11-13-2018 CCMHUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfirom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item.) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski, John Lofdahl, and Mary Christensen. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Kent Exner, City Engineer (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Oak Heights Covenant Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or stafj) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Proclamation — American Legion Centennial Day Mayor Forcier read a Proclamation proclaiming November 14'' as American Legion Centennial Day. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under S minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of October 23, 2018 (b) Hearing Minutes of October 23, 2018 Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14965 - Resolution Approving the Decertification of Tax Increment Financing District 411 of the City of Hutchinson (b) Consideration for Approval of Traffic Control Resolutions 1. Resolution No. 14966 — "LOADING ZONE" Signs with Pavement Markings to be Placed on Southwest Corner of the Intersection of V Avenue SE and Erie Street SE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2018 2. Resolution No. 14967 — "NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS 7 AM — 3 PM" Signs at Various Locations (c) Consideration for Approval of Improvement Project Change Orders, Supplemental Agreement and Work Order for Letting No. 2, Project No. 18-02 (2nd Avenue SE Bridge Replacement) (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14968 - Resolution Reinstating and Adopting Assessment on Tax Forfeit Properties (e) Consideration for Approval of Assessment Agreement with McLeod County for 2019 Services (0 Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Items 7(a) and 7(b) were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second Lofdahl, to approve consent Agenda I with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a) had further discussion. Mr. Jaunich noted that a corrected board action form and resolution had been distributed. It is actually TIF District 47 being decertified. Moion by Lofdahl, second by Czmowski, to approve Item 7(a). Council Member Cook noted that this is for the Prince of Peace property. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(b)1 and 7(b)2 had further discussion. Council Member Cook asked about the proposed Loading Zone sign and asked if a timeframe could be added to address for when Two Way Communications business hours are open. John Olson, Public Works Manager, noted that this will be accomplished. With regard to the No Parking on School Days Signs, Council Member Cook asked about the survey that was conducted in the neighborhoods surrounding the high school. John Olson noted that main concerns noted on the surveys related to service issues, such as mail boxes being blocked, leaf vacuuming, snow removal, etc. With the no parking on the side streets in the neighborhoods, most parking will be pushed to School Road with parking allowed on both sides of the street. Chief Hatten noted that he has spoken with school district representatives and the goal is to encourage students to park in the school parking lot as there is adequate space available. Item 7(b)1 — Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, to approve Loading Zone sign with the addition of the hours included on the signs of M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, to approve Item 7(b)2. These new restrictions will go into effect once the signs are put up. Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda IL Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2018 COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 9. DISCUSSION ON ORDINANCE 18-793 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 95 OF CITY CODE Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, explained that discussions were held earlier this year regarding the park system and the stage at Masonic West River Park. Staff and Council expressed that many of the "unwritten rules" should be placed in a formal document and to address some concerns regarding the stage, noise, etc. within a city ordinance. Clarification will need to be made on those parks that have sidewalks/trails through them and people using those sidewalks/trails after the parks are formally closed. Discussion was also held regarding the parks identified in the tobacco -free parks section and the glass receptacles provision. This ordinance will be brought back before the Council early next year. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 18-792 — AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY -OWNED LAND TO HUTCHINSON HEALTH (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Marc Sebora, City Attorney, explained that this ordinance is being considered for its second reading and adoption. This transaction is part of the approved lease agreement with Hutchinson Health/Health Partners as part of a merger between the two entities. The City had agreed to convey title to Hutchinson Health for certain leased property that is not used to provide health care services (Hospital Auxiliary and Freemont Avenue). This conveyance ties up the transfer of those properties. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve Ordinance No. 18-792. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 11. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF HOLIDAY PARADE OF LIGHTS ON DECEMBER 8, 2018 Chief Dan Hatten explained that Bobby Paulson, along with the Hutchinson Downtown Association's Main Street Christmas, the Hutchinson Lions and Down with Diabetes is requesting to host the First annual Hutchinson Holiday Parade of Lights. The parade will run on Hassan Street from V Avenue NE to 4 h Avenue NE and will begin at 5:00 p.m.. Adequate staff will be staged for the event. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Holiday Parade of Lights on December 8, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. 12. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14969 - CANVASSING OF ELECTION RETURNS FROM CITY GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Mayor Forcier, Council Member Czmowski and Council Member Cook read the results by precinct of the seats of Mayor, Council Member Seat 1 and Council Member Seat 2 from the abstract provided by the McLeod County Auditor -Treasurer's Office. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Czmowski, to approve Resolution No. 14969. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2018 performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 13. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes from September 24, 2018 MISCELLANEOUS 14. STAFF UPDATES Kent Exner — Mr. Exner provided improvement project updates. Mr. Exner also noted that a Main Street/Hwy 15 postcard went out to property owners and business owners to gain feedback on the design of the streetscape. He also noted that this is the last week of leaf vacuuming service. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich mentioned that a Skilled Workforce Summit is being held this Thursday at the Hutchinson High School 15. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Steve Cook — Council Member Cook suggested that the rental inspector, and other inspectors, evaluate construction improvement projects when they are out and about and determine if permits have been pulled for projects. He also noted that he would like the City to get an annual report from the county assessor on those properties in Hutchinson who question their valuations and any adjustments that are made to them. Mayor Forcier — Mayor Forcier commented that there were approximately 1000 voters who voted absentee in Hutchinson in the general election. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Matthew Jaunich Mayor City Administrator 11