07-12-2018 HUCCP Special MeetingHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING July 12, 2018 7:30 a.m. 1. NEW BUSINESS a. Award Bid for Mechanical Contracting Work on Units 6 & 7 b. Approve Advertising for Bids- Units 6 & 7 Electrical Work 2. ADJOURN HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION���� Board Action Form �'Ylkll'M1'k� Agenda Item: Award Bid for Mechanical Contracting work on Units 6 & 7 Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 10 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As part of the installation and completion of unit 6 & 7 a mechanical contracting company needs to be hired to provide the mechanical, civil and structural engineering expertise to complete those portions of the project. The original estimated budget for this work along with the cooling tower upgrades was $3,558,224 not including the $51 K in HDR engineering services to design the upgraded system. The low responsive bidder is Fagen Inc. at $3,667,039. However, as part of the mechanical contractor bids item "O" will be charged back to Caterpillar as that portion of the project costs were already included as part of Caterpillar's contract pricing. Item "O" is $221,650 based on Fagen's itemized bid amount for that portion. So the overall net pricing for this portion of the project will be $3,445,389 leaving a net positive budget variance of $112,835 before HDR's engineering services to design the upgrade. This overall portion of the project is below budget estimates. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Awarding Bid to Fagen Inc. Fiscal Impact: $3,445,389 Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $16,886,405 Remaining Cost: July 11, 2018 Mr. Jeremy Carter General Manager Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Bid Summary Units 6 & 7 Installation (R1) Dear Mr. Carter, Summarizing the bidding for the Plant 1 Units 6 & 7 Installation: Five contractors provided priced proposals for the project with pricing ranging from an apparent low bid of $3,683,230.00 to the high of $8,550,753.00. All bidders are considered experienced and capable contractors for the work anticipated. HDR evaluated the proposals based on price, line item pricing, and their proposed commercial and technical exceptions/clarifications to the bidding documents. A copy of that analysis is attached for your review and reference. The evaluation of the information presented and follow-up conversations and confirmations provided the following evaluated lump sums: Fagen, Inc. $ 3,677,039.00 Corval Constructors, Inc. $ 3,683,230.00 Farabee Mechanical $ 4,612,885.00 The Boldt Company $ 6,985,209.00 AZCO, Inc. $ 8,550,753.00 Additional consideration was also given to item O of the analysis. This item, SCR (ME09) Insulation and lagging, will be performed by the selected Installation Contractor and the cost of the work will be recovered from the Engine Generator supplier (CAT) under the current CAT contract. Given the analysis, HDR recommends the Plant 1 Units 6 & 7 Installation be awarded to Fagen, Inc. in the amount of $3,677,039.00. Please let me know if there are questions or concerns with this recommendation. Very Truly Yours, HDR Engineering, Inc. James W. Booty Sr. Facilities Project Manager Encl: Plant 1 Units 6 & 7 Installation Analysis cc: R. Blake M. Hansen M. Zuehls Wrincxorn 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 600, Minneapolis, MN 55416-3636 (763) 591-5400(763) 591-5400 Plant 1 Units 6 7Installation Corval Constructors, Inc. Fagen, Inc. Farahee Mechanical The Boldt Company AZCO, Inc. Address 1633 Eustis St. 501 West Hwy. 212 P.O. Box 1748 36219th St. NW 1025 E South River Road City, State St. Paul, MN Granite Falls, MN Hickman,NE Rochester, MN Appleton, WI Zip Code 55108 56241 68526 55901 56241 Conatct Chris Novak Aaron Fagen Jo Farahee Shelly Peterson Alex Schmude Title VP Construction CEO Secretary Exec VP & GM Estimator Phone 651.645.0451 320.564.3324 402.792.2612 507.424.2534 920.903.9903 E-mail Contact ItonYi :. tSn( .tSr if �+YJI.IjY .rung F,I.ohinson{fiheninc.r 7ni If.Yr'A {},_fr('y( IYI �{iJYf.k a.run1 fail Yi. _d.keYY Yd YI( 1Jt56.