11-27-2018 CCM Workshop (Hwy 15 Streetscape Project)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski and John Lofdahl. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Kent Exner, City Engineer. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 1. Review State Trunk Highway 15/Main Street Streetscape Project Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner reviewed the agenda for today's workshop which includes a variety of items related to the Hwy 15/Main Street project. MnDOT's project manager, Gene East, was also in attendance at the workshop. Mr. Exner explained that staff working on the project meet weekly and monthly on efforts related to the project. Mr. Exner explained that public engagement efforts included information that has been presented publicly. The project schedule, project goals & benefits, summary of work, community input and design decisions have been presented. Mr. Exner noted that pavement resurfacing will run all the way to the CR 115 roundabout on the south end of Hwy 15. Mr. Exner also noted that over 520 people participated in a Streetscaping and Landscaping survey. Mr. Exner reviewed the information received at the Project's booth that was staged at the Arts & Crafts Festival held in September. Mr. Exner reviewed the preliminary design for the downtown streetscaping. Mr. Exner showed illustrations of lighting/banners, planters, signage, art wrap on utility boxes, benches, bollards, trash receptacles and colored sidewalks. Mr. Exner also showed a layout drawing indicating the locations of planters, street lights, pedestrian lights, benches, trash receptacles and bollards. Mr. Exner also provided a drawing indicating a colored concrete strip along the outside of the sidewalk. There will not be a stamped concrete put in based on feedback from business owners along Main Street. Discussion was then held on planter designs — height, width and wrought -iron arches. Two designs were presented. Mr. Exner noted that costs still need to be determined and a manufacturer/fabricator needs to be sought. Morgan Baum, Public Arts Commission, presented before the Council. The PAC's intention is to continue to add art to the community and they feel that this reconstruction project is a great opportunity. Ms. Baum explained that MnDOT has presented four potential MnDOT right of way and ten potential City right of way opportunity areas to incorporate public arts into the Main Street 2020 Project. Ms. Baum explained that the PAC's intention is to include permanent pillars on four of the potential locations identified by MnDOT. The spaces are: (1) southwest corner of Main Street and Pt Avenue North; (2) northeast corner of Main Street and Pt Avenue South, and (3) southwest corner of Main Street and Pt Avenue South. One City right of way preferred space at the northeast corner of Main Street and 3rd Avenue South. The main pillar would be made of sturdy, weather -resistant material, would not exceed 24" wide by 24" deep by 48" tall, have Carnegie Library brick accents and not exceed 2,000 pounds. The top art would have a permanent artistic sculpture on top of the pillar with the design to be determined with one idea being bronze arches that tie back to the community aesthetic. The art on top would not exceed 24" squared. The pillar would also incorporate arches design into the street -facing sides and on the non -street -facing sides would include creative plates from local artists with a small informational plaque. The pillar would be supported by a reinforced footing below the frost line. All four pillars would have a cohesive theme between them. The main theme would be focused on celebrating the Hutchinson community. In addition, six potential spaces were identified to incorporate pads for future art opportunities. SEH provided a design for the pillars that would be permanent in nature and are estimated at $5000/pillar. The oak tree design and foundry are estimated at $35,000, with side panels of $20,000 with a total estimated project cost of $75,000. PAC is proposing that the City fund $38,000 of the project, with PAC funding $18,000 and grants/fundraising of 519,000. The oak tree design would be bronzed into the base of the top art. Although the locations were identified as opportunistic, MnDOT could still raise issues with safety and other concerns during final design. If that would be the case, alternative spaces may be utilized. Exner explained that the next formal step will be the formal cooperative agreement which will outline what MnDOT pays for, what the City pays for, and other design details. Mr. Exner noted that the TH 15 South sidewalk replacements have been identified and could range from $50,000-5100,000 dependent on if mixed sidewalk locations are replaced or if all sidewalks are replaced. Mr. Exner is recommending that the City pay for the cost of replacing all sidewalk on TH 15 South to Century Avenue. Mr. Exner reviewed estimated special assessments at $50/LF of property frontage, with water service of $2500 depending on actual bid prices and sewer service of $2500 depending on actual bid prices. Lastly, Mr. Exner noted that construction staging information will be disseminated by MnDOT. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator