04-10-2018 (Public Arts Commission)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Members present were Steve Cook, Chad Czmowski and John Lofdahl. Member absent was Mary Christensen. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 1. Joint Meeting with Public Arts Commission Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained that the Public Arts Commission had requested to have a joint meeting with the City Council to review past project and potential future projects. Introductions of all members were made. Steve Cook, Council Member who serves on the Public Arts Commission (PAC), provided a review of the history of the PAC including the establishment of the board, policies and procedures and a Resolution authorizing funding for public art projects. Council Member Cook reviewed past projects that the PAC has implemented such as the Sculpture Stroll and "Parental Love". Council Member Cook also provided a financial update of the Commission. Council Member Cook spoke of funding for the Sculpture Stroll, two previous SMAC grants, and a new initiative to have Sculpture Stroll business sponsors. Council Member Cook and the Public Arts Commission then spoke of potential ideas for the future. These included expanding the Sculpture Stroll (trail/river or downtown and outside of the downtown district such as Ridgewater or other location), decorative signal boxes (similar to Willmar and Minneapolis), 2020 Main Street Project (signal boxes or other), Founders Park or Cedar Park (monument, interpretive signage), Gateway Park (interpretive signage), public art in City facilities (local artists —paintings, photography, artwork), Wegschied mural(s), and fence artwork at Aquatic Center. Morgan Baum also spoke of a project where sculptures are made of the same piece, however an artist decorates/paints it in their own way then the sculpture is sold to businesses/homes where they could be displayed. The funding sources for these projects will come from the City's public sites fund, Community Improvement Fund and CIP budget as designated by Resolution. If special projects come up that need additional funding, requests may be made to the Council. Council Member Czmowski liked the idea of fund raising efforts that had been mentioned. Kent Exner spoke of opportunities to incorporate public art into the Main Street reconstruction project. He asked if additional permanent pads are needed in the downtown area for public art. If so, he noted that this is the time to make such a request. The group asked Mr. Exner to determine what MnDOT would allow and where in correlation to Main Street. Mr. Exner noted that most likely the City would need to propose ideas to MnDOT for them to review and approve/disapprove. Discussion was held regarding adding a sculpture stroll on Ridgewater College property. Morgan Baum invited the City Council to the Creative Minnesota Report about the City of Hutchinson that is being released at a presentation on April 17, 2018, at 12noon and 5:00 p.m. at Ridgewater College. This presentation will unveil the results of a study on the size and impact of the nonprofit arts and culture sector in Hutchinson. Mayor Forcier liked the idea that was presented about sculptures that are constructed and then painted/designed by local artists and displayed. Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn at 5:10 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator