Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Mark Hanneman, Steve Cook, Sara Turrell
Others Present: Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), Sara Witte(Parks Supervisor), Candace
Hoversten (Heart of Hutch), and Kerry Ward (McLeod County Public
Absent: John Hassinger, Michelle Keifer, Kent Exner, John Olson
Meeting began at 2:00 p.m.
1. Review of last meetings minutes-Mark H. made a motion to approve the March
meeting minutes. Sara T. seconded.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness-
a) Bike to Work The June Is'
event brought in around 35-40 attendees, and cost
around$200,funded through H of H. The second date is scheduled for Friday
August 10th from 6:30am-8am. H of H will again fund this event. Will need PBAC to
staff and facilitate the event.
b) Bike Rides-Rotary Luce Line Loops was Sunday June 10th. About 110 people
participated. Will be the same weekend/Sunday for 2019.
c) "Move" (H of H)-August 2018 will be the last H of H meeting. For 2019 Health
Partners has additional community wellness funding. For future events will be using
Hutch Health logo, not Heart of Hutch.
d) Friends of Luce Line—
e) SHIP- Trail counters are being set at Molly's in Silver Lake and at Cty Rd. 115- west
of Hutchinson.
j) Walk-Bike-Fun program update: No new updates
3. Trail Counts-
Infrared cameras were put out from 6/19/18-716118 at multiple locations: Bluff
St., Eheim, Oddfellows underpass. PBAC members confirmed they will volunteer
to do physical counting at Eheim on Sat. July 14th
Tuesday 10th Candace 4-7pm
Thursday 12th Kerry 4-5:30pm then Sara T. 5:30-7pm
Saturday 14th John H. 10-noon then Steve noon-2pm
4. Trail Proiects-
Steve and Sara T. will plan to get an updated Sharrow painting list to John O.
5. Street Crossings/Bike Racks-
Bike rack to be added into South Park in the month of July. Will wait on the bike
rack for Elks Park until after/during the final playground installation phase.
Update from Kent on Montana crossing?
6. Luce Line Trail-
MNDOT-Arch Street counter- replacement counter was installed in May. Will
hopefully have data to share from the counter at the next meeting.
Winsted connection-Steve reported the bids are in and set for completion by end
of October.
Steve was also contacted by the MidAmerica Trail and Greenway Association.
7. County Trails- Dakota update
Bids came in higher- will need to get bids down under grant funding.
8. Group Goals for 2018-
Update Bike map: draft was given to members for review. Recommendations for
revisions should be sent to Sara W. New maps will be published once the old
maps are all used up, hoping by end of the summer.
Bike Friendly Community Recertification: Due August 9, 2018. Sara W to lead
this effort. Natalie from BIKEMN is available to review draft. Natalie needs a I
week window to review and provide feedback.
NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: Wednesday September 191h, 2018
City Center Main Conference Room
Other: Candace attended the Walk/Bike Conference April 29-Mayl in Rochester: Heads
up campaign and Traffic Gardens
Steve will contact Chief Hatten about Bike Patrol rewarding good ridership.
Dairy Queen was willing to donate tokens.
Sara T. will follow up with Common Cup on the Bike donation program.
Meeting adjourned at 3:09pm, motioned by Mark H. and seconded by Sara T.
Minutes: Sara T(Sara W