04-10-2018 CCMHUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy andpractices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were John Lofdahl, Steve Cook and Chad Czmowski. Member absent was Mary Christensen. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich asked that one item under 15.5 be added which is a special event request being held April 21, 2018. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Czmowski, to approve the agenda with the additional item noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Seventh Day Adventist Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 14873 — Resolution Accepting $5000 Donation from Hutchinson Health Hospital Auxiliary to Hutchinson Fire Department (b) Resolution No. 14874 — Resolution Accepting $1000 Donation from Historic Hutchinson Matt Jaunich noted that the donation from the Hospital Auxiliary will be going towards fire department laundering and the donation from Historic Hutchinson is for the preservation project at the Depot. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Cook, to approve Resolution Nos. 14873 and 14874 Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. If you have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under S minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than f ve minutes should askto be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Forcier noted that if there are individuals in the audience that wish to address the Council regarding the invocation item, those comments will be taken when the Council discusses the topic later in the agenda. Morgan Baum, 925 Second Avenue SW, presented before the Council. Ms. Baum extended an invitation to the City Council and those in attendance and watching at home to a presentation by Sheila Smith from the Minnesota Citizens for the Arts on April 17, 2018, at CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10, 2018 both 12noon and 5:00 p.m. at Ridgewater College. The presentation will cover the results of the Creative Minnesota study which is part of an ongoing series of research reports about the arts and culture sector in Minnesota. The Hutchinson study is one of fifteen local reports that have been released in the last few months. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of March 27, 2018 Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listed for consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (a) Consideration for Approval of Hutchinson Jaycee Water Carnival Requests (b) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Transient Merchant License to Tina Novotny (c) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Transient Merchant License to Virginia Daniel (d) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Crow River Cutters on May 21, 2018, at Main Street Sports Bar (e) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Carnival Permit to J&K Amusements May 31 — June 3, 2018, at Hutchinson Mall (f) Consideration for Approval of Engineering Services Agreement with Erickson Engineering Co. for 2nd Avenue SE Bridge Replacement Construction Inspection/Observation (g) Consideration for Approval of Authorizing $1,000 to Purchase Smart Cycling Quick Guides (h) Appointment of Steve Synstelien to Police Civil Service Commission to May 2021 (i) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve Consent Agenda L Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda IL Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10, 2018 COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 10. HUTCHINSON POLICE SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT Dan Hatten, Chief of Police, provided the police department's annual report. Chief Hatten reviewed information pertaining to staffing which includes a total staff of 43 that is comprised of sworn officers, officers on patrol, community service officer, office and dispatch and hospital security. Accomplishments for 2017 included accomplishing end statements developed by the City Council, upgrading the civil defense siren system, police and fire training grounds improvement, implementation of body -worn camera and in -car camera program, implementing a departmental chaplaincy program, ordering a special response tactical vehicle and implementing responsive speed signs pilot project. Discussion was held regarding the police/fire training grounds. Chief Hatten noted that HPS employees averaged 81.9 training hours in 2017. Chief Hatten also provided data on calls for services, arrests, Part 1 crimes, citations/warnings, nuisance properties, hospital security, response times, vulnerable adult intakes, school liaison officer, child protection intakes, and Southwest Metro Drug Task Force. Chief Hatten reviewed goals for 2018 which included continuing to enhance the nuisance ordinance program, continuing to collaborate with other City departments and MnDOT to develop and prepare for the Hwy 15 construction project, review and updating the Hutchinson Police Services policy manual, completing a sergeant promotional process to fill the current vacancy and taking delivery and prep for service the Special Response Team vehicle. Mayor Forcier asked that newly hired officers come to a Council meeting to be introduced or in the alternative council member can attend the swearing in ceremony on April 18, 2018, to meet all new officers. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 11. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14875 — RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2018 WATEWATER LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT NO. 18-13) Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that six bids were received for the 2018 wastewater lift station improvements project. The apparent low bid is from R&R Excavating of Hutchinson, Minnesota in the amount of $110,943. This project is accounted for within the City's proposed 2018 Infrastructure Improvement Program. The improvements include rehabilitation and upgrades to Otter Lake area wastewater lift station by construction of controls equipment/panel, wastewater pipe installation, structural modifications, site improvements and appurtenances. This project is part of an overall effort to standardize equipment in all of the City's lift stations. Nero Engineering, the City's consultant, has reviewed the bids and is recommending awarding the bid to R&R Excavating. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to approve Resolution No. 14875. Motion carried unanimously. 12. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14876 — RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2018 AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 15, PROJECT NO. 18-15) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10, 2018 John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson explained that this project includes site preparation and construction of an 8 -unit T -hangar. The project is eligible for being funded 90% by FAA, 5% by MnDOT Aeronautics and 5% by the City of Hutchinson. Acceptance of the low bid, submitted by Kraemer Trucking and Excavating in the amount of $802,266.25, is contingent upon receipt of federal and state grant funding. Assuming federal and state grant funding being approved, the project award is scheduled for June 3, 2018. Mr. Olson explained that at this point the site preparation portion of the project could be done with borrowing/repaying the City of Tracy $150,000 of AIP funds. AIP fund transfers from other airports would be needed to complete the building portion of the project concurrently. As an alternative, the City could wait on the building portion of the project until 2023, accumulate $450,000 of AIP entitlement, and borrow approximately $144,000 of AIP funds from another airport at that time. The request before the Council tonight is to accept the low bid contingent upon receipt of federal and state grant funding and enter into agreement with City of Tracy for entitlement transfer of $150,000 to be repaid with 2019 AIP funds. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to approve Resolution No. 14876 contingent upon the City receiving appropriate federal and state funding. Motion carried unanimously. 13. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14852 — RESOLUTION APPROVING LOCAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained the grant agreement associated with the Second Avenue SE Bridge Replacement Program in the amount of $427,275 which is approximately 40% of the construction bid amount. This project's total cost and associated funding contributions were reviewed by the Resource Allocation Committee and are accounted for within the City's proposed 2018 Infrastructure Improvement Program. Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, to approve Resolution No. 14853. Motion carried unanimously. 14. APPROVE DENY ORDINANCE NO. 18-785 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 30.18, "REGULAR MEETING ORDER OF BUSINESS" TO REMOVE THE INVOCATION (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR APRIL 24, 2018) Mayor Forcier allowed 10 minutes for public comments allowing each person two minutes to speak. Paul Baker, 864 Miller Avenue SW, presented before the Council. Mr. Baker noted that he is one of the pastors that has had the opportunity to provide the invocation to the Council over the years and he is in favor of keeping it on the agenda. 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10, 2018 Chuck Pierson presented before the Council. Although Mr. Pierson is the Chaplain of the Gideons, he noted he is speaking on a personal level. Mr. Pierson is in favor of keeping the invocation on the agenda. Jerry Messner, 935 Jorgenson Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Messner noted he is in favor of keeping the invocation on the agenda and his reasons why. Jack Sandberg, 571 Juul Road, presented before the Council. Mr. Sandberg noted he is in favor of removing the invocation from the agenda and his reasons why. Everett Hantge, 1400 Sherwood Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Hantge noted he is in favor of keeping the invocation on the agenda and his reasons why. Craig Bishop, 220 Freemont Avenue, presented before the Council. Mr. Bishop noted he is in favor of keeping the invocation on the agenda and his reasons why. Greg Curry, 955 Milwaukee Avenue, presented before the Council. Mr. Curry noted he is in favor of keeping the invocation on the agenda and his reasons why. Council Member Cook commented that he realizes that this is a sensitive subject and he respects that. He also noted that he has had good conversations with residents on this topic. Council Member Cook expressed that as an elected official of all residents of the city he feels that all should be included. He noted that although he considers himself a Christian, at times he feels uncomfortable during the invocation time. Council Member Cook noted that with the invocation, residents need to realize that a church that is less -liked in the community may be included in the rotation. Council Member Cook expressed that he feels the Pledge of Allegiance is the most appropriate opening for a government meeting. He does not believe that prayers should be part of meetings, and rather can be done privately on council members' own time. Council Member Lofdahl expressed that he is also uncomfortable with the invocation and although he is a non-christian, he is not opposed to other religions. His main concern is that there is a minority in the community that is not included in the invocation rotation and he feels that it is important that they are included. His main issue is that non-christians are not included or are not represented. His wish is that the ministerial association would bring the non-christians into the rotation. Council Member Lofdahl challenged the ministerial association to bring non-christians into the rotation. Two of the pastors in the audience accepted the challenge. Council Member Czmowski expressed that he does not necessarily have strong feelings on this topic, however he feels the majority of the public would like to keep the invocation and he feels that is important. Mayor Forcier commented that many prayers are said before events whether privately or publicly. He noted he would like to keep the invocation on the agenda. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10, 2018 Matt Jaunich spoke of the process to change the agenda if the Council wishes which is done by ordinance, which requires two readings. The ordinance before the Council tonight can be considered as the first reading. Council Member Cook expressed that he supports the challenge given to the ministerial association to bring non-christians into the invocation rotation. He noted he would like to give that an opportunity first before moving forward with the proposed ordinance. Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, to deny Ordinance No. 18-785. Motion carried unanimously. 15. APPROVE/DENY CALLING SPECIAL MEETING TO COMPLETE STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION ON APRIL 26, 2018, AT 2:30 P.M. Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that there is a couple more hours of work to be done on Citiy's strategic plan. The remaining session is proposed to be held on April 26, 2018, at 2:30 p.m. at the fire hall. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Czmowski, to set special meeting to complete strategic planning session for April 26, 2018, at 2:30 p.m. at Fire Hall. Motion carried unanimously. 15.5 APPROVE/DENY "LEST WE FORGET" EVENT ON APRIL 21, 2018, AT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK Chief Dan Hatten explained that Ron Mackedanz has arranged a special event, "Lest We Forget". The event marks the 50'' anniversary of the disappearance of Ron's brother, Lyle E. Mackedanz, during the Vietnam War. The event intends to honor Mackedanz and five other crew members who went missing during the event. The event is scheduled to be held on April. 21, 2018, at Veterans Memorial Park from 1:00-3:30 p.m. The event organizers plan to have a special salute by having a Vietnam era Huey helicopter flyover and land at the site for the duration of the program. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve "Lest We Forget" event on April 21, 2018. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 16. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS MISCELLANEOUS 17. STAFF UPDATES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10, 2018 Tim Gratke — Mr. Gratke, Wastewater Supervisor, spoke about the lift stations that go down when the power goes out. Gratke explained that a red beacon lights up and flashes when the power is out and the lift station needs service. Mr. Gratke communicated out to residents that if they notice the red lights flashing to call the police department to make them aware because sometimes radio/communication systems are not 100% reliable. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner spoke about the Hwy 15/1\4ain Street construction schedule. He noted that the downtown citizens group is currently working on landscape/streetscape plans. A public meeting is scheduled for early June to review the landscape/streetscape concepts and plans. Mr. Exner suggested that perhaps a Council workshop be held on this topic prior to the first Council meeting in June. Exner also spoke about the lack of right turn lanes northbound and southbound at Bluff Street/Hwy 7 East and how that was a MnDOT design issue. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich noted that an invitation is going out from Ridgewater College for April 24h at 6:00 p.m. for a Hutchinson Community Conversation. Another session maybe held in the Fall. This Saturday is spring cleanup for white goods and hard goods. Mr. Jaunich also noted that he will be holding a "So You Want to be an Elected Official" seminar on May 10, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 18. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Steve Cook — Council Member Cook mentioned that all of the schools he has spoken to have agreed to distribute the Smart Cycling Quick Guides. Council Member Cook also expressed that he feels interpretive signage should be added on the Founders Pathway leading to the statue. He reached out to the Hutchinson Community Foundation and they seemed interested in doing something along that area. Council Member Cook also asked Mr. Exner about parklets along Main Street as part of the new street scape design. Parklets are small seating areas or green spaces created as a public amenity on or alongside a sidewalk, especially in a former roadside parking space. Parklets can be used for outdoor dining. Exner noted that it appears that there is some willingness from a MnDOT staff member, however this would be a district decision. This topic can be brought up to the citizens group again as the design is continually reviewed. Gary Forcier — Mayor Forcier commented on the Senior Center fundraiser being held at the event Center. Mayor Forcier also asked John Olson how potholes could be reported. Olson noted that could be done through "Report a Problem" on the City's web site or by calling the street department. Staff is patching potholes when they are not plowing snow. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor 7 Matthew Jaunich City Administrator