interest C--t Date of Date of Par C--t Purchase Unrealized Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Matudty Value Value Amount Gain/(Loss) (Discount) Call Date Wells Ferga Maney Market 1.490% 1.41011, NA NA - 129189.15 - - - N/A Wells Farga CID 2.550% 2.550% 08/21 /2018 02/21 /2020 245000.00 141119.10 245000.00 119.10 - N/A Wells Ferga CID 2.410% 2.410% 03/21/2019 M121/2020 245000.00 245130.10 245000.00 130.10 - N/A Wells Farga CID 2.100% 2.100% 02/121/12018 08/21/2019 245000.00 245001.35 245000.00 1.35 - N/A Wells Ferga CID 2.500% 2.500% 04/02/2019 04/05/2021 24500 W 246039.95 245000.00 103995 - N/A Wells Farga CID 2.000% 2.000% 04/0/2016 10/07/2021 245000.00 244480.60 245000.00 (51940) - 10/012019 Wells Ferga CID 2.150% 2.150% O6/21/2017 M21/2022 24511111 245124.50 245000.00 2450 - 08/21/2019 Wells Ferga CD's 2.600% 2.600% 03/29/2019 03/29/2021 245000.00 245191.10 245000.00 191.10 - 09/29/2019 Wells Ferga FHLMC-Step 2.000% 2.192% O6/29/2011 O6/29/2022 215000.00 215008.25 275 OW. 8.25 - 09/29/2019 Wells Farga FH LMC-Step 2.000% 2.2m% 10/27/2016 10/27/2023 1025000.00 1023196.00 1025000.00 (1004.00) 10/21/2019 Broker Total 25.7 % 3 015 000.00 3, 145 446.10 3 015 000.00 1 2M 95 - Cetera Investment Services Maney Market 111111, 0.180% N/A N/A - 5,11267 - - - N/A Getera Investment Services U.S. Treasury Bill 2230% 2230% 02/19/2019 08/15/2019 1015000.00 1014339.83 1598315.24 16024.59 (1128416) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.995% 2.013% 03/0 /2016 07/01/2020 25011111 251085.11 260035.21 (9,150.21) 10035.21 N/A Cetera lmestm ant Services Municipal 8antls 2.750% 1.881% 03/Ol/2016 08/01/2020 250000.00 2521435.00 259020.00 (1385.00) 912111 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2.150% 2.203% Ol/01 /2019 12/01 /2026 40000.00 39019.60 40150.64 (1,131.04) 15064 N/A Cetera lmestment Services Municipal 8antls 2.350% 2.191% WM/ 2019 12/01/2026 500000.00 496295.00 505385.00 (9090.00) 5385000 N/A Cetera lmestment Services Municipal 8antls 5.000% 1.610% 10/11/2016 01/01/2020 250000.00 253910.00 216500.00 (22,53000) 26500.00 N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2.815% 2.121% 04/29/2016 09/01 /2021 250000.00 253382.50 259461.50 (6085.00) 946150 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.751% 2.399% 04/29/2016 11/01/2021 25011.111 255515.W 261330.. (1113500) 11330.W N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.139% 2.190% 12/11/2017 09/01 /2021 300000.00 305049.00 310,116.00 (5 M71 O) 10116.00 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.655% 2.208% 12/11/2017 03/01/2022 3001111.1 303,6 311.1 305314.12 (1678112) 531412 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.300% 1.115% 12/11/2011 10/01/2020 100000.00 100,406.00 101595.00 (1,189.00) 159500 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.240% 3.240% 11/17/2017 02/15/2023 80000.00 72588.00 696 48 2,95452 (10,36652) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.436% 3.436% 12/2012018 12/15/2021 50000.W 41031.50 451535. 101650 (4045.00) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 3.118% 12/2012018 08/0112122 50000.00 51135.00 50311.61 65733 31101 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.633% 3.116% 12/2012018 09/01/2022 250000.00 256051.50 257211.48 (359 M) 721748 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3650% 3.004% 12/201018 02/0112123 250000.00 259065.11 256165.00 350000 6,16500 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.015% 3.236% 1212012018 O6/01/2023 5000 . 51105.50 49146.15 135935 (25385) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.500% 3.181% 12/202018 08/0112123 35000.00 35312.11 34320.05 101195 (67995) N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 125000.00 1211842.50 126376.25 14M 25 137625 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 65100.00 86478.10 65,715.65 76245 71565 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.854% 3.173% 12/20/2018 02/01/2024 100000.00 101,883.00 99,605.96 2,21104 (39404) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 2.911% 3.246% 12/20/2018 03/15/2024 25011111 254,11751 241,743.11 6M351 (12M11) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.922% 3.429% 12/20/2018 12M1/2024 25000 . 2671. 50 251122.49 10125.01 1,12249 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 5.290% 2.724% 04/18/2019 M/0112123 260000.00 215113.11 291059.96 (52M 16 31 059.96 WA Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 5.742% 3658% 04/11/2019 08/01/2024 500000.00 541020.00 555382.50 (1162.50) 55382.50 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 4.400% 3.221% 04/11/2019 07/01/2025 500000.11 531410.00 539111.11 (1,631.11) 39101.11 OM1/2023 Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 5.640% 3.001% 04/18/2019 08/15/2025 205000.00 174438.60 1.'731.95 410085 (3526215) NIA Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.743% 2.140% 04/18/2019 09/1512125 21511111 221231.30 228334.53 90211 13334.53 N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 4.250% 3.258% 04/11/2019 01/01/2026 500000.00 526'61111 529161/3 (3,109.03) 29169.M N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 6.690% 3.3M 04/18/2019 04/1512126 60000.00 48114.00 41545.20 1,16880 (12,45480) N/A Cetera l m estment Services Municipal 8antls 3.250% 2.903% 04/18/2019 08/01 /2026 500000.00 511440.00 514190.6' (335161) 14190.89 N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 3.332% 3.120% 04/18/2019 04/15/2027 500000.00 523035.00 501183.94 15251.06 118394 N/A Broker Total 74.3% 8,900,600.00 9,101041.40 9,128513.59 (2511886) 221913.59 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $ 11,915,600.00 $ 12,253,293.50 $ 12,143,513.59 $ (24,521.91) $ 227,913.59 ProductT a Total Value Total Total Value Total Chan a Less than 1 year $2990,813.20 244% Maney Market $134301.82 1.1% $149480.87 1.2% ($15119.05) 1-2 years 844012.05 6.9% CD 's 1118052.10 140% 1115394.45 140% 2,65825 2-3 years 1929221735 151% Go---t 8antls 2912544.W 238% 2910245.63 238% 22M 45 3-4 years 911024.80 8.0% Municipal 8antls 1488394.90 61.1% 1464435.75 610% 23959.15 4-5 years 1,609599.10 13.1% TOTAL $12253293.50 100.0% $12239556.70 100.0% $13736.80 5+years 3901111.00 318% TOTAL $12,253,293.50 100.0% $4,500,000.00 - cipal Bonds $3,901777 61.1% Money Market $4, 000,000.00 $3.500.000.00 $3,000,0W 00 $2,990,813 i.. $2,000.000.00 $1,929.207 U $1609599 $1,500,000.00 $"Al1,000,000.00 $8448J2 $9)),025 14.0% $soa,oao.Ba Government Bond �� $0.00 Less tha 1 1-2 2-3 a rs 3-4 4-5 5� a rs n year years y a years years y a 23.8% ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue July 2019 CLASS AMOUNT KWH /KWH Street Lights $0.44 8 $0.05500 Electric Residential Service $586,630.86 5,793,291 $0.10126 All Electric Residential Service $17,835.17 168,273 $0.10599 Electric Small General Service $186,146.87 1,838,097 $0.10127 Electric Large General Service $740,629.73 7,812,850 $0.09480 Electric Large Industrial Service $1,009,016.00 12,660,000 $0.07970 Total $2,540,259.07 28,272,519 $0.08985 Power Adjustment $0.00654 Rate Without Power Adjustment $0.08331 Electric Division Year -to -Date M2019$A--t 02018$A--t ■2019KWH110 02018 KWH110 20,000,000 19,000,000 18,000,000 17,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Street Lights Residential All Elec. Small Gen. Large Gen. Large For Resale Total Resid. Srv. Srv. Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales, market sales and Transalta sales. NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue JULY 2019 CLASS AMOUNT MCF /$ MCF Residential $84,689.59 6,367 $13.30133 Commercial $113,355.02 15,825 $7.16303 Large Industrial $25,857.95 2,770 $9.33500 Large Industrial Contracts $164,573.86 46,122 $3.56823 Total $388,476.42 71,084 $5.46503 ® 2019 $ Amount 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Fuel Adjustment-$2.60000 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment $8.06503 Natural Gas Division Year -to -Date 0 2018 $ Amount ■ 2019 MCF 132018 MCF Gas Residential Gas Commercial Large Industrial Large Industrial Total Contracts 8/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Monthly Report - Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Utilities Commission Commission Year Minimum duration Substation 2019 • ----- Month 07 - July Annual Report? Yes No Maximum duration Top-level Cause Circuit Remove Major Events? • ----- https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/util ity/91 /?year=2019&month=7&is_annual_report=no&minimum_outage_duration =&maximum_outag ... 1 /5 eReliability I Monthly Statistics 8/23/2019 IEEE 1366 Statistics Metric SAIDI SAIFI CAIDI ASAI Momentary Interruptions Sustained Interruptions Circuit Ranking - Worst Performing Ranked by Outage Count Circuit Substation Fdr#16 Plant 1 Fdr#17 Plant 1 Ranked by Customer Interruptions Circuit Substation Fdr#17 Plant 1 Fdr#16 Plant 1 Ranked by Customer Minutes of Duration Circuit Substation Fdr#17 Fdr#16 Plant 1 Plant 1 Jul 2019 1.228 0.0139 88.616 99.9971 % 0 2 Number of Outages Customer Interruptions 94 5 Customer Minutes of Duration 8,178 595 Jul 2018 1.045 0.0676 15.459 99.9975% 0 4 https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/91 Nyear=2019&month=7&is_annual_report=no&minimum_outage_d uration=&maximum_outag... 2/5 8/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Historical Monthly SAIDI Chart 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Historical Monthly SAIFI Chart 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 - Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 SAIDI of monthly SAIDI values SAIFI of monthly SAIFI values https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utilityl9l /?year=2019&month=7&is_annual_report=no&minimum_outage_duration=&maximum_outag... 3/5 8/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Causes Ranked by Count Cause Electrical Failure Causes Ranked by Duration Cause Electrical Failure Count Duration 8,773 https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l /?year=2019&month=7&is_annual_report=no&minimum_outage_duration=&maximum_outag... 4/5 8/2312019 Top 2 Outages for the Month Customers Address Interrupted Mcdonald Drive 94 SW 1060 Hwy 15 5 South Total Customers Affected for the Month: Average Customers Affected per Outage: eReliability I Monthly Statistics Customer Minutes of Duration Interruption 87 8,178 119 595 ,wNlwi� IIIMNq� Start Date 07/15/2019 07/05/2019 99 49.5 https:Hreliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l/?year=2019&month=7&is_annual_report=no&minimum outage duration=&maximum_outag... 