04-24-2017 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes
Monday April 24, 2017 @ 4:30 p.m.
Present: Gerry Grinde, Jack Sandberg, Steve Bailey, Julie Lofdahl, Carolyn Ulrich, Mary Christensen,
Katy Hiltner, Ex -Officio Excused: Kristine Leuze. Welcome to Carolyn Ulrich, new board member.
Review and approve minutes from the March 27, 2017 meeting. Motion to approve by Jack Sandberg,
Seconded by Gerry Grinde. Motion APPROVED.
Old Business:
Winter Reading Program Summary Report
There were a total of 244 participants that signed up for the Winter Reading Program. A total of 128
completed the program for a 62% completion rate. There were 63 new people in the program which is 26%
new people. The first year of the program was 2002. The number of participants has remained consistent. The
year 2015 had the most participants signed up with a total of 275. The percentage of the finishers has remained
about the same each year. People who RSVP to the dessert buffet did not come. Katy would like to revisit how
to do the buffet next year.
One Book, One Community: The Hinckley Fire Museum Presents program report
A total of 110 people attended the program. There was a speaker from the Hinckley Fire Museum and an
author of a book on the Hinckley fire. The sound system did not work for the second video. Katy said they are
working on seeing if they can show the video at the museum at a later date. There was good community
interest in this book. Discussion was really strong. Carolyn said there is a book she read Young Men and the
Fire by Norman Maclean about a big burn 20 years after Hinckley fire. She said the book was good.
The committee has just started talking about the next book. Let Katy know any suggestions you have.
Legacy MN Author Event with Julie Klassen/National Library Week
Julie is a regency romance author. She gave a great talk. This was a coordinated event with Woodstone Senior
Living Community. A total of 35 people attended. This program was meant to be a community outreach
program for those who cannot come to library. Pam Dille started this when she was the head librarian.
Woodstone provided refreshments. Katy would like to do a program next year for National Library Week that
would have a day program and an evening program.
Katy also put together a prize drawing for adults, teens and kids to sign up to win one of three prize packs for
National Library week - 22 kids, 26 adults, and 9 teens signed -up for a chance to win.
Volunteer Thank You Event — Wednesday, May 10th — 2-4 p.m.
Katy, Sherry and Julie Lofdahl are planning this event. Katy gave invites to the board members. Invites will be
mailed to Dianne Wanzek, Roger Vasek, Ron Shimanski, library volunteers and Friends of the Library volunteers.
Discussion: Strategic Plan and Library Bylaws
Katy had a copy from Madison Library bylaws. We can do bylaw but do not have to. We could do a form about
how we are organized, who prepares agenda, who takes notes, etc. We would still be an advisory board. Jack
feels the board should have structure and goals. Does not have to be super intense. He said the State Library
has put out a book of Branch Library board ideas. He feels library could control funds independent of
Pioneerland. The building is controlled by the City of Hutchinson not PLS. Friends keep their money and once a
year Katy asks for a wish list that they grant funds for.
Motion to start with bylaws - Jack made a motion, seconded by Julie . Katy will send out copies for us to bring
back notes to next meeting.
Katy to change sign on the front door about cell phones to reflect the Pioneerland rule of turning off or
silencing your cell phone while in the library.
New Business:
Election of Officers
Gerry made motion to elect Steve Bailey as President, Jack Sandberg as Vice President, Julie as Secretary,
Carolyn seconded. Discussion followed and Steve amended motion and Mary seconded to add Carolyn as
Backup Secretary. MOTION PASSED
Statistics from Pioneerland Library System (2016 Year in Review — see attached PDF)
Katy handed out a flyer of the 2016 statistics from PLS. Mary asked if we could get a copy of the Hutchinson
2016 a year in
review. pdf
Book Event: " Repurposed: The Untold Story of Retirement in America" — Thursday, May 18th
at 7 p.m. at the Hutchinson Event Center — Cash Wise Room
Jared Sebesta and Ben Taatjes with Taatjes Financial Group will be giving a talk about refocusing people's
thoughts on retiring. HCVN will be taping event. They will also be going to other libraries.
SAMMIE Manga/Graphic Novel Grant - $150
Rachelle applied and received grant to purchase graphic novels. These books will be put on their own shelving
for easy access.
Library Buzz - What are we reading
Julie - The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill - Julie Klassen and Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult both are excellent books.
Steve - Generally likes non-fiction. The Post -American World by Fareed Zakaria and Things That Matter by
Charles Krauthammer. They are not books Steve would normally read, but he enjoyed both.
Carolyn - Private Lives of the Tudors and a Sherlock Holmes book They Called Her Mrs. Sherlock Holmes
Jack - Norton Anthology of American Literature - E. E. Cummings
Gerry - Einstein biography (shorter book) and December 1941- a day by day of economy in record time,
weapons in a month.
PLS - Jack gave an update from the PLS board meeting. The major change is that in Section C books are
expenses not assets. They do not have to inventory books in a formal way because not depreciated.
Next meeting: May 22, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.
Motion to adjourn - 5:40 adjourned
Submitted by Julie Lofdahl, Secretary
March 2017 Donations
Celia Smykalski (Guideposts magazine subscription) $16.94
American Legion Auxiliary (4 memorial books) $ 92.00
Total $108.94