01-30-2019 HUCCPHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING January 30, 2019 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. COMMISSION REORGANIZATION a. President b. Vice President C. Appoint Secretary d. Appoint Legal Council e. Appoint Recording Secretary f. Designate Depositories for Utility Funds i. Citizens Bank & Trust ii. Wells Fargo Bank iii. Wells Fargo Advisors iv. Home State Bank v. Morgan Stanley vi. Cetera Investment Services 3. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 4. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. OPEN FORUM 6. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 7. POLICIES a. Review Policies i. Minnesota Government Data Practices Act & Public Records Request ii. Section 1 of Exempt Handbook iii. Section 1 of Non -Exempt Handbook b. Approve Changes 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Approval of 2019 Ford F-250, 4WD Cab and Chassis b. Approval of 2019 Ford F-350, 4WD Cab and Chassis C. Approve Requisition #007814 Replace 2008 Service Truck #573 d. Approve Requisition #007822 for Plant 1 Cooling Tower Upgrade e. Approve HDR Change Order Request 10. ADJOURN MINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Thursday, July 12, 2018 Call to order — 7:30 a.m. President Morrow called the meeting to order. Members present: President Monty Morrow; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Don Martinez; General Manger Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora Others present: Randy Blake, John Webster and Angie Radke. The purpose of the special meeting is to award bid for mechanical contracting work on units 6 & 7 and to approve advertising for bids on units 6 & 7 electrical work. GM Carter reviewed the process of the installation and completion of Units 6 & 7 by hiring a mechanical contracting company to provide the mechanical, civil and structural engineering expertise to complete this portion of the project along with the cooling tower upgrades. On July 2nd, HUC had a prebid meeting to open all bids that were received. There were 5 responsive bidders that attended. HDR and Staff reviewed the bids and all bid specification responses. The contract prices ranged from $3,677,039 to $8,550,753. The low responsive bidder, which HDR and HUC recommends, is Fagen Inc at $3,677,039. The original estimated budget for this work along with the cooling tower upgrades was $3,558,224, which does not include the $51 K in HDR engineering services already paid to design the upgraded system. As part of the mechanical contractor bids, item " O" will be charged back to Caterpillar, as that portion was already included in Caterpillars contract pricing. Fagen's itemized bid amount for item " O" is $221,650. The overall project is below budget estimates by about $45K. Staff is looking to award bid for mechanical contracting work on units 6 & 7 to Fagen Inc. Staff anticipates to have a contract in place by end of July. Commission inquired if HUC has any history with Fagen Inc. GM Carter and Mr. Blake stated that HUC has not, but Fagen Inc. is well known in the area for ethanol plants and other projects. Staff feels comfortable with Fagen Inc. GM Carter presented agenda item #2: Approve Advertising for Bids for Units 6 & 7 Electical Work. This is consistent with other Advertisement for bids and is needed to get the process moving on hiring an electrical contractor. Estimated budget for Electrical work is $1.6M. Once approved and bids have been received and reviewed, staff will be looking to have a special meeting in August. Without further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve awarding the bid for mechanical contract work on units 6 & 7 to Fagen Inc. and approve advertising for bids on units 6 & 7 electrical work. Motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Martinez to adjourn the meeting at 7.44 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Monty Morrow, President Robert Wendorff, Secretary MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Monty Morrow called the meeting to order. Members present: President Monty Morrow; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Don Martinez; Commissioner Matt Cheney; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora: Conflict of Interest Commissioner Martinez declared conflict of interest in voting on agenda item 2b Ratify Payment of Bills; CenBank is on this month's payment of bills. Don will be abstaining. 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Jared Martig presented the financial statements. Mr. Martig noted with the early meeting that there were a few estimates used on large dollar items and no estimates were recorded on smaller items. GM Carter discussed Net Income per Revenue; utilities are trying to reach a greater return of 7%. HUC as a whole organization is right there at 7.1 %. GM Carter added the Power Cost Adjustment was lower than last year. December rates will tick up with winter usage. Overall, everything is looking as expected. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator —Matthew Jaunich —Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Absent ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — Nothing to report iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager - 1. Fagen is working on the North side of the plant along Hwy 7; they will be working all weekend. Fagen will not be at the plant over the holiday weekend and will be returning January 2. iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Manager- Nothing to report v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Nothing to report c. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Nothing to Report d. Legal — Marc Sebora — i. At the last city council meeting, it was approved to reappoint Don Martinez to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to December 2023. e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Wrapping up year-end tasks. ii. Continuing to work on General Liability with Jared. iii. Working on Workers Comp. iv. Legislative session convenes January 8. v. Next month need to look at reorganization and elect new officers. 6. Policies - a. Review Policies i. Financial Reserve Policy ii. Identity Theft- Red Flag Program iii. Surplus Property Policy iv. Deferred Compensation v. Personal Use of Utility Facilities and Equipment vi. Recognition Policy vii. Required Clothing- Nonexempt Only viii. Small Hand Tools- Nonexempt Only ix. Health & Safety x. Unsafe Conditions or Practices xi. Employee Right -to -know xii. Appendix A xiii. Appendix B xiv. Appendix C xv. Appendix D No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes i. Payments of HUC Payables —As noted. Policy HUC updates every year to revise the date. ii. Safety Glasses -Nonexempt Only — As noted, cleaning up language. iii. Accidents & Injuries — Noted generic League as carrier. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the policy changes as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business a. Approve 2019 Budgets & 5 Year CIP 2 GM Carter presented the 2019 Budgets & 5 Year CIP. The 5 Year CIP is the best -projected plan, and may change. This plan is reviewed annually and adjustments may be made to departments as different needs occur in the community. For the 2019 Budget, the final numbers are the same as to what was reviewed during the workshop. Overall HUC's budget is in good shape. Natural Gas Division is very stable, with prepaid contracts in place. Budget is trending like 2018, no concern for 2019. Commissioners agreed the budget was very well prepared. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve 2019 Budgets & 5 Year CIP. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Moving 2019 Pay Grid GM Carter spoke about moving the 2019 Pay Grid. Every year Staff looks at the consideration or recommendation on whether the grid that was adopted years ago should be moved to keep up with inflation and pay ranges. Some of the benchmarks that are considered are CPI, Cost of Living, Unemployment rates, Employee turnover, Area wage survey, Legislative growth factor constraints and the Current bargaining unit contract. For 2019, HUC will be going through the bargaining unit process as well. Staff tries to keep those things in parameter as recommendations and considerations are discussed. GM Carter noted that just because the grid moves it does not mean that it relates to a performance increase. It is just moving the minimum, mid -point and maximum ranges of those different classifications or job titles and grades moving forward. Based on the information that was put together, along with reviewing the information with Ms. Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, Staff is recommending that the Commission consider moving the 2019 Pay Grid 2% based on the 2018 Pay Grid. The Commission Board has the discretion to move the grid in any direction or not move the grid at all. Based on what Staff has researched, 2% is right in the ballpark. Commissioner Martinez inquired about the factors that are listed here, are there ways to gauge the industry as far as similar positions and where HUC fits in. GM Carter stated it was not listed here but a couple of months ago, APPA's and other industry information was emailed out that gives a general gauge to how things are moving from year to year. Talking with peers, on what they are anticipating, it looks like HUC would be in line with moving the pay grid with those utilities that have grids in place. GM Carter recognized Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, and inquired if she had additional input to offer. Ms. Ewing noted any issues with market comparisons to other utilities will be addressed when the next compensation study is completed and any required adjustments can be made at that time. It has been recommended that studies be completed on a 5-year rotation. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Moving the 2019 Pay Grid. Motion carried unanimously. 3 c. Approve Charge -Offs Mr. Martig presented the Charge -Offs. HUC is requesting to approve charge - offs of $3,998.55. Mr. Martig noted that there are no large amounts, the largest single amount this time is less than $700. The amounts add up quickly. Commissioner Martinez inquired about the representation of dates. Mr. Martig informed the Commissioners it is the date of last contact. A motion by Commissioner, Wendorff second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Charge -Offs. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approve Fagen Change Order GM Carter presented the Fagen Change Order. Staff just received a revised change order from the original change order that was in this month's packet. Fagen Inc. pulled out a VFD of $9,564.00. The electrical contractor is to supply the VFD for the HVAC system. The new change order is for $37,212.89 not $47,415.52. The cost of the change order covers the cost of labor, materials, additional subcontract work, document redesign, and equipment to modify the piers and change locations of some of the piers. GM Carter noted back when the plant was built not everything was documented; Staff did not have GIS. Today, Staff does not know where piping is located until digging starts. Thus creating redesigns, which also takes more time and materials. Mr. Blake added with a project of this magnitude, when one change is made multiple changes have to be made. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner, Cheney second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Fagen Change Order. Motion carried unanimously. e. Conduct the Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05 Subd. 3(a) President Morrow introduced the agenda item, the General Manager's annual performance review. President Morrow advised GM Carter that he has the option to have the performance review conducted as either an open session or a closed session of the Utility Commission. GM Carter indicated his decision to have the review as part of a closed session. President Morrow entertained a motion to go into closed session to conduct the twelve-month (annual) performance review as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 3.35 p.m. 12 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings General Manager Performance Appraisal Wednesday, December 19, 2018 On December 19, 2018, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission conducted a closed meeting for the annual performance appraisal for General Manager, Jeremy Carter. Individuals present included General Manager Jeremy Carter, Commission Members Monty Morrow, Anthony Hanson, Bob Wendorff, Don Martinez and Matt Cheney, City Attorney Marc Sebora, and City of Hutchinson Human Resources Director Brenda Ewing. Mr. Carter exercised his right to close the proceedings to the public as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). Motion by Hanson, second by Wendorff to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 3:35 p.m. The Commission reviewed Mr. Carter's performance for the current calendar year. The review is required per the terms of the employment contract in place between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and General Manager Carter. Mr. Carter's performance was evaluated in the following areas: Organizational Management, Fiscal/Business Management, Program Development, Relationship & Communication with the Commission, Long -Range Planning, and Relationships with Public & Outside Organizations. The consensus of the Commission is that Mr. Carter's cumulative performance for the review period was found to be 4.31 on the rating scale of 0 — 5, and, per the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, is exceeding job requirements on the ratings scale. The employment contract between Hutchinson Utilities and Mr. Carter indicates that salary increases for the General Manager are subject to the provisions of the Compensation Plan section of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Exempt Employee Handbook. Motion by Martinez, second by Cheney to close the closed session. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission proceeded into open session at 4:45 p.m. Per the General Manager's review, and per the HUC compensation plan, an aggregate score of 4.31 correlates to a 6% increase, motion by Hanson, second by Wendorff to increase General Manager Jeremy Carter's annual salary 6%. The motion carried unanimously. Motion to adjourn by Hanson, second by Martinez. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m. Robert Wendorff, Secretary 5 ATTEST: Monty Morrow, President O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/17/2018 GEN 298(E) MISO CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description 12/17/2018 GEN 68100 AERODERIVATIVE GAS TURBINE 12/17/2018 GEN 68101 ALLEGRA NOVOTNY 12/17/2018 GEN 68102 BARTON SOLVENTS, INC 12/17/2018 GEN 68103 BONNEVILLE LAND & CATTLE LLC 12/17/2018 GEN 68104* BONNIE KRUEGER 12/17/2018 GEN 68105* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/17/2018 GEN 68106 BRANDON TIRE 12/17/2018 GEN 68108* CARD SERVICES Pag 1/36 Account Dept Amount SCHEDULE 1 401-565- 03 4,597.48 SCHEDULE 2 401-565- 03 12,378.23 SCHEDULE 11 401-565- 03 729.92 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 667.78 SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 16,111.33 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 27,890.11 SCHEDULE 10 401-565- 03 5,156.07 HECK GEN 298(E) TOTAL 67,530.92 THERMOCOUPLE, T-48, MFG# 1962M86-P02 154-000- 00 4,800.00 THERMOCOUPLE, T-48, MFG# 1962M86-P02 154-000- 00 24.94 HECK GEN 68100 TOTAL 4,824.94 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 17. 98 265 gal tote Norkool SLY with/pink dye 402-554- 01 2,807.50 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 203.06 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 150.00 CONNECTOR, PEDESTAL, 500 MCM 6 PLACE, 154-000- 00 248.30 GROUND ROD, 5/8" X 8, STEEL, BLACKBURN 154-000- 00 70.10 CONDUCTOR, 350 MCM 600V URD TRIPLEX 154-000- 00 6,334.00 TAPE, SUPER 33+ PROFESSIONAL GRADE 154-000- 00 84.40 CONDUCTOR, 41/0 15 KV SOL At, TRXLP, 154-000- 00 20, 191.22 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 17.07 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 4.76 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 437.34 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 1,399.48 HECK GEN 68105 TOTAL 28,786.67 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 823.08 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 244.75 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 2/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/17/2018 GEN 6811014 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 352.79 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 385.61 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 245.46 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 245.46 HECK GEN 68110 TOTAL 1,229.32 12/17/2018 GEN 68111*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 401-550- 01 109.70 Vehicles/Equipment Fuel 401-588- 02 1,649.26 Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 206.25 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 750 401-921- 08 1,725.66 Vehicles/Equipment Fuel 401-935- 08 133.14 HECK GEN 68111 TOTAL 3,824.01 12/17/2018 GEN 68112 CORNER POST EROSION CONTROL, LLC Line - Materials 402-594- 02 726.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68113* COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 486.75 12/17/2018 GEN 68114 DEBRA THORPE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 59.26 12/17/2018 GEN 68115* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 142.50 12/17/2018 GEN 68116 GREAT RIVER ENERGY PURCHASED POWER 401-555- 02 834.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68119 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 75.74 12/17/2018 GEN 68120 HER ENGINEERING INC Generators 107-344- 00 36,682.42 12/17/2018 GEN 68121*4 HUTCH AUTO & TRUCK PARTS Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 20.00 12/17/2018 GEN 681224 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Materials 401-588- 02 16.62 Vehicles - Material 401-935- 08 11.75 HECK GEN 68122 TOTAL 28.37 12/17/2018 GEN 68123* HUTCHINSON LEADER Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 326.32 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 3/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/17/2018 GEN 68124* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 15. 52 12/17/2018 GEN 68126 JEFF HODSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 45. 02 12/17/2018 GEN 68127 JOYCE KRCIL Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 50.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68128 JUANITA A NASS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 2.45 12/17/2018 GEN 68129 KAYLA SHELDON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 70.57 12/17/2018 GEN 68130* KDUZ/KARP ADVERTISING/PRINTING 401-921- 08 73.12 12/17/2018 GEN 68131*4 KRANZ LAWN & POWER Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 33.11 12/17/2018 GEN 68132 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Legal Services 401-923- 08 25,000.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68133* MARTIG, JARED TRAINING - EXPENSE 401-930- 08 1,118.67 12/17/2018 GEN 68135* MATT SCHMIDT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 175.00 12/17/2018 GEN 681364 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3,900.00 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 68136 TOTAL 6,950.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68137 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 98.66 12/17/2018 GEN 68138 MINNESOTA COMMERCE DEPT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 5,527.68 12/17/2018 GEN 681394 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC DISC, FLAP, 4 1/2" X 7/8", 60 GRIT, 154-000- 00 62.46 Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 3.31 Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 (2.28) CHECK GEN 68139 TOTAL 63.49 12/17/2018 GEN 68141*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 81.18 Materials 402-574- 03 123.38 CHECK GEN 68141 TOTAL 204.56 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/17/2018 GEN 68142 PARK TOWERS Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68143* PAUL BLADE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68144* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 12/17/2018 GEN 681454 QUADE ELECTRIC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 HECK GEN 68145 TOTAL 12/17/2018 GEN 68146* RANDY ANDERSON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68147 ROD NORDLING Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68148 SCOTT OTTO Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68152 T & R ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC Rebuild 300KVA and 75KVA 402-595- 02 12/17/2018 GEN 68153* TERRANCE ARMENTCOURT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68154* TRANS LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 12/17/2018 GEN 68155 VICKY POWERS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 12/17/2018 GEN 68156 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC SOLENOID, MAIN INLET GAS VALVE, 24VDC, 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 HECK GEN 68156 TOTAL 12/17/2018 GEN 68157*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC GENERATOR 41 WATER & SEWER 401-547- 01 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 UTILITY EXPENSES - WATER/WASTE 55/45 401-930- 08 HECK GEN 68157 TOTAL Pag 4/36 Amount 2,100.00 175.00 20.90 9.76 142.00 150.00 10.00 57.00 6,626.25 25.00 875.25 25.00 351.68 25.94 377.62 86.81 139.92 211.25 437.98 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/18/2018 GEN 296(E) MISO 12/18/2018 GEN 297(E) MRES 12/20/2018 GEN 303(E)14 VISA CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Deferred Energy Cost - Miso Deferred Energy Cost - Miso HECK GEN 296(E) TOTAL Purchased Power Pag 5/36 Account Dept Amount 174-000- 00 23,182.75 174-000- 00 1,067.14 24,249.89 401-555- 02 911,013.80 GENERATORS -WIRE VAULT 107-344- 00 GENERATORS-COMM CABLES VFD'S 107-344- 00 CLEARING ACCOUNT -FLOWER REIMBUSE FM DH 186-000- 00 MEETINGS & TRAVEL - ESP WARTSILA 401-546- 01 SUPPLIES -LP GAS 401-550- 01 SUPPLIES -RAGS 401-550- 01 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY -SWEATSHIRT 401-550- 01 GENERATOR 41 MATERIAL -SWITCH UNIT 1 402-554- 01 GENERATOR 45 MATERIAL -CONTROLS 402-554- 01 GENERATOR 45 MATERIAL -HOIST REMOTE 402-554- 01 GENERATOR 48 MATERIAL -PUMP UNIT 8 402-554- 01 GENERATOR 48 MATERIAL -DRUM FLOAT 402-554- 01 ACCESSORY PLANT - MATERIALS -HEATER PLT 402-554- 01 MAINTENANCE OTHER - MATERIALS -BOBCAT 402-554- 01 MEETINGS & TRAVEL - APPA CONFERENCE 401-580- 02 LINE - MATERIALS -PRIME ANNUAL MBSP 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-DEWALT/DIESET 402-594- 02 VEHICLES - MATERIAL -DECALS 402-598- 02 VEHICLES - MATERIAL -RAM MOUNTS 402-598- 02 MISC OTHER - MATERIALS -HEATER 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 303(E) TOTAL 12/20/2018 GEN 305(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 HECK GEN 305(E) TOTAL 12/20/2018 GEN 306(E)* POINT & PAY collection - Materials 401-903- 06 12/20/2018 GEN 68158* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 1,329.50 18.23 58.85 1,628.57 23.61 113.85 39.99 312.30 1,562.00 496.07 575.25 800.00 1,271.47 287.91 243.56 119.00 251.59 90.30 213.13 9,499.57 58,098.00 4,202.00 62,300.00 2,123.80 68.07 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/20/2018 GEN 68159 12/20/2018 GEN 68160 CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description ARNOLD'S OF GLENCOE BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/20/2018 GEN 68161 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 12/20/2018 GEN 68162*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 12/20/2018 GEN 68163 CROW RIVER GLASS COMPANY 12/20/2018 GEN 68164 FAGEN, INC 12/20/2018 GEN 681654 FASTENAL COMPANY Pag 6/36 Account Dept Amount Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 360.69 Underground Conductor 107-367- 00 112.08 FIXTURE, LED, ACORN, GRANVILLE II, 3000 154-000- 00 1,578.46 CONDUCTOR, 14 TW WHITE SOL 154-000- 00 35.00 BULB, 150W, HIS LU150/55 HIS LAMP 44043 154-000- 00 466.56 PHOTO EYE, TWIST LOK, 105-305 VOLT, 154-000- 00 259.34 CONDUCTOR, 2-4-2 URD 600V TRIPLEX 154-000- 00 751.00 SPLICE, 500 MCM AL/CU K1 5/16 H, 500 154-000- 00 178.35 Tearing Account 186-000- 00 (48.09) Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 2.50 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 51.87 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 12.26 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 7.71 HECK GEN 68160 TOTAL 3,407.04 Generators 107-344- 00 10,034.50 Accounts Payable To City Of Hu 234-000- 00 220,581.75 Accounts Payable To City Of Hu 234-000- 00 36,846.00 Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 352.20 Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 181.43 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 116.88 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 93.85 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 464.08 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 8.46 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 62.21 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 382.87 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 9,803.20 HECK GEN 68162 TOTAL 268,892.93 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 403.18 Generators 107-344- 00 191,207.14 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.81 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 7/36 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Supplies 401-550- 01 28.49 Supplies 401-550- 01 16.54 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 7.48 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 11.73 Materials 401-588- 02 8.73 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 7.55 HECK GEN 68165 TOTAL 81.33 12/20/2018 GEN 68166 FREMONT INDUSTRIES INC NON -OXIDIZING MICROBIOCIDE, BELLA355 154-000- 00 2, 610.85 NON -OXIDIZING MICROBIOCIDE, BELLA355 154-000- 00 18.35 TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 3,836.80 TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 28.07 COPPER INHIBITOR, F-9105CCI 154-000- 00 2,520.10 COPPER INHIBITOR, F-9105CCI 154-000- 00 17.76 BWT4323 154-000- 00 184.20 BWT4323 154-000- 00 1.22 RLT4791 154-000- 00 378.60 RLT4791 154-000- 00 2.59 HECK GEN 68166 TOTAL 9,598.54 12/20/2018 GEN 68168*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC Materials 401-588- 02 108.99 12/20/2018 GEN 68169 HER ENGINEERING INC Generators 107-344- 00 1,171.40 12/20/2018 GEN 68170 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Supplies 401-550- 01 33.13 12/20/2018 GEN 68171 HOFFMAN FILTER SERVICE PAD, OIL ABSORBANT, 16" X 18", IN WPHL, 154-000- 00 221.23 12/20/2018 GEN 68172* JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE INC Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 68.75 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 165.00 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 439.37 HECK GEN 68172 TOTAL 673.12 12/20/2018 GEN 68173* JUSTIN JOHNSON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 175.