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HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2018 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy andpractices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — River of Hope (The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. If you have a question, concern or comment, please ask to e recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Workshop Minutes of November 27, 2018 (b) Regular Meeting of November 27, 2018 CONSENT AGENDA 77- (The items listedor consi eration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Improvement Project Change/Work Orders and Supplemental Agreements 1. Change Order No. 3 — Letting No. 1, Project No. 18-01 (Century Avenue SE) 2. Supplemental Agreement No. 1 — Letting no. 1, Project No. 18-01 (Century Avenue SE) 3. Change Order No. 2 — Letting No. 4, Project No. 18-04 (2018 Pavement Management) (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14978 — Resolution Deferring Assessments — 845 Hwy 7 West (c) Consideration for Approval of 2019 License Renewals CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 11, 2018 (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14979 — Resolution Allowing Historic Hutchinson to Apply for a Legacy Grant to Develop a Plan for Further Restoration of the Harrington -Merrill House on Behalf of the City of Hutchinson (e) Board -Commission Appointments/Reappointments 1. Reappointment of Kay Yoch Senior Advisory Board to January 2022 2. Appointment of Eldon Barkeim to Senior Advisory Board to January 2022 3. Reappointment of Don Martinez to Hutchinson Utilities Commission to December 2023 (f) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 9. APPROVE/DENY ISSUING ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON ELKS purpose of this portion of the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 10. REVIEW OF TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING 11. REVIEW OF THE 2019 PRELIMINARY FEE SCHEDULE UNFINISHED BUSINESS 12. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14972 — RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (a)Removal of "NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS 7-3" signs on Kay Street SW, from Roberts Road to Lea Ave SW NEW BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST FOR EVAN VOLLMER (GREENCORP MEMBER) TO ATTEND THE UNITED STATES COMPOSTING COUNCIL (USCC) CONFERENCE ON BEHALF OF CREEKSIDE IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA FROM JANUARY 28-31, 2019 14. APPROVE/DENY FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION NON -PRIMARY ENTITLEMENT TRANSFER 15. APPROVE/DENY SETTING TIME FOR 2019 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING ON JANUARY 7, 2019 GOVERNANCE (T e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 11, 2018 performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 16. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS �a) Residential Leaf Vacuum Service 2018 Annual Report b) Library Board Minutes from October 22, 2018 (c) Planning/Zoning/Building Department Monthly Report NHSCELLANEOUS 17. STAFF UPDATES 18. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski and John Lofdahl. Others present were Matt Jaumch, City Administrator and Kent Exner, City Engineer. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 1. Review State Trunk Highway 15/Main Street Streetscape Project Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner reviewed the agenda for today's workshop which includes a variety of items related to the Hwy 15/Main Street project. MnDOT's project manager, Gene East, was also in attendance at the workshop. Mr. Exner explained that staff working on the project meet weekly and monthly on efforts related to the project. Mr. Exner explained that public engagement efforts included information that has been presented publicly. The project schedule, project goals & benefits, summary of work, community input and design decisions have been presented. Mr. Exner noted that pavement resurfacing will run all the way to the CR 115 roundabout on the south end of Hwy 15. Mr. Exner also noted that over 520 people participated in a Streetscaping and Landscaping survey. Mr. Exner reviewed the information received at the Project's booth that was staged at the Arts & Crafts Festival held in September. Mr. Exner reviewed the preliminary design for the downtown streetscaping. Mr. Exner showed illustrations of lighting/banners, planters, signage, art wrap on utility boxes, benches, bollards, trash receptacles and colored sidewalks. Mr. Exner also showed a layout drawing indicating the locations of planters, street lights, pedestrian lights, benches, trash receptacles and bollards. Mr. Exner also provided a drawing indicating a colored concrete strip along the outside of the sidewalk. There will not be a stamped concrete put in based on feedback from business owners along Main Street. Discussion was then held on planter designs — height, width and wrought -iron arches. Two designs were presented. Mr. Exner noted that costs still need to be determined and a manufacturer/fabricator needs to be sought. Morgan Baum, Public Arts Commission, presented before the Council. The PAC's intention is to continue to add art to the community and they feel that this reconstruction project is a great opportunity. Ms. Baum explained that MnDOT has presented four potential MnDOT right of way and ten potential City right of way opportunity areas to incorporate public arts into the Main Street 2020 Project. Ms. Baum explained that the PAC's intention is to include permanent pillars on four of the potential locations identified by MnDOT. The spaces are: (1) southwest corner of Main Street and 1st Avenue North; (2) northeast corner of Main Street and 1st Avenue South, and (3) southwest corner of Main Street and 1st Avenue South. One City right of way preferred space at the northeast corner of Main Street and 3rd Avenue South. The main pillar would be made of sturdy, weather -resistant material, would not exceed 24" wide by 24" deep by 48" tall, have Carnegie Library brick accents and not exceed 2,000 pounds. The top art would have a permanent artistic sculpture on top of the pillar with the design to be determined with one idea being bronze arches that tie back to the community aesthetic. The art on top would not exceed 24" squared. The pillar would also incorporate arches design into the street -facing sides and on the non -street -facing sides would include creative plates from local artists with a small informational plaque. The pillar would be supported by a reinforced footing below the frost line. All four pillars would have a cohesive theme between them. The main theme would be focused on celebrating the Hutchinson community. In addition, six potential spaces were identified to incorporate pads for future art opportunities. SEH provided a design for the pillars that would be permanent in nature and are estimated at $5000/pillar. The oak tree design and foundry are estimated at $35,000, with side panels of $20,000 with a total estimated project cost of $75,000. PAC is proposing that the City fund $38,000 of the project, with PAC funding $18,000 and grants/fundraising of $19,000. The oak tree design would be bronzed into the base of the top art. Although the locations were identified as opportunistic, MnDOT could still raise issues with safety and other concerns during final design. If that would be the case, alternative spaces may be utilized. Exner explained that the next formal step will be the formal cooperative agreement which will outline what MnDOT pays for, what the City pays for, and other design details. Mr. Exner noted that the TH 15 South sidewalk replacements have been identified and could range from $50,0004100,000 dependent on if mixed sidewalk locations are replaced or if all sidewalks are replaced. Mr. Exner is recommending that the City pay for the cost of replacing all sidewalk on TH 15 South to Century Avenue. Mr. Exner reviewed estimated special assessments at $50/LF of property frontage, with water service of $2500 depending on actual bid prices and sewer service of $2500 depending on actual bid prices. Lastly, Mr. Exner noted that construction staging information will be disseminated by MnDOT. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING NHNUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy andpractices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski, John Lofdahl, and Mary Christensen. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Kent Exner, City Engineer (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Christ the King Lutheran Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of theprivate citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to ajiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religiouslspiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. If you have a question, concern or comment, please ask to e recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Morgan Baum, 925 2nd Avenue SW, noted that today is Giving Tuesday where nonprofit organizations across the nation are asking for people to give — time or money. Ms. Baum noted that a Community Blood Drive is taking place on November 30, 2018, sponsored by CenBank. Those interested can call 651-332-7164 to make an appointment from 1:00 — 5:00 pm. The first 50 people who donate get a bag full of goodies. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Hearing Minutes of November 13, 2018 (b) Workshop Minutes of November 13, 2018 (c) Regular Meeting of November 13, 2018 Council Member Cook noted a correction to be made in the workshop minutes. He noted that the minutes stated that in the refuse fund sees an increase due to a $55,000 transfer to the tree mitigation fund, but the increase was really due to capital outlay expenses. Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, to approve the minutes as presented with the correction noted above. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA 77- (The items listedor consi eration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2018 (a) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14970 — Resolution Sell at Auction Forfeited Vehicles (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14971 — Resolution Authorizing Senior Deferral of Special Assessment (c) Consideration for Approval of Renewal of Airport Agricultural Property Lease (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14972 — Resolution Establishing Location for Traffic Control Devices 1. "ROAD CLOSED" Signs to be placed on Les Kouba Pkwy NW, from the end of the pavement at the parking lot for the wildlife sanctuary to the boat landing located south of Hutchinson Coop 2. Removal of "NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS 7-3" signs on Kay Street SW from Roberts Road to Lea Ave SW (e) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Item 7(d)2 was pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Consent Agenda I with the exception of the item noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(d)2 had further discussion. Council Member Cook noted that a petition was received by residents on Kay Street to remove the "No Parking During School Days" signs and he has no issue with the request. Council Member Cook noted that he feels there needs to be a way to allow residents to allow to park on the street in front of their homes and suggested issuing permits to those residents to give them permission to park on the streets. Staff and council members expressed that this is more of an enforcement issue. Patty Roach, 444 Kay Street, presented before the Council. Ms. Roach stated that she had started the petition to allow parking on Kay Street. Ms. Roach explained that there were no parking issues three years ago before the school construction. However, now that the school reconstruction is completed, the parking issues have dwindled. Ms. Roach feels that the parking issues will resolve themselves over time. Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, suggested having the Police Chief at the next Council meeting to discuss options. Patrick Kohn, 434 Kay Street, noted that he would be open to parking permits if there were no other options. John Olson, Public Works Manager, noted that it will take several weeks for Public Works to get the signs installed, however certain streets will receive higher priority. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to table Item 7(d)2 to December 11, 2018, to allow for more discussion. Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2018 Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda IL Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. DECLARATION OF EMERALD ASH BORER AS A PUBLIC NUISANCE IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 14973 - Resolution Declaring Emerald Ash Borer a Public Nuisance Under Hutchinson City Code 92.02 Council Member Cook stated that he understands the current policy states that the trigger to EAB being declared a public nuisance is because EAB has been found in an adjoining county, however Cook noted that EAB has been located in the City of Eden Prairie which is closer in proximity than in the location of the adjoining county. Therefore, Cook suggested that perhaps the triggering effect should be a certain mileage distance instead. John Olson explained that the concept behind the adjoining county theory is that the entire county is then quarantined and the likelihood of it traveling to the next county is lessened. Mr. Olson explained that EAB has been located in Clearwater located in Wright County. The EAB is a non-native beetle that causes the widespread decline and death of green ash trees. Mr. Olson explained that city ordinance indicates that private property owners are responsible to abate nuisances and the hearing tonight intends to consider declaring EAB as a nuisance in the City. If the City Council takes action to declare EAB a nuisance, provisions of the ordinance would apply to infested trees. Mr. Olson explained the abatement process. Arborist inspections will take place in June -August when beetles are the most active. This will be coupled with leaf - off surveys with an eye toward woodpecker activity. Once a privately -owned tree is identified as being infested, the City will send "Order to Remove" letters to the property owners. Upon receiving notice, the property owner will either have to remove the tree between October 1 and March I and take to Creekside or chemically treat the tree. Mr. Olson explained that the City will respond to EAB by public education, inspection and strategic management. Mr. Olson reminded the public that the City's EAB Management Plan indicates that reactive measures will begin once a there is a verified infestation in a neighboring county. Mr. Olson explained that the City's proactive measures to EAB have included maintaining tree inventory, rating tree conditions, 800-meter grid to determine sites for chemical treatment, identifying triggering events, initiating removals of ash trees in poor to moderate health and implementing forestry diversification. Reactive measures include initiating and continuing chemical treatments at selected sites, continuing removal of ash trees in poor to moderate health, regularly monitor condition of infested trees, remove infested trees during winter months and replace trees as resources permit. The EAB Management Plan identifies triggering events as a verified EAB infestation in any adjoining county or anywhere in McLeod County. Mr. Olson reviewed the short-term plan to address EAB which will include inspections, training, and education. Publicly -owned ash trees will be surveyed and removal of low quality ash trees. Aggressive removal will occur in parks and actively pursue boulevard ash removal. Staff will communicate with property owners to identify low quality ash on adjacent boulevards and identify cost- effective replacement trees. In the Spring -Summer of 2019 staff intends to inject 30-40 high quality trees in the 800-meter grid, determine time/labor/material necessary for chemical treatments, help property owners identify appropriate chemicals for treating privately -owned trees, focus public education efforts in conjunction with 40�' years as a Tree City USA and closely review removal/replacement costs. The estimated inventory of publicly -owned ash trees totals 2160 and privately -owned is estimated at 3500. Bill Baum, Country Club Estates Homeowners Association, presented before the Council. Mr. Baum explained that the Association contracts lawn care removal and tree trimming. He asked what the protocol is if they need the contractor to remove the trees. Ted Beatty, Rolling Greens Association and Crow River Golf Club, presented before the Council. Mr. Beatty clarified that green ash trees are the only trees effected, not black or white. The other trees are susceptible but have not had issues. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2018 Cook noted that he is comfortable doing what we're doing now and maybe utilizing more funds for tree diversification and not necessarily declaring a nuisance at this time. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14973. Cook reminded that the Council had requested annual reports from the forestry department and he asked that next year EAB reactiveness/proactiveness be reviewed. Cook also noted that a plan should be developed for Creekside. Staff will also see how Clearwater is responding to their EAB infestation. Motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (T e purpose oJ this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 10. APPROVE/DENY AIRPORT HANGAR RENTAL POLICY UPDATES John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson noted that the airport will be having available hangar space for the first time in a long time. In order to be ready when the new 8-unit T-Hangar becomes available, the Airport Commissioners evaluated the existing policy and are suggesting language changes to clarify special use hangars; identify how and where advertisements for available hangars would be posted; continuation of one waiting list for all parties interested in obtaining hangar space regardless of whether hangar space is open or enclosed and more clearly communicating policy provisions relating to sale/purchase of aircraft hangered at the airport. Mr. Olson spoke about seniority/priority lists for hangars. Council Member Cook had a few suggestions to tweak the updates. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to table airport hangar rental policy updates until additional changes can be incorporated. Motion carried unanimously. 11. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14974 — RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR THE ROBERTS PARK BOAT LAUNCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Matt Jaunich explained that City Parks staff has been working with the DNR to make improvements to the boat lunch at Roberts Park. To make those improvements, the City needs to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the State. A revised agreement, along with the Resolution, was distributed to the Council. The original agreement had a minor typographical error. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve Resolution No. 14974 and revised agreement. Motion carried unanimously. 12. APPROVE/DENY TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM FUNDING APPLICATION RESOLUTIONS — TRUNK HWY 7/22 & MONTANA STREET TRAIL CROSSING (a) Resolution No. 14975 - Resolution of Sponsorship for the Transportation Alternatives Program — Application for the State Trunk Hwy 7/22 & Montana Street Pedestrian Crossing (b) Resolution No. 14976 - Resolution Agreeing to Maintain the Trunk Hwy 7/22 & Montana Street Pedestrian Crossing Facility in the City of Hutchinson Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that staff is preparing an application for a Transportation Alternatives grant to address multi -use trail mobility issues and safety concerns at the intersection of State Trunk Hwy 7/22 and Montana Street NW in 2022 or 2023. There is a possibility to advance the construction to 2019 with upfront City funding. The proposed Resolutions are necessary to satisfy the application submittal requirements. Mr. Exner noted that the exact project scope and estimated costs are being finalized. The final 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 2018 application and supporting materials will be submitted to MnDOT in the near future prior to their established deadline in early January. Mr. Exner reminded the Council that the trail crossing is the HAWK system consisting of a red -yellow -red signal format for motorists. If awarded, this grant would offset 80% of the cost of the system. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to approve Resolution Nos. 14975 and 14976. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (T e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 13. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for October 2018 (b) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from October 16, 2018 NHSCELLANEOUS 14. STAFF UPDATES Kent Exner — Mr. Exner noted that the pond project at Linden Park is underway. Snow emergency information will be going out very soon through utility billing, the City's web site and Facebook page. Mr. Exner noted that the snow emergency is used as minimally as possible. Mr. Exner also spoke about the proposed roundabout on South Grade Road and noted that the consultant will begin preliminary design work after the holidays. Staff will then be speaking with adjoining property owners and will then come back to Council with a preliminary design. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council of the Truth in Taxation hearing set for December 4, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. He also noted that he met with representatives from the Gopher Campfire Sanctuary and he will be following up with the council representatives who agreed to meet with the Sanctuary representatives. 15. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE John Lofdahl — Council Member Lofdahl spoke of wastewater treatment funding that the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities is monitoring. Steve Cook — Council Member Cook provided updates on topics discussed at the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities annual conference. Gary Forcier — Mayor Forcier asked about the fishing area underneath the bridge on South Grade Road. He stated that an individual had asked him about leveling the area out. Kent Exner noted that this had been brought up a couple of months ago and staff had brought in river rock to try to level the area out that had been knocked away by foot traffic. Mr. Exner noted that there are not a lot of options in this area and the intention of the area needs to be kept in mind by users. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 5 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Approval of Project Change/Work Orders and Supplemental Agreements Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As construction has proceeded on the below listed projects there has been additional work, project scope revisions, and/or construction completion date changes. The items specified below have been identified and deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete the projects per the intent of the original construction contract. The following Change Orders, Supplemental Agreements and/or Work Orders are proposed as noted: - Change Order No. 3 — Letting No. 1/Project No. 18-01 — Century Ave SE This Change Order addresses incentive for bituminous density per the project specifications. This Change Order does result in an increase to the Contract amount of $4,159.80. This action does not change the Final Completion Date. - Supplemental Agreement No. 1 - Letting No. 1/Project No. 18-01 — Century Ave SE This Supplemental Agreement addressed the extension of the final completion dated for final wear course, pavement markings and final restoration/seeding on Phase 2 and 3 due to adverse weather conditions. This Change Order does not result in an increase to the Contract amount. This action does extend the Final Completion Date from 11 /9/2018 to 06/14/2018. - Change Order No. 2 — Letting No. 4/Project No. 18-04 — 2018 Pavement Management Program This Work Order addresses additional the extension of the original substantial completion date for the trail, sidewalk, signs, and pavement markings due to weather conditions and extra work from 10/26/2018 to 11/26/2018. This Change Order does not result in an increase to the Contract amount. This action does not extend the Final Completion Date. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Change/Work Orders & Supplemental Agreement Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: IM STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. February2018 aar.a+,rnw CHANGE ORDER nr�arenn•n SP/SAP(s) 133-125-002 MN Project No.: I STPF 4318(242) 1 Change Order No-103 Project Location 1 Century Ave SE - TH#15 South to Jefferson St SE, Hutchinson MN 1 Local Agency _ ; City of Hutchinson i Local Project No_1 L1 P18-01 i ! Contractor R & R Excavating Contract No. I L1P18-01 1 Address/City/State/Zip (1149 Hwy 22 South, Hutchinson MN 55350 I.Total Change Order Amount $ 1,099.25-T-�-- _ Issue: The Contract calls for the Contractor to be paid in incentive/disincentive for bituminous density. Resolution: As per specification 2360.3D.1.q the Contractor has received a bituminous density incentive: --- -- - --- - -- - - - Estimate Of Cost: (include any increases or decreases in contracttenis any negotiated or force account iterns.) 'Group/ funding Item No. Description Unit Unit Price + or- + or- CategoryQuantity Amount $ 001 2360.601 Bituminous Incentive/Disincentive LS $4,159.80 1 $4,159.80 Net Change this Change Order $4,159.80 **Grouplfunding category Is required for federal aid projects ( X ) Is NOT changed I ( ) May be revised as provided in MnDOT Specification 1806 ( ) Is Increased by Working Days ( ) Is Increased by Calendar Days ( ) Is Decreased by Working Days ( ) Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved by Project Engineer: Date: Print Name: Kent Exner Phone: 320-234-4212 Approved by Contractor: Date: a _ Gf/% RE cavating Print Name: G. 14 -ms.., Phone: 320-587-5918 DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: X Federal Funding District State Aid Engineer: X State Aid Funding -2L Local funds Date: Pagel of 1 Page 1 of 1 STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT City/County of City of Hutchinson Supplemental Agreement No. 1 FEDERAL PROJECT NO. STATE PROJECT NO. LOCAL PROJECT NO. CONTRACT NO. SP 133-125-002 L1 P18-01 L1 P18-01 CONTRACTOR NAME AND ADDRESS LOCATION OF WORK R & R Excavating Century Ave SE - TH15 S to Jefferson St SE 1149 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT $0.00 This Contract is between the Local Government Entity and Contractor as follows: Issue: The Engineer has determined that due to adverse weather conditions, the original Final Completion Date of November 9, 2018 will be extended for completion of final wear course, pavement markings, and final restoration/seeding on Phase 2 and 3. The Engineer has determined that the Contract will be revised in accordance with MnDOT Specification 1806.2A(2). Resolution: Special Provisions SP-4.3 (1806) Determination and Extension of Contract Time is hereby revised to read that the Contractor must complete all work to meet the requirement of 1516.2 (Project Acceptance) under this Contract on or before June 14, 2019. COST BREAKDOWN There are no items associated with this Supplemental Agreement. " Funding category is required for federal projects. Approved By E ineer: K t Exner Approved By Contractor: R & R Excavating Signed Signed 0.1 Date: Phone: (320) 234-4212 Date: 6Z — Phone: (320) 587-5918 Original to Project Engineer; Copy to Contractor Once contract has been fully executed, forward a copy to DSAE for funding review: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract; signing by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY. Reviewed for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This project is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer Date: STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER Page 1 of 1 City/County of City of Hutchinson Change Order No. 2 FEDERAL STATE LOCAL PROJECT NO. CONTRACT NO. PROJECT NO. PROJECT NO. L4P18-04 L4P18-04 CONTRACTOR NAME AND LOCATION OF WORK ADDRESS Northwoods Ave NE (Main St N to Maple St NE), 11th Ave NE ( Elm St NE to Maple St Wm Mueller & Sons Inc NE), and Spruce St NE (College Ave NE to Northwoods Ave NE) 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT Hamburg, MN 55339 $0.00 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. The Engineer has determined: That due to weather the Original Substantial Completion Date of 10/26/2018 is changed to 11/26/2018. Also due to weather conditions and extra work, the trail, sidewalk, signs, and pavement markings shall have a new Final Completion Date of 06/14/2019. COST BREAKDOWN There are no items associated with this Change Order. * Funding category is required for federal projects. CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME (check one) Due to this change the Contract Time: a. [ ] Is Increased by Working Days b. [ X ] Is Not Changed [ ] Is Decreased by Working Days [ ] Is Increased by Calendar Days c. [ ] May be revised if work affected the controlling operation [ ] Is Decreased by Calendar Days kpproved By Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved By Contractor: Wm Mueller & Sons Inc Signed Signed Date: 12/11 /2018 Phone: (320) 234-4212 Date: Phone: (952) 467-2720 Original to Project Engineer; Copy to Contractor Approved by Hutchinson City Council 12/11/2018. Signed Mayor, Gary Forcier Date: 12/11 /2018 Signed City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich Date: 12/11 /2018 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Activation of Deferred Assessments Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The original assessment was deferred due to potential development of the back half of the property abutting Texas Ave NW as three residential lots and the terms of the deferral were "Until Sold or Developed". The property was sold in August 2018 which prompted the City to activate the assessment on October 9, 2018 by Resolution No. 14958. The property owners have submitted letters stating that the intended use of the property will continue to be commercial use and they are requesting continued deferral of the assessment relative to residential development along Texas Avenue until rezoning and residential development occurs. Owners agree that there will be no accessing the property off of Texas Avenue and appropriate barriers/fencing will be installed to prohibit this. City staff, having met with the owner(s) requests that the City Council approve Resolution No. 14978 for deferral of these assessments. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution Deferring Assessment. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14978 RESOLUTION DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLLS SA5067 WHEREAS, the following properties have assessments in deferred status: Interest Original SA Roll City PID County PID Rate Assess. SA5067 36-117-30-10-0010 23.036.2000 4.68% $36,931.05 AND WHEREAS, the original assessment was deferred due to potential development of the back half of the property abutting Texas Ave NW as three residential lots. AND WHEREAS, the original terms of the deferral were "Until Sold or Developed". AND WHEREAS, due to the sale of the property in August 2018, the deferral expired and the City activated the Assessment on October 9, 2018 by Resolution No. 14958. AND WHEREAS, the property owners have submitted letters stating that the intended use of the property will continue to be commercial use and they are requesting continued deferral of the assessment relative to residential development along Texas Avenue until rezoning and residential development occurs. AND WHEREAS, the property owners are aware that there will be no accessing the property off of Texas Avenue and appropriate barriers/fencing will be installed to prohibit this. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Resolution No. 14958 is hereby rescinded 2. Such assessment shall remain in a deferred status until rezoning and residential development occurs along Texas Avenue. 3. The property owner shall not access the property off of Texas Avenue and appropriate barriers/fencing will be installed to prohibit this. Adopted by the Council this 11th day of December 2018. Mayor, Gary Forcier City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich 11/29/2018 Kent Exner P.E Director of Public Works City center 111 Hassan St. S.E. Hutchinson MN 55350 RE; Assessment SA-5067A on 845 Hwy 7 West, Hutchinson MN, City P1Dtt 36-117-30-10-0010 Dear Mr. Exner, This property is being purchased on contract for deed (Due 8-01-2020) as commercial property and is intended to be used as such by Big Boat Holdings LLC. We intend to add another commercial building to the site in the near future. Also, with this intended commercial use, we will not be accessing the property off of Texas Avenue and appropriate barriers/fencing will be installed to prohibit this. As discussed with Curtis Erickson at a meeting an 11/28/2018, we request continued deferral of any assessment relative to residential development along Texas Avenue until rezoning and residential development occurs. Regards - Curtis Erickson 530 Garrison Ave NE Buffalo MN 55313 763-229-6331 11/29/2018 Kent Exner P.E Director of Public Works City center 111 Hassan St. S.E. Hutchinson MN 55350 RE: Assessment SA-5067A on 845 Hwy 7 West, Hutchinson MN, City PID# 36-117-30-10-0010 Dear Mr. Exner, This property is being purchased on contract for deed (Due 8-01-2020) as commercial property and is intended to be used as such by Big Boat Holdings LLC. We intend to add another commercial building to the site in the near future. Also, with this intended commercial use, we will not be accessing the property off of Texas Avenue and appropriate barriers/fencing will be installed to prohibit this. As discussed with Curtis Erickson at a meeting on 11/28/2018, we request continued deferral of any assessment relative to residential development along Texas Avenue until rezoning and residential development occurs. Regards, Mike Jeseritz Big Boat Holdings LLC P.O. Box 272 Litchfield MN 55355 'To: Mayor and City Council From: Stephanie Nelson, Legal Technician Date: December 11, 2018 Subject: License Renewals for 2019 The following establishments have applied for 2019 license renewals. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted. Please approve the following licenses: On -Sale Intoxicating Applebee's Buffalo Wild Wings Crow River Golf Club El Loro's Landy Lodge Bar & Grill Little Crow Bowling Lanes Main Street Sports Bar Sonora's V.F.W. Post 906 Zella's Massage Services Angel's Massage LLC Genesis Salon & Enso Spa, LLC Hutchinson Therapeutic Massage Center Main Massage LLC Liz Lindemeier Harmony Massage LLC Maria's Hair Salon On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Cobblestone Hotel & Suites Hutchinson Huskies Baseball Tara Tepley - The Paint Factory Taxi Cab Eric Labraaten (ACC Midwest Trans) Duane Buske (Quality Transportation) Garba2e/Haulin2 Licenses Renville -Sibley Sanitation, LLC Waste Management West Central Sanitation, Inc Pawn Licenses Security Coin & Pawn Shop Inc Tay Room On -Sale Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company, LLC Sunday Liquor License Applebee's Buffalo Wild Wings Crow River Golf Club El Loro's Landy Lodge Bar & Grill Little Crow Bowling Lanes Main Street Sports Bar Sonora's V.F.W. Post 906 Zella's Off -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Kwik Trip Northern Tier Retail LLC (SA -West) Viking Oil Corp (SA -East) Wal-Mart Stores Inc Tobacco Casey's Coborn's Inc - Cash Wise Foods Coborn's Inc - Holiday Station Crow River Golf Club Hutchinson Co -Op —Adams Hutchinson Co -Op - Hwy 7 Hutchinson Outpost, Inc Hutchinson Tobacco & Accessories Plus Kwik Trip Landy Lodge Bar & Grill Main Street Sports Bar Murphy USA Northern Tier Retail LLC (SA -West) Smokes 4 Less Viking Oil Corp (SA -East) Walgreens Wal-Mart Stores Inc Taproom Sunday Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company, LLC Wine/Strong Beer License Country Kitchen Tokyo Grill AA, Inc Food Vendor Taqueria Del Buen Pastor Professional Fun Foods, Inc Caterer The Blue Note Brewer Off -Sale Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company, LLC Brewer Off -Sale Sunday Bobbing Bobber Brewing Company, LLC HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Resolution Approving Historic Hutchinson Applying for Legacy Grant Department: Facilities LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete Contact: Dan Jochum/JJ Verhey Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Harrington -Merrill House Plan Development City of Hutchinson Staff met with Historic Hutchinson representatives and Bayley Schluter, Director of McLeod History Partners to discuss applying for a grant to develop a Plan for how the basement and main floor of the Harrington -Merrill House should be restored. There have been other studies done on the H-M house but none of these have provided recommendations that Historic Hutchinson and City Staff feel are feasible and staff feels need to be re-evaluated. For example, one of the previous studies recommended having a coffee shop use in the house as a way to drive traffic to the property. The City of Hutchinson has an agreement with Historic Hutchinson relative to the Church and the Harrington -Merrill House. The agreement requires the City to give permission to Historic Hutchinson when grants are applied for on City owned properties. The City has had an excellent working relationship with Historic Hutchinson and staff sees this as another opportunity to work with Historic Hutchinson. Bayley Schluter has been working on getting quotes from qualified companies to complete this Plan. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of resolution Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14979 RESOLUTION ALLOWING HISTORIC HUTCHINSON TO APPLY FOR A LEGACY GRANT TO DEVELOP A PLAN FOR FURTHER RESTORATION OF THE HARRINGTON-MERRILL HOUSE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson owns the Harrington -Merrill House located at 225 Washington Ave W; WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is aware that a Plan is needed before more restoration work can be completed; WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is aware that renovation and repair of this building is very important; WHEREAS, the City, in partnership with Historic Hutchinson, has been working to improve the Harrington -Merrill House; WHEREAS, the grant request would be less than $10,000 unless quotes to complete the work are more than this; WHEREAS, there may be a need to have matching funds to receive the grant. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the City of Hutchinson hereby approves Historic Hutchinson to apply for a Legacy Grant on behalf of the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this l lth day of December, 2018. ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich Gary Forcier City Administrator Mayor CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/28/18 - 12/11/18 Check Date --------------------------- 12/07/2018 Check EFT837 Vendor Name --------------------------------------------------------- EFTPS Description --------------------------------------------------------------- PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 Amount ------------------ 71,023.48 12/07/2018 EFT838 MN Dept of Revenue PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 15,399.84 12/07/2018 EFT839 Provident Life PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 697.85 12/07/2018 EFT840 PERA PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 64,467.33 12/07/2018 EFT841 TASC-Flex PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 1,741.06 12/07/2018 EFT842 TASC-H S A PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 12,590.14 12/07/2018 EFT843 ICMA PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 2,340.00 12/07/2018 EFT844 VOYA PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 480.00 12/07/2018 EFT845 MNDCP PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 305.00 12/07/2018 203594 NCPERS PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 368.00 12/07/2018 203595 HART PAYROLL 11/18 - 12/1/2018 566.37 12/04/2018 203596 BNO SHEET METAL INC LABOR/MAT TO REPLACE 2 IR HEATER FLUES 550.62 8/28 - void 202223 BNO SHEET METAL INC VOID & REISSUE -VENDOR DID NOT RECEIVE (550.62) 12/11/2018 203597 48FORTY SOLUTIONS, LLC 08- B GRADE 48 X 40 - CREEKSIDE PALLETS 5,242.66 12/11/2018 203598 A R ENGH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING FALL MAINTENANCE - WWTP HEATERS 1,495.90 12/11/2018 203599 ABSOLUTE LOGISTICS LLC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO VARIOUS LOCATIONS 1,200.00 12/11/2018 203600 ACE HARDWARE REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES- VARIOUS DEPTS 168.47 12/11/2018 203601 ALBERTVILLE HARDWARE CREEKSIDE REFUND OF CUSTOMER OVERPAYMENT 1,421.15 12/11/2018 203602 ALLIED PRODUCTS FLAGS FOR POLICE (US, MN, POW) 2 EACH 165.92 12/11/2018 203603 ALPHA WIRELESS DECEMBER RADIO MAINT AGREEMENT - POLICE 794.75 12/11/2018 203604 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS- LIQUOR 131.22 12/11/2018 203605 AMERICAN DOOR WORKS CABLE, COM SERVICE WORK - WTP 285.50 12/11/2018 203606 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. CONCRETE TESTING - NEW T-HANGAR PROJECT 3,369.40 12/11/2018 203607 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN JAMES NAVRATIL: 1ST MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 1 79.00 12/11/2018 203608 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES VARIOUS CLEANING SUPPLIES 116.73 12/11/2018 203609 ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC. NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 230.34 12/11/2018 203610 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 487.00 12/11/2018 203611 ARROWHEAD FORENSICS EVIDENCE BAGS - POLICE 115.42 12/11/2018 203612 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 980.70 12/11/2018 203613 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE AUTO REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES -VARIOUS DEPT 507.83 12/11/2018 203614 AUTO XPRESS INSTALL MUFFLER ON 2006 DODGE - STREETS 122.40 12/11/2018 203615 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC SERVICE/CLEAN ALL TUBE HEATERS- PARKS 193.00 12/11/2018 203616 BELLBOY CORP NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 687.85 12/11/2018 203617 BERNICK'S NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 186.37 12/11/2018 203618 BOLTON & MENK INC. 8-UNIT T-HANGAR DESIGN & BID CONTRACT 6,546.36 12/11/2018 203619 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 5,808.39 12/11/2018 203620 C & L DISTRIBUTING NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS- LIQUOR 30,699.35 12/11/2018 203621 CARD SERVICES CASH WISE PURCHASE FOR POLICE 20.94 12/11/2018 203622 CARPETSPLUS COLOR TILE CARPET REPAIRS AT CITY CENTER 177.00 12/11/2018 203623 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC 2 SQUAD REPAIRS & 2 VEHICLES TOWED - POLICE 582.50 12/11/2018 203624 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES -VARIOUS DEPTS 658.48 12/11/2018 203625 CGMC 2018 CGMC FALL CONFERENCE, ALEXANDRIA 375.00 12/11/2018 203626 CHEMISOLV CORP FERRIC CHLORIDE 38%- WWTP CHEMICALS 4,489.44 12/11/2018 203627 CINTAS CORPORATION MATS, SHOP TOWELS, HANDCLEANER -VARIOUS 235.34 12/11/2018 203628 CORE & MAIN LP WATER METER PARTS- WTP 1,526.45 12/11/2018 203629 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 2018 RAM 5500: GRIP STEPS & BRACKET KIT - PD 502.94 12/11/2018 203630 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS - 3 EMPLOYEES 146.50 12/11/2018 203631 CROW RIVER GOLF CLUB RENTAL FEE - LIQUOR STORE EVENT 536.88 12/11/2018 203633 CROW RIVER WINERY NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 1,267.66 12/11/2018 203634 DANIELS SHARPSMART INC ANNUAL DISPOSAL - PUBLIC RESTROOM SHARPS 179.57 12/11/2018 203635 DOOLEY'S PETROLEUM INC #2 RED DIESEL- CREEKSIDE 625.82 12/11/2018 203636 DUNDEE ARRANGEMENT FOR M.LARSON FUNERAL 35.98 12/11/2018 203637 DYNA SYSTEMS REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - WWTP 393.92 12/11/2018 203638 EARTHLY DELIGHTS LTD DECEMBER TAX SETTLEMENT -TIF PAYGO PMT 8,753.18 12/11/2018 203639 EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES DIESEL- CREEKSIDE 127.60 12/11/2018 203640 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION PEST CONTROL- POLICE & CREEKSIDE 220.21 12/11/2018 203641 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS LLC ENGINE 7 LED LIGHT HEADS - 50/50 CITY/RURAL 4,107.22 12/11/2018 203642 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT SNOW PLOW - PARKS DEPT 4,975.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/28/18 - 12/11/18 Check Date --------------------------- 12/11/2018 Check 203643 Vendor Name --------------------------------------------------------- FASTENAL COMPANY Description --------------------------------------------------------------- REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - VARIOUS DEPTS Amount ------------------ 200.21 12/11/2018 203644 FIRE SAFETY USA INC FIREFIGHTER GLOVES (8) 902.10 12/11/2018 203645 GEB ELECTRIC INC NEW LAMPSAT REC CENTER & ICE ARENA 290.00 12/11/2018 203646 GRAINGER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES- WTP & WWTP 429.98 12/11/2018 203647 GRANITE ELECTRONICS, INC. PORTABLE RADIO REMOTE SPEAKER MIC- FIRE 407.15 12/11/2018 203648 HACH COMPANY CHLORINE, FLUORIDE, OXY, WASH - WTP 1,116.39 12/11/2018 203649 HALDEMAN-HOMME, INC. 2 VOLLEYBALL STANDARD SPRINGS- REC CENTER 34.70 12/11/2018 203650 HANSEN GRAVEL INC. BASEBALL FIELD PROJECT - RECLAIM AG LIME 1,800.00 12/11/2018 203651 HARPER BROOMS BROOMS, BRUSHES, SQUEEGEES -STREETS 570.20 12/11/2018 203652 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON ICEMELTER- POLICE 54.48 12/11/2018 203653 HJERPE CONTRACTING BASEBALL FIELD PROJECT -VARIOUS WORK 4,222.75 12/11/2018 203654 HJERPE CONTRACTING 1_51318-05 S CENTRAL DRAINAGE - PAY APP #1 155,234.51 12/11/2018 203655 HOFF, RANDY FLORAL ARRANGEMENT: T LEIDER - POLICE 34.00 12/11/2018 203656 HOLT MOTORS INC LIGHT KIT#660 1-TON TRUCK- STREETS 162.96 12/11/2018 203657 HUTCH WARD II LLC OVER CHARGED BLDG PERMIT- CENTURY COURT 792.29 12/11/2018 203658 HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC DECEMBER JANITORIAL- HATS 1,415.00 12/11/2018 203659 HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BASIC LEVEL MEMBERSHIP - CITY, EDA, HUC 3,000.00 12/11/2018 203660 HUTCHINSON BUS LINE, INC. 8/1/18 SENIOR CENTER TRIP TO TARGET FIELD 345.00 12/11/2018 203661 HUTCHINSON CO-OP FORKLIFT GAS, UNLEADED, DYED DIESEL, TIRE R&M 4,908.17 12/11/2018 203662 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BU OCTOBER 2018 LODGING TAX 9,189.87 12/11/2018 203663 HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE DECEMBER COMMON AREA CHARGE - EVENT CTR 2,277.99 12/11/2018 203664 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING - LIQUOR $2,675, & OTHER DEPTS 2,963.73 12/11/2018 203665 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES FOR ENTERPRISE CENTER 174.30 12/11/2018 203666 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 SHOP SUPPLIES- PUBLIC WORKS 441.47 12/11/2018 203667 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1551 SHOP SUPPLIES- CREEKSIDE 216.54 12/11/2018 203668 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1552 SHOP SUPPLIES- PARKS DEPT 7.98 12/11/2018 203669 INDIGITAL, INC. BLDG INSP- DOCUMENT SCANNING PROJECT 5,195.13 12/11/2018 203670 INGSTAD BROADCASTING NOVEMBER RADIO ADVERTISING - LIQUOR STORE 561.00 12/11/2018 203671 J & R AUTO & RADIATOR #447 A/C REPAIRS - STREETS WHEEL LOADER 192.46 12/11/2018 203672 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. OCT & NOV 2018 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 5,548.48 12/11/2018 203673 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 2,867.46 12/11/2018 203674 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 13,519.42 12/11/2018 203675 JULIE CRAIG REFUND FOR COMMUNITY ED CLASS 24.00 12/11/2018 203676 JUUL CONTRACTING CO REMOVE BITUMINOUS & LEVEL- WATER STREET 6,950.00 12/11/2018 203677 KAREN SOLIEN 3/4 GR BASKETBALL COACH REFUND 25.00 12/11/2018 203678 KAYE JOHNSON 3/4 GR BASKETBALL COACH REFUND 25.00 12/11/2018 203679 KERI'S CLEANING & HANDYMAN SERVICES 11/16-11/30; C.CTR, LIBRARY, SR DINE, FIRE, LIQUOR 3,344.00 12/11/2018 203680 KGB CORNERSTONE COMMONS LLC DECEMBER TAX SETTLEMENT - TIF PAYGO PMT 25,165.06 12/11/2018 203681 KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC. POLICE SUPER SOCK BEAN BAG ROUNDS 290.40 12/11/2018 203682 KONERZA, STACY KARAOKE NIGHT - SENIOR CENTER EVENT 75.00 12/11/2018 203683 KRAEMER TRUCKING & EXCAVATING INC. 8 UNIT T-HANGAR CONST 1_151318-15 PAYAPP #2 173,200.91 12/11/2018 203684 L & P SUPPLY CO OIL FILTER, TIRE CHAINS, BALL JOINT - WTP 141.00 12/11/2018 203685 LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC. ELKS PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 53,393.80 12/11/2018 203686 LEVINE, ERIC REIMB: FOOTWEAR & OTHER EXPENSES - WTP 261.20 12/11/2018 203687 LOCHER BROTHERS INC NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 23,618.80 12/11/2018 203688 LOGIS DECEMBER APPLICATIONS & GIS BASE 6,479.00 12/11/2018 203689 M-R SIGN GALV U CHANNEL SIGN POSTS (100) 2,470.00 12/11/2018 203690 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC NOVEMBER COPIER/PRINTERS- OTHER FACILITIES 1,313.02 12/11/2018 203691 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC DECEMBER COPIERS/PRINTERS - CITY CENTER 934.18 12/11/2018 203692 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC ACETYLENE, HIGH PRESSURE - WWTP 18.45 12/11/2018 203693 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH CLEANING 19 LBS JACKETS/VESTS - PARKS DEPT 18.05 12/11/2018 203694 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR CR-181676 - FEE PASS-THRU TO CORRECT PARTY 285.00 12/11/2018 203695 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES -VARIOUS DEPTS 722.29 12/11/2018 203696 MESSAGE MEDIA U.S.A., INC DECEMBER SERVICES - POLICE 30.00 12/11/2018 203697 MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WINERY NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 534.00 12/11/2018 203698 MINI BIFF DOG PARK: 10/22 - 11/21; PD RANGE 10/18-11/14 163.97 12/11/2018 203699 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF OCTOBER APS TRANS FEES 35.10 12/11/2018 203700 MINNESOTA CONTROL SYSTEMS LLC CITY CENTER HVAC CONTROL MAINTENANCE 351.