09-23-2019 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes September 23, 2019 Present: Kay Yoch, Al Barkheim, Curt Dahl, Julie Jensen, Darlene Kenning, Rhonda Schwarze, Mike Becker City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Jeannette Meyer I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chair Kay Yoch. II. Secretary’s Report: The August minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Rhonda and seconded by Darlene. Motion approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Mike reported that July card sales came in at $94 while dishcloths brought in $10. Wood frames brought in $28 and button sales raised a total of $40. Curt made a motion to accept the treasury report with a second from Al. Motion approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the state fair trip had great weather and the shorter hours helped to fill the bus up a little more than usual with 44 participants on th board. The September 11 tour did not have good weather but 37 people traveled to Elk River to experience the Oliver Kelley farm and life in the 1850’s. The leaf cruise on the St. Croix in Stillwater, along with a visit to an apple orchard, is th completely sold out with a lengthy waiting list. A November 4 trip is planned to the St. Cloud Paramount Theater to see Shoji Tabuchi. St. Paul’s Minnesota th History Theater will be the destination for a December 12 trip which will feature a review of Judy Garland’s career and a meal at Joseph’s Grill. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the monthly movie for September was “Instant Family” and went over very well. “Breathe” will be the movie for October. The Senior Expo will be held tomorrow and is all sold out. Lindsay Whalen will be the featured speaker. The theme this is year is “25 Years of Remembering and Reminiscing”. The kayaking group launched from Roberts thth Park on September 18 and is planning another outing for October 9. A Decko th party is being planned for November 18 (bingo with playing cards instead of numbers). Volunteers are needed to help at West Elementary again this year. V. Business th A. October 5 Concert- Jimmy’s Legends and Laughter Show is coming to the Event Center next weekend and we currently have 110 tickets sold. With some additional publicity coming this week, we hope to double that by the time he arrives. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. B. Board Member Terms- Curt Dahl and Darlene Kenning will be exiting the Senior Advisory Board at the end of this year. Jeannette Meyer is completing her first term. Possible new members are currently being recruited. C. Other- The monthly drawing for Fellowship Dinner tickets went to Betsy Brown. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 10:53am with a second from Darlene. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board’s next regularly scheduled business th meeting will be held on Monday, October 28 at 10:00am. John McRaith, Secretary