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 8/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/20/2018 GEN 68174* KENNETH REINKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68175* KIDS INC Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 600.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68176 LEROY REINERT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68180 RESCO TRANS, 225 KVA PAD, 3PH 480/277 154-000- 00 7,240.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 497.75 HECK GEN 68180 TOTAL 7,737.75 12/20/2018 GEN 68181 RYAN ELLENSON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 24.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68182* TASC HEALTH INSURANCE-HRA FEES 401-926- 08 545.06 12/20/2018 GEN 68183* TIMOTHLY LEUNG Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68184 TWO-WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC Telephone 401-921- 08 105.23 12/20/2018 GEN 68186* VIDEOTRONIX INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 236.22 12/20/2018 GEN 68187* VIK'S LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE, INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 499. 51 12/20/2018 GEN 68188 VIKING ELECTRIC Siemens ethernet switch. Scalance X204- 402-554- 01 1,091.67 12/20/2018 GEN 68189 WOODSTONE SENIOR LIVING Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 216.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68190* ZEE SERVICE COMPANY MISC OTHER - MATERIALS -MEDICAL SUPPLIES 401-935- 08 88.28 12/26/2018 GEN 301(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS GENERATOR 41 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 368.20 GENERATOR 43 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 28.32 GENERATOR 44 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 28. 32 GENERATOR 45 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 56.65 GENERATOR 48 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 99. 13 Generator 49 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 177.03 HECK GEN 301(E) TOTAL 757.65 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 9/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/26/2018 GEN 307(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS Generator 41 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 42,870.50 Generator 41 Aux Boiler 401-547- 01 982.05 GENERATOR 44 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 80.28 GENERATOR 45 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 1,108.29 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 2,821.46 HECK GEN 307(E) TOTAL 47,862.58 12/26/2018 GEN 308(E)* DELUXE CHECKS collection Expense 401-903- 06 21.23 12/26/2018 GEN 309(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 26,840.93 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 822.15 HECK GEN 309(E) TOTAL 27,663.08 12/26/2018 GEN 310(E)* TASC Prepaid Insurance 174-000- 00 798.11 12/31/2018 GEN 68194 ABIGAIL BRUEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 60.71 12/31/2018 GEN 68195* ADINDA VAN ESPEN OR BRADY BURCHILL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68196* ALICE DAVENPORT OR MICHAEL STOLTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 149. 50 12/31/2018 GEN 68197 AMBER CHRISTENSEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 12.04 12/31/2018 GEN 68198* AMBER OSWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68199* AMBER OSWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68200* ARTURO ESTRADA GUILLEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68201* ASHLEY C KRUEGER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 247.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68202 B & C PLUMBING AND HEATING Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 72.50 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/31/2018 GEN 68203* BEAUREGARD GAGNON 12/31/2018 GEN 68204*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Account Dept Pag 10/36 Amount DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 BASEMENT, SWITCH, GS75-73-36-MG-67X62, 154-000- 00 1,793.30 FLOOD SEAL, COVERS (LONG) FSS 350L 154-000- 00 347.00 SPLICE, 44 TO 44 AL/CU YSU 2W-2W 154-000- 00 3.70 KIT, T-OP, COMPLETE ASSEMBLY, 600A 154-000- 00 4,721.58 CONDUCTOR, 44/0 600V URD AL SIR Single 154-000- 00 749. 00 DUST CAP, 200A 160 DRG, COOPER LPC215 154-000- 00 777.24 SPLIT BOLT 1/0 KS25 BURNDY 154-000- 00 77.75 CONDUCTOR, 41/0 BARE CU STRANDED 154-000- 00 291.20 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 123.29 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 401.23 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 79.05 SAFETY VEST, RVZ2410SEXL 401-550- 01 23.62 SAFETY VEST, RVZ2410SEX2 401-550- 01 23.62 SAFETY VEST, RVZ2410SEX3 401-550- 01 23.62 LIGHT BULB, GE, 26668, F32T8/SP41/ECO 401-935- 08 969.41 HECK GEN 68204 TOTAL 10,404.61 12/31/2018 GEN 68205*4 BRANDED SOLUTIONS Tearing Account 186-000- 00 557.38 Operating Labor 401-546- 01 379.19 Generator 44 Labor 402-554- 01 91.94 Training - Labor 401-580- 02 100.00 Line - Labor 402-594- 02 181.92 System Control Labor 401-556- 03 181.98 Supervisor 401-903- 06 40.96 Labor Imp 401-916- 07 100.00 General Salaries Labor 401-920- 08 200.00 Uniforms 401-926- 08 202.47 HECK GEN 68205 TOTAL 2,035.84 12/31/2018 GEN 68206* CAROLYN HUSFELDT OR DAVID HUSFELDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68207 CHELSEA LINDER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 49. 55 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 11/36 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/31/2018 GEN 6820814 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 320.03 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 225. 91 HECK GEN 68208 TOTAL 545.94 12/31/2018 GEN 68209 COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INS CO COLONIAL INSURANCE 242-000- 00 113.76 12/31/2018 GEN 68210* CONNIE DAVIS OR GARY DAVIS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 308.75 12/31/2018 GEN 68211 CULLIGAN OF NORTHFIELD Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 501.44 12/31/2018 GEN 68212* DEREK KNOLL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 266.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68213 DITCH WITCH OF MN Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 106.89 12/31/2018 GEN 68214* DUANE BENNETT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 113.75 12/31/2018 GEN 68215* EDWARD UECKER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68216* ELLEN GEISER OR CATHERINE GEISER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 123.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68217* ELLEN GEISER OR CATHERINE GEISER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39. 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68218* ELSIE ELNESS OR NICK ICENHOWER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 146.25 12/31/2018 GEN 68220 FAGEN, INC Generators 107-344- 00 37,212.89 12/31/2018 GEN 682214 FASTENAL COMPANY Generators 107-344- 00 0.99 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.07 Maint Power Prod Plant - Build 402-554- 01 6.28 HECK GEN 68221 TOTAL 7.34 12/31/2018 GEN 68222* GARY TRAVIS OR GENORAL TRAVIS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68223* GRATIA GETZKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 97.50 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 12/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/31/2018 GEN 68225 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Supplies 401-550- 01 48.39 12/31/2018 GEN 68226* HOTSY EQUIPMENT OF MINNESOTA Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 384.66 12/31/2018 GEN 68227 HOWSDEN INSTALLATION OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 48.44 12/31/2018 GEN 68229* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 26.17 12/31/2018 GEN 68230 JAMES CHAMBERS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 305.10 12/31/2018 GEN 68231* JASON SLEPICA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 104.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68232* JAYSON WURZBURGER OR NATHALIE YAPP DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68233* JOEY HOFMEISTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68234 JOHN FISHER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 234.48 12/31/2018 GEN 68235* JORDAN VLIET OR JAYLENE VLIET DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 146.25 12/31/2018 GEN 68236* JORDAN WELTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 201.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68237* JOSH B ANDERSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 156.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68238* JOSH LIESTMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 260.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68239* KELSEY PINGEON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 91.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68240* KENDRA BROWN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68241* KYLE SCHULTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 110.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68242* LISA WITTMIER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/31/2018 GEN 68243* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 12/31/2018 GEN 68244* MATT FITZGERALD 12/31/2018 GEN 682454 MIDWEST OVERHEAD CRANE 12/31/2018 GEN 68246* MITCHELL ANDERBERG 12/31/2018 GEN 68247 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 12/31/2018 GEN 68248*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC 12/31/2018 GEN 68249*4 PETTY CASH 12/31/2018 GEN 68250 RALPH PLATH 12/31/2018 GEN 68251* RAMONA NELSON 12/31/2018 GEN 68252* RANDALL WENDLAND OR BRANDA Account Dept Office Supplies 401-921- 08 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 Flex SEX transmitter 402-554- 01 HECK GEN 68245 TOTAL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 DIE, PIPE 1/4"-3/8" NPT UNIVERSAL, 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 Supplies 401-550- 01 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 Materials 402-574- 03 HECK GEN 68248 TOTAL TRAINING - EXPENSE -MEETING EXP T HAND 401-546- 01 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL C ROSENTHAL 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL J VAN MAREL 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL B OLSON 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL R ABELSON 402-594- 02 LINE - MATERIALS-OT MEAL J MERKINS 402-594- 02 OFFICE SUPPLIES -CARD A RADKE 401-921- 08 HECK GEN 68249 TOTAL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 Pag 13/36 Amount 440.43 182.00 21.78 65.00 137.78 9.56 72.54 139.02 18.12 12.33 16.00 23.69 24.00 18.34 64.17 113.75 130.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 14/36 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 12/31/2018 GEN 68253* RANDY PEDERSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68254 RESCO TRANS, 150 KVA PAD, 3PH 208/120 154-000- 00 6,642.00 TRANS, 300 KVA PAD, 3PH 480/277 154-000- 00 8,113.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 1,014.41 HECK GEN 68254 TOTAL 15,769.41 12/31/2018 GEN 68255 ROBERT SEICHTER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 40.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68256* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 12.48 12/31/2018 GEN 68257 SOPUS TOTE DEPOSIT 154-000- 00 500.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68259* STEVE WENDLANDT OR RITA WENDLANDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 143.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68260 PASHA HUBBELL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 59. 56 12/31/2018 GEN 68261 THOMAS BUZALEWSKI OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 101.79 12/31/2018 GEN 68262* THOMAS KUBE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 110.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68263* TIFFANY HOPKINS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 247.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68264* TRICIA GOSMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 97.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68265* TWO RIVERS RENTAL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 877.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68266* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 408.14 COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,485.00 HECK GEN 68266 TOTAL 1,893.14 12/31/2018 GEN 68267* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 192.82 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 15/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC O1/02/2019 GEN 314(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 35,386.60 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 824.05 HECK GEN 314(E) TOTAL 36,210.65 O1/07/2019 GEN 311(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 69.16 O1/07/2019 GEN 312(E)* TASC Prepaid HBA 174-000- 00 3,458.25 O1/08/2019 GEN 315(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 24,803.26 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 818.56 HECK GEN 315(E) TOTAL 25,621.82 O1/10/2019 GEN 68270* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 73.57 O1/10/2019 GEN 68271*4 ACE HARDWARE Generators 107-344- 00 25.30 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1.74 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 3.92 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1.22 Supplies 401-550- 01 5.97 Maint Power Prod Plant - Build 402-554- 01 26.08 Generator 48 Material 402-554- 01 56.98 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 17.77 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 17.02 Meter - Materials 401-586- 02 1.49 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 10.67 HECK GEN 68271 TOTAL 168.16 O1/10/2019 GEN 68272 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 1,448.23 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 2,073.29 HECK GEN 68272 TOTAL 3,521.52 O1/10/2019 GEN 68273 AMERICAN TEST CENTER INC Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 2,310.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68274 ANGEL GREEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 82.53 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC O1/10/2019 GEN 68275*4 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK MGMT O1/10/2019 GEN 682764 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY O1/10/2019 GEN 68278* CARD SERVICES O1/10/2019 GEN 68280*4 CCP INDUSTRIES, INC O1/10/2019 GEN 68282 CHELSEA LINDER O1/10/2019 GEN 68283*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 O1/10/2019 GEN 68284*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Account Dept Pag 16/36 Amount Prepaid Insurance 174-000- 00 74,371.00 Lease/Service Agreements 401-921- 08 17,250.00 HECK GEN 68275 TOTAL 91,621.00 Underground Conductor 107-367- 00 14.97 CRIMPIT, 1/0 TO 2/0 SIR CU, YC26C26 154-000- 00 53.50 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 3.89 LIGHT BULB, 20585-6, SYLVANIA, FT40DL/ 401-935- 08 335.16 HECK GEN 68276 TOTAL 407.52 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 246.57 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 59.99 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 33.40 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 320.03 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 326.58 Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 219.36 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 219. 36 HECK GEN 68283 TOTAL 1,085.33 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -POWER 401-550- 01 231.20 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ELEC 401-588- 02 1,244. 02 Tree Planting 401-916- 07 20,625.00 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 75/25 401-921- 08 17,972.25 It Admin And Support 401-921- 08 1,570.55 LEGAL SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 7,875.00 HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 6,201.57 Dues/Membership Expense 401-930- 08 379.50 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 94.45 HECK GEN 68284 TOTAL 56,193.54 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC O1/10/2019 GEN 68285 CREEKSIDE SOILS O1/10/2019 GEN 68286 DARRELL J RYAN OR JEFF OAKES O1/10/2019 GEN 68287 DEBRA JANKE OR JEFF JANKE O1/10/2019 GEN 68288 EDINA REALTY OR BRUCE MCALPIN O1/10/2019 GEN 68289 ELENAS BAKERY OR ELENA VOLKOV O1/10/2019 GEN 68290 ERIK LOEW OR MEGAN LOEW O1/10/2019 GEN 682914 FASTENAL COMPANY O1/10/2019 GEN 68292 FOSTER MECHANICAL O1/10/2019 GEN 682934 FS3 INC O1/10/2019 GEN 68294 GERARDO DE LEON CONTRERAS O1/10/2019 GEN 68295*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC O1/10/2019 GEN 68296 GREAT RIVER ENERGY O1/10/2019 GEN 68297* GUARDIAN O1/10/2019 GEN 68298 HANNAH GOMBOLD O1/10/2019 GEN 682994 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Account Dept Pag 17/36 Amount Materials 401-588- 02 45.30 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 29. 01 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 16.18 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 217.07 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 517.45 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 731.66 Supplies 401-550- 01 13.88 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 0.65 HECK GEN 68291 TOTAL 14.53 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 138.84 INTERDUCT, 2", SIR 13.5 ELK/WITH 3 RED 154-000- 00 2,840.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 195.25 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 2,166.93 HECK GEN 68293 TOTAL 5,202.18 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 45.34 LINE - MATERIALS 401-581- 02 14.85 TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 401-565- 03 127,444.23 DENTAL INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 3,725.49 DENTAL INSURANCE -COBRA 242-000- 00 318.27 HECK GEN 68297 TOTAL 4,043.76 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 48.81 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.52 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 7.00 HECK GEN 68299 TOTAL 7.52 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 18/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC O1/10/2019 GEN 68301 HUTCH BOWL Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 756.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68302* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC MISC OTHER - MATERIALS 401-935- 08 1,112.73 O1/10/2019 GEN 68303*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 33.96 O1/10/2019 GEN 68304*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 1.81 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 480.77 HECK GEN 68304 TOTAL 482.58 O1/10/2019 GEN 68305 JASON SMITH OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 521.75 O1/10/2019 GEN 68306 KATLIN HOERNEMAN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 78.84 O1/10/2019 GEN 68308 KELSEY WILLIAMSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 68.11 O1/10/2019 GEN 68309* LARRY SMITH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68310* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 85,228.80 O1/10/2019 GEN 68312* MAILFINANCE LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 304. 96 LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 654.30 HECK GEN 68312 TOTAL 959.26 O1/10/2019 GEN 68313 MATHEWS EASED COMPANIES INC Labor/materials- repair unit 8 107-341- 00 8,263.02 STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS -ADDED AFTER 107-341- 00 920.00 HECK GEN 68313 TOTAL 9,183.02 O1/10/2019 GEN 683144 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3,900.00 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 68314 TOTAL 6,950.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 683154 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN Rec Payment (Mcleod Co -Op) 232-000- 00 45,969.97 Territory Service Agreements 401-588- 02 3,484.80 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 19/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 68315 TOTAL 49,454.77 O1/10/2019 GEN 683164 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 10.16 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 137.70 HECK GEN 68316 TOTAL 147.86 O1/10/2019 GEN 68317* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 85% ELEC 242-000- 00 55,706.81 O1/10/2019 GEN 68318* MIKE MCKIMM Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 425.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68319 MN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION Training - Expense 401-580- 02 930.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68320* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 48.