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10-16-2018 POLM Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Tuesday October 16, 2018 at the Hutchinson Police Station. Present at the meeting were Commissioner Todd Brandel, Commissioner Steve Synstelien, and Chief Daniel T. Hatten. Call the Meeting to Order: Chairperson Brandel called the meeting to order at 4:50 p.m. Approval of Agenda: Chairperson Brandel asked if there were any changes to the October agenda. Commissioner Synstelien made a motion to accept the agenda as written, seconded by Chairperson Brandel. The motion carried unanimously. Approval of Minutes: Chairperson Brandel asked the Commission to approve the minutes from the August 2018 meeting. Commissioner Synstelien made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Chairperson Brandel. The motion carried unanimously. Staffing Issues: Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Sergeant Alicia Nortrom was preforming without issue in her role as Sergeant. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that he had accepted Officer Jake Willers resignation which was effective Friday October 12, 2018. Chief Hatten requested authorization to begin the background process on Police Officer Candidate Jesse Mathew Umphress. Chairperson Brandel made a motion to begin the background process, seconded by Commissioner Synstelien. The motion carried unanimously. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Officer Greg Nadeau was injured during training and would be on light-duty for a short period. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Hospital Security Officer Joel Brinkman was injured while restraining a patient in the emergency room. Officer Brinkman would only miss on day of work due to the injury. The individual who assaulted Officer Brinkman was arrested and booked into the McLeod County jail after being released from Hutchinson Health. Chief Hatten informed the Commission that he had submitted his resignation letter to City Administrator Matt Jaunich on October 2, 2018 with a retirement date of Friday May 3, 2019. Chief Hatten presented the Commission with a memorandum from City Administrator Matt Jaunich, which outlined his plan for selecting a new Police Chief. The Commission accepted the memorandum and agreed with plan laid out by City Administrator Jaunich. Union Update: No update at this time. Items from the Floor: No update at this time. Adjourn: Commissioner Synstelien made a motion, seconded by Chairperson Brandel to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Time of adjournment 5:07 pm. Next meeting is Tuesday November 20, 2018 at 5:00 pm. Police Commission Secretary