01-23-2017 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2017
Present: Dianne Wanzek, Steve Bailey, Jack Sandberg, Mary Christensen, Kristine Leuze, Julie Lofdahl,
Katy Hiltner Ex -Officio
Excused: Gerry Grinde
Reviewed minutes from the December 19, 2016 meeting. Motion to approve by Steve Bailey, seconded by Jack
Welcome to Kristine Leuze, new board member.
Old Business:
2017 Adult Winter Reading Program Update
To date, 207 people have signed up for the program. People are excited and there are many new participants.
Kay Johnson has given us great publicity in the Hutchinson Leader.
MN Loves Libraries Campaign
Campaign wrapped up Friday with 57 postcards for MN Library Legislative Day. Some of the comments on the
postcards were: convenient hours, library there for people even during holiday season. Katy would like to do a
display in February to show some of the comments.
The question of having a "coffee shop" was brought up. Katy is torn between being patron orientated and
keeping library clean. Now they cannot bring drinks from outside. If they have a drink, they need to leave it at
the front desk. Katy will talk with other head librarians to see what they do.
Posting for Young Adult Librarian
Position was posted internally through Friday. Job notice will be posted with the public for two weeks more. A
position of librarian is paid more than an assistant. If no one applies, may have to restructure position. Katy
and Sherry could take over the librarian part and have assistant doing part of program, but Katy wants it to be a
position for the teens and not as an afterthought.
Katy put job description as the "best" first. If no one applies, job description will be reevaluated. It was asked
how many teens participate. Katy said that last year there were 90+ for the summer reading program.
Library Board Appointments
Kristine has been appointed to fill the open board seat until April. At that time it is hoped she will want to be
reappointed for a full term. Steve and Julie were appointed for another three years. Jack has been appointed to
the Pioneerland Library Board.
The Library Board will submit recommendations to the City for the two open board seats by March.
Computer Replacement Project Funding
Cost of the computers were paid by reserve funds because of Pam Dille's budget planning. Hutchinson received
9 general computers, 2 catalog computers, 4 staff computers and 1 staff laptop.
City of Winsted did approve computer project, but did not give funds for the general library fund.
New Business:
Legacy Grant Projects
One Book One Community applied for funds to cover the cost of the book discussion, museum space, April 2nd
speaker and event center rental. Friends of the Library will supplement refreshments and Mary Henke applied
and received Thrivent funds.
Jack has a copy of book showing where Legacy Funds have gone. You can also search the Web to find
information about funding for Minnesota libraries. Jackie and Katy work together for Legacy funds as it is
county -wide program funding. Jackie is the Head Librarian of Glencoe/Brownton.
One Book, One Community Upcoming Event
Sunday, Feb. 12, 2:00 p.m. Community Book Discussion. Location: McLeod County Historical Society and
Museum. A short video will be shown on the Hinckley fire. There will be a lot to talk about.
National Library Week
Katy and Jackie are trying to coordinate an author program with Julie Klassen. Julie writes historical fiction and
is doing a book tour April 9 - 15 and will be in Renville County. This author visit will be paid with Legacy funds.
Federal and State Tax Forms
Forms are coming in batches, which is frustrating people. They are sending forms as they can. There are no
Minnesota forms. Library does offer printing services at .15 per copy for people to print forms from online for
those who do not have computers or cannot afford the ink cartridges.
Rotary Presentation
Kim Winter from Edward Jones asked Katy to give presentation. They had a lot of good questions. Katy stressed
that libraries are more than books. She also talked about the programing.
PLS Board Meeting:
Jack gave a report from the PLS Board Meeting. Representative from SAMMIE gave presentation. SAMMIE
helps to coordinate school, college, law, and public libraries. Also heads up continuing education for librarians.
Check out sammie.org. Hutchinson Library has used SAMMIE for teen program grants.
PLS Board approved budget for 2017 as a deficit budget. There was a lot of talk about intentional drawing down
on savings funds.
There is a new contract for telecommunication. The new company will save a couple thousand dollars. The
central hub is now in St. Paul instead of Willmar. ARVIG will allow individual libraries to keep internet service
running if Willmar goes down.
There was discussion of accomplishments of 2016. The strategic planning was not discussed.
Strategic Planning for Hutchinson:
Talk of doing strategic planning for our Library Board. Jack would be willing to take lead in working on this.
Storage is a problem area. Can copies of the Hutchinson Leader be moved to the museum? Are people charged
to look at them? Jack will call Katy to set up time to meet. Mary and Dianne are both willing to help.
Motion to adjourn by Mary, seconded Kristine ADJOURNED 5:30 pm
Next meeting: February 27, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Steve to run meeting as Dianne will be gone.
December 2016 Donations
Byron and Sherry Lund (printer/scanner) $300.00
Pat Ross and Family (memorial for Jon Ross) $500.00
TOPS No. MN 773 25.00
Total $825.00