5/5 Work Order Descrigation 11708 Units 6 & 7 11901 Plant 1 Heating/Air Conditioning 11902 East Engine Room Shop Floor Epoxy 11903 Plant 1 Cooling Tower Upgrade 11904 Unit 8 Controls Upgrade 11905 Lube Oil and Glycol Maintenance Plant 1 11906 Replacement Hoist in East Engine Room 11907 Unit 1 Circuit Breaker Electric Production Total Total Percentage Materials Labor Budeeted Actual Difference Co,Mp eted, $ 14,369,702.00 $ - $ 14,369,702.00 $ 14,936,661.98 $ 566,959.98 95% 10,000.00 2,000.00 $ 12,000.00 - $ (12,000.00) 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 - $ (35,000.00) 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00 27,970.39 $ (52,029.61) 10% 270,000.00 35,000.00 $ 305,000.00 59,291.79 $ (245,708.21) 10% 40,000.00 10,000.00 $ 50,000.00 4,961.68 $ (45,038.32) 10% 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ (30,000.00) - $ - 37,043.95 $ 37,043.95 75% $ 14,834,702.00 $ 47,000.00 $ 14,881,702.00 $ 15,065,929.79 $ 184,227.79 Work Order Description 21901 Pole Repair or Replacement 21902 Station Equipment 21903 Step Up Transformer Unit 3 21904 Duct for Reconductor 21905 Century Court Apartments 21906 Highfield Apartments 21907 Feeder 15 and 16 Reconductor 21908 New Developments 21909 City Road Projects 21910 Century Court Apartments 21911 Transformer Replacements 21912 Transformer New Developments 21913 Highfield Apartments 21914 Meters 21915 Hutchinson Substation Circuit Breaker Electric Distribution Total Total Percentage Materials Labor Budgeted Actual Difference Com aleted 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 - $ (15,000.00) 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,288.47 $ (7,711.53) 10% 100,000.00 5,000.00 105,000.00 940.94 $ (104,059.06) 5% 15,000.00 65,000.00 80,000.00 26,629.03 $ (53,370.97) 10% 20,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 323.92 $ (34,676.08) 5% 20,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 - $ (35,000.00) 50,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 52,809.02 $ (97,190.98) 20% 50,000.00 50,000.00 23,249.75 $ (26,750.25) 20% 50,000.00 20,000.00 70,000.00 23,436.33 $ (46,563.67) 25% 20,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 - $ (25,000.00) 40,000.00 14,000.00 54,000.00 835.32 $ (53,164.68) 5% 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 1,116.75 $ (48,883.25) 5% 15,000.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 - $ (18,000.00) 30,000.00 30,000.00 - $ (30,000.00) - - - 79,500.00 $ 79,500.00 75% $ 485,000.00 $ 242,000.00 $ 727,000.00 $ 211,129.53 $ (515,870.47) Administrative Total Total Work Order Description Budgeted Actual Difference 51901 Replace #542 2008 Silverado 26,523.00 26,523.00 51902 Replace #573 2008 Super Duty Truck 60,000.00 43,288.60 16,711.40 51903 Replace #827 Tahoe 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 51904 Replace #651 38,192.00 30,145.50 8,046.50 51905 Replace Vehicle #623 66,837.00 41,031.60 25,805.40 $ 221,552.00 $ 114,465.70 $ (107,086.30) Percentage Comm feted Work Order Description 61901 Replace Regulators Station 2 61902 Misc Developments and Improvements 61903 5Th Ave (Lynn to Ontario) 61904 SCD Trunk Storm 61905 South Grade Corridor (Dale to Hwy 15) 61906 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington to Merrill) 61907 South Grade Road (School Road to Dale) 61908 Trunk Hwy 7 Pedestrian Trail Improvements 61909 Century Court Apartments 61910 Waller Drive (Feed to HTI) 61911 Isolated Main Replacement (btn Barley and Glenda) 61912 Regulator Station Improvements 61913 Service Lines 61914 Meters, AMI, and all Fittings 61915 Residential Regulators 61916 Trunk Hwy 15 State Improvement Project 61917 Industrial Metering and Regulation 61918 Pressure Monitors- AMI System, Laser Gas Detector Natural Gas Total Total Percentage Materials Labor Budgeted Actual Difference Completed $ 28,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 29,263.40 $ (736.60) 90% 100,000.00 25,000.00 125,000.00 8,576.82 $ (116,423.18) 10% 300,000.00 20,000.00 320,000.00 15,621.43 $ (304,378.57) 10% $ - 1,399.80 $ 1,399.80 5% 50,000.00 5,500.00 $ 55,500.00 809.71 $ (54,690.29) 20,000.00 2,750.00 $ 22,750.00 - $ (22,750.00) 5,000.00 2,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ (7,000.00) 10,000.00 4,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ (14,000.00) 5,000.00 2,000.00 $ 7,000.00 2,690.09 $ (4,309.91) 10% - - $ 13,762.76 $ 13,762.76 10% 95,000.00 25,000.00 $ 120,000.00 - $ (120,000.00) 20,000.00 3,000.00 $ 23,000.00 - $ (23,000.00) 57,000.00 35,000.00 $ 92,000.00 28,184.86 $ (63,815.14) 20% 95,000.00 4,000.00 $ 99,000.00 18,366.30 $ (80,633.70) 20% 35,000.00 - $ 35,000.00 $ (35,000.00) 225,000.00 5,000.00 $ 230,000.00 1,889.12 $ (228,110.88) 5% 80,000.00 7,000.00 $ 87,000.00 5,789.55 $ (81,210.45) 5% 20,000.00 3,500.00 $ 23,500.00 $ (23,500.00) $ 1,145,000.00 $ 145,750.00 $ 1,290,750.00 $ 126,353.84 $ (1,164,396.16) ,c,« HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form 'AlUTlt W Agenda Item: Review Policies Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 Review Policies Attachments:Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As part of HUC's standard operating procedures, a continual policy review is practiced. This month, the following policies were reviewed and no changes are recommended on these policies at this time: i. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ii. Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account iii. Deposit Requirement — Residential iv. Deposit Requirement — Commercial/Industrial v. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer vi. Definition of Your Bill vii. Errors in Billing viii. Payment of Your Bill ix. Automatic Bill Payment Plan x. Budget Payment Plan xi. Explanation of Billing Procedure xii. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: BudgetChange: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: RemainingCost: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION (Hereafter referred to as HUC) A five -member Commission governs HUC. The Commission members are appointed by the Mayor and the City Council to each serve a five-year term. The Commission meets at 3.00 p.m. the last Wednesday of each month. The following policies are reviewed and approved by the Commission and it reserves the right to make changes, and/or to adopt new and amended policies, as it deems necessary from time to time. The Commission also reserves the right to vary from its policies in special circumstances. HUC is a municipal utility that is owned by its citizens, through the City Council and its political subdivision, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Public/Customer Hours Monday through Friday 7.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Address & Phone 225 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-1905 (320) 587-4746 Emergency Service Electric Outage (320) 234-0544 Gas Emergency 1-877-593-3973 (320) 587-4745 Customer Service (320) 234-0502 Web Address www.hutchinsonutilities.com Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account New services and meters are read or installed only during normal business hours. A new service installation requires a 24-hour notice. Deposit Requirement — Residential New Residential Customers: Application for Service An application for service is required to be completed and submitted prior to receiving service. The application shall be accompanied by proof of customer identification, preferably photo identification. Deposit A deposit is required for all new residential customers, prior to the utility account being established in the customer's name. HUC will conduct an internal account review for all new customer applications. If the results of the review indicate the customer has an outstanding balance with HUC for previously provided services, the outstanding balance shall be paid, in addition to the required deposit, prior to the customer receiving service. The amount of the deposit is equal to two times the average monthly bill for the property/address as determined by HUC. For new residential construction with no billing history, HUC will determine the rates based on similar construction. A deposit may only be waived if the customer provides verification of a satisfactory payment history for the previous 12-month period from their current or previous utility provider indicating, the customer paid all of their bills on time with no late payment fees attached, issued a disconnect notice and no delinquent or dishonored payments. Existing Residential Customers Moving Within Service Territory: A deposit is not required if the customer has a satisfactory payment history for the previous 12-month period, as defined previously. A deposit for existing residential customers moving within HUC service territory will be required prior to the utilities establishing the new account for any of the following reasons- 1. The customer has been disconnected, issued a disconnect notice or had a delinquent or dishonored payment in the previous 12 months. 2. Subsequent credit information indicates the initial application for service was falsified. 3. The customer has the ability to pay for the utility service, but during the cold weather rule months, had an arrears amount incurred during that period that was 60 days or more past due. If a deposit is required of a customer, the following will also apply: 1. If customer has no deposit with HUC, the customer will pay the deposit amount for the customer's new address. 2. If customer already has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is greater than the new deposit required for the new address, HUC will transfer the deposit from the customer's previous address to the new address. The balance of the deposit from the previous address will be applied to the customer's final bill for the previous address. 3. If the customer already has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is less than the new deposit required for customer's new address, HUC will transfer the deposit from the customer's previous address to the customer's new address. The customer will pay the balance of the deposit amount for the customer's new address, prior to the utilities being placed in their name. If a deposit is required the customer may request a written explanation for the requirement. Amount of Deposit: The amount of the deposit is equal to two times the average monthly bill for the property/address as determined by HUC. For new residential construction with no billing history, HUC will determine the rates based on similar construction. Refusal or Disconnection of Service: HUC may refuse or disconnect residential service for failure to pay a required deposit. Interest: Interest earned on a deposit is applied to the account as a credit on a calendar year basis. The rate of interest is determined by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and updated annually. When the customer moves out of the HUC service area, the account is finalized. Any deposit interest is applied to the account as a credit, and the deposit amount is applied to the final bill. If