02-12-2019 CCMHUTCHINSON crry COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,2019 CITY CENTER —COUNCIL CHAMBERS (7he Ciq, Council isprovided background information lbr agenda iteins in advance by city staff, cone tnittees andboarcls. Many i(einsare basvditpon this i4fi)ri;,iation as wellas., City policy andpractices, input fi-om constituents, and other questions or injbrination that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding (in agenda item.)' 1. CALL MEETINGTOORDER 5:3011,M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski, Dave Sebesta, and Mary Christensen. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously, 2. INVOCATION — Faith Lutheran Church (The invocation is citizen, it) and for the City Council, and is not intendedioqffiliate the Ci(y Council vvilh, or express the City Council's preffi-ence any v . religiousIspiritual organization. Ae vievtrs . or belief,� iwvessed by the invocation Speaker have not been P'reviou.�4V revielved or approved kvthe Council or sta.ff) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO TI-IE CITY (a) Resolution No. 15010 ­ Resolution Accepting Cash Donation of $9888.00 froml lutchinson Rotary Foundation for Rotary Park Play Structure Jaunich noted that a few years ago the Rotary Foundation had committed approximately $40,000 for the Rotary Park Play structure and this, is the final donation. Motion by Cook, second by Czrnowski, to approve Resolution No. 1501 O. Motion carried unanimously, PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opporiunity,Tor nic:mbers, of the public w address the aw City Cotil. 4"the topk.you would like to discuss is, on the agenda, please ask the MavOr tfhe wi/l be acceptingpublic conments during the agenda item ifnot aublic hearing. lj',),oto have a question, concern or connnent, Please ask to be rc, cognizedhy the mqyor lvi(itt,y(rto-iiaiiieaiidaddi-e,vstbi,-tliei-(,crf)i-d. Please Individuals wishing to swak'for more than five minutes shouldask-to be 'Includedon the agenda iii(idvant,,eref 'the pnt,c,ling, All comments are fi­ffinftom personal or derogatory attack-5 on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSINGTIME CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of January 22, 2019 (b) Workshop of January 22, 2019 (c) Summary of Closed Meeting Procccdings City Administrator Annual Performance Review Session of January 22, 2019 Motion by Christensen, second by Forcier, to approve the minutes as presented. Motioncarried unanimously, CONSENT AGENDA will he enacted by one motion unless the Ma'yor, a ine)nbcr ofthe CitY Council oi- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— F,EBRUARY 12, 2019 a city staff member requesls an item to be rernoiwl Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15011 — Transferring Funds to the 2018 Construction Fund and General Fund (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15012 — Revising the 2019 Designated Depositories for the City of Hutchinson (c) Consideration for Approval of Authorizing Crow River Winery to Dispense Wine at Minted Patina Event at McLeod County Fairgrounds on March 29 & 30, 2019 (d) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short-Terrn Gambling License to McLeod County Pheasants Forever at McLeod County Fairgrounds on March 9, 2019 (e) Consideration for Approval of Issuing, Short -Term Gambling License to Crow River Cutters NWFF at McLeod County Fairgrounds on February 15 & 15, 20 19 (f) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Temporary Liquor License to Hutchinson Jaycees on February 23, 2019, at Days Inn (g) Consideration for Approval of Letter of Support for Carver County's INFRA Program Application for the US, Highway 212 Rural Freight Access Project (h), Consideration for Approval of Section B and Section B Attacbments as Part of the Small Cities Development Program, Rental Rehab Application (i) Hutchinson Pillars Project "Public Comment" Report 0) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to approve Consent Agenda 1. Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL, OF CONSENT AGENDA 11 (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments -- Register B Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda II. Motion carried unanimously. 9. 5""' AVENUE SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION — LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 19-01 (a) Resolution No, 15013 - Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications (b), Resolution No. 15014 - Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids N C17T CO Ul C L dY I MUT E-S — d lC.s 6,ARUA R M Y d. 2, 2 A 9 Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. r. Exner explained that the improvements on 51m, Avenue SE run from Lynn Road. SW to the 51h Avenue bridge and include rartial street reconstruction with storm'n sewer, sanitary sewer, street lighting, trail, sidewalk, and landscaping. The project is anticipated to start in the spring /su�ramer of 201' and should be completed within one construction season. The estimated project cost is $2,4 0,000. Almost $1 million is being utilized in state aid funding and $1,090,000 will be utilized in city bonding with $1601,000 coming from property assessments. The remainder of the funding will come from the waterfwastewaterlstonnwater funds. Bids for the project are proposed to be opened on April 3, 2019, Mr. Exncr reviewed the scope o'the project as well as the phasing of the project. Chuck Platisha, 33 5"' Avenue SW, presented before the Council. Mr, Platisha asked if with the installation of the trail will the road be significantly narrowed. Mr. Platisha had concerns with narrow streets and parkin issues. It was clarified that 5"' Avenue is a truck route, but west of Main Street has been rernovecl om the state aid systern. Jan Brown, 445 Hassan Street, presented before the Council. Ms. Brown asked if VMF Ballpark will be addressed during construction so visitors can access the field. Ms. Brown also spoke about truck traffic on 51h Avenue and the vast amount of trucks that travel the route daily. She would like the noise the truck route brings to residents to be addressed in some way. A su "g,estion was made to contact M and ask that they inform their haulers to use the bypass if at all . 1iilale. Carl Horton, 506 Chen Street 'SW, presented before the Council. Mr. Horton asked questions about the width of the sidewalk being installed. Mr. Exner explained that 6-foot wide walkways are the new recommendation to accommodate AAA standards. Maintenance of walkways and cost of the walkway was discussed. Mr. Horton asked about the new trees that will replace those that are being removed. Mr. Morton also asked about construction coasts and the bidding process. John Lofdahl, 542 Jefferson Street, presented before the Council. Mr, Lofdahlhad access questions due to being in the area of the alley. Mr. Exner noted that any interruptions shouldn't be lengthy in nature, however City staff will communicate any delays to the residents. Motion by Czmo'wski, second by Cook, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Kent Exner noted that a letter had been submitted by a property owner at 0 51m' Avenue SW with concerns. Staff will attempt to work with the property owner on her concerns. Motion carried. unanimously. Motion by C"zmowski., second by Cook, to approve Resoluti.on. Nos. 1501 and 15014. 10. TECHNOLOGY Y DRIVE CONSTRUCTION — LETTING NO. 5, PROJECT NO. 1 -f16 (a) Resolution No, 1501.5 - Resolution. Ordering Improvement and Preparation of flans and Specifications (b) Resolution No. 15016 - Resolution Approving, Plans and 'Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that this public roadway improvement has been in develo ment for over a year. The roadway has served as a driveway to HTI, now TIT., since it was first built. Staff has been workings on transmtio'ning, the driveway to a public roadway that would terminate into a cul-de-sac and 'direct towards Upono'r parkingand direct towards the 'I"DK site. Mr. Exner explained the project as consisting of grading, curb and gutter, draintile installation, surfacing, storrn sewer, street lighting, landscaping;, striping, signape, restoration and appurtenances, Mr. Exner explained that staff has been working with the five adjacent property owners. It is being recommended to assess Uponor for 50%, of the project and the EDA is working on obtaining a DEED grant with the remainder being cowered with City bonding dollars. Marc S'ebora, City Attorney, spoke about the process for conveyance of the parcel.. Motion by C zrno'wski, second by Christensen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MJNUTES — FF�.BR UA R Y 12, 2019 Motion by Cook, second by Czrnowski, to approve Resolution Nos. 15015 and 15016, Motion carried unanimtously. �QMMUNICATIQNS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS "The purpose of this portion qj the agenda is to provide th infivniation necessury to crqfi wise policy. 'ncludes items like nionth1v or annual reports and communicationsfirom, odier entities.) 11. FIRE DEPARTMENT2018 YEAR END REPORT Fire Chief Mike Schumann presented the fire department's year end report, Chief Schumann reviewed the foal and objectives of the department in the areas, of response, training, equipment/building, inspections/prevention/public relations and innovative thinking. Chief Schumann also reviewed staffing and officers of the department. Chief Schumann further reviewed operational data, vehicle maintenance and capital improvement information for the department. Chief Schumann also spoke about personal protective equipment and specifically cancer -prevention equipment. 00113=2111 1110191 12. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 19-79— ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 9'5 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE (SEJ' SECOND READING AND POTENTIAL ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 26,2019) Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich noted that this item Maas been discussed a couple of times amongst the Council. MT. Jaunich presented an ordinance that has instituted desires of the Park & Rec Board as well as the City Council. One section of the ordinance pertaining to tobacco -free parks may need more discussion as there are various opinions on this matter, Three versions of this section of the ordinance are presented and are included in the Council packet. The first option is an all-out ban which is recommended by the Park and Rec Board. The second option includes some exceptions for Native American ceremonies, the McLeod County Veterans Memorial Park and the Luce Line Strate Trail. The third option is how it is currently written in Chapter 95. Other options could be considered as wren. Mayor Forcier noted that he has been approached by some veterans and they asked that McLeod County Veterans Memorial Park not be included as a tobacco-fice park. John Lofdahl presented before the Council. Mr. Lofdahl provided several statistics pertaining to veterans and smoking. Mr. Lofdahl spoke as a veteran of the United States Navy and requested that Veterans Memorial Park be a tobacco -free park. Council Member Cook distributed a copy of a proposed tobacco -free policy instead of an ordinance, Council Member Cook felt that having a policy in place could be an alternative as it is still enforceable by City staff. A policy gives administration some latitude related to City festivals and other events. Discussion was held regarding a tobacco -free campground and how that is addressed. General discussion was held regarding the pros and cons, of having a tobacco -free policy/ordinance. Council Member Czmowski suggested perhaps language be included in the ordinance that doesn't allow smoking within 30 yards of a playground structure or where children will be playing. 4 (77TCOUNCIL MLWTE,S FEBRUARY12,2019 Motion by Sebesta, second by Christensen, to remove Section 95.08 from the proposed ordinance and approve the remainder of the ordinance as a first reading, Council Member Czrnowski requested that the ordinance be approved as the section is currently written so at least the skate park area is still maintained as a tobacco -free park, Motion by Sebesta, second by Christensen, to amend the motion to leave the language in 95.08 as written. Roll call vote was taken: Christensen —aye; Sebesta — aye; Cook — nay; Czrnowskiw — aye; Forcier — aye. Motion carried 4 to 1. The second reading will be before the Council at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY ENTERING INTO A FACILTY AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSONG FOR MASONIC WEST RIVER PARK STAGE Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained that a representative frorn RiverSong is present to explain the facility agreement, Betsy Price, RiverSong, presented before the Council, Ms, Price explained that RiverSong is in the process of submitting a grant to the Arts Council to do some upgrades to the Masonic West River Park stage. Because the City owns the stage, the grant application requires that an agreement be put in place by the two organizations. Motion, by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve entering into a facility agreement with RiverSong for use of Masonic West River Park stage. Motion carried unanimously. 14. APPROVE/DENY HUTCHINSON PILLARS, PROJECT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL AND ALLOCATION OF FUNDING Council Member Cook noted that the Public Arts Commission is proposing to add four pillars at several Main Street intersections in downtown as part of the Main Street 2020 streetscaping, plan. Each pillar would represent a community value: Service, Humanity, Sustainability and Education and use art to help describe the values and their connection to the: community. The estimated project cost is S75,000 and the suggested funding sources include u to $38,000 from the City (community improvement fund or other), $18,000 from existing puglic art funds and $19,000 in grants. The project has been reviewed by the Main Street 2020 citizens advisory board, MnDOT and at the City Council's streetscaping workshop. Also, a 30-day public comment period was provded for and generated larg�ely positive responses, The Public Arts Commission is now at a point where they need the Council's preliminary approval and commitment to allocate up to $38,000 to start soliciting grants and artists for the project. The Council will have an opportunity to de final approval in m September after artists have been selected and the Public Arts Corr firn'llsi out if they are successful in their grant request. MnDOT still needs to give their final approval as well. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Hutchinson Pillars preliminary project. Council Member Sebesta noted that 16 out of 19 people approved of the project via the survey. Sebesta asked if those 16 people who were in favor of it could donate to the project to keep the City's cost lower. Jaunich noted that question was not: posed. Roll call vote was taken: Christensen — aye; Sebesta — nay; Cook - aye, Czmowski — aye; Forcier — nay. Motion carried 3 to 2. 15. APPROVE/D,ENY AUTHORIZING STAFF TO APPLY FOR THE BLANDIN COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained that the Council has asked staff to consider applying for the Blandin Community Leadership Program. The application period is, due March 31, 2019 to be considered for 2020 implementation. With the 2020 N CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 20'19 Main Street project, this may be a good opportunity to pursue something like this. Staff would be looking to partner with the Chamber of Commerce on a project like this. if approved, the cost for this project would be budgeted for in the 2020 budget. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to authorize staff to apply for the Blandin Community Leadership Program. Motion carried unanimously. 16, APPROVE/DENY SETTING JOINT MEETING WITH MCLEOD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON FEBRUARY 21, 2019, AT 1:00 P.M. AT MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE FACILITY Motion by Sebesta, second by Christensen to set joint meeting with McLeod County Board of Commissioners for February 21, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. at McLeod County Solid Waste Facility. Motion carried unanimously. 17. APPROVE/DENY SETTING COO NCILWORKSHOP FOR FEBRUARY 26,2019,TO REVIEW PARKS MASTER PLAN Matt Jaunich noted this workshop will be a follow up from the open house that was held. Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, to set Council workshop, for February 26, 2019, at 4:00 p,m. to review Parks Master Plan. Motion carved unanimously. GOVERNANCE '-cput-lao,veorihispoi-tit)noj'i'h enda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, per:fbrmances, "tend other inatters 1;,haa9t manage the logistics o0ie organization. Alqi, inchide monitoring reports, policY development and govewnunceprocess iten7s.) IS. MINUTE S/RE PORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Library Board Minutes from November 26, 2018 (b) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Minutes from December 12, 2018 (c) Economic Development Authority Board Minutes from January 2, 2019 MISCELLANEOUS 19. STAFF UPDATES Kent Exner — Mr. Exner spoke about snow removal operations over the last few weeks; Glencoe Transportation Study open house being held on February 16"' and I lwy 22 to Hwy 212 connection will be discussed; NE Ring Road pro'ect is being worked on by McLeod County — this is the connection of Hwy7/22 to Hwy 15'� pro progressinon Transportation Alternatives grant application being submitted on the Hwy 7/Montana Street crossing. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich noted that a Certificate of Achievement for the CAFR was received by City's, Finance Department; Mr. Jaunich also, reminded the Council that the Council update period of the agenda is for council members to provide updates on the various boards/commissions that they sit on; Mr. Jaunich also spoke about the proposed upgrades to the ice arena(s) that was published in the newspaper paper and that these upgrades are not on theCity's five-year plan - it was implied that these upgrades, may be happening sooner than later and he clarified that that is not accurate 20. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Steve Cook — Council Member Cook noted that Sculpture Stroll submissions are being accepted; He mentioned that he and other council members attended the LMC's elected officials conference and it was very well done. Ma Christensen Council Member Christensen also expressed how impressive the LMC con7erence'swas; — She also asked that all residents shovel their sidewalks due to the vast amount of to C1 TY COUNCIL MINUTE S — F ERR UA R Y 12, O 19 0 snowfall received Dave Sebesta — Council Member Sebesta al to spoke about snow removal operations; Council Member Setesta also spoke about the LMC conference and the benefits of it for him. GamyFor"ier— Mayor Forcier reminded residents to adopt -a -fire hydrant and shovel snow away f ro 'On hydrants at least three feet around it; Mayor Forcier also noted that he intends to appoint John J fd a tothe Planning Commission; Mayor Forcier provided updates on the high school teams and how they are faring Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. IN