02-27-2017 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting
Monday, February 27, 2017
Present: Gerry Grinde, Mary Christensen, Jack Sandberg, Steve Bailey, Kristine Leuze, Julie Lofdahl,
Katy Hiltner, Ex -Officio
Excused: Dianne Wanzek
Review minutes from the January 23, 2017 meeting. Motion to approve Jack Sandberg, seconded Gerry
Grinde; Minutes APPROVED
Old Business:
One Book, One Community: Community Book Discussion program report
Expected 20-30 people and 81 people came. Program started with a short film that was put
together by the Weather Channel. Katy then led group in one big book discussion. It went well
but need to be sure to have a sound system next time.
Job Posting for Young Adult Librarian
Two applications have been received and candidates will be interviewed on Wednesday, March
1st. Katy wants a quick decision and hopes to have a librarian hired to start in March. The Teen
Bookmark program and the Art Journal Program will both be listed in the PRCE book for summer
Library Board Appointment — recommendation to Mayor due in March
Library Board members are recommending Kristine Leuze and Carolyn Ulrich for the open board
Strategic Plans/Goals
Jack gave notes with the question "What is the job of the board?" Are we an advisory board vs.
a governing board? What can we do vs. what should we do? Katy and Jack will be meeting to
discuss this more.
Katy has donated 2009 - 2012 Hutchinson Leaders to the Historical Society. This cleared one
shelf in the storage room for Sherry to use.
New Business:
One Book, One Community Upcoming Event
Sunday, March 12, 2:00 p.m. The Hinckley Firestorm: Could It Happen Today?
Location: Hutchinson Fire Hall
The Fire Chief will be speaking along with a DNR representative talking about wildfires.
Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
The Friends' annual meeting was on January 31st. The Friends group funds a number of library
projects. There is a core group of 3 members who sort through the book donations every week,
but there are many more who financially support the Friends of the Library and help with the
annual fall and spring book sales. Members of the Friends also help with the library's volunteer
thank you event. The board said they would help with this year's volunteer thank you so the
Friends can be acknowledged.
Senior Surf Class program report
A presenter from Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging did a class on basic computer skills on
February 23 for four people. Maybe at a later date the library can collaborate with the Senior
Center to do a class. The library would have to bring in laptops as the Senior Center no longer
has a computer lab.
Food for Fines
From March 6 -18 patrons may bring in can goods for the Food Shelf. For each food item, $1.00
will be taken off their fines up to $5. This is a goodwill program that the staff enjoys.
Pam Dille's retirement from Pioneerland Library System
Pam retired on March 1, 2017, from Pioneerland Library System.
Discussed the lack of parking and how it will be affected when Main Street is under
The construction of the school is looking good. The Tiger Path program will be a great way for
students to earn college credits while in high school. There will be college professors teaching
the program. This would be an opportunity for the library to bring in Darren Vanderheiden to
speak on the Tiger Path program.
Janousek building has been sold and the sign was given to Historic Hutchinson. It will be
remodeled into a beer and wine making supply store with apartment upstairs.
There is a new game shop opened on Main Street. They will be selling cards and board games.
They will be having tournaments where you pay $20 to participate.
Motion by Mary and seconded by Jack to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Julie Lofdahl, Secretary
Next meeting: March 27, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.
January 2017 Donations
Twice is Nice $ 150.00
Friends of the Hutchinson Public Library $5,284.49
(reimbursement for adult/YA audio books and DVDs)
Total $5,434.49