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I Hutchinson City Center I l i Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350-2522 Phone 320-587-515 1, Fax 320-234-4240 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A SPECIAL, MEETING Monday, .lune 26, 2017 7:30 a.m. Hutchinson City Center Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson City Council has called a special meeting for Monday. June 26, 2017, at 7:30 a.m. at the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota, for the following purpose: 1. Joint Meeting with I lutchinson Utilities Commission to Discuss- III WT I)ATED: June 21. 2017 POSTED-, City Center Matthew nick, City Adminis for Hutchinson City Center 1 ! I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350-2522 Phone 320-587-5151. Fax 320-234-4240 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday. June 27, 2017 11:30 a.m. I lz.ttchinson City Center Notice is nerchy given that the Hutchinson City Council Ms called a special meeting for ]'L1Csday_ June 27, 2017. at 11:30 a.m. at the Iutchinson City Center, 1 11 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota, for the following purpose: i. Joint :Meeting "ith Economic Development Authority Matthe aunieh, City A inistratar DATED: June 21. 2017 POSTED: City Center HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Recognition of City Awards PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals.) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of June 13, 2017 (b) Council Workshop of June 13, 2017 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedJor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Construction/Installation of Equipment Box onto 2017 Ram 5500 Truck (b) Consideration for Approval of Authorizing Crow River Winery to Dispense Wine at Arts & Crafts Festival (c) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14732 - Traffic Control Devices (Double Stop Sign at Intersection of Edmonton Avenue SE and Montreal Street SE) (d) Consideration for Approval of Change Order No. 1 — Letting No. 2, Project No. 17-02 (School Road & Roberts Road Reconstruction) (e) Appointment of Nikki Willemssen to Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board to August 2020 (Filling Pat Lembcke's Term) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 27, 2017 (f) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 9. CONSIDERATION OF COMMENTS AND INPUT ON THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose o t is portion oj the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 17-773 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 11. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 17-774 — AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY -OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO ERIC WANGEN (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 12. APPROVE/DENY SALE OF MUNICIPALLY -OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO MIDCOUNTRY BANK (a) Ordinance No. 17-775 — An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Municipally -Owned Land to MidCountry Bank (Second Reading and Adoption) (b) Purchase Agreement with MidCountry Bank NEW BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY DEVELOPMENT OF DOG PARK 14. APPROVE/DENY PURCHASE OF TWO DEHUMIDIFYING UNITS FOR BURICH ARENA 15. APPROVE/DENY LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR DAKOTA TRAIL MAINTENANCE 16. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14733 - RESOLUTION APPROVING AIRPORT MAINTENANCE GRANT GOVERNANCE (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 17. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS �a) Public Library Board Minutes from April 24, 2017 b) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from May 16, 2017 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 27, 2017 (c) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for May 2017 MISCELLANEOUS 18. STAFF UPDATES 19. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, input from constituents, and other questions or information that has notyet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, John Lofdahl, Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that under Item 7(f), the School Road/Roberts Road change order can be removed. That was included on the agenda erroneously. Mr. Jaunich also noted he will be adding Agenda Item 18.5 — Requests from Public Arts Commission. Motion by Czmowski, second by Lofdahl, to approve agenda with the additions and corrections noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 14725 — Resolution Approving Cash Donations Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14725. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speak for more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals.) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of May 23, 2017 (b) Council Workshop of May 23, 2017 Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2017 (a) Consideration for Approval of Closing 1st Avenue Southeast on June 21, 2017, beginning at 4:00 p.m. for Riverside Church Event (b) Consideration of Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability (c) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to McLeod County Voiture 414 on November 21, 2017, at VFW Post 906 (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14720 — Resolution Supporting the Abolishment of the Trunk Highway 15 Coalition (e) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14731 - Resolution Approving State of Minnesota and City of Hutchinson Master Partnership Contract (f) Consideration for Approval of Improvement Project Change Orders 1. Change Order No. 1 — Letting No. 8, Project No. 17-08 (Wastewater Treatment Facility Membrane Cassettes Replacements) (g) Consideration for Approval of Items for city Alley 936 Improvements (Letting No. 13, Project No. 17-13) 1. Resolution No. 14727 - Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement 2. Resolution No. 14728 - Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement (h) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A Motion by Cook, second by Czmowski, to approve Consent Agenda L Motion carried unanimously. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, with Forcier and Czmowski abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda II. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 9. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 17-773 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR JUNE 27, 2017) John Paulson, Environmental Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson explained that the City is permitted to discharge in accordance with requirements of the MPCA's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit. The requirements of this permit include specific ordinance language that must meet or exceed the MS4 requirements. Revisions are needed to Chapter 54 of the City's code to continue to meet the requirements of the MS4 permit. The changes will be related to post -construction storm water treatment requirements that requires TSS and Phosphorus treatment for construction related to redevelopment. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to open the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. No public comments were received. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2017 Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to waive first reading and set second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 17-773 for June 27, 2017. Motion carried unanimously. 10. CITY PARKING LOT I IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 12, PROJECT NO. 17-12) (a) Resolution No. 14729 - Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications (b) Resolution No. 14730 - Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that City staff is working with MidCountry Bank's design consultants and will be hopefully finalizing their drive thru project design and delivery approach/schedule in the near future. Mr. Exner presented the identified improvements to City Parking Lot I and the adjacent alley that are necessary to accommodate their proposed bank drive-thru facility. Infrastructure maintenance funds and/or the $57,000 proceeds from the property transaction will be used for this project. A short developer's agreement will be drafted with MidCountry Bank for this project. Mr. Exner also noted that a discussion will need to be held regarding assessments for parking lot improvements. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to open the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. No public comments were received. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously Mr. Exner noted no formal bid opening will be held but quotes will be before the Council for approval. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution Nos. 14729 and 14730. Council Member Cook asked if any business owners located along the alley have provided any recent feedback. Mr. Exner noted that no negative feedback has been received regarding the most recent plan. Motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose of this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) 11. DISCUSSION OF MAINTENANCE OF DAKOTA COUNTY TRAIL Council Member Cook noted that he is a member of the county trail committee and the committee is currently in the process of meetings to make a recommendation to the county board for another grant application and the scope of what that might be. The application will be due by the end of July. In the past, the City of Hutchinson has expressed an interest in assisting in maintaining the Dakota County Trail that lies within the city limits. During prior committee meetings, a few people have wondered if the City of Hutchinson would be willing to extend their maintenance efforts of the trail outside of the city limits. As a way to promote partnership in the project, Council Member Cook asked the Council and staff if the City is willing to make the commitment to maintaining the trail to Hwy 22 as long as it is paved. This would be a total maintenance commitment of approximately two miles, with 1.25 miles being outside city limits. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2017 The Council was in agreement with this and a formal consideration will be placed on the next agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 14. APPROVE/DENY HOSTED WIFI SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NEW ULM TELECOM, INC. Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, explained that in late 2015, Nu -Telecom approached the City of Hutchinson about putting up Wi-Fi antennas in Library Square. Due to some technical difficulties, it wasn't feasible at the time. However, in 2016 Nu -Telecom placed Wi-Fi antennas at the Dave Mooney Baseball Complex for the state amateur baseball tournament which went well and was well received. Therefore, the City and Nu -Telecom had further discussions at the end of last year about deploying Wi-Fi in other public areas throughout the city and the proposed agreement was arrived at. Initial deployment will take place at Burich Arena, Rec Center/Aquatic Center, Roberts Park, VMF Field/Park, Campground/Masonic West River Park, Depot/Farmer's Market, Event Center, Airport and Library Square. Potential additional locations may be added at a later time. The responsibility of the equipment is that of Nu -Telecom. The agreement offers flexibility for public use for the City to consider changes in the future if the City feels it is being abused. Kathy Lund and Tim Elliot, Nu -Telecom, appeared before the Council. Mayor Forcier asked what the coverage area is. Mr. Elliot noted that typically the coverage is 100-200 feet from where the radio is placed. Motion by Cook, second by Forcier, with Czmowski abstaining, to approve hosted wife services agreement with New Ulm Telecom Inc. Motion carried unanimously. 12. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 17-774 — AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY -OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO ERIC WANGEN (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR JUNE 27, 2017) Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that in 2006 when Hwy 7 was reconstructed, the City acquired several remnant parcels along Hwy 7. Following the project, it was realized that a stray parcel existed that was not necessarily owned by anyone but rather the Prochnow heirs had last title to it. In order to clean up title to the property and to establish the City's right to ownership of the property, the Council authorized a quiet title lawsuit against potential claimants. That litigation is coming to an end and the only person to respond to the summons and complaint in the matter was the landowner along the northern boundary of the property, Eric Wangen. As noted previously, development of theparcel is maturing, and coincidentally, the court action is resolving. As part of the site development for the hotel, it has been determined that construction of the retaining wall in order to meet proper engineering standards will require more land than the City has available to it on the northwestern corner of the site to be developed near Prospect Street. In order to do this, an easement must be obtained from Eric Wangen on the property he already owns on Prospect Street. Mr. Wangen and the City have reached an agreement whereby he would give the City an easement for $2000 for the construction and maintenance .19 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2017 of a retaining wall to service the hotel development. With regard to the legal action, the land that the City is obtaining through the legal action is more land than the City needs to construct the retaining wall in that area. In order to resolve the legal action, and in consideration of the easement that Mr. Wangen is giving the City for the construction of the wall on his own property, the City has agreed to convey the northerly 10 feet of the parcel of land that was part of the legal action to Mr. Wangen. There would be a 20 -foot wide strip of land reserved to the City as part of this conveyance as an easement, again to facilitate the construction and maintenance of the retaining wall. The Hutchinson City Charter requires that any conveyance of city -owned land be done by ordinance. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to waive first reading and set second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 17-774 for June 27, 2017. Motion carried unanimously. 13. APPROVE/DENY ORDINANCE NO. 17-775 — AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY -OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO MIDCOUNTRY BANK (FIRST READING, SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR JUNE 27, 2017) Mr. Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that in 2015, the City purchased the southern portion of the parking lot behind MidCountry Bank. As part of that transaction, the purchase agreement contained an option for MidCountry Bank to purchase the northernmost 46.3 feet of the parking lot from the City within five years. MidCountry Bank has decided to exercise that o tion for their drive thru project. The purchase agreement will be on the next agenda for consideration. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Czmowski, to waive first reading and set second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 17-775 for June 27, 2017. Motion carried unanimously. 15. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14726 - RESOLUTON UPDATING AIRPORT ZONING John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson stated that since 1984, the City has operated under the same ordinance pertaining to airport zoning. The proposed project is to update the 1984 municipal airport zoning ordinance based on results of the 2015 Airport Master Plan. The 1984 airport zoning ordinance protects for the existing 4000 -foot runway, but it does NOT protect for the proposed crosswind runway included in the Master Plan and most recent Airport Layout Plan. Mr. Olson noted that a State FY2017 grant is available for planning/zoning purposes. Therefore, this project is contingent upon receiving a State FY2017 MnDOT Aeronautics grant to update the airport zoning ordinance. The project would be funded 80% with a MnDOT Aeronautics grant with 20% of local funds. Motion by Cook, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14726. Motion carried unanimously. 16. APPROVE/DENY SETTING SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR JUNE 26, 2017, AT 7:30 A.M. FOR PILOT DISCUSSION Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to set special Council workshop for June 26, 2017, at 7:30 a.m. for PILOT discussion. Motion carried unanimously. 17. APPROVE/DENY SETTING ANNUAL JOINT MEETING WITH HUTCHINSON EDA ON JUNE 27, 2017, AT 11:30 A.M. Motion by Cook, second by Lofdahl, to set annual joint meeting with Hutchinson EDA for June 27, 2017, at 11:30 a.m. Motion carried unanimously. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2017 18. APPROVE/DENY SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO REVIEW 2016 AUDIT REPORT Motion by Lofdahl, second by Forcier, to set Council workshop to review 2016 audit for July 11, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 18.5 PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION REQUESTS Matt Jaunich explained that the Public Arts Commission (PAC) has two requests of the City. First, PAC would like to request from the Council to get approval to have staff work on an agreement with the artist of the cemetery sculpture. The agreement would allow the artist to reproduce more of her cemetery sculptures and sell them. The main point of the agreement would be that the City would allow this and receive a commission from the artist on the pieces that would be sold. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to authorize staff to draft agreement with the Artist of the cemetery sculpture. Motion carried unanimously. Second, the PAC would like to ask that additional public art funds be used to pay for the remainder of the cemetery piece costs. Apparently the final grant report is due in June and this would help with that, as well as make the final payment to the artist. The entire cost of the sculpture and all funding has been accounted for within the PAC Accounting information that was provided to the Council. Basically, the costs of the sculpture have been covered with PAC dollars already. Any future donations/funding related to this project will come back into the PAC account. As a reminder, the Council approved adding $15,000 per year into the PAC fund and this fund can have a maximum carryover of $30,000. The net balance of the cemetery piece is $5600. Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to approve using additional public arts funds of $5600 to pay for remainder of costs for cemetery piece. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (The purpose o t) 7is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 19. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Tall Grass/Noxious Weed Monthly Report for May 2017 MISCELLANEOUS 20. STAFF UPDATES John Olson — Mr. Olson noted that a storm was declared from last Sunday's event and therefore any tree branches/limbs can be placed on the boulevard for pickup by calling the forestry department. This work will be done until June 21, 2017. Also, mosquito counts are being collected and are nearing the threshold but are not high. An application was had last week and last night and will continue as scheduled. Kent Exner — Denver Avenue is complete and should be finalized by Thursday of this week. School Road/Roberts Road reconstruction is nearing completion of Phase 1. This will be open to gravel grade by this weekend. The detour as is will remain in place through the weekend. Phase 2 will start on Monday which is the School Road bridge. School/Roberts Trail — bid opening on June 21, 2017. This work is scheduled for September. Hotel access improvements rol CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13, 2017 project bid opening is this Friday, June 16, 2017. The developer needs to start finalizing their documents and submit to the Planning Commission for their site plan work. The first project kick off meeting for Hwy 15/Main Street was held today. The first public meeting will most likely occur towards the end of July with property owners. Matt Jaunich — City of Hutchinson is now on Facebook; aquatic center is up and running; City of Excellence Award from the League of Minnesota Cities being presented on Wednesday; dog park item will be placed on next agenda; CGMC annual meeting being held in August 21. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE John Lofdahl — Council Member Lofdahl mentioned that proper owners may be wanting to rent out their homes for the SuperBowl. Council Member Lofdahl posed the question will they register as rental properties, otherwise? Council Member Lofdahl also noted that he would like to discuss the invocation issue. Council Member Cook feels it should be left as is by having the local pastors provide the invocation at Council meetings. Council Member Lofdahl noted that his concern is that not all religions are included in the rotation (Jewish, Muslim, etc.) and the schedule is set up through the ministerial association. Council Member Lofdahl would like to have this as a discussion item to discuss increasing the scope of those providing the invocation. Steve Cook — Council Member Cook noted that the Public Arts Commission would like to hold workshop with the Council; Cook also noted that as budget discussions are going on, staff and Council should be considering excess funds received from the hospital payment and where those funds should be placed. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 7 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017, AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Chad Czmowski, Mary Christensen, Steve Cook and John Lofdahl. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Kent Exner, City Engineer and other City staff. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 2. Master Facilities Plan Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, introduced John McNamara of Wold Architects. John McNamara, Wold Architects, presented before the Council. Mr. McNamara noted that he will be updating the Council and seeking feedback from the Council on the master plan for the City Center, police station and fire station. Mr. McNamara started out by reviewing the guiding principles of the plan which include a focus on function & operations, sustainability and community pride & personnel recruitment. Mr. McNamara also reviewed the project goals which include inventory/evaluate existing facilities, assessing future space needs, recommendations for property safety/security for facilities, including the Council Chambers, developing concepts/options for the future and providing recommendations for long term maintenance items to preserve facilities. Mr. McNamara then reviewed the specific goals and objectives for each facility — City Center, police station and fire station. Mr. McNamara reviewed the existing space in each facility as well as the space in pre -design. He also showed proposed diagrams of each facility. Rather minor alterations are proposed for the City Center. More concentrated alterations are proposed for the fire station and police department. Mr. McNamara commented that based on costs of renovation/additions for the police department, perhaps it should be considered to build a new police department. Mr. McNamara provided a historical cost analysis for the police station and fire department. He also provided a budget reorganization/renovation/addition at the facilities. The proposed project cost for City Center is $$2,210,000. The proposed project cost for renovation and addition for the fire station is $5,850,000-$6,500,000. The proposed project cost for police station renovation and addition is $7,280,000-$8,060,000. A new fire station facility is proposed at $5,625,000 and a new police station facility is proposed at $6,100,000. Council Members Cook and Lofdahl suggested that a combined public safety facility be constructed with police and fire where the current fire station is located now. The properties on the block where the fire station currently is would need to be acquired. It was suggested that perhaps the old Econo Foods building (attached to the Liquor Hutch) could be considered. Both Fire Chief Schumann and Police Chief Hatten spoke of the benefits of having a combined public safety facility. Wold will continue working with the core group to discuss the proposed recommendations. Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfl="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Construction/Installation of Equipment Box Onto 2017 Ram 5500 Truck Department: Police LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Daniel Hatten Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Daniel Hatten Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: This is a request to authorize the construction and installation of the equipment box onto the 2017 Ram 5500 truck that Council approved the purchase of earlier this year. The chassis will be sent to LDV who will complete the build by installing the equipment box on the chassis along with emergency equipment. This equipment box will be custom build to our specifications for the storage of SRT equipment, including the ability to transport additional personnel. Earlier this year Council authorized the replacement of the 1989 Ford Truck utilized as the Police Department's Special Response Vehicle with 2017 Ram 5500 truck. The purchase price of the Ram 5500 truck is $36.360.92 The purchase price of the equipment Box is $121,563.00 Total purchase price for the completed vehicle will be $157,923.92 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Authorization to purchase the equipment and final build at this time Fiscal Impact: $ 157,923.92 Funding Source: CIP FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 157,923.92 Total City Cost: $ 157,923.92 Funding Source: CIP Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Consideration of Crow River Winery Dispensing Wine at Arts & Crafts Festival Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The Arts & Crafts Festival, organized by the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce, would like to continue with their added feature of wine sales at the event this year as they did last year. The Crow River Winery has submitted an application to provide wine sales. Because Crow River Winery holds a liquor license from an adjacent municipality (McLeod County), the Council must formally authorize them to dispense wine at the event, which is considered a social affair being held in the city. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize Crow River Winery to dispense wine at Hutchinson Arts & Crafts Festival on September 15 & 16, 2017, at Library Square Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: (31m) lk� �n)_ /9V_r/& W I N E R Y June 15, 2017 City of Hutchinson 1 1 1 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Arts & Crafts Festival/Taste of Hutchinson Dear Hutchinson City Council Members: Crow River Winery would like to request permission from the City to offer wine by the glass sales in Hutchinson's Library Square during the Arts and Crafts Festival/Taste of Hutchinson event on September 15 and 16, 2017. Crow River Winery is a locally -owned, operated and licensed Minnesota Farm Winery. Type Code: FWN Winery License Number: 6302011 Permit Number: 80780 TTB Registry Number: BWN-MN15039 We were approved last year for this same event, as well as for other events throughout the year. Please feel free to contact me with questions. Sincerely, Chelsey Schrupp General Manager Crow River Winery 14848 Highway 7 E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-2922 cschrupp@CrowRiverWinery.com REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE LI UOR SALES A,'I' COMMUNITY FESTIVAL Mame of Liquor License Holder: C P—t V e f� In ey 1 -L._L. Current Licensed Premises:. Phone No: 7,2-o — 2-22 Contact Person;-_C'l t Q I s el S r IL v ]. NamelTypeofCommursityFestival:�-}tn+��„�c�n 2. Location of Community Festival; br ay G r * } 3. Date(s) of Community Festival: Seq}�rv�.�a�i F�_� 4. Name of Person/Organiration Sponsoring Communiry Festival: 7b(tr, Sy , Printed Name of Event Organizer Signature of Evens Or�zer Printed Name of Applicant C7@✓lRe�ra 1 v,�r Title of Applicant POliec ChiefrDesi Sigtanue G�a�r Signa[urenfAppli ret s-3"—IZ Date _ 4 _ 2Pl7 Date — � �— 'Along with this applicarion, please attach a security plan identifying the specific location where alcoholic beverage ws he dnpc rased h�:w m -i retro will be identified, etc. the security plan mist he reviewed and ! nsurartce must also be anached covering the event naming the City of luT ;ns � s adJ I aurcYl, —If you are a license holds: from anadjacent municipality, please provide a Cupt: of your liquor license, (31M) lk� �n)- /9V-r/& W I N E R Y June 15, 2016 City of Hutchinson 1 1 1 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Arts & Crafts Festival/Taste of Hutchinson, September 15-16, 2017 Liquor Service Security Plan Location: Crow River Winery is a vendor at the Arts & Crafts Festival. According to the Arts & Crafts planning committee, our booth location will be on 1 It Avenue in Hutchinson, near the intersection of 1S' Ave and Hassan St NE. This location is on the south side of Library Square. Identifying Consumers: Crow River Winery's policy is to ID every consumer and serve alcoholic beverages only to those who are 21 + with proper ID in accordance with Minnesota Law. Wine Sales Only: Crow River Winery will only serve wine by the glass during the event. Please feel free to contact me with questions. Chelsey Schrupp General Manager Crow River Winery 14848 Highway 7 E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-2922 cschrupp@CrowRiverWinery.com CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 6/2/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Associated Benefits and Risk Consulting 6000 Clearwater Drive Minnetonka MN 55343 CONTACT Jenny Saylor NAMEPHONE envy Saylor FAX A/c No): ADDRESS:jenny.saylor@associatedbrc.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURERA:SFM Mutual Insurance Co 11347 6/30/2017 INSURED BOXEL-1 INSURERB:United Fire Group 10324 Boxelder Farm LLC Crow River Winery LLC Prieve Farms, LLC INSURER C: INSURER D 20855 Kensington Blvd INSURER E: $100,000 INSURER F: MED EXP (Any one person) Lakeville MN 55044-7486 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 37812096 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSD SUBR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MM/DD POLICY EXP MM/DD LIMITS B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 60434327 6/30/2017 6/30/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 CLAIMS -MADE IX OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence $100,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $5,000 Liquor Liability PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $1,000,000 X AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GENT POLICY PROJECT [::] LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 Liquor Liability $Included OTHER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOSAUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ B UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 60434327 6/30/2017 6/30/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 AGGREGATE $ X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DED X RETENTION $10,000 1 $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N 53625.205 6/30/2017 6/30/2018 X PER OTH- STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVEF-1 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N /A E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/ LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached if more space is required) FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS APPLY TO THE PROJECTS AND NAMES LISTED BELOW ONLY IF REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT: GENERAL LIABILITY: Additional Insured - Vendors, Lessor of Leased Equipment, Managers or Lessors of Premises CG7174 07/11. Additional Insured -State of Governmental Agency or Subdivision or Political Subdivision -Permits or Authorization Relating to Premises CG2013 05/09 The City of Hutchinson is included as additional insured for General Liability per form CG2013 05/09 listed above. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of Hutchinson THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 111 Hassan St SE ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hutchinson MN 55350 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD `317-ao2 I cc S 2,000 On Sale 100.00 Sunday Alcohol &Gambling Enforcement COUNTY LIQUOR LICENSE - "ON SALE" THIS CERTIFIES THAT: LICENSEE Craw River Winery LLC TRADE NAME Craw River Winery STREET ADDRESS OR 1-01 AN1) 13I,(.)('K NO 14848 Hwy E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 C❑tmtv McLeod Is awlaori ed to sell intnxicali1l'(1 licfuor at retail for sale cnnstiiii1)6on cuff t11c premises and for consumption on the premises subject to the laws and regulations of ffic Slate of Nlinne, nta ,and munic-1pal ordinances for ti3 d beginning January 1, 2017 to December 31, .2017 Chairperso or President THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED Given under my hand and the Municipal Corporate Sea] V City of 0j�£r• (- at Date \l4.1a0 [ i S,, JAN 0 ,1lc01101 & Gailiblin'- I itlorceillent € hector Datc FS1)''6:`,61 � CLERK or Recorder HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Consideration of Adoption of Traffic Control Devices Resolution No. 14732 Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: At the intersection of Montreal St SE and Edmonton Ave SE, there is currently a stop condition for northbound and southbound Montreal St SE. As development has increased near the intersection, traffic has increased. There have been near misses and collisions at this intersection. To clearly indicate the need to stop and beware of traffic on Edmonton Ave SE, City staff is recommending a double stop sign installation (i.e., one one each side of the street), with a "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" placard on the right hand side stop sign. We believe this will emphasize the need to take extra precautions when entering this intersection off of Montreal St SE. The intersection at this point is very wide and there are several turning movements occurring, along with through traffic. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 14732 for a double stop sign installation with placard. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14732 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Police Chief, City Engineer and Public Works Manager agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locates as points where traffic control devices shall be erected, pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision 1 of the Hutchinson City Code, and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: That the Council hereby establishes the following traffic control devices shall be installed and enforced: 1. Double "STOP" signs with "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" to be placed for stop conditions on Montreal St SE at the intersection of Edmonton Ave SE and Montreal St SE. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of June, 2017. Gary Forcier Mayor ATTEST: Matt Jaunich City Administrator 1490 1� 4' v. WWI, Stop 75' r. �_..� ! { 1 -1 Y,1 Stop w/ Cross Traffic Does Not Stop COW 0. S 4T N A I' 1 -OSS HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Approval of Improvement Project Change Orders Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As construction has proceeded on the below listed projects there has been additional work, project scope revisions, and/or construction completion date changes. The items specified below have been identified and deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete the projects per the intent of the original construction contract. The following Change Orders and/or Supplemental Agreements are proposed as noted: o Change Order No. 1 — Letting No. 2/Project No. 17-02 — School Road & Roberts Road Reconstruction This Change Order addresses the inclusion of bituminous paving and milling work with appurtenances to address the School Road pavement surface between TH 7/22 and the bridge. Addressing this work during this project is ideal to eliminate the need for additional detours and property access impacts in the future. This work results in an increase to the project contract in the amount of $48,668.52. This work does not affect the interim Completion Date or Final Completion Date. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Change Order Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER City/County of City of Hutchinson Change Order No. 1 FEDERAL PROJECT NO. STATE PROJECT NO. LOCAL PROJECT NO. CONTRACT NO. Quantity SAP 133-117-014 L2P17-02 1-2P17-02 CONTRACTOR NAME AND ADDRESS LOCATION OF WORK R & R Excavating School Rd SW & Roberts Rd SW 1149 Hwy 22 South TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT Hutchinson, MN 55350 $48,668.52 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the work as altered by the following provisions. This Change Order addresses the inclusion of bituminous paving and milling work with appurtenances to address the School Road pavement surface between TH 7/22 and the bridge. Addressing this work during this project is ideal to eliminate the need for additional detours and property access impacts in the future. This work does not affect the interim Completion Date or Final Completion Date. This work results in an increase to the project contract in the amount of $48,668.52. COST BREAKDOWN Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount Funding Category No. 001 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $6,000.63 1 $6,000.63 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.25") SO YD $3.44 3052 $10,498.88 2433.618 MILL AND PATCH BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT $20.40 100 $2,040.00 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.12 305 $341.60 2360.503 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,C) 1.5" THICK SO YD $7.64 3052 $23,317.28 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $2,939.29 1 $2,939.29 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH $117.57 3 $352.71 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE EPDXY SO FT $6.47 269 $1,740.43 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE EPDXY LIN FT $0.38 715 $271.70 2582.502 12" SOLID LINE EPDXY LIN FT $11.17 50 $558.50 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE EPDXY LIN FT $0.75 810 $607.50 Funding Category No. 001 Total: $48,668.52 Change Order No. 1 Total: $48,668.52 . Funding category is required Tor Tederal projects. CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME (check one) Due to this change the Contract Time: a. [ ] Is Increased by _ Working Days b. [ X ] Is Not Changed [ ] Is Decreased by Working Days [ ] Is Increased by _ Calendar Days c. [ ] May be revised if work affected the controlling operation [ ] Is Decreased by Calendar Days Approved By Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved By Contractor: R & R Excavating Approved by the Hutchinson City Council on 06/27/2017. Signed Signed Date: 06/27/2017 Phone: (320) 234-4212 Date: Phone: (320) 587-5918 Original to Project Engineer; Copy to Contractor Once contract has been fully executed, forward a copy to DSAE for funding review: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract; signing by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY. Reviewed for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This project is eligible for: Federal Funding State Aid Funding Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: Original Contract $2,049,044.53 Total Contract + Change Orders: $2,097,713.05 Page 1 of 1 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES LNESCHOOL RD SW N0.NOTE TE. NO ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT MIL TOVE FLA PIT MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 32.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.25") 3052 (2) MILL AND PATCH BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN ET ISE (i) BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACH COAT RE (',C) 1. 63.001 EACHUM OTECTION 3 69 E SOLID LINE EP— IN FT 11 2582.5D DOUBLE SOLID LINE EPDXL LIN FT 810 NOTES (1) BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT D.ID GAL/SD ro (z) 1B' MILL. z" DEPTH INCLUDES TWE SP 9.5 NEARING COURSE MIXTURE (4,C) PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTIONS SCHOOL ROAD SW DETAIL 44' iP 22' iW 12' TW Lax — 2.4x Lax — z.�x , 1.25' MILL AND I.5' OVERLAY1.5' IYPE SP SEE D-11- 9.5 NEARING COURSE NIXNRE (4.C) (SPNEA440C) SPEC 2110 TAC( COAT (SPEC 2357) EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE EXISTING BITUMINOUS SECTION IS 10" 2 SCHOOL ROAD SW STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 5X°' Rom ev KE CHANCE ORDER TYPICAL SECTIONS—PROPOSED i aF LETTING NO. 2 / CITY PROJECT 17-02 6 N NO SCALE O- O z ODE \ z - MBARRICADES AFTER O COMPEE110N OF PHASE N0. I T z O ALLOW ACCESS FOR SU - _ SUPER AMERICA Ng21N O U ENIRA�CE OAKSLANE NW o PNQ 2� COHSOON Z� HA PSEE NN0.. I }Q i�PO r C.STRUCTON NO -PHASE N0. Z H. 7 & 22 / PLACE BARRICADES AFTER CCMPLETON OF CONSTRUCTON PHASE N0. I -CONSTRUCTION PHASE NO. 1 CONSTRUCTION PLACE BARRICADES AT SOUTH PHASE NO. 2 ENTRANCE OF SUPER AMERICA AFTER COMPLETON OF PHASE NO. I NOTES 1.ACCESS TO SUPER AMERICA SOUTH ENTRANCE MUST BE TO DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE NO. I VIA SERVICE ROAD 2. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL AS NECESSARY—INCIDENTAL v.vMHM� — SCHOOL ROAD SW TRAFFIC CONTROL 2 R— ev. HE CHANGE ORDER OF LETTING NO. 2 CITY PROJECT 17-02 6 SCHOOL RD u . — ae.m a.m BRIDGE __—__-__�____�. NOTE CONSTRUCTION PHASE NO. 1 TO BEGIN JUNE 28TH OR JUNE 29TH, OR JULY 12TH OR JULY 13TH. WORKING HOURS FROM 8 AM TO 12 PM PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED JUNE 28THTHRU JUNE 30TH, OR JULY 10TH THRU JULY 14. MILL 81-1 WS SIIRFh (1.25') 144E 9.5 NEPRING COARSE MI%111RE (..c> 1. 1.s ,Hla SCHOOL ROAD SW MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE s1En N 1O'°f BITUMINOUS PAVING 3 6 rxoco er. CHANGE ORDER v LETTING N0. 2 Cltt PROJECT 17-02 LUNG. SNEERING, PANNG AND STRIPING OPERATIONS SHALL BE CMPUETEO IN CONSTRUCPGN PHASE N0. I —14 4 HOURS r0 ALLOW ACCESS INTO SUPER AMERICA NORTH ENTRANCE SUPER AMERICA CONSTRUCTION PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE �I No. z NO. I T.H. 7 I I I � ZTa a4� O O O O SERVICE ROAD rr7-ANCE��77 Ac S Mull BE MAINTAIROAD i0 $APER AMERICA DURING coNSTRucnM PHASE No. I NOTE CONSTRUCTION PHASE NO. 1 TO BEGIN JUNE 28TH OR JUNE 29TH, OR JULY 12TH OR JULY 13TH. WORKING HOURS FROM 8 AM TO 12 PM PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED JUNE 28TH THRU JUNE 30TH, OR JULY 10TH THRU JULY 14. MILLMINWS SURFACE ( TYPE SP 9.5 NEARING COURSESE MIXTURE (a.c) 1. us' mIa SCHOOL ROAD SWMILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 9f[[t N 1O'°f BITUMINOUS PAVING 4 PRarEG er. CHANGE ORDER REE, 6 LETTING N0. 2 CITY PROJECT 17-02 SCHOOL RD BRIDGE __ __ !il I PAKMENi MESSAGE EPO%T (RIWi ARROW SHONN) 45OW 4' SWD MNE EPO%T-W111E O- ODUMIf III LINE EPO%Y-YFLLON' �1�Sv 4' _IE III LINE EPDXY-YELLON SCHOOL ROAD SW STRIPING 5 PRMD Rr. NE CHANGE ORDER LETTING NO. 2 CITY PROJECT 17-02 6 SUPER AMERICA T.H. 7 _I_—�—A�—_�__�_� � ■ ——tee O , OO SERVICE II ROAD \� I -MIT MESSAGE EPDXY (RI.T ARROW .f N) 45OW 4' SODD ONE EPDXY- ITE O4" OWMEf Stl LINE EPDXY-YFLLOW O4' O0.1BEf Sp LINE EPDXY-YELLOW SCHOOL ROAD SW STRIPING E RRavEo er. CHANGE ORDER v LETTING NO. 2 CITY PROJECT 17-02 6 CHECK REGISTER A- FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 06/08/2017 - 06/27/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 06/08/2017 196682 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF AQUATIC CENTER BACKUP CASH 500.00 06/23/2017 196683 MNPEA 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 624.00 06/23/2017 196684 UNUM Life Insurance 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 993.63 06/23/2017 196685 HART 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 662.21 06/23/2017 EFT486 EFTPS 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 82,898.93 06/23/2017 EFT487 Aflac 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 170.41 06/23/2017 EFT488 MN Dept of Revenue 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 15,364.11 06/23/2017 EFT489 PERA 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 47,390.79 06/23/2017 EFT490 TASC-Flex 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 1,886.76 06/23/2017 EFT491 TASC-H S A 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 12,382.92 06/23/2017 EFT492 ICMA 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 2,322.40 06/23/2017 EFT493 VOYA 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 990.00 06/23/2017 EFT494 MNDCP 6/4/17 - 6/17/17 PAYROLL 305.00 06/27/2017 196686 3D SPECIALTIES ROAD CLOSED SIGN, RUBBER BASE 1,102.36 06/27/2017 196687 AARP AARP MURRAY SWENSON - SR CENTER INSTRUCTOR 480.00 06/27/2017 196688 ACE HARDWARE VARIOUS R&M SUPPLIES 1,508.46 06/27/2017 196689 VOID - 06/27/2017 196690 VOID - 06/27/2017 196691 ADULT TRAINING AND HABILITATION CEN RECYCLING PICKUP 5/2,5/9,5/16,5/23/17 100.00 06/27/2017 196692 ALFA LAVAL INC ASSY FLAP 6" MIXER 157.98 06/27/2017 196693 AMENT, ADAM BOOT REIMBURSEMENT 159.95 06/27/2017 196694 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO SODA 232.32 06/27/2017 196695 AMERICAN DOOR WORKS WOH-COMM SERV LABOR- OVERHEAD DOOR REPAI 148.75 06/27/2017 196696 AMERICAN RED CROSS 2017 FIRST AID/CPR/AED TRAINING 650.00 06/27/2017 196697 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES SUPPLIES 100.31 06/27/2017 196698 ANDERSON CHEMICAL COMPANY SODIUM HYDROSOLFITE 1,406.39 06/27/2017 196699 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER PROCESSING/BOARDING FEES 227.50 06/27/2017 196700 ANN PALMER CONSUMER REFUND, REIMBURS FOR GOODS PURC 30.13 06/27/2017 196701 ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC. ICE CUBES 1,344.27 06/27/2017 196702 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO BEER 504.50 06/27/2017 196703 ARNOLD'S OF GLENCOE INC INSTALL FUEL PUMP -AIRPORT 4,852.97 06/27/2017 196704 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 1,422.11 06/27/2017 196705 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE 3/8 8 PC IMPACT SOCKET 241.57 06/27/2017 196706 BAILEY NURSERIES INC ELKS PARK HACKBERRY NORTHERN RED OAK 844.80 06/27/2017 196707 BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY HUTCH RIVER BASN IMPROVEMENT STUDY 462.00 06/27/2017 196708 BELLBOY CORP JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 3,314.14 06/27/2017 196709 BENNY'S MEAT