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68322* NEOPOST USA INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 304.52 O1/10/2019 GEN 68323 NORTH AMERICAN ENERGY MARKETS Dues/Membership Expense 401-930- 08 3,000.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68325* NORTHSTAR CHAPTER-APA DUES/MEMBERSHIP EXPENSE-55o 401-930- 08 27.50 O1/10/2019 GEN 68326* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,887.22 O1/10/2019 GEN 68327*4 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 114.03 O1/10/2019 GEN 68328*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 50.92 Supplies 401-550- 01 83.89 Materials 402-574- 03 127.48 HECK GEN 68328 TOTAL 262.29 O1/10/2019 GEN 68329* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 17.75 O1/10/2019 GEN 68330*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL-ELEC 402-598- 02 1, 063.46 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 31.44 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 20/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 68330 TOTAL 1,094.90 O1/10/2019 GEN 683314 QUADE ELECTRIC Generators 107-344- 00 9,000.00 Generators 107-344- 00 188.35 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 12.94 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 3.84 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 55.90 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 56.59 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 476.27 HECK GEN 68331 TOTAL 9,793.89 O1/10/2019 GEN 68333* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 1,370.71 LIFE INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 769.22 HECK GEN 68333 TOTAL 2,139.93 O1/10/2019 GEN 68334* ROGER HARTSUIKER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 175.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68335*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1.64 Supplies 401-550- 01 57.98 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 22.28 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 13.95 Meter - Materials 401-586- 02 4.82 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 89.81 HECK GEN 68335 TOTAL 190.48 O1/10/2019 GEN 68336 RYAN GOFF OR CHARLOTTE KOENIG OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 66.74 O1/10/2019 GEN 68337* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 24.33 O1/10/2019 GEN 68338* UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 375.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68339 UPONOR Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 2,404.57 O1/10/2019 GEN 68340* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,193.95 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description O1/10/2019 GEN 68341*4 WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC Pag 21/36 Account Dept Amount Generators 107-344- 00 947.15 Generators 107-344- 00 142.00 Generators 107-344- 00 837.56 Generators 107-344- 00 38.25 Generators 107-344- 00 338.60 Generators 107-344- 00 43.00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 23.28 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 3.26 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 2.63 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 5.70 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 44.46 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 2.96 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 2.34 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 20.13 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 57.58 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 4.01 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 9.76 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.84 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 65.12 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 6.42 Maint Power Prod Plant - Build 402-554- 01 93.43 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 292.76 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 34.00 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 (293.90) Generator 42 Material 402-554- 01 646.75 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 58.28 Generator 45 Material 402-554- 01 82.96 Generator 48 Material 402-554- 01 47.48 Generator 48 Material 402-554- 01 12.28 Building & Grounds - Materials 402-592- 02 24.58 Building & Grounds - Materials 402-592- 02 70.31 Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 21.38 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 21.11 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 46.77 Materials 402-574- 03 106.34 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Account Pag Dept 22/36 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 68341 TOTAL 3,859.58 O1/15/2019 GEN 316(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 4,966.52 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 754.12 HECK GEN 316(E) TOTAL 5,720.64 O1/15/2019 GEN 318(E) MISO SCHEDULE 1 401-565- 03 4,507.10 SCHEDULE 2 401-565- 03 12,134.89 SCHEDULE 11 401-565- 03 514.05 HECK GEN 318(E) TOTAL 17,156.04 O1/15/2019 GEN 319(E) MISO SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 15,794.61 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 23,022.IS HECK GEN 319(E) TOTAL 38,816.79 O1/15/2019 GEN 320(E) MISO SCHEDULE 10 401-565- 03 5,670.55 O1/16/2019 GEN 321(E)14 VISA Generators 107-344- 00 23.09 OPERATING LABOR -GIFT CARDS 401-546- 01 225.00 Supplies 401-550- 01 140.20 Supplies 401-550- 01 50.96 Maint Power Prod Plant - Build 402-554- 01 113.36 ACCESSORY PLANT - LABOR -GIFT CARDS 402-554- 01 50.00 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 155.68 TRAINING - LABOR -GIFT CARDS 401-580- 02 100.00 Training - Expense 401-580- 02 440.20 Meetings & Travel - Expense (S 401-580- 02 268.40 Meetings & Travel - Expense (S 401-580- 02 581.04 Materials 401-588- 02 120.10 MATERIALS -GIFT CARDS 401-588- 02 100.00 Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 349.96 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 190.76 Other Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 10.73 SYSTEM CONTROL LABOR -GIFT CARDS 401-556- 03 275.00 Meter Reading - Materials 401-902- 06 108.97 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 23/36 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC GENERAL SALARIES LABOR -GIFT CARDS 401-920- 08 112.50 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 137.84 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 9.59 Breakroom/Recognition Banquet 401-926- 08 1,187.67 Breakroom/Recognition Banquet 401-926- 08 169.69 Dues/Membership Expense 401-930- 08 25.00 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 38.03 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 192.25 HECK GEN 321(E) TOTAL 5,176.02 O1/22/2019 GEN 313(E) MRES Purchased Power 401-555- 02 1,074,235.08 O1/22/2019 GEN 317(E)* POINT & PAY collection - Materials 401-903- 06 2,019.68 O1/22/2019 GEN 324(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 65,433.00 State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 913.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 4,756.00 HECK GEN 324(E) TOTAL 71,102.00 Total for fund 1 ELECTRIC 3,681,318.37 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description Fund: 2 GAS 12/17/2018 GEN 68104* BONNIE KRUEGER 12/17/2018 GEN 68105* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 12/17/2018 GEN 68107 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC 12/17/2018 GEN 68108* CARD SERVICES 12/17/2018 GEN 68109 CENTURYLINK 12/17/2018 GEN 68110*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 12/17/2018 GEN 68111*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 12/17/2018 GEN 68113* COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 12/17/2018 GEN 68115* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE 12/17/2018 GEN 68117 GREG NEESER 12/17/2018 GEN 68118 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC Account Dept Pag 24/36 Amount Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 COUPLING, 3/4" IDS, EF, MDPE 154-000- 00 98.60 VALVE, METER, 3/4", INS, LOCKWING, PLG 154-000- 00 251.40 HECK GEN 68105 TOTAL 350.00 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 140.53 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 81.58 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 55.01 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 158.74 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 157.35 HECK GEN 68110 TOTAL 316.09 Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 401-880- 04 1,709.05 Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 68.75 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 250 401-921- 08 575.22 Vehicles/Equipment Fuel 401-935- 08 108.93 HECK GEN 68111 TOTAL 2,461.95 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 398.25 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 47.50 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 325.00 575-2008, Mini -Clamp, 401-874- 04 213.60 GAPS0501, 1/2" IPS 401-874- 04 169.09 575-7073, Reducer, 1" IPS x 3/4" IDS, 401-874- 04 159.66 1/4" vent large orifice 4137-02-505-03 401-874- 04 172.95 1/4" vent large orifice 4137-02-505-03 401-874- 04 25.97 Grease Stick 44811-000 401-874- 04 309.76 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 25/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 68118 TOTAL 1,051.03 12/17/2018 GEN 6812114 HUTCH AUTO & TRUCK PARTS Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 235.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68123* HUTCHINSON LEADER CIP - MARKETING 401-916- 07 108.77 12/17/2018 GEN 68124* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 5.18 12/17/2018 GEN 68125 IWATER, INC Materials 401-874- 04 3,000.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68130* KDUZ/KARP ADVERTISING/PRINTING 401-921- 08 24.38 12/17/2018 GEN 68131*4 KRANZ LAWN & POWER Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 37.60 12/17/2018 GEN 68133* MARTIG, JARED TRAINING - EXPENSE 401-930- 08 915.28 12/17/2018 GEN 68134 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Materials 401-856- 05 538.84 12/17/2018 GEN 68135* MATT SCHMIDT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68140 OMEGA BAIL MANAGEMENT RAILROAD LICENSES 401-856- 05 1, 665. 93 12/17/2018 GEN 68141*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 81.18 12/17/2018 GEN 68143* PAUL BLADE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68144* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 6.97 12/17/2018 GEN 68146* RANDY ANDERSON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68149 SCOTT OTTO Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 725.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68150 SCOTT STUBER Materials 402-892- 04 41.25 12/17/2018 GEN 68151 SPRINT Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 141.52 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Dept Pag 26/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/17/2018 GEN 68153* TERRANCE ARMENTCOURT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 12/17/2018 GEN 68154* TRANS LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 291.75 12/17/2018 GEN 68157*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC UTILITY EXPENSES - WATER/WASTE 45/55 401-930- 08 172.84 12/20/2018 GEN 303(E)*4 VISA MEETINGS & TRAVEL - HOTEL CREDIT 401-870- 04 (5.00) MEETINGS & TRAVEL - EXPENS 401-870- 04 103.66 MATERIALS -SUPPLIES 401-874- 04 1,555.50 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY -JACKETS 401-880- 04 544. 97 VEHICLES - MATERIAL -DECALS 402-895- 04 38.70 OTHER EQUIPMENT - SENSIT REPAIRS 402-895- 04 187.34 AM INOVATIONS REMOTE MONITORING 401-856- 05 88.50 HECK GEN 303(E) TOTAL 2,513.67 12/20/2018 GEN 305(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 14,501.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 1,026.00 HECK GEN 305(E) TOTAL 15,527.00 12/20/2018 GEN 306(E)* POINT & PAY METER READING - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,737.66 12/20/2018 GEN 68158* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 55.68 12/20/2018 GEN 68162*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Accounts Payable To City Of Hu 234-000- 00 92,285.52 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 6.91 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 313.25 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 50.90 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 8,020.79 HECK GEN 68162 TOTAL 100,677.37 12/20/2018 GEN 68167 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC Wika E-10 Pressure 401-874- 04 591.48 GAMC07510501, Vice -Grip Clamp, 401-874- 04 110.51 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 27/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 68167 TOTAL 701.99 12/20/2018 GEN 68168*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC Industrial M & R Station Equip 107-385- 00 550.84 Materials 401-874- 04 108.99 HECK GEN 68168 TOTAL 659.83 12/20/2018 GEN 68172* JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE INC Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 56.25 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 135.00 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 359.48 HECK GEN 68172 TOTAL 550.73 12/20/2018 GEN 68173* JUSTIN JOHNSON Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68174* KENNETH REINKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68175* KIDS INC Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 400.00 12/20/2018 GEN 681774 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN MISC EXPENSE -GAS LINE PUMP 401-880- 04 75.28 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-MCLEOD 401-856- 05 38.48 HECK GEN 68177 TOTAL 113.76 12/20/2018 GEN 68178 MINNESOTA COMMERCE DEPT Doc - Cip Assessment 401-916- 07 1,721.06 12/20/2018 GEN 68179 PRAIRIELAND UTIL COORD COMM Dues/Membership Expense 401-930- 08 200.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68182* TASC HEALTH INSURANCE-HRA FEES 401-926- 08 181.69 12/20/2018 GEN 68183* TIMOTHLY LEUNG Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 12/20/2018 GEN 68185 VERIZON WIRELESS UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-SCADA 401-856- 05 117.15 12/20/2018 GEN 68186* VIDEOTRONIX INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 193.28 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 28/36 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/20/2018 GEN 68187* VIK'S LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE, INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 408.69 12/20/2018 GEN 68190* ZEE SERVICE COMPANY MISC OTHER - MATERIALS -MEDICAL SUPPLIES 401-935- 08 72.22 12/26/2018 GEN 301(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS GAS FOR RETAIL 401-807- 04 1, 386.60 12/26/2018 GEN 307(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 441,641.03 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 249,758.39 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 24,369.97 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 16,659.83 Contract Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 14,172.64 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 2,733.92 HECK GEN 307(E) TOTAL 749,335.78 12/26/2018 GEN 308(E)* DELUXE CHECKS collection Expense 401-903- 06 17.37 12/26/2018 GEN 310(E)* TASC Prepaid Insurance 174-000- 00 266.03 12/31/2018 GEN 68195* ADINDA VAN ESPEN OR BRADY BURCHILL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68196* ALICE DAVENPORT OR MICHAEL STOLTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 80.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68198* AMBER OSWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68199* AMBER OSWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68200* ARTURO ESTRADA GUILLEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68201* ASHLEY C KRUEGER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 133.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68203* BEAUREGARD GAGNON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 12/31/2018 GEN 68204*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY PLUG ,TAPERED SCREW, 1" HEX x 3-1/4", 154-000- 00 VALVE BOX, HANI-G4VAC4N22 154-000- 00 NIPPLE, 3/4" X 4 1/2", BM, STD, SMLS, 154-000- 00 HECK GEN 68204 TOTAL 12/31/2018 GEN 68205*4 BRANDED SOLUTIONS Labor (Mains And Services) 401-874- 04 Power Equipment - Labor 402-895- 04 Uniforms 401-926- 08 HECK GEN 68205 TOTAL 12/31/2018 GEN 68206* CAROLYN HUSFELDT OR DAVID HUSFELDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68208*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 12/31/2018 GEN 68210* CONNIE DAVIS OR GARY DAVIS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68212* DEREK KNOLL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68214* DUANE BENNETT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68215* EDWARD UECKER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68216* ELLEN GEISER OR CATHERINE GEISER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68217* ELLEN GEISER OR CATHERINE GEISER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68218* ELSIE ELNESS OR NICK ICENHOWER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 12/31/2018 GEN 68219 ENERGY ECONOMICS Axle & Wheel, Blue 444661P002 402-892- 04 12/31/2018 GEN 68222* GARY TRAVIS OR GENORAL TRAVIS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 Pag 29/36 Amount 68.61 151.66 13.58 233.85 35.36 100.00 67.49 202.85 70.00 140.97 166.25 143.50 61.25 21.00 66.50 21.00 78.75 32.52 70.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 30/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/31/2018 GEN 68223* GRATIA GETZKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68224 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC GAS, CALIBRATION, 2.5% BY VOL.(50oLEL) 154-000- 00 143.13 12/31/2018 GEN 68226* HOTSY EQUIPMENT OF MINNESOTA Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 314.72 12/31/2018 GEN 68228 IDEAL SHIELD BUMPER POST SHIELD, 1/8" WALL 154-000- 00 369. 90 12/31/2018 GEN 68229* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 8.72 12/31/2018 GEN 68231* JASON SLEPICA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 56.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68232* JAYSON WURZBURGER OR NATHALIE YAPP DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68233* JOEY HOFMEISTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68235* JORDAN VLIET OR JAYLENE VLIET DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 78.75 12/31/2018 GEN 68236* JORDAN WELTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 108.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68237* JOSH B ANDERSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 84.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68238* JOSH LIESTMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 140.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68239* KELSEY PINGEON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 49.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68240* KENDRA BROWN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68241* KYLE SCHULTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 59.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68242* LISA WITTMIER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 31/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 12/31/2018 GEN 68243* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 146.81 12/31/2018 GEN 68244* MATT FITZGERALD GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 98.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68246* MITCHELL ANDERBERG GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 35.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68248*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 72.53 12/31/2018 GEN 68249*4 PETTY CASH MATERIALS -PHONE SET UP R HULS 401-874- 04 21.46 12/31/2018 GEN 68251* RAMONA NELSON GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 61.25 12/31/2018 GEN 68252* RANDALL WENDLAND OR BBANDA GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68253* RANDY PEDERSON GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68256* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 4.16 12/31/2018 GEN 68258 SOUTH CENTRAL ELECTRIC ASS'N UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE 401-856- 05 398.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68259* STEVE WENDLANDT OR RITA WENDLANDT GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 77.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68262* THOMAS KUBE GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 59.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68263* TIFFANY HOPKINS GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 133.00 12/31/2018 GEN 68264* TRICIA GOSMA GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68265* TWO RIVERS RENTAL GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 472.50 12/31/2018 GEN 68266* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 333.94 COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,215.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 32/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 68266 TOTAL 1,548.94 12/31/2018 GEN 68267* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 64.28 O1/07/2019 GEN 311(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 69.16 O1/07/2019 GEN 312(E)* TASC Prepaid HBA 174-000- 00 1,152.75 O1/10/2019 GEN 68270* A R ENGH HEATHING AND AIR COND, Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 50.18 O1/10/2019 GEN 68271*4 ACE HARDWARE Materials 401-874- 04 7.04 Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 29.89 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 3.20 Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 138.21 HECK GEN 68271 TOTAL 178.34 O1/10/2019 GEN 68275*4 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK MGMT Lease/Service Agreements 401-921- 08 5,750.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68277 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 138.85 O1/10/2019 GEN 68278* CARD SERVICES BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 82.19 O1/10/2019 GEN 68279 CARRIE WOODS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68280*4 CCP INDUSTRIES, INC Materials 401-874- 04 86.48 O1/10/2019 GEN 68281 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 55.01 O1/10/2019 GEN 68283*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 143.47 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 215.05 HECK GEN 68283 TOTAL 358.52 O1/10/2019 GEN 68284*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -GAS 401-880- 04 957.17 Tree Planting 401-916- 07 6,875.00 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 33/36 Amount Fund: 2 GAS IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 75/25 401-921- 08 5, 990.75 It Admin And Support 401-921- 08 523.51 LEGAL SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 2,625.00 HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 2,067.18 Dues/Membership Expense 401-930- 08 310.50 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 77.27 HECK GEN 68284 TOTAL 19,426.38 O1/10/2019 GEN 68295*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC MATERIALS 401-874- 04 14.85 MATERIALS 401-856- 05 6.75 HECK GEN 68295 TOTAL 21.60 O1/10/2019 GEN 68297* GUARDIAN DENTAL INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 1,056.37 O1/10/2019 GEN 68300 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS UTILITIES -NEW ULM COMMUNICATIONS 401-856- 05 106. 