06-05-1984 CCMMINUTES
The Board of Review meeting was called to order by Mayor Stearns at 7:00 P.M.,
with the following present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman
Marlin Torgerson, Alderman Pat Mikulecky, and Mayor Robert H. Stearns. Also
present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Jim and Rick Junker.
Mayor Stearns reviewed the purpose of the meeting to allow commercial establish-
ments an opportunity to review their commercial rates with the City Council and
Junker Sanitation. No one was present to comment regarding commercial refuse
Discussion was given to the requested rate increases of $1.00 per month per resi-
dence and $1.00 per month per container on commercial accounts, effective July 1,
1984. The $1.00 would be inclusive of the 60C a yard increase at McLeod County
sanitary landfill and would be automatic in accordance with the agreement between
the City of Hutchinson and Junker Sanitation.
Several senior citizens had contacted two of the Council members with a request
for a lower refuse rate for those individuals who had a small amount of garbage
to be picked up. The general consensus was that it would be difficult to keep
records of individuals who only filled one-half a garbage can.
Alderman Mikulecky commented that a few commercial businessmen had contacted him
regarding the commercial rates, which they felt were excessive.
Rick Junker reported the amount of refuse pickup in the past two years had in-
creased In volume.
Jim Junker stated the landfill costs had increased approximately $1.15 in the last
four years. This year the increase would be 60(,% a yard. The additional requested
40G would represent a five percent increase for refuse services.
Jim Junker addressed the on-going problem with Country Club Terrace Mobile Park.
He stated the owner, Gordon Hedlund, owed Junker Sanitation $6,000 for refuse
service. Although the charge was $500 a month for the 100 trailers in the court,
Mr. Hedlund refused to pay more than $200 a month for refuse pickup. Since Junker
Sanitation was under contract with the City, they were obligated to collect the
garbage. However, Mr. Junker was contemplating resolving the issue in court.
The question was raised whether the trailer court was classified as commercial or
residential. Mr. Junker took the stand that they were homes in the trailer court
and should be residential. The City's position was that the trailer court was oper-
ated as a business, and the City would not collect for commercial refuse. Mr.
Plotz stated it was not a clear cut decision to cut off refuse services if the
JUNE 5, 1984
owner didn't pay. The City was responsible for the health and welfare of the com-
Mr. Art Ewald, 615 Oak Street, suggested that the City have a truck go around once
a month and pick up the bulky items. He felt Junker Sanitation was going beyond
the realm of garbage in their pickup service. Also, Mr. Ewald thought there should
be a different rate for residents who had a little amount of garbage each week.
Alderman Mikulecky requested Junker Sanitation to place a decorative container in
Library Square. Jim Junker stated he would locate an appropriate container for
the park.
No Council action was taken at this time, and the meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.