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/28/18 - 12/11/18 Check Date --------------------------- 12/11/2018 Check 203701 Vendor Name --------------------------------------------------------- MINNESOTA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Description --------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 SPECIALTY FERTILIZER REGISTRATION - WWTP Amount ------------------ 100.00 12/11/2018 203702 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB SAMPLE TESTING - WWTP 1,401.20 12/11/2018 203703 MORGAN CREEK VINEYARDS NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 268.73 12/11/2018 203704 MRPA RAQUEL BUSHMAN REGISTRATION - RECREATION 109.00 12/11/2018 203705 NARTEC INC. METH & COCAINE TEST AMPULES - POLICE 259.53 12/11/2018 203706 NORTH AMERICAN SAFETY INC SAFETY VESTS, SWEATSHIRTS - PARKS DEPT 529.50 12/11/2018 203707 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS LIQUOR STORE OFFICE SUPPLIES 493.46 12/11/2018 203708 NORTHERN TIER TRANSPORTATION LLC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO VARIOUS LOCATIONS 1,500.00 12/11/2018 203709 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS MINI BULBS FOR POLICE SQUAD 2016 CAPRICE 8.98 12/11/2018 203710 OFFICE DEPOT PAPER BOWLS FOR HATS LUNCH ROOM 64.29 12/11/2018 203711 OFFICE OF MN IT SERVICES OCTOBER SERVICES - DMV 200.05 12/11/2018 203712 OLD DOMINION BRUSH CO, INC. EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS - STORM WATER 630.09 12/11/2018 203713 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 4,243.08 12/11/2018 203714 PEAT INC. MCGREGOR BROWN PEAT- CREEKSIDE 7,517.50 12/11/2018 203715 PENMAC STAFFING SERVICES, INC. CREEKSIDE TEMPORARY STAFFING 11/18-12/1 4,690.32 12/11/2018 203716 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 11,810.05 12/11/2018 203717 PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL GENERAL PEST CONTROL- CIVIC ARENA 102.75 12/11/2018 203718 POSTMASTER POSTAGE FOR UTILITY BILLS 1,520.00 12/11/2018 203719 PRO AUTO MN INC. CREEKSIDE 2014 F150: OIL CHANGE & BATTERY SVC 61.55 12/11/2018 203720 QUADE ELECTRIC LAMPS (30) FOR WWTP 118.50 12/11/2018 203721 R & R EXCAVATING CENTURY AVE SE RECONST 1_11318-01 PAY APP #5 327,240.60 12/11/2018 203722 RADWELL INTERNATIONAL, INC. EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS- CREEKSIDE BAGGER 737.38 12/11/2018 203723 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. CREEKSIDE SCREENER REPAIRS 4,260.01 12/11/2018 203724 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC SWEATSHIRTS -STREETS; PARKAS/PANTS-CREEKSIDE 744.26 12/11/2018 203725 REINER ENTERPRISES INC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO VARIOUS LOCATIONS 19,484.45 12/11/2018 203726 REVIER WELDING TRUCK BATTERY BOX REPAIRS (2): STREETS 1,414.80 12/11/2018 203727 RJ THOMAS MFG CO INC TABLE FRAMES - PARKS DEPT 953.50 12/11/2018 203728 RUNNING'SSUPPLY REPAIR&MAINTSUPPLIES-VARIOUSDEPTS 60.25 12/11/2018 203729 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT SCISSORS, NOTEBOOKS, DRY ERASE MARKERS-PRCE 41.66 12/11/2018 203730 SCHERMANN, SHANNON REIMB: FOOTWEAR 75.00 12/11/2018 203731 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON, INC WATER & SEWER RATE STUDY 8,058.96 12/11/2018 203732 SKYVIEW DAIRY INC OCTOBER COMPOST YARDAGE - CREEKSIDE 4,784.44 12/11/2018 203733 SOIL CONTROL LAB FINISHED MANURE COMPOST TESTING 1,047.00 12/11/2018 203734 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 8,849.44 12/11/2018 203735 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING PROGRAMMING FOR OTTER LAKE LIFT STATION 4,586.30 12/11/2018 203736 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING NOV UTILITY BILLS & CITY FACILITY MAILING SERVICE 2,274.51 12/11/2018 203737 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 566.75 12/11/2018 203738 STAR TRIBUNE 13 WKS RENEWAL 12/9 - 3/10/19 - CITY CENTER 114.53 12/11/2018 203739 STREICH TRUCKING CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO LANDWEHR ALBANY 300.00 12/11/2018 203740 STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES INC 2ND AVE SE BRIDGE 1_21318-02 PAY APP #6 21,415.08 12/11/2018 203741 TAPS-LYLE SCHROEDER CLEANED LINEN & TOPS - EVENT CENTER 25.00 12/11/2018 203742 THOMAS SCIENTIFIC LAB SUPPLIES FOR WWTP 532.00 12/11/2018 203743 TKO WINES NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 1,128.00 12/11/2018 203744 TOWMASTER INC. REPAIR WHEEL LOADER -STREETS 1,587.00 12/11/2018 203745 TRI COUNTY WATER BOTTLE WATER DELIVERY - POLICE 91.75 12/11/2018 203746 TRIPLE G COMPANIES GATEWAY PARK: EXCAVATION, STEEL FOOTINGS 3,500.00 12/11/2018 203747 TRUE BRANDS BEER RINGS - LIQUOR STORE 159.57 12/11/2018 203748 UNITED FARMERS COOP DYED FUEL- HATS FUEL SYSTEM 17,295.69 12/11/2018 203749 USA BLUE BOOK BALL VALVE REPAIR PART- WWTP 120.25 12/11/2018 203750 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON FIRE PICKUP #177: BODY REPAIR 919.38 12/11/2018 203751 VERIZON WIRELESS OCT 11- NOV 10 SERVICES 473.07 12/11/2018 203752 VIKING BEER NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 11,809.85 12/11/2018 203753 VIKING COCA COLA NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 662.75 12/11/2018 203754 VINOCOPIA INC NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 221.50 12/11/2018 203755 VIVID IMAGE UPDATE LIQUOR WEBSITE INTEGRATION WITH RITE 2,970.00 12/11/2018 203756 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE LANDFILL DISPOSAL 11/1- 11/15'18 5,925.52 12/11/2018 203757 WEST CENTRAL SHREDDING MONTHLY PAPER SHREDDING - CITY CENTER & PD 86.00 12/11/2018 203758 WINE MERCHANTS INC NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 2,934.71 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/28/18 - 12/11/18 Check Date --------------------------- 12/11/2018 Check 203759 Vendor Name --------------------------------------------------------- WM MUELLER & SONS Description --------------------------------------------------------------- ASPHALT FOR STREETS REPAIRS Amount ------------------ 724.50 12/11/2018 203760 WM MUELLER & SONS PAVEMENT MGMT PROGRAM PAY APP #5 283,338.44 12/11/2018 203761 WM MUELLER & SONS CITY ALLEY #17 10/30 - 11/20'18 PAY APP #2 3,514.98 12/11/2018 203762 ZIEGLER INC FILTERS FOR CREEKSIDE GRINDER 254.62 Total- Check Disbursements: $ 1,560,808.44 CHECK REGISTER B FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/28/18 - 12/11/18 Check Date ---------------- 12/11/2018 Check ---------- 203632 Vendor Name --------------------------------------------------------- CROW RIVER SIGNS Description ------------------------------------------------------------- DOG PARK SIGN 16X20 (1) Amount -------------------- 40.00 Total- Check Disbursements: $ 40.00 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Hutchinson Elks - On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Hutchinson Elks Inc. has submitted an on -sale liquor license application to provide liquor at an establishment located at 720 Hwy 7 East. Hutchinson Elks Inc. has been operating this establishment for more than 50 years and has been serving alcohol under a club liquor license. As has been discussed in the past, a club liquor license allows clubs to serve liquor to members of the club and members' bona fide guests. The application submitted by Hutchinson Elks Inc. is for on -sale intoxicating liquor, which allows Hutchinson Elks Inc. to legally serve liquor to all patrons of the establishment. City code requires that a public hearing be held when a new liquor license is applied for. Since Hutchinson Elks Inc. formerly held a club liquor license, this application is considered new and a public hearing is required. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing on -sale intoxicating liquor license to Hutchinson Elks Inc. located at 720 Hwy 7 East in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: 0 FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: C y1ya 111 Hassan St Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-51511Fax(320) 234-4240 Investigation Fee: $375,00 Annual License Fee: $2000.00 Application for On -Sale IntoxicatinglWine Liquor License In provision of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code Chapter 112 Sunday Sale Fee: $125.00 This form was prepared by the City of Hutchinson and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Department of Public Safety, pursuant the Minnesota Statutes, 1976, Section 340.13, for purposes of background investigation. It does not supersede any laws, rules or regulations of the Division of Liquor Control regarding the issuance of liquor licenses. Failure to provide information requested may result in denial of the application. \x Lo -a A me Trade Name Dat f Application 2. 1--a-t 4—.1 Licensing Period 3. Type of Application: NEW RENEWAL 0 TRANSFER 4. Type of License: )� INTOXICATING X WINE 5. If WINE, will this establishment be selling Strong Beer? )4YES ❑ NO ( If YES, a 3.2 Malt Liquor Application must be filled out as well.) 6. �'kvrsz V--� <i' � I < , -T" ,- I , ss ? Name of Applicant Phone 7. Home Address l!v 5`s35 State Zip Code 8. 9. 10. Citizenship Place of Birth A ass Street Address f Establishment 1 12. Does the establishment include a patio area? YES ❑ NO (if yes, please attach a schematic of pat' area) 13. Will this establishment be selling on Sunday? YES ❑ NO Date of Birth 14. List Owners of building or premises to be licensed: �D K-) �" 6 vuV' �� AtEst',, �i k 15. List all partners, officers or directors, shareholders (and number of shares each member holds), if corporation: Name tAvw Ri tL ILi L 16i(rnox N/vt lmt1 Address Date of Birth e; s') Haim>Gt , St 4-for u] "a 16. Prior experience in this type of business: Cl K.6c L;s c a 17. Present ownership in any other liquor establishment: N 6 18. Present ownership in any other restaurant or food business: 19. Three Business References: vi(i Pt- t�'(Cir�1f 2. �Ccti,ey�e;ur �rG�, �6G 1� 'kc)0- 5C.7-3z 20. j i " l k-6, ) V-) .— Corporate or Partnership Title 21. - I M t-fvv �j E I Corporate or Partnership Address 22. If this is a transfer application give name, address, of person(s), partnership or corporation holding license for the past year: N.4 Name Address 23. Who owns the bar/tavern fixtures? k 24. Are you a Minnesota resident? OYES ❑ NO From To 25. Residential Address for the past five (5) years: /t/A- 26: Three personal references: Naive I 1. D 3. Address rq7 G; tow bLv till 9- St i 1 lea ; eve 5VV 2,11-2 >'01rwy\ Pcyv\' 27. Employment for the past five years: nti,.- -- old:- �q - q uos' Name of Em to er Phone 1. � 2. 3. 28. Any convictions other than minor traffic: ❑ YES /I<NO (if yes, please explain in detail) Offense: Offense: Offense: Conviction Date: Conviction Date: Conviction Date: 29. This application must be accompanied by detailed statement of net worth and last year's tax return and statement of method of payment for business, fixtures and inventory. 30. This application must be accompanied by State of Minnesota Restaurant License. 3 L This application must be accompanied by a certificate of insurance providing for liquor liability coverage. 32. Applicant, and his associates in this application, will strictly comply with all the laws of the State of Minnesota governing the taxation and the sale of intoxicating liquor; rules and regulations promulgated by the Liquor Control Commissioner; and all ordinances of the municipality; and I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing questions and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. I further understand that an investigation fee not to exceed$500.00 shall be charged an application by the city or county if the investigation is required outside the state. I further understand the ordinances of the City of Hutchinson regarding the operation of on -sale liquor licenses and agree to abide by them. ISignaturJol Applicant Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this —day of voy , 20]& MELISSA A. STARKE Notary Public ( �°. =i `[)�FY PfJ€3LVC P P4NNE3QTA My Commission expires:l o }� ;Si [,'osxp- Jain. 31' 2021 LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT Ordinance 112.019 requires that the manager of the establishment be "a natural person who is a resident of the City'. Please complete and sign the following confirming the above. Establishment Information Establishment Phone Number C f-:':' � ` 7 " ►h vyy&& W. Establishment Address City State Zip I Owner/Corvorate Information 11 Ilk OwnerlCorporate Name j Phone Number �t_ a'7Z) A 'S gt OwnerlCorporate Address City State Zip Manner Information it .. c Manager Name a$� Manager Address City Phone Number State Zip I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City q Hutchinso�i\to investigate the information submitted. of owner or authorized officer of establishment Date A CORP. bate (MMID WYYYY) CERTIFICATE 4F LIABILITY INSURANCE 11/21/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.- THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must beendorsed. if SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement s). PR(MUCER CONTACT Aon's Affinity insurance Services, Inc. NA".`.. o..A RR ey _..._ The Ekks Insurance ProgramPsiONE .. ......... Fnx 200 E Randolph, 4th Floor [Arc, bo. sit (800) 421-355T Inic, No; (312) 381-2i51 -... W .�.- Chicago. IL 60601 . _............... _-......._.... ....... ............... ...... IIIISURER(S' AFFORENNG COVERAGE NAIC #s INSURER A OId Republic Insurance Coma 24147 INSURED_........... ...._........... .............. 3ti5 R R 9 ..----............ ........ _ _.. ...... ____.-.__M_..._...... enewlent and Protective Order of Elks of U.S.A,- -- Eti..... R Hutchinson Elks Lodge #2427_......._._...___�._.._..W.....�._..�..�,._ _.�_... ...�.n.,r.—._......�. Attn: Lodge Secretary P.D. Box 272 -INSURER E ..._...__ _..._..� _...... w Hutchinson, INN 5`�5f)INSURER F UUVERAULS CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERN! OR CC=NDM; --N OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WrrH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTALlN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH. PCUC'ES. I-WiTS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSH LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY EFF ICY EXP LTPpLICf NUMBER POL rr.Af.Arnnrwvvr 1KARRlnnRnr.nn LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY -- EACH $ 1,000,000 A X OCCURRENCE COMMERCIAL GENERAL. 31$92 11112(J19 LIABILITY 12J31l2a19 PERSON 8 ADV $ 1,i]00,000 CLAIMS I x I OCCUR INJURY ...... ._. u_............... .......... ...._ MADE u GENERAL S 1.ODO.000 AGGREGATE PRODUCTS- $ 1,C10 '000 COMP/Opp x LIQUOR LIABILITY M1NZY 312892 1I112019 AGG 12/3112019 LIQUOR _ $1,000,0O0�._ LIABILITY AGGREGATE LiMrf APPLIES PER: OCCUR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS f LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) Benevolent and Protec'dve Order of Elks of the United States of America Insured Lodge: Hutchinson Elks Lodge # 2427 1,ucaLiom 720 Hin,,liwaN 7 E. Hutchinson. MN 55350 Date: Through POlicY effeChVe dates THIS CERTIFICATE IS PROVIDED AS EVIDENCE OF LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Cite of I.1utch'mson SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 1 I 1 Hassan 5t SF AG^.0P0ANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. HtttCh.inson. N-IN 55350 AUTHORIM) REPRESENTATIVE a 1988.WM ACCRD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 {2010l05} The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Review of Truth in Taxation Hearing Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As a follow up to the Truth in Taxation Hearing from December 4, the Council should have a discussion on whether or not there is a desire to change anything in regards to the 2019 budget and/or tax levy. Requests (if any) for additional information from the Truth in Taxation Hearing and/or any changes to the proposed budget/levy will be presented at this time as well. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action at this time. Final budget and levy will be approved at the December 27 meeting Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: City Tax_ Calculation by Property Type for 2019 Proposed Tax Increase: Median Home Value: 2019 City Total Tax Levy $ 7,309,439 = 2.8% increase 2018 Value $150,000 Estimated Tax Capacity $ 10,893,013 = 8.9% increase 2019 Value $160,000 Estimated 2019 Tax Rate = 67.102% = 4.0% decrease % Change 6.7% 2018 Actual City Tax Residential Homestead Estimated Market Value $ 150,000 Homestead Exclusion f 23,700 Net Taxable Value $ 126,300 State Tax Class Rate 1.00% Tax Capacity $ 1,263 Estimated Tax Rate 71.141 % Estimated City Tax $ $99 Change from 2018 Commercial / Industrial Estimated Market Value $ 150,000 Homestead Exclusion NIA Net Taxable Value $ 150,000 State Tax Class Rate 1st $150,000 9 1.50% 2,250 Over $150,000 @ 2.00% - Tax Capacity $ 2,250 Estimated Tax Rate 67.102% Estimated City Tax $ 11510 Change from 2018 Apartment Estimated Market Value $ 150,000 Homestead Exclusion NIA Net Taxable Value $ 150,000 State Tax Class Rate 1.25"% Tax Capacity $ 1,875 Estimated Tax Rate 67.102% Estimated City Tax $ 1,258 Change from 2018 Manufactured Home Park Estimated Market Value Homestead Exclusion Net Taxable Value State Tax Class Rate Tax Capacity Estimated Tax Rate Estimated City Tax Change from 2018 $ 150,000 NIA $ 150,000 1.15°.. $ 1,875 67.102% $ 1,258 2019 Estimated City Tax 0% Levy Incr. 0 o Levy Incr. 2.8 o Leery Inc. & 2018 Value & 2019 Value & 2019 Value $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 {23,700) (22,800) (22,800) $ 126,300 $ 137,200 $ 137,200 1.00`:'v ii i , 1.00% $ 1,263 $ 1,372 $ 1,372 65.303% 65.303% 67.102% $ 825 $ 896 $ 921 $ (74) $ (3) $ 22 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 NIA NIA NIA $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 2,250 2,250 2,250 - 200 200 $ 2,250 $ 2,450 $ 2,450 65.303% 65.303% 67.102% $ 1,469 $ 11600 $ 1,644 $ (41) $ 90 $ 134 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 NIA NIA NIA $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 ! .L� 7 • 1.25% � 2�,-, $ 1,875 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 66.303% 65.303% 67,102% $ 1,224 $ 1,306 $ 1,342 $ (34) $ 48 $ 84 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 NIA NIA NIA $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 $ 1,875 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 65.303% 65.303% 67.102% $ 1,224 $ 1,306 $ 1,342 $ (34) $ 48 $ 84 2019 Estimated City Tax 2018 Actual 0% Levy Incr. 0% Levy Incr. 2.8% Levy Inc. City Tax & 2018 Value & 2019 Value & 2019 Value Residential Non -Homestead Estimated Market Value $ 150.000 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 Homestead Exclusion NIA NIA NIA NIA Net Taxable Value $ 150.000 $ 150,000 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 State -1 <.X (:!asp- Ro!=.. 1.25% 1. 2 5 0.4, i.25%, 1.251'. Tax Capacity $ 1,875 $ 1,875 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Estimated Tax Rate 67.102% 65.303% 65.303% 67.102% Estimated City Tax $ 1,258 $ 1,224 $ 1,306 $ 1,342 Change from 2018 $ (34) $ 48 $ 84 Agriculture Non -Homestead Estimated Market Value $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 160.000 $ 160,000 Homestead Exclusion NIA NIA NIA NIA Net Taxable Value $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 160.000 $ 160,000 State Tax Class Rate f .00% 1.00°Ia ; .i3L".• Tax Capacity $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Estimated Tax Rate 67,102% 65.303% 65.303% 67.102% Estimated City Tax $ 1,007 $ 980 $ 1,045 $ 1,074 Change from 2018 $ (27) $ 38 $ 67 25 o a o n i° g HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Review of the 2019 Preliminary Fee Schedule Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Attached is the preliminary 2019 Fee Schedule for City operations with all changes shown in red font. City staff is looking for council's feedback prior to a final version being presented at the December 27th council meeting. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Review and discuss the preliminary 2019 fee schedule Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: City of 2019 FEE SCHEDULE Draft - 12/11/2018 00 r_ 02 N m r t t 2 O LL O> N U W CY M Cfl I` ti M M O O T LO ti M M O O— N N N N N N N 'a s C O +� U c E Cco C L ' 06 +- Co �, C U i a)� C L co " a E co Q N v w co Un CD U) U Q O o 4 a� o co N CoQ FL N (� N O i O Q Q co co co o m U W W U— LL = J J J d JL O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 00 00 O O O 0 U N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O e R O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 L U O O O O 0 O O O O I- co I- N Cl) 0 O O O O 0 s 0 O O O a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 13 13 CO CO 17 O) N M O O 0 0 0 � LD 0 LD 0 � � � � � � � � � � � OM M N 0 Efl 0 ER 0 ER O� M ER M I� L() N L() Efl N m O O O Oo m O (O O) O O LN ER M ER co ER LN V V I� N ER N O O O . 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The City Council has asked the Police Chief to be in attendance to discuss the possibility of enforcement measures on a "permit only" type of parking situation. The Police Chief is planning on being in attendance. This item was in front of the Council at your last meeting because residents along Kay Street SW petitioned to remove the "No Parking School Days 7-3" signs. 80% of the residents north of Roberts Road SW petitioned for the removal (only 40% of residents did along the portion south of Roberts Road on Kay Street). Residents along Kay Street have asked the Council to reconsider this decision to put up signs. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or Deny Resolution 14972 - A resolution removing "No parking school days 7-3" signs on Kay Street SW, from Roberts Road to Lea Ave. SW Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14972 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Police Chief, City Engineer and Public Works Manager agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locates as points where traffic control devices shall be erected, pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision 1 of the Hutchinson City Code, and; WHEREAS, in coordination with the City's Park, Recreation & Community Education department, City staff has determine it is desirable to determine whether a seasonal closure will result in better roadway conditions earlier in the season, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: That the Council hereby establishes the following traffic control devices shall be installed and enforced: 1. "ROAD CLOSED" signs with to be placed on Les Kouba Pkwy NW, from the end of the pavement at the parking lot for the wildlife sanctuary to the boat landing located south of Hutchinson Coop. 2. Removal of "NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS 7-3" signs on Kay St SW, from Roberts Rd SW to Lea Ave SW. Adopted by the City Council this 27" day of November, 2018. Gary Forcier Mayor ATTEST: Matt Jaunich City Administrator November 19, 2018 TO: The Hutchinson City Council FROM: The residents of Kay Street SW We understand that the city is considering implementing parking restriction on Kay Street SW during school hours. The residents who have signed the attached petition request that NO parking limitations be placed on Kay Street SW. Different residents have expressed a variety of different reasons for this request, including: • Some residents have occupations requiring shift work, so their sleep schedule would make it difficult to move their vehicles, and swap parking spots in the driveway, per the planned restriction times • Some residents have college -aged students who are on a different schedule than the high school, again making it difficult to swap driveway spots • Some residents are concerned about the effect of city restrictions on their property resale value • Some residents have company vehicles that they need to park on the street • Some residents want to make sure there is parking available for garage sales on a school day • Some residents have large families with more drivers in their home, and more vehicles, than can fit in their garage and driveway Whatever their various reasons, each of the Hutchinson citizens who signed the petition below want the freedom to park in front of their homes, or have friends and family park in front of their homes. In addition, we believe that the level of parking during school hours is not very heavy on Kay Street. The attached photographs, taken during school hours at 10:00 AM on November 16, show the number of cars parked on the street is not a problem. These signatures were collected on November 17, 2018 by Patricia Roach. She noted that every single household that she spoke with agreed they did not want any parking restrictions; not a single household declined to sign the petition. Please DO NOT implement parking restrictions on Kay Street. Sincerely, The residents of Kay Street SW who signed the attached petition Kay St SW Petition to remove no parking school days 7-3 restriction 30� {�' a - k' IL 31 0�322 321 - �376 374 4 3.17 �� - - 1111. > .