�:I.., rung f. CilYlLlt.�:( fZ .tS.: inc.runi nrna�(wfar;e.ni.nr.n­ LUMP SUM (BASE BID) $3,683,230.00 $3,686,054.00 $4,612,855.00 $6,985,209.00 $8,550,753.00 $0.00 * am !!aY.t"d7) *9 t,h. ""dA) f(k,"Vtlq ^i"r^).q"d'P) Substatial Completion (Days) 148 171 160 182 A_ General Conditions 1.0 Mobilization/Dcniobilization $3,200.00 $7,086.00 $91,700.00 $521,815.00 $255,013.00 2.0 Bonds &Insurance $67,890.00 $79,635.00 $85,000.00 $99,161.00 $50,327.00 3.0 Permits &Licenses $48,720.00 $8,152.00 $30,000.00 $55,000.00 $0.00 4.o Field Office $8,520.00 $314,411.00 $15,000.00 $59,697.00 $935,047.00 8 Civil 5.0 Grading $279.490.00 $88,332.00 $141,733.00 $265,709.00 $266,000.00 6.0 (BASE) $218,430.00 $177,096.00 $341,733.00 $287,679.00 $157,600.00 7.0 $205,420.00 $99,962.00 $171,733.00 $257,076.00 $187,800.00 C Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Iron(Umts 6&7) 8.0 Stecl Erection for Silencer, Stack. SCR Ejaim-1. and combustion air filicr (sl,,] $95,460.00 $141,371.00 $170,889.00 $245,131.00 $204,071.00 9.0 $287,650.00 $308,740.00 $505,829.00 $750,097.00 $373,375.00 D Brick and Block Masonry 10.0 Famish and install prescribed openings and closures in Walls. Refurbish, provide rc laccmen[ brick and fill as rec aired to $48,870.00 $60,504.00 $164,401.00 $97,516.00 $100,840.00 E Building ventilation System associated ivJth Units 6 and 7 11.0 Famish and install supply fans, filters, exhaust fans, dampers and ductwork as scribed and d,si nat,d in contract $351,150.00 $378,004.00 $375,535.00 $439,950.00 $414,500.00 F Lube Oil System (Units 6&7) $196,230.00 $269,968.00 $163,699.00 S552,399.00 $1,029,436.00 12.0 Rccciving and installation of Crankcase Ventilation Modal, (GSO4) and fabricate and install associated piphi and inel 13.0 Fabricate, famish and install system supply and rcmrn piping valves, caps, urtenances train the combined module inel G Cooling Water System (Units 6&7) $539,180.00 $278,848.00 $377,663.00 $618,233.00 $1,097,736.00 14.0 Rccciving and installation of cooling water pump niodalc.(MF15), fabricate and install i and a urtcnanccs. inel 15.0 Mciatcd Fabricate, tarnish and install all system supply and rcmm piping valves, appurtenances and instran—latim from the onibfi module (MF17; M1`18) and inel 16.0 Fabrication and installation of the expansion tanks (MF02 and associated piping inel H Combustion Air System (Units 6&7) $276,150.00 $86,505.00 S231,397.00 $262,310.00 $581,804.00 17.0 Rccciving and installation of intake filtcr (MC14) and associated heater, appurtenances and instran—ration, valves, charge air circulating pump, and fabricate and install intcrconncctcd piping. inel 18.0 Rccciving and installation air intake ducting (MC07) and associated insulation, lagging and supports to coniplct, the intake air s'slcni. inel t[S[ Plant 1 Units 6 7Installation Comal Constructors, Inc. Faeen, Inc. Farabee Mechanical The Boldt Company AZCO, Inc. I Compressed Air Starting System (Units 6&7) S200,080.00 $193,669.00 $306,741.00 $534,636.00 $401,680.00 19.0 Fabricate, furnish and install all required interconnection piping support, and materials between cxisting compressed air system and engine systems, components, valves, and appurtenances. inel J Engine Exhaust System (Units 6&7) $315,490.00 $317,908.00 S283,149.00 $430,185.00 $677,246.00 20.0 Rccciving and installation of cxhaust system (ME11) including cxhaust silencer (ME01), stack, SCR (ME09), ductwork, rupture disks (MC05), expansion joints, insulation, lagging and all appurtenances from engine cxhaust oudct to stack oudct. incl 21.0 