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HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Oak Heights Covenant Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 14742 — Donation of $35,000 from American Legion for Restroom Project at VFW Park and $2,500 from Disabled American Veterans for VFW Park Bathroom Project PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals.) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Workshop of July 11, 2017 (b) Regular Meeting of July 11, 2017 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedJor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Street Closure for Gasholes Car Club on August 7, 2017 (b) Consideration for Approval of Board Appointments/Reappointments 1. Mary "Eileen" Henry to HRA Board to August 2022 2. Robert Hantge to Planning Commission to March 2022 3. Reappointment of Jo Piehl to Police Commission to May 2020 4. Reappointment of Marsha Anderson to PRCE Board to May 2020 (c) Consideration for Approval of Items for City Alley 936 Improvements Project (Letting No. 13, Project No. 17-13) 1. Resolution No. 14738 — Resolution Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment 2. Resolution No. 14739 — Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessment CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JULY 25, 2017 (d) Consideration for Approval of Items for City Alley 952 Improvements Project (Letting No. 14, Project No. 17-14) 1. Resolution No. 14740 — Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement 2. Resolution No. 14741 — Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement (e) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14746 —Resolution Calling for a Tax Abatement Hearing on a Proposed Tax Abatement Program and the Granting of a Business Subsidy (f) Consideration for Approval of Out -of -State Travel Request for Tim Gratke and Deb Paulson to Attend Wastewater Microbiology Training in Birnamwood, WI, at the NC Lab Headquarters on August 7 & 8, 2017 (g) Consideration for Approval of Lease Agreement with Laser Dynamics for Hutchinson Enterprise Center (h) Consideration for Approval of Paint the Town Purple Event July 31 — August 5, 2017 (i) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14743 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of Preliminary and Final Plat for LJM Additional and a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Post -Frame Addition to an Existing Building for a Construction Company at 579 2nd Avenue SE in an I -C Zoning District with Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (j) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14744 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Denial of Variance Application to Reduce the Rear and Side Setback for an Accessory Structure by Three Feet on the Property Located at 436 Hassan Street SE with Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (k) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14745 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of Variance Application to Reduce the Corner Side Yard Setback for an Accessory Structure by 13.6 Feet on the Property Located at 605 Lynn Road SW with Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (1) Consideration for Approval of Aggregate Crushing Services (m) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association on September 9, 2017 (n) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Minnesota Holstein Fresian Breeder's Association on November 18, 2017 (o) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Temporary Liquor License to St. Anastasia Catholic Church on September 9 & 10, 2017 (p) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JULY 25, 2017 PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE purpose o t is portion o t e agen a is to provi e the Councilwith information necessary to craft wise policy. ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 9. UPDATE/PRESENTATION BY HUTCHINSON CENTER FOR THE ARTS 10. PRESENTATION OF CITY OF HUTCHINSON FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ACCORDING TO CITY CHARTER SECTION 7.05 11. DISCUSSION OF INVOCATION 12. DISCUSSION OF TAX -FORFEITED PROPERTIES AVAILABLE IN HUTCHINSON UNFINISHED BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY PARTNERING ON MAINTENANCE EFFORTS RELATING TO THE LUCE LINE TRAIL NEW BUSINESS 14. APPROVE/DENY CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SRT EQUIPMENT BOX 15. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14737 — RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT (SCHOOL ROAD & ROBERTS ROAD TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS — LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 17-03) 16. APPROVE/DENY ITEMS FOR CITY PARKING LOT I IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LETTING NO. 12, PROJECT NO. 17-12) a) Award Grading & Utility Construction Work to Juul Contracting, Co. (b) Change Order No. 5 (Pavement Management Program) 17. APPROVE/DENY SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR AUGUST 9, 2017, AT 3:30 P.M. TO TOUR CREEKSIDE COMPOST FACILITY GOVERNANCE (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 18. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS �a) Tall Grass/Noxious Weed Monthly Report for June 2017 b) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from June 20, 2017 �c) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for June 2017 d) Planning, Zoning, Building Department Quarterly Report MISCELLANEOUS 19. STAFF UPDATES 20. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. 14742 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATIONS WHEREAS, The City of Hutchinson is generally authorized to accept donations of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational service pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and, WHEREAS, the following organizations have offered to contribute the cash amount set forth below to the City of Hutchinson: Name of Donor Amount Hutchinson VFW $35,000 Disabled American Veterans $2,500 WHEREAS, the donation is being made to assist the City in the construction of a bathroom at VFW Park; and WHEREAS, The City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the donations offered and assign for use of the construction of a bathroom at VFW Park, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, NHNNESOTA: THAT, the donations described above are hereby accepted by the City of Hutchinson with the conditions as laid out in the resolution. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of July 2017. Gary T. Forcier, Mayor Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT WORKSHOP MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2017, AT 4:30 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the workshop to order at 4:30 p.m. Members present included Mary Christensen, Steve Cook, John Lofdahl and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, and Andy Reid, Finance Director. REVIEW OF 2016 FINANCIAL REPORT 2. 2016 Financial Report Andy Reid, Finance Director, introduced Kyle Meyers of Abdo, Eick & Meyers who presented the City's 2016 audited financial report. Kyle Meyers presented before the Council. Mr. Meyers explained that the auditing firm completes an audit opinion which includes a testing of Minnesota legal compliance, internal controls over financial reporting and other law provisions, regulations, contracts and grant agreements. The audit opinion is clean and there were no findings. The City has received the GFOA certificate of achievement award for the 20"' year in a row. Mr. Meyers reviewed specific financial results from the completed audit. Standard & Poor's bond rating of the City is "AA-". Mr. Meyers also reviewed new GASB standards that have been implemented. The City has retained a general fund balance between 55-60% for the last several years and is at 54.3% for 2016. The City's policy is 40%. The State Auditor and League of Minnesota Cities recommend that an unrestricted fund balance reserve be between 35-50% for cash flow purposes. Mr. Meyers detailed general fund revenues by source and other facets of the general fund as well as the make- up of the special revenue funds. Mr. Meyers reviewed the debt service requirements for the next 10 years as well as the capital projects funds. Mr. Meyers also reviewed cash balances/flows of all funds. Mr. Meyers went on to review the enterprise fund cash flows and balances as well as the internal service funds and the public utilities commission fund. Mr. Meyers also provided a peer group comparison with other third class cities. Mr. Meyers noted that a comparison of regional city data could be added for next year. Lastly, Mr. Meyers spoke about future accounting standards. The City is very financially healthy. 3. Adjournment Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to adjourn the workshop at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING NHNUTES TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2017 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, John Lofdahl, Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich noted that an item will need to be added to the agenda as 13.1— Consideration for Approval of Street Closure for Orange Spectacular Parade Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, to approve the agenda with the addition noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Oak Heights Covenant Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 14734 — Donation of $2500 from American Legion for Restroom Project at VFW Park Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14734. Motion carried unanimously. (b) Recognition of Donations of $35,000 from VFW Post 906 and $2,500 from Disabled American Veterans for VFW Park Bathroom Project Marty Berg, VFW, presented before the Council. Mr. Berg provided a check to Mayor Forcier in the amount of $35,000 for the VFW Park Bathroom Project. Mr. Berg also mentioned that the VFW recently purchased a sign and have been informed that only the weather, temperature and time can be placed on their digital sign located at the VFW. Mr. Berg asked if that could be waived otherwise there is no need for the $20,000 sign. Mr. Jaunich noted that he has learned that no permission was acquired before the sign was installed and the sign ordinance only allows for certain types of information to be included on the sign. This will be discussed further and more information will be provided to the VFW organization. Van Karg, Disabled American Veternas, presented before the Council. Mr. Karg provided a donation of $2500 for the VFW bathroom project as well. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals.) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 11, 2017 (a) Workshop with Hutchinson Utilities Commission of June 26, 2017 (b) Workshop with Economic Development Authority of June 27, 2017 (c) Regular Meeting of June 27, 2017 Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Street Closure for Blessing of the Riders Event on July 16, 2017 (b) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term 3.2 Malt Liquor License to McLeod County Fair Association on August 16, 2017, and a Temporary Liquor License to McLeod County Fair Association from August 17 — 20, 2017 (c) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Transient Merchant License to Jay Malone Motors from August 12 - 19, 2017 (d) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to approve Consent Agenda L Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, with Forcier and Czmowski abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda II. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 9. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CITY ALLEY 936 IMPROVEMENTS (Letting No. 13/Project No. 17-13) (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 14735 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications (b) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 14736 - Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Mr. Exner explained that property owners adjacent to City Alley 936 have petitioned for surfacing improvements. This project is included within the 2017 Infrastructure Improvement Program and will be reviewed by the City's Resource Allocation Committee as the project delivery/funding process proceeds in the near future. The project includes mill and overlay with an estimated project cost of $19,250. The project Iproposed to be funded 50% from improvement assessments and 50% from the infrastructure maintenance account. The estimated assessments are $5.54/frontage foot or $366.00 for a typical city lot. Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, to open public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Brad Wick, 535 Main Street South, presented before the Council. Mr. Wick has some 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 11, 2017 concerns with the slope of the alley due to difficulties in the winter. He asked that it be elevated a bit. Mr. Exner noted that staff will do what is possible to alleviate issues. Jon Otteson, 558 Hassan Street, noted he is in favor of the project. Greg Jodzio, 549 Main Street South, expressed concerns on the west side of the alley with many holes and sink spots so inquired as far it had to be dug down. Staff noted that patching is included with this project. Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Cook asked how many residential alleys are paved. Mr. Olson estimated that two alleys are paved throughout the City. Mr. Cook asked what it would take if more residents would like their alleys paved. Mr. Olson noted that the best process is via property owner petition. Mr. Olson noted that paved alleys are easier to maintain than non -paved, however many things need to be considered when determining whether or not an alley should be paved. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution Nos. 14735 and 14736. Motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (T e purpose oJ this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) 10. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF 2016 AUDIT REPORT Andy Reid, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Reid mentioned that a workshop was held prior to the Council meeting and reviewed in detail. The City is financially healthy. Mr. Reid introduced Kyle Meyers of the City's auditing firm. Mr. Meyers noted that the audit opinion is unmodified or "clean" which is the best it can be. There were no findings and the audit tested Minnesota Legal Compliance, internal control over financial reporting, provision of laws, regulations, contracts, grant agreements, etc. and administering federal award programs. Mr. Meyers mentioned the new standards that have been implemented and that the City received the GFOA certificate for 20 years in a row. Mr. Meyers further reviewed financial results from the 2016 audit. Mr. Jaunich noted that a more detailed presentation was given at the workshop and can be provided to anyone that may be interested. Mr. Reid noted that the audit report will be printed in tomorrow's newspaper and the full audit will be on the City's web site, at City Center and the public library. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to approve and accept the 2016 audit report. Motion carried unanimously. 11. DISCUSSION ON REQUIRING A PERFORMANCE BOND FROM THE HOTEL DEVELOPER PRIOR TO ACCEPTING THE BID TO CONSTRUCT THE ACCESS ROAD Matt Jaunich noted that this item was mentioned ata previous meeting this spring. Council Member Cook requested that this item be placed on the agenda to discuss whether or not the City should be requiring the developer of the hotel project to put up a performance bond prior to the City accepting the bid to construct the proposed access road. The purpose of a performance bond would be to insure some sort of a financial "guarantee satisfaction" that the completion of the hotel project will take place by the developer. Council Member Cook noted his main concern is protecting the City and the EDA should the project not move forward. Council Member Cook noted he had spoken with the EDA Director, Miles Seppelt, about this and Mr. Seppelt suggested setting up an escrow account due to the cost of CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 11, 2017 acquiring a performance bond. Mr. Jaunich explained that typically performance bonds are approximately 10% of the project. Mr. Exner explained that letters of credit have been required on improvement projects as well. Mr. Exner noted that in the bid documents, the City stated that the project would be awarded no later than August 8, 2017. Now the developer intends to come to Planning Commission on August 15, 2017, with Council action on August 22, 2017. Therefore, the award date will need to be negotiated with the contractor. At this time, it does not appear to be an issue with the contractor for the project to be pushed out two weeks. The main issue is ordering retaining wall block in time for the project to be included. Mr. Seppelt stated that he did speak with the developer who shared with him how much he has spent on this project, including $40,000 in engineering/environmental costs and has been working on this project for two years. Local financing is in place and information has been disseminated state-wide about the hotel. The developer has suggested that the City not approve the project until SBA financing is approved. If financing is approved, the project will proceed as planned; if financing is not approved then the project could not move forward. Mr. Seppelt stated that he has been working with the developer for 20 months and he has never given an indication that the project will not proceed. Mr. Seppelt did speak with him about a letter of credit and the developer was hesitant as that has a cost to it as well. Council Member Czmowski expressed that the worst case scenario is a road is built and the developer goes bankrupt. Council Member Czmowski feels that another developer will come along if the road is built and available, especially with such a prime location. Consensus of the Council is that if financing is approved, the Council will award the project at that time for the road work/retaining wall. 12. DISCUSSION ABOUT PARTNERING WITH THE COUNTY ON MAINTENANCE EFFORTS RELATING TO THE LUCE LINE Council Member Steve Cook asked that the Council have a conversation about giving staff authorization to discuss options with the County on how the City can partner with the County in providing maintenance efforts to the Luce Line Trail for purposes of horse use. Some initial discussion has centered around the shared use of equipment for mowing. Commissioner Wright and Parks Superintendent Al Koglin met with the DNR about the trail and it has been suggested to mow the trail wider and trim trees back further as it would aid the DNR in maintaining the trail at a higher level. The County Board approved use of equipment and personnel to achieve this, however the county has asked from the City for use of a mowing attachment to assist with this. Mr. Exner noted that staff has had some discussions on this and concerns of the wear and tear this might be on the City's equipment. Staff is suggesting to rent this piece of equipment for a cost of approximately $1500 to prevent damage to the City's piece of equipment. Council Member Czmowski expressed some of this thoughts which were that: the annual equestrian trail pass fees could possibly be used to pay for maintenance, the majority of horse owners live throughout the county and not in the city and if McLeod County owns a similar mower adapter, which is very possible, why should the City have to rent a piece of equipment. Staff noted that the County Board has adopted a Resolution formalizing a partnership for this trail maintenance. It was suggested that perhaps the City should adopt a similar Resolution which would have more concrete information related to the partnership, responsibilities and costs associated. Council Member Czmowski did ask that it be inquired of the County whether or not they already have the piece of equipment they are asking of the City. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY LEASE AGREEMENT FOR HANGAR 1760 — TNT, LLC AND GIVING THE MAYOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR AUTHORITY TO SIGN .19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 11, 2017 ASSOCIATED CLOSING DOCUMENTS John Olson, Public Works Manager, introduced Tom Ashenfelter of ASI Jet AG, LLC. Mr. Ashenfelter explained that his operation has grown with two mechanics, a shop hand, and an office administrator on staff and therefore need more space. The group began by leasing a main hangar and then leased another space when another tenant left. Because of the growth his company is experiencing and the amount of equipment they have, they would like to construct additional hangar space. The lease has a lifetime of 50years with an option to extend at that time. TNT, LLC would be required to obtain a building permit and comply with other regulations relating to the construction of the hangar. The agreement is contingent upon TNT, LLC receiving SBA financing from Citizens Bank. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve lease agreement for Hangar 1760 — TNT, LLC and authorizing mayor and city administrator to sign associated closing documents. Motion carried unanimously. 13.1 CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF STREET CLOSURE FOR ORANGE SPECTACULAR EVENT ON JULY 20, 2017 Matt Jaunich noted that the AC Tractor Club is requesting the closing of First Avenue SE between Main Street and Hassan Street as part of the Orange Spectacular Event. A number of tractors will be on display during a concert in the park. These tractors will be parked on First Avenue SE and they are asking for the street to be closed from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to approve street closure on July 20, 2017, for Orange Spectacular Event. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (T e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 14. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Liquor Hutch Quarterly Report (b) Library Board Minutes from May 22, 2017 NUSCELLANEOUS 15. STAFF UPDATES Kent Exner — School Road/Roberts Road proj ect going well — paving near SuperAmerica north of the bridge will begin tomorrow — due to this the bridge will not open until July 17, 2017, instead of July 10, 2017; 2nd Avenue Bridge - $400,000 in bridge bonding dollars has been received — the estimated construction cost is $950,000; County trails committee meeting was held last night which was very productive and positive — unanimous recommendation to administer a preliminary engineering study from the City of Hutchinson to County Road 1 on the west side of Lester Prairie Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich reminded the public of the City's Facebook page. He also acknowledged the vast amounts of financial donations from the community (over $100,000 in the last two years) to care for the needs throughout the parks system. These donations are very much appreciated by the City of Hutchinson. 16. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Steve Cook — Council Member Cook noted that Amy Solinger, who spear headed raising funds for the dog park, had asked if the dog park construction could begin in August. The Council feels that the plan should be adhered to and see if the City is awarded the grant that 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 11, 2017 it applied for which will aid in defining the scope of the project Gary Forcier — Mayor Forcier asked Mr. Jaunich if he could look into seeing if music could be added to the aquatic center through the PA system ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. rel HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c`=y-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Gasholes Car Club Department: Police LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Daniel T. Hatten Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Daniel T. Hatten Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Gasholes Car Club is requesting the closing of 1st Ave SE between Main St and Hassan St as part of the Music in The Park series. Monday night August 7th, the Club members will behaving their classic vehicles on display as part of the movie that will be showing in the park that evening. This event is open to the public. The event starts at 6:30 pm but are requesting the street be closed at 4:00 pm to allow time to set up. The prohibited parking in this block of 1 Ave will be posted prior earlier in the day to ensure all vehicles will clear of the street prior to the event beginning. The Park has already been reserved through the Parks Dept. and the Hutchinson Police have reviewed the plan. We look forward to working with the Gasholes Car Club for this event. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Items for City Alley #36 Improvements Project (L13/P17-13) Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set the Assessment Hearing and potential Project Award for the above referenced letting at their August 22nd meeting. Construction quotations have been received. Thus, the final drafts of the necessary Resolutions and associated documents reflecting the apparent low quotation amount are attached. City staff has had ongoing communications with adjacent property owners in regards to the proposed project improvements. Also, this project's costs/funding have been reviewed by the Resource Allocation Committee and are included within the 2017 Infrastructure Improvement Program. We recommend that the final drafts of the attached Resolutions be approved. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 17,570.00 Total City Cost: $ 8,785.00 Funding Source: Infrastructure Maintenance Funds Remaining Cost: $ 8,785.00 Funding Source: Improvement Special Assessments RESOLUTION NO. 14738 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA5116 LETTING NO. 13/PROJECT NO. 17-13 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of: Alley #36 located between Main St S & Hassan St SE, approximately 869 LF from 5th Ave SE to 6th Ave SE: Alley improvements by construction of pavement distress patching, milling, overlaying and appurtenances; and the construction cost for such improvement is $17,570.00. With expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement in the amount of $0.00, the total cost of the improvement is $17,570.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $8,785.00 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $8,785.00. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a proposed period of two (2) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2018 and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum from November 1, 2017. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of July 2017. Mayor, Gary Forcier City Administrator, Matt Jaunich COMPILEDBY: PVANDERVEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5116 LETTING N0. 13/PROJECT N0. 17-13 Alley#36 located between Main St S&Hassan St SE, approximately 869 LF frown SM Aven SE to 6M Ave SE: Alley Improvements by construction of pavement distress patching, milling, overlaying and appurtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDERVEEN $5.08 ALLEY COST/FF CHECKED BY: KENT EXNER 151' HEARING 07/11/2017 NUMBER OF YEARS 2 2ND HEARING 08/22/2017 INTEREST RATE: 2017 Bond Rate BOND FUND 337 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 437-4300-90530-7762 zTOTAL TDTALACTIVE C CITY PID NO COUNTY PID NO PROPERTYADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS -1 OWNERADDRESS-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION -1 FF FF CREDIT TOTAL FF TOTAL ASSESSMENT DEFERRED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 6 06 SA5115A SA -5114 Lot 3, Block 58, Townsite of Hutchiru'on, 1 BGll6-29-06-0718 2385846% 504 Hassan St SE Chad R Darnell 504 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 South Half 66 B 66.88 $335.46 $0.00 $335A0 Lot 2, Block 58, Townsite of -chi- , 2 OGll6-29-06-07N1 230504660 516 Hassan St SE Brian N&Sharon M Wilson 516 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 South Half 66 0 $66.00 $335.40 $0.00 $335A0 Lot 3, Block 58, Townsite of -chi- , 3 OGll6-29-06-0730 23 050 46M 526 Hassan St SE Ronald D& Denise R Schmidt 526 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 South Half 66 0 66.00 $335.40 $0.00 $335A0 Lot4, Block 58, Townsite of Hutchim'on, 4 O-16-29-06-0740 23 050 46M 536 Hassan St SE Matthew Yeseley& KaMryn E Lindahl 536 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 South Half 66 0 66.00 $335.40 $0.00 $335A0 N57' of Lot 5, Block 58, Townsite of 5 OGll6-29-06-0750 2305046% 546 Hassan St SE Steven L Kuehl 546 Hassan S[SE ld-hiruon MN 55350 Hutchiruon, South Half W 0 57.00 $289.67 $0.00 $-- N.' of Lot 32 &.' of Lot 5, block 58, 6 OGll6-29-06-0760 23 050 47M 552 Hassan St SE Raymond HYsher 552 Hassan S[SE H-hiruon MN 55350 Townsite of -chi-, South Half W 0 57.00 $289.67 $0.00 $289.87 Lot 12 EX N48', Block 58, Townsite of 7 OGll6-29-06-0770 23 050 47M 558 Hassan St SE Jon I& ludidi KO[teson SW Hassan S[SE H-hiruon MN 55350 Hutchiruon, South Half 58 0 58.00 $294.75 $0.00 $241.75 595' of Lot 31, Block 58, Townsite of 8 OGll6-29-06-0780 1230504740 549 Main St Gregory&Betty lodA. 549 Main- Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchiruon, South Half 95 0 95.00 1 $482.78 $0.00 $482.78 N6' of Lot 11 & 522.5' of -7 & All of Lot 6, 9 OGll6-29-06-0790 230504710 545 Main StS John C& Valerie KShars[mm 545 Main StS Hutchiruon MN 55350 Block 58, Townsite of Hutchiruon, South Half 94.5 0 94.50 $480.24 $0.00 $480.24 N43.5' of Lot 7 & 532.5' of Lot B, Block 58, 10 06-116-29-06-0800 23 050 47M 535 Main StS BradWWick 535 Main StS Hutchiruon MN 55350 Townsite of -chi-, Sout Half 76 0 76.00 $386.22 $0.00 $386.22 Lob 9,10 & N33.5' of Lot B, Block 58, 11 06-116-29-06-0810 230504730 SOS Main StS James All- & Catherine McGinnis 505 Main- Hutchinson MN 55350 Townsite of -chi-, South Half 165.5 0 165.50 $841.05 $0.00 S-- - 3, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 12 1013-116-29-11-0260 231470170 560 Hassan St SE Teresa L Butler 560 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonni did 2nd Addition 58.7 0 58.70 $298.30 $0.00 $298.30 Lot 2, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 13 06-116-29-11-0270 23147 man 564 Hassan St SE Eldonna A Rettman(Roepke) 564 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonni did 2nd Addition 60 0 60.00 $304.91 $0.00 $304- - 3, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 14 06-116-29-11-0280 2314701% 566 Hassan St SE -hid 0&Patricia Dock- 1240 Rolling Oaks Ln NW Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonni did 2nd Addition 60 0 60.00 $304.91 $0.00 $304- - 4 & 5, Black 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 15 06-116-29-11-0290 231470200 1576 Hassan St SE Brenda E Wilson 576 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonni did 2nd Addition 126 0 126.00 $640.31 $0.00 $840.31 Lot 6, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 16 06-116-29-11-0300 23 147 02M 586 Hassan St SE Nan D&lohn EKock 586 Hassan St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonni did 2nd Addition 60 0 60.00 $304.91 $0.00 $304- - 7, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 17 06-116-29-11-0310 23 147 02M 436th Ave SE Timothy&Lisa Old- 436th Ave SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonni did 2nd Addition 66 0 66.00 $335.40 $0.00 $335A0 Al- W. ]32' in SW Corner, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, Bonni did 2nd 18 06-116-29-11-03N1 2314507% 597 Main StS lames M& Michelle L Erwin 597 Main StS H-hiruon MN 55350 Addition 66 0 66.00 $335.40 $0.00 $335A0 IP-CMR161Co dA3end Ag -01-01-3-13 Hg - AIyN36lC2'iA45ES oT ROLLAi-5116 L13PIT-13 AIeye36xk. %,1oft COMPILEDBY: PVANDERVEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5116 LETTING NO. 13/PROJECT NO. 17-13 Alley #36 located between Main St S&Hassan St SE, approximately 869 LF from 504 Aven SE to 604 Ave SE: Alley Improvements by construction of pavement distress patching, milling, overlaying and appurtenances COST PER FRONT FOOT: COMPUTED BY: PVANDERVEEN $5.08 ALLEY COST/FF CHECKED BY: KENT EXNER 1Sr HEARING 07/11/2017 NUMBER OF YEARS 2 2ND HEARING 08/22/2017 INTERESTRATE: 2017 Bond Rate BONDFUND 337 ADOPTED: FIN ACCT# 437-4300-90530-7762 zTOTAL COUNTY PID TOTAL DEFERRED TOTALARIVE G CITY PID NOPROPERTYADDRESS NO OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS -1 OWNERADDRE55-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION -1 FF FF CREDIT TOTAL FF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ME ASSESSMENT SASSME SA -5114 Lot8, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 19 06-116-29-11-0330 231470230 591Main StS Adam&Ir.wa L Fink 591Main— Hutchiruon MN 55356 BonniweIN 2nd Addition 60 B 66.66 $364.91 $0.00 $304.91 Lot9, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 20 06-116-29-11-0340 231470240 1535 Main sty Hartley E&Barbara l Fir -b-1, 585 Main— Hutchinson MN 55350 BonniweIN 2nd Addition 60 0 60.00 $304.91 $0.00 $304.91 Lot 30, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 21 06-116-29-11-0350 231470250 575 Main St S La J & Linda M Heldt 575 Main— Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonniwell'—d Addition 60 0 60.00 $304.91 $0.00 $304.91 Lot 31, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 22 06-116-29-11-0360 231470260 565 Main Sts Amy Forder 565 Main— Hutchinson MN 55350 BonniweIN 2nd Addition 66 0 60.00 $304.91 $0.00 $304.91 Lot 32, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 36, 23 06-116-29-11-0370 231470270 557 Main Sts J.,Fn R Rooney 2775181st Ave NW Cedar MN 55011 BonniweIN 2nd Addition 59 0 59.00 $299.83 $0.00 $29993 Arra¢ 66' x 132' in NW Corner of Block 16, 24 06-116-29-11-0380 231450795 555 Main sty Brian J Renkes&Boughs A Renk,, 555 Main St Hutchinson MN 55350 Bonniwell's Second Addition 66 0 66.00 $335.40 $0.00 $335.0 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA5116 — L13P17-1302 1728.7 D 1728.7 $8,7!a2R $0.00 $8,785.00 $8,785.00 Lw—CMR--9-01-Ao7-25201-3%7-13-0,4e,—H,9-Ny�RrROLLA9-9116 L13 --y06— 9-2 RESOLUTION NO. 14739 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA5116 LETTING NO. 13/PROJECT NO. 17-13 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 25th day of July, 2017, the City Engineer was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving: Alley #36 located between Main St S & Hassan St SE, approximately 869 LF from 5th Ave SE to 6th Ave SE: Alley improvements by construction of pavement distress patching, milling, overlaying and appurtenances. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 22nd day of August, 2017, in the Council Chambers at Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2017. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of July 2017. Mayor, Gary Forcier City Administrator, Matt Jaunich PUBLICATION NO. 8241 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA -5116 LETTING NO. 13/PROJECT NO. 17-13 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council will meet at 6:00 P.M. on the 22nd day of August 2017, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to consider and possibly adopt the proposed assessment for the improvement of: Alley #36 located between Main St S & Hassan St SE, approximately 869 LF from 5th Ave SE to 6th Ave SE: Alley improvements by construction of pavement distress patching, milling, overlaying and appurtenances. Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment against abutting property may occur at the hearing This assessment is proposed to be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of two years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2018, and will bear interest at the rate of 6 percent (plus or minus) per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the November 1, 2017 until December 31, 2018. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. You may at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City of Hutchinson. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 2017. You may, at anytime thereafter, pay to the City of Hutchinson the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 st of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31 st of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 6 percent (plus or minus) per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment shall be until November 15, 2017. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Administrator's Office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $8,785.00. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the City Administrator prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjourned hearing, the following procedure will be followed: The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narratives or by examination, and by the introduction of exhibits. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. 2. After the City has presented all its evidence, the objector may call witnesses or present such testimony as the objector desires. The same procedure for questioning of the City's witnesses will be followed with the objector's witnesses. The objector may be represented by counsel. PUBLICATION NO. 8241 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA5116 LETTING NO. 13/PROJECT NO. 17-13 PAGE 2 4. Minnesota rules of evidence will not be strictly applied; however, they may be considered and argued to the Council as to the weight of items of evidence or testimony presented to the Council. The entire proceedings will be tape-recorded (video-taped). At the close of presentation of evidence, the objector may make a final presentation to the Council based on the evidence and the law. No new evidence may be presented at this point. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of the law and the resolution adopted under it, may within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Matt Jaunich, City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 26TH, 2017 AND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2ND, 2017. June 27, 2017 Re: Alley Improvement — Alley #36 Paving contractors: City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55354 Phone (324) 234-4219 Fax (320) 234-6971 The City is requesting price quotations for an alley overlay project. The project considered includes patching distressed areas, trilling the edges of the alley and paving about 1 %" wear course bituminous pavement. The alley is bituminous with a drive -over curb on one side. The project would be to: • Identify any significant distress areas. Patch in preparation for a mill -overlay. • Mill against the curb, Mill a straight line parallel to the curb, approximately 14 feet in width. • Place bituminous overlay Pro Feet Cost Estimate 870' x 15' = 13,054 sq. ft. Item: Unit: Qty: Price: Total: Distress patching Ton 10 Ito 'OD Skidsteer mill/operator Hour 10 /y5 'a /_ ySQ 1 %" wear course Ton 11012 ODLy 54 IM Grand total zz s 70 av Thanks, John Olson Public Works Manager (320) 234-4473' i olsonQ6. hutchinson.mn. us HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Items for City Alley #52 Improvements Project (L14/P17-14) Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: City staff requests that the City Council approve the appropriate Resolutions to set a Public Hearing for the above referenced project letting at their August 22nd meeting. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 73,695.00 Total City Cost: $ 59,817.00 Funding Source: Infrastructure Maintenance Remaining Cost: $ 13,878.00 Funding Source: Special Improvement Assessments RESOLUTION NO. 14740 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14/PROJECT NO. 17-14 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Alley #52 located south of 5th Avenue SE between Jefferson Street SE & Adams Street SE: Alley improvements by construction of grading, storm sewer, concrete curbing, bituminous pavement and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement, called Letting No. 14/Project No. 17-14, be referred to the Engineer for study and that that person is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended; and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of July 2017. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matt Jaunich HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center/111 Hassan St SE/Hutchinson MN 55350-2522/320-234-4209/FAX 320-234-4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, DPW/City Engineer DATE: July 25, 2017 SUBJECT: Alley #52 Improvements Project (Letting No. 14, Project No. 17-14) I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: L14P17-14 Alley #52 located south of 5th Avenue SE between Jefferson Street SE & Adams St SE: Alley improvmeents by constructionof grading, storm sewer, concrete curbing, bituminous pavement and appurtenances. ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Construction Cost $73,695 Engineering $0 Administration $0 ESTIMATED TOTAL $73,695 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Costs $13,878 City Funds $59,817 ESTIMATED TOTAL $73,695 RESOLUTION NO. 14741 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14/PROJECT NO. 17-14 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted July 25th, 2017, a report has been prepared by Kent Exner, Public Works Director/City Engineer with reference to the following proposed improvements: Alley #52 located south of 5th Avenue SE between Jefferson Street SE & Adams Street SE: Alley improvements by construction of grading, storm sewer, concrete curbing, bituminous pavement and appurtenances, and said report was received by the Council on July 25th, 2017. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement in accordance with the report at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $73,695.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 22nd day of August, 2017, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 PM and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 25th day of July 2017. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matt Jaunich PUBLICATION NO. 8242 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 17-14 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN, at 6:00 pm on the 22nd day of August, 2017, to consider the making of an improvement of Letting No. 14/Project No. 17-14, an improvement of: Alley #52 located south of 5th Avenue SE between Jefferson Street S & Adams Street: Alley improvements by construction of grading, storm sewer, concrete curbing, bituminous pavement and appurtenances, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The estimated City cost of said improvement is $59,817.00 and an Assessable cost of $13,878.00 for the total estimated cost of $73,695.00 A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: 07/25/2017 Matt Jaunich, City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9TH 2017 AND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16TH 2017. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C11yof a� Request for Board Action Agenda Item: RESOLUTION GALLING FOR A TAX ABATEMENT HEARING ON A PROPOS Department: EDA LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7125/2017 Application Complete NIA Contact: Miles R. Seppeit Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Miles R. Seppeit Reviewed by Staff F—] Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency NIA Attachments: Yes BAC![GROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: A company is planning to purchase the 237.000 square foot TDICIHTI manufacturing facility. To facilitate this it is being proposed that a property tax abatement of the increase in property taxes caused by the renovation, retrofitting, upgrading and use of the existing building be implemented. Attached is a resolution calling for a public hearing to consider the proposed tax abatement. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call anytime at 234-4223. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of lease agreement and authority to sign documents. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: NIA FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: S U.00 Funding Source: Council member CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 147146 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A TAX ABATEMENT HEARING ON A PROPOSED TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM AND THE GRANTING OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson (the "City") has received a request (the -Company") for the establishment of a Tax Abatement Program, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.1812 through 469.1815, concerning property located at Parcel No. 23.243.0014; and WHEREAS, the proposed tax abatement program would grant an abatement of the increase in property taxes caused by the renovation, retrofitting, upgrading and use of the existing building, and this tax abatement would correspond with eligible project costs pursuant to Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREAS, the granting of an abatement is also subject to the business subsidy laws as set forth in Minnesota Statutes Sections 1161993 through l I6J.995, inclusive as amended; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to hold a public hearing on the proposed tax abatement program and the awarding of a business subsidy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council for the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Public Hearing. A public hearing to consider the proposed adoption of a Tax Abatement Program for the Company shall be held on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, in the Hutchinson Council Chambers during the regular City Council Meeting which begins at 6:00 p.m. 2. Notice of Public Hearing. The Economic Development Director is authorized and directed to cause notice of the hearing to be published once in the official newspaper of the City at least 10 days, but not more than 30 days, prior to August 8, 2017. The Economic Development Director is further authorized and directed to a place a copy of the proposed tax abatement program and supporting documentation on file in the Office of the Economic Development Director and to make such copy available for inspection by the public. Adopted this 25th day of July, 2017. Gary Forcier, Mayor ATTEST: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Out -of -State Travel Request for D. Paulson and T. Gratke to attend microbiology v Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff r� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: When Deb Paulson and I were in Duluth the other week for a lab conference, the presenters mentioned an opportunity that was forthcoming to partake in a two day session to learn more about activated sludge microbiology from a renowned expert. We have been made aware that this training is to take place in Birnamwood, WI at the NC Labs headquarters. It is a two-day session on August 7th and 8th. The sessions cost $60 each day per person to attend. The sessions are located nearly 5 hours travel from Hutchinson, so it would entail two nights stay, the day prior to training and the evening between. There are rooms nearby for $85 per night stay. I know it is out of state travel to go to Wisconsin, however, it could cost far more and travel could be more extensive for other conferences within our state. There are sufficient funds budgeted for conferences and travel that remain this year in the wastewater operating budget. Total cost should be around $900 for the trip. Deb Paulson has really taken an interest in learning more about the differing microbiology in activated sludge and in studying their presence or absence for analyzing its health and condition. She has been trying to learn about how to use our new microscope and I think this session could help her gain confidence in how she uses it in the future. This type of analysis is vital to monitoring the performance of the wastewater treatment process and the effects that incoming constituents of the plant influent have on the microbes. I would also like to attend the sessions to get refreshed on the methods of microscope analysis because it has been about five years since I have used one regularly and have become a little rusty. Together, Deb and I could then use our knowledge to instruct the others at wastewater on how to use the microscope to analyze the condition of the treatment plant. I hope you will consider letting us take advantage of this rare opportunity. It is suggested that this instructor is booked out over two years into the future with no hopes of any wastewater treatment organization being able to get her into Minnesota for quite some time. Thank you, Tim Gratke - Wastewater Supervisor BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Out -of -State Travel Request for Tim Gratke & Deb Paulson to attend microscope and microbiology identification training in Birnamwood, WI on August 7th & 8th. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: Wastewater operating budget FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: NCL 2017 Training Sessions! MICROBIOLOGY Training Classes at NCL If _} � r iju i Registration is now open For questions regarding registration, please contact Karen Harter at the WWOA at 608-355-3081 Register Online The Introductory session is on Monday. August 7th. The Advanced Session is on Tuesday, August 8th. You may register for either session or both sessions. Enrollment is limited to 40 people for each class, so please register early. Date: Monday and Tuesday, August 7th and 8th Location: North Central Labs - Main Building 400 Lyons Road Birnamwood, WI 54414 Course Title: Wastewater Microbiology Course Level: Intermediate (but suitable for all levels) Target Audience: Wastewater professionals, Laboratory personnel, Consulting Engineers Day One Unit 1 - Wastewater Microbiology £t Process Control. The participants will learn the role of bacteria, protozoa and metazoa in the treatment process along with the conditions that allow them the do their best work of removing nutrients from the wastewater. The participant will also learn how to anticipate potential treatment system upsets and to troubleshoot and correct existing treatment system problems Unit 2 - A Wastewater Microbiology Monitoring Program for Operators. This Unit includes how to develop a wastewater microbiology laboratory program, tools, techniques and standard operating procedures. The unit will include hands-on activities using the microscope, preparing slides and staining techniques. Day Two Unit 3 -Identification and Control of Filamentous Bacteria. The participants will learn a simplified method to identify filamentous bacteria, determine the conditions that favor their growth and methods to control and eliminate bulking and foaming caused by these microorganisms. The unit will include hands-on activities using the microscope, preparing slides and staining techniques. Unit 4 - Microbiological Monitoring of Biological Nutrient Removal Processes. The participants will learn treatment system conditions that favor the growth of phosphorus accumulating microorganisms (PAOs) and how to identify and quantify them and how to monitor biological phosphorus removal processes. The unit will include hands-on activities using the microscope, preparing slides and staining techniques. Microscopes are not provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own microscopes and samples. Slides, cover slips, stains, worksheets, water bottles and any other supplies will be provided by the instructor. The course workbook "Wastewater Microbiology Laboratory Manual for Operators" is recommended. About the Instructor: Toni Glymph is a Senior Environmental Microbiologist and Supervisor in the Monitoring Et Research Division at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago where she has worked for more than 10 years developing a wastewater microbiology monitoring program for the District's seven water reclamation plants. Prior to her employment with the District, Toni worked 15 years with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource as a Wastewater Specialist assisting operators with trouble -shooting treatment system compliance problems. Ms. Glymph is also a microbiologist and certified wastewater treatment plant operator and has gained more than 12 years of actual hands on wastewater treatment system operations experience while working at the Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant. In addition, she has spent more than 25 years conducting microscopic evaluations and troubleshooting wastewater treatment system upsets. She has conducted over 400 Wastewater Microbiology workshops including, Activated Sludge Process Control and Operations, Wastewater Microbiology and Process Control, Filamentous Bacteria Identification and Control, Lagoon Treatment System Microbiology, Algae Identification in Wastewater Treatment Lagoons, Slime Bulking £t Foaming and The Use of Staining in Wastewater Microbiology Process Control. Microbiological Monitoring of Biological Phosphorus Removal Processes. She completed the first two books in a series of handbooks targeted to the wastewater treatment plant operator. The first, published through AWWA is titled, Wastewater Microbiology: A Handbook for Operators. The handbook can be used to effectively manage the microbiological process at the treatment plant. Color photos and illustrations are included within the book and on a supplemental CD-ROM for quick identification under the microscope. The second, published through Operator Training Committee of Ohio (OTCO) titled, A Wastewater Microbiology Laboratory Manual for Operators is a practical guide to developing a process control laboratory program which includes microbiological assessments. Color photos, worksheets, SOPS, a list of equipment and supplies and a DVD with live video clips are included with the book. Additional information will be posted as soon as it is available 1-800-648-7836 P.O. Box 8, Birnamwood, WI 54414 Copyright© 2017 - NCL of Wisconsin, Inc. - All Rights Reserved HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL O«Vof ! � Request for Board Action Agenda Item: APPROVE/DENY LEASE AGREEMENT FOR HUTCHINSON ENTERPRISE CE6 Department: EDA LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/26/2017 Contact: Miles R. Seppelt Application Complete N/A Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Miles R. Seppelt Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency NIA Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The first tenant for the Hutchinson Enterprise Center small business incubator has been recruited and staff is seeking permission to sign the prospect to a lease. Laser Dynamics will take 8,000 sf in the new building once its completed. Rent will be $3.84 per square foot, or $2,550 per month and the lease will have an initial term of 5 years. A copy is attached for your review. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call anytime at 234-4223. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of lease agreement and authority to sign documents. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: NIA FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: T HIN N ENTERRRISE CENTER CLIENT LEASE AGREEMENT Client Laser Dynamics Client Contact Address City / State / Zip Rental Space Square Feet Dates of Lease Troy Oberg, President 1164 Benjamin Avenue 5E Hutchinson, MN 55350 Bays 2 & 3 8,000 Rent $3.84 psf annually $2,560 per month This Lease Agreement ("Lease"), made this the City of Hutchinson, 111 Hassan Street day of 2017 by and between SE, Hutchinson, MN 55354 ("City") and . ("Client"). City and Client agree as follows: 1. CLIENT SPACE City agrees to lease to Client and Client agrees to lease from City square feet (the "Client Space") of the Hutchinson Enterprise Center (the "Facility") located at 1164 Benjamin Avenue SE., Hutchinson, Minnesota, 55350. The Client Space is shown on the attachment hereto, marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof. 2. TERM Client agrees to lease Client Space from the City for an initial term (the "Initial Term") of sixty (64) months, commencing ("Commencement Date") and ending ("Expiration Date"). Upon lapse of the initial term, Client shall have the option to renew this Lease with a term of one (1) additional year. In order to exercise said option, Client shall give written notice of its intent to renew the term not less than ninety (90) days before the Expiration Date. Additional terms may be negotiated between the City and the Client. 3. RENT Client agrees to pay without further demand to City at its offices in Hutchinson, MN, or at such other place as City may from time to time in writing designate, Base Rent and Additional Rent in the amounts shown in this section on the first day of each month during the term hereof. All rent payments received shall first be applied to past due rents. A. BASE RENT Client shall pay to the City a rental rate of $2 per square foot annually for the Initial Term in monthly installments equalling 1/12 of the annual rent (the "Base Rent"). Such monthly Base Rent payments are payable in advance and shall be made on or before the first day of each month. B. ADDITIONAL RENT Client shall pay to the City, at the same time and in the same manner as the Base Rent, $1.84 per square foot annually for the Initial Term, in monthly installments equalling 1/12 of the annual amount, an additional amount for the client's proportional property taxes and basic garbage service (the "Additional Rent"). The Additional Rent is subject to annual adjustment effective January 15t of each year by the City to reflect changes in the property taxes due and the cost of providing basic garbage service. City shall provide documentation supporting the need for changes to the Additional Rent to the Client thirty (34) days prior to such changes being made. C. LATE PAYMENT If Client fails to pay the Base Rent and Additional Rent by the tenth (loth) day of the month for which such Base Rent and Additional Rent is due, Client shall pay a late payment fee of ten (10ro) of the total amount due. 4. SECURITY DEPOSIT The Client is further required to deposit with the City a Security Deposit in the amount of one month's rent. The Security Deposit shall be held by City, without liability for interest, as security for the faithful performances by Client of all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Lease by said Client to be kept and performed during the term hereof, it being expressly agreed that such deposit is not an advance rental deposit or a measure of City's damages. If, at any time during the term of this Lease, any of the Rent herein reserved shall be overdue and unpaid, or any other sum payable by Client to City hereunder shall be overdue and unpaid, then City may, at the option of City, appropriate and apply any portion of the Security Deposit to the payment of any such overdue Rent or another sum. In the event of the failure of Client to keep and perform any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be kept and performed by Client, then City at its option may appropriate and apply the entire Security Deposit, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to compensate City for loss or damage sustained or suffered by City due to such breach on the part of Client. Should Client comply with all of said terms, covenants and conditions and promptly pay all of the Rent herein provided for as it falls due, and all other sums payable by Client at the end of the term of this Lease, the Security Deposit shall be returned in full to Client at the end of the term of this Lease, or upon the earlier termination of this Lease. S. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The City shall provide the following services to the client: A. CENTRALIZED OFFICE FACILITIES The City shall provide access to common areas, ("Offices") including scheduled access to conference rooms, access to shared restrooms and kitchen facilities, a centralized mailbox, including a mailbox for the Client, access to an office work room and access to centralized copying and faxing facilities and equipment. B. BUILDING SERVICES The City shall provide the Client Space and Facility with snow removal, lawn care, grounds maintenance and basic garbage service. In addition, the City will provide janitorial services, supply and maintenance for the Offices. 5. CITY PERSONAL PROPERTY City is providing personal property and/or equipment in the Leased Premises ("City Assets") for use by Clients. Client hereby understands and agrees that City may, in its sole discretion, add, modify, remove, repair, and/or alter City Assets at any time and without any liability for loss of use or potential damages to Client's business operations. City Assets shall remain the property of City and Client shall not alter, damage, remove, modify, encumber or repair any of City Assets without the express written consent of the City. Client shall have the right to use City Assets during the Term; however said use is subject to City's right to revoke Client's ability to access City Assets, at its sole discretion. All City Assets in the Leased Premises are available on a first-come, first -serve basis with other co- Ie55eeS. 7. UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE FEES Client shall be solely responsible for and promptly pay for electricity, heat, telephone, internet, water and sewer charges and all other utilities serving the Client Space. 8. POLICIES, PROCEDURES, RULES AND REGULATIONS Hutchinson Enterprise Center policies, procedures, rules, and regulations, contained in the City's Client Handbook and Building Manual are hereby made a part of this Lease and are incorporated herein by reference. Client agrees to abide with and observe all policies, procedures, rules and regulations, amendments thereto and supplements thereof. Client's failure to keep and observe said policies, procedures, rules, and regulations shall constitute a breach of the terms of this Lease. City reserves the right from time to time to amend or supplement said policies, procedures, rules, regulations and to adopt and promulgate additional policies, procedures, rules, regulations applicable to the Hutchinson Enterprise Center. City shall provide to Client written notice of any amendments or modifications to policies, procedures, rules, and regulations which shall be effective with respect to Client thirty (30) days after such notice has been given_ 9. USE OF CLIENT SPACE The Client Space shall be used by the Client solely as office and manufacturing production space and for such additional uses as may be customary and incidental to the business of Client. All uses of the Client Space shall be in accordance with all applicable municipal and zoning ordinances and any and all other applicable rules and regulations of any duly constituted authority governing such uses. Client will have full access to and use of the Client Space, and the right to use and access all common areas within the Hutchinson Entperprise Center on an "as available" basis, subject to the City's Client Handbook and Building Manual. Client will not have access to any other areas within the Hutchinson Enterprie Center, including but not limited to the space of other Clients and the City's executive offices. Client shall not use or occupy the Client Space for any unlawful purpose, and will conform to and obey all present and future laws, ordinances and all rules, regulations, requirements and orders of all governmental authorities or agencies, respecting the use and occupation of the Client Space including, without limitation, all environmental laws regarding underground storage tanks, pollution and hazardous wastes. Client agrees, upon reasonable notice, to permit City to enter the Client Space from time to time for the purposes of inspection, protection, preservation, repair or restoration of the Client Space. The officers or agents of City may so enter the Client Space upon reasonable notice without being liable to any prosecution, claim or cause of action for damages by reason of such entry and without in any way affecting the obligations of this Lease; provided only that City use reasonable care in making such entry. City reserves the right to market and exhibit the Client Space to prospective Clients during the last 180 days of the Lease Term. 10. QUIET POSSESSION City represents and warrants that it has full right and authority to enter into this Lease. City covenants that if and so long as Client pays the rent required by this Lease and performs and observes all of the covenants, conditions, rules and regulations hereof, Client shall peaceable and quietly enjoy the Client Space for the Lease Term, subject, however, to the terms, covenants, and provisions of this Lease. 11. SURRENDER OF CLIENT SPACE Client will, at the termination of this Lease by lapse of time or otherwise, yield up immediate possession of the Client Space with all improvements located thereon (except as may otherwise be provided in this Lease) and surrender the Client Space to City in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, clean and with all debris removed. 12. IMPROVEMENTS, ALTERATIONS AND SIGNS Client shall not make alterations or improvements in, or erect exterior signage upon or to the Client Space or Building without the prior written approval of the City and the City's Planning, Building and Zoning Department, if applicable. Upon termination of the Lease, at the sole discrection of the City, all improvements (excepting those agreed to in writing prior to Lease signing by the City and the Client) made by the Client in the Client Space shall become the property of the City. If the City elects to not retain the improvements made by the Client in the Client Space, Client shall be responsible to return the Client Space to its original state prior to Lease Expiration and vacating the Client Space. 13. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS A. CLIENT'S MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. Client shall, at its expense, maintain the Client Space (including the interior walls, ceilings, doors, floor coverings, and fixtures) in good repair and condition the same as existed as of the Commencement Date, reasonable wear and tear and damage from fire and other insured casualty excepted. Client agrees not to and shall not overload the electrical, water and/or plumbing facilities and keep the Client Space free from waste or nuisance. Client shall be responsible for maintenance of entrances, electrical and plumbing systems. Client shall repair, at its own expense, any damage to the Client Space caused by the wilfull acts or negligence of Client, its officers, contractors, licensees, agents, employees, guests, invitees or visitors. Client agrees to furnish, at its expense, all lamps, bulbs, tubes, starters and ballasts in connection with the lighting of the Client Space. B. CITY'S MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. Except for those maintenance responsibilities of Client, City shall, at its expense maintain the entire Facility including, but not limited to, the foundations, outer walls, roof, gutters and down spouts, exterior windows and doors. 14. INSURANCE Client agrees to keep and maintain during the entire term of this Lease and any extension thereof or holding over thereunder comprehensive liability insurance on the Client Space covered hereunder, including the parking and other common areas, insuring City and Client against liability for personal and bodily injury, death and property damage (including water) with limits not less than $2,000,000 in aggregate and $1,500,000 per occurrence. Client is responsible for procuring and maintaining casualty insurance on Client's personal property, business assets, equipment and leasehold improvements. Client shall not carry any stock of goods or do anything on or about the Client Space which will in any way impair or invalidate the obligation of any policy of insurance on or in reference to the Client Space or the Building. A copy of these policies must be provided to the City prior to occupancy. 15. TERMINATION City and Client may terminate the Lease at any time by mutual agreement. 16. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Client agrees to provide profit & loss statements, balance sheets, tax and payroll information upon request from City. After the City inspects said documents they will be returned to the Client. The City will not keep said Client documents on file. This information snail be used solely for the purpose of pooling program economic impact data in an anonyomous fashion; or to assist Client through the delivery of business incubation program technical assistance services. This provision shall remain in effect for a period of five years beyond the date of lease expiration. City agrees to keep all such information confidential to the maximum extent allowed by law. During the term of the Lease, Client agrees to report job creation information to include number of permemenent jobs created, job title per job, hourly wage, hourly value of benefits, date employee(s) are hired and list of benefits provided. 17. EDUCATION REQUIREMENT Client is required to complete and document 12 hours of business coaching / mentoring / continuing education per calendar year with an advisor from the Small Business Development Center, Southwest Initiative Foundation or other source chosen by the Client and approved by the City. Failure to complete the requirement constitutes an event of Default. The City shall have the right to waive this requirement. 18. LOW TO MODERATE INCOME REQUIREMENT Client agrees that, during the term of the Lease, 51% of new jobs created by the company in the Facility shall be "taken by" or "available to" persons of low -to -moderate income per Section 8 guidelines. To meet this requirement the Client agrees that it will have each new employee complete a Job Information Form (provided by the City) to self -certify family income. 19. INDEMNIFICATION Client shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless City from and against any and all liability, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from any act, omission or negligence of Client or its affiliate companies, officers, contractors, licensees, agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees or visitors in or about the Client Space. City shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Client, its , directors, officers and employees from and against any and all liability, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorneys fees, arising from any act, omission or negligence of City or its contractors, licensees, agents, servants, employees, guests, invitees or visitors in or about the Client Space. 20. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Client shall not assign this Lease or sublet the Client Space, or any part thereof, or in any other manner transfer this Lease, leasehold or the Client Space, without the prior written consent of City, which consent may be witheld for any reason or no reason. No lease assignment shall relieve Client of primary liability to City hereunder, unless City so agrees in writing. Client shall continue to make all payments due under the Lease directly to City, even if the Client Space is sublet or assigned. All subleases or assignments must be approved by City and its attorney and Client shall promptly provide City with a conformed copy of such approved sublease or assignment. Consent by City to any subletting or assignment shall not constitute a consent by City to any subsequent assignment or subletting. 21. CLIENT DEFAULT A. Definition of Default Each of the following events, ("Event of Default"), shall be a default hereunder by Client and a breach of this Lease: 1) If Client shall materially violate any covenant or agreement providing for the payment of rent or other amounts due under the terms of this Lease, and such violation shall continue for ten (10) days after the due date. 2) If Client shall assign, transfer, encumber, sublet or permit the use of the Client Space by others except in a manner permitted in herein. 3) If Client shall be adjudicated as bankrupt whether voluntarily or involuntarily, or makes any general assignment for the benefit of creditors under any Insolvency, Receivership or Bankruptcy Act. 4) If a Receiver or trustee shall be appointed for, or to take possession of, all or a substantial part of the property of Client or any part of Client's leasehold interest. 5) If the Client Space is abandoned by Client. Client's failure to occupy and operate its business on the Client Space for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days may, at the option of the City, be deemed an abandonment, unless the rent has been paid in full during the period of absence. 6) If there be any attachment, execution or other judicial seizure of all or a substantial part of the assets or Client or Client's leasehold, where such an attachment, execution or seizure is not discharged within thirty {30) days. 7) if the estate of Client be transferred or passed to, or devolve upon, any other person or corporation by operation of law or by assignment of Client other than allowed herein. S) If Client shall be in default of fulfilling any of other covenants, conditions and requirements of this Lease and such default shall continue for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from City to Client and Client has not commenced to cure such default within such thirty (30) days and is diligently pursuing the remedies or steps necessary to cure or correct such default, but in no event more than ninety (90) days. B. In the Event of Such Default: 1) City has the right to enter upon the Client Space and again have, repossess, and enjoy the same as if this Lease has not been made, and thereupon this Lease shall terminate without prejudice, however, to the right of City to recover from Client all rent and other sums unpaid up to the time of such re-entry. In the event of any such default and re-entry, City shall have the right to re -let the Client Space for the remainder of the then existing term for the highest rent then obtainable, and to recover from Client the difference between the rent provided by this Lease and the amount obtained by such re -letting, less the costs and expenses reasonably incurred by City in such re -letting. 2) Any equipment, tools, supplies or products left in the Client Space by the Client for thirty (30) consecutive calendar days may, at the option of the City, be deemed abandoned property and liquidated in any manner deemed appropriate by the City, unless the rent has been paid in full during the period of absence. 3) Exercise any other remedy allowed by law or equity, including acceleration of rental payments remaining for the balance of the term of this Lease. 4) In the event of a breach of this Lease by Client, whether abated or not, City shall recover from Client reasonable and necessary attorney's fees and costs incurred by City in enforcing its rights under this Lease. 5) All rights and remedies of City under this Lease shall be cumulative and none shall exclude any other right to remedy at law. Such right and remedies may be exercised and enforced concurrently and whenever and as often as occasion thereof arises. No waiver by City of performance by Client shall be considered a continuing waiver or shall preclude City from exercising its rights in the event of a subsequent default. 22. CITY DEFAULT If City shall fail to perform any of its obligations under this Lease and such default shall continue for more than thirty (30) days after receipt by City of written notice from Client specifying the default (or) if such default cannot be cured or corrected within that time, then such additional time as may be necessary if City has commenced to cure such default within such thirty (30) days and is diligently pursuing the remedies or steps necessary to cure or correct such default, but in no event more than ninety (90) days), then Client may, at its option, but shall not be obligated to, cure such default. City shall reimburse Client the reasonable costs incurred by Client in curing City's default as aforesaid within thirty (30) days after receipt of Client's statement itemizing such costs, including, if any, reasonable attorney fees, in reasonable detail and evidence of payment thereof. Any rights under this Section shall be cumulative and shall not limit Client's rights at law or in equity. 23. NOTICES Any notice permitted or required to be given under the terms of this Lease shall be in writing, signed by or on behalf of the party giving the same, and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered by hand or if mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service to the following address: If to the City: If to the Client: Economic Development Director City of Hutchinson 1154 Benjamin Avenue SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ph. (320) 234-4223 Either party may designate a different address or recipient for purposes hereof by notice to the other party in the manner provided in this Section. Client shall designate a contact person in Client's organization whom City may contact regarding the Lease. Client may designate a new contact person or persons at any time by giving notice to City in writing. 24. CASUALTY 1) If the Client Space is destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty covered by insurance as required to be maintained by City, then (unless this Lease is terminated as hereinafter provided) City shall proceed to repair or restore the Client Space to the condition which City furnished improvements to Client upon the commencement of the Term. If City repairs or restores the Client Space as provided herein, then Client shall repair and restore its leasehold improvements, furnishings, furniture and equipment to at least a condition equal to that prior to their damage. Notwithstanding any provision in this section to the contrary, neither City nor Client shall be required to spend more than the amount of insurance proceeds either or both parties receive for such damage or destruction. 2) If the Client Space or any part thereof shall be rendered unClientable by any destruction or damage, except where such damage is caused by Client, then a pro rata portion of the rent based upon the number of square feet of area in the Client Space which are unClientable shall be abated or if the unClientable portion effectively prevents Client from using the Client Space for its stated purpose then all of the rent shall be abated until the Client Space or such part thereof shall have been put in Ciientable condition. If, however, any destruction or damage to the Client Space is so extensive that City is unable to render complete restoration within 120 days, or is not covered by City's all- risk policy, City or Client may terminate this Lease (effective as of the date of destruction or damage) by written notice to the other party given within 120 days from the date of casualty. 25. PARKING Client and Client's employees, customers, agents and invitees shall have the nonexclusive right to use any parking areas located, adjacent to Client's leased space. 26. SEVERABILITY If any term or provision of this Lease or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall be valid and enforced to the full extent permitted by law. 27. GOVERNING LAW This Lease shall be governed by, enforced and construed under the laws and regulations of the State of Minnesota. 28. INTERPRETATION The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Lease shall not affect or impair any other provision. Whenever the singular number is used, the same shall include the plural, and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders. Any captions appearing in this Lease are inserted only as a matter of convenience and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or intent of such sections or paragraphs of this Lease nor in any way affect this Lease. 29. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Each of the covenants, provisions, terms and agreements of this Lease shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, and administrators, successors and assigns of City and Client. 30. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between City and Client and shall supersede all previous communications, understandings and representations, whether oral or written. Amendments hereto shall not be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as of the day and year first written above. Dated: City of Hutchinson (City) Dated: (Client) By: Gary T. Forcier By: Title: Mayor Title: By: Matt launich Title: City Administrator RELAY FOR LIFE July 2017 Dear Mayor Forcier and City Council Members, Relay for Life of McLeod County, a fundraising event to help cure cancer, is in full swing preparing for our Annual Signature event at Masonic West River Park on Friday, August 4. This year, in conjunction with Music in the Park, on Monday, July 31st we will be holding our Survivor Appreciation in the Park, as well as "Painting the Town Purple." This term is used to bring together businesses within a community to support and celebrate our Cancer Survivors, by decorating store fronts with purple. Purple is the universal "color" to recognize all cancer types. As we Paint the Town Purple, we would like to request permission to tie purple ribbons onto the trees lining the streets in Library Square. The purple ribbons would be up from Sunday, July 31, 2017, through Saturday, August 51", 2017. 1 would also like to formally invite you to two events: Music in the Park on Monday, July 31, 6:30pm for the free music and survivor celebration, and Relay for Life Event on Friday the 4th Activities begin at 5pm, and include free music, games and activities, food, and a moving and uplifting program starts at 6:30. The path will again be lined with luminarias and walkers will walk throughout the entire evening, with a final lap at 5am. This is truly a county wide event. I would be happy to attend a council meeting if necessary to answer any questions you may have regarding this request, and I am available by phone or email with any questions. Sincerely, Mary Hodson 815 Hillcrest Road NE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Relay for Life of McLeod County, Experience Lead/Chair 320-583-6828 Mary@explorehutchinson.com HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=v-f� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Consideration of a Preliminary/Final Plat and CUP at 579 2nd Ave SE Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Larry Murphy has submitted a preliminary and final plat to create a one lot plat for the property located at 579 2nd Avenue SE. All uses within this zoning district require a conditional use permit. Since the use is proposed to be intensified on the site with a new building and an addition to an existing building, a CUP is required. Mr. Murphy proposes to utilize this location for equipment storage for his construction related/snow removal businesses. The applicant spoke on behalf of his project and explained what he will be doing at this location and the nature of the addition and site layout. Nobody from the public spoke regarding this request. The planning commission unanimously recommended approval of both the preliminary and final plats, as well as the conditional use permit. Please let me know if there are any questions regarding this request. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of plats and Conditional Use Permit. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14743 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR LJM ADDITIONAL AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A POST FRAME ADDITION TO AN EXISTING BUILDING AND A NEW POST FRAME BUILDING FOR A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AT 579 2ND AVE SE IN AN I -C ZONING DISTRICT, LARRY MURPHY, APPLICANT. FACTS 1. Larry Murphy is the applicant and owner of a parcel of land located at 579 2nd Ave SE, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: LOTS 4 and 5, Block 18, SOUTH HALF OF HUTCHINSON, McLeod County, Minnesota. AND That part of Huron Street adjacent to Lots 4 and 5, Block 18, SOUTH HALF OF HUTCHINSON, lying West of the centerline of said street, McLeod County, Minnesota. 3. Larry Murphy, applicant and property owner, has applied to the City for a preliminary and final plat of LJM addition and a conditional use permit to allow a post frame addition to an existing building and a new post frame building for a construction company at 579 2nd Ave SE, Hutchinson, MN. 4. The property is located in the I/C Industrial/Commercial) Zoning District. 5. The request for a conditional use permit is required because of Section 154.066 and 154.123 of the Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance. 6. Following a public hearing on the application, the City of Hutchinson Planning Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat and Conditional Use Permit on July 18, 2017 with the following findings and conditions: a. Four paved parking spaces are required on site, of which one must be a handicap space. b. The zoning ordinance requires the parking area and access drives be paved with an all-weather surface such as, concrete or bituminous. The access drives from the street to the front of each building must be a minimum of 24 feet wide and be paved with an all-weather surface. The parking area will also require an adequate drive aisle/turnaround that are paved. c. The City shall approve a final site layout plan that clearly shows the parking areas and access drives that will be improved with an all-weather surface. d. The area located between the two existing curb cuts within the right-of-way along 2nd Ave. SE shall be planted with grass. e. Any outdoor storage on the site will be required to be screened with a fence. Findings of Fact — Resolution 14743 Conditional Use Permit 5792 nd Ave SE 7/25/2017 Page 2 f. If the appearance of the lot is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. g. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. h. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the I/C district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. i. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. j. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. 7. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit at its meeting on July 25, 2017 and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: k. Four paved parking spaces are required on site, of which one must be a handicap space. 1. The zoning ordinance requires the parking area and access drives be paved with an all-weather surface such as, concrete or bituminous. The access drives from the street to the front of each building must be a minimum of 24 feet wide and be paved with an all-weather surface. The parking area will also require an adequate drive aisle/turnaround that are paved. m. The City shall approve a final site layout plan that clearly shows the parking areas and access drives that will be improved with an all-weather surface. n. The area located between the two existing curb cuts within the right-of-way along 2nd Ave. SE shall be planted with grass. o. Any outdoor storage on the site will be required to be screened with a fence. p. If the appearance of the lot is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. q. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. r. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the UC district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. s. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. t. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. u. The applicants shall record the final plat with McLeod County. Findings of Fact — Resolution 14743 Conditional Use Permit 5792 nd Ave SE 7/25/2017 Page 3 APPLICABLE LAW 8. The conditional use permit request meets the following standards as required in Section 154.175 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code. (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. 9. The preliminary and final plat request meets the following standards as required in Sections 153.35 — 153.39 and 153.50 — 153.51 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 10. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 11. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 12. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations 13. The requested plat is consistent with the comprehensive plan and applicable ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that preliminary and final plat of LJM addition are approved and the application to issue a conditional use permit to allow Larry Murphy, applicant and property owner, to build a post frame addition and a new post frame building and operate a construction company at 579 2nd Ave SE is hereby approved. Findings of Fact — Resolution 14743 Conditional Use Permit 5792 nd Ave SE 7/25/2017 Page 4 Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of July, 2017. ATTEST: Matt Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: July 12, 2017, for July 18, 2017, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a preliminary and final plat of LJM Addition and conditional use permit for building addition and new building for equipment storage. Applicant: Larry Murphy PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF LJM ADDITION AND CONDTIONAL USE PERMIT Larry Murphy has submitted a preliminary and final plat to create a one lot plat for the property located at 579 2nd Avenue SE. All uses within this zoning district require a conditional use permit. Since the use is proposed to be intensified on the site with a new building and an addition to an existing building, a CUP is required. Mr. Murphy proposes to utilize this location for equipment storage for his construction related/snow removal businesses. Preliminary and Final plat and Conditional Use Permit LJM Addition Planning Commission — 7/18//17 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: UC Industrial/Commercial District Property Location: 579 2nd Ave SE Lot Size: 22,869 square feet (.525 Acres) Existing Land Use: Storage/industrial use Adjacent Land Use: Industrial and park/open space land uses Adjacent Zoning: I/C and R-3 Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning History: This property has been used for storage/industrial purposes for the past several decades. Applicable Regulations: Sections 153.36, 153.50 and 154.066 of the City Code Preliminary and Final Plat: The proposed LJM Addition combines two old 66' x 132' lots with a portion of vacated right-of- way from Huron St SE to create one larger lot. There is one existing building on site that is approximately 60' x 65' in size. There is an easement for utilities on the east side of the lot that is 20 feet wide. No permanent structures will be allowed over this easement. The preliminary and final plat as shown, appear to meet all of the City of Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance Requirements. Site Layout: Building: There is one building on site that is approximately 60' x 65'. The applicant is proposing an addition of 40' x 60' onto the existing building. The addition is proposed to be post frame construction. The applicant is proposing to build another building near the eastern building limits of the lot that would be 40' x 72'. This building would also have post frame construction. The proposed buildings would meet all applicable setbacks, as well as all other Zoning Ordinance requirements. Parking/Access/Circulation The applicant will need to provide four parking stalls to be in compliance with the zoning ordinance. One of these spaces needs to be handicap and the others need to be regular parking stalls. These spaces need to be on either concrete or bituminous and be appropriately striped and signed. In addition to the paved parking area, the access drive from the street to the front of both Preliminary and Final plat and Conditional Use Permit LJM Addition Planning Commission — 7/18//17 Page 3 buildings needs to be paved to be in conformance with the zoning ordinance. The driveway from the street to the parking area/apron at the front of the buildings needs to be a minimum of 24' wide. Stormwater Management: It should be noted that this site is within the Shoreland Zoning District. The shoreland district regulates the amount of impervious surface on lots. Typically, lots are allowed to go to 25% impervious surface without additional stormwater mitigation to go to a higher amount. Since this lot is basically all gravel right now and gravel is considered an impervious surface the addition of the buildings to the site will not increase the impervious surface on site. The lot is in essence "grandfathered" regarding the fact that the impervious surface coverage is close to 100%. The lot is within the 0.2 percent annual chance for flooding, or zone X flood zone per FEMA. The 0.2 percent annual chance used to be called the 500 -year floodplain. It does not appear any special requirements need to be followed within this area. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required due to intensification to the current use on the site. All uses in the UC zoning district require a conditional use permit. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit and preliminary and final plats with the following recommendations: 1. Four paved parking spaces are required on site, of which one must be a handicap space. 2. The zoning ordinance requires the parking area and access drives be paved with an all-weather surface such as, concrete or bituminous. The access drives from the street to the front of each building must be a minimum of 24 feet wide and be paved with an all-weather surface. The parking area will also require an adequate drive aisle/turnaround that are paved. Preliminary and Final plat and Conditional Use Permit LJM Addition Planning Commission — 7/18//17 Page 4 3. The City shall approve a final site layout plan that clearly shows the parking areas and access drives that will be improved with an all-weather surface. 4. The area located between the two existing curb cuts within the right-of-way along 2nd Ave. SE shall be planted with grass. 5. Any outdoor storage on the site will be required to be screened with a fence. 6. If the appearance of the lot is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. 7. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 8. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the UC district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 9. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. 10. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. A �. Zb k i i i —. ♦; - � < . 3.4. . _- I ......................................................................r................................................................... ............ Print Date: June 12, 2017 WGIs 1:441 kcd County LJM ADDITION c PRELIMINARY PLAT --------- •jL 4 ro*w ,uw • :ease ewe. r«. I SLOCKi 18 I I I � pRc rt z Vc awumRAw wwcix wsrna. W f d� i BLOCK €2LOT q ..w u.n.... a,. ...war r SECOND AVENUE SE ,�.,,,,.,.,.a..... ji BLOCK i 122 ' tU _ E a4 I .. "...G..C, .�•sa�✓ - ruu'a�m nnnrom. ae � C�r...,"S,�w. ...,1.�.�i .a•. f �... .. 7.379 10 o E 50�ygH BLOCK! 5 LJM ADDITION pf 5 SECOND AVENUE SE j BLOCK ; 122 :: I I �n..b..uen•w,n...•e�.•— m.....m.w.......nr.r.n..�u.w.ww.r_...r :o— �n- LJM ADDITION —~----- ,� w 0. erk i e. sone YY n 1L+cngp. wYa. wnV• �^^a^ +.�.1• aivw i..arA.mw.sn0.ea. ie.leu'•�W1T+u�C1.6Y�.u^I••+aw•w.n.. «..e •e.n u.w [..n•. w.w•� I I1�++ �� arwr�.+..ir wu.r wwlMnwWm�. re ee^^bew.mme.M.=n wry wb..rrvn.r.•Y �r+•«wHw+vh I j , I••I j 1 I 1 i 2 ! 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Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Victoria Langen is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of a detached garage in the rear yard of her home that wouldn't meet the 6-foot side and rear yard setbacks. It should be noted that there is currently an approximately 19'x19' garage that isn't structurally sound located in the same vicinity that the proposed garage will be located. The new garage is proposed to be an approximately 26' x 32' garage or 832 sq. ft. The zoning ordinance requirement for the rear and side yard setback is 6 feet applicant is proposing locating the south and west side of the new garage in the same location that the previous garage was located, which is 3.8 feet off of the west property line and 3 feet off of the south property line. This property is located in one of the older areas of Hutchinson and there are several properties in this area with detached garages that do not meet current setback standards and are considered non-conforming. The applicant has provided a narrative and photos that are attached to explain their practical difficulty. It should be noted that staff has concerns related to snow removal and drainage with buildings that are located closer than 6 feet to the alley/property line. There are many old garages that are located closer than 6 feet to the alley but there is less room to put alley snow in these areas and it is harder to ensure good alley drainage if there is less room to "match" the private property grade with the alley grade elevations. One of the items the zoning ordinance addresses is non-conformities and one of the goals of any zoning ordinance is to bring non-conformities into compliance as property redevelops or uses change. Victoria Langan spoke of behalf of her variance request and explained what she is proposing. Nobody from the public spoke regarding this request. The planning commission noted how difficult these decisions were and that they have to follow the legal requirements. The planning commission voted unanimously to deny the variance based on the fact they didn't believe it met the practical difficulty criteria related to uniqueness to the lot and that it appeared to be a personal preference of the applicant. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Denial of variance. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14744 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR DENIAL OF VARIANCE APPLICATION TO REDUCE THE REAR AND SIDE SETBACK FOR AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE BY 3 FEET ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 436 HASSAN ST SE, VICTORIA LANGAN, APPLICANT FACTS 1. John and Betty Krohn are the owners of a parcel of land located at 436 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 4, Block 50, in the TOWNSITE OF HUTCHINSON, SOUTH HALF, McLeod County, Minnesota. 3. Victoria Langan is the applicant for a variance to reduce the rear and side yard setbacks by 3 feet at 436 Hassan St SE. 4. The property is located in the R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zoning District. 5. The proposal would vary from Section 154.057 (F) (2) in that it would decrease the minimum required 6 -foot side yard and rear yard setbacks by 3 feet. 6. Following a public hearing on the application, the City of Hutchinson Planning Commission has recommended denial of the variance on July 18, 2017 with the following findings: a. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner, as having a detached garage in this zoning district is reasonable. b. The landowner's problem is not unique to the property. The Planning Commission believes the applicants request is a personal preference and that there is not a physical issue or characteristic that is preventing the garage from meeting the required setbacks. c. The request would not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, the "locality" is the general neighborhood area around this property. d. The Planning Commission believes variance is not in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance, specifically sections 154.001 (J). e. The variance's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is somewhat neutral as the Comprehensive Plan doesn't specifically address issues related to variances. £ Building the garage less than 6 -feet away from the property line impacts snow removal and drainage from the alley negatively. 7. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested variance at its meeting on July 25, 2017 and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend denial of the variance request with the following findings: Findings of Fact — Resolution 14744 Variance 436 Hassan St SE 7/25/2017 Page 2 a. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner, as having a detached garage in this zoning district is reasonable. b. The landowner's problem is not unique to the property. The Planning Commission believes the applicants request is a personal preference and that there is not a physical issue or characteristic that is preventing the garage from meeting the required setbacks. c. The request would not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, the "locality" is the general neighborhood area around this property. d. The Planning Commission believes variance is not in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance, specifically sections 154.001 (J). e. The variance's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is somewhat neutral as the Comprehensive Plan doesn't specifically address issues related to variances. £ Building the garage less than 6 -feet away from the property line impacts snow removal and drainage from the alley negatively. APPLICABLE LAW 8. Minnesota Statue Section 462.357, subd. 6 provides: (a) Variances shall only be permitted (a) when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance and (b) when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. (b) Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that (a) the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (b) the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and (c) the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 9. There are not unique circumstances to the property not created by the landowner. The proposed position of the garage appears to be a personal preference. There appears to be room to build the garage by meeting the setbacks or the garage could be built slightly smaller and meet the setbacks. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a variance to allow Victoria Langan, applicant, to build a garage so as to deviate from Section 154.057 (F)(2) is hereby denied. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of July, 2017. ATTEST: Matt Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: July 13, 2017 for the July 18, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DETACHED GARAGE LOCATED AT 436 Hassan St. SE. Applicant: Victoria Langen VARIANCE — 436 HASSAN ST SE. Victoria Langen is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of a detached garage in the rear yard of her home that wouldn't meet the 6 -foot side and rear yard setbacks. It should be noted that there is currently an approximately 19'x19' garage that isn't structurally sound located in the same vicinity that the proposed garage will be located. The new garage is proposed to be an approximately 26' x 32' garage or 832 sq. ft. The zoning ordinance requirement for the rear and side yard setback is 6 feet applicant is proposing locating the south and west side of the new garage in the same location that the previous garage was located, which is 3.8 feet off of the west property line and 3 feet off of the south property line. This property is located in one of the older areas of Hutchinson and there are several properties in this area with detached garages that do not meet current setback standards and are considered non -conforming. The applicant has provided a narrative and photos that are attached to explain their practical difficulty. It should be noted that staff has concerns related to snow removal and drainage with buildings that are located closer than 6 feet to the alley/property line. There are many old garages that are located closer than 6 feet to the alley but there is less room to put alley snow in these areas and it is harder to ensure good alley drainage if there is less room to "match" the private property grade with the alley grade elevations. One of the items the zoning ordinance addresses is non - conformities and one of the goals of any zoning ordinance is to bring non -conformities into compliance as property redevelops or uses change. Variance 436 Hassan St SE Planning Commission — 7-18-17 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: 436 Hassan St SE Lot Size: Approximately 66'x132' (8,712 sq. ft.) Existing Land Use: Residential Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Residential — R-2 Medium Density Residential Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Low Density Residential Neighborhood Applicable Regulations: Section 154.172 Analysis and Recommendation: In order to grant a variance, the request must meet the standards for granting a variance, including the finding of "practical difficulties." Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control. "Practical difficulties" as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by an official control; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute a practical difficulty if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the ordinance. The conditions cited as reason for granting a variance must be due to physical conditions unique to the land or building involved and must not be applicable to other sites in the same zoning district. Economic considerations may be taken into account but shall not by themselves be the reason for which a variance is granted. There is a basic "test" to determine if a request meets the practical difficulties standard. To constitute practical difficulties all three questions must be answered yes. The following are the factors that must be considered: Practical difficulties "Practical difficulties" is a legal standard set forth in law that cities must apply when considering applications for variances. It is a three -factor test and applies to all requests for variances. To constitute practical difficulties, all three factors of the test must be satisfied. 1. Reasonableness The first factor is that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. This factor means that the landowner would like to use the property in a particular reasonable way but cannot do so under the rules of the ordinance. It does not mean that the land cannot be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the variance. For example, if the variance application is for a building too close to a lot line or does not meet the required setback, the focus of the first factor is whether the request to place a building there is reasonable. Variance 436 Hassan St SE Planning Commission — 7-18-17 Page 3 Staff feels that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner by having a detached garage. Having a detached garage is a reasonable request. This question was answered YES. 2. Uniqueness The second factor is that the landowner's problem is due to circumstances unique to the property not caused by the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of the particular piece of property, that is, to the land and not personal characteristics or preferences of the landowner. When considering the variance for a building to encroach or intrude into a setback, the focus of this factor is whether there is anything physically unique about the particular piece of property, such as sloping topography or other natural features like wetlands or trees. Staff feels the landowner's problem is not unique to the property because the garage could either be made smaller and would meet the setbacks without impacting the usable space in the backyard or the garage could be built the same size as proposed and meet the setbacks by utilizing some of the available space in the backyard. Meeting the setbacks with the proposed garage would make the usable yard shrink by 153.2 square feet. For context, the entire backyard is approximately 4, 000 soft. It appears to staff that it is the preference of the applicant to locate the garage in the proposed area rather than a physical characteristic or uniqueness to the lot. This question was answered NO. 3. Essential character The third factor is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under this factor, consider whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. For example, when thinking about the variance for an encroachment into a setback, the focus is how the particular building will look closer to a lot line and if that fits in with the character of the area. Staff feels this request will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, staff believes the "locality" is the general neighborhood area around this property. Staffalso feels that the essential character of the locality would not be altered because there are mages within a block of this age that don't meet current setbacks. This question was answered YES. Another factor to consider for granting a variance is whether the variance request is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance? The Zoning Ordinance has an introductory section (154.001) that says the intent and purpose of this chapter shall be: Please note: Underlined Items are relevant to this request. (A) To regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter to be erected, (B) To establish, regulate and limit the building or setback lines on or along any street, traffic way, drive or parkway; (C) To regulate and limit the intensity of use of lot areas and to regulate and determine the area of open spaces within and surrounding buildings hereafter to be erected, (D) To classify, regulate and restrict the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified industrial, business, residential and other uses; (E) To divide the entire municipality into districts of such number, shape and area, and of such different classes according to use of land and buildings, height and bulk of buildings, intensity of use of lot areas, area of open spaces and other classifications, as may be deemed best suited to regulate development, Variance 436 Hassan St SE Planning Commission — 7-18-17 Page 4 (F) To fix standards to which buildings or structures therein shall conform: (G) To prohibit uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of established districts: (H) To prevent additions to and alteration or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed; (I) To classify, regulate and restrict the use of property on the basis of land use relationship; (J) To provide for variations from these regulations, standards, restrictions and limitations: (K) To provide for conditional uses, including planned development, within the established districts; (L) To provide administrative bodies and procedures as shall be necessary to the implementation and enforcement of the various provisions of this chapter; (M) To provide for the orderly amendment of this chapter; and (N) To provide regulations pertaining to pre-existing lots, structures and uses which do not conform to the regulations, standards, restrictions and limitations established by this chapter. Another factor to consider is whether the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? The Hutchinson Comprehensive Plan doesn't specifically get into issues related to variances. The comprehensive plan is used to plan for future uses versus specific dimensional standards that are found in the Zoning Ordinance which is discussed in great detail above. Based on the fact that only 2 of the 3 questions above for the variance test were answered yes, staff recommends the variance be denied due to it not meeting the legal standard outlined in the zoning ordinance. It should also be noted that if the Planning Commission feels that answer to any of the above questions should be answered differently than staff answered, the variance can be approved with the appropriate findings. Staff recommends denial of the request for the following reasons: 1) Only 2 of the 3 questions of the "variance test" are answered yes. 2) The need for a variance appears to be a personal preference rather than a unique characteristic regarding the lot. 3) Having the garage less than 6 -feet away from the Application for variance Support documents: We would like to apply for a variance for building a new garage. Our existing garage is a single stall garage that was built in early 1900. It sets approx. 3' off the alley and south property line. We would like to build a 2 1/2 stall garage in the same location of our existing. We are asking for a variance from the south property line and the alley. (See picture 1 and 2) We are not able to use our existing garage or foundation to meet currant setback requirements for the old foundation is deteriorating. We would like to remove the existing garage and foundation and build a new code approved foundation and garage the meets current building codes. When ours and our neighbors lots where established it was prior to the now current zoning and building codes. Our lot does not conform to meet setback requirements that are currently enforced. In using the current 6' set back code, it creates a large portion of our lot into unusable space. Our neighborhood garages are tall, 1 %2 story to 2 story garages that all sit approx. 3 feet from the alley and either sit on the property line or close to the neighbor's property line. (See picture %) We are asking for consideration that we may also be able to position our new garage in the same manner to allow to conform to what currently existing in our neighborhood. We feel that in being allowed to do this, we will be able to improve on one of the oldest neighborhoods in Hutchinson by removing a failing structure and building a functional safe building. We want to build a new garage, up to code but that aesthetically fits and improves our neighborhood. We do not want to create a lot of unusable space behind the garage that will negatively affect the property value. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR VICKY LANGEN DESCRIPTION Lot 4, Black 30, in the TOWNSITE OF HUTCHINSON, SOUTH HALF, McLeod County, Minnesota. P4 8 BLOCK t 50 d IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS 1 I 8716 Square Fut rvoJ J 1 I � � a IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS Lal Am - 8716 Square Fut E-10% C4v.np/ Propa.-d C4.aroq. hwe.e Foo"mr Arae - 1417 Sq FI Woum FeelprW Ano {917 Sq Ft Eml np Cason Arno - 311 Sq Fl Prop4Nd emope Ar" 832 So Ft Courve SurWa - 333 sq Ft co -1. W.- - 126 so F! Bugmmous Swftcm- 566 so FI Bilummous $WIN* - 742 sq F, Pom surr"d - 128 7q Ft po. Sertde. - I Sq Ft Total - 28M Sgywp Fmt Now BrAr aeF sw1we ae shown - 626 6q FI Tom - 3542 Squw► Fut 4M x 1 E.Wkv hloun DRP& 4 *32 SED E.1n1np pia.. I �, --- s'' I MOO -.--... . 6a4N �� 1 tier.!, "'I", 'hot tn4 8u.ver. Plon or 1 pogo. wao pr.9nr 0 4 or +PI ar Yntror req dlr... 5 1 Syeoen4 rrfSlpq on !moi an o ltl lr Ilten.tld ` L8ury-pe. 4m44. .Ila low. pt Ina 81416 of ML -s' -G. I � Ree.eh� 1 pet.: L l c. r1o.. N LrJ w LU � a to ra rn ice/* la reef a (�] ■ ON m lron mWnum.mr up d QO Domes Iron monumani s y 100"1.3 COII to I oc, 41-1i a ArN ' J.�� , � � _ _ `•+ � � � .fes i �/'��� .��-=��' T. w Y S Y Y -mo71 i • µ:a� • 1: s.T Ad bl � M1 ■ J 1y 1 1 jail Ad bl � M1 ■ J HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=qf� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A VARIANCE AT 605 LYNN RD SW Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Christopher Miller is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of a detached garage in corner side yard setback area. It should be noted that there is currently a dilapidated garage in the exact location of the new proposed garage. The garage is proposed to be an approximately 22' x 22' garage that will meet all setback besides the corner side yard setback. The zoning ordinance requirement for the corner side yard setback is 25 feet and the applicant is proposing locating the garage in the same exact location as the old garage, which is 11.4' off of the property. This property is located in one of the older areas of Hutchinson and there are several properties in this area with detached garages that do not meet current setback standards and are considered non-conforming. The applicant states the unique circumstances of the lot are the large mature trees on site and moving the garage may impact the root systems of these trees causing these trees to die. The applicant also states the practical difficulty of the lot is that half of the backyard will be consumed by garage and driveway which will increase runoff due almost twice the driveway length. The applicant also states a practical difficulty is that moving the garage to meet the setbacks will impact mature trees on the lot. Variances may be granted when the applicant establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control as noted in Section 154.167 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant spoke briefly on behalf of his request for a variance. Nobody from the public spoke regarding this request. The planning commission unanimously recommended approval of the variance. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of variance. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14745 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF VARIANCE APPLICATION TO REDUCE THE CORNER SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE BY 13.6 FEET ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 605 LYNN RD SW, CHRISTOPHER MILLER, APPLICANT FACTS 1. Christopher Miller is the applicant and owner of a parcel of land located at 605 Lynn Rd SW, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 9 and the northerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Resubdivision of Block 6, Bonniwell's Second Addition to the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota. 3. Christopher Miller, applicant and property owner, has applied to the City for a variance to reduce the corner side -yard setback for an accessory structure by 13.6 feet on the property located at 605 Lynn Rd SW. 4. The property is located in the R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zoning District. 5. The proposal would vary from Section 154.057 (F) (2) in that it would decrease the minimum required 25' corner side yard setback by 13.6 feet. 6. There is an existing garage located in the same exact location the new garage is being proposed. 7. The new garage is going to be the same size as the old garage. 8. Section 154.158 of the City of Hutchinson zoning ordinance allows this structure to be rebuilt in its non -conforming location. 9. Following a public hearing on the application, the City of Hutchinson Planning Commission has recommended approval of the variance on July 18, 2017 with the following findings: a. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner as having a detached garage in this zoning district. b. The landowner's problem is unique to the property. The Planning Commission believes requiring the garage to comply with the current zoning setback requirements may impact the root system of the large oak trees on the lot causing them to die. c. The request will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, the "locality" is the general neighborhood area around this property. The Essential character of the locality would not be altered because the existing garage already not meeting the required setbacks and there are several other garages in the vicinity that also do not meet the required setbacks. Findings of Fact —Resolution 14745 Variance 605 Lynn Rd SW. 7/21/2015 Page 2 d. The Planning Commission believes variance is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance, specifically sections 154.001 (J). e. The variance's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is somewhat neutral as the Comprehensive Plan doesn't specifically address issues related to variances. 10. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested variance at its meeting on July 25, 2017 and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the variance request with the following findings: a. The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner as having a detached garage in this zoning district. b. The landowner's problem is unique to the property. The Planning Commission believes requiring the garage to comply with the current zoning setback requirements may impact the root system of the large oak trees on the lot causing them to die. c. The request will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, the "locality" is the general neighborhood area around this property. The Essential character of the locality would not be altered because the existing garage already not meeting the required setbacks and there are several other garages in the vicinity that also do not meet the required setbacks. d. The Planning Commission believes variance is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance, specifically sections 154.001 (J). e. The variance's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is somewhat neutral as the Comprehensive Plan doesn't specifically address issues related to variances. APPLICABLE LAW 11. Minnesota Statue Section 462.357, subd. 6 provides: (a) Variances shall only be permitted (a) when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the ordinance and (b) when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. (b) Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that (a) the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance; (b) the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and (c) the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. 12. City ordinance allows variances if the strict enforcement would cause practical difficulties because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration, and to grant such variances only when it is demonstrated that such actions will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the ordinance and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Findings of Fact —Resolution 14745 Variance 605 Lynn Rd SW. 7/21/2015 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 13. There are unique circumstances to the property not created by the landowner. This includes the large mature oak trees on the lot and their root system that is spread out on the lot. 14. The variance will maintain the essential character of the locality because the majority of the other properties on this block also have detached or attached garages. 15. The variance is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. Section 154.001 (J) provides a mechanism to provide for variations from these regulations, standards, restrictions and limitations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a variance to allow Christopher Miller applicant and property owner, to build a garage so as to deviate from Section 154.057 (F)(2) is hereby approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of July, 2017. ATTEST: Matt Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: July 13, 2017 for the July 18, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DETACHED GARAGE LOCATED AT 605 LYNN RD. SW. Applicant: Christopher Miller VARIANCE — 605 LYNN RD. SW. Christopher Miller is requesting a variance to allow for the construction of a detached garage in corner side yard setback area. It should be noted that there is currently a dilapidated garage in the exact location of the new proposed garage. The garage is proposed to be an approximately 22' x 22' garage that will meet all setback besides the corner side yard setback. The zoning ordinance requirement for the corner side yard setback is 25 feet and the applicant is proposing locating the garage in the same exact location as the old garage, which is 11.4' off of the property. This property is located in one of the older areas of Hutchinson and there are several properties in this area with detached garages that do not meet current setback standards and are considered non -conforming. The applicant states the unique circumstances of the lot are the large mature trees on site and moving the garage may impact the root systems of these trees causing these trees to die. The applicant also states the practical difficulty of the lot is that half of the backyard will be consumed by garage and driveway which will increase runoff due almost twice the driveway length. The applicant also states a practical difficulty is that moving the garage to meet the setbacks will impact mature trees on the lot. Variances may be granted when the applicant establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control as noted in Section 154.167 of the Zoning Ordinance. Variance 605 Lynn Rd SW Planning Commission — 7-18-17 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Property Location: Lot Size: Existing Land Use: Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Applicable Regulations: Analysis and Recommendation: 605 Lynn Rd SW Approximately 90'x90' (8,100 sq. ft.) Residential Residential — R-2 Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Neighborhood Section 154.172 In order to grant a variance, the request must meet the standards for granting a variance, including the finding of "practical difficulties." Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control. "Practical difficulties" as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by an official control; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute a practical difficulty if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the ordinance. The conditions cited as reason for granting a variance must be due to physical conditions unique to the land or building involved and must not be applicable to other sites in the same zoning district. Economic considerations may be taken into account but shall not by themselves be the reason for which a variance is granted. There is a basic "test" to determine if a request meets the practical difficulties standard. To constitute practical difficulties all three questions must be answered. The following are the factors that must be considered: Practical difficulties "Practical difficulties" is a legal standard set forth in law that cities must apply when considering applications for variances. It is a three -factor test and applies to all requests for variances. To constitute practical difficulties, all three factors of the test must be satisfied. 1. Reasonableness The first factor is that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. This factor means that the landowner would like to use the property in a particular reasonable way but cannot do so under the rules of the ordinance. It does not mean that the land cannot be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the variance. For example, if the variance application is for a building too close to a lot line or does not meet the required setback, the focus of the first factor is whether the request to place a building there is reasonable. Variance 605 Lynn Rd SW Planning Commission — 7-18-17 Page 3 Stafffeels that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner by having a detached garage. Having a detached garage is a reasonable request. This question was answered YES. 2. Uniqueness The second factor is that the landowner's problem is due to circumstances unique to the property not caused by the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of the particular piece of property, that is, to the land and not personal characteristics or preferences of the landowner. When considering the variance for a building to encroach or intrude into a setback, the focus of this factor is whether there is anything physically unique about the particular piece of property, such as sloping topography or other natural features like wetlands or trees. Staff feels the landowner's problem is unique to the property because building the garage in a manner that would meet the setbacks may impact the root systems of the large mature trees on site and cause the trees to die. This question was answered YES. 3. Essential character The third factor is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under this factor, consider whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. For example, when thinking about the variance for an encroachment into a setback, the focus is how the particular building will look closer to a lot line and if that fits in with the character of the area. Staff feels this request will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, staff believes the "locality" is the general neighborhood area around this property. Staffalso feels that the essential character of the locality would not be altered because there are mages within a block of this age that don't meet current setbacks. It is also important that the proposed garage is the same size as the existing garage so the character of the size of the age isn't chan�g�question was answered YES. Another factor to consider for granting a variance is whether the variance request is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance? The Zoning Ordinance has an introductory section (154.001) that says the intent and purpose of this chapter shall be: Please note: Underlined Items are relevant to this request. (A) To regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter to be erected, (B) To establish, regulate and limit the building or setback lines on or along any street, traffic way, drive or parkwU, (C) To regulate and limit the intensity of use of lot areas and to regulate and determine the area of open spaces within and surrounding buildings hereafter to be erected, (D) To classify, regulate and restrict the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings designed for specified industrial, business, residential and other uses; (E) To divide the entire municipality into districts of such number, shape and area, and of such different classes according to use of land and buildings, height and bulk of buildings, intensity of use of lot areas, area of open spaces and other classifications, as may be deemed best suited to regulate development, (F) To fix standards to which buildings or structures therein shall conform, Variance 605 Lynn Rd SW Planning Commission — 7-18-17 Page 4 (G) To prohibit uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of established districts: (H) To prevent additions to and alteration or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations lawfully imposed; (I) To classify, regulate and restrict the use of property on the basis of land use relationship; (J) To provide for variations from these regulations, standards, restrictions and limitations: (K) To provide for conditional uses, including planned development, within the established districts; (L) To provide administrative bodies and procedures as shall be necessary to the implementation and enforcement of the various provisions of this chapter; (M) To provide for the orderly amendment of this chapter; and (N) To provide regulations pertaining to pre-existing lots, structures and uses which do not conform to the regulations, standards, restrictions and limitations established by this chapter. Another factor to consider is whether the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? The Hutchinson Comprehensive Plan doesn't specifically get into issues related to variances. The comprehensive plan is used to plan for future uses versus specific dimensional standards that are found in the Zoning Ordinance which is discussed in great detail above. Based on the fact that all of the three questions above for the variance test were answered yes, staff recommends the variance be granted due to it meeting the legal standard outlined in the zoning ordinance. It should also be noted that if the Planning Commission feels that answer to any of the above questions are no, the variance can be denied. The variance request also appears to meet the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends approval of the request for the following reasons: 1) All three questions of the "variance test" are answered yes. 2) The request meets the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance. 3) The request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. CER NORTH TIFICATE DF SURREY -for- CHRISTOPHER A MILLER of- 605 LYNN ROAD Hutchinson, MN 55350 MI L WA UKEE A VE. SW ° i 1r s M � o 1% OAK 48 7 S88°55'37"Ari 94.49 HAS. 90.4 {PLAT} 493 SO, FT, PROPOSED GAR./ - ,WILL BE BE SANE 512E k LOCA_'0 1, 'AS EXISTING. P I I E70ZI 51mv CONCRETE (ON LOT): 869 SO. FT. (INCLUDES STOOPS) 01+ - BOUNDARY AREA � EXISTING 8,02-17 SO. Fr HOUSE 5 FOUND I P BENT r A h h I .O 751 SO. FT. STRAIGHTENED UP & FIELD I *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED LOCATED. L mo�ww,, ere• pOAk48 PDS. IS 0.1 FT. SOUTH OF LOT GAK361 COMPUTED POSITION.%1 . OAK36p m DENOTES ELECTRICAL SOX r: .r'•• E LINE OF LOT 9 k 1 i•;" - 17-6 - --SOUTH 1 '-�j NORTH LINE OF LOT S Lot 9 and the northerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Resubdivision of Block 6, l 91.8 MEAS. - 91.9 (PLAT) 493 SO, FT, PROPOSED GAR./ - ,WILL BE BE SANE 512E k LOCA_'0 1, 'AS EXISTING. P I I E70ZI 51mv CONCRETE (ON LOT): 869 SO. FT. (INCLUDES STOOPS) 01+ - BOUNDARY AREA � EXISTING 8,02-17 SO. Fr HOUSE 5 FOUND I P BENT r A h h I .O 751 SO. FT. STRAIGHTENED UP & FIELD I *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED LOCATED. DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED RLSp 45358 EYCISTING II�PFRV10115 SURFACES', PDS. IS 0.1 FT. SOUTH OF HOUSE = 751 SQ- FT. GAK361 COMPUTED POSITION.%1 . OAK36p m DENOTES ELECTRICAL SOX CONCRETE = 869 SO. FT, .r'•• E LINE OF LOT 9 k 1 TOTAL = 2,113 SO. FT. - 17-6 - --SOUTH 1 '-�j NORTH LINE OF LOT S Lot 9 and the northerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Resubdivision of Block 6, l 91.8 MEAS. - 91.9 (PLAT) — --t MOW LINE —� 17 p} -Q — LAIDWILINFC 7 � ai rLDWERS � "E M �^ 91..93 Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesotc. Y N8B °56' 14 � p HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 B Y •, PID No. 23.1+4.0080 Dated this th day of Jurre. 2017. Minnesota License No. 45356 �` 1 -'r}• Owner- ZACHARY UE6EL Rddreas: 819 L7NN ROAD Sw LEGEND - I *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET, MARKED RLSp 45358 EYCISTING II�PFRV10115 SURFACES', ❑ DENOTES CATCH BASIN HOUSE = 751 SQ- FT. • DENOTES CATCH BASIN MANHOLE GARAGE = 493 SOFT. m DENOTES ELECTRICAL SOX CONCRETE = 869 SO. FT, _ IM DENOTES GAS METER DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE TOTAL = 2,113 SO. FT. ® DENOTES MISCELLANEOUS MANHOLE DENOTES GRAVEL SURFACE C-� COVERAGE: 2,11 3$,071 = 26,2% Lot 9 and the northerly 6 feet of Lot 8, Resubdivision of Block 6, Bonniwell's Second Addition to the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota. Scale 11"= 20' Bearing Ootum: Assumed Job No, 1 7443B5 ]Drwg By KdN I hereby certify that this pian, survey or report was prepared by me or under +ny direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesotc. Y PROFESSION UE SE, SUITES UR ORS 190 5TH AVENUE SE, SUITE 2 I- G. RUD & SONS, INC. HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 B Y FAX 687-2596 Dated this th day of Jurre. 2017. Minnesota License No. 45356 {T20j www.egrud.eom L—B ' � S � - - \� ar! � . »: Ll iL � ~ \ wk -. . c, � .� ARM � - . . -moo ¥� � k- oe �2 _ 4K,)f _ ,�. . . . 0�� � � . f . 70 J HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Approval of Aggregate Crushing Services Department: Compost LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Kosek Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Andy Kosek Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As you may know, Creekside accepts blacktop and concrete removed from both city projects and private projects in the area. The last crushing event of this material was in the Fall of 2015 by Intex Corp, the crushed material(Bit-Con) is currently sold out and the inbound raw material pile has nearly reached it's capacity. Staff has received quotes from two vendors to crush approximately 26,000 ton. -Intex Corporation provided a quote of $3.42 per ton and a flat mobilization cost of $7000, total project cost of $95,920.00. The cost per ton actually decreased from the 2015 rate of $3.53, the mobilization cost quoted did not fluctuate from the 2015 crushing event. -Reiner Contracting Inc provided a quote of $3.70 per ton for any tonnage over 25,000 tons and a mobilization cost of $6,500. Total cost for crushing 26,000 ton would be $102,700. Staff is pleased with the work Intex Corp has performed and the superior product they have produced for us in the past and recommends the awarding the crushing services to Intex Corporation again for this event. The final crushed prod uct(Bit-Con) is available for sale to contractors, and retail through distribution. As noted above, there has been no issue in moving the Bit -Con inventory. 26,000 ton of crushed material is equivalent to 20,800 yards of material, respectively. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the awarding of aggregate crushing services to Intex Corporation. Fiscal Impact: $ 95,920.00 Funding Source: Compost Fund FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 95,920.00 Total City Cost: $ 95,920.00 Funding Source: Compost Fund Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Bit -Con Crushing Worksheet Summer 2017 Quotes Received Intex Corp- $3.42 per ton + $7,000 mobilizaflon Reiner Contracting- $3.70 per ton + $6, 500 mobilization 7113/2017 -in the Fall of 2015. app rox 25,000 ton (20,000 yards) was crushed which was 62.5% of the then current inventory -Now in the Summer of 2017, inventory has grown to app rox 40,000 ton once again -Creekside does not have the inventory space to stockpile much more than 26,000 ton of crushed material •Based on the last two years of incoming material, Creekside receives approx 10.800 tons of raw material annuaily -Based on the last two years of Bit -con sales, Creekside sells an average of 12.622 tons annually. or 16.098 yards -Sold out of Bitcon from the Fall 2015 crushing event in May of 2017 Crushing Crushing Total Yards Cast Par Sale Tons CostlTon Mobilization Total Cost CostlTon (est.) YARD Price/yd Profltlyd Total Profit Margin 40,000 $3.42 $7,000.00 $143,860.00 $3.60 32,000.06 $4.49 $8.75 $4.26 $170,250.00 49% 30.600 $3.42 $7,000.00 $109,606.00 $3.65 24.600.00 $4.57 $8.75 $4.18 $125.500.40 48% 26,000 $3.42 $7,000.00 $95,920.00 $3.69 20,800.00 $4.61 $8.75 74.14 $107,600.00 47% 20,600 $3.42 $7,006.00 $75,460.00 $3.77 16,000.00 $4.71 $8.75 $4.04 $80,750.00 46% -in the Fall of 2015. app rox 25,000 ton (20,000 yards) was crushed which was 62.5% of the then current inventory -Now in the Summer of 2017, inventory has grown to app rox 40,000 ton once again -Creekside does not have the inventory space to stockpile much more than 26,000 ton of crushed material •Based on the last two years of incoming material, Creekside receives approx 10.800 tons of raw material annuaily -Based on the last two years of Bit -con sales, Creekside sells an average of 12.622 tons annually. or 16.098 yards -Sold out of Bitcon from the Fall 2015 crushing event in May of 2017 [al�3:11�]:�t1Ie7. I, "Z41] 1/3.� I at bunmtttea t o: Date: 716117 Name: Creek Side Work To Be Performed At: Street: 111 Hassan Street S.E. Street: City: Hutchinson City: Hutchinson State: MN State: MN Zip: 55350-2552 Approx. Start Date: Summer 2017 Telephone Number: 320-234-5680 Contact Person: Andy Kosek Fax Number: 320-234-5649 1. We propose to furnish all labor and equipment to crush and stockpile approximately 20,000 to 40,000 tons of concrete and asphalt rubble to l" minus. Unit price of $3.42 per ton, plus sales tax or exemption certificate. 2. Measurement by belt scale. Customer is to provide a truck for any scale checks to ensure accuracy. 3. Material will be cleaned by INTER using three magnets running along conveyors. All iron scrap to be recycled by INTER. Intex will provide one 20 yard trash container. Any additional trash containers will be charged to customer at cost (third party invoices will be provided). 4. If dust suppression is required, customer must supply a water source within 50 yards of the crushers. Intex will provide a tank to fill if needed. 5. Intex will pull a sample and run a gradation every 2,500 tons. Any additional testing will be extra. b. A lump sum charge for MOBILIZATION will be $7, 000 plus sales tax or exemption cert.. 7. Breaking, if any, will be performed by customer, or by Intex at a rate of $185 per hour plus the cost to mobilize the excavator to the site. Terms: Invoiced on the 151h and 3171h of each month with the final invoice on day of completion. Each invoice is due net 30 days. A finance charge of 1.5% (annual rate 18%) will be charged on all past due accounts. Any alteration or deviation From abov* specireal ions involving extra costs. will be executed only upon wntlen orders. and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes. accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry Fire. tornado and other necessary insurance upon above work. Work- er's Compensation and Public Liability insurance on above work to be taken out by Intex Corporation- Respectfully submitted: 1N'I'EX CORPOR VTION- Per: Gregory A. Buhl Note- "Chis proposal may be withdrawn by Imex if not accented within 10 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date *Please mail• fax or email, executed Signature to INTE\ to secure a spot on our schedule. P.0. RON 260 - A1.131:R•rvli.l.E. MN 55301 •01TICT' 47031 4231-8222 FAX (70) 428-15577 REINER CONTRACTING INC. 21541 HWY. 7 VILEST HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 www.reinercontracting.com Reiner Contracting Inc is a DBE and MnDOT certified company TGB certified in Minnesota (WBE) Woman Owned Business DBE Certified in North Dakota Phone 324-587-9886 Fax 320-587-4847 7/14/2016 Creekside 1500 Adam Street S.E. Hutchinson Mn, 55350 Crushing and Stock piling 1" minus $3.80 per ton Mobilization $6,500.00 If quantity is over 25,000 ton the rate would be $3.70 per ton This quote to become part of the contract Water supplied by owner if needed All prices plus sales tax or exemption certificate Belt scale will be used and owner to provide a truck for scale verification Scrap Iron will be retained by Reiner Contracting Inc. 1-20yd dumpster will be provided by Reiner Contracting Inc. All others by Owner. If breaking is required it will be at a rate of $175.00 per hour plus mobilization. If Processing with an excavator is required it will be at a rate of $225 per hour plus mobilization (Culverts) Bond available but not included Billing will be the 30" of the month with terms net 30 Sincerely, Craig Reiner Vice President ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL - The prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are here by accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. Signature Date HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c`=y-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Short-Term Gambling License - Fire Dept. Relief Association Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association has submitted a short-term gambling license application into administration for review and processing. The application is for an event the organization is holding on September 9, 2017. The applicant has completed the appropriate application in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing short-term gambling license to Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association on September 9, 2017. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: c� of 11 }lassan Strect Southeast 11utchinsun. MN 55350 (3 20) 587-5151 Far: (3 20) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Application Eype ❑ Short Term Dates) ���Iavly� Fee: $30.00 tilnitthl'D .iYeur Organizatialn Information �7 r 45i '�0 Name Phone Number -b4s S,-,( e j kGtirs _ � �53 5� ' Address where regular meeting are held City State zip Federal or State ID: +I— 1�90zoq ;3s Day and time of meetings? rtc� Wt sc �d -hhe ; ,0 Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Dyes ❑ no �rr5 How long has the organization been in existence? ItVowmay members in the organization? What is the purpose of the organization? 4'8' In whose custody will organization records be kept? 1- 32�) -SY7; 7A;3 Name Phone Number ! -7 ! I5 -a �L7C �-4ddresS City State zip Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information 13rciplebA L) 121Y5,6.4 Mg True Name Phone Number Residenee Address City r ` State zip [late of Birth: � � 1 � 1 7 Place of Birth: A4 1 n1 V' j ILS Monih/dWyear City State I -lave you ever been convicted ofany crime other than a traffic 1 offense? © yes If yes, explain: Co- rfHuichinson ApplicartonforGamhting Devices License Page 7 oj3 Designated Gambling Manager (Quulif ed under Minnesota Statute 0291 y n 3? -0 5$3 rare Name Phone Number �S�J TSE _ HA. tlro56A _ 41 i SS�% eslden ce,4ddress Ciry State Zip Date of Birth:dS 1 'j 1 f9 Place of Birth: �1�r'r,�'a, /Z'11iJ Alonthl&a year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes (a no lf'yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location # 1 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number 4ddres. aflocation where game will be played Cily Slate Zip I3ate(s) and/or day(s) garnbl ing devices will be used: q through Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From --/LQU pM To 3 ' t)o Maximum number of player: 3 <p(.V Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? )K[.yes ❑ no If yes, will a charRe be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ,ono Game Information Location #2 Name r?f location where game will he played Phone Number Address of localion where game will be played City Stale zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM To PM Maximum number of player: W i I I prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise W i I I refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no if yes, will a char e be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no C'io• of f luichinson ipplicationfor Gambling Devices License Page 3 e f 3 II Officers of the Organization (ifnecessarv. list additional names on separate sheet) �GfSLirt 5"e!5 e!5 - C e t �� "> Name Residence Address Title State Zip CPQ � LIL V. [ [� i i ItA�l _ ytl)1 SS35n Residence Address City State Zip Title Residence Address City State Zi Name Title Ls *01' C" (CIE j l i• �i M4: rt _ —il> pj 15,15.5M Residence Address City State Zip rr ,, `rILl- o vl 5zcrl r"'Y T Name TItle tpe5t �f6 WA}y �— (V L _— ir`n�o til A( 553 7 T Residence Address _ City State zip Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information (if necessa , list additional names on se arate sheer Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zi Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of 11utchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager 0 yes ❑ no k Lg_ Authorized Officer yes ❑ no (,f Initial Initial I declare that the information 1 have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, 1 have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and 1 will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. 2_I,:?Il7 gnu authorized of icer of organization bale —...__..._ __ Signature nJ'gambling manager q 'organization ate Internal Use Only City Council ❑ approved 0 denied Notes: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c`=y-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Short-Term Gambling License - Minnesota Holstein-Friesian Breeder's Assoc. Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Minnesota Holstein-Friesian Breeder's Association, a nonprofit organization, has submitted a short-term gambling license application into administration for review and processing. The application is for an event the organization is holding on November 18, 2017, at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. The applicant has completed the appropriate application in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing short-term gambling license to Minnesota Holstein-Friesian Breeder's Association on November 18, 2017. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: I 1 I E [dawn sirmt sou fthsl IN(chinson, MN 5535D MM) 597.5151/Fax: (320) 234-4246 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 64_55 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Short Term Date(s) - g- 't' j? - i j - 1 4 o i 7 Fee. *30.00 h' �onlh%DaLr'}rBCr — Month/Dav/%r if1 _* n IJ4 Ci Name Phone Number tbu r -k# -N k i;)..5$1-7G,;� 3 True Name Phane Num Ger i 3 U r 5" `c�, � � - r� G � ►� : t _ !Ez �r 5`� 3 td S� Residence Address City State Zip Cate of Birth: 14 / V � I ��! �% (Place of Birth: 1LV w n + a MDet Monrh/daylyear City Male Have you ever been convicted of any crirnt: other than a traffic offense? 0 yes a no If yes, explain- �,��-,� 'tip,+ oft Address where regular meeting are hell! T City _ &R1e �p Day and rime of nwetingo i i S 1 d as rA efded .. . Is this organintion organised under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Byes Ono How long has the Organization been w existence? C19-0- How may trtmrtbers in the organization? 95D What is the purpose of the organization? Ct7trW cc.0 Cc 5 �S f Lr &V In whose custody will organization rcoords bo kcpt? Nance 1 1 Phone Number G Address 00 Slaw tbu r -k# -N k i;)..5$1-7G,;� 3 True Name Phane Num Ger i 3 U r 5" `c�, � � - r� G � ►� : t _ !Ez �r 5`� 3 td S� Residence Address City State Zip Cate of Birth: 14 / V � I ��! �% (Place of Birth: 1LV w n + a MDet Monrh/daylyear City Male Have you ever been convicted of any crirnt: other than a traffic offense? 0 yes a no If yes, explain- LYrg gHlurchimson AppfwAnon f- B&na Gambding Drrirw License Pagr l of y Kr' f S Cir t&erig 3oT[` Y1 5`� iC- % True Name Phone Nuntber 751,`3 C r= 43 !���.�I#}tcr.0 It'116 f5L 36S Residence Address City Zip Date of Birth- U �)- �# i .:? 2.._I._. j, 41) 40 Plaut: of Fiirtk —�' �'L _IL,( tQ - Monthldaylyear Ciry State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? 0 yes ono If yes, explain: Haw long have you been a member of the organization? r r Location #1 Lie} [+ Le-OCV ,_.-.'T r , -i.1 i S r??C. •x.41 Name of location where game will be played' Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City Stalezip, Dates] alidlor days] gambling devices will be used: ! 4 through r? t s71 Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From ILS: CLE 6PM W -To Phd Maximum number of player. Cc-, Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? D money 3(merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will he used? ©yes If yes. will a charge br made Cor such reCmshments? ❑ ves ©no R Game Information - — Location #2 Name of loraelon where game will be pkwd Address of location where tame will be played 041 Phone Number Stater lip Datc(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM ANI Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM To PM Maximum number of player: Will prices be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money Q mcrehandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? 0 yes l7 no If yes, will a charge t - made for such refreshments? ❑ yes 0 no 75r1e Residence Address Ory Stare I Zip !! r d'_ }tet i S oL,, 0 Yat Nome Title _; 1.' 4 �;,���. ti r lz+.�. r� k D Residence Address Cres, State Zip Cfry 001-kfnrna hpplfcrtr-ArBm90 Gambling Uevrcabaeme Paw 3of3 ]c {DTA- 1'a t. L kA -i "LoL4 i Ci 1-Y1 Jl�t Nance % Residence Address 0tv Srnrw af» Nance Residence Address -- Narne Residence Address Alume City City names oti a Title Stare Zip Title State zip Title Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized dfficery read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchitrson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statures Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager )fres U no _ Authorized 0ffYcar ";d yca 0 no lnftial Initial I declare that the infonnatiot3 I have provided an this application is truthful, and 1 authorize the Ci f Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, l have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No, 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. S' ature of auzhortzed of cer of organization pate -47�ub 6-7)"A .-- 1 c7— ) stoat ofgainblln maLi4gerofotganization pare City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied lti ores: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c`=y-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Temporary Liquor License - St. Anastasia Catholic Church Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matthew Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matthew Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: St. Anastasia Catholic Church has submitted a temporary liquor license to dispense liquor at their Fall Festival being held at the church on September 9 & 10, 2017. St. Anastasia is a religious organization and meets the requirements for a temporary liquor license. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing temporary liquor license to St. Anastasia Catholic Church on September 9 & 10, 2017. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Nn1+N49DiA OFFARTl�EM of pl�6LIC liAiE;Y i h 1 Name of organization St. Anastasia Catholic Church Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A I DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Date organized Tax exempt number 18&4 E535318 Address City State Hutchinson Minnesota Zip Code 55350 464 Lake 5t SW Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Lori Thul 320.587.6507 320.587.9416 Date(s) of event Type of organization Sept 9 & 10, 2017_ E]Club ❑ Charitable 0 Religious Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Hutchinson Minnesota Zip Code 55350 Rei Gerald 5 Meidl Organization officer's name City State Zip Code IMinnesota Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Minnesota Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Minnesota Location where permit will be used. if an outdoor area, describe. 5t Anastasia Catholic Church, 460 Lake 5t SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350 [in front of school building] If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage, Catholic Mutual Relief Society $500,000 Each Occurrence APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMISLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Date Approved Asa Fee Amount Permit Date -711 1 1 Date Fee Paid City or County E-mail Address Signature City Clerk or County Official City or County Phone Number Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement N01'•.0 E: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days priof to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITYICOUNTY TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATION STATE.MN.US Certificate of Coverage Date: 6/21/2017 Certificate Holder This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and The Diocese of New Ulm confers no rights upon the holder of this certificate. This certificate Pastoral Center does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded below. 1400 Chancery Drive New Ulm, MN 5$073 Company Affording Coverage THE CATHOLIC MUTUAL RELIEF SOCIETY OF AMERICA 10843 QLD MILL RD Covered Location St. Anastasia Catholic Church OMAHA, NE 68154 460 Lake Street Southwest Hutchinson, MN 55350 Coverages This is to certify that the coverages listed below have been issued to the certificate holder named above for the certificate indicated, notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the coverage afforded described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such coverage. Limits shown may have been reduced by paid claims. 'type of Coverage Certificate Number Coverage Effective pate Coverage Expiration Date Limits Property Real & Personal Property D. General Liability Each Occurrence 500,000 General Aggregate P1Occurrence ® Cela [n1G �I'ta{1 e. 85$$ 7/1/2017 711/2018 Prod ucts-Camp10P Agg Personal & Adv Injury Fire Damage (Any one fire) Med Exp (Any one person) Excess Liability 8568 7/1/2017 711/2018 Each Occurrence 500,000 Annual Aggregrate Other Each Occurrence Claims Made Annual Aggregrate Limit/Coverage Description of OlurationslLoeationslVehicles!Special Items (the following language supersedes any other language in this endorsement or the Certificate in conflict with this language) Coverage is verified with regard to Covered Location's Fall Festival, to be 1wid on church/school grounds, September 9-10, 2017. Includes Liquor Liability and Fidelity for Charitable Gambling Hold cr of Certificate Cancellation Should any of the above described coverages be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will endeavor to mail 30 days written notice to the holder of City of Hutchinson certificate named to the left, but failure to mail such notice shall 111 Hassan Street Southeast impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, Hutchinson, MN 55350 its agents or representatives. 10198000648 Authorized Representative CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check / Check Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 07/07/2017 197021 NCPERS 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 336.00 07/07/2017 197022 HART 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 662.21 07/07/2017 EFT495 EFTPS 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 84,145.10 07/07/2017 EFT496 Aflac 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 170.41 07/07/2017 EFT497 MN Child Support 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 796.65 07/07/2017 EFT498 MN Dept of Revenue 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 15,026.70 07/07/2017 EFT499 PERA 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 47,657.05 07/07/2017 EFT500 TASC-Flex 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 1,886.76 07/07/2017 EFT501 TASC-H S A 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 12,362.92 07/07/2017 EFT502 ICMA 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 2,322.40 07/07/2017 EFT503 VOYA 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 990.00 07/07/2017 EFT504 MNDCP 6/18/17 - 7/1/17 PAYROLL 305.00 07/12/2017 197023 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS DOWN PAYMENT ON NEW DEHUMIDIFIER FOR ARE 36,804.16 07/21/2017 197024 MNPEA 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 624.00 07/21/2017 197025 UNUM Life Insurance 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 983.93 07/21/2017 197026 HART 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 662.21 07/21/2017 EFT505 EFTPS 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 77,934.03 07/21/2017 EFT506 Aflac 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 170.41 07/21/2017 EFT507 MN Dept of Revenue 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 14,484.09 07/21/2017 EFT508 PERA 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 47,248.84 07/21/2017 EFT509 TASC-Flex 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 1,886.76 07/21/2017 EFT510 TASC-H S A 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 12,226.00 07/21/2017 EFT511 ICMA 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 2,322.40 07/21/2017 EFT512 VOYA 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 990.00 07/21/2017 EFT513 MNDCP 7/2/17 - 7/15/17 PAYROLL 305.00 07/25/2017 197027 AAA STRIPING SERVICE CO 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW PAINT, 4" SOLID, 4 2,956.05 07/25/2017 197028 AARP AARP INSTRUCTION FOR JULY 130.00 07/25/2017 197029 ABDO EICK & MEYERS FINAL 2016 AUDIT FEES 11,500.00 07/25/2017 197030 ACE HARDWARE VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 797.48 07/25/2017 197031 VOID - 07/25/2017 197032 ACTIVE NETWORK INC MEMBERSHIP CARDS 515.00 07/25/2017 197033 ADULT TRAINING AND HABILITATION CEN RECYCLING PICK UP 125.00 07/25/2017 197034 ADVANCED HEALTH SAFETY & SECURITY OFFICE MOLD TESTING AND REPORT - CREEKSIDE 400.00 07/25/2017 197035 AHLGREN ELECTRIC WORK AT CITY CENTER, LIBRARY & ROBERTS PARK 911.02 07/25/2017 197036 ALPHA WIRELESS MAINTENANCE ON CONSOLE AND FIXED TRANSMITTERS 848.19 07/25/2017 197037 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 376.96 07/25/2017 197038 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES TOWEL BAR/MOP MAT 100.31 07/25/2017 197039 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER PROCESSING/BOARDING FEES 155.00 07/25/2017 197040 APWA-MN CHAPTER REGISTRATION INSPECTOR SCHOOL 300.00 07/25/2017 197041 ARCHIVE SOCIAL ECONOMY SOCIAL MEDIA ARCHIVE 12 MONTHS 2,388.00 07/25/2017 197042 ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC. JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 1,217.45 07/25/2017 197043 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 625.50 07/25/2017 197044 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK 2017-18 AIRPORT LIABILITY INSURANCE 7,891.00 07/25/2017 197045 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 1,501.70 07/25/2017 197046 ASHWILL INDUSTRIES INC I BEAM BASE PLATES -MIDDLE SCHOOL SCOREBOARD 872.18 07/25/2017 197047 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE KRYLON, WIPES 117.82 07/25/2017 197048 BARNUM GATE SERVICES INC SERVICE TO REPAIR GATE AT WWTP 1,305.52 07/25/2017 197049 BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY BASIN IMPROVEMENT STUDY 6,293.62 07/25/2017 197050 BELLBOY CORP LEMON/LIME, BAGS, SHOT GLASSES 2,396.64 07/25/2017 197051 BENNY'S MEAT MARKET CONCESSIONS - HOT DOGS, BRATS, HAMBURGERS, BUNS 1,127.67 07/25/2017 197052 BERNICK'S MISC SUPPLIES 263.20 07/25/2017 197053 BIOBAG AMERICAS INC BIO BAG PROGRAM - 1 YR BAG SUPPLY 7,400.00 07/25/2017 197054 BRANDON TIRE CO PARK #302 FLAT TIRE REPAIR 732.51 07/25/2017 197055 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 6,208.25 07/25/2017 197056 BROWN WILBERT 2 VAULTS,DISINTER/REINTER 964.00 07/25/2017 197057 BUREAU OF CRIM. APPREHENSION CJDN ACCESS FEE 390.00 07/25/2017 197058 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL REC FIELD TRIP SCIENCE MUSEUM 134.55 07/25/2017 197059 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS JUNE Cost per Print 1,841.73 07/25/2017 197060 C & L DISTRIBUTING JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 41,423.15 07/25/2017 197061 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES FLASH LIG HT,G LOVE, PUNCH HYDRATION PAK 1,496.30 07/25/2017 197062 1 CASH DRAWER #4 PETTY CASH RECONCILIATION - CITY CENTER/FINANCE 61.46 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check / Check Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 07/25/2017 197063 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS HOSE, JIC SWIVEL 562.78 07/25/2017 197064 CENTRAL MCGOWAN HIGH PRESSURE CYL 134.40 07/25/2017 197065 CENTRAL TURF & IRRIGATION SUPPLY RB CONT ESP4ME MODULAR 318.20 07/25/2017 197066 CHEP RECYCLED PALLET SOLUTIONS LLC B GRADE 48X40 1,802.67 07/25/2017 197067 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MGT MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT 16,740.00 07/25/2017 197068 CODE PACK LLC BAGGING LABELS 1,165.58 07/25/2017 197069 COMDATA CORPORATION CARE PKG CHILD OF EMPLOYEE HOSPITALIZED 1,130.72 07/25/2017 197070 CORRA GROUP SECURITY BACKGROUND 44.00 07/25/2017 197071 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 6X10 2 PLY POLY US FLAG MADE IN USA 240.00 07/25/2017 197072 CREEKSIDE SOILS 50/50 COMPOST BLACK DIRT/ MULCH 1,126.38 07/25/2017 197073 CRIUS CORP TMAT - PARKING LOT F, F1, RESTRIPING INC 6,859.80 07/25/2017 197074 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 2014 CHEVY CAPRICE COOLANT LEAK 855.35 07/25/2017 197075 CROW RIVER PRESS INC SENIOR NEWSLETTERS 91.90 07/25/2017 197076 DOG -ON -IT -PARKS DOI ROLL BAGS 6000 434.88 07/25/2017 197077 DPC INDUSTRIES INC SODIUM HYPO 12.5% BULK 825.70 07/25/2017 197078 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC Postage & Mailing services 06/25-07/08/17 2,006.67 07/25/2017 197079 DUNDEE FUNERAL PLANT FORMER EMP TOM PARKER 39.99 07/25/2017 197080 DYNA SYSTEMS METAL GROOM GEN DEGREASER 240.18 07/25/2017 197081 EAST SIDE OIL COMPANIES BULK DIESEL 574.57 07/25/2017 197082 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION RODENT PEST REPORTING 219.49 07/25/2017 197083 EMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTER TEMP LABOR FOR WEEK ENDING 7/14/17 815.28 07/25/2017 197084 EMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTER TEMP LABOR FOR WEEK ENDING 7/7/17 758.40 07/25/2017 197085 EMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTER TEMP LABOR FOR WEEK ENDING 6/25/17 758.40 07/25/2017 197086 EXNER, KENT JUNE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS 582.88 07/25/2017 197087 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT CUT EDGE/PLOW BOLT 148.02 07/25/2017 197088 FASTENAL COMPANY HEADGEAR/GLOVES/SATEEN JACKET 1,529.28 07/25/2017 197089 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLU ANNUAL ENROLLMENT/DRUG TEST 200.90 07/25/2017 197090 FOSTER MECHANICAL HVAC AC -R EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 110.00 07/25/2017 197091 G & K SERVICES MATS/TOWELS/MOP 184.44 07/25/2017 197092 GAVIN, DONLEY & OSTLUND, LTD GENERAL AUDIT MATTERS 41.25 07/25/2017 197093 GIFFERSON, TOM FOOTWEAR REIMBURSEMENT 105.99 07/25/2017 197094 GLOBAL DIESEL INNOVATIONS XP3 DIESEL TREATS 19,300.00 07/25/2017 197095 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE WALKING FLOOR TRAILER 3,409.66 07/25/2017 197096 GRAINGER COMMERCIAL WATER STORAGE TANK, 115 GALLO 2,087.61 07/25/2017 197097 GREEN EARTH LAWN CARE INC LAWN MOWING 5/19-6/15 5,186.50 07/25/2017 197098 HACH COMPANY BENCHPLUS 11,287.90 07/25/2017 197099 HANSEN GRAVEL 1.5 YD PEA ROCK RIVERSIDE CAMPGROUND 75.50 07/25/2017 197100 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE PATCHING & REPAIR WORK 2,005.00 07/25/2017 197101 HAWKINS INC SODIUM BICARBONATE 461.50 07/25/2017 197102 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 3/4 IPERL 10008 1,225.65 07/25/2017 197103 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON TISSUE OPTICORE 281.88 07/25/2017 197104 HJERPE CONTRACTING DRAINAGE IMPOVEMENT 1440 JEFFERSON ST SE 7,977.00 07/25/2017 197105 HOLT MOTORS INC COACH BUS EC TOUR 625.00 07/25/2017 197106 HOMESOURCE STORE, THE 24K BTU A/C 220V MODEL AHM24DW 1,399.98 07/25/2017 197107 HP INC PRO DISPLAY P240VA MONITOR 3,894.59 07/25/2017 197108 HUTCH BOWL ADAPTIVE REC BOWLING 5/18-6/22 2,376.00 07/25/2017 197109 HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC COMM JANITORIALJULY 2017 1,415.00 07/25/2017 197110 HUTCHINSON CO-OP SS TUBES 340.62 07/25/2017 197111 HUTCHINSON HEALTH HHC EMERGENCY SERVICES 576.60 07/25/2017 197112 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING & PUBLICATIONS 3,226.70 07/25/2017 197113 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS DONATION FOR TIGER PATH FROM CROW RIVER 250.00 07/25/2017 197114 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JUNE UTILITIES 6/01/17 -7/01/17 80,144.94 07/25/2017 197115 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES BILLING FOR SHARED GIS SERVICES BRANDON FIT 12,130.26 07/25/2017 197116 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 NAPAGOLD OIL FILTER 212.62 07/25/2017 197117 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Storm Drainage 6/01-6/30'17 4,766.61 07/25/2017 197118 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF ATM MONEY REPLENISHMENT 5,000.00 07/25/2017 197119 HYDRO KLEAN HIGH PRESSURE JET CLEAN & REMOVE DEBRIS 8,176.80 07/25/2017 197120 ICE SKATING INSTITUTE ENDORSEMENT SHOW EXHIBITION, ICE SHOW 3 25.00 07/25/2017 197121 IDEAL SERVICE INC REPLACE WEG VFD @ WWTP FOR SLUDGE PUMP # 1,326.89 07/25/2017 197122 IMAGE SPORT SOFTBALL SHIRTS 2,010.00 07/25/2017 197123 I INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION 4" SOC END CONNECTOR PVC 197.88 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check / Check Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 07/25/2017 197124 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOL SP -40 51.95 07/25/2017 197125 IOWA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE TONNAGE FOR JAN -JUNE 2017 58.55 07/25/2017 197126 J. P. AUSTIN ASSOCIATES INC MED VERMICULITE BULK 10,603.84 07/25/2017 197127 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT HP SECURITY ROCKER PATCH 2,046.42 07/25/2017 197128 JAY MALONE MOTORS PURCHASE (2) 2017 FORD F550 SUPER CAB WHITE 68,200.00 07/25/2017 197129 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. JUNE 2017 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 8,223.06 07/25/2017 197130 A TAYLOR DIST OF MN JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 10,197.85 07/25/2017 197131 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 15,180.46 07/25/2017 197132 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY HUMIDITY MODULE/ DIGITAL DISPLAY 426.66 07/25/2017 197133 JUUL CONTRACTING CO VARIOUS REPAIR WORK 57,571.04 07/25/2017 197134 KAHL, DENNIS RESIDENTIAL WEEDS/MOWING WATER STREET MA 750.00 07/25/2017 197135 KANDIYOHI COUNTY COURT ADMIN SAMANTHA RAY FRANCO BAIL 300.00 07/25/2017 197136 KDUZ KARP RADIO ADVERTISING 6/7-6/17 765.50 07/25/2017 197137 KERI'S CLEANING SERVICE JULY 1- JULY 15 2,044.00 07/25/2017 197138 KEY GOVERNMENT FINANCE, INC. CREEKSIDE ROTOCHOPPER - 1ST ANNUAL PAYMENT 87,832.75 07/25/2017 197139 KLOSS, TOM AC DRAIN HOSE FOR RACK 5.94 07/25/2017 197140 KNIFE RIVER TILE W/SOCK, CAP/PLUG, TEE 172.49 07/25/2017 197141 KOOLMO CONSTRUCTION INC INSTALLATION OF VFW PLAYGROUND 3,800.00 07/25/2017 197142 KRANZ LAWN & POWER MS 150 TCE/TRADE IN/2 FILE SHARPENED 458.98 07/25/2017 197143 KWIKTRIP WATERPARK CONCESSIONS PIZZA 2,712.62 07/25/2017 197144 L & P SUPPLY CO PRE MIX FUEL 3,675.71 07/25/2017 197145 LAKELAND BROADCASTING WE FEST WEBSITE 300.00 07/25/2017 197146 LEVINE, ERIC BATTERY PURCHASE/GOGGLES 114.85 07/25/2017 197147 LEXISNEXIS JUNE 2017 USER 160.63 07/25/2017 197148 LIEN, MIKE WORK JEANS REIMBURSEMENT 104.95 07/25/2017 197149 LIESTMAN, CALYN MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRIPS TO BANK 58.85 07/25/2017 197150 LIQUOR HUTCH PINA COLADA MIX 82.00 07/25/2017 197151 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES RAIN JACKET CLASS 3 LIME W/ZIPPER 69.99 07/25/2017 197152 LOCHER BROTHERS INC JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUORASE 36,840.52 07/25/2017 197153 LOGIS JUN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 8,075.00 07/25/2017 197154 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC. YARDWASTE ACTIVITY FOR JUNE 935.08 07/25/2017 197155 M -R SIGN DETOUR/END DETOUR/DIRARROW 164.72 07/25/2017 197156 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC SPRING KEEPER, AIR SEAL #648 408.14 07/25/2017 197157 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC INTER PLATE #648 54.16 07/25/2017 197158 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP PREP OF 2016 AUDIT LETTER TO ABDO EICK & 42.90 07/25/2017 197159 MARTI N-MCALLISTE R PUBLIC SFTY ASSESMENT 500.00 07/25/2017 197160 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC HIGH PRESSURE -MEDIUM 16.95 07/25/2017 197161 MATTHEW ARNDT REFUND FUTURE SHOWSTOPPERS 35.00 07/25/2017 197162 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH JUNE CLEANING 128.94 07/25/2017 197163 MCLEOD COUNTY ATTORNEY PORTION OF VEHICLE FORFEITURES IN FLEEIN 9.30 07/25/2017 197164 MCLEOD COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. SALT 2016-17 SEASON 22,540.32 07/25/2017 197165 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MENARDS ADDITION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 415.65 07/25/2017 197166 MCLEOD PUBLISHING INC WEDDING DIRECTORY 17.50 07/25/2017 197167 MCRAITH, JOHN OLD LOG THEATRE - SENIOR TRIP 135.00 07/25/2017 197168 MEDICA AUGUST MEDICAL INSURANCE 121,979.32 07/25/2017 197169 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL SAND 4,781.78 07/25/2017 197170 MENARDS HUTCHINSON VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 2,396.38 07/25/2017 197171 VOID - 07/25/2017 197172 MESERB 2017-2018 MESERB JOINT POWERS BOARD MEMB 4,110.75 07/25/2017 197173 MESSAGE MEDIA JULY SMS PLAN 3496 30.88 07/25/2017 197174 MESSERLI & KRAMER WAGE GARNISHMENT 28.00 07/25/2017 197175 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TONNAGE FOR JAN -JUNE 2017 12.60 07/25/2017 197176 MIDWEST PLAYSCAPES INC. ENGINEERED WOOD FIBER - TAMARACK 2,599.00 07/25/2017 197177 MINNESOTA ASA SANCTION FEE 38TH ANNUAL WATER CARN TOUR 80.00 07/25/2017 197178 MINNESOTA CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATIO MARC SEBORA 166.00 07/25/2017 197179 MINNESOTA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE TONNAGE FOR SOIL & PLAN AMENDMENT 2017 1,974.40 07/25/2017 197180 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 2ND QTR STATE SURCHARGE/ CONF NUMBER JU 6,121.23 07/25/2017 197181 MINNESOTA DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLE TITLE & REG 2017 ALUMA TRAILER STREETS V 4,681.19 07/25/2017 197182 MINNESOTA DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PAYMENT 3 OF 6 PER INCOME CONTRACT 3,600.00 07/25/2017 197183 MINNESOTA ICE ARENA MANAGERS ASSN GENERAL WORKSHOP 75.00 07/25/2017 197184 1 MINNESOTA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSN MEMBER RENEWAL 545.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check / Check Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 07/25/2017 197185 MINNESOTA PETROLEUM SERVICE ANNUAL LINE AND LEAK DETECTOR TESTING 721.00 07/25/2017 197186 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB NITROGEN, AMMONIA 2,471.00 07/25/2017 197187 NANCY RICKERT-PASCHE REFUNDABLE DAMAGE DEPOSIT 300.00 07/25/2017 197188 NERO ENGINEERING HARMONY LIFT STATION/DISCUSS INFLOW/INFI 6,340.00 07/25/2017 197189 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS PAPER POS, THRM 198.15 07/25/2017 197190 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC SAW BLADE 262.39 07/25/2017 197191 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIP HI -E -DRY MODEL 195 DEHUMIDIFIER 3,211.25 07/25/2017 197192 NU -TELECOM July Phone Service 4,213.12 07/25/2017 197194 PAVEMENT RESOURCES DAY RATES - SPRAY INJECTION PATCHING JO 9,150.00 07/25/2017 197195 PEAT INC. SPHAGNUM COARSE 5,253.75 07/25/2017 197196 PEOPLEREADY INC WK ENDING 07/02/17 4,086.00 07/25/2017 197197 PERFECTION PACKAGING INC SUN FLOWER SEEDS 376.20 07/25/2017 197198 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 25,463.09 07/25/2017 197199 PMC MONTHLY FEE / PROCESSING 8,657.76 07/25/2017 197200 POSTMASTER AUGUST POSTAGE 1,700.00 07/25/2017 197201 PROFESSIONAL WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC SPECTRAGUARD ANTISCALANT 5,369.00 07/25/2017 197202 QUALITY FORKLIFT SALES & SERV INC FORKLIFT -REINSTALL SIDE SHIFT CYLINDER 267.97 07/25/2017 197203 QUILL CORP GOJO GRAY FMX DISPENSER 141.92 07/25/2017 197204 R & H PAINTING MANHOLE LINER- SOUTH OF LIFT STATION 20 7,350.00 07/25/2017 197205 RANGER GM 2017 CAPRICE SQUAD CAR, 2017 POLICE SUBURBAN 70,500.74 07/25/2017 197206 RATH RACING WELDING LABOR 35.00 07/25/2017 197207 RECREONICS FAS -DPD TITRATING REAGENT DROPPER 89.12 07/25/2017 197208 REINER ENTERPRISES INC HAULING 6/22-6/29/17 - CREEKSIDE 9,627.00 07/25/2017 197209 RHONDA SMITH REFUND FUTURE SHOWSTOPPERS 35.00 07/25/2017 197210 ROYAL TIRE SERV CALL/LOADER 621F 261.48 07/25/2017 197211 RUNNING'S SUPPLY FITTINGS, TIP FLAT SPRAY, POLY SPRAYER, 1,369.37 07/25/2017 197212 SAFEWARE, INC AVO 72602-2, AGENT FILTER 912.55 07/25/2017 197213 SAM'S CLUB CONCESSIONS/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,127.09 07/25/2017 197214 SCOTT'S LAWN SERVICE LAWN MOWING 310.00 07/25/2017 197215 SEH HOTEL SITE ROAD PROJECT 23,420.00 07/25/2017 197216 SMALL LOT MN JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 144.00 07/25/2017 197217 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 21,244.32 07/25/2017 197218 SPS COMMERCE INC BOMGAARS CATALOG FEE - CREEKSIDE 218.90 07/25/2017 197219 ST. CLOUD TRUCK SALES WWTF #648 SERVICE FOR CHECK ENG LIGHT 2,021.78 07/25/2017 197220 STAPLES ADVANTAGE VARIOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 635.23 07/25/2017 197221 STAR TRIBUNE 7/20-1/18/18 189.54 07/25/2017 197222 STARKE, MARK OR LEAH REFUND FOR HUTCH FOOTBALL CAMP 36.00 07/25/2017 197223 STATE OF MINNESOTA 10% PROCEEDS VEHICLE FORFEITURES CASE #1 4.66 07/25/2017 197224 STATE OF WISCONSIN LICENSE REWEAL FERTILIZER & TONNAGE 223.56 07/25/2017 197225 STIX & BRIX UB refund for account: 2-070-5410-7-04 18.96 07/25/2017 197226 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY STRAWS, BAGS, CUPS 138.84 07/25/2017 197227 STREICH TRUCKING HAULING 06/28-06/29/17 - CREEKSIDE 2,185.00 07/25/2017 197228 STREICHERS 5.56 BOLT CARRIER GROUP, HELMETS (POLICE) 4,070.03 07/25/2017 197229 SUPPLYWORKS COMPOSTABLE BAGS 780.42 07/25/2017 197230 THE CABLE COMPANY OAS FLEX CMP WHT 346.57 07/25/2017 197231 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST DATA BASE CHARGES/DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE 829.34 07/25/2017 197232 TIEGS, JIM SAFETY SHOE REIMBURSEMENT 175.00 07/25/2017 197233 TIMOTHY WASS REFUND FOR HORSING AROUND CLASS 110.00 07/25/2017 197234 TOTAL FILTRATION SERVICES, INC POLY PLT POOL CARTRIDGE- FOUNTAIN VACUUM 227.23 07/25/2017 197235 TRI COUNTY WATER BOTTLED WATER 299.00 07/25/2017 197236 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OAK WILT TESTING DONOVAN 225.00 07/25/2017 197237 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA AUG LIFE INS LTD INS 2,207.96 07/25/2017 197238 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE CONTRACT ALLOWANCE 06/20-07/20 400.16 07/25/2017 197239 US COMPOSTING COUNCIL STA RENEWAL FEE 50.00 07/25/2017 197240 US IDENTIFICATION MANUAL US IDENTIFICATION MAUNUAL UPDATE THRU 9/ 82.50 07/25/2017 197241 USA BLUE BOOK BLAZE POWDER NITRILE 1,068.03 07/25/2017 197242 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON BODY REPAIR 2015 CHEV CAPRICE 1,827.23 07/25/2017 197243 VERIZON WIRELESS MAY24-JUN23'17 USAGE 3,268.23 07/25/2017 197244 VIKING BEER JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 30,552.41 07/25/2017 197245 VIKING COCA COLA RASP SLUSHIE 1,253.00 07/25/2017 197246 IVIKING SIGN & GRAPHICS INC IMISCSIGNS 2,195.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check / Check Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 07/25/2017 197247 VINOCOPIA INC JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 2,786.84 07/25/2017 197248 VIVID IMAGE WEBSITE HOSTING & UPGRADE PLAN 720.00 07/25/2017 197249 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN JUNE LANDFILL DISPOSAL - RESIDENTIAL HAULING 10,560.08 07/25/2017 197250 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC WATER LEAK CENTURY AVE SW BY MCDONALDS 482.58 07/25/2017 197251 WCCO-AM 2017 SUMMER RADIO CAMPAIGN - CREEKSIDE 1,585.00 07/25/2017 197252 WELCOME NEIGHBOR JUNE NEW NEIGHBOR VISIT 60.00 07/25/2017 197253 WERTH, DAN UB refund for account: 1-455-4400-6-01 10.76 07/25/2017 197254 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. JUNE REFUSE SERVICE 46,479.06 07/25/2017 197255 WEST CENTRAL SHREDDING SHREDDING 25.00 07/25/2017 197256 WINE COMPANY, THE JULY COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 125.00 07/25/2017 197257 WM MUELLER & SONS ASPHALT FOR SHERWOOD - CAROLINA 674.71 07/25/2017 197258 WOLD ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS FACILITIES PLANNING 1,561.75 07/25/2017 197259 WWOA MICROBIOLOGICAL MONITORING TRAINING - WW 240.00 07/25/2017 197260 YORK FARMS REFUND COND USE PERMIT JT PLANNING COMM 396.00 07/25/2017 197261 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC MOBILE POLY CABLEWRAP 416.00 07/25/2017 197262 ZEBEC OF NORTH AMERICA 42" SINGLE TUBE/42" DOUBLE TUBE 479.38 07/25/2017 197263 ZELLAS MANUFACTURING SUMMIT - EDA 1,610.40 07/25/2017 197264 ZIEGLER INC LOADER CASE F -COUPLINGS, HOSE, STRAPS 84.16 Total - Check Disbursement 1,529,126.45 Department Purchasing Card Activity - June 2017 Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 06/15/2017 ADMIN POTBELLY Dinner - Attended LMC Conference for City Award 9.60 06/16/2017 ADMIN LANIER PARKING Parking for LMC Conference 5.50 06/19/2017 ADMIN KAHLER GRAND HOTEL Hotel & Parking -John Lofdahl LMC Annual Conference 235.52 06/27/2017 ADMIN CASH WISE Donuts/Cookies-City Council, HUC, EDA Joint Meetings 20.56 06/29/2017 ADMIN SUBWAY WEST Lunch for Joint City Council and EDA Meeting 99.85 06/29/2017 FINANCE SQUEAKY'S GRILL & BAR Staff appreciation lunch for Audit work 75.47 06/01/2017 IT BLACK BOX CORPORATION Networkjack equipment for materials distribution 24.57 06/02/2017 IT AMAZON Keyboard for Jen Hoffman 8.73 06/05/2017 IT LEANN CHIN LOGIS IT meeting 13.04 06/05/2017 IT AMAZON Phone case for JVerhey 34.99 06/08/2017 IT AMAZON DVD blanks 23.23 06/08/2017 IT AMAZON cat 6 patch cables 19.18 06/08/2017 IT AMAZON GPS cable for police cars 21.83 06/08/2017 IT AMAZON Phone case for Sara and Randy 19.90 06/08/2017 IT AMAZON Phone Case for Dolf 9.95 06/09/2017 IT AMAZON USB hubs for cash registers 44.97 06/13/2017 IT AMAZON phone case returns (7.84) 06/13/2017 IT AMAZON phone case returns (15.68) 06/14/2017 IT AMAZON Phone case Dolf 9.99 06/14/2017 IT AMAZON Phone case Sara and Randy 19.98 06/21/2017 IT AMAZON Chargers and cables for park and rec 53.93 06/21/2017 IT AMAZON Charger for Ryan Ellenson laptop 47.70 06/22/2017 IT AMAZON Wireless keyboard for digital signs 29.14 06/23/2017 IT AMAZON surge suppressor and cable converters for digital signs 51.96 06/23/2017 IT BESTBUY Memory card for server 29.99 06/23/2017 IT BESTBUY Memory card for server 59.98 06/26/2017 IT AMAZON cables for rack Materials Dist Building 19.18 06/29/2017 IT AMAZON Monitor and Cable Angie Radke 158.89 06/29/2017 IT AMAZON Phone headset Nick Nelson 193.22 06/29/2017 IT ULTIMOVALUE monitor stand Angie Radke 71.99 06/29/2017 IT ULTIMOVALUE Monitor stands ASchwartz, PBZ Recep, SNelson 215.97 06/30/2017 IT AMAZON Mice for window in main office Rec Center 79.88 06/19/2017 PLANNING SENSIBLE LAND USE COALITION land use/zoning class in St. Louis Park MN. 58.00 06/29/2017 POLICE BCA/TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Training for Investigations 75.00 06/12/2017 FIRE WALLPACKS DIRECT Exterior LED wall lights for the fire station. 151.67 06/22/2017 FIRE WALLPACKS DIRECT Exterior LED wall lights for the fire station. 707.27 06/26/2017 FIRE MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION Annual Dues for Chief & Officers 264.00 06/29/2017 FIRE PAYPAL MN Public Safety Comm. Conf - Brandon Vik 50.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check / Check Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 06/29/2017 FIRE PAYPAL MN Public Safety Comm. Conf - Mike Schumann 50.00 06/29/2017 FIRE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Minnesota State Firefighter License-Greg Peller 100.00 06/29/2017 FIRE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Minnesota State Firefighter Licenses-several FF's 1,875.00 06/05/2017 PUB WKS GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY Hoffman cabinet latches 99.53 06/02/2017 PRCE IMPARK PARKING FOR FIELD TRIP 7.00 06/02/2017 PRCE WRISTCO WISTBANDS FOR POOL 142.65 06/05/2017 PRCE CROWN AWARDS INC SOFTBALLAWARDS 312.66 06/05/2017 PRCE FAVOR CREATIONS SOFTBALL AWARDS 268.64 06/05/2017 PRCE DOLLAR TREE GRAND OPENONG SUPPLIES 42.95 06/07/2017 PRCE THE WEBSTAU RANT STORE CONCESSION EQUIPMENT 642.13 06/07/2017 PRCE THE WEBSTAU RANT STORE SMOOTHIE MIX 11.49 06/07/2017 PRCE GREEN PAPER PRODUCTS CONCESSION SUPPLIES 1,433.47 06/07/2017 PRCE SEARS FREEZER 867.92 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION PRODUCTS 469.98 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESION PRODUCTS 1,118.09 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION SUPPLIES 14.78 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION SUPPLIES 65.46 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN MICROWAVE OVENS 2 570.34 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION SUPPLIES 368.97 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION PRODUCTS 1,931.57 06/08/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCEESION SUPPLIES 34.56 06/08/2017 PRCE DUNHAMS CANOE 579.97 06/09/2017 PRCE THE WEBSTAU RANT STORE RECYCLING CANS AND SHELVING 792.22 06/16/2017 PRCE THE WEBSTAU RANT STORE POPCORN POPPER 649.00 06/22/2017 PRCE AMAZON CONCESSION SUPPLIES 22.47 06/22/2017 PRCE AMAZON RECREATION SUPPLIES 41.88 06/22/2017 PRCE AMAZON ROBERTS CONCESSION RODUCTS 19.78 06/23/2017 PRCE AMAZON CONCESSION SUPPLIES 109.90 06/23/2017 PRCE AMAZON CONCESSION PRODUCTS 13.95 06/23/2017 PRCE AMAZON BUILDING SUPPLIES 17.16 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION SUPPLIES 239.69 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION PRODUCTS 2,739.52 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCEESION SUPPLIES 159.60 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN ROBERTS CONCESSION PRODUCTS 1,158.88 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN ROBERTS CONCESSION SUPPLIES 46.44 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION PRODUCTS 370.44 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION PRODUCTS 145.02 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION PRODUCTS 799.94 06/23/2017 PRCE SYSCO WESTERN MN CONCESSION SUPPLIES 425.13 06/26/2017 PRCE ALDI CONCESSION PRODUCTS 64.78 06/26/2017 PRCE AMAZON HOSE REEL HIDEAWAY 47.03 06/26/2017 PRCE EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS POOL SUPPLIES 68.44 06/26/2017 PRCE EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS POOL SUPPLIES 136.88 06/28/2017 PRCE FIRST AID SUPPLIES ONLINE FIRST AID SUPPLIES 77.20 06/29/2017 PRCE AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD TRAINING 455.00 06/29/2017 PRCE AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD TRAINING 560.00 06/29/2017 PRCE AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD TRAINING 1,050.00 06/14/2017 EDA INBIA Reference book from Int'I Business Innovation Assoc 85.00 06/22/2017 EDA MAIN STREET SPORTS BAR Lunch for EDA Finance Team meeting 80.53 Total - Purchasing Cards 24,374.15 GRAND TOTAL 1,553,500.60 CHECK REGISTER B FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 07/12/2017 - 07/25/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 07/25/2017 197193 OUTDOOR MOTION FIX TIRE - POLICE BIKE PATROL 42.00 GRAND TOTAL 42.00 hutchinson CENTER OPIF FOR THE RTS " 0 RI G ART TO LIFE f 12 Partner Groups presented over 100 exhibits, performances, workshops, & community events 1 L Hutchinson Photography Club led 4 fieldtrips to locations around the state HISelebrated Hutchinson's Aeronautical history wi"aFE community event that showcased a B52 Wheel & Cog opened in July & 3,100 visitors come through their doors by early 2017! a HISelebrated Hutchinson's Aeronautical history wi"aFE community event that showcased a B52 Wheel & Cog opened in July & 3,100 visitors come through their doors by early 2017! AAI �� � I■A■ ■ � ■ � w�A r�I■ ■■w■�■A� ■ Ar■w■rA Sjodin 2018 Visual Arts Exhibition Season Robert Mattson, Stephanie Frey, Samuel Johnson, Elaine Rutherford, Sharon Rotz, Tammy Joy Parsons, Laura Corcoran, Jason Ramey, Youth Arts Exhibit New in 2018 - COMMUNITY SHOWCASE ATTRACTING VISITORS TO OUR REGION — Playing a vital role in making our community a desirable place to Live Work and VISIT Grand Rapids North Carolin Morris California HCA/HUTCHINSON Willmar Z \ St. Cloud Ely Mankato Cosmos Litchfield Minneapolis/St. Paul Spicer Wisconsin i Ortonville Minnesota IOWA Marshall Glenwo In 2016 — 2,000 people attended an event, exhibit, or class at HCA UPCOMING EVENTS — OFFICE SPACE MOVIE EVENT and October ESCAPE Room NEW IN 2017 In partnership with Hutchinson Community Foundation SWIF the Creative Families Fund. The fund will provide free and reduced ticket/tuition vouchers for children and their families/caregivers to attend arts education and entertainment events hosted by the Art Center AND our partner groups a grant from SWIF hip with Vivid Image 300 mn _ Tube Mobile Friendly!! ll - Class & Event Registration - Secure Online Donation - Membership Registration - Calendar of Events - Partner Info - Blog & Social Media 2016 Local Press Coverage 65 stories about HCA and our Partner Groups in the Leader not including calendar) Regional Press Coverage 2 segments on MPR Art Hounds 3 articles in the SMAC Newsletter 1 Feature article in The Minneapolis Egotist Blog hutchinson CENTER op FOR THE RTS THANK YOU CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR BRINGING ART TO LIFE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y-f� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Preliminary 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP Plan) Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Attached is the preliminary 5-year capital improvement plan (CIP) as required by city charter by August 1st. The plan is based on recommendations from the Fleet, Facility and Resource Allocation committees. Department directors have also included other miscellaneous capital items that are not addressed by the three committees. The CIP will be subject to change throughout the year with a final CIP coming to council for approval before year-end. The plan contains two sets of reports. The first reports show the capital expenditures within the department acquiring the asset. The second reports show the funding sources for the capital expenditures. If there are any questions ahead of time or if the council would like to see further details of the 5-year CIP plan, please let me know. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: 5 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2018-2022 Preliminary Plan — July 25, 2016 CITY OF HUTCHINSON - CAPITAL PLAN Administrative Summary VISIONS AND GOALS Each year, as part of the annual budgeting process, the City of Hutchinson prepares a five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that includes the following years' capital budget. The CIP identifies projects that will support existing and projected needs in the following areas: transportation, parks & recreation and public safety, etc. It is based upon numerous long range planning documents that are updated regularly as identified by the Facilities Committee, Fleet Committee, Resource Allocation Committee and City staff. The CIP prioritizes the use of limited resources that are available for capital items by identifying which projects will be funded, how they will be paid for and when they will be purchased. It establishes a comprehensive development program that is used to maximize outside revenue sources and effectively plan for the growth and maintenance of the City's infrastructure. POLICIES Criteria identified for inclusion of capital items in the CIP plan are as follows: 1) Capital Item must have a minimum cost of $10,000 2) Project must define year proposed 3) Funding source should be identified 4) Detail should include annual operating costs or savings for proposed capital item 5) Department priority should be established 6) Must have a useful life of three years or greater The plan encompasses projects using the following priority levels: Priority 1: (Urgent) Projects currently underway or those that are considered essential to the departments of City operations, and should not be delayed beyond the year requested. Failure to fund these projects will seriously jeopardize City's ability to provide service to the residents and/or expose the City to a potential liability and negative legal exposure. Priority 2: (Very Important) Projects that are needed by a department or the City to improve or maintain their operations, and to delay would cause deterioration or further deterioration of their current operation and/or level of service to the residents of the City. These should not be delayed beyond the year requested. Priority 3: (Important) Projects that are needed by a department or the City to improve or maintain their operations, and should be done as soon as funds can reasonably be made available. Priority 4: (Less Important) Projects, which are desirable, but needing further study. Priority 5: (Future Consideration) Projects, which sometime in the future will need to be funded to maintain operations, safety or infrastructure desired within the community. CIP PROCESS 1. Finance distributes CIP forms and the prior year's data to departments for updating. Any new capital items should be requested at this time. 2. Departments add, remove and update CIP data from the prior year's report. 3. Finance updates the CIP database with recommendations made by the department directors and the Fleet, Facility and Resource Allocation committees. 4. Initial draft is reviewed with City Administrator and Department directors; corrections or adjustments are made. 5. Preliminary CIP plan is submitted to City council by August 1St 6. Final CIP plan is reviewed and adopted by City council by year-end. PROCESS CALENDAR April/May - Departments work on updating CIP Plan. Any new capital items should be requested at this time. The Facilities, Fleet and Resource Allocation Committees begin meeting to review and prioritize potential improvement projects submitted by Departments. June/July - Departments return updated CIP items. The Facilities and Fleet Committees submit a recommended five year plan to the City Administrator. An initial CIP draft is reviewed with Department directors and corrections or adjustments are made. Current year CIP items are incorporated into the early stages of the budgeting process during this time frame. August I st — Per Section 7.05 of the Hutchinson City Charter, the City Administrator shall submit to the council a preliminary CIP Plan no later than August 1St of each year. December 31st - Final CIP plan is adopted by City council prior to year-end. City of Hutchinson, MN CITY OF HUTCHINSON - CAPITAL PLAN 2018 tiim 2022 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY Department 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Airport 800,000 396,332 1,196,332 Cemetery 10,000 94,413 35,504 35,504 175,421 City Center 405,000 405,000 Civic Arena 381,500 475,000 167,167 1,023,667 Compost 139,227 355,000 503,000 80,000 80,000 1,157,227 Engineering 127,209 26,663 32,239 186,111 Fire 67,500 80,000 55,000 202,500 Information Technology 140,000 43,000 183,000 Infrastructure Improvements 6,537,848 4,704,841 11,046,124 6,591,472 1,989,860 30,870,145 Library 100,000 100,000 Parks 138,000 122,656 145,116 397,500 33,207 836,479 Police 344,000 157,000 185,250 173,000 93,470 952,720 Pool & Recreation Building 218,000 640,000 30,000 888,000 Public Works 44,000 100,000 100,000 244,000 Refuse 85,000 91,500 35,000 170,000 381,500 Storm Water 170,346 270,579 40,000 103,732 584,657 Streets 132,895 132,874 347,469 234,682 847,920 Wastewater 269,123 154,275 81,300 133,061 637,759 Water 47,500 27,500 58,500 59,739 193,239 TOTAL 9,557,648 6,715,138 13,210,789 8,950,883 2,631,219 41,065,677 City of Hutchinson, MN CITY OF HUTCHINSON - CAPITAL PLAN 2018 thm 2022 PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Department Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Airport Runway, taxiway, apron crack fill & seal coat A/RP00 2 396,332 396,332 T -Hangar AlRP07 3 800,000 800,000 Airport Total 800,000 396,332 1,196,332 Cemetery Cemetery mower CEMT 001 4 25,504 25,504 51,008 Tractor/Loader/Backhoe CEMT 002 3 84,413 84,413 Cemetery Fencing/Roadway CEMT 01 3 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Cemetery Total 10,000 94,413 35,504 35,504 175,421 City Center City Center Security Remodel C. CTR -1701 3 300,000 300,000 Boiler improvements C. CTR -1801 2 90,000 90,000 Wall Pack LED retrofit - multiple locations C. CTR -1802 3 15,000 15,000 City Center Total 405,000 405,000 Civic Arena Replace East Rink Roof CA -1502 1 291,500 291,500 Replace East dasher boards CA -1505 3 170,000 170,000 West Rink low emissivity ceiling CA -1507 2 90,000 90,000 East Rink Locker Room Improv CA -1509 3 80,000 80,000 HVAC system upgrades CA -1510 2 225,000 225,000 Zamboni ice resurfacer CA -2101 3 167,167 167,167 Civic Arena Total 381,500 475,000 167,167 1,023,667 Compost Bagging Line Upgrades COMP -1504 3 30,000 30,000 Skidsteer Loader COMP -1604 3 51,227 51,227 Mack truck (used) COMP -1804 4 58,000 58,000 Walking Floor Trailer COMP -1902 4 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 320,000 Forklift Replacement COMP -2001 3 35,000 35,000 1 ton 4x4 crewcab pickup COMP -2002 3 38,000 38,000 McCloskey Screener replacement COMP -2020 3 350,000 350,000 Compost Turner Replacement COMP -2101 3 275,000 275,000 Compost Total 139,227 355,000 503,000 80,000 80,000 1,157,227 Engineering Survey Equipment Upgrades ENGR 01 4 33,650 33,650 1/2 ton work truck ENGR 101 3 29,504 29,504 Replace SUV ENGR 102 3 26,663 26,663 112 ton work truck ENGR 103 3 32,239 32,239 Department Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Survey Equipment ENGR-1801 4 64,055 64,055 Engineering Total 127,209 26,663 32,239 186,111 Fire SCBA air park replacement FD -1706 2 67,500 67,500 Exhaust Capture System FD -1801 3 55,000 55,000 Rescue 8 - 1 ton truck FD -1901 3 80,000 80,000 Fire Total 67,500 80,000 55,000 202,500 Information Technology Replace/Add Door Security Systems 1T--1601 3 66,000 66,000 Generator City Center 1T--1701 4 30,000 30,000 Virtual Server Refresh 1T--1801 4 18,000 18,000 New Server for BS&A software 1T--1802 2 26,000 26,000 Core Switch Upgrade 1T--1901 2 43,000 43,000 Information Technology Total 140,000 43,000 183,000 Infrastructure Improvements SC Trunk Storm (local storm sewer) New const 02 3 900,000 900,000 Bluff SUNorthwoodstrail New const 04 4 450,000 450,000 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Patt/al03 3 196,650 196,650 Merrill St SW (SGR-Clinton) Patt/al04 3 218,275 218,275 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Patt/al05 3 208,150 208,150 Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Pattlal07 3 1,739,860 1,739,860 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Pattlal08 3 1,478,015 1,478,015 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Patt/al09 3 1,668,205 1,668,205 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Pattlal 10 3 1,236,477 1,236,477 Pavement Management Program PMP 2 413,223 413,223 413,223 413,223 1,652,892 Church St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 05 3 254,700 254,700 Clinton Ave SW (Merrill -Lynn) Reclaim 06 3 127,350 127,350 Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 07 3 255,350 255,350 Merrill St SW (Clinton -Linden) Reclaim 08 3 129,300 129,300 Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) Reclaim 09 3 92,500 92,500 Sunset St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 10 3 272,753 272,753 Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Reclaim 12 3 750,000 750,000 Linden Ave SW (Dale -Harrington) Reclaim 14 3 600,000 600,000 McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) Reclaim 15 3 750,200 750,200 Northwoods, Spruce, 11th Ave NE Reclaim 16 3 861,000 861,000 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 19 3 371,901 371,901 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 20 3 371,901 371,901 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Reclaim 21 3 148,760 148,760 Grove St SW (2nd -Washington) Reclaim 22 3 289,256 289,256 Hassan St (5th Ave S-1 st Ave N) Reclaim 23 3 738,650 738,650 2nd Ave SE Bridge Recon 01 3 1,149,500 1,149,500 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 3 1,968,500 1,968,500 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 2 8,400,000 8,400,000 Pavement sealing/Seal coating SCFS7RP 3 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 Bradford St drainage improvemenets STWT300 3 100,000 100,000 Meter replacement program WA TR 201 3 550,000 550,000 1,100,000 Well #5 Cleaning WA TR 202 3 90,000 90,000 Water SCADA Upgrade WA TR 203 3 100,000 100,000 Well #5 Rehabilitation WA TR 204 3 80,000 80,000 Well #8 Rehabilitation WA TR 205 3 80,000 80,000 Preliminary treatment rehabilitation WWTF104 3 125,000 125,000 Department Project # Priority 2018 Wastewater SCADA Upgrade WWTF 105 3 Oxidation Ditch Aero 2 bridges WWTF 106 3 MBR Blower Upgrade WWTF 107 3 Biosolids Handling WWTF 108 3 Plant equipment upgrades WWTF 109 3 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 150,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 500,000 215,000 275,000 Infrastructure Improvements Total 6,537,848 4,704,841 11,046,124 6,591,472 1,989,860 30,870,145 Library 138,000 Sofit / Facia Replacement L/8 12-02 3 100,000 Library Total Police 100,000 Parks Roberts Park -lighting improvements PARK -1601 1 40,000 North Park -tennis court improv PARK -1602 3 60,000 1/2 ton 42 pickup PARK -1804 4 24,000 1/2 ton 42 pickup PARK -1805 4 24,000 1/2 Ton 4X4 Pickup PARK -1901 4 PD -1501 1/2 Ton 4X2 Pickup PARK -1902 4 3/4 -ton 44 pickup PARK -1903 4 Squad Car#7 replacement 30,389 24,000 38,267 350,000 Skid steer loader S250 used PARK -2001 4 42,082 John Deere mower 12 wide PARK -2002 4 73,034 Rail Line Purchase Debt (Exp 2020) PARK -2020 3 30,000 30,000 30,000 Tractor, 4720 w/ cab PARK -2101 3 47,500 1/2 ton 42 pickup PARKS -2201 4 33,207 100,000 100,000 350,000 60,000 24,000 24,000 30,389 24,000 38,267 42,082 73,034 90,000 47,500 33,207 Parks Total 138,000 122,656 145,116 397,500 33,207 836,479 Police Squad car#2 replacement PD -1401 2 40,000 46,735 86,735 Squad car#6 replacement PD -1402 2 40,000 46,735 86,735 Squad Car#3 replacement PD -1501 2 41,500 41,500 Squad Car#7 replacement PD -1502 2 41,500 41,500 Squad car#5 replacement PD -1601 2 42,750 42,750 Squad car#8 replacement PD -1602 2 44,000 44,000 Replace Minivan PD -1703 4 38,000 38,000 PSAP Equipment Upgrade PD -1801 2 179,000 179,000 EOC Chair Replacement PD -1802 3 15,000 15,000 Locker room remodel PD -1901 4 75,000 75,000 New Chief vehicle PD -1902 4 38,000 38,000 New 3/4 ton 4x4 crew cab pickup PD -1903 4 32,000 32,000 Ballistic/Riot Helmets PD -1904 3 23,000 23,000 SCBA Gas Masks PD -1905 3 13,000 13,000 Replacement of portable radios PD -2002 3 121,500 121,500 Trailer, enclosed tandem PD -2003 4 21,000 21,000 Replace Equinox PD -2101 3 27,000 27,000 Replace Equinox PD -2102 3 27,000 27,000 Police Total 344,000 157,000 185,250 173,000 93,470 952,720 Pool & Recreation Building Recreation Center Roof (gym area) PR -1701 2 218,000 218,000 RecCenter/Civic Arena Parking Lot PR -1702 3 640,000 640,000 Office carpet replacement PR -2001 4 10,000 10,000 Rec Center sidewalk PR -2002 4 20,000 20,000 Department Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Pool & Recreation Building Total 218,000 640,000 30,000 888,000 Public Works Tip up joint sealant replacement HATS 01 4 14,000 14,000 Pavement repairs, seal coat HA TS 02 3 30,000 30,000 Pond excavation, ditch shaping HA TS 03 4 35,000 35,000 Stormceptor for wash area HA TS O4 4 65,000 65,000 Wash bay / Water fill station HA TS 05 4 100,000 100,000 Public Works Total 44,000 100,000 100,000 244,000 Refuse Truck, TA w/hooklift REFS -1801 3 85,000 85,000 Walking Floor Trailer REFS -1901 3 91,500 91,500 Forklift Replacement REFS -2101 3 35,000 35,000 Wheel loader replacement REFS -2201 2 170,000 170,000 Refuse Total 85,000 91,500 35,000 170,000 381,500 Storm Water Leaf Vacuum STWT001 3 98,346 53,732 152,078 Mechanical Street Sweeper STWT 002 3 175,579 175,579 Storm Sewer System Repairs STWT 01 3 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 80,000 Ridgewater College Flood Study STWT02 4 12,000 12,000 Alan Street outfall management STWT 03 3 40,000 40,000 9th Ave NW flood improvement STWT 05 3 75,000 75,000 Greens pond improvement STWT 06 3 20,000 20,000 Bridgewater pond improvement STWT07 4 30,000 30,000 Storm Water Total 170,346 270,579 40,000 103,732 584,657 Streets Dustless Sandblasting Equipment STRT 002 4 50,000 50,000 1 Ton 4x4 w/ aerial bucket STRT 01 3 65,673 65,673 1 -ton 44 truck w/ snowplow STRT 08 3 55,895 40,598 96,493 Wheel loader STRT 09 3 192,866 192,866 Tractor w/ 12' mower STRT 10 3 35,453 35,453 1 -Ton flatbed truck STRT 11 4 47,271 47,271 Tandem -axle Dump Truck STRT 12 3 101,494 101,494 1/2 Ton 44 pickup STRT 13 3 27,000 32,239 59,239 1 -ton dump truck STRT 19 3 50,150 50,150 100,300 1 -ton Service truck STRT20 3 57,315 57,315 1 -ton 44 truck STRT21 3 41,816 41,816 Streets Total 132,895 132,874 347,469 234,682 847,920 Wastewater Pumps & Generators WWTF 001 2 18,008 18,008 Tractor Mower WWTF 004 1 19,123 19,123 1 Jon truck w/plow WWTF 005 2 38,267 38,267 Utility vehicle WWTF 007 4 13,000 13,000 Work truck WWTF 008 3 31,300 32,239 63,539 Pressure Washer WWTF 009 3 15,000 15,000 Biosolids Spreader WWTF 010 3 35,822 35,822 HVAC system upgrade WWTF 04 4 80,000 80,000 Main LS Pump #1 WWTF 07 3 40,000 40,000 Department Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Lift station repairs & upgrades WWTF 08 3 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Dry storage warehouse/garage WWTF 10 4 35,000 35,000 Oxidation ditch cleaning WWTF 12 4 80,000 80,000 Wastewater Total 269,123 154,275 81,300 133,061 637,759 Water Pavement repairs & maintenance WA41W01 3 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 110,000 Roof & building repairs WA TR 05 3 20,000 20,000 High bay lighting WA TR 10 4 16,000 16,000 1/2 ton work truck WA TR 100 3 32,239 32,239 Replace HSP #2 VFD WA TR 11 3 15,000 15,000 Water Total 47,500 27,500 58,500 59,739 193,239 GRAND TOTAL 9,557,648 6,715,138 13,210,789 8,950,883 2,631,219 41,065,677 City of Hutchinson, MN CITY OF HUTCHINSON - CAPITAL PLAN 2018 tiim 2022 FUNDING SOURCE SUMMARY Source 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Airport Construction Fund 40,000 39,633 79,633 Capital Projects Fund 350,185 30,000 151,500 531,685 Capital Projects Fund - Facilities Plan 565,000 381,500 693,000 1,120,000 30,000 2,789,500 Capital Projects Fund - Misc Infrastructure Maint 300,000 250,000 250,000 800,000 Compost Fund 139,227 358,000 503,000 80,000 80,000 1,160,227 Cooperative Agreement - HUC 33,270 33,270 Equipment Replacement - Heavy Fleet 84,413 268,661 192,866 545,940 Equipment Replacement - Small Fleet 310,399 386,530 231,033 449,218 168,493 1,545,673 G.O. Improv Bonds - Debt Tax Levy 2,309,160 1,778,060 1,839,810 2,642,570 244,860 8,814,460 General Fund 79,500 67,000 146,500 General Fund (Perpetual Care Fund) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Grants - Federal 1,556,000 356,699 1,912,699 Grants - Other 14,666 33,332 200,000 247,998 Grants - State 54,667 33,334 5,000,000 5,088,001 HATS Fund (City only) 14,667 33,334 48,001 Liquor Fund 3,000 3,000 Municipal State Aid 1,100,000 700,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 700,000 4,700,000 Refuse Fund 85,000 91,500 35,000 170,000 381,500 Rural Fire Dept Fund 33,750 40,000 73,750 Special Assessments 760,288 758,381 449,314 1,211,802 520,000 3,699,785 Storm Water Utility Fund 329,746 473,209 340,000 285,166 75,000 1,503,121 Wastewater Fund 785,623 696,410 1,148,550 1,202,144 100,000 3,932,727 Water Fund 686,500 757,135 798,250 646,322 100,000 2,988,207 GRAND TOTAL 9,557,648 6,715,138 13,210,789 8,950,883 2,631,219 41,065,677 City of Hutchinson, MN CITY OF HUTCHINSON - CAPITAL PLAN 2018 thru 2022 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Airport Construction Fund Runway, taxiway, apron crack fill & seal coat A/RP 00 2 39,633 39,633 T -Hangar AlRP07 3 40,000 40,000 Airport Construction Fund Total Capital Projects Fund Survey Equipment Upgrades ENGR 01 Survey Equipment ENGR-1801 SCBA air park replacement FD -1706 Generator City Center 1T--1701 Rail Line Purchase Debt (Exp 2020) PARK -2020 PSAP Equipment Upgrade PD -1801 Replacement of portable radios PD -2002 Capital Projects Fund Total 3 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 Capital Projects Fund - Facilities Plan City Center Security Remodel C. CTR -1701 Boiler improvements C. CTR -1801 Wall Pack LED retrofit - multiple locations C. CTR -1802 Replace East Rink Roof CA -1502 Replace East dasher boards CA -1505 West Rink low emissivity ceiling CA -1507 East Rink Locker Room Improv CA -1509 HVAC system upgrades CA -1510 Exhaust Capture System FD -1801 Sofit / Facia Replacement L/8 12-02 Roberts Park -lighting improvements PARK -1601 North Park -tennis court improv PARK -1602 Locker room remodel PD -1901 Recreation Center Roof (gym area) PR -1701 Rec Center/Civic Arena Parking Lot PR -1702 Office carpet replacement PR -2001 Rec Center sidewalk PR -2002 Capital Projects Fund - Facilities Plan Total 3 640,000 Capital Projects Fund - Misc Infrastru� Pavement sealing/Seal coating SCFS7RP Dustless Sandblasting Equipment STRT 002 40,000 39,633 79,633 4 33,650 2 90,000 33,650 4 43,785 90,000 43,785 2 33,750 33,750 4 30,000 291,500 30,000 3 