cp12-12-2017HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2017 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Hutchinson Evangelical Free Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals.) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of November 28, 2017 (b) Special Workshop of November 28, 2017 (c) Truth in Taxation Hearing of December 5, 2017 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14812 — Resolution Transferring Funds to 2017 Construction Fund and General Fund (b) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14813 — Resolution Transferring Funds to Finance 2017 Aquatic Center Construction Costs (c) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14814 — Resolution Amending 2017 General Fund Budget (d) Consideration for Approval of 2018 License Renewals (e) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DECEMBER 12, 2017 PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 8. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CENTURY AVENUE SE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 18-01) (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 14816 — Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications (b) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 14817 - Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids purpose o t is portion o t e agen a is to provi e the Councilwith information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 9. REVIEW OF TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING 10. REVIEW OF 2018 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES 11. REVIEW OF THE 2017 AQUATIC CENTER SEASON AND FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 12. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14815 — RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2018 FEE SCHEDULE 13. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14818 - RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A WELCOMING AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE (T e purpose of this portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 14. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS MISCELLANEOUS 15. STAFF UPDATES 16. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2017 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, John Lofdahl, Steve Cook and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted he would like to add an additional item to the agenda for consideration. Under NEW BUSINESS, he would like to add Resolution No. 14811 — Resolution to Sell Surplus City Property to sell a 1990 Zamboni ice resurfacer to Becker Arena Products, in the amount of $11, 250. Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Peace Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 14806 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donation from Elizabeth Corbid to Hutchinson Police Department for Law Enforcement Memorial Park Fund (b) Resolution No. 14807 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donation from Nu -Telecom for Hutchinson Police Department for Shop With a Cop Program Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve Resolution Nos. 14806 and 14807. Motion carried unanimously. Lofdahl thanked Red and Linda from the State Theater for donating the use of the theater for the second showing of Little Crow and Dakota War. 253 people attended and there has been a request to show the film for the third time. Forcier congratulated the Hutchinson High School girls swim team at state. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals.) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of November 14, 2017 (b) Special Workshop of November 14, 2017 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 28, 2017 Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Change Order No. 5 — Letting No. 6, Project No. 17-06 (Hotel Site Access Improvements) (b) Consideration for Approval of Agricultural Land Lease at Airport (c) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Item 7(b) was pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, to approve Consent Agenda I with the exception of the item noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(b). Per the request of Mayor Forcier, John Olson, Public Works Supervisor, presented before the Council. Olson explained there is roughly 110 acres of land that is owned by the airport. There are bids from different farmers to farm the land. The land represents 20% of income to the airport. Low growing crops and crops with low litter are planted as this field is close to the runway. This lease will be for six years as the farmer will be planting a hay crop. Rent has been reduced for this lease. The University of Minnesota Extension researches average rents for all of the counties in Minnesota. The airport watches and trends the rent in McLeod County. Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, to approve Item 7(b). Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda IL Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. PUBLIC HEARING TO PROVIDE CITIZEN INPUT PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND GRANT APPLICATION TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT — 6:00 P.M. Miles Seppelt, Economic Development Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt explained a bit about the company, UPONOR, and the projects planned since the acquisition of the building. UPONOR will begin converting the building for production and create green space to differentiate their property from the existing neighboring buildings. This will be completed in 2018. Mr. Seppelt asked the Council to consider assisting UPONOR with establishing business operations in the City of Hutchinson through the application made to the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development for funding from the 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 28, 2017 Minnesota Investment Fund. Before applying, it is required that a public hearing be held on the project. The purpose of the public hearing is to solicit public input on the project prior to staff submitting the completed Minnesota Investment Fund application. The City of Hutchinson would receive the grant and then borrow the money to UPONOR with the possibility of forgiving the loan. No public comments were received. Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14803 — Resolution for Authorization to Apply to Minnesota Investment Fund on behalf of UPONOR. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ALLEY 917 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 15, PROJECT NO. 17-15) — 6:00 P.M. Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that City staff administered a neighborhood meeting on Thursday, November 21, with property owners adjacent to the proposed alley project. Four property owners have identified this alley for improvements as the result of a petition. Mr. Exner also explained per the City's Assessment Policy, the assessment rate and corresponding amounts may change based on the actual construction bid/costs and/or City Council approvals. Mr. Exner asked the City Council to approve Resolution 14809 — Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications. Council Member Cook questioned the assessment fees, $83/linear foot for alleys as opposed to $80/linear foot for street improvements. Mr. Jaunich explained based on the City policy relating to alley improvement costs, the City prioritizes city streets over alleys and this is the reason for the cost difference. Mr. Exner agreed to move forward and look at blacktop options rather than concrete if the Council approves this resolution. This would allow the City to look at the assessment costs again. No public comments were received. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Cook, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to approve Resolution No. 14809 — Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications. Motion carried unanimously. 11. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE EXPENDITURE OF BOND -FINANCED PROJECT SALE PROCEEDS — 7:00 P.M. Berit Spores, representative of Ecumen, presented before the Council. Ms. Spores explained that Ecumen plans to sell a facility in Chisago City. The facility was financed in part by tax- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 28, 2017 exempt bonds issued by another city. In order to preserve the tax-exempt status of those bonds, it is necessary for Ecumen to expend the proceeds of the sale within two years of the date of the sale on qualifying capital expenditures with respect to other facilities. Proceeds of the sale in the amount of approximately $750,000 are planned to be expended to make capital improvements to the The Oaks, located at 945 Century Avenue SW and The Pines, located at 1015 Century Avenue SW, primarily consisting of the enhancement of interior and exterior features including new siding, windows, shutters and carpet. No public comments were received. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14808 — Resolution Consenting to and Approving the Expenditure of Sale Proceeds for Projects in Hutchinson. Motion carried unanimously. lVIlV"ICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS purpose o this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 12. UPDATE BY HUTCHINSON ELKS ON INCLUSIVE PARK PROJECT Tammy Lehn - 237 4t' Avenue NE; Paul Ackland - 167 Elk Drive SE; Pat May - 645 Glen Street SW, all representatives of Elks Park, presented before the Council. Mr. Ackland gave an update of where the finances are for Phase 3 of the Inclusive Park Project. Mr. Ackland also expressed concern of the parking issue at the Inclusive Park. The Elks representatives presented a plan for off-street parking at the park. The Elks would like the City to consider approving the plan as well as financing the plan. The Council agreed that off-street parking is something that the Resource Allocation Committee should look at. City Engineer Kent Exner agreed to look at the plan and incorporate the project into the funding as well as look at a trail or sidewalk along Sherwood Street connecting to Century Avenue. Mr. May expressed how proud he is to be part of the community and thanked the City of Hutchinson for doing a lot to support the Inclusive Park Project. 13. TRUNK HIGHWAY 15 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT UPDATE PRESENTATION BY PROJECT CONSULTANT John Rodeberg, SEH Consulting, presented before the Council. Mr. Rodeberg provided a project development update and was available to address related questions or clarifications. 14. REVIEW OF THE CREATION OF A CITY SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE John Paulson, Environmental Specialist, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson explained that the City of Hutchinson has a long history of implementing sustainable projects, programs and practices. The City's leadership and involvement in programs like Tree City, Bicycle Friendly Communities, and GreenStep Cities are examples of the City's continued commitment to being sustainable. Mr. Paulson continued by reminding the Council there are two City boards, Creekside Advisory and Tree Board, that have been meeting 3-4 times per year. City staff met with both boards in 2017 to solicit their input regarding the idea of creating a new City Sustainability Committee that would include topics that are covered by their respective boards. By expanding the scope of topics to include items like energy, stormwater, natural resources, leaf collection, etc., the new committee .19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 28, 2017 would have regularly scheduled meetings that would encompass sustainability concepts across the City. Council Member Cook asked if there would be a representative from Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Per Mr. Paulson, Hutchinson Utilities Commission General Manager, Jeremy Carter, responded with interest. Mr. Paulson made mention of incorporating a student from Hutchinson High School. Mr. Jaunich advised the Council that Hutchinson High School is looking at the possibility of requiring internships and this could fit in that requirement. Mr. Jaunich informed the Council that committees and boards have been approved by ordinance in the past. This is just a communication item. If this moves forward, an ordinance will be created to disassemble and recreate the boards and brought before Council in December. 15. DISCUSSION ON POLICY RELATED TO ALLEY IMPROVEMENT COSTS Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich informed the Council that Council Member Cook has requested they have a discussion on the City's policy related to alley improvement costs. Jaunich reminded the Council of the differences within the policy when it comes to petition driven improvements versus non -petition driven. The assessment policy differentiates between alleys and regular streets/roadways when it comes to how they are assessed. Kent Exner, City Engineer, stated alley improvements are very different as it is unknown what the drainage and piping will be once the project has started. The current policy has been very successful. The City is not looking for alleys to improve and will remain reactive with the Council and petitions and trusting the Resource Allocation Committee. John Olson, Public Works Manager, stated that alleys are at a different level of assessment as these properties receive services on both the front and back of the property. The City of Hutchinson has approximately 65 alleys. Andy Reid, Finance Director, stated if there is no storm water infrastructure being put in place, it is difficult to use storm water funds. Reid also agreed with the current process of estimating conservatively. Council Member Cook suggested to reduce the bonding dollars and be consistently fair with all of the projects or reduce all project fees. Council Member Lofdahl suggested establishing the fees at the public hearing by setting the engineer's estimate. Exner agreed and stated it is best to have a conservative number to begin with and hopefully decrease all the fees in the end. Cook suggested added verbiage that the costs could change. Per Exner, when rates are set up front, and this is communicated to the resident, residents develop a comfort level of the project and projects are completed. Exner asked if the design could be created and then the final plan can be presented before Council and go out for bids, then the cost for property owners and City can be presented. Jaunich stated the City values the streets over alleys and this is why assessments are higher with the alleys. He also reminded the Council their role is to bring up polices set in place and review them to make sure what is in place is the best. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 16. APPROVE/DENY PROVIDING FUNDING TO MCLEOD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before council. Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council this item was originally discussed at the September 12, 2017, meeting. The motion to provide funding at that time did not pass on a 2-2 vote. Council Members Cook and Christensen asked that this item be brought back to the Council for reconsideration. At the September 12th meeting, there was a conversation on seeing what other cities are doing in regards to funding the Historical Society. Since that time, according to Lori Pickell-Stangel, MCHS Executive Director, the cities of Plato, Silver Lake, Stewart, Brownton, Lester Prairie and Biscay have all agreed to assist in the funding of the Museum for 2018. Glencoe has voted against it and Biscay and Winsted have not acted on it yet. Ms. Pickel-Stangel was available for the Council to answer questions. She reminded the Council that lawn care at the McLeod County Historical Museum used to done by the City of Hutchinson. The City of Hutchinson discontinued that service a few years ago, but has provided $1500 yearly to help the museum contract for the service. However, Ms. Pickel-Stangel was informed that 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 28, 2017 payment will be discontinued after this year. Matt Jaunich informed the Council that this is being done because the Council never approved the payment. Ms. Pickel-Stangel also informed the Council that she is working on a grant -assisted project for new windows and HVAC system. Council Member Czmowski asked what the Historical Society has available for additional operating reserves. Ms. Pickel-Stangel replied there is no additional operating reserve. Czmowski referenced the $659.00 income from admissions at an average of $2.00 per person which is 340 people (county -wide) that saw the value to pay the admissions fee. Pickel-Stangel informed the Council this is what was collected, there may have been donations in the donation box. Students and members get in for free and general admission fees are not enforced. Ms. Pickel-Stangel advised the Council if they gave $.50/resident it would be $6,944.00, $.65/resident would be $9027.20, and $.60/resident would be $8332.00. Jaunich reminded the Council of Minnesota Statute 471.93 which indicates that money can be given for a specific project. Minnesota State Statute 138.053 allows the City to donate from the general fund. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen to appannurove providing funding to McLeod County 00 / Historical Society in the amount of $7,500.ally from the general fund under Minnesota Statute 138.053. Roll call vote was taken: Christensen — aye; Lofdahl — aye; Cook — aye; Czmowski — nay; Forcier — nay. Motion carried 3-2. NEW BUSINESS 17. APPROVE/DENY CENTURY AVENUE SE FEDERAL AID PROJECT MEMORANDUM SUBMITTAL Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before Council and provided an overview on the federal aid project delivery requirements and the project memorandum for the Century Avenue SE reconstruction project. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to approve Century Avenue SE Federal Aid Project Memorandum Submittal. Motion carried unanimously. 17.5. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14811 — RESOLUTION TO SELL SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14811. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (Thep urpose o,777 is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 18. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for October 2017 (b) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from October 16, 2017 MISCELLANEOUS rol CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -NOVEMBER 28, 2017 19. STAFF UPDATES Kent Exner — City Engineer Exner reminded the Council that the Second Ave Bridge documents are posted and the bid opening ise scheduled for Thursday December 21, 2017. Marc Sebora—Mr. Sebora noted that a Charter Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2017, at 5:30 pm. Three new members have been appointed by the Chief Judge of the district and will be sworn in at the meeting. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council of the Truth and Taxation hearing Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. Forcier, Cook and Jaunich have met with Hutchinson Health administration during their transition regarding the net present value of the City's lease with the hospital. This will be ongoing for the next couple of months. 20. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Steve Cook — Council Member Cook noted that there has seen miscellaneous leaf piles at the curb. Kent Exner stated that he is aware of this and has communicated with property owners that the leaf vacuum service has been completed. Staff will make one more round and pick up the leaves and account for the costs. Residents were informed of the possibility of extra fees. Cook also made comments about the benefits of the wider sidewalk with the Highway 15 project. Cook asked about changing the date of the last Council meeting in December. The Council agreed to leave the meeting as originally scheduled on Tuesday, December 26, 2017. John Lofdahl — Council Member Lofdahl handed out a copy of a Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities policy change as well as a draft of a Resolution in Support of a Welcoming and Inclusive Community. He noted that Legislative Action Day is March 14, 2018 in St. Paul for the Coalition. Gary Forcier — Mayor Forcier noted that Elvin Homan was formally awarded the Knight of Legion of Honor medal from French Consul General Guillaume Lacroix. This is the highest ranking distinction that exists in France. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor 7 Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2017, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. Members present included Mary Christensen, John Lofdahl and Steve Cook. Others present were: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator; Marc Sebora, City Attorney; Kent Exner, City Engineer; Andy Reid, Finance Director; Dolf Moon, PRCE Director. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 2. Library Square Signage and Funding for the Center for the Arts Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. At the September 26, 2017, Council meeting, there was a request to place a dynamic sign in Library Square to help in the promoting of events that take place within the park and potentially throughout the community. Mr. Jaunich noted that when considering this request, there are two key items that need to be kept in mind. One, the request is to put a sign on city -owned property. Secondly, the City currently has an ordinance in place that prohibits this type of sign at the proposed location. Both of these items would have to be addressed if there is a desire to allow these types of signs in Library Square. It is assumed the dynamic sign would replace the current banner signs that are placed within Library Square when an event is taking place. Mayor Forcier opened the podium up to the attendees if they have new items or new ideas for the proposed sign. Valerie Mackenthun, Betsy Price, Kayla Alexander, and Jim Fahey were present representing the group proposing the sign. Mackenthun informed the Council the sign would not display community events rather just the events at Library Square. When the sign is not in use for Library Square events, it would be used for the purpose of Hutchinson history, i.e. Facts about the Hutchinson Brothers or prior musical street names in Hutchinson. Fahey informed the Council that Historic Hutchinson wants this sign to closely resemble current historic signage and leave the location up to City staff. Ideally, the sign would not have an electronic sign look and would prefer the City of Hutchinson have input on the look. The intention is to change the verbiage on the sign daily, not necessarily every second or minute. Council Member Christensen confirmed the signage would be specific to the events at Library Square and the Council would work with Historic Hutchinson on the policy for sign verbiage. Dan Jochum, Planning Director, asked how the sign at the corner of Hwy 7 and Hwy 15 worked as that sign is on City property as well and displays community events. Jaunich reminded the Council that it is the Council's decision whether the sign is placed and how the sign is used. Council Member Lofdahl expressed his interest in seeing what the sign would look like and that the sign does not have an electronic sign look. Price stated they have yet to find a sign that resembles what they envision. Price also mentioned Historic Hutchinson and Riversong would own the sign and would work on a franchise agreement. Jaunich replied the franchise agreement would still have to comply with the zoning district. The Council addressed through the ordinance that a sign is not allowed at this location. Mayor Forcier, whose son owns a sign shop, noted that he believes he does not have a conflict of interest on this topic. He suggested that Historic Hutchinson work with Crow River Signs to make the sign look historic and resemble the existing signage. Jaunich confirmed per Marc Sebora, City Attorney, in order for there to be conflict of interest, one would have to benefit from the said subject. Attorney Sebora informed the Council if the sign is on City property and a franchise agreement is created, the agreement would have to clearly state what type of message, how long, who is responsible for maintenance and electric bill of the sign and who from the City would monitor the sign. Jaunich agreed that if a digital sign is allowed, the ordinance would have to be changed and the City would regulate the provisions and use of the sign. Council Member Lofdahl questioned if Historic Hutchinson and Riversong own the sign and there is a franchise agreement, could there be issues of freedom of speech? Jaunich responded that if the events were held in Library Square, then yes, they would have the right to use the sign. Sebora added the franchise agreement would need to use the same verbiage as the ordinance. Cook agreed with Lofdahl's comment about seeing the actual sign. With his research on these signs, other communities have not allowed them because they do not fit the historic look. Czmowski suggested allowing downtown businesses to use electronic signs. Christensen said she has had feedback from some saying they would be okay with a sign, depending on the look of the sign and others would rather not see a sign in Library Square, ever. Sandi McCormick, 120 Grove Street SW, spoke before the Council. McCormick informed the Council that the City of Hutchinson does not own Library Square. In the 1850's, Library Square was dedicated to the citizens on the south half of Hutchinson and held in a trust by the City government. The Hutchinson brothers wanted the park to be an open space, with nothing in it, for the people to enjoy. McCormick referenced Hadley vs. Northfield (MN) which states what you can and cannot do in a city park. She feels Historic Hutchinson should familiarize themselves with the history and the law of the park system, including North Park and South Park. Cook acknowledged the sign three blocks north that could be used and suggested adding a digital sign on the south side of Hutchinson. Jaunich reminded the Council the purpose of the workshop was to get direction from the Council. At this time, staff has not been provided direction to draft an ordinance. Czmowksi suggested adding this topic on a future agenda. 3. Public Arts Funding Mr. Jaunich explained that Council Member Cook asked for this item to be part of the workshop meeting so the Council could discuss the possibility of an extra contribution to the Center for the Arts. Jaunich noted that at the August 8, 2017, Council meeting the Council approved extending its membership with the Center for the Arts for three years at $15,000 a year. At that same time, discussion was held on a possible additional $5,000 to the Center for the Arts to help fund an addition or special "project". A couple of ideas were discussed at the meeting and direction was given to the Council to provide feedback to the Director of the Center for the Arts on what programming areas the Council would like to see the potential additional $5,000 go to. An item of interest at that time was something related to art education since the school district had cut that at the middle school level. Lisa Bergh, Center for the Arts Executive Director, presented before the Council. Bergh explained a possible community public art project that would be a series of poetry or writing workshops led by poets and educators for youth, teens, adults and seniors. The placement of community created poems presented via signs, temporary murals, and movable, temporary "sandwich" boards. Bergh is asking for $5,000.00. $1,000.00 for stipends for writers to lead workshops, $1,000.00 for marketing workshops and final projects, $3,000.00 for materials to create signs and murals. The funding would also allow these workshops to be free. Bergh is hoping for the City's assistance in placing the signs. Bergh feels this project is a good way to connect and build community through art projects developed and created by local residents. Council Member Cook asked how long of a project this would be. Bergh is hoping this project would be one year. Council Member Czmowski asked Bergh if she has looked into business sponsorships. Bergh replied she has not as she wanted to save time by seeking assistance by one location, the City. Jaunich reminded the Council of the Truth and Taxation hearing on Tuesday, December 5 and that additional budget items could be considered at the December 12th Council meeting. Funding for the Center for Arts may be placed on the December 12"' agenda. 4. Adjournment Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to adjourn the workshop at 5:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator MINUTES CITY COUNCIL TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DECEMBER 5, 2017 CALL TO ORDER — 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Mayor Gary Forcier, Steve Cook, Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski and John Lofdahl Others present: Andy Reid, Finance Director and Matt Jaunich, City Administrator 2. TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING Mayor Forcier opened the hearing at 6:00 p.m. Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained the budget process the City has used to date. Four work sessions have been held over the past seven months. The Council adopted the preliminary budget and tax levy in September and last month truth in taxation notices were mailed to all City property owners. Mr. Jaunich explained the purpose for tonight's hearing is to enhance public participation in the property tax system by allowing a public forum to discuss the budget, discuss the proposed tax levy, explain the increases and hear public comments and questions on the budget and tax levy. If the hearing needs to be continued it will be continued at the next Council meeting on December 12, 2017, and the final budget and tax levy is expected to be adopted by the Council on December 26, 2017. Mr. Jaunich noted that at tonight's hearing the Council discusses the City's share of citizens' total 2018 proposed tax bill, not property valuations. Mr. Jaunich briefly explained market valuations and how they relate to a property's tax. Mr. Jaunich also explained that the preliminary budget set in September showed a tax increase of 3.4% and included a balanced budget. The revised budget has reduced the tax levy increase to 2.9% while maintaining a balanced budget. The City has adjusted its revenue projections and eliminated roughly $62,641 in expenses since its preliminary budget was adopted in September. Hutchinson's 2017 average City tax rate ranked the second lowest in McLeod County and is the fourth highest among other outstate regional centers. Hutchinson is the lowest of all outstate regional centers for the poverty level, 3rd highest of all outstate regional centers for median household income, 7d' highest of all outstate regional centers for median home value and is the third lowest of all outstate regional centers in LGA payments. These statistics are among 19 outstate regional centers. The 2018 state-wide proposed property tax increase of cities is 6.8%. Mr. Jaunich reviewed Minnesota'sproperty tax system and how it is based off of five components, those beim: local property tax levies (city, school district, county, etc.), property tax classification rates (ranges from 0.25% to 2.0% - set by the state), property value (based off of property sales and is set by the county assessor), tax credits (only certain propertiesgget this) and state general tax (set by the state and assigned to mainly commerciatindustrial properties). Hutchinson's property tax rate is set by taking the city's tax levy and dividing it by its total tax capacity. Tax capacity is determined by multiplying a property's market value by its classification rate. Mr. Jaunich then explained how the City's portion of a proposed tax bill is determined. Mr. Jaunich also explained the homestead exclusion and market value history. Mr. Jaunich also reviewed the various reasons property taxes can vary from year to year. Mr. Jaunich then reviewed the City's mission statement and six core areas of focus, which include public safety; health & recreation; transportation; economic development; environment and good government. Mr. Jaunich reviewed the proposed tax levies for 2018 which includes a 2.9% increase for the City's portion and a 3.8% increase for the EDA levy and a 3.0% increase for the HRA levy, for a total tax impact increase of 2.9%. Mr. Jaunich reviewed the 2018 debt levy and the tax levy comparison since 2011. Mr. Jaunich provided a tax bill breakdown between the City, McLeod County, ISD 9423, EDA, HRA and Region 6E. The proposed 2018 tax levy includes the third straight year of an increase in the general fund portion of the levy since 2011. The proposed 2018 tax levy includes the second year of a 0% increase to the debt fund portion of the levy since 2013 and it is not expected to increase again until 2023. Compared to 2011, the City's total tax levy has increased by 12.7%. The average annual tax levy increase since 2011 has been 1.7%. The 2018 city tax levy accounts for a per capita tax of $506, which is up from $491 in 2017. Mr. Jaunich reviewed the general fund revenues and expenses. Mr. Jaunich explained that the general fund revenues include property taxes, other taxes, licenses & permits, intergovernmental revenue, charges for service, fines & forfeitures, miscellaneous revenue, transfers-in and fund balance. There is a total increase in general fund revenues of 4.9% from 2017. Mr. Jaunich also spoke about local government aid and the variables used in LGA calculations, such as: pre-1940 housing units, housing units 1940-1970, total housing units, household sizes, number of employees, peak population decline, sparsity adjustment and tax effort rate. Mr. Jaunich noted additional facts on general fund revenues including: general fund revenues include a 4.2% tax levy increase, property taxes account for 38% of the general fund revenues, general fund revenues include an increase of the transfer from the HUC in the amount of $210,520, the general fund includes an increase in local government aid in the amount of $100,252, have included a 15.5% increase in building permit revenue, expecting most of the other revenue sources to remain relatively flat, and a 1% tax levy increase to the general fund is equivalent to $47,518. Total general fund exjpenses are comprised of wages & benefits, supplies, services & charges, miscellaneous expenses, transfers-out and capital outlay. Mr. Jaunich explained that wages & benefits increased 6.4% in 2018 and include performance and other annual adjustments and additional staff. Public safety accounts for 33.9% of Seneral fund, 25.1% is general government, 23.1% is culture and recreation, 16.0% is streets and highway and 1.9% is miscellaneous. Mr. Jaunich noted that wages and benefits account for 67% of general fund expenses and is the largest expense in the general fund. Inflation and other miscellaneous costs make up the additional increases. The 2018 budgeted expenses are balanced with revenues. Mr. Jaunich then reviewed the enterprise funds — consisting of the liquor, compost, refuse, water, sewer and stormwater funds. All of these funds are cash flowing and are healthy funds. Mr. Jaunich noted that the Liquor Hutch and Creekside continue to do well and will contribute $610,000 to the general fund in 2018. There will be no increases in garbage, water and sewer rates. All enterprise funds continue to have healthy fund balances. There will be a slight rate increase to stormwater rates of 3%. Transfers to the general fund from the enterprise funds will be at $785,000 in 2018. Total enterprise money is $2,362,895 when HUC money is included. Mr. Jaunich reviewed the 2018 capital improvement plan and debt management plan. The capital improvement plan is made up of infrastructure, park & recreation, enterprise funds, public works, public safety, and general government. Funds for the CIP come from new debt, aid/grants, enterprise funds, taxes, special assessments and special funds/reserves. Major capital items included in the capital plan are: South Central Trunk Storm Sewer project, Northwoods/Spruce/Ild' Avenue, Century Avenue, 2nd Avenue Bridge, new airport hangar, various equipment/fleet vehicle replacements and facility upgrades. The debt management plan has a target debt levy at $2.6 million. The 2018 debt management plan includes the changes from May of 2016 which increased the City's targeted limit from $2.2 million to $2.6 million; the City's new project limit is $1.9 million up from $1.5 million, after a 5% levy increase in 2015 and a 1% increase in 2016, the City is budgeting for a 0% increase for the second straight year, the city is not expecting a debt levy increase again until 2023. Mr. Jaunich noted that the two main factors behind the levy increase are that the general wage and benefit increases are expected to cost $313,373 (health insurance costs expected to increase by over $113,000) and new positions and changes/increased staff hours are expected to cost $207,707. A reminder that a 1% levy increase is equal to $69,518. There are no significant staffing cuts and/or changes in service. The City is adding staff to meet new demands of the public and to deal with impacts from the State. Staffing costs and capital needs are the biggest driver of the City's budget. Fund balances continue to remain high and the fiscal condition of the city is healthy. The State's budget forecasts have gotten weaker with a $188 million projected deficit, yet there shouldn't be any fiscal restraints at the State that would impact the City. Home values continue to increase and the local economy has improved and remains stable from the recession years. General discussion was held on the proposed staff additions and the necessity of them in the major departments. No public comments were received. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to close public hearing at 6:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN Following the public hearing, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator From: Steve Cook <stevecook728@gmail.com> Date: September 6, 2017 at 4:36:39 PM CDT To: hkfroem@hutchtel.net, "Mary Behrens (prairieacres@gmail.com)" <prairieacres@gmail.com>, christensendairy@hotmail.com, jggillard6@gmail.com, tony.hausladen@tds.net, nissen7@yahoo.com, tjolson@embargmail.com, krs_02@hotmail.com, thaag@midwestmachineryco.com Cc: Doug. Kruger@co. mcleod.mn.us, Joseph.Nagel@co.mcloed.mn.us, Paul Wright <Paul.Wright@co.mcleod.mn.us>, Ron.Shimanski@co.mcleod.mn.us, Rich.Pollmeier@co.mcleod.mn.us, Kent Exner <kexner@ci.hutchinson.mn.us>, John Brunkhorst <John.Brunkhorst@co.mcleod.mn.us>, Matt Jaunich <mjaunich@ci.hutchinson.mn.us>, Pat.Melvin@co.mcleod.mn.us, Al Koglin <AI.Koglin@co.mcleod.mn.us>, scook@ci.hutchinson.mn.us Subject: Horse Trail Discussion and Other Thoughts. Do Not Forward or Reply. Dear Trail Committee Members, I don't want to create an email discussion going back and forth, but I wanted to share some thoughts about the horse trail discussions that we have been having. Please understand that I am supportive of providing opportunities for horseback riders and I have talked to our local DNR a number of times about trail improvements over the last few years. However, instead of being limited to information provided to us that presents things only in the worst possible light and makes it sound like everything is wrong, I think it would be helpful to share a truer picture of what has been taking place and what is available. Hopefully this is helpful, especially for those on the committee who have little or no real knowledge of trails and the Luce Line in particular. Hopefully it also helps to put things in perspective for everyone. First, the DNR has been getting a bad rap on the horse trail along the Luce Line Trail and they are not getting credit for the efforts they are making. I think including a parallel trail as part of the paving project is a testament to their desire to continue to provide opportunities for horseback riders even though the numbers of trail riders in this area has not historically been all that great. Local numbers lend credence to that when only 29 horse trail passes were sold in McLeod County in 2012, which was when the trail was still gravel and two years before any work on the paving project began. In 2016 the number of trail passes sold was up slightly to 37. Remember that the horse pass goes with the person, not the horse.The local DNR has even applied for, and received, a couple of grants to help make improvements and will likely apply for additional grants. The small amount of horseback use on the Luce Line over the years has been observed by a number of people involved with the trail in different capacities. A horse owner/trail rider who lives along the trail told me the same thing. This person even questioned the discussions taking place about mowing because when they go west to ride on other trails they are often riding through taller grass. They also suggested that if riders used the trail more often that would help keep the growth down. Second, natural surfaces for horse trails are the the norm, whether state trails or at regional parks managed by other entities. Even the limestone Luce Line east of McLeod County has a separate, natural surfaced parallel horse trail and it is posted that horses are not allowed on the limestone surface. It is probably not unusual or unexpected that developing new, natural surface trails and getting them established will take some time because they typically pass through areas of varying terrain and conditions. As far as the new horse trail along the paved Luce Line, in McLeod County, 2016 was basically its first year because the main trail was not paved until the fall of 2015. However, opportunities to work on the trail were significantly limited in 2016 because that summer was one of the wettest ever. That said by last fall a lot of the trail was in pretty good shape and the DNR made improvements in several areas, including one that was done with the help of the Backwoods Horseman. This year work on the trail has continued and additional improvements are being made. Just to be clear the trail has been mowed several times by the DNR this year. Also, as was mentioned, the County recently mowed the trail east of Hutchinson to Winsted through an agreement with the DNR. Without that partnership I'm sure the DNR would have mowed the trail around that same time, if not sooner, but it wouldn't make sense with the county's help being planned. As part of the county's effort the trail was widened along that entire route to about ten feet or even more in some areas. The widened trail should make the trail nicer to use and easier for the DNR to maintain. It may even create another opportunity for snowmobiles in the winter. Finally, since the county did not mow the section of trail west of Hutchinson to County Rd 115 the DNR took care of that. 5. At our last meeting we heard a complaint about the horse trail shifting from one side of the main trail to the other. However, this is not uncommon on state trails or in regional parks with paved trails and horse trails. It is also important to understand that the DNR did this purposely to provide the best path possible for the horse enthusiasts. As a result a lot of the horse trail is at the same grade, slightly lower, slightly higher or even much higher than the main trail. Locations for the crossings provide easy access and it is not accurate to give the impression that users need to go up or down a ditch to cross the trail. In reality, the majority of horse trail crossings & access points are at grade or have gentle slopes to and from the main trail. In locations where the grade difference is more significant, the DNR brought in fill and installed ramps to make it easier and safer for horses and their riders. Where needed those areas will see some additional work as well. So, again, the trail is a work in progress. Will improvements take time? Sure, but developing any new trail takes time and it will get better over time. If trail users gave the local DNR more specific information of problem areas that would help, too. Will there be times when weather conditions or maintenance issues limit trail usage? Of course, but that is no different than what takes place with snowmobile, ATV, cross-country ski, mountain biking, other horse trails and even multi -use paved trails. Plus, it is important to remember there are other alternatives for horseback riders right in this area. For example the Luce Line west of County Rd 115 to Cedar Mills provides 5.5 miles of gravel base and then the 10 miles from Cedar Mills to Cosmos has a grass/natural base. Both of these sections travel on the original rail bed so they have a firm, established base and stay above any adjacent wetlands. In addition, as has been pointed out, in the near future the DNR will be announcing the availability of another 5.5 miles of horse trails at Greenleaf State Rec Area. If you add it all up around 41 miles of horse trail will be available in the county and nearby area. Additional opportunities are also available at various regional parks in adjacent counties. So is there really a need to discuss adding more on the Dakota, especially when funding for it is unlikely (see below)? Or would horseback riders and other interested parties be better served by working with the DNR to help make improvements on the existing trails and see where there may be possibilities to help with maintenance. Other groups do that to various degrees. It might also be helpful to understand that the Dakota has never been maintained for horseback use or really anything except for snowmobiling since the last railroad used the line in 2001. Finally, I think Mr. Royer (State Parks & Trails Legacy Advisory Committee member) made it pretty clear that a limestone/gravel based Dakota Trail would not score as high as other projects that came before them. As a result it likely would not receive Legacy funding. A person I know affiliated with the GMRPTC said they would have voted against giving the trail the regional designation if it was not going to be paved. This person echoed Mr Royer's comment that it is about accessibility, connectivity and serving the most people and unpaved surfaces on multi -use trails limit the amount of use and the accessibility to a broad range of users and uses. Connecting to and extending the existing paved Dakota in Hennepin and Carver Counties and to the Luce Line is part of that, too. All of this is no different than what trail committee members who are trail users have tried to explain at committee meetings. If members of the trail committee still don't believe that receiving Legacy funding for the Dakota with a limestone/gravel surface is unlikely then the committee should ask the county board to get some answers from the GMRPTC so that we can move forward in a more productive manner. This constant back and forth, going over the same things time and again is not serving anyone well. For what it's worth. See you at our next meeting. Steve HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ct=yf� Request for Board Action 7AL =-a Agenda Item: Resolution 14812 Transfer Funds to 2017 Construction Fund and General Fund Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 3 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: This resolution identifies the following transfers of monies related to the 2017 street projects: 1) Transfers from the Water, Sewer and Storm Water funds to the 2017 construction fund to finance a portion of the project costs related to enterprise fund infrastructure installed during the roadway improvement projects. 2) A transfer from the 2004 G.O. Tax Increment Refunding Debt fund to the 2017 construction fund to help finance the City's costs of the Hwy 7 & 15 Hotel site access road. 3) A transfer from the Capital Projects fund (Miscellaneous Infrastructure Maintenance plan) to finance the City's share of improvements made to alleys #36 and #52. 3) Transfers from the 2017 construction fund to the general fund to cover operating expenses for engineering and project administration. 4) A transfer from the 2017 construction fund to the capital projects fund for future comprehensive plan updates and other city planning needs. 5) A transfer from the Storm Water fund to finance baseball field improvements necessary due to the potential Linden Park storm water retention pond project. The improvements are being made in advance with the anticipated loss of existing baseball fields due to the pond project. All transfers in this resolution were reviewed by Public Works, Finance and Administration and presented to the Resource Allocation Committee as the annual improvement projects were discussed. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve fund transfers per Resolution 14812. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14812 TRANSFERRING FROM WATER, SEWER, STORM WATER, CAPITAL PROJECTS, AND 2004 TAX INCREMENT REFUNDING DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TO THE 2017 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND AND FROM THE 2017 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND & CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS FOR ENGINEERING AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATION FEES AND FROM THE STORM WATER FUND TO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR FINANCING BASEBALL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT, $291,635 is hereby transferred from the Water Fund to the 2017 Construction Fund. THAT, $24,884 is hereby transferred from the Sewer Fund to the 2017 Construction Fund. THAT, $173,814 is hereby transferred from the Storm Water Fund to the 2017 Construction THAT, $50,000 is hereby transferred from the 2004 G.O. Tax Increment Refunding Debt Service Fund to the 2017 Construction Fund. THAT, $84,102 is hereby transferred from the Capital Projects Fund (Miscellaneous Infrastructure Maintenance Plan) to the 2017 Construction Fund. THAT, $364,594 is hereby transferred from the 2017 Construction Fund to the General Fund for Engineering Fees. THAT, $72,919 is hereby transferred from the 2017 Construction Fund to the General Fund for Project Administration Fees. THAT, $72,919 is hereby transferred from the 2017 Construction Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the purpose of Comprehensive Planning and other planning needs. THAT, $125,000 is hereby transferred from the Storm Water fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the purpose of financing baseball field improvements necessary due to the Linden Park storm water retention pond project. THAT, said transfers are hereby effective and apply to the 2017 fiscal year. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2017. ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Ls Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Resolution 14813 Transfer Funds to Finance 2017 Aquatic Center Construction Costs Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 3 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The attached resolution transfers reserve funds from the Community Improvement and General funds to the Capital Projects fund to finance the final Aquatic Center construction incurred in 2017. The Capital Projects fund is accounting for all of the project costs and will run into a significant cash deficit if the transfers are not made. The final funding sources are as follows: 2016 Funding 2017 Funding Total Funding Community Improvement Fund $1,500,000 $1,250,000 $2,750,000 Capital Projects Fund $1,400,000 $ 950,000 $2,350,000 General Fund (reserves) $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $1,000,000 TOTALS $3,400,000 $2,700,000 $6,100,000 The original funding assumption included a $750,000 inter -fund loan from the Refuse fund. After recent analysis, I have determined that the inter -fund loan is not necessary and we can avoid the 5 -year loan repayment, which included an interest component. The Community Improvement and Capital Projects funds have the capacity to absorb the remaining costs and arrive at 2017 unreserved cash balances of approximately $450,000 and $600,000, respectively. I have attached a sheet comparing our original funding plan to the final plan that I am proposing. The 2016 General fund balance was 54% after funding the initial $500,000. 1 am estimating a 2017 fund balance of 51 % after funding the final $500,000. This is still above the state auditor's recommendation of 40-50% fund balance and should not impact our bond rating. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve fund transfers per Resolution 14813. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14813 TRANSFERRING FROM COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AND GENERAL FUNDS TO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR FINANCING 2017 AQUATIC CENTER CONSTRUCTION COSTS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT, $1,250,000 is hereby transferred from the Community Improvement Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. THAT, $500,000 is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Projects THAT, said transfers are hereby effective and apply to the 2017 fiscal year. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2017. ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor Water Park Funding ORIGINAL FUNDING PLAN - CASH RESERVES & INTERFUND LOAN Fund Fund Source 2016 2017 Total Total Community Improv Hospital Funds Community Improv Unreserved fund balance Capital Projects 2016 Facilities dollars Capital Projects Unreserved fund balance General Fund Excess Fund Balance Refuse Fund Interfund Loan 300,000 TOTAL $ 1,350,000 FINAL FUNDING PLAN - CASH RESERVES & INTERFUND LOAN $ 1,350,000 150,000 750,000 900,000 2,250,000 700,000 700,000 1,400,000 2016 300,000 300,000 600,000 2,000,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 $ 1,350,000 Community Improv $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 FINAL FUNDING PLAN - CASH RESERVES & INTERFUND LOAN Fund Fund Source 2016 2017 Total Total Community Improv Hospital Funds $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 Community Improv Unreserved fund balance 150,000 1,250,000 1,400,000 2,750,000 Capital Projects 2016 Facilities dollars 700,000 700,000 1,400,000 Capital Projects Unreserved fund balance 700,000 250,000 950,000 2,350,000 General Fund Excess Fund Balance 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 TOTAL $ 3,400,000 $ 2,700,000 $ 6,100,000 $ 6,100,000 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Ls Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Amendment to the 2017 General Fund Budget Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 3 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The final funding of the aquatic center construction costs has been determined, which includes $500,000 from general fund reserves in 2017. The transfer of reserve funds was not included in the original 2017 General fund budget and therefore a budget amendment is required to properly account for the transfer. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve resolution 14814 to amend the 2017 general fund budget. Fiscal Impact: $ 500,000.00 Funding Source: General Fund Reserves FTE Impact: Budget Change: Yes Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14814 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the annual General Fund budget of the City of Hutchinson for fiscal year 2017 is amended to account for the transfer of $500,000 to the Capital Projects Fund to finance the 2017 Aquatic Center construction costs. REVENUES Taxes Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenues Transfers -In Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE OVER / (UNDER) EXPENDITURES GENERALFUND Original Amended Budget Amendment Budget $ 4,763,796 $ 4,763,796 300,000 300,000 283,550 283,550 1,423,830 1,423,830 2,817,291 2,817,291 55,000 55,000 339,500 339,500 2,292,161 2,292,161 25,000 25,000 $ 12,300,128 $ - $ 12,300,128 $ 8,175,052 $ 8,175,052 906,545 906,545 2,556,456 2,556,456 552,075 552,075 100,000 500,000 600,000 10,000 10,000 $ 12,300,128 $ 500,000 $ 12,800,128 $ - $ (500,000) $ (500,000) Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2017. /_11a9x0192101 Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor To: Mayor and City Council From: Stephanie Nelson, Legal Technician Date: December 12, 2017 Subject: License Renewals for 2018 The following establishments have applied for 2018 license renewals. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted. Please approve the following licenses: On -Sale Intoxicating Sunday Liquor License Wine/Strong Beer License Applebee's Applebee's Country Kitchen Buffalo Wild Wings Buffalo Wild Wings Tokyo Grill AA, Inc Crow River Golf Club Crow River Golf Club El Loro's Landy Lodge Bar & Grill Little Crow Bowling Lanes Main Street Sports Bar Sonora's V.F.W. Post 906 Zella's Massage Services Genesis Salon & Enso Spa, LLC Hutchinson Therapeutic Massage Center Main Massage LLC Liz Lindemeier Harmony Massage LLC Maria's Hair Salon Catherine's Massage Club On -Sale Intoxicating Hutchinson Elks On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Hutchinson Huskies Baseball Tara Tepley - The Paint Factory Taxi Cab Eric Labraaten (ACC Midwest Trans Duane Buske (Quality Transportation) Garbaufflaulin2 Licenses Renville -Sibley Sanitation, LLC Waste Management West Central Sanitation, Inc El Loro's Hutchinson Elks Inc. Landy Lodge Bar & Grill Little Crow Bowling Lanes Main Street Sports Bar V.F.W. Post 906 Zella's Off -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor Kwik Trip Northern Tier Retail LLC (SA -West) Viking Oil Corp (SA -East) Wal-Mart Stores Inc Tobacco Casey's Coborn's Inc - Cash Wise Foods Coborn's Inc - Holiday Station Crow River Golf Club Hutchinson Co -Op —Adams Hutchinson Co -Op - Hwy 7 Hutchinson Outpost, Inc Hutchinson Smokes4Less Hutchinson Tobacco & Accessories Plus Kwik Trip Landy Lodge Bar & Grill Main Street Sports Bar Murphy USA Northern Tier Retail LLC (SA -West) Viking Oil Corp (SA -East) Walgreens Wal-Mart Stores Inc Pawn Licenses Security Coin & Pawn Shop Inc CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/29/2017 -12/12/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 12/08/2017 EFT600 EFTPS PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 73,608.83 12/08/2017 EFT601 Aflac PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 170.41 12/08/2017 EFT602 MN Dept of Revenue PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 14,687.76 12/08/2017 EFT603 PERA PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 61,206.17 12/08/2017 EFT604 TASC-Flex PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 1,886.76 12/08/2017 EFT605 TASC-H S A PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 11,836.08 12/08/2017 EFT606 ICMA PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 2,272.40 12/08/2017 EFT607 VOYA PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 990.00 12/08/2017 EFT608 MNDCP PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 305.00 12/08/2017 198896 NCPERS PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 336.00 12/08/2017 198897 HART PAYROLL 11/19 - 12/02/2017 662.21 12/12/2017 198898 A.M. LEONARD INC SHEARS, PRUNERS, BLADES, SAWS - FORESTRY TOOLS 1,281.69 12/12/2017 198899 ABSOLUTE LOGISTICS LLC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO WOOD RIVER GARDEN STORE 1,250.00 12/12/2017 198900 ACE HARDWARE VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 331.74 12/12/2017 198901 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES INC RPZTEST- REFUSE 135.75 12/12/2017 198902 ALBERTS, LESLIE REIMB: SUPPLIES FOR WINTER LESSONS/DAZZL 74.28 12/12/2017 198903 ALFN ESS, JASON ADAPTIVE RECREATION ENTERTAINMENT 100.00 12/12/2017 198904 ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC LC3000 PROGRAMMING-SIXNET ISAGRAF SOFTWARE 3,606.58 12/12/2017 198905 ALLIED PRODUCTS MN FLAGS, US FLAGS, POW/MIA FLAGS - POLICE 174.78 12/12/2017 198906 ALPHA WIRELESS REPAIR PORTABLE RADIO 1,259.75 12/12/2017 198907 AMBO BLDG DEPT AMBO MEMBERSHIP 100.00 12/12/2017 198908 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 152.32 12/12/2017 198909 AMERICAN TEST CENTER LADDER 1: FIRE TRUCK TESTED 575.00 12/12/2017 198910 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES VARIOUS CLEANING/JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 325.05 12/12/2017 198911 ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC. NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 187.62 12/12/2017 198912 ARENGH HEATING &AIR CONDITIONING R&M HEATING/COOLING UNITS 4,268.90 12/12/2017 198913 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 601.60 12/12/2017 198914 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 927.06 12/12/2017 198915 ASPEN MILLS COLLAR BRASS TIE CLIPS 116.21 12/12/2017 198916 AUTOVALUE- GLENCOE VARIOUS AUTO R&M SUPPLIES 240.51 12/12/2017 198917 