94 O1/10/2019 GEN 68302* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC MISC OTHER - MATERIALS 401-935- 08 910.41 O1/10/2019 GEN 68303*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Vehicle/Equipment Fuel 401-880- 04 68.35 O1/10/2019 GEN 68304*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 425.05 O1/10/2019 GEN 683074 KDUZ/KARP PUBLIC AWARENESS - MATERIAL 401-874- 04 73.12 Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 24.38 HECK GEN 68307 TOTAL 97.50 O1/10/2019 GEN 68309* LARRY SMITH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68310* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 21, 307.20 O1/10/2019 GEN 68311 LISA HILL Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68312* MAILFINANCE LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 101.66 LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 218.10 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 68312 TOTAL O1/10/2019 GEN 68317* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 15% GAS 242-000- 00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68318* MIKE MCKIMM Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 O1/10/2019 GEN 68320* MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE-PERA LIFE 242-000- 00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68321 MRC GLOBAL 2 X 3.664 STD .154 ELK CS SMLS PIPE BEV 107-369- 00 O1/10/2019 GEN 68322* NEOPOST USA INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 O1/10/2019 GEN 68324 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 O1/10/2019 GEN 68325* NORTHSTAR CHAPTER-APA DUES/MEMBERSHIP EXPENSE-45o 401-930- 08 O1/10/2019 GEN 68326* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 O1/10/2019 GEN 68327*4 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 O1/10/2019 GEN 68328*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 HECK GEN 68328 TOTAL O1/10/2019 GEN 68329* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 O1/10/2019 GEN 68330*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL -GAS 402-895- 04 VEHICLES - MATERIAL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 68330 TOTAL O1/10/2019 GEN 68332 PATH RACING, INC Materials 402-892- 04 O1/10/2019 GEN 68333* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 Pag 34/36 Amount 319.76 9,830.61 400.00 16.00 139.82 101.50 2,000.00 22.50 629.07 114.03 50.92 5.92 1,415.45 767.00 342.67 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS LIFE INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 HECK GEN 68333 TOTAL O1/10/2019 GEN 68334* ROGER HARTSUIKER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 O1/10/2019 GEN 68335*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Materials 401-874- 04 Other Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 HECK GEN 68335 TOTAL O1/10/2019 GEN 68337* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 O1/10/2019 GEN 68338* UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 O1/10/2019 GEN 68340* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 O1/10/2019 GEN 68341*4 WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC SERVICES 107-380- 00 SERVICES 107-380- 00 Industrial M & R Station Equip 107-385- 00 Materials 402-892- 04 Materials 402-892- 04 Other Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 Other Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 HECK GEN 68341 TOTAL O1/16/2019 GEN 321(E)*4 VISA SUPERVISION -GIFT CARDS 401-870- 04 LABOR (MAINS AND SERVICES) -GIFT CARDS 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 Uniforms & Laundry 401-880- 04 LABOR MAINS -GIFT CARDS 402-892- 04 Materials 402-892- 04 Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 Other Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 Pag 35/36 Amount 192.30 534.97 400.00 123.90 158.88 282.78 19.90 125.00 397.98 653.48 35.47 34.50 17.06 30.07 47.60 175.00 150.00 116.56 57.04 300.58 100.00 409.73 190.75 1,143.12 O1/23/2019 05:44 PM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 2 GAS O1/22/2019 GEN 317(E)* POINT & PAY CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 12/14/2018 - 01/23/2019 Description O1/22/2019 GEN 324(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE Operating & Maint-Brownton LINE - LABOR -GIFT CARDS Line - Outside Services GENERAL SALARIES LABOR -GIFT CARDS Office Supplies Office Supplies Breakroom/Recognition Banquet Breakroom/Recognition Banquet Misc Other - Materials HECK GEN 321(E) TOTAL METER READING - MATERIALS State Sales Tax State Sales Tax City Sales Tax HECK GEN 324(E) TOTAL Total for fund 2 GAS TOTAL - ALL FUNDS '*'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT Account Dept 416-108- 04 401-856- 05 401-856- 05 401-920- 08 401-921- 08 401-921- 08 401-926- 08 401-926- 08 401-935- 08 401-903- 06 242-000- 00 242-000- 00 242-000- 00 Pag 36/36 Amount 21.46 175.00 88.00 37.50 45.94 3.19 395.89 56.56 157.29 3,623.61 1,652.46 14,581.00 1,369.00 1,028.00 16,978.00 992,227.56 4,673,545.93 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 2018 A �W �IIIIIIII IIII� �i i�� iiiillllllll ���� 100%of Year Comp. 2018 2017 Di %Chng 2018 2017 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Combined Division Customer Revenue $ 3,503,042 $ 4,178,529 $ (675,487) (16.2%) $ 36,572,180 $ 36,117,108 $ 455,072 1.3% $ 35,763,605 102.3% Sales for Resale $ 185,537 $ 183,078 $ 2,458 1.3% $ 3,071,099 $ 2,171,853 $ 899,246 41.4% $ 2,519,200 121.9% NU Transportation $ 82,259 $ 71,265 $ 10,993 15.4% $ 940,990 $ 902,042 $ 38,947 4.3% $ 739,440 127.3% Electric Division Transfer $ 54,697 $ 54,308 $ 389 0.7% $ 656,366 $ 651,699 $ 4,667 0.7% $ 656,366 100.0% Other Revenues $ 59,319 $ 147,555 $ (88,237) (59.8%) $ 643,025 $ 811,147 $ (168,122) (20.7%) $ 492,808 130.5% Interest Income $ 158,509 $ 22,680 $ 135,829 598.9% $ 477,546 $ 152,726 $ 324,820 212.7% $ 100,000 477.5% TOTAL REVENUES $ 4,043,362 $ 4,657,416 $ (614,054) (13.2%) $ 42,361,206 $ 40,806,576 $ 1,554,631 3.8% $ 40,271,419 105.2% Salaries & Benefits $ 647,402 $ 674,186 $ (26,784) (3.97%) $ 5,976,552 $ 5,719,142 $ 257,410 4.5% $ 6,363,429 93.9% Purchased Commodities $ 2,055,812 $ 3,086,145 $ (1,030,333) (33.4%) $ 20,717,620 $ 21,141,107 $ (423,487) (2.0%) $ 19,600,000 105.7% Transmission $ 180,107 $ 151,022 $ 29,085 19.3% $ 2,454,965 $ 2,462,733 $ (7,768) (0.3%) $ 2,630,000 93.3% Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 30,114 $ 44,457 $ (14,343) (32.3%) $ 1,125,065 $ 890,113 $ 234,952 26.4% $ 992,082 113.4% Depreciation $ 325,667 $ 361,748 $ (36,081) (10.0%) $ 3,908,000 $ 3,852,415 $ 55,585 1.4% $ 3,908,000 100.0% Transfers (Elect./City) $ 158,986 $ 6,619 $ 152,368 2,302.1% $ 1,907,835 $ 1,700,646 $ 207,189 12.2% $ 1,907,835 100.0% Operating Expense $ 331,890 $ 423,043 $ (91,154) (21.5%) $ 2,124,104 $ 2,628,020 $ (503,916) (19.2%) $ 2,490,809 85.3% Debt Interest $ 97,334 $ 146,728 $ (49,394) (33.7%) $ 1,231,469 $ 840,818 $ 390,651 46.5% $ 1,280,863 96.1% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,827,312 $ 4,893,948 $ (1,066,636) (21.8%) $ 39,445,609 $ 39,234,993 $ 210,616 0.5% $ 39,173,018 100.7% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 216,050 $ (236,532) $ 452,583 (191.3%)l 2,915,597 $ 1,571,582 $ 1,344,015 85.5%1 1,098,401 265.4% December December YTD YTD El 2018 HUC 2018 2017 Change 2018 2017 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 34.2% 20.9% 13.3% 34.3% 31.5% 2.8% 32.2% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 3.0% -5.4% 8.3% 7.9% 4.5% 3.4% 5.2% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 5.3% -5.1% 10.4% 6.9% 3.9% 3.0% 2.7% Just a reminder that it can be difficult to compare December 2017 to December 2018 with all the year end adjustments especially with GASB Pension Liability adjustments. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 2018 2018 2017 pi . Electric Division Customer Revenue $ 2,094,095 $ 2,077,809 $ 16,286 Sales for Resale $ 185,537 $ 183,078 $ 2,458 Other Revenues $ 25,436 $ 105,874 $ (80,438) Interest Income $ 80,649 $ 7,671 $ 72,978 TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,385,717 $ 2,374,433 $ 11,284 Chng 2018 2017 Pi . 0.8% $ 25,491,453 $ 25,317,967 $ 173,486 1.3% $ 3,071,099 $ 2,171,853 $ 899,246 (76.0%) $ 273,149 $ 506,755 $ (233,606) 951.3%1 255,502 $ 72,694 $ 182,807 0.5%1 $ 29,091,203 $ 28,069,269 $ 1,021,934 Chng I Full Yr Bud % of Bud 0.7% $ 25,325,189 100.7% 41.4% $ 2,519,200 121.9% (46.1%) $ 208,800 130.8% 251.5% $ 50,000 511.0% 3.6%1 $ 28,103,189 103.5% Salaries & Benefits $ 513,854 $ 549,320 $ (35,467) (6.5%) $ 4,707,312 $ 4,507,856 $ 199,456 4.4% $ 4,942,964 95.2% Purchased Power $ 1,200,732 $ 1,194,166 $ 6,566 0.5% $ 14,633,533 $ 14,257,952 $ 375,581 2.6% $ 14,000,000 104.5% Transmission $ 180,107 $ 151,022 $ 29,085 19.3% $ 2,454,965 $ 2,462,733 $ (7,768) (0.3%) $ 2,630,000 93.3% Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 30,114 $ 44,457 $ (14,343) (32.3%) $ 1,125,065 $ 890,113 $ 234,952 26.4% $ 992,082 113.4% Depreciation $ 241,667 $ 263,709 $ (22,042) (8.4%) $ 2,900,000 $ 2,830,376 $ 69,624 2.5% $ 2,900,000 100.0% Transfers (Elect./City) $ 128,224 $ (23,976) $ 152,200 (634.8%) $ 1,538,693 $ 1,333,515 $ 205,178 15.4% $ 1,538,693 100.0% Operating Expense $ 277,452 $ 352,604 $ (75,152) (21.3%) $ 1,503,435 $ 1,953,239 $ (449,805) (23.0%) $ 1,613,834 93.2% Debt Interest $ 46,555 $ 90,553 $ (43,998) (48.6%) $ 562,765 $ 110,801 $ 451,964 407.9% $ 606,763 92.7% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,618,704 $ 2,621,856 $ (3,152) (0.1%) $ 29,425,768 $ 28,346,586 $ 1,079,182 3.8% $ 29,224,336 100.7% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ (232,988) $ (247,423) $ 14,436 (5.8%) $ (334,565) $ (277,317) $ (57,248) 20.6% $ (1,121,147) 29.8% 2018 2017 Di . %Chna 2018 2017 Di . %Chna Full YrBud %of Bud Electric Division Residential 4,378,237 4,561,150 (182,913) (4.01%) 51,777,707 49,389,408 2,388,299 4.84% 50,432,797 102.7% All Electric 314,232 368,595 (54,363) (14.75%) 2,610,277 2,440,785 169,492 6.94% 2,611,705 99.9% Small General 1,613,143 1,585,661 27,482 1.73% 19,106,510 17,896,264 1,210,246 6.76% 17,085,853 111.8% Large General 6,635,140 6,225,320 409,820 6.58% 79,540,430 75,176,663 4,363,767 5.80% 79,262,499 100.4% Industrial 8,575,000 8,811,000 (236,000) (2.68%) 127,675,000 133,130,000 (5,455,000) (4.10%) 134,707,856 94.8% Total KWH Sold 21,515,752 21,551,726 (35,974) (0.17%)l 280,709,924 278,033,120 2,676,804 0.96%1 284,100,710 98.8% December December YTD YTD 2018 HUC 2018 2017 Change 2018 2017 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 27.4% 27.0% 0.5% 26.7% 26.2% 0.5% 24.0% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) -12.1% -11.3% -0.8% -0.4% -1.5% 1.1% -2.0% 0%-5% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): -9.8% -10.4% 0.7% -1.2% -1.0% -0.2% -4.0% 0%-5% Customer Revenue per KWH: $0.0956 $0.0947 $0.0009 $0.0903 $0.0905 -$0.0002 $0.0886 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH: $0.0774 $0.0771 $0.0003 $0.0751 $0.0734 $0.0016 $0.0750 Sales for Resale of $185,537 consisted of $9,026 in market sales, $35,600 in the monthly tolling fee from Transalta, $24,911 in Transalta energy sales, and $116,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA. December 2017 Sales for Resale of $183,078 consisted of $33,992 in market sales, $34,400 in monthly tolling fees from Transalta, $18,686 in Transalta energy sales, and $96,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA. December 2016 Sales for Resale of $164,299 consisted of $55,925 in market sales, $34,400 in Transalta tolling fees, $7,474 in Transalta energy sales, and capacity sales to SMMPA for $66,500. Overall Purchased Power increased by 6,566. MRES purchases decreased by $8,281 and market purchases/MISO costs increased by $14,847. December power cost adjustment was $.01059/kwhr bringing in an additional $228,250 in revenue for the month and $1,685,104 YTD. Last year's power cost adjustment for December 2017 generated $192,540 in additional revenue for the month and $1,806,566 YTD. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 2018 2018 2017 Di % Chng 2018 2017 pi . Gas Division Customer Revenue $ 1,408,946 $ 2,100,720 $ (691,773) (32.9%) $ 11,080,727 $ 10,799,141 $ 281,586 Transportation $ 82,259 $ 71,265 $ 10,993 15.4% $ 940,990 $ 902,042 $ 38,947 Electric Div. Transfer $ 54,697 $ 54,308 $ 389 0.7% $ 656,366 $ 651,699 $ 4,667 Other Revenues $ 33,882 $ 41,681 $ (7,799) (18.7%) $ 369,876 $ 304,392 $ 65,484 Interest Income $ 77,860 $ 15,009 $ 62,852 418.8% $ 222,045 $ 80,032 $ 142,013 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,657,645 $ 2,282,983 $ (625,338) (27.4%) $ 13,270,003 $ 12,737,306 $ 532,697 Chng I Full Yr Bud % of Bud 2.6%1 $ 10,438,416 106.2% 4.3% $ 739,440 127.3% 0.7% $ 656,366 100.0% 21.5% $ 284,008 130.2% 177.4% $ 50,000 444.19/8 4.2%1 $ 12,168,230 109.1% Salaries & Benefits $ 133,549 $ 124,866 $ 8,683 7.0% $ 1,269,240 $ 1,211,286 $ 57,954 4.8% $ 1,420,465 Purchased Gas $ 855,080 $ 1,891,979 $ (1,036,899) (54.8%) $ 6,084,086 $ 6,883,154 $ (799,068) (11.6%) $ 5,600,000 Operating Expense $ 54,437 $ 70,439 $ (16,001) (22.7%) $ 620,669 $ 674,781 $ (54,112) (8.0%) $ 876,975 Depreciation $ 84,000 $ 98,039 $ (14,039) (14.3%) $ 1,008,000 $ 1,022,039 $ (14,039) (1.4%) $ 1,008,000 Transfers (City) $ 30,762 $ 30,594 $ 168 0.5% $ 369,142 $ 367,131 $ 2,011 0.5% $ 369,142 Debt Interest $ 50,779 $ 56,175 $ (5,396) 0.0% $ 668,704 $ 730,017 $ (61,313) JL12L $ 674,100 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,208,607 $ 2,272,092 $ (1,063,485) (46.8%) $ 10,019,841 $ 10,888,407 $ (868,566) (8.0%) $ 9,948,682 NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 449,038 $ 10,891 $ 438,147 4,023.1% $ 3,250,162 $ 1,848,899 $ 1,401,263 75.8% $ 2,219,548 89.4% 108.6% 70.8% 100.0% 100.0% 99.2% 100.7% 146.4% 2018 2017 Di %Chng 2018 2017 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Gas Division Residential 66,056,810 74,446,010 (8,389,200) (11.27%) 446,223,775 396,761,756 49,462,019 12.47% 449,582,000 99.3% Commercial 46,727,452 54,605,365 (7,877,913) (14.43%) 349,805,617 325,983,624 23,821,993 7.31% 420,183,000 83.3% Industrial 85,468,593 94,863,740 (9,395,147) (9.90%) 857,732,882 859,892,970 (2,160,088) (0.25%) 786,836,000 109.0% Total CF Sold 198,252,855 223,915,115 (25,662,260) (11.46%) 1,653,762,274 1,582,638,350 71,123,924 4.49% 1,656,601,000 99.8% December December YTD YTD 2018 HUC 2018 2017 Change 2018 2017 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 44.3% 14.8% 29.5% 51.3% 43.4% 8.0% 51.4% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 25.2% 0.7% 24.6% 26.6% 17.9% 8.7°% 22.1°% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 29.0% 0.5% 28.6% 25.6% 15.0% 10.7% 18.8% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Contracted Customer Rev. per CF: $0.0053 $0.0041 $0.0011 $0.0040 $0.0038 $0.0002 $0.0035 Customer Revenue per CF: $0.0085 $0.0132 -$0.0047 $0.0096 $0.0104 -$0.0008 $0.0088 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII °°°°°°°°° Total Power Supply Exp. per CF: $0.0044 $0.0085 ($0.0041) $0.0038 $0.0044 ($0.0007) $0.0035 $0.0035 Natural Gas net income increased by $438,147. Revenue was down mostly due to the swing of $578,429 in fuel cost adjustments but also less usage due to warmer temperatures. Purchased Gas was way down due to having purchased less as well as not having to pay the December 2017 inflated prices. December's fuel cost credit adjustment was $1.22733/MCF totalling $145,696 for the month and $598,308 YTD. December 2017 credits saw a fuel cost adjustment due to the spike in natural gas prices of $432,733 for the month and a $225,769 credit YTD. Current Assets UnrestrictedlUndesignated Cash Cash Petty Cash Designated Cash Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP Payment in Lieu of Taxes Rate Stabilization - Electric Rate Stabilization - Gas Catastrophic Funds Restricted Cash Bond Interest Payment 2017 Bond Interest Payment 2012 Debt Service Reserve Funds Total Current Assets Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) Interest Total Receivables Other Assets Inventory Prepaid Expenses Sales Tax Receivable Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Gas Total Other Assets Total Current Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Rights Depreciable Capital Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction - Work in Progress Total Net Capital Assets HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Electric Gas Total Division Division 2018 9,809,197.57 8,035,786.07 17,844,983.64 680.00 170.00 850.00 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 1,106,279.00 495,145.00 1,601,424.00 372,736.68 - 372,736.68 - 651,306.61 651,306.61 400,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 Total Net Change 2017 Total (YTD) 24,732,782.62 (6,887,798.98) 850.00 - 3,450,000.00 1,251,469.00 349,955.00 314, 539.41 58,197.27 200,027.29 451,279.32 500,000.00 - 598,637.94 - 598,637.94 686,706.51 (88,068.57) - 164,895.82 164,895.82 164,091.63 804.19 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 15,559,866.83 12,335,997.52 27,895,864.35 34,011,496.12 (6,115,631.77) 2,035,031.06 1,583,849.46 3,618,880.52 4,105,353.22 (486,472.70) 23,632.29 23,632.29 47,264.58 38,078.98 9,185.60 2,058,663.35 1,607,481.75 3,666,145.10 4,143,432.20 (477,287.10) 1,210,827.11 467,153.46 1,677,980.57 1,565,581.28 112,399.29 (19,445.59) 62,182.02 42,736.43 114,521.17 (71,784.74) 33,089.44 - 33,089.44 34,742.67 (1,653.23) 752,887.00 - 752,887.00 752,887.00 - - 250,962.00 250,962.00 250,962.00 - 1,977,357.96 780,297.48 2,757,655.44 2,718,694.12 38,961.32 19, 595, 888.14 14, 723, 776.75 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 89,600,838.62 41,294,704.69 (55,344,993.57) (16,098,585.00) 12,835,773.45 379,159.71 47,781,986.90 29,475,198.00 34,319,664.89 40,873,622.44 (6,553,957.55) 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - 130,895,543.31 130,892,729.15 2,814.16 (71,443,578.57) (67,535,578.57) (3,908,000.00) 13,214,933.16 2,882,899.91 10,332,033.25 77,257,184.90 70,830,337.49 6,426,847.41 Total Assets 67,377,875.04 44,198,974.75 111,576,849.79 111,703,959.93 (127,110.14) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Electric Gas Total Total Net Change Division Division 2018 2017 Total (YTD) Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable - 1,295,000.00 1,295,000.00 1,220,000.00 75,000.00 Bond Premium - 185,608.32 185,608.32 185,608.32 - Accounts Payable 2,015,128.87 1,182,834.70 3,197,963.57 4,744,992.58 (1,547,029.01) Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest 46,554.68 50,779.15 97,333.83 146,727.74 (49,393.91) Accrued Payroll 58,324.11 14,681.36 73,005.47 60,475.45 12,530.02 Total Current Liabilities 2,120,007.66 2,728,903.53 4,848,911.19 6,357,804.09 (1,508,892.90) Long -Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 16,675,000.00 - 16,675,000.00 16,675,000.00 - 2012 Bonds - 12,605,000.00 12,605,000.00 13,975,000.00 (1,370,000.00) 2003 Bonds - - - - - Bond Premium 2012 632,894.16 1,283,790.51 1,916,684.67 2,135,749.95 (219,065.28) Pension Liability- Electric 3,083,440.00 - 3,083,440.00 3,083,440.00 - Pension Liability- Nat Gas - 1,027,813.00 1,027,813.00 1,027,813.00 - Accrued Vacation Payable 366,391.02 111,060.50 477,451.52 426,510.04 50,941.48 Accrued Severance 77,139.06 29,491.28 106,630.34 102,320.61 4,309.73 Deferred Outflows - Electric 794,370.00 - 794,370.00 794,370.00 - Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas - 264,790.00 264,790.00 264,790.00 - Total Long -Term Liabilities 21,629,234.24 15,321,945.29 36,951,179.53 38,484,993.60 (1,533,814.07) Net Position Retained Earnings 43,628,633.14 26,148,125.93 69,776,759.07 66,861,162.24 2,915,596.83 Total Net Position 43,628,633.14 26,148,125.93 69,776,759.07 66,861,162.24 2,915,596.83 Total Liabilities and Net Position 67,377,875.04 44,198,974.75 111,576,849.79 111,703,959.93 (127,110.14) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Combined 12/31/2018 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest December 2018 November 2018 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,895,864.35 28,238,902.28 (343,037.93) Total Operating Funds 27,895,864.35 28,238,902.28 (343,037.93) Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 763,533.76 3,245,655.44 (2,482,121.68) 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 2,952,227.78 5,434,349.46 (2,482,121.68) Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 6,086,812.00 5,868,920.00 217,892.00 Rate Stabalization Funds 1,024,043.29 1,024,043.29 - PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,601,424.00 1,251,469.00 349,955.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 500,000.00 500,000.00 - Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 12,662,279.29 12,094,432.29 567,847.00 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Target Debt to Asset 28.8% 32.0% 32.2% 40.8% 37.5% Current Ratio 2.26 2.52 3.06 5.73 6.15 RONA 0.05% 1.31% 2.17% 1.80% 2.85% Notes/Graphs: Change in Cash Balance (From 12131114 to 1213112018) Month End Electric Elec. Change Natural Gas Gas Change Total Total Change 12/31/2018 15,559,867 12,335,998 27,895,864 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (7,653,378) 10,702,689 1,633,309 33,915,934 (6,020,070) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Signifcant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Electric 12/31/2018 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest December 2018 November 2018 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,895,864.35 28,238,902.28 (343,037.93) Total HUC Operating Funds 27,895,864.35 28,238,902.28 (343,037.93) Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. Rate Stabalization Funds $400K-$1.2K PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) Total Designated Funds 598,637.94 1,276,555.44 (677,917.50) 4,532,992.00 4,387,223.00 145,769.00 372,736.68 372,736.68 - 1,106,279.00 882,327.00 223,952.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 - 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 - 9,162,007.68 8,792,286.68 369,721.00 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions & Designations, Electric 5,799,221.21 6,261,782.04 (462,560.83) YE YE YE YE YTD APPA Ratio HUC 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SK-10K Cust. Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.) 7.4% 13.2% 16.1% 36.1% 35.2% 50.1% Current Ratio 2.48 2.95 3.57 10.70 8.36 2.43 RONA -3.1% -1.2% -0.4% -0.1% -0.5% NA >0% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Gas 12/31/2018 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest December 2018 November 2018 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,895,864.35 28,238,902.28 (343,037.93) Total HUC Operating Funds 27,895,864.35 28,238,902.28 (343,037.93) Debt Restricted Requirements Debt Restricted Requirements Total Restricted Funds Operating Reserve Rate Stabalization Funds PILOT Funds Catastrophic Funds Capital Reserves Total Designated Funds Bond Covenants - sinking fund Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. $200K-$600K Charter (Formula Only) Risk Mitigation Amount 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 164,895.82 1,969,100.00 (1,804,204.18) 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 2,353,589.84 4,157,794.02 (1,804,204.18) 1,553,820.00 1,481,697.00 72,123.00 651,306.61 651,306.61 - 495,145.00 369,142.00 126,003.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 - 700,000.00 700,000.00 - 3,500,271.61 3,302,145.61 198,126.00 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 APGA Ratio Target Debt to Asset 55.6% 54.8% 51.5% 48.1% 40.8% TBD Current Ratio 2.07 2.17 2.59 2.72 4.44 TBD RONA 4.3% 4.7% 5.6% 5.0% 8.4% TBD Load Duration Curve: Analysis of 25MW Base Load Contract 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 290045 296051 302101 295777 290586 292490 219000 219000 219000 219600 219000 219000 75.5% 74.0% 72.5% 74.2% 75.4% 74.9% 734 340 185 322 302 346 8.4% 3.9% 2.1 % 3.7% 3.4% 3.9% 1819 641 317 581 560 650 0.8% 0.3% 0.1 % 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% SOURCE MWh MRES 219,000 75% MISO 61000 21% HUC GENERATION 12000 4% Total system load (MWh) Total base load energy purchased (MWh) % of system load provided by base load contract Number of hours system load was less than 25 MW Percentage of time system load was less than 25 MW Base load energy resold into MISO because system load was less than 25 MW. (MWh) % of base load energy resold because system load was less than 25 MW ---- MISORT$/MWh HUC ENERGY: 2005-PRESENT ................HUC Ave $/MWh Nat. Gas $/MMBTU $85.00 $16.00 $14.00 $75.00 $12.00 $65.00 $55.00 � � $10.00 $8.00 $45.00 $6.00 $35.00 $4.00 $25.00 $2.00 $15.00 $0.00 Lfl Lfl Lfl l0 l0 l0 l0 co co co co 0) 0) 0) 01 O O O O .-� .