09-18-2018 PCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 18, 2018 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The September 18,2018 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Fahey at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Fahey, Vice Chair Wick, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Lofdahl, Commissioner Hantge and Commissioner Forcier. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED AUGUST 22, 2018. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl, Second by Commissioner Wirt. Motion approved. Motion to Approve—Motion to Reject 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO INCLUDE CERTAIN LAND OWNED BY HUTCHINSONTECHNOLOGY INC AND UPONOR LOCATED IN HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP, SECTION 32 PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.033, SUBDIVISION 2 (3). Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Commissioner Fahey asked if the street would be lit. If currently light would it be serviced by HUC? Dan Jochum answered yes if it is currently light it would be serviced by HUC. The City would look into it. Commissioner Wirt questioned if there is a TIF for this area. Dan Jochum answered no. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl, second by Commissioner Wirt to close hearing at 5:37 p.m. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 18, 2018 Page 2 Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl to approve. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council agenda on 09/25/2018. Motion to close hearing—Motion to approve with staff recommendations—Motion to reject B. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DRUG STORE IN A C-4 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 1460 MONTREAL ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Commissioner Fahey thought there was an emergency vehicle easement on another site plan in this area? Dan Jochum answered that yes this was also an issue at the Cen Bank site. Cen Bank was done as a bump out in the parking lot to back into. Commissioner Lofdahl asked if using the car bumper over the curb would appease the 20' rule for parking spaces. Dan Jochum answered that is something that is being looked at and will be addressed with some changes to the ordinance at another time. Rob Barse (McShane Development) owner/developer addressed the commissioners regarding some of the issues that Planning Staff brought up. Parking was adjusted to meet 19 ft. Emergency vehicle turn around has been adjusted with the 20 ft. width at the start of the drive through. Lighting will be looked at. Explained that there was some extra lighting for the drive through area. Motion by Commissioner Wirt,second by Commissioner Garberg to close hearing at 5:49 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Garberg to approve with 10 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Lofdahl. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 09/25/2018. Motion to close hearing—Motion to approve with staff recommendations—Motion to reject C. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF DOG DAYCARE IN SECTION 154/004 OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON CODE OF ORDINANCES. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Commissioner Lofdahl requested that the noise time frame be adjusted to 10 pm - 7 am. Commissioner Fahey thought we should keep it consistent with noise ordinance time (9 pm to 7 am) Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 18, 2018 Page 3 Commissioner Garberg asked how many dogs can be taken out at one time. One per employee on staff? This would be looked at with the conditions, but most likely one animal/staff. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl, second by Commissioner Wirt to close hearing at 6:02 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl to approve with staff recommendations and modify outdoor time to 10 pm to 7 am. (Unless an emergency) Second by Commissioner Garberg. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council agenda on 09/25/2018. Motion to close hearing—Motion to approve with staff recommendations—Motion to reject 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Hotel is now open. Retaining wall is now painted and looks good. B. There have been 22 new homes built in town through August. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. There are currently no applications for the October meeting (Possibly one for a CUP for the Dog Spa). B. Dan will be out at the Regional Planning Conference in Rochester next week. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Wirt, Second by Commissioner Lofdahl to adjourn at 6:10 p.m.