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC PLUMBING REPAIRS- VARIOUS LOCATIONS 2,864.67 12/12/2017 198918 BARGEN INC CRACK SEAL MATERIAL, INSTALLED 23,800.00 12/12/2017 198919 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS MS -4800/4000 DEHUMIDIFIER - CIVICARENA 44,982.86 12/12/2017 198920 BELLBOY CORP NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 1,042.75 12/12/2017 198921 BERNICK'S NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 254.05 12/12/2017 198922 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 5,605.33 12/12/2017 198923 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS NOVEMBER Cost per Print 1,518.01 12/12/2017 198924 C & L DISTRIBUTING NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 22,930.15 12/12/2017 198925 CARD SERVICES CASH WISE PURCHASES-VARIOUSDEPARTMENTS 168.30 12/12/2017 198926 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC AUTO R&M - VARIOUS POLICE VEHICLES 523.74 12/12/2017 198927 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 940.20 12/12/2017 198928 CHEMISOLV CORP FERRIC CHLORIDE 38%- SEWER OPERATIONS 4,489.44 12/12/2017 198929 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAG SEPTEMBER MOSQUITO CONTROL APPLICATION 4,400.00 12/12/2017 198930 COALITION OF GREATER MN CITIES 2017 CGMC FALL CONF-J.LOFDAHL 225.00 12/12/2017 198931 CORE & MAIN LP VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 4,542.80 12/12/2017 198932 CORPORATE MECHANICAL BOILER MAINTENANCE - CITY CENTER 2,126.00 12/12/2017 198933 CORRA GROUP CREDIT REPORTS FOR NOVEMBER - POLICE 22.00 12/12/2017 198934 CREATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANNUAL SCALE SOFTWARE CHARGE - CREEKSIDE 1,700.00 12/12/2017 198935 CREEKSIDE SOILS BITCON AND MULCH FOR DOG PARK 430.50 12/12/2017 198936 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR AUTO R&M - VARIOUS DEPARTMENT VEHICLES 765.50 12/12/2017 198937 CROW RIVER PRESS INC SENIOR NEWSLETTERS 93.41 12/12/2017 198938 CROW RIVER WINERY NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 956.76 12/12/2017 198939 DAVE GRIEP CLEANING CLEAN WINDOWS - LIQUOR STORE 45.00 12/12/2017 198940 DIMLER, KYLE REIMB FOR MEALATSW MN CHPTOF ICC MTG; 60.38 12/12/2017 198941 DPC INDUSTRIES INC SODIUM HYPO 12.5%, BULK -SEWER OPERATIONS 614.10 12/12/2017 198942 DROP -N -GO INC DELIVERY SERVICES FOR SEWER 91.95 12/12/2017 198943 EARTHLY DELIGHTS LTD DECEMBER TIF TAX SETTLEMENT 2017 10,517.23 12/12/2017 198944 EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES DIESEL, SADD - CREEKSIDE OPERATIONS 247.18 12/12/2017 198945 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION RODENT PROGRAM - REFUSE 220.21 12/12/2017 198946 ELECTRONIC SERVICING CHECKED/CLEANED PA SYSTEM - EVENT CENTER 101.25 12/12/2017 198947 EMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTER TEMPORARY STAFFING - COMPOST OPERATIONS 1,689.12 12/12/2017 198948 ENERGY SALES INC CASE OF FILTERS- HATS FACILITY 392.02 12/12/2017 1198949 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 232.25 CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/29/2017 -12/12/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 12/12/2017 198950 FASTENAL COMPANY VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 72.90 12/12/2017 198951 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL TREE & STUMP REMOVAL - 27 LOCATIONS 30,095.44 12/12/2017 198952 FIRE SAFETY USA INC GLOVES FOR FIREFIGHTERS 349.80 12/12/2017 198953 FISHER SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES FOR LAB AT SEWER PLANT 186.52 12/12/2017 198954 FLOW MEASUREMENT & CONTROL COMPANY CERTIFICATIONS OF CLOSED PIPE FLOW - SEWER 1,430.00 12/12/2017 198955 G & K SERVICES MATS, TOWELS, COVERALLS, MOPS 277.63 12/12/2017 198956 GAUGER, RANDY UB refund for account: 3-080-2470-0-00 21.40 12/12/2017 198957 GEMPLER'S INC HELMETS, SAWS, BLADES, PRUNERS- FORESTRY 1,216.38 12/12/2017 198958 GRAINGER HIGH CAP PLEATED FILTERS - SEWER OPERATIONS 569.12 12/12/2017 198959 GREEN EARTH LAWN CARE INC HERBICIDE & FERTILIZER APPLICATION- CEMETERY 2,268.25 12/12/2017 198960 HANSEN GRAVEL TIRE FOR UNIT#879/ GRANITE ROCK VFW RESTROOM 161.00 12/12/2017 198961 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION PARKING LOT I: CONCRETE REPLACEMENT PO BOX 1,900.00 12/12/2017 198962 HAWKINS INC CITRICACID50%FCC - SEWER OPERATOINS 1,733.25 12/12/2017 198963 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON VARIOUS CLEAN ING/JAN ITORIALSUPPLIES 1,925.14 12/12/2017 198964 HJERPE CONTRACTING WATER LEAK ON GAUGER STREET 3,485.25 12/12/2017 198965 HOLTTOUR AND CHARTER INC. BRECHET INN TRIP - SENIOR CENTER 625.00 12/12/2017 198966 HUTCHINSON CO-OP GASAND KEROSENE 111.88 12/12/2017 198967 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BU OCTOBER 2017 LODGING TAX 9,469.16 12/12/2017 198968 HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE DECEMBER CAM - EVENT CENTER 2,277.99 12/12/2017 198969 HUTCHINSON HRA HRA RENTAL REHAB LOANS - GATEWAY/TWO RIVERS 40,078.40 12/12/2017 198970 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS VARIOUS DEPTS 5,166.66 12/12/2017 198971 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TOUR REIMBURSEMENT: SR TOUR - BACHMANS 235.00 12/12/2017 198972 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 SHOP SUPPLIES- PUBLIC WORKS 140.40 12/12/2017 198973 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1551 SHOP SUPPLIES- PARKS 149.50 12/12/2017 198974 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1552 SHOP SUPPLIES- FIRE DEPT 325.98 12/12/2017 198975 INNOTEK CORPORATION REPAIRS TO STORMWATER STREET SWEEPER 322.66 12/12/2017 198976 INTEPLAST GROUP ARTWORK & PLATES FOR NEW BAG FILM - CREEKSIDE 14,069.66 12/12/2017 198977 ISD #423 REIMBURSE FOR NOVEMBER 2017 CLASSES 4,521.00 12/12/2017 198978 JAY MALONE MOTORS OIL CHANGE & REPAIR TO BLDG INSP VEHICLE 280.08 12/12/2017 198979 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. OCTOBER 2017 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 1,246.46 12/12/2017 198980 JESSE TREBIL FOUNDATION SYSTEMS INC PERMIT REFUND - CANCELLED PROJECT 52.62 12/12/2017 198981 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 7,312.20 12/12/2017 198982 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 9,307.02 12/12/2017 198983 JOHNSON, KEVIN UB refund for account: 1-010-3160-5-00 42.32 12/12/2017 198984 JUULCONTRACTING CO PARKING LOT I IMPROVEMENTS- FINAL PMT 26,982.31 12/12/2017 198985 KDUZ KARP RADIO NOVEMBER ADVERTISING - LIQUOR STORE 731.50 12/12/2017 198986 KERI'S CLEANING NOVEMBER CLEANING - LIQUOR STORE 1,300.00 12/12/2017 198987 KERI'S CLEANING 11/16-11/30 CITY CTR, LIBRARY, SR DINING, FIRE 2,044.00 12/12/2017 198988 KGB CORNERSTONE COMMONS LLC DECEMBER TIF TAX SETTLEMENT 2017 17,913.53 12/12/2017 198989 KRANZ LAWN & POWER CHAINS 94.75 12/12/2017 198990 KUE CONTRACTORS INC HRA RENTAL REHAB LOANS - GATEWAY CENTRAL 159,159.60 12/12/2017 198991 L & P SUPPLY CO BRUSH CUTTER BLADES FOR RETENTION PONDS 151.52 12/12/2017 198992 LENARZ, TRISHA SET-UP & DISTRIBUTION OF TEAM PHOTOS - PRCE 499.99 12/12/2017 198993 LENARZ, TROY PHOTOGRAPHY FEE - PRCE 499.99 12/12/2017 198994 LETG LLC MAINTENANCE 1/1/18 - 12/31/18 - POLICE 265.20 12/12/2017 198995 LITTLE COUNTRY STORE VACUUM FOR ENTERPRISE CENTER OFFICES 418.45 12/12/2017 198996 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES TILE PROBE 51.47 12/12/2017 198997 LOCHER BROTHERS INC NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 34,977.11 12/12/2017 198998 LOGIS OCT SERVICES-NETWORK/INTERNET/GIS/SP.ASSMTS 13,542.74 12/12/2017 198999 M -R SIGN WHITE COPY/BRDR ON BLUE HIP - SIGN MATERIALS 172.33 12/12/2017 199000 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC HIGH PRESSURE -MEDIUM -SEWER OPERATIONS 16.95 12/12/2017 199001 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR BAIL: TALEXSANDER 250.00 12/12/2017 199002 MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS RENT COMMERCIAL BLDG COURTS NOV/DEC 800.00 12/12/2017 199003 MCRAITH, JOHN REI MB: YOUTH PICTURES 76.42 12/12/2017 199004 MENARDS HUTCHINSON VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 1,039.27 12/12/2017 199005 MESSAGE MEDIA U.S.A., INC MONTHLYACCESS FEE - DECEMBER POLICE 30.00 12/12/2017 199006 MILLER-BLACKSTONE, MELONIE REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT- EVENT CENTER 300.00 12/12/2017 199007 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF APS TRANSACTION FEES FOR OCT 2017 - POLICE 44.10 12/12/2017 199008 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE POLICE OFFICER ENTRY TESTS 726.00 12/12/2017 199009 MINNESOTA COUNCIL OF AIRPORTS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP - J.OLSON 150.00 12/12/2017 199010 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BEVERAGE ASSOC BEVERAGE ALCOHOL TRAINING - LIQUOR STORE 100.00 12/12/2017 199011 MINNESOTA PETROLEUM SERVICE FUEL MASTER NUMERIC KEYPAD - HAT FUEL SYSTEM 246.00 12/12/2017 1199012 MINNESOTAVALLEY TESTING LAB LAB TESTING - SEWER SAMPLES 1,113.55 CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 11/29/2017 -12/12/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 12/12/2017 199013 MORGAN CREEK VINEYARDS NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 168.00 12/12/2017 199014 MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CR161421: SUBPOENA: TTISDELL 50.00 12/12/2017 199015 MPPOA JAN-DEC 2018 MEMBERSHIP - POLICE 5 MEMBERS 240.00 12/12/2017 199016 NARTEC INC. METH TESTAMPULES, HEROIN TESTAMPULES POLICE 352.02 12/12/2017 199017 NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION SEWER SUPPLIES 200.64 12/12/2017 199018 NEGOCE, LLC NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 94.48 12/12/2017 199019 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS VARIOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 317.35 12/12/2017 199020 NORTHERN TIER TRANSPORTATION LLC CREEKSIDE TO WOOD RIVER GARDEN FREIGHT 420.00 12/12/2017 199021 NU-TELECOM December Phone Service 4,735.46 12/12/2017 199022 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS VARIOUS AUTO R&M SUPPLIES 279.34 12/12/2017 199023 OFFICE DEPOT VARIOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 122.97 12/12/2017 199024 PEOPLEREADY INC TEMPORARY STAFFING -COMPOST OPERATIONS 1,690.80 12/12/2017 199025 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 16,070.22 12/12/2017 199026 PROJECT ONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. HRA RENTAL REHAB LOANS - TWO RIVERS RENTAL 98,411.45 12/12/2017 199027 QUEST ENGINEERING, INC. SET 12 PSI ON FALL, SWITCH - WATER OPERATIONS 307.23 12/12/2017 199028 QUILL CORP CUPS, TOWELS, GLOVES, MONTHLY PLANNER 288.66 12/12/2017 199029 R & R EXCAVATING L14-17-14 ALLEY #52 IMPVMTS, PYMT#2 10 56,783.57 12/12/2017 199030 R & R EXCAVATING SAP 133-117-014, PYMT #7 10/24-11/13'17 32,670.62 12/12/2017 199031 RANDY'S TOW FROM SHOOTING RANGE TO SALVAGE YARD 450.00 12/12/2017 199032 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. TUBE, O-RINGS - CREEKSIDE 127.48 12/12/2017 199033 REINER ENTERPRISES INC FREIGHT FOR CREEKSIDE PRODUCT 19,826.10 12/12/2017 199034 RENVILLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT CR 161421: SUBPOENA 11-21-17 60.00 12/12/2017 199035 RICKERT SAND AND GRAVEL REIMBURSE CREDIT BALANCE - CREEKSIDE CUSTOMER 40.50 12/12/2017 199036 ROSTI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF MN L6P17-06 HOTEL SITE ACCESS IMPRVMTS: PAY 52,513.39 12/12/2017 199037 RUNNING'S SUPPLY VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 1,014.57 12/12/2017 199038 SALTMAN LLC 9-11, 10-2, 11-3 SALT - CIVIC ARENA 312.50 12/12/2017 199039 SCHWARTZ, ANDREA REIMB: MBPTA FALL SEMINAR 53.50 12/12/2017 199040 SEBORA, MARC REIMB FO RMILEAGE AND MEALS TO GLENCOE 169.90 12/12/2017 199041 SHAW, KAREN NOVEMBER 2017 - PILATES & YOGA INSTRUCTION 150.00 12/12/2017 1199042 SIMONSON LUMBER CO STAKE POCKET, SIDES FOR PARKS F550 74.70 12/12/2017 199043 SKYVIEW DAIRY INC LUTHENS #3: NOVEMBER COMPOST IN YARDS 4,236.28 12/12/2017 199044 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 8,683.05 12/12/2017 199045 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING WW LIFT STATION CONTROLS & PROGRAMMING 10,394.90 12/12/2017 199046 SRF CONSULTING GROUP SOUTH GRADE ROAD INTERSECTIONS DESIGN 20,969.12 12/12/2017 199047 ST PAUL STAMP WORKS S LINGS, ANIMALTAGS, ATTACHMENT OF S LINKS 228.57 12/12/2017 199048 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING NOVEMBER MAILING & POSTAGE 1,063.51 12/12/2017 199049 STAPLES ADVANTAGE SCANNER FOR ANGIE RADKE - HUC 3,170.37 12/12/2017 199050 STEVENS ENGINEERS INC BURICH ARENA PHASE 3, CONCEPTUAL PLANNING 2,850.00 12/12/2017 199051 STREICH TRUCKING CREEKSIDE HAULING - LUTHENS MANURE, ST CLOUD 980.00 12/12/2017 199052 TAPS-LYLESCHROEDER CLEANED, LINENS&TOPS -EVENT CENTER 25.00 12/12/2017 199053 TASC December 2017 Flex Adm. Fees 1,728.36 12/12/2017 199054 THOMPSON, MITCHELL REIMB: 5 PAIR PANTS- PUBLIC WORKS 179.95 12/12/2017 199055 TITAN MACHINERY GASKET, ISOLATOR - STREETS WHEEL LOADER 75.02 12/12/2017 199056 TRNKA, JAMES REIMB: 5 PAIR PANTS- PUBLIC WORKS 155.85 12/12/2017 199057 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC PAGER REPAIR: REPLACED SPEAKER & VIBRATI 45.00 12/12/2017 199058 ULINE LAMINATE POUCHES- PRCE 78.21 12/12/2017 199059 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE MONTHLY COPIER LEASE - CITY CENTER FINANCE 386.19 12/12/2017 199060 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON REPLACED PPS MASS SENSOR AND MODULE SQUAD 7 1,563.85 12/12/2017 199061 VERIZON WIRELESS OCT24-NOV23'2017 CELL PHONE SERVICE 3,230.88 12/12/2017 199062 VIKING BEER NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 16,355.00 12/12/2017 199063 VIKING COCA COLA NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 533.35 12/12/2017 199064 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN NOVEMBER REFUSE DISPOSAL 20,429.62 12/12/2017 199065 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC LEAK LOCATE: INDUSTRIAL & MICHIGAN 625.60 12/12/2017 199066 WILKENS INDUSTRIES WALKING FLOOR TRAILER: CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY 249.87 12/12/2017 199067 WINE MERCHANTS INC NOVEMBER COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 616.10 12/12/2017 199068 WM MUELLER & SONS STREET PATCHING & REPAIR 892.00 12/12/2017 199069 WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE CIVIL PAPERS SERVED: B FIECKE 58.00 Total - Check Disbursement 1,115,184.57 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Ls Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Public Hearing for Century Avenue SE Reconstruction (1-1/P18-01) Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 20 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: City staff administered a neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, November 21st, with property owners adjacent to the proposed project referenced above. Please see the attached Neighborhood Meeting Notice (mailed to all property owners) and Neighborhood Meeting Information Sheet (provided to meeting attendees) documents. Also, an estimated improvement assessment amount was provided to adjacent property owners within the formal Public Hearing notice mailing. At this point, City staff is not aware of any major property owner concerns relative to this proposed project's construction and associated special assessments. Following a brief project overview by City staff and potential public comments, staff will request that the City Council move forward with the final preparation of project plans/specifications and future advertisement for bids. The anticipated bid opening date is Tuesday, April 3rd (11:00 AM). BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 2,248,000.00 Total City Cost: $ 1,798,000.00 Funding Source: Bonding, Federal Aid & Utility Funds Remaining Cost: $ 450,000.00 Funding Source: Improvement Special Assessments RESOLUTION NO. 14816 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 18-01 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 14th day of November 2017, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the following improvements: Century Avenue SE Reconstruction: State Trunk Highway 15 to Jefferson Street SE; roadway reconstruction by construction of grading, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, storm sewer, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, traffic signals, trail, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 14th day of November 2017. 3. Such improvement has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. 4. Kent Exner is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. 5. The City Council declares its official intent to reimburse itself for the costs of the improvement from the proceeds of tax exempt bonds. Adopted by the Council this 12th day of December 2017. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matt Jaunich RESOLUTION NO. 14817 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 18-01 WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering/Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for the following described improvement: Century Avenue SE Reconstruction: State Trunk Highway 15 to Jefferson Street SE; roadway reconstruction by construction of grading, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, storm sewer, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, traffic signals, trail, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Engineering/Public Works shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, the City of Hutchinson Web -Site and in Finance and Commerce, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the Director of Engineering/Public Works until 11:00 am on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and Director of Engineering/Public Works, will then be tabulated, and the responsibility of the bidders will be considered by the Council at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, May 8th, 2017 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Engineering/Public Works and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 12th day of December 2017. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matt Jaunich A Project Neighborhood Meeting Notice Letting No. 1/Project No. 18-01 Century Avenue SE Reconstruction Project Tuesday, November 21st ♦ 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (6:40 PMpresentation) Hutchinson City Center (111 Hassan St. SE - Council Chambers) INTRODUCTION The City of Hutchinson would appreciate the opportunity to review the upcoming Century Avenue SE Reconstruction project with you. At this time, project construction is anticipated to start in the spring/summer of 2018. The intent of this meeting is to provide a general project review and discuss the preliminary roadway/trail corridor layout. There also will be some initial information provided regarding potential property assessments associated with this project. PROPOSED PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS The project area consists of the Century Avenue SE corridor from State Trunk Highway 15 to Jefferson Street SE. This street has been identified as needing significant repairs by the City's Pavement Management Program and existing condition observations. Also, please note that these roadways are being selected for improvements during the 2018 construction season based pedestrian/bicyclist needs and funding availability. At this point, this proposed project is only being considered and is subject to not being addressed this coming construction season depending on City Council approvals and/or City funding limitations. The proposed project consists of reconstruction of the existing roadway surface/section, limited utility (water & sanitary sewer) replacements/upgrades, limited drainage/storm sewer improvements, draintile installation, signing/striping, street lighting, sidewalks, trails, traffic signal modifications, landscaping and restoration. In regards to project financing, a portion of the proposed work required to accomplish these projects is to be funded by previously allocated Federal Aid funding. However, the remainder of the work will need to be funded by City bonds, utility funds and property improvement special assessments. At this point, the proposed project area has been established, but the details of the anticipated improvements are subject to change depending on property owner, public, City Council and/or staff input. HEARINGS/PROCESS This Neighborhood Meeting is the first step in the process. This meeting will be an informal discussion regarding the project that allows City staff to communicate preliminary information regarding what the project is proposed to include and to provide a preliminary estimate of specific property assessments to property owners. This informal discussion will allow individual questions/comments to be heard and for a general review of the project to occur prior to the first official hearing required by the formal project assessment process. The first official hearing, the Public Hearing, is scheduled to occur at the December 12' City Council meeting (6:00 PM). This meeting will be televised and is the formal presentation of the proposed project to the City Council. Public input time is included and welcomed at this meeting. Approval at this hearing does not mean that the project will be constructed as presented. This will be the point at which a formal decision will be made by the City Council as to whether or not City staff should continue the special assessment process and move on to the next step of completing the project plans/specifications with the understanding that actual construction bids for completing the work will be requested. The second official hearing, the Assessment Hearing, would be during another City Council meeting after receiving the construction bids (most likely in March or April). At that point, City staff will prepare final assessment amounts for each property, and mail them out in advance of the meeting. At this hearing, property owners will then be given the opportunity to comment on the merits of both the project and the proposed amount of the assessments. Questions, thoughts and concerns regarding the project or associated assessments would be heard by the City Council, and official action on whether or not to award the project work for construction would be taken. To formally contest an assessment, a written/signed objection letter must be provided to the City Administrator prior to or at the Assessment Hearing. This action then allows you, the property owner, to appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment (typically the Assessment Hearing date) and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. ASSESSMENTS As described above, this project's roadway work is considered to be a reconstruction project, thus a portion of the total cost of these improvements will be assessed to the adjacent private properties per the City's Special Assessment Policy. These anticipated assessment amounts/approach appear to be consistent and fair with respect to past City improvement projects. Per currently identified funding sources and the recent assessment calculations, a significant portion of the overall project cost will still be incurred by Federal Aid, utility funds and City bonding. At this time, City staff estimates that adjacent properties' assessments will include all or a portion of the following items: • General Assessment - $55.25 per lineal foot of roadway frontage (established partial reconstruction rate — 34' width proration) • Water Service Assessment — none • Sanitary Sewer Service Assessment - none • Commercial/Industrial Water Service Assessment — none At the above identified rate, a typical 66' -wide residential lot would incur an assessment of $3,646.50. SCHEDULE & CONSTRUCTION ITEMS As previously mentioned, construction is anticipated to start in the spring/summer of 2018. The project should be completed within one construction season (weather dependent) including final paving and turf restoration work. At this time, we encourage adjacent property owners to plan for the relocation of irrigation systems, invisible dog fences, personal landscaping features, etc. from the roadway right-of-way (typically extends 15' from the street edge). Also, if necessary, project staff will be contacting specific property owners to request permission (right -of -entry form) and/or temporary construction easements to properly construct a grading match to your lawns/driveways/landscaping features, address tree replacements and/or install utilities. GENERAL INFORMATION Please feel free to contact Kent Exner/City Engineer at 234-4212 or kexner&ci.hutchinson.mn.us if you have any questions, comments or concerns that you would like addressed. City Engineering Department staff would be willing to meet at your property to further discuss the proposed improvements. Thank you for your time and consideration! November 21, 2017 ♦ 6:30 — 7:30 PM ♦ City Center Proiect Scope PARTIAL STREET RECONSTRUCTION — Century Avenue SE (from State Trunk Highway 15 to Jefferson Street SE); roadway reconstruction by construction of curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous/concrete surfacing, stormwater/drainage, water distribution, sanitary sewer, street lighting, trail, sidewalk, traffic signal modifications, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. Estimated Proiect Costs & Funding Estimated Roadway Reconstruction Construction Cost $ 1,800,000 Estimated Project Expenses (Engineering, Administration, Geotechnical, Lighting,etc.) $ 448,000 Estimated Total Project Cost $ 2,248,000 City Bonding $ 608,000 Improvement Assessments $ 450,000 Federal Aid $ 1,000,000 Water Fund $ 120,000 Wastewater Fund $ 20,000 Stormwater Fund $ 50,000 Estimated Funding $ 2,248,000 City Pays For ■ Street Rehabilitation — about 50% of pavement, curb replacements, draintile, storm sewer and restoration costs ■ Partial Street Reconstruction — about 50% of pavement, curb installation, draintile, storm sewer and restoration costs ■ Full Street Reconstruction — about 50% of pavement, curb installation, draintile, storm sewer, sewer/water trunk mains and restoration costs ■ Mill & Overlay — about 50% of pavement, curb replacements, structure adjustments and restoration costs ■ Alley Reconstruction — about 50% of pavement, grading, drainage improvements and restoration costs ■ Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Improvements — 100% Property Owner Pays For ■ Residential/Commercial Streets — about 50% of Street Rehab, Partial Street Recon, Full Street Recon, Mill & Overlay and Alley Recon costs ■ Water/Sanitary Sewer Services - in areas of new main construction ($1000-1500/1" water, $1250-1750/1 1/4 - 2" water, $1750- $2250/6" water, $1000-1500/6" sewer) ■ Proposed Assessment Rates (40' -width basis) o Street Rehabilitation $52.50/Frontage Foot o Partial Street Reconstruction $65.00/Frontage Foot (34' -width = $55.25/FF) o Full Street Reconstruction $80.00/Frontage Foot o Mill & Overlay $30.00/Frontage Foot o Alley Reconstruction $40.00/Frontage Foot ■ Estimated Total Assessment for Typical City Lot (66' width) o Partial Street Reconstruction = $3,646.50 ■ NOTES: 1. Methods and amounts of estimated assessments are subject to change. 2. Assessments allocated to properties over a 10 -year term (interest rate estimated to be 4 to 6%). HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Request for Board Action Ls Agenda Item: Review of Truth in Taxation Hearing Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As a follow up to the Truth in Taxation Hearing from December 5, the Council should have a discussion on whether or not there is a desire to change anything in regards to the 2018 budget and/or tax levy. Requests (if any) for additional information from the Truth in Taxation Hearing and/or any changes to the proposed budget/levy will be presented at this time as well. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action at this time. Final budget will be approved at the December 26 meeting Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Ls Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Discussion on Legislative Priorities for 2018 Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: With the 2018 Legislative session right around the corner, I would like the City Council to consider adopting a set of legislative priorities for 2018. This would be a document that we would use to communicate our legislative concerns/ issues both to the public, and to our local legislators. This would be a document the Council could use when you make your trips to the State Capitol. In communication with Staff, I have put together the attached rough draft copy of a proposed set of Legislative Priorities for 2018. 1 would note that it is still incomplete. With that being said, this is really a document the City Council should be comfortable with. I want to spend a little bit of time talking about this document and what the City Council would like to see included in it. My goal would be to bring this back at our first meeting in January for an official approval. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. Discussion only. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Office of the Mayor and City Council 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, NIN 55350-2522 320-587-5151/Fax 320-234-4240 2018 Legislative Priorities The City of Hutchinson has identified the following legislative priorities for 2018. The City generally supports the platforms of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities and the League of Minnesota Cities and these policies are not generally re -stated here except where they have unusual relevance or purpose for the City of Hutchinson. To better assist our State legislative leaders, we have identified certain legislative priorities and general policy statements that are of specific impact and interest to the residents and business community of Hutchinson. These legislative priorities are intended to advocate on behalf of the City in a responsible manner that strengthens the partnership between our City and the State and brings forth our vision of an involved, progressive and innovative community that promotes our regional prominence while preserving our hometown character and delivering quality, cost- effective services. L GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. Local Control. 2017 was an unprecedented year with the State Legislature proposing several bills that attempted to eliminate or weaken local control. The City opposes any legislation that erodes local decision making and control, and believes that decision- making happens best at the local level. B. Deputy Registrars. In 2017, with the State's conversion to their new MNLARS program, the State shifted substantial clerical and auditing responsibilities onto the deputy registrar network, which includes Hutchinson. This shift includes no funding from the State of Minnesota, despite the fact that the State receives over $1 billion annually in state fees and taxes collected through the deputy registrar network. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides deputy registrars with proper compensation by reallocating from existing state fee structures or other appropriate filing fee adjustments to ensure the valued service and continued presence in remains in Hutchinson to serve our citizens. II. TRANSPORTATION A. Highway 212. The City of Hutchinson strongly supports the inclusion of funding from the Corridors of Commerce program to support the $110 million of needed improvements that will complete the highway to continuous four -lane highway to Norwood Young America and that any maps or lists of Corridors of Commerce highways include US Highway 212. B. Hi _ way 15. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides for additional funding to make improvements to Highway 15 between Interstate 90 and 94. III. PUBLIC SAFETY a IV. SUPPORT OF REGIONAL ASSETS A. Dakota Rail Trail. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides funding to fully construct the remaining Dakota Rail Trail from eastern McLeod County to the City of Hutchinson. B. 2 Local Government Aid: Support increased funding to the Local Government Aid program. We also support the current formula, unless any proposed formula change is agreed upon by all city organizations. We oppose artificial, non -formula based limits on aid to individual or groups of cities. Transportation: Support a comprehensive transportation plan with appropriate long-term funding. We also support funding for Corridors of Commerce and city streets independent of a comprehensive transportation package. Economic Development: Support increased funding for state programs to assist local economic development such as the Greater MN Business Development Infrastructure (BDPI) grant program, MN Investment Fund, Job Creation Fund, Redevelopment Grant Program, Demolition Loan Program, and greater MN workforce housing and child care programs. Trails: Do not support new trail passes. Trails enhance quality of life, improve safety, improve health. and wellness, provide economic benefit, provide transportation alternatives and connect people to nature. The public also voted to support parks and trails with their approval of the Legacy Amendment and new funding is provided by the State Park and Trail license plate program. Plus, administration would reduce available funding and enforcement would be difficult and expensive. Parks & Trails Legacy Funding: We support the current formula that allocates 20% of the Parks and Trails Legacy funding to greater Minnesota and oppose changes that would reduce that share. Environment: Water quality regulations, permits, and other restrictions affecting cities must be grounded in solid peer reviewed science and must be established in a manner that respects the due process rights of cities and other interested stakeholders. We also support legislation that requires manufacturers of consumer products that could otherwise cause environmental harm and/or damage wastewater infrastructure to label their products with appropriate usage and disposal information. Matt Jaunich From: John Olson Sent; Tuesday, December 12, 2017 7:56 AM To: Matt Jaunich Cc: Kent Exner Subject• Legislative items Matt — here is an item that would be appropriate to communicate during any meetings with state legislators: Just like every MN city is different, every MN airport is different. For years, the airport planning process has needed to be updated. Representative Duane Quam and Senator Ann Rest are authoring a bill to address some issues that exist with current legislation related to Airport zoning. I am hopeful this bill will be seriously considered and that it or an even better version of it be passed this session. It would be a ;good thing for the City of Hutchinson (and other MN airports) if their bill were to become law. Some of the key items being addressed by their bill include:_ - Airport's role- clearly indicates maintenance &`operation of an airport is deemed an essential public service. Planning project eligibility clarify when state airport funds can be used for airport planning. Federal no hazard determination — allows approval of obstructions, without variance, if FAA analysis deems the obstruction non -hazardous. Boundary limitations — removes specific mileages cited in statute, so the Joint Airport Zoning Boards can determine appropriate limitations based on local needs. Updating zoning - Clarifies when airports must update their zoning. Integration of airport zoning with local planning/zoning - Requires Comprehensive plans to consider airport zones, encourages uses in airport zones compatible with the airport, requires showing airport safety zones on zoning maps. Flexibility to enact airport zoning — Provides for a process that local Joint Airport Zoning Board can use to create and adopt custom standards, if recommended standards do not adequately address specific local needs. Alignment with municipal process requirements — Changes notice, public hearing, and review periods to match traditional local planning/zoning requirements, rather than having unique set of requirements specifically for airports. 1 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Ls Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Review of the 2017 Aquatic Season and Final Construction Costs Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: With the first season of the Aquatic Center coming to a close, and with discussion on proposed rates changes to fees at the Aquatic Center in 2018, 1 wanted to spend a little bit of time review on a couple of items related to the aquatic center. On Tuesday I wanted to briefly review with the council some of our attendance numbers from this past year, how we did financially, and the proposed rate changes for 2017. I'll also update everyone on final construction costs for the Aquatic Center. All of this information has been included with this board action form. When looking at the final construction costs, please note that is everything. From that amount, we have retained $192,127 until all of the final punch list items are completed. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action required. Discussion only. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: 2017 Waterpark Stats: Busiest membership check in Days: Mondays Slowest membership check in Days: Sundays Busiest Day Swimmers: June: 5/9 1494 July: 7/6 1383 August: 8/8 1027 Busiest Day Admissions Sales: June: 6/4 $11,897.00 July: August: 8/8 $3474.30 Busiest Day Concession Sales: June: 7/10 $2247.50 July: August: 8/2 $1344.50 Memberships sold: 2,868 Summer Total Patrons: 26,397 membership check ins 1451 Spectators 2490 Swimmers after 5 1740 Green Tickets 513 Cash paying Fitness Swimmers 22346 Cash paying Daily Swimmers 54,937 Swimmers* *Doesn't include lifeguard swimmers, city pool party, high tides, water bubblies, private lessons REVENUES: Admission Fees Season Passes Special Events Concessions TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE Aquatic Center 2018 2017 2017 2017 Proposed Budget Actual Variance Budget 300,000 152,276 (147,724) 174,000 52,000 104,428 52,428 132,000 2,000 3,497 1,497 4,000 90,000 72,808 (17,192) 75,000 444,000 333,009 (110,991) 385,000 282,253 285,245 (2,992) 273,441 102,000 84,640 17,360 87,000 38,000 40,111 (2,111) 36,800 2,500 - 2,500 1,500 424,753 409,996 14,757 19,247 (76,987) (96,234) Aquatic Center Fees 2017 2018 Daily Admission $6.00 $7.00 Spectators $4.00 $4.00 After 5pm $5.00 $5.00 AM Fitness $4.00 $4.00 24 months and younger Free Free Season Pass - Individual Season Pass - Each Add'I Member Season Pass - AM Fitness Discount Tickets (12 admissions) Party Tent Rentals (2 hours) 398,741 (13,741) $90.00 $90.00 $20.00 $35.00 $60.00 $90.00 We no longer have a separate fitness pass. The $90 season pass gains access to AM Fitness. $60.00 $60.00 $20.00 $20.00 AQUATIC CENTER Final Construction Costs Site Work Aquatics Improvements Building Renovation Project/Construction Management Other Direct City Costs Contingency Total Project Costs Preliminary Project Costs Total Costs Insurance Claim: Demolish lap pool & other Site Work Rebuild Lap Pool Project/Construction Management Professional Fees - testing/consulting Original Revised Actual Budget Budget Cost Variance 344,000 344,000 417,807 (73,807) 3,294,000 3,320,100 3,320,100 - 1,403,000 1,496,010 1,494,010 2,000 607,189 665,016 649,091 15,925 131,248 131,248 199,532 (68,284) 247,914 247,914 - 247,914 6,027,351 6,204,288 6,080,540 123,748 78,000 78,000 83,357 (5,357) 6,105,351 6,282,288 6,163,897 118,391 Total Costs Builders Risk Insurance Proceeds ($5,000 premium paid) Net Cost of Lab Pool Rebuild GRAND TOTAL of COSTS Funding: Community Improvement Fund Capital Projects Fund General Fund Reserves Inter -Fund Loan from Refuse Fund Planned 49,785 480,864 33,175 3,793 567,617 (553,494) 14,123 6,178,020 Actual Difference 2,250,000 2,750,000 500,000 2,000,000 2,428,020 428,020 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 750,000 (750,000) 6,000,000 6,178,020 178,020 SWIMMING POOL/AQUATIC CENTER 60000 50000 30000 20000 10000 0 ATTENDANCE NUMBERS 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ,93: ATTENDANCE NUMBERS Over 55,000 attended in 2017! • Our last year of attendance had 10,487 visitors • The average yearly attendance from 1995- 1999 was 26,682 • The average yearly attendance from 2000 to 2005 was 15,282. • The average yearly attendance from 2006 to 2010 was 12,091 • The average yearly attendance from 2011 to 2015 was 11,918 • Our 2017 attendance was about a 425% increase from our final year of being open in the previous set up (2015) 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004`2005- 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 '2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ADDITIONAL AQUATIC CENTER FACTS • Busiest Membership Check in Days: Mondays • Slowest Membership Check in Days: Sundays • Busiest Swimmer Days: June: 1,494 (91h) July: 1,383 (61h) August: 1,027 (8th) • Busiest Admission Days: June: $11,897 (4th) July: N/A August: $3,474.30 (8th) • Busiest Concession Days: June: $2,247.50 (10th) July: N/A August: $1,304.50 (2nd) • Memberships Sold: 2,868 • Membership Check Ins: 26,397 • Spectators: 1,451 • Swimmers after 5: 2,490 • Green Tickets: 1,740 • Cash paying Fitness Swimmers: 513 • Cash Paying Daily Swimmers: 22,346 • Total Swimmers: 54,937* *Doesn Y include lifeguard swimmers, parties, high tides, water bubblies, and private lessons AQUATIC CENTER FINANCIALS 2018 2017 2017 2017 Proposed Budget Actual Variance Budget REVENUES: AauaticCenter Fees"2017 2018 Admission Fees 300,000 152,276 (147,724) 174,000 Daily Admission $6.00 $7.00 Season Passes 52,000 104,428 52,428 132,000 Spectators $4.00 $4.00 Special Events 2,000 3,497 1,497 4,000 After5pm $5.00 $5.00 Concessions 90,000 72,808 (17,192) 75,000 AM Fitness $4.00 $4.00 24 months and younger Free Free TOTAL REVENUES 444,000 333,009 (110,991) 385,000 Season Pass - Individual $90.00 $90.00 EXPENDITURES: Season Pass - Each Add'LMember $20.00 $35.00 Wages & Benefits 282,253 285,245 (2,992) 273,441 Season Pass- AM Fitness $60.00 $90.00 We no longer have a separate Supplies 102,000 84,640 17,360 87,000 fitness pass. The $90 season Services & Charges 38,000 40,111 (2,111) 36,800 pass gains access to AM Fitness. Miscellaneous Expenses 2,500 - 2,500 1,500 Discount Tickets (12 admissions) $60.00 $60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 424,753 409,996 14,757 398,741 Party Tent Rentals (2 hours) $20.00 $20.00 NET REVENUE 19.247 176,987) (96,234) (13.741) COMPARISON TO OTHER CITY REC 2016 Actuals New Aquatic Center (2017) Senior Center Civic Arena Rec. Center Event Center Library FACILITIES Revenue Expenses Difference $333,009 $409,996 -$76,987 $651,759 $83,391 -$179632 $2535829 $3295379 -$755550 $735500 $1635169 -$895669 $110,478 $2379604 -$127,126 $840 $2069216 -$2053376 FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS Site Work Aquatics Improvements Building Renovation Project/Construction Management Other Direct City Costs Contingency Total Project Costs Preliminary Project Costs Total Costs Original Revised Actual Insurance Claim: Budget Budget Cost Variance Inter -Fund Loan from Refuse Fund 750,000 (750,000) Rebuild Lap Pool 480,864 344,000 344,000 417,807 (73,807) 3,294,000 3,320,100 3,320,100 - 1,403,000 1,496,010 1,494,010 2,000 607,189 665,016 649,091 15,925 131,248 131,248 199,532 (68,284) 247,914 247,914 - 247,914 Funding: Planned Actual Difference 6,027,351 6,204,288 6,080,540 123,748 Community Improvement Fund 2,250,000 2,750,000 500,000 78,000 78,000 83,357 (5,357) 6,105,351 6,282,288 6,163,897 118,391 Capital Projects Fund 2,000,000- 2,428,020 428,020 General Fund Reserves 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Insurance Claim: Demolish lap pool & other Site Work 49,785 Inter -Fund Loan from Refuse Fund 750,000 (750,000) Rebuild Lap Pool 480,864 Project/Construction Management 33,175 Professional Fees - testing/consulting 3,793 Total Costs 567,617 6.000,000 6.178.020 178,020 Builders Risk Insurance Proceeds ($5,000 premium paid) (553,494) Net Cost of Lab Pool $192,127 Retained Rebuild 14,123 GRAND TOTAL of COSTS 6,178,020 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Request for Board Action Ls Agenda Item: Resolution 14815 Adopting the 2018 Fee Schedule Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Attached is the 2018 Fee Schedule for City operations with all changes shown in red font. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution 14815 Adopting the 2018 Fee Schedule Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14815 ADOPTING 2018 FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is empowered by previously passed ordinances to impose fees for services, and WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of costs for providing the services for various city departments NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT THE FOLLOWING FEE SCHEDULES ARE ADOPTED AND THAT THESE FEE SCHEDULES REPLACE ANY FEE SCHEDULES PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL. 2018 Building Permit Fee Schedule 2018 Compost/Transfer Facility Fee Schedule 2018 Event Center Fee Schedule 2018 Evergreen Reservation Fee Schedule 2018 Finance Department Fee Schedule 2018 Fire Department Fee Schedule 2018 HRA Fee Schedule 2018 Legal Department Fee Schedule 2018 Licenses and Permits Fee Schedule 2018 Liquor License Fee Schedule 2018 Mapping and Printing Service Fee Schedule 2018 Parks, Recreation, and Community Education Fee Schedule 2018 Planning and Land Use Fee Schedule 2018 Police Department Fee Schedule 2018 Public Works Fee Schedule * Fee Schedules attached Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2017. ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor c 2018 FEE SCHEDULE City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Schedule includes the following (in alphabetical order) I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 1 Of 1 12/5/2017 Page - Building/Plumbing/Mechanical permits 3 - Creekside 5 - Event Center 6 - Evergreen Senior Dining 7 - Finance 7 - Fire Department 8 - HRA 8 - Legal 9 - Licenses (general) 9 - Licenses (liquor) 10 - Mapping/Printing 11 - Parks, Recreation, Community Education 12 - Plan Review 14 - Planning/Land Use 15 - Police Department 16 - Public Works: Engineering 17 Water 18 Sewer 19 Garbage 20 Storm Water 21 Cemetery 21 Airport 22 Operations & Maintenance 22 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 1 Of 1 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Last Chane Change Building/Plumbing/Mechanical Permits Fixed Fees: 1 & 2 Family Residential Reroofing $50.00 plus surcharge fee $50.00 0.0% 2011 1 & 2 Family Residential Residing $50.00 plus surcharge fee $50.00 0.0% 2011 1 & 2 Family Residential Window/Door $50.00 plus surcharge fee $50.00 0.0% 2011 Replacement Manufactured (Mobile) Home Install $185.00 plus surcharge fee. Separate mechanical & plumbing permit $185.00 0.0% 2011 required. Utility Sheds $50.00 under 200 sq. ft - surcharge does not apply. $50.00 0.0% 2011 $21.29 /sq.ft. Sheds over 200 sq. ft. valuation of $21.29 / sq. ft. $21.29 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 Moving Permit $175.00 plus surcharge fee, includes excavation permit fee, $175.00 0.0% 2011 if applicable Demolition Permit $50.00 Residential remodels & accessory structures $50.00 0.0% 2015 $125.00 Residential demolition $125.00 $250.00 lCommercial demolition $250.00 Residential Square Foot Valuation: Dwellings $100.26 /sq.ft. Rate x Sq. Ft. to arrive at the $100.26 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 Basements Finished $10.00 /sq.ft. Construction Valuation which is $10.00 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2011 used to calculate the actual fee Semi -Finished $10.00 /sq.ft. (see fee rates under Construction Valuation) $10.00 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2011 Unfinished $20.00 /sq.ft. Example: 100 sq. ft. 3 -Season Porch $20.00 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2011 Porches 3 Season Porch $70.18 /sq.ft. Construction Valuation = $70.18 x 100 sq. ft $70.18 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 4 Season Porch $100.26 /sq.ft. Construction Valuation = $7,018 $100.26 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 Screened Porch $40.10 /sq.ft. Fee ($2,001 - $25,000 valuation range) $40.10 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 Garages Attached $38.56 /sq.ft. 1 st $2,000 of value: $80.17 $38.56 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 Detached $21.29 /sq.ft. Remaining value $5,018/1000 x $15.44 $77.48 Total Fee $157.65 $21.29 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2016 Gazebo $19.00 /sq.ft. $19.00 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2011 Deck $10.00 /sq.ft. $10.00 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2015 Construction Valuation: $1 -$1,200 $52.37 minimum valuation and permit amount $52.37 0.0% 2017 $1,201 - $2,000 $55.68 for the first $1,200 plus $3.36 for each additional $100 $55.68 0.0% 2017 or fraction thereof to and including $2,000 $2,001 - $25,000 $80.17 for the first $2,000 plus $15.44 for each additional $1,000 $80.17 0.0% 2017 or fraction thereof to and including $25,000 $25,001 - $50,000 $452.92 for the first $25,000 plus $11.14 for each additional $1,000 $452.92 0.0% 2017 or fraction thereof to and including $50,000 $50,001 - $100,000 $745.23 for the first $50,000 plus $7.72 for each additional $1,000 $745.23 0.0% 2017 or fraction thereof to and including $100,000 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 3 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change $100,001 - $500,000 $1,150.39 for the first $100,000 plus $6.17 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $500,000 $1,150.39 0.0% 2017 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $3,743.47 for the first $500,000 plus $5.25 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to and including $1,000,000 $3,743.47 0.0% 2017 $1,000,001 and Up $6,492.83 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.48 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof. $6,492.83 0.0% 2017 Penalty Fee Double the Permit Fee - per City Administrator's memo of 5-17-88 Refund Policy Refunds may be available at the discretion of the Building Official. Plumbing Permit Fees: Fixture of Item Fee 1$12.00 $12 per roughed-in fixture or item. Minimum of $50.00 $12.00 1 0.0% 1 2011 Mechanical Permit Fees: Gas Conversion Connection (switch) $125.00 plus surcharge fee $125.00 0.0% 2011 Gas Appliance Replacement $50.00 plus surcharge fee $50.00 0.0% 2011 Mechanical Fee 1.25% Valuation X 1.25% - plus State surcharge. 1.25% 0.0% 2011 Minimum of $50.00 plus State surcharge. Miscellaneous Fees: Rental registration/inspection $20.00 /unit Initial inspection and 1 follow up inspection, if needed. $20.00 /unit 0.0% 2016 Rental Unit Reinspection $50.00 /unit Double the cost of previous inspection Second follow-up inspection Subsequent additional/follow-up inspections $50.00 /unit Double the cost of previous inspection Failure to Appear at Scheduled Rental Inspection $50.00 Fee for not showing up at scheduled inspection $50.00 Rental Complaint Inspection $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2011 Existing Home Inspection (FMHA) $75.00 $75.00 0.0% 2011 Parkland Dedication Per subdivision ordinance Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Refundable Deposit Add'I staff time and follow-up is required for temp C.O.s. Deposit of $500.00 required and will be refunded if final within timeframe established by Building Department Refundable Deposit Temporary Permits, including footing and foundation permits and preconstruction demolition $125.00 Temporary permits allow limited work to be done prior to complete plan submittal and review $125.00 0.0% 2011 All other non-specified inspections' $60.00 Minimum fee plus State surcharge . or the total hourly costs of the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. The cost shall include supervision, overhead equipment, hourly wages, and fringe benefits of the employees involved. $60.00 0.0% 2011 Fire Sprinkler Fees: New or Additional Fire Sprinkler Systems 1.25% Fee is equal to 1.25% (.0125) of the total fire sprinkler contract amount, plus a State surcharge. Minimum of $50 plus State surcharge. 1.25% 0.0% 2011 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 4 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Last Chane Change Creekside Gate Fee: McLeod County resident leaves, grass clippings, No Charge ID required; Only Compostable bags accepted No Charge 2001 and brush (under 6" in diameter) NO plastic bags or garbage McLeod County resident wood waste No Charge Must be free of dirt and garbage No Charge 2001 includes brush and logs NO root balls accepted McLeod County Residential Pallet, Crate & Demo Wood No Charge No painted, stained or treated wood accepted No Charge 2001 Must be free of plastic and paper Commercial Yardwaste - commingled or separated $12.00 /ton Commingled yardwaste and brush mixed $10.00 /ton 20.0% 2001 Compostable bags only, no plastic bags Commercial Source Separated Organics $38.00 /ton Prior approval of acceptance of materials is required N/A new in 2018 Non-com posta bles not accepted; other fees may apply Commercial Woodwaste; includes brush and logs No Charge Must be free of dirt and garbage No Charge 2001 NO root balls accepted Commercial Pallets, Crates and Demo Wood $30.00 /ton No painted, stained or treated wood accepted $24.00 /ton 25.0% 2001 Must be free of plastic and paper Stump Chip Disposal No Charge No Charge 2001 Concrete and Asphalt (Clean) No Charge As determined by Creekside staff review No Charge 2001 Must be free of dirt, clay, rebar and other contaminents Concrete and Asphalt (Dirty) $10.00 /ton As determined by Creekside staff review $5.00 /ton 100.0% 2001 Reinforced Concrete Structures $35.00 /ton Includes reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), manholes, N/A new in 2018 catch basins, etc. Equipment Rates: Horizontal Wood Grinder Includes operator, wheel loader to feed grinder and fuel. Governmental Rate $367.50 /hr Machine repairs as a result of damage from contamination N/A new in 2018 Rate for all other Customers $525.00 /hr in customer's feedstock will be billable to customer N/A new in 2018 Wheel Loader Operator and fuel included Governmental Rate $85.00 /hr N/A new in 2018 Rate for all other Customers $110.00 /hr N/A new in 2018 Trommel Screener Includes equipment to feed screener. Governmental Rate $95.00 /hr Operator and fuel not included. N/A new in 2018 Rate for all other Customers $135.00 /hr Mandatory training at delivery/pick-up. N/A new in 2018 65' Radial Stacking Conveyor $18.00 /hr Operator and fuel not included N/A new in 2018 Portable Light Tower Rental $50.00 /event Cost is per unit; two units available to rent N/A new in 2018 Mobilization Charges $100.00 /hr Rountrip for delivery and pickup of equipment to and from N/A new in 2018 customer's job site I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 5 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Last Chane Change Event Center Great Room: Monday - Thursday $350.00 Seating up to 525 dinner or 1,100 theatre $350.00 0.0% 2017 Friday, Saturday, Holidays $700.00 $700.00 0.0% 2017 Sunday $475.00 $400.00 18.8% 2014 Linen Service Fee $95.00 $95.00 0.0% 2013 Wedding / Quinceanara $2,500.00 All-inclusive fee N/A - new in 2018 Half Great Room: Monday - Thursday $190.00 Seating up to 250 dinner or 550 theatre $185.00 2.7% 2017 Friday, Saturday, Holidays $450.00 $375.00 20.0% 2017 Sunday $300.00 $275.00 9.1% 2014 Linen Service Fee $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2013 Wedding / Quinceanara $1,600.00 All-inclusive fee N/A - new in 2018 Quarter Great Room: Monday - Thursday $100.00 Seating up to 100 dinner or 125 theatre $100.00 0.0% 2017 Friday, Saturday, Holidays $225.00 $225.00 0.0% 2014 Sunday $175.00 $175.00 0.0% 2017 Linen Service Fee $25.00 $25.00 0.0% 2013 Meeting Room: Ambassador $25.00 Seating for 40 - two hour minimum $25.00 0.0% 2017 Westlund $25.00 $25.00 0.0% 2017 McCormick $25.00 $25.00 0.0% 2017 Program Room: Cash Wise $125.00 Seating for 75 - two hour minimum $125.00 0.0% 2013 MidCountry $25.00 Seating for 15 - two hour minimum $20.00 25.0% 2001 Steans $25.00 Seating for 15 - two hour minimum $20.00 25.0% 2001 Hoefer $25.00 Seating for 15 - two hour minimum $20.00 25.0% 2001 LCD Projector 3500 Lumen $325.00 $300.00 8.3% 2001 LCD Projector 1100 Lumen $125.00 $100.00 25.0% 2001 Overhead Projector $30.00 $27.00 11.1% 2001 Slide Projector $30.00 $27.00 11.1% 2001 Front Truss Screen 9X12 $90.00 $83.00 8.4% 2001 Rear Truss Screen 9X13 $125.00 $117.00 6.8% 2001 Podium $12.00 $10.00 20.0% 2001 Podium with Microphone $40.00 $35.00 14.3% 2001 Wireless Microphone $40.00 $35.00 14.3% 2001 TV & VCR Lap top $35.00 $30.00 16.7% 2001 VCR/DVD/CD Player $25.00 $20.00 25.0% 2001 Internet Connection $0.00 No Charge $20.00 -100.0% 2001 Piano $30.00 $25.00 20.0% 2001 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 6 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 7 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Security $57 /hr/officer For events with alcohol, we require at least one Hutchinson police officer on duty until the end of the event (minimum of 4 hours). For groups of 250 or more, a second officer may be required for the final 4 hours of the event. The fee for each officer is $51/hr. Please refer to "Rental Policy". $51 /hr/officer 11.8% 2012 Refundable Damage Deposit $300 /event $300 /event 0.0% 2014 White Board/Stand 3X4 $14.00 /day $11.00 /day 27.3% 2001 White Board/Stand 4X6 $17.00 /day $14.00 /day 21.4% 2001 Coffee $15.00 /30 cups $20.00 /50 cups Hutchinson Event Center catered events Non HEC catered events $15.00 /30 cups $20.00 /50 cups 0.0% 0.0% 2014 2014 Tripod Screen 6' $15.00 /day $10.00 /day 50.0% 2001 Tripod Screen 8' $20.00 /day $15.00 /day 33.3% 2001 Food Fee-Large Group $80.00 /day $80.00 /day 0.0% 2017 Food Fee-Small Group $50.00 /day $50.00 /day 0.0% 2014 China/Flatware $1.00 /place setting Food vendor may add additional fees $1.00 /place setting 0.0% 2013 Draper Easels $8.00 /day $5.00 /day 60.0% 2001 Speaker Phone $25.00 /day $20.00 /day 25.0% 2001 Evergreen Senior Dining Dining Room & Kitchenette $100.00 $100.00 0.0% 2009 Carpeted Room $60.00 $60.00 0.0% 2009 After Hours Open or Lock-up $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2007 Damage Deposit $100.00 Separate check to be returned when keys are returned and if rooms are cleaned up and no damage has occurred $100.00 0.0% 2007 Finance Returned check from the bank (NSF or Closed Account) $30.00 Covers bank charge $30.00 0.0% 2010 Returned electronic payment (ACH) from the bank $30.00 Covers bank charge $30.00 0.0% 2010 Returned on-line bank payments (Utility Billing) $30.00 Covers bank charge $35.00 -14.3% 2014 Lodging Tax - City of Hutchinson 3.00% per City ordinance 116.01 3.00% 0.0% 1989 Lodging Tax - penalty for late payment 10.00% per City ordinance 116.22 10.00% 0.0% 1989 Local Option Sales Tax: Local Sales Tax Rate Local Excise Tax Local Excise Tax - Late Fee Applied to debt service on water and sewer facilities. 0.50% On retail sales made within, or delivered within, the city limits of Hutchinson. The tax applies to sales that are taxable under the Minnesota sales and use tax laws. $20.00 Per new or used vehicle sold by a dealer located within Hutchinson, in lieu of the Local Sales Tax Rate. 10.00% Dealers are required to report excise tax by the 15th day of the following month. The late fee shall be imposed if not paid by the 20th day of the following month. 0.50% $20.00 10.00% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2012 2012 2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 7 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Fire Department Fire Engine $200.00 /hr each hour on scene $200.00 /hr 0.0% 2014 Grass Truck/Unit $100.00 /hr each hour on scene $100.00 /hr 0.0% 2010 HERT Trailer (Haz-Mat) $50.00 /hr Plus material and/or equipment used $50.00 /hr 0.0% 2010 Incident Commander (IC) $50.00 /hr each hour on scene $50.00 /hr 0.0% 2014 Certified Firefighter $30.00 /hr each hour on scene $30.00 /hr 0.0% 2014 Platform Truck $350.00 /hr each hour on scene $350.00 /hr 0.0% 2014 Rescue $200.00 /hr $100.00 /hr First hour on scene Each hour after the first hour on scene $200.00 /hr $100.00 /hr 0.0% 0.0% 2014 2014 Water Tanker Truck $150.00 /hr each hour on scene $150.00 /hr 0.0% 2010 Repeat False Alarm Calculated Amount Calculation based on the apparatus and labor charges per each hour on scene Calculated Amount 2017 Fire Safety Inspection $50.00 Daycare/Foster Care units, Basic Commercial and Residential include one free re -inspection $50.00 0.0% 2017 Fire Incident Reports (paper or electronic copies) $15.00 $40.00 no pictures included in report pictures included in report $15.00 $40.00 0.0% 0.0% 2017 2017 Fireworks: Fireworks Only Business & Tent Sales Other retailers $350.00 (Jan 1 - Dec 31) $100.00 (Jan 1 - Dec 31) License fee is non-refundable, cannot be prorated, and cannot be waived License fee is non-refundable, cannot be prorated, land cannot be waived $350.00 (Jan 1 - Dec 31) $100.00 (Jan 1 - Dec 31) 0.0% 0.0% 2010 2010 HRA Pre Energy Audit $250 Post Energy Audit $150 $400.00 $400.00 0.0% 2016 Subordination Request Processing Fee $100.00 $100.00 0.0% 2003 Duplicate Document Fee $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2007 Loan Processing: CRPI Rehab Loan Admin Fee CRNPI Rehab Loan Document Preparation $2,600.00 $350.00 Owner match to CRPI $2,600.00 $350.00 0.0% 0.0% 2015 2015 GMHF & CRV Gap Loan Admin Fee $500.00 $500.00 0.0% 2017 SCDP Rental Rehab Project Loan Admin Fee 13.00% % of SCDP Loan 13.00% 0.0% 2015 HRA Entry Cost Loan Admin Fee $400.00 $400.00 0.0% 2014 Revolving New Const. Gap Loan Admin Fee $700.00 $700.00 0.0% 2016 Credit Report Fee $15.00 $15.00 0.0% 2000 Lead Risk Assessment Single Family housing (1-4 units) $475.00 $450.00 $550.00 single request per unit, 2 or more requests at a time MHFA Rehab Loan Program (additional samples required) $475.00 $450.00 $550.