11-25-2019 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes November 25, 2019 Present: Kay Yoch, Al Barkheim, Curt Dahl, Julie Jensen, Darlene Kenning, Jeannette Meyer, Rhonda Schwarze, City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Mike Becker I. The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. by Chair Kay Yoch. II. Secretary’s Report: The October minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Jeannette and seconded by Rhonda. III. Treasurer’s Report: September reported that card sales came in at $109 while dishcloths brought in $10. Button sales raised a total of $10. A donation from Bone Builders amounted to another $154. Curt made a motion to accept the treasury report with a second from Darlene. Motion approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the Shoji Tabuchi tour went off with no issues. The performance was just okay but the meal was good . The next trip will be to St. th Paul’s Minnesota History Theater on December 12 which will feature a review of Judy Garland’s career and a meal at Joseph’s Grill. The New Year will bring a trip to Shakopee and a new culture center with a buffet lunch at Mystic Lake. A new playhouse in Mankato showing “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” will be the destination for our February tour. This will take place on Sunday, th February 16. A tour is being planned to Cold Spring in March which will include a Branson style show. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the monthly movie “First Man” was well received and that “Gravity” was the bonus movie. November will bring “Everest” as the featured movie and “White Christmas” as the bonus movie. Another Decko party is being planned for March of 2020. The Bone Builders program is officially switching over to SAIL (Stay Active & Independent for st Life). A New Year’s Eve party will be held on December 31 at 11:00am. V. Business A. Spring Concert- September is looking at an early April concert featuring a country music band. It will be a change of pace from past concerts and the advisory board was unanimous in their support of this venture. B. Appreciation Open House- September is still working on an idea for the annual volunteer luncheon. Each volunteer would bring another person to the event so that the public would become more informed about volunteer opportunities at the Senior Center. A date for the open house has not been set. . C. Board Member Terms- Curt Dahl and Darlene Kenning will be exiting the Senior Advisory Board at the end of this year. Jeannette Meyer is completing her first term. Jeannette has agreed to serve a second term so two new members are needed to fill out the board. D. Other- None VI. Adjournment: Jeannette made a motion to adjourn at 10:57 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board’s next regularly scheduled th business meeting will be held on Monday, January 27 at 10:00am. A Christmas th social will be held at 4:00p on Monday, December 16. John McRaith, Secretary