03-21-2018 PBAC
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Mark Hanneman, Steve Cook, Sara Turrell, Michelle Kiefer
Others Present: Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), John Olson (Street Dept.), Kent Exner (City
Engineer), Candace Hoversten (Heart of Hutch), and Kerry Ward
(McLeod County Public Health)
Absent: Sara Witte, John Hassinger
Meeting began at 2:02 p.m.
1. Review of last meetings minutes- Mark H. made a motion to approve the December
meeting minutes. Steve C. seconded.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness-
a) Bike to Work – Bike to Work Day events have been identified as activities that Heart
of Hutch can no longer solely man with volunteers. PBAC adopted the activity of
facilitating Bike to Work Day events in 2018 with the first event scheduled for June 1
and an August date to be determined. Steve C. made a motion to pass this as a PBAC
facilitated activity. Mark H. seconded. Heart of Hutch will continue to support
funding for supplies and food and help to promote the event via website and social
media. Steve C. to create a flier and email to PBAC. Sara T. identified the event will
also serve as an additional promo for the Luce Line Loops bike ride.
b) Bike Rides-Rotary Luce Line Loops is set for Sunday June 10. New this year, there
is no registration fee for riders under 18.
c) “Move” (H of H)- 2018 calendar of events is still being finalized. There will be less
volunteer manned events and more promotion of Park and Rec opportunities, such as
free family days for paddle sport rentals.
d) Friends of Luce Line – Committee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
e) SHIP- Not update in McLeod, but Kerry reports she is working with Al Koglin
(County Parks) and Kristi Rice (DNR) to coordinate countywide counts in Silver
Lake, Glencoe-trail heading east off 212 and the Dakota Trail connection.
f) Walk-Bike-Fun program update: Michelle reported that she had a productive meeting
with Mike Scott (Director of Teaching and Learning for ISD423). Mike was
supportive of Hutchinson being a host site for a training session and completed a
BIKEMN application for such. Hutchinson application was not approved, but
positive feedback was given for a future application. Michelle reports that Willmar
has a training session scheduled for May 9 and spots will be held open for
Hutchinson teachers. Michelle will also reach out to Lisa Rahkola at charter school
to let her know of the Willmar training opportunity. Michelle and Steve noted that
progress is getting made with connecting to the schools, in part because of a
supportive School Board Member, JoEllen Kimball. PBAC discussed holding off on
community bike/ped education opportunities and will wait to see how Hutch
participates in the upcoming training.
3. Trail Counts-
2018 Goals: Will put the infrared cameras out come spring in multiple locations:
Bluff St., Eheim, Oddfellows underpass, County Rd. 4 and other locations. PBAC
members confirmed they will volunteer to do physical counting at Eheim in
middle July.
4. Trail Projects-
Kent reported the following:
- Century Ave: Work will continue into spring from Jefferson to Ridgewater.
Ridgewater trail was resurfaced last fall. Part of this project will also include
a pedestrian signal system at Century and Hwy 15 intersection.
- Sherwood St/Elks Park: Council approved project for parking improvements
and trail connection from Century to Sherwood, connecting to inclusive
playground at Elks Park and trail on Denver (late summer/fall).
- 2 Ave Bridge-south side and extend under 5 Ave Bridge to connect with
Dakota, Street pavement projects on NE side of town.
- Hwy 7 East/Culligan area: extend sidewalk system along north side to
American Inn to improve pedestrian safety (project based on available funds)
John reported the following:
- Greens/west loop: pond cleaning to be done this spring, trail maintenance to
- Trail system was recently included in physical survey (historically done every
3 years on pavement). Rating of 0-100 given, trail system averaged 86
(higher than streets). Survey helps to identify focus for improvements.
5. Street Crossings/Bike Racks-
Kent reported on conversation topic of businesses being required or
recommended to have bike racks at their locations. This can be added to site plan
checklist on new or re-developments, but would need to include a clear
recommendation (size, style) of rack for businesses. PBAC to consider a
recommendation to give to Planning Commission. Discussion included possibility
of city maintaining/increasing ownership of installing bike parking infrastructure
beyond the downtown corridor as city can better identify usage needs and
maintain style and placement preferences.
6. Luce Line Trail-
MNDOT-Arch Street counter- replacement counter will be installed in spring.
Winsted connection-new signage pointing the direction of Luce Line has been
completed. Steve reported City of Winsted will not be paving the byway on Luce
Line which means DNR will move forward with paving (late summer/fall).
7. County Trails Plan-
Preliminary study of Corridor to Cty rd 1 is in final draft.
8. Group Goals for 2018-
Update Bike map:draft was given to members for review. Recommendations for
revisions should be sent to Sara W.
Bike Friendly Community Recertification: Due August 9, 2018. Sara W. to lead
this effort. Natalie from BIKEMN is available to review draft application before
our next PBAC meeting prior to application deadline. Natalie needs a 1 wk
window to review and provide feedback.
Community Outreach on Bike education, potentially with HCVN – Steve to
followup and report at next meeting.
NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: Wednesday June 20th, 2018
City Center Main Conference Room
Other: John H. to follow up on bike racks on Trail Blazer transit buses.
John O. mentioned it would be a nice addition to have courtesy bikes available as
an option for pilots at the airport (in addition to the courtesy vehicle currently
Michelle informed members of upcoming Walk/Bike Conference April 29-May 1
in Rochester. Also, League Cycling Instructors Course happening in May
(women, trans, femm only) with potential additional course happening in the fall.
Course is a 40 hour training. Question was raised about expiration of this
certification as Jamie Risner (resident) had previously completed this and
question is asked on the BFC application. Michelle understands there is no
Meeting adjourned at 3:21pm, motioned by Mark H. and seconded by Steve C.
Minutes: Candace Hoversten