Rccciving and installation of cxhaust gas ventilation fan (ME06), and associated valves and ductwork inel (Units 6&7) K Fuel Gas System (Units 6 & 7) S86,330.00 $83,406.00 $137,943.00 $215,974.00 S297,568.00 22.0 Rccciving and installation of gas regulating module (MG01) and interconnection (MG03) of module to the engine. inel 23.0 Fabricate, furnish and install gas supply, fror cxtcrior a inel L Ammonia System (Units 6&7) $40,880.00 $27,962.00 $65,906.00 S171.671.00 $29,322.00 240 Fabricate, furnish and install all ammonia piping air piping associated valves, appurtenances and instrumentation sociatcd with modification of cxisting n a system for connection and operation of units 6 & 7 NO, control system. inel 25.0 Receive and install miscellaneous control boxes and instruments as provided by others ME09 . Electrical is b others. inel M Cooling Tower Water Supply & Return (Units 6&7) $213,190.00 S431,511.00 $635,070.00 $970,158.00 $1,241,042.00 26.0renio,al Trenching backfill and civil works for the and replacement of cxisting cooling tower water service and return inel 27.0 Modifications [o the cxisting cooling tower piping supports as indicated to acconmrodate aded i inel 280 Removal andneplaccment of cooling water and return complete with piping Parheat exchangers (ME15) and xil'ar inel 29.0 Cooling lower and tower basin nodifications inel N Cleanup, Coatings and Miscellaneous 30.0 Furnish and install all coatings (paint, and other) $54,980.00 $69,398.00 $71,733.00 $21,677.00 $135,000.00 O SCR (ME09) Insulation and Lagging 31.0 Furnish and install SCR insulation and la i eci tied and indicated $109,260.00 $221,650.00 $125,528.00 $129,135.00 $72,400.00 P Check Out and Startup and Commissioning Labor A S36,660.00 $32,921.00 $120,503.00 T&M $42,946.00 9 Unit Pricing $368.00 To be Provided $690.00 $1,100.00 TBD For extra or less drilled pier in place; (from base) -(includes all work, materials and oil removal) / LF $3,683,230.00 $3,677,039.00 $4,612,885.00 $6,985,209.00 $8,550,753.00 Comparison- Unit Prices to LUMP SUM $0.00 'i'$9,07.1'i .001 $30.00 $0.00 $0.00 EVALUATED LUMP SUM $3,683,230.00 $3,677,039.00 $4,612,885.00 $6,985,209.00 $8,550,753.00 R Addenda: M-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes M-2 Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5 Attachments: Security -Bid Bond 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 00 45 00 EO Statement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 00 45 37 (CI Form) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 00 46 10 (Commerical Clarifcations) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 00 46 20 (Technical Clarifications) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Coneptual NTP date 30-Jul-18 30-Jul-18 30-Jul-18 30-Jul-18 30-Jul-18 Anticipated Completion- Begin Startup & Commissioning 25-Dec-18 17-Jan-19 6-Jan-19 28-Jan-19 ma V) z -i� 76 0 un W a a a N J J W U C U C 76 U U C C C C U i i U a W W W W a Z O O to to to to a 0 U U W W W W CJ io co > > co O O W U u to O - O i C t 3 C 3 N T O — C O N o •v U o fo o v a Y C a E 7 O L O° O O Y E 0 O 0 on a OaJ •N "aj •N .�N0 J U Cto U w CCto co E O L L O_ to 7 .. L a L N y = W C E U m a T X o_� a (0 'O O E a s O O i +..i On L O (0 C OU a �+ U co p- a 00 `° fo v a a -O Ln 0 v a N a 7 0 00 Ln y O c-I N N L .� p L O_ a 0 o > a as 0 .� p U F� cCn zz u o LItp m :u 0 ao � p u N L m W W N 41 O N U UJ 'OE O a p p a co -o o a -o E a s L a C 7 Y Y Y m O 1� +"i N y O 3 N O Y O p .0 O I C Y NO � LJ Y tap C O a Q 3 LZ -0N IQ- 10 3 O +N+ N C O -p a _ N U a a OU U N_ a U to a s O vi on L C L O +� m O O E O _ :F a'U Y— •Z- O N O a C aN O -O a N _ O C O C " O O 'U a 'p a N co L N U .� o O O O m on O F C: bD ;, W O ) v Y °a° N a Y a 3 L Q o E �_ .N C �' o a u � s E a .Ln tY Y a E 0 co O a u � u O N Q N N '6 C O �+ Q to U O L CL 'O Q O_ 0_ m .� � p U F .E N Q O_ W W u U U U W W u F ���------•••111 Ln Ln l0 Q ci ci ci or W Q Q N N N c-I c-I c-I O O 00 k.0 O U Ln 00W � r-i N O O wO O O O O O F c-I N c-I N M V) z O -i� on a v WLU J K T C O F E U < Y Z O O m Ul 4f on C i n > i rn. ® dJ ® Q% (U V L Y V ® .� dJ Q% M > (Ud-e O 0 Q ® d-e N dJ y— C: U a Ln on V N N n E C on ® U Q i n V �—j� N O C O ® N QJ 0 C '^ V N O V O " O i ® Y Q P� lj N. tz C ® � � ,� Q Ln Ln C (UVtz + -0 � —� M � O L C .n N 3 O= ( mC (� -® QJ d 3 3 (U a-e ® N N - ® .fl ® 0 4- y V M C �C P� dJ Z d-e m W O N " C ® Pz d-e .0 N V 'C N C O C C� OR w ® — C O (U 0 L N C 0 (U L .n O m Z �- -= d C ® u -0 K O C"Ln m a (U O C C C aJ "" O 0 P6 n. N V) m U 0Q y QJ v a (uie C C w u .N c c V LnLn � M Ln Qa -0 0 0 j O as as as � n � O E ( L ^ L a-e P6 r QJ N "n N C }0 9�® u OAR P6 E S 0-.� O Q, M ® co: P6 N .O E �; V (u E a O L V d U ,N co � w® M m E aJ .r n N C N .fl � w ® d N N t (u QJ L Z 0 C ® N 40 C} in d ® w O -® ® C on E Qi O -00 �_ vi 'M O d .® r M M r 0 C ® r n� .� t6 u ; 0 ® V p ` d 0 N 'M 0 -0 p C C on P6 a'° t6 m 0 C 0 L �° t C �° O QJ = QJ on on V E . V O _ M (u P6 on .> "OC C _ O lu ® t M P6 -� f- ® �+ VS X t6 QJ m L O v= =- V 0- � -0 O = N 0- O d w w u F u Q Q a Z O F v w N L w O F � V) z O a V) W 0 u u u U O O C O O O F Z N N N O v t 06 U O t O u C v l0 M C 41 to O � Q O •Y O 00 •L u E C Vl a1 ,_ �O .2 Vf = M U U_ UD L Q ai L L Vf z ai C (o Y Q � O Y L C Q m O =3 _ ai O m ,� E .� U W O U U ai CD U J a1 — O_ OL C p aJ >, C L U ai 'O U 0_ co 2 E u w 2— '3 .-. - O 2L u 3 C ai tao o ° Y o C o n3 O a ai V> Y C N aJ aJ C p 'O p O_ z a Y W E C N L w U U N a1 co N E O_ aJ 7 2 m ai O �-+ > a s u u O_ O vv U i U '6 ai v�i Q Q -0 aiN ro Q O Q •> Q U bD u Q u 'O O_ > O `—� — W C Y aJ C (o C bD O Vf aJ (o C C +-' O_ Vf p -p C U ai .�, C u Y N t i �_ O t ?� v 0_ aJ p 'O Cc:-p to Cc:Y OU p aJ -p Y_ aJ O '6 LD ai 3 L O C aJ Y O_ Y co •U C 'N Q O a) a1 N OJ � U O a) 2i Y a) _ p •Y L L C O — u aJ C E — O O >, 0 � �+ 'O to C O •� � � L — � to O m U ai aJ >_ ai E �+ aJ �_ C w aJ O O U E Q m LJ O p_ co w N w O_ >, O_ �+ 'O O O 4J O_ O_ }' N N C a U E z co _ O O m +� C 0 v —_ v o Q � t O Q .° C E v v Q v> v E E E° L C C a, E a U a L — p 3 N u Q co co 5 O D O E tUa F N o U O Y F W W W u u u F u J Q J Q J Q or W or W or W z z z W W W Z iD iD (D O Z O a U Q: LJA W W U N U W 0• wO O O U W F c-I N M Technical Exceptions/Clarifications Coma] 1.0 N/A Corval Constructors, Inc. Fagen 1.0 INONE I Fagen, Inc. Farabee 1.0 INONE I Farabee Mechanical Boldt we have not included labor for start-up & commissioning support services. We can 1.0 19100 All C,E perform this work on T&M basis or if the The 0oldt Company number of hours required o support this activity is provided. 2.0 312300 13 E We take exception to all rock excavation. The 0oldt Company We have not included installing a major dewatering system which includes installing 3.0 312,300 3.7.7 C,E well points. We have included dewatering The 0oldt Company that can be accomplished with trash pumps. We have not included installing a major dewatering system which includes installing 4.0 312,333 3.2.0 well points. We have included dewatering The 0oldt Company that can be accomplished with trash pumps. Typically supply and installation of instrumentation, wiring, and tubing are performed by the project electrician. We are excluding this 5.0 4091 10 AU C,E work as it is no clear what scope of work the The 0oldt Company electrician is performing. Once the scope of work they are providing is defined we can provide pricing. This also includes installing PLC cabinets. In addition, the scope of work was not clearly defined. We exclude all work associated with placing the engine and generator onto the foundation. In addition we exclude furnishing 6.0 40 05 05 All and installing anchor bolts, spring elements, The 0oldt Company mounting frame, performing alignment, coupling, grouting, etc. required for the installation of the engine and generator. Typically supply and installation of Neat Tracing system is performed by the project electrician. We 7.0 4041 13 All C,E are excluding this work as it is no clear what The 0oldt Company scope of work the electrician is performing. Once the scope of work they are providing is defined we can provide pricing. 