this results in a credit balance, a check is issued to the customer for the credit amount. Refund: The utility shall refund the deposit of a residential customer after 12 consecutive months of on -time payments (no late payment fees). If a customer makes a late payment in the initial 12 months of service, the deposit will be retained, until such time as the customer makes 12 consecutive monthly on -time payments and incurs no late payment fees. If the customer provides a payment history from their previous provider, and the payment history indicates no late payment fees and no dishonored checks, then HUC will refund the deposit. HUC must receive this information from the customer within 30 days of customer moving into our services. Refund at Termination of Service: On termination of residential service, and if the customer has a deposit with HUC, HUC shall credit the deposit, with accrued interest, to the customer's final bill and return any remaining balance within 30 days of issuing the final bill. Method of Refund: Any deposit or portion thereof refunded to a residential customer shall be refunded by check. Any interest earned will be applied to customer's account as a credit. Deposit Requirement — Commercial/Industrial Application for Service An application for service is required to be completed and submitted prior to receiving service. The application shall be accompanied by proof of customer identification, preferably photo identification, and their Federal Tax ID number. Deposit A deposit is required for all Commercial/Industrial customers, prior to the utility account being established in the customer's name. HUC will conduct an internal account review for all new customer applications. If the results of the review indicate the customer has an outstanding balance with HUC for previously provided services, the outstanding balance shall be paid, in addition to the required deposit, prior to the customer receiving service. Existing Commercial/Industrial Customers Moving Within Service Territory: A deposit will be waived if the Commercial/Industrial customer has a 24-month payment history with HUC indicating the Commercial/Industrial customer has not been disconnected, issued a disconnect notice or issued any dishonored checks. A deposit for existing Commercial/Industrial customers moving within HUC service territory will be required prior, to customer having utilities placed in their name, for the following reasons- 1. If the customer has been disconnected, issued a disconnect notice or any dishonored payment in the previous 24 months. 2. Subsequent credit information indicates the initial application for service was falsified. If a deposit is required of a customer, and; 1. If a customer has no deposit with HUC, the customer will pay the deposit amount for the customer's new address. 2. If a customer has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is greater than the new deposit required for customer's new address, HUC will transfer the deposit from the customer's previous address to the customer's new address. The balance of the deposit at the customer's previous address will be applied to the customer's final bill for the previous address. 3. If a customer has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is less than the new deposit required for customer's new address, HUC will transfer the deposit from the customer's previous address to the customer's new address. The customer will pay the balance of the deposit amount for the customer's new address, prior to the utilities being placed in their name. If a deposit is required, the customer may request a written explanation for the requirement. Amount of Deposit: The deposit shall be equal to the two highest bills for the past 12 months rounded to the nearest dollar. In the event that the building will be used for a different purpose than that of the previous tenant/owner, then similar use will be taken into consideration to determine the amount of deposit. The deposit may also be made by posting a performance bond or an Irrevocable Letter of Credit from an FDIC insured financial institution. These options will not earn any interest and will be terminated after 24 consecutive months of timely payments. In the event of a new building with no billing history, then similar construction will be used to establish the average monthly usage. Refusal or Disconnection of Service: Commercial/Industrial service may be refused or disconnected for failure to pay a required deposit. Interest: Interest earned on deposits is applied to the account as a credit on a calendar year basis. The rate of interest is determined by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and HUC obtains that information annually. When the Commercial/Industrial customer moves out of the HUC service area, the account is finalized. Any deposit with interest is applied to the account as credit, and the deposit amount is applied to the final bill. If this results in a credit balance, a check is issued to the customer for that credit amount. Refund: HUC shall refund the deposit of a Commercial/Industrial customer after 24 consecutive months of on -time payments (no late payment fees). If a customer is late in making payment, then the deposit will be retained, until such time as the customer makes 24 consecutive monthly on -time payments (no late payment fees). Refund at Termination of Service: On termination of Commercial/Industrial service, and if the customer has a deposit with HUC, HUC shall credit the deposit, with accrued interest, to the customer's final bill and return any remaining balance within 30 days of issuing the final bill. Method of Refund: Any deposit or portion thereof refunded to a Commercial/Industrial customer shall be refunded by check. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer When the utility service is shut off due to a customer's request, the electric meter will be removed and the gas meter will be turned off and locked. The electric meter socket and gas meter valve will have a blue seal placed on them. At the time a customer requests the service be turned on, HUC personnel will install the electric meter and unlock the natural gas meter valve. It is the customer's responsibility to turn on the natural gas meter valve and to light the pilot lights on all natural gas appliances, where appropriate. In the event the customer is unable to perform these tasks, it is the customer's responsibility to contact a plumbing or heating contractor to complete this work. Upon the request of a customer, utility services may be temporarily terminated and billing suspended for a specified period of time due to illness, vacation, and/or seasonal use. Temporary terminations are charged to the customer at the rate of $40 to disconnect and $40 to reconnect. A. Termination for Renters Electric and natural gas meters will be read and the final bill calculated when a renter informs HUC they no longer wish to retain HUC services. B. Termination for Residential/Commercial Owners Electric and natural gas will be shut off when the property owner requests HUC to disconnect services. For continuous service, the new owner must call HUC at a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the requested disconnect date, and make the necessary arrangements to have the electric/natural gas services transferred into their name. This eliminates terminating services at that address. C. Termination for Electrical Work If a homeowner needs an electric meter disconnected to do any electrical work, HUC will disconnect/reconnect the meter at no charge to the customer. Once the work is completed, HUC will need a copy of the State Board of Electricity Certificate of Inspection, before HUC will reconnect the electric meter. Definition of Your Bill Your bill provides: • Account number • Due date • Payment due • Pre -authorized payment to be drawn from your bank on due date (from checking/ saving account) • Budget amount due if on the budget plan • Name/mailing address • Service address • Electric and fuel cost adjustments, if any • PIN # • Reading dates • Days used • Previous and current readings • Usage • Previous balance • Payments made and date paid • Electric and/or gas meter charges • Amount charged to each meter • Sales tax/Local tax • Any miscellaneous/trip charges • Account balance • Perforated top stub to remit with payment for timely and proper posting • If applicable, a message on the bottom of the statement indicating past due amount Meters are read approximately every 30 days. Estimated readings may also be taken if access to the meter is not possible or the meter has stopped working. Errors in Billing Overcharged customer accounts will be credited on the next statement or refunded on the final billing. Overcharges may only be refunded within one year of the billing error occurrence. Undercharged customer accounts may be billed for a correction within one year of the billing error occurrence and may be billed on a separate invoice, with an explanation of charges. Payment of Your Bill Payments are due by the date indicated on the statement. Payment Locations • HUC business office at 225 Michigan Street Southeast • Drop box at either the HUC business office or Hutchinson City Center Payment Methods • Cash, check or money order • automated phone system at (320)587-4746, Option VISA/MasterCard/Discover/E-check • automatic bank payment plan(Savings/Checking Account) • online at www.hutchinsonutilities.com • online reoccurring credit card payment #3 with When paying in any manner other than cash, no change will be given. No second party or post-dated checks will be accepted and checks will not be held. An invalid payment due to nonsufficient funds or other circumstances is treated as a non- payment. If notification of the invalid payment is received by HUC, the customer will be charged a $30 processing fee. If paying by reoccurring credit/debit card, the customer needs to cancel their credit/debi card immediately if there has been an address change. When there is a change in the credit/debit card information that is used for reoccurring payments, the customer will be required to update the system with the new credit/debit card information. For billing questions, contact HUC customer service via e-mail at HUCbilling@ci.hutchinson.mn.us. Automatic Bill Payment Plan Customers may authorize automatic bill payment through ACH withdrawals from a checking/savings account, or with the use of a credit/debit card. These payments are withdrawn on the date the bill is due. To authorize the withdrawals or automatic payment from a checking/savings account, the customer must complete an Authorization form, which is available at the HUC business office or on the HUC website. To authorize automatic payment with a reoccurring credit/debit card, visit the HUC website under `Pay Your Bill'. If paying by reoccurring credit/debit card, the customer needs to cancel their credit/debit card immediately if there has been an address change. When there is a change in the credit/debit card information that is used for reoccurring payments, the customer will be required to update the system with the new credit/debit card information. Setting up, changing and cancelling reoccurring credit/debit card information can only be completed by the customer. The customer will receive their monthly utility billing statement showing the payment amount to be withdrawn. The customer may contact the HUC Customer Service Department before the amount is withdrawn to dispute the billing or with any questions. The customer will have approximately 10 days to review their bill before the money is withdrawn. If a customer's payment is dishonored for two consecutive months, the customer will be removed from the automatic payment plan and so notified. A service charge of $30 will be assessed to the customer's account for each dishonored payment occurrence. Budget Payment Plan A budget payment plan is available to residential customers who have been at their present location for a minimum of 12 continuous months. Procedures are in place for setting up and reviewing the budget payment plan calculation. Changes to the budget payment amount are made at the discretion of the Customer Service Department based on the customer's average bill from the previous 12 months. Customers will be notified, in writing, of any changes. A customer may concurrently participate in the budget payment plan by automatic bank payment plan or recurring credit cards. Explanation of Billing Procedure A bill for services is sent to the address provided by the customer approximately 3 to 5 days after the meters have been read. The customer has approximately 10 days to pay the bill in full by the stated due date. In accordance with state law, the City of Hutchinson and its related entities shall have 35 days to pay bills in full. Bills paid after the due date will incur the following charges: • A 1 % per month late payment charge on any unpaid balance. • A $15 processing fee. A late notice warning of pending disconnection is mailed to the customer and provides the customer with approximately 20 days to pay the bill or contact the Customer Service Department to make other arrangements. Examples of other arrangements may include establishing a budget payment plan or payments by other agencies on the customer's behalf. Failure to make payment by the stated due date and time will be considered a violation of the notice of pending disconnection. If full payment or other arrangements have not been made by the deadline, HUC personnel are sent to the meter location to disconnect utility services (see disconnection of services section). • A notice will also be included on the next month's billing warning of pending disconnection. Customers should refer to previously sent disconnection letter for details of date and time of disconnection. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY BILLS ON TIME AND IN FULL. A dishonored payment will be assessed a $30 processing fee. A dishonored payment made to avoid disconnection, to get reconnected, or for a deposit for service will be assessed a $30 processing fee; plus: a. A $40 trip charge to deliver a door hanger, a notice advising the customer they have 24 hours to make the full notice payment. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, money order or credit card. b. A $40 trip charge to disconnect service if payment is not received in the form of cash, money order or credit card. C. A $40 trip charge to reconnect service with payment made in the form of cash, money order or credit card. IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP HUC FULLY ADVISED OF ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule 2016 Minnesota Statutes 21613.097 Cold Weather Rule; Cooperative or Municipal Utility Subdivision 1. Application; notice to residential customer. (a) A municipal utility or a cooperative electric association must not disconnect and must reconnect the utility service of a residential customer during the period between October 15 and April 15 if the disconnection affects the primary heat source for the residential unit and all of the following conditions are met: (1) The household income of the customer is at or below 50 percent of the state median household income. A municipal utility or cooperative electric association utility may (i) verify income on forms it provides or (ii) obtain verification of income from the local energy assistance provider. A customer is deemed to meet the income requirements of this clause if the customer receives any form of public assistance, including energy assistance, that uses an income eligibility threshold set at or below 50 percent of the state median household income. (2) A customer enters into and makes reasonably timely payments under a payment agreement that considers the financial resources of the household. (3) A customer receives referrals to energy assistance, weatherization, conservation, or other programs likely to reduce the customer's energy bills. (b) A municipal utility or a cooperative electric association must, between August 15 and October 15 each year, notify all residential customers of the provisions of this