PC Packet 01.15.19 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 15, 2019 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 20, 2018 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Consideration of a Preliminary and Final Plat for Bear Paw Addition located at 1025 Dale St SW. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of a Site Plan Review at Hutchinson Health for an addition. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings 8. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 20, 2018 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The November 20, 2018 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Fahey at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Fahey, Vice Chair Wick, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Lofdahl, Commissioner Hantge and Commissioner Forcier. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 16, 2018. Motion by Commissioner Wirt, Second by Commissioner Lofdahl. Motion approved. Motion to Approve – Motion to Reject 4.PUBLIC HEARINGS A. NONE. 5.NEW BUSINESS A. Sketch Plan Review 1025 Dale St SW Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. There was discussion about the water/sewer line that would need to be bridged. There was discussion about the layout and connection of the two buildings. Dan reviewed the staff recommendation Utility Bridge Ponding Circulation Parking One-Stop-Shop Meeting Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission November 20, 2018 Page 2 rd Commissioner Fahey asked if the 3 party structural engineer necessary.Could one be enough since they do sign off on the project?He also asked if the future addition would be approved with the site plan if the project moved forward. Mr. Jochum explained that that would be a separate application when the time comes, it has just been shown as a possibility. There was discussion regarding the buffering and screening between the residential home and the east side of the Woodstone building. Commissioner Wirt expressed an issue with access to the North side of the building for emergency vehicles. Commissioner Fahey believes this concept looks acceptable, but to have the developer try to address any issues that have arose this far. Commissioner Lofdahl express an interest/concern with the utility bridge, but as long as it meets the requirements of the engineers it should work. Commissioner Garberg is concerned about the proximity of the residential home on the end of Century that will sit next to the new building. Commissioner Hantge suggested turning the building a small amount to the NW (closer to the pond and away from the residential homes) There was discussion on moving the pond closer to the North (South Grade Rd) to allow turning the building to the NW more. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. The planfor Woodstoneis to submit more applications (site plan) for the December th meeting, this will be contingent on the one-stop-shopheld on November 29. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Hantge,Second by Commissioner Wick to adjourn at 6:30p.m. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: January 10, 2019 for January 15, 2019, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMNARY AND FINAL PLAT OF BEAR PAW ADDITION Applicant: Dean Bloemke, Bear Paw Properties PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF BEAR PAW ADDITION Brief Description The applicant has submitted a preliminary and final plat for Bear Paw Addition, which was previously part of the Welcome to Our Home Addition. The preliminary and final plat consists of one lot. Preliminary and Final Plat Bear Paw Addition Planning Commission – 1-15-19 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R-4 – High Density Residential besides for current Outlot A, which is Zoned R-1. Property Location: 1025 Dale St SW. Lot Size: 6.56 Acres Existing Land Use: Partially developed as Senior Care facility, partially vacant. Adjacent Land Use: Single-family residential to west and northeast. Attached Senior housing to south. Church to north. Multi-family housing to southeast. Adjacent Zoning: R-1 Single-Family Residential to west. R-2 Medium Density Residential to northeast. R- 3 Medium-High Density Residential to southeast. R-4 High Density Residential to south. Comprehensive Plan: Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Zoning History: Has been Woodstone Senior Living Facility for past several years Applicable Regulations: City Code of Ordinances Sections 153.35 – 153.51 Transportation: The westerly side of the property will continue to be accessed off of Dale St SW and the eastern side of the property will be accessed off of Cleveland Ave SW. Physical Characteristics: Relatively flat. Analysis: The preliminary and final plats as presented appear to meet the requirements of the subdivision and zoning ordinances. Lot Arrangement: The proposed Bear Paw Addition preliminary plat contains 1 block and 1 lot. The lot is 6.56 acres in size. A site plan review by the Planning Commission and City Council will be required before the building permit will be issued for future construction on the site. Additionally, all development in the R-4 Zoning District requires a Conditional Use Permit. Streets and Access: Access to the existing Woodstone Facility will be off Dale Street SW, as it currently exists today. Access to the easterly side of the development will be off Cleveland Avenue SW. The access on the east side, which will be an extension of Cleveland Ave., will be privately maintained. There will be a right-of-way easement granted to the City for the access drive, which is essentially an extension of Cleveland Ave. that