MARKET HOTDOGS FOR WATERPARK CONCESSIONS 136.85 06/27/2017 196710 BERNICK'S POP, GINGER ALE, TONIC WATER 355.85 06/27/2017 196711 BFG SUPPLY CO ISOXABEN 75 WG 413.24 06/27/2017 196712 BLACK BOX CORPORATION WALL PLATE, SNAP FITTING, JACK KEYSTONE 24.57 06/27/2017 196713 BLUE EARTH COUNTY ANNUAL MAINT REG LOGGER 2,888.92 06/27/2017 196714 BMI 06/01/17 THRU 05/31/18 342.00 06/27/2017 196715 BRANDON TIRE CO FLAT REPAIR TIRE PATCH 28.30 06/27/2017 196716 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP SCHOOL RD & ROBERTS RD SW IMPS 10,096.75 06/27/2017 196717 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE LIQUOR 18,382.34 06/27/2017 196718 BROCK WHITE CO VERTICAL WALL & SIDEWALK JOINT FILL 165.57 06/27/2017 196719 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS HP LASERJET PRO - PARK GARAGE 379.00 06/27/2017 196720 C & L DISTRIBUTING JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 53,182.42 06/27/2017 196721 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC 2015 BUICK RAINIER TOW 315.00 06/27/2017 196722 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS O-RING/HOSE-MOWER #295 167.72 06/27/2017 196723 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY FABRIC -BOULDER RIDGE 3OZ 111.65 06/27/2017 196724 CENTRAL MCGOWAN HIGH PRESSURE CYL 34.72 06/27/2017 196725 CENTRAL TURF & IRRIGATION SUPPLY ESP4ME, SPRAY, NOZZLES 1,301.20 06/27/2017 196726 CHEMISOLV CORP CHEMISOLV US 9175 POLYMER 6,965.30 06/27/2017 196727 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATIONS SYSTEMS I STARTED ICE PLANT & CHECKED OPERATION LA 600.00 06/27/2017 196728 CORNER POST EROSION CONTROL SEEDING -4TH AVE / SHADY RIDGE RD 864.50 06/27/2017 196729 CREEKSIDE SOILS BULK COMPOST 1,329.85 06/27/2017 196730 1 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 12015 CHEVY CAPRICE OIL CHANGE 759.75 CHECK REGISTER A- FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 06/08/2017 - 06/27/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 06/27/2017 196731 CROW RIVER PRESS INC SR NEWSLETTERS 160.43 06/27/2017 196732 CUMMINS NPOWER LLC INSPECTION 1,767.64 06/27/2017 196733 CZECH, RANDY SAFETY FOOTWEAR REIMBURSEMENT 210.05 06/27/2017 196734 DALE A. ZORMAN TRUCKING SERVICE INC MULCH MATERIALS 550.00 06/27/2017 196735 DAVE GRIEP CLEANING WINDOW CLEANING 45.00 06/27/2017 196736 DORSEY & WHITNEY 2017 AUDIT OF SERIES 2010A BONDS 2,359.50 06/27/2017 196737 DPC INDUSTRIES INC SODIUM HYPO 12.5% BULK 1,397.25 06/27/2017 196738 DRAIN PROS INC CLEAR THRU MAIN LINE CO CAMERA MAIN SEWE 335.00 06/27/2017 196739 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC ABDO,EICK MEYERS, LLP MAILING 14.35 06/27/2017 196740 E.G. RUD & SONS INC. OFFICE SET UP, COMPUTATIONS PRJCT MANGMN 754.00 06/27/2017 196741 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION COCKROACH/RODENT PROGRAM 406.52 06/27/2017 196742 EMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTER WK ENDING 6/2/17- U. ANALYSIS- ARNULFO, 2,160.60 06/27/2017 196743 ERLANDSON, ANDREW DUTY BOOTS 167.94 06/27/2017 196744 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT A770 T4 BOBCAT ALL WHEEL STEER LOADER, A 56,776.90 06/27/2017 196745 FASTENAL COMPANY EYEWEAR/TOWELS/GLOVES 742.74 06/27/2017 196746 FIRESHAPES STUDIO DELIVERY OF RED DICE SCULPTURES 1,000.00 06/27/2017 196747 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLU ANNUAL ENROLLMENT 6.00 06/27/2017 196748 FRED HOLASEK & SON INC 3M ARBOR DAY -PLANTS, PETUNIA VEGATIVE, C 369.60 06/27/2017 196749 FRONTIER AG & TURF 2017 JD PRO GATOR & SPRAYER 36,100.00 06/27/2017 196750 G & K SERVICES COVERALLS 120.00 06/27/2017 196751 GARDEN NOOK RED HATS AND FRIENDS TEA 184.00 06/27/2017 196752 GAVIN WINTERS DONLEY & OSTLUND LTD FLAT FEE AGREEMENT -MAY 3,300.00 06/27/2017 196753 GERTENS TREE INJECTION EQUIP: F-12 KIT, FS EXPAN 4,821.59 06/27/2017 196754 GFOA 2016 GFOA APPLICATION 505.00 06/27/2017 196755 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC AQUATIC CENTER PAYMENT #12 812,487.50 06/27/2017 196756 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC ANT CONTROL 600.00 06/27/2017 196757 GRAINGER PLEATED FILTERS 732.82 06/27/2017 196758 GREAT NORTHERN ENVIORNMENTAL LLC BALLAST KIT, SENSOR CABLE 966.22 06/27/2017 196759 GUERRERO, BRITTANY RESERVED WRONG CAMPSITE REFUND 10.00 06/27/2017 196760 HAGER JEWELRY INC. WATER CARNIVAL ROYALTY GIFTS 141.50 06/27/2017 196761 HANSEN GRAVEL 1/2 YD PEA ROCK W RIVER PARK 441.00 06/27/2017 196762 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE PLASTIC AIRLINE, QUICK UNION 4.75 06/27/2017 196763 HART'S AUTO SUPPLY CAPRICE FRT ROTOR FRT PAD CAPRICE 380.00 06/27/2017 196764 HASSLEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC AQUATIC CENTER PAYMENT #10 133,688.50 06/27/2017 196765 HEINZ DISPENSING SOLUTIONS KETCHUP/MUSTARD 124.54 06/27/2017 196766 HENNEPIN COUNTY COURT ADMIN BAIL -FLECK, PEGGY 78.00 06/27/2017 196767 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON SOAP PINK HAND FOAM 138.64 06/27/2017 196768 HJERPE CONTRACTING WATER SYSTEM REPAIRS- CALIF ST AT INTERS 11,755.00 06/27/2017 196769 HOLFIELD, JEANNE MHFA FIX UP LOAN PROGRAM -J. HOLFIELD 5,000.00 06/27/2017 196770 HOLT TOUR AND CHARTER INC. AFTON HOUSE INN WED JULY 12, 2017 670.00 06/27/2017 196771 HP INC HP COLOR U PREINTER 532.68 06/27/2017 196772 HRA MHFA FIX UP LOAN -J. HOLFIELD 250.00 06/27/2017 196773 HUTCH CAFE LUNCH MEALS 1,405.42 06/27/2017 196774 HUTCHINSON CO-OP FUEL, CHEMICAL, SEED 6,142.29 06/27/2017 196775 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BU APRIL 2017 LODGING TAX 6,259.19 06/27/2017 196776 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING 783.34 06/27/2017 196777 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS APRIL 2017 RENTAL- HS CUSTODIAN 468.00 06/27/2017 196778 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TOUR REIMBURSEMENT 3,208.48 06/27/2017 196779 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES MAY UTILITIES 4/26/17 - 6/01/17 79,320.39 06/27/2017 196780 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 427.50 06/27/2017 196781 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE E -TRACK CLIPS 221.56 06/27/2017 196782 HUTCHINSON YOUTH BASKETBALL ASSN CONCESSIONS REIMBURSE & GYM RENTAL 2016/ 363.00 06/27/2017 196783 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF WATER & SEWER SERVICE 5/1/17-5/31/17 4,950.94 06/27/2017 196784 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF REPLENISH ATM 4,000.00 06/27/2017 196785 I.M.S. SHARPENING SERVICE CATCH BASIN REPAIRS 1,800.00 06/27/2017 196786 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 120.48 06/27/2017 196787 INNOVATIVE FOAM EXTERIOR SIGN- HUTCHINSON POLICE SERVICE 2,424.90 06/27/2017 196788 1 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC IGOVERNMENTAL MEMBER DUES- K. DIMLER 135.00 CHECK REGISTER A- FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 06/08/2017 - 06/27/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 06/27/2017 196789 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. MAY 2017 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 12,697.65 06/27/2017 196790 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN BEER MISC 8,210.22 06/27/2017 196791 JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE 2 362X3 3/4 X 52 1 HR SERVICE CALL 522.84 06/27/2017 196792 JOCHUM, DANIEL TRAVEL FOR NEW YORK CITY CONFERENCE 408.01 06/27/2017 196793 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 41,926.06 06/27/2017 196794 KAHNKE BROTHERS NURSERY ENERGY/BOULEVARD TREES 174 EAU CLAIRE 517.50 06/27/2017 196795 KERI'S CLEANING CLEANING FOR CITY CENTER, LIBRARY, SR DI 2,044.00 06/27/2017 196796 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE PILED CONCRETE & ASPHALT 3,867.50 06/27/2017 196797 L & P SUPPLY CO FULE LINE/BUSHING/CAP-MOWER 302 & 295 8,331.07 06/27/2017 196798 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 3RD QTR WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 62,831.00 06/27/2017 196799 LEXISNEXIS MAY 2017 USER 155.95 06/27/2017 196800 LITCHFIELD BUILDING CENTER FLUSH SMOOTH DOOR -ELKS PARK 488.51 06/27/2017 196801 LOCHER BROTHERS INC JUNE COST OF GOODS - LIQUOR 37,758.55 06/27/2017 196802 LOGIS NETWORK THRU 5-20-17 VARIOUS 8,512.78 06/27/2017 196803 M -R SIGN 1 AND 2 POST PUNCH 2,535.91 06/27/2017 196804 MARSHALL CONCRETE PRODUCTS POLYMERIC SAND 50# - HARRINGTON 155.70 06/27/2017 196805 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC HIGH PRESSURE -MEDIUM 17.52 06/27/2017 196806 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH TABLECLOTHES 5/5-5/26 318.81 06/27/2017 196807 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR BAIL- WILER, CORY 100.00 06/27/2017 196808 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR BAIL-WINNDAVID 100.00 06/27/2017 196809 MCLEOD COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. BANDS, CULVERT- WWTP PROJECT 953.12 06/27/2017 196810 MCLEOD COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CAMP RIPLEY TRAINING 15 OFFICERS 525.30 06/27/2017 196811 MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMEN RECYCLING/MERCURY 10.00 06/27/2017 196812 MCLEOD PUBLISHING INC AD WEDDING DIRECTORY 17.50 06/27/2017 196813 MCRAITH, JOHN OLD LOG THEATER -SPECIAL EVENT AT REC-KID 75.00 06/27/2017 196814 MEDICA MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR JULY 126,394.90 06/27/2017 196815 MEEKER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CD# 43 -CR -16-421 FRENTZEL, JOSHUA C 70.00 06/27/2017 196816 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL AQUATIC CENTER 11/2" 4,781.74 06/27/2017 196817 MENARDS HUTCHINSON FOAM AND BOARD 1,510.17 06/27/2017 196818 VOID - 06/27/2017 196819 MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WINERY JUNE PURCHASE 772.80 06/27/2017 196820 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE OFFICER LEADERSHIP -T. LEIDER 220.00 06/27/2017 196821 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB BOD CARBONACEOUS, PHOSPHORUS, COLIFORM 1,041.00 06/27/2017 196822 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY/CODE ELEVATOR ANNUAL OPE 100.00 06/27/2017 196823 MORRISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CR161421 SUBPOENA 50.00 06/27/2017 196824 MRPA SOFTBALL SANCTIONING 220.00 06/27/2017 196825 NAMES BY KAREN/KJAKOBITZ 8 FANNY PACKS 56.00 06/27/2017 196826 NERO ENGINEERING MBR MEMBRANE REPLACEMENT PROJECT 3,453.09 06/27/2017 196827 NEW FRANCE WINE JUNE PURCHASE 1,533.50 06/27/2017 196828 NICKLASSON ATHLETIC COMPANY FLEXIBALLS 70.90 06/27/2017 196829 O'RE ILLY AUTO PARTS SIGNS 194.92 06/27/2017 196830 OFFICE DEPOT COPY PAPER 352.87 06/27/2017 196832 PEARCE, GREG UB refund for account: 3-855-7200-9-01 2.05 06/27/2017 196833 PEOPLEREADY INC WK ENDING 6/4/17 1,606.26 06/27/2017 196834 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS JUNE PURCHASE 19,593.74 06/27/2017 196835 PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO BRITE STRIPE WHITE 225 GLTOTE 1,788.75 06/27/2017 196836 PLUMBING & HEATING BY CRAIG RPZ TEST/SERVICE RATE PER HOUR 568.40 06/27/2017 196837 PMC PREPAID REBATE FUNDS 1,312.00 06/27/2017 196838 POSTMASTER JULY POSTAGE 1,700.00 06/27/2017 196839 POSTMASTER SR NEWSLETTER POSTAGE 98.00 06/27/2017 196840 PRIEVE LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE ROUND UP AND LABOR 282.59 06/27/2017 196841 QUILL CORP THERMAL ROLL, GLOVES,PAPER TOWELS, MOP, 576.54 06/27/2017 196842 RECREONICS UMBRELLAS LARGE PANEL 1,931.44 06/27/2017 196843 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION COMPANY RED BULL 458.00 06/27/2017 196844 REINER ENTERPRISES INC FLATBED TRUCKING 5/25-5/26 4,606.56 06/27/2017 196845 RENVILLE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT SUBPOENA-43CR161421 180.00 06/27/2017 196846 RETTIG, KARI MISC FOOD WATER PARK 279.11 06/27/2017 196847 1 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE EMP REFRESHER 44 PLAN 5/25/17 1,292.00 CHECK REGISTER A- FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 06/08/2017 - 06/27/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 06/27/2017 196848 RITE INC SOFTWARE 1,754.89 06/27/2017 196849 SALAZAR, MICHAEL BOOT REIMBURSEMENT 117.90 06/27/2017 196850 SAM'S CLUB OFFICE SUPPLIES / CONCESSIONS SUPPLIES 858.20 06/27/2017 196851 SEBORA, MARC COURT TRAVEL EXPENSES 96.54 06/27/2017 196852 SERVOCAL INSTRUMENTS INC SEMI-ANNUAL CALIBRATION OF MAIN WW FLOW 1,550.00 06/27/2017 196853 SHAW, KAREN PILATES, YOGA 180.00 06/27/2017 196854 SIGNATURE AQUATICS AQUATIC CENTER 20,786.75 06/27/2017 196855 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS HILTI RENTAL -TRAIL COUNTER 49.00 06/27/2017 196856 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN JUNE PUCH WINE 25,935.60 06/27/2017 196857 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING LS UPGRADE - ENG, TRAVEL EXPENSES 5,939.07 06/27/2017 196858 SPS COMMERCE INC MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION, BAR CODE LABEL FE 240.95 06/27/2017 196859 STANDARD PRINTING GREEN, YELLOW PAPER 39.66 06/27/2017 196860 STAPLES ADVANTAGE SPOONS, SUGAR,GATE HANDLE, COPY PAPER 631.26 06/27/2017 196861 STIX & BRIX UB refund for account: 3-500-4650-7-02 31.80 06/27/2017 196862 STREICH TRUCKING HAULING 6/6 - 6/7 795.00 06/27/2017 196863 SUBWAY WEST EDA -LUNCH PLATTER 60.98 06/27/2017 196864 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL DENTAL INSURANCE FOR JUNE 10,889.42 06/27/2017 196865 TAPS-LYLE SCHROEDER CLEANING 25.00 06/27/2017 196866 TESSMAN COMPANY LINE MARKER. TURFACE - ATHLETIC FIELDS 859.80 06/27/2017 196867 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST DISCOUNT PLAN CHARGES 3,649.18 06/27/2017 196868 TIEGS,JIM WORKJEANS 50.00 06/27/2017 196869 TNL CREATIONS 44" URN STAND 258.20 06/27/2017 196870 TRI COUNTY WATER RO FILTERS 349.00 06/27/2017 196871 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC INSTALL KENWOOD IN CAT SKID STEER 824.35 06/27/2017 196872 ULINE PEDESTAL SIGN HOLDER, SAFETY CONE, PLAIN 981.76 06/27/2017 196873 UNITED FARMERS COOP UNLEADED FUEL 13,319.40 06/27/2017 196874 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC SERVICE INC FIBERGLASS BACKBOARD & FREIGHT 930.00 06/27/2017 196875 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA LIFE & LTD INSURANCE FOR JULY 2,241.60 06/27/2017 196876 URBAN SPRITE MEDIA RADIO SPOTS 750.00 06/27/2017 196877 USA BLUE BOOK SMALL GLOVES 772.49 06/27/2017 196878 USAQUATICS CONSTRUCTION ADMIN 15,000.00 06/27/2017 196879 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON 2016 CHEVY CAPRICE BRAKES 150.00 06/27/2017 196880 VERIZON WIRELESS MAY03-JUN02'17 USAGE 38.10 06/27/2017 196881 VESSCO INC GASKET, BRACKET, FLANGE 1,181.43 06/27/2017 196882 VIKING BEER BEER 29,071.82 06/27/2017 196883 VIKING COCA COLA 5 GASSTKRIXI LEMON LIME; COKE PRMX 1,023.45 06/27/2017 196884 VINOCOPIA INC JUNE PURCHASE 3,100.83 06/27/2017 196885 VIVID IMAGE ANNUAL SAFE & SOUND WEBSITE HOSTING 1,199.90 06/27/2017 196886 WASS, TIMOTHY CLASS CANCELLATION REFUND 130.00 06/27/2017 196887 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN 5/16-5/31 DISPOSAL FEES 6,191.81 06/27/2017 196888 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. 2 YD RL SERVICE 46,228.29 06/27/2017 196889 WEST CENTRAL SHREDDING SHREDDING 50.00 06/27/2017 196890 WINE COMPANY, THE JUNE PURCHASE 664.25 06/27/2017 196891 WINE MERCHANTS INC JUNE PURCHASE 952.25 06/27/2017 196892 WITTE SOD FARMS INC VMF-8 ROLLS OF SOD 19.20 06/27/2017 196893 WM MUELLER & SONS SIZE A BLACKT 399.00 06/27/2017 196894 WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE CP201700933-SMITH, BRITTANY M 58.00 06/27/2017 196895 ZENK READ TRYGSTAD & ASSOCIATES INC HUTCH ENTERPRISE BUILDING 10,000.00 Total - Check Disbursement 2,059,516.88 Department Purchasing Card Activity - May 2017 Date Dept Vendor Name Description Amount 05/01/2017 ADMIN GRANDVIEW LODGE Hotel Stay for MCMA Annual Conference 248.34 05/05/2017 ADMIN MNEFILE Court Filing Fees 5.00 05/05/2017 ADMIN JIMMY JOHNS Lunch on final day of MCMA Annual Conference 13.69 05/05/2017 ADMIN MNEFILE Court Filing Fees 102.00 05/22/2017 FINANCE AMAZON New safe for Waterpark operations 399.99 05/25/2017 FINANCE AMAZON Lockbox for Roberts Park concessions money 119.00 04/28/2017 IT WEB NETWORKSOLUTIONS SSL Cert 5.99 05/02/2017 IT AMAZON Bar code scanners for UB area 400.00 05/03/2017 IT WORTH DATA INC Refund for returned antennas 720.00 05/06/2017 IT AMAZON USB hubs for aquatic center 29.98 05/06/2017 IT AMAZON USB hub for IT dept 19.99 05/06/2017 IT AMAZON touch screen for 3rd concessions station 598.70 05/09/2017 IT AMAZON USB hubs and surge protectors for the aquatics center 84.47 05/11/2017 IT AMAZON Speakers for Jody, Leslie and Maggie 41.97 05/20/2017 IT AMAZON Surge protectors stock 24.00 05/24/2017 IT LEANN CHIN Adobe license meeting 13.04 05/26/2017 IT WEB NETWORKSOLUTIONS SSL certificate 5.99 05/27/2017 IT AMAZON Wall charger for Marc Sebora 11.99 05/11/2017 PLANNING MARRIOTT NY MARQUIS Hotel for conference in New York City. 1,473.64 05/17/2017 PLANNING ACT GTS LAND USE WKSHP land use training for Planning Commissioner B. Wick 150.00 05/17/2017 PLANNING ACT GTS LAND USE WKSHP land use training for planning commissioner B. Garberg 150.00 05/19/2017 PLANNING BUILDING DEPT state surcharge for building permit. 3.30 05/24/2017 PLANNING CENEX HUTCHINSON fuel for bldg. inspection car 4.17 05/08/2017 POLICE CORNERSTONE Munitions Instructor Course 625.00 05/09/2017 POLICE GLOCK PROFESSIONAL INC Glock Training Course 250.00 05/17/2017 POLICE ZERO9 SOLUTIONS LLC Axon/Taser Body Cam Case. One purchased for trial. 39.95 05/24/2017 POLICE ZERO9 SOLUTIONS LLC Axon/Taser Body Cam Case. 9 purchased for the Special Resp 349.50 05/11/2017 PRCE GREEN PAPER PRODUCTS Pool Concession Products 510.97 05/17/2017 PRCE TARGET Pool Diapers 83.61 05/17/2017 PRCE BEST BUY POS Computer Hardware 80.49 05/17/2017 PRCE SUPPLIES ON THE FLY Commercial Refrigerator 1,847.60 05/18/2017 PRCE SWIMOUTLET.COM Guard Swimsuits 3,432.62 05/24/2017 PRCE AMAZON Office Supplies 156.23 05/24/2017 PRCE THE WEBSTAU RANT STORE Concession Storage Supplies 245.20 05/25/2017 PRCE GREEN PAPER PRODUCTS Concession Supplies 191.19 05/26/2017 PRCE AMAZON Lifeguard Rescue Masks 208.50 05/25/2017 PRCE BARGAIN BALLOONS Concession Party Ballons 28.48 05/26/2017 PRCE BULK APOTHECARY Ice Rink Sealing Clay 91.13 05/27/2017 PRCE AMAZON Lifeguard Fanny Packs 66.00 05/30/2017 PRCE VISTAPR VISTAPRINT.COM Check Stampers 40.36 05/02/2017 CREEKSIDE SHOPKO Breakroom Coffee 20.97 05/02/2017 CREEKSIDE SHOPKO Office Coffee 20.97 05/03/2017 LIQUOR BAR BARCODESINC Shelf label backing strips 184.18 05/17/2017 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLY plastic sign holders 53.22 Total - Purchasing Cards 13,151.42 GRAND TOTAL 2,072,668.30 CHECK REGISTER B - FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 06/08/2017 - 06/27/2017 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description Amount 06/27/2017 196831 OUTDOOR MOTION SOLSTICE HELMETS 297.70 GRAND TOTAL 297.70 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Public Hearing to Consider Comments and Input on the SWPPP Department: Public Works LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner/John Paulson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Paulson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Per requirements of the MPCA whom administer the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit, the City must have a Public Meeting and consider comments prior to submitting the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Annual Report for 2016. This regulation applies to all cities that are determined to have and maintain a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Public comment and testimony will be received at this hearing. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of MS4 Annual Report for 2016 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON LEADER STE #100 170 SHADY RIDGE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (320) 587-5000 Fax (320)587-6104 ORDER CONFIRMATION Salesperson: JILL SMITH Printed at 05/15/17 10:08 by fills ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct #: 300071 Ad #: 749435 Status: N CITY OF HUTCHINSON Start: 05/21/2017 Stop: 05/28/2017 111 HASSAN ST SE Times Ord: 2 Times Run: *** HUTCHINSON MN 55350 STDH 1.00 X 4.16 Words: 155 Total STDH 4.16 Class: 0999H LEGALS Rate: LEG Cost: 61.15 # Affidavits: 1 Contact: Ad Descrpt: PUBLICATION NO. 8231 Phone: (320)587-5151 Given by: * Fax#: Created: jills 05/15/17 10:04 Email: snelson@ci.hutchinson.mn.us Last Changed: jills 05/15/17 10:07 Agency: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUB ZONE EDT TP START INS STOP SMTWTFS LEAD A 95 W 05/21/17 2 05/28/17 S LINT A 95 W 05/24/17 2 05/26/17 W F AUTHORIZATION Under this agreement rates are subject to change with 30 days notice. In the event of a cancellation before schedule completion, I understand that the rate charged will be based upon the rate for the number of insertions used. Name (print or type) Name (signature) (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) HUTCHINSON LEADER STE #100 170 SHADY RIDGE NW HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (320) 587-5000 Fax (320)587-6104 ORDER CONFIRMATION (CONTINUED) Salesperson: JILL SMITH Printed at 05/15/17 10:08 by fills ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acct #: 300071 Ad #: 749435 Status: N Publ. May 21, 2017 Publication No. 8231 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER COMMENTS AND INPUT ON THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson will meet in the council chambers of City Center, 111 Hassan St SE, on Tuesday, June 27, at 6:00 p.m., for a Public Hearing to consider the adequa- cy of the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), developed in compliance with requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimina- tion system (NPDES) Phase II permit. Public comment and testimony will be received at this time. A copy of the City of Hutchinson Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is available for review at the Hutchinson City offices, located at 111 Hassan Street S.E. If you have questions re- garding this public hearing, contact John Paulson, Project/Environmental/ Regulatory Manager, at (320) 234- 5682. Submitted by: Matt Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfl="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Amending Chapter 54 Storm Water Management - Second Reading & Summary Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Paulson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Paulson Reviewed by Staff ❑ unfinished Business Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The City of Hutchinson operates a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) which is permitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). A new MS4 permit was issued by the MPCA in 2014, which required program changes be made to comply with new standards. The City has already implemented changes to the City of Hutchinson Storm Water Program to comply with most of the changes. Part of the 2014 permitting process included reviewing program documents such as existing ordinances to see if changes are needed to comply with new permit requirements. MPCA staff recently reviewed the existing ordinance language and indicated that clarification is needed for NPDES references in the ordinance as well as including post -construction redevelopment stormwater treatment criteria for TSS and Phosphorus. Minor changes are needed for the ordinance to meet the permit requirements. Some clarification of the specific type of NPDES permit referenced were added along with post construction redevelopment stormwater treatment design parameters. At the June 13, 2017 City Council meeting, the Council approved the first reading of Ordinance 17-0773 The amendment is to Chapter 54, Storm Water Management, adding language in chapters 54.03, 54.23 AND 54.55. The ordinance will take affect after the second reading is approved at the June 27th meeting and the ordinance is published. Due to the size and cost of publishing the full ordinance, staff has prepared a summary ordinance to be published. The proposed summary for Ordinance 17-0773 can be found at the end of the attached ordinance. State Statues require the City Council to approve publishing of a summary ordinance with a 4/5 majority. Approval to publish the summary ordinance can be included with the second reading of the ordinance. City staff will be available to answer any questions that you may have. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: City staff recommends approval of the Ordinance's second reading and approval to publish the summary ordinance. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ORDINANCE NO. 17-773 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 (STORM WATER MANAGEMENT) OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON CODE OF ORDINANCES ADDING LANGUAGE IN SECTION 54.03, 54.23 & 54.55; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend the Storm Water Management Ordinance to add language in Sections 54.03, 54.23 & 54.55 of the City Code as follows: CHAPTER 54 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT § 54.03 SCOPE A. Prohibited discharges. It shall be considered an offense for any person to cause or allow a prohibited discharge into waters of the state, including the city storm water system, or any natural water. B. Land disturbing activity requiring a storm water management plan. 1. Any person, firm, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, state agency or political subdivision proposing subdivision or plat approval, a building permit or any land disturbance activity greater than one acre within the city must submit a state issued NPDES permit for construction activity and storm water pollution prevention plan to the City Engineer unless a waiver is provided in accordance with this section. No subdivision approval, plat approval or building permit shall be issued until a state NPDES permit for construction activity and storm water pollution prevention plan or a waiver of the approval requirements has been approved by the City Engineer in strict conformance with the provisions of this chapter. No land shall be disturbed until the permit is approved by the City Engineer and conforms to the standards set forth herein. 2. A storm water management plan may also be required in some situations as determined by the City Engineer (i.e., development within an existing subdivision with documented flooding problems associated with storm water runoff). 3. Exemptions to the storm water management plan requirements of this section include the following: any part of a subdivision that is included in a plat that has been approved by the City Council and recorded with the Register of Deeds on or before the effective date of this chapter. A storm water permit for land disturbing activities on such properties may still be required, as determined by the City Engineer, and such activities are still subject to other compliance requirements in accordance with this chapter: a. A storm water management plan is generally not required for individual lots or properties located within a subdivision or plat for which a storm water management plan has already been approved. This exemption is subject to the City Engineer's consideration and approval; b. A parcel for which a building permit has been approved on and/or before the effective date of this chapter and an NPDES permit for construction activity was not required; c. Any land disturbance activity not associated with building construction that will affect less than one acre of undeveloped land; and Page 1 d. Emergency work to protect life, limb or property. C. Land disturbing activity involving the construction of a single-family or two-family dwelling. Construction of single-family or two-family dwellings must comply with in place approved BMPs and any existing permitted SWPPP for the subdivision, including NPDES permit for construction activity requirements and subdivision agreement. Compliance with the single- family residential construction erosion/sediment control standards is required. D. Installation and repair of utility service lines. 1. At project sites that require permit coverage where a utility contractor is not the site owner or operator, each utility contractor must comply with the provisions of the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) for the project their construction activities will impact. Each utility contractor must ensure that their activities do not render ineffective, the erosion prevention and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) for the site. Should a utility contractor damage or render ineffective any BMPs for the site, the owner must ensure such BMPs are repaired or replaced within seven days of completion of utility installation on the site. 2. At project sites where a utility contractor is the site owner or operator, and the utility company disturbs one or more acres of soil for the purpose of installation of utility service lines, including, but not limited to, residential electric, gas, telephone and cable lines, the utility company must apply for permit coverage from the state prior to commencement of construction. 3. Utility contractors working in a street right-of-way to repair existing or install new utilities and disturbing less than one acre are required to provide appropriate inlet protection and sediment control during the course of the work so as to ensure the storm sewer system is protected from pollution. The utility contractor is also required to provide street sweeping as necessary to insure that sediments resulting from their activity do not enter the storm water system following construction. The street shall be swept within one working day of completion of utility installation on the site. All disturbed vegetation shall be replaced with seed or sod within seven days of completion of utility installation on the site. The city will provide guidance regarding acceptable temporary protection BMPs for inlets and methods to stabilize the exposed soil areas until they meet the definition of final stabilization. E. Waivers. The City Engineer may waive any requirement of this chapter upon making a finding that compliance with the requirement will involve an unnecessary hardship, and the waiver of such requirement is not contrary to the objectives in this section. The City Engineer may require as a condition of the waiver, such dedication or construction, or agreement to dedicate or construct, as may be necessary to adequately meet the said standards and requirements. § 54.23 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CRITERIA FOR PERMANENT FACILITIES Storm water control facilities included as part of the final design for a Permanent Development; shall be addressed in the Storm Water Management Plan and shall meet the requirements of the State NPDES general permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity and the following criteria: A. Pre Versus Post Hydrological Response of Site. An applicant shall install or construct, on or for the proposed land disturbing activity or development activity, all storm water management facilities necessary to manage runoff such that increases in flow under the design conditions will not occur that could exceed the capacity of the Outlet, or the Storm Water Management Page 2 System, into which the site discharges or that would cause the Storm Water Management System to be overloaded or accelerate channel erosion as a result of the proposed land disturbing activity or development activity. Under no circumstances shall the 2, 10, or 100 -year developed peak flow exceed the 2, 10, or 100 -year existing peak flow without prior written approval by the City Engineer. For Regional Detention or Storm Water Management System, the City Engineer shall recommend a proposed System Charge or Assessment to be approved by the City Council based upon an approved Watershed Master Plan and an analysis of required drainage systems, projected costs and flood protection benefits provided to those properties directly or indirectly impacted by the Regional Detention or Storm Water Management System. B. Natural Features of the Site. The applicant shall give consideration to reducing the need for Storm Water Management System facilities by incorporating the use of natural topography and land cover such as wetlands, ponds, natural swales and depressions as they exist before development to the degree that they can accommodate the additional water flow without compromising the integrity or quality of these natural features. C. Storm Water Management Strategies. The following Storm Water Management practices shall be investigated when developing a Storm Water Management Plan in accordance with this chapter and with chapter 53.129 of the City of Hutchinson City Code of Ordinances: 1. Natural infiltration of precipitation and runoff on-site, if suitable soil profiles can be created during site grading. The purpose of this strategy is to encourage the development of a Storm Water Management Plan that encourages natural infiltration. This includes, providing as much natural or vegetated area on the site as possible, minimizing impervious surfaces, and directing runoff to vegetated areas rather than onto adjoining streets, storm sewers and ditches; 2. Flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and natural depressions; 3. Storm Water Detention facilities; and 4. Storm Water Retention facilities (on a case by case basis). 5. Other facilities requested by the City Engineer. A combination of successive practices may be used to achieve the applicable minimum control requirements specified. Justification shall be provided by the applicant for the method selected. For sites of a redevelopment construction activity where, prior to the start of construction, the areas to be disturbed have 15 percent or more of impervious surface, then the practices must be designed to meet the following conditions; 6. A net reduction from pre -project conditions (on an annual average basis) of: a. Stormwater discharge volume, unless precluded by the stormwater management limitations in 54.23 F. of the City of Hutchinson City Code of Ordinances a. Stormwater discharges of TSS b. Stormwater discharges of TP D. Adequacy of Outlets. The adequacy of any Outlet used as a discharge point for proposed Storm Water Management System must be assessed and documented to the satisfaction of the Page 3 City Engineer. To the extent practicable, hydraulic capacities of downstream natural channels, storm sewer systems, or streets shall be evaluated to determine if they have sufficient conveyance capacity to receive and accommodate post -development runoff discharges and volumes without causing increased property damages or any increase in the established base flood elevation. If a flood plain or floodway has not been established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the applicant shall provide a documented analysis and estimate of the base flood elevation as certified by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. In addition, projected velocities in downstream natural or manmade channels shall not exceed that which is reasonably anticipated to cause erosion unless protective measures acceptable to the City Engineer are approved and installed as part of the Storm Water Management Plan. The assessment of Outlet adequacy shall be included in the Storm Water Management Plan. E. Storm Water Detention/Retention Facilities. Storm Water Detention or Retention facilities proposed to be constructed in the Storm Water Management Plan shall be designed according to the most current practices as reflected in the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program study. F. Infiltration. Infiltration facilities are prohibited, unless approved by the City Engineer, when receiving discharges from, or are to be constructed in areas: 1. Where industrial facilities are not authorized to infiltrate industrial stormwater under an NPDES/SDS Industrial Stormwater Permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; 2. Where vehicle fueling and maintenance occur; 3. With less than three (3) feet of separation distance from the bottom of the infiltration system to the elevation of the seasonally saturated soils or the top of bedrock; 4. Where high levels of contaminants in soil or groundwater will be mobilized by the infiltrating stormwater; 5. With predominately Hydrologic Soil Group D (clay) soils; 6. Within a Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) as defined in Minnesota Rules 4720.5100, subpart 13. G. Mitigation Provisions. There may be circumstances where the owner of a construction activity cannot cost effectively meet the conditions of the State NPDES general permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity on the site of the original construction activity. For this purpose the owner of a construction activity may identify, locations where mitigation projects can be completed. Mitigation must be accomplished using the following: 1. Mitigation project areas are selected in the following order of preference: a. Locations that yield benefits to the same receiving water that receives runoff from the original construction activity b. Locations within the same Department of Natural Resource (DNR) catchment area as the original construction activity c. Locations in the next adjacent DNR catchment area up -stream d. Locations anywhere within City jurisdiction Page 4 2. Mitigation projects must involve the creation of new structural storm water BMPs or the retrofit of existing structural storm water BMP's, or the use of a properly designed regional structural storm water BMP. 3. Routine maintenance of existing structural storm water BMP's cannot be used to meet mitigation requirements. 4. Mitigation projects shall be completed within 24 months after the start of the original construction activity. § 54.55 NPDES PERMIT It is unlawful to initiate any land development activity, land disturbing activity or other activities which may result in an increase in storm water quantities, degradation of storm water quality or restriction of flow in any storm sewer system, open ditch or natural channel, storm water easement, water body or wetland outlet within the jurisdiction of the city, without having first complied with the terms of this chapter. Other activities include those outlined in § 54.03 of this chapter. A. Permit. All persons subject to meeting the requirements and needing to obtain a NPDES permit for construction activity shall apply for coverage and file a copy with the City Engineer. The permit will be accompanied by a storm water management plan as prescribed under the storm water management plan application and review provisions set forth in § 54.20 through §http://library.amlegal.com/nxt/ atg eway.dll?f=jumplink$jumplink_x=Advanced$jumplink_vpc =first$jumplink xsl=querylink.xsl$jumplink_sel=title,path;content-type home-title,item- bookmark$jumplink_d=minnesota(hutchinson_mn)$jumplinkg=%5bfie1d%20f61io- destination-name:'54.023'%5d$jumplink md=target-id=JD 54.023 54.23 of this chapter, if such a plan has not been previously approved. Permit applications may be denied if the applicant is not in compliance with the NPDES permit for construction activity currently in effect. Commencing earthwork on a project prior to plan or permit approval is considered a violation of this chapter. B. Permit delays. The City Engineer may withhold granting approval of a permit until all issues associated with the site are resolved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Permits may be conditioned with delays such that work cannot begin until a specified date or until after the site is inspected. C. Permit amendments. NPDES permit for construction activity may be amended (by applicant) only by a written request submitted by the permittee to the state. This request shall contain the reason for the change and documentation related to any additional impacts, which may result from amendment approval. A copy of the request will be submitted to the City Engineer within seven days of the submittal to the state. The state approved amended permit will also be submitted to the City Engineer within seven days of receipt. D. Permit transfer. A NPDES permit for construction activity runs with the property it covers, until the permitted activities are completed, and is transferable to new landowners in its entirety or by parcel, with each parcel being subject to the permit and any conditions, which apply to that parcel. Land transfers must be reported to the City Engineer prior to issuing of permits. E. Inspection. 1. The City Engineer may inspect the storm water management system of any permittee to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The applicant shall promptly allow the City and its authorized representatives, upon presentation of credentials to: Page 5 a. Enter upon the permitted site for the purpose of obtaining information, examination of records, conducting investigations, inspections or surveys; b. Bring such equipment upon the permitted site as is necessary to conduct such inspections, surveys and investigations; c. Examine and copy any books, papers, records, or memoranda pertaining to activities or records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permitted site; d. Inspect the storm water pollution control measures; and e. Sample and monitor any items or activities pertaining to storm water pollution control measures. 2. Any applicant or permittee shall provide safe and easy access for inspections. F. Inspections of the storm water pollution prevention plan's measures. At a minimum, such inspections shall be done weekly by the permittee (general contractor, developer or the developer's designated representative), and within 24 hours after every storm or snow melt event large enough to result in runoff from the site (one-half inch or more in 24 hours). At a minimum, these inspections shall be done during active construction (the MPCA and city have inspection forms available upon request). EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication in accordance with the Hutchinson City Charter. Adopted by the City Council this 27" day of June, 2017. ATTEST: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Gary Forcier, Mayor First Consideration: Second Consideration: Date of Publication: Page 6 TITLE AND SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 17-773 The following Ordinance is hereby published by title and summary: Title of Ordinance: Stormwater Management Ordinance An Ordinance to Create and Enact Title 5, Chapter 54, Sections 54.03, 54.23 & 54.55 of the City of Hutchinson Code of Ordinances, 2. Summary of Ordinance: This ordinance creates and enacts Title 5, Chapter 54, Sections 54.03, 54.23 & 54.55 of the Hutchinson City Code, which sections sets forth storm water management criteria for permanent facilities in the chapter and clarifies references to NPDES permits for construction activity. This Chapter applies in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota and to persons outside the City who are, by contract or agreement with the City, users of the City storm water management system. Except as otherwise provided herein, the City Engineer shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of this Chapter. This Ordinance shall take effect upon publication in accordance with the Hutchinson City Charter. 3. Availability of Ordinance: A complete, printed copy of this Ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular business hours in the office of the City Clerk, This Ordinance was passed by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson on the 27th day of June, 2017. ATTEST: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Gary Forcier, Mayor Date of Publication: July 5, 2017 Page 7 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi=faf - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Sale of Municipally -Owned Land - Ordinance No. 17-774 Department: Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: This ordinance had its discussion and first reading at the last Council meeting. All of the terms remain as discussed previously. The sale of municipally -owned land must be approved by ordinance in accordance with the City Charter. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 17-774 Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ORDINANCE NO. 17-774 PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AUTHORIZING l'HE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY l iit: C1T'Y 01= 11UTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section I . ['hat the municipally owned real property legally described as follows: The Southerly 10.00 feet of the Northerly 209.50 feet of Lot 12, block 13, North Half Of Hutchinson, according to the recorded plat thereof, McLeod County, Minnesota, subject to a Permanent Easement over, cinder and across the Easterly 20.00 feet thereof for good and valuable consideration is hereby transferred and conveyed to Eric Wangen. Section 2. The City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich, or his designee is authorized to sign any and all documents on behalf of the City to effectuate the closing of this transaction. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 27`x' day of June, 2017. teary T. Forcier Mayor ATTEST; Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfl="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Sale of Municipally -Owned Land/Purchase Agreement - MidCountry Bank Department: Administration/Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc A. Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc A. Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: There are two items on the agenda for your consideration for the June 27, 2017, meeting. The first is the second reading and adoption of the ordinance selling the northerly 1/3 portion of the parking lot behind MidCountryBank to MidCountryBank. The passage of an ordinance authorizing the sale of municipally owned land is required by the City Charter. The second is approval of the purchase agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the sale of the land to MidCountryBank. As I mentioned at the last Council meeting with regard to the purchase agreement, the purchase price is $57,000 and that price is the same that the City paid for the land from MidCountryBank back in 2015 when it acquired the southerly 1/3 portion of the same parking lot from MidCountryBank. The price for this transaction was set as part of the transaction back in 2015. The remainder of the purchase agreement is what I would call a "standard agreement" with regard to the responsibilities of the City and MidCountryBank. I recommend approval of both items. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 17-775 and purchase agreement with MidCountry Bank. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ORDINANCE NO. 17-775 PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. That the municipally owned real property legally described as follows: The north 46.3 feet of Lot 1, Block 27, South Half City of Hutchinson for good and valuable consideration is hereby transferred and conveyed to MidCountry Bank Section 2. The City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich, or his designee is authorized to sign any and all documents on behalf of the City to effectuate the closing of this transaction. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 27`h day of June, 2017. Gary T. Forcier Mayor ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT Parties. This Purchase Agreement is made and effective on the last date executed below by and between MidCountry Bank, a federally chartered stock savings bank, with its corporate office located at 7825 Washington Ave. South, Suite 120, Bloomington, MN 55439, "Purchaser", and the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation, "Seller". Offer/Acceptance. Seller agrees to convey real property (the "Property") in McLeod County, Minnesota, as indicated by the legal description described hereto: The north 46.3 feet of Lot 1, Block 27, South Half City of Hutchinson Purchase Price and Terms. The purchase price for the Property shall be fifty-seven thousand dollars and no cents ($57,000.00), less the $1,000 Option Deposit held by Seller pursuant to the Real Estate Purchase Agreement between MidCountry Bank and the City of Hutchinson dated 7/1/15, which the Buyer agrees to pay in cash or by certified check or bank draft on the date of the closing and upon delivery of the deed as hereinafter provided. Buyer shall cause one thousand dollars and no cents ($1,000.00) of this amount as earnest money to be made payable to the Seller and delivered with this purchase agreement through the application of the Option Deposit as noted herein. All interest on the earnest money shall be added to and become part of the earnest money. Closing Date and Contingencies. For a period of up to 30 days following the execution of this purchase agreement, Buyer shall have an opportunity to conduct investigations of the Property as described below. The obligation of the Buyer to complete the transaction contemplated under this purchase agreement is specifically contingent on and the Buyer satisfying itself that there are no significant environmental or other problems affecting the Property. The Buyer shall be the sole judge of the fitness of the condition of the Property. The closing of this transaction shall take place within 30 days of the end of the contingency period and, in no event later than on or before July 12, 2017, or as otherwise mutually agreed by and between the parties. Deed. At closing, Seller shall execute and deliver a Warranty Deed conveying title of record, subject to building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations, exceptions to title which constitute encumbrances, restrictions or easements of record. Assessments. Seller shall pay on the date of closing any deferred real estate taxes (including "green acres" taxes) under Minnesota Statute §273.1.11 or special assessments payment of which is required as a result of the closing of this sale. Real estate taxes due and payable in the year in which this transaction is closed shall be prorated between the Buyer and Seller. Buyer shall pay real estate taxes due and payable in the year following closing and thereafter. Seller makes no representation concerning the amount of future real estate taxes or of future special assessments. Seller's Lien Warrants. Seller warrants that there have been no labor or material furnished to the Property for which payment has not been made. Condition of Property. Seller shall remove all debris and all personal property not included in this sale from the Property before possession date. Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to the existence of any Dutch elm disease, oak wilt, or other disease of any trees on the Property. Seller knows of no hazardous substances or petroleum products having been placed, stored, or released from or on the Property by any person in violation of any law, nor of any underground storage tanks having been located on the Property at any time. Notwithstanding Buyer's environmental investigations of the Property, Seller does not warrant and represent to Buyer that there have been no acts or occurrences upon the Property that have caused or could cause hazardous substances or 83409000 petroleum products to be released or discharged into the subsoil or ground water of the Property or other property in the area. Seller does not represent and warrant to Buyer that the Property is free of hazardous substances and is not subject to any "superfund" type liens or claims by governmental regulatory agencies or third parties arising from the release or threatened release of hazardous substances in, on, or about the Property. Seller knows of no wetlands, flood plain, or shoreland on or affecting the Property. Seller's warranties and representations contained in this section shall survive the delivery of the deed provided that any notice of a defect or claim of breach of warranty must be in writing. Any such notice with respect to matters referred to in this section must be given by the Buyer to the Seller within one year of the date of closing or they will be deemed waived. The conditions of the conveyance of the Property set forth in the Purchase Price and Terms section of this Agreement shall also survive the closing and delivery of the deed. Buyer shall have the right to have inspections of the Property conducted prior to closing. Unless required by local ordinance or lending regulations, Seller does not plan to have the Property inspected. Other than the representations made in this paragraph, and by any contingencies, the Property is being sold "AS IS" with no express or implied representations or warranties by the Seller as to physical conditions or fitness for any particular purpose. Disclosure of Notices. Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to violation of any law, ordinance or regulation. If the Property is subject to restrictive covenants, Seller has not received any notice from any person as to a breach of the covenants. Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority concerning any eminent domain, condemnation, special taxing district, or rezoning proceedings. Access Prior to Closing. By this purchase agreement, Buyer does not acquire any right of possession of the Property, license, or easement. However, during the period from the date of the Purchase Agreement to the Closing Date, Buyer and its agents shall have access to the Property for completing such tests, studies, evaluations and other investigations as Buyer deems necessary. This right of entry shall also include the Buyer's agents, surveyors, engineers, and site evaluators for the purposes of testing, measuring and evaluating the condition of the parcel. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from any and all liens, claims, liabilities or charges incurred or caused by Buyer's contracts with surveyors, engineers, and site evaluators, which indemnity shall include any costs and disbursements incurred by Seller in any defense thereof. Possession. Seller shall deliver possession of the Property not later than July 12, 2017 the date of closing; or such earlier time as the Seller is capable of executing the deed. Examination of Title. Seller shall cause to be issued to Buyer, at Seller's cost, no later than fifteen (15) days from the effective date of this Purchase Agreement, with a commitment for an American Land Association ("ALTA") owner's policy of title insurance (the "Commitment"), issued by Crow River Title Guaranty, Inc., to include proper searches including bankruptcies, state and federal liens, judgments and taxes and assessments, current and delinquent, as well as a certificate from the city or county clerk / treasurer as to assessments, utilities and sundry costs. The Buyer shall be allowed fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof for examination of said title and the making of any objections to title. Said objections shall be in writing. Any objections not in writing shall be deemed to be waived by Buyer. If the objections are made, the Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve all issues relating to the objections in a manner that is reasonably acceptable to Buyer within one hundred twenty (120) days and the closing date shall be extended pending correction of title. However, Seller has no obligation to cure any objections, except that Seller covenants and agrees that prior to or at closing, it will discharge any encumbrances that constitute a lien against the Property. Except as to liens, if Seller is unable or unwilling to provide a cure (or arrange a cure) that is reasonably acceptable to Buyer for any objection prior to the date of closing, Buyer may either: (i) by written notice to Seller, terminate this Purchase Agreement with the earnest money returned to Buyer, or (ii) by written notice to Seller waive such objections and proceed under the terms of this Purchase Agreement. Upon making title marketable or the waiver of Buyer's objections as described above, the closing date shall 83409000 occur within ten (10) days after written notice to Buyer from Seller that title has been corrected and the parties shall perform this Purchase Agreement according to its terms. Warranties and Representations of Seller. By executing this agreement, Seller represents and warrants that the Seller is the sole owner of the Property and that there are no actual pending or threatened legal action with respect to the Property. Seller also warrants that there are no other contracts for deed, agreements, and options of first refusal affecting the Property. Finally, the Seller warrants there are no violations of applicable governmental laws, ordinances or regulations pertaining to the Property. Closing Costs and Prorations. Seller shall pay all costs and expenses necessary to place title in the condition represented by Seller. Seller shall pay the costs of the abstract. Seller shall pay any state deed tax due and payable with respect to the Warranty Deed conveying the Property. Real estate taxes due and payable for the Property the year in which the Closing occurs shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer as of the Closing Date. Buyer shall pay the costs of recording the conveyance instruments and the premium for any policy of title insurance which Buyer elects to purchase. Seller and Buyer shall share equally the closing fee charged by a title company. All other costs and expenses with respect to the Property shall be prorated between the Seller and Buyer as is customary as of the closing date. Each party shall pay its respective attorney's fees and professional costs with respect to the negotiation and closing of the purchase. Seller shall pay any commission or fee payable to Seller's broker or agent if any. Records. Upon the execution of the Purchase Agreement, Seller will deliver to Buyer true and correct copies of all records (the "Records") affecting the Property and their ownership, condition and use including, without limitation, copies of all surveys, soil tests, environmental studies and reports, market studies, appraisals, tax records, governmental permits and correspondence either in Seller's possession or immediately available to Seller. Minnesota Law. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Well Disclosure. Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any wells on the Property. Closing. Closing shall be conducted at Crow River Title Guaranty Inc. located at 106 2nd Avenue SW, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. At closing, Seller and Buyer shall disclose their Federal Tax Identification numbers for the purposes of completing state and federal tax forms. Breach of Contract. The parties herein agree that the ordinary remedies available for breach of contract, including but not limited to rights of specific performance, shall apply to this transaction, notwithstanding the payment of any earnest money by Buyer. Airport Zoning_ Regulations. Buyer understands and agrees that Seller does not know, or have any reason to know, whether there are airport zoning regulations that affect the Property. If airport zoning regulations affect the Property, a copy of those airport zoning regulations as adopted can be viewed or obtained in the office of the county recorder where the zoned area is located. Methamphetamine Production. Buyer and Seller agree and acknowledge that, to the best of Seller's knowledge, there has been no methamphetamine production on the Property, and that Seller has no reason to know of any methamphetamine production on the Property. Miscellaneous. This agreement is subject to terms and requirements of the City Charter of the City of Hutchinson. 83409000 SELLER BUYER CITY OF HUTCHINSON MIDCOUNTRY BANK Gary T. Forcier, Mayor Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator 83409000 David Turk, Chief Financial Officer HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Dog Park Project Department: PRCE LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dolf Moon Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Based on community feedback and area fundraising a decision concerning the dog park project should be made. The primary decision pieces include where to locate the park,project scope and establishing a funding source. Pending action on the three decision pieces the project could be complete by Labor Day. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Establishing the site location, project scope and funding source. Fiscal Impact: $ 45,200.00 Funding Source: Donations/ Capital Funds FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 45,200.00 Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 45,200.00 Funding Source: Memorandum To: Mayor and Council From: Dolf Moon Director PRCE Date: 6/16/2017 Re: Dog Park site selection, budget and funding source recommendation. I have included two sites for Council review, estimated budget and funding source recommendation for your consideration. East River Park Size 210 x 210 Trees Yes Parking On Street Bathrooms 700 ft. Depot Trail Dakota Water Planned Competing Activities None Oddfellows Park 250 x 100 No Off Street 926 ft. Luce Line Existing Archery- Playground — Shelter Based on our staff site evaluation we recommend the East River Park location for the proposed dog park. We have also identified the following budget items. Items with an asterisk are essential and additional items can be added as funds become available. Fencing* $ 20,000 Water Service * $ 4,500 Animal Waste Station/Signage* (2) $ 1,000 Benches (6) $ 12,000 Garbage Cans (2) $ 3,600 Total $ 41,100 We recommend that this project be funded through donations and capitol project sources identified by the Council. Once authorized to proceed we believe the project could be complete by Labor Day. I will attend the June 27th meeting to answer questions. Thanks for your consideration. N Estimate Cost is $41,100.00 • Fence* -- $201000 • Water Service* -- $41500 • Animal Waste Station/Signage* (2) -- $1,000 • 2 Garbage Cans -- $3,600 • 6 Benches -- $121000 *Essential I ■n$ TAM zzjff EM POTENTIAL DOG PARK LOCATION #1 f, r • .. y„ � -. �$. '10. R a Ilk - - - r♦e 1� _ Y ` s 4 � ,. . � � t ° -,•fix a w - W. re'.. .y, I 1L L 1L qQ - POTENTIAL DOG PARK LOCATION #2 f�w OTHER LOCATIONS DISCUSSED r;v HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Burich Arena dehumidifier replacement Department: PRCE LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2016 Application Complete N/A Contact: J.J. Verhey/ Mary Haugen Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Burich Arena dehumidifiers, east and west rinks, were scheduled to be replaced in 2018. These units were donated to the city by Hutchinson Technology in the mid 90's. We were hopeful that they would be operational until next year, but they are no longer serviceable; parts are becoming expensive and scarce. The City's Facilities Committee and PRCE staff are recommending replacement of them in 2017. This project was identified in the Stevens Engineering building evaluation report in 2013 and the consultant provided information and recommendations regarding the scope of the project. We intend to order and purchase these units separate from the materials and labor required for installation. There will be an additional request addressing the installation. Ordering now will allow us to receive these units and install them prior to our scheduled fall ice season. We have met with and spoken to a number of suppliers and we believe that our best price and best choice will be provided by a Minnesota company, Becker Arena Products of Savage Minnesota. Arenas throughout Minnesota have worked with Becker on all types of arena improvements and they are known nationally as providing exceptional value and service. We are able to purchase the equipment through our membership in the National Joint Powers Alliance, (N.J.P.A) which allows us to qualify for discounted pricing through this governmental agency. N.J.P.A. has pre -qualified and pre-bid this type of equipment and allows municipalities to use this process in lieu of formal bids. The funding source for this project comes from the Facilities/Capital Improvement Fund. The committee has discussed this funding and has presented this information to the Mayor and Council at prior meetings. The Facilities Committee and PRCE staff recommend that the Mayor and City Council approve the purchase of dehumidifiers for Burich Arena for a project cost of $81,787.03 as bid through the National Joint Powers Alliance. City staff is available to answer any questions that you may have. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval to purchase two dehumidifying units for Burich Arena, purchased through the National Joint Powers Alliance. Fiscal Impact: $ 81,787.03 Funding Source: Facilities/Capital Projects FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 81,787.03 Total City Cost: $ 81,787.03 Funding Source: Facilities Funding/Capital Projects Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: IVI [ARENA PRODUCTS, INC. Becker Arena Products Inc 6611 Highway 13 W Savage MN 55378-1100 USA Quote Number: 10002083 Quote To: HUT001 Burich Arena 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson MN 55350 USA Phone: 3205872975 Fax: Line Part 1 76.11320 Includes Manufacturer Onsite Startup Assistance ""NJPA Discount - 3%"" Phone: 800-234-5522 Fax #: 952-890-2680 www.beckerarena.com Quote Page: 1 of 1 Date: 6/8/2017 Expires: 7/8/2017 Ship To: Burich Arena 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 USA Phone:3205872975 Reference: NJPA:33350 Sales Rep: Brad Peterson Fax: brad.peterson@beckerarena.com Description - MS -4800/4000 DEHUMIDIFIER Quantity Unit Price Discount % Net Price 2.00 EACH 40,778.75 /1 3.00 79,110.78 Line Part Description - 2 76.10635 DEHUMID.REACTIVATION OUTLET MUFFLER Quantity Unit Price Discount % Net Price 2.00 EACH 812.50/1 3.00 1,576.25 Line(2) - Miscellaneous Charge - Freight -Out 1,100.00 Quote Subtotal: $80,687.03 Total Misc Charges: $1,100.00 Quote Total: $81,787.03 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CayofAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-=-7 Agenda Item: Letter of Support on the Dakota Rail Trail Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: This item was brought up by council member Cook at our last council meeting. Based off of the feedback from that meeting, staff put together the attached letter for your consideration. The letter expresses the City's support with the continued develop of the Dakota Rail Trail from the McLeod/Carver County Line to the City of Hutchinson. In reviewing the letter I would ask that you look at the last paragraph with the bullet points. We had discussions on these items last August when our first letter of support went out. The one thing that has changed is the last bullet point which includes doing maintenance work all the way out to Highway 22 east of town provided that the trail is paved through McLeod County. Are we willing to offer these items up in a collaborative effort to try to get this trail project completed? Staff believes we will have the time to be able to plan for it and do it if and when the County approves the rest of the project. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve/Deny sending out a letter of support on the Dakota Rail Trail Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: June 27, 2017 Mr. Al Koglin Park Superintendent McLeod County 830 E. 11th Street Glencoe, MN 55336 RE: Continued Support for the Dakota Rail Trail Project Dear Mr. Koglin: Office of the City Administrator 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-234-4241/Fax 320-234-4240 On behalf of the Hutchinson City Council, I am writing to you today in an effort to express the city of Hutchinson's continued support for the development and expansion of the Dakota Rail Trail from the McLeod/Carver County line to the City of Hutchinson, a distance of 18 -miles. We are excited to hear about the Legacy Funding that was made available during this past legislative session. We are excited to hear that this funding will assist the county in the development of the first phase of the Dakota Rail Trail, which includes the pavement of a 2 -mile stretch from the Carver County line to County Road 1. With the recent paving of the Luce Line Trail, Hutchinson understands the benefit a regional trail system can bring not only to a community, but a region as a whole. I am writing to you today to express the City's excitement in assisting the County in seeing this trail to completion with the paving of the remaining 16 miles. The City of Hutchinson believes that the Dakota Rail Trail will become a critical link in McLeod County's trail system because it will provide off-road connections between several communities across the county and it will connect with the Luce -Line State Trail in Hutchinson to provide additional opportunities for residents and visitors to recreate and commute. East of McLeod County, the Dakota Rail Trail crosses Carver County and Hennepin County and is one of the most popular trails in the region, with over 573,000 annual visits. The McLeod County connection to the Carver County segment will allow thousands of users to continue traveling on the trail across McLeod County, generating more tourism revenue for the cities of Lester Prairie, Silver Lake and Hutchinson. The Dakota Rail Trail will be one of the longest paved trails in McLeod County. This will provide opportunities for residents to commute to work and bike, walk, or run for exercise, while still providing opportunities for snowmobile use. The health benefits of the trail will be realized in all connecting communities and across the county. As you well know, the Dakota Rail Trail ends at the Depot Marketplace here in Hutchinson. The City envisions a bigger picture with the Dakota Trail connecting to the Luce Line State Trail. The connection of the Luce Line State Trail to the Dakota Rail Trail would create one of the longest contiguous trail sections in the upper Midwest and would create a regional attraction for the area with its various looping opportunities. In an effort to help make this a reality, the City of Hutchinson is once again willing to provide assistance to make this project financially more feasible for the entire county. That assistance would include the following: • We would be willing to work with the County's engineering staff and provide an in-kind contribution of our engineering staff to help engineer this project. We estimate that this in-kind contribution would be valued at about $160,000. • We would be willing to construct a trail that would connect the Dakota Rail Trail at Ranch Ave to the existing city trail under the 5th Ave Bridge. This would provide Dakota Rail Trail users the option to connect with the newly paved trail over to the Depot Marketplace (which will also serve as a trail head), the Luce Line State Trail or the city trail system. We estimate this cost to be approximately $80,000 and this link to the Depot would add approximately 2 miles for Dakota users. • We would be willing to cover future maintenance costs along that portion of the Dakota Rail Trail not only within city limits, but out to Hi _ way 22 east of town provided that the trail is paved through McLeod County. This is roughly a mile to a mile and quarter outside of the city limits of Hutchinson, and this agreement would include asphalt maintenance for the period required by grants that the county receives for the trail and its paving. It is estimated that the maintenance of this section of the trail will be anywhere from $300 to $700 a year. Once again, the city of Hutchinson whole heartily extends its support in your effort of developing and expending the remaining portion of the Dakota Rail Trail. As noted above, we are also willing to be a partner in this effort. If we can be of any assistance to you in this project, please don't hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Matthew Jaunich City Administrator CC: Pat Melvin, County Administrator 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfl="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: Consideration of Adoption -Resolution No. 14733for airport maintenance Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/13/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Every three years, MnDOT Aeronautics hires a consultant to perform pavement management reviews of airports. During the last pavement management inspection, there were two areas identified at the airport as being in poor condition. The first is a paved area between two of our older hangars. To address future potential improvement projects, it was determined in the best interest of the Airport to pursue a project to address pavement conditions. A couple of different options were reviewed, and it was determined the best thing to do would be to do a chip seal, followed by a fog seal on Taxilane 003. This process would be the same as we do on City streets. After receiving price quotes, Bolton-Menk encouraged us to apply for a state FY2017 grant, which we did and were awarded. The $11,837.50 project would be funded 80% with a MnDOT Aeronautics grant at $9,407.00, with the remaining 20% of local funds of $2,430.50 coming from budgeted Airport Contractual R&M. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 14733 for Airport maintenance. Name Mayor Forcier and City Administrator Jaunich as authorized signatories. Execute State of Minnesota Grant Agreement. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 70,800.00 Total City Cost: $ 14,160.00 Funding Source: Planning dollars Remaining Cost: $ 56,640.00 Funding Source: MnDOT Aeronautics Grant Rev. 1/07 RESOLUTION NO. 14733 AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT EXCLUDING LAND ACQUISITION It is resolved by the City of Hutchinson as follows: 1. That the state of Minnesota Agreement No. 1028643, "Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition," for State Project No. A4304-35 at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport is accepted. 2. That the Mayor and City Administrator are authorized to execute this Agreement and any amendments on behalf of the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council of Hutchinson MN this 27th day of June, 2017. Mayor: Gary Forcier STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF MCLEOD City Administrator: Matt Jaunich CERTIFICATION I certify that the above Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the City of Hutchinson MN City Council at an authorized meeting held on the 27th day of June, 2017, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. Signature: City Administrator: Matt Jaunich Notary Public CORPORATE SEAL My Commission Expires: Rev. #1, 7/06 Mn/DOT Agreement No. 1028643 State Project No. A4304-35 GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT EXCLUDING LAND ACQUISITION This Agreement is by and between the State of Minnesota acting through its Commissioner of Transportation ("State"), and the City of Hutchinson ("Recipient'). WHEREAS, the Recipient desires the financial assistance of the State for an airport improvement project ("Project") as described in Article 2 below; and WHEREAS, the State is authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sections 360.015 (subdivisions 13 & 14) and 360.305 to provide financial assistance to eligible airport sponsors for the acquisition, construction, improvement, or maintenance of airports and other air navigation facilities; and WHEREAS, the Recipient has provided the State with the plans, specifications, and a detailed description of the airport improvement Project. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. This Agreement is effective upon execution by the Recipient and the State, and will remain in effect until June 30,2021. 2. The following table provides a description of the Project and shows a cost participation breakdown for each item of work: Item Description Federal Share State Share Local Share Taxilane Seal Coat 0% 80% 20% 3. The Project costs will not exceed $11,837.50. The proportionate shares of the Project costs are: Federal: Committed $ 0.00, Multi -Year Amount: 0.00; State: $9,470.00, and Recipient: $2,367.50. This project is not estimated to be completed this fiscal year and the federal multiyear amount is an estimate only. These additional funds are not committed by the state and are only available after being made so by the U.S. government. Federal funds for the Project will be received and disbursed by the State. In the event federal reimbursement becomes available or is increased for this Project, the State will be entitled to recover from such federal funds an amount not to exceed the state funds advanced for this Project. No funds are committed under this Agreement until they are encumbered by the State. No more than 95% of the amount due under this Agreement will be paid by the State until the State determines that the Recipient has complied with all terms of this Agreement, and furnished all necessary records. 4. The Recipient will designate a registered engineer (the "Project Engineer") to oversee the Project work. If, with the State's approval, the Recipient elects not to have such services performed by a registered engineer, then the Recipient will designate another responsible person to oversee such work, and any references herein to the "Project Engineer" will apply to such responsible person. 5. The Recipient will complete the Project in accordance with the plans, specifications, and detailed description of the Project, which are on file with the State's Office of Aeronautics and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Any changes in the plans or specifications of the Project after the date of this Agreement will be valid only if made by written change order signed by the Recipient, the Project Engineer, and the contractor. Change orders must be submitted to the State. Subject to the availability of funds the State may prepare an amendment to this Agreement to reimburse the Recipient for the allowable costs of qualifying change orders. 6. The Recipient will make payments to its contractor on a work -progress basis. The Recipient will submit requests for reimbursement of certified costs to the State on state -approved forms. The State will reimburse the Recipient for the state and federal shares of the approved Project costs. a. At regular intervals, the Recipient or the Project Engineer will prepare a partial estimate in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). Partial estimates must be completed no later than one month after the work covered by the estimate is completed. The Project Engineer and the contractor must certify that each partial estimate is true and correct, and that the costs have not been included on a previous estimate. Page 1 of 4 b. Following certification of the partial estimate, the Recipient will make partial payments to the contractor in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). c. Following certification of the partial estimate, the Recipient may request reimbursement from the State for costs eligible for federal and state participation. A copy of the partial estimate must be included with the Recipient's request for payment. Reimbursement requests and partial estimates should not be submitted if they cover a period in which there was no progress on the Project. d. Upon completion of the Project(s), the Recipient will prepare a final estimate in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). The final estimate must be certified by the Recipient, Project Engineer and the contractor. e. Following certification of the final estimate, the Recipient will make final payment to the contractor in accordance with the terms of the contract, special provisions, and standard specifications for the Project(s). f Following certification of the final estimate, the Recipient may request reimbursement from the State for costs eligible for federal and state participation. A request for final payment must be submitted to the State along with those project records required by the State. 7. For a Project which involves the purchase of equipment, the Recipient will be reimbursed by the State in one lump sum after the Recipient: (1) has acquired both possession and unencumbered title to the equipment; and (2) has presented proof of payment to the State, and (3) a certificate that the equipment is not defective and is in good working order. The Recipient will keep such equipment, properly stored, in good repair, and will not use the equipment for any purpose other than airport operations. 8. If the Project involves force -account work or project donations, the Recipient must obtain the written approval of the State and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Force -account work performed or project donations received without written approval by the State will not be reimbursed under this Agreement. Force -account work must be done in accordance with the schedule of prices and terms established by the Recipient and approved by the State. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 360.305, subdivision 4 (g) (1), the Recipient will operate its airport as a licensed, municipally -owned public airport at all times of the year for a period of 20 years from the date the Recipient receives final reimbursement under this Agreement. The Airport must be maintained in a safe, serviceable manner for public aeronautical purposes only. The Recipient will not transfer, convey, encumber, assign, or abandon its interest in the airport or in any real or personal property, which is purchased or improved with State aid funds without prior written approval from the State. If the State approves such transfer or change in use, the Recipient must comply with such conditions and restrictions as the State may place on such approval. The obligations imposed by this clause survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 10. This Agreement may be terminated by the Recipient or State at any time, with or without cause, upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. Such termination will not remove any unfulfilled financial obligations of the Recipient as set forth in this Agreement. In the event of such a termination, the Recipient will be entitled to reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred for work satisfactorily performed on the Project up to the date of termination. The State may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not receive sufficient funding from the Minnesota Legislature or other funding source, or such funding is not provided at a level sufficient to allow for the continuation of the work covered by this Agreement. In the event of such termination, the Recipient will be reimbursed for work satisfactorily performed up to the effective date of such termination to the extent that funds are available. In the event of any complete or partial state government shutdown due to a failure to have a budget approved at the required time, the State may suspend this Agreement, upon notice to the Recipient, until such government shutdown ends, and the Recipient assumes the risk of non-payment for work performed during such shutdown. 11. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 8800.2500, the Recipient certifies that (1) it presently has available sufficient unencumbered funds to pay its share of the Project; (2) the Project will be completed without undue delay; and (3) the Recipient has the legal authority to engage in the Project as proposed. 12. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the Recipient will maintain such records and provide such information, at the request of the State, so as to permit the Department of Transportation, the Legislative Auditor, or the State Auditor to examine those books, records, and accounting procedures and practices of the Recipient relevant to this Agreement for a minimum of six years after the expiration of this Agreement. Page 2 of 4 13. The Recipient will save, defend, and hold the State harmless from any claims, liabilities, or damages including, but not limited to, its costs and attorneys' fees arising out of the Project which is the subject of this Agreement. 14. The Recipient will not utilize any state or federal financial assistance received pursuant to this Agreement to compensate, either directly or indirectly, any contractor, corporation, partnership, or business, however organized, which is disqualified or debarred from entering into or receiving a State contract. This restriction applies regardless of whether the disqualified or debarred party acts in the capacity of a general contractor, a subcontractor, or as an equipment or material supplier. This restriction does not prevent the Recipient from utilizing these funds to pay any party who might be disqualified or debarred after the Recipient's contract award on this Project. 15. All contracts for materials, supplies, or construction performed under this Agreement will comply with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59. 16. The amount of this Agreement is limited to the dollar amounts as defined in Article 3 above. Any cost incurred above the amount obligated by the State is done without any guarantee that these costs will be reimbursed in any way. A change to this Agreement will be effective only if it is reduced to writing and is executed by the same parties who executed this Agreement, or their successors in office. 17. For projects that include consultant services, the Recipient and its consultant will conduct the services in accordance with the work plan indicated in the Recipient's contract for consultant services, which shall be on file with the State's Office of Aeronautics. The work plan is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. The Recipient will confer on a regular basis with the State to coordinate the design and development of the services. 18. The parties must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, as it relates to all data provided to or by a party pursuant to this Agreement. 19. Minnesota law, without regard to its choice -of -law provisions, governs this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this Agreement, or its breach must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 20. For projects including federal funding, the Recipient must comply with applicable regulations, including, but not limited to, Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, subchapter I, part 151; and Minnesota Rules Chapter 8800. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for the federal Airport Improvement Program is 20.106. 21. For all projects, the Recipient must comply, and require its contractors and consultants to comply, with all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the work The Recipient must advertise, let, and award any contracts for the project in accordance with applicable laws. The State may withhold payment for services performed in violation of applicable laws. 22. Under this Agreement, the State is only responsible for receiving and disbursing federal and state funds. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to make the State a principal, co -principal, partner, or joint venturer with respect to the Project(s) covered herein. The State may provide technical advice and assistance as requested by the Recipient, however, the Recipient will remain responsible for providing direction to its contractors and consultants and for administering its contracts with such entities. The Recipient's consultants and contractors are not intended to be third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 State Encumbrance Verification Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. §§ 16A.15 and 16C.05. Date SWIFT Purchase Order: Recipient Recipient certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the Agreement on behalf of the Recipient as required by applicable resolutions, charter provisions or ordinances. By: Gary Forcier Title: Mayor Date: 06/27/2017 By: Matthew Jaunich Title: City Administrator Date: 06/27/2017 Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Transportation LN Director, Office of Aeronautics Date Office of Financial Management -Grant Unit Agency Grant Supervisor Lin Date Mn/DOT Contract Management as to form & execution LN Date Page 4 of 4 e June 12, 2017 Mr. Daniel Boerner, P.E. Central Region Airport Development Engineer Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics 222 East Plato Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55107 RE: Grant Application City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4219 Fax (320) 234-6971 Hutchinson Municipal Airport — Butler Field (HCD) T -Hangar Taxilane Seat Coat (TLA -003) Dear Mr. Boerner: Please find enclosed the project bid, layout, and pre -construction photos for the aforementioned project at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport — Butler Field in Hutchinson, Minnesota. The project involves the application of seal coat made up of 1/8 -inch rock and CRS2P bituminous, followed by a fog seal of CSS1h. This will be done on the T -Hangar Taxilane identified as TLA -003 on the MNDOT Pavement Condition Index Report. Funding shall be a combination of State and Local funds. The following is a breakdown of costs associated with this grant request: Construction (Pearson Brothers, Inc.): Total State Share (80%): Total Local Share (20%): $ 11,837.50 $ 9,470.00 $ 2,367.50 The City of Hutchinson requests a State grant agreement in the amount of $ 11,837.50 for the T - Hangar Taxilane Seat Coat project. If you need any further information or documentation, please feel welcome to contact me at Jolson@ci.hutchinson.mn.us or (320) 234-4473. Sincerely, John Olson, Public Works Manager cc: Bob Burrell, MNDOT Aeronautics enclosures: Project Bid Silas Parmar, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Project Layout Pre -Construction Photos 0 U S R. of 0 v o, N oQ o bN U U N S 0 0 .. N O ¢ o O v Q O V) oQ o O O O '� m 0- z m Q m 3� o N N N O ~�w O S Z m Q Z J O O I Ln Q0 ' CD O O CD O U 10 I M < < M Q I -J M I— M O _ O O o OQ 3 c I J N m ~ IY Q M O O I O m I m m O Q IZ O Q I M Q U N � O O O I M M x Q L2 az O lh� O � z o o m I J U Co OPA m O a o I N 0 m I Q � � w � U q o O ;` p I IM `� O � O, � I P � Q I o 0 d u cn 0. O p p I a t° ol 0 0 a N a w III w o a � w o ai z 0 U S R. of 0 v o, HCD TLA 003 (PCI = 30) HCD TLA 004 (PCI = 26) Hutchinson Municipal Airport B"6 City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan ST SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 VENDOR ADDRESS: 120512 PEARSON BROS INC 11079 LAMONT AVE NE HANOVER, MN 55341 Purchase Order P.O. NO. - • NO. ORDER DATE VEND NO. 019574 019574 06/08/2017 120512 HIP TO: City of Hutchinson 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 ORDERED BY FOB TERMS CONTRACT # DEPARTMENT TERMS JOLSON NONE PUBWORK NET30 PO DESCRIPTION: SEALCOAT 1/8" TRAP ROCK, CRS2P BITUMINOUS & FOG SEAL QUANTITY UNITS DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 4,735 SY SEALCOAT 1/8" TRAP ROCK, CRS2P BITUMINOU 2.50 11,837.50 100-4902-54360 Contractual R&M 11,837.50 TAX EXEMPT ID: 8022935 NET TOTAL: 11,837.50 CITY OF HUTCHINSON PURC ASING DATE IDO NOT ACCEPT THIS ORDER UNLESS IT IS SIGNED, 1. Mail one invoice to accounts payable, City of Hutchinson, 111 Hassan ST SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350. 2. All packages, cartons, or other containers must be plainly marked with the purchase order numbers. 3. Whenever a delivery is rejected, the vendor shall be notified and be given the reason for the rejection. All rejected deliveries shall be held at the vendor's risk and he shall bear the expense of removal. �4. The City of Hutchinson is specifically exempt from payment of Federal Excise Tax, State Sales Tax and Local Sales Tax. SPECIAL NOTES: Library Board Meeting Minutes Monday April 24, 2017 @ 4:30 p.m. Present: Gerry Grinde, Jack Sandberg, Steve Bailey, Julie Lofdahl, Carolyn Ulrich, Mary Christensen, Katy Hiltner, Ex -Officio Excused: Kristine Leuze. Welcome to Carolyn Ulrich, new board member. Review and approve minutes from the March 27, 2017 meeting. Motion to approve by Jack Sandberg, Seconded by Gerry Grinde. Motion APPROVED. Old Business: Winter Reading Program Summary Report There were a total of 244 participants that signed up for the Winter Reading Program. A total of 128 completed the program for a 62% completion rate. There were 63 new people in the program which is 26% new people. The first year of the program was 2002. The number of participants has remained consistent. The year 2015 had the most participants signed up with a total of 275. The percentage of the finishers has remained about the same each year. People who RSVP to the dessert buffet did not come. Katy would like to revisit how to do the buffet next year. One Book, One Community: The Hinckley Fire Museum Presents program report A total of 110 people attended the program. There was a speaker from the Hinckley Fire Museum and an author of a book on the Hinckley fire. The sound system did not work for the second video. Katy said they are working on seeing if they can show the video at the museum at a later date. There was good community interest in this book. Discussion was really strong. Carolyn said there is a book she read Young Men and the Fire by Norman Maclean about a big burn 20 years after Hinckley fire. She said the book was good. The committee has just started talking about the next book. Let Katy know any suggestions you have. Legacy MN Author Event with Julie Klassen/National Library Week Julie is a regency romance author. She gave a great talk. This was a coordinated event with Woodstone Senior Living Community. A total of 35 people attended. This program was meant to be a community outreach program for those who cannot come to library. Pam Dille started this when she was the head librarian. Woodstone provided refreshments. Katy would like to do a program next year for National Library Week that would have a day program and an evening program. Katy also put together a prize drawing for adults, teens and kids to sign up to win one of three prize packs for National Library week - 22 kids, 26 adults, and 9 teens signed -up for a chance to win. Volunteer Thank You Event — Wednesday, May 10th — 2-4 p.m. Katy, Sherry and Julie Lofdahl are planning this event. Katy gave invites to the board members. Invites will be mailed to Dianne Wanzek, Roger Vasek, Ron Shimanski, library volunteers and Friends of the Library volunteers. Discussion: Strategic Plan and Library Bylaws Katy had a copy from Madison Library bylaws. We can do bylaw but do not have to. We could do a form about how we are organized, who prepares agenda, who takes notes, etc. We would still be an advisory board. Jack feels the board should have structure and goals. Does not have to be super intense. He said the State Library has put out a book of Branch Library board ideas. He feels library could control funds independent of Pioneerland. The building is controlled by the City of Hutchinson not PLS. Friends keep their money and once a year Katy asks for a wish list that they grant funds for. Motion to start with bylaws - Jack made a motion, seconded by Julie . Katy will send out copies for us to bring back notes to next meeting. Katy to change sign on the front door about cell phones to reflect the Pioneerland rule of turning off or silencing your cell phone while in the library. New Business: Election of Officers Gerry made motion to elect Steve Bailey as President, Jack Sandberg as Vice President, Julie as Secretary, Carolyn seconded. Discussion followed and Steve amended motion and Mary seconded to add Carolyn as Backup Secretary. MOTION PASSED Statistics from Pioneerland Library System (2016 Year in Review — see attached PDF) Katy handed out a flyer of the 2016 statistics from PLS. Mary asked if we could get a copy of the Hutchinson numbers. 