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06-20-2018 POLM
Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes
The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Wednesday June 20, 2018 at the
Hutchinson Police Station. Present at the meeting were Commissioner Todd Brandel,
Commissioner Steve Synstelien, Commissioner Kim Pearson, and Chief Daniel T. Hatten.
Call the Meeting to Order:
Chairperson Brandel called the meeting to order by at 5:47 p.m. The meeting was delayed 47
minutes due to the Sergeant Assessment Center ran long.
Approval of Agenda:
Chairperson Brandel asked if there were any changes to the June agenda. Commissioner
Synstelien made a motion to accept the agenda as written, seconded by Commissioner
Pearson. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes:
Chairperson Brandel asked the Commission to approve the minutes from the May 2018
meeting. Commissioner Synstelien made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded
by Commissioner Pearson. The motion carried unanimously.
Swearing-in of new Police Commissioner:
Hutchinson City Attorney Marc Sebora sworn-in newly appointed Police Commissioner Steve
Synstelien and Commissioner Pearson to the Hutchinson Police Commission.
Staffing Issues:
Chief Hatten informed the Commission that Full-time Officer Eric Peterson and Part-time Officer
have completed field training and progressing without issue at this time.
Chief Hatten informed the Commission of the Sergeant’s Assessment Center process had been
complete just prior to the Police Commission meeting. Chief Hatten will calculate the scores,
then notify the candidates later in the week by Chief Hatten.
Chief Hatten informed the Commission the results of the Assessment Center would be brought
forward at the next Police Commission meeting for certification of the results.
Union Update:
No update at this time.
Items from the Floor:
No update at this time.
Adjourn: Commissioner Synstelien made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pearson to
adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Time of adjournment 6:10 pm.
Next meeting is Tuesday July 17, 2018 at 5:00 pm.
, Police Commission Secretary