06-12-2018 CCM Workshop (Hwy 15 Streetscape Project)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2018, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski and John Lofdahl. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 1. Review State Trunk Highway 15/Main Street Streetscape Project Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner reviewed the agenda for today's workshop which includes information from John Rodeberg of SEH and Kelly Brunkhorst of Mn/DOT. John Rodeberg, SEH, presented before the Council. Mr. Rodeberg explained that the goals and benefits of the project include a smoother road surface, modernized water main and sanitary and storm sewers, help to ensure the city and state infrastructure serve their purpose for many years and the City views the project as an opportunity to enhance downtown and improve livability in the central district. Mr. Rodeberg reminded the Council that the project includes full reconstruction of Hwy 15/Main Street and replacement of aging underground utilities between 2"d Avenue North and 5`h Avenue South. Pavement resurfacing will occur between 5th Avenue South and just south of Denver Avenue. Additional work will include construction in downtown from building face to building face; sidewalks and pedestrian crossings along project areas will be updated to meet current ADA standards; all intersections along the corridor will be evaluated for improvements; and the City will also be replacing, updating and modernizing underground utilities. The project is scheduled to begin with major construction in June of 2020 with landscaping and other minor work continuing until 2021. The project is estimated to cost $6.5 million. The official detour will take place in 2020. The work will be phased as much as possible to limit disturbances. Business signage and temporary traffic control will be used to promote and provide access to local businesses during construction. Inspections of building basements adjacent to proposed reconstruction were completed in the Fall of 2017 in order to identify structural concerns related to construction; identify intrusions into the construction area such as old coal chutes, window wells, etc.; and identify sanitary sewer and water service locations and related issues/improvements. Municipal utilities underneath Hwy 15/Main Street need to be replaced. These are some of the oldest in the city and are past their useful life. New sanitary sewer and water services to the downtown buildings are also proposed. MnDOT is required by law to meet ADA standards on all state projects. This project will increase ADA accessibility as well as improve pedestrian safety and access, all while maintaining typical travel lane widths for motorists. Retail and other businesses are also responsible to make reasonable accessibility accommodations to their properties. Mr. Rodeberg spoke about lane widths over time of Main Street/Hwy 15. Prior to 1992, Main Street/Hwy 15 had four 11 foot driving lanes, two eight foot parking lanes and two 10.5 foot sidewalks. Today, Main Street/Hwy 15 has extra wide travel lanes which include three 14-15 foot driving lanes, two eight foot parking lanes and two 10.5 foot sidewalks. The proposed roadway design as supported by MnDot and the City Council includes three 11-13 foot driving lanes, two extra wide 10 foot parking lanes and two 13 foot sidewalks to better address ADA accessibility. The design team consisting of MnDOT/SEH/City of Hutchinson will be working with the community to determine specific amenities such as landscaping, sidewalk finishing and other items. Imagine Hutchinson and the Signage and Wayfinding Master Plan will be used as a framework for discussions on street amenities and landscaping. Mr. Rodeberg reviewed different aesthetics related to art, lighting/banners and planters, wayfinding and decorative fencing. Mr. Rodeberg also reviewed various options for bump out corners. Specific discussion was held regarding a bump out option at the intersection of ls` Avenue SE and Main Street near Library Square. Exner asked of the Council what their feelings were on raised planters and trees and plantings incorporated into the streetscape. Christensen expressed that she likes planters but to keep the plantings low. Forcier expressed that he likes the current planters in place and he expressed that whatever is put in place to have them moveable for ease of snow removal. Lofdahl suggested fencing and plantings near the parking lot south of Genesis Salon with the same concept near Shopko/Wells Fargo parking lot. Cook noted that he likes raised planters and trees and lighting and some art. Discussion was held regarding trees being planted in front of businesses and blocking storefronts and windows. Lofdahl suggested planting trees along the parking lot south of Genesis and the parking lot by Shopko. Czmowski commented that he does not see a need for additional seating in the downtown area. He would also prefer not to see parking stalls taken along Main Street to put in additional landscaping. Exner suggested having different types of moveable planters. All Council Members were in consensus to not lose parking stalls along Main Street nor side streets for landscaping purposes. Lofdahl suggested perhaps putting plantings with a bump out near Wells Fargo. A sidewalk color band was suggested to be 32" wide versus a narrower band. Lofdahl suggested bump outs with planters on the north end and south end where it doesn't impact businesses too much with parking and sight lines. Rodeberg asked if at the community meeting should SEH be looking for comments and proposals on things to implement into the streetscape plan or should a plan simply be presented to receive feedback on. Exner provided an update on the City water and wastewater utilities preliminary design. Mr. Exner provided a copy of an Intersection Control Evaluation Report which indicates no major changes at controlled intersections with traffic control. Rodeberg spoke about the upcoming project public open house and that people should contact him with questions related to the project. The public open house is June 28, 2018, from 4:30 — 6:30 p.m. at the Hutchinson Event Center. The focus of the open house will be incorporation of landscaping into the streetscape. Another open house will be held in September on details of the final design of the streetscape. Cook asked if perhaps hanging planters on the City street light poles could be incorporated. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to adjourn at 5:28 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator