03-06-2017 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board March 6, 2017 Members present were Don DeMeyer, Marsha Anderson, Liz Marcus, Tim Peterson, Chad Czmowski, Eric Westlund and Chris Wilke. Also present were Dolf Moon and Jody Harms The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm by Don DeMeyer. A motion was made by Don DeMeyer to approve minutes from December 5 meeting and was seconded by Marsha Anderson. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Aquatics Center: Project Update 1. Maggie Schroeder was hired on March 20 as the Aquatics Manager. 2. Interviews for Waterpark staff to be in mid to late April. NEW BUSINESS United Way Funding 1. Youth Scholarships - $2500 2. Senior Center newsletter, publications, and mailing expenses - $1500 3. Adaptive Recreation - $3000 BOARD MEMBER ITEMS • No items ADJOURNMENT • Motion made to adjourn by Tim Peterson and seconded by Chad Czmowski. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.