05-22-2017 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes
Monday May 22, 2017 @ 4:30 p.m.
Present: Steve Bailey, Gerry Grinde, Jack Sandberg, Julie Lofdahl, Kristine Leuze, Mary Christensen,
Katy Hiltner, Ex -Officio Excused: Carolyn Ulrich
Reviewed minutes from the April 24, 2017 meeting. Carolyn sent e-mail saying the book she mentioned
at last meeting, Young Men and the Fire, was written 55 years after the Hinckley fire. Motion by Gerry
Grinde to approve minutes with the change of 55 years; Seconded by Mary Christensen - MINUTES
Presentation: 2017 Summer Reading Programs — Read by Design
Sherry Lund said the program for kids ages 2 to 12 started today. Sixty kids signed up today.
The program runs for 10 weeks and includes:
• 6 weeks of Stories in the Park;
• June 8 - MN Zoomobile
• July 6 - Lego Guy from Colorado will do a pre-school morning presentation on building with
Legos, and at 3 p.m. he will do an American Ninja Warrior program.
• July 27 - Mad Science - Fire and Ice is an exciting collection of scientific demonstrations.
• August 10 — Schiffelly Puppets for the 14th year. This year, the puppet show will be held at the
State Theatre.
Some of the summer reading prizes include book bag, bookmark, Culver's bookmark with treat & pencil,
Elena's Bakery cookie coupon, coupon for Dairy Queen treats, Below Zero 50 cent coupon and tattoo,
robot eraser and pencil, and sheet of stickers of architecture from around the world. Children
completing all 10 weeks will get a free book and a State Theatre movie pass. This year's movie passes
are eligible for the week before Labor Day and Labor Day weekend.
Kids sign a contract and receive a punch card that tracks the books they read. Parents can read to
children 2 to 6 years and those ages 7 to 12 may read on their own. Sherry does work with parents and
older children who need to have help with reading on their own.
PLS decides on the theme for the program, Read by Design, and the company that is used for materials,
iRead. Individual libraries can pull out parts of materials they want to use. Hutchinson used parts to
design their own bookmark and other promotional materials.
Sherry is hoping to sign up 400 young readers and 100 older readers for the summer reading program.
Rachelle Golde -Teen Services Librarian is doing a program similar to last year. The teen program is for
patrons age 13 through 19. Most readers are on the younger end of the age limit.
Readers will have three logs. Each log will have six books on it. Some of the prizes they will receive for
completing logs are a chance to win one of four $25 gift cards: Starbuck, Applebee's, Google Play and
iTunes. The grand prize is an iPad which has been generously donated.
There will be a bookmark design competition again this year. The winner will receive a really great book
bag. This summer, some of the teen projects they will be doing include miniature gardens in June,
design book bags in July, and Rock Your Locker designs for August.
The Teen Art Journaling class will be moving to the third Tuesday of the month. There is now a coloring
table in the Young Adult area for anyone to color. Colored pencils are available at the Circulation Desk.
Jack was wondering if the Teen Reading Program should have a name change to represent more than
just reading as they have so many other wonderful programs.
Old Business:
Review: Library By-laws
Started discussing making by-laws for the Library Board. A draft of the Madison Library Board's by-laws
was used for a starting point. There was much discussion about what everyone felt the Library Board
should be doing. Some feel the board should be more defined and others feel the board is fine as it has
been functioning. After a 30+ minute discussion, the board tabled the discussion until the June meeting.
Volunteer Thank You Event
Event went well. Eighteen people attended. It was a lovely gathering and Katy said it was so nice to
have everyone sit down together. Ron Shimanski, County Commissioner, stopped by that morning to
talk to Katy because he could not come in the afternoon. He was very positive and encouraging about
the library.
Program Report: " Repurposed: The Untold Story of Retirement in America"
There were 51 people at the talk which was held at the Senior Center. There was a lot of positive
feedback. The audience was very open and shared their experiences. Liz's staff filmed the event for
HCVN. Katy is planning on getting a copy of the book for the library.
Katy is putting a Library Calendar of Events flyer and passed out the calendar for June. Last month Katy
passed out a year in review flyer for 2016. Mary had asked what the numbers were for Hutchinson. So
Katy put together a flyer of the past three year statistics for Hutchinson. (See attached)
New Business:
Katy passed out a copy of the Minnesota Public Library Report, 2016 Key Statistics that she thought we
would find interesting.
Summer Staffing for library will have two on desk in the morning and afternoon. Two of the college
students are back now through August 26. Katy will revisit staffing at the end of July.
Adult Summer Programs in June.
Origami for Adults —Thursday, June 15Y 6:30-8 p.m. with Bonnie Martinez
Library Book Buzz —Tuesday, June 13`" 7-8 p.m. a presentation by a Penguin Random House book rep called
Book Buzz. Participants will have a chance to read excerpts from books BEFORE they are published.
Registration is required for this event.
Library Buzz— What Have You Been Reading/Watching?
Carolyn has been reading about making World War I socks for the Historical Society
Steve has found Bill O'Reilly's book Death of Lincoln to be interesting
Jack has been reading Collective Works of Walt Whitman
Kristine is reading a book of essays from British rock magazine. Title is The Sound and the Fury.
There is a new statue in Library Square.
Motion to adjourn by Kristine and seconded by Mary. Adjourned at 5:31 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Julie Lofdahl, Secretary
Next meeting: June 26, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.
April 2017 Donations
No donations this month
Hutchinson Public Library Statistics
a Three -Year Comparison
PLS Total 2016 2015 2014
Library Visits
Reference Transactions
Items Checked Out
Computer Use
Registered Borrowers
Meeting Room Uses
Wireless Sessions
no count
Program Attendance
Total Library Programs
For further reports, go to the Minnesota Department of Education's Web site:
httr)://w20.education.state.mn.us/WebsiteContent/LibrarvListine.isr)?SEARCH VALUE=P