Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Sara Turrell John Hassinger, Michelle Keifer,
Others Present: Candace Hoversten (Heart of Hutch), and Kerry Ward (McLeod County
Public Health), John Olson
Absent: Kent Exne, Mark Hanneman, Steve Cook, Dolf Moon (PRCE Director),
Sara Witte (Parks Supervisor),
1. Review of last meetings minutes —Michelle was late so meeting minutes were not
approved and there were only 2 advisory committee members present.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to Work/School- August update? School event dates
• Oct 10'h will be walk to school day. NDMA wants to participate.
• Currently Doug Hanneman and staff from the Hutchinson Leader provide a
walking school bus on Wednesdays. 4 volunteers have been screened by the
school to provide these walk to school Wednesdays. On average 2-10 kids
have been walking. The route is the Franklin Route behind Bobbing Bobber
Brewing Company.
• Michelle attempted a Bike Train at the Middle School. It was trialed a few
times last school year in May. Heritage Ave along the trail to school road to
the middle school. It was tried 3 different Tuesdays with no participants
b) Bike Rides- Bike to work day was not well attended. It seems that when local
business owners are not champions around this event then it seems that this event
does not have good attendance. This group could work on getting more bike
champions. Tote this event as an encouragement event as being part of the
community. In the future, the group could consider working with businesses to
provide an incentive to participate. There was a thought that some bypassed library
square as it's an extra stop.
c) "Move" (H of H) No more Move Committee—the Heart of Hutch work is being
transitioned into the Hutchinson Health Health and Wellness Advisory Committee.
d) Friends of Luce Line-no report at this time.
e) SHIP-Kerry- No real report from SHIP at this time. Brett Nelson from SHIP has been
doing counts using the MDOT counts around Meeker McLeod and Sibley Counties.
We hope to share his findings at the December mtg. The topic of Worksite Wellness
came up in regards to SHIP and how we could use SHIP work to facilitate more
walking and biking within Hutchinson worksites.
j) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Steve/Michelle Michael Scott from the High
School was offered a fall training. There are has not been a response from him.
NDMA staff has been trained in this curriculum and they have been using it.
3. Trail Counts
June/July: Sara W. put cameras out at Bluff, Eheim, Oddfellows underpass —these counts
were not available yet.
Physical counting in July at Eheim- update- Candace worked on the data. The group
reviewed the data together. Green sections were the raw numbers. John observed that an
earlier count on Saturday might be beneficial. Lots of activity on the trail on Saturday
morning prior to 9am.
4. Trail Projects
Update on 2018 projects —John Olson had a sheet reviewing 2018 thus far. Hutchinson
has seen .82 miles of new construction and total work and maintenance in 2018 has been
52.6 miles. And about 2 miles of trail has been maintained this year. John would love to
create a document to review trail maintenance as part of the parks master planning. What
is a good number and how often should it be done. The thought is to try and get things
maintained every 7 to 8 years versus 12 years.
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Bike racks installed at: South Park, River Rental building and Roberts Park
Southwest corner of Shopko parking lot would be an ideal place to have a bike rack.
John has made multiple attempts to contact Shopko to get this in place. Also there are
gaps out in the HWY 15 area like Cashwise, Aldi, and Walmart etc.
6. Luce Line Trail
MNDOT trail use counter near Arch St.- No update given.
Updates on Winsted connection- Steve sent an email stating that the work in the luce line
gap by the Winsted airport is supposed to get started on Sept 19'h. Substantial completion
date is Oct 31 st
7. County Trail- Dakota update No update given
8. Other: Meeker County Trails Plan group has been meeting with Mid Minnesota
Development Commission/Matt Johnson. They are looking at connectivity near Cedar
Mills and linkages near Lake Coronas.
SRTS pilot tool was used at the Middle School. Michelle wrote a report of the findings
and gave it to the Middle school. MDH, BOBS, MDOT were involved with the pilot
tool. There will be SRTS evaluation tools that the schools can use. A SRTS concern for
Hutchinson would be the HWY 7 and Montana and South Grade areas. A HAWKS
system would be ideal to implement.
The rotary club and the parks system are working on ideas for bike safety. Rotary Park
might be a great place to implement at traffic safety garden, bike rodeo, or having a bike
maintenance tool station there.
Bike tool maintenance stations/tire inflators could be placed at the Rec Center. Also
some of the existing stations need some maintenance and clean up.
Please remember to fill out the survey that Sarah sent as well as feel free to fill out the
survey on the park page too.
Bike Friendly Recertification has been submitted.
9. Committee Goals for 2018
New bike map-publish this winter, Bike Friendly Community recertification, Community
outreach on bike education- with HCVN- Steve
NEXT MEETING: Schedule next Quarterly meeting: December 19th, 2018 Meeting began at
2:00 p.m.