terminates in front of the building. This will allow the traveling public to utilize the roadway, although there will likely be very little public traffic on the access drive. In addition, emergency services will have access to the access drive. The right-of-way easement granted to the City isn’t implying any maintenance on the Bear Paw property. All maintenance, including snow removal and other street maintenance will be the responsibility of the property owner. The access drive will not have to be built to City street standards. The existing right-of-way easement for the temporary cul-de-sac shall be vacated. Preliminary and Final Plat Bear Paw Addition Planning Commission – 1-15-19 Page 3 Utilities and Easements Staff would like to point out that the terminology on the plat documents should say water main easement instead of utility easement. Staff wants to be clear that the sanitary sewer on the property is private and is essentially a very long service, not City infrastructure. As noted above, the existing right-of-way/roadway easement shall be abandoned/vacated. The existing water main easement shall also be abandoned/vacated. Staff would like the dimensions of the water main easement better shown on the plat so there is no confusion to the easement area. The proposed plats are approving the easement locations/alignments. There are a lot of questions to be answered and plans to be reviewed regarding the utility bridge and how the proposed building’s foundation interacts with the water main. Staff has reviewed some preliminary information and more will be provided with the building permit submittal but this is a very atypical situation and the more detail provided the better. Staff wants to make it clear that approving the plats does not mean the utility bridge concept is formally approved. Final Plat Review Criteria After the submittal of the final plat, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the plat. Failure of the Planning Commission to act upon the final plat shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the plat. If plat disapproval is recommended, the grounds for disapproval shall be stated in the records of the Planning Commission. A plat shall not be recommended for approval unless it: (a) Conforms to the preliminary plat; (b) Conforms to the design standards set forth in this chapter; (c) Conforms to the adopted Comprehensive Plan; and (d) Is in accordance with all requirements and laws of this state. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plats subject to the following conditions. 1. Terminology shall be changed from utility easement to water main easement. 2. Existing easements related to the cul-de-sac and existing water main shall be vacated. 3. Plats shall better show dimensions of water main easement on documents. 4. Plat approval does not mean utility bridge concept is formally approved. 5. The City will not be doing any street maintenance or snow removal on the roadway/parking areas noted in the right-of-way easement. There will be no City maintenance whatsoever in the right-of-way easement area. 6. The final plat shall be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 270 days of approval. 7. Building permits will not be issued until the plat is recorded. STAFFREPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: January 11, 2019 for January 15, 2019, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR AN AT HUTCHINSON HEALTH FOR AN ADDITION Applicant: BKBM Engineers and Hutchinson Health Site Plan Review for Proposed CenBank The applicant has submitted applications for a site plan review for an addition to the Hutchinson Hospital at 1095 Highway 15 South, Hutchinson. Site Plan Review 1095 Highway 15 South Planning Commission – 1-15-19 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C-4 Fringe Commercial District Property Location: 1095 Highway 15 South Lot Size: 8.5 acres Existing Land Use: Hospital Adjacent Land Use: Commercial Adjacent Zoning: C-4 Fringe Commercial District Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial Applicable Regulations: Sections 154.174 Site Plan Analysis: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Building: The proposed inpatient care addition will be 18,811 square feet. Please see attached building elevation for more information. The building will be elevated with at grade parking underneath. The building is proposed to be constructed of brick, stone, and glass. The proposed building would meet all applicable setback requirements. Additionally, a building addition will be made to the hospital’s central utility plant on the south side of the building. This will be a 2,600 square foot, one story addition constructed of brick. Please refer to attached building elevation for more information. This building will also meet all required setbacks. Parking/Access/Circulation The existing hospital site has 480 existing parking stalls. The proposed addition will reduce the parking spaces to 460 parking spaces. Approximately 15 of the parking spaces that will be lost are located in the parking lot adjacent to Freemont Avenue SW. Determining parking needs for a large hospital/clinic like this can be somewhat difficult; however, staff believes that there is adequate parking between the hospital site, clinic site, and the Plaza 15 property. Access to the site will be similar to the existing access points. The westerly access to the parking lot adjacent to Freemont Ave.SW will shift to the eastapproximately 50 feet.The other access point to the site will not change. The circulation of the site is adequate. Users will be able to drive into the covered parking area, as it were a normal parking lot. The height of the top of the covered parking will be approximately 7 feet tall. Vehicles larger than this will not be able to enter the covered parking area of the site. The applicant has made provisions Site Plan Review 1095 Highway 15 South Planning Commission – 1-15-19 Page 3 for larger transit vans, medical vans, etc. to the south of the proposed addition. There is a code requirement for larger vehicle access and it appears what is being presented meets code. Landscaping and Lighting: Staff has reviewed received the landscaping plans and comments will be provided with the building permit submittal regarding landscaping. Per the Zoning Ordinance, lighting installed must be indirect and shall not produce glare on adjacent properties or public right of ways. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: The developer has submitted hydrology information and this will be reviewed and comments will be provided with the overall comments from the building permit submittal. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following conditions: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 2. SAC/WAC charges will be due at the time building permits are issued. 3. The City of Hutchinson must approve a traffic control plan prior to any construction activity affecting Freemont Avenue SE. 4. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work is not fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. 5. The water main connection at Freemont Avenue SE is required to have a gate valve at the property line and be main of ductile iron pipe. North Revisions Kevin A. Bohl C1.0 1842212/21/2018SR/REGKAB 2018 BKBM Professional Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is an instrument of service and is the property of BKBMProfessional Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or copied withoutprior written consent.BKBM JOB NUMBER: 18422 C Addition Hutchinson, MN 55350Hutchinson, MN, 55350 SELECTIVE SITE Inpatient Care 1095 MN-15186018 Hutchinson Health DEMOLITION ANDEROSION CONTROLPLAN CITY SITE PLAN REVIEW2018-12-21 DescriptionDateNum I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report wasprepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ama duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of theState of Minnesota.License Number: 52209Date: 2018-12-21Comm:Date:Drawn:Check: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BCDEF North Revisions Kevin A. Bohl C2.0 1842212/21/2018SR/REGKAB 2018 BKBM Professional Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is an instrument of service and is the property of BKBMProfessional Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or copied withoutprior written consent.BKBM JOB NUMBER: 18422 C Addition Hutchinson, MN 55350Hutchinson, MN, 55350 Inpatient Care 1095 MN-15186018 Hutchinson Health GRADING,DRAINAGE, ANDEROSION CONTROLPLAN CITY SITE PLAN REVIEW2018-12-21 DescriptionDateNum I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report wasprepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ama duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of theState of Minnesota.License Number: 52209Date: 2018-12-21Comm:Date:Drawn:Check: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BCDEF North Revisions Kevin A. Bohl C3.0 1842212/21/2018SR/REGKAB 2018 BKBM Professional Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is an instrument of service and is the property of BKBMProfessional Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or copied withoutprior written consent.BKBM JOB NUMBER: 18422 C Addition Hutchinson, MN 55350Hutchinson, MN, 55350 Inpatient Care 1095 MN-15186018 Hutchinson Health UTILITY PLAN CITY SITE PLAN REVIEW2018-12-21 DescriptionDateNum I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report wasprepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ama duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of theState of Minnesota.License Number: 52209Date: 2018-12-21Comm:Date:Drawn:Check: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BCDEF North Revisions Kevin A. Bohl C4.0 1842212/21/2018SR/REGKAB 2018 BKBM Professional Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is an instrument of service and is the property of BKBMProfessional Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or copied withoutprior written consent.BKBM JOB NUMBER: 18422 C Addition Hutchinson, MN 55350Hutchinson, MN, 55350 Inpatient Care 1095 MN-15186018 Hutchinson Health PAVING ANDGEOMETRIC PLAN CITY SITE PLAN REVIEW2018-12-21 DescriptionDateNum I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report wasprepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ama duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of theState of Minnesota.License Number: 52209Date: 2018-12-21Comm:Date:Drawn:Check: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BCDEF North Revisions Kevin A. Bohl C7.0 1842212/21/2018SR/REGKAB 2018 BKBM Professional Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved.This document is an instrument of service and is the property of BKBMProfessional Engineers, Inc. and may not be used or copied withoutprior written consent.BKBM JOB NUMBER: 18422 C Addition Hutchinson, MN 55350Hutchinson, MN, 55350 SITE PLAN Inpatient Care 1095 MN-15186018 Hutchinson Health CITY SITE PLAN REVIEW2018-12-21 DescriptionDateNum I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report wasprepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I ama duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of theState of Minnesota.License Number: 52209Date: 2018-12-21Comm:Date:Drawn:Check: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BCDEF