03-23-1981 CCMMINUTES
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1981
The special meeting was called to order by Vice -Mayor Gruenhagen at 2:00 P.M.
Absent were: Mayor Westlund, Aldermen Peterson, Lueneburg and Beatty. Also present
were: City Administrator Plotz and City Forester Schnobrich.
Vice -Mayor Gruenhagen read Publication No. 2404, Advertisement for Bids, City of
Hutchinson for 1981 Tree Removal and Stump Removal. The following bids were then
opened and read:
Bred -Well, Inc. A - $52,951.04
Little Canada, MN B - 13,049.34
C - 5,590.00
$71,590.38 Total Bid
Hutchinson Landscaping
Hutchinson, MN A - $32,758.55
B - 7,196.50
C - 3,670.00
$43,625.05 Total Bid
Snyder Tree Service A - $33,595.00
Carroll, Iowa B - 7,155.00
C - 1,057.50
$41,807.50 Total Bid
Wendt & Sons A - $33,125.00
Waite Park, MN B - 7,563.00
C - 3,039.00
$43,727.00 Total Bid
The bids were referred to the City Forester and City staff for review and recommen-
dation for the March 24, 1981 Council meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:09 P.M.