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2016 2008 2016 Lead Clearance Testing $250.00 $75.00 for one unit for additional units up to 4 units $250.00 $75.00 0.0% 0.0% 2016 2016 MHFA Rehab Loan Program Admin Fee 14.00% % of loan amount (changed from specific dollar amount) 14.00% 0.0% 2008 City Deferred Grants Administration Fee (TIF) 10.00% % of loan amount 10.00% 0.0% 2016 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 8 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 9 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change FUF/CFUF & HHILP Title Search Fee $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2017 FUF/CFUF & HHILP Loan Document Preparation Fee $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2008 FUF/CFUF & HHILP Loan Origination Fee 1.00% % of loan amount 1.00% 0.0% 2008 HRA HILP Loan Application Fee $350.00 $350.00 0.0% 2016 Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Fee 1$600.00 1 1$600.00 1 0.0% 2017 Legal Attorney's Fees for Litigation $100.00 /hr Charged per 1/4 hour $100.00 /hr 0.0% 2008 Paralegal's Fees for Litigation $50.00 /hr Charged per 1/4 hour $50.00 /hr 0.0% 2008 Contract Review Fee $100.00 /hr Charged per 1/4 hour $100.00 /hr 0.0% 2008 Attorney's Fees for Rental Registration Prosecution $100.00 /hr Charged per 1/4 hour $100.00 /hr 0.0% 2008 Paralegal's Fees for Rental Registration Prosecution $50.00 /hr Charged per 1/4 hour $50.00 /hr 0.0% 2008 Dangerous Dog Designation Hearing Up to $1,000.00 Up to $1,000.00 0.0% 2008 Licenses Carnival $525.00 Refundable deposit $525.00 0.0% 2009 Dance Permit $55.00 Short Term $55.00 0.0% 2009 Massage Services $175.00 January 1 - December 31 $175.00 0.0% 2009 Motorized Golf Cart $10.00 January 1 - December 31 $10.00 0.0% 2009 ATV $45.00 3 year license $45.00 0.0% 2016 Short -Term Gambling $30.00 Short Term $30.00 0.0% 2009 Garbage & Refuse Haulers: Commercial Residential Recycling Recycling $125.00 January 1 - December 31 $125.00 January 1 - December 31 $55.00 January 1 - December 31 $30.00 /day Per Day $125.00 $125.00 $55.00 $30.00 /day 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2009 2009 2009 2009 Peddler/Solicitor/Transient Merchant $125.00 Per License $125.00 0.0% 2009 Pawn Shops and Precious Metal Dealers $125.00 January 1 - December 31 $125.00 0.0% 2009 Second Hand Goods Dealers $125.00 January 1 - December 31 $125.00 0.0% 2009 Shows/Exhibitions $100.00 Short Term $100.00 0.0% 2010 Tattoo License $175.00 January 1 - December 31 $175.00 0.0% 2009 Taxi Cab License (per cab) $5.00 /cab January 1 -December 31 $5.00 /cab 0.0% 2009 Tobacco License $175.00 January 1 - December 31 $175.00 0.0% 2009 Rental Housing Registration $10.00 /unit $10.00 /unit 0.0% 2009 Food Cart $125.00 $125.000.0% 2013 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 9 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 10 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Last Chane Change Liquor Licenses: Club Liquor License Maximum fee amount set by state statute Under 200 Members $300.00 January 1 - December 31 $300.00 0.0% 2009 201 - 500 Members $500.00 January 1 - December 31 $500.00 0.0% 2009 501 - 1000 Members $650.00 January 1 - December 31 $650.00 0.0% 2009 1001 - 2000 Members $800.00 January 1 - December 31 $800.00 0.0% 2009 2001 - 4000 Members $1,000.00 January 1 - December 31 $1,000.00 0.0% 2009 4001 - 6000 Members $2,000.00 January 1 - December 31 $2,000.00 0.0% 2009 Over 6000 Members $3,000.00 January 1 - December 31 $3,000.00 0.0% 2009 Consumption & Display $250.00 January 1 - December 31 $250.00 0.0% 2012 $25.00 /event Temporary $25.00 /event 0.0% 2012 Wine License $425.00 January 1 - December 31 $425.00 0.0% 2009 On -Sale Intoxicating Malt Liquor & Wine License $600.00 January 1 - December 31 $600.00 0.0% 2009 On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License $2,000.00 January 1 - December 31 (prorate; refundable) $2,000.00 0.0% 2015 On -Sale Sunday Intoxicating Liquor License $125.00 January 1 - December 31 $125.00 0.0% 2009 $100.00 Temporary License (One Day) $100.00 0.0% 2009 On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License $425.00 January 1 - December 31 (nonrefundable) $425.00 0.0% 2009 $75.00 Short Term $75.00 0.0% 2013 Off -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License $300.00 January 1 - December 31 (nonrefundable) $300.00 0.0% 2009 Temporary Liquor License $125.00 minimum $125.00 minimum 0.0% 2013 Intoxicating Liquor Investigations $375.00 Nonrefundable $375.00 0.0% 2009 3.2 Malt Liquor Investigations $125.00 Nonrefundable $125.00 0.0% 2009 Caterer's Permit $100.00 Per Event $100.00 0.0% 2010 $300.00 Annual $300.00 0.0% 2010 Brewer (off -sale) $375.00 Annual $375.00 0.0% 2014 Brew pub off -sale $375.00 Annual $375.00 0.0% 2014 Taproom (on -sale) $600.00 Annual $600.00 0.0% 2014 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 10 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 11 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Mapping and Printing Comprehensive Plan Book DC Color Copy with Foldouts $25.00 $15.00 $75.00 Website copy available free of charge Four books $25.00 $15.00 $75.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2009 2009 2009 Subdivision Ordinance $20.00 $20.00 0.0% 2009 Zoning Manual $20.00 $20.00 0.0% 2009 Zoning/Shoreland/Subdivision Manual $40.00 $40.00 0.0% 2009 Joint Planning Area Zoning Manual $20.00 $20.00 0.0% 2009 Subdivision Agreement $1.00 /page $1.00 /page 0.0% 2009 8 1/2" X 11" - Black & White print $0.25 /page $0.25 /page 0.0% 2009 8 1/2" X 11" - Color print $1.50 /page $1.50 /page 0.0% 2009 Legal or Tabloid Size - Black & White print $1.00 /page $1.00 /page 0.0% 2009 Legal or Tabloid Size - Color print $3.00 /page $3.00 /page 0.0% 2009 18" X 24" - Black & White print $1.50 /page $1.50 /page 0.0% 2009 18" X 24" - Color print $4.50 /page $4.50 /page 0.0% 2009 24" X 36" - Black & White print $3.00 /page $3.00 /page 0.0% 2009 24" X 36" - Color print $9.00 /page Small city zoning map $9.00 /page 0.0% 2009 36" X 36" - Black & White print $4.50 /page $4.50 /page 0.0% 2009 36" X 36" - Color print $14.00 /page $14.00 /page 0.0% 2009 36" X 48" - Black & White print $6.00 /page $6.00 /page 0.0% 2009 36" X 48" - Color print $18.00 /page $18.00 /page 0.0% 2009 Roll Paper Printing $1.50 /sq.ft. $1.50 /sq.ft. 0.0% 2009 Specialty Map preparation $27.50 /hr Map printing at charges noted above; one hour minimum, 1/4 hour increments thereafter; must be approved by the City IT Director $27.50 /hr 0.0% 2009 8 1/2" X 11" $5.00 Color orthophoto prints $5.00 0.0% 2009 Legal or Tabloid $9.00 Color orthophoto prints $9.00 0.0% 2009 18" X 24" $20.00 Color orthophoto prints $20.00 0.0% 2009 24" X 36" $30.00 Color orthophoto prints $30.00 0.0% 2009 36" X 36" $40.00 Color orthophoto prints $40.00 0.0% 2009 36" X 48" $50.00 IColor orthophoto prints $50.00 0.0% 2009 Digital Data Orthophoto $550 /sq.mile Minimum charge of $550.00 $550 /sq.mile 0.0% 2009 Digital Data Contours $550 /sq.mile Minimum charge of $550.00 $550 /sq.mile 0.0% 2009 Digital Data Planimetrics $250 /sq.mile Minimum charge of $250.00 $250 /sq.mile 0.0% 2009 Purchase a combination of all three data sets for $1,350 /sq.mile not to exceed a maximum charge of $18,100 Special mapping requests = Data Price + $50 /hr All data is provided in Arcview Shape File format on a CD An additional $50 charge will be applied to digital data converted to a .dxf format for CAD systems The City reserves the right to waive fees by Council direction for other governmental organizations. Commercial -type printing of private, non -city materials (i.e. building plans, site drawings, etc) or map preparation for private use is not allowed. I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 11 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Last Chane Change Parks, Recreation & Community Education Aquatic Center: Daily Admission All Swimmers $7.00 $6.00 16.7% 2017 24 months and younger FREE FREE 2017 Spectators $4.00 $4.00 0.0% 2017 After 5pm $5.00 $5.00 0.0% 2017 Morning Fitness $4.00 morning fitness, lap swim, river walking $4.00 0.0% 2017 Season Pass Individual $90.00 includes morning fitness, lap swim, river walking $90.00 0.0% 2017 Each additional family member $35.00 example: $195 for a family of four ($90+$35+$35+$35) $20.00 75.0% 2017 Senior (age 60 years+) $75.00 includes morning fitness, lap swim, river walking $75.00 0.0% 2017 Each additional senior family $20.00 example: $95 for a family of two seniors ($75+$20) $20.00 0.0% 2017 Discount Tickets 12 admissions $60.00 $60.00 0.0% 2017 Rentals Party Tent Rentals $20.00 for 2 hours $20.00 0.0% 2017 Youth Sports/Activities: Adaptive Recreation $5.00 /session per session $5.00 /session 0.0% 2017 T -Ball / Baseball (K - Grade 2) $40.00 14 sessions $40.00 0.0% 2013 Girls Softball (Grades 1 - 4) $40.00 14 sessions $40.00 0.0% 2013 Baseball (Grades 2 - 5) Fee to Association 14 sessions - Association determines the fee Fee to Association Basketball: Preschool Fee to Association 7 sessions - Association determines the fee Fee to Association K - Grade 2 Fee to Association 7 sessions - Association determines the fee Fee to Association Grades 3 - 4 Fee to Association 14 sessions - Association determines the fee Fee to Association Grades 5 - 6 Fee to Association 24 sessions - Association determines the fee Fee to Association Football: Flag $30.00 7 sessions $30.00 0.0% 2013 Tackle $50.00 14 sessions $50.00 0.0% 2013 Soccer: Indoor $25.00 6 sessions $25.00 0.0% 2013 Outdoor: Grades K-3 $35.00 6 sessions $35.00 0.0% 2011 Outdoor: Grades 4-6 $40.00 12 sessions $40.00 0.0% 2013 Figure Skating: Tots -Delta $84.00 14 sessions $57.00 47.4% 2013 Sunday Practice $88.00 14 sessions $67.00 31.3% 2013 Open Skating Pass: Students/Seniors $50.00 $45.00 11.1% 2011 Adults $60.00 $55.00 9.1% 2011 Families $80.00 $75.00 6.7% 2011 Open Skating: Sunday $3.00 /day per youth per day $2.00 /day 50.0% 2001 Non -School Days $4.00 /day per adult per day $3.00 /day 33.3% 2001 School Days $3.00 /day per adult per day $2.00 /day 50.0% 2001 School Days $4.00 /day per family per day $3.00 /day 33.3% 2001 Family Hour $4.00 /day per adults $3.00 /day 33.3% 2001 Family Hour 1$6.00 /day 1per family 1$5.00 /day 1 20.0% 1 2001 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 12 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 13 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Last Chane Change Swimming Lessons $45.00 10 lessons $45.00 0.0% 2017 Open Swim $6.00 /day per person $6.00 /day 0.0% 2017 $4.00 /day daily fitness $4.00 /day 0.0% 2017 Swim Package $50.00 12 swims $50.00 0.0% 2017 $60.00 fitness pass $60.00 0.0% 2017 Household Swim Package: 1 member $90.00 $90.00 0.0% 2017 2 members 110.00 $110.00 0.0% 2017 3 members 130.00 $130.00 0.0% 2017 4 members 150.00 $150.00 0.0% 2017 5 members 170.00 $170.00 0.0% 2017 6 members 190.00 $190.00 0.0% 2017 7 members 210.00 $210.00 0.0% 2017 Adult Sports: Men's Basketball $12.00 per game per team $12.00 0.0% 2013 Slowpitch Softball (Umpired Leagues) $12.00 per game per team $12.00 0.0% 2013 Volleyball: Co-Rec $12.00 per match per team $12.00 0.0% 2013 Men's $12.00 per match per team $12.00 0.0% 2013 Sand $50.00 per team 10 matches $50.00 0.0% 2013 Women's $12.00 per match per team $12.00 0.0% 2013 Open Basketball $3.00 per person $2.00 50.0% 2001 Open Hockey $5.00 /day per person per day $5.00 /day 0.0% 2001 Other Fees: West River Park Camping: Electric Hook -Up $25.00 $25.00 0.0% 2017 Water, Sewer, Electric $30.00 $30.00 0.0% 2017 Field Rental $15.00 1 1/2 hours $15.00 0.0% 2014 VMF Field: Day Game $45.00 $45.00 0.0% 2017 Night Game $90.00 $90.00 0.0% 2017 Shelter reservation $20.00 per day $20.00 0.0% 2007 $40.00 or or $40.00 0.0% 2014 Depot building rental - 25 Adams St SE $15.00 /hr 4 hour minimum $10.00 50.0% 2016 Church rental - 105 2nd Ave SE $50.00 /hr 2 hour minimum $50.00 0.0% 2016 Bleachers $20.00 per 3 rows $20.00 0.0% 2007 Picnic Tables $15.00 With three-day rental, will move tables; four table minimum $15.00 0.0% 2016 Garden Plot $35.00 10'x 20' $35.00 0.0% 2009 Open Gym Daily $3.00 per person $3.00 0.0% 2014 Open Gym Pass $45.00 per person $45.00 0.0% 2014 Indoor Playground: Child $3.00 per child $2.00 50.0% 2009 Family $4.00 1per family 1 $3.00 1 33.3% 1 2009 Family Playground Pass $50.00 1 1 $45.00 1 11.1% 1 2014 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 13 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Rec Center and Civic Arena (dry floor): First Full Day $600.00 per day $600.00 0.0% 2001 Half Day $350.00 1/2 day $350.00 0.0% 2010 Additional Day $300.00 each additional day $300.00 0.0% 2001 Youth $40.00 /hr per hour $40.00 /hr 0.0% 2013 Rec Center: Basketball Rental $20.00 per court per hour $20.00 0.0% 2013 Volleyball Rental $17.50 per court per hour $17.50 0.0% 2009 Swimming Pool $300.00 per hour $60.00 400.0% 2009 Lobby $15.00 per hour $15.00 0.0% 2009 Civic Arena: Ice Time $170.00 /hr per hour $160.00 /hr 6.3% 2017 Summer Ice $170.00 /hr per hour $160.00 /hr 6.3% 2017 Roberts Park Tournament Fee $45.00 per field per day $45.00 0.0% 2013 Transfers $4.00 per person per class $4.00 0.0% 2010 Cancellations $4.00 deducted from refund $4.00 0.0% 2010 ***Team Fees Are Non -Refundable*** Plan Review Plan Review is 65% of the building permit fee Plan Review Fee for similar plans is 25% of Building Permit Fee (per MN Rule 1300.0160) All other non-specified valuations to be determined by Building Official. State Surcharge Fee: Permits with Fixed Fees $5.00 Surcharge for mobile home, demolition, moving, excavation, $5.00 0.0% 2011 $1.00 after 6/30/2015 residential reroof, residential reside, residential window or door replacement, and utility sheds over 200 sq.ft. Valuation up to $1,000,000 Mil (.0005) X Mil (.0005) X Valuations up to $1,000,000 Mil (.0005) X 2011 Valuations Valuations $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 Valuation - Valuation - $1,000,000 X .0004 + $500.00 Valuation - 2011 $1,000,000 X.0004 $1,000,000 X.0004 +$500.00 +$500.00 $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 Valuation - Valuation - $2,000,000 X .0003 + $900.00 Valuation - 2011 $2,000,000 X.0003 $2,000,000 X.0003 +$900.00 +$900.00 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 Valuation - Valuation - $3,000,000 X .0002 + $1,200.00 Valuation - 2011 $3,000,000 X.0002 $3,000,000 X.0002 +$1,200.00 +$1,200.00 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 Valuation - Valuation - $4,000,000 X .0001 + $1,400.00 Valuation - 2011 $4,000,000 X.0001 $4,000,000 X.0001 +$1,400.00 +$1,400.00 $5,000,000 and over Valuation - Valuation - $5,000,000 X .00005 + $1,500.00 Valuation - 2011 $5,000,000 X .00005 $5,000,000 X .00005 +$1,500.00 +$1,500.00 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 14 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Planning and Land Use Variances $350.00 Includes recording fees $350.00 0.0% 2017 Conditional Use Permits $350.00 Includes recording fees $350.00 0.0% 2017 Rezoning $425.00 Includes recording fees $425.00 0.0% 2017 Vacation of street, alley, or easement $375.00 Includes recording fees $375.00 0.0% 2011 Lot Splits (Single and Two Family) $225.00 Includes recording fees $225.00 0.0% 2017 Lot Splits (Multiple Family, Commercial, Industrial) $300.00 Includes recording fees $300.00 0.0% 2017 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $350.00 $350.00 0.0% 2017 Planned Unit Development $600.00 Includes recording fees $600.00 0.0% 2017 Platting: Preliminary Plat Final Plat $450.00 + $10 per lot $250.00 + $10 per lot Plus recording and legal fees Plus recording and legal fees $450.00 + $10 per lot $250.00 + $10 per lot 0.0% 0.0% 2017 2017 Site Plan $400.00 $400.00 0.0% 2017 Annexation $450.00 +$5 per acre Includes annexation fee to be paid to State $450.00 +$5 per acre 0.0% 2011 Sign Permit $1.00 /sq.ft. $60.00 minimum Per square foot with a minimum fee of $60.00 $1.00 /sq.ft. $60.00 minimum 0.0% 2011 Sandwich Board Sign Permit $60.00 Per year $60.00 0.0% 2011 Portable/Temporary Sign Permit $60.00 Per permit, three permits per calendar year $60.00 0.0% 2011 Fence Permit $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2011 After the Fact Double permit fee Double permit fee Special Meeting Double permit fee Includes $30 payment to Planning Commissioners in attendance Double permit fee Zoning Letters $30.00 Per property address $30.00 0.0% 2011 Flood Zoning Letters $30.00 Per property address $30.00 0.0% 2011 Trees $300.00 Per tree $300.00 0.0% 2012 Residential Curb Cut, Driveway Apron, and Hard Surfacing Driveway Permit $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2011 Commercial Parking Lot $150.00 $300.00 Overlay Reconstruction $150.00 $300.00 0.0% 0.0% 2016 2016 NOTE: Application fees include public hearing publication, preparation of maps, public notice mailings, agenda preparation, meetings, site visits, filing fees for the County, administrative expenses, etc. I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 15 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 16 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Police Department Animal License Tag (Dog/Cat) $10.00 $10.00 0.0% 2007 Dangerous Dog Designation Registration $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2009 Animal Impound $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2007 Animal Maintenance/Kennel Fee: Initial kennel fee - first day Dogs - kennel fee after first day Cats - kennel fee after first day Vaccination fee Testing fee $35.00 $16.00 /day $11.00 /day $5.00 $25.00 applies to both cats and dogs per day following the initial kennel fee per day following the initial kennel fee applies to both cats and dogs applies to cats only $35.00 $16.00 /day $11.00 /day $5.00 $25.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Vehicle Impound Storage $10.00 /day Per day $10.00 /day 0.0% 2007 Court Ordered Breath Tests $25.00 /week Per week $25.00 /week 0.0% 2007 Finger Printing $20.00 $20.00 0.0% 2007 Police Report Copies: Walk In Mail or Fax $0.25 /page $5.00 Per page $0.25 /page $5.00 0.0% 0.0% 2007 2007 Police Service of Papers $45.00 $45.00 0.0% 2015 Photographs $2.00 /page Per page $2.00 /page 0.0% 2007 Audio/Video Magnetic Media $30.00 /item Per item $30.00 /item 0.0% 2007 Bicycle Licenses $5.00 $5.00 0.0% 2007 Automated Pawn Services $1.50 $1.50 0.0% 2007 Citizen Weapon Storage $1.00 /day New state law allows citizens to bring personal weapons into the Police Department for safekeeping. $1.00 /day 0.0% 2015 The following are court assessed fees for violation of specific ordinances. ATV Traffic Control Regulations $125.00 73.15 $125.00 0.0% 2012 City Parking Lots & Rams $25.00 72.08 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Dog at Large $50.00 Ordinance No. 93.18 $50.00 0.0% 2012 Dog Without License $25.00 93.18 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Drive through private property to avoid traffic control device $85.00 71.08 $85.00 0.0% 2012 Emergency Parking Prohibition $100.00 72.05 $100.00 0.0% 2012 Equipment Requirements/Muffler $50.00 73.03 $50.00 0.0% 2012 Excessive Vehicle Noise Prohibited $85.00 71.11 $85.00 0.0% 2012 Fail to Remove Animal Waste $30.00 93.01 $30.00 0.0% 2012 Fire Lanes; Rush Hour Traffic $50.00 72.13 $50.00 0.0% 2012 Loading Zone $25.00 72.09 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Motor-home/Trailer/Rec vehicle park restriction $25.00 72.07 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Motorized Scooters $85.00 73.17 $85.00 0.0% 2012 No Burning Permit in Possession $100.00 92.62 $100.00 0.0% 2012 No Parking $25.00 Ordinance No. 72.04 (b) 3 $25.00 0.0% 2012 No Parking- ike Lane $25.00 170.05 1 $25.00 1 0.0% 1 2012 No Parking -Snow Emergency $50.00 172.15 1 $50.00 1 0.0% 1 2012 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 16 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary -Am Page 17 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Nuisance Parkin $25.00 Ordinance No. 92.19 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Parallel Parkin $25.00 72.02 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Parking for Advertising or Sale Prohibited $50.00 72.11 $50.00 0.0% 2012 Parking/Standing/Stopping Prohibited $25.00 72.01 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Physically Handicapped Parking $200.00 72.12 $200.00 0.0% 2012 Possession of uncased loaded firearm $125.00 130.05 $125.00 0.0% 2012 Residential zoning district violation $40.00 154.056 $40.00 0.0% 2012 Traffic Congestion Street/Restriction/Exemption $25.00 71.06 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Truck Parking Restricted $25.00 72.06 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Use of Bike/Skateboards/Rollerskates/Like $25.00 73.31 $25.00 0.0% 2012 U -Turns Restriction $25.00 71.04 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Vehicle repair on street/public parking lot restriction $85.00 72.1 $85.00 0.0% 2012 Violate Angle Parking Ordinance $25.00 72.03 $25.00 0.0% 2012 Violate motorized golf cart ordinance $50.00 73.16 $50.00 0.0% 2012 Violation of Time Limit Parking $25.00 172.04 1 $25.00 1 0.0% 1 2012 Water Shortages/Rest Use/Hours $100.00 Jordinance No. 52.06 $100.00 1 0.0% 1 2012 Public Works Engineering: " Design Review 3.00% Review of site and grading plans and/or plans and specifications prepared by developer, or preliminary engineering of reconstruction plans. 