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02-16-2017 APMHutchinson Municipal Airport /MnDOT Aeronautics Needs Meeting 02/16/17 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm 1) Introductions. 2) Existing Airport Conditions a) What approaches does the airport have or need? b) 5010 Inspection report — obstructions Tree -related obstructions have been addressed Agricultural operations too close to the runway have been addressed There weren't any other items of significant concern on the 5010 report. c) How many based aircraft are there at the airport? It was noted that aircraft based on private strips maybe considered based at HCD, if it is their primary airport for services. d) How do pilots and businesses bring their needs to the airport sponsor? 3) Community's VISION for the future — how the airport is included — what that means for the airport a) Airport Master Plan/Airport Layout Plan - Is the airport the right size? b) CIP update, grant request process, Airport Past Project List, and Funding Rates c) Airport Calendar and Timelines d) Are the clear zones completely owned by the airport? e) Airport Safety Zoning — (Fill in for Existing, future, ultimate, un -zoned). i) How is the airport zoning administered? A general conversation was held regarding zoning for the future crosswind runway, to identify zones A, B & perhaps C on city zoning map (in addition to the current underlying zoning). g) Does your community have a comprehensive plan that includes your airport? 4) How is the airport supported technically? a) FAA i) Surplus Federal Equipment b) Consultant c) State -- Office of Aeronautics i) Pavement information ii) Compatibility of Surrounding Developments • Solar Analysis, Plume Analysis, Towers, Roads, Recreational Trails, Utilities, etc. iii) Airport minimum standards The Airport Commission may want to review boiler plate minimum standards at an upcoming meeting to determine whether any changes to existing minimum standards should be considered iv) Self — Inspection processes v) NOTAMS Keeping a NOTAM log was encouraged to ensure NOTAMS are processed properly. vi) Emergency Management Plans An emergency management plan guidebook is available and MnDOT personnel are available to meet with the Airport Commission to work on an emergency plan. This item was originally scheduled for the March meeting. vii) Sample lease agreements viii) Agricultural Operations A general conversation was held regarding agricultural operations, pointing to the recent manual that covers these operations in detail, including necessary licensure, etc. for operators. ix) Future Fuel Changes, Drones? Hospital Heliport? A general conversation was held regarding potential changes to aircraft fuel, i.e., removing lead from aircraft fuel. This may require additional or different equipment, although the intent is to create fuel standards that account for existing infrastructure. MnDOT personnel discussed drone operation within 5 miles of the airport. Drone pilots are required to contact the airport when operating within a 5 mile radius of the airport. The differences between hobby and commercial drone operation were also discussed. Coordination with Hutchinson Health was encouraged to make sure that development doesn't interfere with their helipad at the hospital. 5) How is the airport supported financially? a) City's Airport Account — Income streams? i) Are there fuels sales at the airport? If yes, the proceeds go to ? ii) Hangar rent, ground leases, other? b) State Airport Fund i) M&O • State Agreement i) provides $26,727.00 (SFY 15-16-17), UP from $25,230.70 (SFY 14). c) Appropriation Timeline d) Hangar Loan Funds — changes e) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Funds i) Process (Approved Airport Layout Plan and Current CIP) f) League of Minnesota Cities/Association of Minnesota Counties i) Insurance 6) State's Vision for the System — State Aviation System Plan a) 20 year plan b) Communicating a vision to: MnDOT Aeronautics, State legislature, FAA, US Congress