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09-25-2017 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2017
Present: Steve Bailey, Carolyn Ulrich, Julie Lofdahl, Kristine Leuze, Jack Sandberg, Gerry Grinde, Mary
Christensen, Katy Hiltner, Ex -Officio
Motion by Carolyn, seconded by Gerry to approve minutes from the August 27, 2017 meeting. Minutes
approved as written.
Presentations - Summer Reading Wrap -Up & Upcoming Fall Programs:
Sherry Lund, Children's Librarian reported that 486 kids signed up for the program. This is about the
same number as last year; 282 finished which is 30 more than before. Kids who were 12 -years -old could
pick which program to be in, children or teen. There were 10 Stories in the Park which had 1,657 kids
attend. The ZooMobile was partnered with 4H and had 548 kids attend. Daycares brought buses with
kids. This program is usually capped at 300 kids, but Sherry did not know this. The ZooMobile presenter
said it went fine and they would come again with that many kids because of the help of the staff. The
Lego Guy also came as a featured summer program. A total of 193 kids came to the two Lego programs.
The Schiffelly Puppets performed at the State Theatre this year. It was standing room only with 319
people attending.
Next month will start the fall programming. Sherry would like to do a family program once a month.
Some programs include the author of Nettie's Garden Heather Rae Weseman to visit, an origami
program, and painted rocks.
Rachelle Golde, Teen Services Library, gave an update on the teen program. A total of 63 teens signed
up and 32 logs were returned in. See Rachelle's written report for the rest of the update.
Old Business:
1. Friends of Library Annual Book Sale: Sale was very good despite rain. Thanks to all the volunteers who
helped make the sale a success. Katy should have figures for us at a future meeting (official totals will be
announced in the Friends' newsletter).
2. Program Reminder: Little Golden Books, Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m.
3. Review: Library Goals - We edited the Board Information Flyer. See attached copy. We did not get
to goals. Board members to think about goals and will discuss next meeting.
New Business:
1. Senior Expo, Tuesday, Sept. 26th at Hutchinson Event Center. Katy and Jackee to have a booth at the
2. Upcoming Legacy Programs:
• Mark Mitten, Thursday, Nov. 9th at 6:30 p.m. Sipping Whiskey in a Shallow Grave and Hard to
Quit. Books are westerns. He will also present a program for writers on Wednesday, Nov. 1St as
part of NalloWriMo activities at the Winsted Library.
• Mary Krugerud, Sunday, Jan. 14th at 2 p.m. at the McLeod County Historical Society. Author of
Interrupted Lives: The History of Tuberculosis in Minnesota and Glen Lake Sanatorium.
• Katy would like to set up an adult program each month.
Reorganizing Archive Room: To free up space, 30 bound newspapers were donated to the McLeod
County Historical Society. These were volumes that the museum did not have. There are still earlier
editions that need to find a new home.
4. Library Buzz — What Have You Been Reading/Watching? We ran out of time for our discussion, but
Carolyn emailed her list. We can talk about more next time.
In Farleigh Field, Evan's Gate, Her Royal Spyness - all written by Rhys Bowen
Stealing the Countess by David Housewright (really good)
Tony Hillerman's Landscape by Anne Hillerman and Don Strel
The Cottingley Secret by Hazel Gaynor
Y is for Yesterday by Sue Grafton
Song of the Lion by Anne Hillerman
A Talent for Murder by Andrew Wilson
Meeting adjourned at 5:34 pm
Next meeting: Oct. 23, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.
August 2017 Donations
Patron Donation $20.00
Celia Smykalski (QuiltMaker magazine subscription) $27.97
Total $47.97
Meeting Notes- Teen Services
September 20, 2017 and September 25, 2017
1. Teen Summer Reading Program:
a. 63 teens signed up
b. 32 Logs were turned in
c. Teens liked the prizes!
i. The four $25 gift cards were purchased using a SAMMIE Summer Reading
Grant for $100
ii. iPad-donated (anonymously)
iii. Buffalo Wild Wings coupons- donated
d. Based upon the number of reading logs turned in: estimated 192 books read
e. We offered 3 maker programs- one each month through the summer
i. Mini Garden Designs- 6 teens attended
ii. Book Bag Designs- 6 teens attended
iii. Rock Your Locker- 4 teens attended
f. We did 3 Art Journaling sessions- one per month
i. Average of 5 teens in attendance
g. Bookmark Contest:
i. 5 entries
ii. 82 public votes
2. Teen Fall Programs:
a. Harry Potter Party— held Tuesday, September 19, 2017
i. Huge success!
b. October schedule:
i. Tuesday, October 3, 2017- Teen Advisory Board Meeting —there will be
1. Working on finding away to get the pizza donated
ii. Week of October 8: TEEN READ WEEK
1. Display and put out bookmarks for the public- Bookmark contest
winner's bookmark
2. Oct. 10: M.G. Nelson Author Visit
a. SAMMIE Teen Read Grant for $100 to help cover the
3. Passive Program: Bookface photo contest
c. November Schedule
i. Tuesday, Nov. 211- Teen Advisory Board Meeting
ii. Tuesday, Nov. 14th- Silent Reading Party
3. Contact me through email -
a. Please give people my email address if they have questions, comments,
concerns, ideas, etc. I check my work email at home and can usually get back to
people faster through email. Email is listed on all the teen activity flyers and on
the Hutchinson Public Library Website Teen page.
4. Thanks for all your help throughout the summer!
Teen Sum mer Reading Program 2017STATS
Name of Program and/or Performer
Signed up
Total Attendance
Mini Garden Designs
Book Bag Designs
Rock Your Locker
Art JournalingJune
Art JournalingJuly
Art Jou rnal i ng August
Teens Signed Up 63
Logs Turned In 32
Participants in Prize Drawing#1: $25 Starbucks card 19
Participants in Prize Drawing #2: $25 iTunes card 48
Participants in Prize Drawing#3: $25 Applebee's card 67
Participants in Prize Drawing #4: $25 Google Play card 34
Total prize drawing entries 168
Participants in Grand Prize Drawing: iPad 32
Estimated # of books read based upon the number of logs turned in 192