05-27-1981 CCMMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1981 Mayor Westlund called the special meeting to order at 10:30 A.M. for the purpose of acting as a Board of Review for the 1981 Assessments. Members present: Mayor Westlund, Aldermen Gruenhagen and Lueneburg. Absent: Aldermen Beatty and Peterson. Also present: City Administrator Plotz and City Attorney Schantzen. The past procedures of the Board of Review and assessment formula were reviewed. Review was given to the questions raised by citizens regarding their property assess- ments. The motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, to reduce the value on Assessment No. 2434, Patricia Kuester, from $83,950.00 to $81,900.00 for 1981. Motion unanimously carried. Alderman Lueneburg made the motion, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to accept the 1981 Assessment Roll for real estate taxes, with the one correction made. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Westlund presented a discussion on the proposed $620,000.00 commercial revenue note for the Prairie House. City Administrator Plotz distributed the recommendation of the City auditor, Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando & Lehne, submitted on May 19, 1981. It was the unanimous consensus of the Council that a 15% down payment will be re- quired and in addition a 15% personal guarantee of the proposed note. City Admin- istrator Plotz was directed to correspond with Curt Bradford regarding the above mentioned down payment and personal guarantee. City Attorney Schantzen was present and concurred with the request. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 1:30 P.M. 4 0