- �' 1.t I7+ '1113 1108 x' 319 } �.�i+ 384 — LEA AVE BW � 401 c ' o 405 r4l-, 4 �j A4�43 E40j ' 4S0' Q ' , ik 117 408 i 44S 05 8/10 = 80% Petitioned for no parking 415 restrictions - - 425 Recommend _ removal F_] 435. 444 1005` �. ROBERTS RD SW . v III 4 � 'I 0 0 3 ■ W 6/15 = 40% _ Petitioned for no 5:; parking ti restrictions - - Recommend - + ,� leaving in place 4s 4s o 555 — { i :' ;.; 1045 �; 1035 1025 WWI. r sp� R +,r• OEBEL ST SWP IMF ¢ - mil u r7OO y1 715 !�! North of Roberts Rd SW — Recommend removing parking restriction, due to 80% response N 1: 303 South of Roberts Rd SW — Recommend leaving no parking school days 7-3, due to 40% response A LMS VI L b U Vt GD a a " a + �4� c o 4, _ _ o ci � �� v U, ru _ LA ru _ cc o = o = to _ u c _0 n. o 4-' -Y _ Q {n _ b- a) CL U aJ E aD U b 0 E on U N cU b w o ra U) z 0 a ai 0 � z a h ; •4'VY � i` �v Ln � � w cc7 L 0 0 O U (A hp C W m 0 c� nn �c L CL .70 En 0 fl. O L CL L tiU tv Ln J Ln a v Ln a ra c O .ram L a� a) E Q) Q O O _0 Q) Ln r� a 1 1 � � r � C S in v — a °' c5 A 6VC C � ro z CIO L O 0 C) GA Qi a- p OJ -0 b C m cra �q 4- L (13 � 1 i'6 � O v tC3 Q. V) th i p — { O z V p 0- O rtl }' -%,: O 'V3 Q ej ro U 4i Q1 E 4 ¢� �D p in 4 p C)+, bA N O U N Q1 L1 s 4-+ :3 QJ Q j ap Q O E ru QJ (D oo -p a a© tiL. z ,J U; 42 3- r zNNN L C� �j V J vi Ln m .tea 7 Q � S s � Ll N p- C) V \ z �r ,, f.: ` f $ r kg j #.7 y di� �'� ,y ., a k � f' ♦♦!; ,'��'.p{l�� r.`n •, ro� Sep {�!-} OP r •r Rd' f ,lip `t °a mu # �q Z 001Or �� P4NN�I r f Y Ps -- HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Out of State Travel Request - Evan Vollmer (GreenCorp Member) Department: Refuse LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete Contact: Andy Kosek Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Andy Kosek Reviewed by Staff New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The Refuse Dept is requesting approval of an out of state travel for Evan Vollmer, the City's assigned GreenCorp member for the 2018-2019 program year, to attend the United States Composting Council (USCC) Conference in Phoenix, AZ. The conference is being held January 28th, 2019 through January 31 st, 2019. It has been some time, since the early 2000's, that a representative from Creekside has attended this conference. This conference is the premier national event of the year for the composting industry and focuses on every aspect of composting from collection programs to minimizing contamination to processing itself, processing equipment and processing systems. There are many seminars held throughout the days that will undoubtedly provide an abundance of useful information for Evan to bring back for discussion as we continue to further plan for the future of Creekside, not only on the Source Separated Organic Material side (curbside program) but also on the yard waste composting planning. In an ideal situation, a full-time Creekside employee would attend the conference with Evan. However, the timing of this conference does not bode well with local events that Creekside staff participates in; for example, the MNLA Green Expo and the United Hardware Spring Expo are both held in mid to late January at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Being Evan is a GreenCorp member, the GreenCorp program would cover the cost of the conference registration ($684.00). The cost to the City would be his travel expenses; airfare, hotel, meals, etc. Being Evan is not a City employee, no wage expenses would be incurred. It is anticipated that these travel expenses will not exceed $2000.00. I will be present at the meeting, along with Evan, to answer any questions and to introduce Evan to the Council, allowing him to give a brief introduction of himself and explanation of what he hopes to accomplish for the City during his assignment with the City. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend approval of out of state travel. Fiscal Impact: $ 2,000.00 Funding Source: Refuse Fund FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: FAA Non -Primary Entitlement Transfer Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: FAA Non -primary entitlement transfer In accordance with the agreement with the City of Tracy, the attached documents have been prepared to 'repay' $150,000 of FAA entitlement that the City of Tracy transferred to us in 2018. $150,000 was assigned to us by the City of Tracy for our current hangar project, so it is the City of Hutchinson's responsibility to transfer our 2019 funding to the City of Tracy for their 2019 airport improvement project. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Entitlement Transfer to City of Tracy, naming the City Attorney and Public Works Manager as signatories. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: r� U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration FAA Form 5100-110, Request for FAA Approval of Agreement for Transfer of Entitlements Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2120-0569. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 8 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are required under 49 U.S.C. Section 47105 to retain a benefit and to meet the reporting requirements of 2 CFR 200. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the Federal Aviation Administration at: 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591, Attn: Information Collection Clearance Officer, ASP-110. FAA Form 5100-110 U.S. Department of Transportation w"/ Federal Aviation Administration OMB CONTROL NUMBER: 2120-0569 EXPIRATION DATE: 8/31/2019 Request for FAA Approval of Agreement for Transfer of Entitlements In accordance with 49 USC § 47117(c)(2), Name of Transferring Sponsor: CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN hereby waives receipt of the following amount of funds apportioned to it under 49 USC § 47117(c) for the: Name of Transferring Airport (and LOCID): HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL ( HCD ) for each fiscal year listed below: Entitlement Type (Passenger, Cargo or Nonprimary) Fiscal Year Amount NONPRIMARY 2019 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 Total The Federal Aviation Administration has determined that the waived amount will be made available to: Name of Airport (and LOCID) Receiving Transferred Entitlements: TRACY MUNICIPAL ( TKC ) Name of Receiving Airport's Sponsor: CITY OF TRACY, MN a public use airport in the same state or geographical areas as the transferring airport for eligible projects under 49 USC § 47104(a). The waiver expires on the earlier of 11/01/2019 (date) or when the availability of apportioned funds lapses under 49 USC § 47117(b). For the United States of America, Federal Aviation Administration: Signature: Name: Title: Date: FAA Form 5100-110 (1/17) SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS EDITION Page 1 of 2 Certification of Transferring Sponsor I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. I understand that knowingly and willfully providing false information to the federal government is a violation of 18 USC § 1001 (False Statements) and could subject me to fines, imprisonment, or both. Executed on this day of Name of Sponsor: CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN Name of Sponsor's Authorized Official: JOHN OLSON Title of Sponsor's Authorized Official: PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER Signature of Sponsor's Authorized Official: Certificate of Transferring Sponsor's Attorney I, MARC SEBORA , acting as Attorney for the Sponsor do hereby certify that in my opinion the Sponsor is empowered to enter into the foregoing Agreement under the laws of the state of MINNESOTA . Further, I have examined the foregoing Agreement and the actions taken by said Sponsor and Sponsor's official representative has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the said state and 49 USC § 47101, et seq. Dated at HUTCHINSON, MN (City, State), this day of Signature of Sponsor's Attorney: FAA Form 5100-110 (1/17) SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS EDITION Page 2 of 2 O�aj,l Aver "a FAA 7 o Dakota -Minnesota Airports District Office Nis Rw� Airport Grant PreApplication Checklist (COMPLETE ONE CHECKLIST PER GRANT) Airport Name: HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL (HCD) Date Prepared: 11/20/2018 SAM CAGE code #: 5LL47 SAM Expiration Date: 05/21/2019 REPAYMENT OF BORROWED NON -PRIMARY ENTITLEMENT FUNDS TO TRACY ($150,000). Project Description: ❑✓ We do not plan on having a project this fiscal year. The FAA is authorized to: ❑ Carry our entitlements into the next fiscal year.(Ifchecked,sign Wow, and reiurntoADO.) 0 Transfer the entitlements. Transfer of Entitlements Form Attached. Items Required with PreApplication 1. Document Project Schedule (NOTE FAA DUE DATES) R] Attached El 2. Standard Form 424, Form 5100-100 (parts 114V for airport development grants), Form 5100-101 (parts 114V for planning grants) (Includes project cost breakdown and sketch) ❑ 0 El 3. Project Narrative and Justification (for Planning or Environmental Projects include Scope of Work) El ❑ ❑ 4. Environmental Documentation (Is the complete environmental documentation matching the potential application project description included?) (Attached or previously submitted to ADO) 5. Construction Safety Phasing Plan/Airspace 0 ❑ I 6. Exhibit A (SOP available) (attached or previously submitted to ADO) ❑ I 7. Title Certificate or Long Term Lease Agreement (at the request of ADO) ❑ Z Note: If you cannot complete any of the above documents with this submittal, explain in the space provided on page 2 and provide the expected submittal date, but no later than the date specified in the Federal Register. JOHN OLSON - PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER Sponsor's peAnated Official Representative (Official with authority to sign Grant Agreement) (Type or Print) Date: �� 2U 2 0/ Spongy ❑e�ignMed Official Representative (Signature) The purpose of this checklist is to identify some of the requirements and considerations associated with requesting Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds. Airport Sponsors should read and consider each of the items carefully. Some of the items can be answered by simply checking the "Yes" and "No" boxes while others require providing additional information as part of the airport's request for AIP funds. Signatures are required, including in required attached forms. Updated October 2018 Electronic submittal using Portable Document Format (PDF) is preferred. Page 1 of 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=v-f AFQ� Request for Board Action 7AL =-a Agenda Item: Set the time for the 2019 Organizational Meeting Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Hutchinson City Charter states that on the first Monday in January following a regular municipal election the council shall meet at the usual place and time for the holding of council meetings. The Charter goes on to note that the Council shall meet and the newly elected members of the Council shall assume their duties. The first Monday in January of 2019 is January 7. At this meeting, the Council Members and Mayor will be sworn in and other organizational items will be reviewed and acted on. The Council will need to consider what time to hold this organizational meeting at on January 7. Generally it has been held in the morning around 8:30/9. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Set meeting time for Organizational Meeting set to take place on Monday, January 7, 2019 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: C December 11, 2018 City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4219 Fax (320) 234-6971 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager CC: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Kent Exner, DPW/City Engineer Subject: Residential Leaf Vacuum Service - 2018 Service Report Tons & Loads 2018 was the 9 h year of service. In review the graph of the tons and loads hauled, it appears this service has `hit its stride'. The number of tons and loads has plateaued in recent years. The number of tons increased 3% in 2018, while there was a 22% decrease in loads hauled. Increased tons and decreased loads both result from wet weather during the leaf removal season. Wet leaves obviously weigh more than dry leaves. Wet weather often deters raking, so participation in the service during wet periods drops. Operations In 2018, most of the leaves (77%) were picked up in weeks 2-4. There was no overtime this season. There were no accidents this season. For safety, all units are equipped with mirrors, backup cameras, and warning signs. All three primary leaf vacuums are equipped with top exhaust hoods, making them easier to see around. Older vacuums had side exhaust hoods, so the trailer is significantly wider. Two leaf vacuums were replaced in 2018. One was sold at auction. The other one was retained as a spare. This was critical, as there were service/repair issues with the new vacuums. Having a spare unit allows operators to continue when primary vacuums are unavailable. The spare unit also supplemented primary vacuums during weeks 3 & 4, resulting in no need for overtime. Again, a few homes were notified to remove leaves from the street after service ended. This was much less of an issue this year, however, due to snow and cold temperatures. Cost of service The cost of service remains at approximately $30-$32 per residential garbage service customer. At some point in the future, if a charge were established to cover costs of the service, it may be reasonable to bill $20 for the month of October (4 weeks of service) and $10 for the month of November (2 weeks of service) to cover the costs. As an alternative, $2.50 per month could be billed. Conclusion I would like to thank Public Works staff for their dedication. I appreciate the ongoing efforts by Public Works staff to improve this valued service. Plans are to continue this service into the foreseeable future unless directed otherwise O O r-I M LA 00 O O O O O O 01 00 I- W Lli d' O O O M N r-I I 00 r-I O N r- r-I O N l0 r-I O N Ln r-I O N N r-I O N r-I r-I O N O O O OI ti ^ O m ON� Ol N OI �fl �fl Vl' lD N • • m •--I N + rl 01 N N n T O ti ti ~O 00 r '-1 N V1 to O 111 �n N 0\0 • • W 06 0) m C) ti ti •rv-I •N-I .Ni 1p ,NyII ko 1D ' • V 1D O 01 00 n OI 00 M R t` V 00 O ry 11+ O 1D O 00 h O N � ti ti N 10 'n r- T v �n \ 'n Ln co v, m \° CD V) CD V 00 M • • N N m O m m H T n 00 O H , H ey V N 00 f' C.A p 00 r, r m rr) 01 n 00 V N N N M N Ol lD m 0'i7 \ O N ri e-1 In O 0 0 c ti .`^-� � p L .� m O rn m �n m a .� rn OI \ \ p� r, 00 r, N m 00 e-1 0) In V W N N N Vl e-I c-I m N u �m-I N N N n O\ V1 � C O C W ~I 1D 1D lD IDDI M O1 O V1 V n C lD + ' p N p r, 00 r,r-I N p 14 m n ry O^ ry ti co D QLU u 0 > j aW W V1 J J Q til ti D 1 �� 1n rn O N m o) 3 q 10 a 00 m 1n 3 Q C) \ \ O O p r, Do r, 1n 000 ry M rr Di vi rn b Z N \rq N H Z Z O a W 00 00 00 l0 00 I, + 00 00 No M N 011 O 10 O M N 'y N Ln lD 00 C4 N N ni M O\) O�1 N 00 M M O rl rl rl N N E E E E E v E E E cL 7 7 7 O 7 a) L 7 7 N 7 N 01 MnDDD 3 CL u 3 a u ro u m u ro u ro u ro vi v u u ro ro ro V) v > > > > > ° > > > a) 3 m r�o on cu a) t m on ) a� w a� w � w a) v c — = v a� a) c — — J J J J J T Q J J J N Q m m m m m — co m m D 0 0 0 O r m 0 0 O t ro O O O O O u> O O O u> a) -0 0 a� 'i -O c CY CJ Cl Cr Y ro CY C1 CJ a) Y D W Ci W W W S CY W W W •i tiD N 2= S== S ,� 2 2 2 _ro 2 Qj N w = = C)a) = 1-4 00 u O 00 O .�-i O o�0 O J (D .--i O -1 O 0000 O ~ u u Y v1 O � F C H H r0 LL W >H> >9> � � Y C W mo �' v % > 7 V) V) V) JO = V) W V1 Ln V1 Ln CC N V) l l V) I O O Ol Ol 00 Ol r LD 00 MO O O O N rJ Ln Ln 7 O l0 N Lrl m 00 V LD O o V io N vi O m n1 o n o rrl m 0 o Ln Ln ti ClO CD C m ID m ,n 00 7 o O Ln Ln O l0 ,P N N rl V l0 C N 00 N r-I N O Ln lD N ,n Ol N N 7 O f, ,n Lo LD oo 00 O m ID N ci m rl lD .-i m LD n O1 fi N O O o ID O LD oo o oo C o0 ` 0 LQ Lr1 O O1 r-:lD lD .-I n C h N N V C Ln r, 01 rri V ti N � of o m r,o 1LnCO m o m Lo V rl - to o m n r-I r-i oo c-I 0 0o n N m o O O oo V N O1 .-i O N Ln 0 o Ln n n Ln -! m o Ln rn N a ri n Ln r, a a o Lri m .-i ,�-i r o n m m LO rl ID c-I ri 0o C N M Ln O lf1 N n m O LD LD Ln oo '~ N to n m f\ O oo O 00 m n o Ln oo H co lD 0o In a In m r to N ID LD N m vi ID ry m v a rn n lD Lr LD m D1 O ti V ti Ln o o O Ln ID .ti n Ln `~ O O O O -i n 01 O1 O O Ol N W N LD O1 N 00 Ol m N n In O 00 o Lr m r1 Ln Lr Ln V1 m u _ Ln Ln V -IT Ln ul O i 7 V ID LD .--� ri c-I N w CH d C W Dl p m m N N lNDoo N m ' m r ' r, .-i ' ri 00 U W LD LD D1 O1 N Q U Ln Ln Ol O1 rl > • LD lD N LL cc Q W W Vf J J Q r.' 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Motion to approve by Jack Sandberg, second by Carolyn Ulrich - APPROVED Old Business: Program Reports: 1. Dennis and Karen Vinar Author Program — 32 people attended; discussed the 1950s era (girl giving up a child) 2. Fall Sight Seeing Cruise — went to Harriet Island with 50 plus people; great history cruise! 3. Minnesota Library Association Conference (MLA) — Katy and Sherry attended this conference in St. Cloud Oct. 11t" and 12tn PLS Strategic Plan (Head Librarian monthly report): Highlighted Goal Area = Operational Efficiency A. Continue to pursue optimal library management structures to support efficient operations. Create a teamwork environment. B . Focus library operations on positive patron outcomes and experiences with library services. Focus on customer service; always room for improvement. New Business: 1. Hutchinson City Council Presentation, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018 - Katy to present her yearly update. Katy to present 5-year graphs! (Please see attachment) 2. National Novel Writing Month (NalloWriMo) —Wednesday, Dec. 5t" a celebration of writing program will be hosted at the library. 3. Author Program with Mary Krugerud —Tuesday, Nov. 27t" at 10 a.m. at the Hutchinson Senior Center. Krugerud wrote, "The Girl in Building C: The True Story of a Teenage Tuberculosis Patient," which is generating community interest. 4. Program Reminder — Author Event with Candace Simar - Thursday, Oct. 25t" at 7 p.m. at the library. Earlier in the afternoon, Simar will be presenting a writing workshop to middle grade students at New Discoveries. Simar has written books based on the Dakota Uprising. 5. Library Buzz— What Have You Been Reading/Watching? Steve —" Calico Joe" by John Grisham Jack — "The Feather Thief" by Kirk Wallace Johnson, books to read: "Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fat of the Earth" by Adam Frank, and "Cleopatra" by Stacy Schiff Mary — "Widow of the South" by Robert Hicks Gerry— "Desolation Mountain" by William Kent Krueger, "Leadership in Turbulent Times" by Doris Kearns Goodwin, "Team of Rivals: the Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln" by Doris Kearns Goodwin Carolyn — "The House of Silk" by Anthony Horowitz, "The Library' by Stuart Kells, "Gunflint Burning" by Cary J. Griffith, "Conan Doyle for the Defense" by Margalit Fox Katy — "The Feather Thief" by Kirk Wallace Johnson 6. Other: 1. Sisters in Crime Author Panel "It's a Mystery to Me" Saturday, Oct. 27t" at 1:30 p.m. at the Winsted Arts Council Building 2. Jack shared a Pioneerland Library Board update * Willmar is interviewing for a head librarian * Jack talked about how PLS library revenues do not match the budget; very difficult to balance budgets * Jack also talked about the $s for future Hutchinson building upgrades Adjourned at 5:27 p.m. Submitted by Mary Christensen Next meeting: November 26, 2018 @ 4:30 p.m. September 2018 Donations none Planning, Zoning and Building Dept. Monthly Report 3rd Quarter 2018 Building Department Permit Activities 3rd Qtr. 2017 3rd Qtr. 2018 2017 Year to Date 2018 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 1036 886 1378 2118 Total Number Plan Review 58 71 77 163 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial (new) 2 $436,777.00 0 $0.00 A 8 $7,747,526.00 2 $6,761,366.00 Commercial ( additions/remodels) 23 $3,138,177.00 24 $1,405,564.00 57 $44,294,049.00 60 $7,326,409.00 Total Commercial 25 $3,574,954.00 24 $1,405,564.00 65 $52,041,575.00 62 $14,087,775.00 Industrial (new) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Industrial (additions/remodels) 1 $10,000.00 2 $1,604,100.00 6 $632,767.00 10 $4,3481700.00 Total Industrial 1 $10,000.00 2 $1,604,100.00 6 $632,767.00 10 $4,348,700.00 Fire Sprinkling 5 $116,259.00 11 $234,285.00 17 $177,419.00 22 $585,573.00 New Residential 11 $2,299,738.00 14 $2,466,120.00 23 $4,557,022.00 27 $5,053,040.00 Residential mist (additions/remodels) 48 $558,459.00 58 $222,708.00 107 $1,017,206.00 129 $756,982.00 Set Fee permits (reside, reroof, window) 534 $0.00 254 $0.00 1490 671 HRA Permits 4 $392,100.00 0 $0.00 8 $452,700.00 0 $0.00 Waived Fees 0 $0.00 1 $942,275.00 0 $0.00 2 $946,275.00 Subtotal Building Permits 628 $6,951,510.00 364 $6,875,052.00 1716 $58,878,689.00 923 $25,778,345.00 Mechanical 74 $949,487.00 66 $1,452,981.00 171 $6,136,582.00 173 $3,242,266.00 HRA Mechanical 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 0 Plumbing 28 $0.00 33 $0.00 81 86 HRA Plumbing 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 2 0 Total Valuation 732 $7,900,997.00 463 $8,328,033.00 119721 $65,015,271.00 1182 $29,020,611.00 *Set fees not included in valuation A Commercial New 1690 Butler Field Dr SW (Hanger) - $942,275 (City project, fees waived) B Commercial/Ind. Remodel 50 W Highland Park Dr NE (Uponor Lacquer Rm)- $985,000; 40 W Highland Park Dr NE (HTI roofing) - $619,100; 905 Hwy 15 S (Vet Clinic build out) - $500,000; 380 School Rd NW (Historical Museum) - C $480,000; 400 High St NE (Apartment parking lot resurface) - $77,000 New Single Family 129 Summerset Ln SE - $151,332; 710 Alaska Ct NW - $100,000; 436 Grant Ave SE - $183,694; 440 Grant Ave SE - $183,694; 428 Grant Ave SE - $183,694; 432 Grant Ave SE- $183,694; 1376 Bradford St SE- $185,061; 1436 Sherwood St SE - $187,238; 1442 Sherwood St SE- $187,238; 113 Detroit Ave SE - $218,990; 893 Texas Ct NW - $170,738; 1173 Oakwood Ct NW - $192,137; 117 Eau Claire Ave SE - 1'l— r)r-n. III n_i__:i A.._ Cr 11 AA -I Al Other Building Inspection Activities 7/16 - ICC Forum; 7/18 - SW MN Chapter & ICC Mtg; 9/19 - SW Chapter Mtg Evergreen Meals served July - September Week of Hutchinson Park Towers Silver Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart week 873 248 68 434 96 235 week 763 376 95 497 141 260 week 983 299 128 427 137 344 week 1008 324 104 516 145 231 week 567 169 31 274 43 90 4194 1416 426 2148 562 1160 Total Meals served July - September 9906 Dates Closed July 4th; September 3rd (Labor Day) Planning and Zoning Quarterly Activities Year: 3rd Quarter, 2018 Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and 9 Site Plan, Preliminary and Final Plat for Processed Highfield Second Addition; Annexation of HTI/Uponor road; Site Plan and CUP for Drug Store in a C-4 zoning district; Ordinance amending the definition of Dog Daycare in section 154.004; CUP for Dog Daycare Boarding Facility; CUP for Cellular Tower at 1470 South Grade Rd SW Number of Joint Planning Board Applications 0 Reviewed and Processed Number of Planning Commission Meetings 2 Site Plan, Preliminary and Final Plat for Highfield Second Addition; Annexation of HTI/Uponor road; Site Plan and CUP for Drug Store in a C-4 zoning district; Ordinance amending the definition of Dog Daycare in section 154.004 Number of Joint Planning Meetings 1 CUP for shoreline alteration Acme Acres; Variance for lot size Woodview Acres 5th Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits 45 (Compliance with Zoning Code) Number of Land Use Permits Issued - (Fences, 58 small sheds, patios, driveways, detached decks, etc.) Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 17 Number of Predevelopment/Pre Application 3 McShane Development; Woodstone Meetings Senior Living; Tri County Water Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 46 City Council - 6 PBZ Staff Mtg - 4 Directors Mtg - 3 Public Arts - 3 Resource Allocation Mtg - 2 Facilities Update - 2 Planning Staff - 2 Historic Partnership Mtg Mike Brewer Old Medical Clinic Site -2 McLeod County Planning/Zoning Mtg Marc Telecky/ Kurt Nelson Census Data -2 Parks Master Plan -2 Rec Center roof SEH Site Option/Public Safety Chief Hattan 3M address change Library Roman Bloemke CIP Budget Workshop MCHP Mtg Small Cell VZW Review Wage Committee Flood Plain Training Tri County Water MN APA Conference Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases 10 Sign Number of Walk -In Customers Served 932 Site Visits 10 Cobblestone Hotel, Census Parcel Verification, HHS, 141 5t" Ave NE, Campbell Lake, Pet Smart, Tri County Water, Southfork, Hi hfield