11-27-2017 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2017
Present: Steve Bailey, Gerry Grinde, Carolyn Ulrich, Julie Lofdahl, Kristine Leuze, Jack Sandberg, Mary
Christensen, Katy Hiltner, Ex -Officio
Review and approve minutes from the October 23, 2017 meeting. Motion to approve Jack, seconded
Carolyn. Approved as written.
Old Business:
1. Program Report: Author Visit with Mark Mitten
Ten people attended the event and HCVN filmed it. Carolyn and her husband attended and said
the program was good. Mark also presented at a writing event in Winsted. Thirteen people
attended the Winsted program.
2. Donations to the Library
Year-end donations came in from some of the regular donors.
3. Review Library Goals
Mary talked to the Mayor and City Administrator. They are happy with how the board is
functioning. They feel that if there is a need, a want, or a big concern we would come to them
with our request or suggestion. If they had a concern, they would contact the Head Librarian.
New Business:
1. Library Board Terms
No terms expiring until April 2019
2. One Book, One Community Book Announcement
The book chosen is The Song Poet by Kalia Kao Yang. Books are on sale at the Village Shop,
CashWise and McLeod County Historical Society and Museum. There will be three programs.
2-10-18 Hmong 101 - two presenters from the Hmong Cultural Center
3-11-18 Book discussion at museum
4-8-18 Author to speak at Event Center
3. Project Bookshelf/McLeod County Project
Project ran from November 13 to December 9. Many donations were received and the Friends of
the Library gave money. Katy used funds to purchase books on Black Friday.
4. Winter Reading Programs — Adults & Teens
Theme this year for the adult program is Reading is Snow Much Fun. Adult program is January 1
through March 9. Teen program is December 1 through March 1. For the adult program, Katy is
working on the April 6 dessert buffet.
5. Adult, Teen & Children's Program Updates
Adult: Author program with Mary Krugerud - Sunday, January 14. Legacy Funded.
Teen: Teen Maker -Space Club & Teen Book Club - There is a teen volunteer to help with book
club. Family Programs: Family Story Hour on January 29; 3 - 6 grade Origami on February 26; K- 2
grade Origami on March 19. Lego Building Buddies is bringing families in.
6. December Meeting
Motion to skip December meeting and meet next on January 22, 2018 by Kristine, seconded by Jack.
Motion Passed.
7. Library Buzz — What Have You Been Reading/Watching?
Steve: The Innocence Within - dark history London Bridges -James Patterson an easy read
Gerry: Dan Brown's latest book Origin; Al Franken Giant of the Senate, funny and serious; William
Kent Krueger's Sulfur Springs, Isabella of Spain, good, 500 pages, first powerful women of history -
intelligent and manipulative. It took two months to read this book.
Carolyn: Ken Follett's Column of Fire, Alice in France by Nancy O'Brien, a book of letters of Alice
O'Brien from World War I; Charles Todd mysteries, Linda Greenlaw's mystery Shiver Hitch.
Kristine: Future home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich - Minnesota author; Handmaid's Tale by
Margaret Atwood; Madison Park: A Place of Hope by Eric Motley, how a town helped one person go
to college.
Mary: The Book Thief
Jack: The Collective Works of Walt Whitman
Julie: The Christmas Carole
Meeting adjourned at 5:34 pm
Next meeting: Jan. 22, 2018
October & November 2017 Donations
Hutchinson Garden Club (gardening books) $100.00
Hutchinson Lioness Club (large print books) $200.00
Russell and Lorraine Erickson (books for collection) $300.00
Total $600.00