-� N N N N M M M M CY CY CY CY Lfl Lfl Lfl Lfl l0 l0 l0 l0 I� n n n O O O O 01 01 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti SOCCOSS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ~ ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For the Month Ended December 31, 2018 Interest Current Date of Date of Par Current Purchase Unrealized Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Maturity Value Value Amount Gain/(Loss) (Discount) Call Date Wells Fargo Money Market 1.560% 1.560% NA NA - 81,942.39 - - - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 2.550% 2.550% 08/21/2018 02/21/2020 245,000.00 244,385.05 245,000.00 (614.95) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 2.000% 2.000% 02/28/2018 03/28/2019 245,000.00 244,732.95 245,000.00 (267.05) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 2.100% 2.100% 02/21/2018 08/21/2019 245,000.00 244,233. 15 245,000.00 (766.85) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 2.200% 2.200% 09/26/2018 03/26/2019 245,000.00 244,855.45 245,000.00 (144.55) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 2.000% 2.000% 04/07/2016 10/07/2021 245,000.00 237,299.65 245,000.00 (7,700.35) - 04/07/2019 Wells Fargo CD's 2.150% 2.150% 06/27/2017 06/27/2022 245,000.00 235,520.95 245,000.00 (9,479.05) - 01/27/2019 Wells Fargo FHLMC - Step 2.000% 1.945% 09/07/2016 09/27/2019 260,000.00 259,604.80 260,000.00 (395.20) - 03/27/2019 Wells Fargo FHLMC - Step 2.000% 2.192% 06/29/2017 06/29/2022 275,000.00 271,763.25 275,000.00 (3,236.75) - 03/29/2019 Wells Fargo FHLMC - Step 2.000% 2.256% 10/27/2016 10/27/2023 1,025,000. 00 1,014,278. 50 1,025,000. 00 (10,721.50) 01/27/2019 Broker Total 25.7% 3,030,000. 00 3,078,616. 14 3,030,000. 00 (33,326.25) - Cetera Investment Services Money Market 0.150% 0.150% N/A N/A - 84.92 - - - N/A Cetera Investment Services U.S. Treasury Bill 1.960% 1.960% 09/11/2018 02/14/2019 3,070,600. 00 3,061,818. 08 3,044,520. 38 17,297.70 (26,079.62) N/A Cetera Investment Services U.S. Treasury Bill 2.170% 2.170% 12/06/2018 04/11/2019 1,616,000. 00 1,605,318. 24 1,605,195. 70 122.54 (10,804.30) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.995% 2.073% 03/07/2016 07/01/2020 250,000.00 250,327.50 260,835.21 (10,507.71) 10,835.21 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.750% 1.881% 03/07/2016 08/01/2020 250,000.00 251,190.00 259,820.00 (8,630.00) 9,820.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.163% 1.779% 03/08/2016 07/01/2019 500,000.00 498,550.00 506,145.00 (7,595.00) 6,145.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.886% 1.886% 04/29/2016 04/15/2019 250,000.00 247,747.50 236,327.50 11,420.00 (13,672.50) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.000% 1.610% 10/11/2016 01/01/2020 250,000.00 257,700.00 276,500.00 (18,800.00) 26,500.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.875% 2.121% 04/29/2016 09/01/2021 250,000.00 251,007.50 259,467.50 (8,460.00) 9,467.50 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.751% 2.399% 04/29/2016 11/01/2021 250,000.00 252,497.50 267,330.00 (14,832.50) 17,330.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.139% 2.190% 12/11/2017 09/01/2021 300,000.00 300,243.00 310,116.00 (9,873.00) 10,116.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.655% 2.208% 12/11/2017 03/01/2022 300,000.00 298,509.00 305,314.92 (6,805.92) 5,314.92 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.300% 1.715% 12/11/2017 10/01/2020 100,000.00 99,182.00 101,595.00 (2,413.00) 1,595.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.240% 3.240% 11/17/2017 02/15/2023 80,000.00 68,467.20 69,633.48 (1,166.28) (10,366.52) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.436% 3.436% 12/20/2018 12/15/2021 50,000.00 44,982.00 45,155.00 (173.00) (4,845.00) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 3.118% 12/20/2018 08/01/2022 50,000.00 49,938.50 50,377.67 (439.17) 377.67 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.633% 3.116% 12/20/2018 09/01/2022 250,000.00 252,345.00 257,217.48 (4,872.48) 7,217.48 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.650% 3.004% 12/20/2018 02/01/2023 250,000.00 254,585.00 256,165.00 (1,580.00) 6,165.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.075% 3.236% 12/20/2018 06/01/2023 50,000.00 49,410.00 49,746.15 (336.15) (253.85) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.500% 3.181% 12/20/2018 08/01/2023 35,000.00 34,169.45 34,320.05 (150.60) (679.95) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 125,000.00 126,012.50 126,376.25 (363.75) 1,376.25 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 65,000.00 65,526.50 65,715.65 (189.15) 715.65 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.854% 3.173% 12/20/2018 02/01/2024 100,000.00 98,070.00 99,605.96 (1,535.96) (394.04) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.977% 3.246% 12/20/2018 03/15/2024 250,000.00 242,677.50 248,743.99 (6,066.49) (1,256.01) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.922% 3.429% 12/20/2018 12/01/2024 250,000.00 254,042.50 257,122.49 (3,079.99) 7,122.49 N/A Broker Total 74.3% 8,941,600. 00 8,914,401. 39 8,993,346. 38 (79,029.91) 51,746.38 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $ 11,971,600.00 $ 11,993,017.53 $ 12,023,346.38 $ (112,356.16) $ 51,746.38 Product Type Total Value Total Total Value Total Change Lessthan 1year $6,488,887 48 541% Ulu�u., Money Marketyears D's 1,451,027 20 121% 1,449,598 85 121% 1,42835 2 - 3 years 1,086,029 65 91% Governmentyears ^ iuA1111�������I11��I�Il1�i111111111`��`������V Sylyly'111 P�,t-2,e- 0:. jj/ le-h. 2 - � e.r, 4 e.r, 4 - I e.r, 1� e.r, ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue December 2018 CLASS AMOUNT KWH /KWH Street Lights $60.28 1,106 $0.05450 Electric Residential Service $474,097.38 4,378,237 $0.10828 All Electric Residential Service $32,391.50 314,232 $0.10308 Electric Small General Service $172,519.51 1,613,143 $0.10695 Electric Large General Service $648,240.33 6,635,140 $0.09770 Electric Large Industrial Service $727,622.35 8,575,000 $0.08485 Total $2,054,931.35 21,516,858 $0.09550 Power Adjustment $0.01059 Rate Without Power Adjustment $0.08491 Electric Division Year -to -Date M2018$A--t 02017$A--t ■2018KWH110 02017KWH110 33,000,000 32,000,000 31,000,000 30,000,000 29,000,000 28,000,000 27,000,000 26,000,000 25,000,000 24,000,000 23,000,000 22,000,000 21,000,000 20,000,000 19,000,000 18,000,000 17,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Street Lights Residential All Elec. Small Gen. Large Gen. Large For Resale Total Resid. Srv. Srv. Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales, market sales and Transalta sales. NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue DECEMBER 2018 CLASS AMOUNT MCF /$ MCF Residential $536,892.79 66,057 $8.12772 Commercial $369,636.27 46,727 $7.91055 Large Industrial $502,417.36 85,469 $5.87836 Total $1,408,946.42 198,253 $7.10681 ® 2018 $ Amount 12000000 ,, 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Fuel Adjustment-$0.00123 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment $8.33681 Natural Gas Division Year -to -Date 0 2017 $ Amount ■ 2018 MCF 0 2017 MCF Gas Residential Gas Commercial Large Industrial Total eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 1 of 5 Monthly Report - Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Utilities Commission Commission Year Minimum duration Substation 2018 R _____ Month Maximum duration Circuit 12 - December ----- Annual Report? Top-level Cause Remove Major Events? 0 Yes Unscheduled ----- *i No https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l/?year=2018&month=12&is a... 1/11/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 2 of 5 IEEE 1366 Statistics Metric Dec 2018 Dec 2017 SAIDI 1.876 None SAIFI 0.0375 None CAIDI 50 None ASAI 99.9956% 100% Momentary Interruptions 0 0 Sustained Interruptions 1 0 Circuit Ranking - Worst Performing Ranked by Outage Count Circuit Substation Fdr#12 Plant 1 Ranked by Customer Interruptions Circuit Substation Fdr#12 Plant 1 Number of Outages 1 Customer Interruptions 268 Ranked by Customer Minutes of Duration Circuit Substation Customer Minutes of Duration Fdr#12 Plant 1 13,400 https: //reliability.publicpower. org/reports/monthly/utility/91 /?year=2018&month= l 2&is_a... 1 / 11 /2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 3 of 5 Historical Monthly SAIDI Chart 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 SAIDI values 11 s d : I i y. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 Historical Monthly SAIFI Chart 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 SAIFI values u.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 https://reliability.publicpower. org/reports/monthly/utility/91 /?year=2018 &month= l 2&is_a... 1 / 11 /2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 4 of 5 Causes Ranked by Count Cause Electrical Failure Causes Ranked by Duration Cause Electrical Failure Count Duration 13,400 https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l/?year=2018&month=12&is a... 1/11/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 5 of 5 Top 1 Outages for the Month Customers Customer Minutes of Address Interrupted Duration Interruption 800 Bluff St 268 50 13,400 NE Total Customers Affected for the Month: Average Customers Affected per Outage: Start Date 12/22/2018 268 268 https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l /?year=2018&month=l2&is_a... 1 /11 /2019 Electric Production Work Order Description Materials 11708 Units 6 & 7 $ 14,369,702.00 $ 11801 Unit 8 Building Spancrete Joint Replacement 10,000.00 11802 Unit 1 Control Building Air Conditioning 15,000.00 11803 Plant 1 Cooling Tower Piping Replacement 350,000.00 11804 Soft Start Motor Controllers for Air Supply Fan 8,000.00 11805 Replace Stage 3-5 HPC Blades 150,000.00 11806 Unit 1 CEMS Data Logger 30,000.00 11807 Plant 1 Pipe Replacement Engineering 7,000.00 Total Total Percentage Labor Budgeted Actual Difference Completed - $ 14,369,702.00 $ 11,915,689.82 $ (2,454,012.18) 70% $ 10,000.00 9,183.02 $ (816.98) 100% $ 15,000.00 5,461.96 $ (9,538.04) 100% $ 350,000.00 - $ (350,000.00) 2,000.00 $ 10,000.00 16,760.17 $ 6,760.17 100% $ 150,000.00 - $ (150,000.00) 100% $ 30,000.00 $ (30,000.00) $ 7,000.00 - $ (7,000.00) $ 14,939,702.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 14,941,702.00 $ 11,947,094.97 $ (2,994,607.03) Electric Distribution Work Total Total Percentage Order Description Materials Labor Budgeted Actual Difference Completed 21801 Pole Repair or Replacement 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 - $ (15,000.00) 21802 Hutch Substation Roof Replacement 10,000.00 10,000.00 - $ (10,000.00) 21803 Station Equipment 10,000.00 10,000.00 19,415.38 $ 9,415.38 100% 21804 Duct for Reconductor 15,000.00 65,000.00 80,000.00 24,523.82 $ (55,476.18) 100% 21805 Uponer New Feed 85,000.00 50,000.00 135,000.00 224,719.92 $ 89,719.92 90% 21806 Feeder 16 and 17 Reconductor 30,000.00 70,000.00 100,000.00 54,011.83 $ (45,988.17) 100% 21807 MITGI New Feed 80,000.00 35,000.00 115,000.00 61,322.09 $ (53,677.91) 100% 21808 New Developments 50,000.00 50,000.00 120,784.92 $ 70,784.92 100% 21809 Century Court Apartments 20,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 7,759.67 $ (27,240.33) 100% 21810 Century Avenue Trail Work Feeder 22 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 7,547.65 $ (12,452.35) 100% 21811 New Developments Transformers 50,000.00 50,000.00 16,302.51 $ (33,697.49) 100% 21812 Plant 14160 Generator Transformer Repl 70,000.00 5,000.00 75,000.00 $ (75,000.00) 21813 Transformer Replacements 40,000.00 14,000.00 54,000.00 21,231.62 $ (32,768.38) 100% 21814 Century Court Apartments 10,000.00 3,000.00 13,000.00 $ (13,000.00) 21815 Meters 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 39,315.08 $ 9,315.08 100% $ 525,000.00 $ 267,000.00 $ 792, 000.00 $ 596,934.49 $ 65.5... (195,065. 1) Administrative Total Work Order Description Bud gted 51801 Replace 2008 Super Duty Bucket Truck 140,000.00 51802 Replace 2007 Metering Van 25,750.00 51803 Replace 2006 Production Dodge Dakota 25,000.00 51804 Replace 2006 Ford F150 25,750.00 51805 Replace Vehicle #433 37,080.00 Total Percentage Actual Difference Completed 140,000.00 23,887.64 1,862.36 100% 26,079.22 (1,079.22) 100% 26,079.22 (329.22) 100% 43,375.78 (6,295.78) 100% $ 253,580.00 $ 119,421.86 $ (134,158.14) Work Order Description 61801 Transmission Lateral to HCP - ROW Easements 61802 Transmission Lateral to HCP - Materials and Permits 61803 Lafayette Interconnect Metering Upgrade 61804 Locator 61805 Misc Developments and Improvements 61806 Regulator Station Improvements 61807 Service Lines 61808 Meters, AMI, and all Fittings 61809 Industrial Metering and Regulation Natural Gas Total Total Percentage Materials Labor Budgeted Actual Difference Completed $ 500,000.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 504,200.00 $ - $ (504,200.00) 1,000,000.00 4,200.00 1,004,200.00 - $ (1,004,200.00) 90,000.00 18,000.00 108,000.00 18,562.37 $ (89,437.63) 10% 6,000.00 - $ 6,000.00 7,674.16 $ 1,674.16 100% 125,000.00 28,000.00 $ 153,000.00 54,030.40 $ (98,969.60) 100% 15,000.00 4,900.00 $ 19,900.00 - $ (19,900.00) 55,000.00 31,500.00 $ 86,500.00 84,201.81 $ (2,298.19) 100% 90,000.00 4,900.00 $ 94,900.00 105,359.29 $ 10,459.29 100% 80,000.00 7,000.00 $ 87,000.00 109,328.47 $ 22,328.47 100% $ 1,961,000.00 $ 102,700.00 $ 2,063,700.00 $ 379,156.50 $ (1,684,543.50) ,c��,« HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form UTlt W Agenda Item: Review Policies Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 Review Policies Attachments:Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As part of HUC's standard operating procedures, a continual policy review is practiced. This month, the following policies were reviewed and no changes are recommended on these policies at this time: i. Minnesota Government Data Practices Act & Public Records Request ii. Section 1 of Exempt Handbook iii. Section 1 of Non -Exempt Handbook BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: BudgetChange: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: RemainingCost: Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and Public Records Request HUC is in compliance with Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and Public Records Request. Billing information is available upon signing `Consent To Release Private Data' form. Forms are available at the office of HUC. Business information is available upon signing `Information Disclosure Request' form. Forms are available at the office of HUC. EXEMPT SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION We are pleased to welcome you to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. This Handbook has been prepared to familiarize you with our operating policies and procedures as well as your responsibilities as an employee. We hope you will find your work interesting and rewarding. When you become an employee of Hutchinson Utilities Commission, you represent Hutchinson Utilities to our customers and the general public. We should strive to show the best image possible. Should you have any questions regarding policies or procedures, kindly talk with your Director, Manager or Supervisor. WELCOME TO HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION WHAT IS HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION? The Municipal Electric Light Plant was established in 1935 as a result of a special election authorizing the establishment of a new generating plant and distribution system through a bond issue of $250,000 to pay for the construction. The vote was 1,187 for and 128 against. Contracts were awarded for the construction of a new power plant building at the intersection of State Highways 7 and 15. The contract included three (3) 625 hp 430 kw diesel generating units, switchboard, a complete distribution system and other auxiliary equipment. On November 28 1936, construction was completed and by January of 1937, over 600 customers were connected. By the end of March, the system was serving 1,171. The City Charter was amended in 1935 to create a Utilities Commission to manage and operate the system. In 1960, the City constructed a natural gas distribution system, buying natural gas from Northern Natural Gas Company, and selling it to the citizens of Hutchinson and the surrounding rural area. Natural gas was also used in firing the dual generating units of the light plant. In 2003, in order to control natural gas transportation costs, Hutchinson Utilities constructed a high pressure natural gas transmission pipeline to serve this community. This transmission line is interconnected with Northern Border Pipeline near Trimont, Minnesota which allows Hutchinson Utilities to transport natural gas to its customers in addition to other municipal utilities and industrial end users located along the pipeline corridor. Since 1936, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, consisting of three (3) qualified voters of the City of Hutchinson, has operated the Municipal Electric Plant and the Natural Gas Distribution System. It was established by Section 17 of the City Charter that the Commissioners be appointed by the City Council, one (1) every two years, for a six year term. No Commissioner can serve more than two (2) successive terms. The Commission elects a President, Vice President, and Secretary. In November of 1987, the City Charter was amended to expand the Utilities Commission to a five (5)- member board. Each Commissioner's term will be five (5) years and no Commissioner can serve more than two (2) successive terms. The City Charter gives the Commission full, absolute and exclusive control of and power over the Electric and Natural Gas Operations of Hutchinson Utilities. The Commission hires a General Manager to manage the day-to-day operation of the Utilities. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission has, for many years, made substantial cash contributions to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson from surplus earnings of both the electric and gas divisions of the Utilities. Hutchinson Utilities Commission has provided and will continue to provide to its customers, electricity and natural gas at the lowest possible cost. PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK The contents of this Employee Handbook are for information only. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission does not intend to create a contract by the publication and issuance of this Handbook and under no circumstances is it to be construed as a contract of employment. Employees are considered to be "at will". The Commission reserves the right to change the policies and procedures in this Handbook at any time without notice. DEFINITIONS In this Handbook, the following terms shall have the meanings as listed below: "Commission" means the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. "Essential employees" means power plant operators, system controllers, line workers, and natural gas service workers. "Exempt employees" means executive, professional and administrative employees as those terms are defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") and who are not subject to the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA. "General Manager" means the Chief Executive of Hutchinson Utilities who is appointed by the Commission. "Immediate family" means spouse or significant other, parent, stepparent, guardian, child, adult, adult child, stepchild, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, and any in-law. "Non-exempt employees" are employees who are generally paid hourly and are subject to the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA. "Regular full-time employee" means an employee who has been appointed to an authorized, budgeted position who is not temporary or probationary and who is regularly scheduled to work 40 hours during a work week. Generally, regular full-time employees are eligible for Utility benefit programs subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefit program. "Seniority" means length of consecutive employment as a regular full-time employee with Hutchinson Utilities. "Staff personnel" means Natural Gas Director, Production Manager, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager, Engineering Services Manager, Financial Manager, Accountant, Administrative Coordinator, Purchasing / Inventory Agent, Computer Systems Analyst, Energy Conservation Administrator, and Accounts Supervisor. "Temporary employee" means an employee who may work up to 40 hours per week but for a maximum of 24 weeks per year, even if not consecutive weeks. Temporary positions are eligible for legally mandated benefits such as Social Security but are ineligible for Utility benefit programs. "Utility" and "Utilities" means Hutchinson Utilities. "Working days" means Monday through Friday. NON-EXEMPT SECTION I - INTRODUCTION We are pleased to welcome you to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. This Handbook has been prepared to familiarize you with our operating policies and procedures as well as your responsibilities as an employee. We hope you will find your work interesting and rewarding. When you become an employee of Hutchinson Utilities Commission, you represent Hutchinson Utilities to our customers and the general public. We should strive to show the best image possible. Should you have any questions regarding policies or procedures, kindly talk with your Director or Manager. WELCOME TO HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION WHAT IS HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION? The Municipal Electric Light Plant was established in 1935 as a result of a special election authorizing the establishment of a new generating plant and distribution system through a bond issue of $250,000 to pay for the construction. The vote was 1,187 for and 128 against. Contracts were awarded for the construction of a new power plant building at the intersection of State Highways 7 and 15. The contract included three (3) 625 hp 430 kw diesel generating units, switchboard, a complete distribution system and other auxiliary equipment. On November 28 1936, construction was completed and by January of 1937, over 600 customers were connected. By the end of March, the system was serving 1,171. The City Charter was amended in 1935 to create a Utilities Commission to manage and operate the system. In 1960, the City constructed a natural gas distribution system, buying natural gas from Northern Natural Gas Company, and selling it to the citizens of Hutchinson and the surrounding rural area. Natural gas was also used in firing the dual generating units of the light plant. In 2003, in order to control natural gas transportation costs, Hutchinson Utilities constructed a high pressure natural gas transmission pipeline to serve this community. This transmission line is interconnected with Northern Border Pipeline near Trimont, Minnesota which allows Hutchinson Utilities to transport natural gas to its customers in addition to other municipal utilities and industrial end users located along the pipeline corridor. Since 1936, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, consisting of three (3) qualified voters of the City of Hutchinson, has operated the Municipal Electric Plant and the Natural Gas Distribution System. It was established by Section 17 of the City Charter that the Commissioners be appointed by the City Council, one (1) every two years, for a six year term. No Commissioner can serve more than two (2) successive terms. The Commission elects a President, Vice President, and Secretary. In November of 1987, the City Charter was amended to expand the Utilities Commission to a five (5)- member board. Each Commissioner's term will be five (5) years and no Commissioner can serve more than two (2) successive terms. The City Charter gives the Commission full, absolute and exclusive control of and power over the Electric and Natural Gas Operations of Hutchinson Utilities. The Commission hires a General Manager to manage the day-to-day operation of the Utilities. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission has, for many years, made substantial cash contributions to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson from surplus earnings of both the electric and gas divisions of the Utilities. Hutchinson Utilities Commission has provided and will continue to provide to its customers, electricity and natural gas at the lowest possible cost. PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK The contents of this Employee Handbook are for information only. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission does not intend to create a contract by the publication and issuance of this Handbook and under no circumstances is it to be construed as a contract of employment. Employees are considered to be "at will". The Commission reserves the right to change the policies and procedures in this Handbook at any time without notice. DEFINITIONS In this Handbook, the following terms shall have the meanings as listed below: "Commission" means the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. "Essential employees" means power plant operators, system controllers, line workers, and natural gas service workers. "Exempt employees" means executive, professional and administrative employees as those terms are defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") and who are not subject to the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA. "General Manager" means the Chief Executive of Hutchinson Utilities who is appointed by the Commission. "Immediate family" means spouse or significant other, parent, stepparent, guardian, child, adult child, stepchild, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, and any in-law. "Non-exempt employees" are employees who are generally paid hourly and are subject to the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA. "Regular full-time employee" means an employee who has been appointed to an authorized, budgeted position who is not temporary or probationary and who is regularly scheduled to work 40 hours during a work week. Generally, regular full-time employees are eligible for Utility benefit programs subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefit program. "Seniority" means length of consecutive employment as a regular full-time employee with Hutchinson Utilities. "Staff personnel" means Natural Gas Director, Production Manager, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager, Engineering Services Manager, Financial Manager, Accountant, Administrative Coordinator, Purchasing / Inventory Agent, Computer Systems Analyst, Energy Conservation Administrator, and Accounts Supervisor. "Temporary employee" means an employee who may work up to 40 hours per week but for a maximum of 24 weeks per year, even if not consecutive weeks. Temporary positions are eligible for legally mandated benefits such as Social Security but are ineligible for Utility benefit programs. "Utility" and "Utilities" means Hutchinson Utilities. "Working days" means Monday through Friday. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form 41ri ars mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve Requisition No. 007803 for a 2019 Ford, F-250, 4WD Cab and Chassis Presenter: John Webster Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes);; 2 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: In compliance with the 2019 Fleet Management Program the Natural Gas Division is to replace vehicle #651, a 2006 Ford, F150 4-wheel drive pickup. The replacement vehicle that is being recommended by Hutchinson Utilities is a 2019 Ford F-250 extended/double cab, 4-wheel drive cab and chassis. State Bid Contract No.: 135738 Order FIN: QS031 Hutchinson Utilities will offer the 2006 Ford 150 up for sale in 2019. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Requisition No. 007803 Fiscal Impact: 30,170.50 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $60,000 Remaining Cost: $29,829.50 " HUTCHINSON UTILITIES rasa c omn-ti 5 Ott MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL 2777 N SNELLING AVE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 Note: Description: Item Part No. No. 000-00000 PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Description 2019 FORD 3/4 TON, EXTENDED/DOUBLE CAB, - 4WD, F-250, LONG WHEELBASE (164"), X213 164, WITH 6.01- EFI V8 GASOLINE ENGINE. OXFORD WHITE PAINT (YZ), PREFERRED ,EQUIPMENT PACKAGE, XL TRIM, TRAILER TOW PACKAGE, AIR CONDITIONING, AM/FM/STEREO/CLOCK, 6-SPD AUTOMATIC, 3.73 AXLE, 10,000 LB GVWR PACKAGE, 50 STATE EMISSIONS, WITH THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: TBM - LT245/75RX17 BSW AT TIRES, TRIM TYPE IS - CLOTH 40/20/40 SPLIT BENCH - DARK EARTH GRAY, 41 H - HEATER, ENGINE BLOCK, 66S - UPFITTER SWITCHES (6), 41 P - SKID PLATE PACKAGE, 67H - SUSPENSION PACKAGE, HEAVY SERVICE, 76S - REMOTE START SYSTEM, 61 S - SPLASH GUARDS/MUD FLAPS (FRONT) 61 L - FRONT WHEEL WELL LINERS, 66D - PICKUP BOX DELETE, 90L - POWER EQUIPMENT GROUP, 67E - EXTRA -EXTRA HEAVY DUTY ALTERNATOR, 86M - DUAL BATTERIES, 525 - CRUISE CONTROL TAX TITLE LICENSE STAE BID CONTRACT NUMBER - 135738 ORDER NO: 9999, PRIORITY J1, ORD FIN: QS031 ORDER CODE: 600A, CUST/FLT NAME: STATE Qty 1.00 Date [Requisition No. 12/07/2018 007803 Required by: Requested by: JWebster Unit II Due Date EA 12/07/2018 Unit Price $30,170.500 Ext. Amount 1 $30,170.50 (TOTAL OF $30,170.50 INCLUDES ALL FEES I I I I I' nted: 01/09/2019 Requisitioned By: JWebster Page: 1/2 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Commission MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL 2777 N SNELLING AVE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 Note: Description: PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Date Requisition No. 12/07/2018 007803 Required by: Requested by: JWebster Item Part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount No. AND SALES TAX. MFG. PART: Total 30,170.50 Date Printed: 01/09/2019 Requisitioned By: JWebster Page: 212 Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 T-71 2019 F250 4X4- Super Cab- 8' Box Automatic Transmission Dual Front Air Bags AM/FM Radio Tow Hitch Tilt Wheel ro m res ers Base Price 6.2 Gays Options Price Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lie 6.5% Sales Tax Document fee 'Sub total per vehicle (Number of Vehicles re 61 40/20/40 Vinyl Front Seat Standard Base Upholstery 4-Wheel ABS Brakes Air Conditioning LT245/75r17 E All Season Tires Travis Swanson 651-p343-5212 ry tsw,i::M1�V'.��mo i s ) + a.�Le Front Tow Hooks Rubber Floor Covering Black Bumpers w/Rear Step Matching Full Size Spare Tire 6.21- V8 E85 x tswe jeans metamc x Race Red x Caribou Metallic x Shadow Black x (Magnetic Metallic x Ingot Silver Metallic x Oxford White x x x Extended Service Coni x 7 year/75,000 mile x PremiumCare Warranty x (Bumper to Bumper) x ,570 You must have a active FIN code to participate in this totals purchase contract : FIN code # <2361 6,203.84 Purchase Order required prior to order placement 1,964.00 PO # $20.00 $51.75 anization duress ity, State, Zip ontact Person/ Phone # e-mau aooress a x HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form 41ri ars mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve Requisition No. 007815 for a 2019 Ford, F-350, 4WD Cab and Chassis Presenter: John Webster Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes);; 2 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: In compliance with the 2019 Fleet Management Program the Natural Gas Division is to replace vehicle #623, a 2008 Ford, F1350 4-wheel drive cab and utility body with 93,000 miles. The replacement vehicle that is being recommended by Hutchinson Utilities is a 2019 Ford F-350 crew cab, 4-wheel drive cab and chassis. State Bid Contract No.: 135919 Order FIN: QS031 Hutchinson Utilities will offer the 2008 Ford 350 with utility body up for sale in 2019. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Requisition No. 007815 Fiscal Impact: $40,123.10 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $70,000 Remaining Cost: $29,876.90 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'll MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL 2777 N SNELLING AVE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 Note Description: PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Date Requisition No. 01 /11 /2019 007815 Required by: Requested by: JWebster Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount 2019 F350 4X4 CREW CAB, CAB AND CHASSIS, - 179" WHEELBASE, 60" CAB TO AXLE (Z1) - OXFORD WHITE (633A) - PREF EQUIP PKG, XLT TRIM (54K) - TELE TT MIR-PWR AM/FM/MP3/CLK (996) - 6.2 LITER, EFI V8 GASOLINE ENGINE (44P) - 6-SPD AUTOMATIC(TCH) - LT275/65BSWAS18 TIRES (425) - 50 STATE EMISS WITH THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: (X4M) -AXLE, ELECTRONIC LOCKING (4.30) (2S) - CLOTH 40/CONSOLE/40 FRONT SEATS (166) - CARPET DELETE (213) - ELECTRONIC SHIFT -ON -THE -FLY 4X4 (41 H) -HEATER, ENGINE BLOCK (54F) - MIRRORS, POWER TELESCOPE POWER GLASS (61 S) SPLASH GUARDS/MUD FLAPS - FRONT 1 000-00000 (41P)- SKID PLATE PACKAGE 1.00 EA 01/11/2019 $40,123.100 $40,123.10 (86M) - MEDIUM DUTY BATTERY - DUAL 78 AH (61 L) - FRONT WHEEL WELL LINERS (872) - REAR VIEW CAMERA AND PREP PACK (17V) - XLT VALUE PACKAGE (67E) - 240 AMP ALTERNATOR (942) - DAYTINE RUNNING LAMPS TAX TITLE LICENSE FIN: QS031 CONTRACT: 135919 ORDER NO: 9999 ORD PEP: 633A PRIORITY: J1 CUSTOMER/FLT NAME: STATE Date Printed: 01/24/2019 Reauisitioned Bv: JWebster Paae: 1/2 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'll MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL 2777 N SNELLING AVE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 Note Description: PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Date Requisition No. 01 /11 /2019 007815 Required by: Requested by: JWebster Item No. Part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount MFG. PART: Total: 40,123.10 Date Printed: 01/24/2019 Requisitioned By: JWebster Page: 2/2 Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 C-44 Contract # 135919 2019 F350 4X4- Crew Cab- 60" CA SRW XLT W31F Automatic Transmission Dual Front Air Bags AM/FM/CD Player Tilt Wheel Upfitter Switches Chrome Grille 40/20/40 Cloth Front Seat Sync Hands Free 4-Wheel ABS Brakes Air Conditioning 225/7009.5 All Season Tires Power Windows/Locks Travis Swanson 651-343-5212 tswansonQrosevillemidwayford.com Front Tow Hooks Carpet Floor Covering Chrome Bumper 6.2L V8 Cab Lights Cruise Control Options Code Price Select Exterior Colors Code Select 4.30 E-Locking Axle X4M $359 x Blue Jeans Metallic N1 Cloth 40/console/40 2S $869 x Race Red PQ Carpet Delete 166 ($47) x Caribou Metallic LQ Shift on Fly 4x4 213 $171 x Shadow Black G1 Block Heater 41 H $92 x Magnetic Metallic J7 PowerScope Mirrors 54F $257 x Ingot Silver Metallic UX Front Mud Flaps 61 S $79 x Oxford White Z1 x Skid Plates 41 P $92 x Dual Batteries 86M $193 x 240 Amp Alternator 67E $79 x Extended Service Contracts Cost Select XLT Value Package 17V $1,472 x 7 year/75,000 mile PremiumCare Warranty (Bumper to Bumper) $2,570 Daytime Running Lights 942 $42 x Wheel Well Liners 61 L $165 x Rear View Camera & Prep 872 $381 x Option Total $4,204 You must have a active FIN code to participate in this purchase contract : FIN code # Purchase Order required prior to order placement PO # Base Price Totals 6.2 Gas Options Price Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lic 6.5% Sales Tax Document fee Sub total per vehicle Number of Vehicles $33,309.00 $4,204.00 $20.00 $51.75 $2,438.35 $100.00 $40,123.10 1 Name of Organization Address Grand Total for all units $40,123.10 City, State, Zip Acceptance Signature Contact Person/ Phone # Print Name and Title Date Contact's e-mail address and fax # HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form rMturit mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Replace 2008 Service Truck #573 Presenter: Dave Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes);; 5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As part of our fleet management program, HUC will be replacing the 2008 service truck for the electric department. The purchase will Require two separate requisitions, one for the Cab/Chassis and one for the service body. The state bid is not completed for the service body therefore we will look to approve that at a later date. However due to lead times we would like to order the cab/chassis today. Requisition 7814 is for the Cab/Chassis from Midway Ford State Contract #135919 The 2019 budget is $60,000.00 for both the Cab/Chassis and Service Body. The State contract price for the Cab/Chassis is $40490.00 plus taxes and fees. The estimated state contract price for the service body is $19671.00 plus tax. The estimated total will be $64316.98, with all taxes and fees. We will be selling the 2008 Service truck for an estimated $19000.00 to go towards the fleet management program. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Requisition 7814 Fiscal Impact: 43293.60 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'll MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL 2777 N SNELLING AVE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 Note Description: 2019 Ford F350 4X4 Super Cab PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Date Requisition No. 01 /10/2019 007814 Required by: Requested by: dhunstad Item No. Part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount 2019 FORD F350 4X4 SUPER CAB - MFG. PART: 1 1.00 EA $43,293.600 $43,293.60 Total: 43,293.60 Date Printed: 01/10/2019 Requisitioned By: dhunstad Page: 1/1 Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 C-41 Contract # 135919 2019 F360 4X4- Super Cab- 60" CA SRW XL X3F Automatic Transmission 40/20/40 Vinyl Front Seat Dual Front Air Bags Standard Base Upholstery AM/FM Radio 4-Wheel ABS Brakes Tow Hitch Air Conditioning Tilt Wheel LT245/75r17 E All Season Tires Travis Swanson 651-343-5212 tswanqorn �r� viilljo,g )k@yLord corn Front Tow Hooks Rubber Floor Covering Black Bumpers w/Rear Step Matching Full Size Spare Tire 6.2L V8 E85 6.7L Diesel 99T $8,391 x Blue Jeans Metallic 3.73 E-Locking Axle X3E $359 x Race Red Cloth 40/20/40 Seat 1S $92 x Caribou Metallic Power Group 90L $841 x Shadow Black Brake Controller 52B $249 x Magnetic Metallic Running Boards 18B $409 x Ingot Silver Metallic Rear View camera & prep 872 $381 x Oxford White Remote Start 76S $231 x Cruise Control 525 $216 x Extended Service Con 7 year/75,000 mile PremiumCare Warranty (Bumper to Bumper) Base Price 6.2 Gas Options Price Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lic 6.5% Sales Tax Document fee Subtotal per vehicle Number of Vehicles Grand Total for all units 1 You must have a active FIN code to participate in this Totals purchase contract: FIN code # 9,321.00 Purchase Order required prior to order placement 1,169.00. PO # Person/ Phone # Print Name and Title Date lContact's e-mail address and fax # HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form rMturit mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Plant 1 cooling tower repair Presenter: Randy Blake Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes);; 5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Plant 1 cooling tower has 3 sections which are called cells. In 2012, HUC went out for bids to repair the wood in the fan stack area of the west and center cells. At that time, the siding was removed by Midwest Towers and replaced with fiberglass panels. Late summer of 2018 the tower developed a leak between the center and east cell wall. This wall has deteriorated to the point that water is spilling outside the tower and onto the pavement. Staff has made some temporary repairs to contain the water. In the meantime, several contractors who specialize in cooling tower repair have been contacted. The interior wall that is leaking contains asbestos fibers in the wall panels. The contractors also stated that the outer walls have the same asbestos omposition and would need to be abated before they could perform the repairs. I attained Quotes from 3 cooling tower repair contractors for the wall replacements and 3 abatement contractors for the asbestos panel removal . This requisition is for the tower repair. Precision Cooling Towers Inc quote is $46,485.00. Cooling Tower Depot quote was $47,000.00. SPX Cooling Technologies Inc came in at $84,085.00. Midwest Towers is no longer in business. The low bid for the asbestos abatement came in at $22,450.00 and I have a requisition into the General Manager for that portion of the project. Total budgeted project cost was $80,000, with total actual project costs coming in at $68,935. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Requisition #007822 for Precision Cooling Towers Inc.- $46,485.00 Fiscal Impact: $46,485.00 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $68,935 Remaining Cost:' HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'll Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 PRECISION COOLING TOWERS INC. 1365 COMMONWEALTH DRIVE HENDERSON, KY 42420 Description: Date Requisition No. 01 /22/2019 007822 Required by: Requested by: RBlake Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount COOLING TOWER REPAIR- QUOTE # PP-5061 - PLANT 1 COOLING TOWER REPAIR - 1 QUOTE # PP-5061 1.00 EA 02/21/2019 $46,485.000 $46,485.00 MFG. PART: Total: 46,485.00 Date Printed: 01/22/2019 Requisitioned By: RBlake Page: 1/1 MI 1 DEPOT Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. Hutchinson CTD PROPOSAL R412-1018 November 2, 2018 Hutchinson Power Station 41 225 Michigan Street Southeast Hutchinson , Minnesota 55350 Attn: Mr. Randy Blake Mr. Blake, Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. (CTD) is pleased to provide our quotation for your cooling tower repair project. With our extensive cooling tower experience, CTD is adept in identifying the necessary repairs to get the most efficient life out of your cooling tower(s). As a leading designer and manufacturer of industrial cooling towers, CTD is providing you with the highest quality -cooling tower parts and materials, which meet or exceed your requirements. Our designs utilize components that have proven to be reliable in the cooling tower industry. With CTD's experience, convenient website to purchase parts, and our cost advantages, we hope to be of service to you well into the future. CTD appreciates the opportunity to submit our proposal and we look forward to being of further service to you on this project. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please let us know. Sincerely, Brad Meadows Regional Sales Manager 816-246-8683 Office 816-489-6125 Mobile bmeadows(�ctdinc.com R412-1018 Page 1 of 4 All Information Contained Herein is Proprietary and Confidential MI 1 DEPOT Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. Hutchinson SCOPE OF WORK Proposal is as follows: Marley Single Flow 656-3-03 20'-0 Cell Item 1-Partition Wall Replacement: (1) Wall: • In the bay adjacent to the partition wall, remove the existing drift eliminators and place aside for re- installation after repair is completed. Remove (1) one bay of fill, and grids and place in disposal bins supplied by others. • After fill is removed, crew will demobilize to allow asbestos abatement contractor to abate corrugated ACB panels from partition for disposal by Abatement contractors. • Crew will mobilize and supply and install new single sided'/z" plywood panels. • New plywood shall be secured the existing structure with annular ring shank nails. • Install one (1) new 2"x 4" intermediate support in each bay. • Reinstall new V-Bar fill 8 x 8 centers parallel to air flow with new PVC coated wire grids in (1) one bay adjacent to the partition wall. • Reinstall the existing drift eliminators in (1) bay adjacent to the partition wall. • New materials shall be 41 and better pressure treated Douglas fir. • All connecting hardware shall be 304 stainless steel. Item 2- End Wall Replacement: 1 End Wall & 1 Back Wall (2) Walls • Asbestos Abatement Contractor, will remove the existing casing panels and dispose of properly. • Supply and install new 12oz/fe general purpose 4.2" corrugated fiberglass casing panels. • New casing shall be attached to the existing stricture with stainless steel nails backed with a neoprene washer to prevent leakage. • Overlaps and seams will be caulked with a polyurethane sealant to prevent leakage and neoprene strips will be installed at corners, prior to installation. • Install one (1) new 2"x 4" intermediate support in each bay. • Corners shall consist of 6"x6" fiberglass corner roll and sealed with a polyurethane sealant. • The back wall shall include a plenum access door. New door shall include stainless steel hinges and a latch. • New materials shall be 41 and better pressure treated Douglas fir. • All connecting hardware shall be 304 stainless steel. Material and Labor Price Items 1 & 2 $47,000 R412-1018 Page 2 of 4 All Information Contained Herein is Proprietary and Confidential MI 1 DEPOT Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. Hutchinson Terms and Conditions: Pricing Notes: 1. Pricing is valid for 30 days from date of proposal. 2. Labor and supervision is CTD, Open Shop (40 hour week Monday — Friday). 3. No sales or use tax included. Customer to provide tax information to CTD at the time of issuing purchase order. 4. Prices do not include any building permits, certificates or special licenses that may be required. Also, no PE stamp is included in this pricing. 5. CTD General Terms and Conditions are attached hereto and are incorporated as part of the document. 6. Electrical wiring and connections are not included in this proposal. 7. Any additional work outside the written scope must be approved by customer management prior to work being performed. 8. Items priced separately for accounting and estimating purposes only. Pricing valid only when all items are purchased simultaneously. Add prices do not include mobilization/demobilization costs. 9. Freight FOB shipping points. Freight will be prepaid and added at cost plus 12% plus $199.00 per truck for packaging and handling charges unless otherwise noted. Eauibment Resbonsibilities: Man Lift By Others Sanitation By Others Fork Lift By Others 1 IOV Power at Tower By Others Crane By Others Asbestos By Others All Waste Disposal By Others Pneumatic Tools By Others Site Conditions: 1. CTD assumes site conditions to be accessible and reserves the right to adjust invoices to reflect additional charges resulting in unreasonable time delays due to work permitting, process operations, plant alarms, customer supplied equipment, evacuations, or unsatisfactory site conditions per the current CTD Time and Material rate sheet. 2. Time delays exceeding (1) hour due to work permitting or unsatisfactory site conditions will be billed per our T&M rate sheet. Safetv Resbonsibilities: DISA Not Included TWIC Not Included Confined Space Not Included MSHA Not Included Hole Watch Not Included Basic Plus (BOP) Not Included CPR Not Included Site Specific Not Included Respirators Not Included Fire Retardant Clothing Not Included Drug Testing Not Included Continuous Monitoring Not Included Background Checks Not Included Site Safety Manager Not Included Safety: 1. Any additional screening/orientation requirements will be provided at an additional expense. R412-1018 Page 3 of 4 All Information Contained Herein is Proprietary and Confidential MI 1 DEPOT Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. Hutchinson Warranty: Cooling Tower Depot warrants the Work against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 18 months from the date of shipment to the site, or 12 months after the date of completion, whichever shall first occur, provided that the Client shall give Cooling Tower Depot written notice of any such defects within 10 days after the discovery of the defect. All liability of Cooling Tower Depot under this provision shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the defective parts, FOB shipping point. Cooling Tower Depot shall not be liable for defects, which are the result of corrosion, erosion, deterioration from unusual causes, defects due to normal wear and tear or operating conditions. ADDITIONALLY, COOLING TOWER DEPOT SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Payment Terms: 1. Materials (freight if applicable): 100% of material price net 30 days from shipment. 2. Labor: Monthly progress billing for labor. 3. A lump sum mobilization invoice of 20% will be issued upon receipt of purchase order to cover offsite mobilization, preplanning activities and material procurement. 4. All invoices due Net 30 days from invoice date. 5. Freight FOB shipping points. Freight will be prepaid and added at cost plus 12% plus $199.00 per truck for packaging and handling charges unless otherwise noted. Submitted by, COOLING TOWER DEPOT, INC. Micky Fisher Vice President of Reconstruction R412-1018 Page 4 of 4 All Information Contained Herein is Proprietary and Confidential COOLING TOWS General Conditions of Sale (Domestic) Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. shall provide the materials, equipment, and where applicable, the labor and services described in their proposal (hereinafter the "Work") strictly in accordance with, and subject to, the following terms and conditions, which shall be deemed accepted by the Client in the event that the Client either signs this proposal, or issues a purchase order or contract covering the Work or authorizes Cooling Tower Depot to proceed to perform the Work, in writing or orally. The terms contained herein shall govern should any conflict between these terms and conditions and those to the Client contained in any purchase order or contract regardless of whether these terms and conditions were tendered prior to receipt by Cooling Tower Depot of the conflicting terms from the Client. TERMS OF PAYMENT. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing between Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot shall be entitled to payment within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice for all Work performed in accordance with the following schedule: a. Drawings, if required, shall be invoiced at 15% of contract value, net 30 days from invoice submittal b. Materials shall be invoiced progressively as materials ship, net 30 days from invoice date; C. Field Construction Labor shall be invoiced as work progresses, net 30 days from invoice date. In the event payment is not made in accordance with the above stated terms, Client agrees to pay CTD interest on the outstanding, overdue invoices at the rate of one; one half percent (1.5%) per month until paid. In addition, CTD shall be entitled to all reasonable costs associated with the collection of past due invoices, including reasonable attorney's fees. In the event that Client delays the commencement of the project and/or shipment of the materials, Client agrees to pay all reasonable storage costs, handling, increased costs of transportation and increased administrative costs incurred by CTD. 2. CHANGES. The Client has the right to make changes or deletions to the Work on the project. In the event that the Client directs a change to the Work, Cooling Tower Depot agrees to perform the change in Work subject to an equitable adjustment in the contract amount as well as additional time for completion. CANCELLATION. Client acknowledges that Cooling Tower Depot's time in preparing and tendering its expertise is an important asset of Cooling Tower Depot and therefore Client agrees that upon cancellation of a contract or purchase order, Client will pay Cooling Tower Depot in accordance with the following: a. If fabrication has not been started, Ten percent (10%) of the contract amount (or estimated contract amount if on a time and material basis) plus any other charges incurred on purchase orders issued by Cooling Tower Depot and/or design and engineering completed if required. Fifteen percent (15%) of the contract price for engineering and administrative costs incurred on behalf of the Client. b. If fabrication has been started, Client shall pay Cooling Tower Depot an amount equal to all of Cooling Tower Depot's direct costs, plus Twenty percent (20%) overhead and profit. Cooling Tower Depot agrees to cooperate with Client and place no additional orders upon receipt of notice of cancellation and further agrees to return all non -specialty component parts and materials to the manufacturer as may be possible. Cooling Tower Depot, thereafter, will tender an invoice reflecting the cancellation charges to the Client, which shall be due and payable within 15 days after having been tendered by Cooling Tower Depot. 4. SALES/USE TAX, FEES AND PERMITS. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot's proposal does not include any applicable sales tax, use tax, fees or permits required to perform the Work. Client agrees to pay for such sales and/or use taxes along with all fees and permits required to perform the Work. Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Cooling Tower Depot for such taxes, fees and permits as well as any and all related penalties, interest charges or fines assessed by any Federal, State of Local authority on account of nonpayment. FREIGHT AND TRANSPORTATION CHARGES. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot does not include freight or other transportation charges associated with the Work specified or requested by addendum or change order. Client agrees to pay all such charges to Cooling Tower Depot upon Cooling Tower Depot tendering an invoice for such freight costs. RISKS OF LOSS AND TITLE. On and after delivery to the carrier for transportation to the Client's site, Client shall be responsible for all loss or damage to materials and equipment due to any cause including but not limited to loss or damage resulting from casualty. Title to all materials and equipment purchase shall pass to Client as each item is loaded upon the carrier for transportation to the project site. 651 Corporate Circle, Ste. 206 Golden, CO 80401 Phone: (720) 746-1234 Fax: (720) 746-1110 COOLING TOWER OVERTIME. This proposal is based upon wages computed at standard hourly rates for a work week of five standard eight hour days, Monday through Friday, or such shorter work week or day as may prevail at the project for similar classes of work. If overtime work is required by the Client, or if overtime is generally prevailing in the vicinity of the project for any class of labor employed by the Client, then the labor and supervision portion of the contract shall be increased to allow for overtime compensation plus additional overhead at the rate of Fifteen percent (15%). TIME FOR COMPLETION / SCHEDULE. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot shall perform such word as required by its contract within a reasonable time and in accordance with a mutually acceptable form of project schedule. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Cooling Tower Depot shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or expense, direct, or indirect resulting from delay or failure in the performance of Cooling Tower Depot's obligations hereunder if such delay or failure is due to acts of God, or the public enemy, strikes, labor trouble, fire, explosions, floods, riots, war, governmental orders or restrictions, shortages of materials or labor, delay of transportation, theft, accidents, or any other cause for which Cooling Tower Depot is not solely responsible (herein collectively referred to as "force majeure"). Cooling Tower Depot shall, upon the occurrence of a force majeure event, provide notice to the Client of the event. Cooling Tower Depot shall, after cessation of the force majeure event be entitled to a reasonable time to complete its obligations under this contract. Cooling Tower Depot's total liability for damages related to the performance of this contract shall be limited to the amount of the contract price and in no event shall Cooling Tower Depot be liable for INCIDENTAL or CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, or for loss of profits, lost profit by reason of plant shutdown, non -operation, or increase of expense of operation of other equipment or facilities or for any special or indirect damages, including but not limited to loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of equipment, cost of replacement power, additional expense incurred in the use of equipment, facilities and claims of customers of the Client, regardless of whether the claim arises out of contract, tort, warranty (express or implied), product liability, strict liability, negligence, or any other equitable or legal theory. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot shall assume no liability for the structural integrity or the strength of the Work. 10. NEGLIGENCE AND INDEMNITY. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot shall not be liable far any claim, damage, judgment, cost or expense arising out of the negligence of the Client. In the event that both Cooling Tower Depot and the Client are named in an action or claim arising out of the joint or several negligence of the parties hereunder, Cooling Tower Depot will only be responsible for that portion of damage, claim, judgment, cost or expense that its negligence bears in proportion to the total negligence of all responsible parties. It is expressly understood between Cooling Tower Depot and the Client that Cooling Tower Depot shall not be responsible to Client for any indirect or special damage including incidental or consequential damages arising from any action in which Cooling Tower Depot is named as a party responsible for any and all of the claimed damages. Additionally, Cooling Tower Depot shall have no indemnity obligation and shall not be required to hold harmless and defend the Client for any claim, damage, judgment, cost or expense except as may have been caused by the negligence, proportional or otherwise, of Cooling Tower Depot. Both Cooling Tower Depot and Client agree to waive their rights to subrogation under any policy of insurance relating to or covering the project. The forgoing indemnity shall be further limited as follows: a. as between Cooling Tower Depot and the Client, Cooling Tower Depot's liability for loss of or damage to property of Client, including property constituting the Work, shall be limited to the extent and scope of insurance as provided. b. the Cooling Tower Depot's construction liability for damage to or destruction of property of Client, including the Work to be performed hereunder, shall terminate upon the transfer of care, custody, and control thereof; and c. when the Work has been completed, Cooling Tower Depot shall give Client written notice to such effect. Unless Client shall, upon receipt of such notice, give Cooling Tower Depot written notice of any item of the Work not completed and acceptable, the care, custody, and control shall pass to Client. it. WARRANTY. Cooling Tower Depot warrants the Work against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 18 months from the date of shipment to the site, or 12 months after the date of completion, whichever shall first occur, provided that the Client shall give Cooling Tower Depot written notice of any such defects within 10 days after the discovery of the defect. All liability of Cooling Tower Depot under this provision shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the defective parts, FOB shipping point. Cooling Tower Depot shall not be liable for defects, which are the result of corrosion, erosion, deterioration from unusual causes, defects due to normal wear and tear or operating conditions. ADDITIONALLY, COOLING TOWER DEPOT SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 651 Corporate Circle, Ste. 206 Golden, CO 80401 Phone: (720) 746-1234 Fax: (720) 746-1110 I LING TOWER 12. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Cooling Tower Depot shall perform the Work hereunder as an independent contractor and shall have the right to select the means and method of construction and operation of its employees and subcontractors. Cooling Tower Depot shall conform to all applicable safety standards required by any Federal, State, or Local government and shall comply with all OSHA requirements as may be applicable to the project. Cooling Tower Depot shall have the right to subcontract those portions of the Work that Cooling Tower Depot deems in its best interest without interference from the Client. 13. PERFORMANCE TESTS. In the event that performance tests are required, the tests shall be performed by either Cooling Tower Depot or a neutral third party as may be mutually agreed upon by Cooling Tower Depot and Client and shall be performed pursuant to the procedures set forth by Cooling Technology Institute as specified by ATC-105, and shall be subject to the tolerances specified herein. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND CHOICE OF LAW. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Cooling Tower Depot and Client, this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Colorado. The contract represented by this proposal constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. All prior understandings, writings, proposals, between the parties are hereby merged and supersede hereby. This agreement may not be modified or amended except by written instrument signed by a duly authorized representative of each party. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED THIS DAY OF 20. Cooling Tower Depot, Inc. Client 651 Corporate Circle, Ste. 206 Golden, CO 80401 Phone: (720) 746-1234 Fax: (720) 746-1110 1365 Commonwealth Drive Henderson, KY 42420 Phone: (270) 826-5028 Fax: (270) 826-7487 1/16/2019 Proposal PP-5061 Hutchinson Utilities 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Att: Mr. Randy Blake Re: Tower Repairs Dear Mr. Per your request, we are pleased to present our proposal for the following scope of work. We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you and as always, if you require further information or clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, oyi/ M. PcXel Don M. Pate Sales Manager Precision Cooling Towers, Inc. Scope of Work Item 1-Partition Wall Replacement: (1) Wall • In the bay adjacent to the partition wall, remove the existing drift eliminators and set aside for reuse. Remove (1) bay of fill and grids and place in dumpsters provided by others. • After the fill is removed, the abatement contractor (contracted to Hutchinson Utilities) will abate the corrugated ACB wall while the Precision crew relocates to the back and end wall work. • Upon completion of abatement work, Precision will supply and install a new single sided wall consisting of/z" treated plywood panels, secured with annular ring shank stainless steel nails. Included will be (1) new 2 x 4 intermediate support per bay. • Reinstall new V-Bar fill on 8 x 8 centers parallel to airflow with new PVC coated wire grids in the one bay by the partition wall. V-Bar and wire grids supplied by Hutchinson Utilities from their stock. • Reinstall the existing drift eliminators in the bay adjacent to the partition wall. • All hardware will be 304SS and all lumber will be 41 or better treated Douglas fir. Item 2-End wall Replacement: 1 End wall & 1 Back wall • Asbestos from these walls will be removed prior to Precision's arrival, by Hutchinson Utilities' approved abatement contractor. • Supply and install new 12 oz./ft2general purpose 4.2" corrugated FRP panels. Casing will be attached to the existing structure with stainless steel nails with neoprene backed stainless steel washers. • All seams will be caulked with a polyurethane sealant to prevent leakage. Neoprene closure strips will be installed at the corners. • Install (1) new 2 x 4 intermediate support in each bay for reinforcement of the casing. • Cover the exposed corners with 6" x 6" fiberglass corner roll attached with stainless fasteners. • Included on the back wall will be anew 39" x 75" FRP plenum access door complete with framing, stainless steel hinges and a door latch. • All hardware will be 304SS and all lumber will be 4 1 or better treated Douglas fir. Material & labor price: $46,485.00 (plus freight at cost) Clarifications • Pricing does not include freight. All shipments are F.O.B. shipping points with freight charges added at cost to the contract amount as a separate line item with freight documentation included with the final invoice to the customer. Other freight methods are available such as third -party billing or collect to the customer. • Pricing does not include taxes, including but not limited to sales, use, excise or other taxes. If applicable, these will be prepaid and added at cost unless an exemption certificate or direct pay permit is provided by the customer with the purchase order. • Any lead times quoted are based on current factory production schedules and backlog at the time of the quotation and can change daily. Precision will not be responsible for any work delays or resultant down time experienced by the customer due to extended lead times. Please note: Some of our suppliers offer expedited production and shipping services for an additional fee. Please notify us if you require expedited processing and we'll contact our supplier for current charges and best expedited lead time. • Customer is responsible for all Federal, State & Local permits and/or fees associated with the work such as but not limited to disposal fees, environmental permits, construction permits, electrical/plumbing permits and/or inspection fees. • All work is warranted for a period of one (1) year. Precision's liability is limited to the replacement or repair of the part or workmanship. Precision will not be liable for any external damages or downtime costs due to equipment failure. Precision reserves the right to substitute alternate parts if the original parts are no longer available, provided they match in overall dimension, strength and capacity. The customer is responsible for proper operation and maintenance of the equipment and prompt notification to Precision of any defects immediately upon discovery. • Customer to supply equipment for unloading material. • Customer to supply dumpsters for disposal. • Customer to supply suitable restroom and break facilities. • Customer to supply a suitable material lay down area immediately adjacent to the cooling tower if possible. This area shall comprise an area approximately equal to 2-1/2 times the area of the cooling tower we are building or repairing. (Smaller projects may not require as much area) In the event that sufficient lay down area is not available adjacent to the tower site, the customer shall store materials as close as possible and deliver materials to the tower site on an "as needed" basis following 24 hours' notice by the Precision supervisor. • Customer to supply a minimum of (2) 120V, 15A live receptacles within 100' of the towers. • In the event the cooling tower is designated as a "Permit Required Confined Space" the customer will be responsible for providing all confined space permits, air monitoring equipment and outside attendant. At the customer's request, Precision will provide the air monitor and outside attendant on a T & M basis. • Any asbestos containing materials encountered during the work are the responsibility of the customer. Precision assumes no responsibility for this material. Standard Payment Terms • All pricing is valid for thirty (30) days from the proposal date unless otherwise specified in the proposal. • Materials are billed at 100% upon shipment from the factory. • Payment is required net thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice by the customer unless prior arrangements have been agreed to. 0 Labor will be prorated and billed monthly based on percentage of completion. HL&P SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Hutchinson, MN Date: 12-07-18 December 7, 2018 Hutchinson Light & Power Reference: BW844290 Hutchinson, MN Attention: Randy Blake SPX Cooling Technologies ("SPX") is pleased to submit our cooling tower repair proposal per your request. Unless otherwise noted, our proposal includes material, engineering, freight, labor, supervision, and necessary tools/equipment to complete the project. Our full service capabilities allow us to complete all types of project work scopes, including complicated scopes coupled with thermal upgrades within critical or high risk environments. SPX, along with our legacy products, have been a provider of cooling tower related products for over 100 years. Please refer to our web site www..gpxcoofir .Ec n for additional company information. If you should have any questions related to this proposal or require additional information, please do not hesitate to give Dan or me a call. Best regards, SPX COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Bill Wright Regional Sales Manager— Central C: 816-560-2263 Email: bill.wright@spx.com cc: Dan Anderson: ESL SPX Proposal - Page 2 of 9 HUP Hutchinson, MN Scope of Work SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Date: 12-07-18 1. Remove splash fill and grid on one side of the vertical partition wall. This will allow access for HL&P provided subcontractor to remove the existing ACB partition wall siding. 2. Provide and Install full height partition wall after ACB containing siding has been removed. New partition wall material will be %Z" treated plywood. 3. Re -install splash fill and grid that was removed for access along the partition wall. 4. Provide and Install new 4.212oz. casing on back wall and endwall of the east cooling tower cell. This will include new sealer, hardware and corner roll seals. This will be installed after HL&P provided subcontractor has removed the existing ACB containing casing. 5. Provide and Install 1 access door on the back wall of the east tower cell. This door will be the same size as the existing access doors on the west 2 cells. 6. Provide and install new hot water basin side wall casing. This will be installed on the west 2 cells after the existing ACB casing has been removed by HL&P provided subcontractor. New material will be %" treated plywood. 7. Provide labor only to install new FRP stairway on west end of the cooling tower. Material has been previously quoted for the stairway and is not included In this quote. �' SPX Proposal - Page 3 of 9 I:l q:1 Hutchinson, MN SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Date: 12-07-18 Descriptionand SupervisibonFreight & Labor 11 $ 58,985 $ 84,081 ❑ General Pricing Notes: 1. This proposal is for lump sum material and labor. 2. Prices are firm for acceptance within 90 days of the proposal date. 3. Freight: F.O.B: Shipping Point(s), prepaid freight allowed. 4. Sales taxes are not included and will be billed as applicable. If tax exemption applies, please include tax exemption certificate with purchase order. 5. Conditions of sale applicable to orders resulting from this proposal are enclosed. 6. Any work completed outside the specified scope of work will be performed per a change order to the PO or billable per our standard "Time and Material Rates". 7. Due to certain overhead allocations, any unit prices shown by scope of work are subject to adjustment if the total scope of work is altered. ❑ Payment Terms: Materials: 100% net 30 days progressively as material ships (PAMS). Labor: 100% net 30 days progressively as work progresses (PAWP). Credit approval is required prior to any shipment being released. All purchase orders are to be addressed as follows: SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. 7401 West 129'h Street Overland Park, KS 66213 ❑ Labor Pricing Notes: 1. All construction labor and equipment will be supplied by Xcel Erectors, a wholly owned subsidiary of the SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. 2. All construction labor will be "Open Shop". 3. All labor pricing is based on a standard 40-hour work week. No premiums have been included, unless otherwise noted. 