section. Subdivision 2. Notice to residential customer facing disconnection. Before disconnecting service to a residential customer during the period between October 15 and April 15, a municipal utility or cooperative electric association must provide the following information to a customer: (1) a notice of proposed disconnection; (2) a statement explaining the customer's rights and responsibilities; (3) a list of local energy assistance providers; (4) forms on which to declare inability to pay; and (5) a statement explaining available time payment plans and other opportunities to secure continued utility service. Subdivision 3. Restrictions if disconnection necessary. (a) If a residential customer must be involuntarily disconnected between October 15 and April 15 for failure to comply with subdivision 1, the disconnection must not occur: (1) on a Friday, unless the customer declines to enter into a payment agreement offered that day in person or via personal contact by telephone by a municipal utility or cooperative electric association; (2) on a weekend, holiday, or the day before a holiday; (3) when utility offices are closed; or (4) after the close of business on a day when disconnection is permitted, unless a field representative of a municipal utility or cooperative electric association who is authorized to enter into a payment agreement, accept payment, and continue service, offers a payment agreement to the customer. Further, the disconnection must not occur until at least 20 days after the notice required in subdivision 2 has been mailed to the customer or 15 days after the notice has been personally delivered to the customer. (b) If a customer does not respond to a disconnection notice, the customer must not be disconnected until the utility investigates whether the residential unit is actually occupied. If the unit is found to be occupied, the utility must immediately inform the occupant of the provisions of this section. If the unit is unoccupied, the utility must give seven days' written notice of the proposed disconnection to the local energy assistance provider before making a disconnection. (c) If, prior to disconnection, a customer appeals a notice of involuntary disconnection, as provided by the utility's established appeal procedure, the utility must not disconnect until the appeal is resolved. Subdivision 4. Application to service limiters. For the purposes of this section, "disconnection" includes a service or load limiter or any device that limits or interrupts electric service in any way. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION B Board Action Form mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Authorize the Retirement of Unit 8 Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: On Tuesday August 20th the Hutchinson Utilities Commission had a special meeting to discuss options on unit 8. Unit 8 has been out of service for awhile with some major repairs and the estimated costs for those repairs were significant. Options discussed for unit 8 were: 1) Repair the unit to keep it serviceable in addition to noting the upcoming 5 year CIP costs, 2) Retire the unit, or 3) look for a used engine comparable to unit 8. After careful consideration of HUC operating business model, the MISO markets future forecast climate, the addition of new units 6 & 7, and the continued current fleet of HUC's other engines staff recommended retiring the unit. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Retiring Unit 8 Fiscal Impact: $396,730 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $16,886,405 Remaining Cost; • Total Projected Additional Costs on Unit 8 over the next 5 years: o $1,479,000 - $1,579,000 • Unit 8 Estimated Costs of Repair & Refurbish: o $700K-$800K (Turnkey Generator Inspection and Repair) o Would need to Publically Bid this project • Projected 5 Year CIP Costs: 0 2019 - —$154K (Unit 8 Control System Upgrade) 0 2020 - $150,000 (Hot Gas Path Inspection) 0 2021- $300,000 (Boiler Retube) 0 2022 - $175,000 (Turbine Inspection/Overhaul) • Unit 8 0 1971 vintage (-48 years old) o Unit 8 is currently being used predominantly 3 months (June -Aug) of the year in HUC's hedging program against high market prices with contracted Natural Gas. In 2015 & 2016 unit 8 ran in January as well which attributes to the increased run hours in those years. (2015 — 704 hours, 2016 — 863 hours, 2017 — 202 hours, 2018 — 573 hours, 2019 - —450 hours) o Current operating cost: — $31.22 with $2.565 Contracted Natural Gas • Topics for Discussion o W/O unit 8 HUC still has enough capacity to fulfill regulatory requirements o W/O unit 8, units 5, 6, or 7 can replace HUC's hedging strategy with a lower heat rate/operating cost o W/O unit 8, there is potentially less market sales because one or two other units would be devoted to the hedging program first o W/O unit 8, HUC can purchase on -peak and off-peak strips of energy at competitive prices relative to unit 8's operating costs freeing up all units for market sales ($19-$35/MW) o W/ potential 3M load reduction HUC has plenty of generating capacity w/o unit 8 o Unit 1—This unit may be freed up for market sales if another favorable energy contract can't be obtained because of the current soft energy market pricing o Without unit 8 HUC would only have a few older units left ( 3,4,9 ) o Near -term Forecasted MISO Avg. Market Prices relatively low ($27 - $35/Mwh)