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 2 179,000 170,000 179,000 3 121,500 121,500 350,185 30,000 151,500 531,685 3 300,000 300,000 2 90,000 90,000 3 15,000 15,000 1 291,500 291,500 3 170,000 170,000 2 90,000 90,000 3 80,000 80,000 2 225,000 225,000 3 55,000 55,000 3 100,000 100,000 1 350,000 350,000 3 60,000 60,000 4 75,000 75,000 2 218,000 218,000 3 640,000 640,000 4 10,000 10,000 4 20,000 20,000 565,000 381,500 693,000 1,120,000 30,000 2,789,500 3 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 4 50,000 50,000 Source Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Capital Projects Fund - Misc 300,000 250,000 250,000 800,000 Infrastructure Maint Total Compost Fund Bagging Line Upgrades COMP -1504 3 30,000 30,000 Skidsteer Loader COMP -1604 3 51,227 51,227 Mack truck (used) COMP -1804 4 58,000 58,000 Walking Floor Trailer COMP -1902 4 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 320,000 Forklift Replacement COMP -2001 3 35,000 35,000 1 ton 4x4 crewcab pickup COMP -2002 3 38,000 38,000 McCloskey Screener replacement COMP -2020 3 350,000 350,000 Compost Turner Replacement COMP -2101 3 275,000 275,000 Core Switch Upgrade 1T--1901 2 3,000 3,000 Compost Fund Total 139,227 358,000 503,000 80,000 80,000 1,160,227 Cooperative Agreement - HUC Survey Equipment ENGR-1801 4 20,270 20,270 New Server for BS&A software 1T--1802 2 13,000 13,000 Cooperative Agreement - HUC Total 33,270 33,270 Equipment Replacement - Heavy Fleetl Zamboni ice resurfacer CA -2101 3 167,167 167,167 Tractor/Loader/Backhoe CEM T002 3 84,413 84,413 Wheel loader STRT09 3 192,866 192,866 Tandem -axle Dump Truck STRT 12 3 101,494 101,494 Equipment Replacement - Heavy Fleet 84,413 268,661 192,866 545,940 Total Equipment Replacement - Small Fleet Cemetery mower CEMT001 4 25,504 25,504 51,008 1/2 ton work truck ENGR 101 3 29,504 29,504 Replace SUV ENGR 102 3 26,663 26,663 1/2 ton work truck ENGR 103 3 32,239 32,239 Rescue 8 - 1 ton truck FD -1901 3 40,000 40,000 1/2 ton 42 pickup PARK -1804 4 24,000 24,000 1/2 ton 42 pickup PARK -1805 4 24,000 24,000 1/2 Ton 4X4 Pickup PARK -1901 4 30,389 30,389 1/2 Ton 4X2 Pickup PARK -1902 4 24,000 24,000 3/4 -ton 4x4 pickup PARK -1903 4 38,267 38,267 Skid steer loader S250 used PARK -2001 4 42,082 42,082 John Deere mower 12 wide PARK -2002 4 73,034 73,034 Tractor, 4720 w/ cab PARK -2101 3 47,500 47,500 1/2 ton 42 pickup PARKS -2201 4 33,207 33,207 Squad car#2 replacement PD -1401 2 40,000 46,735 86,735 Squad car#6 replacement PD -1402 2 40,000 46,735 86,735 Squad Car#3 replacement PD -1501 2 41,500 41,500 Squad Car#7 replacement PD -1502 2 41,500 41,500 Squad car#5 replacement PD -1601 2 42,750 42,750 Squad car#8 replacement PD -1602 2 44,000 44,000 Replace Minivan PD -1703 4 38,000 38,000 Source Project # Priority 2018 New Chief vehicle PD -1902 4 1T--1801 New 3/4 ton 4x4 crew cab pickup PD -1903 4 32,000 Trailer, enclosed tandem PD -2003 4 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Replace Equinox PD -2101 3 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Replace Equinox PD -2102 3 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) 1 Ton 4x4 w/ aerial bucket STRT 01 3 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) 1 -ton 44 truck w/ snowplow STRT 08 3 55,895 Tractor w/ 12' mower STRT 10 3 Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) 1 -Ton flatbed truck STRT 11 4 Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) 1/2 Ton 44 pickup STRT 13 3 27,000 1 -ton dump truck STRT 19 3 McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) 1 -ton Service truck STRT20 3 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) 1 -ton 44 truck STRT 21 3 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Equipment Replacement - Small Fleet 1T--1601 Total 1T--1801 New Server for BS&A software 1T--1802 G.O. Improv Bonds - Debt Tax Levy SC Trunk Storm (local storm sewer) New const 02 Bluff SUNorthwoods trail New const 04 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Part/al03 Merrill St SW (SGR-Clinton) Part/al04 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Part/al05 Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Partial 07 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Partial 08 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Part/al09 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Partial 10 Pavement Management Program PMP Church St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 05 Clinton Ave SW (Merrill -Lynn) Reclaim 06 Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 07 Merrill St SW (Clinton -Linden) Reclaim 08 Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) Reclaim 09 Sunset St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 10 Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Reclaim 12 Linden Ave SW (Dale -Harrington) Reclaim 14 McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) Reclaim 15 Northwoods, Spruce, 11th Ave NE Reclaim 16 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 19 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 20 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Reclaim 21 Grove St SW (2nd -Washington) Reclaim 22 Hassan St (5th Ave S-1 st Ave N) Reclaim 23 2nd Ave SE Bridge Recon 01 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 G.O. Improv Bonds - Debt Tax Levy Total General Fund 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2019 2020 2021 2022 38,000 21,000 27,000 27,000 65,673 40,598 35,453 47,271 32,239 50,150 50,150 57,315 41,816 310,399 386,530 231,033 449,218 168,493 900,000 128,450 143,015 250,000 135,865 369,015 601,205 161,460 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000 172,690 86,295 172,975 87,955 53,872 188,108 420,865 320,000 421,200 588,810 261,000 261,000 104,400 203,000 600,640 244,860 249,500 78,280 450,000 2,309,160 1,778,060 1,839,810 2,642,570 244,860 Total 38,000 32,000 21,000 27,000 27,000 65,673 96,493 35,453 47,271 59,239 100,300 57,315 41,816 1,545,673 900,000 250,000 128,450 143,015 135,865 244,860 369,015 601,205 161,460 1,160,000 172,690 86,295 172,975 87,955 53,872 188,108 420,865 320,000 421,200 588,810 261,000 261,000 104,400 203,000 600,640 249,500 78,280 450,000 8,814,460 Replace/Add Door Security Systems 3 40,000 40,000 4 18,000 18,000 2 6,500 6,500 2 31,000 31,000 1T--1601 Virtual Server Refresh 1T--1801 New Server for BS&A software 1T--1802 Core Switch Upgrade 1T--1901 Source Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total EOC Chair Replacement PD -1802 3 15,000 15,000 Ballistic/Riot Helmets PD -1904 3 23,000 23,000 SCBA Gas Masks PD -1905 3 13,000 13,000 General Fund Total 79,500 67,000 146,500 General Fund (Perpetual Care Fund) Cemetery Fencing/Roadway CEMT 01 3 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 General Fund (Perpetual Care Fund) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000 Total Grants - Federal Runway, taxiway, apron crack fill & seal coat A/RP 00 2 356,699 356,699 T -Hangar AlRP01 3 720,000 720,000 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 3 836,000 836,000 Grants - Federal Total 1,556,000 356,699 1,912,699 Grants - Other Tip up joint sealant replacement HA TS 01 4 4,666 4,666 Pavement repairs, seal coat HA TS 02 3 10,000 10,000 Pond excavation, ditch shaping HA TS 03 4 11,666 11,666 Stormceptor for wash area HA TS O4 4 21,666 21,666 Bluff SUNorthwoodstrail New const 04 4 200,000 200,000 Grants - Other Total 14,666 33,332 200,000 247,998 (Grants - State T -Hangar AlRP01 3 40,000 40,000 Tip up joint sealant replacement HATS 01 4 4,667 4,667 Pavement repairs, seal coat HA TS 02 3 10,000 10,000 Pond excavation, ditch shaping HA TS 03 4 11,667 11,667 Stormceptor for wash area HA TS O4 4 21,667 21,667 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 2 5,000,000 5,000,000 Grants - State Total 54,667 33,334 5,000,000 5,088,001 HATS Fund (City only) Tip up joint sealant replacement HATS 01 4 4,667 4,667 Pavement repairs, seal coat HA TS 02 3 10,000 10,000 Pond excavation, ditch shaping HA TS 03 4 11,667 11,667 Stormceptor for wash area HA TS O4 4 21,667 21,667 HATS Fund (City only) Total 14,667 33,334 48,001 Liquor Fund Core Switch Upgrade 1T--1901 2 3,000 3,000 Liquor Fund Total 3,000 3,000 Municipal State Aid Source Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Partial 07 3 700,000 700,000 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Partial 08 3 700,000 700,000 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Part/al 09 3 350,000 350,000 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Partial 10 3 500,000 500,000 Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Reclaim 12 3 150,000 150,000 2nd Ave SE Bridge Recon 01 3 900,000 900,000 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 3 200,000 200,000 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 2 1,200,000 1,200,000 Municipal State Aid Total 1,100,000 700,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 700,000 4,700,000 Refuse Fund Truck, TA w/hooklift REFS -1801 3 85,000 85,000 Walking Floor Trailer REFS -1901 3 91,500 91,500 Forklift Replacement REFS -2101 3 35,000 35,000 Wheel loader replacement REFS -2201 2 170,000 170,000 Refuse Fund Total 85,000 91,500 35,000 170,000 381,500 Rural Fire Dept Fund SCBA air park replacement FD -1706 2 33,750 33,750 Rescue 8 - 1 ton truck FD -1901 3 40,000 40,000 Rural Fire Dept Fund Total 33,750 40,000 73,750 Special Assessments Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Part/al 03 3 30,700 30,700 Merrill St SW (SGR-Clinton) Part/al 04 3 33,660 33,660 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Part/al 05 3 32,285 32,285 Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Partial 07 3 520,000 520,000 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Partial 08 3 194,000 194,000 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Part/al 09 3 500,000 500,000 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Partial 10 3 365,017 365,017 Pavement Management Program PMP 2 63,223 63,223 63,223 63,223 252,892 Church St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 05 3 39,510 39,510 Clinton Ave SW (Merrill -Lynn) Reclaim 06 3 19,755 19,755 Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 07 3 39,375 39,375 Merrill St SW (Clinton -Linden) Reclaim 08 3 19,845 19,845 Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) Reclaim 09 3 23,228 23,228 Sunset St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 10 3 40,645 40,645 Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Reclaim 12 3 46,635 46,635 Linden Ave SW (Dale -Harrington) Reclaim 14 3 180,000 180,000 McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) Reclaim 15 3 225,000 225,000 Northwoods, Spruce, 11th Ave NE Reclaim 16 3 129,190 129,190 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 19 3 56,901 56,901 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 20 3 56,901 56,901 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Reclaim 21 3 22,760 22,760 Grove St SW (2nd -Washington) Reclaim 22 3 44,256 44,256 Hassan St (5th Ave S -1st Ave N) Reclaim 23 3 113,010 113,010 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 3 514,220 514,220 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 2 200,000 200,000 Special Assessments Total 760,288 758,381 449,314 1,211,802 520,000 3,699,785 Source Project # Priority 2018 Storm Water Utility Fund Wash bay/ Water fill station HA TS 05 4 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Part/al 03 3 12,500 Merrill St SW (SGR-Clinton) Part/al 04 3 13,900 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Part/al 05 3 9,000 Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Partial 07 3 7,000 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Partial 08 3 3 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Partial 09 3 3 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Partial 10 3 3 Pavement Management Program PMP 2 10,000 Church St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 05 3 14,200 Clinton Ave SW (Merrill -Lynn) Reclaim 06 3 7,100 Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 07 3 14,500 Merrill St SW (Clinton -Linden) Reclaim 08 3 7,200 Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) Reclaim 09 3 3 Sunset St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 10 3 3 Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Reclaim 12 3 Linden Ave SW (Dale -Harrington) Reclaim 14 3 McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) Reclaim 15 3 Northwoods, Spruce, 11th Ave NE Reclaim 16 3 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 19 3 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 20 3 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Reclaim 21 3 Grove St SW (2nd -Washington) Reclaim 22 3 Hassan St (5th Ave S-1 st Ave N) Reclaim 23 3 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 3 80,000 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 2 Leaf Vacuum STWT 001 3 98,346 Mechanical Street Sweeper STWT 002 3 Storm Sewer System Repairs STWT 01 3 20,000 Ridgewater College Flood Study STWT02 4 12,000 Alan Street outfall management STWT 03 3 40,000 9th Ave NW flood improvement STWT 05 3 Greens pond improvement STWT 06 3 Bridgewater pond improvement STWT 07 4 Bradford St drainage improvemenets STWT300 3 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 33,334 13,500 15,000 45,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,130 15,000 Wastewater Fund 28,500 20,000 4 24,000 Replace/Add Door Security Systems 1T--1601 31,000 13,000 9,000 1T--1802 9,000 3,250 3,600 1T--1901 7,000 5,000 250,000 53,732 175,579 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 20,000 30,000 100,000 75,000 33,334 12,500 13,900 13,500 75,000 15,000 45,000 40,000 40,000 14,200 7,100 14,500 7,200 5,130 15,000 28,500 20,000 24,000 31,000 9,000 9,000 3,600 7,000 5,000 80,000 250,000 152,078 175,579 80,000 12,000 40,000 75,000 20,000 30,000 100,000 Storm Water Utility Fund Total 329,746 473,209 340,000 285,166 75,000 1,503,121 33,333 3,000 13,250 100,000 100,000 86,000 85,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 33,333 13,000 3,250 3,000 12,500 13,850 13,250 100,000 100,000 86,000 85,000 100,000 14,150 7,100 Wastewater Fund Wash bay/ Water fill station HA TS 05 4 Replace/Add Door Security Systems 1T--1601 3 13,000 New Server for BS&A software 1T--1802 2 3,250 Core Switch Upgrade 1T--1901 2 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Partial 03 3 12,500 Merrill St SW (SGR-Clinton) Partial 04 3 13,850 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Partial 05 3 Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Partial 07 3 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Partial 08 3 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Partial 09 3 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Partial 10 3 Pavement Management Program PMP 2 25,000 Church St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 05 3 14,150 Clinton Ave SW (Merrill -Lynn) Reclaim 06 3 7,100 33,333 3,000 13,250 100,000 100,000 86,000 85,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 33,333 13,000 3,250 3,000 12,500 13,850 13,250 100,000 100,000 86,000 85,000 100,000 14,150 7,100 Source Project # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 07 3 14,250 14,250 Merrill St SW (Clinton -Linden) Reclaim 08 3 7,150 7,150 Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) Reclaim 09 3 5,135 5,135 Sunset St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 10 3 14,500 14,500 Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Reclaim 12 3 52,000 52,000 Linden Ave SW (Dale -Harrington) Reclaim 14 3 40,000 40,000 McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) Reclaim 15 3 40,000 40,000 Northwoods, Spruce, 11th Ave NE Reclaim 16 3 56,000 56,000 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 19 3 22,500 22,500 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) Reclaim 20 3 22,500 22,500 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Reclaim 21 3 9,000 9,000 Grove St SW (2nd -Washington) Reclaim 22 3 17,500 17,500 Hassan St (5th Ave S-1 st Ave N) Reclaim 23 3 10,000 10,000 Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) Recon 02 3 130,000 130,000 TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Recon 03 2 650,000 650,000 Pavement repairs & maintenance WA41W 01 3 13,750 13,750 13,750 13,750 55,000 Meter replacement program WATR201 3 137,500 137,500 275,000 Pumps & Generators WWTF 001 2 18,008 18,008 Tractor Mower WWTF 004 1 19,123 19,123 1 Jon truck w/plow WWTF 005 2 38,267 38,267 Utility vehicle WWTF 007 4 13,000 13,000 Work truck WWTF 008 3 31,300 32,239 63,539 Pressure Washer WWTF 009 3 15,000 15,000 Biosolids Spreader WWTF 010 3 35,822 35,822 HVAC system upgrade WWTF 04 4 80,000 80,000 Main LS Pump #1 WWTF 07 3 40,000 40,000 Lift station repairs & upgrades WWTF 08 3 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Dry storage warehouse/garage WWTF 10 4 35,000 35,000 Preliminary treatment rehabilitation WWTF 104 3 125,000 125,000 Wastewater SCADA Upgrade WWTF 105 3 150,000 150,000 Oxidation Ditch Aero 2 bridges WWTF 106 3 200,000 200,000 MBR Blower Upgrade WWTF 107 3 100,000 100,000 Biosolids Handling WWTF 108 3 500,000 500,000 Plant equipment upgrades WWTF 109 3 215,000 215,000 Oxidation ditch cleaning WWTF 12 4 80,000 80,000 Wastewater Fund Total 785,623 696,410 1,148,550 1,202,144 100,000 3,932,727 Water Fund Wash bay / Water fill station HATS 05 4 33,333 33,333 Replace/Add Door Security Systems 1T--1601 3 13,000 13,000 New Server for BS&A software 1T--1802 2 3,250 3,250 Core Switch Upgrade 1T--1901 2 3,000 3,000 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington -Merrill) Partial 03 3 12,500 12,500 Merrill St SW (SGR-Clinton) Partial 04 3 13,850 13,850 Neal Ave SW (Keith -Sunset) Partial 05 3 13,250 13,250 Michigan St SE/NE (5th Ave -Hwy 7) Partial 07 3 100,000 100,000 5th Ave SW/SE (Lynn Rd SW - Ontario St SE) Partial 08 3 100,000 100,000 Dale St SW (SGR-Roberts) Partial 09 3 86,000 86,000 Washington Ave W (Lynn -Main) Partial 10 3 85,000 85,000 Pavement Management Program PMP 2 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 Church St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 05 3 14,150 14,150 Clinton Ave SW (Merrill -Lynn) Reclaim 06 3 7,100 7,100 Harrington St SW (SGR-Linden) Reclaim 07 3 14,250 14,250 Merrill St SW (Clinton -Linden) Reclaim 08 3 7,150 7,150 Source Neal Ave SW (Dale -Keith) Sunset St SW (SGR-Linden) Roberts Rd SW (School -Dale) Linden Ave SW (Dale -Harrington) McDonald Dr SW (Lakewood - School) Northwoods, Spruce, 11th Ave NE 1stAve NE (Main -Adams) 1stAve SE (Main -Adams) 2nd Ave SW (Franklin -Main) Grove St SW (2nd -Washington) Hassan St (5th Ave S-1stAve N) Century Ave SE (Hwy 15 -Jefferson) TH 15/Main St Reconstruction Pavement repairs & maintenance Roof & building repairs High bay lighting 1/2 ton work truck Replace HSP #2 VFD Meter replacement program Well #5 Cleaning Water SCADA Upgrade Well #5 Rehabilitation Well #8 Rehabilitation Project # Priority 2018 2019 Reclaim 09 3 5,135 Reclaim 10 3 14,500 Reclaim 12 3 Reclaim 14 3 40,000 Reclaim 15 3 40,000 Reclaim 16 3 Reclaim 19 3 Reclaim 20 3 Reclaim 21 3 Reclaim 22 3 Reclaim 23 3 Recon 02 3 130,000 Recon 03 2 WA41W 01 3 13,750 13,750 WA TR 05 3 20,000 WA TR 10 4 WA TR 100 3 WA TR 11 3 WATR201 3 412,500 412,500 WATR202 3 90,000 Water Fund Total 2020 2021 2022 56,000 22,500 52,000 22,500 9,000 17,500 10,000 650,000 13,750 13,750 16,000 32,239 15,000 WATR203 3 100,000 WATR204 3 80,000 WATR205 3 80 000 686,500 757,135 798,250 646,322 100,000 Total 5,135 14,500 52,000 40,000 40,000 56,000 22,500 22,500 9,000 17,500 10,000 130,000 650,000 55,000 20,000 16,000 32,239 15,000 825,000 90,000 100,000 80,000 80,000 2,988,207 GRAND TOTAL 9,557,648 6,715,138 13,210,789 8,950,883 2,631,219 41,065,677 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c`=y-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Discussion on the Council Invocation Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: At the June 13 city council meeting, the topic of the City's invocation was briefly discussion. It was requested at that meeting that it be brought back at a future meeting for a more in-depth discussion. I have included a memo that is attached to this form to assist you in your discussions. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action at this time. Discussion only. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Memo To: Mayor Forcier and City Council Members From: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Date: 7/20/2017 Re: Discussion on Invocation Office of the City Administrator 111 Hassan Street SF Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-234-4241/Fax 320-234-4240 Following an editorial that appeared in the Hutchinson Leader on June 4, 2017, the City Council raised the question about our invocation at the June 13, 2017 city council meeting. It was asked at that meeting that the item be brought back at a later council meeting for discussion purposes. Discussion on the invocation portion of our agenda is set to take place at Tuesday's council meeting. In an effort to assist you in your discussions on this item, I've tried to pull together some information on the invocation and its history in Hutchinson and at other levels of government. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The "invocation" portion of the agenda is meant to serve as a "legislative prayer" offered by someone who is not on the City Council. Generally speaking, the intended audience of the invocation are the elected officials as a whole. Many cities cite the use of an invocation as a means to "set a serious tone for their meetings". Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or some other ceremonial act are used by other city councils as an alternative to and/or in addition to the invocation. The list of cities who include an invocation in their council agenda is not easily assessable. Staff is not completely sure on when the invocation became a part of the city council agenda. The invocation is first recorded in our minute books starting in May of 1966. For as long as staff can recall, the invocation has been given by a member of the Hutchinson Ecumenical Ministerial Association. The Ministerial association is a group of local clergy and other leaders of local churches who serve the people living in and around Hutchinson. Membership in the group has been open to those churches who request to be part of the organization. As long as staff can recall, there has been an informal agreement between the City and the Hutchinson Ecumenical Ministerial Association on who will be giving the invocation. The Ministerial Association simply provides a schedule to the City on who will be delivering the invocation and that is who we use when we organize the agenda. From an organizational standpoint, this is easy for city staff instead of searching out for individuals to give the invocation. On average, an invocation is not given 2-3 times a year. There are many different reasons for this from the clergy simply forgetting to something coming up in which the clergy member was in need of attending to. To staff's knowledge, there have been no requests to the City Council to deliver an invocation from anyone outside of the Hutchinson Ecumenical Ministerial Association. Subsequently, we also know of no circumstances in which someone was prohibited from delivering an invocation that requested to do so. The inclusion of an invocation is specifically referred to in two of our official city documents. It can be found in our City Code, specifically Section 30.18, which notes that the invocation is included in our official order of business at regular council meetings. It is also included in the City Council Bylaws, Section 10, as an order of business for all (regular) council meetings. LEGALITY OF DOING AN INVOCATION The League of Minnesota Cities has noted that the use of legislative prayer (invocation) raises two main constitutional issues: first, whether it violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits the government from establishing a religion; and second, whether it violates the provisions in the Minnesota Constitution providing for the right to exercise one's religious beliefs without infringement. The 8t' Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has held that a county board's practice of opening its meetings with legislative prayer did not violate either the U.S. Constitution or the Minnesota Constitution. The Court of Appeals noted that the county's use of legislative prayer served a secular or non -religious purpose of establishing a solemn atmosphere and serious tone for its meetings. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that a town board's practice of opening its meetings with legislative prayer did not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court reasoned that the Establishment Clause must be read with an understanding of its historical tradition and noted that the men who wrote the U.S. Constitution "considered legislative prayer a benign acknowledgment of religion's role in society." The Supreme Court noted several factors (5) that supported its decision to uphold the town board's use of legislative prayer. These five factors are important when the City Council considers this topic. 1) The first factor is that the prayer occurred at the beginning of the meetings instead of during the decision-making part of the meetings. Likewise, city councils that choose to include legislative prayer should limit it to the beginning of their meetings. This practice will help reduce the chances that an individual attending a meeting will feel pressured to participate in the prayer because of a concern that the failure to do so may affect how the council will act on a specific decision affecting that individual. 2) The second factor is that the elected officials were the intended audience of the legislative prayer and found this acceptable. If city councils decide to include legislative prayer at the beginning of their meetings, it is best to view it as a benefit to the city council, not to other meeting attendees. 3) The third factor noted is that participation in the town board's legislative prayer was voluntary. City councils that include legislative prayer in their meetings also should be careful not to require the public to participate in the prayer and should not criticize anyone who chooses not to bow his or her head, stand, or otherwise engage in the prayer. 2 4) The fourth factor is that the town board "at no point excluded or denied an opportunity to a would-be prayer giver." City councils that include legislative prayer at their meetings also should not discriminate against any prayer givers based on their religious beliefs and should make efforts to ensure that prayer givers represent a diversity of religious belief. The Supreme Court upheld the town clerk's practice of using the local business directory to contact churches seeking volunteer ministers to offer legislative prayer at town meetings. The Supreme Court reasoned, "So long as the town maintains a policy of nondiscrimination, the Constitution does not require it to search beyond its borders for non-Christian prayer givers in an effort to achieve religious balancing." 5) The fifth factor is that the town board "neither reviewed the prayers in advance of the meetings nor provided guidance as to their tone or content." The town board's opening prayers were overwhelmingly Christian in content. But the Supreme Court held that legislative prayer does not need to be nonsectarian, or not identifiable with any one religion, reasoning that adopting such a requirement would not be consistent with the history of legislative prayer and would force the town board to act as a censor of religious speech. City councils that include legislative prayer in their meetings generally should not tell prayer givers what they can or cannot say in their prayers. However, there are likely some reasonable limits on the content of legislative prayer. The Supreme Court indicated, for example, that legislative prayers that consistently criticize nonbelievers, threaten damnation, or preach conversion do not accomplish an acceptable legislative purpose, and therefore, may raise constitutional concerns. (Source: League of MN Cities) Whether or not the Council would choose to continue with an invocation, these five factors should be used as a set of guidelines for what our expectation will be. STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Both the Minnesota State Government and US Federal Government use legislative prayer. The US Senate and the House of Representatives pray or offer an invocation at the beginning of each day of congressional business. Furthermore, both the House and Senate hire their own chaplains to offer formal prayers and to provide pastoral care to members of Congress. To date, congressional chaplains have been exclusively Christian. However, both the House and Senate allow "Guest Chaplains" to offer invocations. Many times these are brought forward by members of Congress and they usually represent a variety of the religions/faiths in the world. In Minnesota, both the House and Senate open each legislative day with a legislative prayer. The Senate has appointed a Chaplain to deliver legislative prayer since 1857. When noted, they have had one representing the Jewish faith, one was a Spiritual Elder, and the remaining were Christian in nature. The House appointed a Chaplain from 1849 to 2012. When noted, one was a Universalist, 3 represented the Jewish faith, and the remaining were Christian in nature. Starting in 2013, the Chaplain delivering the daily legislative prayer have been "guest Chaplains" brought forth by the members of the House representing various denominations/religions/faiths. CITY OPTIONS When it comes to the conversation about the City's invocation time on the agenda, there are a couple of different options for the City Council to consider. I have come up with three options to assist you in your conversation on this topic. There may be more. Option #1— Do nothing. Simply proceed as you always have noting the tradition of the City. Option #2 — Completely remove the invocation from the agenda all together. To do this would require an ordinance to amend the City Code and an update to the Council Bylaws to remove the item from the "Order of Business". Option #3 — Keep it and allow for some flexibility in how the invocation is given. Two concerns have been raised on our current way of doing the invocation. One of those concerns is that the invocation is given by those of a Christian background only and that a diversity of faiths is not represented. The second concern is that the agenda item is skipped when no clergy are present. Regarding allowing other, non-Christian, faiths to pray at council meetings. One quick glance at the Hutchinson Leader's section on Worship Services only show 2 churches (Buddhist, Latter - Day Saints) in the area that are not traditional -denominational Christian in nature. The Jehovah Witness' are not listed in the worship section, but are also a part of the community. To my knowledge, they have not asked to provide prayer at a meeting, but I'm also not sure if they have been invited. If the other faiths of the world are represented in the community, I am not aware of how to get in touch with them and it would not be the City's policy to discriminate against any other faiths being represented during our invocation. An option may be to approach this like the State and Federal Government does in which a council member is welcomed to invite someone to deliver an invocation before a council meeting along with the scheduled member of the ministerial association? Regarding skipping the agenda item when no clergy is present. While I would have no problem doing a prayer on behalf of the council, I believe staff or an elected official providing the invocation places certain legal risks on the City. I believe a staff member or an elected official delivering the invocation on behalf of the City may put the City in a position of violating federal law noting the five factors above. It's important to remember that the city council is the intended audience of the invocation and its better offer to view it as the council being the intended audience and not the meeting attendees. Elected officials or staff providing the invocation could be a violation of this. In cases where clergy are not present, we are better off continuing our practice of skipping the agenda item or simply holding a "moment of silence". If you are in need of any additional information in regards to this subject, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks! Matt 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Discussion about Tax -Forfeited Land Available in Hutchinson Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ Communications, Requests Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Please see the attached letter (with aerial view pictures) from the County Auditor -Treasurer about tax -forfeited (non -conservation) land available in Hutchinson. I would like to have a discussion with the Council on Tuesday on whether or not we have any interest in this land. As land classified as non -conservation land, the City can obtain this land one of two ways: 1) Pay the appraised value of the land and receive full, clear title to the land with no restrictions on the use of the land. 2) Receive the land for free for certain specified uses with an agreement that the lands may be used for a specified public use for a certain amount of time (30 years from the date the deed was acknowledged). Cities may obtain land for free for the following public purposes: -- A road or right-of-way for a road -- A park that is both available to and accessible by the public -- Trails for walking, biking, snowmobiling or other recreational purposes -- Transit facilities for a variety of public transit purposes -- Public beaches or boat launches -- Public Parking -- Civic recreation or conference facilities -- Public Service Facilities (Fire Hall, Police Station, etc.) If we go down the route of obtaining the land for free, we would receive a "Use Deed" which would restrict the land for the purpose we selected and the land could not be conveyed to a private party or be used for private purposes. Staff has noted interest in obtaining some of these properties to simply eliminate blight, however, noting that we would then have to use the land for a public purpose (if we received it for free) makes this a little more difficult. This item will be for discussion purposes only at this time. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: No action at this time. Discussion only. A future resolution would be needed if we have any interest in the land. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: July 12, 2017 McLeod County Auditor -Treasurer Cindy Schultz 2391 Hennepin Ave. N. Glencoe; MN 55336 (320) 864-1210 office (320) 864-3268 fax E-mail: cindy.schultz@co.rncleod.mn.us Matt Jaunich , City Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Matt: Enclosed is a classification listing of non -conservation land located in your city. The parcel described in the listing; forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes. As required under M.S. 282.01, we request that you approve the parcel for public auction or auction to adjacent owners or request a conveyance to your city for public use. We require a certified copy of the Resolution authorizing any action taken. If you request that a parcel be conveyed to your city, you must also complete an "Application by a Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax -Forfeited Land" and mail it to my office. Special assessments which were levied before the forfeiture do not need to be certified to this office. They were canceled at forfeiture and will be paid from the sale price. Special assessments which are levied after the forfeiture should be certified to this office. They will be added to the appraised value and paid from the sale price. Please be advised that, if the City fails to respond within sixty (50) days of the date of this letter, the sale will be deemed to be approved. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (320) 884-1210 Sincerely, Cindy Schultz Ford McLeod County Auditor -Treasurer Enclosure MrLEOD COUNTY COMMISSIONER RON SHIMANSKI 1 st District Phone (320) 327-0112 23808 Jet Avenue Silver Lake, MN 55381 Ron.ShimanskiCrlfco.mcleod.mn.us COMMISSIONER SHELDON NIES 4th District Phone (324) 587-5117 1118 Jefferson Street South Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sheidon.Nies co.mcleod.mn,us County of McLeod 830 11th Street East Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 FAX (320) 864-1809 COMMISSIONER DOUG KRUEGER 2nd District Phone (320) 864-5944 9525 County Road 2 Glencoe, MN 55336 Do ua . Kra eo erCdtc o. m cle od. mn. us COMMISSIONER JOE NAGEL 5th District Phone [320] 587-8693 29849 1961° Road Hutchinson, MN 55350 Joseph.Nagaffi co.melend.mn.us RESOLUTION 15 -CB -26 CLASSIFY TAX -FORFEITED LAND COMMISSIONER PAUL WRIGHT 3rd District Phone (320) 587-7332 15215 County Road 7 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Pa ut.Wrig ht@co. rndeod. m n. us COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PATRICK MELVIN Phone,V20) 864-1363 83011 Street East, Suite 110 Glencoe, MN 55336 Pa t. Me lvi nQ ra. meleod. mn. u s WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners of the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, desires to offer for sale certain parcels of land that have forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non- payment of taxes; WHEREAS, the below said parcels of land have been viewed by the County Board of Commissioners and have been classified as non -conservation lands as provided for in Minnesota Statutes 282.01. 03.035.0900 TOWNSHIP OF COLLINS SECT --35 TWP-115 RANGE -030 7.08 AC SE 114 NW Y4 15.050.0100 CITY OF BISCAY BLOCK -003 LOTS 5 & 6 TOWN OF BISCAY 16.032.0300 CITY OF BROWNTON SECT -32 TWP-115 RANGE -029 75'X 122'OF NE 1/4 NW 1/4 N OF LOT 9 & N 2' OF LOT 9, BLOCK 1, ZIMMERMAN'S ADDITION TO BROWNTON 16.050.0070 CITY OF BROWNTON LOT -007 BLOCK -002 TOWN OF BROWNTON 16.050.0310 CITY OF BROWNTON W 94.24' O F LOT B SHILLINGS ADD TO LAKE ADDIE 1 I P a <- .v 16.058.0010 CITY OF BROWNTON W 94.24' OF LOT B SHILLINGS ADDITION TO LAKE ADDIE 16.058.0020 CITY OF BROWNTON LOT C EX N 65' OF E 80' SHILLINGS ADDITION TO LAKE ADDIS 16.062.0060 CITY OF BROWNTON LOT -010 STURDIVANTS ADDITION 17.050.1440 CITY OF LESTER PRAIRE N 112 OF LOT 20 BLOCK -012 LESTER PRAIRIE 19.050.0020 CITY OF SILVER LAKE W 23.5'OF E 47.5'OF LOT 1 SILVER LAKE 19.076.0100 CITY OF SILVER LAKE LOT 1 S OF HWY BLOCK -002 CHALUPSKY'S ADDITION 20.050.1600 CITY OF STEWART LOT -012 BLOCK -023 TOWN OF STEWART 20.050.1640 CITY OF STEWART LOTS -005 & 006 BLOCK -024 TOWN OF STEWART 20.055.0100 CITY OF STEWART W 79' OF S 150' OF BLOCK 3 D A STEWART' S 1 Sr 21.011.1600 CITY OF WINSTED SECT -11 TWP-117 RANGE -027 TR 50'X 87.5'SE 1/4 NW 1/4 (PART OF FORMER RR RNV) .10 ACRES 23.050.0380 CITY OF HUTCHINSON LOT -008 BLOCK -006 SOUTH HALF, HUTCHINSON 23.056.0990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON S 198' OF LOT 6 BLOCK -011 NORTH HALF, HUTCHINSON 2 I Page 23.056.1030 CITY OF HUTCHINSON N 66' OF LOT 7 BLOCK -011 NORTH HALF, HUTCHINSON 23.310.0110 CITY OF HUTCHINSON LOT -005 BLOCK -002 SECT -36 TWP-117 RANGE -030 CALIFORNIA ADDITION 23.362.0095 CITY OF HUTCHINSON S Z OF LOT 1 BLOCK -002 MCDONALD'S 6TH ADDITION 23.386.0010 CITY OF HUTCHINSON OUTLOT A TOWN & COUNTRY ESTATES 23.447,0050 CITY OF HUTCHINSON LOT -001 BLOCK -002 STEARNS WOODS 23.447,0000 CITY OF HUTCHINSON LOT -002 BLOCK -002 STEARNS WOODS 23.447.0090 CITY OF,HUTCHINSON BLOCK -002 OUTLOT B STEARNS WOODS NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the McLeod County Board of Commissioners hereby certify that all parcels of land on this list have been viewed and comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 85,012, 92.461, 282.01, Sub. 8, and 282.018, and other statutes that require the withholding of tax forfeited lands from sale. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the McLeod County Board of Commissioners hereby request approval from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the sale of said lands. Adopted this 201h day of October, 2415. Parcel Number - 23.050.0380 Property Address— 25 Jefferson St., City of Hutchinson (Aerial View) Parcel Number - 23.056.0990 Property Address — 465 Water St. NW, City of Hutchinson (Vacant Lot —Aerial View) Parcel Number— 23.056.1030 Property Address — 455 Water St. NW, Hutchinson (Aerial View) Parcel Number -- 23.310.0110 Property Address — 48E California St NW, Hutchinson (Aerial View) L.. --A Parcel Number - 23.362.0095 Jackson St. SW, City of Hutchinson (2' Empty Lot -Aerial View) '�` Parcel Number - 23.386.0010 Property Address — Milwaukee Ave & Graham St, City of Hutchinson (Outlot A -Aerial View) HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=qf� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Approve/Deny Partnering on Maintenance Efforts Relating to the Luce Line Trail Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ Unfinished Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: At our last council meeting, the City Council had a conversation about giving staff authorization to discuss options with the County on how the City can partner with the County in providing maintenance efforts to the Luce Line Trail for purposes of horse use. It was discussed at that time about potentially using city equipment to assist the county in its mowing efforts. During the conversation, there were several questions asked regarding our assistance that staff has tried to answer below: -- The County's plan is to improve the Horse Trail from Hutchinson to Winsted and they estimate that the work will take 40 to 60 hours -- The plan would be to use a tracked skid steer loader with a brush cat mower. Both the City and the County own a track skid steer loader. One of our skid steer loaders does have after-market tracks that can be used in lieu of wheels, but it's not a true track machine. -- While the County would use their skid steer, the plan would be use a brush cat mower (of which the City owns). If it is the desire of the Council to provide a brush cat mower, Staffs recommendation would be to rent one to do this kind of work so we don't put so many hours and don't have the maintenance costs for the one we already own. Costs for renting a brush cat mower (same as City owns) to mount on a tracked skid steer loader are is $450/week or $1,350/mo. Staff hasn't inspected the route, but based on the estimates, it would take a minimum of two weeks of rental time, or $900 for the rental of the mower. -- Staff has also noted that depending upon the actual field conditions, it may be necessary to utilize a tracked skid steer with a forestry cutter. In this case, the equipment would need to be rented, since the tracked skid steer loader with forestry cutter has additional operator safety features that aren't typically included with other tracked skid steer loaders, primarily a heavier plexi-glass cab door. Costs for that type of machine are: Daily - $800; Weekly - $2,400; and Monthly = $7,200. --Staff would prefer that if the City participates, to do so through the rental of the brush cat mower for roughly $900 would be the best option. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve/Deny Authorizing City Staff to Assist in Maintenance Efforts with McLeod County Relating to the Horse Trail Adjacent to the Luce Line Trail from Hutchinson to Winsted, Contingent on an Agreement with the DNR Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=v-f� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Authorization to Construct and Install Equipment Box Onto Ram 5500 Truck Department: Police LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Daniel Hatten Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Daniel Hatten Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: This is a request to authorize the construction and installation of the equipment box onto the 2017 Ram 5500 truck that Council approved the purchase of earlier this year. The chassis will be sent to LDV who will complete the build by installing the equipment box on the chassis along with emergency equipment. This equipment box will be custom build to our specifications for the storage of SRT equipment, including the ability to transport additional personnel. Earlier this year Council authorized the replacement of the 1989 Ford Truck utilized as the Police Department's Special Response Vehicle with 2017 Ram 5500 truck. The purchase price of the Ram 5500 truck is $36.360.92 The purchase price of the equipment Box is $122563.00 Total purchase price for the completed vehicle will be $158923.92 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Authorization to purchase the equipment and final build at this time Fiscal Impact: $ 158,923.92 Funding Source: CIP FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 157,923.92 Total City Cost: $ 157,923.92 Funding Source: CIP Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CONTRACT PRICING WORKSHEET For MOTOR VEHICLES Only Contract iAM10-16 No.: Date 6/28/2017 Prepared: This Worksheet is prepared by Contractor and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both the PO and the Worksheet MUST be faxed to H-GACa[,7 713-993-4548. Therefore please type or print legibly. Agency. Caneractor: ;LDV Inc. Contact Person: Prepared :Ruth Phillips BY: Phone: Phone ;262-757-2429 Fax: Fax: 1262-767-2529 a aa: Erphillips@ldvusa.com Prodw MC10 Cnde: Description: C28MED18-14,1 Room Mobile. Clinic an a Ford F550 4x219,500 -1b. G►'WR gas chassis with spring suspe A. Product Item Base Unit Price Per Contractor's H -GAC Contract: 128763 B. Published Options - Itemize below - Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary - Include Option Code in description if applicable. (Note: Published Options are options which were submitted and priced in Contractor's bid.) Description Cost Description Cost SS903 - Qty 8 Bench Seating (Per linear foot) 2780.4 551012 - Qty 3 Aluminum Tali Closet, up to 48" wide. 4851 S 1101 - Qty 1 Diesel Furnace 16,000 btu. 2806.65 51211 - Qty -1 Exterior 20A-125Vac GFCI duplex receptacle; -137.55 ' SS 1304 - Qty l Whelen 100 watt Siren PIA 684.6 SS1305 - Qty 1 Whelen Siren Speaker. 418.95 S 1407 - Qty 1 Upgrade LED Emengency Light package. 4744.95 52104 - Qty 1 Exterior Storage Compartment, up to 72". 3269.7 SS2105 - Qty l Exterior Storage Compartment, up to 96". 3532.2 SS2209 - Qty 1 Automatic Awning, up to 12 feet long. 3901.8 Subtotal From Additional Sheet(s): Subtotal B:= 26852. C. Unpublished Options - Itemize below 1 attach additional sheets) if necessary. (Note: Unpublished options are items which were not submitted and priced in Contractor's bid.) Description ZCost Description Cost I)eIetc Chassis -35002.? Subtotal From Additional Shect(s): subtotal C. 35002.7 Check: Total cost of Unpublished Options (C) cannot exceed 25% of the total of the Base Unit For this transaction the percentage is: Price plus Published Options (A+B). -22°/ IL— - Total Cost Before Any Applicable Trade -In I Other Allowances I Discounts (A+B+C) Quantity Ordered: �1 X Subtotal of A + B + C: 120613 = Subtotal IN @ 120613 H -GAC Order Processing Charge (Amount Per Current Policy) Subtotal E: 's 1000 F. Trade-ins I Special Discounts 1 Other Allowances 1 Freight 1 Installation 1 Miscellaneous Charges Description Cast Description Cost DeliveryZ 950 Subtotal Delivery Date:: 300 DAR G. Total Purchase Price (D+E+F}: 122563 An 15 2015 O4-21 PM Hutch Fire Dept 3202344469 page 3 #m F1 Jam, INTERLOCAL CONTRACT ILC rarf saasr •vR94N98o ra iact,rrar FOR COOPERATIVE PURCHASING No,, PeartMat MM**r lasignod by H -QAC VMS IN'tEFLOCAL, CONTRACT ("Contract" ), rnedc and entered into pursuant to the Texas triterlocal Covpasatioo Act, Oaptcr 741, Texas Government Code (Ac "Act"X by and between the Htauatvrt-Chdlvcston Area Council, hereinafter rcforrd to es " -GACti" having i principal placc or business at 3533 Timmons Lane, Suite'"" Houston, Texas 77027, and * d l#i5od _ _ , a local government= a, state agency, or a non-grvlit corporation creatrA operated to provide one or more uvtxttna ntal functions and services, hereinafter referred v as "End User," having its print;ipal place of busiat�s at - 155 T �, ,7.1{ N!;�1 �s`o WgTNESSETH WHEREAS, H -GAC Is a regional planning commission and political subdivision of the $tate ❑f Tereasoperating under Chapter 391, Teras Locol Government Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the eAs4 H -GAC is authorized to contract with eligible entities in perforin Governmental functions and gerviass, including tate purchase of goods and services; acid tJt►ifERKAS, to reliance an such authority, H -GAC has instituted a cooperative ptarchasing program under which it contracts with eligible entities under the Act; and ZVFiRR�A End ser has represevited that it is an eliigtble entity uadc rthe Act, that Its governing body has authorlxed this Contract on s 4 _ (Date), and that it desires to contract %with R -GAC an the tcrnin set forth below; NOW, THEREFORE, H -GAC and the End [User do hereby agree as follows: ARDQX11i LMALAMMMITY *rhe End Lisor reproscnta and warrants to P; -OAC that (t) it Is eligibic to 6ontract with H -GAC under the Asci heceam It Is wzc otitic follor►:ing: a local government. as def led In the Act (a county, a municipality, a special districl., or other political subdivision of the State of Texas or any other ,state), or a combination of two a mom of those entities, a state agoncy (an agony of the Sure afSexas as defined in Section 771.002 of the Texas Govemment Code, or a similar agency of another state), or a noir-profit corporation creaSed and operated to provide one or mere g,ovemrnental run c¢Ions and servioes, and (2) it possesses mdosluaty Segal authot°ityto enter ieitothis Contract. A&FICLE at APPLICABLE 1AMN FI.OAC and the End User ag= to conduct all activitics under this ConeyrtFt in accordanoc with all applicdblc rules, regutations, and ordinances and laws In eMct or promulgated during the terra of thio Contract. AR:CM i W HQ AGREEDIRdT This Contract and any attachments, as provided herein, constitute the c-ampi ere contract between the parties Hereto, and srtpcosedeumy and ale oral avid written agrcomcnts between tits part iox relating to ateliers h=ein. A1CLlE 47 PERFORMANCE pl?1it101t3 The period of this Contract shall be for the balance ofthc tilscai year oFthe Eod User, which begun m _ _ acid M& 0 . This Contract shall thereafter automatically be renewed annually for each succeoding fiscal ycsar, provided that such renewal shall not havo tho ef%ct of extending the period in whkh the End U sar may mako arty payment due an ti - QAC contractor beyond the fiscal year In whle'b such oftadun was incurred ander this Contract. T'he End Usar appoints H -GAC its hoe and lawful purahaaing agent for the purchase of certain products and services through the H - OAC CoopetWive: Purchasing program. Brad Baer will access the Program 6rough UQAQMjXpm and by submission of any duly executed purchase order, in the forth proscribed by H -GAC to a contmior htaving, a valid contract with 'H -GAC. All putehoses hereunder shalt be In accordanoe with specifications and contract tcrans and pricing established by H -GAC. Ownership (title) to products purchased through Fi-GAC shall transfer directly frorn the contractor to the: Pnd User. COwr1 jun 19 2015 04;21 PM Hutch Fire Dept 3202344469 page 4 ARTICLE 6: PAYIiiEM� fl -GAC will conflrm each order and issue notice to conimtor to pinceed. Upon delivery of goods or services p=hascd, and presentation of a properly documented Invoice- the Fnd User shalt promptly. and in any case vAthiv thirty (30) days, pay Hi GRC's eorntrActor the full arnount oftho Invoice. All payments for goods or servim wi II be -made fr m current r4nmitues available to the paying party, In no event shah 11 -[IAC hart any financial Ilab Itity to the End Use§ fur any goods or sarvzscs Seed User procures from an R - GAC oontraotor. A "I 1. EI.- N13 AM1rWnU7WTS 'Phis Contract may be amended only by a written amendment execured 6y bout parties, except that any rdtcmaatnons, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Contract which are required lay changes in Federal and State low or regulations are antemadcaliy incorporated into this Contract without written amendment hereto and shatI because eMclive on the date designated by such Iswr oc regulation. H -GAC reserves the right its mELke changes its the scope of products tread services offered through the 14.GAC Cooperative Purchasing Progmm to be parfouncd haraunder. &REO U- mraRMINAMQN pIRQCRRU S -GAC or the End User may oamal this Conumat army time upon thirty (30) days written notice by certified mall w gene other party ttt this Contract. The obilgatlons of the End User, including its obligation to pay H -GAC 's contractor for all costs incurred under this Contmot prior to such notice shall seuvive such cancellation, us sell as any ❑thee obligation hicurrod u ndvr this Contract, untH performed or disehaaged by the End User, SMIUM, A R+$,ILi' Y All Aarties agree that should any provision of this Con Tract be determined to be invalid or unen foacenble, such detartttination sirulI not affeot any other terve of this Contract, which shall continue in full gnus and e4fact. Q,,fi Kly- 19: ll au 119 i LIES To the extent that either party to this Cots Traci shall be wholly or partial ly proven ted from the performance within the tenet specified of any obiigatlon or duty placed ore such party by reason ofor through strikes. ssoppage of labor, riot, fare, flood, acmof war, lnsurmetion, accident, order of my court, act of God, or specific cause reasonably beyond the party's control and not attributable to its neglect or nonf'onsancv, in such event, the time for the performance ofsirch obligation orduty shalt be suspended until 9 uch dl sabi I I ty to perform is removed; provided, however, farce wajaumshail nor excuse an obligat9onsoIely to pay funds, Determination offotce rnajeure shall rest talely with R -r -AC. Disputes between procuring party and Vendor are to be resolved in accord with the Iaw and venue rules of the State of purchase, THIS MSTRUMENT HAS 09EN EXXCUTEII IN TWO ORIGINALS BY THE PARTS198 H Elili TO AS FOLLOWS! Alines or F. Lls (loam! go wem"m ggaricp. or —oa p JAr corpor&[ia0 City sote 7 i P O.We aH Sianattue of LWa ted or appointed a nal Typal Ham 6r Trtta of S ignetncy pate r 15Turastan-Grxl.Terrk►n Amar lCouriefd 1137 -ri anon= Lena, suite 170. tirnncaq, Tx 7767.7 By___ AM% Dare Evcwlir2 Director B arwr 'Demyles rcvulrcd fk[dT icy. 6nB 10 -jun 19 2015 D421PM Hutch Fkv Dept 3202344469 page 5 *Request far Information To expedite service, ple"e complete the following blanks Mevant to your agemL-rx adsuinistrativeJeiectivc personnel and return the completed form to lK-gAC,Qgg ore i c Pn chWhi! I'anrHm. P.U.Box N777. tl astog,TX _77227-2777. Name of End user Agency: Ch Of Y 5 aunty blame; m GL-egck Mailing Address: (Street Main Telephone Number: {# . 515 Physical Address (.$rear Wets Site Addmaa 9 FAX Number: i p¢ ) Authorized Official: pn4w Title; Wit t {City manager I Executive Director/ etc) Ph Na.: (3 Zvi �S�5151 Mailing Addren: 2%9v (Street Address/P.0. Bax) E -Mail Address: dr�lei.�.�'�sa+� •wLa.� (City) (State) (7JP Crile) ofPlcial Contact: AnAV R Id Title: � 'tr��"i►^ (Purchasing AgenLtAudltor de.) Ph No.:3{ L G J 587 - V:F Mailing Address: Aim C5 doom Fx Na.: (3" 3 (StreetAddress/P.O. Bax) Email Address: (City) Estate) rZIP Cade) UflICW Contact: (Public WorkT Directar&oliae Chief ere.) Mailing Address• . (,Street AdgMam P. 0. Box) (City) (State) (ZIP Cade) Dffseial cafttnate 08 sc�umt-r►h (EMS Directo /FVw Chief etc.) Mailing Address: ^Z05 I a Ve, SLS ._ (SOvet rlddrers-IRO. Box) (city) {Smite) (BJP Coder) Title: )Fx No.. C___ Email Address. Title: Pag Ckw Ph No.. (LW ] 2 - 4ZI(_ Fx No.: {I?o ] 2 - IWOR Ercall Addrm, lhesAum Arw% IN Z k"19%SO t%n.ws HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Project Award for School Road & Roberts Road Trail Improvements (D/P17-03) Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The City received three (3) bids (see attached Bid Tabulation) for the School Road & Roberts Road Trail Improvements project letting on Wednesday, June 21st. The apparent low bidder is Knife River Corporation of Sauk Rapids, MN, with a bid of $197,548.75 (approximately 19.7% lower than the final Engineer's Estimate). This project's total cost and associated funding contributions were reviewed by the Resource Allocation Committee and are accounted for within the City's proposed 2017 Infrastructure Improvement Program. City staff will provide a brief overview of the project scope, bids and schedule prior to opening the public communication portion of the Assessment Hearing. City staff has worked closely with adjacent property owners as this project has proceeded to address any construction issues. The final necessary Resolution to award this project is attached. We recommend approving the provided Resolution. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 197,548.75 Total City Cost: $ 39,510.00 Funding Source: Bonding Remaining Cost: $ 158,038.75 Funding Source: Federal Aid RESOLUTION NO. 14737 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 3/PROJECT NO. 17-03 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of: School Road & Roberts Road Trail Improvements: West side of School Road (Roberts Rd. to bridge) and north side of Roberts Road (Roberts Park entrance to School Rd.); multi -use trail installation by construction of grading, bituminous surfacing, concrete sidewalk/ramps, restoration and appurtenances. bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Total Rid Knife River Corporation of Sauk Rapids MN $197,548.75 Duininck Inc of Prinsburg MN $207,880.75 R & R Excavating Inc of Hutchinson MN $227,837.86 and whereas, it appears that Knife River Corporation of Sauk Rapids MN is the lowest responsible bidder; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Knife River Corporation of Sauk Rapids MN in the amount of $197,548.75 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 25th day of July 2017. Mayor, Gary Forcier City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich Pagel of 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320-234-4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 3/PROJECT NO. 17-03 (SAP 133-090-004) School Rd SW & Roberts Rd SW Trail Improvements BID OPENING: 06/21/2017 @ 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $256,000.00 COMPLETION DATE: 12/31/2017 - 0 r Knive River Corporation 4787 Shadow Wood Dr NE � Sauk Rapids MN 56379 Engineer's Estimate krcmn.subquotes@kniferive Q r.corn 0 320-258-2943 fax 320-258-2940 Duininck Inc 408 6th St P O Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 estimator@6uininck.com 320-978-6011 fax 320-9784978 R & R Excavating Inc Brent Reiner 1149 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson MN 55350 michelle(djrexcavating.net 320-587-5918 fax 320-587-1044 BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BASE BID $246,032.50 $197,548.75 $207,880.75 $227,837.86 BASE BID UNIT QUANTITY BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL 1 2021.510 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $7,200.00 $7,200.00 $12 500.00 $12,500.00 $24,000.00 $24,000.00 $78,01323 $78,013.23 2 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) CU YD 1525 $23.00 $35,075.00 $16.00 $24,400.00 $16.00 $24,400.00 $0.07 $106.75 3 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) CU YD 30 $55.00 $1,650.00 $16.00 $480.00 $16.00 $480.00 $35.87 $1,076.10 4 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE V SO YD 4800 $2.50 $12,000.00 $1.25 $6,000.00 $1.25 $6,000.00 $0.61 $2,928.00 5 2112.604 SUBGRADE PREPARATION SO YD 4935 $2.50 $12,337.50 $1.50 $7,402.50 $1.20 $5,922.00 $1.12 $5,52720 6 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 CU YD 1105 $52.00 $57,460.00 $33.00 $36,465.00 $33.00 $36,465.00 $52.43 $57,935.15 7 2360.503 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0" THICK SO YD 1 4000 $21.00 $84,000.00 $14.50 $58,000.00 $16.25 $65,000.00 $13.05 $52,200.00 8 2504.602 ADJUST CURB STOP EACH 1 $225.00 $225.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $694.36 $694.36 9 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 2 $850.00 $1,700.00 $935.00 $1,870.00 $935.00 $1,870.00 $281.08 $562.16 10 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SO FT 570 $5.50 $3,135.00 $14.00 $7,980.00 $8.50 $4,845.00 $5.43 $3,095.10 11 . 116" CONCRETE WALK SO FT 1335 $12.00 $16,020.00 $18.75 $25,03125 $12.25 $16,353.75 $8.93 $11,921.55 12 2531.618 ITRUNCATED DOMES SO FT 225.0 $36.00 $8,100.00 $45.00 $10,125.00 $70.00 $15,750.00 $42.50 $9,562.50 13 2563.601TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $0.01 $0.01 14 2574.525 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CU YD 165 $32.00 $5,280.00 $23.00 $3,795.00 $23.00 $3,795.00 $25.55 $4,215.75 TOTAL - LETTING NO. 3/PROJECT NO. 17-03 $246,032.50 $197,548.75 $207,880.75 $227,837.86 Pagel of 1 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CityafA Request for Board Action Agenda Item: Approval of Items for City Parking Lot I Improvements (1-12/P17-12) Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As previously discussed, the ultimate construction coordination of the City's Parking Lot I Improvements project with MidCountry Bank's drive-thru facility development will necessitate the utilization of an unique project delivery approach. At this point, City staff has solicited quotes for the grading/utility work (please see attached Juul Contracting Co. low quotation) and prepared a project change order within the Letting No. 1/Project No. 16-01 to administer the bituminous paving work (City specifications clearly apply). Please note that this approach was necessary to allow for a proactive reaction to the fairly unknown construction timeframe associated with MidCountry's work and that the work items are a natural separation due to the required coordination with the proposed development. Also, the City has administered Change Orders in the past in amounts under $100,000 to address additional paving work within the City during respective Pavement Management Program projects. Thus, the following Change Order is being proposed as noted: o Change Order No. 5 — Letting No. 1 /Project No. 16-01 — 2016 Pavement Management Program This Change Order addresses extension of the interim completion date from August 12, 2016 to August 18, 2016 and extension of the substantial completion date of September 16th, 2016 to September 20th, 2016 due to excessive rainfall amounts. This Change Order also addresses additional paving work on Parking Lot I. Due to the additional paving work, the final completion date shall be extended from June 14th, 2017 to November 3rd, 2017. This work results in an increase to the project contract in the amount of $42,534.90. Also, the grading/utility quotation from Juul Contracting Co. in the amount of $73,182.50 is recommended for the City Council's approval. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Change Order & Quotation Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 115,717.40 Total City Cost: $ 115,717.40 Funding Source: Infrastructure Maintenance & Capital Projects Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: UP16-01 07/12/2017 Page 1 of t STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER City/County of City of Hutchinson Change Order No. 5 FEDERAL PROJECT STATE PROJECT LOCAL PROJECT NO. CONTRACT NO. NO. NO. L1 P16-01 L1 P16-01 CONTRACTOR NAME AND ADDRESS LOCATION OF WORK Wm Mueller & Sons Inc Linden Ave SW, Madson Ave SW, Milwaukee Ave SW, Church St SW, West Shore Dr 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247 SW Hamburg, MN 55339 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT 2082 $42,534.90 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. This Change Order addresses extension of the interim completion date from August 12, 2016 to August 18, 2016 and extension of the substantial completion date of September 16th, 2016 to September 20th, 2016 due to excessive rainfall amounts. This Change Order also addresses additional paving work on Parking Lot I. Due to additional paving work, the final completion date shall be extended from June 14th, 2017 to November 3rd, 2017. COST BREAKDOWN Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount Funding Category No. 001 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $12.00 170 $2,040.00 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 NON -WEARING COURSE MIXTURE(2,C) 2.0" THICK SQ YD $11.00 2082 $22,902.00 2360.503 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C) 1.5" THICK SQ YD $8.45 2082 $17,592.90 Funding Category No. 001 Total: $42,534.90 Change Order No. 5 Total: $42,534.90 * Funding category is required for federal projects. CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME (check one) Due to this change the Contract Time: a. [ ] Is Increased by Working Days b. [ ] Is Not Changed [ ] Is Decreased by Working Days [ X ] Is Increased by 142 Calendar Days c. [ ] May be revised if work affected the controlling operation [ ] Is Decreased by Calendar Days kpproved By Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved By Contractor: Wm Mueller & Sons Inc Signed Signed Date: 07/25/2017 Phone: (320) 234-4212 Date: Phone: (952) 467-2720 Original to Project Engineer; Copy to Contractor Approved by Hutchinson City Council 07/12/2016. Signed Mayor, Gary Forcier Date: 07/25/2017 Signed City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich Date: 07/25/2017 Orig. Contract: $2,413,998.03 * Previous CO: $21,226.70 * Total CO: $63,761.60 Completion Date: 06/14/2017 * Revised Completion Date: 11/03/2017 UNE NO ITEM NO• 2101.502 ITEM DESCRIPTION phase-1 0J--.ARlNG UNIT F;AC H PROJECT Secllan` UNIT PRICE QUANTITIES Parking Lot I 8" CLS 1 fabric EST QTY .AMOUNT _ 1 2 2101.507 GRUF313ING I{.Ir:i r It7 oo 3 2104.501 REAIOVE's CURB AN17 C:LI'I'rFiR ].I,N ]' [ O� ti;._ _aQgp r� rQ. 0o U 4 5 4 7 8 2164.505 2104.505 2104.509 2104.513 2105.501 REMOVE CONC11F..f-I� MEDIAN RL'MOVE 13rrLFAfINI1Lrti PAVEnfEN'1' REMOVE SIGN SAWING Ii[T'UMINOU, P.11'>~AICNI (FULL DEPTH CO.',IAfON Y-XCAV.II-1f 1N 1117 S 17] S(x 1"D EACH LIN 1� 1' CU 1"D LS', 0a pp pp p apj, I i?S 3hn S v0 �%_�._ �¢ Q 0'. tj p4 9 16 11 2105.501 2105.604 2112.609 SUBGRADE CORRFC'T1ON (AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 G> CYT8XI7LE I.-,►BRIC,'IYPE 5 SUBGRADE A PRI:PARATTON / 1AM Cll 117 SQ N13 Six 1'[7 12 pp p art I'+1; 1'r"r1 A,OD ... jp,ru 00 12 13 2211-503 2357.502 JAGGREGATE BASE ['F I1S 5 13C17.]AIINOUS MAl ERIN]. FOR 7ACK COAT Cu 1"17 GALLON pp SO S•1+r�^ I _'i �d z?r7 �f�_ 10 14 250.541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DVS 3006 CL V 1.1?� 1'I' pQ I5 16 2503.602)CONNECT 2506502 IN'['111`,XISTINGDRAINAGE STRUCILFRF CA'rat I3AS1N'[3"F'1:.1 I's:1C11 I ,ILII ag�,pd 7 5-!70, 3� pp0_, 21"'AAn 17 2506.502 ICATCH BASIN ]WH C I:.If 11 pb 1 I ®a 18 2506322 AD UST PRA&W AND FLING CA%riNG I t X 0 00 19 2531.501 ICURB AND GU'l-l- .I1 DF-SIGN 8G12 .v 2531.503 4" CONCR&Ti �IIiI]F,IN S(,11'I] 1 06 11 I fir% d !1 2545.501 INST'AIJ, EI.RCrRIC: I.IGF I'[' SY57TA1 f LU,',1P SUA[ 04_nU 1 c7J A7 06 2 1 2561.601 TRArPICCON"1'11[11. I.UA[PSU51 00.00 I moot/ 3 2564.53E ISIGN PANE1 S T"1"PE. is ti 1.-1, 7 vu _W900 4 2564.537 JINSTALLSIGN BACI1 o.D6 I 0.00 5 f 2574.525 fCONSIONTOPSOIL BORROW CU 1T] . 3s F 715� va 6 2582.501 1 PAVEMENT IGF. - WANDICAPPED %AWBOL PAINT r•�1C1I pb 2 O0 7 2582,502 4"SOLIDLINrWFII'17i-PAINT LIN Fr O 3p 1150 p0 8 2582.503 CROSS1VALKNLARKINGWH-ll-I'E-PAINT sQFr TO 711 D0 9 2575.505 ISEEDING, 9 rWRC } ti1:SD SEED A11X7i-1RE 25-131 ti[ 7 1"D pb 615 } 2573.530 ISTC}RA[ DRA IN INI.Ii']' FIAC)* TC'170N E :�Cf 1 �p vC 7 �� Su -TOTAL CSTIMATED CONSTRUCTION �n HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=v-f� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Calling a Special Workshop Meeting/Tour of Creekside for 3:30 p.m. on August 9 Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/23/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As was noted at a previous workshop meeting, Andy Kosek and I would like to give a tour of Creekside to the entire Council and talk about some potential future capital needs at the facility. We have some major capital needs coming on board in the next couple of years and staff would like to have a conversation with the Council on how to best go about meeting those capital needs. Andy and I feel the best way for the council to have a better picture of what is going on is to take a tour of the facility. Wednesday, August 9 at 3:30 p.m. appears to be the best time for everyone. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of calling a special workshop meeting/Tour of Creekside for 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 9 Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Hutchinson Properties Orded To Be Cleared By City I Date of Report: 07/13/2017 Enforcement Number Address Parcel Category Date Filed Status EEN17-0062 1340 McDonald Dr SW 02-116-30-09-0380 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/05/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0064 526 Main St S 06-116-29-06-0600 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/01/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0065 1005 Maple St NE 31-117-29-01-0070 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/05/2017 Abated by City 07/11/2017 EEN17-0066 615 Merrill St SW 01-116-30-09-0540 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0067 1367 Heritage Ave NW 25-117-30-12-0290 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0068 504 CALIFORNIA ST NW 36-117-30-11-0130 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/15/2017 EEN17-0069 715 Brown St SW 06-116-29-12-0990 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Abated by City 07/06/2017 EEN17-0070 338 4th Ave SW 06-116-29-05-0350 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0071 625 Milwaukee Ave SW 01-116-30-09-0490 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0072 545 Madson Ave SW 01-116-30-09-0050 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0073 1373 Jefferson St SE 07-116-29-08-0050 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/07/2017 Closed 06/21/2017 EEN17-0077 1070 Sherwood St SE 07-116-29-03-0380 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0078 550 School Rd SW 02-116-30-09-0050 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0079 805 Franklin St SW 06-116-29-11-0930 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0080 741 Arizona St NW 36-117-30-06-0990 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/27/2017 EEN17-0081 446 Erie St SE 06-116-29-07-0470 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0082 535 California St NW 36-117-30-11-0450 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/27/2017 EEN17-0083 430 Water St NW 31-117-29-12-0270 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/11/2017 EEN17-0084 206 Monroe St SE 06-116-29-02-0560 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0085 436 Monroe St SE 06-116-29-07-0560 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0086 55 Orchard Ave SE 07-116-29-06-0520 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0087 716 4th Ave SW 01-116-30-07-0160 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/15/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0088 455 Water St NW 31-117-29-12-0370 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/11/2017 EEN17-0090 791 California St NW 36-117-30-06-0310 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0091 465 Water St NW 31-117-29-12-0360 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/11/2017 EEN17-0093 542 Adams St SE 06-116-29-07-0720 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0094 141 5th Ave NE 31-117-29-10-0140 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/19/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0095 505 Monroe St SE 06-116-29-07-1010 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/28/2017 Closed 07/10/2017 EEN17-0096 134 5th Ave NW 31-117-29-12-0330 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0097 576 Merrill St SW 01-116-30-09-0350 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 Hutchinson Properties Orded To Be Cleared By City I Date of Report: 07/13/2017 Enforcement Number Address Parcel Category Date Filed Status EEN17-0098 945 Milwaukee Ave SW 01-116-30-10-1060 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/29/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0099 140 Morningside Dr NE 32-117-29-14-0710 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0100 532 Jefferson St SE 06-116-29-06-0860 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0101 887 Oak St NE 31-117-29-02-0800 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0102 810 Oak St NE 31-117-29-07-0540 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0103 226 5th Ave SW 06-116-29-05-0740 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0104 554 Adams St SE 06-116-29-07-0740 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0105 1373 Jefferson St SE 07-116-29-08-0050 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0106 580 Milwaukee Ave SW 01-116-30-09-0530 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0107 135 5th Ave SE 06-116-29-06-0350 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0108 335 Adams St SE 06-116-29-07-0120 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0109 135 5th Ave NW 31-117-29-11-0191 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/27/2017 EEN17-0110 735 Milwaukee Ave SW 01-116-30-10-0260 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0111 975 Milwaukee Ave SW 01-116-30-10-1090 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/29/2017 EEN17-0112 564 Lynn Rd SW 01-116-30-09-0020 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Abated by City 07/05/2017 EEN17-0113 750 Dale St SW 01-116-30-10-1230 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/21/2017 Closed 06/26/2017 EEN17-0115 580 Miller Ave SW 01-116-30-09-0850 Tall Grass/Noxious Weed 06/29/2017 Closed 07/10/2017 Total Records: 47 Enforcement.CodeOfficer = John Paulson AND Enforcement.DateFiled Between 6/1/2017 12:00:00 AM AND 6/30/2017 11:59:59 PM Population: All Records Status Descriptions Abated by City = Ordered by City to be cleared using Contractor Closed = Mowed by Owner HRA MUTC14INSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 7:00 AM Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz called the meeting to order. Members Present: Gary Forcier, Steve Jensen, LouAnn Holmquist and potential new board member, Nikki Willemssen. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON MAY l6, 2017 Steve Jensen moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting as written. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Steve Jensen moved to approve City Center General Fund payments of $13,024.06 for checks 8848 to 8853. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Steve Jensen moved to approve City Center May 31, 2017 financial statements. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve Park Towers operating account payments of $47,675.21 for checks 13976 to 14007 and out of sequence check 14013 and approval of security deposit account payment of $243.18 for check 1554. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Steve Jensen moved to approve Park Towers April 2017 Financial Reports. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. Occupancy Report — 100% occupied. b. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Parr Towers' June Newsletter. c. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Draft 2017 Park Towers Building Improvement Plan. d. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Federal President's budget funding projections for 2017 and 2018. e. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve the Second Amendment for AT&T Option & Structure Lease Agreement subject to review and recommendations by City Attorney. Stene Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. f. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the NAHRO Conference updates: environmental process, Revenue Recapture, Abandoned Property statute, MN Court of Appeals Upheld decision for St. Cloud HRA Bedbug litigation where landlord can determine treatment, require tenants to dispose of bedbug infested personal property, and require that the Tenant appropriately prepare the unit for bedbug treatment, HUD Smoke Free Policy - policy states that all buildings must be 25 feet away from designated smoking area, therefore the designated smoking patio will be moved away from the maintenance garage. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SETTING PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2017 AT 7:30 A.M. CITY CENTER MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM FOR 2018 ANNUAL PLAN AND 2018 CAPITAL FUND AND 5 YEAR PLAN Steve Jensen moved to set the public hearing date on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 7:30 AM City Center Main Conference room for 2018 Annual Plan and 2018 Capital Fund and 5 Year Plan. Gary Forcier seconded and the motion carried unanimously. June 20, 2017 Minutes Page I of 2 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR ALLOCATING $1,000 NON-FEDERAL FUNDING CITY CENTER MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT FOR JOINING HUD OPERATING RESERVE LITIGATION Steve Jensen moved to approve allocating $1,000 non-federal funding City Center Miscellaneous account for joining HUD Operating Reserve Litigation. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 7. REVIEW NEED FOR IMPACT APPLICATION OF $120,000 FOR TIF REHAB OWNER MATCH FUNDS Steve Jensen moved to approve the Impact application of $120,000 for TIF Rehab owner match funds. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 8. MID -YEAR PROGRESS REPORT ON SCDP RENTAL REHAB PROGRAM AND OWNER OCCUPIED HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Judy Flemming reviewed the rehab mid -year progress report with the Board. 9. REVIEW OF SAMPLE FUND BALANCE POLICY AND DISCUSSION REGARDING AUDITOR RECOMMENDATION TO USE A PORTION OF CITY CENTER RESERVES Sample from Auditor is more for a City so will work with Auditor to get a HRA oriented policy for a future Board meeting. 10. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED HRA HOME IMRPOVEMENT LOAN PROGRAMS GENERAL CRITERIA FYI until Fund Balance Policy is approved. 11. CITY CENTER DRAFT 2018 HRA BUDGET Steve Jensen moved to approve the City Center draft 2018 HRA Budget. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 12. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF RUSCH STREAMLINED HILP LOAN. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve the Rusch Streamlined HILP loan. Gary Forcier seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 13. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Jean Ward updated the Board on Highfield Apartments. 14. ADJOURNMENT Steve Jensen moved to adjourn and Gary Forcier seconded. There being no other business, Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director orcier, Secretary/Treasurer June 20, 2017 Minutes Page 2 of 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c`=y-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: June 2017 Financial and Investment Reports Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 7/25/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the June Financial Reports for the general fund and enterprise funds. Also attached is the June Investment Report. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: General Fund Taxes Other Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenues Transfers -In Fines & Forfeitures Capital Contributions Ifell r_w N =kTAa,n1*� Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 2017 ACTUALS JUNE YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 2,533,570 2,533,570 4,763,796 2,230,226 53.2 2,280,967 4,581,035 49.8 9,324 82,799 300,000 217,201 27.6 83,628 272,000 30.7 50,574 481,900 283,550 (198,350) 170.0 133,367 271,500 49.1 7,102 79,743 1,423,830 1,344,087 5.6 55,566 1,284,330 4.3 232,724 1,262,706 2,817,291 1,554,585 44.8 1,078,988 2,350,666 45.9 54,090 149,134 339,500 190,366 43.9 122,274 291,300 42.0 - 423,189 2,292,161 1,868,972 18.5 770,825 2,332,404 33.0 3,867 25,673 55,000 29,327 46.7 21,705 55,000 39.5 - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - 2,891,250 5,038,714 12,300,128 7,261,414 41.0 4,547,320 11,463,235 39.7 717,556 3,654,798 8,175,052 4,520,254 44.7 3,388,865 7,595,480 44.6 84,483 368,127 866,545 498,418 42.5 291,705 770,593 37.9 153,436 1,034,736 2,596,456 1,561,720 39.9 1,086,016 2,461,936 44.1 17,678 125,452 552,075 426,623 22.7 128,398 525,226 24.4 - 50,000 100,000 50,000 50.0 49,878 600,000 8.3 320 5,623 10,000 4,378 56.2 3,014 10,000 30.1 973,473 5,238,736 12,300,128 7,061,392 42.6 4,947,875 11,963,235 41.4 1,917,776 (200,022) - 200,022 (400,555) (500,000) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 2017 ACTUALS JUNE General Fund Expense by Department YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Mayor & City Council 2,946 18,314 49,962 31,648 36.7 15,335 44,290 34.6 City Administrator 30,038 192,504 395,266 202,762 48.7 177,575 430,251 41.3 Elections - - 6,850 6,850 - 93 15,950 0.6 Finance Department 21,660 174,213 355,653 181,440 49.0 190,823 361,468 52.8 Motor Vehicle 16,671 100,037 217,890 117,853 45.9 100,458 203,836 49.3 Assessing - - 46,496 46,496 - - 60,911 - Legal 24,726 137,344 294,100 156,756 46.7 126,570 288,193 43.9 Planning 14,073 72,487 151,585 79,098 47.8 48,883 149,972 32.6 Information Services 27,754 233,050 535,168 302,118 43.5 221,966 504,738 44.0 City Hall Building 13,476 81,457 173,368 91,911 47.0 50,024 131,322 38.1 Police Department 251,600 1,474,252 3,216,585 1,742,333 45.8 1,403,613 3,062,565 45.8 Hospital Security 21,790 139,075 296,977 157,902 46.8 128,127 293,886 43.6 Emergency Management 5,923 19,696 10,000 (9,696) 197.0 5,093 12,800 39.8 Safety Committee - 9,896 10,000 104 99.0 8,600 9,500 90.5 Fire Department 19,725 137,080 343,461 206,381 39.9 142,054 306,733 46.3 Protective Inspections 20,831 113,094 236,552 123,458 47.8 111,095 227,556 48.8 Engineering 33,265 200,532 418,877 218,345 47.9 184,668 402,714 45.9 Streets & Alleys 83,096 526,933 1,548,036 1,021,103 34.0 582,667 1,517,341 38.4 Park/Recreation Administration 17,879 120,069 233,898 113,829 51.3 109,111 222,323 49.1 Recreation 10,429 113,645 232,724 119,079 48.8 113,045 234,397 48.2 Senior Citizen Center 9,151 40,297 84,801 44,504 47.5 42,570 83,747 50.8 Civic Arena 19,816 158,584 333,284 174,700 47.6 153,152 323,727 47.3 Park Department 103,875 428,183 879,100 450,917 48.7 403,533 852,751 47.3 Recreation Building & Pool 14,417 77,882 211,726 133,844 36.8 65,448 170,818 38.3 Events Center 19,791 120,469 259,478 139,009 46.4 117,002 243,017 48.1 Evergreen Building 1,899 12,286 26,225 13,939 46.8 10,646 25,450 41.8 Library 45,086 102,673 211,842 109,169 48.5 100,849 206,365 48.9 Waterpark 109,939 141,456 424,753 283,297 33.3 - - - Cemetery 10,218 53,603 132,974 79,371 40.3 55,736 130,785 42.6 Airport 8,257 47,463 103,679 56,216 45.8 41,321 104,635 39.5 Unallocated General Expense 15,143 192,163 858,818 666,655 22.4 237,816 1,341,194 17.7 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 973,473 5,238,736 12,300,128 7,061,392 42.6 4,947,875 11,963,235 41.4 Liquor Fund Sales Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL REVENUES Cost of Sales Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay Depreciation Expense Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 2017 ACTUALS JUNE YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 627,839 2,846,905 6,123,000 3,276,095 46.5 2,788,195 5,868,000 47.5 33 1,184 4,000 2,816 29.6 1,363 3,000 45.4 627,872 2,848,089 6,127,000 3,278,911 46.5 2,789,558 5,871,000 47.5 403,141 2,079,643 4,591,390 2,511,747 45.3 2,115,125 4,398,810 48.1 49,473 282,762 662,377 379,615 42.7 263,083 568,211 46.3 1,273 5,764 24,250 18,486 23.8 5,978 17,400 34.4 15,640 98,618 218,550 119,932 45.1 94,835 198,350 47.8 - 195 5,850 5,655 3.3 200 5,650 3.5 - 500,000 500,000 - - 475,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 80,000 80,000 80,200 - - 127,635 127,635 - - 128,055 - 469,527 2,466,982 6,230,052 3,763,070 39.6 2,479,221 5,891,676 42.1 158,345 381,108 (103,052) (484,160) 310,337 (20,676) Year to Date Sales June Sales Comments 2017 2016 Change Sales Revenue: Liquor 959,704 940,127 2.1% Beer 1,404,004 1,380,171 1.7% Wine 425,156 416,289 2.1% Other 58,042 51,609 12.5% 9.5% 2,846,905 2,788,195 2.1% Customer Count 114,181 112,486 1.5% Average Sale per Customer $ 24.93 $ 24.79 0.6% Gross Margin on Sales 27.0% 25.0% Labor to Sales Ratio 9.9% 10.8% 2017 2016 Change 199,693 185,260 7.8% 338,520 311,185 8.8% 73,375 68,482 7.1% 16,251 14,096 15.3% 627,839 579,023 8.4% 22,996 21,002 9.5% $ 27.30 $ 27.57 -1.0% 24.1% 25.0% 9.4% 9.7% REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 2017 ACTUALS JUNE YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Water Fund Sales 205,893 1,135,715 2,384,950 1,249,235 47.6 1,074,673 2,306,000 46.6 Local Sales Tax 61,412 206,131 625,000 418,869 33.0 160,562 685,000 23.4 Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - - - - - Charges for Services 2,103 40,107 50,000 9,893 80.2 49,999 50,000 100.0 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,868 14,724 92,000 77,276 16.0 11,292 85,000 13.3 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 273,276 1,396,677 3,151,950 1,755,273 44.3 1,296,527 3,126,000 41.5 Wages & Benefits 36,927 212,267 461,635 249,368 46.0 216,922 479,983 45.2 Supplies 10,553 48,073 126,600 78,527 38.0 48,856 122,400 39.9 Services & Charges 47,655 202,441 522,250 319,809 38.8 245,469 507,350 48.4 Miscellaneous Expenses 23 7,345 12,200 4,855 60.2 9,481 13,500 70.2 Transfers -Out - - 60,000 60,000 - - 43,145 - CapitalOutlay 19,127 250,000 230,873 7.7 250,000 Depreciation Expense - 1,205,000 1,205,000 - - 1,150,000 - Debt Service - 194,921 1,481,305 1,286,384 13.2 227,937 1,408,611 16.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95,158 684,174 4,118,990 3,434,816 16.6 748,665 3,974,989 18.8 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 178,118 712,503 (967,040) (1,679,543) 547,862 (848,989) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 Wages & Benefits 45,499 261,107 655,584 394,477 2017 282,209 622,085 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 36.5 JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Sewer Fund Miscellaneous Expenses 169 15,177 32,500 17,323 46.7 25,880 24,500 Sales 265,197 1,676,331 3,330,000 1,653,669 50.3 1,597,407 3,213,000 49.7 Local Sales Tax 61,412 206,131 625,000 418,869 33.0 160,562 685,000 23.4 Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - - - - - Licenses & Permits - 5,100 6,500 1,400 78.5 5,200 7,000 74.3 Charges for Services 645 3,938 3,500 (438) 112.5 1,295 4,000 32.4 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,821 29,703 123,000 93,297 24.1 17,232 117,000 14.7 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 334,075 1,921,203 4,088,000 2,166,797 47.0 1,781,697 4,026,000 44.3 Wages & Benefits 45,499 261,107 655,584 394,477 39.8 282,209 622,085 45.4 Supplies 12,633 71,278 219,650 148,372 32.5 86,264 236,100 36.5 Services & Charges 39,705 359,551 780,450 420,899 46.1 344,682 742,550 46.4 Miscellaneous Expenses 169 15,177 32,500 17,323 46.7 25,880 24,500 105.6 Transfers -Out - - 60,000 60,000 - - 43,145 - CapitalOutlay 5,939 108,923 350,000 241,077 31.1 201,456 350,000 57.6 Depreciation Expense - - 1,623,000 1,623,000 - - 1,530,000 - Debt Service - 442,625 1,460,650 1,018,025 30.3 539,538 1,568,854 34.4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 103,944 1,258,660 5,181,834 3,923,174 24.3 1,480,030 5,117,234 28.9 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 230,131 662,543 (1,093,834) (1,756,377) 301,666 (1,091,234) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 Wages & Benefits 15,114 74,301 188,733 114,432 2017 71,999 190,804 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 23.5 JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Refuse Fund Miscellaneous Expenses - 1,171 5,750 4,579 20.4 1,588 3,750 Sales 98,724 587,512 1,193,300 605,788 49.2 578,614 1,149,500 50.3 Intergovernmental Revenue - 2,633 12,500 9,868 21.1 2,633 12,500 21.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 1,117 4,182 7,000 2,818 59.7 2,796 2,500 111.8 TOTAL REVENUES 99,841 594,327 1,212,800 618,473 49.0 584,043 1,164,500 50.2 Wages & Benefits 15,114 74,301 188,733 114,432 39.4 71,999 190,804 37.7 Supplies 292 17,102 62,400 45,298 27.4 14,680 62,400 23.5 Services & Charges 51,718 292,723 731,550 438,827 40.0 289,128 704,727 41.0 Miscellaneous Expenses - 1,171 5,750 4,579 20.4 1,588 3,750 42.3 Transfers -Out - 805,000 805,000 - - 55,000 - CapitalOutlay 190,374 190,374 36,760 95,000 38.7 Depreciation Expense - 138,000 138,000 - - 124,000 - Debt Service - 23,680 24,261 581 97.6 23,124 24,260 95.3 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 67,124 408,978 2,146,068 1,737,090 19.1 437,279 1,259,941 34.7 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 32,716 185,349 (933,268) (1,118,617) 146,764 (95,441) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 2017 2016 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Compost Fund Sales 213,051 1,682,761 1,991,476 308,715 84.5 1,754,841 1,636,796 107.2 Charges for Services 7,744 8,669 58,500 49,831 14.8 2,950 58,500 5.0 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,395 7,115 7,000 (115) 101.6 30,292 6,000 504.9 TOTAL REVENUES 223,190 1,698,545 2,056,976 358,431 82.6 1,788,083 1,701,296 105.1 Cost of Sales 148,974 1,086,369 1,348,002 261,633 80.6 1,056,515 1,117,265 94.6 Inventory Cost Adjustment (48,601) (210,591) (538,028) (327,437) 39.1 (175,839) (525,746) 33.4 Wages & Benefits 45,045 260,397 582,363 321,966 44.7 255,726 559,899 45.7 Supplies 2,964 32,649 78,626 45,977 41.5 30,006 70,257 42.7 Services & Charges 20,731 113,738 231,004 117,266 49.2 94,704 188,573 50.2 Miscellaneous Expenses 258 3,893 14,000 10,107 27.8 5,599 13,500 41.5 Transfers -Out - - 110,000 110,000 - - 110,000 - CapitalOutlay 623,000 623,000 149,274 150,000 99.5 Depreciation Expense - - 174,000 174,000 - - 134,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 169,370 1,286,455 2,622,967 1,336,512 49.0 1,415,985 1,817,748 77.9 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 53,820 412,090 (565,991) (978,081) 372,098 (116,452) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 Wages & Benefits 20,399 113,985 256,432 142,447 2017 107,077 243,986 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 18.3 JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Storm Water Utility Miscellaneous Expenses - 3,944 11,250 7,306 35.1 5,236 11,250 Sales 74,086 442,504 881,475 438,971 50.2 426,358 855,867 49.8 Licenses & Permits 605 2,520 1,500 (1,020) 168.0 1,185 - - Charges for Services - 560 - (560) - - - - Miscellaneous Revenues 1,128 4,909 7,000 2,091 70.1 5,791 7,000 82.7 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 75,819 450,494 889,975 439,481 50.6 433,335 862,867 50.2 Wages & Benefits 20,399 113,985 256,432 142,447 44.5 107,077 243,986 43.9 Supplies 819 9,971 38,800 28,829 25.7 8,036 43,925 18.3 Services & Charges 5,067 58,143 163,600 105,457 35.5 39,127 164,100 23.8 Miscellaneous Expenses - 3,944 11,250 7,306 35.1 5,236 11,250 46.5 Transfers -Out - - - - - - - CapitalOutlay 15,337 170,000 154,663 9.0 120,000 Depreciation Expense - - 153,000 153,000 - - 133,000 - Debt Service 150 145,900 160,550 9,867 93.5 141,133 150,850 70.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 26,435 347,280 953,632 601,569 36.4 300,609 867,111 34.7 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 49,384 103,214 (63,657) (162,088) 132,725 (4,244) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2017 Wages & Benefits 1,912 11,607 39,495 27,888 2017 24,842 59,470 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 18.6 JUNE YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED HATS Operation Miscellaneous Expenses - - 5,600 5,600 - - 5,171 Intergovernmental Revenue 6,650 80,997 162,280 81,283 49.9 117,677 156,045 75.4 Charges for Services 21,249 105,509 325,000 219,491 32.5 102,368 530,000 19.3 Miscellaneous Revenues 214 797 3,500 2,703 22.8 551 3,150 17.5 Transfers -In - 50,000 100,000 50,000 50.0 49,878 99,755 50.0 TOTAL REVENUES 28,113 237,303 590,780 353,477 40.2 270,474 788,950 34.3 Wages & Benefits 1,912 11,607 39,495 27,888 29.4 24,842 59,470 41.8 Supplies 25,183 111,690 341,650 229,960 32.7 98,210 528,600 18.6 Services & Charges 7,949 61,422 162,000 100,578 37.9 67,103 161,200 41.6 Miscellaneous Expenses - - 5,600 5,600 - - 5,171 - CapitalOutlay - 4,863 42,035 37,172 11.6 - 33,600 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 35,043 189,582 590,780 401,198 32.1 190,155 788,041 24.1 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES (6,930) 47,720 - (47,720) 80,318 909 Comments Charges for Services The main activity in this category is the sale of fuel to City departments, the State, County and Hutchinson Utilities. Supplies The main activity in this category is the cost of fuel for the fueling system. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. PPENIEIME N Broad Street STATEMENT OF New York, NY 10004 (212) 00 ACCOUNT AJc TransactsctsBusiness on All Principal Exchanges News and Information Assets maturing during the next 60 days appear at the end of this statement YOUR INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES We have revised the Investment Objectives options available to you. Please review the Account Verification Profile at the end of this statement to insure the financial goals and risk tolerance for your account are accurate. ADVANTAGE BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM: IMPORTANT REVISIONS Currently, if available cash held in the same right and capacity exceeds the aggregate maximum coverage threshold for that capacity, additional funds are invested in a govemment money market fund (U.S. accounts), or remain in cash (foreign accounts). Beginning in mid-August, amounts in excess of the applicable aggregate maximum program threshold will be deposited into one or more Deposit Banks, but such amounts will not be FDIC -insured. Any uninsured deposits will be clearly delineated on your periodic account statements. Aggregate maximum coverage thresholds may fluctuate over time, but will never be less than $10,000,000 for joint accounts, and $5,000,000 for all other account types. Please review and retain the revised Terms and Conditions of the Advantage Bank Deposit Program which appears at the end of this statement. Kindly read other important messages from Oppenheimer on Page 12 ofthis statement. Portfolio Summary Net Value of Accrued Interest $41,892.73 $48,217.92 Total Asset Value does not include Direct Investments, Accrued Interest or unpriced securities. Eligible for FDIC insurance, not SIPC insured. Cash Activity Summary Ooenina Cash Balance $1.527.05 Net Buy and Sell Transactions This Previous Estimated Net Miscellaneous Credits/Debits Period Period Annual Income Net Advantage Bank Deposit Activity 06/30/17 05/31/17 $1.527.05 Advantage Bank Deposits` $0.00 $964.90 $0.00 Mutual Funds 10,111,412.98 5,082,970.01 71,194.45 GovemmentAgency Bonds 1,893,760.00 2,894,896.00 24,000.00 Municipal Bonds 2,966,845.00 2,974,895.00 70,010.00 Certificates of Deposit 7,803,964.38 7,796,377.07 125,191.00 Cash Account Balance 1,527.05 1,527.05 Total Asset Value $22,777,509.41 $18,751,630.03 $290,395.45 Net Value of Accrued Interest $41,892.73 $48,217.92 Total Asset Value does not include Direct Investments, Accrued Interest or unpriced securities. Eligible for FDIC insurance, not SIPC insured. Cash Activity Summary Ooenina Cash Balance $1.527.05 Net Buy and Sell Transactions -5,027,460.38 Net Funds Deposited or Withdrawn 4,000,000.00 Net Miscellaneous Credits/Debits 999,755.27 Net Income Activity 26,740.21 Net Advantage Bank Deposit Activity 964.90 Closino Cash Balance $1.527.05 Account Number: D25-5019707 Tax ID Number: ON FILE For the Period: 06/01/17 - 06/30/17 Last Statement: 05/31/17 Page 1 of 12 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA III HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-2522 Financial Advisor SULLIVAN/SULLIVAN X2J (800)258-3387 Internet Address: www.opco.com Income Summary Office Serving Your Account 50 SOUTH SIXTH STREET SUITE 1300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Reportable This Period Year to Date Advantage Bank Dep Interest $0.00 $0.18 Corporate Interest 15,445.12 32,185.12 Government Interest 10,312.50 14,812.50 Dividends 982.59 982.59 Total Reportable $26,740.21 $47,980.39 PPEI HEIMF- TOTAL POSITIONS Original Face Value Current Face Value Est Annual Income $13,109,000.00 $13,109,000.00 $226,401.00 PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW Multiple Portfolios report as of 7/3/17 POSITIONS INCLUDED IN PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS Estimated Portfolio Totals Estimated Portfolio Averages Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP, quantity and market price on report date Original Face: the original dollar value at issuance Current Face: the dollar value after the current factor is applied Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and derived calculations on report date. Coupon and Market Price weighted by Current Face Value, all others weighted by Market Value. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 2 of 40 Original Face Value $13,109,000.00 Coupon 1.73% Valid Positions 44 Current Face Value $13,109,000.00 Maturity 3.57 yrs Exceptions 0 Market Value $13,064,017.38 Effective Maturity 2.78 yrs Total Positions 44 Accrued Interest $45,299.78 Modified Duration 2.63 Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP and valid quantity provided Total Market Value $13,109,317.16 Yield to Maturity 2.05 Please see exception report for positions not included in reports. Yield to Worst 1.86% POSITIONS W/ MARKET PRICE Positions 44 of 44 Market Price 99.66 Priced Orig. Face Value $13,109,000.00 Rating Priced Current Face Value $13,109,000.00 a a Priced Positions 44 of 44 Priced Market Principal $13,064,017.38 Average Coupon 1.73% Average Price 99.66 Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP, quantity and market price on report date Original Face: the original dollar value at issuance Current Face: the dollar value after the current factor is applied Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and derived calculations on report date. Coupon and Market Price weighted by Current Face Value, all others weighted by Market Value. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 2 of 40 PPENHEIMEI, PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - CURRENT FACE VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Multiple Portfolios report as of 713117 PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Portfolio Totals Fed Exempt Fed Taxable Current Face Value - $13,109,000 Positions - 44 Accrued Interest - $45,300 Est Annual Income - $226,401 * Portfolio Average 14.5% Avg Coupon Rate - 1.727% Avg Maturity - 3.6yrs * Current Face Value -weighted. For Avo Maturity calculations, Deroetual securities assume 40 Current Face Value -weighted PORTFOLIO RATING SUMMARY RATING DISTRIBUTION HOLDINGS BY SECURITY TYPE Total Positions Face (000) 0/b Face $13,109,000 Agency 3 $1,900.0 14.5% 44 of 44 Asset Backed - - - $45,300 CD 35 $8,209.0 62.6% $226,401 CEF - - - is CMO Corp - - 1.727% Muni 6 $3,000.0 22.9% 3.6yrs Pass Thru - - - Preferred BAA u A Treas - - Total 44 $13,109.0 100.0 Current Face Value -weighted PORTFOLIO RATING SUMMARY RATING DISTRIBUTION **Ratina Positions Face (000) % Face AAA zz AAA 5 $2,900.0 22.1% is AA 4 $2,000.0 15.3% m > AA A u m BAA u A 0 Below BAA - - - v BAA m NR 35 $8,209.0 62.6% m c Below Total 44 $13,109.0 100.0% u BAA v a NR s3 0 10 20 30 40 s0 60 70 ** Best of Short/Long term equivalent Moody's or Standard & Poor's Rating. Current Face Value -weighted. Best of Short/Long term equivalent Moody's or Standard & Poor's Rating. Current Face Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 4 of 40 (7)PPENHEIMEk PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - CURRENT FACE VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Multiple Portfolios report as of 713117 Jan Agency $5,000 CD $5,738 Muni:Non AMT - Muni:Subj AMT - Muni:Taxable - 28 24 20 U 16 Q u. 12 0 8 4 0 MATURITY EXPOSURE 1 -117 1� 1� 1v 14'66 'V1 't�' tip as 10 tib tiVA ti�tip 96999�9a 9�91p 9� 419°J o1x Jai J ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ,60a6p Qy< Current Face Value -weighted. ESTIMATED COUPON CASH FLOW SUMMARY Feb Mar Agr May Jun Jul Aug - - $2,500 $4,500 - $5,000 - $7,177 $13,215 $5,776 $19,159 $15,130 $5,738 $7,177 $13,363 - - $21,643 - - $13,363 Seal Oct Nov Dec Total MATURITY SCHEDULE Year Face (000) % Year Face (000) 2017 $370.0 2.8% 2031 - 2018 $1,713.0 13.1% 2032 - - 2019 $2,262.0 17.3% 2033 - - 2020 $1,970.0 15.0% 2034 - - 2021 $2,380.0 18.2% 2035 - - 2022 $3,174.0 24.2% 2036 - - 2023 - - 2037 - - 2024 $1,000.0 7.6% 2038 - - 2025 $240.0 1.8% 2039 - - 2026 - - 2040 - - 2027 - - 2041+ - - 2028 - - Perpetual - - 2029 2030 Jan Agency $5,000 CD $5,738 Muni:Non AMT - Muni:Subj AMT - Muni:Taxable - 28 24 20 U 16 Q u. 12 0 8 4 0 MATURITY EXPOSURE 1 -117 1� 1� 1v 14'66 'V1 't�' tip as 10 tib tiVA ti�tip 96999�9a 9�91p 9� 419°J o1x Jai J ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ,60a6p Qy< Current Face Value -weighted. ESTIMATED COUPON CASH FLOW SUMMARY Feb Mar Agr May Jun Jul Aug - - $2,500 $4,500 - $5,000 - $7,177 $13,215 $5,776 $19,159 $15,130 $5,738 $7,177 $13,363 - - $21,643 - - $13,363 Seal Oct Nov Dec Total - $2,500 $4,500 - $24,000 $13,215 $5,776 $19,159 $15,130 $132,391 - - $21,643 - $70,010 Total $10,738 $20,540 $13,215 $8,276 $45,301 $15,130 $10,738 $20,540 $13,215 $8,276 $45,301 $15,130 $226,401 Reflects extended cash flow estimates assuming portfolio composition as of report date. Please refer to Definitions for more complete explanation. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 5 of 40 PPENHEIMER PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - MARKET VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Multiple Portfolios report as of 713117 I PORTFOLIO SUMMARY 1 Portfolio Totals Fed Exempt Fed Taxable Total Priced Current Face - $13,109,000 $13,109,000 Positions - 44 44 of 44 Market Value $13,064,017 $13,064,017 Accrued Interest - $45,300 $45,300 Total Market Value - $13,109,317 $13,109,317 Est Annual Income - $226,401 $226,401 Portfolio Averages ** Coupon Rate - 1.727% 1.727% Maturity - 3.6yrs 3.6yrs Effective Maturity 2.8yrs 2.8yrs Modified Duration 2.6 2.6 Yield To Maturity - 2.05% 2.05% Yield To Worst - 1.86% 1.86% ** Market Price - 99.657 99.657 ** Par Verpalue wtd, other avgs Mkt Value wtd. Incl only positions with mkt value & calcs on report date. For petual securities avg calcs, Final Maturity assume 40 yrs, Yield to Maturity uses strip yield. PORTFOLIO RATING SUMMARY AA AAA N R Includes only positions with market value & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. POSITIONS BY SECURITY TYPE 0Agency 14.5% ❑ AAA 21.9% ❑ AA 15.3% ❑ A 0.0% ❑ BAA 0.0% ❑ Below BAA 0.0% ❑ NR 62.8% Total: 100.0% Includes only positions with market value & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. POSITIONS BY SECURITY TYPE 0Agency 14.5% E Asset Backed 0.0% 0 CD 62.8% 0CIF 0.0% 0 CMO 0.0% Corp 0.0% 0 Muni 22.7% Pass Thru 0.0% ■ Preferred 0.0% 0 Treas 0.0% Total: 100.0% Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. 100 90 80 70 ~y 60 F s0 0 40 30 20 10 0 SECURITY FEATURES Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 6 of 40 Ga�`9,o ocG 0+0`0 Ca+9,o Q9�0 iQOwo Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 6 of 40 PPEINHFIMEI1 PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - MARKET VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES MATURITY EXPOSURE 28 24 20 Y 16 12 0 8 4 0 L] r� rg Nr 'lip, Ly rpy rp 1L roy0'"VA rig Lai �° �y �y �n� �p �y �6 �� �g �a� ° yX pa• ,y,,,L6y0,IOVON 0t Q Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. DURATION EXPOSURE 28 24 20 Y 16 i e 12 8 4 0 O�Oti030a0`'060� 0$O° y° ��ytiy3 ya �6y6 �� ya �a y°yti y3 Va�6 y6�A IV, q x vo Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. Multiple Portfolios report as of 713117 Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 7 of 40 PORTFOLIO EXPOSURE MaturitV Effective Maturity Duration to Worst Average: 3.57yrs Average: 2.78yrs Average: 2.63 Year $ Mkt %Mkt $ Mkt % Mkt Year $ Mkt % Mkt 2017 $371,023 2.8% $1,514,251 11.6% 00-01 $3,232,921 24.7% 2018 $1,713,651 13.1% $2,704,481 20.6% 01-02 $1,940,641 14.8% 2019 $2,281,159 17.4% $2,281,159 17.4% 02-03 $3,311,880 25.3% 2020 $1,968,552 15.0% $2,715,596 20.7% 03-04 $1,454,532 11.1% 2021 $2,366,555 18.1% $724,488 5.5% 04-05 $2,174,515 16.6% 2022 $3,170,102 24.2% $2,174,515 16.6% 05-06 - 2023 - - - 06-07 $994,828 7.6% 2024 $994,828 7.6% $994,828 7.6% 07-08 - 2025 $243,447 1.9% - - 08-09 - 2026 - - - 09-10 - 2027 - - - 10-11 - 2028 - - - 11-12 - 2029 - - - 12-13 - 2030 - - - 13-14 - 2031 - - - 14-15 - 2032 - - - 15-16 - 2033 - - - 16-17 - 2034 - - - 17-18 - 2035 - - - 18-19 - 2036 - - - 19-20 - 2037 - - - 20-21 - 2038 - , - - 21-22 - 2039 - - - 22-23 - 2040 - - - 23-24 - 2041+ - - - 24-25 - Perpet - ` - - 25-26 - 26-27 27-28 28-29 30+ - Avg life used in Effective Maturity for principal pay -downs. Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. For Avg Maturity calculations, perpetual securities assume 40 yrs. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 7 of 40 (-jPPENHEIMER PORTFOLIO POSITION DETAIL Multiple Portfolios report as of 7/3/17 Page 1 of 2 A Type St Qty Cp ity Mdy S&P % Mkt Duration Acq Cost Acq Yid $ Acq Cost Mkt Price Accrued Int Security Description CUSIP Insurer Convexity Acq Date Mkt Yid $ Adj Cost Mkt $ Value Unreal Gn/Ls GE CAPITAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY, UT B CD 130 1.750 08/03/17 NR NR 1.00% 0.07 $100.00 1.742 $130,000 100.07 $960 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 36161TDH5 0.00 05/09/17 0.757 $130,000 $130,095 $95 SUN NATL BK VINELAND NJ B CD 240 1.000 10/03/17 NR NR 1.84% 0.24 $100.00 1.000 $240,000 99.98 $26 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 86682ABV2 0.00 05/09/17 1.100 $240,000 $239,942 ($58) ALLY BK MIDVALE UTAH B CD 248 1.250 02/26/18 NR NR 1.90% 0.63 $100.00 1.249 $248,000 100.12 $1,113 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 02006LNY5 0.01 05/09/17 1.059 $248,000 $248,300 $300 BANK NORTH CAROLINA THOMASVILLE N B CD 245 1.000 02/27/18 NR NR 1.87% 0.64 $100.00 1.000 $245,000 99.89 $67 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 06414QXX2 0.01 05/09/17 1.168 $245,000 $244,735 ($265) MERRICK BK SOUTH JORDAN UTAH B CD 245 0.900 05/10/18 NR NR 1.87% 0.84 $100.00 0.900 $245,000 99.87 $163 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 59013JNV7 0.01 05/09/17 1.059 $245,000 $244,674 ($326) KEY BK NATL ASSN OHIO B CD 245 1.000 05/11/18 NR NR 1.87% 0.84 $100.00 1.000 $245,000 99.86 $383 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 49306SWN2 0.01 05/09/17 1.162 $245,000 $244,667 ($333) CONNECTONE BANK B CD 245 1.000 05/14/18 NR NR 1.87% 0.85 $100.00 1.000 $245,000 99.86 $161 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 20786ABM6 0.01 05/09/17 1.164 $245,000 $244,659 ($341) BANK LEUMI USA NEW YORK N Y B CD 245 1.250 06/22/18 NR NR 1.87% 0.95 $100.00 1.249 $245,000 99.91 $126 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 063248GE2 0.01 05/09/17 1.342 $245,000 $244,784 ($216) ENERBANK USA SALT LAKE CITY UTAH B CD 240 1.350 10/04/18 NR NR 1.84% 1.23 $100.00 1.350 $240,000 99.91 $27 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 29266NVE4 0.02 05/09/17 1.421 $240,000 $239,791 ($209) MAIN STIR BK CORP WHEELING WV B CD 245 1.450 02/14/19 NR NR 1.87% 1.59 $100.00 1.450 $245,000 99.89 $214 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 56034WAP6 0.03 05/09/17 1.518 $245,000 $244,735 ($265) WORLDS FOREMOST BK SYDNEY NEB A CD 200 1.300 05/28/19 NR NR 1.52% 1.87 $100.00 1.300 $200,000 99.23 $78 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 981571 CM2 0.04 05/26/16 1.716 $200,000 $198,452 ($1,548) RIVERSIDE CALIF CMNTY COLLEGEDIST B Muni -Taxable CA 500 2.345 08/01/19 Aa2 AA 3.88% 1.99 $100.75 2.000 $503,730 101.25 $5,081 TAXABLE -Material Events 76886PFA6 0.05 05/09/17 1.724 $503,470 $506,270 $2,800 AMERICAN EXPRESS FSB B CD 247 2.150 11/13/19 NR NR 1.91% 2.28 $100.00 2.150 $247,000 101.09 $800 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 02587CCR9 0.06 05/09/17 1.677 $247,000 $249,680 $2,680 CIT BK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH B CD 240 2.100 11/13/19 NR NR 1.85% 2.28 $100.00 2.100 $240,000 100.97 $759 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 17284C3N2 0.06 05/09/17 1.678 $240,000 $242,326 $2,326 BMW BANK OF NORTH AMERICA - UT B CD 245 1.550 12/16/19 NR NR 1.87% 2.39 $100.00 1.550 $245,000 99.64 $239 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 05580AFT6 0.07 05/09/17 1.700 $245,000 $244,123 ($877) TBK BK SSB DALLAS TEX B CD 245 1.600 12/16/19 NR NR 1.87% 2.39 $100.00 1.596 $245,000 99.76 $247 Callable 09/17@100 - Conditional Puts - Dea 87219RBC7 0.06 05/09/17 1.699 $244,993 $244,422 ($571) BARCLAYS BANK DELAWARE B CD 240 2.050 12/17/19 NR NR 1.85% 2.38 $100.00 2.049 $240,000 100.94 $270 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 06740KJC2 0.07 05/09/17 1.655 $240,000 $242,263 $2,263 AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURION BANK B CD 100 2.150 12/18/19 NR NR 0.77% 2.38 $100.00 2.149 $100,000 101.09 $112 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 02587DXB9 0.07 05/09/17 1.695 $100,000 $101,087 $1,087 SALLIE MAE BK SALT LAKE CITY UT B CD 245 1.750 03/09/20 NR NR 1.88% 2.59 $100.00 1.749 $245,000 100.03 $1,421 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 795450ZT5 0.08 05/09/17 1.739 $245,000 $245,069 $69 MASSACH USETTS ST GO BDS BMuni-Taxable MA 500 2.090 05/01/20 Aa1 AA 3.85% 2.72 $100.00 2.090 $499,995 100.60 $1,916 TAXABLE -Material Events 57582P2T6 0.09 05/09/17 1.871 $499,995 $502,990 $2,995 MB FINL BK N A CHICAGO ILL B CD 245 1.300 05/11/20 NR NR 1.86% 2.79 $100.00 1.300 $245,000 99.41 $227 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 55266CRK4 0.08 05/09/17 1.511 $245,000 $243,562 ($1,438) CENTENNIAL BK CONWAY ARK B CD 245 1.300 05/20/20 NR NR 1.86% 2.81 $100.00 1.300 $245,000 99.26 $148 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 15135KBA8 0.08 05/09/17 1.566 $245,000 $243,175 $1 825 Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 36 of 40 Multiple Portfolios POSITION DETAIL as of 07/03/2017 Page 2 of 2 Security Description A Type C CUSIP St Qty Cpn Maturity Mdy S&P % Mkt Insurer Duration Convexity Acq Cost Acq Date Acq Yid Mkt Yid $ Acq Cost $ Adj Cost Mkt Price Mkt $ Value Accrued Int Unreal Gn/Ls CAPITAL ONE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION B CD 245 1.400 09/21/20 NR NR 1.84% 3.11 $100.00 1.400 $245,000 98.22 $1,015 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 14042RCA7 0.11 05/09/17 1.975 $245,000 $240,629 ($4,371) FIRST BUSINESS BK MADISON WIS B CD 245 1.400 11/13/20 NR NR 1.85% 3.25 $100.00 1.400 $245,000 98.51 $517 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 31938QR89 0.12 05/09/17 1.860 $245,000 $241,350 ($3,651) CAPITAL ONE BK USA NATL ASSN GLEN B CD 245 2.050 12/29/20 NR NR 1.89% 3.34 $100.00 2.049 $245,000 100.58 $110 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 14042OS43 0.13 05/09/17 1.877 $245,000 $246,423 $1,423 COM ENITY CAP BK SALT LAKE CITY UTA B CD 245 1.600 06/07/21 NR NR 1.85% 3.79 $100.00 1.600 $245,000 98.67 $11 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 20033AQP4 0.15 05/09/17 1.954 $245,000 $241,732 ($3,268) COMMUNITY BK PASADENA CALIF B CD 245 1.550 06/15/21 NR NR 1.85% 3.81 $100.00 1.550 $245,000 98.64 $229 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 203507BA5 0.15 05/09/17 1.907 $245,000 $241,678 ($3,322) EAST BOSTON SVGS BK BOSTON MA B CD 245 1.500 06/23/21 NR NR 1.84% 3.82 $100.00 1.500 $245,000 98.24 $141 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 27113PBEO 0.17 05/09/17 1.962 $245,000 $240,698 ($4,302) FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP B Agency 500 1.000 10/28/21 Aaa AA- 3.81% 1.29 $100.00 1.000 $500,000 99.58 $931 Callable 07/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3134GASK1 0.02 05/09/17 1.702 $500,000 $497,910 ($2,090) FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP B Agency 900 1.000 11/19/21 Aaa AA+ 6.86% 0.37 $99.90 1.190 $899,100 99.63 $1,150 Callable 08/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3136G2SA6 0.00 05/09/17 1.999 $899,100 $896,670 ($2,430) MIZRAHI TEFAHOT BANK, LTD B CD 245 1.250 11/30/21 NR NR 1.88% 0.15 $100.00 1.247 $245,000 100.04 $319 Callable 08/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon - Co 606857Q78 0.00 05/09/17 1.005 $245,000 $245,088 $88 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP B Agency 500 2.000 01/26/22 Aaa AA+ 3.82% 2.46 $100.00 1.989 $500,000 99.84 $4,417 Callable 07/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3134GAL28 0.07 05/09/17 2.163 $500,000 $499,180 ($820) STATE BK INDIA NEW YORK N Y B CD 247 2.350 01/26/22 NR NR 1.91% 4.26 $100.00 2.349 $247,000 100.92 $2,576 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 8562845Z3 0.21 05/09/17 2.137 $247,000 $249,267 $2,267 GOLDMAN SACHS BK USA NEW YORK B CD 247 2.300 03/08/22 NR NR 1.90% 4.38 $100.00 2.299 $247,000 100.57 $1,883 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 38148PGX9 0.22 05/09/17 2.171 $246,984 $248,400 $1,417 COMENITY BK WILMINGTON DE A CD 200 2.300 03/29/22 NR NR 1.54% 4.47 $100.00 2.300 $200,000 100.50 $101 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 20036DXN2 0.21 03/29/17 2.189 $200,000 $200,996 $996 SYNCHRONY BK RETAIL CTF DEP PROGR B CD 245 2.400 04/07/22 NR NR 1.89% 4.45 $100.00 2.400 $245,000 100.91 $1,466 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 87164XPZ3 0.23 05/09/17 2.196 $245,000 $247,239 $2,239 MARYSVILLE MICH PUB SCHS DIST GO U B Muni -Taxable MI 500 2.317 05/01/22 Aa1 3.76% 4.50 $98.85 2.565 $494,230 98.20 $2,124 TAXABLE -Material Events 574446GV6 0.23 05/09/17 2.718 $494,230 $491,000 ($3,230) NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN A B Muni -Taxable NY 500 1.650 05/01/22 Aa1 AAA 3.68% 4.57 $99.43 1.771 $497,125 96.13 $1,513 Make Whole Call Only - Make Whole Call Exp 64971 WJ35 0.24 05/09/17 2.508 $497,125 $480,640 ($16,485) JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA B CD 245 1.250 05/31/22 NR NR 1.87% 0.89 $100.00 1.243 $245,000 99.81 $310 Callable 11/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon - Co 48125Y21_7 0.01 05/09/17 1.466 $245,000 $244,527 ($473) DISCOVER BK GREENWOOD DEL B CD 245 2.450 11/18/22 NR NR 1.89% 4.99 $100.00 2.450 $245,000 100.61 $822 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 254672WU8 0.28 05/09/17 2.329 $245,000 $246,487 $1,487 WELLS FARGO BANK NA 84 MO B CD 245 1.650 11/23/22 NR NR 1.89% 1.36 $100.00 1.650 $245,000 100.68 $498 Callable 11/18@100 - Multi -Step Coupon -Co 94986TWE3 0.03 05/09/17 1.155 $245,000 $246,654 $1,654 COMMERCE CALIF CMNTY DEV COMMN S B Muni -Taxable CA 500 3.000 08/01/24 AA 3.80% 6.24 $105.32 2.200 $526,595 99.17 $6,500 DID - TAXABLE - Material Events -AGMC, in 20056UAV6 AGMC 0.45 05/09/17 3.131 $526,040 $495,855 ($30,185) NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN A B Muni -Taxable NY 500 2.600 11/01/24 Aa1 AAA 3.75% 6.58 $97.35 2.998 $486,750 98.02 $2,383 Callable 11/22@100 -TAXABLE -Material Ev 64971QJ38 0.49 05/09/17 2.902 $486,750 $490,090 $3,340 HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO B CD 240 2.250 03/11/25 NR NR 1.85% 2.57 $100.00 2.249 $240,000 100.71 $1,746 Callable 03/20@100 - Multi -Step Coupon - Co 40434ASB6 0.08 05/09/17 1.976 $240,000 $241,702 $1,702 'See glossary for ACCT legend Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 37 of 40 Planning, Zoning and Building Dept. Monthly Report 2nd Quarter 2017 Building Department Permit Activities A Commercial New $1,623,003; 1100 Hwy 15 S (Caribou/Einstein shell) - $300,723; 1380 Monteal St SE (CenBank) - B $467,133; 1100 Hwy 15 S (Caribou/Einstein buildout) - $275,000 Commercial/Ind. Remodel 1250 Hwy 15 S (South Point Financial) - $990,000; 100 Glen St SW (Park Elementary) ADA upgrades - $501,418; 905Adams St SE (31VI) reroof- $501,300; 2 Franklin St SW (Hutch Dental) addition - $473,573 C New Single Family 803 Texas Ct NW - $136,883; 395 Ottawa Ave SE - $181,993; 1860 Island View Cir SW - $141,036; 820 Willow Dr SW - $180,074; 429 Grant Ave SE - $164,871; 815 Willow Dr SW - $208,940; 1531 9th Ave SW - $203,896; 390 Ottawa Ave SE - $238,546; 15719th Ave SW - $245,949; 121 Summerset Ln SE - $157,713 Other Building Inspection Activities April 13 - CenBank One -Stop -Shop Evergreen Meals served April - June Week of 2nd Qtr. 2016 2nd Qtr. 2017 2016 Year to Date 2017 Year to Date Total Number Inspections Stewart 345 964 235 166 337 342 Total Number Plan Review week 52 66 154 26 236 19 Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial (new) 0 $0.00 5 $4,342,059.0CIA 353 $0.00 6 $7,310,749.00 Commercial ( additions/remodels) 18 $438,346.00 27 $3,584,866.00 B 26 $566,052.00 34 $41,155,872.00 Total Commercial 18 $438,346.00 32 $7,926,925.00 26 $566,052.00 40 $48,466,621.00 Industrial (new) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Industrial (additions/remodels) 0 $0.00 5 $622,767.00 0 $0.00 5 $622,767.00 Total Industrial 0 $0.00 5 $622,767.00 0 $0.00 5 $622,767.00 Fire Sprinkling 0 $0.00 9 $53,114.00 1 $950.00 12 $61,160.00 New Residential 6 $1,244,318.00 10 $1,859,901.00 6 $1,244,318.00 12 $2,257,284.00 Residential mist (additions/remodels) 39 $167,531.00 42 $391,657.00 58 $395,323.00 59 $458,747.00 Set Fee permits (reside, reroof, window) 184 897 2251 956 HRA Permits 1 $0.00 2 $30,000.00 1 $0.00 4 $60,600.00 Waived Fees 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Subtotal Building Permits 248 $1,850,195.00 997 $10,884,364.00 317 $2,206,643.00 1088 $51,927,179.00 Mechanical 47 $122,416.00 54 $392,032.00 84 $217,638.00 97 $5,187,095.00 HRA Mechanical 1 $900.00 1 $0.00 3 $900.00 1 Plumbing 26 $0.00 32 $0.00 33 53 HRA Plumbing 1 $0.00 01$0.00 1 1 Total Valuation 323 $1,973,511.00 1084 $11,276,396.00 438 $2,425,181.00 12401$57,114,274.00 *Set fees not included in valuation A Commercial New $1,623,003; 1100 Hwy 15 S (Caribou/Einstein shell) - $300,723; 1380 Monteal St SE (CenBank) - B $467,133; 1100 Hwy 15 S (Caribou/Einstein buildout) - $275,000 Commercial/Ind. Remodel 1250 Hwy 15 S (South Point Financial) - $990,000; 100 Glen St SW (Park Elementary) ADA upgrades - $501,418; 905Adams St SE (31VI) reroof- $501,300; 2 Franklin St SW (Hutch Dental) addition - $473,573 C New Single Family 803 Texas Ct NW - $136,883; 395 Ottawa Ave SE - $181,993; 1860 Island View Cir SW - $141,036; 820 Willow Dr SW - $180,074; 429 Grant Ave SE - $164,871; 815 Willow Dr SW - $208,940; 1531 9th Ave SW - $203,896; 390 Ottawa Ave SE - $238,546; 15719th Ave SW - $245,949; 121 Summerset Ln SE - $157,713 Other Building Inspection Activities April 13 - CenBank One -Stop -Shop Evergreen Meals served April - June Week of Hutchinson Park Towers Silver Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart week 605 235 70 337 156 187 week 1004 331 154 396 236 346 week 743 299 186 622 141 221 week 838 353 106 533 138 193 week 5 479 183 53 203 78 95 3669 1401 569 2091 749 1042 Total Meals served April -June 9521 Dates Closed April 14, Good Friday; May 29, Memorial Day; Planning and Zoning Quarterly Activities Year: 2nd Quarter, 2017 Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and 10 Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Processed and Site Plan for a multi -unit townhome development in an R-4 zoning district located at 875 Century Ave SW; Consideration of a Preliminary and Final Plat for Shimpa Addition located at 937 Lewis Ave SW and 235 Lake St SW; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a school in an R-2 zoning district located at 950 School Rd SW; Consideration of a Variance to reduce side and rear setback from 6 feet to 3 feet to construct new detached garage on existing site located at 436 Hassan St SE; Consideration of a Variance to reduce the corner side setback from25 feet to 11.4 feet to rebuild a detached garage located at 605 Lynn Rd SW; Consideration of a Preliminary/Final Plat and a Conditional Use Permit to construct a new building and an addition to the existing building located at 579 2nd Ave SE Number of Joint Planning Board Applications 9 Consideration of a Conditional Use Reviewed and Processed Permit for accessory building larger than 2,400 square feet on a property less than 10 acres in size located at 17258 Vale Ave Section 10 Lynn Township; Consideration of a Preliminary Plat located at Cotter Second Addition Section 15 Lynn Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for farm related business (parking and hay auction) located at 20500 Hwy 15 S Section 30 Hutchinson Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for home occupation/landscaping business in a building larger than 2000 square feet and employing non-resident employees located at 20712 Hwy 15 S Section 30 Hutchinson Township; Consideration to Re -zone property from agricultural to commercial located at 20404 Hwy 15 S Section 30 Hutchinson Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to expand the existing cemetery located at 17787 2401h St Section 26 Acoma Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a 30' x 38' accessory structure in front of house line located at 20449 Koglin Rd, Section 26, Acoma Twnshp; Consideration of a Variance for feedlot less than '/4 mile from neighboring ro ert located at 21416 Hwy 15 N, Section 19, Hutchinson Twnshp; Consideration of a Final Plat located at Maurer Heights, Section 15, Lynn Twnsh Number of Planning Commission Meetings 2 Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Mural in the Main Street Area District located at 105 Washington Ave E; Consideration of a Site Plan Review for CenBank located at 1380 Montreal St SE; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan for a multi -unit townhome development in an R-4 zoning district located at 875 Century Ave SW; Consideration of a Preliminary and Final Plat for Shimpa Addition located at 937 Lewis Ave SW and 235 Lake St SW; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a school in an R-2 zoning district located at 950 School Rd SW. Number of Joint Planning Meetings 3 Sketch plan review - Section 15, Lynn Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for accessory building larger than 2,400 square feet on a property less than 10 acres in size located at 17258 Vale Ave Section 10 Lynn Township; Consideration of a Preliminary Plat located at Cotter Second Addition Section 15 Lynn Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for farm related business (parking and hay auction) located at 20500 Hwy 15 S Section 30 Hutchinson Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for home occupation/landscaping business in a building larger than 2000 square feet and employing non-resident employees located at 20712 Hwy 15 S Section 30 Hutchinson Township; Consideration to Re -zone property from agricultural to commercial located at 20404 Hwy 15 S Section 30 Hutchinson Township; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to expand the existing cemetery located at 17787 2401h St Section 26 Acoma Township Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits 42 (Compliance with Zoning Code Number of Land Use Permits Issued - (Fences, 51 small sheds, patios, driveways, detached decks, etc.) Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 27 Number of Predevelopment/Pre Application 6 Shimpa Plat, CenBank One Stop Meetings Shop, Sale Barn Redevelopment, Lvonne Hanson, Cenex, Creekside Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 59 City Council — 5 PBZ Staff Mtg - 6 Directors Mtg - 5 Public Arts - 2 Resource Allocation Mtg - 3 Facility Update - 3 Christy Christensen — 3 Rob Shimpa Rolling Meadows Wayfinding Signs Menards CenBank - 2 Planning Staff Mtg - 2 Lvonne Hanson Bill Arndt Verizon Cell Tower Kon Sorenson Butch Hausladen (JPB) Mary Christenson City Council Members Planning Staff Mtg Planning Conference NY Buske Storm Damage Mtg Aquatic Center Facilities Master Plan Mtg Hasslen Robert Hantge — Hunters cul-de-sac Council Workshop — facilities plan Misty Uecker Dean Brehmer (Cenex) Planning Workshop — Minnetonka DNR Council/EDA Land Use Seminar — St. Louis Park Joint Planning Staff Mid Country Bank Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases 9 School Rd, Hwy 15 S Number of Walk -In Customers Served 1291 Site Visits 17 Highfield, CenBank, Sales Barn, Rolling Meadows, High School, Menards, Storm Damage, Aquatic Center, Caribou, Doug McGraw