4. Our labor pricing includes basic and site specific safety orientations. Any additional site and/or off -site training will be billable per our standard "Time and Material Rates". 5. Our labor pricing does not include a hole watch and/or a confined space attendant for the project. If required, any additional attendants will be billable per our standard "Time and Material Rates". All crewmembers are safety trained per SPX standards. 6. Our labor pricing is based on the use of standard PPE, (hard-hat, safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves, work shoes, and fall protection harnesses). Any additional safety equipment can be supplied but will require a price adjustment. 7. Pricing is subject to change if work schedule is different than when quoted. d I SPX Proposal - Page 4 of 9 HUP SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Hutchinson, MN Date: 12-07-18 Scope of Supply: SPX HL&P Materials and Freight: _ X Construction Labor By: X Supervision By: X Receiving and Unloading of Materials within 50' of Cooling Tower; X Crane and Operator NA Forklift(s): X - Man lift(s) Scaffolding: NA Small Tools and Supplies (valued under $500): Sanitary Facilities: X Construction Power By: X Dumpsters and Disposal By: X 11 Hazard11 o11 u11 s M11 aterials Removal/Disposal By: NA Sufficient Laydown Area at Cooling Tower: X Potable Water: X Fire -Retardant Clothing: NA Confined Space Monitoring Equipment By: NA Hole watch / Confined Space Personnel NA Personal Monitor Equipment (H2S monitors, 02 monitors, etc.): NA ❑ Schedule: We estimate the proposed scope of work will take approximately 10-12 working days to complete, weather permitting. All of the above work will be accomplished by working five 8-hour days per week. Labor pricing does not include overtime, weekends, or holidays, unless otherwise noted. A formal project schedule can be provided on request. ❑ Lead -Time: Once PO has been received please material procurement will take app. 6-8 weeks. 0 ^, SPX Proposal - Page 5 of 9 a,� HUP SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Hutchinson, MN Date: 12-07-18 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL - MATERIALS AND LABOR - GENERAL 1.1. SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., hereinafter called the Company shall perform, and the Purchaser agrees to purchase, the proposed work, hereinafter called the Work in strict accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein. 1.2. The Company shall supply engineering, materials, equipment, labor and supervision to perform the Work described in the Company's proposal attached hereto and incorporated hereto. 1.3. Unless otherwise stated in the Company's proposal, the Company shall furnish all special tools, scaffolding, blocking, rigging or other equipment required for erecting, repairing or installing Company's equipment and materials. 2. PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 2.1. The price is as specified within the Company's proposal or quotation. Unless otherwise agreed, the price shall be valid only for thirty (30) days from the date submitted. Unless otherwise stated, the price is based on a single eight (8) hour shift, five (6) days per week schedule, and where more than one unit is involved, on simultaneous erection of all units. 2.2. Terms of payment shall be Net 30 Days from Purchaser's receipt of Company's Invoice. If payments are not made by the due dates specified above, the Purchaser will be assessed a finance charge of 1 Y% per month or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less, on the overdue amount until paid. 3. TRANSPORTATION 3.1. Unless otherwise specified in the Company's quotation, all shipments shall be made F.O.B. shipping point, and Company's quoted price does not include freight charges. 3.2. The type of transportation and the routing shall be decided by Company. 4. TIME OF SHIPMENT/DELIVERY 4.1. All shipments or delivery dates either referenced by the Company or requested by the Purchaser shall be interpreted to mean "estimated" shipment or delivery dates only, and shall not be construed as falling within the meaning of time is of the essence. In no event shall the Company be liable for any loss or damage resulting from delays in the performance of the work. 5. DELAYS AND FORCE MAJEURE 5.1. Company shall not be liable for any expense, loss or damage for failure to supply materials, labor or supervision as required because of fire, flood, Acts of God, strikes, labor disputes, riots, thefts, accidents, transportation delays, availability of qualified labor, acts or failure to act of the Government or any other cause whatsoever, whether similar or dissimilar to the above, beyond the reasonable control of Company. In the event of such delay, the time of completion will be subject to adjustment and the contract price equitably adjusted. 5.2. In the event the work is suspended, delayed or interrupted by the acts or failure to act on the part of the Purchaser or other contractors in the Purchaser's employ, the Purchaser shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price and the time for completion of the work will be extended appropriately. 5.3. If shipment of materials is delayed by Purchaser, or if Purchaser is unable to furnish the site and/or adjacent storage areas in suitable condition for acceptance of the materials (after completion of fabrication of the materials by the Company or Company's suppliers), payment for the price of the materials (as determined in accordance with the provisions of the contract) shall become immediately due and payable. If the Purchaser elects to receive and store the materials until the site is ready, the Purchaser shall be responsible for transporting the materials from the storage area to the erection/installation site. During such time that Purchaser may store materials, Purchaser shall assume full responsibility for the care and custody of said materials until delivered to the erection/installation site, and shall store materials in complete accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In the event that the Company is required to store the materials on the premises of the Company or on the premises of Company's suppliers or subcontractors. Purchaser and Company shall negotiate appropriate charges. 6. TAXES 6.1. Unless otherwise stated in Company's quotation, the price stated in the attached quotation is exclusive of any applicable sales, use, ownership, excise or other similar taxes. SPX Proposal - Page 6 of 9 HUP SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Hutchinson, MN Date: 12-07-18 WARRANTY 7.1. Material and Workmanship 7.1.1. The Company warrants to the original purchaser its material and workmanship against defects. The warranty duration shall be one year from first use, but in no event longer than eighteen (18) months from delivery. 7.1.2. FURTHER, IT IS AGREED THAT THE COMPANY MAKES NO OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 7.1.3. In the event of a defect in materials or workmanship, the Company's sole liability and Purchaser's exclusive remedy for breach of said warranty or for other claims arising under this warranty for any cause whatsoever, including negligence, irrespective of whether such defects or claims are discoverable or latent shall be, at the Company's option, to repair, on a straight time basis, or provide replacement parts. Removal and reinstallation expenses and/or work and transportation charges are not part of this warranty and are to Purchaser's account. Purchaser may not back charge the Company for warranty claims without the Company's prior written consent. Equipment repaired, rebuilt or modified by Purchaser or other third parties without the Company's approval carries no warranty, either express or implied. It is understood and agreed that some parts and/or materials included therein such as, but not limited to, refractories, seals, liners, wear plates, are by their nature and use expendable and replaceable under normal operating conditions and are subject to increased wear and tear and more frequent replacement under start-up conditions, and shall be guaranteed only as to their quality when new, but there is no warranty or guarantee of the life of said expendable or replaceable parts and/or materials, express or implied. This warranty does not cover the effects of normal wear or abuse of the equipment, abrasion, erosion or corrosion. The Company does not warrant that the operation of the equipment will comply with any laws or regulations governing environmental impact. 7.1.4. This warranty is conditioned upon prompt notice of the particular defect within ten days of discovery, proper use and maintenance of the equipment, reasonable access to the Company to inspect the equipment and no further damage to the equipment from acts of Purchaser or third parties after discovery of the defect. 7.2. Performance 7.2.1. In the event there is a performance warranty the Company warrants that the equipment will perform as described in the Company's proposal on the page entitled Performance Guarantees, if any. The Company's warranty is based upon the data furnished to the Company concerning the conditions under which the equipment is required to perform, and the Purchaser accepts responsibility for the correctness of the data. 7.2.2. The Company's obligation shall be considered fulfilled and the equipment accepted if the performance tests show that the equipment performs as described in the Companys proposal or if the performance tests are not conducted, through no fault of the Company's within eighteen (18) months after delivery, within one hundred eighty (180) days after the equipment is ready for operation, or within thirty (30) days after the Company's written notice of readiness for testing, whichever occurs first. In the event the tests indicate failure to meet the warranted performance, the Company's obligation is limited to and shall be fully discharged by making any changes or additions in the equipment that the Company deems necessary at the Company's expense to enable the equipment to meet the Performance Guarantee. Purchaser will make the equipment available to the Company for this purpose. 7.2.3. The treatment of cooling water is beyond the control of the Company. Therefore, the Company shall not be held responsible for damage due to presence of oil, grease, scale or deposits on the internal surfaces of the equipment, damage resulting from foaming caused by chemical condition of the water or damage resulting from corrosion or caustic embrittlement. PATENTS 8.1. The Company shall at its expense defend any suit brought against Purchaser based on a claim that any goods made to the Company's specifications furnished hereunder infringe any United States patent claims, provided that the Company is given prompt written notice of such claim and full opportunity and full cooperation of Purchaser to defend such claim and to minimize damages. In any such suit, the Company shall pay any direct damages awarded against Purchaser. In case such goods are held to infringe any such patent claim and the use thereof is enjoined, the Company shall, at its expense and at its option, either (a) obtain for Purchaser the right to continue using such goods, or (b) remove such goods and refund the purchase price thereof, less ten percent (10%o) for each year or fraction of a year since the date of their delivery to Purchaser, or (c) replace same with non -infringing equipment, or modify it so it becomes non -infringing. The foregoing constitutes the entire liability of the Company and the sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for patent or trademark infringement related to the goods. 8.2. To the extent that any goods furnished hereunder are made to Purchaser's specifications, Purchaser shall at its expense defend any suit brought against the Company based on a claim that such goods infringe any United States patent claims, provided that Purchaser is given prompt notice of such claim and full cooperation of the Company to defend and compromise such claim. In any such suit, Purchaser shall pay all costs and damage awarded against the Company. S. SERVICE AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SPX Proposal - Page 7 of 9 11011 MION(A TWP1IP114QLQQhIIII':G* HUP SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Hutchinson, MN Date: 12-07-18 9.1. Service guides and operating instructions, if required to be furnished, are to assist licensed operators in the use of the equipment furnished by the Company. The service guides and operating instructions are not intended to cover every possible contingency or variation in the equipment but rather to complement the judgment of the licensed operator whose duty it is to make the final decision in any particular circumstance. Accordingly, in offering this information, the Company does not assume responsibility for the safe and proper operating procedure of the equipment. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 10.1. Except for liquidated damages which, if applicable to this contract, are limited herein to a cumulative total of 10% of the contract price, the company's liability on all claims of any kind, whether based on contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, for all losses or damages arising out of, connected with, or resulting from this order, or from the performance or breach thereof, or from any equipment or services covered by or furnished under this order or any extension or expansion thereof (including remedial warranty efforts), shall in no case exceed the contract price. Except as to title all such liability shall terminate upon the expiration of the warranty period. 10.2. In no event, whether based on contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, shall the Company, its employees, subcontractors and suppliers be liable for special, incidental, indirect, exemplary or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of use of the equipment or any associated equipment, facilities or services, loss of anticipated profit or revenue, downtime costs, fines or penalties imposed by governmental authorities or claims of customers of Purchaser for such damages, and Purchaser will indemnify the Company, it employees, subcontractors and suppliers against any such claims. If Purchaser is furnishing the Company's services or materials to a third party, Purchaser shall obtain from such third party a provision affording the Company, its subcontractors and suppliers the protection of the preceding sentence. 10.3. This Limitation of Liability shall prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provision contained in any item or document which comprises the contract. The remedies provided in this Agreement are exclusive. 11. INSURANCE 11.1. The Company shall provide and maintain for its employees at its own expense until completion of the work General Liability Insurance, Automobile Liability Insurance and Worker's Compensation Insurance including Employer Liability Insurance in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Company may be required to pay compensation. 11.2. Unless otherwise provided, the Purchaser shall purchase and maintain Builder's Risk insurance upon the entire work at the site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall name the Company as additional insured and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include ag risk insurance for physical loss or damage including theft, vandalism and malicious mischief. The Purchaser shall provide a Waiver of Subrogation in the Company's favor from its property insurance carrier. 11.3. The Purchaser shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining its own liability insurance and at its option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect it against claims which may arise from operations under the contract. 12. RESPONSIBILITY OF PURCHASER FOR OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT. 12.1. If Purchaser shall commence operation of or occupy any part of its equipment prior to the completion of the Company's work, Purchaser agrees not to hinder the Company in the performance of its work. 12.2. Purchaser shall indemnify the Company against any loss or expense or extension of schedule, and against any liability for any injury to persons or damage to property resulting from such operation or occupancy. 13. GOVERNING LAW 13.1. The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the taws of the State of Kansas. 14. DISPUTES 14.1. The parties shall exert every reasonable effort to arrive at an amicable settlement of any dispute which may arise between them with respect to the contract. If, however, no such settlement is reached in a reasonable amount of time, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The parties to this contract expressly agree that any such arbitration shall take place in a mutually acceptable neutral site. 15. NOTIFICATION OF CLAIMS 15.1. The Purchaser shall notify the Company immediately by Registered Mail addressed to the Company's main office of all claims brought against the Purchaser for which the Company may be liable, and the Company will likewise notify the Purchaser of all claims brought against the Company for which the Purchaser may be liable. SPX Proposal - Page 8 of 9 lr iI)OL44 49 V u C mippupu 4«1V*J5 HUP SPX Proposal #:BW844290 Revision: 0 Hutchinson, MN Date: 12-07-18 16. SEVERABILITY 16.1. The invalidity of any provision or obligation hereunder or the contravention thereby of any law, rule or regulation shall not relieve the Purchaser or the Company from its obligation under, nor deprive the Purchaser or Company of the advantages of any other provision of this agreement. 17. INDEMNIFICATION 17.1. Company shall and does hereby agree to indemnify, save harmless and defend the Purchaser from the payment of any sum or sums of money to any person whomsoever on account of claims or suits growing out of injuries to third parties, including death or damage to property arising directly out of the performance of this contract where such damage or injury is attributable to the sole negligence of Company, its employees, agents or subcontractors; and in the event that such damage or injury is caused by the joint or concurrent negligence of Purchaser, the loss shall be borne by Purchaser and the Company proportionately to their degree of negligence. 18. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 18.1 All goods manufactured and services performed hereunder shall be in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, standards and codes including, but not limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act, occupational health and safety laws and applicable provisions relating to obligations of government contractors and subcontractors, including 41 CFR 60-1, et. seq. (including the reporting, record keeping and affirmative action program requirements) incorporating the Equal Opportunity Clause of Executive Order 11246, the maintenance of nonsegregated facilities, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Act of 1974, The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Executive Order 11701 relating to the employment of veterans. 18.2 Seller shall comply with Section 1502 of the Dodd -Frank Act (the "Conflict Minerals Lain') relating to goods that contain tantalum, tin, tungsten or gold that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo or the nine adjoining conflict countries, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia ("Conflict Minerals'). Seller shall promptly and accurately complete surveys and certifications requested by Buyer related to Conflict Minerals. Seller will inform Buyer (a) whether Conflict Minerals are known to be present in any goods provided by Seller to Buyer or whether it is "indeterminable" that Conflict Minerals are present in any goods provided by Seller to Buyer, and (b) at the request of Buyer, the status of Seller's policies and procedures relating to compliance with the Conflict Mineral Law. Upon reasonable notice, Buyer shall be permitted to audit such records as reasonably necessary to confirm Seller's compliance with this Article 19. HEADINGS 19.1. The descriptive phrase in the head of the various paragraphs are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way are intended to define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of the particular paragraph to which they refer. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT There are no understandings between the parties hereto as to the subject matter of this Agreement other than as set forth herein. All previous communications concerning the subject matter of this Agreement, either verbal or written are hereby abrogated and withdrawn and the Agreement constitutes the whole agreement between parties. Any provisions of a purchase order or specification, which may be issued hereafter, shall not be binding on the parties unless duly approved in writing by an authorized representative of each party. This Agreement may not be changed or modified except by a written amendment executed by a duly authorized representative of each party. SPX COOLING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Signed: Title: Date: P9 �v!uw:v °u„un„��r�w.ww�mu�v7u�n,:r Hutchinson Light & Power Signed: .............. Title: Date: SPX Proposal - Page 9 of 9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form rMturit mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve HDR Change Request #3 Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes);; 5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As part of the project to add new units 6 & 7 this year HDR was hired as the engineering firm to oversee the air permitting and the technical aspects of the project. The original contract amount approved was for $382,110. Since then two change orders have increased the current contract price to $827,610. HDR is requesting a third change order request of an additional $108,400 to complete the project along with the final commissioning of the new units in June of 2019. If the commission approves this change request it will bring the total contract price for HDR engineering services to $936,010 or about 5.5% of the overall estimated project costs. Within this project there is a 5% contingency built in of $751,948 so this third change order request will be covered by contingency dollars and still keep the project currently within budget. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve HDR Change Request Fiscal Impact: $108,400 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: January 7, 2019 Mr. Jeremy Carter General Manager Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Engineering Services: Engine Generator Sets 6& 7, Procurement & Installation Cost of Services Change Request 3 Dear Mr. Carter: As you are aware, we have expended and continue to expend more effort than anticipated for the project. Redesign and rework in conjunction with un-anticipated underground obstructions and conditions for the exhaust gas and cooling water systems, as well continuing contractor coordination and construction reviews, and administration activities are ongoing. After review of our labor and expense efforts to date and in anticipation of continuing activities to bring the project to and through startup and commissioning at the end of April 2019, we are projecting an estimated additional cost of $108,400.00. This estimate includes $1,700.00 of expenses. Currently, our Engineering Services authorization is $827,610.00. At this time, we respectfully request an increase to the authorization of $108,400.00 to bring our total authorization to $936,010.00. During your review and consideration of our request, please do not hesitate to contact me if further information or clarifications are required. Sincerely, HDR Engineering, Inc. James W. Booty, PE Project Manager cc: Mr. Randy Blake M. Zuehls P. Garcia hdirinc.com Suite 600 T 4. . 400 6 400