3.00% 0.0% 2002 Final Design 6.00% Preparation of project plans and specifications in-house. 6.00% 0.0% 2002 Construction Review and Staking 6.00% Includes on-site and off-site construction services. Private developers must provide survey control and may complete this work with a consultant approved by the City and pay these costs directly. 6.00% 0.0% 2002 " Preliminary Development 1.00% Plan review, City approval process, and preparation of developer, subdivision and/or development agreements. 1.00% 0.0% 2002 Contact Administration 2.00% Assessment roll preparation, MN Statute 429 review, and contract administration and review. 2.00% 0.0% 2002 • Comprehensive Planning 2.00% Comprehensive/infrastructure/system planning and improvement project studies/reports. 2.00% 0.0% 2014 Topographic Mapping 1.00% GIS system and topographic mapping administration. 1.00% 0.0% 2014 " Housing needs fund 1.00% Funding for HRA program supporting housing needs within the community. The HRA Board may waive this fee on projects meeting HRA Housing goals. Not applied to reconstruction or trunk utility improvements. 1.00% 0.0% 2002 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary -Am Page 17 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Standard City Rate: Redevelopment/Newly Annexed 21.00% Redevelopment and newly annexed (does not include 21.00% 0.0% 2014 "Housing Needs Fund") New Development 22.00% New development (includes "Housing Needs Fund"). The 22.00% 0.0% 2014 City retains the right to approve which projects will be completed utilizing municipal financing based on guidelines approved by the City Council. Developer Designed & Financed Rate 7.00% Minimum rate, including all items noted with asterisk ('). 7.00% 0.0% 2014 Private development projects utilizing more City services will be charged based on rates noted above. Hutchinson HRA may waive the 1 % Housing Needs Fund fee based on low-income housing being included in the project. Engineering: Plans & Specs (paper) $80.00 Per set fee $80.00 0.0% 2002 Engineering: Plans & Specs (download set) $20.00 Per set fee $20.00 0.0% 2002 The City retains the right to engage a consultant to complete a portion of the Engineering and Project Administration. The developer shall have the preliminary and final plat approved prior to work commencing on final design. Financial assurance/bonding may be required for improvement being completed by private developers. The developer shall meet all design standards and financial surety requirements of the City. Typical Residential Improvement Assessment Rates: Total street reconstruction $80.00 Per adjusted front foot $80.00 0.0% 2010 Partial street reconstruction $65.00 Per adjusted front foot $65.00 0.0% 2013 Street rehabilitation $52.50 Per adjusted front foot $52.50 0.0% 2013 Mill/overlay of street $30.00 Per adjusted front foot $30.00 0.0% 2010 Water service lateral $3,000.00 or based on actual construction costs $3,000.00 0.0% 2010 Sewer service lateral $3,000.00 or based on actual construction costs $3,000.00 0.0% 2010 SAC (Sewer Availability Charge) $2,300.00 Residential per MCES criteria & Commercial/Industrial per $2,300.00 0.0% 2011 MCES with initial unit + 50% of additional units WAC (Water Availability Charge) $1,750.00 Residential per MCES criteria & Commercial/Industrial per $1,750.00 0.0% 2011 MCES with initial unit + 50% of additional units Assessment Search $30.00 $30.00 0.0% 2011 Water Rates: Base charge $7.35 Per water meter $7.35 0.0% 2011 Usage (Residential, Retail, Commercial, Industrial) To 150,000 gallons per month $4.34 $4.34 0.0% 2011 151,000 to 3,000,000 gallons per month $3.18 $3.18 0.0% 2011 Over 3,000,000 gallons per month $2.36 $2.36 0.0% 2011 Water Service Repair $0.50 Per water meter per month $0.50 0.0% 2011 Bulk water $45.00 Deposit for key rental $45.00 0.0% 2011 Key rental fee (Month or partial month) $45.00 Month or partial month $45.00 0.0% 2011 Lost key $585.00 $585.00 0.0% 2011 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 18 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 19 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Set up fee $25.00 Set up fee for putting a metered valve onto a hydrant for bulk water loading / use $25.00 0.0% 2016 Per load $20.00 South Park loaded by City staff $20.00 0.0% 2011 Per load $20.00 2 load/day, hydrant fills $20.00 0.0% 2011 Load Charge $8.00 per 1,000 gallon (rounded to nearest 1,000 ga.) $20 minimum $8.00 0.0% 2015 Disconnect/Reconnecting Accounts Leaving for Winter, or foreclosures (scheduled) Delinquent Accounts Reconnect after hours, weekends, holiday $30.00 $40.00 $100.00 $30 for disconnect; $30 for reconnect $40 for disconnect; $40 for reconnect The $40 disconnect fee applies to all accounts that do not pay by noon on the disconnect due date unless a payment arrangement is granted by the City prior to the noon. $30.00 $40.00 $100.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2011 2011 2011 Water Meter Fees: 3/4" X 5/8" $280.00 Connections and flanges included $265.00 5.7% 2016 1" $360.00 ' meter pricing includes water meter transmitter $360.00 0.0% 2016 1.5" Turbo $1,120.00 $1,075.00 4.2% 2016 1.5" Compound $1,510.00 $1,510.00 0.0% 2016 2" Compound $1,740.00 Water department staff will approve/disapprove or require application of turbo or compound meters. $1,730.00 0.6% 2016 2" Turbo $1,300.00 $1,250.00 4.0% 2016 3" Compound $2,160.00 $2 150.00 0.5% 2011 3" Turbo $1,595.00 $1,540.00 3.6% 2016 4" Compound $3,600.00 $3,550.00 1.4% 2016 4" Turbo $2,910.00 Water department staff will approve/disapprove or require application of turbo or compound meters. $2,775.00 4.9% 2016 6" Compound $6,000.00 $6,000.00 0.0% 2016 6" Turbo $4,890.00 $4,890.00 0.0% 2016 Water meter testing fee $50.00 Plus all direct costs for testing by others $50.00 0.0% 2012 Water meter transmitter $125.00 As needed, determined by the Water Dept. $125.00 0.0% 2015 Telecommunications Application Fee: Telecommunication permit application $775.00 $775.00 0.0% 2012 Lease rates Negotiated Negotiated Sewer Rates: (will be reevaluated upon receipt of NPDES permit renewal) Base charge (CATEGORY A) $6.41 Per connection $6.41 0.0% 2011 Usage (CATEGORY A) $6.42 Based upon January/February 30 day avg water usage $6.42 0.0% 2011 Base charge (CATEGORY B) $6.41 Per connection $6.41 0.0% 2011 Usage (CATEGORY B) $5.75 Based upon January/February 30 day avg water usage $5.75 0.0% 2011 Load charges: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Total Kjedahl Nitrogen (TKN) Suspended Solids Phosphorous (P) $0.43 $1.16 $0.40 $5.82 Greater than 140 mg/I Greater than 50 mg/I Greater than 310 mg/I lGreater than 6 mg/I $0.43 $1.16 $0.40 $5.82 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2010 2010 2010 2010 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 19 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Industrial Pretreatment Program Fees: (will be reevaluated upon receipt of NPDES permit renewal) New permit application fee Sewer users < 25,000 gals/day and Haulers $100.00 Permit application fee $100.00 0.0% 2006 Sewer users > 25,000 gals/day $400.00 Permit application fee $400.00 0.0% 2006 Annual Permit Fee Haulers $100.00 per year $100.00 0.0% 2006 Sewer Users < 25,000 gals/day $700.00 per year $700.00 0.0% 2006 Sewer Users 25,000 to 100,000 gals/day $1,400.00 per year $1,400.00 0.0% 2006 SewerUsers> 100,000 gals/day $2,100.00 peryear $2,100.00 0.0% 2006 Annual site inspection fee $100.00 $100.00 0.0% 2006 Sampling and Lab costs at Cost at Cost 2006 State and Legal Costs at Cost at Cost 2006 Limits Exceedance Fees $150.00 per pollutant per sampling period $150.00 0.0% 2006 Hauling Waste Fees Portable Toilets Waste Truck tipping fee $6.00 per 100 gallons $6.00 0.0% 2006 Municipal WWTP Sludge Truck tipping fee $50.00 per truck load $50.00 0.0% 2006 Sludge volume fee $325.00 per dry ton $325.00 0.0% 2006 Garbage Rates: Standard weekly service 30 -gallon container $20.12 per month charge $20.12 0.0% 2008 60 -gallon container $29.02 per month charge $29.02 0.0% 2008 90 -gallon container $39.92 per month charge $39.92 0.0% 2008 Standard bi-weekly service 30 -gallon container $14.16 per month charge $14.16 0.0% 2008 60 -gallon container N/A not available N/A 90 -gallon container N/A not available N/A Weekly valet service 30 -gallon container $28.46 per month charge $28.46 0.0% 2008 60 -gallon container $37.36 per month charge $37.36 0.0% 2008 90 -gallon container $48.26 per month charge $48.26 0.0% 2008 Senior Citizens/Low Income Rate Bi -weekly standard service $14.16 30 -gallon container; per month charge $14.16 0.0% 2008 Bi -weekly valet service (low income) $19.79 30 -gallon container, per month charge $19.79 0.0% 2008 Senior citizen reduced rate (low income) $2.50 per month charge $2.50 0.0% 2008 Senior citizen reduced valet $10.84 per month charge $10.84 0.0% 2008 Senior citizen reduced bi-weekly valet $6.67 per month charge $6.67 0.0% 2008 Cart delivery fee $10.00 $10.00 0.0% 2007 Stickers for extra garbage bag service $2.00 stickers available at City Center Administration window $2.00 0.0% 2007 Compost Carts First 95 gallon cart $0.00 free service $0.00 0.0% 2007 Second 95 gallon cart (optional) $100.00 annual billing - not to be prorated if cancelled within year $100.00 0.0% 2016 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 20 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 21 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last Change Storm Water Utility: Golf Course, Park, Open Space $5.58 $5.42 3.0% 2017 Single & Two -Family Residential $4.30 $4.17 3.1% 2017 Public/Private School & Institutional $21.66 $21.03 3.0% 2017 Multi -Family Residential & Church $30.80 $29.90 3.0% 2017 Commercial & Industrial $55.09 $53.49 3.0% 2017 Lots 1 to 2 acres $7.46 $7.24 3.0% 2017 Lots 2 to 3 acres $13.01 $12.63 3.0% 2017 Lots 3 to 4 acres $18.55 $18.01 3.0% 2017 Lots 4 to 5 acres $24.11 $23.41 3.0% 2017 Lots over 5 acres See Resolution No. 11637 Drainage/Erosion Control permit $35.00 Drainage connection $35.00 0.0% 2012 $35.00 < 5,000 ft 2 disturbed $35.00 0.0% 2012 $100.00 5,000 ft2 - 1 acre disturbed $100.00 0.0% 2012 $200.00 1 to 5 acres disturbed $200.00 0.0% 2012 $300.00 More than 5 acres disturbed $300.00 0.0% 2012 Cemetery: Flush marker grave space $790.00 $790.00 0.0% 2017 Upright memorial grave space $1,030.00 $1,030.00 0.0% 2017 Second right of interment $430.00 $430.00 0.0% 2017 Baby section grave space $140.00 $140.00 0.0% 2017 Flush marker cremation grave space $430.00 $430.00 0.0% 2017 Upright memorial cremation grave space $1,030.00 $1,030.00 0.0% 2017 Cremation grave space $430.00 $430.00 0.0% 2017 Columbarium Niches Upper 3 rows Lower 2rows ColumbariumShelter - all units $1,730.00 $1,350.00 $1,950.00 $1,730.00 $1,350.00 $1,950.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2017 2017 2017 Replacement Bronze Plaque $380.00 $380.00 0.0% 2017 Weekday interment $790.00 $790.00 0.0% 2017 Weekend/Holiday interment $1,030.00 $1,030.00 0.0% 2017 Winter weekday interment $925.00 $925.00 0.0% 2017 Winter weekend/holiday interment $1,140.00 $1,140.00 0.0% 2017 Weekday Baby interment $300.00 $300.00 0.0% 2017 Weekend/Holiday Baby interment $540.00 $540.00 0.0% 2017 Winter weekday Baby interment $600.00 $600.00 0.0% 2017 Winter weekend/holiday Baby interment $650.00 $650.00 0.0% 2017 Weekday cremation in -ground inurnment $415.00 $415.00 0.0% 2017 Weekend/Holiday cremation in -ground inurnment $655.00 $655.00 0.0% 2017 Winter weekday cremation in -ground inurnment $535.00 $535.00 0.0% 2017 Winter weekend/holiday cremation in -ground inurnment $770.00 $770.00 0.0% 2017 Vaulted cremains (additional charge) $240.00 $240.00 0.0% 2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 21 of 22 12/5/2017 I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 22 of 22 12/5/2017 City of Hutchinson 2018 Fee Schedule Fee Type 2018 Fees Notes 2017 Fees % Chane Last I Change Inurnment - Columbaria: Weekday Weekend/Holiday Winter weekday Winter weekend/holiday $375.00 $600.00 $490.00 $700.00 $360.00 $570.00 $465.00 $670.00 4.2% 5.3% 5.4% 4.5% 2015 2015 2015 2015 Late charges (funerals arrive after 4pm) $215.00 $215.00 0.0% 2017 Disinterment $1,650.00 $1,650.00 0.0% 2017 Holding vault fee $135.00 $135.00 0.0% 2017 Stone setting permit $80.00 $80.00 0.0% 2012 Cemetery deed transfer $15.00 Rate set by Statute $15.00 0.0% 2008 Chapel rental $275.00 Per 1/2 day $275.00 0.0% 2017 Memorial Bench Program Single bronze plaque Double bronze plaque Engraved name/date per space $550.00 $760.00 $275.00 $550.00 $760.00 $275.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2017 2017 2017 Commemorative Bench Program No memorial on bench; placed by Cemetery Recording fee $2,500.00 $80.00 $2,500.00 $80.00 0.0% 0.0% 2017 2012 Affidavit of Ownership $80.00 IClaim of ownership by decent of title $80.00 0.0% 2012 H.A.T.S. Facility: Fuel Charges $0.12 Fuel system maintenance, fuel treatment, equip wash bay $0.12 0.0% 2009 Airport: City -owned hangars: Hangars #1/9-1/18 Hangars #2/1-2/8 Hangars #3/2-3/4; 3/6-3/8 Hangars #3/1 & 3/5 Hangars #4/1-4/8 $40.00 $85.00 $120.00 $210.00 $110.00 Per month. Per month. Adjusted to $0.96/SF annual cost Per month. Adjusted to $0.96/SF annual cost Per month. Adjusted to $0.96/SF annual cost Per month. Adjusted to $0.96/SF annual cost $40.00 $85.00 $120.00 $210.00 $110.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2014 2015 2014 2014 2015 City -owned storage spaces - Hangar #4 $40.00 Per month. Adjusted to $0.96/SF annual cost $40.00 0.0% 2014 Privately -owned hangar spaces: General Aviation Commercial $0.0393 $0.1304 per sq. ft. every other year (next adjustment in 2020) per sq. ft. every other year (next adjustment in 2020) $0.0380 $0.1260 3.4% 3.5% 2016 201" Operations & Maintenance: Labor rate $50.00 /hr Add $20/hr for premium/overtime pay $50.00 /hr 0.0% 2012 Administrative fee $50.00 $50.00 0.0% 2010 Mailbox reimbursement $275.00 Reimbursement to property owners for damaged mailbox not repaired by City staff. $250.00 10.0% 2016 Asphalt patching material $270.00 /ton Per ton (up to 3 ton) $270.00 /ton 0.0% 2016 Other materials Quoted IQuoted Equipment rental rates See most recent FEMA reimbursement rates + 20% + Operator cost + Fuel surcharge I:\Finance\FEE SCHEDULES\2018 Fee Schedule\2018 Fee Schedule - Preliminary.xlsx Page 22 of 22 12/5/2017 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL Cityaf Aa Ls Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Approve/Deny Resolution in Support of a Welcoming and Inclusive Community Department: City Council LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 12/12/2017 Application Complete Contact: John Lofdahl Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Council member John Lofdahl would like the City Council to consider adopting the attached resolution. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve/Deny Resolution 14818 - A resolution in support of a welcoming and inclusive community Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14818 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A WELCOMING AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY WHEREAS, John, Judson and Asa Hutchinson believed in the equality of people and used their musical talents to advocate for the abolishment of slavery in the 1800's; and WHEREAS, the Hutchinson brothers founded the City of Hutchinson, MN in 1855 in part on the principal of equal rights for women; and WHEREAS, Hutchinson was also founded in part on the principle of religious tolerance and as a result land was set aside for a "Humanities Church"; and WHEREAS, Hutchinson is now home to international and national industries, retailers and other businesses; and WHEREAS, national and state demographic trends project an inevitable increase in the diversity of the population; and WHEREAS, individuals and families of diverse backgrounds will be important for Hutchinson to continue to grow and to meet future workforce needs; and WHEREAS, diversity enriches us as individuals and as a community; and WHEREAS, discrimination demeans the dignity of persons, threatens people's rights and privileges, and menaces the institutions and foundations of democracy. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, MN: 1. That the City of Hutchinson is welcoming to all residents without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ethnicity, religion, or country of origin, and we renew our commitment that Hutchinson will continue to be a community in which all people have the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness free of discrimination, hatred and violence; and 2. That City ordinances, policies, procedures, programs and services will reflect a welcoming and inclusive community that celebrates diversity, promotes equality and fosters respect for all persons; and 3. The City will partner with businesses and other institutions to support immigrants and newcomers as appropriate. ADOPTED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THIS 12TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2017 GARY T. FORCIER, MAYOR ATTEST: MATTHEW JAUNICH, CITY ADMINISTRATOR The people of The United Methodist Church BethCeFiem vnited9YetFcodzst Church 665 Miller Ave. SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 patorpaul ynx.conr bethumc�� hutchtel.net http://bethlehem-umc.com/ Office Phone (320) 587-3312 PAUL D. BAKER, Pastor cellphone (320)455-7314 Opening Hearts, Opening Minds, December 12, 2017 Opening Doors Hutchinson City Council 111 Hassan ST SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Council Members, I would speak in favor of any resolution that speaks to the rights of equality granted to persons living in God's creation. We are all persons of sacred worth. I believe resolution 41818 is a step in the right direction. The point of view you are to consider as you make your decision lies in your call to affirm the principle of equal rights as expressed by the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. My point of view supports those secular values, but has roots in the Christian value of equality before God. (we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. - Romans 3:23) I am deeply concerned with the negative and hateful responses this resolution has received in Hutchinson. Because of these responses, I believe that we are called to lift up the values of both the constitution, and the message of loving God and our neighbor as given to us by Jesus Christ. Therefore, I personally encourage the Hutchinson City Council to affirm the resolution to express Hutchinson's true nature as a very welcoming city. Thank you for considering these thoughts, Rev. Paul D. Baker 13