12-20-2017 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, December 20, 2017 Call to Order — 3:00 p.m. In the absence of President Monty Morrow, Vice President Anthony Hanson called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Members present: Vice President Anthony Hanson; Commissioner Robert Wendorff; and Commissioner Don Martinez. Secretary Mark Girard was absent. Others present: General Manager Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora. 1. Conflict of Interest There were no conflicts of interest noted. 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements General Manager Carter and Jared Martig presented the financial statements. Jared Martig noted with the early meeting that there were a few estimates used. Everything is on track for the Electric Division. Gas Division shows a decrease from last year of $51 k, however there was a $236k payment received on the Lafayette improvements in Other Revenues in November 2016. General Manager Carter noted the Electric Division cash increased due to receiving $17M in bond proceeds. Electric Division is fairly consistent. General Manager Carter also mentioned there was a 37% increase in heating days. Jared Martig mentioned that there was $13M invested in short-term bonds. Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum -none 5. Communication a. City Administrator — Matt Jaunich- Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager —Absent ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — Starting on hotel site and will be setting up temporary power this week iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager — Continuing to work on units 6 & 7. Have some building modifications coming up; concrete foundation has to be cut- down and recapped, remove walls at Plant 1, remove old Tower water pump bases, replace underground 16 -inch pipes to 20 -inch. These projects will all be coming forth. Will be going out to get local bids to remove walls. Also working hard at Unit 8 to get the exciter project done for year-end. iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Manager- End of year v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager —End of year. c. Brenda Ewing, Human Resources — Nothing to report d. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to report e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Working on year-end. Auditors will be here January 29 ii. Will be having an on-site Cost of Service Study presentation January 17 at 3:30pm. Have extended an invitation to Matt Jaunich and City Council to attend. Location is yet to be determined. iii. Met with the PILOT committee this week. Made some minor wording changes to the amended draft resolution and the revisions were sent to the commission. iv. Next month need to look at reorganization and elect new officers v. Finished up benefits. 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Purpose of this Handbook ii. Surplus Property Policy (every 3 years) b. Approve Changes i. Section 1 — Introduction — as noted, adding clarity ii. Definitions — as noted, more current with terminology iii. Payments of HUC Payables — as noted, amending dates every year. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Martinez, to approve the policy changes as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Unfinished Business a. Update of Pack Gas Discussions Mr. Sebora noted there is nothing new from Heartland Corn. There has also been turnover at Nu -Ulm so there may be delays. Expecting to take longer. 8. New Business a. Approve 2018 Budget Mr. Carter spoke about the 2018 Budget. Mr. Carter pointed out in the Budget packet on page 71, 2016 is listed as a budget, these numbers are actual not budget I•• numbers. Last month Mr. Martinez mentioned to revisit the depreciation numbers, this was reviewed and has now been increased by $100k. Commissioner Hanson inquired about the 2018 pilot transfer. Mr. Carter noted the pilot would increase over the next 3 years phasing in a 4.5% increase. After further discussion, Mr. Carter looked at the commission for feedback on the presentation budget book. Last year there were more spreadsheets. This year it was designed to be more readable. Commissioner Hanson noted that he had talked with President Morrow and Secretary Girard and they are both pleased with the budget. Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff, to approve the 2018 Budget. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Moving 2018 Pay Grid Mr. Carter spoke about moving the 2018 Pay Grid. Every year inflation is considered so it can be determined if the pay grid is accurate. Brenda looked at indexes and it is recommended moving the pay grid 2%. This move does not affect performance but keeps up with the industry, inflation, and proper organizational structure. Mrs. Ewing noted the pay study was completed a couple years ago and this needs to be reviewed every few years. Commissioner Hanson inquired the timing for this to take place. Mr. Carter replied the 1St quarter in 2018. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Martinez, to approve Moving the 2018 Pay Grid. Motion carried unanimously. c. Conduct the Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager. Vice President Hanson introduced the agenda item, the General Manager's annual performance review. Hanson advised General Manager Jeremy Carter that he has the option to have the performance review conducted as either an open session or a closed session of the Utility Commission. Mr. Carter indicated his decision to have the review as part of a closed session. Commissioner Hanson entertained a motion to go into closed session to conduct the twelve-month (annual) performance review as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 3:32 p.m. 3 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Summary of Closed Meeting Proceedings General Manager Performance Appraisal Wednesday, December 20, 2017 On December 20, 2017, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission conducted a closed meeting for the annual performance appraisal for General Manager, Jeremy Carter. Individuals present included General Manager Jeremy Carter, Commission Members Anthony Hanson, Don Martinez and Bob Wendorff, City Attorney Marc Sebora, and City of Hutchinson Human Resources Director Brenda Ewing. Commissioners Monty Morrow and Mark Girard were absent. Mr. Carter exercised his right to close the proceedings to the public as permitted under Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(a). Motion by Martinez, second by Wendorff to go into closed session to conduct the General Manager's performance review. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission then proceeded into a closed session at 3:32 p.m. The Commission reviewed Mr. Carter's performance for the current calendar year. The review is required per the terms of the employment contract in place between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and General Manager Carter. Mr. Carter's performance was evaluated in the following areas: Organizational Management, Fiscal/Business Management, Program Development, Relationship & Communication with the Commission, Long -Range Planning, and Relationships with Public & Outside Organizations. The consensus of the Commission is that Mr. Carter's cumulative performance for the review period was found to be 4.31 on the rating scale of 0 — 5, and, per the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, is exceeding job requirements on the ratings scale. The employment contract between Hutchinson Utilities and Mr. Carter indicates that salary increases for the General Manager are subject to the provisions of the Compensation Plan section of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Exempt Employee Handbook. Motion by Wendorff, second by Martinez to approve a 2018 salary of $158,921.98, or a 6% annual increase of $8,995.58 over the 2017 salary. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Martinez, second by Wendorff to close the closed session. The motion passed unanimously. The Commission proceeded into open session at 4:30 p.m. Motion to adjourn by Wendorff, second by Martinez. The motio carried u nimously, and the meeting adjourned at 4:31 p.m. ar Girard, Secretary 4 --h ATTEST: Monty Morrow, Vieesident