Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, December 20th, 2017
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: John Hassinger, Mark Hanneman, David May, Steve Cook and Sara
Others Present: Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), Sara Witte(Parks), Candace Hoversten
(Heart of Hutch), John Olson (Street Dept.), Kent Exner (City Engineer),
and Kerry Ward (McLeod County Public Health)
Meeting began at 2:01 p.m.
1. Review of last meetings minutes-John K made a motion to approve the September
meeting minutes. Steve C. seconded.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness-
a) Bike/Walk to Work- 2018 Dates- Winter walk to School date of Feb.for the Middle
School. Candace will keep the group posted on this. Dates for the Bike to Work have
not been set yet- more than likely will do two events again-May &August.
b) Bike Rides-Rotary 2018 is Sunday June 101h
c) "Move" (H of H)-No new update
d) Friends of Luce Line- Group is giving$500 for signage along the Luce Line by the
Winsted airport.
e) SHIP-Kerry will be meeting with Al Koglin and Kristi Rice on trying to get some
countywide counts done. Interested in getting numbers for Glencoe-trail heading east
off 212 and other locations throughout McLeod County.
J) Walk-Bike-Fun program with Charter School In Oct. Lisa Rahkola did some
activities that relate to the curriculum.
Steve met with JoEllen Kimball(ISD423 School Board Member) to express the
importance of getting students in our district to participate in the Walk-Bike-Fun
3. Trail Counts-
2018 Goals: Will put the infrared cameras out come spring in multiple locations:
Bluff St., Eheim, Oddfellows underpass, County Rd. 4 and other locations. If you
think of a location that would be nice to obtain counts on,please let Sara know.
Will again be looking for volunteers from this group to do physical counting at
Eheim in middle July
4. Trail Proiects-
Denver and School Rd. &Roberts are completed, South Grade still looking to
widen the sidewalk in 2019, will hear back by end of year.
2018: 2nd Ave Bridge-south side and extend under 5th Ave Bridge to connect with
Dakota, Street pavement projects on NE side of town. Maintenance budget for
2018,just shy of$50K
5. Street Crossings/Bike Racks-
Continued talks on Montana Street/Hwy 7
Possible sidewalk extension from Lions East park on Hwy 7, heading east-help
with ped/bike traffic from hotels, Uponor, etc.
Bike racks to go into Elks Park in 2018 near the shelter, due to the increased
number of people visiting the new inclusive playground
Dolf/Kent will again have a conversation with Dan J. on topic on businesses
being required or recommended to have bike racks at their locations
6. Luce Line Trail-
MNDOT-Arch Street counter- replacement counter will be installed in spring.
Winsted connection-new signage pointing the direction of Luce Line
7. County Trails Plan-
Preliminary study is completed, report is being put together.
8. Group Goals for 2018-
Update Bike map-Kent mentioned that Brandon has been working on updating
trail additions/extensions. Sara will put an email out asking interested people to
participate; hoping Jackie from IT can help with the layout again
Bike Friendly Community Recertification will be due in August 2018
Community Outreach on Bike education,potentially with HCVN-Steve
NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: Wednesday March 21s; 2018
City Center Main Conference Room
Other:John H. brought up that it would be nice to have Bike racks on Trail Blazer transit buses.
Celebration of Light Traffic Plan 25 Year,form a small group to work on this.