07-22-2019 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes July 22, 2019 Present: Al Barkheim, Curt Dahl, Julie Jensen, Mike Becker, Rhonda Schwarze, Jeannette Meyer, Darlene Kenning City Staff: September Jacobsen, Absent:, Kay Yoch, John McRaith I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Vice Chairman Curt Dahl. II. Secretary’s Report: The June minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Jeannette and seconded by Rhonda. Motion approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Mike reported that June card sales amounted to $111.60 while dishcloths brought in $22.50. Wood frames brought in $35 and magnets raised a total of $5. Darlene made a motion to accept the treasury report with a second from Al. Motion approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the Lock and Lunch cruise turned out to be a great trip. Morning weather was a concern but it cleared off and everyone enjoyed the trip. th The month of August will include our annual trip to the state fair on August 29 th and this year they plan to stay six hours. On September 11 we will be traveling to Elk River to experience the Oliver Kelley farm and life in the 1850’s. A leaf th cruise in Stillwater and a visit to an apple orchard are on tap for October 8. th Rounding out the year will be a November 4 trip to the St. Cloud Paramount Theater to see Shoji Tabuchi. St. Paul’s History Theater will be the December thth 12 trip enjoying a review of Judy Garland. March 19 is reserved for a tour to Cold Springs Blue Heron for musical entertainment that will be presenting pop, country and some gospel. Julie also reported on the information she received from a tour company that wanted to collaborate with the Senior Center for Fly only tours. After Juie researched and presented to the board, Jeannette made a motion to decline the proposition and was seconded by Mike sighting the increased work for staff and the numerous other local tour providers. Discussion for mini overnight tours was mentioned. Julie will consider some options and bring back to the board. B. Update on Programs- September reported on June’s activities. The monthly “Return of Mary Poppins” movie was well attended. Seniors were encouraged to bring grandchildren. A dvd informing people of how to create healthier minds was well received. The July dinner will be serving up Hutch Café’s famous hamburger hotdish. Kayaking to Minibelle was canceled due to forcasted bad weather and rescheduled for this week. The kayaking group continues to grow st and brings out new seniors. The Crow River on July 31 will be the next outing. th Senior Surf Day will be held on July 24 and has a nice number of people registered. August will be featuring a speaker discussing general pain and ways to manage. In September, the center will also be a host location for needle disposal. V. Business th A. October 5 Concert- Jimmy’s Legends and Laughter Show will be on display at the Event Center this October. The show will be presented in the afternoon with a potential evening show if sold out. Tickets will be $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Several tickets have currently been sold. Discussing different options to have some type of food being served and if bar service is necessary. B. Concert Sponsors- Gary and September will be approaching sponsors next week due to the pricier, entertainment compared to our other concerts. C. T-Shirt Design- September reported that there has not been any further progress. D. Other- The monthly drawing for Fellowship Dinner tickets went to Herman Miller. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 10:45 am with a second from Mike. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board’s next regularly scheduled business th meeting will be held on Monday, August 26 at 10:00am. September Jacobsen filling in for John McRaith, Secretary