6 of Technical Exceptions/Clarifications AZCO Material pricing is valid through July 6, 2018. This is the longest our material vendors can hold their pricing due to the extreme uncertainty in the marketplace at this time. There is a 25°Zu tariff on imported steel and a 10•Z« 1.0 General tariff on imported aluminum. We anticipate the AZCO possibility of cost impacts and possible lead time impacts on this project depending on the actual award/material purchase date. We will work diligently to identify the impacts at time of award/time of material purchase. Some of the valves to be furnished by AZCO have a 8- 2.0 12 week lead time AZCO and the Air Receivers have a 8-13 week lead time. ASTM A53 Gmde B piping to be supplied as ASTM 3.0 40 05 13 3.16/A./2. A53 Grade A or AZCO ASTM A106 Gmde B due to market availability. All large bore stainless steel fittings to be provided as b 4.0 40 05 13 3.16 utt welded AZCO Material may be of any foreign or domestic 5.0 General manufacturer. No Chinese AZCO flanges are quoted. Working 5-10's first shift only, excluding weekends and holidays from 6.0 General approximately July 23, 2018 through Decemher 14, AZCO 2018. Bid breakdown is for accounting purposes only, not for firm price adds or deducts. It is a guide for bid comparison with other 7.0 General bidders, not for AZCO accepting partial award. Construction activities by others will be coordinated and sequenced such 8.0 General that our needs for specialized rigging methods are AZCO minimized and construction areas will be accessible for continuity ofjob progression. AZCO does not include allowances for delays beyond the control of 9.0 General AZCO INC. (late orout-of-sequence deliveries, errors AZCO in engineering, interferences or other such similar circumstances). Any re -handling or reloading, if required, of rejected Ownerfurnished 10.0 General materials and equipment will be billed to Owner for AZCO back charge to supplier. Supply and disposal ofthe pressure test water shall be provided by the 11.0 General Owner and shall be discharged into the Owner's AZCO system. An adequate supply of 480voltf3phase/adequate amps/60hertz 12.0 Temp. Power construction power in close proximity of the work will AZCO be available at no charge to AZCO INC. All temporary power consumption charges are to 7 of Technical Exceptions/Clarifications AZCO assumes existing site soil conditions are adequate 13.0 to support AZCO AZCO construction equipment needed for this scope (cranes, lifts etc.). Assumed site soils physical chamcteristics are capable of satisfying all 14.0 gradation and compaction requirements. 0ackfill will AZCO consist of onsite Dewatering will be performed using sump pumps and discharged at gmde 15.0 as needed. No engineered dewatering system is AZCO included. We have included 200 hours of craft journeymen start- up assistance. Any 16.0 019100 startup additional dizect craA, indirect craft, administrative AZCO support and equipment/tools/consumables required by AZCO is to be on a time and materials basis. AZCO has included labor only for installation ofthe expansion joint list 17.0 CAT Drawings provided in document "K330-Z-100-GA02-48_01 XX D AZCO LIST OF EXPANSION JOII'4TS, DRAWI iGS, I iSTRUCTIONS " Turbo Charger (ECOI/ECO2) and Charge Air Cooler (CHOI/CH02)are 18.0 CAT Drawings AZCO pre -assembled to the Engine, no installation hours have been included for these pieces of equipment. On all CAT supplied equipment skids with flange tie - points, perthe 19.0 CAT Drawings drawings, the connecting flange will be supplied by AZCO CAT for welding to AZCO supplied piping. Supply of required DN flanges are not included in our proposal. On dmwing 01 S 103, structural steel columns assumed 20.0 CAT Drawings to be W8x35, for a AZCO quantity oftwenty (20). Per the vendor drawings, Combustion and Exhaust Duct sections shall be 21.0 CAT Drawings fully shop assembled with flanges shop welded to AZCO duct sections. Field labor to be bolted construction. no welding has been included. Duct support saddles to be fully shop assembled as 22.0 CAT Drawings one piece and field AZCO attached to the duct work sections. All materials within the building footprint to be set 23.0 General with overhead crane. AZCO All pipe supports not called out on the CAT support drawings, K330-M- 24.0 CAT Drawings AZCO 120-MF01-09_03 Sheets I -3, have been excluded until further information and details can be provided. AZCO proposal is based on working under the National 25.0 General Maintenance AZCO Agreement. Level Elements to be supplied as Ernst Flow Industries, Model #EFI 203 26.0 409110 2,3 /i" US HW Gauge, ASME valves w/6 foot center AZCO dimensions. The three (3) 16" Dia. Angle Valves called out on the Valve list, CW- 101, CW-102 and CW-I 03 are quoted as Jamesbury, 8 15L- I 1-22HB-XZ W/GO. PROV IDfNG 3-WAY MECHANICAL TEE ASSEMBLY. Due to the late issue of Addendum f2 (6/28/ 18), regarding 27.0 400513 Valves Valve Specification changes and long lead time, AZCO AZCO requires the Valve information be reviewed with HDR and pricing updated prior to finalizing the procurement of the Valves. Please see the attached Valve list which lists all valves supplied by AZCO for review, 180368 — HUC 8 Of Technical Exceptions/Clarifications 28.0 General Passivatin and galvanizing. AZCO All costs 0ssoci8te<I with encountering and abatement 29.0 General of hazardous AZCO materials an<Vor contaminated soils. Engineering an<:I/or design (PE stamped critical lifts, 30.0 General lifting lug design AZCO etc.). 31.0 General Afl permits and Fees. AZCO 32.0 005000 9 Liquidatctl Damages. AZCO 33.0 General Fire protection/suppression work. AZCO Supply and install of all electrical (permanent and 40 05 13 40 41 temporary) enclosures, 34.0 Electrical calibration, heat tmcing, megger of motors and AZCO 13 temporary motor heater hookups, cathodic protection, and insulating flange kits. All storm sewer work and related structures, existing 35.0 CIVIL E manhole tie-ins etc. AZCO Removal of excess soils, unsuitable soils, or existing 36.0 debris if discovered AZCO E during excavation. Furnish stnictural steel for CAT designed maintenance 37.0 Cat Drawings platforms, CAT to AZCO E furnish structural steel. Reroute, cap, cut off, modify, or replace existing 38.0 40 05 13 Piping systems utilities, if encountered, AZCO E along new piping. 39.0 General E Draining. purging and venting the existing piion. AZCO Temporary maintenance and/or storage of Owner or 40.0 General vendorsupplied AZCO E equipment. Indoor storage except for what can be kept inside a 41.0 General non-temperaNre AZCO E controlled 40' conex. 42.0 General E Dedicated fire watch and dedicated hole wakh. AZCO 43.0 40 05 13 Piping systems E Radiography and dye penetrate inspection. AZCO Supply and disposal of lube oil forflushing and all first 44.0 019100 E fills of lubricants AZCO Costs associated with Minnesota high pressure piping 45.0 General E permit AZCO Machining and craft support of CAT supplied 46.0 General materials. Pipe spools suppli<xPfabbed by CAT are AZCO assumed to be prep p<xl/machined by fabricator, etc. E Installation of Spring Elements, by Others prior to 47.0 CAT Engines AZCO E mobilization. C- CLARIFICATION E- EXCEPTION Q- QUESTION 9 of HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION���� Board Action Form �'Ylkll'M1'k� Agenda Item: Approve Advertising for Bids - Unit 6 & 7 Electrical Work Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 10 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: In order to prepare the downtown facility for installation of new units 6 & 7 in 2018 several portions of the project need to take place as the project progresses. One of those projects is to hire an electrical contracting company to do all the electrical installation of units 6 & 7 based on project specifications. HUC staff has estimated that this portion of the project will be around $1.6M. The first step in this process is to advertise for bids so that prospective contractors who can do this work and meet the specifications can provide a bid. Please find attached the Advertisement for Bid for the work to be completed. Once the Commission approves going out for bids, the advertisement for bid will be published in the local newspaper. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Advertising for Bids Fiscal Impact: $1,575,000 Included in current budget: Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: Advertisement for Bids for Plant 1 units 6 and 7 Electrical Installation Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed Bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 2pm (CDT) on the 8th day of August 2018, and will publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following construction: "The electrical installation for engine generator units 6 and 7 in the HUC Plant 1 facility. Contractor shall furnish and install the necessary equipment and wiring, including certain equipment and systems furnished by Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG" To be considered for this project the bidder must attend the mandatory pre -bid meeting on July 26t", 2018 10:00 am CDT at the Plant 1 facility 44 - 4t" Ave NE Hutchinson Minnesota 55350 Proposals shall be properly endorsed and delivered in an envelope marked, "Plant 1 units 6 and 7 Electrical Installation" and shall be addressed to: Randy Blake, Production Manager, Hutchinson Utilities Commission, 225 Michigan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. Bids shall be supplied in both hardcopy and electronic format. The name and address of the Bidder shall be clearly indicated on the outside of the package containing the bid. Bidder shall provide one (1) original (clearly marked as such) and 2 copies of the bid along with 2 flash drives containing electronic PDF files of their bid. All proposals shall be submitted on the Bidder's own letterhead. In facsimile of the Bid Form enclosed within the Specifications, or by utilizing the Bid Form enclosed with the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the top of the form. Each bid should be accompanied by a Bid Bond, made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the amount of five per cent (5%) of the Bid, as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into the proposed Contract and provide a Performance and Payment Bond after the Bid has been accepted. The successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the Contract price to the Owner prior to the approval of the Contract. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid or Proposal for a Period of thirty (30) days after date of opening of Bids. At the aforementioned time and place, or at such later time and Place as the Owner then may fix, the Owner will act upon Proposals received and with its sole discretion may award Contract(s) for the furnishing of said construction. Specifications may be obtained by contacting Mr. James Booty, HDR Engineering Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Minneapolis, MN. Telephone number 763-591-5471. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or bid irregularities. , President Date ATTESTED In , Secretary Date