2016 a year in review. pdf Book Event: " Repurposed: The Untold Story of Retirement in America" — Thursday, May 18th at 7 p.m. at the Hutchinson Event Center — Cash Wise Room Jared Sebesta and Ben Taatjes with Taatjes Financial Group will be giving a talk about refocusing people's thoughts on retiring. HCVN will be taping event. They will also be going to other libraries. SAMMIE Manga/Graphic Novel Grant - $150 Rachelle applied and received grant to purchase graphic novels. These books will be put on their own shelving for easy access. Library Buzz - What are we reading Julie - The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill - Julie Klassen and Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult both are excellent books. Steve - Generally likes non-fiction. The Post -American World by Fareed Zakaria and Things That Matter by Charles Krauthammer. They are not books Steve would normally read, but he enjoyed both. Carolyn - Private Lives of the Tudors and a Sherlock Holmes book They Called Her Mrs. Sherlock Holmes Jack - Norton Anthology of American Literature - E. E. Cummings Gerry - Einstein biography (shorter book) and December 1941- a day by day of economy in record time, weapons in a month. Other PLS - Jack gave an update from the PLS board meeting. The major change is that in Section C books are expenses not assets. They do not have to inventory books in a formal way because not depreciated. Next meeting: May 22, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Motion to adjourn - 5:40 adjourned Submitted by Julie Lofdahl, Secretary March 2017 Donations Celia Smykalski (Guideposts magazine subscription) $16.94 American Legion Auxiliary (4 memorial books) $ 92.00 Total $108.94 'Mmo� HRA HUTCH1N50N HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHO8ITV Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 7:00 AM Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chain Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz called the meeting to order. Members Present: Gary Forcier, Steve .Ictiscn, LouAnn. Holmquist and potential new board member, Carla Zieman. Staff Present. Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 01: Tl-iE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON APRIL 18, 2017 Steve Jensen moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting as written. Gary Fortier seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve: a. City Center General Fund payments of $19,810.85 for checks 8841 to 8847. b. City Center April 30, 2017 Financial Reports. c. Park Towers Operating Account payments of $133,404.23 for checks 13947 to 13975. d. Park Towers March 31, 2017 Financial Reports. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. Occupancy Report — 98% occupied; the renovated unit and one being filled off the waiting list. b. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Park Towers' May Newsletter. All the units passed the City's Rental Registration Program re -inspection except for the unit with excessive personal belongings. The City Attorney and legal aid are involved in the process. c. Steve Jensen moved to approve Resolution 2017-2 to Adopt Revised ACOP VAWA provisions, revised Resident Handbook, revised Housekeeping Standards, revised Schedule of Charges. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve the final construction cost of $141,652 including change order #I for $5401 for underlayment and additional repair/paint work in the corridor. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. DOWNTOWN $CDP RENTAL REHAB PROGRAM a. Steve Jensen moved to approve the Cancelling Downtown Rental Rehab Loan #6, T93 Properties: 565 Jefferson Street SE Apartments. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Steve Jensen moved to approve Contingent to the Loan Review Committee's approval for Gateway Rental Rehab SCDI' loan new #6, Coffeetree Investments, 11 & 21 Glen Street NW up to maximum loan amount of'$212,500. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 6. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS a. NAHRO Conference May 23`1 to May 26th May 16, 2017 Minutes Page 1 of 2 b. NAHRO Operating Subsidy formula discussion 7. 7:30 A.M 2016 HRA AUDIT REPORT —TELECONFERENCE CALL. Tom Olinger from Abdo Eick & Meyers presented the 2016 HRA Audit. Gary Forcier moved to approve the 2016 HRA Audit Deport. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 8. ADJOURNMENT Gary Forcier moved to adjourn and Steve Jensen seconded. There being no other business, Chair Renee Lynn Johnson Kotlarz declared the meeting adjourned. Tour of Park Towers Renovation Project -Handicapped Accessible Apartment 215 and First Floor Entrance following meeting. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director c Gary F�rcier, Secretary/Treasurer May 16, 2017 Minutes Page 2 of 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi="f - Request for Board Action 7AL =-M Agenda Item: May 2017 Financial and Investment Reports Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 6/27/2017 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the May Financial Reports for the general fund and enterprise funds. Also attached is the May Investment Report. I've included on the following page a summary of the Local Option Sales Tax revenue collected since the start of January 1, 2012. Regarding the investment report, this month's report looks quite different than prior reports due to a change in our investment custodian. UBS Financial Services had been our custodian since March 2013 but we felt a change was necessary due to policy changes within UBS corporate as well as employee turnover at our UBS branch office in Wayzata. Our new custodian is Oppenheimer, which is an investment brokerage -dealer company that has been in business since 1881. The Finance department has been utilizing Oppenheimer for investment service for nearly two years and has a good relationship with the broker. Similar to the UBS agreement, the Oppenheimer custodial agreement is a free service to the City. You may also notice a significant increase in our money market balance, which is over $5,000,000. We will be utilizing the Oppenheimer money market more in the future for idle cash as the current annual yield has increased over the last half year to 0.8% compared to 0.13% at our local bank. The difference in rates equates to $33,500 in additional earnings per year on $5M. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Local Option Sales Tax and Excise Tax State Administered Local Sales Tax Totals 6,722,248 (121,277) 6,600,971 163,008 6,763,979 Gross Water Fund Net Vehicle Total Year Sales Tax State Fees Receipts Excise Tax Received 2012 1,303,707 (30,296) 1,273,411 27,500 1,300,911 2013 1,348,688 (22,660) 1,326,028 28,640 1,354,668 2014 1,311,213 (22,015) 1,289,198 34,100 1,323,298 2015 1,213,641 (21,733) 1,191,908 32,940 1,224,848 2016 1,261,682 (20,996) 1,240,686 30,128 1,270,814 2017 YTD 283,317 (3,577) 279,740 9,700 289,440 Totals 6,722,248 (121,277) 6,600,971 163,008 6,763,979 Totals 7,891,399 3,169,371 40% Allocation of Local Sales Tax Water Sewer % Fund Fund Allocation 546,383 754,528 Water Fund 568,961 785,707 42%/58% 661,476 % of Debt 50%/50% Annual Local Sales Funded by 635,407 Debt Service Tax Receipts Local Tax 2012 1,210,884 546,383 45% 2013 1,251,870 568,961 45% 2014 1,229,016 661,476 54% 2015 1,311,514 612,424 47% 2016 1,407,710 635,407 45% 2017 1,480,405 144,720 Totals 7,891,399 3,169,371 40% Allocation of Local Sales Tax Water Sewer % Fund Fund Allocation 546,383 754,528 42%/58% 568,961 785,707 42%/58% 661,476 661,822 50%/50% 612,424 612,424 50%/50% 635,407 635,407 50%/50% 144,720 144,720 50% / 50% 3,169,371 3,594,608 47% /53% Sewer Fund 9,034,017 3,594,608 40% Notes: The State of Minnesota administers the Local Option Sales Tax, collecting the tax along with the State sales tax. The State Fees average 1.8% of the gross local sales tax collected. The City of Hutchinson administers the Vehicle Excise Tax, which is $20 per vehicle sold, applicable to retail dealers in the city. The allocation percentages between the Water and Sewer funds is determined annually based on the total outstanding debt. % of Debt Annual Local Sales Funded by Debt Service Tax Receipts Local Tax 1,516,212 754,528 50% 1,558,722 785,707 50% 1,531,727 661,822 43% 1,514,931 612,424 40% 1,510,315 635,407 42% 1,402,110 144,720 9,034,017 3,594,608 40% Notes: The State of Minnesota administers the Local Option Sales Tax, collecting the tax along with the State sales tax. The State Fees average 1.8% of the gross local sales tax collected. The City of Hutchinson administers the Vehicle Excise Tax, which is $20 per vehicle sold, applicable to retail dealers in the city. The allocation percentages between the Water and Sewer funds is determined annually based on the total outstanding debt. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 TOTAL REVENUES 424,805 2,135,161 12,300,128 10,164,967 17.4 1,678,988 11,463,235 14.6 Wages & Benefits 602,466 2,937,242 8,175,052 5,237,810 2017 2,784,608 7,595,480 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 28.3 MAY YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED General Fund Miscellaneous Expenses 15,144 107,775 552,075 444,300 19.5 118,996 525,226 Taxes - - 4,763,796 4,763,796 - - 4,581,035 - Other Taxes 6,589 73,475 300,000 226,525 24.5 75,707 272,000 27.8 Licenses & Permits 94,437 431,326 283,550 (147,776) 152.1 115,817 271,500 42.7 Intergovernmental Revenue 7,399 72,641 1,423,830 1,351,189 5.1 48,579 1,284,330 3.8 Charges for Services 293,158 1,017,679 2,817,291 1,799,612 36.1 896,195 2,350,666 38.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 19,836 95,044 339,500 244,456 28.0 79,668 291,300 27.3 Transfers -In - 423,189 2,292,161 1,868,972 18.5 444,511 2,332,404 19.1 Fines & Forfeitures 3,386 21,806 55,000 33,194 39.6 18,511 55,000 33.7 Capital Contributions - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - TOTAL REVENUES 424,805 2,135,161 12,300,128 10,164,967 17.4 1,678,988 11,463,235 14.6 Wages & Benefits 602,466 2,937,242 8,175,052 5,237,810 35.9 2,784,608 7,595,480 36.7 Supplies 96,813 283,644 866,545 582,901 32.7 218,194 770,593 28.3 Services & Charges 153,505 881,300 2,596,456 1,715,156 33.9 882,745 2,461,936 35.9 Miscellaneous Expenses 15,144 107,775 552,075 444,300 19.5 118,996 525,226 22.7 Transfers -Out - 50,000 100,000 50,000 50.0 49,878 600,000 8.3 Capital Outlay - 5,303 10,000 4,698 53.0 - 10,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 867,927 4,265,263 12,300,128 8,034,865 34.7 4,054,420 11,963,235 33.9 NET REVENUE (443,122) (2,130,102) - 2,130,102 (2,375,432) (500,000) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 2017 ACTUALS MAY General Fund Expense by Department YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Mayor & City Council 3,204 15,369 49,962 34,593 30.8 12,798 44,290 28.9 City Administrator 35,029 162,466 395,266 232,800 41.1 148,739 430,251 34.6 Elections - - 6,850 6,850 - 1 15,950 0.0 Finance Department 35,910 152,552 355,653 203,101 42.9 155,384 361,468 43.0 Motor Vehicle 15,996 83,366 217,890 134,524 38.3 85,199 203,836 41.8 Assessing - - 46,496 46,496 - - 60,911 - Legal 24,822 112,618 294,100 181,482 38.3 101,274 288,193 35.1 Planning 12,009 58,414 151,585 93,171 38.5 40,781 149,972 27.2 Information Services 39,893 205,296 535,168 329,872 38.4 190,928 504,738 37.8 City Hall Building 8,376 67,980 173,368 105,388 39.2 38,785 131,322 29.5 Police Department 259,860 1,222,652 3,216,585 1,993,933 38.0 1,173,164 3,062,565 38.3 Hospital Security 22,287 117,285 296,977 179,692 39.5 105,019 293,886 35.7 Emergency Management 1,176 13,773 10,000 (3,773) 137.7 1,131 12,800 8.8 Safety Committee 1,100 9,896 10,000 104 99.0 8,600 9,500 90.5 Fire Department 21,546 117,355 343,461 226,106 34.2 117,119 306,733 38.2 Protective Inspections 21,135 92,264 236,552 144,288 39.0 90,716 227,556 39.9 Engineering 38,033 167,267 418,877 251,610 39.9 153,405 402,714 38.1 Streets & Alleys 99,117 443,837 1,548,036 1,104,199 28.7 429,695 1,517,341 28.3 Park/Recreation Administration 16,130 102,191 233,898 131,707 43.7 92,068 222,323 41.4 Recreation 32,160 103,216 232,724 129,508 44.4 96,802 234,397 41.3 Senior Citizen Center 6,022 31,147 84,801 53,654 36.7 35,665 83,747 42.6 Civic Arena 19,524 138,768 333,284 194,516 41.6 140,241 323,727 43.3 Park Department 74,937 324,308 879,100 554,792 36.9 319,088 852,751 37.4 Recreation Building & Pool 13,685 63,466 211,726 148,260 30.0 48,011 170,818 28.1 Events Center 18,891 100,678 259,478 158,800 38.8 99,324 243,017 40.9 Evergreen Building 1,903 10,387 26,225 15,838 39.6 9,553 25,450 37.5 Library 3,116 57,587 211,842 154,255 27.2 58,870 206,365 28.5 Waterpark 17,806 31,517 424,753 393,236 7.4 - - - Cemetery 9,213 43,385 132,974 89,589 32.6 38,897 130,785 29.7 Airport 3,976 39,205 103,679 64,474 37.8 31,185 104,635 29.8 Unallocated General Expense 11,071 177,020 858,818 681,798 20.6 231,979 1,341,194 17.3 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 867,927 4,265,263 12,300,128 8,034,865 34.7 4,054,420 11,963,235 33.9 Liquor Fund Sales Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL REVENUES Cost of Sales Wages & Benefits Supplies Services & Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Transfers -Out Capital Outlay Depreciation Expense Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 2017 ACTUALS MAY YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED 540,120 2,219,066 6,123,000 3,903,934 36.2 2,209,173 5,868,000 37.6 530 1,151 4,000 2,849 28.8 1,310 3,000 43.7 540,650 2,220,217 6,127,000 3,906,783 36.2 2,210,483 5,871,000 37.7 424,791 1,676,503 4,591,390 2,914,887 36.5 1,675,382 4,398,810 38.1 47,749 233,289 662,377 429,088 35.2 217,731 568,211 38.3 978 4,491 24,250 19,759 18.5 5,056 17,400 29.1 22,927 82,978 218,550 135,572 38.0 78,628 198,350 39.6 - 195 5,850 5,655 3.3 200 5,650 3.5 - 500,000 500,000 - - 475,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 80,000 80,000 80,200 - - 127,635 127,635 - - 128,055 - 496,445 1,997,455 6,230,052 4,232,597 32.1 1,976,997 5,891,676 33.6 44,204 222,762 (103,052) (325,814) 233,486 (20,676) Mav Sates 2017 Year to Date Sates Change Comments 2017 2016 Change Sales Revenue: Liquor 760,011 754,867 0.7% Beer 1,065,484 1,068,986 -0.3% Wine 351,781 347,807 1.1% Other 41,791 37,513 11.4% -0.1% 2,219,066 2,209,173 0.4% Customer Count 91,185 91,484 -0.3% Average Sale per Customer $ 24.34 $ 24.15 0.8% Gross Margin on Sales 24.5% 25.0% Labor to Sales Ratio 10.5% 10.8% Mav Sates 2017 2016 Change 170,690 164,498 3.8% 282,516 273,803 3.2% 75,472 69,653 8.4% 11,442 9,425 21.4% 540,120 517,379 4.4% 21,222 20,302 4.5% $ 25.45 $ 25.48 -0.1% 24.2% 25.0% 9.9% 9.7% REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 2017 ACTUALS MAY YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Water Fund Sales 186,507 929,821 2,384,950 1,455,129 39.0 872,019 2,306,000 37.8 Local Sales Tax 53,104 144,720 625,000 480,280 23.2 129,212 685,000 18.9 Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - - - - - Charges for Services 2,066 38,003 50,000 11,997 76.0 47,741 50,000 95.5 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,995 10,722 92,000 81,278 11.7 9,554 85,000 11.2 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 248,672 1,123,266 3,151,950 2,028,684 35.6 1,058,526 3,126,000 33.9 Wages & Benefits 35,253 175,340 461,635 286,295 38.0 178,521 479,983 37.2 Supplies 2,762 37,521 126,600 89,079 29.6 39,961 122,400 32.6 Services & Charges 35,315 154,786 522,250 367,464 29.6 224,156 507,350 44.2 Miscellaneous Expenses 95 7,322 12,200 4,878 60.0 8,971 13,500 66.4 Transfers -Out - - 60,000 60,000 - - 43,145 - CapitalOutlay 19,127 19,127 250,000 230,873 7.7 250,000 Depreciation Expense - - 1,205,000 1,205,000 - - 1,150,000 - Debt Service - 194,921 1,481,305 1,286,384 13.2 227,937 1,408,611 16.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 92,551 589,016 4,118,990 3,529,974 14.3 679,546 3,974,989 17.1 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 156,121 534,250 (967,040) (1,501,290) 378,980 (848,989) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 Wages & Benefits 45,198 215,608 655,584 439,976 2017 232,085 622,085 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 31.8 MAY YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Sewer Fund Miscellaneous Expenses 55 15,008 32,500 17,492 46.2 25,351 24,500 Sales 291,522 1,411,133 3,330,000 1,918,867 42.4 1,337,591 3,213,000 41.6 Local Sales Tax 53,104 144,720 625,000 480,280 23.2 129,212 685,000 18.9 Intergovernmental Revenue - - - - - - - - Licenses & Permits - 5,100 6,500 1,400 78.5 5,200 7,000 74.3 Charges for Services 700 3,293 3,500 207 94.1 1,295 4,000 32.4 Miscellaneous Revenues 13,666 22,882 123,000 100,118 18.6 13,849 117,000 11.8 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 358,991 1,587,128 4,088,000 2,500,872 38.8 1,487,148 4,026,000 36.9 Wages & Benefits 45,198 215,608 655,584 439,976 32.9 232,085 622,085 37.3 Supplies 15,312 58,645 219,650 161,005 26.7 75,042 236,100 31.8 Services & Charges 74,731 319,846 780,450 460,604 41.0 300,208 742,550 40.4 Miscellaneous Expenses 55 15,008 32,500 17,492 46.2 25,351 24,500 103.5 Transfers -Out - - 60,000 60,000 - - 43,145 - CapitalOutlay 7,298 102,984 350,000 247,016 29.4 199,807 350,000 57.1 Depreciation Expense - - 1,623,000 1,623,000 - - 1,530,000 - Debt Service - 442,625 1,460,650 1,018,025 30.3 539,538 1,568,854 34.4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 142,594 1,154,716 5,181,834 4,027,118 22.3 1,372,031 5,117,234 26.8 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 216,398 432,412 (1,093,834) (1,526,246) 115,117 (1,091,234) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 Wages & Benefits 15,282 59,187 188,733 129,546 2017 58,287 190,804 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 22.7 MAY YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Refuse Fund Miscellaneous Expenses - 1,171 5,750 4,579 20.4 1,278 3,750 Sales 99,194 488,788 1,193,300 704,512 41.0 480,187 1,149,500 41.8 Intergovernmental Revenue - 2,633 12,500 9,868 21.1 2,633 12,500 21.1 Miscellaneous Revenues 2,070 3,066 7,000 3,934 43.8 2,498 2,500 99.9 TOTAL REVENUES 101,264 494,487 1,212,800 718,313 40.8 485,318 1,164,500 41.7 Wages & Benefits 15,282 59,187 188,733 129,546 31.4 58,287 190,804 30.5 Supplies 2,757 16,810 62,400 45,590 26.9 14,162 62,400 22.7 Services & Charges 57,142 241,005 731,550 490,545 32.9 234,310 704,727 33.2 Miscellaneous Expenses - 1,171 5,750 4,579 20.4 1,278 3,750 34.1 Transfers -Out - 805,000 805,000 - - 55,000 - CapitalOutlay 190,374 190,374 36,760 95,000 38.7 Depreciation Expense - 138,000 138,000 - - 124,000 - Debt Service - 23,680 24,261 581 97.6 23,124 24,260 95.3 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 75,182 341,854 2,146,068 1,804,214 15.9 367,921 1,259,941 29.2 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 26,082 152,633 (933,268) (1,085,901) 117,397 (95,441) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 2017 2016 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT MAY YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Compost Fund Sales 372,286 1,469,710 1,991,476 521,766 73.8 1,559,324 1,636,796 95.3 Charges for Services 230 925 58,500 57,575 1.6 2,100 58,500 3.6 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,595 4,720 7,000 2,280 67.4 29,620 6,000 493.7 TOTAL REVENUES 376,111 1,475,355 2,056,976 581,621 71.7 1,591,044 1,701,296 93.5 Cost of Sales 247,113 937,395 1,348,002 410,607 69.5 917,545 1,117,265 82.1 Inventory Cost Adjustment (50,751) (161,990) (538,028) (376,038) 30.1 (129,006) (525,746) 24.5 Wages & Benefits 46,629 215,353 582,363 367,010 37.0 207,816 559,899 37.1 Supplies 7,401 29,685 78,626 48,941 37.8 27,538 70,257 39.2 Services & Charges 22,590 93,006 231,004 137,998 40.3 72,322 188,573 38.4 Miscellaneous Expenses 852 3,635 14,000 10,365 26.0 5,440 13,500 40.3 Transfers -Out - - 110,000 110,000 - - 110,000 - Capital Outlay 623,000 623,000 149,274 150,000 99.5 Depreciation Expense - - 174,000 174,000 - - 134,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 273,833 1,117,085 2,622,967 1,505,882 42.6 1,250,928 1,817,748 68.8 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 102,277 358,270 (565,991) (924,261) 340,116 (116,452) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 Wages & Benefits 18,771 93,586 256,432 162,846 2017 88,937 243,986 2016 Supplies 2017 ACTUALS 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT 7.5 MAY YTD BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED Storm Water Utility Miscellaneous Expenses - 3,944 11,250 7,306 35.1 5,124 11,250 Sales 74,429 368,419 881,475 513,056 41.8 354,516 855,867 41.4 Licenses & Permits 1,110 1,915 1,500 (415) 127.7 1,115 - - Charges for Services - 560 - (560) - - - - Miscellaneous Revenues 2,096 3,781 7,000 3,219 54.0 4,063 7,000 58.0 Capital Contributions - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES 77,635 374,675 889,975 515,300 42.1 359,694 862,867 41.7 Wages & Benefits 18,771 93,586 256,432 162,846 36.5 88,937 243,986 36.5 Supplies 236 9,151 38,800 29,649 23.6 3,288 43,925 7.5 Services & Charges 29,512 53,077 163,600 110,523 32.4 26,983 164,100 16.4 Miscellaneous Expenses - 3,944 11,250 7,306 35.1 5,124 11,250 45.5 Transfers -Out - - - - - - - - CapitalOutlay 15,337 15,337 170,000 154,663 9.0 120,000 Depreciation Expense - - 153,000 153,000 - - 133,000 - Debt Service - 145,750 160,550 9,867 93.5 140,983 150,850 70.2 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 63,856 320,845 953,632 627,854 33.6 265,314 867,111 30.6 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 13,779 53,830 (63,657) (112,554) 94,380 (4,244) REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT for CITY of HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING MAY 31, 2017 2017 ACTUALS MAY YTD 2017 2016 2017 AVAILABLE % BDGT 2016 YTD 2016 % BDGT BUDGET BALANCE USED ACTUAL BUDGET USED HATS Operation Intergovernmental Revenue 6,650 74,347 162,280 87,933 45.8 111,283 156,045 71.3 Charges for Services 18,359 84,261 325,000 240,739 25.9 79,157 530,000 14.9 Miscellaneous Revenues 406 582 3,500 2,918 16.6 506 3,150 16.1 Transfers -In - 50,000 100,000 50,000 50.0 49,878 99,755 50.0 TOTAL REVENUES 25,415 209,190 590,780 381,590 35.4 240,823 788,950 30.5 Wages & Benefits 1,911 9,695 39,495 29,800 24.5 22,762 59,470 38.3 Supplies 1,782 86,507 341,650 255,143 25.3 83,798 528,600 15.9 Services & Charges 11,215 53,473 162,000 108,527 33.0 54,846 161,200 34.0 Miscellaneous Expenses - - 5,600 5,600 - - 5,171 - CapitalOutlay 4,863 4,863 42,035 37,172 11.6 - 33,600 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 19,772 154,539 590,780 436,241 26.2 161,406 788,041 20.5 NET of REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 5,643 54,650 - (54,650) 79,417 909 Comments Charges for Services The main activity in this category is the sale of fuel to City departments, the State, County and Hutchinson Utilities. Supplies The main activity in this category is the cost of fuel for the fueling system. Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. 85 Broad street STATEMENT OF PENHE �[� New York, N 10004 �V� (ran) sB 0 sin ACCOUNT f�yK Transacts Business on All Principal Exchanges News and Information Information about your account was recently updated. Please review the Account Verification Profile at the end of this statement to assure it reflects information you have provided to Oppenheimer, and notify us, in writing, if any data is inaccurate or incomplete. Thank you. ADVANTAGE BANK DEPOSIT PROGRAM NOTICE In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Advantage Bank Deposit ("ABD") Program, the composition of our Deposit Bank List is subject to change over time. TnState Capital Bank [Pittsburgh, PA] is no longer a participating Deposit Bank. In the coming weeks or months, we may amend the Deposit Bank List to include one or more of the following banks: Barrington Bank & Trust Company, National Association [Chicago, ILI, Washington Financial Bank [Washington, PA], Wells Fargo Bank, National Association [Sioux Falls, SD]. To determine the Deposit Bank List in effect at any point in time, please contact your Oppenheimer Financial Advisor or visit our website at www.opeo.com/ABD. As always, please notify your Financial Advisor if you wish to designate any Deposit Bank(s) as ineligible to receive your funds. Portfolio Summary This Previous Estimated Period Period Annual Income 05/31/17 Advantage Bank Deposits* $964.90 $0.00 $0.09 Mutual Funds 5,082,970.01 0.00 30,975.61 GovemmentAgency Bonds 2,894,896.00 0.00 44,625.00 Municipal Bonds 2,974,895.00 0.00 70,010.00 Certificates of Deposit 7,796,377.07 0.00 125,191.00 Cash Account Balance 1,527.05 0.00 Total Asset Value $18,751,630.03 $0.00 $270,801.70 Net Value of Accrued Interest $48,217.92 $0.00 Total Asset Value does not include Direct Investments, Accrued Interest or unpnced securities. Eligible for FDIC insurance, not SIPC insured. Cash Activity Summary Ooenina Cash Balance $0.00 Net Buy and Sell Transactions -5,082,970.01 Net Miscellaneous Credits/Debits 5,064,221.78 Net Income Activity 21,240.18 Net Advantage Bank Deposit Activity -964.90 Closing Cash Balance $1,527.05 Account Number: D25-5019707 Tax ID Number: ON FILE For the Period: 05/01/17 - 05/31/17 Last Statement: Page 1 of 14 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA III HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-2522 Financial Advisor SULLIVAN/SULLIVAN X2I (800)258-3387 Internet Address: www.opco.com Income Summary Office Serving Your Account 50 SOUTH SIXTH STREET SUITE 1300 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Reportable This Period Year to Date Advantage Bank Dep Interest $0.18 $0.18 Corporate Interest 16,740.00 16,740.00 Government Interest 4,500.00 4,500.00 Total Reportable $21,240.18 $21,240.18 PPENHEINIER, PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios report as of 6/1/17 TOTAL POSITIONS 1 I POSITIONS INCLUDED IN PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS Original Face Value $14,109,000.00 Current Face Value $14,109,000.00 Estimated Portfolio Totals Estimated Portfolio Averages Est Annual Income $247,026.00 Original Face Value $14,109,000.00 Coupon 1.75% Valid Positions 46 Current Face Value $14,109,000.00 Maturity 3.72 yrs Exceptions 0 Market Value $14,064,558.07 Effective Maturity 2.63 yrs Total Positions 46 Accrued Interest $50,565.78 Modified Duration 2.49 Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP and valid quantity provided Total Market Value $14,115,123.85 Yield to Maturity 2.05% Please see exception report for positions not included in reports. Yield to Worst 1.84% POSITIONS W/ MARKET PRICE Positions 46 of 46 Market Price 99.69 Priced Orig. Face Value $14,109,000.00 Rating Priced Current Face Value $14,109,000.00 a a a Priced Positions 46 of 46 Priced Market Principal $14,064,558.07 Average Coupon 1.75% Average Price 99.69 Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP, quantity and market price on report date Original Face: the original dollarvalue at issuance Current Face: the dollarvalue afterthe current factor is applied Includes all positions with recognized CUSIP, quantity, market price and derived calculations on report date. Coupon and Market Price weighted by Current Face Value, all others weighted by Market Value. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 2 of 41 PPENHEIMEP, PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - CURRENT FACE VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios report as of 611117 PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Portfolio Totals Fed Exempt Fed Taxable Current Face Value - $14,109,000 Positions - 46 Accrued Interest - $50,566 Est Annual Income - $247,026 * Portfolio Average 20.6% Avg Coupon Rate - 1.751 Avg Maturity - 3.7yrs * Current Face Value -weighted. For Avo Maturity calculations, Deroetual securities assume 40 Current Face Value -weighted PORTFOLIO RATING SUMMARY RATING DISTRIBUTION HOLDINGS BY SECURITY TYPE Total Positions Face (000) 0/b Face $14,109,000 Agency 5 $2,900.0 20.6% 46 of 46 Asset Backed - - - $50,566 CD 35 $8,209.0 58.2% $247,026 CEF - - - CMO BAA u A Corp - - 1.751% Muni 6 $3,000.0 21.3% 3.7yrs Pass Thru - - - NR 35 $8,209.0 58.2% Preferred Treas - - Total 46 $14,109.0 100.0 Current Face Value -weighted PORTFOLIO RATING SUMMARY RATING DISTRIBUTION **Ratina Positions Face (000) % Face AAA zs AAA 7 $3,900.0 27.6% AA 4 $2,000.0 14.2% m > AA14 A u m BAA u A 0 Below BAA - - - v BAA NR 35 $8,209.0 58.2% M M c Below Total 46 $14,109.0 100.0% u BAA a NR 0 10 20 30 40 s0 60 ** Best of Short/Long term equivalent Moody's or Standard & Poor's Rating. Current Face Value -weighted. Best of Short/Long term equivalent Moody's or Standard & Poor's Rating. Current Face Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 4 of 41 PPENHEIMEI, PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - CURRENT FACE VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios report as of 611117 Jan Agency $5,000 CD $5,738 Muni:Non AMT - Muni:Subj AMT - Muni:Taxable - 24 20 16 W Q 12 LL 8 4 0 MATURITY EXPOSURE 1 1� 1� 1 14 '66 tip as 10 tib tiVA ti� ti9 96 9 9v 9� 9a 9� 91p 9� 41 9°J o 1x Jai J ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ryOaOp Qy< Current Face Value -weighted. ESTIMATED COUPON CASH FLOW SUMMARY Feb Mar Agr May Jun Jul Aug - - $2,500 $4,500 $10,313 $5,000 - $7,177 $13,215 $5,776 $19,159 $15,130 $5,738 $7,177 $13,363 - - $21,643 - - $13,363 Seal Oct Nov Dec Total MATURITY SCHEDULE Year Face (000) % Year Face (000) 2017 $370.0 2.6% 2031 - 2018 $1,713.0 12.1% 2032 - - 2019 $2,262.0 16.0% 2033 - - 2020 $1,970.0 14.0% 2034 - - 2021 $3,380.0 24.0% 2035 - - 2022 $3,174.0 22.5% 2036 - - 2023 - - 2037 - - 2024 $1,000.0 7.1% 2038 - - 2025 $240.0 1.7% 2039 - - 2026 - - 2040 - - 2027 - - 2041+ - - 2028 - - Perpetual - - 2029 2030 Jan Agency $5,000 CD $5,738 Muni:Non AMT - Muni:Subj AMT - Muni:Taxable - 24 20 16 W Q 12 LL 8 4 0 MATURITY EXPOSURE 1 1� 1� 1 14 '66 tip as 10 tib tiVA ti� ti9 96 9 9v 9� 9a 9� 91p 9� 41 9°J o 1x Jai J ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ry0 ryOaOp Qy< Current Face Value -weighted. ESTIMATED COUPON CASH FLOW SUMMARY Feb Mar Agr May Jun Jul Aug - - $2,500 $4,500 $10,313 $5,000 - $7,177 $13,215 $5,776 $19,159 $15,130 $5,738 $7,177 $13,363 - - $21,643 - - $13,363 Seal Oct Nov Dec Total - $2,500 $4,500 $10,313 $44,625 $13,215 $5,776 $19,159 $15,130 $132,391 - - $21,643 - $70,010 Total $10,738 $20,540 $13,215 $8,276 $45,301 $25,442 $10,738 $20,540 $13,215 $8,276 $45,301 $25,442 $247,026 Reflects extended cash flow estimates assuming portfolio composition as of report date. Please refer to Definitions for more complete explanation. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 5 of 41 PPENHEI.MER PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - MARKET VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios report as of 611117 I PORTFOLIO SUMMARY 1 Portfolio Totals Fed Exempt Fed Taxable Total Priced Current Face - $14,109,000 $14,109,000 Positions - 46 46 of 46 Market Value $14,064,558 $14,064,558 Accrued Interest - $50,566 $50,566 Total Market Value - $14,115,124 $14,115,124 Est Annual Income - $247,026 $247,026 Portfolio Averages ** Coupon Rate - 1.751% 1.751% Maturity - 3.7yrs 3.7yrs Effective Maturity 2.6yrs 2.6yrs Modified Duration 2.5 2.5 Yield To Maturity - 2.05% 2.05% Yield To Worst - 1.84% 1.84% ** Market Price - 99.685 99.685 ** Par Value wtd, other avgs Mkt Value wtd. Incl only positions with mkt value & calcs on report date. For perpetual securities avg calcs, Final Maturity assume 40 yrs, Yield to Maturity uses strip yield. PORTFOLIO RATING SUMMARY R Includes only positions with market value & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. POSITIONS BY SECURITY TYPE Agency 20.6% ❑ AAA 27.5% © AA 14.2% ❑ A 0.0% ❑ BAA0.0% 0.0% ❑ Below BAA 0.0% ENR 58.3% Total: 100.0% Includes only positions with market value & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. POSITIONS BY SECURITY TYPE Agency 20.6% Asset Backed 0.0% CD 58.3% CIF 0.0% CMO 0.0% Corp 0.0% Muni 21.2% Pass Thr. 0.0% ■ Preferred 0.0% Treas 0.0% Total: 100.0% Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. 100 90 80 70 ~y 60 F s0 0 40 30 20 10 0 SECURITY FEATURES Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 6 of 41 Ga�`9,o ocG 0+0`0 Ca+9,owo Q9�0 iQO �a+ Quo Q0 Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 6 of 41 l �PPENHEIMER PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - MARKET VALUE WEIGHTED - ALL SECURITY TYPES Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios report as of 611117 MATURITY EXPOSURE 24 20 16 F 12 0 8 4 0 yA.$!NAlip, yy y�,yp,0 "VA 'lip,,IOVON 0t Q Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. DURATION EXPOSURE 32 28 24 F 20 Y F 16 0 12 8 4 0 N01 '10110`'odo�060°',°,y'r,�tiy3,�°`,y`',yd,y�,�6,y°'ti°�,'rtiti�3;v°`ry`'ryd���6�°'0" Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 7 of 41 PORTFOLIO EXPOSURE MaturitV Effective Maturity Duration to Worst Average: 3.72yrs Average: 2.63yrs Average: 2.49 Year $ Mkt %Mkt $ Mkt %Mkt Year $ Mkt % Mkt 2017 $371,039 2.6% $2,521,873 17.9% 00-01 $4,254,539 30.1% 2018 $1,715,801 12.2% $2,965,544 21.0% 01-02 $1,677,441 11.9% 2019 $2,287,042 16.2% $2,287,042 16.2% 02-03 $3,559,828 25.2% 2020 $1,960,415 13.9% $2,447,426 17.3% 03-04 $1,454,374 10.3% 2021 $3,374,074 23.9% $724,297 5.1% 04-05 $1,924,519 13.6% 2022 $3,164,872 22.4% $2,169,900 15.4% 05-06 $245,381 1.7% 2023 - - - 06-07 $999,042 7.1% 2024 $999,042 7.1% $999,042 7.1% 07-08 - 2025 $242,840 1.7% - - 08-09 - 2026 - - - 09-10 - 2027 - - - 10-11 - 2028 - - - 11-12 - 2029 - - - 12-13 - 2030 - - - 13-14 - 2031 - - - 14-15 - 2032 - - - 15-16 - 2033 - - - 16-17 - 2034 - - - 17-18 - 2035 - - - 18-19 - 2036 - - - 19-20 - 2037 - - - 20-21 - 2038 - - - 21-22 - 2039 - - - 22-23 - 2040 - - - 23-24 - 2041+ - - - 24-25 - Perpet - - - 25-26 - 26-27 27-28 28-29 30+ Avg life used in Effective Maturity for principal pay -downs. Includes only positions with market price & calculations on report date. Market Value -weighted. For Avg Maturity calculations, perpetual securities assume 40 yrs. Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 7 of 41 (-jPPENHEIMER PORTFOLIO POSITION DETAIL Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios report as of 6/1/17 Page 1 of 3 A Type St Qty Cpn Maturity Mdy S&P % Mkt Duration Acq Cost Acq Yid $ Acq Cost Mkt Price Accrued Int Security Description C CUSIP Insurer Convexity Acq Date Mkt Yid $ Adj Cost Mkt $ Value Unreal Gn/Ls GE CAPITAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY, UT B CD 130 1.750 08/03/17 NR NR 0.93% 0.16 $100.00 1.742 $130,000 100.16 $767 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 36161TDH5 0.00 05/09/17 0.744 $130,000 $130,207 $207 SUN NATL BK VINELAND NJ B CD 240 1.000 10/03/17 NR NR 1.71% 0.32 $100.00 1.000 $240,000 100.02 $20 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 86682ABV2 0.00 05/09/17 0.942 $240,000 $240,046 $46 ALLY BK MIDVALE UTAH B CD 248 1.250 02/26/18 NR NR 1.77% 0.72 $100.00 1.249 $248,000 100.21 $849 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 02006LNY5 0.01 05/09/17 0.965 $248,000 $248,508 $508 BANK NORTH CAROLINA THOMASVILLE N B CD 245 1.000 02/27/18 NR NR 1.74% 0.72 $100.00 1.000 $245,000 99.95 $67 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 06414QXX2 0.01 05/09/17 1.074 $245,000 $244,868 ($132) MERRICK BK SOUTH JORDAN UTAH B CD 245 0.900 05/10/18 NR NR 1.74% 0.92 $100.00 0.900 $245,000 99.94 $163 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 59013JNV7 0.01 05/09/17 0.971 $245,000 $244,841 ($159) KEY BK NATL ASSN OHIO B CD 245 1.000 05/11/18 NR NR 1.74% 0.93 $100.00 1.000 $245,000 99.93 $175 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 49306SWN2 0.01 05/09/17 1.072 $245,000 $244,836 ($164) CONNECTONE BANK B CD 245 1.000 05/14/18 NR NR 1.74% 0.93 $100.00 1.000 $245,000 99.93 $161 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 20786ABM6 0.01 05/09/17 1.075 $245,000 $244,829 ($172) BANK LEUMI USA NEW YORK N Y B CD 245 1.250 06/22/18 NR NR 1.74% 1.03 $100.00 1.249 $245,000 100.01 $1,393 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 063248GE2 0.02 05/09/17 1.240 $245,000 $245,025 $25 ENERBANK USA SALT LAKE CITY UTAH B CD 240 1.350 10/04/18 NR NR 1.71% 1.31 $100.00 1.350 $240,000 100.03 $18 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 29266NVE4 0.02 05/09/17 1.328 $240,000 $240,070 $70 MAIN STIR BK CORP WHEELING WV B CD 245 1.450 02/14/19 NR NR 1.74% 1.66 $100.00 1.450 $245,000 100.02 $808 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 56034WAP6 0.03 05/09/17 1.440 $245,000 $245,039 $39 WORLDS FOREMOST BK SYDNEY NEB A CD 200 1.300 05/28/19 NR NR 1.41% 1.95 $100.00 1.300 $200,000 99.32 $78 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 981571 CM2 0.04 05/26/16 1.651 $200,000 $198,638 ($1,362) RIVERSIDE CALIF CMNTY COLLEGEDIST B Muni -Taxable CA 500 2.345 08/01/19 Aa2 AA 3.61% 2.08 $100.75 2.000 $503,730 101.50 $4,071 TAXABLE -Material Events 76886PFA6 0.05 05/09/17 1.634 $503,610 $507,490 $3,880 AMERICAN EXPRESS FSB B CD 247 2.150 11/13/19 NR NR 1.78% 2.37 $100.00 2.150 $247,000 101.15 $349 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 02587CCR9 0.07 05/09/17 1.667 $247,000 $249,836 $2,836 CIT BK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH B CD 240 2.100 11/13/19 NR NR 1.72% 2.37 $100.00 2.100 $240,000 101.03 $331 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 17284C3N2 0.07 05/09/17 1.668 $240,000 $242,467 $2,467 BMW BANK OF NORTH AMERICA - UT B CD 245 1.550 12/16/19 NR NR 1.74% 2.45 $100.00 1.550 $245,000 99.63 $1,810 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 05580AFT6 0.07 05/09/17 1.701 $245,000 $244,089 ($911) TBK BK SSB DALLAS TEX B CD 245 1.600 12/16/19 NR NR 1.74% 2.46 $100.00 1.596 $245,000 99.75 $902 Callable 09/17@100 - Conditional Puts - Dea 87219RBC7 0.07 05/09/17 1.700 $244,994 $244,395 ($600) BARCLAYS BANK DELAWARE B CD 240 2.050 12/17/19 NR NR 1.72% 2.44 $100.00 2.049 $240,000 100.97 $2,305 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 06740KJC2 0.07 05/09/17 1.659 $240,000 $242,318 $2,318 AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURION BANK B CD 100 2.150 12/18/19 NR NR 0.72% 2.43 $100.00 2.149 $100,000 101.11 $1,001 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 02587DXB9 0.07 05/09/17 1.699 $100,000 $101,113 $1,113 SALLIE MAE BK SALT LAKE CITY UT B CD 245 1.750 03/09/20 NR NR 1.74% 2.67 $100.00 1.749 $245,000 99.94 $1,057 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 795450ZT5 0.09 05/09/17 1.771 $245,000 $244,858 ($142) MASSACH USETTS ST GO BDS BMuni-Taxable MA 500 2.090 05/01/20 Aa1 AA. 3.54% 2.79 $100.00 2.090 $499,995 99.44 $1,016 TAXABLE -Material Events 57582P2T6 0.09 05/09/17 2.291 $499,995 $497,195 ($2,800) MB FINL BK N A CHICAGO ILL B CD 245 1.300 05/11/20 NR NR 1.73% 2.87 $100.00 1.300 $245,000 99.24 $227 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 55266CRK4 0.09 05/09/17 1.566 $245,000 $243,131 ($1,869) CENTENNIAL BK CONWAY ARK B CD 245 1.300 05/20/20 NR NR 1.73% 2.90 $100.00 1.300 $245,000 99.06 $148 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 15135KBA8 0.09 05/09/17 1.624 $245,000 $242,707($2,2 93 Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 36 of 41 Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios POSITION DETAIL as of 06/01/2017 Page 2 of 3 Security Description A Type C CUSIP St Qty Cpn Maturity Mdy S&P % Mkt Insurer Duration Convexity Acq Cost Acq Date Acq Yid Mkt Yid $ Acq Cost $ Adj Cost Mkt Price Mkt $ Value Accrued Int Unreal Gn/Ls CAPITAL ONE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION B CD 245 1.400 09/21/20 NR NR 1.71% 3.19 $100.00 1.400 $245,000 98.00 $724 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 14042RCA7 0.12 05/09/17 2.031 $245,000 $240,088 ($4,912) FIRST BUSINESS BK MADISON WIS B CD 245 1.400 11/13/20 NR NR 1.71% 3.33 $100.00 1.400 $245,000 98.30 $226 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 31938QR89 0.13 05/09/17 1.913 $245,000 $240,833 ($4,167) CAPITAL ONE BK USA NATL ASSN GLEN B CD 245 2.050 12/29/20 NR NR 1.75% 3.39 $100.00 2.049 $245,000 100.42 $2,188 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 14042OS43 0.14 05/09/17 1.928 $245,000 $246,019 $1,019 COM ENITY CAP BK SALT LAKE CITY UTA B CD 245 1.600 06/07/21 NR NR 1.72% 3.87 $100.00 1.600 $245,000 98.46 $0 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 20033AQP4 0.16 05/09/17 2.001 $245,000 $241,220 ($3,780) COMMUNITY BK PASADENA CALIF B CD 245 1.550 06/15/21 NR NR 1.71% 3.89 $100.00 1.550 $245,000 98.41 $229 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 203507BA5 0.16 05/09/17 1.960 $245,000 $241,112 ($3,888) EAST BOSTON SVGS BK BOSTON MA B CD 245 1.500 06/23/21 NR NR 1.71% 3.87 $100.00 1.500 $245,000 97.99 $1,661 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 27113PBEO 0.17 05/09/17 2.019 $245,000 $240,076 ($4,925) FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP B Agency 500 1.000 10/28/21 Aaa AA- 3.54% 1.39 $100.00 1.000 $500,000 99.69 $472 Callable 07/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3134GASK1 0.03 05/09/17 1.575 $500,000 $498,470 ($1,530) FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP B Agency 900 1.000 11/19/21 Aaa AA+ 6.37% 0.46 $99.90 1.190 $899,100 99.60 $325 Callable 08/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3136G2SA6 0.00 05/09/17 1.860 $899,100 $896,436 ($2,664) MIZRAHI TEFAHOT BANK, LTD B CD 245 1.250 11/30/21 NR NR 1.74% 0.23 $100.00 1.247 $245,000 100.08 $59 Callable 08/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon - Co 606857Q78 0.00 05/09/17 0.923 $245,000 $245,186 $186 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK B Agency 500 2.000 12/30/21 Aaa AA+ 3.56% 0.08 $100.00 1.986 $500,000 100.02 $4,222 Callable 06/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3130AAED6 0.00 05/09/17 1.702 $500,000 $500,110 $110 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOC B Agency 500 2.125 12/30/21 Aaa AA+ 3.56% 0.08 $100.00 2.109 $500,000 100.00 $4,486 Callable 06/17@100 3136G4KC6 0.00 05/09/17 2.081 $499,999 $500,010 $11 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP B Agency 500 2.000 01/26/22 Aaa AA+ 3.55% 0.64 $100.00 1.989 $500,000 99.97 $3,500 Callable 07/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon 3134GAL28 0.01 05/09/17 2.039 $500,000 $499,870 ($130) STATE BK INDIA NEW YORK N Y B CD 247 2.350 01/26/22 NR NR 1.76% 4.34 $100.00 2.349 $247,000 100.40 $2,083 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 8562845Z3 0.22 05/09/17 2.258 $247,000 $247,993 $993 GOLDMAN SACHS BK USA NEW YORK B CD 247 2.300 03/08/22 NR NR 1.76% 4.46 $100.00 2.299 $247,000 99.98 $1,401 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 38148PGX9 0.23 05/09/17 2.303 $246,984 $246,953 ($31) COMENITY BK WILMINGTON DE A CD 200 2.300 03/29/22 NR NR 1.42% 4.55 $100.00 2.300 $200,000 99.88 $101 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 20036DXN2 0.22 03/29/17 2.327 $200,000 $199,752 ($248) SYNCHRONY BK RETAIL CTF DEP PROGR B CD 245 2.400 04/07/22 NR NR 1.75% 4.53 $100.00 2.400 $245,000 100.29 $967 Conditional Puts - Death of holder - Restrict 87164XPZ3 0.24 05/09/17 2.336 $245,000 $245,701 $701 MARYSVILLE MICH PUB SCHS DIST GO U B Muni -Taxable MI 500 2.317 05/01/22 Aa1 3.51% 4.59 $98.85 2.565 $494,230 98.73 $1,126 TAXABLE -Material Events 574446GV6 0.24 05/09/17 2.594 $494,230 $493,645 ($585) NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN A B Muni -Taxable NY 500 1.650 05/01/22 Aa1 AAA 3.44% 4.66 $99.43 1.771 $497,125 96.80 $802 Make Whole Call Only - Make Whole Call Exp 64971WJ35 0.25 05/09/17 2.345 $497,125 $483,995 ($13,130) JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA B CD 245 1.250 05/31/22 NR NR 1.74% 2.91 $100.00 1.243 $245,000 99.64 $50 Callable 11/17@100 - Multi -Step Coupon - Co 48125Y21_7 0.10 05/09/17 1.540 $245,000 $244,120 ($880) DISCOVER BK GREENWOOD DEL B CD 245 2.450 11/18/22 NR NR 1.74% 5.07 $100.00 2.450 $245,000 100.03 $312 Conditional Puts - Death of holder 254672WU8 0.29 05/09/17 2.444 $245,000 $245,069 $69 WELLS FARGO BANK NA 84 MO B CD 245 1.650 11/23/22 NR NR 1.76% 1.45 $100.00 1.650 $245,000 100.93 $155 Callable 11/18@100 - Multi -Step Coupon -Co 94986TWE3 0.03 05/09/17 1.010 $245,000 $247,276 $2,276 COMMERCE CALIF CMNTY DEV COMMN S B Muni -Taxable CA 500 3.000 08/01/24 AA 3.55% 6.33 $104.99 2.249 $524,925 99.83 $5,208 DID - TAXABLE - Material Events -AGMC, in 20056UAV6 AGMC 0.46 05/09/17 3.026 $524,670 $499,170 ($25,500) NEW YORK N Y CITY TRANSITIONAL FIN A B Muni -Taxable NY 500 2.600 11/01/24 Aa1 AAA 3.51% 6.67 $97.35 2.998 $486,750 98.68 $1,264 Callable 11/22 100 - TAXABLE - Material Ev 64971QJ38 0.50 05/09/17 2.798 $486,750 $493,400 $6 650 Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 37 of 41 Hutchinson MN Combined Portfolios POSITION DETAIL as of 06/01/2017 Page 3 of 3 'See glossary for ACCT legend Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 38 of 41 A Type St Qty Cpn Maturity Mdy S&P % Mkt Duration Acq Cost Acq Yid $ Acq Cost Mkt Price Accrued Int security Description C CUSIP Insurer Convexity Acq Date Mkt Yid $ Adj Cost Mkt $ Value Unreal Gn/Ls ISBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIO B CD 240 2.250 03/11/25 NR NR 1.72% 2.66 $100.00 2.249 $240,000 100.65 $1,287 :allable 03/20@100 - Multi -Step Coupon - Co 40434ASB6 0.09 05/09/17 2.007 $240,000 $241,553 $1,553 'See glossary for ACCT legend Please see the last page of this report for detail. Page 38 of 41