01-21-1981 CCMMINUTES JOINT MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL & AIRPORT COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1981 A special joint meeting of the Hutchinson City Council and the Hutchinson Airport Commission was called to order by Mayor Ralph Westlund at 7:34 P.M. with the following members being present: Aldermen Ken Gruenhagen, Milt Lueneburg, Ted Beatty (arrived late) in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent was Alderman Peterson. Also present were City Administrator Gary Plotz and the following Airport Commission members: Doug McGraw, Randy Buboltz, Doug Hedin and John Miller. Mayor Westlund explained the purpose of this meeting was to get input from the citizens interested in flying in the Hutchinson area. He explained the four possibilities: 1. Use the existing airport as is, if this operation is sufficient. 2. Expand, possibly with a longer runway. 3. County airport - expand on present location or new location. 4. Joint airport - build with Litchfield which would include land select- ion and acquisition. Mr. Jim Fortman was present from the Minn. Dept. of Trans., Aeronautics Div. to answer any questions. He stated "the future of the Hutchinson airport is up to the citizens of Hutchinson". He went on to say that the State Sy- stem Plan felt Hutchinson needed the 5,000' runway and Litchfield was not forecast to have that demand. However, since that study, it has been deter- mined necessary for Litchfield. Crosswind runways are not mandatory because the cost is so great. When 5,000' runways are used a Precision Approach is used. He also explained the zoning areas for 5,000' runways require 1,000' rather than 5001. Mr. Doug McGraw questioned if the state could justify a whole new airport for one aircraft when there is an existing airport within 20 miles. Mr. Fortman replied the justification comes from the 500 operations in one years time for a particular runway. The extent of use determines the need, not the number of companies. Aid for a 5,000' runway will be given to only one airport within 30 minutes ground travel time from the central business district of another airport. Mayor Westlund then asked for more comments from the audience. Doug McGraw - Felt Hutchinson is adequate of other airports of cities this size. Had heard generally favorable comments. Also felt the overhead would be raised if we decide to go to a larger facility. H (2) Council Minutes - January 21, 1981 Randy Buboltz - Feels Litchfield will build the 5,000' runway one way or the other. Thinks we should go with the 5,000' run- way. Feels the City would be better off leaving the development of the City to go south as it already has. Didn't feel the airport should get enclosed. Was not in favor of going with the county airport with Glencoe, Win- sted and Lester Prairie. Doug Hedin - Stated he leaned toward a joint airport with Litchfield. Noise even from our planes can be disturbing and may some day in the future cause complaints. Even if the present runway is safe, the welfare of the community may be best if moved. Larger airport would justify more planes and perhaps a full-time FBO (Fixed Base Operator), or even perhaps a flight instructor. Couldn't see where is would hurt anyone. Dick Anderson - Felt a study was necessary. Also thought if we stay with what we got we will be sorry 25 years from now. Thinks if we had a Precision Approach we might gain more traffic. Tom Koeppin - Felt the four communities of McLeod County would not be a possible venture. Larry Notman - Felt that the 3M Co. should be contacted by someone. Jim Fortman - If 3M gave a strong commitment, a firm stand may be given. Also stated if it were necessary, the City could go out- side city limits and condem land for the airport. Ray Strege, TKDA -Felt a 5,000' runway was safer for everyone flying, not just jets. Both single and twin engine planes would bene- fit as well. Used the blackboard and gave schematic draw- ing showing the reasoning behind his thoughts. Comments from the City Council: Ken Gruenhagen - Felt perhaps if Hutchinson people use Litchfield airport we could lose some of our people. Said he leaned toward going with Litchfield. It may be an asset for both com- munities. Milt Lueneburg - Not all new industries own a plane or would use the facil- ities. Ted Beatty - Stated the growth is to the south of the city. Felt this is an excellent place for industrial development and felt both cities would benefit if a midpoint were used. 01 (3) Council Minutes - January 21, 1981 Doug McGraw - Felt a midpoint would have an environmental problem be- cause of all the lakes in that area. After further discussion, the Mayor asked the Airport Commission to make a decision and then give a recommendation to the City Council. The Coun- cil will then make a decision. He also mentioned he felt something should be done in the next two weeks. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:06 P.M.